2 Strands

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Christopher Poovey

2 Strands For Oboe, Bass Clarinet, and 8 Channel Live Electronics

2 S tr a nd s

Pe r f o r ma n c e N o t e Re q uir e d Te c hno lo gy - Large diaphragm condenser microphone for the bass clarinet - Clip on microphone for the oboe - Minimum 2x8 audio interface - 2 MIDI piano pedals (one for each performer) - 8 speakers arranged in a circular formation around the audience

N o n - S t a n d a r d N o t a t io n

Beating Multiphonic: Play any multiphonic that produces noticeable beating.

Press down and hold the MIDI pedal until indicated to release. is will trigger an electronic sustain e ect that holds onto what you play.

œ Key Trill or Timbral Trill: trill between two ngerings of the same note. e ridged line represents the speed of the trill.


( œ)

Unmetered Feather: Play any number of notes at an increasing or decreasing speed for the indicated duration.

œ Lip Bend: Bend the pitch approximately to the noted pitch in parenthesis.

Slap Tongue Unpitched Wind Sound: blow air through instrument to create noise.

Transformative Multiphonic: Smoothly transition between the given pitch and any multiphonic containing that pitch until the graphic reaches its peak, and then transition back to the original note. e original note may have a deviation of a quarter tone from the notated pitch.

œ Overblown Multiphonic Glissando: Overblow the given note, creating a multiphonic, to reach the speci ed pitch.

œ œ œ œ bœ œ nœ œ bœ bœ nœ

Metered grace notes: play the following notes as if grace notes in the given duration.

Granulation of past pedal timbres begins- follows the envelope of each instrument

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