M USIC S EASON Christ Church Cathedral Mobile, Alabama
N E A R E R M Y G O D TO T H E E 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 C O N C E RT S A N D S P E C I A L S E RV I C E S A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN DEAR CATHEDRAL FAMILY AND FRIENDS, The image of God and images of God’s creation come to us in worship, in times of reflection and meditation, and in the course of daily life through words, art glass, mosaics, carvings, paintings, flowers and plants, textiles, and through music. The image we encounter is not just a visual or auditory representation; it is something alive, without singular fixed meaning, constantly changing with the changes of living. We interact with these images, and in that exchange something powerful becomes present. We draw near the Divine. Music and the other arts are vital to our faith lives because through them God’s promises—the potential life and love God prepares for us—work to become fully realized. This program year will be the fourth year of our creative relationship with Christopher and Katie Powell, whose gifts in their art forms transport us closer to God every week. As the Powells have established themselves as significant talents and leaders within the Mobile musical community, they have drawn to us new faces and voices, both in the choir and instrumentally. Not only does this enhance the quality of our regular worship, but also these gifted musicians make possible a great range of concerts and services which attract visitors from throughout the region. In this booklet you will see many of the musical events you love—special services and concert series. You will also find some new things. This season’s most significant addition will be almost monthly Evensong services here at the Cathedral, many involving guest musicians from our diocese. Once again, all of the anthems our choir will sing this year are listed, so that you can see when you will hear (and perhaps learn more about) your favorite pieces. Please note the many compositions Christopher Powell contributes throughout the year, in addition to his other duties. Katie’s directing of our choir continues to lead them to ever higher levels of musicianship, even as her own singing continues to inspire us. We are deeply blessed by their presence and generosity with their gifts. New faces and new voices continue to emerge in our musical program. Some are younger singers, and some are experienced musicians who bring their knowledge and technique to share with others. If you are a member of the Cathedral Family and would like to sing with the choir, please speak to Christopher and Katie. There is room in the choir stalls! Please consider making a gift to the Cathedral music program this year. These gifts will be used to support our special programs and the overall quality of our musical life. I am thankful for those of you who make this an annual habit. We are continuing a long and great musical tradition here at Christ Church, and Christopher and Katie are leading us amazing new heights. Thanks be to God!
T HE C ATHEDRAL M ISSION S TATEMENT The Cathedral is the spiritual center of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. The Cathedral is a dynamic and evolving church that serves as a liturgical, educational, and pastoral center for Diocesan life. It serves as a visible symbol of unity and promotes growth, hope, and a deepening trust in the Lord. The Cathedral is a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be faithfully preached and responded to, and it will model new concepts and ideas for education, evangelism, and outreach to which the Gospel calls us. 2
A MESSAGE FROM THE ORGANIST AND MUSIC DIRECTOR DEAR FRIENDS IN CHRIST, The 2017-2018 Music Season promises to be a red letter year at Christ Church Cathedral. As our music program grows, we are able to offer more services and concerts featuring our own members as well as special musical guests. This year, our theme is the title of a cherished hymn, Nearer, My God, to Thee, and you will see this theme reflected in our offerings this season. As you read through the following pages, notice not only the volume of services and concerts available, but also notice the nature of the events you read about. This season is intended to offer a great number of opportunities to encounter beautiful music in our historic space, and there are many opportunities to invite others to come and listen for the Divine as expressed in words and music. I am most excited about our Evensong services this season. Evensong is perhaps the most purely Anglican service that we Anglicans produce—it is an inestimable gift to the world of liturgy and music. It is important to acknowledge that, while Evensong is widely used within The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, it has not been part of the regular life of Christ Church or of many parishes in our diocese. Occasionally, an Evensong is sung here and there, but it does not yet have the warm familiarity of the Holy Eucharist, Rite II. We can change that by participating in these beautiful services of prayer, scripture, and song. We are all familiar with Morning Prayer. Evensong is simply sung Evening Prayer. On first glance, Evensong does not seem as participatory as what we are used to in church, but in fact, it is participatory in a different way. Evensong is counter-cultural in its invitation to sit down and listen, to draw nearer to God in simplicity and beauty. It calls to mind a passage from the Song of Solomon, “I sat down under his shadow with great delight.” Eventually, I hope that Evensong can become a cherished part of worship here at the cathedral and in our diocese. Other changes this season include a new format for our Lenten Series. Instead of being at noon on Wednesdays followed by lunch, light dinner will be offered at 5:15 p.m., followed by a concert at 6:00 p.m. We hope more people will be able to attend these events and participate in fellowship with us this year.
All of us in the music ministry are grateful for those who volunteer their time and financial support for our music. Quite literally, without your generosity, we would not be able to offer quality music at the cathedral. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated, and a contribution to our music is one that will bring beauty into many lives. We hope that the events contained in the following pages will aid you on your spiritual journey, and that they will draw us all nearer to the Divine this year. In Christ,
Christopher W. Powell
A MESSAGE FROM THE CHOIR DIRECTOR DEAR FRIENDS IN CHRIST, Singing has always been at the heart of worship. From David and his psalms to the chant heard in medieval churches, from Lutheran chorales to modern praise and worship music, voices raised in song have rung across time and culture in an instinctive cry of praise, supplication, and awe. I imagine that every church choral director has at one point (or several) used the quote, “He who sings, prays twice,” from St. Augustine. There is something about singing praise that can reach us at a deeper level than anything else. When many voices are joined together, that corporate act of worship becomes so much more than the sum of its parts, and there is something about the combination of poetry and music present in song that expresses ideas and emotions more fully than either could on its own. Here at Christ Church Cathedral, we have two main expressions of vocal music; the hymns and service music sung by the congregation, and the anthems and motets sung by the choir. During the hymns and service music, the entire Body of Christ present in the building raises its voice as one to proclaim praise, and all voices present have their unique place in that unity. Whether your voice is low or high, trained or amateur, loud or quiet, you are part of the great voice of God’s people at that moment. During the anthems or motets, the choir sings both on behalf of the people and to the people. Offering a musical reflection on the theme or readings of the day, the choir seeks to create a musical invitation to prayer and contemplation. We are blessed to have a dedicated, hardworking, and extremely talented choir here at the cathedral. The level of musicianship of our members has allowed us to keep raising the bar of musical excellence, and because we always want to offer our very best to God, we will continue to strive toward an even higher level. Beyond the value of the musical experience the choir can offer, there is also a community formed by a group of people working together toward a common goal. Our choir is a community of its own, nestled in the larger community of the church. Our members come together on Wednesday evenings, many times after a long day of work, spend a great deal of time and energy learning and perfecting upcoming pieces, but leave refreshed and renewed by that community. It’s a wonderful reminder that, at the heart of it all, the church is a family. When the choir blends the unique voices of its individual members together, it becomes so much more than a group of people singing together. From many, there is one. One choir, one song, one outpouring of praise. One Body of Christ. In grace,
Katherine E. Powell
T H E C H R I S T C H U R C H C AT H E D R A L C H O I R SOPRANO: Doris Kohler Vaughan Luker Kristen McElhaney Maresa O’Connor Katherine Powell Emily Stubblefield
ALTO: Linda Grill Stephanie Hopper Ann Moody Emma Roser Brenda Stanton
TENOR: Douglas Abbruzzese Cleamon Downs Leroy Roberson
BASS: Glenn Archer Joshua Hopper Gary Kohler Robert Koss John O’Connor Christopher Powell
H I S TO RY O F T H E C AT H E D R A L O R G A N As early as 1841, a pipe organ by renowned New York builder Henry Erben was in use at Christ Church, Mobile. In 1857, the famed builder returned to Mobile when a rival company, Jardine and Sons, intended to install a grand instrument in the city’s Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Erben, not wanting to be outdone, offered to buy Christ Church’s existing organ as long as the congregation promised to buy a new one for the cost of $6,000. When building commenced, however, Erben found he had underbid the job but he completed it at cost. Thus Christ Church was furnished with a $10,000 pipe organ; many proclaimed it the finest in the South. This instrument was “made famous” by the playing of Madame Kowalewski and served as a centerpiece for fine music.
Disaster struck in 1906 when a hurricane sent the steeple crashing through the roof. The organ was destroyed, as was much of the church. Disaster struck in 1906 when a hurricane sent the steeple crashing through the roof. The organ was destroyed, as was much of the church. The ladies of the church raised funds to buy a new organ, and in 1907, a fine instrument was purchased at a cost of $10,500 from the Hook & Hastings Company of Massachusetts. This instrument was altered and damaged in the 1940s, but the organ remained in faithful service for around 80 years. The Deagan Chimes of the organ were given in memory of fallen soldiers of Christ Church during the Second World War. The chimes were dedicated and first used during the midnight service on Christmas Eve of 1946. These chimes are still in use today. As early as the 1970s, it was recommended that a restoration be undertaken of the Hook & Hastings organ. As is often the case, it took until 1987 for a new iteration of the organ, built by the Steiner-Reck company of Kentucky, to come to fruition. While originally it was recommended that the organ be restored to its original state (pre-1940s), plans grew to make Christ Church’s organ a premier concert instrument in Mobile. A restoration became a rebuilding, and the overriding goal was that the organ of Christ Church should be able to present organ repertoire authentically regardless of the historical period or school of organ building. Hence, the Hook & Hastings pipework of 1907 was married with new pipework of the 1980s, French-style reeds were introduced along with German mixtures, and the organ took on new life. In 2009, a Trompette en Chamade (horizontal trumpet) was added to the organ to usher in our “Cathedral era”. Today, the organ stands as one of the largest in the city of Mobile and at the heart of our music ministry and outreach. It sounds during weddings, funerals, diocesan events, and regular services. Most importantly, it accompanies our songs of praise to our Creator and gives voice to our prayers. We now turn our eyes to the future of this instrument.
E VENSONG 2 0 1 7 S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 8 , 2 0 1 7 a t 4 : 0 0 p . m . For our first Evensong service of the season the Cathedral Choir will be joined by the choir of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Brewton, Alabama, and their organist and choirmaster, Jason Beasley. Music will include the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis for Voices in Unison by Herbert Howells, as well as a beautiful a cappella setting of How Can I Keep from Singing by Robert Hugh.
S u n d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 1 7 a t 4 : 0 0 p . m . November’s Evensong service features the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Canadian composer, Peter Matthews. This setting of the evening canticles was originally written for the Orlando Deanery Girls’ Choir. The anthem for this service will be the great classic English anthem, O for a closer walk with God, by Sir Charles Villiers Stanford.
S u n d a y, J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 8 a t 4 : 0 0 p . m . January brings our highest expression of fully choral evensong at Christ Church Cathedral. Following the order of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, this service will feature the Preces and Responses and Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Steven Rickards, a prominent American composer, countertenor, and founder of Echoing Air, an acclaimed early music ensemble. Our choir anthem will be the stunning Abendlied by the German-Romantic composer, Josef Gabriel Rheinberger.
S u n d a y M a r c h 11 , 2 0 1 8 a t 4 : 0 0 p . m . For our Lenten Evensong, we will present a more solemn service featuring chanted (plainsong) versions of the evening canticles and psalms. Our anthem will be, The Souls of the Righteous, by Mark Schweizer. Schweizer is a widely performed American composer and founder of St. James Music Press. This service is intended to help us all enter more deeply into the spirit of Lent.
S u n d a y, A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 8 a t 4 : 0 0 p . m . The Easter season brings a bright and festive Evensong service featuring a Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Cathedral Music Director and Organist, Christopher Powell. The anthem for this service will be an arrangement of Nearer, My God, to Thee by Georgiann H. Toole, an American music educator and composer based in Sharpsburg, Maryland.
S u n d a y, M a y 1 3 , 2 0 1 8 a t 4 : 0 0 p . m . For our final Evensong of the season, the Cathedral Choir will present the Magnificant and Nunc Dimittis in F by English composer, George Dyson. This setting of the evening canticles features beautiful vocal solos juxtaposed against a lush choral texture accompanied by a sensitive and colorful organ accompaniment. The anthem for this service will be Spiritus Sanctus by Thomas Grassi, an American composer based in Anaheim Hills, California.
F ALL 20 17 R A L LY D AY
S u n d a y, S e p t e mb e r 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 a t 1 0 : 0 0 a . m . Rally Day celebrates the start of our new music season and program year at Christ Church Cathedral. It is an opportunity to learn about the various ministries within our faith community, and it inspires us as we once again follow Christ through the seasons of our liturgical year. The anthem for this service will be the immortal Ubi caritas by Maurice Duruflé.
S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 2 2 , 2 0 1 7 a t 6 : 0 0 p . m . Based in Birmingham, Alabama, Highland Consort was founded by its director Frederick Teardo in 2014. The ensemble is formed of professional singers and musicians currently living in the Southeast. Highland Consort is committed to promoting the music of the Tudor and Renaissance periods through informed performance. They will offer an incredibly beautiful program of music that promises to be a highlight of our season.
S u n d a y, N o v e mb e r 5 , 2 0 1 7 a t 1 0 : 0 0 a . m . A major celebration day in the life of our cathedral, All Saints Sunday will feature guest musicians, Enen Yu and Guo-Sheng Huang, performing music celebrating all who have gone before us in faith. Music will include a powerful setting of Wisdom 3:1-3 by Mark Schweizer and an Agnus Dei by Christopher Powell.
A D V E NT L E S S ONS A N D C A RO LS S u n d a y, D e c e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 7 a t 4 : 0 0 p . m . Join us for readings illustrating the story of Christ’s advent, prayers for our community, and music that speaks to the soul. This year, the Cathedral Choir will present Cantata 140, Wachet auf, ruft uns die stemme, by J. S. Bach, in its entirety within the context of the service. We will be joined by guest baritone, Dr. Patrick Jacobs—a frequent performer with the Mobile and Pensacola opera companies and the chair of the voice department at the University of Mobile, as well as Dr. Katherine Hedlund—a soprano with the Mobile Opera and a professor at the University of Mobile.
C H RI S TM AS E VE P R E L U DE C O N C ERT A N D F ES T I VA L E U C HA RI S T S u n d a y, D e c e m b e r 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 a t 5 : 0 0 p . m . There is a classic beauty surrounding Christmas Eve at the Cathedral. Arrive early to hear prelude music featuring carols and anthems beginning at 5:00 p.m., and join with us as we sing many favorites during the Eucharist as well. The principal choir anthem will be the stunning O Magnum Mysterium by acclaimed English composer, Morten Lauridsen.
C H RI S TM AS M O R NI NG E U C H ARI S T Monday, December 25, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. Our Holy Eucharist for Christmas Day is a peaceful, quiet morning service that is always a \delight and a refreshment. Cathedral Choir Director, Katherine Powell, will provide solo pieces for this service, and the congregation will sing favorite carols.
SPRING 2018 .
Sunday, January 28, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. Join us for our fourth annual Cathedral Pops concert! Listeners will be treated to sacred favorites old and new performed by members of the cathedral music ministry. If you would like to request a particular hymn or other favorite, please contact organist/ music director Christopher Powell at
ASH WEDNESDAY EUCHARIST Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at Noon and 5:30 p.m. “Remember that you are dust.� These powerful words mark the beginning of the journey through the wilderness that we call Lent. There is perhaps no better way to begin this journey to the cross and, ultimately, the resurrection, than to participate in our Ash Wednesday services. A cantor will sing the noon service, and the Cathedral Choir will sing the 5:30 p.m. service.
L E NT E N W E D N E S D AY E V E N I N G C O N C E RT S E R I E S TRUMPET AND ORGAN Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Peter Wood and Christopher Powell will perform a program of music new and old for trumpet and organ. Peter is the professor of trumpet and brass ensembles at the University of South Alabama and holds a Doctorate of Music in Trumpet Performance from Indiana University. Come enjoy this classic combination of instruments.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. A student of Laura Noah at the University of West Florida, Vivienne will present an unusual and delightful concert of music for marimba including the Concerto for Marimba and Orchestra by Brazilian composer, Ney Rosauro. Christopher Powell will play the part of the orchestra on the piano.
THE ARCHDUKE TRIO Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. This group of musicians from the Mobile Symphony Orchestra is incredibly skilled and sure to inspire. The trio includes violinist, Enen Yu, violoncellist, Guo-Sheng Huang, and pianist, Robert Holm. The Archduke Trio is a favorite ensemble of audiences in Mobile and in the Gulf Coast region.
FRENCH MUSICAL MYSTICISM Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Cathedral Organist and Music Director, Christopher Powell, will present an organ recital featuring examples of spiritual mysticism in French music. Enter into the contemplative world of composers such as Langlais, Duruflé, Messiaen, and Dupré guided by meditations from Dean Gibson.
Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. The Stabat Mater of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi is one of the great sacred cantatas
of the Baroque period. The text presents the crucifixion of Christ from the perspective of his mother, Mary. Both heart-rending and beautiful, listeners are sure to be drawn into the drama inherent in this music. Katherine Powell, soprano, and Monika Cosson, mezzo-soprano, will present this work accompanied by a string quartet and harpsichord, conducted by Christopher Powell.
Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. This service begins with the blessing and procession of palms in the garden celebrating Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Inside, however, the tone quickly changes as the readings focus on Christ’s Passion and death. At the end of the service, the altar is stripped, the lights are extinguished, and we depart in silence. One of the most dramatic services of the year, Palm Sunday will also feature some of the finest music this season, accompanied by guest musicians. The anthem for this service will be The Altar, by Roland E. Martin, an American composer and church musician.
MAUNDY THURSDAY Thursday, March 29 at 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel A service celebrating the institution of the Holy Eucharist (the last supper) and Christ’s commandment to love one another, this liturgy is a treasure of the church year. A chamber choir will offer music of the Taizé Community and the Pange Lingua by 19th century Austrian composer, Anton Bruckner.
Friday, March 30, 2018 at 4:00
Good Friday, the most solemn day of the liturgical year, is a time when we are called to reflect on the death of Christ. This year, we will be led by our young people and the Cathedral Choir in a service of “living” Stations of the Cross. Join us for this meaningful experience.
EASTER SUNDAY FESTIVAL EUCHARIST Sunday, April 1, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. The Festival Eucharist on Easter Sunday is the most important and joyous celebration of the year. From the raising of the iconic flowered cross to the roaring of the organ postlude, Easter at the cathedral is overflowing with joy. This year, the Cathedral Choir will sing the Te Deum in B Flat by Sir Charles Villiers Stanford at the offertory—an incredible piece that perfectly matches the Sunday of the Resurrection.
1 3 T H A N N UA L C AT H ED RA L C E L E B RATI O N Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. On Cathedral Celebration Sunday, we celebrate our identity as the cathedral church of the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast, the place of the Bishop’s chair, as a home for Episcopalians in this region, and as a house of prayer for all. The Cathedral strings (Enen Yu, Guo-Sheng Huang, and Gosha Leska) will join us for this service, and our music will reflect our identity and mission.
MOZART’S REQUIEM Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. The Cathedral Choir will present one of classical music’s greatest works, the Requiem in d minor by Mozart. It was still a work in progress at the time of Mozart’s death in 1791, but it has been completed by posterity based on sketches and pre-existing material. This performance will feature soloists drawn from the choir, and Christopher Powell will accompany on the organ. From the first bar to the last bar, Mozart’s Requiem will be an experience to cherish.
THE DAY OF PENTECOST Sunday, May 20, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Pentecost (Whitsunday) is a birthday celebration for Christians and for the church. Centered on the manifestation of the Holy Spirit as fire and wind, we will sing, pray, and read scripture intended to help us embrace the Spirit of God and our mission as Christians. Our Anthem for this service is Spiritus Sanctus, by Thomas Grassi.
TRINITY SUNDAY Sunday, May 27, 2018 at 10 a.m. Join us for a celebration of the God’s nature, as we understand it, the Trinity. This is also the final Sunday of the 2017-2018 Music Season. The Cathedral Choir will sing their final anthem of the season, In the Year that King Uzziah Died, by American composer, Rachel Aarons. This masterfully written piece will send us into summer break in style.
A N T H EM S F O R T H E C H UR C H Y E A R 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 Pentecost September 10, 2017 The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Anthem:
Ubi caritas Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986) September 17, 2017 The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Anthem:
November 5, 2017 All Saints Sunday Anthem:
The Souls of the Righteous
Mark Schweizer (b. 1956) Communion Anthem:
Peter Matthews (b. 1944) Anthem:
Agnus Dei
Prepare the Way of the Lord
C.W. Powell (b. 1990)
William Rowan (b. 1951)
November 12, 2017 The Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost Bless the Lord my soul Anthem: Jacques Berthier (1923-1994)
Zion hört die Wächter singen
September 24, 2017 The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Anthem:
How Can I Keep From Singing Robert Hugh (unknown) October 1, 2017 The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Anthem:
There’s A Wideness in God’s Mercy Mark Schweizer (b. 1956) October 8, 2017 The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Anthem:
God Be in My Head Henry Walford Davies (1869-1941)
Robert Hugh (unknown) October 15, 2017 The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Anthem:
Precious Lord, take my hand Roy Ringwald (1910-1995)
O for a Closer Walk With God
David Willcocks (1919-2015)
Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)
See Amid the Winter’s Snow
November 19, 2017 John Goss/David Willcocks (1919-2015) Joseph, Dearest Joseph Mine The Twenty-fourth Sunday after Erhard Bodenschatz (1576-1636) Pentecost Anthem: The Virgin’s Slumber Song Oculi Nostri Max Reger (1873-1916) Jacques Berthier (1923-1994) Anthem: O Magnum Mysterium November 26, 2017 Morten Lauridsen (b. 1943) Christ the King Sunday Anthem: December 31, 2017
Let All the World in Every Corner Sing
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
The First Sunday after Christmas Anthem:
William Roger Price (b. 1955)
December 3, 2017 The First Sunday of Advent Anthem:
Carlton T. Russell (b. 1938) December 3, 2017 Advent Lessons and Carols
C.W. Powell (b. 1990)
O for a Closer Walk With God
J. S. Bach (1685-1750)
How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
The Father’s Love
January 7, 2018 The Baptism of the Lord Anthem:
Light and Lyfe Immortal
Wachet, auf, ruft uns die stemme, BWV 140
October 29, 2017 The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost Anthem:
December 24, 2017 The Fourth Sunday of Advent Prelude:
God Rest You merry, Gentlemen
October 22, 2017 The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Anthem: Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)
J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Evensong Anthem:
Evensong Anthem:
How Can I Keep From Singing
December 17, 2017 The Third Sunday of Advent Canticle:
December 10, 2017 The Second Sunday of Advent Anthem:
Every Valley John Ness Beck (1930-1987)
To the River January 14, 2018 The Second Sunday after the Epiphany Anthem:
You Are the Light C.W. Powell (b. 1990) January 21, 2018 The Third Sunday after Epiphany Anthem:
Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult The Southern Harmony, 1835
January 21, 2018 The Third Sunday after Epiphany Evensong Anthem:
March 11, 2018 The Fourth Sunday in Lent Anthem:
April 15, 2018 The Third Sunday of Easter Anthem:
Save Me, O God
Go Forth and Tell!
Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839-1901) Richard Shephard (b. 1949) Evensong Anthem: January 28, 2018 The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Anthem:
The Souls of the Righteous Mark Schweizer (b. 1956)
David Ogden (b. 1966) April 22, 2018 The Fourth Sunday of Easter Anthem:
Arise, Shine, for Your Light Has Come March 18, 2018
Spiritus Sanctus
Martin How (b. 1931)
Thomas Grassi (b. 1970)
February 4 , 2018 The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Anthem:
My Spirit Longs for Thee Phillip Godfrey (unknown) February 11, 2018 The Transfiguration Sunday Anthem:
Christus Paradox Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953) February 14, 2018 Ash Wednesday Anthem:
Wilt Thou Forgive Arlen Clarke (b. 1954)
Lent February 18, 2018 The First Sunday in Lent Anthem:
The Rain Will Seek the Rivers Robert J. Powell (b. 1932) February 25, 2018 The Second Sunday in Lent Anthem:
Drop, Drop, Slow Tears Sam Batt Owens (1928-1998)
March 4, 2018 The Third Sunday in Lent Anthem:
Dies sind die heil’gen zehn Gebot’ J. S. Bach (1685-1750)
The Fifth Sunday in Lent Anthem:
Forgive? C. W. Powell (b. 1990)
Easter March 25, 2018 Palm Sunday Anthem:
The Altar Roland E. Martin (b. 1955) Stripping:
April 29, 2018 The Fifth Sunday of Easter Anthem:
Song of Solomon 2:8-13 C. W. Powell (b. 1990) May 6, 2018 The Sixth Sunday of Easter Anthem:
If Ye Love Me Thomas Tallis (1505-1585)
May 13, 2018 Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839-1901) The Seventh Sunday of Easter Sunday after The Ascension March 29, 2018 Anthem: Maundy Thursday O Lord Most High Anthem: Richard Shephard (b. 1949)
Ubi Caritas
Jacques Berthier (1923-1994) Com. Motet:
Pange Lingua Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) April 1, 2018 The Resurrection of the Lord Anthem:
Te Deum in B Flat Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) April 8, 2018 The Second Sunday of Easter Anthem:
Carol of St. Thomas Anthony Greening (1940-1996) Evensong Anthem:
Evensong Anthem:
Spiritus Sanctus Thomas Grassi (b. 1970)
Pentecost May 20, 2018 The Day of Pentecost: Whitsunday Anthem:
Draw Us In the Spirit’s Tether Harold Fridell (1905-1958) May 27, 2018 Trinity Sunday Anthem:
In the Year that King Uzziah Died Rachel Aarons (b. 1984)
Nearer, My God, to Thee Georgiann H. Toole (b. 1958)
ON THE COVER Details of one of the Cathedral windows, Jesus Blesses the Children, created by the Franz Mayer Company, appear s on the front cover. The window portrays Matthew 19:14, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” The window was dedicated at the Centennial Celebration of the Diocese of Alabama. The inscription reads: To the Glory of God and in loving Memory of Francis Bernard Clark, January 3rd, 1820-January 18th,
1910 and his wife Helen Mary Shepherd Clark September 20th, 1822-February 22, 1899, and their children: Gaylord Blair Clark, James Shepherd Clark, Francis Bernard Cark, junior, Willis Kennard Clark, Filmore Bernard Clark, Bennet Laurie Clark, Louis Vadier Clark.
THE CATHEDRAL ORGAN FUND D ONORS Jean R. Amos Sage and Preston Bolt Harriet T. Boughton Mr. and Mrs. Alton R. Brown III Sharon Brown Alice Carwie Sally F. Chow The Very Rev. Johnny and Mary Cook Jerry Cotsonis Robert and Joy Dean Perrin and Bill Drew Sylvia Dodson Dr. Cleamon R. Downs The Right Reverend Philip and Mrs. Kathlyn Duncan Anne Turner Gaillard Tom and Susan Garth The Very Rev. Beverly F. and Mr. James M. Gibson Mrs. Harold S. Grehan, Jr. Paul and Sheila Harriman Elizabeth B. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. James M. Harrison, Jr. Lucy R. Harrison Tim and Yvonne Holladay E. W. Hopkins Chris and Noreen Hume Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Inge, Sr. Cammie and Bob Israel Marolyn Y. Kruse Leslie and Edward Ladd Susan and John Leach Julie and John McClelland Homer L. McClure Mrs. Robison C. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Robison C. McClure, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William McLeod Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mitchell Kathy and Gary Moore Gene and Donna Moreé Craig and Janet Rich Pittman Katie and Christopher Powell Betty Reniewicz Dr. and Mrs. William Rodgers Linda and Jack Ross IV Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Snider Tiny and John Spottswood Brenda Johnson Stanton Nance and Ed Stephens Joan Marie Stewart Thomas B. Van Antwerp Dr. and Mrs. Horace C. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth White-Spunner, Jr. Susan Youngblood
I N H ONOR OF Toni Goubil Brown Christ Church Cathedral Alan, Jill, Janie, and Jordan Chow The Very Rev. Beverly F. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drake Henson John Leach Susan Leach Claude Nielsen Pittman and Rich Families Tiny and John Spottswood
I N M EMORY OF Owen Blackwell Brink Brinkley Minnie Brown Betty Coale John J. Cole Van Cotsonis Hetty Lyon Horst Cunningham Evelyn Davis Allison Granberry Harold S. Grehan, Jr. William G. Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Hume, Jr. Sally St. John Hume Sissy Hungerford Dr. Donald P. Hustad Frank, Allen, and Kim Kruse Rookie Kruse Edward Leatherbury J. Clarendon McClure Dorothy Hooks Minshew Haerel Decalve Minshew Thomas Jerome Minshew William Alexander Lewis Mitchell Elmer Eugene Moreé, Sr. Rebecca Rose Moreé Hetty Cunningham Newell Lyon Cunningham Newell Dr. Nick C. Nichols Dorothy Greer Radcliff Alma Robinson Sybil Willis Rodgers Sis and Jack Spottswood Victor P. Stanton Cornelia M. Turner Past Choir Members Loved Ones
For nearly two centuries, Christ Church has enjoyed beautiful organ music within its walls. Over the years, four different pipe organs have occupied this space. Ours is an organ tradition we can be proud of and must maintain. Our pipe organ has been the “voice of our space,” and with continued maintenance it can play this role for generations to come. The Cathedral Organ Fund solicitation occurs in the early summer.
FRIENDS of CATHEDRAL MUSIC D ONORS Patricia Biel Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bolt Gail Bramer Alton R. Brown III Sally F. Chow Johnny and Mary Cook Carl Cunningham, Jr. Joel Thomas Daves IV John and Jamie Davidson Robert and Joy Dean Bill and Perrin Drew Dr. and Mrs. B. H. Eichold, II Don and Susie Forkum Tom and Susan Garth The Very Rev. Beverly and Mr. James Michael Gibson Mrs. Harold S. Grehan, Jr. Johnny Gwin Bill and Holly Hall Paul and Shelia Harriman Lucy R. Harrison Tim and Yvonne Holladay Chris and Noreen Hume Douglas Burtu Kearley, Sr. Marolyn Y. Kruse Leslie and Edward Ladd Susan and John Leach, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John S. McClelland, Jr. Homer McClure Mrs. Robison C. McClure Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McClure, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mitchell Gary and Kathy Moore Gene and Donna Moreé Craig S. and Janet Rich Pittman Mr. and Mrs. J. Schley Rutherford Barnard Shrader
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Snider John and Tiny Spottswood Brenda Stanton Nance and Ed Stephens Joan Marie Stewart Thomas B. Van Antwerp Dr. and Mrs. Horace C. Watkins The Rev. and Mrs. A. Ellis Wilkins Lucy Rouse Wright
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Past Choir Members Toni G. Brown Al, Jill, Janie, and Jordan Chow Irene Gwin Sophie Harriman Ann Smith Bedsole Holmes The Rev. Ellis Wilkins The Mobile Community
I N M EMORY OF Ester Allen Brown H. V. and Irma Carlman Juanita Brannon Carter Sandy Fortner Julie and Aaron Goodwin Elizabeth Haddaway Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Hume, Jr. Susan Pharr Hume Francis Joseph Kearley, Jr., Ph.D. William Allen Kruse David K. Kruse J. Clarendon McClure Troy H. Middleton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Haerel D. Minshew Thomas Jerome Minshew William Alexander Lewis Mitchell Elmer E. Moreé, Sr. Rebecca Rose Moreé Gladys Moss Frank Parker Lee and E. B. Peebles, Jr. Julia Wynkoop Potts Sam Power Jeannie Bowen Price Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ramsey, Jr. Dorothy Ward Ramsey Lucy Horst Rouse Victor P. Stanton Samuel R. Stephenson Loved Ones
We give thanks for these generous Friends of Cathedral Music and Organ Fund, whose giving this year and for the past program year make our musical offerings possible.
Music is a vital ministry of Christ Church Cathedral and is made possible by the generous pledges of members and friends of the Cathedral to its annual operating budget. Additional funding through Friends of Cathedral Music allows us to sustain a broader artistic and spiritual outreach to the greater Mobile community. We are thankful for these gifts that go above and beyond other support given to Christ Church. The Right Reverend Russell J. Kendrick, Bishop The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean The Reverend Marshall P. Craver, Priest Associate Christopher W. Powell, Music Director and Organist Katherine E. Powell, Choir Director 251.438.1822