Washington’s Strategy for a ClickBlue to edit Master title Economy: Charting a Course to 2050 Appendix B: Cluster Organizations and Pathway Case Studies
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to Table ofedit Contents Master title Cluster Benchmarking Global Case Studies
4 13
Deep Decarbonization
Blue Innovation
Working Waterfronts
Workforce Development
Cluster Coordination
This report, Washington State’s Strategy for the Blue Economy: Charting a Course to 2050, is divided into four sections that can be downloaded individually: • • • •
Strategy Summary Brochure Executive Summary Main Report Body Appendices
The entire report with all sections can be read and downloaded from: https://www.commerce.wa.gov/growing-the-economy/key-sectors/maritime/ https://www.maritimeblue.org Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Introduction Click to edit Master title Globally, entities are increasingly turning to the ocean for new opportunities. By 2030, ocean industries value add is expected to increase from USD 1.5 trillion in 2010 to 3 trillion with these industries providing approximately 9 million full time equivalents in additional employment (OECD 2016). A large portion of marine resources remain unexplored around the world, and many believe that solutions to the world’s challenges of sufficient food production and need for medicine lies hidden under the surface, hence there is a widespread belief that future sources of growth depends on effective utilization of these ocean resources. A key question is how to achieve high economic growth while maintaining a healthy balance between resource exploitation and sustainability? Another important question is how we can ensure that initiatives across the maritime sector support sustainable growth and a dedicated focus aligned with Washington’s Maritime Strategy. To find a balance between resource use and its sustainability the concept of Blue Economy should be prioritized. According to the World Bank, the Blue Economy is sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem health. It works to allow a balance of productive and sustainable engagement with the vast development opportunities that oceanic resources offer. To ensure that all sector initiatives are implemented effectively across the State of Washington, a dedicated focus is needed which can be driven forward by a cluster organization. It is important to view all the firms and organizations in the maritime industry in Washington State as one interlinked mechanism. Resources are needed to support the strengthening of collaboration, networking and learning for the industry and other cluster participants. Maritime cluster organizations have been set up around the world to facilitate strategic partnerships and collaboration leading to a competitive advantage. In order to provide insights and lessons learned for Washington State to draw from, these cluster organizations and have been documented in this appendix. To spearhead Washington’s Maritime Blue Economy, a strategic framework has been developed, with a vision and supporting strategic goals, and five defined pathways intended to guide the state towards the goals: Deep Decarbonization, Blue Innovation, Working Waterfronts, Workforce Development and Cluster Coordination. It is useful to learn from other leading maritime nations; specifically from countries on a journey towards establishing a blue economy by engaging in innovation and sustainable initiatives. Hence, a benchmarking was carried out to capture leading initiatives and specific case studies worldwide that Washington State could draw from. These are also documented in this appendix.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Cluster Benchmarking
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Cluster Click to Concept edit Master title A cluster is a geographic concentration of inter-connected companies, specialized suppliers, service providers, firms in related industries, and associated institutions (e.g. universities, standards agencies, and trade associations) in a particular field that compete but also cooperate (source: Porter, 2000, p.16). The figure below shows the depiction of Washington State’s maritime cluster which is a diverse industry comprised of six sub-clusters.
Ship & Boat Building, Repair, & Maintenance •Ship building and repairing •Recreational boat building, repair & maintenance •Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
Passenger Water Transportation •Deep sea passenger transportation •Coastal & great lakes passenger transport •Inland water passenger transportation •Other support activities
Maritime Support Services Ocean Science Technology •Ocean Energy •Ocean instrumentation •Oceanography & Marine Science •Robotics & Submarines •Marine Biomedicine/ biotechnology •Clean Water
• Geotechnical & Environmental • Naval Architecture • Law • Accounting • Associations • Marine Construction & Engineering • Maritime Insurance
Logistics & Shipping
Commercial Fishing & Seafood Products •Finfish farming & fish hatcheries •Shellfish farming •Finfish fishing •Shellfish fishing •Seafood product preparation & packaging
•Port & Harbor Operations •Marine Cargo Handling •Warehousing & Storage •Navigational Services to Shipping •Deep Sea & Coastal Freight •Freight Transportation Arrangement •Drayage & Trucking
Washington Maritime Cluster, Source: Economic Impact Study 2017
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click Cluster to Concept edit Master title The cluster concept has been recognized as an important accelerator of economic growth and regional & national competitiveness in the U.S. Clusters are pivotal to the economy as traded industries located in clusters are innovation and growth drivers of an economy. According to the Cluster Mapping Project, developed by Harvard Business School and the US Economic Development Association, the country has traded clusters in 51 different sectors. Most of these clusters are represented by public and/or private organizations (e.g. Federal Agencies, Industry Associations, etc.) that aim to promote competitiveness and innovation in each respective sector. It is observed that access to private funding (e.g assistance in connecting to investors, seed-capital, venture-capital, crowd-funding, etc.) in other sectors is widely available in the U.S.; whereas access to public funding can be relatively limited. The Silicon Valley Cluster can be used as the most successful example to demonstrate the interaction between startups, large corporations, local governments, and world class universities creating trillions of dollars in wealth and redefining daily life through inventions including the smartphone (Apple), streaming home video (Netflix), and online social networking (Facebook). An EU-US Cooperation Arrangement on Clusters was signed on 22 April 2015 between the U.S. Department of Commerce and the European Commission to boost transatlantic cluster cooperation. The New England Water Innovation Network participated as the first U.S. cluster organization successfully achieving a Bronze Label of the ESCA. The Cluster Labelling Scheme has been adopted by the U.S.
What makes clusters successful? 1.
Critical mass matters: the more companies there are in a certain set of industries, the more likely it is that higher levels of productivity and innovation will be achieved
Related industries matter: companies need to engage with suppliers, service providers, and other partners from a range of related industries in order to be successful
Location matters: companies can and need to work with partners in many locations to access the technologies and supplies they need from the best possible sources.
Linkages matter: while many of the benefits from proximity with companies in related fields occur ‘automatically’, companies can do better if they create an environment that supports active collaboration
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to Initiatives Cluster edit Master title Cluster initiatives are set up as a central feature of a cluster organization to improve growth & competitiveness of a cluster. The effectiveness of identifying and implementing the right cluster initiatives are critical to the success of clusters. What is a cluster initiative? A cluster initiative is an organized effort aimed at fostering the development of the cluster either by strengthening the potential of cluster actors or shaping relationships between them. They often have a character like a regional network. Cluster initiatives usually are managed by cluster organizations. Cluster Initiatives often:
emerge from projects & industry collaborations providing a platform for cooperation, which are converted into formal structures after 12 to 36 months. are led by a cluster organization, which initiates and strengthens joint activities among its members related to a desired objective: e.g. innovation (new technology, new business model, and new processes), networking, influencing the business environment and HR upgrading. There are broadly two approaches towards identifying and implementing cluster initiatives, a Top-Down (TD) Approach and a Bottom-Up (BU) Approach:
Cluster Initiative Approach
TOP DOWN (TD) APPROACH Initiative(s) induced by government that aims at targeting current and future industry strongholds in a given location Funded with the governmental budgets which are far higher than BU because they include the overall budgets of the government administration, R&D and innovation, and/or maritime education programs (eg. Germany, Denmark, Singapore)
BOTTOM - UP (BU) APPROACH Strategic initiatives promoted by leading firms and/or sector associations in their marketplaces and industries/sectors Mainly financed by private means, through membership contributions & own resources (eg. Maritme Forum in Norway, SSA in Singapore)
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Cluster Click to Organization edit Master title Cluster organizations are entities that support the strengthening of collaboration, networking and learning in industry clusters and act as providers of innovation support by providing or channeling specialized and customized business support services to stimulate innovation activities, especially in SMEs. There are several different definitions, but we’ve included the ESCA definition due to the Cooperation Arrangement on Clusters that was signed on 22 April 2015 between the U.S. Department of Commerce and the European Commission. European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA)-definition: A cluster management organization is a management agency that stimulates and coordinates the activities of cluster participants. The cluster management organization is mandated by the cluster participants to represent the cluster, both internally and externally, and to develop and implement activities that support the development of the cluster. Service offerings are the key instruments of a cluster organization The services provided by a Cluster Organization varies depending on the density of the cluster and their priorities. Key activities are typically as follows: Provide internationalization support (Access to oversees markets; activities that support members operating in global markets) Develop competence and attract talents and investors Stimulate technology development Create new entrepreneurs and grow business Improve work and production processes Provide access to public support (regional/national programs, innovation vouchers, etc.) Offer direct advisory services to its members Facilitate collaboration between members Provide promotion of cluster activities (marketing/visibility/outreach) Increase and measure innovation within the cluster Strengthen and document the knowledge base Increase cluster attractiveness for investors and new recruitments Strengthen the cluster´s resource base
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to Organization Cluster edit Master title Cluster organizations are truly public-private partnerships. The public-private partnership status is also underlined by the fact that typically 40% of funding comes from private sector with 60% from contribution from the public. Having formal membership is strongly associated with financial sustainability and improved collaboration among firms. Cluster initiatives with large staffs perform better in every aspect, both internally and externally. Having a dedicated cluster website is strongly associated with many performance measures. Cluster initiatives with a website perform better in terms of innovation, competitiveness, meeting deadlines and goals, being financially sustainable and attracting new members than the very few that do not have a website. They are also better at improving collaboration with other clusters and global markets.
Public-private partnerships Staff size Financial sustainability Intense networking & bottomup cooperation Number of initiatives Dedicated Website Online collaboration platform (e.g., one tested in EU)
Key Observations
Cluster organizations globally are established with different structures, forms, sizes and follow various set of priorities; and therefore, it is not feasible to provide a universal definition that will be common to each cluster organization. In some occasions, trade/sector associations act as a form of cluster organization that connect different stakeholders together under one umbrella in order to archive their common objectives. It’s also recognized that formation of highly successful cluster organizations can be done as a result of government induced programs (e.g. NCE in Norway). The EU further describes cluster organizations as “structures or organized groups of independent parties (such as innovative start-ups, small, medium and large enterprises, as well as research and knowledge dissemination organizations, non-for-profit organizations and other related economic actors) designed to stimulate innovative activity by promoting sharing of facilities and exchange of knowledge and expertise and by contributing effectively to knowledge transfer, networking, information dissemination and collaboration among the undertakings and other organizations in the cluster” [source: ESCA].
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Cluster Organization Click to edit Master title Benchmarking DNV GL looked at cluster organizations in Norway, Germany, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Denmark, United Kingdom and the United States. The goal was to identify organization models and development initiatives for Maritime Blue. The review focused on eight key industry sectors, shown below: Commercial Fishing & Seafood
Shipping & Logistics
Passenger Vessel Operators
Workforce Development, Education and Training
Shipyards, Repair and Maintenance
Recreational Boating and Boat Building
Maritime Support Services
Ocean Science Technology
Findings DNV GL found cluster organizations are the center of cluster development and designed to boost collaboration between various industry participants. Having benchmarked the seven chosen countries, DNV GL grouped cluster organizations into three types: dedicated, semidedicated and informal, described in detail below. Dedicated Cluster Organization This is an industry-led organization with full-time administration /management team (e.g., usually between 4-15 professionals plus support staff) solely focused on cluster development activities/initiatives (e.g. as can be seen in Norwegian cluster programs in NCE, GCE). Other characteristics include: • Typically linked with inception through government induced programs • Government is a strong financial supporter • Have a formalized strategy Semi-Dedicated Cluster Organization An organization with full-time management team that performs cluster development and initiatives among other associated activities (e.g., Trade/Sector Association, Singaporean Ship Owners Association, Maritime governmental entities such as the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Dubai Maritime City Authority). Key characteristics are that it is led by industry and/or government, with government agencies providing financial support. Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Cluster Organization Click to edit Master title Benchmarking Informal Cluster Organization These clusters have no dedicated cluster organization or office, only a form of committee, led by a secretariat. The members are appointed by the government among the industry stakeholders or lead by an individual Committees or Council (e.g. the Dubai Council for Marine and Maritime Industries, Maritime London, Green Ship of the Future in Denmark). Key characteristics of informal cluster organizations are that they are industry led and have limited public support and funding.
Key Findings from Benchmarking The largest concentration of cluster organizations are found in Germany, followed by UK and Denmark, as shown in the table below. German
Years of Establishment
Cluster Excellence Label
CO Formalised Strategy
Form of Cluster Organization
Number of Cluster Organizations
WA SemiDedicated
Source: Cluster collaboration platform
The objectives of cluster organizations tend to be aligned with the national and regional strategy of the country. Depending on the jurisdiction and the local requirements and industry needs, the cluster organizations are structured differently. Their key characteristics broadly fall across maturity, membership, concentration and financing.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Cluster Organization Click to edit Master title Benchmarking Key Characteristics of Cluster Organizations Maturity The earliest dedicated cluster organizations started as support programs in Germany in the late 1990s followed by Denmark & Norway. Cluster policy in other countries has developed later in the 2000s. The majority of benchmarked cluster organizations relied heavily on public funding in their early phases. Membership Members make written and financial commitments to cooperation and cluster organization programs (this may also include “in-kind� contribution or/and staff working time). The quality of the defined activities and participation (e.g., through project participation, workshops or working groups) is also important. Concentration The closer participating companies are located to each other, the higher chance that interaction and mutual trust between them is developed. On average, EU clusters that were benchmarked show a high regional density of at least 75%. Financing Many cluster organizations depend to a large extent on public funding to finance staff and other fixed resources, such as offices and equipment. The share of public funds in total budget of cluster organizations vary in different countries, for example: in Denmark it can reach up to 60%, in Germany - 50% and in Norway can go as high as 80%.
Clusters that are managed by a strong and active cluster organization tend to perform better. Financial support of cluster organizations typically depends on their performance, and only well managed cluster organizations tend to receive sustained financial support.
Source: Cluster Excellence in the Nordic Countries, Germany and Poland (NGP Excellence), 2012
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title
Global Case Studies Sustainable development examples/Global case studies The following sections summarize sustainable development case studies identified in the leading maritime clusters included in benchmarking. Case studies have been grouped according to the Maritime Blue pathways that they are most relevant for: • Deep Decarbonization • Blue Innovation • Working Waterfronts • Workforce Development • Cluster Coordination Case studies were used as reference during the strategy development process to provide WA stakeholders inspiration for innovation projects, as well as the opportunity to learn from the experience of other maritime clusters.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Global Case Studies: Deep Decarbonization
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Introduction: Global Case Click to edit Master title Studies Deep Decarbonization
Deep decarbonization has been identified as a pathway which is meant to accelerate Washington into reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by pursuing technological innovations, infrastructure, and incentives. Details of initiatives where deep decarbonization efforts have been carried out globally are listed below. It ranges across areas of improving air quality, alternative fuels, vessel designs and policies. Case Study Maritime Logistics and Shipping
Passenger Water Transportation
Air Quality: ship exhaust scrubbing as an alternative to cold ironing Air Quality: cold ironing with Onshore Power Supply (OPS) Air Quality: emissions reduction from Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE) Hybrid-Electric and Fully-Electric Hydrogen Fuel Cells and LNG/CNG Norway initiatives and funding programs for LNG & Electrification Air Supported Vessel and Carbon Fibre Hull
Shipbuilding, repair and maintenance
Hybrid Tug: E-KOTUG Autonomous Electric Barge: Port Liner LNG Hybrid Barge: Becker Marine Systems World’s First All-Electric Commercial Fishing Vessel: Karoline
Hybrid Fish Farm Support Vessel: DNV GL & The Green Coastal Shipping Program Fully Battery-Powered Fish Farm Workboat: GMV Zero South Korea’s Digital Shipyard Savannah - Electrification Amels 188 - Electrification Volta 55 - Alternative Fuels GEPS ECO TENDER - Wind and solar energy Carnegie Clean Energy – CETO 5 Perth Wave Energy Afsluitdijk Project – REDstack’s largest and most ambitious project OCTTIC (Open Centre Tidal Turbine Industrial Capability) FLOTEC (Floating Tidal Energy Commercialization) Wave Hub
Ocean Science Technology
Commercial Fishing and Seafood Products
Green Wave: 3D Ocean Farming Sweden Port Dues
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Air Quality: Ship Exhaust Scrubbing as an Alternative to Cold Ironing Background When berthed, ships require electricity to support activities like loading, unloading, heating and lighting, cargo refrigeration, and other on board activities. This power is generally provided by auxiliary engines and boilers that emit carbon dioxide (CO2) and air pollutants, affecting local air quality and ultimately the health of both port workers and nearby residents. The same holds for noise nuisance. Description of the Solution / Technology As an alternative to cold ironing (which is a process where ships shut off their diesel-powered engines and use shorebased power for their electrical needs, preventing and/or significantly reducing harmful emissions during each port visit), specialized barges (or shore-based system) can be used by connecting to the exhaust vents of ocean-going vessels (especially container ships) to scrub pollution. AMECS – Advanced Maritime Emissions Control System, also known as "Baghouse System“, consists of ECS (Exhaust Capture System) and ETS (Emissions Treatment System) and can also be used by non-regular ships whilst on dock. AMECS is approved by CARB as a certified alternative to cold ironing which allows ships not equipped with shore power to achieve cold ironing compliance. Unlike shore power, AMECS does not require any modification to the ship, and does not require major power system infrastructure upgrades that are associated with shore power. AMECS patented “direct connect” technology safely connects to each vessel exhaust port to provide 100% exhaust gas capture. Barge-based system can be moved from vessel to vessel to remove criteria pollutants from the vessel’s exhaust gas while the vessel is hoteling. Continuous emissions monitoring provides assurance to regulatory agencies that pollutants are being removed.
Results / Gains • Proven emissions reductions: 95% PM, 99% NOX, 99% SOX, 99% VOCs • Less expensive than shore power • No vessel or berth retrofit required • Eliminates ship blackout concerns associated w/ grid • Rapid connection • Can handle multiple exhaust ports at the same time • Same emission reductions regardless of fuel type used Costs AMECS is less expensive than OPS and requires no vessel or berth retrofit Timeline N/A Relevance to WA WA has an ambition to significantly reduce DPM (diesel particulate matter) and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by 2020.
Provider of AMECS In 2013, Port of Long Beach provided about $2 million in seed money to help test AMECS. Advanced Cleanup Technologies Inc. (ACTI) can market AMECS to vessel operators as an alternative to container ships plugging into the electrical grid to reduce emissions while at berth. Container and cruise ships must significantly reduce atberth emissions to meet state regulations, but the existing “shore power” option requires retrofits to each vessel. Monitored by Emissions in ports are monitored by U.S. EPA. Pollutants’ monitoring by AMECS. Implemented in USA (technology approved by CARB to achieve cold ironing compliance). Sources: http://aapa.files.cms-plus.com/PDFs/Sandidge%20AAPA%205-9-14.pdf http://www.polb.com/news/displaynews.asp?NewsID=1495 http://advancedemissioncontrol.com/
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Click to edit Master title Air Quality: Cold ironing with Onshore Power Supply (OPS) Background When berthed, ships require electricity to support activities like loading, unloading, heating and lighting and other on board activities. Today, this power is generally provided by auxiliary engines that emit carbon dioxide (CO2) and air pollutants, affecting local air quality and ultimately the health of both port workers and nearby residents. The same holds for noise nuisance. Description of the Program Cold ironing is a process where ships shut off their dieselpowered engines and use shore-based power for their electrical needs, preventing and/or significantly reducing harmful emissions during each port visit. In this way ships’ operations can proceed uninterrupted, while eliminating negative side-effects. Electricity can be from renewable sources, or cleaner fuels like LNG. Mechanisms to Set Up Tougher environmental legislation, greater focus on emissions in ports from shipping and rising fuel prices are factors pushing ports to consider cold ironing. The European Commission issued a recommendation stating that "Member States should consider the installation of shore-side electricity for use by ships at berth in ports; particularly in ports where air quality limit values are exceeded or where public concern is expressed about high levels of noise nuisance, and especially in berths situated near residential areas“. There is an EU directive which requires all ports in the 28-member bloc to make shore power available by 2025. In California, its Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted a regulation in 2007 to reduce emissions from diesel auxiliary engines on ships while atberth for container, cruise and reefer vessels. Port authorities and governments may subsidize the project costs, which could be a public-private collaboration.
Results / Gains • Reduced emission of air pollutants, CO2, noise and vibration • Shore power cuts air pollution from ships at berth by 95% • Can remove as much as 1,000 pounds of diesel exhaust pollutants during a single port call of a typical container ship Costs • •
Quayside: US$ 300,000 to 4 million per berth, depending various factors Shipside: US$ 300,000 to 2 million, depending on various factors
Timeline N/A Relevance toResults WA / Gains WA has an ambition to significantly reduce DPM (diesel particulate matter) and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by 2020.
To build up a clear and comprehensive idea of the potential for cold ironing at a particular port requires input from many different parties. A working group comprising experts and representatives from different stakeholders (e.g. port authority, targeted shipping lines (frequentcallers), terminal operator, local community, suppliers of electricity and automation technology, environmental engineers) should discuss the issue and create a wellfounded business case. Monitored by Emissions in ports are monitored by U.S. EPA. Implemented in Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, USA (incl. WA State partially). Sources: http://wpci.iaphworldports.org/onshore-power-supply/implementation/terminal-selection.html http://wpci.iaphworldports.org/onshore-power-supply/cost/investments.html
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Click to edit Master title Air Quality: Emissions reduction from Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE) Background Vessels arrive and depart ports around the clock, which mean equipment and machinery at these ports are always operating. Cargo handling equipment, together with the trucks that are coming to port to pick up or discharge cargo, is the second largest source of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in ports. Cargo handling equipment at ports generally include yard tractors, cranes, forklifts, container handlers (e.g. top picks and side picks), and bulk handling equipment, such as tractors, loaders, dozers, excavators, and backhoes. Among these equipment types, yard tractors, container handlers, and forklifts are the most common types of equipment at ports. Description of the Program To reduce the amount of pollutants emitted from ports, ports are beginning to retrofit these cargo handling equipment types with emissions control systems, replace older equipment with newer cleaner equipment, or use cleaner fuel technologies, such as electrification. Mechanisms to Set Up Such programs are usually self-funded by the port terminals and port authorities and/or service providers. However, governmental grants might also be available. For example, the Port of Los Angeles secured a $5.8 million state grant to purchase and test a new fleet of 25 zero and near-zero emission yard tractors at its container terminal. The grant will also fund a companion project to equip 100 more drayage trucks with smart technology aimed at reducing emissions by streamlining their time on the road and improving the flow of containers to and from the port complex. This grant was by the California Energy Commission (CEC), which supports freight transportation projects at California seaports under its Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program. The purpose is to advance commercialization of clean fuels and technologies that cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce petroleum use and improve the health and quality of life of communities disproportionately burdened by environmental pollution.
Results / Gains • Yard hostlers with hydraulic hybrid technology are expected to achieve 60-70% improvement in fuel economy and a 40% reduction in emissions. • Electric trucks can be 4-9 times cheaper to operate than diesel trucks, depending on fuel costs and operating conditions Costs • •
Electric yard hostler: $189,950 Electric truck: $208,500
Timeline N/A Relevance to WA WA has an ambition to significantly reduce DPM (diesel particulate matter) and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by 2020.
Monitored by Emissions in ports are monitored by U.S. EPA. Implemented in Canada, Singapore and USA (incl. WA State partially). Sources:
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Savannah – Electrification Green Recreational Boatbuilding Background The Feadship superyacht Savannah is green in more ways than one – not only does she sport an unusual seafoam green paint job, but she also utilizes the eco-friendly Breathe propulsion developed by the Dutch builder. Description of the Development This 2015 launch uses the Dutch yard's pioneering Breathe propulsion system - which allows for five different operation modes from diesel and diesel-electric combinations to fully electric. Mechanisms to Set Up Power comes from a 30-tonne lithium-ion battery bank capable of holding a million watts of electricity. But even in diesel mode, Savannah is highly efficient, with 30 per cent lower fuel consumption than her contemporaries thanks to her dynamic hull shape and steep entrance angle.
Results / Gains • Impact on the environment and costs • Lower fuel consumption • Advanced technology Costs Xx Timeline Launch: 2015 Relevance to WA WA’s recreational boat builders can utilize the existing hybrid technologies being developed for ferries.
Developed by Feadship. Implemented in Netherlands.
Source: https://www.boatinternational.com/yachts/yacht-design/eco-friendly-superyachts--25627
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Amels 188 – Hybrid Switchboard Green Recreational Boatbuilding Background The Amels 188, still in the works, is the Dutch-built yacht to meet new international Maritime Organization regulations for yacht emissions. Description of the Development The 188-foot superyacht will have eco-friendly features such as hybrid power switchboard, a gas purification system on the generators, and heat-absorbing windows to reduce airconditioning needs. A Hybrid Switchboard system is used to manage power on board responsibly and use energy more efficiently. It’s a holistic approach, finding smart ways to reuse energy on board. Developed by Amels. Implemented in Netherlands.
Results / Gains • Lower fuel consumption • Reduce operation cost • Compliance with environmental regulations • Advanced technology Costs Xx Timeline Launch: 2018 Relevance to WA WA’s recreational boat builders can utilize the existing hybrid technologies being developed for ferries.
Source: https://www.yachtingmagazine.com/10-green-yacht-options#page-17 http://amels188.com/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Volta 55 – Alternative Fuels Green Recreational Boatbuilding Background The 188-foot Volta 55 is currently just a concept, but it is being marketed as an energy-optimizing vessel that can go an entire day without using fossil fuel. Description of the Development Studio Yacht Design Rotunno Brussolo brought in a team of architects, engineers and chemists together to create an ecofriendly, zero-emissions, luxury yacht. The Fuel Cell solution, powered by pressurized hydrogen cylinders combined with Azipod groups, guarantee the sustainability of the propulsion system. Developed by Studio Yacht Design Rotunno Brussolo. Implemented in Italy.
Results / Gains • Impact on the environment and costs • Zero emissions • Sustainability in propulsion Costs Xx Timeline Still in concept Relevance to WA WA’s recreational boat builders can utilize the existing hybrid technologies being developed for ferries.
Source: https://www.yachtingmagazine.com/10-green-yacht-options#page-14
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Click to edit Master title GEPS ECO TENDER – Powered by Wind & Solar Energy Green Recreational Boatbuilding Description of the Development The Eco-Tender design features solar panels and wind turbines that produce enough energy to power the boat. The project was created by GEPS, responsible for developing products using wave energy conversion at sea, as well as stable floating structures. Mechanisms to Set Up French green marine energy company Geps has unveiled plans for an all-electric hybrid tender for yachts as it kicked off a crowd funding campaign to raise $500,000. This project is currently being crowdfunded for future development.
Developed by GEPS.
Results / Gains • Impact on the environment • Use of alternative sources of energy Costs $500,000 Timeline Still in concept Relevance to WA WA’s recreational boat builders can utilize the existing hybrid technologies being developed for ferries.
Implemented France.
Source: http://www.ybw.com/pictures/geps-unveils-all-electric-hybrid-tender-in-green-marine-energy-crowdsourcing-drive-11513 https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimdobson/2016/12/08/the-best-eco-friendly-superyachts-toys-and-tenders-tohelp-save-the-planet/#489a8b6178c8
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Click to edit Master title Hybrid-Electric and Fully-Electric Electrification Background Concern over air pollution emissions from marine engines is motivating new comparisons between ferries and other transportation modes in terms of both mobility and air pollution. Description of the Initiative With a growing number of initiatives focusing on electrification and the green transition, it is entirely technologically possible to replace diesel engines with battery-powered electric motors. One of the other incentives for switching to hybrid and fully electric maritime vessels has been the dramatic drop in lithium-ion (li-ion) battery cell costs. (Prices have fallen 75% in Norway.)
Results / Gains • A purely battery driven ferry (100% electrification) can reduce fuel costs by 30-80% • Hybrid-powered ferries can achieve savings in fuel costs by 10-30% Costs NOK 144 million – Ampere NOK 65 million – Fjord Timeline
Mechanisms to Set Up Vision of the Fjords: The Norwegian government has pledged NOK 65 million towards the construction of several new green vessels and ferries.
N/A Relevance to WA Reduces emissions.
Ampere: The project is the result of a competition launched by Norway’s Ministry of Transport and Communications in 2011 to develop an environment-friendly, ferry Norled won the competition, which granted the company the concession rights to operate in the route through to 2025. Implemented in Norway, Sweden, Netherland, Scotland, Canada and Denmark.
Source: Norway Exports Powered by Nortrade (2017) Ship Technology (2018) Passenger Ship Technology (2016)
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Click to edit Master title Hydrogen Fuel Cells and LNG/CNG Alternative Fuels The interest in LNG as fuel for transportation has grown in the last decades as a consequence of the economic incentives for the use of alternative fuels and stricter emission standards. Description of the Initiative The idea behind HYBRIDShips, which stands for H2 and battery technology for innovative powertrains in ships, is to establish the necessary knowledge base for realizing zeroemission propulsion systems for longer crossings and larger vessels based on battery and H2 technology.
Results / Gains YBRIDShip: zero emission propulsion systems for longer crossings / operation time and larger vessels.
By changing from diesel to natural gas, virtually all emissions of particles (smoke/soot) are eliminated, as well as all emissions of sulphur. Furthermore, CO2 emissions will be reduced by as much as 23 per cent.
MS Bergensfjord (LNG) • 92% reduction in NOx emissions • 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions • 100% reduction in sulfur emissions • 98% reduction in particle emissions
Mechanisms to Set Up The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) is involved in the innovation project HYBRIDShips in Trondheim, to develop the world first hydrogen (H2)-powered ferry
Fiskerstrand Holding AS is the driving force behind the project, was granted support through PILOT-E, a financing tool from the Research Council of Norway, Innovation Norway and Enova.
NOx fund: NOK 4 billion Fiskerstrand Holding AS: NOK 70 million Timeline
Relevance to WA Reduces emissions.
NOx Fund has been a main driver for the use of LNG in the marine sector in Norway. Implemented in Norway, Canada, Japan, UK, Germany, USA and Netherlands.
Source: Source: LNG World News (2011) Gas World (2017) fjordline (2014) https://www.lngworldnews.com/norway-fjord1-launches-lng-ferry/ https://www.gasworld.com/nma-gets-on-board-with-worlds-first-hydrogen-ferry/2012509.article#/close https://www.fjordline.com/en/our-ships/stavangerfjord-and-bergensfjord/ https://fuelcellsworks.com/news/fiskerstrand-receives-funding-for-the-worlds-first-hydrogen-fuel-cell-poweredferry-in-norway
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Click to edit Master title Air Supported Vessel and Carbon Fibre Hull Hull Optimization Background Zero emission fast waterborne transport: A smart way to reducing congestions and emissions. Description of the Initiative Develop and prove feasibility of first ever Air Supported, Zero Emission, Battery Commuter Ferry, with 30 knots performance.
Results / Gains
Air Supported Vessel (ASV) technology can reduce hull water resistance with a staggering 40%. Approx. 80% of the vessel's weight will be supported on a cushion of air, courtesy of an electric lift fan system and the unique ASV hull form. Tank testing has documented quite remarkable efficiency gains throughout the complete speed range. The vessel will be constructed from carbon sandwich which is light, strong and suited for efficient series production.
Annual emission reduction with use of one BB GREEN vessel: • CO2: 1.389 tons • NOx: 14.9 – 18.6 tons • A hull that minimizes wake and reduces shoreline impact erosion • Reduces exhaust emissions by over 20 percent • Energy savings due to weight reduction • Longer service life due to greater corrosion resistance
Mechanisms to Set Up Funded by EU’s FP 7 program: EU decides to fund further refinement and market introduction of BB Green through the Horizon 2020 SME program. First delivery is expected in beginning of 2019.
Project budget: Euro 3.13 million EU support: Euro 2.33 million
Implemented in Sweden (ASV), Denmark, United States, Norway, Japan and UK.
Reduces emissions, saves fuel.
Timeline Four year project Relevance to WA
Source: Composites World (2016) BB Green (2016) https://www.compositesworld.com/articles/cored-carbon-air-supported-vessel http://www.bbgreen.info/index.php/project-overview
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Click to edit Master title Hybrid Tug: E-KOTUG Background Harbor Tugs only use their full power 2% of the time. In over 60% of the operating hours the capacity is not even above 30% of full power. Because the engines do not run in the so called “design area”, more fuel consumption and emissions are the result. With a hybrid configuration, the use of one generator set will be sufficient to sail on low power. The E-KOTUG decreases significantly the fuel consumption and reduces by about 50% the emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particles. If the tugboat is sailing on the battery pack, there is almost no sound and there are completely no emissions. At the same time, huge cost savings can be made on the maintenance of the main engines. This is because the main engines are having 50% less operating hours. Description of the Initiative KOTUG in collaboration with AKA in Canada, supplier of the Xeropoint Hybrid Propulsion System, developed a very eco friendly, fuel-saving tug boat, E-KOTUG. Based on the Rotor-Tug technology which consists of three diesel-driven azimuthing thrusters featuring 100% bollard pull over the bow and the stern, and extremely high maneuverability, KOTUG produced its hybrid version. Mechanisms to Set Up The E-KOTUGs are modular built tugs with the following arrangement: three main engines on marine gasoil, two auxiliary engines on marine gasoil, three electric motors and a small pack of batteries. The three main engines will only run on full power during towing operations. When the main engines are running, the electromotor in each driveline will turn into a power take off system and charge the battery pack. The electric propulsion can be powered by generators and/or batteries. When alongside, the EKOTUG can stay on the battery pack up to seven hours.
Results / Gains • • • •
Impact on environment and costs Lower CO2, NOx, particles emissions No sound on battery mode Cost savings
Costs xx Timeline First delivery 2012 Relevance to WA WA can build upon existing hybrid technologies used in ferries and apply them to the building of barges.
Monitored by KOTUG, AKA. Implemented in Netherlands. Source: https://www.kotug.com/application/files/7414/9856/5779/brochure-e-kotug-5-juni-2012-webfile-1.pdf https://products.damen.com/en/ranges/rotor-tug/art-80_32 https://www.groenervaren.nl/seeking-a-green-solution-for-a-harbour-tugboat-go-hybrid/
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Click to edit Master title Autonomous Electric Barge: Port Liner Background The European Union is investing in Port Liner’s autonomous electric barges development as part of its initiative to improve port efficiency through innovative technology. The Dutch company Port Liner will be introducing the autonomous electric barges for the European market beginning in August of this year. Port Liner believes it could produce about 500 barges a year to revolutionize the freight industry, although the electric motors and batteries could also be retrofitted into older boats. Description of the Initiative The 5 autonomous electric barges to be built will be operating between the De Kempen intermodal terminal in the Netherlands and Antwerp, Belgium. This will be a big boost for the industry’s green energy credentials. These barges will be the first in the world to sail on carbon-neutral batteries. Mechanisms to Set Up The barges are designed to operate without any crew, although the vessels will be manned in their first period of operation as new infrastructure is erected around some of the busiest inland waterways in Europe. The batteries will be mounted in a container of their own, which means they can be used by existing vessels. This will allow the retrofitting of barges already in operation. Dubbed the “Tesla of the canals”, their electric motors will be driven by 20-foot batteries, charged on shore by the carbon-free energy provider Eneco, which sources solar power, windmills and renewables. The barges will be fitted with a power box giving them 15 hours of power. As there is no need for a traditional engine room, the boats have up to 8% extra space.
Results / Gains • Impact on environment and costs • Zero CO2 emissions • Crewless vessels Costs $8.7million by EU $250,000 by Port of Antwerp Timeline First delivery August 2018 Relevance to WA WA can build upon existing battery technologies used in ferries and apply them to the building of barges.
Monitored by Port Liner, Port of Antwerp. Implemented in Netherlands. Source: https://cleantechnica.com/2018/01/13/dutch-company-introduces-autonomous-electric-barge-europe/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jan/24/worlds-first-electric-container-barges-to-sail-from-european-ports-this-summer https://theloadstar.co.uk/port-liner-launches-first-emission-free-barges-europes-waterways/
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Click to edit Master title LNG Hybrid Barge: Becker Marine Systems Background Becker Marine Systems aims to offer its LNG Hybrid Barge technology to a larger design for use in cruise operators sailing their ships into Norwegian ports and fjords. The implementation has also attracted interest from China and Spain, where cruise ships can be operated year-round. Description of the Initiative The barge, which has already been successfully tested at the Port of Hamburg in Germany, would provide low-emission power to cruise ships in accordance with Norway’s strict environmental legislation. Mechanisms to Set Up Becker’s LNG Hybrid Barge generates energy for cruise ships lying at port. Compared to the current method of producing energy using on board diesel engines, power supplied by the LNG Hybrid Barge will lead to a dramatic reduction of harmful CO2, NOx, SOx and particle emissions during layovers at port. The use of LNG enables an alternative and clean external supply of power to cruise ships.
Results / Gains • Impact on environment • Lower CO2, NOx, SOx and particles emissions Costs xx Timeline In use since 2014, showcased for cruise ships in 2017 Relevance to WA WA can develop similar technologies for the barges it produces and export them to larger vessels manufacturers.
Monitored by Becker Marine Systems. Implemented in Germany and Norway.
Sources: http://www.cruiseandferry.net/articles/becker-marine-systems-promotes-lng-hybrid-barge-for-use-in-Norway https://www.becker-marine-systems.com/products/alternative-energies.html https://www.maritime-executive.com/corporate/becker-marine-presenting-new-plans-for-lng-hybrid-barge#gs.x9oA6jk
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Click to edit Master title World’s First All-Electric Commercial Fishing Vessel: Karoline Electric boats are especially advantageous in Norway, because the country generates its electricity exclusively from renewable sources, thus emitting no greenhouse gases. A new fishing cutter called the Karoline has been developed by boat builder Selfa Arctic AS, and it the world’s first all-electric commercial fishing vessel. Fishermen find it less strenuous to work on the Karoline than on conventional boasts, because the electric motor doesn’t produce exhaust gases, vibrations, and the noise associated with diesel engines. Description of the Initiative Corvus Energy powered the world’s first electric commercial fishing vessel. A Corvus lithium polymer Energy Storage System (ESS) has been integrated with a Siemens propulsion system aboard the world’s first electric commercial fishing vessel designed and built by Selfa Arctic AS. While fishing the vessel will operate emissions free, eliminating all greenhouse gasses including CO2. The boat will also generate less noise and vibration than a standard diesel engine powered fishing vessel. During the Karoline first 30 days of service its operators caught some 58,000 kg of fish, but it consumed only 0.04 liters of diesel per kilogram of fish, representing an 80-percent reduction in fuel consumption compared to conventional diesel-powered fishing cutters.
Results / Gains • Impact on environment and costs • Zero GHG, CO2 emissions • Costs savings from maintenance and operations • No noise load Costs xx Timeline Delivered 2015 Relevance to WA WA can develop similar technologies for the barges it produces and export them to larger vessels manufacturers.
Mechanisms to Set Up The fishing boat is designed to operate entirely on Corvus battery power over a planned ten hour working day. The boat’s main propulsion system is an electric motor that gets its energy from a set of batteries. When the boat is in port at night, its batteries are recharged with electricity from the local grid. As a precautionary measure, the boat is also equipped with an efficient diesel engine and an auxiliary 50kW electric generator. Implemented in Norway. Sources: http://corvusenergy.com/corvus-energy-powers-the-worlds-first-electric-commercial-fishing-vesselkaroline-designed-and-built-by-selfa-arctic-as/ https://www.siemens.com/innovation/en/home/pictures-of-the-future/mobility-and-motors/electric-mobilitycutting-emissions-with-electric-fishing-boat.html
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Click to edit Master title Hybrid Fish Farm Support Vessel: DNV GL & The Green Coastal Shipping Program Background In 2015, the Norwegian maritime industry launched the DNV GL-led public private initiative, the Green Coastal Shipping Program. The idea was to encourage research and development of green technology concepts in the country’s shipping sector. One of the pilots targeted the aquaculture segment with an environmentally friendly fish farm support vessel. ABB worked with the Norwegian Coastal Shipowners Association and ship-owner Egil Ulvans Rederi on developing a hybrid battery powered concept that is safer, more cost effective, and environmentally beneficial. Description of the Initiative The objective of the pilot project was to define how to best use a battery in combination with a combustion engine to make an energy efficient hybrid propulsion system. The risk of damage to cages in the case of a blackout is reduced, reducing potential insurance costs. The proposed concept vessel would be large enough to handle the more complex and demanding operations offshore that have come with the growing aquaculture sector.
Results / Gains • Impact on environment and costs • Lower CO2, NOx and SOx emissions • Costs savings from maintenance and fuel Costs xx Timeline Concept sent to shipyard in 2017 Relevance to WA WA can build upon existing hybrid technologies used in ferries and apply them to the building of fishing vessels.
Mechanisms to Set Up The concept is based on a 70-meter long vessel that can be converted to fit either a hybrid LNG and battery powered propulsion system or a diesel-plus-battery solution. Both concepts would cut down on NOx, SOx and CO2 emissions (240 tons/year). The vessel would rely on battery power to shave power peaks when loading and unloading at sea and absorb load changes from blasts and swells. A battery back-up solution would also create safer operations by reducing the risk of engine failure and serving as back up. Monitored by Norwegian Coastal Shipowners Association, ABB, Egil Ulvans Rederi. Implemented in Norway. Source: http://www.norwayexports.no/sectors/articles/fish-vessels-go-electric/
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Click to edit Master title Fully Battery-Powered Fish Farm Workboat: GMV Zero Background The Norwegian shipbuilder Grovfjord Mechanical Workshops (GMV) has seen a growing need among its fish farming customers for sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions. Therefore they developed GMV Zero the world’s first electric fish farm workboat. Such a vessel will attract fish farmers wishing to have a green profile. The idea for GMV Zero originally started several years ago as a way to eliminate the exposure of the workers on board to carcinogenic diesel exhaust particle emissions. Since then, the prices of batteries have dropped dramatically and the number of fish farms along the Norwegian coast with electricity from the grid has increased to about 85% of all farm locations. Both factors have contributed to making 100% battery operation feasible. Description of the Initiative GMV Zero has zero CO2 emissions, no NOx particle emissions, very low operating and maintenance costs and little or no noise load. The annual reduction of CO2 will be 90 tons and NOx will be lowered by 900kg. The expectations are that GMV Zero could save at least $24,000 per year in operational expenditures compared to a diesel-powered boat.
Results / Gains • Impact on environment and costs • Lower CO2, NOx, SOx and particle emissions • Costs savings from maintenance and operations • No noise load Costs xx Timeline Delivery in 2018 Relevance to WA WA can build upon existing hybrid technologies used in ferries and apply them to the building of fishing vessels.
Mechanisms to Set Up Eventually, the boat will be offered as a hybrid workboat. Customers will be able to choose either a hybrid, pure electric boat or standard workboat. Monitored by Grovfjord Mechanical Workshops (GMV). Implemented in Norway. Sources: https://www.fishfarmingexpert.com/article/shipbuilder-plugs-first-electric-workboat/ http://www.norwayexports.no/sectors/articles/fish-vessels-go-electric/
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Click to edit Master title South Korea’s Digital Shipyard Shipbuilding Background Green innovation is practiced in South Korea by means of introducing green technologies into the existing industry. There is a rising demand for the Green Shipyard due to the Greenhouse Gas emission reduction goal of the shipbuilding industry. This initiative was presented in the context of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) workshop aiming to encourage transparency and consulting between economies. Description of the Initiative South Korea supporting the new environmental regulations by the IMO regarding the reduction of CO2 emissions, implements the Green Ship and Green Shipyard initiatives under its Green Growth commitment. Regarding the greening of the shipbuilding industry South Korea aims to achieve a 30% GHG emission reduction by 2020. Mechanisms to Set Up Specifically in the shipbuilding industry, the GHG emissions come from electricity (50%), combustion (transportation) (34%), combustion on land (11%), fugitive emission and process emission. Energy efficiency can be achieved through electricity reduction by improving the construction process and increasing productivity i.e. automatic control systems, power saver for motor, max-power management system. The digital shipyard is an upcoming development with real-time energy consumption monitoring system and efficiency enhancement in logistics i.e. monitoring system for energy consumption of each facility and equipment. An upgrade of facilities and equipment is also necessary for high energy efficient facilities and process improvement, through the replacement of inefficient facilities and equipment and a fuel switch of heating furnace.
Results / Gains • Impact on environment, cost and efficiency • Compliance to IMO regulations • Reduction in GHG emissions • Technological innovation Costs xx Timeline Established in 2011; Achieve by 2020 Relevance to WA WA can expand its sustainability goal, by implementing technological and efficiency improvements in its shipyards.
Monitored by South Korean authorities. Implemented in South Korea. Source: http://www.oecd.org/sti/ind/48328071.pdf
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Click to edit Master title Carnegie Clean Energy – CETO 5 Perth Wave Energy Wave energy project to produce both power and freshwater. Background The Project produced and sold both power and freshwater to the Australian Department of Defense to supply Australia’s largest naval base, HMAS Stirling, located on Garden Island. Description of the Initiative • Over 14,000 cumulative hours of operation • Wave energy proven successful over 12 months and four seasons • Proven minimal environmental impact Mechanisms to Set Up Project supported by a $13.1 million Australian Federal Government grant from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and $10m in grant funding from Government of Western Australia’s Low Emissions Energy Development (LEED) Program. The desalination plant was partfunded through a $1.27m AusIndustry grant from the Clean Technology Innovation Program and involved the design and construction of a CETO Desalination Plant which desalinated seawater to produce freshwater.
Results / Gains • High level of innovation • Developing new technology Costs xx Timeline xx Relevance to WA xx
Implemented in Australia.
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Click to edit Master title Afsluitdijk Project – REDstack’s largest and most ambitious project Reverse ElectroDialysis (RED) - Salinity gradient power generation where the ocean and river meet. Background REDstack’s goal is to develop and commercialize the reverse electrodialysis (RED) technology. Description of the Initiative RED is a form of sustainable energy generation, where the fuel is fresh and salt water. Places were rivers empty into the sea are the most suitable locations for the application of RED due to the natural abundance of both feed waters. A fraction of the fresh water is combined with sea water in a membrane pile, or RED stack. Salt and fresh water are mixed in a controlled manner by which electricity can be generated. The resulting brackish water mixture is then returned to the sea and the generated electricity is distributed through the grid. Mechanisms to Set Up REDstack originated as a spin-off company of the water technology institute Wetsus. The ‘Blue Energy’ research theme began at Wetsus in 2005, with the aim of generating energy from salt and fresh water. Implemented in Netherlands.
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Results / Gains • High level of innovation • Developing new technology Costs xx Timeline xx Relevance to WA xx
Click to edit Master title OCTTIC (Open Centre Tidal Turbine Industrial Capability) A project to develop and test tidal turbines technology/design with improved efficiency and lower installation cost. Background The Open Centre Tidal Turbine Industrial Capability (OCTTIC) project is a €3m EU Horizon 2020 funded project. The key deliverable of the project will be to deploy an array of tidal turbines, at a significantly improved efficiency and lower cost. (led by OpenHydro) Description of the Initiative • OCTTIC aims to significantly reduce the cost of energy production from tidal turbines, by reducing the installed cost per turbine by 46%. • Improve the efficiency of the technology and engage the supply chain, reducing the lead time for supply of turbines significantly. • The outcome of the project will help launch the commercial phase of tidal energy development, supporting business plans and attracting investment. • The project will support the target of a cost competitive form of tidal energy, matching the price of offshore wind. • The project will include deployment of the Normandie Hydro tidal array, a 14MW tidal energy project off the North Coast of France. Mechanisms to Set Up This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. Implemented in Ireland.
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Results / Gains • Improve efficiency and lower installation cost of tidal turbines Costs xx Timeline xx Relevance to WA xx
Click to edit Master title FLOTEC (Floating Tidal Energy Commercialisation) A project to develop a floating tidal system/technology prototype to provide lowcost and high-value tidal energy. Background The Floating Tidal Energy Commercialisation (FloTEC) project, led by Scotrenewables Tidal Power, has been recognized for its ability to demonstrate how floating tidal systems can provide low-cost and high-value energy. Description of the Initiative • The aim of the project is to produce a full-scale device in real conditions with high levels of reliability and survivability, and to develop a greater understanding to installation, operation and decommissioning costs. • The SR2000-M2 will feature a number of innovations, including 50 percent greater energy capture through enlarged rotors with a lower rated speed, full onsite access to all turbine systems through an optimized platform configuration, high performance blades, compatibility with local supply chain and infrastructure and mooring load dampers. • It is due for installation at the European Marine Energy Centre, Orkney in early 2019. Mechanisms to Set Up FloTEC has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. The program runs from 2014 – 2020 and will provide nearly €80 billion of funding, the largest of its kind to date. Implemented in UK.
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SR2000-M2 Results / Gains • Improve energy efficiency and lower cost of floating tidal turbines • High level of innovation Costs xx Timeline xx Relevance to WA xx
Click to edit Master title URready4OS Project to develop an underwater operational capability to intervene against oil spills using AUVs, UAVs & USVs. Background The main goal of the project is to join forces to make available to European Civil Protection a fleet of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) with operational capability to intervene against oil spills in European Seas using new multivehicle robotic technologies. Description of the Initiative The project “Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Ready for Oil Spill (URready4OS)” was cofinanced by the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Directorate General (DG-ECHO), which funds actions aimed at improving cross border civil protection and marine pollution cooperation, direct response to and consequences reduction of natural and manmade disasters, including the consequences of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear events. Mechanisms to Set Up REDstack originated as a spin-off company of the water technology institute Wetsus. The ‘Blue Energy’ research theme began at Wetsus in 2005, with the aim of generating energy from salt and fresh water. Implemented in EU.
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Results / Gains • High level of innovation • Developing new technology Costs xx Timeline xx Relevance to WA xx
Click to edit Master title Marine Habitat: Financial Incentives for Reduction of Underwater Noise Background While there are plenty of naturally occurring sounds in the ocean, an increase in commercial vessel traffic is the main reason for increased underwater noise. In the North Pacific Ocean, underwater noise has been doubling in intensity every decade for the past 60 years. Most underwater noise from large vessels is caused by propeller cavitation. Other sources of vessel underwater noise include engine and on board machinery; drag from poor hull maintenance; bow/stern thrusters. Description of the Program The Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) Program is a Vancouver Fraser Port Authority-led initiative aimed at better understanding and managing the impact of shipping activities on at-risk whales throughout the southern coast of British Columbia. The long-term goal of the ECHO Program is to develop mitigation measures that will lead to a quantifiable reduction in potential threats to whales as a result of shipping activities. Mechanisms to Set Up In January 2017, Vancouver added a new incentive criteria to its existing EcoAction program to include harbor due rate discounts for quieter ships, making Canada the first country in the world with a marine noise reduction incentive. The ECHO Program benefited from early input and advice from scientists, shipping industries, conservation and environmental groups, First Nations individuals and government agencies to help the program focus efforts and set goals and objectives. Funding contributors include Fraser River Pile and Dredge; Trans Mountain; Transport Canada; Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.
Results / Gains • Harbor due rate discounts for quieter ships • Beneficial to whales throughout the southern coast of British Columbia Costs N/A Timeline 2014-2018: plan and execute projects to inform mitigation 2016-2019: development and trialling of potential mitigation solutions, targets and incentives 2017-onwards: implement incentive / voluntary programs; monitor and manage measurable threat reduction Relevance to WA Preserving WA’s mammal marine life is of prime concern to WA’s population.
Monitored by Adoption of technologies/practices (e.g. various vessel-quieting designs, technology and maintenance options) which reduce underwater noise, subject to the evaluation process of the noise reduction effectiveness in the EcoAction program. Implemented Canada’s Port of Vancouver.
Source: https://www.portvancouver.com/environment/water-land-wildlife/marine-mammals/echo-program/
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Click to edit Master title Norway Initiatives & Funding Programs for LNG & Electrification NOx Fund • An alternative to paying NOx tax to the government, parties to the agreement pay a smaller fee to a fund operated by the industry. In parallel the NOx fund will finance measures to reduce emissions of NOx in accordance with a predetermined environmental target (implemented on creating green vessels). • The NOx Fund has been a main driver for the use of LNG and NOx after-treatment technologies in the marine sector in Norway. • Nearly one quarter of the NOx reductions from the marine sector in Norway in the period of 2011-17 come from the use of NOx after-treatment technologies, such as Selective Catalytic Reductions (SCR) and selective non-catalytic reduction devices. • 15 Norwegian Business Organizations and the Ministry of the Environment signed a new Environmental Agreement on NOx 2011–2017 (which is a continuation of the 2008- 2010 NOx Agreement). Battery Forum • Their mission is to make electric and hybrid ships an integral part of Norwegian value creation and environmental policy. Green Coastal Shipping Program • DNV GL has taken the initiative to launch a Green Coastal Shipping program in Norway to have one of the world's most environmentally friendly and efficient coastal shipping industries. Other Initiatives • Research Council, Competitions on green concept by the government, Maritime Authority & Private Companies.
Source: https://www.vesselfinder.com/news/8327-Norwegian-Maritime-Authority-Takes-Part-in-A-Project-To-DevelopThe-Worlds-First-Hydrogen-Powered-Ferry
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Click to edit Master title HYBRIDShips Norway also participates in HYBRIDShips, which stands for hydrogen and battery technology for innovative powertrains in ships. The mission of this collaborative project is to establish the necessary knowledge base for realizing zero-emission propulsion systems for longer crossings and larger vessels based on battery and hydrogen technology. By addressing a specific ship design, the project will also advance the Norwegian Maritime Authority’s (NMA) approval process for the use of hydrogen as fuel in maritime transport. The same applies to DNV GL class rules. The roles of the participants are described below. Fiskerstrand Holding AS •Project owner, overall project responsibility Fiskerstrand Verft AS •Technical detailing and conversion Multi Maritime AS •Design and construction work SINTEF Foundation •Hybrid model, marine use of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies NEL ASA Filling/bunkering and technological and economic analysis including hydrogen safety Hexagon Raufoss ASA •Hydrogen storage and transport DNV GL • Safety, risk and certification and approval processes (classification) Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) •Dialogue partner in maritime approval process Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) •Dialogue partner in approval process for shore-based facilities Møre og Romsdal County Authority •Makes appropriate ferry connection available for piloting Source: https://www.sdir.no/en/news/news-from-the-nma/breaking-new-ground-in-hydrogen-ferry-project/
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Global Studies: Click to Case edit Master title Blue Innovation Deep Decarbonization
Washington’s Washington’s Strategy Strategy forfor thethe Blue Blue Economy Economy | January | January 2019 2019 Appendix Appendix B B
Introduction: Global Case Click to edit Master title Studies Blue Innovation It is important to develop and commercialize technologies that make products and processes more environmentally friendly. Various technologies, as listed below, have been developed globally with aims to contribute to renewable sustainability across various subsectors. Commercial Fishing and Seafood Products Passenger Water Transportation Maritime Support Services Shipbuilding, repair and maintenance Ocean Science Technology
Case Study Hauge Aqua’s Egg Green Wave: 3D Ocean Farming Snorkel Cage Precision Seafood Harvesting UR30 Copper Alloy Wire Dyneema™ :Durable net material Omega Fatty Acids eLandings: Electronic Logbook Electronic Monitoring Blockchain technology to battle illegal fishing & seafood fraud Modeling tool to assess the impact of various fishery management policies on environment impact/climate change Zero fish waste policy Development Licenses for Open Water Fish Farms Norwegian Fish Farm Regulations Robotic Fish Feeding NTT Docomo: ICT Buoy Marel Flexicut: Whitefish automatic pinbone detection & removal Marel Innova: Food Processing Software Digitalization – Autonomous Ships Maritime Singapore Green Technology Initiative Naval Architecture initiative: Green Coastal Shipping Program Maritime by Holland - Innovation Public-Private Partnerships: Horizon 2020 New geotechnical engineering and industrial tech centre First marine insurance blockchain platform New Generation of Fishing Vessels: MDV-1 Immanuel Autonomous Electric Barge: Port Liner World’s First All-Electric Commercial Fishing Vessel: Karoline Hybrid Fish Farm Support Vessel: DNV GL & The Green Coastal Shipping Program Fully Battery-Powered Fish Farm Workboat: GMV Zero SINTEF: Oil spill containment by use of air bubbles Pharmasea: Marine Derived Pharmaceuticals Windward: Ocean Big Data MaRINET2: physical testing facilities and online platform European Marine Energy Centre Ltd: open sea testing facilities Wave Hub EUROCEAN Foundation National Research Council Canada Ocean Technology Council of Nova Scotia Oceans Advance Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Society of Maritime Industries Natural Environmental Research Council National Oceanography Centre OCTTIC (Open Centre Tidal Turbine Industrial Capability) FLOTEC (Floating Tidal Energy Commercialization) SEAcORE
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Click to edit Master title One Example: Hauge Aqua Egg Aquaculture Background Open pen systems are too weak to sustain significant growth, recognized environmental performance and societal expectations. Open pen systems have a variety of problems such as sea lice which has increased cost of treatment. Description of the Initiative Hauge offers the industry a fully contained system that targets to replace the large circular net pens used in today's typical site set-up. The closed structure can be easily transported to site and moored at existing facility. Inside the water circulation is upwards with automatic feeding and minimal spill. Easy cleaning of feces and gentle harvesting. The proposed 44-meter tall structure will hold up to 1,000 tons of salmon, the same volume of fish as a regular 50-meter wide net pen. Mechanisms to Set Up It is designed to be supported by existing infrastructure such as the feed barge and electrical power. It is towed into the anchoring frame while still empty of water. Once inside the frame and plugged to power, the pumps start and gradually the egg will sink until it reaches its operating position. The tank is then moored horizontally into existing mooring system in a farm.
Results / Gains Impact on environment and cost • Keeps lice out while stopping fish escapes • Reduce sea lice further by getting water from 20 meters below the surface where lice are less likely to thrive • More accurate automatic feeding in a closed environment • Upstream-water current that keeps pellets closer to the surface • Separate intake and outflow of water that reduces infection pressure Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle several challenges such as escapees, sea lice, reduce pollution.
Monitored by: The Egg is still a concept however compared to other Closed Container Aquaculture projects, Hauge Aqua is the closet to be commercialized. The company recently signed a development agreement with Marine Harvest, the world’s largest producer of Atlantic salmon and in December 2017 were awarded 6 licenses. Implemented in Norway. Source: http://www.haugeaqua.com/Technology/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Green Wave: 3D Ocean Farming (Vertical Fish Farming) Aquaculture Background The number of fish farms are increasing in the industry and this creates an acreage issue. When many fish farms are clustered in an area pollution from the feces and feed can pollute the water and kill fishes. Description of the Initiative A fisherman in Newoundland, Bren Smith came up with a solution. Horizontal ropes on the water’s surface, anchored to hurricane-proof floats, that connect to lines underwater supporting seaweed crops and interspersed with hanging net enclosures to grow scallops and mussels. Clam and oyster cages, also connected to the surface ropes, sit on the seafloor. Mechanisms to Set Up Non for Profit organization, Greenwave ensure that 3D farming can be replicated. They have a “Farm Startup & Farmer Apprenticeship Program” that help farmers adopt this new kind of aquaculture. Greenwave trains farmers and provide them with two years of support. (The 3D ocean farming model itself is open-source — anyone can use or build on it for free.) With about $20,000, a boat and a lease (which requires approvals from state regulators and the US Army Corps of Engineers) to farm 20 acres of near-shore seafloor, anyone can start a 3D ocean farm that produces 10 to 30 tons of kelp and 250,000 shellfish per acre in five months. Smith has also set up a parallel for-profit enterprise, which provides a market for seaweed crops and operates a commercial processing and distribution facility in New Haven, Connecticut. It promises to purchase 80 percent of seaweed harvests at triple the market rate from GreenWave farmers during their first five years in business.
Results / Gains • Produce 10-30 tons of kelp and 250,000 shellfish per acre in 5 months • Creates jobs • Kelp absorb up to five times the amount of carbon as land-based plants. • Prevent deadzones Costs $20,000 & a boat Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to pollution of the water.
Implemented in Thimble Island Ocean Farm, Canada. Sources: https://ideas.ted.com/vertical-ocean-farms-that-can-feed-us-and-help-our-seas/ https://www.greenwave.org/greenwaveorg/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Snorkel Project: Norway Aquaculture Background A surge of parasitic sea lice are disrupting salmon farms by attaching themselves to the fish to feed on them. They usually kill the salmon or render them unsuitable for consumption. This has on the other hand led to an increase of wholesale salmon by almost 50%. Description of the Initiative The Snorkel Project was developed on two fundamental principles: lice larvae are more abundant in surface waters and salmons have an open swim bladder and must swallow air in the surface to refill it. Taking these into consideration, a simple submerged sea cage which has a roof combined with surface access via a snorkel was developed (see picture). The sea cage keeps the salmon at a greater depth while the snorkel allows them to have access to the surface. Mechanisms to Set Up At a depth of 3–4 meters inside the cage, netting is used to form a ceiling and a central cylindrical passage that extends above the surface of the water. This snorkel is covered by a tarpaulin or plankton cloth, securing a lice-free water passage through which the salmon can swim up to the surface to gulp some air. Still in Trial Phase which looks positive so far Lice infestation reduced with depth with little adverse effect on fish growth and fish welfare. Still assessing the optimal depth to reduce lice wile ensuring surface use by salmon is maintained.
Results / Gains • Reduces sea lice • Lesser investment in fish treatments Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to sea lice.
Implemented in Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway and University of Melbourne, Australia Egersund Net.
Sources: http://www.fhf.no/media/68098/snorkel_project_nov_2013.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0044848616300655
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Precision Seafood Harvesting (PSH) Aquaculture Background Traditional fishing nets catch a wide variety of fish sizes and species, meaning a catch can include high proportions of undesired fish or undersized fish, which cannot be processed or are hurt. Description of the Initiative This radical new technique does away with traditional trawl nets. Instead, fish are contained and swim comfortably underwater inside a large flexible PVC liner, where the correct size and species can be selected before being brought on board the fishing vessel. The design of the harvesting system allows fishing vessels to target specific species and fish size, and greatly increases protection for small fish that can swim free through ‘escape portals’ and non-target fish (by-catch), which are released unharmed. Mechanisms to Set Up This program is a partnership between Aotearoa Fisheries (now Moana New Zealand), Sanford, the Sealord Group and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to generate more value from the fisheries industry. The fishing companies involved hold between 30 and 60 percent of the quota for the 9 top species fished in New Zealand waters.
Results / Gains Impact on environment and cost • Unintended catch escapes • Reduced damage to fish while landed Estimated potential economic benefits to NZ: $43.6M per annum by 2025 Costs PGP: $24million Industry: $24million Timeline Start: April 2012 Length: 7 years Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to bycatch.
Monitored by the Primary Growth Partnership (PGP) which is a joint venture between government and industry, that invests in longterm innovation programs to increase the market success of the primary industries. The PSH is a contracted program within the PGP and is subject to governance, monitoring & assurance. Implemented in Sanford, New Zealand.
Source: http://www.mpi.govt.nz/funding-and-programmes/primary-growth-partnership/primary-growth-partnershipprogrammes/precision-seafood-harvesting/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Dyneema: Durable Net Material Aquaculture & Fisheries Background Fisheries face the challenge of enabling trawling to increase their catch performance while keeping costs under control. Oil consumption, for example, is a major cost, especially when using small mesh nets. In aquaculture, growth strategy often includes larger cages. But, traditionally large cage nets made of nylon didn’t always mean better. They were usually heavier and harder to handle thereby requiring additional equipment and personnel. Larger cage nets - up to 150m in circumference - when made of traditional nylon, would weigh up to four/five tons. They also had more surface area that is susceptible to fouling and traditionally require more inspections and repairs. Description of the Initiative Trawling gear made with Dyneema® can contribute to a better, more profitable operations: - Improved fuel economy, due to smaller twines and lighter nets and lines. - Higher catch performance on same amount of fuel, due to longer trips. - Lower maintenance costs, due to the wear and tear resistance. - Improved lifetime of the netting as a result of the high durability. - Enhanced safety on board, due to light weight and soft texture of lines and nets. - Lower costs from breakdowns or replacement. Dyneema is a material that initiates sustainability all along. It is made using raw materials with minimum impact and reduced energy, emissions & water use. The material has minimum carbon footprint as compared to other net materials such a nylon or PE. Dyneema can use used both for commercial fishing & aquaculture. Mechanisms to Set Up They have licensed partners For fishing ropes the partners in America are: Samson Rope, Euronete, Lankhorst Ropes, Hampidjan, Netmark A/S, Morenot, DSR. For aquaculture nets the partners are: Netmark, Net Systems, Egersund, Hampidjan, Morenot, Euronete, Hvaspund Net A/S
Results / Gains Impact on environment and cost • Help cut fuel costs • Durability reduces replacement and repair costs • Boosts catch performance • Lighter net cages • 40% less antifouling consumption • Higher bite resistance • Cleaning every 12 months as compared to 7 months from nylon nets • Diving inspections reduced by 50% • Operational savings of 10-15% Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to durability, biofouling, fuel costs, escapees.
Monitored by: N/A Implemented by Andromeda Aquaculture, Greece, Cornelis Vrolijk, Netherlands and Pesquera Delly S.A, Mexico. Sources:https://www.dsm.com/content/dam/dsm/dyneema/en_GB/Downloads/Case%20Studies/Case%20Study%20Valdez %20with%20Dyneema.pdf https://www.dsm.com/content/dam/dsm/dyneema/en_GB/Downloads/Case%20Studies/Case%20Study_Andromeda.pdf
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title UR30® copper alloy wire Aquaculture Background Fish escaping and disrupting the local ecosystem is a prevailing issue in the aquaculture industry. Often, the fishes manage to escape as the net pens holding them do not have strong wires. The wires either break under pressure or are chewed through by the fishes. There is a need for durable material to impact sustainability in the industry. Description of the Initiative Fitco has started to produce wires used for the manufacture of mesh for aquaculture applications. The mesh is made of UR30® copper alloy. This special copper alloy wire is subsequently woven into chain link fence mesh by special formation machinery. Implemented by Fitco, Greece.
Results / Gains • Anti-Microbial & Anti-Fouling • Prohibits predation & prevents escapes • Reduces maintenance • Stability ensures cage volume is maintained • Fully recyclable • Environmentally friendly • Increases Growth Rate (SGR) by 15% Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to escapees.
Source: http://ur30net.com/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Omega-3 from Natural Marine Algae Aquaculture Background Omega 3 fatty acids is an essential nutrients needed by both humans and fishes to become healthy. Currently, farmed fishes receive this nutrient from fishmeal and fish oils but to do this around 15 million tons of wild fish are caught each year to produce fish meal. This puts a pressure on resources and competes with food production for human consumption. Description of the Initiative A breakthrough in the aquaculture industry found that omega 3 fatty acids can be derived from microalgae which will provide fishes like salmon with the key ingredients of fish oil which is EPA & DHA. Microalgae is grown in closed fermentation tanks where they convert renewable, sustainable plant sugars into algae containing DHA rich oil in a matter of days. Mechanisms to Set Up Two companies are venturing into this innovation: • AlgaPrime™ DHA: JV between TerraVia™ and Bunge Limited with a plant running in Brazil. They use locally sourced sugarcane as sugar. • Veramaris: JV between Royal DSM & Evonik with production facility in Nebraska, USA. They use locally sourced corn as sugar. BioMar Group recently announced they will be launching fish feed containing marine fatty acids derived from microalgae. The algae used will be delivered by AlgaPrime™ DHA
Results / Gains • One metric ton of AlgaPrime™ DHA is the equivalent of saving up to 40 metric tons of wild caught fish • One metric ton of Veramis oil is equivalent of saving up to 60 metric tons of wild caught fish Costs Veramaris: US$ 200 million in the facility (50:50) Timeline Veramaris: 2 years Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to forage fishes.
Monitored by: N/A Implemented by BioMar Group, Denmark. Fishfeed developed to reduce dependency on marine fisheries and enhance the nutritional value of seafood is the future of aquaculture feed. In current aquaculture practice natural marine algae is eaten by zooplankton, which are eaten by small fishes like forage fishes, which are then caught and turned into fish oil & fish meal for fishes like salmon to eat. Sources: https://www.veramaris.com/what-we-do-detail.html#omega3 http://algaprime.com/Algaprime_Product_Sheet.pdf http://www.biomar.com/globalassets/.global/blocks-content--images-_en/c-sustainability-_en/5.-guidelines--reporting_en/biomar-gri-report_2016_web.pdf
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title eLandings: Electronic Reporting Fisheries Background Paper-based catch and effort reporting system for commercial fishing are too inefficient. They take too long to get logged into the system and often lack location data. Prepared in collaboration with International Pacific Halibut Commission but not applied in Washington. Description of the Initiative The eLandings System provides you with integrated reporting for statewide groundfish and IFQ groundfish, Rationalized Crab IFQ fisheries, and non-IFQ CDQ crab fisheries. • The eLandings System meets all landing report requirements for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). • When a landing report is submitted in the eLandings System, the application returns a printable PDF file of the ADF&G fish ticket(s) and an IFQ receipt(s) for both the fisher and processor's records. • Fish tickets need to be finalized electronically within seven days of landing. A signed copy of the ADF&G fish ticket(s) must be submitted to the local office of ADF&G, in the same manner as paper fish tickets. • Mechanisms to set up The Interagency Electronic Reporting System (IERS) is a project involving three natural resource management agencies; • Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), • National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), • International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC)
Results / Gains • Improved data quality • Automated processing of data • Improved process for correcting or updating information • Availability of more timely data for fishery managers • Reduction of duplicative reporting of similar information to multiple agencies Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to transparency in the industry.
Monitored by Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). Implemented in Alaska.
Sources: https://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/fisheries/electronic-reporting
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Electronic Monitoring Fisheries Background In terms of fisheries management, the industry is still weak in terms of tracking and monitoring commercial fishing which increases changes of illegal catches and overfishing Description of the Initiative New Zealand’s Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) has set a new regulation that requires the use of geospatial position reporting (GPR) and cameras across the commercial fishing industry. The idea is to better manage the fisheries by collecting all the data from the elogbooks and comparing that to the GPR data and camera footage. Mechanisms to Set Up • Permit holders will choose and pay for the systems of their choice. • Permit holders will be responsible for installing the systems on their vessels. • MPI will pay for the cost of GPR transmission from vessels. • Permit holders will be responsible for the cost of transmitting their electronic monitoring data to MPI.
Results / Gains • Give confidence to New Zealanders, and consumers from around the world, that fish are being managed and caught sustainably • Where evidence of illegal activity is captured, the information can be used to prosecute Costs GPR: $1,000-$2,000 per vessel &$1,000 per year to operate Cameras: $5,000- $18,000 per vessel, & annual cost of $2,000 Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to transparency in the industry.
Monitored by: All information will be monitored by MPI. They must meet standards set in the Privacy Act, to protect the private information in the reporting it receives from fishers. MPI must also meet the requirements of the Official Information Act (OIA) to manage the release of information that is requested by the public. Under the OIA, the release of information must be considered on a case-by-case basis. Implemented in New Zealand. Source: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/protection-and-response/sustainable-fisheries/strengthening-fisheries-management/future-ofour-fisheries/digital-monitoring-of-commercial-fishing/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Blockchain technology to battle illegal fishing & seafood fraud Seafood Background To battle illegal fishing and seafood fraud, the NOAA introduced The Seafood Import Monitoring Program to establish permitting, data reporting and recordkeeping requirements for the importation of fish and fish products. The importer will be required to keep records regarding the chain of custody of the fish or fish product from harvest to point of entry into U.S. However, this manual record keeping is error-prone and laborious. Description of the Initiative Blockchain solves this issue. Seafood caught by fishermen will be tracked using a combination of RFID tags, QR codes and scanning devices which continuously transmit data to the blockchain about time, location, temperature, humidity among other data. A blockchain dedicated platform will help authorities confirm and validate the information as proof positive as it also tracks possession changes through the distribution. Mechanisms to Set Up Tracking will start as soon as the fish is caught and tagged using a reusable RFID tag that is on the boat. The devices are then detected and their location will be automatically uploaded to the blockchain throughout the food production process. Once the fish has been processed, it will then be fitted with a cheaper QR code tag on the packaging. The unique QR code will be linked to the blockchain record associated with the particular fish and its original RFID tag. The QR code tag will be used to trace fish all the way to the supermarket shelves.
Results / Gains • Transparency results in trust throughout the supply chain • Automation saves time and operating costs • Improved food security and product quality • Regulates fishing practices Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to transparency in the industry.
Examples are Earth Twine-Stratis Platform and Hyperledger Sawtooth. Sources: https://www.hyperledger.org/projects/sawtooth https://stratisplatform.com/2017/08/17/worlds_first_seafood_dedicated_blockchain/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Modeling tool to assess the impact of various fishery management policies on environment impact/climate change Fisheries Background Between the county’s capture fisheries and aquaculture production, China is the world’s largest producer of seafood. Effective fisheries reforms could have the effect of generating tremendous economic and ecological benefits for coastal China. Strong international collaborations can facilitate the two-way exchange of knowledge, technology, and data that are critical to successful fishery reform. Description of the Initiative SFG will design a user-friendly tool to quantitatively assess the impacts of alternative changes in fishery management with an emphasis on flexibility so that it can be applied to many species. This tool will be able to consider the influence of climate change and trophic interactions in the process of evaluating potential management interventions from both ecological and economic perspectives. SFG will provide training in the use of the tool and the concepts behind it to researchers at multiple institutes and universities in China so they can use it in their own research. Currently, four projects are planned using this tool, and more projects will emerge as SFG continues to build relationships with Chinese scientists and fisheries researchers.
Results / Gains • Improve fisheries management • Build local capability • Forecast impact of fisheries reform Costs Award Amount: $500,000 Timeline Sept 2016-Feb 2018 Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to better management in the industry.
Mechanisms to Set Up The Sustainable Fisheries Group (SFG) at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and the Packard Foundation are engaging Chinese researchers in collaborative research. The Marine Science Institute of UCSB is funding this project as part of a collaborative research program aiming to improve fisheries sustainability. Implemented in China.
Sources: http://sfg.msi.ucsb.edu/projects/collaborative-research-china https://msi.ucsb.edu/current-projects/capacity-building-china-through-collaborative-marine-research
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Zero Fish Waste
Zero Fish Waste Policy: Sanford Aquaculture Seafood Background A large percent of the fish is discarded as waste. Sanford collects almost 10 tons of blue mussel waste in their factory everyday. Description of the Initiative Sanford agreed to a deal with Yealands Estate Winery to help them improve their waste management system by reusing the former’s waste as an essential part of the latter’s production Mechanisms to Set Up The arrangement sees between nine and 10 tones of blue mussel waste taken from the factory every day to the Yealands Estate winery near Seddon where it is mixed with lime, sawmill waste, grape skins and pips, and sometimes seaweed to make a compost that is spread beneath the vines. Implemented by Sanford, New Zealand.
Results / Gains Impact on cost • Company saved dumping rates ranging from $60 a tonne for mussel shell to $95 for general refuse Impact on environment • 90-95 per cent of waste material produced by the factory is either recycled or used elsewhere Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to better management in the industry.
Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/marlborough-express/news/8138568/Mussel-shell-compost/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Local Norwegian standards sets requirement for fish farming Aquaculture Background Aquaculture is an important solution to increasing demand for fish but it comes with its set of issues. Escaped farmed salmon and exploitation of farmed areas are a few. NS 9415 (Floating Farms) The NS 9415 places technical requirements on the dimensioning, design, installation and operation of floating fish farming installations. Manufacturers need to get product certification for their products, farmers need to use certified products, mooring analysis needs to be done. NS 9416 (Land-Based Farms) The NS 9416 regulation states among many things that all land based facilities must acquire a permit from the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries by 1 January 2021. In order to qualify for these permits, all components at the facility that are significant for preventing fish escape, must comply with the requirements in the NS 9416:2013 standard. This means, for example, that all new fish tanks, hoses and pipes must have a product certification. NS 9410 (Environmental Monitoring) Authorities in most countries where salmon and trout farming is carried out requires the fish farmer to monitor the environmental impact regularly. In Norway such monitoring is done by following the NS9410: 2016 standard and through “MOM B and MOM C” activities. These activities are in brief the actions of taking risk based samples of the seabed and analyzing it in a laboratory; creating trends allowing for monitoring of the environmental impact of waste from the farm. Environmental monitoring is also a way for the farmer to optimize operations and to demonstrate for the public and authorities what that factual impacts are – short circuiting the often polarized public debate that mares the industry.
Mechanisms to Set Up It developed by Standards Norway in cooperation with representatives from the industry, research institutions and authorities. Standards Norway is currently working on internationalization of the standard through ISO. Monitored by: To ensure that the standard is observed by the fish farmers, the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs has laid down regulations. The regulations stipulate that fish farmers can only use new installations and main components that are certified in accordance with the standards and that such certification shall be performed by accredited certification body. Benefits/Gains: The number of escaped fish is reduced by a factor 10.
Source: No sources listed in original.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Development Licenses for Open Water Fish Farms Aquaculture Background Based on future needs of the fish farming industry both with respect to the problems regarding parasites, disease and localized pollution, in addition to the necessary increase in production numbers, fish farmers are developing a fish farm for open waters. There is a cap in place of licenses in Norway due to parasites. Description of the Initiative The Norwegian Government has decided to restrict growth (not issuing licenses) until the parasite issue has been handled. The recent surge in new designs is triggered by the Norwegian Government’s issuance of “Development Licenses.” These licenses are given to companies that develops new technology to tackle the industry biological and environmental challenges. New designs - same or similar designs will not get approval. Mechanisms to Set Up It is initiated by the Norwegian Government with political ambitions. Monitored by: Applications and are sent to the Directorate of Fisheries who handles them as they come in. Currently there are 40 projects on a waiting list to receive approval. It is expected to take up to 3 years to have an application approved for new applications.
Results / Gains Political ambitions about future growth • Marine wealth creation within 2050 to be 6x that of 2016 • 4% yearly growth Nurtures development of technology to solve environmental and acreage challenges Costs Each license is free of charge for up to 15 years (value between 200 – 500 MNOK) Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to better management in the industry.
Current Status: So far only 5 projects have been given licenses – all for different designs: • Hauge’s Egg • Norlaks Oppdrett AS – “Havfarm” XX • MNH Produksjon AS – “Aquatraz” • Ocean Farming AS (Salmar) • Akvadesign AS – “lukket merd teknologi” Implemented in Norway.
Source: http://ur30net.com/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title NTT Docomo: ICT Buoy Aquaculture Background High water temperatures result in fish spat mortality. Water temperature management is very important in fish farming, but on-site patrols to measure the temperature are impractical. In past years, experienced farmers could estimate water temperature from experience. As these old hands retire, their experience needs to be replaced with objective data analysis. Description of the Initiative Tokyo-based mobile phone company DoCoMo has developed and implemented a water temperature observation ICT buoy in the Tohoku area. Working at a depth of 1.5 - 2m, the buoys measure water temperature every hour, while data is accumulated onto a cloud server. The buoys contain communication features and a sensor, and link directly to a smartphone and tablet app, which provides information such as water temperature readings that are updated on the hour. It is hoped that the data gathered will be used to improve and stabilize the area's fish production. Mechanisms to Set Up The service is expected to be billed on a monthly basis, while startup costs will be required separately, NTT Docomo officials said. Initially, the company will provide ICT buoys, each 1.3 meters tall and weighing some 60 kg, for use in shallow water at seaweed farms. The buoys, equipped with communications functions, will measure water temperatures and salt levels every hour with sensors installed on the underside.
Results / Gains • Real-time information • Reduce manual labor • App gives visual representation of data • Better decisions making through data analysis Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related to water temperature.
Developed by: • DoCoMo: cloud server that can gather data taken from the buoys' communication module and sensor • S-Vans: developed and manufactured the buoys • Andex: working on the smartphone and tablet app Developed in Japan.
Sources: https://thefishsite.com/articles/japanese-fish-farms-thriving-on-new-technology https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/08/29/business/ntt-docomo-launch-data-service-aquaculture-farmers/#.WrNi4ehuY2w https://www.seafoodsource.com/news/aquaculture/tech-innovations-upgrading-japanese-aquaculture
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Marel Flexicut: Whitefish automatic pinbone detection & removal Seafood Background Pinbones are a series of bones in fish fillets, located at the most valuable part of the fillet. These bones are usually removed from the fillet by manual cutting. This manual operation is labor intensive, tedious, and requires skill that takes time and practice to develop. It is critical that the cutting operation (whether manual or automatic) does not leave any bones or bone fragments in the fillet. At the same time, it is important to minimize the amount of high-value raw material that is cut away with the pinbone removal. Description of the Initiative Flexicut, the first tangible output of an ongoing project called APRICOT (Automatic Pinbone Removal In COd and whiTefish) – a collaboration between Marel, Sintef, Norway Seafoods, and Faroe Origin, was developed as a solution to the above problem. The technology was twofold. Real time X-ray system was developed to accurately locate the bones in each fillet. Secondly, a cutting mechanism was designed and constructed. This mechanism follows the trajectory of the pinbones in each fillet, based on the X-ray measurements. Hence overall, the system not only locates pinbones and then cuts them out. It can also be precisely calibrated to divide the loin, cut the belly flap or tail, and portion the fish to customer specifications. The technology is for whitefish processing.
Results / Gains • • • • • • •
Improved quality Successful sales Smart processing Gentle and uniform product handling Reduces waste Introduce new products Increase competitiveness
Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Improve efficiency in the industry.
Mechanisms to Set Up Depends on the company using this. Monitored by Company to company. Implemented in Visir, Iceland and Fisk Seafood, Iceland. Sources: https://marel.co.uk/news/introducing-flexicut-/2866 https://marel.co.za/latest/fisk-seafood-new-markets-%E2%80%93-new-opportunities/4627
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Marel Innova: Food Processing Software Seafood Background Traceability and data analytics has high demand in seafood processing industry to improve operations. Description of the Initiative Innova provides a powerful interconnected management system to ensure traceability from source to shelf. The software offers full production control and traceability from raw material reception, through processing and on to final goods inventory. Tools or software are present for each step in the production cycle to help control, monitor and improve. Innova offers a system that automates reception of supplies, raw materials inventory, processing, packing, final goods inventory, dispatch and office (to help managers transform information into reports) Mechanisms to Set Up Innova offers a wide range of software that is adapted to the individual needs of food processors. If companies wish they could integrate all the solutions into one execution system to ensure control over the entire production cycle in seafood processing industry.
Results / Gains • Full control of processes • Reliable paperless data collection in a centralized system • Traceability throughout the system • Real-time monitoring of KPIs like yield, throughput and quality • Reports and real-time dashboards • Fish processing time reduced from 40 hours to 20 Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Improve efficiency in the industry.
Implemented in Fisk Seafood, Iceland and Fitz Roy, Australia.
Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgotHYbyj2g https://marel.com/fish-processing/systems-and-equipment/innova-software https://marel.com/innova/products/innova-explained https://marel.com/innova/stories-and-news/customer-stories/innova-is-part-of-the-dna-at-australis-seafoods/150
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title eFishery: Robotic Fish Feeding Aquaculture
Feeding machine & controller
Background Fish feeding typically accounts for 50 percent of a fish farm’s overhead costs, but since feeding is a manual task, its mostly an unmeasured and inexact method with one of two outcomes. Overfeeding means much of the feed goes to waste, hurting the bottom line of the business, the marine environment surrounding the farm, and the health of the fish. On the flip side, underfeeding leads to the die off of fish. Description of the Initiative Auto feeding robots are designed to address these issues and dispense just the right amount of feed by using sensors that measure fish appetite. Designed for large- and smallscale farmers, the system picks up on hungry fish behavior through an in-water, vibrationbased sensor that can read the movement of a hungry versus a full fish. After deducing the relative hunger of the fish, the top-loaded machine releases a customized amount of feed at pre-set times and sends a real-time activity report directly to the farmer’s smartphone.
Results / Gains • Reduces the amount of feed used by 21 percent • False positive rate (detecting a hungry fish when it's not) is currently less than 4 percent and is usually caused by weather changes Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA Tackle the challenges related increase efficiency and reduce pollution.
Implemented in Japan.
Source: https://thefishsite.com/articles/japanese-fish-farms-thriving-on-new-technology
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Digitalization – Autonomous Ships Digitalization Background YARA Birkeland will initially operate as a manned vessel, moving to remote operation in 2019 and expected to be capable of performing fully autonomous operations from 2020. The new zeroemission vessel will be a game-changer for global maritime transport contributing to meet the UN sustainability goals. Description of the Initiative The vessel YARA Birkeland will be the world’s first fully electric and autonomous container ship, with zero emissions. KONGSBERG is responsible for development and delivery of all key enabling technologies including the sensors and integration required for remote and autonomous ship operations, in addition to the electric drive, battery and propulsion control systems. NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) has conducted research into developing autonomous ferries that can transport passengers and vehicles across channels. The ferries would need minimum amounts of on-deck structures and could be alternatives to building bridges or tunnels between islands and mainland. Rolls-Royce and Wärtsilä are developing technology for remote monitoring and control of passenger ships while NTNU has built simulators for teaching future ferry operators.
Results / Gains • The vessel will reduce NOx and CO2 emissions by reducing diesel-powered truck transport by around 40,000 journeys per year Costs NOK 401 million Timeline 2017-2020 Relevance to WA Technical innovation.
Mechanisms to Set Up The Norwegian government enterprise ENOVA has granted NOK 133.6 million to Yara towards the construction of the world's first electric and autonomous container ship. This will cover about one third of the estimated cost. Private-public collaboration (Yara, Kongsberg, Marin Teknikk, SINTEF, ENOVA). Implemented in Norway.
Source KONGSBERG (2017) https://www.km.kongsberg.com/ks/web/nokbg0240.nsf/AllWeb/4B8113B707A50A4FC125811D00407045?OpenDocument
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title New Geotechnical Engineering and Industrial Tech Centre Background The centre will help Singapore's engineering ecosystem advance its adoption of new technology and innovative methods. Description of the Initiative Ryobi Kiso Holdings, a specialist ground engineering solutions provider, has launched its centre for geotechnical engineering and industrial technology in Singapore to build new competencies in ground engineering technologies. Through its research at the centre, which is supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), the company aims to solve engineering challenges, raise productivity and promote sustainable construction, and will also explore research and development partnerships with local research institutes and universities in the future. Mechanisms to Set Up Housed within Ryobi Kiso's existing facility at Sungei Kadut Loop, the centre's focus will be developing deep industrial technology capabilities in areas such as geotechnical engineering and heavy machinery, through research.
Results / Gains • • • •
Innovation Edge in geotechnical engineering Equip workforce with skills Job opportunities created for locals
Costs N/A Timeline Start: March 2018 End: N/A Relevance to WA WA needs to secure the education of new talent to utilize its existing institutions to promote research and innovation.
Monitored by Ryobi Kiso Holdings and the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). Implemented in Singapore.
Source: https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/companies-markets/ryobi-kiso-opens-geotechnical-engineering-and-industrial-techcentre-in-singapore
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Maritime Singapore Green Technology Initiative Background The Maritime Singapore Green Technology Initiative seeks to reduce the environmental impact of shipping and related activities and to promote clean and green shipping in Singapore. Description of the Initiative This initiative encourages local companies to develop and adopt green technologies. The projects should meet criteria, like resulting in a verifiable reduction of emissions (SOx, NOx, Co2) that comply with industry performance guidelines and the installation and retrofitting should be done in Singapore. Mechanisms to Set Up The Green Technology Programme provides grants of up to 50% of total qualifying costs to co-fund the development and adoption of green technologies. Grants are capped at US$1.5 million per project.
Results / Gains • Clean and Green technologies promoted and adopted • Impact in the environment from shipping and shipping-related activities is reduced Costs $US 76M Timeline Start: 2011 End: December 2019 Relevance to WA WA can also promote innovation by providing grants and incentives to startups or local companies.
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). Implemented in Singapore.
Source: https://www.mpa.gov.sg/web/portal/home/maritime-singapore/green-efforts/maritime-singapore-green-initiative
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Naval Architecture initiative: Green Coastal Shipping Program Background A total of 55% of emissions in Norway come from domestic shipping. With such a high proportion of emissions coming locally, and therefore falling under the regulation of the national government, Norway is well-positioned to target emissions from these particular ships and to approach how it might modify its economy for the good of the local (and global) environment. Description of the Initiative The national government aims to reduce domestic shipping emissions by 50% by 2040. The Green Coastal Shipping Program (GCSP), a collaboration between government authorities and the private sector (including DNV GL), aims to create a future Norwegian fleet run entirely or partly on batteries, LNG (liquefied natural gas) and other eco-fuels, even bio-fuels; everything from offshore vessels, ferries, container ships, tankers, and aquaculture and fishing vessels, to tug boats. Mechanisms to Set Up The program has four phases with phase one jointly funded by 25 industry partners plus Innovation Norway. In its first phase it evaluated the emission reduction potential for biofuel, battery, LNG and hydrogen-based transportation. In its second phase, the program is following up on those projects already carried out, but is also establishing new pilots like a plug-in hybrid biofuel vessel. A large number of ferry connections are up for renewal in the next four to five years.
Results/Gains • A complete ecosystem for the development and adoption of green technologies • Environmentally-centered design • Public ferry connections will have low or zero emissions by 2030 Costs xx Timeline Start: January 2015 End: 2040 Relevance to WA WA can also promote innovation and green technologies through public private collaborations.
The program is monitored by the National Government. The declaration has been signed by a total of 18 companies and organizations so far, together with the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Seafood policy and Ministry of Climate and Environment. Implemented in Norway. Sources: https://www.rina.org.uk/Green_tide_for_Norwegian_coast.html http://www.norwayexports.no/sectors/articles/norways-future-green-fleet/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Public-Private Partnerships: Horizon 2020 Background Horizon 2020 is the Commission proposal for a 80 billion euro research and innovation funding program (2014-2020). A core part of Europe 2020, Innovation Union & European Research Area is about responding to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs and growth, addressing people’s concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment and strengthening the EU’s global position in research, innovation and technology. This initiative couples research to innovation and simplifies the access, for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond. The successful applicants will get working very quickly, since the time to grant will be reduced to only 250 days. Mechanisms to Set Up The funding will be targeted towards three priorities. Excellence in science, promoting collaborative research to open new fields of innovation, providing opportunities for training and career development and ensuring access to world-class facilities. Secondly, Industrial Leadership, will promotes strategic investments in key technologies, leverage private finance and venture capital for research and innovation and provide a base for more innovative SMEs to create growth and jobs. The Societal Challenges part will aim to tackle environmental and energy concerns through innovation and promote breakthroughs through multidisciplinary collaborations.
Results / Gains • Impact on efficiency, innovation and growth • Public private partnership • Cooperation between sectors • Research base • Private venture finance Costs $100 billion Timeline 2014 - 2020 Relevance to WA WA can encourage government, academic and business collaborations for the development of innovations.
Monitored by European Commission. Implemented in the European Union.
Source: https://ec.europa.eu/research/industrial_technologies/pdf/conference2012/ppp-in-horizon-2020-herbert-von-bose_en.pdf
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Maritime by Holland Innovation Background The maritime sector has been a significant part of the Dutch business community for centuries thriving on the core principles of cooperation, innovation and entrepreneurship. Over the years, the sector has become a global leader in delivering innovative solutions to the international markets. Description of the Initiative Stichting Nederland Maritiem Land (NML) is an organization that connects twelve maritime sectors. NML facilitates the Dutch maritime network. It is a market-driven initiative that was created following a re-energized national shipping policy. Its core aim is to join-up the various maritime sectors and link them with government and academia. Doing this allows the creation of joint initiatives which strengthen individual sectors and promote the Netherlands as a significant maritime nation. Knowledge sharing across the network is facilitated to mutual advantage.
Results / Gains
Mechanisms to Set Up A privately funded organization, NML seeks to co-finance a range of projects to further the interests of the Dutch maritime community. It is governed by a board of directors selected from the network to provide a range of skills that reflect the entire spectrum of the membership.
WA can encourage government, academic and business collaborations for the development of innovations.
• Cooperation between sectors and also with government and learning institutions • Up-to-date information about the Dutch maritime sector which is made available to the entire network • Dutch maritime business will prosper, become more competitive and attract new talent Costs N/A Timeline Established: 1997 Relevance to WA
Monitored by Stichting Nederland Maritiem Land (NML).
Source: https://www.maritimebyholland.com/innovatie/mbh-inno/maritime-holland-inn/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title First Marine Insurance Blockchain Platform Background The blockchain platform supports the marine insurance industry to address the challenges of its complex international ecosystem involving multiple parties, long paper chains and duplication, high transaction volumes and significant levels of reconciliation — all potentially preventing transparency, compliance and accurate exposure management. Description of the Initiative EY and Guardtime announce the world’s first blockchain platform for the marine insurance sector. The platform launches in collaboration with A.P. Møller-Maersk A/S, ACORD, Microsoft, MS Amlin, Willis Towers Watson and XL Catlin and after a 20-week proof of concept. The global blockchain platform connects clients, brokers, insurers and third parties to distributed common ledgers that capture data about identities, risk and exposures, and integrates this information with insurance contracts. The platform’s capabilities include the ability to create and maintain asset data from multiple parties; to link data to policy contracts; to receive and act upon information that results in a pricing or a business process change; to connect client assets, transactions and payments; and to capture and validate upto-date first notification or loss data.
Results / Gains • Streamline and automate the interaction with the insurance market • Improved capital and efficiencies • Increased transparency • Reduced manual data entry or reconciliation and administration costs Costs N/A Timeline Delivery: 2018 Relevance to WA WA can adopt such developments to boost the efficiency in its professional services supporting the maritime industry.
Mechanisms to Set Up The blockchain platform is built on Microsoft Azure global cloud technology and is positioned to provide significant value to the insurance industry. Monitored by EY and Guardtime. Implemented in the United Kingdom. Source: http://www.ey.com/gl/en/newsroom/news-releases/news-ey-guardtime-and-industry-participants-launchthe-worlds-first-marine-insurance-blockchain-platform
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Autonomous Electric Barge: Port Liner The European Union is investing in Port Liner’s autonomous electric barges development as part of its initiative to improve port efficiency through innovative technology. The Dutch company Port Liner will be introducing the autonomous electric barges for the European market beginning in August of this year. Port Liner believes it could produce about 500 barges a year to revolutionize the freight industry, although the electric motors and batteries could also be retrofitted into older boats. Description of the Initiative The 5 autonomous electric barges to be built will be operating between the De Kempen intermodal terminal in the Netherlands and Antwerp, Belgium. This will be a big boost for the industry’s green energy credentials. These barges will be the first in the world to sail on carbon-neutral batteries. Mechanisms to Set Up The barges are designed to operate without any crew, although the vessels will be manned in their first period of operation as new infrastructure is erected around some of the busiest inland waterways in Europe. The batteries will be mounted in a container of their own, which means they can be used by existing vessels. This will allow the retrofitting of barges already in operation. Dubbed the “Tesla of the canals”, their electric motors will be driven by 20-foot batteries, charged on shore by the carbon-free energy provider Eneco, which sources solar power, windmills and renewables. The barges will be fitted with a power box giving them 15 hours of power. As there is no need for a traditional engine room, the boats have up to 8% extra space.
Results / Gains • Impact on environment and costs • Zero CO2 emissions • Crewless vessels Costs $8.7million by EU $250,000 by Port of Antwerp Timeline First delivery August 2018 Relevance to WA WA can build upon existing battery technologies used in ferries and apply them to the building of barges.
Monitored by Port Liner, Port of Antwerp. Implemented in Netherlands. Sources: https://cleantechnica.com/2018/01/13/dutch-company-introduces-autonomous-electric-barge-europe/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jan/24/worlds-first-electric-container-barges-to-sail-from-european-ports-this-summer https://theloadstar.co.uk/port-liner-launches-first-emission-free-barges-europes-waterways/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title World’s First All-Electric Commercial Fishing Vessel: Karoline Electric boats are especially advantageous in Norway, because the country generates its electricity exclusively from renewable sources, thus emitting no greenhouse gases. A new fishing cutter called the Karoline has been developed by boat builder Selfa Arctic AS, and it the world’s first all-electric commercial fishing vessel. Fishermen find it less strenuous to work on the Karoline than on conventional boasts, because the electric motor doesn’t produce exhaust gases, vibrations, and the noise associated with diesel engines. Description of the Initiative Corvus Energy powered the world’s first electric commercial fishing vessel. A Corvus lithium polymer Energy Storage System (ESS) has been integrated with a Siemens propulsion system aboard the world’s first electric commercial fishing vessel designed and built by Selfa Arctic AS. While fishing the vessel will operate emissions free, eliminating all greenhouse gasses including CO2. The boat will also generate less noise and vibration than a standard diesel engine powered fishing vessel. During the Karoline first 30 days of service its operators caught some 58,000 kg of fish, but it consumed only 0.04 liters of diesel per kilogram of fish, representing an 80-percent reduction in fuel consumption compared to conventional diesel-powered fishing cutters.
Results / Gains • Impact on environment and costs • Zero GHG, CO2 emissions • Costs savings from maintenance and operations • No noise load Costs xx Timeline Delivered 2015 Relevance to WA WA can develop similar technologies for the barges it produces and export them to larger vessels manufacturers.
Mechanisms to Set Up The fishing boat is designed to operate entirely on Corvus battery power over a planned ten hour working day. The boat’s main propulsion system is an electric motor that gets its energy from a set of batteries. When the boat is in port at night, its batteries are recharged with electricity from the local grid. As a precautionary measure, the boat is also equipped with an efficient diesel engine and an auxiliary 50kW electric generator. Implemented in Norway. Sources: http://corvusenergy.com/corvus-energy-powers-the-worlds-first-electric-commercial-fishing-vesselkaroline-designed-and-built-by-selfa-arctic-as/ https://www.siemens.com/innovation/en/home/pictures-of-the-future/mobility-and-motors/electric-mobilitycutting-emissions-with-electric-fishing-boat.html
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Hybrid Fish Farm Support Vessel: DNV GL & The Green Coastal Shipping Program Background In 2015, the Norwegian maritime industry launched the DNV GL-led public private initiative, the Green Coastal Shipping Program. The idea was to encourage research and development of green technology concepts in the country’s shipping sector. One of the pilots targeted the aquaculture segment with an environmentally friendly fish farm support vessel. ABB worked with the Norwegian Coastal Shipowners Association and ship-owner Egil Ulvans Rederi on developing a hybrid battery powered concept that is safer, more cost effective, and environmentally beneficial. Description of the Initiative The objective of the pilot project was to define how to best use a battery in combination with a combustion engine to make an energy efficient hybrid propulsion system. The risk of damage to cages in the case of a blackout is reduced, reducing potential insurance costs. The proposed concept vessel would be large enough to handle the more complex and demanding operations offshore that have come with the growing aquaculture sector.
Results / Gains • Impact on environment and costs • Lower CO2, NOx and SOx emissions • Costs savings from maintenance and fuel Costs xx Timeline Concept sent to shipyard in 2017 Relevance to WA WA can build upon existing hybrid technologies used in ferries and apply them to the building of fishing vessels.
Mechanisms to Set Up The concept is based on a 70-meter long vessel that can be converted to fit either a hybrid LNG and battery powered propulsion system or a diesel-plus-battery solution. Both concepts would cut down on NOx, SOx and CO2 emissions (240 tons/year). The vessel would rely on battery power to shave power peaks when loading and unloading at sea and absorb load changes from blasts and swells. A battery back-up solution would also create safer operations by reducing the risk of engine failure and serving as back up. Monitored by Norwegian Coastal Shipowners Association, ABB, Egil Ulvans Rederi. Implemented in Norway. Source: http://www.norwayexports.no/sectors/articles/fish-vessels-go-electric/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Fully Battery-Powered Fish Farm Workboat: GMV Zero Background The Norwegian shipbuilder Grovfjord Mechanical Workshops (GMV) has seen a growing need among its fish farming customers for sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions. Therefore they developed GMV Zero the world’s first electric fish farm workboat. Such a vessel will attract fish farmers wishing to have a green profile. The idea for GMV Zero originally started several years ago as a way to eliminate the exposure of the workers on board to carcinogenic diesel exhaust particle emissions. Since then, the prices of batteries have dropped dramatically and the number of fish farms along the Norwegian coast with electricity from the grid has increased to about 85% of all farm locations. Both factors have contributed to making 100% battery operation feasible. Description of the Initiative GMV Zero has zero CO2 emissions, no NOx particle emissions, very low operating and maintenance costs and little or no noise load. The annual reduction of CO2 will be 90 tons and NOx will be lowered by 900kg. The expectations are that GMV Zero could save at least $24,000 per year in operational expenditures compared to a diesel-powered boat.
Results / Gains • Impact on environment and costs • Lower CO2, NOx, SOx and particle emissions • Costs savings from maintenance and operations • No noise load Costs xx Timeline Delivery in 2018 Relevance to WA WA can build upon existing hybrid technologies used in ferries and apply them to the building of fishing vessels.
Mechanisms to Set Up Eventually, the boat will be offered as a hybrid workboat. Customers will be able to choose either a hybrid, pure electric boat or standard workboat. Monitored by Grovfjord Mechanical Workshops (GMV). Implemented in Norway. Sources: https://www.fishfarmingexpert.com/article/shipbuilder-plugs-first-electric-workboat/ http://www.norwayexports.no/sectors/articles/fish-vessels-go-electric/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title SINTEF Innovation Background SINTEF is an independent, non-profit organization in Norway. None of its owners receive any form of dividend. Profits are invested in scientific equipment, skills and expertise. Description of the Initiative It is a multidisciplinary research organization with international high level of expertise in the fields of technology, natural sciences, medicine and social sciences. It is one of the largest contract research institutions in Europe. SINTEF has a partnership with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, University of Oslo and other leading research centers in Norway and worldwide. The collaboration between SINTEF and NTNU is a key component of the Norwegian research system. Research areas: Biotechnology, Climate and environment & Renewable energy
Results / Gains • High levels of innovation • Increased competitiveness Income NOK 3147 million Timeline
Relevance to WA WA can encourage government, academic and business collaborations for the development of innovations.
Mechanisms to Set Up More than 90% of their income comes from contracts won in open competition. Income from: • Business and industry (Norway & international) - 48 % • Public sector - 10 % • EU - 7 % • Project grants from The Research Council of Norway - 23 % • Basic grants from The Research Council of Norway - 7 % • Other sources - 5 %
Source: https://www.sintef.no/en/this-is-sintef/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Pharmasea Collaborative project which brings European researchers to search for marine-derived pharmaceuticals. Background Pharmasea projects main role is to convert the potential of marine biotechnology into industrial products for the pharmaceutical (human and aquaculture), cosmetic, functional food and industrial chemistry sectors. Description of the Initiative Scientists from all over the world work together to collect and screen samples of mud and sediment from undiscovered oceanic trenches. These samples will be screened to discover marine microbes and new bioactive compounds to evaluate their potential as novel drug leads and antibiotics. Several compounds being tested at the University of Tromsø in Norway and at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland are showing initial signs of antibacterial properties. Mechanisms to Set Up The large-scale, four-year project is backed by more than €9.5 million of EU funding and brings together 24 partners from 13 countries from industry, academia and nonprofit organizations. Implemented in EU.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Results / Gains • High level of innovation • Developing new technology Costs xx Timeline xx
Click to edit Master title Windward Ocean Big Data which tracks vessel traffic and behavior to detect any smuggling or illegal fishing. Background Windward aims to model all maritime risks such as every ship that might crash, every cargo that could be delayed and piracy. Description of the Initiative The initial product currently include MARINT, which tracks vessel traffic using commercial satellites and alerts law enforcement and intelligence agencies about suspicious behavior, such as smuggling or illegal fishing. Mechanisms to Set Up Raised $10.8 million in funding led by Horizons Ventures, with participation from returning investor Aleph. Implemented in Israel.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Results / Gains • High level of innovation • Developing new technology Costs xx Timeline xx
Click to edit Master title MaRINET2 Provides a physical testing facilities and online platform for researchers to collaborate towards efficient technologies for offshore renewable sector. Background MaRINET2 is working towards its vision of unlocking the energy potential of the ocean. It provides a platform to develop and deploy efficient technologies for offshore renewable energy (ORE) and it is suitable to promote the next generation of ORE devices. Description of the Initiative • To improve the quality, robustness and accuracy of physical modelling and testing practices operated by MaRINET2 infrastructures. • To develop new physical modelling practices for systems under development for ORE systems where currently no standardization exists. • To provide access to shared relevant research infrastructures related to ORE research. The MaRINET2 project has awarded €1.3m to 34 technology development teams through a competitive call for proposals. This will accelerate the next generation of offshore renewable energy technologies by providing technology testing at MaRINET2’s testing facilities. Mechanisms to Set Up Coordinated by MaREI (Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland) in University College Cork, MaRINET2 is a €10.5m project, funded by the European Commissions’ Horizon 2020 program. Implemented in EU countries.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Results / Gains • Improve efficiency for offshore renewable energy • Access to shared research • Provides testing facilities to develop new technology • High level of innovation Costs xx Timeline xx
Click to edit Master title European Marine Energy Centre Ltd Provides a physical testing facilities and online platform for researchers to collaborate towards efficient technologies for offshore renewable sector. Background The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Ltd provides developers of both wave and tidal energy converters, technologies that generate electricity by harnessing the power of waves and tidal streams with accredited open-sea testing facilities in Orkney.
Results / Gains
Description of the Initiative • EMEC provides a wide range of consultancy and research services alongside technology testing in the facilities they provide. EMEC is attracting developers from around the globe to prove what is achievable in some of the harshest of marine environments (Orkney).
• Improve efficiency for offshore renewable energy • Provides testing facilities to develop new technology • High level of innovation
• Orkney is an ideal location for testing for its oceanic wave regime, strong tidal currents, grid connection, sheltered harbor facilities and the renewable, maritime and environmental expertise that exists within the local community.
Mechanisms to Set Up Around £34 million of public funding has been invested in the Centre by the Scottish Government, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, The Carbon Trust, UK Government, Scottish Enterprise, the European Union and Orkney Islands Council. Implemented in UK.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Costs xx
Click to edit Master title Wave Hub Facilitates testing for a range of offshore technologies. Background Wave Hub manages the Wave Hub facility and facilitate testing of a range of offshore technologies including large scale wave energy devices, wave energy arrays, floating wind, hybrid wind & wave devices, major subcomponents and associated subsea equipment. Located in the UK 16km offshore from Hayle on the north coast of Cornwall, in the eastern extremes of the Atlantic Ocean. Description of the Initiative • Progress technology development by enabling connection and testing of offshore renewable energy installations. • Drive research and innovation to help overcome the final hurdles to full commercialization. • Promote a growing offshore renewable energy industry and stimulate associated community benefits. Mechanisms to Set Up The construction of the Wave Hub test facility was funded by the European Regional Development Fund Convergance Programme and the UK Government. Implemented in UK.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Results / Gains • Improve efficiency for offshore renewable energy • Provides testing facilities to develop new technology • High level of innovation Costs xx Timeline xx
Click to edit Master title National Research Council Canada Innovation Background The NRC's Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering Research Centre supports a broad cross section of industry sectors by developing creative and practical solutions to engineering challenges in rivers, lakes and marine environments. Description of the Initiative The Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering Research Centre assists industry and other government departments to develop solutions to engineering challenges within ocean, coastal and river environments with a particular focus on harsh and extreme conditions. They assist in providing technology and solutions for the following three market segments: • Arctic: Ensuring sustainable, low impact development of the North while increasing the quality of life for Northerners • Marine Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources: Improving marine infrastructure, manage water resources and solve complex water issues through marine renewable energy technologies • Marine Vehicles: Improving their design while lowering the risks and costs associated with their operation. Mechanisms to Set Up The NRC is an agency of the Government of Canada, reporting to Parliament through the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development. It is governed by a council of appointees drawn from its client community.
Source: https://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/rd/ocre/index.html
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Ocean Technology Council of Nova Scotia Innovation Background technology and industry sector in Nova Scotia. The mandate of the Council is to advance economic opportunities for Nova Scotia’s ocean technology companies. Description of the Initiative OTCNS acts as a facilitator, linking members to each other and to government partners. Our purpose is to identify, promote and support the development of opportunities for our member companies and to the sector as a whole. We accomplish this through member activities, learning sessions, workforce retention and training activities, supplier development events, strategic advocacy with respect to domestic and international supply chain opportunities, innovation and productivity improvement. OTCNS is a key resource for Nova Scotia businesses to access information on ocean technology related procurement, business and academic linkages. Mechanisms to Set Up Partnering with provincial and federal governments, academic institutes and research establishments to create opportunities for their members to participate in targeted international business missions and trade exhibitions with the purpose to investigate and maximize international market development and engagement in appropriate global supply chains.
Source: http://otcns.ca/about/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title National Research Council Canada Innovation Background OceansAdvance is the voice of Canada’s Newfoundland and Labrador Ocean Technology Innovation Cluster. Description of the Initiative OceansAdvance's membership consists of more than 90 export-driven companies, research and technology organizations; highly engaged municipal, provincial and federal governments plus a number of post-secondary academic institutes and trade associations focused on producing the next generation of ocean leaders. OceansAdvance is led by groups of professionals who are leading in oceans research and growing expertise in operating safely and efficiently in Arctic marine conditions; leaders in the global Blue Economy; and who lead an impressive innovation ecosystem. OceansAdvance ocean technology cluster are active in the following sectors: • Ocean Observation & Science (Oceanography, ocean modelling, etc.) • Ocean Energy Mechanisms to Set Up A group of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Research, Academic, Industry and Government leaders converged to create an ocean technology cluster management organization. Its mission is to unite and excite the development of an ocean technology sector in NL, by aligning industry, academia, research and government toward a shared long-term vision of economic diversification.
Source: http://www.oceansadvance.net/
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Click to edit Master title Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation Innovation Background CSIRO is an Australian Government corporate entity, constituted by and operated under the provisions of the Science and Industry Research Act 1949. Collaborates with leading organizations around the world. Description of the Initiative The Science and Industry Research Act 1949 defines the purpose and the functions they undertake for the benefit of Australia: 1. To carry out scientific research for any of the following purposes: • Assisting Australian industry • Furthering the interests of the Australian community • Contributing to the achievement of Australian national objectives or the performance of the national and international responsibilities of the Commonwealth • Any other purpose determined by the Minister 2. To encourage or facilitate the application or utilization of the results of such research. Research Areas: Ocean energy, Clean Water, Robotics and Oceanography Mechanisms to Set Up Implemented in Australia.
Source: https://www.csiro.au/en/About
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title National Research Council Canada Innovation Background the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, is a Crown Research Institute established in 1992. It operates as a stand-alone company. Description of the Initiative Crown Research Institutes (CRIs) are Crownowned companies established to undertake scientific research and related activities in accordance with the Crown Research Institutes Act 1992. Ownership is held equally between two shareholding Ministers appointed by the New Zealand Government and governed by a Crown-appointed Board of Directors.
Results / Gains
Income $126.3 million Timeline
Research areas: Oceanography and Robotics Mechanisms to Set Up Most of NIWA’s revenue is from contestable research funding and commercial consultancy work. Main revenue sources were: • Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment: 51% ($64 million) • Ministry for Primary Industries: 12% ($15 million) • The remaining 37% of NIWA's funding came from a mix of work for organizations including local and central government, and the private sector. Implemented in New Zealand.
Source: https://www.niwa.co.nz/about/our-company
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Society of Maritime Industries Innovation Background The Society of Maritime Industries (SMI) was formed from the British Marine Equipment Council in 2001. Active on a number of fronts to assist members with collaborations and accessing funding both in the UK and Europe. Provides members with business opportunities, assisting with research and innovation, lobbying government and its agencies to improve the business environment, facilitating network opportunities and providing marketing and other services. Description of the Initiative The Society of Maritime Industries (SMI) is the voice of the UK’s maritime engineering and business sector promoting and supporting companies which design, build, refit and modernize ships, and supply equipment and services for all types of commercial and naval ships, ports and terminals infrastructure, offshore oil and gas, maritime security and safety, marine science and technology, maritime autonomous systems and marine renewable energy.
Results / Gains
Income $126.3 million Timeline
Research areas: Oceanography and Robotics Mechanisms to set up. Implemented in the UK and Europe.
Source: http://www.maritimeindustries.org/About
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Natural Environmental Research Council Innovation Background NERCI is United Kingdom’s leading public funder of environmental science. Description of the Initiative NERC supports six research centers and several scientific institutes around the UK work in partnership with NERC to carry out research as it is needed. Each year NERC invests in cutting-edge research, postgraduate training and innovation in universities and research centers. NERC also funds national capability; the large research infrastructure, services, facilities and data centers that enable the research and make its results available.
Results / Gains
Income £330 million Timeline
Research areas: Clean water, Ocean energy and Robotics. Mechanisms to Set Up NERC fosters UK and international partnerships that bring business, government and civil society together with scientists to address the challenges and opportunities of managing the environment, and to drive UK innovation, economic growth and societal wellbeing.
Sources: https://nerc.ukri.org/about/ https://nerc.ukri.org/research/funded/programmes/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title National Oceanography Centre Innovation Background The NOC is the UK's national centre of excellence for large scale oceanographic research. Description of the Initiative A multi-disciplined centre research encompasses Marine Geoscience, Marine Physics and Ocean Climate, Marine Systems Modelling, Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems, and Ocean Technology and Engineering. NOC is the nation’s marine data assets; the British Oceanographic Data Centre, the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility, the National Marine Equipment Pool, Europe’s largest fleet of autonomous and robotic vehicles, and we manage two state of the art research ships.
Results / Gains
Income £330 million Timeline
Mechanisms to Set Up It is one of six centres supported by the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC), and funded to work on national capability programs. Funding for the work is secured from other sources including NERC competitive funding, EU grants and from commercial organizations.
Source: http://noc.ac.uk/about-us
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title SEAcORE: Southeast Asian Collaboration for Ocean Renewable Energy Background SEAcORE is envisioned to be a platform for the exchange of ideas, initiatives, and experiences. Description of the Program It forms a collated and active core network of expertise in Southeast Asia (SEA) to set, assist, augment, or facilitate adoption of Ocean Renewable Energy (ORE) in the region. It also promotes diffusion of renewables’ products and creates new markets for partner industrial firms. Presently cooperation is in the form of joint projects in resource mapping and assessments among the network. Mechanisms to Set Up Energy Research Institute at Nanyang Technological University initiated the SEAcORE collaboration with Singapore neighboring countries, such as Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Implemented in Southeast Asia.
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Results / Gains • High level of innovation Costs xx Timeline xx
Click to edit Master title OCTTIC (Open Centre Tidal Turbine Industrial Capability) A project to develop and test tidal turbines technology/design with improved efficiency and lower installation cost. Background The Open Centre Tidal Turbine Industrial Capability (OCTTIC) project is a €3m EU Horizon 2020 funded project. The key deliverable of the project will be to deploy an array of tidal turbines, at a significantly improved efficiency and lower cost. (led by OpenHydro) Description of the Program • OCTTIC aims to significantly reduce the cost of energy production from tidal turbines, by reducing the installed cost per turbine by 46%. • Improve the efficiency of the technology and engage the supply chain, reducing the lead time for supply of turbines significantly. • The outcome of the project will help launch the commercial phase of tidal energy development, supporting business plans and attracting investment. • The project will support the target of a cost competitive form of tidal energy, matching the price of offshore wind. • The project will include deployment of the Normandie Hydro tidal array, a 14MW tidal energy project off the North Coast of France. Mechanisms to Set Up This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. Implemented in Ireland.
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Results / Gains • Improve efficiency and lower installation cost of tidal turbines Costs xx Timeline xx
Click to edit Master title FLOTEC (Floating Tidal Energy Commercialisation) A project to develop a floating tidal system/technology prototype to provide lowcost and high-value tidal energy. Background The Floating Tidal Energy Commercialisation (FloTEC) project, led by Scotrenewables Tidal Power, has been recognized for its ability to demonstrate how floating tidal systems can provide low-cost and high-value energy. Description of the Program • The aim of the project is to produce a fullscale device in real conditions with high levels of reliability and survivability, and to develop a greater understanding to installation, operation and decommissioning costs. • The SR2000-M2 will feature a number of innovations, including 50 percent greater energy capture through enlarged rotors with a lower rated speed, full onsite access to all turbine systems through an optimized platform configuration, high performance blades, compatibility with local supply chain and infrastructure and mooring load dampers. • It is due for installation at the European Marine Energy Centre, Orkney in early 2019. Mechanisms to Set Up FloTEC has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. The program runs from 2014 – 2020 and will provide nearly €80 billion of funding, the largest of its kind to date. Implemented in UK.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Results / Gains • Improve energy efficiency and lower cost of floating tidal turbines • High level of innovation Costs xx Timeline xx
Global Case Studies: Global Studies: Click to Case edit Master title Working Waterfronts Deep Decarbonization
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Introduction: Global Case Click to edit Master title Studies Working Waterfronts Clean and safe maritime practices are essential to support a Blue Economy. Efficient operations, stable regulatory infrastructure and sustainable policies have been adopted globally across the maritime community to promote these countries as competitive.
Maritime Logistics and Shipping
Marine Habitat: financial incentives for reduction of underwater noise Green Port: port infrastructure and shuttles powered by clean energy Smart Port: big data, digitalization and autonomous operations Smart Port: fully automated port operations to increase competitiveness Smart Port: virtual container yard Smart Port: blockchain to reduce transportation administration costs Sweden Port Dues Air Quality: ship exhaust scrubbing as an alternative to cold ironing Air Quality: cold ironing with Onshore Power Supply (OPS) Air Quality: emissions reduction from Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE)
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Marine Habitat: financial incentives for reduction of underwater noise Background While there are plenty of naturally occurring sounds in the ocean, an increase in commercial vessel traffic is the main reason for increased underwater noise. In the North Pacific Ocean, underwater noise has been doubling in intensity every decade for the past 60 years. Most underwater noise from large vessels is caused by propeller cavitation. Other sources of vessel underwater noise include engine and on board machinery; drag from poor hull maintenance; bow/stern thrusters. Description of the Program The Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) Program is a Vancouver Fraser Port Authority-led initiative aimed at better understanding and managing the impact of shipping activities on at-risk whales throughout the southern coast of British Columbia. The long-term goal of the ECHO Program is to develop mitigation measures that will lead to a quantifiable reduction in potential threats to whales as a result of shipping activities. Mechanisms to Set Up In January 2017, Vancouver added a new incentive criteria to its existing EcoAction program to include harbor due rate discounts for quieter ships, making Canada the first country in the world with a marine noise reduction incentive. The ECHO Program benefited from early input and advice from scientists, shipping industries, conservation and environmental groups, First Nations individuals and government agencies to help the program focus efforts and set goals and objectives. Funding contributors include Fraser River Pile and Dredge; Trans Mountain; Transport Canada; Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.
Results / Gains • Harbor due rate discounts for quieter ships • Beneficial to whales throughout the southern coast of British Columbia Costs N/A Timeline 2014-2018: plan and execute projects to inform mitigation 2016-2019: development and trialing of potential mitigation solutions, targets and incentives 2017-onwards: implement incentive / voluntary programs; monitor and manage measurable threat reduction Relevance to WA Preserving WA’s mammal marine life is of prime concern to WA’s population.
Monitored by: Adoption of technologies/practices (e.g. various vessel-quieting designs, technology and maintenance options) which reduce underwater noise, subject to the evaluation process of the noise reduction effectiveness in the EcoAction program. Implemented Canada’s Port of Vancouver. Source: hhttps://www.portvancouver.com/environment/water-land-wildlife/marine-mammals/echo-program/
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Click to edit Master title Green Port: Port Infrastructure and Shuttles Powered by Clean Energy Background
Ports are increasingly looking to reduce their environmental footprints, whilst seeking to add new jobs to the green sector workforce. Several leading ports around the world have already invested in renewable sources to power part of their infrastructure such as warehouses, and terminals, as well as to provide OPS to ships berthing there. Description of the Program Current or recent projects include: Use of emission-free fully-electric barges for port shuttles (container sailings between ports in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The larger vessels can accommodate 270 containers and can sail for at least 35 hours with four container batteries. Recharge time is 4 hours, or batteries can be exchanges at port terminal. Because electric motors do not need a large engine room, the loading area is 8% larger than that of comparable ships. Gothenburg Port Authority has become a climateneutral company by investing in solar panels, biogas, district heating and other environmental initiatives, so that its emissions have been reduced to a minimum. The remainder will be offset by purchasing Chinese wind power. APM Terminals’ power consumption (at Maasvlakte II) supplied by European wind parks, including its crane and box handling equipment, and electric vehicles for staff transportation onsite. Use of solar energy (1 MW) for Port of Los Angeles’ World Cruise Center as the first phase of a multi-location solar power program to eventually produce 10 MW of solar generation capacity.
Results/Gains Six barges (zero-emission transport) expected to remove 23,000 trucks from Netherlands’ roads annually Solar PV installation (1 MW) with an expected annual $200,000 energy cost savings, and a lifetime reduction of 22,800 metric tons of CO2 (approx. annual GHG of 4,367 cars) Investment Costs €7 million euro grant for construction of 11 fully-electric inland vessels Solar panel installation for 10 MW, estimated as $10.8 million project Timeline N/A Relevance to WA WA has an ambition to significantly reduce DPM and GHG emissions by 2020.
Mechanisms to Set Up Emissions in ports are monitored by U.S. EPA Various ports have different funding mechanisms, such as: Implemented in Germany, Netherlands, Port of Los Angeles is self-supporting and has Sweden, UK, USA. grant programs available to support air quality improvements from port. EU provided € 7 million euro grant for construction of 11 fully-electric inland vessels for container sailings between ports in Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, with first vessel delivery in Aug 2018. Source: https://www.portoflosangeles.org/newsroom/2010_releases/news_101910_cannon.asp
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Click to edit Master title Smart Port: Big Data, Digitalization and Autonomous Operations Maritime Logistics & Shipping Background By going digital, connectivity and automation will help reduce environmental footprints of the port industry along with intelligent transport systems, which have a huge potential to reduce CO2 emissions. As ships get bigger and international trade increases, ports around the world are improving maritime infrastructure and enhancing port facilities with smarter, more intelligent designs with the help of technology. Description of the Program Improved Maritime and Port Operations Using Analytics-Based Technologies, Singapore: IBM and MPA Results / Gains Singapore are to develop and test-bed new analytics-based • Improved cargo unloading efficiency technologies, aimed at improving maritime and port of 43% operations to cater to increasing growth in vessel traffic in • Efficient traffic management at ports Singapore. (shore-based and marine traffic) Port Road Management, Hamburg: this innovative traffic • Reduces environmental pollution management system optimizes road traffic at Port of • Port of Hamburg realized 30% Hamburg. To improve the flow of traffic, potential incidents in reduction of traffic movements the road network are recorded, automated messages are generated, and road users are informed via LED panels so Costs congestion can be avoided. The IT-based traffic management includes: (1) an incident management system; (2) parking • JV with data platform technology management in port; (3) current traffic information; (4) traffic companies e.g., IBM or Microsoft information center; (5) dynamic traffic management via • Port authorities such as Singapore, alternative routes; (6) terminal inflow management via preLong Beach, Rotterdam and gate parking spaces. Hamburg are trailblazers in next Digitization to Host Autonomous Ships, Rotterdam: Port generation port designs and of Rotterdam Authority and IBM joined forces on a multi-year technology digitization initiative to transform the port’s operational environment using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. One Timeline of its key goals is to accommodate autonomous ships. x Digitization for Efficient Traffic Management, Rotterdam: As part of its digitization initiative with IBM, Port Relevance to WA of Rotterdam started developing a centralized dashboard application that will collect and process real-time data for a WA has an ambition to significantly safer and more efficient traffic management at the port. reduce DPM and GHG emissions by Autonomous Operations: automated ports in Hong Kong, 2020. Singapore and Taiwan can undertake 46 crane moves per hour, which is 43% more efficient than North American ports in unloading cargo. Additionally, at the Port of Rotterdam, almost every part of the process of unloading containers is handled by software, and office workers remotely control the cranes over their computers. PitStop, Maersk Fleet: An app called Pit Stop rolled out to Maersk container vessel crews and operations staff in March 2018 to collect key operational data real-time at each port call to help optimize port calls and vessel operations. Implemented in China (incl. Hong Kong), Germany, Netherlands, Singapore, USA (mainly California), and in Maersk (container fleet) Sources: http://www.greenport.com/news101/Projects-and-Initiatives/smart-and-sustainable-ports https://www.aeroqual.com/ship-pollution-port-air-quality https://www.marineinsight.com/shipping-news/ibm-and-mpa-singapore-collaborate-to-improve-maritime-and-port-operations-using-analytics-based-technologies/ https://worldmaritimenews.com/archives/243966/interview-complete-transformation-of-how-ports-operate-imminent/ http://www.nedapidentification.com/solutions/cases/guiding-truckers-in-port-of-hamburg.html
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Click to edit Master title Smart Port: Fully Automated Port Operations to Increase Competitiveness Background Seven of the world's busiest container terminals are in China but now, one of them is completely void of workers. The eastern port of Qingdao is home to Asia's first fully-automated port, Qingdao New Qianwan Automatic Container Terminal (QQCTN), a change which is likely to revolutionize the global shipping business. Indeed QQCTN has become Asia’s first fully automated port terminal after servicing its first containership, the 13,386 TEU COSCO in 2017. Description of the Program After three years of development (to build the terminal from scratch), the terminal has completed its first fully automated phase to upgrade two berths across 660 m of quay with seven STS cranes operated by remote control, 38 automated stacking cranes (ASCs) and 38 battery-powered automated guided vehicles (AGVs). The terminal is controlled by artificial intelligence, laser scanners and positioning systems that can locate the four corners of each container to accurately clamp and move them onto driverless trucks. These smart autopilot trucks, driven by electricity, have their routes and tasks under digital control. Automated guided vehicles are programmed with routes and tasks and also have the artificial intelligence to recognize when a recharge is needed. The upgrade has essentially changed blue collar tasks into a white collar one. Workers used to operate the machines in sky-high cranes, but now much of the work has been left to a computer in the office.
Results / Gains • Improved operational efficiency (e.g. amount of workers required to unload a cargo ship as the 13,386 TEU ship, has been reduced from 60 to nine) • Terminal operational in complete darkness during night-time (thus reducing labor costs by 70% and increase overall efficiency by 30%) Costs • • •
Remotely controlled STS cranes Automated stacking cranes (ASCs) Battery-powered automated guided vehicles (AGVs)
Timeline Terminal development duration: 3 years Relevance to WA WA has an ambition to significantly reduce DPM and GHG emissions by 2020.
What happens next: The terminal is part of China’s One Belt One Road initiative and as a result QQCTN is planning to operate sustainably around the clock with four more fully automated berths. Implemented in China’s Port of Qingdao or “Ghost Port.” Sources: https://www.porttechnology.org/news/asia_enters_fully_automated_terminal_era https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d637a4e31677a4d/share_p.html
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Click to edit Master title Smart Port: Virtual Container Yard Background It has been estimated that 30-40% of intermodal trucks are hauling empty containers at any given moment, the result of an inefficient system in which containers are routinely returned to marine terminals or container depots after being unloaded. Those extra trips add up to a lot of wasted transportation time and expense for both carriers and shippers, and create traffic congestion and air pollution.
Street turns
Description of the Program • Port of Long Beach: Virtual Container Yard (VCY) is a technology aimed at reducing empty container handling, primarily used by ocean and motor freight carriers. It is a cloud-based system that informs participating operators which containers are to be delivered back to the depot. It thus eliminates needless empty trips by matching available import containers “on the street” with export needs for equipment. • Port of Rotterdam: Container Exchange Route (CER) is an internal means to connect all the terminals at a port with each other. • Port of Rotterdam: TEUbooker offers a synchromodal solution, whereby it utilizes unused capacities of all transport modes to maximize exchange possibilities and reduce transportation costs. It is a 24/7 online booking portal for container transport in the Port of Rotterdam. With one click, users can book containers on existing barge, rail and truck movements in the Maasvlakte area. Bookers can follow. How VCY Works Basics of the VCY logistics: a carrier posts the availability of an empty container online, including its location. A trucker, seeking an empty container, uses an online search mechanism to locate available equipment by location. A match is identified, and the trucker requests a VCY transaction. An electronic authorization is issued, allowing the trucker to pick up the empty container and deliver it directly to the new customer. Note that the VCY integrates with ocean carriers’ equipment management systems. As the carrier’s system updates the status of each container, the information is transferred to the VCY and made available to approved trucking companies. A trucking company is allowed access to this information only if authorized by the ocean carrier.
Results/Gains Transparent exchange of data between participants Elimination of gate fees, storage charges and terminal handling fees Fuel savings Optimization of port logistics process Ease of business for operators, shippers and forwarders Investment Costs N/A Timeline N/A Relevance to WA WA has an ambition to significantly reduce DPM and GHG emissions by 2020.
Implemented in Netherlands (Port of Rotterdam), USA (Port of Long Beach).
Sources: http://www.polb.com/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=3755 http://www.inboundlogistics.com/cms/article/virtual-container-yards-net-real-results/ https://www.portofrotterdam.com/en/news-and-press-releases/teubooker-launches-online-container-transport-booking-portal
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Click to edit Master title Smart Port: Blockchain to Reduce Transportation Administration Costs Background The shipping industry is increasingly committed to the wider application of blockchain across the global logistics and shipping businesses as it will lead to much greater operating efficiencies, security and transparency. Blockchain technology is expected to minimize transport costs of goods as it is estimated that the maximum cost of required trade documentation to process and administer these goods is one-fifth of the actual physical transportation costs. By reducing barriers within the international supply chain, global trade could increase by nearly 15% (World Economic Forum). Description of the Program Rotterdam, Blockchain Technology Field Lab: launch of new applied research lab (BlockLab) for the development of concrete applications and solutions based on blockchain technology in Sept 2017. BlockLab is an initiative of the Port of Rotterdam Authority and the Municipality of Rotterdam, and is supported by the regional development corporation InnovationQuarter. Pacific International Lines (PIL), PSA (Singapore) and IBM have finished a successful blockchain trial from Chongqing to Singapore – and believe the concept can be taken to the next stage. The 3 companies agreed in August 2017 to collaborate on blockchain-based supply chain business network innovations and successfully worked on a proof of concept exercise, built on the IBM Blockchain Platform, applying and then testing a blockchain-based supply chain to track and trace cargo movement from Chongqing to Singapore via the Southern Transport Corridor. AP Moller–Maersk and IBM established a JV in June 2016, aimed at offering a global trade digitization platform by using blockchain technology, and address the need for greater transparency and simplicity in the movement of goods across borders and trading zones. Commercialization plans: (1) shipping information pipeline to provide end-to-end supply chain visibility and enable all players managing a supply chain to securely and seamlessly exchange shipment information in real time; (2) Paperless Trade, to digitize and automate paperwork filings by enabling end-users to securely submit, validate and approve documents across organizational boundaries, ultimately to reduce time and cost for clearance and cargo movement. Upon regulatory clearance, solutions from the JV are expected to become available within 6 months. Multiple parties have piloted the platform including DuPont, Dow Chemical, Tetra Pak, Port Houston, Rotterdam Port Community System Portbase, the Customs Administration of the Netherlands, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
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Results/Gains Transparent and trustworthy execution of multimodal logistics capacity booking Regulatory-compliant execution of multimodal logistics capacity booking process Real-time track and trace Permissioned access control for ecosystem participants Costs Joint ventures and financing (e.g. Municipality of Rotterdam financing the BlockLab) Joint ventures and financing (e.g. Municipality of Rotterdam financing the BlockLab) Timeline N/A (platform development < 1 year) Relevance to WA WA could leverage to increase the efficiency of its ports’ administrative operations.
Implemented in Netherlands (Rotterdam), Singapore and U.S. (New York). Sources: https://www.portofrotterdam.com/en/news-and-pressreleases/port-authority-and-municipality-of-rotterdam-launchblockchain-technology http://www.containerst.com/news/view,pil-psa-and-ibm-totake-blockchain-concept-to-next-stage_50902.htm https://www.joc.com/international-logistics/pil-and-psa-hookibm-singapore-blockchain-project_20170815.html https://worldmaritimenews.com/archives/240853/maersk-ibmto-set-up-blockchain-jv/ http://smart-port.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Bijlage6_White-Paper-Blockchain.pdf https://www.coindesk.com/europes-second-largest-portlaunches-blockchain-logistics-pilot/
Click to edit Master title Sweden Port Dues Background In 1996, the Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA), the Swedish Port and Stevedores Association, and the Swedish Shipownersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Association agreed to use differentiated dues to encourage the reduction of emissions of SOx and NOx from shipping in Swedish fairways and ports. The original goal was to reduce NOx and SOx emissions by 75% over ten years. Description of the Program The program has been designed to be cost-neutral, charging polluting ships (ship emissions at or over 6g/kWh of NOx) more while providing discounts to cleaner ships. As polluting ships have to pay more, the extra dues which become therewith available are used to pay the discount on dues which is given to cleaner ships. The program was restructured in 2005, 2010, 2014 and 2016 to reflect changes of fuel regulation and advances in emission control technologies, and to ensure sufficient incentives continue to be provided.
Washingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Air Quality: Ship Exhaust Scrubbing as an Alternative to Cold Ironing Background When berthed, ships require electricity to support activities like loading, unloading, heating and lighting, cargo refrigeration, and other on board activities. This power is generally provided by auxiliary engines and boilers that emit carbon dioxide (CO2) and air pollutants, affecting local air quality and ultimately the health of both port workers and nearby residents. The same holds for noise nuisance. Description of the Solution / Technology As an alternative to cold ironing (which is a process where ships shut off their diesel-powered engines and use shorebased power for their electrical needs, preventing and/or significantly reducing harmful emissions during each port visit), specialized barges (or shore-based system) can be used by connecting to the exhaust vents of ocean-going vessels (especially container ships) to scrub pollution. AMECS – Advanced Maritime Emissions Control System, also known as "Baghouse System“, consists of ECS (Exhaust Capture System) and ETS (Emissions Treatment System) and can also be used by non-regular ships whilst on dock. AMECS is approved by CARB as a certified alternative to cold ironing which allows ships not equipped with shore power to achieve cold ironing compliance. Unlike shore power, AMECS does not require any modification to the ship, and does not require major power system infrastructure upgrades that are associated with shore power. AMECS patented “direct connect” technology safely connects to each vessel exhaust port to provide 100% exhaust gas capture. Barge-based system can be moved from vessel to vessel to remove criteria pollutants from the vessel’s exhaust gas while the vessel is hoteling. Continuous emissions monitoring provides assurance to regulatory agencies that pollutants are being removed.
Results / Gains • Proven emissions reductions: 95% PM, 99% NOX, 99% SOX, 99% VOCs • Less expensive than shore power • No vessel or berth retrofit required • Eliminates ship blackout concerns associated w/ grid • Rapid connection • Can handle multiple exhaust ports at the same time • Same emission reductions regardless of fuel type used Costs AMECS is less expensive than OPS and requires no vessel or berth retrofit Timeline N/A Relevance to WA WA has an ambition to significantly reduce DPM (diesel particulate matter) and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by 2020.
Provider of AMECS In 2013, Port of Long Beach provided about $2 million in seed money to help test AMECS. Advanced Cleanup Technologies Inc. (ACTI) can market AMECS to vessel operators as an alternative to container ships plugging into the electrical grid to reduce emissions while at berth. Container and cruise ships must significantly reduce atberth emissions to meet state regulations, but the existing “shore power” option requires retrofits to each vessel. Monitored by Emissions in ports are monitored by U.S. EPA. Pollutants’ monitoring by AMECS. Implemented in USA (technology approved by CARB to achieve cold ironing compliance). Sources: http://aapa.files.cms-plus.com/PDFs/Sandidge%20AAPA%205-9-14.pdf http://www.polb.com/news/displaynews.asp?NewsID=1495 http://advancedemissioncontrol.com/
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Click to edit Master title Air Quality: Cold ironing with Onshore Power Supply (OPS) Background When berthed, ships require electricity to support activities like loading, unloading, heating and lighting and other on board activities. Today, this power is generally provided by auxiliary engines that emit carbon dioxide (CO2) and air pollutants, affecting local air quality and ultimately the health of both port workers and nearby residents. The same holds for noise nuisance. Description of the Program Cold ironing is a process where ships shut off their dieselpowered engines and use shore-based power for their electrical needs, preventing and/or significantly reducing harmful emissions during each port visit. In this way ships’ operations can proceed uninterrupted, while eliminating negative side-effects. Electricity can be from renewable sources, or cleaner fuels like LNG. Mechanisms to Set Up Tougher environmental legislation, greater focus on emissions in ports from shipping and rising fuel prices are factors pushing ports to consider cold ironing. The European Commission issued a recommendation stating that "Member States should consider the installation of shore-side electricity for use by ships at berth in ports; particularly in ports where air quality limit values are exceeded or where public concern is expressed about high levels of noise nuisance, and especially in berths situated near residential areas“. There is an EU directive which requires all ports in the 28-member bloc to make shore power available by 2025. In California, its Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted a regulation in 2007 to reduce emissions from diesel auxiliary engines on ships while atberth for container, cruise and reefer vessels. Port authorities and governments may subsidize the project costs, which could be a public-private collaboration.
Results / Gains • Reduced emission of air pollutants, CO2, noise and vibration • Shore power cuts air pollution from ships at berth by 95% • Can remove as much as 1,000 pounds of diesel exhaust pollutants during a single port call of a typical container ship Costs • •
Quayside: US$ 300,000 to 4 million per berth, depending various factors Shipside: US$ 300,000 to 2 million, depending on various factors
Timeline N/A Relevance toResults WA / Gains WA has an ambition to significantly reduce DPM (diesel particulate matter) and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by 2020.
To build up a clear and comprehensive idea of the potential for cold ironing at a particular port requires input from many different parties. A working group comprising experts and representatives from different stakeholders (e.g. port authority, targeted shipping lines (frequentcallers), terminal operator, local community, suppliers of electricity and automation technology, environmental engineers) should discuss the issue and create a wellfounded business case. Monitored by Emissions in ports are monitored by U.S. EPA. Implemented in Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, USA (incl. WA State partially). Sources: http://wpci.iaphworldports.org/onshore-power-supply/implementation/terminal-selection.html http://wpci.iaphworldports.org/onshore-power-supply/cost/investments.html
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Click to edit Master title Air Quality: Emissions reduction from Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE) Background Vessels arrive and depart ports around the clock, which mean equipment and machinery at these ports are always operating. Cargo handling equipment, together with the trucks that are coming to port to pick up or discharge cargo, is the second largest source of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in ports. Cargo handling equipment at ports generally include yard tractors, cranes, forklifts, container handlers (e.g. top picks and side picks), and bulk handling equipment, such as tractors, loaders, dozers, excavators, and backhoes. Among these equipment types, yard tractors, container handlers, and forklifts are the most common types of equipment at ports. Description of the Program To reduce the amount of pollutants emitted from ports, ports are beginning to retrofit these cargo handling equipment types with emissions control systems, replace older equipment with newer cleaner equipment, or use cleaner fuel technologies, such as electrification. Mechanisms to Set Up Such programs are usually self-funded by the port terminals and port authorities and/or service providers. However, governmental grants might also be available. For example, the Port of Los Angeles secured a $5.8 million state grant to purchase and test a new fleet of 25 zero and near-zero emission yard tractors at its container terminal. The grant will also fund a companion project to equip 100 more drayage trucks with smart technology aimed at reducing emissions by streamlining their time on the road and improving the flow of containers to and from the port complex. This grant was by the California Energy Commission (CEC), which supports freight transportation projects at California seaports under its Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program. The purpose is to advance commercialization of clean fuels and technologies that cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce petroleum use and improve the health and quality of life of communities disproportionately burdened by environmental pollution.
Results / Gains • Yard hostlers with hydraulic hybrid technology are expected to achieve 60-70% improvement in fuel economy and a 40% reduction in emissions. • Electric trucks can be 4-9 times cheaper to operate than diesel trucks, depending on fuel costs and operating conditions Costs • •
Electric yard hostler: $189,950 Electric truck: $208,500
Timeline N/A Relevance to WA WA has an ambition to significantly reduce DPM (diesel particulate matter) and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by 2020.
Monitored by Emissions in ports are monitored by U.S. EPA. Implemented in Canada, Singapore and USA (incl. WA State partially). Sources:
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Global Studies: Click to Case edit Master title Workforce Deep Decarbonization Development
Washingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Introduction: Global Case Click to edit Master title Studies Workforce Development With the growth of innovative blue technologies, there will also be a requirement for a new workforce that is trained in operating and applying the latest technologies in engineering and other disciplines. Below is a list of education & training initiatives globally aimed at doing just that.
Maritime Support Services Ocean Science Technology
Singapore’s Maritime Education and Training UK’s Leadership in University degrees and qualifications Germany’s Maritime Agenda 2025: Strengthen expertise New geotechnical engineering and industrial tech centre EU Blueprint: Developing careers and skills
ICONN (European Industrial Doctorate initiative)
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Singapore’s Maritime Education and Training Background The Singapore government and the private sector have implemented a comprehensive range of programs aimed at growing Singapore’s pool of maritime professionals. The maritime industry strongly supports the development of talent. Scholarships and sponsorships are available from various organizations such as MPA, industry associations and private companies. Description of the Program To ensure that Singapore’s marine community continues functioning like a well-oiled machine, it needs well-trained people equipped with the relevant skills. As the private sector champion of the maritime industry, the Singapore Maritime Foundation is constantly on the look-out for new partners to collaborate on new scholarships, maritime-related courses and initiatives, raise awareness of the exciting job opportunities in the industry and facilitate interaction between prospective maritime employers and the students and ultimately attract them to the industry. Mechanisms to Set Up An example is the MaritimeONE Scholarship, sponsored by maritime companies and administered by the Singapore Maritime Foundation, and supports various local and overseas diploma and degree programmed. For new entrants to the industry, or existing maritime employees, there are also attachment programmed to give you a taste of this dynamic industry from a different perspective. Through internships and industrial attachments, you can gain new experiences in this global industry, either locally or abroad. For ship officers and crew, the Integrated Simulation Centre (ISC) has a range of advanced simulators to provide realistic training.
Results / Gains • Impact on education and training • Maintaining a trained workforce • Attracting more talent to the industry Costs XX Timeline Ongoing Relevance to WA WA state can boost its scholarship system targeting professional training courses to encourage new talent in the industry.
Monitored by Singapore Maritime Foundation. Implemented in Singapore
Sources: http://www.smf.com.sg/maritimeedu.html https://www.maritimesgconnect.com/learn/scholarships-awards/maritimeone-scholarships https://www.mpa.gov.sg/web/portal/home/maritime-singapore/education-and-scholarships/maritime-education
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Click to edit Master title UK’s Leadership in University degrees and qualifications Background The education and training sector is a particular strength within the UK’s maritime services. Although its primary role is to keep UK’s maritime organizations supplied with talented and highly qualified people, it is also part of the global offering through internationally known centers of excellence such as The Costas Grammenos Centre for Shipping Trade and Finance at Cass Business School in the City of London, the Institute of Maritime Law at Southampton University, Henley Business School and Warsash Maritime Academy. Description of the Program The range of provision is very wide and includes professional training and updating as well as certification and award-bearing programs in subjects as diverse as oceanography, marine engineering, naval architecture, maritime business and maritime law. The range of courses on offer makes the UK particularly attractive to those wishing to study at postgraduate level, or to take the very highest professional qualifications. Mechanisms to Set Up Most of the universities situated in or near to the UK’s major ports have specialist maritime departments, and industry-specific qualifications are available from professional bodies such as the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Association of Average Adjusters, and IMarEST.
Results / Gains • • • •
Impact on education and training Maintaining a trained workforce Attracting more talent to the industry Attracting students from all around the globe to study in the country
Costs XX Timeline Ongoing Relevance to WA WA can target more national and international students to its universities, collaborate with the industry for internships and offer more certificates for technical marine professions.
Monitored by xx. Implemented in United Kingdom
Source: http://www.maritimelondon.com/service/education
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Germany’s Maritime Agenda 2025: Strengthen Expertise Background Training of qualified professionals is the key to securing the viability and competitiveness of the German maritime industry. Germany has excellent professional training infrastructure thanks to its dual system of vocational education and training and its high-performing universities. Description of the Program The Alliance for Training and Employment in Maritime Shipping is the ideal platform from which to shape national shipping policy together with maritime industry stakeholders. In the past years, positive impetus has been provided in many ways, for instance through government funding for training and employment opportunities. Competitive conditions are continually changing. Safeguarding maritime expertise in Germany remains a priority task of the Maritime Alliance. With the support of the maritime sector, the aim is to offer young people secure prospects in maritime professions. Mechanisms to Set Up The employers have agreed to provide 20,000 more apprenticeship positions in 2015 than were registered with the Federal Employment Agency (BA) in 2014. This level will serve as a benchmark for the coming years. Each year, every young person seeking an apprenticeship who has not signed an apprenticeship contract by 30 September will be guaranteed three apprenticeship offers. The federal states have agreed to improve career guidance in schools by giving teachers further training.
Results / Gains • Impact on education and training • Maintaining a trained workforce • Attracting more talent to the industry Costs XX Timeline Started in 2014, ongoing Relevance to WA WA can build on the existing educative and training system and implement a dual vocational system, bringing supply closer to demand.
Monitored by German authorities. Implemented in Germany.
Sources: https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/observatories/eurwork/articles/labour-market-industrial-relations/germany-new-alliancefor-vocational-training-and-further-employment https://www.bmwi.de/Redaktion/EN/Publikationen/maritime-agenda-2025.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title New Geotechnical Engineering and Industrial Tech Centre Background The centre will help Singapore's engineering ecosystem advance its adoption of new technology and innovative methods. Description of the Initiative Ryobi Kiso Holdings, a specialist ground engineering solutions provider, has launched its centre for geotechnical engineering and industrial technology in Singapore to build new competencies in ground engineering technologies. Through its research at the centre, which is supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), the company aims to solve engineering challenges, raise productivity and promote sustainable construction, and will also explore research and development partnerships with local research institutes and universities in the future. Mechanisms to Set Up Housed within Ryobi Kiso's existing facility at Sungei Kadut Loop, the centre's focus will be developing deep industrial technology capabilities in areas such as geotechnical engineering and heavy machinery, through research.
Results / Gains • • • •
Innovation Edge in geotechnical engineering Equip workforce with skills Job opportunities created for locals
Costs N/A Timeline Start: March 2018 End: N/A Relevance to WA WA needs to secure the education of new talent to utilize its existing institutions to promote research and innovation.
Monitored by Ryobi Kiso Holdings and the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). Implemented in Singapore.
Source: https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/companies-markets/ryobi-kiso-opens-geotechnical-engineering-and-industrial-techcentre-in-singapore
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title EU Blueprint: Developing careers and skills Background The Blue Careers projects work program 2016 aim to establish platforms for cooperation between business and education at local/regional or transnational level to develop and implement concrete actions to close the skills gap, tackle the unemployment challenge and raise the attractiveness of "blue careers" among students. Seven projects covering both higher education and vocational training have been selected and have started at the beginning of 2017. Among the 10 concrete measures supporting the implementation of the Skills Agenda for Europe is the Blueprint for sectoral skills cooperation. The Blueprint serves as a framework to develop a comprehensive strategy and concrete actions at European level with an action plan to be then implemented at national/regional level. It is organized into 3 phases. Mechanisms to Set Up Setting up a sectoral skills partnership at EU level: the partnership will translate the industry's sectoral needs in terms of skills into a comprehensive strategy for skills development and policy recommendations as well as concrete solutions, such as designing or updating curricula and qualifications. The EU partnership platform will be industry-led and will gather key stakeholders from different maritime technology segments, education providers (both Vocational Education and Training (VET) and higher education) and industry.
Results / Gains • Impact on industry growth and workforce development • Identification of skills gaps • Collaboration with many stakeholders to improve education and training • Targeted approach Costs $4.3 Million Timeline Began in 2016 Relevance to WA WA needs to establish a dedicated platform to identify the skills gaps and then match the demand with supply through targeted education and training and raising awareness in students.
Selecting sectors where the Blueprint can bring added value: this is based, amongst others, on evidence of skills gaps and their potential impact on growth, innovation and competitiveness. Rolling out at national and regional level: Building on the results achieved at EU level, the Blueprint will be progressively rolled out at national and regional level, in cooperation with national and regional authorities, and key stakeholders according to national/regional needs.
Implemented in EU.
Source: https://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/policy/skills-career-development_en
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title ICONN (European Industrial Doctorate initiative) A project to develop the European engineering skills in the design, development and performance optimization for offshore wind and wave energy installations. Background ICONN is a European Industrial Doctorate initiative to meet the current and future demand for highly skilled offshore wind and wave energy engineers by developing the European capacity in the design, development and performance optimization for Offshore Wind and Wave Energy installations. Description of the Initiative • ICONN provides expert education and training across the offshore wind and wave sectors, helping industry accelerate innovation, development and deployment of new offshore technologies. • Proposes new technologies, approaches and identifies deficiencies in the offshore Wind Turbine (WT) and Wave Energy Converter (WEC) sectors. • Aims to familiarize researchers with the technical disciplines relevant to offshore renewable energy, while strengthening their knowledge with key emergent systems and technologies. Mechanisms to Set Up This project is funded by a Marie SklodowskaCurie Innovative Training Network initiative under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. Implemented in EU.
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Results / Gains • Improve efficiency for offshore renewable energy • High level of innovation • Increase skills on ORE Costs xx Timeline xx
Global Studies: Click to Case edit title Global CaseMaster Studies: Deep Decarbonization Cluster Coordination
Washingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Introduction: Global Case Click to edit Master title Studies Cluster Coordination For sector wide initiatives to be implemented effectively, a cluster organization is needed with dedicated focus on improving the competitiveness of the country or region using collaboration and coordination. A selection of relevant cluster initiatives are included here.
Maritime Support Services
Shipbuilding, repair and maintenance
Singapore’s Maritime Education and Training UK’s Leadership in University degrees and qualifications Germany’s Maritime Agenda 2025: Strengthen expertise EU Blueprint: Developing careers and skills Naval Architecture initiative: Green Coastal Shipping Program First marine insurance blockchain platform Strategic Green Alliances for Denmark
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Singapore’s Maritime Education and Training Background The Singapore government and the private sector have implemented a comprehensive range of programs aimed at growing Singapore’s pool of maritime professionals. The maritime industry strongly supports the development of talent. Scholarships and sponsorships are available from various organizations such as MPA, industry associations and private companies. Description of the Program To ensure that Singapore’s marine community continues functioning like a well-oiled machine, it needs well-trained people equipped with the relevant skills. As the private sector champion of the maritime industry, the Singapore Maritime Foundation is constantly on the look-out for new partners to collaborate on new scholarships, maritime-related courses and initiatives, raise awareness of the exciting job opportunities in the industry and facilitate interaction between prospective maritime employers and the students and ultimately attract them to the industry. Mechanisms to Set Up An example is the MaritimeONE Scholarship, sponsored by maritime companies and administered by the Singapore Maritime Foundation, and supports various local and overseas diploma and degree programmed. For new entrants to the industry, or existing maritime employees, there are also attachment programmed to give you a taste of this dynamic industry from a different perspective. Through internships and industrial attachments, you can gain new experiences in this global industry, either locally or abroad. For ship officers and crew, the Integrated Simulation Centre (ISC) has a range of advanced simulators to provide realistic training.
Results / Gains • Impact on education and training • Maintaining a trained workforce • Attracting more talent to the industry Costs XX Timeline Ongoing Relevance to WA WA state can boost its scholarship system targeting professional training courses to encourage new talent in the industry.
Monitored by Singapore Maritime Foundation. Implemented in Singapore
Sources: http://www.smf.com.sg/maritimeedu.html https://www.maritimesgconnect.com/learn/scholarships-awards/maritimeone-scholarships https://www.mpa.gov.sg/web/portal/home/maritime-singapore/education-and-scholarships/maritime-education
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title UK’s Leadership in University degrees and qualifications Background The education and training sector is a particular strength within the UK’s maritime services. Although its primary role is to keep UK’s maritime organizations supplied with talented and highly qualified people, it is also part of the global offering through internationally known centres of excellence such as The Costas Grammenos Centre for Shipping Trade and Finance at Cass Business School in the City of London, the Institute of Maritime Law at Southampton University, Henley Business School and Warsash Maritime Academy. Description of the Program The range of provision is very wide and includes professional training and updating as well as certification and award-bearing programs in subjects as diverse as oceanography, marine engineering, naval architecture, maritime business and maritime law. The range of courses on offer makes the UK particularly attractive to those wishing to study at postgraduate level, or to take the very highest professional qualifications. Mechanisms to Set Up Most of the universities situated in or near to the UK’s major ports have specialist maritime departments, and industry-specific qualifications are available from professional bodies such as the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Association of Average Adjusters, and IMarEST.
Results / Gains • • • •
Impact on education and training Maintaining a trained workforce Attracting more talent to the industry Attracting students from all around the globe to study in the country
Costs XX Timeline Ongoing Relevance to WA WA can target more national and international students to its universities, collaborate with the industry for internships and offer more certificates for technical marine professions.
Monitored by xx. Implemented in United Kingdom
Source: http://www.maritimelondon.com/service/education
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Germany’s Maritime Agenda 2025: Strengthen Expertise Background Training of qualified professionals is the key to securing the viability and competitiveness of the German maritime industry. Germany has excellent professional training infrastructure thanks to its dual system of vocational education and training and its high-performing universities. Description of the Program The Alliance for Training and Employment in Maritime Shipping is the ideal platform from which to shape national shipping policy together with maritime industry stakeholders. In the past years, positive impetus has been provided in many ways, for instance through government funding for training and employment opportunities. Competitive conditions are continually changing. Safeguarding maritime expertise in Germany remains a priority task of the Maritime Alliance. With the support of the maritime sector, the aim is to offer young people secure prospects in maritime professions. Mechanisms to Set Up The employers have agreed to provide 20,000 more apprenticeship positions in 2015 than were registered with the Federal Employment Agency (BA) in 2014. This level will serve as a benchmark for the coming years. Each year, every young person seeking an apprenticeship who has not signed an apprenticeship contract by 30 September will be guaranteed three apprenticeship offers. The federal states have agreed to improve career guidance in schools by giving teachers further training.
Results / Gains • Impact on education and training • Maintaining a trained workforce • Attracting more talent to the industry Costs XX Timeline Started in 2014, ongoing Relevance to WA WA can build on the existing educative and training system and implement a dual vocational system, bringing supply closer to demand.
Monitored by German authorities. Implemented in Germany.
Sources: https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/observatories/eurwork/articles/labour-market-industrial-relations/germany-new-alliancefor-vocational-training-and-further-employment https://www.bmwi.de/Redaktion/EN/Publikationen/maritime-agenda-2025.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title EU Blueprint: Developing careers and skills Background The Blue Careers projects work program 2016 aim to establish platforms for cooperation between business and education at local/regional or transnational level to develop and implement concrete actions to close the skills gap, tackle the unemployment challenge and raise the attractiveness of "blue careers" among students. Seven projects covering both higher education and vocational training have been selected and have started at the beginning of 2017. Among the 10 concrete measures supporting the implementation of the Skills Agenda for Europe is the Blueprint for sectoral skills cooperation. The Blueprint serves as a framework to develop a comprehensive strategy and concrete actions at European level with an action plan to be then implemented at national/regional level. It is organized into 3 phases. Mechanisms to Set Up Setting up a sectoral skills partnership at EU level: the partnership will translate the industry's sectoral needs in terms of skills into a comprehensive strategy for skills development and policy recommendations as well as concrete solutions, such as designing or updating curricula and qualifications. The EU partnership platform will be industry-led and will gather key stakeholders from different maritime technology segments, education providers (both Vocational Education and Training (VET) and higher education) and industry.
Results / Gains • Impact on industry growth and workforce development • Identification of skills gaps • Collaboration with many stakeholders to improve education and training • Targeted approach Costs $4.3 Million Timeline Began in 2016 Relevance to WA WA needs to establish a dedicated platform to identify the skills gaps and then match the demand with supply through targeted education and training and raising awareness in students.
Selecting sectors where the Blueprint can bring added value: this is based, amongst others, on evidence of skills gaps and their potential impact on growth, innovation and competitiveness. Rolling out at national and regional level: Building on the results achieved at EU level, the Blueprint will be progressively rolled out at national and regional level, in cooperation with national and regional authorities, and key stakeholders according to national/regional needs.
Monitored by xx. Implemented in EU.
Source: https://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/policy/skills-career-development_en
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Naval Architecture initiative: Green Coastal Shipping Program Background A total of 55% of emissions in Norway come from domestic shipping. With such a high proportion of emissions coming locally, and therefore falling under the regulation of the national government, Norway is well-positioned to target emissions from these particular ships and to approach how it might modify its economy for the good of the local (and global) environment. Description of the Initiative The national government aims to reduce domestic shipping emissions by 50% by 2040. The Green Coastal Shipping Program (GCSP), a collaboration between government authorities and the private sector (including DNV GL), aims to create a future Norwegian fleet run entirely or partly on batteries, LNG (liquefied natural gas) and other eco-fuels, even bio-fuels; everything from offshore vessels, ferries, container ships, tankers, and aquaculture and fishing vessels, to tug boats. Mechanisms to Set Up The program has four phases with phase one jointly funded by 25 industry partners plus Innovation Norway. In its first phase it evaluated the emission reduction potential for biofuel, battery, LNG and hydrogen-based transportation. In its second phase, the program is following up on those projects already carried out, but is also establishing new pilots like a plug-in hybrid biofuel vessel. A large number of ferry connections are up for renewal in the next four to five years.
Results/Gains • A complete ecosystem for the development and adoption of green technologies • Environmentally-centered design • Public ferry connections will have low or zero emissions by 2030 Costs xx Timeline Start: January 2015 End: 2040 Relevance to WA WA can also promote innovation and green technologies through public private collaborations.
The program is monitored by the National Government. The declaration has been signed by a total of 18 companies and organizations so far, together with the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Seafood policy and Ministry of Climate and Environment. Implemented in Norway. Sources: https://www.rina.org.uk/Green_tide_for_Norwegian_coast.html http://www.norwayexports.no/sectors/articles/norways-future-green-fleet/
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title First Marine Insurance Blockchain Platform Background The blockchain platform supports the marine insurance industry to address the challenges of its complex international ecosystem involving multiple parties, long paper chains and duplication, high transaction volumes and significant levels of reconciliation — all potentially preventing transparency, compliance and accurate exposure management. Description of the Initiative EY and Guardtime announce the world’s first blockchain platform for the marine insurance sector. The platform launches in collaboration with A.P. Møller-Maersk A/S, ACORD, Microsoft, MS Amlin, Willis Towers Watson and XL Catlin and after a 20-week proof of concept. The global blockchain platform connects clients, brokers, insurers and third parties to distributed common ledgers that capture data about identities, risk and exposures, and integrates this information with insurance contracts. The platform’s capabilities include the ability to create and maintain asset data from multiple parties; to link data to policy contracts; to receive and act upon information that results in a pricing or a business process change; to connect client assets, transactions and payments; and to capture and validate up-to-date first notification or loss data.
Results / Gains • Streamline and automate the interaction with the insurance market • Improved capital and efficiencies • Increased transparency • Reduced manual data entry or reconciliation and administration costs Costs N/A Timeline Delivery: 2018 Relevance to WA WA can adopt such developments to boost the efficiency in its professional services supporting the maritime industry.
Mechanisms to Set Up The blockchain platform is built on Microsoft Azure global cloud technology and is positioned to provide significant value to the insurance industry. Monitored by EY and Guardtime. Implemented in the United Kingdom.
Source: http://www.ey.com/gl/en/newsroom/news-releases/news-ey-guardtime-and-industry-participants-launchthe-worlds-first-marine-insurance-blockchain-platform
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B
Click to edit Master title Strategic Green Alliances for Denmark Shipbuilding Background Denmark, South Korea and China have ambitious national plans for a transition to greener and more energy efficient economies. South Korea is the third-largest export market for Denmark in Asia and an important market for Danish shipping. The Chinese ship building industry are interested in partnering with Danish companies that possess unique green-tech know-how in the field of optimization of ship design and fuel consumption. The main purpose of the alliances is to pave the way for increased Danish exports of environmental technology to South Korea and China, while gaining knowledge from their developed shipbuilding practices. Description of the Initiative The Danish-South Korean agreement commits the countries to having annual meetings with ministerial participation. The Danish Minister for Business and Growth’s meeting with the South Korean Minister of Oceans and Fisheries is important for further developing the close cooperation. Delegates from the Chinese organization Shipbuilding Information Center of China (SICC) together with Danish Maritime recently visited FORCE Technology in Lyngby. The meeting was an initial step towards a future cooperation where SICC can assist in projects between FORCE Technology and Chinese companies within the ship building industry.
Results / Gains • • • •
Impact on environment and efficiency Green energy and technology Knowledge exchange Circular economy
Costs xx Timeline South Korea: Started in 2011, ongoing China: Started 2017 Relevance to WA WA could consider initiating partnerships with other countries in order to exchange tech knowledge and green practices.
Mechanisms to Set Up The focus of the 2017 Danish-South Korean Green Growth Alliance roundtable meeting was circular economy and how this can be a driver for growth and sustainable shipbuilding. The main agendas included the role of the state in accelerating the transition towards a circular economy. Implemented in Denmark, South Korea and China. Sources: http://sydkorea.um.dk/en/about-us/temp-news-list/newsdisplaypage/?newsid=1da8e9a1-f57d-4bda-aedb-b5f9d3112254 https://www.marinelink.com/news/friendship-green-ships399120 https://forcetechnology.com/en/about-force-technology/news/new-ship-building-collaboration-between-china-and-denmark
Washington’s Strategy for the Blue Economy | January 2019 Appendix B