July update

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01 July 2017

MID-YEAR UPDATE Everything you need to know about ministry since January 2017


Arts & Media DTS - 1 South Africa Outreach - 2 BorderWalk Outreach - 3 Emergency USA Visit - 4 Current Needs - 5


I almost never know how to write these updates anymore because ministry with YWAM is always so rich that it's hard to articulate everything into 2D words on a digital page. Challenging as it is, I still love taking the time to update you all on what God has been up to throughout the year! The biggest focus of my year thus far, in terms of ministry, has been with the Arts & Media DTS program we ran at our base from January until the end of June. I have staffed many Discipleship Training Schools, but this was my first where I was in a position of leadership over one. The most exciting part of leading a DTS is that you really get to take ownership over the flavour and essence of the school. For this school, my co-leaders and I really wanted each student to be exposed to different mediums of art and how to use each of them in and for the Kingdom of God. When inviting speakers for the lecture phase of the school, we tried our best to incorporate men and women who had different artistic giftings to both inspire the students and add to the creative atmosphere as well. Every other week we would host a creative workshop and have the students learn about different mediums like prophetic art, video, storytelling, singing/songwriting and so on. We structured the DTS like this because we really hoped that God would awaken a creative calling within each of them that would influence how they did their outreaches and how they impact their communities when they return to their respective homes at the end of the program. Being 28 years old, I have experienced what life was like before the technological revolution took over and saw the effects it has had on our world since then. Because of that, the way we communicate and process information has completely changed and my passion is to raise up young leaders who understand their identity in Christ and equip them speak the language of today's creative generation so they can make a lasting impact in this world. I think that was accomplished on this school through these 9 trainees and the incredible staff that helped facilitate everything along the way.

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