Are you following a sensible logic?

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Are You Following A Sensible Logic? /blog Logic is a science that studies the formal processes used in thinking and reasoning. It defines the principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study. Logic is concerned with the validity of the arguments taken into consideration by the thinking mind when it tries to understand something, or solve a certain problem. If the principles accepted by a certain logic are based on false beliefs this logic is absurd, even though it seems to be reasonable for those who believe that these beliefs are valid. Thus, depending on the logic one follows, he/she will draw true or false conclusions. You can learn how to follow a sensible logic that always will help you find wise solutions by translating the meaning of your dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation. Your dreams give you lessons of consciousness and logical thinking, besides helping you develop your sensitivity. Logical thinking and sensitivity are indispensable for the maintenance of your mental stability. They also define your level of intelligence. Logic And Philosophy Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist born in the Macedonian city of Stagira. At eighteen, he joined Plato’s Academy in Athens and remained there until the age of thirty-seven (347 BC). His writings cover many subjects – including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theater, music, rhetoric, linguistics, politics and government – and constitute the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy. Aristotle’s logic, especially his theory of the syllogism, has had an unparalleled influence on the history of Western thought. It did not always hold this position: in the Hellenistic period, Stoic logic, and in particular the work of Chrysippus, took pride of place. However, in later antiquity, following the work of Aristotelian Commentators, Aristotle’s logic became dominant, and Aristotelian logic was what was transmitted to the Arabic and the Latin medieval traditions, while the works of Chrysippus have not survived. Kant thought that Aristotle had discovered everything there was to know about logic, and the historian of logic Prantl drew the corollary that any logician after Aristotle who said anything new was confused, stupid, or perverse. Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher who is widely considered to be a central figure of modern philosophy. He argued that fundamental concepts structure human experience, and that reason is the source of morality. His thought continues to have a major influence in contemporary thought, especially the fields of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics. Kant’s major work, the Critique of Pure Reason (1781), aimed to explain the relationship between reason and human experience. With this project, he hoped to move beyond what he took to be failures of traditional philosophy and metaphysics. He attempted to put an end to what he considered an era of futile and speculative theories of human experience, while resisting the skepticism of thinkers such as David Hume.

David Hume was a Scottish historian, philosopher, economist, diplomat and essayist known today especially for his radical philosophical empiricism and scepticism. In light of Hume’s central role in the Scottish Enlightenment, and in the history of Western philosophy, Bryan Magee judged him as a philosopher “widely regarded as the greatest who has ever written in the English language.” While Hume failed in his attempts to start a university career, he took part in various diplomatic and military missions of the time. He wrote The History of England which became a bestseller, and it became the standard history of England in its day. His empirical approach places him with John Locke, George Berkeley, and a handful of others at the time as a British Empiricist. Beginning with his A Treatise of Human Nature (1739), Hume strove to create a total naturalistic “science of man” that examined the psychological basis of human nature. In opposition to the rationalists who preceded him, most notably René Descartes, he concluded that desire rather than reason governed human behavior. The logic we follow today is based on the conclusions of many philosophers. What we consider to be logical is the result of the process we follow in order to solve problems and understand our reality. Most people believe that we have only one conscience and we follow only one logic. However, after continuing Carl Jung’s research and after precisely obeying the guidance of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams, I could verify that God is the dream producer and that we inherit a satanic anticonscience, which works in parallel with our human conscience. The anti-conscience is our primitive conscience, which thinks like a demon because it is violent and immoral. This means that our conscience has a satanic origin. Our human conscience was separated from our anti-conscience and developed based on human criteria by God in order to help us eliminate our evil and absurd anti-conscience. Our human conscience must be developed through a process of consciousness during our lives. We develop our conscience by transforming our anti-conscience into human content, thanks to our obedience to God’s guidance. Our religion helps us understand how to do what God expects of us, but this is a confusing matter because we don’t have many explanations. On the other hand, human beings have distorted most religious teachings with time with adaptations based on what is convenient for the selfish and egoistic human character. Fortunately, God is very generous and sends us many explanations and lessons in dreams. You should take advantage of this wonderful alternative. God sends you precious information and guidance in dreams. You can easily learn the dream language now that I simplified Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation. You will also learn how to follow God’s logic, which is not only based on syllogism like Aristotle’s logic, but also based on sanctity. Syllogism is a deductive scheme of a formal argument consisting of a major and a minor premise and a conclusion as in “every virtue is laudable; kindness is a virtue; therefore kindness is laudable”). Syllogism works well for simple deductions, but when we are analyzing moral matters, we must also care about the motive of every action, as Kant had concluded. We can understand the difference between the logic followed by our conscience, the logic followed by our anti-conscience, and the logic followed by God when we pay attention to the reasons why we act in a certain way.

Why The Logic You Follow Is Extremely Important If you are following the logic of your anti-conscience your thoughts are: * Materialistic * Atheistic * Selfish * Absurd * Evil You think in a rudimentary way without paying attention to numerous details, and you make many logical mistakes. You care only about your desires, what was observed by Hume when he analyzed the human behavior. If you follow the logic of your human conscience, you are limited by your psychological type. You use only one and a half from the four psychological functions you have at your disposal: thoughts, feelings, sensations, and intuition. Therefore, your conclusions and your behavior depend on the psychological functions you use. If your thoughts were not developed in your conscience, when you think you follow the logic of your anticonscience. However, even if you belong to a psychological type based on thoughts, the logic you follow is absurd if it is not based on goodness and wisdom. Nothing is simple for you. After following dream therapy and transforming your personality you will follow God’s logic, which is based on: * Forgiveness * Compassion * Sincerity * Generosity * Humility * Patience * Wisdom All your dreams help you follow God’s logic, so that you may eliminate your anti-conscience and become a wise and sensitive human being. God’s logic is based on goodness. You must care about being a good person, and not about satisfying the absurd desires of your ego. This is indispensable because you have to transform your personality while you are alive. You cannot be indifferent to the wickedness existent in your psyche. If you will be indifferent, you will become mentally ill and you will suffer without consolation. You must understand the crucial importance of your psychological transformation for the maintenance of your mental stability. God’s Protection And His Logic In Dreams God produces psychotherapeutical dreams for every person. However, only a few people understand

His messages and obey His guidance. You must be an obedient patient and student, so that you may have God’s protection in life. This way you will preserve your mental stability even when you will face difficult situations. I will give you a practical example and show you a few sentences from the dream of a young woman and my translations, without giving you information about her life biography. I can only tell you that her story is similar to the story of Romeo and Juliet. She is following the unconscious guidance and trying to be diplomatic and reasonable instead of showing anger with all the problems she is constantly dealing with. Dream: I would stay in a hotel with my family. We needed a taxi to take us directly to the main entrance of the hotel. I saw this cab guy was very friendly he charged us less than the fare amount needed. Staying outside the hotel seemed very unsafe. People where doing the worse things ever stealing, raping etc. Shortly, we entered a lift going up to our room @ d hotel. Dream translation: I would stay in a hotel with my family. The hotel indicates that you would analyze something for a short period of time. Since you were with your parents this means that you were with the worst parts of your personality: your anti-conscience (your mother) and your one-sided conscience (your father). Therefore, the negative parts of your personality were influencing your behavior. Your ego would make a research for a short period of time with the worst parts of your personality. We needed a taxi to take us directly to the main entrance of the hotel. I saw this cab guy was very friendly he charged us less than the fare amount needed. The taxi indicates the intervention of divine providence. The taxi driver was God’s servant. He charged you less that the fare amount needed because you are translating the meaning of your dreams and obeying the unconscious guidance. God’s protection is saving you and helping you understand how your brain works and how to have a wise behavior in all circumstances. The taxi is a vehicle. Therefore, it represents your life, which is following God’s guidance, since it is driven by God’s servant. Money in dreams represents psychical energy, enthusiasm. You had to pay less for having God’s protection because you are an obedient patient. You don’t need to lose your enthusiasm for having God’s protection because you don’t become upset when you have to do something that is the opposite of what you had the intention to do. You understand that the divine unconscious mind is helping you, and you immediately obey the divine guidance. You need the taxi to go to the main entrance of the hotel because you have to analyze the worst parts of your personality, which are influencing your behavior (your family), while having God’s protection. You need protection also because there are many dangers around the hotel. Staying outside the hotel seemed very unsafe. People where doing the worse things ever stealing, raping etc. The street represents a dangerous place.

These people that were stealing, raping, etc. represent violent and immoral parts of your personality that belong to your anti-conscience. You had the protection of the divine unconscious mind, so that you could understand how to tame the violent and immoral parts of your personality, after analyzing their behavior, and after analyzing the behavior of the worst parts of your personality (your parents). Shortly, we entered a lift going up to our room @ d hotel. When you go upstairs in dreams you go to the conscious level, which is up. Since you used the lift, this means that your ego and the worst parts of your personality suddenly arrived at the conscious level. In other words, the ignored content that was down, in the region of your anti-conscience, suddenly become known by your conscience. You suddenly understood that these two parts of your personality (your parents) were as evil as the violent and immoral parts of your personality that were in a dangerous place (the street), around the place where you would analyze the various parts of your personality for a certain period of time (the hotel) according to God’s plan, since you had His protection. You were analyzing the worst parts of your personality in order to learn control your behavior instead of having a negative attitude with your enemies. You have to tame the violent parts of your personality, without thinking that you are an innocent victim in an unfair situation. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. God’s logic is based on goodness. Therefore, God shows to the dreamer that she must forgive her enemies and care about eliminating the negative parts of her personality. She is not better than her enemies, even though she is in the position of a victim. Now, will God be good with the dreamer’s enemies? Will He forgive them the same way He tells the dreamer that she must forgive her enemies? Of course not. Her enemies will be heavily punished. However, God’s punishments are based on goodness because they correct our evil and absurd behavior. These punishments are like surgical operations that cure our psyche. The fact that the dreamer’s enemies will be punished is not something that must make the dreamer glad. This is why God doesn’t console her telling her that her enemies will suffer very much and regret having done everything they are doing against her and her boyfriend. God shows her that she must transform her personality instead of condemning her enemies, because she is not perfect. She must forgive her enemies, and care about becoming a perfect human being. With this example you can understand God’s logic. God makes everyone forgive others and pay attention to their own mistakes. If God would try to help the dreamer feel better by telling her that her enemies would be punished, He would follow the logic of the anti-conscience, which is violent and assumes as valid the premise that getting revenge is a logical desire. The anti-conscience feels pleasure with other people’s suffering. It follows an absurd logic, based on its absurd feelings. However, our conscience is deficient and it cannot understand the absurdity of the anti-conscience’s thoughts. This is why we believe in our anti-conscience’s justifications, and we agree with its absurd logic. We have to develop our human conscience by obeying the divine guidance during our lives. When we obey God’s guidance we understand His logic and we agree with His wisdom. Therefore, we prefer to

be good, even when showing goodness doesn’t seem to be advantageous for us. God’s logic pays attention to the organization of our social life, so that it may be harmonic. We depend on one another. The selfish logic of the anti-conscience disregards the importance of our social life. It makes us consider all human beings our enemies. This is why we take advantage of others, and we are indifferent to their pain. We cannot understand that we would live much better if we would love one another. We only pretend to agree with this idea, while we have military forces protecting our interests, and we are unable to forgive our enemies. Eliminating Anger With Compassion We are basically wild animals with a tiny human conscience. We believe that we are civilized, but our behavior is violent, immoral, indifferent, and cruel. We become angry all the time because we have an evil nature. God shows you in your dreams how you can stop becoming angry and always have a sensible and sensitive attitude, without being a victim of your violent nature. Thanks to the divine guidance you will stop hating your enemies and you will help them in life. Your anger will be replaced by compassion. God’s philosophy is beautiful because it is based on goodness. Forgiveness and compassion are much better than hatred and anger. God helps you eliminate your anger and show compassion for your enemies. This practice transforms your personality and purifies your spirit. You will surely become a superior human being by translating the meaning of your dreams and obeying the divine guidance. Your personality will be characterized by wisdom and goodness. The logic you will follow will be based on God’s rules, and not on human suppositions. This means that you will respect your moral principles and defend the justice of goodness. Relating Philosophy To Psychology Kant was the philosopher who better analyzed the importance of morality in the human judgment. According to his moral theory, actions are morally right in virtue of their motives, which must derive more from duty than from inclination. The clearest examples of morally right action are precisely those in which an individual agent’s determination to act in accordance with duty overcomes her evident selfinterest and obvious desire to do otherwise. “Constrained only by the principle of universalizability, the practical reason of any rational being understands the categorical imperative to be: “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” That is, each individual agent regards itself as determining, by its decision to act in a certain way, that everyone (including itself) will always act according to the same general rule in the future. This expression of the moral law, Kant maintained, provides a concrete, practical method for evaluating particular human actions of several distinct varieties. We can understand this concept if we will consider the case of someone who lives comfortably but contemplates refusing any assistance to people who are struggling under great hardships. The maxim here would be that it is permissible never to help those who are less well-off than ourselves. Although Kant conceded that no direct contradiction would result from the universalization of such a rule of

conduct, he argued that no one could consistently will that it become the universal law, since even the most fortunate among us rightly allow for the possibility that we may at some future time find ourselves in need of the benevolence of others.” Kant clearly defined the meaning of morality by stating that what is morally correct is what you wish would be a universal law. In other words, what you wish that would happen to you. His logic is correct, but most human beings don’t care about the importance of morality. Hume was more realistic. He understood that our decisions are based on emotions, and not controlled by thoughts. Our wild nature doesn’t let us respect brilliant philosophical conclusions. Our anti-conscience keeps sending us materialistic and selfish thoughts, while the temptations of life and the wickedness of those who are around us also make us disregard our morality. We need psychotherapy in order to be able to always respect our moral principles. We cannot simply decide to be morally correct and automatically behave like angels after making this decision. The mental illnesses generated by our anti-conscience don’t let us have a clear mind and control our behavior. Violent crimes (murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, etc.) and mental disorders (schizophrenia, psychosis, multiple personality disorder, bipolar disorder, neurosis, etc.) keep increasing in our world. We are mentally ill from birth, since we inherit an evil and absurd anti-conscience. This is why we have violent instinctive reactions and we tend to become more mentally ill with time. We cannot simple follow the best rules a human being can find because we are disobedient, and human beings are ignorant. We have to obey God’s guidance in our dreams and in our religion. All religions help us find peace. Dreams are more efficient because most people don’t precisely follow the guidance they have in religious teachings, or they follow the atheistic and materialistic concepts of the modern civilization. Everyone needs many lessons, and everyone must indispensably follow a psychological treatment. The only exceptions to this rule are the rare saints of the human history. If you are religious enough to follow a path with the intention to attain sanctity and spiritual perfection you can purify your spirit thanks to your religiosity. Most people need a lot more to attain sanctity and spiritual perfection. God knows this fact, and this is why He produces therapeutical dreams that help us follow a process of spiritual evolution and enlightenment. The Philosophers Of The Modern Civilization Today we despise philosophy and the wisdom found in religious documents, even though many of those who marked the recent human history were inspired by God, like Gandhi. There are only a few remarkable exceptions in our bloody history. Our commercial world is ruled by politicians. They are the philosophers of the materialistic modern civilization. Politicians still use the rhetoric manipulations discovered by Aristotle, who was very intelligent, even though he ignored the depth of the human absurdity and evilness. “Aristotle defines the rhetorician as someone who is always able to see what is persuasive. Correspondingly, rhetoric is defined as the ability to see what is possibly persuasive in every given case. This is not to say that the rhetorician will be able to convince under all circumstances. Rather he is in a situation similar to that of the physician: the latter has a complete grasp of his art only if he

neglects nothing that might heal his patient, though he is not able to heal every patient. Similarly, the rhetorician has a complete grasp of his method, if he discovers the available means of persuasion, though he is not able to convince everybody. Aristotelian rhetoric as such is a neutral tool that can be used by persons of virtuous or depraved character. This capacity can be used for good or bad purposes; it can cause great benefits as well as great harms. There is no doubt that Aristotle himself regards his system of rhetoric as something useful, but the good purposes for which rhetoric is useful do not define the rhetorical capacity as such. Thus, Aristotle does not hesitate to concede on the one hand that his art of rhetoric can be misused.” If Aristotle knew that we have inherited a satanic anti-conscience into the biggest part of our brain, he would predict that his art would obviously be misused by numerous hypocrites. We know this fact in our historical time because our politicians are rhetoricians who manipulate their audience. All political systems are absurd attempts to organize our coexistence based on suppositions. We will never find peace and happiness if we won’t obey God’s rules and respect our moral principles. Karl Marx created communism, a political system based on superior concepts of morality and justice, but his theoretical system couldn’t work because he was an atheist. He proclaimed that religion was merely “the opium of the people”. He didn’t understand that when human beings don’t believe in God they have no reason to believe in the importance of goodness. They believe that morality has no meaning. Without goodness, nobody accepts making sacrifices in order to respect their moral principles. This was one of the reasons why Marx’s political system was a failure, but there were many others, especially the violent dictatorship of the proletariat. Capitalism is not better. Capitalism is a cruel political system based on selfishness and greed, even though most people believe that it gives to everyone the opportunity to make money. This is not true. The fierce and dishonest competition that prevails in our world doesn’t give fair chances to anyone. Only those who are protected by they social and financial position manage to regularly make money and increase their capital. Most people live trying to make ends meet. On the other hand, there is poverty in numerous countries. Our cruel world is dangerous and unfair, and our political systems are far from being really democratic. The original Greek democracy was very different from the democracy of our days. “In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called ‘demokratia’, or “rule by the people.” This system was comprised of three separate institutions: the ekklesia, a sovereign governing body that wrote laws and dictated foreign policy; the boule, a council of representatives from the ten Athenian tribes; and the dikasteria, the popular courts in which citizens argued cases before a group of lottery-selected jurors. Although this Athenian democracy would survive for only two centuries, Cleisthenes’ invention was one of ancient Greece’s most enduring contributions to the modern world.” The Greek courts were really democratic because they were ruled by lottery-selected jurors. Anyone could be selected by chance, and have an important rule as a juror. Their democracy didn’t look like the system we follow today. Our democracy is based on political manipulations, as if we didn’t know that all politicians are liars. There is no justice on earth, not only because we are unable to find the ideal system for our peaceful coexistence, but because we are disobedient. We don’t respect rules. Our justice is based on games between attorneys, who defend whoever may pay them, however they can. They try to protect their clients and prove their innocence, even if they are criminals. This means

that we don’t care about condemning what is bad. We pretend that we are merely respecting everyone’s rights, but our indifferent attitude before terror means that we don’t try to eliminate the evilness of the world. We try to hide it, or justify it. This is why conspiracies and corruptions are very common in our world, which is ruled by terror, violence, immorality, hypocrisy, and greed. We don’t understand that we have to respect the moral principles of goodness in order to keep our mental health and our dignity. Thus, most people don’t mind being immoral and dishonest if they can hide this fact. Our tragic reality is a consequence of the predominance of the anti-conscience in everyone’s brain and psyche. Everyone must follow God’s psychotherapy in their dreams in order to respect God’s logic and find sound mental health. You should take advantage of my discoveries and simplifications, and follow God’s logic through dream translation like the dreamer of my example. Obedient patients manage to successfully solve their problems and find peace, while disobedient patients have many dream warnings until they will finally understand that they must be calm, sensitive, and intelligent. Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung’s research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to accurately translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness. Learn more at: Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!). If you are in a difficult situation, you can send your dreams to me for a professional dream translation and psychotherapy. I will help you solve your problems thanks to the unconscious guidance in your dreams. After my initial help, you’ll learn how to translate your dreams yourself with my dynamic method of dream translation, derived from Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation. The unconscious wisdom will guide you forever, and help you acquire complete consciousness. Click here to submit your dreams for translation.

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