Imp volume 1 issue 2

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July 2013 VOL: 001 ISS: 002



how it functions

05 DUSTIN THOMPSON featured photographer 10 5 MISTAKES MODELS MAKE a must read for new & professional models 18 MODEL INTERVIEW ivy ferguson 22 SEX IN ADVERTISING how it functions

VOL: 001 JULY 2013 ISS 002



tim searles design | illustration | layout

iMP 05

INSIDE iss: 002

DUSTIN THOMPSON featured photographer


a must read for the new & exsisting model

18 MODEL INTERVIEW: an interview with

22 SEX IN ADVERTISING how it functions


the importance of photographer can not be underestimated



dealing with the digital lag


how to become an actor in film without taking acting lessons


an interview with Lindsay Raynolds

Be sure to check out our website and services at:

FROM THE PUBLISHER Well, the second issue is out now and we’re excited about what coming up in the future. The growth in readership has been gaining steady ground on and with a steady increase of MAGAZINE over 250% per week President/CEO CHRIS CLAYTON in new readers. Publishers Countries with the CHRIS CLAYTON / most growth in TIMOTHY SEARLES readers are Italy, Managing Editor Brazil, The united DONNA BRAYSHAW Creative Director states, Russia and TIMOTHY SEARLES Canada. Sales Director TBA

Our commitment to bring up-andcoming talent to the world remains strong and with growth comes the question ‘What do the readers want to see?” Feel free to let us know how were doing. Are we bringing you the information you want to read ? make sure to like us on facebook:

COVER In House Photographer: CHRIS CLAYTON

CONTRIBUTING People & Resources: Graphics: Tim Searles, TBA Executive Assistant: TBA Sales: TBA Article Photographers: tba Writers: TBA Photographic Resources: TBA SXC.HU Photographers: TBA groups/I.M.P.Magazine/ groups/I.M.P.Magazine/

© 2013 all rights reserved. IMP Opinions and perspectives expressed in this magazine are those of the contributing editors and do not necessarily represent the views of the management and ownership. All models are 18+ Reproduction in part or whole of this publication, without the publisher’s consent, is strictly prohibited.

ISSN 1920-955X Vol. 01 - Iss: 02 July, 2013 04

I was born & raised in Southern California. Born and raised in Southern California, I have always loved photography. I was the one documenting adventures with my friends with a simple point and shoot. My true passion with photography heightened with the purchase of my first DSLR, the Sony A55. It enabled me to take creative control over my images, even more so when I moved up to the a99. It was like a new world had opened the door to my imagination. I love showing people things in a whole new way, always trying to think outside the box! Photography has given me so many unique opportunities, from shooting the gorgeous walls of Antelope Canyon and covering drifting events trackside to capturing the amazing life changes for people with engagement and maternity portraits.


p h o t o g ra p h e r



I am so grateful that photography has come into my life. It has made me slow down and take a longer look at my surroundings. It has taught me the beauty in an old abandoned car in a field is the same as most people see viewing a beach sunset. It has introduced me to amazing people all over the world. It is so exciting to be part of a community that is constantly pushing each other to excel and always working to exceed the boundaries. I have done my best to contribute to this circle, by sharing my knowledge and creating a series of youtube photography tutorials, that can be found at the link below. T

hank you to my amazing parents, my wonderful and very patient girlfriend, Vy, my friends and family for all of their encouragement and support. I appreciate to opportunity to share my photography with you. To view some of my work, you can find me at: Dustin Thompson Photography


beauty the 06

s l o w down & take a

longer look at your surroundings.

vvvvvvvvvv 07

I have always loved photography 08 09




No. 5

Part 2: Continued article from Vol. 001, Iss.001

Operating Independently.

Many models are working in a capacity that doesn’t make sense to the average professional photographer or agent. While I won’t say they’re operating illegally-although some are, those that don’t have a business registered are operating in a way that’s…well…silly. Everyone at some point in their career want’s to get paid even if it’s reimbursement for gas to and from the session. If you don’t want to get paid today, you will at some point in your career, trust me on it. When you accept money for services rendered you are required to pay taxes on it. Not to mention by having a registered business you can write off a lot of things that you would normally buy; makeup, clothing, gas, food the day of shoot and even gym memberships! Yes! It’s all things that are tax deductible and ready to be written off! Don’t believe me? Talk to an accountant and find out for yourself. Also, if you accept $500.00 or more in payments for a single job, or on a single pay period from anyone that is a business or for services, you are required to report that and pay taxes to the government. In Canada, you don’t need a GST number until you have reached $30,000 in a year in income from Modeling or Acting as, or under a business name. Next pp 10

No. 4

Not Knowing Your Genre.

Lots of young models want to take the modeling world by storm. I appreciate that and feed off it, but at the same time you have to be realistic with what you can do and the genres you can do them with in. If you haven’t read my “So you want to be a model” segment, take a moment to do so. It has honest info on the genres suited for height and weight. A photographer that says “Let’s shoot fashion” to someone that is not 5’8” is doing the model a great disservice as that model will sadly and at this point in time, ever work as a real fashion model. Some new models will fire back with “But Kate Moss is 5’6”!” To that I will say let’s take a BRIEF look at Ms. Moss; She was signed when she was 14years of age. At the time of her signing (1988), she was then tall for a 14 year old so everyone expected her to reach “model” height. By the time it was obvious she wasn’t to grow to model height, Con`t next pageher career had taken off and you can’t really undo millions of dollars of print work. So they had to decide, poop or get off the pot. They decided to finish up and if you’ll notice, there hasn’t been a under 5’8” Supermodel since! Am I saying it will never happen again? No of course not, but I’ll be greatly surprised if it does. Next pp

a great

disservice 11

No. 3

Not Knowing A good photo

Next to a boyfriend, a big model career killer is the inability to distinguish between a good and bad photo. Most models forget or don’t know that this is an industry of selling your likeness. Clients will book based off the looks you can give them. Can you look like a crack head if doing a DARE shoot? Can you look comfortable in layers upon layers of clothing? Can you look good with little to no clothing at all? These are all things clients are going to be looking at. They will need to know you can pull off the look they need with little to no direction from them. This all starts with the images you put in your book be it paper or digital, to show them. You are only as good as your worst shot and sadly you will only

be remembered for your worst shot. Do you like conceptual work? great! but is it good for your book? most likely no. You will need to take time to learn the industry in where you work or want to work and go from there. You will need to learn the difference between properly exposed and under or over exposed photos. White balanced or not. Aesthetically pleasing? For example there is a Photographer out East who has a LOT of fashion advice for young models, yet he’s told me he can’t get any of the models work cause the agencies don’t like his work. How can someone with so much “information” sell his stuff to young girls when no legitimate agencies will give his

images a first look? You will need to learn what works in your genre as well as the step above where you want to work. Modeling is more than being pretty, it’s a business. Next pp


is more

than being pretty 12

No. 2

Being Controlled

This could be out of jealousy

New models are so interested in becoming a model that they listen to what a photographer will tell them. The problem with this? often times the photographer is looking to control the model if they realize it or not! Every city and state has a select group of photographers a photographer wouldn’t recommend. This could be out of jealousy, hate or even knowing the photographer isn’t any good and can hurt the model’s budding career. The model doesn’t know which way the photographer is

coming from but knows the photographer tells him or her that they have the models best interest at heart and as a result, the young model accepts the photographers word as gold. The thing models need to ask themselves is simple; is this guy a photographer or agent? An agent secures work, a photographer produces images that will secure work for the model. Most legit photographers have ZERO desire to manage a career because they’re having a difficult enough time managing their own! PP16 13




OF D T & m H o c N G W . l I i a N O m t A OT o h @ M 1 c , i s K u N m i U m


No. 1

Asking for Too much pay too soon


can’t do more than the

ducklips pose

Not only do some models ask for pay with two shoots under their belts, or because they shoot nude, but they don’t have a business registered and can’t do more than the myspace ducklips pose or pose the photographer taught them two seconds ago! I have a legal and registered business, if I pay anyone $500.00 or more per calendar year I am required to report that to taxes and send you a 1099 (in the USA) or a T4 (In Canada). Do you think I’m going to risk my business for you? Exactly! If a client is going to pay then they are obligated to report it as they get deductions from that as well. Before you reach a status of pay you should know yourself and your body inside and out. You should know what looks good on you, what poses work and have a “name” for yourself. Everyone and anyone can ask for and get paid, but usually the person that has the most “worth” is the one to dictate. What determines worth? The parties that are working together. Find a good photographer that is local to you and work with him or her but do not let them make career based decisions for you. Nothing turns a client off more than seeing all bathroom shot images in your portfolio and them reading an email with your rates. Photographers gossip more than models! Next pp 16

A few worthy mentions: Excessive Tattoos While I understand it is the cool thing to get a ton of tattoos, it’s your way of expressing yourself, if you’re thinking about becoming a model you have to wonder what tattoos will do for your career? Sadly I would love to say the industry has grown and small things such as looks, weight, height and tattoos don’t matter but when you pick up Vogue, Elle, etc, how many tattered models do you see? Why? Because clients don’t want the model to take away from their product at all. A model is there to accentuate the article not distract. Think of L’oreal or Cover Girl or Maybelline and tell me how many models have sleeves, or tat’s on their neck or face? Take a look at CK or DKNY ads and tell me how many models have sleeves or excessive tattoos? There are a few CK ads that have had fake tattoos drawn on them, but sadly, real tattoos for anything other than glamour has not yet been accepted main stream.

Professional Commitment To be a model and a successful model requires one to be dedicated and committed to the business. This isn’t something that you wake up one day or because the guys at the night club or worse yet, a photographer who really wants to shoot you tells you, you can do and be successful. This takes a fair amount of time and commitment and tons of door knocking and pavement pounding. If you’re unwilling to do these things, this for sure isn’t the career for you. 16



Q: Hi Ivy. We’re happy to be able to have an interview for our magazine, our first question is, What made you get into Modeling? A: I started learning about my sexuality at a young age, I remember being about 8 years old and pretending to strip for guys on chairs. When I started learning about how much power those type of women could have, I’m like damn I’m there! Penthouse, Hustler, Playboy, I wanted to be one of those girls. Its funny because as I got into my early teens everyone noticed me, calling me beautiful, saying I should model. I was going through a “rebel” phase at the time and just wanted to focus on a music career. My mom even forced me to take a runway class when I was about 13. It wasn’t until I was about 17 that I started commercial modelling. Next pp

I was going through a

Rebel phase 18

Q: How old were you when you first thought about a career in modelling? A: I was about 17 when I first started thinking about a serious career in modelling. Thats when I began coming out of my “rebel” faze. A lot changed for me in that year. Q: What was your first photoshoot like? A: I move around a lot, usually a few different towns a year. I met a girl who later on became a good friend of mine and she introduced me to a photographer who was shooting models in that area. My first real photo shoot was pretty chill. My sister was with me. We ended up mainly taking head shots. It was a lot of fun. Q: What was your best experience when you were first starting out and what were the highlights? A: When I first started out at 17 when II entered a swimsuit shoot off contest in Vernon, B.C. It was exciting and a blast. I won fifth place in the overall competition and 3rd in peoples choice so I got to be in a UK magazine and calender that had the whole event posted in it. I thought that was pretty neat at the time. Next pp

a phone call from an L.A agent

14 Sharden St., Tblisi, Georgia: Tel: +995 597 775486

w w w.dtpcara ud i o. com 19

Q: What was one of your worst experience in modeling to date? A: I haven’t really had any bad experiences. Sometimes shooting nudes, guys will make inappropriate jokes and stuff like that but really nothing too harsh. Q: Where were you born? What made you move to San Diego? Name some of the emotional highlights of the move and decision to turn professional. A: I was born in Smithers, B.C, and moved to Toronto for a while. I met the bass player for my favourite band and I actually moved in with him on the first date. Literally, the date lasted a month and then I moved in. I love to travel and am very adventurous so that is how I got down to Southern California, its great here. I’ve been down here for about a year now and get tons of modelling work. Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? A: Gosh, well if my life goes the way I want it to at the moment, then I’d say, it would be nice to be settled down and have a kid by then. I’ll be 30 so my modelling career will be pretty much over. I’m thinking about broadway opportunities. They are not so picky on age so in my 30’s I think would be a great opportunity to pursue that. Q How supportive were friends & family? A: My family is very supportive. Like I said I move around a lot so I wouldn’t say that I have too many friends. Never enough time to make any lasting ones, but my family are great about it! When I lived in Canada, my sister would always come with me and watch and help out. It’s great. Next pp 20

Q: Your thoughts on Nude work? A:I love nude/adult modelling. A Nude models make way more than non-nude models. Glamor model is fun and all but posing nude has to be one of my favourite things in the world! Q: What are your thoughts on agency representation for Actors and Models? Some people feel strongly that agencies are a waste of time and it’s just as easy to get work by representing yourself…what are your thoughts on this? A: For actors I would say maybe an agency would be great but for modelling I think it is a little different. It all depends on what you want to do. Like being sponsored by Playboy would be a little different. If you wanted to be in Playboy and had a contract with another agency then you are stuck for however long you signed up with them. Depending on how your connections are I’d say its better to stay off on your own until you know exactly what you want. Q: What would your advice be to a 14 year old with ambitions of becoming a model or actor? A: My advice would be to go for it! Don’t give up, there will always be tons of competition and if you feel you don’t like something about yourself then change it! There isn’t anything that can’t be changed. Its too easy giving up, you have to fight for it. I love it though, so if you have an interest I would say go for it, if you find you love it too, then start planning a career. Ivy, thank you for taking the time to talk with International Model and Photographer Magazine….any last thoughts, advice or comments you would like our readers to know about you? A: I’m really looking forward to the next year or so, I plan on really following through with everything that I have been working for. Thanks, for having me! Later! 21


The Last Century

In a new study by UCLA (University of California – Los Angeles) and UGA (University of Georgia) Researchers, they looked at sexual advertisements appearing in magazines and various publications over the last 30+ years, and found that the numbers have increased dramatically in correspondence to sales. Looking at 3,232 full-page ads published in 1983, 1993, 2003 and 2013 in popular magazines Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Esquire, Playboy, Newsweek and Time, researchers from the University of Georgia found sexual imagery in 20 percent of the ads. “Advertisers use sex because it can be very effective,” Tom Reichert, professor and head of the department of advertising and public relations in the UGA Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, said. “Sex sells because it attracts attention. People are hard wired to notice sexually relevant information so ads with sexual content get noticed,” he said. People also succumb to the “buy this, get this” imagery used in advertising, he said. “Some young men actually think Axe body spray will drive women crazy.. “But, brand impressions are shaped by images in advertising, too. Arguable, Calvin Klein and Victoria’s Secret are not much different than Hanes or Vassarette, but perception studies show those brands are

1 $ex $ells Part




In Advertising

perceived as ‘sexy’, and some customers want that,” he said. The researchers found that using sex to sell everything from alcohol to banking services has increased over the years - 15 percent of ads used sex to sell in 1983; that percentage grew to 27 percent in 2003 and 43 percent by 2013. Ads were categorized based on the models’ clothing, or lack thereof, and physical contact between models. “Our findings show that the increase in visual sexual imagery over the three decades of analysis is attributable to products already featuring sexual content in ads, not necessarily widespread adoptions by other product categories. “Specifically, alcohol, entertainment and beauty ads are responsible for much of the increase,” Reichert said. The study showed sex is primarily used to sell lowrisk products purchased on impulse. “Sex is not as effective when selling high-risk, informational products such as banking services, appliances & utility trucks,” Con’t next pp 22

he said. Much of the growth was seen in alcohol, entertainment and beauty advertising. Out of 18 product categories, those most often using sexual imagery in advertising were health and hygiene at 38 percent, beauty at 36 percent, drugs and medicine - 29 percent, clothing - 27 percent, travel - 23 percent, and entertainment - 21 percent. “In almost every study I’ve seen, sexual content gives a purchase advantage in such instances,” Reichert said. Products not using sex in their ads were charitable organizations and computer companies. Women are used to sell products most often when pitching sex. In ads sampled from 2013, 92 percent of beauty ads that contained models were female. Slightly less than half of the ads did not contain models. With the exception of entertainment advertising, females overwhelming occupy the pages of sex-selling advertisements. Of the 38 percent of provocative health and hygiene advertisements that feature models, 31 percent feature females and 7 percent feature males. “Perhaps more important, this analysis shows that the proportion for alcohol ads in 2013 increased to about one sexual ad for every three ads (37 percent),. “Using sex to sell products such as alcohol and tobacco is a moral issue,” Reichert said. Reichert concluded by saying that this upward trend in erotic ads is a reflection of society. “It takes more explicitness to grab our attention and arouse us than ever before. “In the early 1900s, exposed arms and ankles of female models generated the same level of arousal as partially nude models do today. We can see during our lifetimes the changes in sexually explicit content on television, movies, books and other forms of media beyond just advertising,”



1in 3 ads were sexual in


Watch for part 2 of “Sex Sells” in the August Issue of International Model and Photographer Magazine. 23



Selecting the Best Family Photographer

(c) Jennifer Hamilton

The importance of family photos cannot be underestimated. Not only are these photos capable of capturing the images of all the family members, but, they act as a symbol of unity within the family. Today, there are several

photography options available, which makes it a bit difficult to make the perfect choice. When it comes to have a family photograph, everything needs to be just the perfect. The photographs should be so that

can bring back the time when the photo was taken even after many years. There are a few steps that you can follow when searching for the best family photographer. By choosing the right person for the job, you will get pictures that

get pictures that you can proudly display around the home. As you search for that perfect photographer, it is imperative to know the style of the photos that they take. Although the photos taken in the studio look beautiful

they cannot match those that are taken in outdoor settings. Not only do outdoor pictures have an authentic kind of background that has been added through the computer, but, they have powerful lighting

that bring out the best features. The photographers who are experienced in taking outdoor photos will know how to handle the lighting situations. They ensure that they identify the best backdrops for the photos. Next pp 26

photos l e ave lasting


Pictures taken on settings such as a grassy field, mountain range or any other place that you would like will look gorgeous if taken by a professional. Keep in mind that the essence of capturing beautiful photos is to bring out the beauty and special bond that exists in the family. In many situations, spending money on cheap options is enthralling. However, this is not particularly the case with photography. If you hire a high end family photographer, you can be assured of getting the best results. They have the knowledge, experience and expertise to ensure that your photos look magical the first time that they take them. You will also rest easy and enjoy filling your album and picture frames with the most amazing collection of photos. The main reason why the professional photographers charge more money is because they are equipped with professional tools that are necessary when taking photos. Remember that these photos may go down different generations hence they should be of high quality. High end family photographers ensure that the images they present in their photos exude confidence in the members of the family. The photos that they create leave lasting memories. As you preserve some special time in your family history, you should ensure that the outcome is exactly how you wanted it to be. Professional photographers ensure that they accommodate their clients needs with Con`t pp29 27

tim searles design | illustration | layout 24





the aim of surpassing their expectations. They ensure that the pictures look like art pieces so that the appreciation of the photos will remain evident in the years to come. Take note that there are several advantages of selecting a superb Toledo Ohio photographer. To start with, you will be assured of the high quality of the pictures. The photos can be passed down generations and they certainly will present that special moment in your family’s time-line. People will always change with each passing day, but, the family photos will not hence preserving such memories is a great idea. Ensure you deal with a well reputed and experienced photographer. 29





When it comes to taking stunning images, one of the most important digital photography basics is understanding shutter lag Also called “processor lag” this is the time that it takes between the time you press the shutter release and the time the camera actually takes the shot When it comes to taking amazing action photos, one of the most important digital photography basics is understanding shutter lag. Also called “processor lag” this is the time that it takes between the time you press the shutter release and the time the camera actually takes the shot. Press the shutter too early and you’ll end up with a picture that’s completely different than what you were expecting. Despite all of their advantages, compact digital cameras are slower than traditional film cameras. This article provides some tips for dealing with this lag, as well as tips for how to take more exciting and memorable action pictures. 1) Be Ready to Shoot.. While you can’t know if your child is going to make that soccer goal, try to anticipate when things are most apt to happen. Even professional sports photographers with speed-of-lightning cameras try to anticipate the action, just so they can be in the right spot and point the camera in the right direction. By having a better understanding of what you’re photographing, you’ll be better able to anticipate the actions and get better shots. So, if you plan to take pictures of your child’s soccer match, learn the rules of the game so you’ll know what to expect. If your child’s performing in the Nutcracker, watch a rehearsal or two. 2) Shop Around before purchasing a new compact digital. Unfortunately, there isn’t just one camera spec that will tell you how fast the camera will capture the picture from the time you press the button. Others things like the quality of the sensor and the ISO setting (if in dim light) can also slow down the processing time. So investigate what other people are saying in photography forums and read the entire manufacturer’s specs online. 3) Spring for a DSLR (Digital Single-Lens-Reflex). They’re more expensive than compacts, but they’re FAST. DSLRs don’t have shutter lag problems, so if you’re taking photos outside, you can increase the ISO without your photos Next pp

taking better

photos 32

having digital noise like you would with a compact camera. Digital Photography Basics to Use with any Type of Camera Whether you have a compact, DSLR, point-and-shoot film camera or camera phone, try these professional tricks. Zoom in on Faces. Don’t always focus on the action. Capture those expressions of determination, triumph and even defeat (especially if it’s an opponent!). Tell a Story Look for shots that tell a story of the event. For example, begin with a shot of the team’s huddle or your fellow paddlers launching their rafts. Freeze! ? To freeze the action, set your camera to sports mode or set your Shutter Speed Priority to a high setting. As an example of different settings, freezing action in a soccer tournament requires a shutter speed of 1/250 to 1/500 while taking photos of your pet sitting still requires 1/125. Blur the Background Take a cue from the sports photographers, and blur the background by decreasing the camera’s depth of field. If you’re using a camera with Aperture Priority, you can do this simply by decreasing the F Stop number. The lower the F Stop number, Next pp






blurry your background. Pan - This is a good alternative for digital compact users where dim light underexposes photos taken with sports mode/fast shutter speed. Panning works with automatic focus, but it only works when the action is moving in a fairly straight line. Here is how to pan the camera: Set your Camera to Auto focus. With feet planted firmly on the ground, move the upper half of your body while following the subject with your camera. Just before you think the action will occur, start pressing the shutter release button half way down and continue following the subject until you’ve pressed the button completely down to get the shot. Is the auto focus on your camera too slow? Focus on an area of contrast, such as the number on a uniform. Auto focus works faster with contrast. Play around with panning and see what kinds of different effects you can get. You might want to show some blur in the action to emphasize the speed of movement, such as with a race car. Whether you are shooting a sporting event or taking photos of your dog playing Frisbee, action photos are really a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. And once you understand the digital photography basics like shutter lag, you’ll take better pictures and have even more fun. 34

show s o m e

blur 35


BACK door...


The film industry has been around for almost 130 years and going back through history who would think that some of the biggest stars of the century got their start by pushing a broom in the big studio’s of Hollywood’s heyday. Many aspiring actors dream being discovered at a young age by a big-name Hollywood executive and becoming an instant star. However, for most actors, the path to fame is hard work. Even some of the biggest names in Hollywood paid their dues as extras, working behind the scenes as crew and in bit parts before working their way to the top. Here are just a few famous actors who made the journey from extras to movie stars. * Long before they were A-list Hollywood stars, childhood friends – and renowned baseball fans – Ben Affleck and Matt Damon appeared as extras in Kevin Costner’s 1986 Field of Dreams. The pair, though uncredited, appeared among the crowd in a scene that took place in Boston’s Fenway Park. * It’s hard to imagine an actor more popular right now than Channing Tatum, who’s had starring roles in major films such as this year’s Magic Mike, 21 Jump Street and The Vow. However, just seven years ago he was breaking into acting as an uncredited extra, playing the role of a boy in the church scene in 2005’s War of the Worlds. * He went on to become a film icon, but John Wayne’s earliest movie roles included “guard”, “football player”, and “horse race spectator” – all uncredited roles among the many he had as an extra in various silent films from the late 1920s. * Fans of Jerry Maguire, Men of Honor or Radio might recognize a familiar face in the 1988 Eddie Murphy comedy Coming to America; that’s a young Cuba Gooding, Jr sitting in the barbershop chair. 38

* Eight years before uttering the classic “Yippee-ki-yay” in 1988’s Die Hard, Bruce Willis was making his movie debut as an extra one of Frank Sinatra’s last films, The First Deadly Sin. Two years later, he could be spotted in the background as an extra in the 1982 courtroom drama The Verdict with Paul Newman. * He may have caught the world’s attention in 1988’s Thelma and Louise before going on to star in blockbusters such as Fight Club and Moneyball, but Hollywood leading man Brad Pitt got his acting start as an uncredited extra in four different 1987 films, including as “partygoer/preppy guy at fight” in Less Than Zero. * Today, we know Clint Eastwood as an accomplished actor, director, and all-around Hollywood icon. But before he was making a living as the ultimate tough guy in films like 1966’s The Good, The Bad and the Ugly and 1971’s Dirty Harry, or directing Oscar-winning films like 2005’s Million Dollar Baby, he was breaking into the industry as an extra in several films throughout the 1950s. * Sylvester Stallone was playing the role of a tough guy years before his breakthrough role in Rocky in 1976. He got his start as an extra in a number of films in the early 1970s, including an uncredited role as “subway thug #1”, a mugger in Woody Allen’s 1971 comedy Bananas.


we know

Clint Eastwood as an



Many an actor in the 30’s and 40 started out as crew. Next Issue (August 2013) Celebrities that got their start sweeping studio floors. 39

Lintendo Lindsey Reynolds Without a doubt, from a young age I had fantasized about being a model or being featured in magazines. But, now I am twenty-one years old and have gone farther then I ever imagined. I was raised in the country on a acreage with the most perfect family anyone could ask for. My childhood with all that I remembered was quite

wonderful. From a young age I knew I was obsessed with style, fashion and mostly playing dress up and hiking around in high heals playing outdoors. That is the reason why heals don’t hurt my feet anymore! I was defiantly a farm girl, loved the outdoors. I owned a horse and won ribbons in show jumping and attended 4H and all kind of country

enrollments. Then explored and experimented with music, volunteering, public speaking all throughout my life. One of the hardest things in life is going through growing up. I was not always admired, being teased for being small and petite; being excused of having eating disorders. I was a healthy young lady and ate well. Next pp 40

“obsessed iwas


style ”

Photography: Sean Trostem

My image of myself was portrayed as not even close too model type, too skinny no curves. I always knew I was good down to the core though, I had average self esteem. It actually took my first semi nude photoshoot that showed me a completely different side of myself. Seeing your self, your body from such an open

perspective was incredibly exhilarating. It proved to myself that I looked perfect and I was happy with my size. I was a beautiful young woman, and that is okay to admit. Being comfortable in your own skin is so important. The number one skill a model should have is confidence. The model industry and goes into any direction

you would like it, and it takes years of experience, getting yourself out there, meeting new people, networking and having charisma too move forward. Myself, I have never really signed with any agency and never will. Simply because I am much to alternative, independent and I love being my own boss! Having your Con’t pp 44 41

I hope to

travel more own unique look is also a key factor is standing out. I absolutely love grabbing attention and being different. It was music and passion for the arts that made me adapt into my own look. I no longer cared what anyone thought of me, being unique was a must for me mentally. Right now I have been featured in over 10 magazines, including two covers! I have done over 7 runways shows and worked with over 60 different photographers. I have done a little bit of traveling but (was) excited to attend a model workshop with Playboy Mexico in October. Currently its just overwhelming how far I’ve gone with all the support from my family and friends. I hope in the future Next pp 44

to travel more! And to get into more magazines, including covers. I hope to start a little bit of acting, just starting with music videos and such. Overall, it has taken my exceptional personality, style and hard work to get where I am today. All I want to do now is expand and get bigger projects! Now, for some model advice to fellow models and beginners out there‌ Here is some of my guidance too you coming from 9 years of experience. The industry is different all over the world though. I have started out in a small town in northern Alberta, Canada when I was thirteen years old. It was my huge interest in photographer that began my new desire for modeling. I had received a camera and taken some courses in photography, did some small jobs and attended photographer gatherings and learned from friends. But, eventually I was used as the subject and soon found that I really enjoyed being on the other side of the camera! Its very important too not have a shy approach to modeling. You have to be open minded and flexible. Its also important too love yourself, have confidence, it will really show through your photos. I find that doing yoga and pilaties a few times a week really helps with my posture, balance and flexibility. Meeting people in the industry and networking online is also a key aspect in getting yourself out there. Modeling is truly something that has showed me Next pp

not too

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how to love myself. I adore showing women that they can be beautiful no matter what. Especially when you show some skin! There is nothing more natural and self esteem boosting then doing a spicy photoshoot, for yourself, not your man! Get as much experience as you can participate in contests and try and check out some photographer/model group in your hometown where casting calls can be shown. Have a good support system and think smart, make references and never meet with anyone you don’t know. Let your modeling experience be a fantastic journey. Never give up on your dreams. Stand up for what you believe, don’t let anything dim the light inside that unique soul. I am so fortunate too have gone this far and thank you all for the on going support. You can follow me on Facebook my simply searching, Lintendo. I would love to hear from you! Please contact me through email at, 46

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JUNE 01, 2013




tygeria drayton “That’s a great question, how did I get started in modeling? I always loved fashion and makeup and Vogue. I wanted to be an esthetician and makeup artist for runaway models, but life happens so quickly and I had my son. It was a bad time for me when I was pregnant and just hearing I could be a model by my Dad kinda stuck in my head like what no not me?? Then I came back to Vegas and was thinking about jobs and applied to day care and child care type jobs and didn’t get any call backs and thought back to when he said I could model and was like what heck the worse that can happen is they tell me I am ugly. I got jobs rather quickly and had a sponsor page that got me a lot of fans. I was very blessed. I felt beautiful and loved creating and making the weird little ideas that popped into my head come to life. In terms of modeling where I am at now. I would say I have a wonderful portfolio mixed with so many different looks and concepts. I am in three magazines and many blogs and interviews. I am achieving something I am passionate about and something I have come to fall in love with. Its actually pretty cool to be a mom who gets to be with her son and be a model. I am where I want to be and just hope one day I can be in Vogue and then I will be satisfied haha.” 50 51

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