loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
Breaking the mold and spittin’ on your whip, P.O.S has been cleverly innovating the independent hip-hop scene since 2004. With a loud, do it yourself, in your face attitude, and a punk background, P.O.S talks about the social structure, work ethic, his beliefs and his journey to where he stands today; an independent hip-hop artist on his way to top. The journey has been long but he refuses to take any shortcuts what so ever and that is what makes him different. loud, aggresive, do-it-yourself,
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself
loud, aggressive, do-it-yourself