UNTITLED Chris Ard Spring2013
Chris Ard 2 1 4 . 4 18 . 0 1 4 5 Chrisard89@gmail.com
B ac h e l o r
Texas Tech University ‘11 S c i e n c e i n A r c h i t e ctu r e
m a g n a cu m l au d e
V i r g i n i a T e c h P o ly t e c h n i c U n i v e r s i t y W a s h i n g t o n - A l e x a n d r i a A r c h i t e ctu r e C e n t e r M a s t e r o f A r c h i t e ctu r e C a n d i d at e
Canadian Graffiti
A rtist ’ s G allery
Adaptable Rowhouse
Arch 4601
Arch 3502
Arch 5715
Canadian G ra f f i t i [S u m m e r 2011] Montreal, Canada A rc h 4601_T e x a s T e c h D u rat i o n _6 w e e k s
M o ntrea l , C a na d a .
This project was for study abroad and was located in The building site was an empty parking lot located in Old Montreal. The program was a library/gallery/museum that would act as a node in Montreal. The focus of the
l ib rar y, g alle r y, mu s eum space was Montreal s treet a rt.
g ra f f i t i
Street art and are a large part of the urban culture of Montreal. In almost every section of the city, there is artwork to be found. These pieces range from small amatuer tags to very large scale commissioned projects. Old Montreal is different from the rest of the city, however; it has very little, if any pieces of graffiti.
O l d M o ntrea l
for graffiti within . It will be a place to study graffiti and to practice This building will act as a graffiti techniques. The existing brick wall on the building site will serve as the public’s canvas for self expression. This graffiti will not be relegated to a dirty alleyway, but instead be on display for the public to enjoy. The library will focus on catalouging different types of graffiti, while the exhibition will focus on showing the form of
urb a n e xp re ssi o n to a piece of formal artwork.
evo l ut ion of graffiti from a
Site Diagram
Graffiti + Circulation
Circulation + Enclosure
SEction Perspective
East elevation
Walkway section
Artist’s Gallery [S p r i n g 2011] F t . W o r t h ,T e x a s A rc h 3502_T e x a s T e c h D u rat i o n _12 w e e k s
The program for this project was an artist’s g a l l e r y s t u d i o . The project site was located in the e r i ta g e a r k area of Fort Worth, Texas. The city planner indicated that the development of the Heritage Park area would follow the same path as the city of Vancouver. Developing the water front was very important and creating a pathway along the water was also equally important. The design concept was formed by analyzing the site’s surrounding context, most notably, the bridge. The design’s initial shape was taken from the shape of the site’s adjacent
b r i d g e . The curvature of the design as well as the orientation allows for ample to natural
sunlight to illuminate the artist galleries on the upper two levels. open them up to the waterfront pathway and allow for
The artist’s studios are located on the 3 lower levels of the building to
public interaction.
SEction Perspective
East Elevation
Fifth Level
Third Level
First Level
I n cr e d i b l e A d a p ta b l e Rowhouse
[F a l l 2012] A l e x a n d r i a , V i rg i n i a A rc h 5501_V i rg i n i a T e c h D u rat i o n _14 w e e k s
T he
urban rowhouse is a vital component
O ld T own
A lexandria , V irginia . T he rowhouse program
is constantly adapting to changing societal needs .
T he
T herefore
program is not primary . is
constantly changing .
the project , the
original program address the neighborhood ’ s need for a community center that focused on urban agriculture .
H alfway
through the
semester , the program was changed to a mixed use coffee house / residence . existing structure remained rest was adapted for use as
T he design ’ s the same , but the a coffee house .
Initial Concept
Concept Sketch
Concept Model
Concept Model
Final Model
Longitudinal Section
Fourth Level
Third Level
Second Level KING STREET
First Level
East Elevation
Transverse Section