Dreams That Reflect Behavioral Abnormalities scientificdreaminterpretation.com /blog The false world imposes its hypocrisy to the population. Your anti-conscience imposes its absurdity to your conscience. Therefore, you are manipulated by the world and by your absurd anti-conscience all the time. This is why you don’t pay attention to your reality as it really is. Instead of being realistic, you like to follow your imagination. This is the first behavioral abnormality you must avoid. The tendency to follow your imagination is very dangerous when you are trying to solve your problems. Your imagination is helpful when you are trying to be creative, but it is extremely dangerous when you are thinking about your life. Dreams about flying in the air as if you were a bird indicate that you are far from your objective reality. You are following your imagination and believing in unreal things. These dreams are alarming signs. You have to be careful because if you believe in unreal things, you are making plans based on absurd conclusions. For example, you suppose that everything will be simple for you concerning a certain matter, while you will deal with many complications you are not taking into consideration. When somebody else is flying in a dream, this means that a certain part of your personality is following your imagination. However, if this person is your perfect match, you are having information about the special person in this dream. For example, a man whose wife had committed suicide had a series of dreams about his wife, which were giving him explanations about why she had decided to put an end to her life. In one of his dreams His wife was flying in the living room. Dream translation: His wife represented his perfect match. The living room represented an important part of his psyche and an important part of her psyche, since they lived together. The fact that she was flying in the living room means that his perfect match believed in unreal things. This dream scene was showing him that his wife was following her imagination when she decided to get married and have a child. She didn’t realize how hard everything would be into practice. There are many other details in this story that I cannot mention, but the dreamer was consoled by the explanations he had in his dreams. God’s messages helped him accept his destiny without revolt. Many people believe in delusions and lies. This is why dreams about flying like a bird are very common. Some people believe that these dreams are positive because they like the sensation to be able to fly
and they feel free when they are flying. However, flying in the air (without being in an airplane or helicopter) reflects absurdity. People who like dreams about flying, like to follow their imagination. Teens have many of these dreams, but even adults have many dreams about flying like birds. If you like to follow your imagination, even if you believe you do it just for fun, you must stop having the tendency to imagine the future the way you like. This is a very dangerous tendency that many people secretly have. They know that they imagine things that will never happen, but they still spend their time imagining what they know that is absurd because they understand that their reality cannot be the way they desire. However, many times they cannot perceive that they are imagining things that cannot happen because they disregard the real characteristics of their reality. They believe that their imagination is not so far from the truth. This is a very dangerous assumption. You must realize that the tendency to follow your imagination is stupid and dangerous. Instead of imagining what is unreal, you must care about analyzing all the aspects of your reality as they really are. This way you will act based on facts, and not based on suppositions. God helps you understand your reality thanks to the information He sends you in your dreams. You learn how to stop following your imagination and pay attention to all the details that compose your complex reality. Dreams That Criticize Your Behavior Dreams about other people reflect your behavior. Other people represent parts of your own personality. If you have dreams about people who are mentally ill or irresponsible, this means that various parts of your personality are absurd. For example, here is a part of a dream dreamt by a neurotic man: I was with R (likes to make fun, laughs a lot) in a concert. Then, we were in a restaurant. My father was at the table with us. Dream translation: You represent your ego in dreams. R represents a part of your personality that is irresponsible and doesn’t take life seriously. The concert is a musical performance given in public. It represents joy. This means that your ego was with an irresponsible part of your personality in a joyful moment. In other words, you want to have fun and be irresponsible like this part of your personality. The restaurant is a place where you give food to your psyche. The food you eat is psychical energy, and defines your attitude. Your father represents your one-sided conscience that works based on one psychological function and a half. The fact that you were at the table with them means that your ego wanted to enter in an agreement with these parts of your personality.
The fact that you would eat together means that you would have a similar attitude (food). In other words, your ego would have an attitude similar to the attitude of the irresponsible part of your personality that doesn’t take life seriously, and similar to the attitude of your one-sided conscience, with which you were trying to agree. This dream is showing you that you have an irresponsible attitude and you don’t pay attention to the psychological functions that are not working in your conscience. You want to agree only with the psychological functions that work in your underdeveloped conscience. You have to change your attitude because you are mentally ill. Instead of desiring to have fun, you have to be serious and treat your mental illness. You also have to develop the psychological functions that are not working in your conscience, instead of believing that your conscience can understand your reality without developing your four psychological functions. ……………………………………………………………………………….. Dreams about irresponsible people who want to have fun and don’t pay attention to what is bad indicate that certain parts of your personality have a dangerous attitude, since they are not paying attention to many dangers. We like people who have good sense of humor, but when the dreamer has a psychological problem people who keep making fun of everything have a negative meaning in his/her dreams. They indicate that various parts of the dreamer’s personality don’t understand the seriousness of his mental condition. This is another behavioral abnormality that must be avoided. You have to be serious and pay attention to all dangers instead of being inconsequential. Your sense of humor is helpful when you are trying to overcome your anger or when you are trying to make friends, but if you have the tendency to make fun of everything instead of paying attention to the dangers that are threatening you, you have to change your attitude. The Worst Behavioral Abnormality Hypocrisy is the worst behavioral abnormality, but it characterizes our behavior so much that we are unable to stop being hypocritical even when we try to be sincere. We don’t even understand that we are hypocritical. Everybody knows that human beings are false, but we believe that there are also some aspects that are not false in our behavior. However, since we are basically false, how can we discern sincerity from falsity? Now we are entering in a very complicated field. I will try to simplify it for you. Do you agree with the conclusion that an actor can be an actor also when he is not working in a theater, since he/she knows how to pretend to be someone he is not? This is possible. Since he is an actor, he can always pretend to be very different from whom he really is. Since an actor can be an actor in all situations and there is no way someone who ignores that he is acting may understand that he is merely pretending to think in a certain way while this is not true, how can an actor be trusted? How do you know when an actor is sincere and when he is false? Perhaps even he doesn’t really know when he is acting, since he does it all the time. He always has in
mind the image he is presenting to the world. Therefore, he is able to pretend to be what the world expects of him, while his real thoughts are totally different. Now, how can he recognize his real thoughts from false thoughts that are part of his representation? Since he is always acting, his thoughts follow his attempts to persuade others. He believes that his real thoughts are the thoughts that help him manipulate others, since they are his secret thoughts. However, at a certain point the intention to manipulate others becomes a habit. Therefore, the actor comes to a point where he doesn’t know anymore who he is. His mind always is concentrated on his image and not on his essence. Every human being has this habit. We are natural actors who keep trying to manipulate others and give false impressions to those who are around us. We pretend to be good and care about other people’s well-being, while we are basically selfish and indifferent to other people’s pain. We don’t admit our insensitivity even to ourselves, and even when we do, we don’t think that we should be sensitive. Our ideas are absurd. We believe that we really have to be actors in order to be accepted by our society. We justify our falsity through numerous ways. However, our tendency to have a false behavior is imposed by our absurd and evil anti-conscience. Otherwise, we would be sincere. Now, we are entering in another complicated field. We believe that sincerity is not advantageous for us because we think that falsity is necessary in life. This happens because we usually have negative emotions and we know that we must hide them from the world. Therefore, we conclude that falsity is indispensable. If we would transform our personality and stop making behavioral mistakes, we wouldn’t have any reason to desire to hide our emotions from the world because we would have positive feelings. Therefore, we would be sincere. However, since we hate many people, we envy many other people, etc. because we have the behavior imposed by our anti-conscience, we are forced to hide our real feelings. This is why our sincerity never is real, even when we try to be sincere. Our self-defensive mechanism doesn’t let us reveal the entire truth to the world, even when we are not completely false. Thus, we conclude that hypocrisy is necessary, even though we pretend to disagree with falsity. We have the absurd tendency to be hypocritical and hide our bad intentions and thoughts, instead of eliminating our absurdity and evilness by obeying the guidance we have in our religion. We believe that we are not really religious because we are smart. We believe that evilness is better than sanctity. These idiotic conclusions come from our anti-conscience, which manages to convince us that we are smarter when we are evil. However, evilness is poison and ends up on terror. Falsity is a dangerous attitude, since it is the acceptance of absurdity. For example, here is a part of a dream dreamt by a neurotic woman: There is a person who lived on a very cold area with lots of snow, some people were trying to kidnap this person but he managed to escape. I am a member of group of actors who arrived to some city to perform and this person is a part of this group too. There are actors from different places and countries there (not people that I know in my daily life). We stayed at a hotel. When the performances were over this person was kidnapped or something else happened to him, police came to ask everyone questions.
Dream Translation: There is a person who lived on a very cold area with lots of snow, The snow in dreams represents danger; a very dangerous situation. This person from a cold area is a part of your personality that is in a very dangerous situation, since he is from this place with a lot of snow. some people were trying to kidnap this person but he managed to escape. The people who were trying to kidnap this person were various parts of your personality that wanted to capture this part of your personality that was in a dangerous situation, because this way it wouldn’t be able to control your behavior. The fact that he managed to escape indicates that this part of your personality is sneaky, and the other parts of your personality cannot capture it. I am a member of group of actors who arrived to some city to perform You represent your ego in dreams. The fact that you were an actress indicates that your ego was false. The group of actors was formed by various parts of your personality that were as false as your ego. The other city indicates that you are far from your psyche (your home), in another reality. So, the false parts of your personality and your false ego were far from your daily reality. and this person is a part of this group too. The part of your personality that is in a very dangerous situation is an actor too. This means that it also represents a false part of your personality. There are actors from different places and countries there (not people that I know in my daily life). The actors from different places of your country and from different countries are various false parts of your personality that you ignore. All the false parts of your personality were concentrated together, but they were far from your psyche. We stayed at a hotel. The hotel indicates that you are making a research for a short period of time and trying to understand something. It represents a situation that won’t last long. Thus, you were analyzing all the false parts of your personality for a certain period of time. When the performances were over this person was kidnapped or something else happened to him, The performances are false representations of your reality. When all false representations of your reality finished, the false part of your personality that was in a dangerous situation was prevented to control your behavior because the other parts of your personality managed to capture it. police came to ask everyone questions. The police in dreams represent your self-defense.
Your self-defense was trying to understand how the other parts of your personality managed to capture the part of your personality that was in a dangerous situation. This dream is showing you that you are far from your reality and you are false. You must learn how to be sincere instead of being false. The part of your personality that was in a dangerous situation is a dangerous part of your personality that is false. Your ego must be careful with this part of your personality because it can control your behavior at any time. This dangerous part of your personality sometimes is captured by the other parts of your personality but sometimes it escapes, and it controls your behavior. You must definitively stop being false, so that you may transform this dangerous part of your personality into a positive part of your personality, along with all the other parts of your personality. You have to be sincere in order to be a balanced person. ………………………………………………………………………………….. I cannot tell you anything about the dreamer’s life or show you the continuation of her dream, but you can see that she is too false, since so many parts of her personality were false. If you have dreams about actors or if you are an actor in a dream, this means that your behavior is too false, like the behavior of this dreamer. Hypocrisy and falsity are extremely dangerous. If you are false you may betray someone who trusted you. This is the worst sin a human being can commit. Its consequences always are terrible. Whoever betrays someone always is betrayed by someone else, and always is heavily punished by God. Betrayal is a satanic tendency imposed by the anti-conscience. You must be afraid of the tendency to betray someone, for any reason. This is the worst thing you can do in life. If you were betrayed even though you didn’t betray anyone this means that God is punishing you in advance because you will be tempted to betray someone, and God is trying to prevent this tragedy. If you will betray someone you will lose your human conscience. Your satanic anti-conscience will control your mind and your behavior all the time. Don’t let this happen to you. You must be wise and respect your moral principles in all situations. How To Stop Making Mistakes The hypocritical world tries to make you get adapted to all abnormalities because it works based on most people’s anti-conscience. The world is indifferent to what is morally correct and it doesn’t care about correcting mistakes. You have to learn how to stop making mistakes, so that you may stop suffering because of their tragic consequences. Most people are materialistic and superficial. You have to be an exception. You must be serious and transform your personality, prepare your future, and organize your life. This way, you will become a genius and use all of your brain power instead of being an underdeveloped primate. Your dreams will help you understand the imperceptible behavioral mistakes you make because you merely follow the behavioral patterns imposed by your anti-conscience. You will learn how to control your behavior and think before you act.
Perhaps you don’t think that being false, having the tendency to make fun of everything, and having the tendency to follow your imagination are not really serious mistakes because our historical time is characterized by indifference and absurdity. You tend to accept the fact that you have to be an actor because you cannot be sincere without being misunderstood, you like to laugh all the time, and you believe that you are entertaining yourself when you imagine many unreal things that give you satisfaction. However, you have to correct your behavior, so that you may be sincere without offending anyone. You have to be serious in order to eliminate the absurdity and the evilness you have inherited. Your sense of humor gives you joy and relief in numerous occasions, but when you are dealing with a mental illness you have to be careful. You also have to be realistic and mature instead of getting lost in an imaginary world. Most importantly, you have to respect your moral principles in all situations, without letting the demon existent into your anti-conscience control your behavior and your life. Your dreams will help you avoid having the sad destiny of those who repeat the common mistakes of the human race. You will achieve higher levels of knowledge and have an admirable behavior. Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung’s research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to accurately translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness. Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!). http://twitter.com/chrissponias If you are in a difficult situation, you can send your dreams to me for a professional dream translation and psychotherapy. I will help you solve your problems thanks to the unconscious guidance in your dreams. After my initial help, you’ll learn how to translate your dreams yourself with my dynamic method of dream translation, derived from Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation. The unconscious wisdom will guide you forever, and help you acquire complete consciousness. Click here to submit your dreams for translation.