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Training Team News

Training Team News

October 2020

Well summer seems to be slipping away with a prospect of a very restricted autumn and winter, and with the season’s change there are changes to the committee.


Steve Mariner stepped forward to take over as Group Secretary from Graham Seeley. I thank Graham for his time in the post and wish him well as he resigns from the committee. I am very grateful to Steve who is up and running and will be sending out the newsletter in future, and keeping the committee in check!

Paula has also indicated she wishes to stand down as membership secretary, having held this position myself I know how rewarding and enjoyable it is to have contact with members, new and old. My thanks go to Paula for her dedication and ask any member interested to contact me for more details on the role.

I congratulate Joe Johal on completing his observer training and joining the team.

We still have many new members joining and we are close to offering a normal training program to all our associates and full members who

are undergoing FTFM. Since June the observers have been conducting 1:1 rides and Mick and Alan ran an associate only ride for 3 associates.

As T.U.G. goes to print we are also working on holding AGT at Longmeads house. The new building situated behind and to the left of the old one boasts a beautiful block paved car park. As numbers are restricted to follow guidelines we will only be able to accommodate associate members and full members on FMFT. The format will generally be the same with a Roadcraft talk then 1:1 observed rides. We can meet in a group larger than 6 for training purposes while in the hall. There will be extra supervision in the car park and strict hygiene measures to keep everyone safe.

I know there doesn’t seem much for full members at the moment. Lots of you are out in smaller groups, friendships you have made through EAMG and that is fantastic. Anyone wanting some company on a ride please post on facebook or the forum, or message me and I will arrange something.

Hoping you and your loved ones stay safe.



Pandemic Place Filler

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