Many of the pieces in the exhibit were done during the pandemic. The city was very quiet. I took long walks at Tinicum and throughout the city. These walks kept me energized and inspired my painting.
My work evolves out of a process of working space, gesture, color and light. There is a play of the learned and the intuitive that creates tension and provides variable rhythm.
Mylar has a wonderful translucent surface. It allows me to move in and out of a suspended journey across its surface, thus creating journeys that are taken on a whim and are surprised by the discoverys that unfold.
The work seeks to explore what I know, chance, the void; being grounded and allowing flight.
OilonMylar,2019, Framedsize: 37½x46½
OilonMylar,2019, Framedsize 34x39¼
OilonMylar,2020, Framedsize 36x39
TabletopStill LifewithBirdsandPears (2) 65” Oil
2021, FramedSize 27x36
OilonMylar,2020, FramedSize 31x36
OilonMylar, 2022, FramedSize 27x42
OilonMylar,2019, FramedSize 30¾x34¾