Reclaiming Public Space

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收復公共空間 Reclaiming Public Space 2013

Source Book 04 第四冊 Book 04

甚麼是 MaD MaD(Make a Difference) 成 立 於 2010 年, 由 香 港 當 代 文 化 中 心 主 辦。MaD 相 信 青 年 人 可 以 帶 動 改 變, 致 力 支 持 亞 洲 各 地 青 年 人, 發 揮 創 意, 為 個 人、 經 濟、 社 會 和 環 境 創 造 正 面 改變。從以創意、創業、創新及發現為主軸,MaD 演進成為一個銳意推動跨界思維的平台, 以多元及共創的精神,與來自不同背景的人交流合作,發現個人與社會更多的可能性。 賽馬會“創不同”學院

跨界 ‧ 創新 ‧ 具社會意識 ‧ 強調行動 MaD 由 2012 年起獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助成立賽馬會“創不同”學院,試驗不同種 類 的 嶄 新 課 程。 在 2013-2014 年, 學 院 獲 賽 馬 會 繼 續 支 持, 貫 徹“MaD 創 不 同 ” 精 神, 提 供 跨界、創新、 具社會意識及強調行動的學習經驗, 銳 意 填 補 現 時 常 規 教 育 的 缺 口。 透 過 與 國際伙伴合辦具創意、創新及創業的課程,賽馬會“創不同”學院提供了一個富前瞻思維的 交流平台,以及建立一個有正面改變思維、價值及方法的學習社群。

About MaD F o u n d e d i n 2 0 1 0 b y t h e H o n g Ko n g I n s t i t u t e o f C o n t e m p o r a r y C u l t u r e , M a D (Make a Difference) believes in the potential of young people. MaD inspires and empowers youngsters all over Asia to create positive personal, economic, social and environmental change. Jockey Club Make a Difference School CROSS-DISCIPLINARY • INNOVATIVE • SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS • ACTION-ORIENTED Thanks to the suppor t of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club MaD School was initiated in 2012 and piloted a series of educational programmes with local and international par tners. In 2013 and 2014, JC MaD School continues to experiment the uniquely “MaD” education – cross-disciplinar y, innovative, socially conscious and action-oriented – on a year-round basis with the continuous suppor t from the Trust. Through programmes on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship presented with global par tners, JC MaD School creates a platfor m for exchange on cutting-edge ideas and a reflective learning community exploring the mindset, values and methodologies conducive to positive change.

本著作採用創用 CC 姓名標示 - 非商業性 3.0 Unported 授權條款授權 This work is license under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unpor ted License, 我們希望這本書的內容能夠被每一個人免費享用,只要不涉及商業用途,你可以隨意使用本書。注意書內部份圖片是由版權持有人授權提供,請尊重版權,未經同意下請勿複製該內容。 We hope to make contents of this source book freely accessible to ever yone. Feel free to make good use of this booklet for non-commercial pur poses. A few images are copyrighted. Please respect the owners’ rights and do not reproduce the noted pages.

2013 Source Book 04

收復公共空間 Reclaiming Public Space

在社交平台〝打卡〞,大家一定都不陌生。透過分享自己的位置,我們便能與附近的 朋友,甚至陌生人聯繫交流。公共空間的概念也都類似。設計得宜的公共空間,能夠 鼓勵我們開放跟陌生人交流。我們就像〝啟動〞了〝公開模式〞,願意〝接受朋友或 陌生人交友邀請〞。在公共空間中,除了單獨曬太陽,更多的是彼此互動。簡而言之, 公共空間就是交流和互動的平台。 本季課程〝收復公共空間〞中,我們會分析公共空間對個人及社區生活的影響。首先, 我們會由公共空間的基本性質出發,探討它的特點。然後我們會參考世界各地的實例, 再設計出心中的理想公共空間,討論當中的議題。 透過這套教材,我們希望未能親身參與賽馬會〝創不同〞學院課程的老師和同學們, 都能對當中討論過的公共空間議題有所認識,並將學習延伸到課室之外,在生活中實 踐所學。 O n s o c i a l m e d i a , m o s t o f u s h ave c h e cke d i n t o p l a c e s we h ave b e e n . B y shar ing our location, we are able to connect with not only our fr iends but strangers at the same place. Public space is a similar idea. A well-designed p u bl i c s p a c e p r o m p t s u s t o o p e n u p o u r s e l ve s fo r i n t e ra c t i o n . I n s t e a d o f enjoying ourselves alone under the sun, we "tur n on" our "allow exchange" m o d e a n d s h ow o u r r e a d i n e s s t o i n t e r a c t . P u bl i c s p a c e i s i n t r i n s i c a l l y a platform for exchange and social interaction. In the season of "Reclaiming Public Space", we are taking a closer look at the idea of public space, reviewing its relevance to our lives and communities. We will star t off with some basic knowledge about public space, pinpointing its features. Then, we will check out some inspirational public spaces around the world, before we design our ideal public space and review the issues involved critically. With this source book, teachers and students who missed our Jockey Club Make a Difference School programmes will also be able to join our discussion o n p u bl i c s p a c e. Fe e l f r e e t o ex p e r i m e n t , t e s t i d e a s a n d ex t e n d l e a r n i n g beyond the classroom!


甚麼是公共空間 What is Public Space?


認識公共空間 Understanding Public Space


香港公共空間事件簿 A Glimpse of Public Space Incidents in Hong Kong


瞬間看地球:公共空間篇 Inspirational Public Spaces around the Globe


公共空間中的爭議 Controversies in Public Space 10

東京代代木公園露宿者帳幕村 Blue Tent Village for the Homeless, Yoyogi Park, Tokyo


旺角西洋菜南街行人專用區 Pedestrian Precinct, Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Hong Kong


設計理想公共空間 Design Your Ideal Public Space


創造公共空間 Creating Public Space 16

公共空間作為社區客廳 Public Space as Our Extended Living Room


共創公共空間 Co-creating Public Space


用凳重塑公共空間 Reshaping Public Space with Chairs


職位空缺:都市針灸師 Be an Urban Acupuncturist! The Pocket Parks Collective


用音樂和市集改寫草地 Reinventing Lawns with Music and Market


使用者一同捍衛公共空間 Safeguarding Public Space as Users


公共空間的延伸想像 Extending the Concept of Public Space


關鍵字 Glossary

適用於新高中課程: Suitable for NSS curriculum:

MaD @ 山道 Hill Road

MaD @ 西九 West Kowloon

通識教育 Liberal Studies

拓展公共空間 Hong Kong Public Space Initiative

視覺藝術 Visual Arts

草原地圖 Lawnmap

音樂 Music

賽馬會〝創不同〞學院以不同模式推動跨界學習和創新: Jockey Club Make a Difference School promotes cross-disciplinary learning and innovation with different tracks of programme:







Changemakers 口 傳 身 授 社 會 創 新





Fresh Learners

Social Innovation Studio

Accumulator Scheme

Cross-disciplinary exchange in an equal, collaborative learning community

Connect with Changemakers to hear and learn from their social innovation experiences

Accumulate positively - Embark on a progressive journey of change

Studio in-Situ Creative site-specific experiments beyond the classroom

甚麼是公共空間? What is Public Space?


甚麼是公共空間 ? What is Public Space?

近年,越來越多人關心本地公共空間議題。從爭取保育皇后碼頭及中環海濱,到 反思時代廣場空地的公眾使用權,大家都意識到公共空間是我們生活中不可或缺 的一部份,也是市民共享的珍貴資源。 提起公共空間,大部份香港市民都抱有沉悶和肅寂的刻板印象。大家可能會想起 巨型天橋底下的閒置空地,或者使用率偏低的小型公園。為甚麼我們的公共空間 缺乏互動?當中欠缺了甚麼?有辦法為這些荒涼的空間加添活力嗎? 不論社會階層和背景,人人都有享用公共空間的權利。它是社區空間,讓人相聚 交流。大部份公共空間由公眾擁有,無須入場費,市民可以隨意享用。正因為它 的公共性,公共空間可以是大家互動、交流、分享空間資源等等自然誘發公民學 習的場所。總括而言,公共空間是公眾領域,供市民進行各式各樣的活動。 In the wake of local movements, like the public call for preservation of Queen's Pier and Central Waterfront, as well as the fervent civic attempt to reclaim public ownership of Times Square's atrium, more Hong Kong citizens are keeping a close watch on the public space around us than ever. In Hong Kong, we often have a preformed opinion that "public space" is boring and stagnant. Perhaps, the only public spaces that come to our mind are leftout barren spaces under huge flyovers, or pocket parks that few citizens ever made use of. Why are public spaces here lacking vibrancy? What is missing from them? Can we do something to spice the grim and desolate places up? Public space is a place that EVERYONE can use and enjoy, regardless of their social class and background. It is also a communal space, where people MEET and INTERACT. Most public spaces are publicly owned. Free admission. No permission required to access. As such, they also make good locations for spontaneous civic lear ning, where communities gather to interact and share. In general, public space is a public domain where different kinds of activities are possible.

MaD @ 西九 藝術家帶領一同放風箏 MaD@West Kowloon Flying kites with artist


認識公共空間 Understanding Public Space

認識公共空間 Understanding Public Space 公共空間的重要性 Importance of Public Space 個人層面 For the Individual


Provide a pleasant environment and quality living space


Public space provides quality living space for the community and lowers urban density. Imagine a neighbourhood where you can't find any parks, greenbelts, or seaside promenades. Nobody would be able to live a joyful life in such a suffocating environment.

迫 的 都 市 環 境 中, 降 低 空 間 密 度。 試 想 像, 假 如 一 個 社 區 沒 有 任 何 公 園、 綠 化 區 或 海 濱 長 廊,環境定會十分侷促,難以長居。

社區層面 For the Community



公 共 空 間 是 讓 人 相 遇、 互 動 和 交 流 的 地 方。 沒

Public space is essentially a place for people to meet, interact and socialize. Public events can take place then, such that members of the neighbourhood are drawn together (e.g. housewives or elderly people practising Taichi or dancing in parks). Sometimes, a selfinitiated, bottom-up re-invention or re-purposing of public space can foster a community identity or even local economy (e.g. the dawn market in Tin Shui Wai bonds local housewives and the underprivileged together).

有 公 共 空 間, 就 難 以 促 成 群 體 活 動 去 凝 聚 社 區。( 例 如 婦 女 或 老 人 家 需 要 公 園 空 間 耍 太 極 或 跳 舞。) 有 時, 民 間 會 自 發, 由 下 而 上 改 變 公 共 空 間 的 用 途, 重 新 定 義 空 間。 這 樣 更 能 提 昇 社 區 認 同, 甚 至 改 善 社 區 經 濟。( 例 如 天 水 圍 的 天 光 墟, 凝 聚 區 內 婦 人 和 弱 勢 社 群, 解 決 了他們部份生活需要。)

城市層面 For the City


Rallies and civic activities


Public space also plays an important role in shaping a city's identity. A vivid public space can elevate and define a city's character (e.g. the Hyde Park in London). Public space may carry cultural or historical values, as some of them are historical monuments (e.g. Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Italy), while others provide venues for cultural events. More impor tantly, many public spaces around the world are crucial sites for civic activities, parades or protests, where citizens can gather and express their opinions collectively in a rally.

定 義 城 市 形 象。 朝 氣 煥 發 的 公 共 空 間, 可 以 為 城 市 添 注 特 色, 甚 至 成 為 地 標( 例 如 聞 名 全 球 的 倫 敦 海 德 公 園 )。 有 些 公 共 空 間, 更 成 為 了 大 型 文 化 活 動 場 地; 亦 有 些 廣 場 是 歷 史 遺 跡, 見 證 著 當 地 文 化 起 源( 如 意 大 利 佛 羅 倫 斯 廣 場 )。 公 共 空 間 更 是 公 民 社 會 之 本, 世 界 不 少 公 民 活 動、 遊 行 和 示 威, 都 在 公 共 空 間 發 生。 市民聚集,共同為社會議題發表意見。

認識公共空間 Understanding Public Space


我們可以用以下圖表,衡量公共空間是否理想。以下是四大面向: We can use the following model to help us evaluate a public space. It can be assessed by the four qualities below:

社交性 Sociability

用途和活動 Uses & Activities

連繫不同社會階層的朋友 Fostering interactions across social classes

有一定人數使用,並非丟空 Constant usage in the community

考慮因素,空間是否: Is the space:

考慮因素,空間是否: Is the space:

diverse? cooperative? neighbourly? interactive? welcoming?

多元? 鼓勵互相配合? 親切? 互動? 歡迎大家使用?

有趣? 活躍? 特別? 在地? 永續?




Uses & Activities



Access & Linkages

Comfort & Image

暢達性和連繫 Access & Linkages

舒適性和形象 Comfort & Image

方便任何人士到達,不會排拒任何人 Accessible for everyone and non-exclusionary 考慮因素,空間是否: Is the space: 與附近空間有延續? 鄰近其他設施? 讓大家一目了然? 鼓勵人步行而至? 方便?

資料來源 Source:


fun? active? special? indigenous? sustainable?

continuous with the surroundings? in proximity to other facilities? readable? accessible? convenient?

舒適的環境和合乎用家需要的設施 Pleasant environment and facilities that cater to users' needs 考慮因素,空間是否: Is the space: 安全? 乾淨? 方便步行? 吸引? 有歷史價值?

safe? clean? walkable? attractive? historic?

Project for Public Spaces 網頁 - What makes a successful place? Website of Project for Public Spaces - What makes a successful place?


除了公園和休憩場所,還有甚麼地方屬於公共空間? Is public space essentially parks or recreational areas? What other places are considered public spaces?

甚麼因素會阻礙我們在公共空間交流? What are the factors that hinder free interaction in public space?


香港公共空間事件簿 A Glimpse of Public Space Incidents in Hong Kong

香港公共空間事件簿 A Glimpse of Public Space Incidents in Hong Kong



Source: flickriver - hleung/HKmPUA "(Old) Queen's Pier"

Source: flickr - alcuin lai "Umbrella Revolution Sculpture in Admiralty 201410.jpg"

政 府 繼 於 2006 年 清 拆 天 星 碼 頭

根 據 大 廈 公 契, 時 代 廣 場 地 下 空


後, 欲 進 一 步 清 拆 殖 民 時 期 歷 史

地本應是公共空間。2008 年,有

廊, 是 市 民 享 用 海 濱 的 新 地 段。

遺 址 皇 后 碼 頭, 並 將 原 址 改 建 成


不少團體如 MaD 曾經在西九大草

商 業 大 廈 和 道 路。 不 少 人 反 對 方

裡 休 憩 的 市 民。 後 來, 時 代 廣 場

地 舉 辦 地 攤 市 集、 創 意 夥 伴 項 目

案, 認 為 皇 后 碼 頭 既 是 重 要 歷 史

更 被 揭 發 將 公 共 空 間 租 出, 賺 取

等, 鼓 勵 大 家 利 用 公 共 空 間, 發

建 築, 亦 為 市 民 提 供 享 用 海 濱 的

可 觀 利 潤。 評 論 擔 心, 公 共 空 間

揮 創 意。 希 望 未 來 的 西 九 不 只 是

好 地 方。 討 論 更 引 伸 到 城 市 發 展

私 有 化 越 見 頻 繁, 會 令 城 市 空 間

巨 型 藝 術 館 和 演 藝 廳, 而 是 人 人

權 的 討 論 : 市 民 應 要 有 權 利, 決

越 趨 商 業 化, 排 斥 窮 人, 有 違 公


定 都 市 發 展 方 向。 同 時, 政 府 應


參 考 民 間 自 發 的 規 劃 方 案, 以 補 充政府方案的不足。 After tearing down the Star Ferry Pier, the government decided to demolish the Queen's Pier, giving way to a new road and commercial bu i l d i n g . M a ny c o n t e n d e d t h a t the pier was an iconic colonial monument and the waterfront was a rare public space that allowed citizens to enjoy the harbour. The issue spurred discussions over citizens' right to urban development, and how a bottom-up development approach can enhance, balance or counteract the government's will.

According to the Deed of Mutual Covenant, the ground-level atrium of Times Square is for public use. However, in 2008, it was reported that Times Square's guards dispelled l i n g e r i n g p e d e s t r i a n s from the area. It was later revealed that Times Square even leased out the area and made profits from it. There were worries that the trend of privatizing public space would turn city places into exclusionary and exclusive arenas.

The lawn and waterfront promenade in West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) is a new spot for citizens to enjoy the harbour. MaD and other organizations have been hosting markets and creative partnerships in hopes of spurring public use and stimulating innovation. Hopefully, WKCD will not be just some blockbuster museums and theatres, but an open-for-all cultural district for everyone.

香港公共空間事件簿 A Glimpse of Public Space Incidents in Hong Kong




有行人在一個靠近商場的公共空間休息、流連,商場認為他們影響商場形象,派遣保安員驅趕, 不再讓人逗留在該公共空間。你認為這樣做合理嗎?為甚麼?試試跟同學討論分享。 A shopping mall sends guards to patrol a public space nearby and dispels people considered undesirable, preventing them from lingering, using the space, or causing trouble. Is that acceptable? Why and why not? Discuss with your classmates.


Source: flickr - johnlsl "Sunset at Western District Public Cargo Working Area, Hong Kong"

Source: 甘甘

















The loading dock on Sai Wan waterfront has long been the local community's favorite place to hang out. It has garnered public affection not only because of its stunning sunset scenery, but also of the absence of managerial control. Unlike other waterfront public spaces, no excessive barriers are installed by the sea, so that people can feel the harbor directly. Citizens can ride bicycles, jog, and chill there with minimal intervention. The District Council is currently planning for a renovation there. We hope the area can keep its character and continue to be a wonderful place to hang out.



庭園就是一個典型例子。 In many recent development or renewal projects, owners/ developers have opted to include public space within the project sites, to trade for additional Gross Floor Area. This type of space is called Private Open Space (POS), a paradoxical and problematic kind of ownership that designates the space for both public and private use. Many of the spaces resulted from such cases are designed or managed in a way to disguise their public character or to avoid frequent public access. For example, they may be sunken or elevated from the ground level, or gated (usually with gates half closed). Very often, they look too extravagant and unwelcoming as public spaces. The photo above was taken at a serviced apartment in Wanchai, whose ground-level garden is a case in point.


瞬間看地球:公共空間篇 Inspirational Examples of Public Space around the Globe

瞬間看地球:公共空間篇 Inspirational Examples of Public Space around the Globe 活躍的公共空間不一定是造價昂貴或政府主導的基建項目,它們可以是市民自發的主意、在城市任何角落出現。 看看以下的例子,它們符合了認識公共空間 (p.5) 中提及的哪些面向 ? Vibrant public spaces need not be merely gover nment-led multimillion hardware. They could be a bottomup movement that takes place anywhere in the city. Take a look at the examples below. Do they meet the requirements mentioned in Understanding Public Space (p.5)?

荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹 Benches Collective Benches Collective, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 每 月 首 個 星 期 日, 阿 姆 斯 特 丹 都 有 市 民 將 家 門 前 的 椅 子和花園,變成〝期間限定〞咖啡室或社區活動空間, 邀 請 街 坊 途 人 坐 下 對 談, 活 用 都 市 空 間。 大 家 可 以 跟 素 未 謀 面 的 朋 友 喝 茶、 吃 蛋 糕, 甚 至 跳 支 舞。 阿 姆 斯 特丹遙身一變成為全球最大的戶外咖啡室。 In Amsterdam, the first Sunday of every month is a special day. Everyone is invited to open up the bench in front of their house and turn their courtyard into a temporary cafe or communal space. Passersby can sit down and meet the house-owner, who may offer coffee, food or even a workshop. The citizens' collective effort transforms the city's streets into the largest cafe in the world.

美國 芝加哥 千禧公園 Millennium Park, Chicago, US 位 處 市 中 心 車 站 上 蓋 的 千 禧 公 園, 擺 放 著 巨 型 裝 置 藝 術, 成 為 新 世 紀 公 共 空 間 的 設 計 典 範。 破 格 的 裝 置 藝 術, 不 僅 成 為 地 標, 將 人 流 帶 進 公 園。 它 們 獨 特 奇 異 的外型,更讓休憩的市民打開話題。

Source: flickr - jlascar "Cloud Gate at the AT&T Plaza (Millennium Park)"

Millennium Park is a park famous for its iconic public art installations that attract citizens to interact with them. The grand, spectacular and modern-looking art pieces create a visual anchor for the public, and initiate wonderful dialogues among visitors.

哥倫比亞 波哥大 Ciclovia Ciclovia, Bogotá, Colombia Ciclovia 是西班牙文,代表單車道。波哥大等哥倫比亞

城 市 的 幹 道, 每 逢 星 期 日 都 會 遙 身 一 變, 成 為 行 人 專 用 區, 讓 市 民 自 由 跑 步、 踏 板 車、 騎 單 車。 它 們 更 會 在公園舉行健體操和瑜伽班,一同享受公共空間。

Source: flickr - natigarcia "Ciclovia em Bogotá"

Ciclovia is the Spanish ter m for cycleway. In many Colombian cities like Bogotá, major streets are car-free during the weekly Sunday ciclovias. Runners, skaters and cyclists can use the road freely. Aerobics and yoga classes are also held in parks. Fun is guaranteed in the public space for every citizen.

瞬間看地球:公共空間篇 Inspirational Examples of Public Space around the Globe


丹麥 哥本哈根 Superkilen Superkilen, Copenhagen, Denmark Superkilen 是個公園,位處哥本哈根一個多元的社區。 該 區 居 民 來 自 超 過 50 個 國 家。Superkilen 從 世 界 各 地 取 材, 將 不 同 國 家 的 元 素 放 在 這 公 園 中, 讓 每 個 國 籍 的 居 民, 都 能 找 到 親 切 感, 喜 歡 使 用 這 公 共 空 間。 當 中 的 物 件 包 括 伊 拉 克 的 鞦 韆、 中 國 的 霓 虹 燈 招 牌、 模仿日本八爪魚形狀的滑梯等。

Source: Wikimedia "Superkilen.JPG"

Superkilen is a park located in a diversified neighbourhood with inhabitants of over 50 nationalities. The objects in the park are imported or inspired by cultures and designs from all over the world. Regardless of their background, every single resident would be able to connect to some of the objects inside and enjoy the public space. These objects include swings from Iraq, a neon sign from China, and a slide resembling Japanese octopus, etc.

南韓 首爾 清溪川 Cheonggyecheon, Seoul, Korea 清 溪 川 本 是 位 處 首 爾 市 中 心 的 一 條 河 流。 隨 著 經 濟 急 速發展,河流被蓋上水泥,改建成高架道路。2003 年, 清 溪 川 的 活 化 工 程 正 式 展 開, 本 來 河 道 被 恢 復 過 來, 回 復 成 動 物 能 夠 棲 息 的 生 態 環 境。 清 溪 川 被 活 化 成 別 樹一幟的公共空間,為市民提供另類休憩地方。

Source: flickr - fest2-01 "Korea-Seoul-Cheonggyecheon-2008-01"

Situated in downtown Seoul, Cheonggyecheon was once a flowing river which was later covered by transportation infrastructure during the economic boom. In 2003, the river was recovered and transformed into a unique public space with a natural habitat for animals. Now, Cheonggyecheon has become a world-renowned example of successful urban revitalization for citizens' enjoyment.


公共空間中的爭議 Controversies in Public Space

公共空間中的爭議 Controversies in Public Space

東京代代木公園露宿者帳幕村 Blue Tent Village for the Homeless

誰有權使用公共空間 ? Who has the right to use public space? 東 京 的 租 金 高 昂、 失 業 率 高 企, 不 少 人 成 為 了 露 宿 者。 位 於 涉 谷 的 代 代 木 公 園 有 一 條〝Blue Tent Village〞, 露 宿 者 在 一 群 藍 色 帳 幕 中聚居,當中包括藝術家小川哲生和市川美佐子。 這兩位藝術家開辦 Cafe Enoaru,讓露宿者免費享用咖啡和參加每 周畫班。這條帳幕村用金錢以外的方式作交易,推廣另類經濟模式。 2008 年, 運 動 服 裝 品 牌 Nike 向 東 京 市 政 府 申 請, 打 算 將 另 一 個 公 園 - 宮 下 公 園 - 改 建 成 運 動 公 園。 東 京 市 政 府 警 察 將 裡 面 的 露 宿 者 趕走,藝術家們帶領露宿者奮起抵抗政府的趕絕。

藝術家小川哲生介紹為露宿者而 設 的 咖 啡 茶 座 Cafe Enoaru。 他 們每星期舉辦露宿者畫班 Artist Tetsuo OGAWA introducing Cafe Enoaru which organized art classes for the homeless and served them coffee

In Tokyo, the high rent and high unemployment rate have prompted many to go on the road of homelessness. Artists Tetsuo OGAWA and Misako ICHIMURA were among the residents of the Blue Tent Village in Yoyogi Park in Shibuya, where homeless people live together and form a community. They set up Enoaru Cafe for homeless people, where free weekly art classes were held, and homeless people could get a coffee. The village promoted an alternative mode of economy that didn't rely on money as a currency. In 2008, sports apparel brand Nike received the municipal government's permission to turn the nearby Miyashita Park into a sports park. The homeless people were banished from it, while they resisted the official verdict and domination.



誰有權使用公共空間?公共空間可以被私有化嗎? Who have the right to use public space? Can public space be privatized? 公共空間可以容納弱勢社群或露宿者,給他們容身之所嗎?假如可以,我們要如何平衡兼顧各持份者 的利益?相反,那會否剝奪了露宿者的使用權利? Can public space be used as a dwelling place for social outcasts? If yes, how can we balance the interests of different stakeholders? Otherwise, are we depriving the homeless of their rights then? 每逢周日,外傭都會在中環一帶公共空間聚會,你對這個現象有甚麼看法 ? 我們可以如何平衡各方需要? Every Sunday, many domestic workers in Hong Kong gather at public spaces in Central. What is your take on this phenomenon? How can we balance different views?

公共空間中的爭議 Controversies in Public Space



Pedestrian Precinct, Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok 誰有權使用公共空間 ? Who has the right to use public space?

旺角行人專用區 Mong Kok Pedestrian Precinct Source: Wikimedia Commons - WING "Sai Yeung Choi Street South 2008 Night"

西洋菜南街位處繁忙鬧市,商舖林立,旁邊亦有不少民居。自從被劃為行人專用區後,吸引了大批街頭 表演者。整條街頓時成為了街頭音樂、話劇的路邊舞台,並為藝術工作者提供了另類接觸觀眾的平台。 2013 年 以 前, 西 洋 菜 南 街 的 規 管 並 不 多, 大 量 寬 頻 推 銷 員 等 霸 佔 道 路 擺 檔。 此 外, 不 少 賣 藝 人 士 是從內地來的職業表演者,並非本地居民。有人認為表演質素參差,應加強規管。暄鬧的表演和圍 觀人潮,每晚維持至深宵,為當區居民造成滋擾。經過當局和區議會的磋商,現時西洋菜南街只在 周六周日才被劃為行人專用區。 Mong Kok is a hustling neighbourhood with a blend of residential and commercial use. Since the designation of Sai Yeung Choi Street South as a pedestrian precinct, buskers and street performers have been performing on the street. It became a platform for cultural and social exchange, and an alternative performance space for musicians and performers. However, the relatively loose regulation over the area gave rise to many issues. For instance, telecommunications service providers moved their business to on-the-go booths there which occupied part of the street. Cross-border performers came to make money. The influx of tourists and the clamorous street performances that continued until late night together became a nuisance for local residents. The local community called for regulation on this once rather free and deregulated space. After deliberating with the District Council, the government decided to limit the pedestrian precinct to Saturday and Sunday only.



我們希望香港有這樣的公共空間,讓本地甚至外來的藝術家表演、檔販販賣貨品或工藝品嗎?我們可 以如何為這類空間制訂規則? Do you think it's good to have this kind of public space in Hong Kong where street performers and hawkers can work out on the street? Is it acceptable to make money there? How do we draw the line? 幾年前,赤柱大街亦有週日街頭音樂表演,可惜亦面對附近居民投訴。我們能如何平衡居民、街頭表 演者和公眾的不同利益? A similar scenario happened in Stanley years ago, where a regular Sunday music performance in Stanley Main Street also faced complaints. Is there a way to balance the interests of local residents, street performers and the public?

設計理想公共空間 Design Your Ideal Public Space


設計理想公共空間 Design Your Ideal Public Space 練習


假如你有機會設計公共空間,給大家享用,你會加入甚麼元素?你可以考慮我們在認識 公共空間 ( p.5) 中討論到的四個元素:(1) 社交性、(2) 暢達性和連繫、(3) 舒適性和形象、 (4) 用途和活動。 If you are to design a space for public enjoyment, what elements would you incorporate into the design? Consider the 4 principles discussed earlier in Understanding Public Space (p.5) - (1) sociability, (2) access and linkages, (3) comfor t and image, and (4) uses and activities.

商業大廈 Commercial Building

工業大廈 Industrial Building

戒毒診所 Drug Rehabilitation Centre

馬路 Road

設計理想公共空間 Design Your Ideal Public Space


虛線內為你可設計的公共空間範圍,請從貼紙選取不同元素/活動放進去,或自行畫上貼紙以外的想法。 The dotted line area below is a public space. What would you like to see there? Pick your favourite elements from the sticker set, or feel free to draw as you like!




Residential area and shopping mall

設計理想公共空間 Design Your Ideal Public Space








How would you position the elements, so that they echo with each other?

How do you attract residents or workers in the neighbourhood to use the public space?

W h a t a r e t h e d i f fe r e n t needs of the var ious stakeholders?



試試跟同學互相評估大家設計的公共空間。我們可以嘗試應用先前學到的四個面向,立體思考 公共空間的設計。同時,我們也能估計當中有機會發生的衝突,找出協調方法。 Work in groups and evaluate your classmates' public spaces. You may assess them comprehensively with the four principles you learned on p.5. Also, try to envision possible conflicts and figure out solutions for them.

在不同時段或日子,你所設計的公共空間的主要使用者和使用狀況會有不同嗎? Will the public space you designed be used by different groups of users at different times of the day or the week? Can you describe the pattern?

有人建議將公共空間劃分成不同時段,供不同使用者使用,以避免衝突。這個做法有甚麼好壞之處? Somebody suggests to allocate exclusive time slots to different user communities to avoid conflict. What are the pros and cons?

設計理想公共空間 Design Your Ideal Public Space




設計公共空間時,我們可以聽聽不同持份者的意見。我們如何才能回應各個社群的需要?反 過來,當有持份者的意見與公共空間的理念相違,我們又能如何處理?我們怎樣才能求同存異?

Let's listen to the stakeholders! Are some of them being exclusionary to other users? How can we balance different views? How do we bridge the difference?

我們放學後想到公共空間嬉戲。假如多 辦公室太侷促,我午飯時間希望在 公園裡用膳和散步休息。 My office is stuffy. I want to have lunch and take a stroll in the park during lunchtime.

一點遊玩和休憩設施就好了。 We want to chill in the public space after school. It would be great if there are more sports and recreation facilities for us.




Working class

我們想在這裡下棋。但一般公園夏 我們希望有地方給區內的婦女練習跳舞。我們一般在

天 時 太 熱, 冬 天 時 太 冷, 老 人 家 比




We want to play chess here. But it is always too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter for us.

所有參加者都聽到。若太接近民居可能會遭投訴。 We need an empty area to practise dancing with other housewives in the neighbourhood. Usually we have our practice after dinner, after all the housekeeping chores. We don't have to worry about the roaring sun that time of the day. But sometimes, we need to play the music loud enough so all the participants can hear. People would report us if we're too close to the residential area.

老人 Elderly

我想有地方睡眠休息。 I want a place to sleep and rest.

婦女 Local housewives

露宿者 Homeless

我希望公園高級雅致一點,謝絕 閒雜人等和草根階層,破壞這區




I want an upscale and decent park that restricts the access of the grassroots community. They will downgrade the area and lower my property price.

希望能與本地社群有更多互動。 Many of us live in a confined environment. We want a resting place in the evening. We also hope that there is a better interaction between the local community and us.

附近商廈老闆 Business owners at the neighbouring commercial building

少數族裔 Ethnic minorities


創造公共空間 Creating Public Space

創造公共空間 Creating Public Space


Public Space as Our Extended Living Room MaD @ 石塘咀山道 Hill Road, Shek Tong Tsui 我 們 可 以 自 己 創 造 新 的 公 共 空 間 嗎? 你 可 能 留 意 到 身 邊 有 些 地 方, 有 潛 質 成 為 公 共 空 間, 變 身 連 繫 大 眾 的 平 台。 其 中 一 個 例 子 就 是 山 道。它是個小斜坡,位處石塘咀一個安靜小區。 2013 年,MaD 聯 同 丹 麥 DENNIS Design Centre, 在 山 道 舉 辦 〝Hands UP!〞。 在 兩 個 星 期 中, 參 加 者 在 街 頭 架 起 工 作 枱, 即 席 設 計 及 製 作 一 系 列 街 頭 傢 俱, 將 平 常 鮮 少 有 人 使 用 的 斜 坡 變 成 舒 適 的 共 用 客 廳。 經 過 兩 星 期 的 努 力, 他 們 在 斜 坡 舉 辦 黃 昏 戶 外 派 對, 邀 請 街 坊 和 鄰 近 住 客 一 起 參 加。 活 動 結 束 後, 參 加 者 把 街 頭 傢 俱 送 建造手掌型舞台,吸引街坊探頭張 望平常被忽略的公共社區空間 Creating a visual anchor in an unassuming communal space by building a hand-shaped stage

給附近的店舖和街坊。 藉 著 以 上 行 動, 他 們 將 平 日 較 冷 清 的 街 道 空 間 轉 變 成 一 個 讓 鄰 近 居 民 相 聚、 結 識 的 社 交 空 間。 有 參 加 者 表 示, 最 有 趣 的 是 在 他 們 準 備 期 間, 街 坊 已 經 非 常 熱 情, 主 動 前 來 搭 訕, 教 他 們 做 凳 技 巧。 創 造 公 共 空 間, 似 乎 沒 有 想 像 中 困 難。 我 們 只 需 將 平 日 不 常 見 的 事 物 或 活動移到街頭,已能打開話匣子。 How do we activate public space? You might have spotted some potential public spaces whose connective quality is yet to be unleashed. Hill Road in Shek Tong Tsui is one of them. The street is a slope tucked in a quiet neighbourhood.

在公共空間設計及製作傢俱,與當 區居民打開話匣子 Designing and creating public fur niture in communal space to initiate dialogue with the residents

In 2013, MaD joined hands with DENNIS Design Centre from Denmark to organize Hands UP! on Hill Road. Participants spent 2 weeks to design and make street furniture in-situ to give the space a creative spin, making it cozy and accommodative. They prepared food and drink to attract people, inviting them to stop by and have a chat. An outdoor party was also held under the giant flyover there, so that a visual anchor was created to draw the community in. Together, they turned the area into a vibrant community. One interesting experience in this placemaking process was that when the participants were still preparing for the festival, local residents passing by were eager to strike up conversations with them. Creating public space can be as simple as doing something out of the ordinary on the street.

創造公共空間 Creating Public Space


Co-creating Public Space MaD @ 西九 West Kowloon (2011) / MaD @ Freespace Fest (2012-13)

(左上 Top left) 人人參與的公共藝術項目 Public art for all (右上 Top right) 黃昏海傍的草民音樂會 Lawnmap's seaside concert in the evening (左下 Bottom left) 在西九海濱草地上踢足球 Football match on West Kow l o o n Wa t e r f r o n t Promenade (右下 Bottom right) 設計獨特的竹棚,成為 凝聚各方交流的場域 Customized bamboo structure to stimulate idea exchange

單憑一人之力去創造公共空間,當然並不容易。但我們身邊有不少同路人,都抱持相同信念。2011-2013 年, MaD 邀請了各路好友,集合眾人之力,一同玩轉西九海濱和草地,將各種別開生面的好玩活動共冶一爐。 藝術家盧樂謙的隊伍,邀請區內南亞小朋友到草地踢足球。草原地圖公開招募本地獨立樂隊,在海 邊草地舉行免費音樂表演。〝$0 呎價〞地攤,是一個不收地租的市集,將土地免費開放,激發市民 天馬行空的擺攤點子。例如有朋友實行以物易物,甚至免費送出各式物品和行動。平日人煙稀少的 西九海濱空間,頓時充滿朝氣! 是次在西九海濱長廊的項目,讓大家反思公共空間的管制問題。我們希望未來的西九文化區,有怎 樣的公共空間?如果只靠繁瑣規條來管制,是否可以做到真正的〝自由野〞?市民作為西九公園最 主要的使用者,可以怎樣參與到公園管理中? Creating public space can also be a collective process where everybody contributes their ideas and assets. In 2011-2013, MaD embarked on a co-creative journey by inviting different organizations and participants to make good use of the lawn and promenade in the West Kowloon Cultural District. Participants brought with them amusing projects. Local artist Him LO's team invited South Asian kids in the neighbourhood for a football match. Lawnmap made an open call to invite local indie bands to perform at the huge lawn by the harbour. "$0 sq. ft" was a literally "free" market with a low entry barrier that opened up the area for prospective "marketeers", who exchanged or even gave out goods or actions for free. The endeavor invited everyone to reflect critically on rules and restrictions in public space. What kind of public space do we want for our future West Kowloon Cultural District? Do we want stringent control on the space? In what way can citizens, the main users of the West Kowloon Park, take part in its management?



創造公共空間 Creating Public Space


Reshaping Public Space with Chairs 拓展公共空間 Hong Kong Public Space Initiative

街坊將轆轆凳移到不同位置,配合各自需要,彼此交流機會亦增加 Park users re-positioned the moveable chairs for their own need, so that interaction became possible. (Source: HKPSI)

提起香港的公共空間,大部份市民可能會想起被太陽曬得滾燙、又硬又不舒適的公園凳。拓展公共 空 間 為 一 個 民 間 團 體, 嘗 試 改 變 大 家 對 公 園的印象。為期一年的項目中,他們走訪油麻地社區,用 各種方式跟居民商討和設計出屬於油麻地的公園凳。 他們構思出這張可以移動的轆轆凳,讓公園使用者根據個人喜好,自由將凳推到樹蔭下或其他地方。 老人家可以用有枱面的凳,跟朋友下棋。家長亦可以將凳推到木馬旁邊,邊坐著休息,邊照顧孩子。 這些穩固的椅子平衡了安全性和流動性。過程中,他們發現香港市民並不抗拒公共空間。其實只需 在公園放置設計得宜的凳子,人們便更願意留在公園休憩。 Speaking of the public space in Hong Kong, the overarching impression that many local citizens share is that there are those thorny seats which get sizzling hot under the sun. Hong Kong Public Space Initiative (HKPSI) challenged such a prejudice by engaging the Yau Ma Tei community in a year-long process to design a new chair that park users in the neighborhood would embrace. They came up with this idea of moveable chair that people can move around in the park, e.g. to the shade. Park users can play chess on these chairs with tables. Parents can move the chairs next to the playground, get seated and look after their kids at the same time. Their chairs are sturdy, safe, yet moveable. A stunning observation was that Hong Kong people were not all against public space. Just by putting a well-designed chair in the park, people were much more willing to stay there.

創造公共空間 Creating Public Space

職位空缺:都市針灸師 Be an Urban Acupuncturist! The Pocket Parks Collective

為 城 市 針 灸? 很 新 鮮 的 概 念 吧! The Pocket Parks Collective 與 MaD School 合 辦 了 一 系 列〝 都 市 針 灸 〞 工 作 坊, 結 合 城 市 設 計 及 傳 統 中 醫 的 理 論, 用 創 意 為 城 市 固 本 培 元。 在 都 市 針 灸 的 理 念 中, 城 市 是 一 個 生 命 體, 城 市 的 病 痛 如 人 際 關 係 疏 離、 污 染、 街 道 骯 髒 等 都 造 成 氣 的 瘀 塞, 而 在 城 市 進 行 小 規 模、 低 成 本 的 創 意 介 入, 就 如施針灸一樣,可以改善都市體質。 在 北 角 的 工 作 坊 中, 他 們 用 各 種 有 趣 的 小 改 造 介 入 城 市, 重 新 激 發 閒 置 公 共 空 間 的 潛 能。 有 參 加 者 在 牆 上 安 裝 大 型 象 棋, 讓 平 時 常 在 附 近 閒 坐 的 老 人 家 可 以 聚 首 下 棋 及 觀 戰, 促 發 對 話 的 契 機。 另 一 組 則 在 行 人 路 貼 上 斑 馬 線, 提 醒 行 人 小 心 快 要 踏 出 一 條 沒 有 交 通 燈 的 行車路。 跟 真 正 的 針 灸 一 樣, 為 公 共 空 間 施 針 時, 也 要 恰 到 好 處。 例 如 有 組 員 發 現, 附 近 不 少 藍 領 白 領, 都 喜 歡 到 一 條 後 巷 流 連 吸 煙。 組 員 們 經過一輪細心觀察和考慮,為本來用來盛載煙蒂的奶粉罐添上新裝, 又 在 牆 上 貼 上 反 光 銀 紙 作 為 共 用 的 鏡 子。 他 們 含 蓄 地 改 善 了 後 巷 環 境,確保新改變不會嚇走本來的使用者。 Have you ever thought of giving the city an acupuncture? The Pocket Parks Collective created a series of Urban Acupuncture sessions with MaD School, to unblock the city's meridian. Urban acupuncture considers the city as an organism and combines traditional Chinese medical theory with urban design. The city's issues, such as the lack of human connections, dirty streets and pollution are caused by the blockage of "qi". Through temporary, small scale and human-centred interventions, we can relieve these stresses to heal the city. One of their remedies to invigorate idle public spaces was to put a jumbo magnetic Chinese chess game on the wall - a wonderful dialogue-initiator for the elderly hanging around in the area. Another one was putting zebra crossing on the sidewalk to warn people of a road without traffic light. As in the case of real acupuncture, in this process of alleviating the neighbourhood's pain, the interventions should be incremental instead of intrusive. For instance, the team observed carefully and recognized a back alley which was a common smoking area for workers in the area. They decorate the ash cans there, and put a reflective sheet on the wall as a mirror, to subtly equip this social and leisure space, without overdoing it and making it unwelcoming.

透過街頭象棋、斑馬線等〝針灸〞 項目,為社區空間進行改造 Giving urban space acupuncture by putting jumbo Chinese chess on the wall and adding a bespoke zebra crossing



創造公共空間 Creating Public Space


Reinventing lawns with Music and Market 草原地圖 Lawnmap 在草地上的音樂會特別自由 C o n c e r t o n t h e l aw n i s j u s t s i m p l y relaxing and different (Source: Lawnmap) 在 中 環 海 濱 草 地 的 交 換 草 場 市 集, 有 攤 檔開檔收集大家的物品 Market on the lawn on Central Waterfront, with a stall collecting visitors' paraphernalia (Source: Lawnmap)

不 少 人 認 為 假期 活 動, 只 有 逛 街 消 費 購 物。但原來我們可以選擇在草地,免費享受假日時光。近年 越 來 越 多 朋 友, 習 慣 到 草 地 野 餐, 使 用 草 地 休 憩。 過 去 幾 年, 草 原 地 圖 舉 辦 草 民 音 樂 節 或 營 會 等, 以輕鬆方式,提醒我們身邊原來有大大小小的草地可供休憩。大家在草地上聽音樂會,相比起在音 樂廳中,更加無拘無束。聽眾可以隨意擺動身體,或邊吃東西邊聽音樂。 草原地圖亦會舉辦交換草場市集,鼓勵大家用金錢以外的方式,自由交換與交流。大家可以在市集 中漫遊穿梭。市集沒有像商場般的催逼感,也不受種種規條或消費壓力限制。 草原地圖亦發現,本港不少草地,都圍上了花槽等障礙物,窒礙了大家使用。同時,草地使用率不高, 亦讓我們意識到,我們還未完全習慣自由使用草地。你曾否不自覺地對其他草地使用者投以奇怪目光? 要營造公共空間,打破隔膜,不一定需要複雜的鋪排。草原地圖分享說,他們在一次營會中,就在草 地上進行簡單的集體遊戲,參加者便馬上熟絡起來,並體會到草地上的自由舒暢。有了這些體驗,大 家也就自然更關注公共空間。 For many local citizens, shopping mall is the only spot to check out on holidays. But for Lawnmap, chilling on a lawn and savoring every bit of Sunday's time is a better alternative. In the past couple of years, Lawnmap has been hosting outdoor concerts and camps to remind everybody of the many lovely lawns around us. The experience of attending a concert on a lawn is much freer: You can swing to the music, or share a bite as you listen. That is a completely different experience a lawn can offer compared to a concert hall. Lawnmap also organizes markets on lawns that advocate free exchange, dismissing the idea of moneyoriented consumption. You can take your time and amble around without the kind of pressure, restrictions, and hustle in shopping malls. Speaking of the lawns in our city, Lawnmap also remarked that unwelcoming design, e.g. obstacles around lawns, discourages people from using them. The low usage may also suggest that we are not yet completely accustomed to chilling on lawns. Do we sometimes feel a bit uneasy when we see others sprawl on lawns? Placemaking doesn't always require sophistication. Lawnmap recapped their experience of playing silly games on a lawn at a camp, which suggested that we can already break the ice with strangers in simple activities. Through soft and captivating happenings, Lawnmap prompts us to really experience the lawns, have a good time there, and feel obliged to act and protect them.

使用者一同捍衛公共空間 Safeguarding Public Space as Users

使用者一同捍衛公共空間 Safeguarding Public Space as Users 我們作為公共空間的使用者,應抱持甚麼態度? As users, what can we do to shape a better public culture in public space?

我們要捍衛在公共空間中自由表達的權利 We must fight against infringement on our freedom of expression within public space


Think critically about the restrictions


There are all sorts of rules in public space. Most of them can help us to respect others or keep everybody safe. We should obey them. But some of the restrictions might be too stringent that they make our public space experience less meaningful. We can evaluate critically these restrictions and think of alternatives that would satisfy more people's needs without infringing others' rights. Rules and management are meant to help make a public space more pleasant and liberating, as opposed to confining.

助 我 們 學 懂 互 相 尊 重, 確 保 大 家 安 全, 我 們 應 當 遵 守。 但 部 份 規 條 則 未 免 太 嚴 苛, 限 制 了 我 們的公共空間體驗,令公共空間失去應有的自 由。 我 們 可 以 用 批 判 思 維 分 析, 換 個 角 度, 想 想有沒有其他方法解決矛盾,盡量滿足各方需 要, 卻 又 不 會 損 害 彼 此 的 權 利。 規 矩 和 管 理 背 後 的 精 神, 是 希 望 大 家 在 公 共 空 間 中, 得 以 從 拘束中釋放。


Be considerate and respect everyone


Of course we have to respect everyone for their different interests. Public space is an amazing platform to learn to communicate and interact with others.

台。 我 們 當 然 要 包 容 和 尊 重 大 家 的 不 同 喜 好。


Public space as a manifestation of egalitarian values


A s a c r u c i a l s i t e fo r c i v i c ex p r e s s i o n a n d discussion in the public sphere, public space t e s t i f i e s t o o u r f r e e d o m , r i g h t s a n d l i b e r t y. Safeguarding our public space is imperative for us to protect our social rights and values. We must always bear in mind the spirit of public space which values everybody equally.

在公共空間中,公民能夠表達訴求和發表對各 項 議 題 的 意 見。 它 體 現 了 我 們 的 自 由 和 權 利。 要保障現有的公民權利和價值,我們就必須先 保衛公共空間人人平等的精神,彼此尊重。



公共空間的延伸想像-公民社會與公共領域 Extending the Concept of Public Space: Civil Society and the Public Sphere

公共空間的延伸想像 公民社會與公共領域 Extending the Concept of Public Space: Civil Society and the Public Sphere

公共空間背後的精神是彼此分享和平等交流 The spirit of public space is one that values sharing and egalitarian discussions



休憩場所,更是公眾互動的重要場域。它既著重個人自由,亦講求互相尊重。 這樣,大家才能暢所欲言,無拘束的享用公共空間。 公 共 空 間 的 精 神 不 只 適 用 於 物 理 空 間。 社 會 學 家 Jürgen Habermas 提 倡 了 〝公共領域〞的概念。它所指的並非任何具體空間,而是社會中有讓大家聚 首討論大家關心的議題的自由度。透過討論,市民可以達成共識,甚至將討 論化成具體行動。 總結本冊學習所得,公共空間能夠給予社會中每個人公民力量。透過公共空 間中的社交互動,大家能促成對話,共同構建出公民社會,使每個人都了解 到自己在社會中的身份。 After learning so much about public space, you should now be able to grasp its spirit. What public space brings us is not just a place for leisure, but an arena for public interaction. It is about individual freedom but also mutual respect. Everybody can express themselves freely without worries. The essence of public space is not confined to physical space. The idea of "public sphere", advocated by sociologist Jürgen Habermas, refers to an intangible realm where people come together to discuss matters of mutual interest. They may reach a common judgment and form a public opinion where possible. The "public sphere" helps transform discussions into actions. All in all, public space empowers individuals through social interaction, contributing to a larger civil society where everyone is aware of the publicness of their identity.

嘗試在學校內,建立一個 讓老師和同學們交流溝通 的小型公共空間。你會怎 樣鼓勵交流? Let's try to create a small public space in school for interaction among teachers and students. What would you do to bring the school together?

關鍵字 Glossar y


關鍵字 Glossary 士 紳 化 是 城 市 中 的 常 見 現 象。 一 些 原 本 較 為 基 層 的 社 區, 因 著 重 建 或 藝 術 社 群 遷


入, 變 得 較 原 來 吸 引。 部 份 較 有 錢 的 人, 因 而 想 遷 入 該 區, 令 當 區 樓 價 和 租 金 上


升, 取 代 了 原 來 的 低 收 入 居 民。 大 部 份 人 認 為 士 紳 化 並 非 健 康 現 象, 因 為 低 收 入 人士被趕離原來社區。例子包括紐約市 The High Line 和香港灣仔區。 Gentrification is a widespread phenomenon in cities where original residents in a low income neighbourhood are displaced by wealthier households. It is generally considered negative. The shift usually takes place when a deteriorated urban neighbourhood becomes more attractive upon renovation or the emergence of an artist community. Property prices and rents rise as wealthier external citizens aspire to live in the environment, driving low income people away. Examples include the High Line in New York City and Wan Chai in Hong Kong.

地 方 營 造 是 指 將 本 來 乏 味 的 空 間, 改 造 成 有 朝 氣 活 力 的 地 方 的 過 程。 城 市 內, 往




將 它 變 成 連 繫 社 區 的 交 流 點, 促 進 及 營 造 和 諧 社 區。 只 要 動 動 腦 筋, 在 空 間 加 入 適當的物件元素,或進行各種活動,就能帶來人流,使該空間變得更有樂趣。 Placemaking refers to the process of transforming a space which is considered unattractive into a lively neighbourhood, by making it a pleasurable place. Due to a lack of quality, many urban spaces are considered bland and tasteless by citizens. Through placemaking, citizens feel a strong stake and develop an affinity to the public space or even their neighbourhood, thus creating more cohesive communities. Everyone can contribute to this process by adding new elements or having activities there strategically.


關鍵字 Glossar y

近 年, 不 少 城 市 學 者、 規 劃 師 和 建 築 師, 都 提 倡 城 市 要 適 宜 步 行。 他 們 相 信 城 市

適宜步行 的城市 Walkable City

人 面 對 的 種 種 隔 膜、 疏 離, 可 歸 咎 於 城 市 缺 乏 充 滿 活 力 與 互 動 的 街 道。 今 日 不 少 城 市 的 設 計, 只 考 慮 到 汽 車 或 駕 駛 者 的 需 要, 使 得 道 路 遼 闊 空 曠, 不 鼓 勵 步 行。 我 們 要 讓 城 市 體 驗 再 次 變 得 精 彩 繽 紛, 就 必 須 令 城 市 設 計 得 更 適 宜 步 行。 城 市 的 空 間 設 計, 要 用 鼓 勵 人 走 路 的 小 街 道 取 代 大 馬 路, 好 讓 街 道 層 面 能 有 更 多 行 人 活 動和互動發生。這樣,街道才能再次成為城市人重要的公共生活空間。 A walkable city is an ideal proposed by some urbanists, planners and architects, who believe that our cities are suffering from segregation and alienation because we don't have enough street-level activities. The urban design of many cities today is geared towards vehicular transpor tation. These cities are charactered by wide roads or highways that are not walkable. To redeem our urban experience, we must make cities walkable, such that roads are replaced by walkable streets, and street-level interaction among pedestrians are possible. Once again, the streets become crucial public space for city dwellers.

〝 門 禁 社 區 〞 一 般 指 個 別 住 宅 區, 出 入 受 到 一 定 限 制, 長 期 由 保 安 駐 守, 以 防 止

門禁社區 Gated Community

居民以外的人進入。這些社區一般有保安限制各種活動。香港不少新落成的屋苑, 都 在 發 展 時 得 到 政 府 批 准, 將 本 來 規 劃 在 街 道 層 的 法 定 公 共 空 間, 遷 移 到 屋 苑 的 平 台 層。 一 般 公 眾 根 本 不 知 道 公 共 空 間 的 存 在, 使 得 本 來 屬 於 大 眾 的 活 動 空 間, 變 成 了 屋 苑 居 民 尊 享 的 休 憩 用 地, 無 形 中 被 私 有 化。 灣 仔 亦 有 一 些 舊 建 築, 被 活 化成高檔餐廳後,變成必須消費才能進入的私人地帶。 "Gated community" usually refers to a residential area with strictly controlled entrances that are often staffed by security guards. Only residents are allowed to access gated communities. In Hong Kong, many newly developed housing estates have relocated the street-level statutory open space for the public to the estate's podium within the gated realm, with government consent. In some cases, once these public spaces are removed from the streets, the public is unaware of these obscure public spaces. They become exclusive to the gated community residents. There are also some historical architectures in Wan Chai that are revitalized into upscale restaurants. Only well-off diners who can afford and pay are granted access to these now exclusive gardens.

鳴謝 Acknowledgement (依筆劃排列) DENNIS Design Centre

編輯 Editors

The Pocket Parks Collective

李淳朗 Soen Long LEE

小川哲生 Tetsuo OGAWA

甄卉露 Rachel YAN

市川美佐子 Misako ICHIMURA 甘甘 Gumgum 拓展公共空間 HKPSI 草原地圖 Lawnmap 陳俊嘉 Jenny CHAN

設計 Designer 李淳朗 Soen Long LEE

主辦 Organizer

黃宇軒 Sampson WONG 樊樂怡 Helen FAN

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+852 2766 0189

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