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Milton Keynes—An Alternative Approach Chris Johnson (again) Editor: This article appeared in the June 2004 issue of TUG. Unfortunately I cannot find the GPS track image it refers to. This is actually no disadvantage, since it leaves you in a fog of geographical uncertainty, which is what this article is really about. ‘Stuart’ is Stuart Daniels, who re-joined EAMG not that long ago. It was Easter Saturday, and the first social ride of the year; Chris & Gary's Super Sausage Run. It was also the first anniversary of the incident which led to my being publicly 'outed' by Chris Reed; I refer, of course, to my conspicuous lack of any significant navigational skills. I was determined that this year would be different. Firstly, I now carry a GPS mapping receiver (Editor: a primitive precursor of the SatNav) which shows exactly where one is with astonishing accuracy. Unfortunately the route for the ride was not announced beforehand so I couldn't program it into the unit and thus avoid the major weakness of GPS - knowing where you are only helps if you know where you ought to be. Secondly, I attached myself to Stuart's group. I have had great respect for him since the Fish & Chip run last year; this was a man who was not afraid to lay down a string of markers every ten yards on difficult intersections, block off roundabout exits with borrowed traffic cones etc. etc. He also plainly has great strength of character since his smile remained in place when he saw me drift over to his group, and his reflex flinch was almost imperceptible. The pre-ride briefing was good. Apparently the only real problem might be at Milton Keynes. We were given full instructions which, on entering the left ear, encountered no significant obstacle and exited promptly from the right one, leaving only an echo which said that you turned left at a roundabout and then turned right at another one signposted A5. Since Milton Keynes appears to have been designed by someone who had a childhood fixation with spaghetti hoops, and consists of innumerable feaEssex Advanced Motorcyclist Group Promoting Excellence in Motorcycling Since 1982