Week 10

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Fluid dynamics, in i physics, is the sub‐ discipline of fluid mechanics which deals d with fluid flow – the natural sciencce of g in motion. Itt has fluids (liquids & gases) several sub disciiplines itself, inclu uding aerodynamics (th he study of gasees in motion) and hydro odynamics (the study of liquids in motion)). Fluid dynamics has h a wide range of applications, inclu uding o a calculating forcess and moments on body, determining g the mass flow ra ate of a liquid through h pipelines, prediicting weather patternss, and understan nding nebulae in intersteellar.

E Extremes II Background

I have chosen to use all five of the Girih tiles to clad the surface of the building.

Patterns and Structure Geometric tiling in Islamic Architecture


Ti Tiling system moving g up or down the facade

The structurall framing system ca an be melded or draped oveer any form which iss applied in this concept to o weave between th he pods

Pods remain u under the facade wh hich is attached to th he structural fram ming system

To respond to the elem ments around the b building, move the thee structural facade ssystem is able to m surf rface tiling up and down on a magnettic latch system to allow the sunlight to penetrrate the inner building and to allow for cross flow ntilation. The surffaces of these tiiles are ven pho otovoltaic, collectin ng sunlight when there is ligh ht available. Each tile can pivot left an nd right, up and down to colleect the maximum possible p nlight at any time off the day. sun To take advantage o of the structural syystem, I al frame devvised a way to weeave the structura aro ound the freestand ding pods as they had no meeans of standing on n their own. By ussing this system, the structuree is then supportting the ds within. pod As the pods are then ssupported by the sttructural ming, they can articulate individu ually to fram con ntrol airflow within n the tower funnellling the win nd to the top of th he tower where th here are turb bines to generate eelectricity.

C Concep pt

Interweaving sstructural grid 3

Each individual tile can move up and down the facade system. Unused tiles can go underground if the building does not require shelter during the day

Tile in motion exposing building

Tile angling towards the sun

Tile in place

Concept Facade system


The tiling system derived from the Girih tile in Islamic architecture has been tessellated and placed in a grid. This grid can remain static whilst allowing for the individual tiles to move from side to side to allow for sunlight and ventilation to enter the building. The tiles themselves can be made from a photovoltaic material to generate energy. Each tile can move individually to allow for openings anywhere on the facade when necessary.

Facade In section


Working out the positioning of the pods in accordance with the planning scheme requirements of the brief. As the pods are not very large in size I thought it best to restrict the pods to only residential. The pods would facilitate the typical penthouse of the tower.

of the pods dictate the layout for the The positioning structural grid internally and externally. As a result, I perhaps I should reverse this and allow the thought structural grid to be positioned first and then place the pods on that grid so that the pods are not dictating the overall form of the tower. However this method may end up too repetitive and predictable.


Positioning of the pods


Wind turbine would generate energy


Three dimensional spatial system

Looking into basic planning of the tower

Sport Restaurant



Retail & Mixed use

Airflow can be canelled through the tower and controlled by movement of the pod system. Turbines at the top of the tower will generate energy

Concept Planning



Section and elevation


Pod motion is very slow and limited to minor movement as the internals of the Pod restrict movement of the outer skin.

Concept Pods in motion


Pods in motion

The pods surrounding the exterior of the building can articulate to alter internal airflow and to better direct wind forces to the turbines at the top of the building.

Concept Pods in motion


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