THE MESSENGER I WILL, WITH GOD’S HELP: A NNUAL G IV ING 2018 A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN Dear Cathedral Family, October and November have traditionally been months for our annual stewardship campaign here at Christ Church Cathedral. This year is no exception, and in many ways our basic format remains the same. Once again, this year we are trying a straightforward and informational approach to our campaign. In this special Messenger you will find information about our operating budget, which is funded primarily by your pledge dollars and which provides for all of our day-to-day expenses in carrying out the ministries of Christ Church Cathedral. This is the stream of our fiscal life which cares for people and the “household of God,” including worship, all programs, and the basic “living expenses” involved in our shared life. You will also find a picture of what the “pledge life” of the Cathedral looks like. This Messenger also contains a report on our Capital Campaign, which constitutes the second stream in our fiscal life, caring for our historic property and making renovations necessary to keep it sound and usable for generations to come. In addition, you will find information about our endowments, the Cathedral Foundation, and various restricted funds containing gifts designated for specific purposes. The intention behind presenting this information is not to focus on money to the exclusion of the primarily spiritual nature of tithing—returning to God in gratitude a first portion of what we have been given. Rather, this is meant to be a transparent account of the Cathedral’s stewardship of the gifts we have been given. I hope this material gives you an idea of how pledges and other gifts are handled and of what it takes for us to do the things we do to carry out our mission.
Every household in the Cathedral Family should have received a letter from me asking you to discern prayerfully your pledge and return your pledge card in the next few weeks, ideally by the Cathedral Celebration on All Saints’ Sunday, November 5. If you have not previously made a pledge to the life of Christ Church, I would ask that you consider doing so; not only do pledges constitute the bulk our annual budget, they are, fundamentally, a form of commitment to the Body of Christ and are also a personal spiritual discipline that will help you grow in faith in ways you may never have considered. If you are a regular pledger, I would ask that you consider a percentage or weekly dollar-amount increase to help you grow in faith and discipline as well as to contribute to the growth of our life and mission together here.
Your pledge card may well be the only document you regularly sign that tangibly declares your commitment to following Jesus Christ and furthering the work of his Body, the Church, here on earth. Your Vestry, along with other lay and clergy leadership, has already made their commitment to Christ Church for next year. After November 8, if we have not heard from you, you will receive a call from a member of your Vestry. Our life together here at Christ Church is both a great joy and a great responsibility, given to us by our Lord. Please join me in praying for our faithful action in response to God’s generous gifts to us. Faithfully,
The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean
I W I L L , W I T H G O D ’ S H E L P : A NNU AL G IVIN G 2 0 1 8 Sustain us, O Lord, in your Holy Spirit. Give us inquiring and discerning hearts, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and love you, and the gift of joy and wonder in all your works. BCP 308
Giving for Both Aspects of our Shared Lives. Annual Giving 2018 Pledge Drive Annual giving is the practice of returning to God a portion of that which was given to us. It represents a commitment to a service based life. Through giving we support the ministries we continue to build as part of our mission here at Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile. Our annual giving campaign is underway, and the vestry asks you to consider prayerfully the ways that Christ Church Cathedral is important to you. Letters have gone out to all members of the Cathedral Family. If you did not make a pledge last year, please consider the importance of being a pledging member of this parish. A pledge card is enclosed in this special edition of The Messenger. If you have already made your pledge, please know how thankful our leadership is for your support. If you have not, please consider how important the support of every member is to our mission.
Restore, Renew, Reimagine:
Capital Campaign 2017 Capital giving allows us to look long-term at our campus and see how our buildings can be used to support our ministries and to help us maintain a leadership role in our downtown community. Our buildings are the gifts given by generations. It is our responsibility to maintain those gifts, not just campaign by campaign, but in perpetuity. A Capital Campaign intention-to-give card is enclosed in this special edition of The Messenger. If you have not already done so, we ask that you make a commitment to our capital campaign. A report of the
Restore, Renew, Reimagine: Capital
Campaign 2017 begins on page 6.
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UNDERSTANDING FUNDING AT CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Day-to-day funding comes from the operating account. Even though it has been a goal of the finance committee to increase funding from other sources, 89.7% of the operating budget comes from pledges. Based on anticipated income for 2017, pledges have only increased by $ 70,177 over the past 5 years, or an average total pledge increase of $ 14,035 annually. Funds other than operating are restricted to the uses for which they were given.
Operating Income Sources 2017 Year to Date
Stewardship Prayer Gracious God, everything we have comes from you; strengthen us with your grace to be faithful stewards of your gifts and to give back to you what is needed for the growth of your church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
What is Stewardship? Stewardship is caring for people. The individuals, families, youth and children in the Cathedral Family are gifts in our care, and we are accountable before God for them. Beyond their safety and the programs we provide for them, we must also consider the time, the things, and the spaces they need. At Christ Church Cathedral, stewardship is part of how we open our spiritual home to Mobile, to our diocese, and the world.
Cathedral Stewardship About 168 households participate, lovingly contributing approximately $800,000 to the annual budget. 63% of our 266 families make an annual pledge.
Why Pledging matters A stewardship pledge is unique from other gifts in that it is a spiritual practice and a practical way to support the Cathedral Family. When you pledge, you become a part of our warm and loving congregation—part of the Cathedral Family, with a role in service, governance, and spiritual care of our community and diocese.
How do I pledge?
Pledges to date $523,363 or 89.74%
Pledges from Past Years $3,895 or 0.67% Plate $13,313 or 2.28% Investment Income $34,174 or 5.86% Other Income $8,418 or 1.44%
Total Income projected for 2017 is $806,729.
Pledging is easy: simply fill out a pledge card or go online by following the instructions on the top of page 5. Payments may be made in weekly or monthly installments, or paid in full when you submit your pledge. No gift is too small to participate, and you can refer to the Proportional Giving chart on the bottom of page 5.
What Bishops have to say about Pledging A recent report from the College of Bishops included this statement: “The minimum Social Security/SSI benefit is about $900 per month. A tithe from this would be $90, 2 percent is $18 per month or between $4 and $4.50 per week. So if we use this most basic safety net in our society as a barometer, there should not be any pledges in our congregations that are less than $4 per week.” the College of Bishops We are asking all new pledging families to consider beginning with an annual pledge of at least $200.
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UNDERSTANDING THE OPERATING FUNDS Operating Fund—2017 Expenses $ 806,729 The operating fund includes all the things we do to keep daily life running at the Cathedral. The funds come from pledges, plate offerings, investment income, and other income.
2017 Operating Budget Narrative Liturgy & Music (25%) $204,990* The liturgy and music portion of our budget includes the cost associated with our worship life as the Cathedral Family: our weekly Eucharist and other special services such as Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Lenten Series, Holy Week, Easter, weddings and funerals. This area includes clergy leadership and administrative support, as well as the work of musicians and choirs.
Christian Formation (23%) $183,767* The Christian formation portion of our budget includes Sunday School for our children and youth, Vacation Bible School, adult education programs, confirmation preparation, and other educational and spiritual programs. This area also includes clergy leadership and administrative support, as well as training and materials.
Pastoral Care (17%) $139,168* The pastoral care portion of our budget includes responding to families and individuals in times of illness, bereavement, or crisis and keeping in touch with members who are housebound or in seniors’ residences and no longer able to go to church. Also included in this area are costs for various forms of hospitality and parking.
Mission & Service / Outreach (16%) $126,697 This portion of our budget encompasses all of the ministries that extend beyond the immediate Christ Church Cathedral community. This area includes our diocesan pledge, support for local social services and ministries, advertising and publicity, diocesan functions, archives, etc.
Stewardship (19%) $152,107 This portion of our budget is dedicated to the preservation and upkeep of the historic church building and campus entrusted to our care. Property expenses and maintenance are included in this category. * In addition to specifically budgeted items for each of these areas of ministry, the budget areas of Liturgy and Music, Christian Formation, and Pastoral Care each contain one third of the total expenses for salaries and administrative costs ($414,867), and general office costs ($62,635).
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Above: Lucy Harrison and Kennon Drew wearing their Cathedral pins (see inset). The pins were initially given to those who made contributions to the Capital Campaign. They are now available for all members of the Cathedral Family, in the hope that all members will make contributions.
Announcing On-Line Giving Using our database from ACS Technologies, we are now able to offer on-line giving. All members of the Cathedral Family are able to register in ACS Access, the public database by going on-line to: After registering you may review, edit, and print your personal profile, your giving history, and your pledge history. You may also access directories, make on-line contributions, or schedule regular giving. If you do not want to view your personal profile, but you still want to give on-line you may go to: At that site you will be prompted on giving as a guest. Giving on-line is available for all of the funds for which we solicit. You may give to a wide variety of funds from the Friends of Cathedral Music to Vacation Bible School. You may also make donations to Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) and to the United Thank Offering (UTO). A text-giving option is also available. Using any cellular device, you may scan this QV code: and text cccmobile to 73256. On our website:, there will be prompts on the home page that will take you to both the member registration and to the on-line giving site. If you have any questions, please contact Brenda Stanton, Financial Secretary at (251) 438-1822 or
Stewardship On-Line All of the information contained in this special stewardship edition of The Messenger, and as well as lessons, and information for children and stewardship can be found on our website:
What is Proportional Giving? Proportional giving involves offering a set of one’s income to stewardship. Below is a chart that may help you consider your commitment for the coming year.
P ropo rt io nal G iving G u ide Household Income Annual
10% (tithe)
$ 481
$ 14
$ 63
$ 750
$ 24
$ 104
$ 1,250
$ 34
$ 146
$ 1,750
$ 48
$ 208
$ 2,500
$ 962
$ 29
$ 125
$ 48
$ 208
$ 2,500
$ 67
$ 292
$ 3,500
$ 96
$ 417
$ 5,000
$ 1,442
$ 43
$ 188
$ 72
$ 313
$ 3,750
$ 101
$ 438
$ 5,250
$ 144
$ 625
$ 7,500
$ 1,923
$ 58
$ 250
$ 3,000
$ 96
$ 417
$ 5,000
$ 135
$ 583
$ 7,000
$ 192
$ 833
$ 10,000
$ 4,808
$ 144
$ 625
$ 7,500
$ 240
$ 1,042 $ 12,500
$ 337
$ 1,458
$ 17,500
$ 481
$ 2,083 $ 25,000
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Three phases of construction that will open our campus to a community of possibilities...
Restore, Renew, Reimagine Christ Church Cathedral: Capital Campaign 2017
Capital Campaign Giving: Total number of Gifts/Pledges received 107 Total Raised in Gifts/Pledges
$ 4,793,675*
Capital Funds balance (as of October 15) $ 140,600 *This includes a challenge gift of $2.5 million, payable over ten years. Additional gifts totaling $ 2,293,675 were made during the 2016-17 campaign.
This is your Invitation to Give: Your gift to this campaign is an important legacy for generations to come. Please join the other members of the Cathedral Family to making a gift for today and for generations to come.
Capital Campaign 2006 Funds remain in the Capital Funds balance from the 2006 Capital Campaign. Those funds are used to pay the monthly note for the U. S. Small Business Loan acquired at that time. The balance on the 4% SBA loan is $ 195,662.
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Phase I
The original steeple was reset in April 2017, bringing us greater visibility in our downtown community. The cost of Phase I is $ 777,692 to date. New exterior stained glass window lighting will also be part of this phase.
Phase II
Renovations and improvements to the north side of our campus will give improved access to the twin houses, new restrooms and improved safety through a fire stair. Building a kitchen with access to all of our spaces will expand our ability to extend hospitality to our community. All of this will allow full use of all of our buildings. Work will begin in Spring 2018.
Phase III
A new narthex will open our doors on Church Street providing improved access to the whole campus and energizing our ministries in ways we can only imagine.
Prayer for Renewal
Phase II
Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP 817
Brantley/Huger Fire stairs and a working commercial elevator would open the Brantley and Huger houses to general use. While the downstairs with the double parlors, nursery, and acolyte vesting would generally remain the same, the strategic plan calls for the choir rehearsal room and choir vesting to move into the large front rooms upstairs, where the extensive music library, and the music director’s office are already established. The Bishop’s apartment would also move upstairs to the present archives allowing for a Conception Street entrance and privacy away from the Cathedral offices. The rooms on the north-facing hallway would be converted into restrooms and shower rooms that would make our facility better equipped for overnight stays for youth and outreach events. The new kitchen and servery would abut the back, east-facing walls, in the corner of the garden.
Kitchen The servery would allow spaces for serving food and permanent places for beverage service. It would open onto the existing porch, but could be closed off when not in use. The kitchen will be behind the servery. It will have a delivery door and direct access to the garden. It will also have storage spaces for tablecloths, dishes, and glasses. A separate area for washing dishes is along the west wall. Ramp access to the Chapter House from the garden will be added.
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Capital Campaign Leadership and Volunteers
The Narthex The building strategic plan gives the campus an easily recognizable ground level entrance on Church Street. Its design replicates the chapel exterior facing Conception Street. It makes all levels handicapped accessible, and it moves the sacristy, clergy vesting and flower guild rooms in closer proximity to the worship space. There is ground level access to the church with restrooms on the same level—all indoors. New fire stairs and elevators would directly connect all of our buildings and all of our levels.
Honorary Chairs Edward and Leslie Ladd
Chairs Preston and Sage Bolt David and Lucy Brady
Major Gifts
Phase III
Why this is necessary.
Bob Israel, Jay Watkins
Even when you feel at home on our campus, it is no easy task to walk from one place to another.
Special Gifts
To visit our church or our offices, visitors park on or near Church Street. Our most visible entrance, from the only through street surrounding campus, gives visitors a view of our utility area—our back door.
We have eleven (11) different levels on our campus, only three of which are handicap accessible. We have only one handicap accessible restroom, which is no longer to code.
There are no fire stairs on campus. The emergency exit for the Sunday School rooms is an antiquated exterior fire stair.
To take visitors from the office to a meeting in the Brantley Parlor, it is easier to go outside and enter from Conception Street than to walk through interior spaces.
It takes 75 steps and 17 stairs to bring tables from storage to the Chapter House for meals.
John Ferguson, Tom Garth
Recruitment Chair Robby McClure
Major Gifts Team Members Lyn Bennett, Cart Blackwell, David Brister, Harwell Coale, Kennon Drew, Jennifer Grehan, Christian Hines, Julie Hoffmeyer, Jex Luce, Chuck McKay, Rick Mitchell, Leland Moore
An Invitation to Leave a Legacy Your gift to this campaign is an important legacy for generations to come. The Whole Building Master Plan gives each member of the Cathedral Family the opportunity to join those who have come before us in the nearly 200-year history of this parish to ensure that the buildings and the important work of this church will carry on long after us. Page 8
Why this is important.
With the addition of our new steeple Christ Church Cathedral is visible from a great distance. But being seen is only a part of the issue. Once here, how do visitors enter? Our campus has 16 exterior doors, and while the church faces east to St. Emanuel Street, our offices face west to Conception Street. The entrance most commonly used is the office door from the parking lot on Church Street. Once you find your way inside we are known for our hospitality, and the charm of our spaces, but arriving at that place can be a daunting task.
Your participation matters.
If we have not heard from you—it is not too late. Please call the Church Office at (251) 438-1822, and we will have a member of the campaign contact you.
NEW MISSION STATEMENT FOR CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL On Sunday and Monday evenings October 15 and 16, twenty-one parish members gathered to go through a visioning process that ultimately led to a new vision statement for Christ Church Cathedral. The process was led by Stephen Ingram and Monica Lewis of Ministry Architects. The members of the Renovation Team, Lucy Brady, Carl Cunningham, Jr., Robby McClure, Alison Mitchell, and Hayley Van Antwerp, using a list of 125 members, determined whom to invite. 30 members representing a crosssection of the congregation were invited to join the conversation—17 accepted. The statement, values, and goals below were presented to the Vestry at their October 22 meeting. The goals will be reviewed annually each October.
Mission Statement Christ Church Cathedral lovingly welcomes all people to traditional, Episcopal worship to deepen our relationships, serve our community, and grow closer to God.
Values Family Friendly We offer a safe environment and engaging programs for all ages, guiding and helping each other grow closer to God.
Hospitable Christ Church Cathedral is a gracious, nurturing and inclusive place, where all members and guests feel at home and desire to belong.
Traditional Worship at Christ Church Cathedral consistently creates an atmosphere of timehonored liturgy, music, and architecture.
Inclusive We welcome people from all walks of life and faiths to worship.
Goals 2020 Goal: In the past year, there has been an average weekly participation of 30 children, 18 months to 4 years old, in an entertaining and engaging program.
2020 Goal: In the past year 100% of the membership of Christ Church Cathedral has made a pledge towards the annual budget.
2020 Goal: In the past year, Christ Church Cathedral has established a thriving outreach ministry in Downtown Mobile, reaching 100 people quarterly.
2022 Goal: In the past year the master plan for renovation of the Cathedral campus has been completed within budget.
Since being named cathedral church of the diocese, Christ Church Cathedral has been using a statement crafted by the Cathedral Commission as their description of our Cathedral. This statement will remain a part of our mission, now entitled:
2027 Goal: In the past year, 1,000 members are on the rolls of Christ Church Cathedral, with an average Sunday attendance of 350 people.
Institution Statement for the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast The Cathedral is the spiritual center of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. The Cathedral is a dynamic and evolving church that serves as a liturgical, educational, and pastoral center for Diocesan life. It serves as a visible symbol of unity and promotes growth, hope, and a deepening trust in the Lord. The Cathedral is a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be faithfully preached and responded to, and it will model new concepts and ideas for education, evangelism, and outreach to which the Gospel calls us.
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UNDERSTANDING ALL OTHER FUNDS Endowment Fund—Balance $ 919,304
Cathedral Foundation— Balance $ 325,999
A small percentage of the Endowment Fund is used for operating expenses, under the direction of the Finance Committee. Interest on these funds is used to The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to provide a permanent source off-set cathedral functions. of supplemental funding in support of Christ Church Cathedral’s ongoing mission and vision. The funding will provide a mechanism through which financial resources can be allocated for worthwhile programs and services that are consistent with Christ Church Cathedral’s ministry, its strategic plan and other long-term initiatives. The Endowment Fund is managed by a 5-member Endowment Committee.
Legacy Society—This is our planned giving program. Funds from Planned Giving are for the Endowment Fund The Resolution to establish the Legacy Society was approved by the Cathedral Vestry on April 21, 2013. Whereas God has bestowed upon Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile, Alabama many blessings throughout the years; And whereas the Clergy, Wardens, Vestry and Officers recognize our responsibility in being good stewards of these blessings for future generations; Now, therefore, be it resolved this day to establish the Legacy Society of Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile, Alabama for the benefit and security of those who have made provision for the same in their estate plans; And be it further resolved that members of the Legacy Society will be recognized annually at a Cathedral celebration in order to encourage every member of the parish to do likewise.
Members of the Legacy Society Mr. and Mrs. J. David Brady, Jr. Mary Elizabeth Coale Harwell Ellis Coale, Jr. The Very Reverend Johnny Walter Cook Mary Eileen Potchernick Cook Marion Conrad Gonzales Marion Frederickson Gonzales Holly Kaufmann Hall
William Edward Hall Magoo Price Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bradford Ladd The Rev. John Riggin David Lindsey Sanders Ronald Albert Snider Carolyn Bradford Stephenson Thomas B. Van Antwerp
In order to obtain a membership form, please contact Financial Secretary Brenda Stanton at
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The purposes of the foundation are based on the cathedral mission statement adopted by the convention of the Central Gulf Coast in February 2004.
To participate in the cathedral’s role as a visible symbol of unity for the diocese and for the wider church.
To support the cathedral as the pastoral center of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast.
To support educational programs that will provide training for all facets of parish life.
To support the cathedral as it models new concepts and ideas for evangelism and outreach.
To support the cathedral as a liturgical center for the worship life of the diocese. Once achieved, the basis of the fund must remain at or above $250,000. The funds are distributed after December 31 and are only distributed upon the approval of the Trustees.
Annual Giving Campaigns for Designated Purposes
Friends of Cathedral Music—Balance $ 7,433 Music is a vital ministry of Christ Church Cathedral and is made possible by the generous pledges of members and friends of the Cathedral to its annual operating budget. Additional funding through Friends of Cathedral Music allows us to sustain a broader artistic and spiritual outreach to the greater Mobile community. We are thankful for these gifts that go above and beyond other support given to Christ Church. Funds are solicited annually through a booklet that lists all of the concerts and special services held during the year.
Cathedral Organ Fund—Balance $ 10,905 For nearly two centuries, Christ Church has enjoyed beautiful organ music within its walls. Over the years, four different pipe organs have occupied this space. Ours is an organ tradition we can be proud of and must maintain. Our pipe organ has been the “voice of our space,” and with continued maintenance it can play this role for generations to come. This is the statement found in the Cathedral Organ Fund booklet published annually in the early summer. Concerts are held in June and August as a fundraiser for the fund. Donations are received throughout the year.
Flower Guild Fund—Balance $ 1,722 The Flower Guild Fund is derived from donations made at Easter and Christmas for designations made for poinsettias and Easter lilies. The funds also pay for flowers at special Cathedral and Diocesan events. The funds are also used to purchase supplies for flower arrangements.
Memorial Gifts—Balance $ 20,919 Memorial gifts are funds given in memory of individuals who have died. The funds are used under the direction of the families of the deceased.
Thanksgiving for our Volunteers Christ Church Cathedral is blessed by dedicated volunteers and leadership. We give thanks daily for the many volunteers who give their time and talents for the life of our cathedral. On Rally Day, Sunday, September 10, all members of the Cathedral Family were invited to join a ministry team. Forty-two individuals signed up that day for new ministries, and they joined the 150 or so who already volunteer. If you would like to find your ministry here at Christ Church Cathedral, please contact Marla Reis in the Cathedral Office at (251) 438-1882, or She will ask you for the area of your gifts and then have the appropriate staff person or ministry leader contact you.
Prayer for the Mission of the Church Almighty God, you sent your Son Jesus Christ to reconcile the world to yourself: We praise and bless you for those whom you have sent in the power of the Spirit to preach the Gospel to all nations. We thank you that in all parts of the earth a community of love has been gathered together by their prayers and labors, and that in every place your servants call upon your Name; for the kingdom and the power and the glory are yours for ever. Amen. BCP 838
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CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL 115 South Conception Street Mobile, Alabama 36602
CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Corner of St. Emanuel and Church Streets 115 South Conception Street, Mobile, Alabama 36602 Established 1822 The Right Reverend J. Russell Kendrick, Bishop The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean The Reverend Marshall P. Craver, Priest Associate The Very Reverend Johnny W. Cook, Dean Emeritus Carolyn S. Jeffers, Provost Christopher W. Powell, Music Director and Organist Katherine E. Powell, Choir Director Brenda J. Stanton, Financial Secretary Marla J. Reis, Cathedral Secretary Michelle C. Wilson, Assistant to the Provost Alison S. Mitchell, Children’s and Youth Formation Coordinator Judy J. Jones, Housekeeping ✠ Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Website: Phone 251.438.1822 Fax: 251.433.3403 E-mail: