Highcliffe Eye Community Magazine August 2014

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HighcliffeEYE The local glossy that keeps on giving - all month long

Your Local Community Magazine


August 2014 • ISSUE 29

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contents Editor's Letter Local History by Phil Tate What's on Community Notices Sessions Music and Heritage Club Clubs & Classes An English Mum Wordsearch Highcliffe Traders Column Highcliffe Rotary Adopt a Pet National Lights Out Coffee Break Garden View Dorset POPP MindBenders Recipe Mobile library Regent Listings Kids Page Puzzle Solutions Index Useful Telephone Numbers

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LocalEYE magazines

LEM PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ


t: 01202 477214 (9am - 7pm) www.localeyemagazines.co.uk

£36 + VAT*

Magazine Editor & Publisher

If you are reading this then so are your potential customers.

Magazine Layout & Advert Design

Call us or visit our website to find out more.

Cheryl Dennett info@localeyemagazines.co.uk

Cheryl Dennett & Fee Lanzino design@localeyemagazines.co.uk

Administrative Assistant

Jackie Millward admin@localeyemagazines.co.uk

01202 477214


Distribution Manager



info@localeyemagazines.co.uk www.localeyemagazines.co.uk

Sue Hillman

Richard Fereday, Regent Centre, Highcliffe Rotary, Rachel Clark, Lee Bestall & Phil Tate.

*based on a 12 month booking (still payable monthly)




to the Highcliffe Eye Community Magazine

editor’s letter


ell it’s all change here at Local Eye Magazines this month; we say a fond farewell to Jenny Wigman, from our admin department, who over the last three years Cheryl has been a real credit to both Christchurch Eye and Highcliffe Eye. I know many of our readers, will too, be sorry to hear that Jenny is leaving us but would join me in wishing Jenny every success in her future ventures. I’d like to give a warm welcome to the newest members of our team; Jackie Millward, Fee Lanzino and Wendy Grace, all of whom are members of our local community. Jackie has taken over from Jenny with the administrative role and also trying to keep my desk in order (‘Good Luck with that.’ I hear Jenny say!), whilst Fee has now taken over from myself with the majority of the graphic design and Wendy will now be heading our sales. We’ve also had a complete overhaul in the office along with new computers being installed so I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our valued customers for putting up with any confusion and chaos that you may have encountered over the last month. I hope that from now on in, we can start to get back to some normality as all settle in. Hopefully as readers, you will only see the benefits of our continued growth. Here’s to new beginnings! Cheryl Cheryl Dennett Editor & Publisher

Congratulations to T.W. Chandler & Norman Hickson for winning our June competitions!

Local Eye Magazines are Members of:



Local History by Phil Tate

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w h a t ’s o n

What’s On Entries are listed FREE of charge for local groups and events. Submit your listing online at www.localeyemagazines.co.uk

Friday 25th July – Friday 5th September Summer Exhibition - paintings by Melanie McDonald and Glyn Macey. Hatch Gallery, 7a Church Street, Christchurch, Dorset. BH23 1BW www.hatchgallery.co.uk 01202474644/07787517958 Wednesday 30th July- Monday 18th August Highcliffe Art Fellowship Annual Art Exhibition in Methodist Church Hall, Lymington Road, Highcliffe. 10am-5.30pm daily except Sundays. Entry Free. About 400 pictures £10 upwards, Art greetings cards. No club meeting.

Wednesday 6th August Homelands Estate Art Group for Retired people are holding their Art Exhibition and Coffee morning in the Homelands Hall, Kings Avenue, Christchurch, at 10.30am to 1pm, admission 50p includes refreshments. Monday 11th – Friday 15th August Summer is coming to Christchurch Library with a special Holiday Week. We reminisce with “Sand in our Sandwiches” on Monday 11th August at 2.30 pm, enjoy a strawberry tea on Tuesday at 3pm, learn from Mike Andrews “How Mudeford Became a Resort” on Thursday at 2.30pm, and join Lesley at the “Seaside Crafternoon” on Friday at 2.30pm - a craft afternoon for adults with a seaside flavour. Full information from Christchurch Library, tel. 01202 485938

Friday 1st August – Thursday 4th September SUMMERTIME SPECIAL - An exhibition and sale of locally made arts and crafts by members of CADArts. The Hayloft Gallery, 14 Wick Lane, Christchurch BH23 1HX. 10-4 daily. Free Admission.

Friday 15th August Crafts in the Garden - Red House Museum, Quay Road, Christchurch. An opportunity to watch demonstrations and purchase crafts direct from the maker in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Paintings, pottery, jewellery, textiles, wood and more! 10-4 Admission free.

Saturday 2nd August The Red House Museum and Garden, 11am til 3pm. Tea, Coffee, Cake & Raffle. All the funds raised will go towards the Marie Curie Nurses in the local area, who offer free hands-on care to people with cancer and other terminal illnesses in the comfort of their own home.

Saturday 16th August Stanpit Village Hall - Local History Society with film shows, Stanpit Cream Teas, Hog roast, telescope to view the harbour, restaurant raffle, and fresh produce. All this and more between 10am and 6pm at the Stanpit Village Hall. No entry fee.

Saturday 2nd August Craft and Vintage Fayre - Made in Dorset Craft and Vintage Fayre, Bransgore Village Hall, BH23 8AY. 10am-1pm. Over 30 stalls with a ‘Beside the Seaside’ theme this month. Homemade Cakes and Lemonade, Local Strawberries and Cream. FREE ENTRY. Supporting Julia’s House.

Friday 22nd, Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th August Christchurch Spiritualist Centre - Demonstration of Mediumship by Blind Medium Sharon Neill. Also a Shamanic Weekend Workshop with Sharon and Patrick on Sat 23rd Aug and finishing Sunday 24th. Details at Centre or Tel:- 01202 463985

Saturday 2nd August Marie Curie Blooming Great Tea Party - The Christchurch and Highcliffe Marie Curie Fundraising Group will be holding their first ever Blooming Great Tea Party at the Red House Museum and Gardens 11am til 3pm. Cream teas, cake, raffle, tombola, books. Entry Free

Saturday 23rd August RNLI coffee morning - at Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall from 10.00-12.30. Books, cakes, jigsaws, jewellery souvenirs, bric a brac. Admission free, donations welcome.

Tuesday 5th August Stan’s Blues Jam at The Thomas Tripp, Christchurch BH23 1HX on Tuesday 5TH August (and the First Tuesday Every Month) Details at www.stansbluesjam.co.uk. Thursday 7th August & Sunday 17th August Christchurch Priory Tours 2014 - 6.30-9.15pm Tickets in advance £10.00 from the Verger Tel: 01202 485804 Includes tower (176 steps!) museum, crypts, belfry, roof space. Children over 8 welcome Sunday 17 August 2.30-5pm £8 (Bells not included)



Monday 25th August Christchurch Lions Charity Duck Race - Joins us at the Mill Stream at 3.30pm on Bank Holiday Monday. Sponsor a duck and be in with a chance of winning a cash prize. All funds raised go to local good causes.

To see more events in Christchurch visit www.visitchristchurch.info

Community Notices

SOUTHERN TREE SPECIALISTS The tree care professionals

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The Red House Museum and Gardens don’t miss Christchurch’s hidden gem: The Red House Museum Gardens. Come and see the walled Herb Garden, the beautiful Herbaceous and Rose Borders, and the Woodland Walk. Admission free, Museum openings apply.

Christchurch Priory - Summer recitals Thursdays @ 12.30. Retiring collection. Cloisters cafe for lite bites, lunches etc. open 10-4. Tower tours Sundays at 3pm. Adults £2.50 children over 8 £1.00. Guided tours of Priory 7th & 17th August. Booking essential call 01202 485804.

THE FRIDAY CRAFTERS We are group of Local crafters who sell their handicrafts at The Regent Centre Cinema Christchurch every Friday from 10-3pm come along and buy unusual gifts for friends and family.

Call Andy on 07788 298127

For more information visit: www.s-tree-s.co.uk

Table-Top-Sale - every Monday & Saturday at the REGENT CENTRE CHRISTCHURCH from 10am to 3pm selling a variety of items inc: Costume/Vintage Jewellery, DVD’s, Homemade award winning Cakes. Plus lots more.

Sunday 10th August

CAR BOOT SALE at Owls Barn, Derritt Lane, Sopley. 10am - 2pm (sellers from 9am onwards) £5 car/£8 trailer or van. Farm Shop open, Home reared Bacon and Sausage Baps available for that late Sunday Breakfast!

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Every Monday - Christchurch Market (all year) Up to 100 traders selling a variety of food, clothes, household goods, plants and bric-a-brac in the mainly traffic-free High Street and Saxon Square. Christchurch Country Market. Everything home-baked, homemade and homegrown locally. Every Monday 9.30-11.30. Druitt Hall (behind library). Refreshments available. HighcliffeEYE


Sessions Music & Heritage Club Sessions Music and Heritage Club (supported by Dorset Community Foundation and Highcliffe Residents’ Association) meets Tuesday evenings in the Old School House, Lymington Rd, Highcliffe. The Club is for young people Year 7 upwards who are interested in music whether they are accomplished performers already or have never picked up an instrument before. At Sessions, we have mostly acoustic instruments - guitars, mandolin, ukulele, cajon, African drum, - although a couple of electric guitars have sneaked in too! As well as learning songs, we write and perform our own songs too. We also drink loads of tea, coffee and juice and eat far too many biscuits as we believe this feeds the creative process! Although a number of the Sessions members are only just starting off playing and singing, we are already out performing! This July,

10 HighcliffeEYE

we took part in the WW1 Commemoration; the official reopening of Saxon Square; and Mudeford Arts Festival. On December 2nd, Sessions is proud to be putting on ‘It was all supposed to be over by Christmas....’ a performance themed to the First World War and other conflicts. For this, we are discovering what our own families did in the two wars and also what happened to Highcliffe during that time. If you’d like more information about Sessions.

Phone/text: Charlie on 07971 472768; Alan on 07988 622398 e: sessionsbh23@gmail.com Or just drop in any Tuesday evening from 6.00pm. We’ll have the kettle on!



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Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Fitness, Sport and Wellbeing

focussed and relaxed! Feel great from the inside out! Contact Caroline 07798 941832 www.perfectfitforlife.com

Vocal therapy group for those suffering difficulties with the voice resulting from Parkinsons, stroke or other illness. A great way to start the week Mondays 10.15-11.45. Coda Music Centre, Chewton Farm Road, Walkford BH23 5QL. 01425 276161 contact@coda.org.uk www.coda.org.uk

Pregnancy yoga based exercise, breathing & relaxation classes. Stretch & strengthen your body, relieve aches & pains and prepare for birth. Suitable for all abilities including complete beginners, from 14 weeks of pregnancy. Tuesdays in Christchurch. Contact Rosa 07837 218374

Chi Kung Exercise Classes - New class starting soon Fridays 12.45 til 14.15 at upstairs Studio, Wessex Health, 17 Stour Road, Christchurch BH23 1PL car park at rear. Fee £7.50. www. wessexhealthnetwork.co.uk Call Tutor Poppy 01202 735560.

Mudeford Wood Tennis Club...Do join us MWTC is friendly, good tennis standard located off Brabazon Drive, Mudeford. Three astroturf courts and floodlights. Adult year membership £60.00. Club sessions Tues, Thurs 6 till 8 and Sat 2 till 4. League matches played. Contact Gail 07973 514036.

Yoga classes running in Christchurch throughout the holidays. Welcome to drop in - adults & children’s classes also chair yoga for a gentler practice. All welcome, all ages, all abilities. Call Julia 07989 971928 for more details. Candlelit Hatha Yoga & Relaxation - Wednesdays 10-11.15am at the Christchurch Harbour Hotel. Thursdays 7.15-8.30pm at the Wessex Health Network. British Wheel of Yoga Teacher. Please contact Becca (01202) 484276 becca@yogabee.co.uk to book. £39 6-week block (can carry one over) / £7 PAYG Parkinson’s UK Club, Christchurch Branch. Friendly afternoon get together for Parkinson sufferers and their carers. Thursday Aug 14th at 2pm in the Community Hall, Marlow Drive, St Catherine’s Hill. New members always welcome.

Art and Craft Carbery Machine Knitting Club meet on the first Tuesday every month except August at St George’s Church Hall Annex, Jumpers Rd, Christchurch BH23 2JR from 7-9pm. All welcome. For more information, please call Joy on 01202 489614. CHRISTCHURCH ARTS GUILD meet on the 2nd Wednesday each month, 7-9 pm (open 6.30) in All Saints Church Hall, Mudeford. Chris Forsey will demonstrate Acrylics/mixed on 13th August. Visitors are welcome, £3. Membership open to all. Children

IYENGAR YOGA CLASSES - Held at The Bay Tree, Wessex Health and St Catherines Hill for beginners and improvers. Email Elaine Rees on elainerees@europe.com or call/text 07504 823517 for times and prices.

Sessions Music and Heritage Club for young people aged 11+ (Year 7) up and including College Age. Tuesdays 6pm 9pm. If you love music, come and join us. The Back Room, Old School House, Lymington Road (opp the rec) Highcliffe. Tel 07971 472768 or email: sessionsbh23@gmail.com

Dynamic Vinyasa Yoga classes Monday 1011am Stanpit Village Hall and Wednesday 7-8pm Stanpit Guide Hut. Get stronger, fitter & more flexible while getting calm,

Creative Ballet Classes for children 3+ at Portfield Hall, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2AQ Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Fun and creative with an emphasis on building

12 HighcliffeEYE

confidence and coordination as well as teaching poise, movement quality, musicality, spatial awareness, strength and flexibility. Call Sally on 07950 459119 or email sally.burbage@ gmail.com. Highcliffe Choirs for children 7-18 years no auditions required, all abilities and new recruits welcome. Rehearsals at Highcliffe St Mark Primary School, Greenways, Highcliffe - Training Choir Thursdays 4.45-5.45pm, Main Choir Fridays 4.15-6pm. Contact Ann Guest 01425-276544. Award-winning, inspirational and educational music classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Come and join the wonderful world of music, learning and fun held at The Regent Centre, Mondays mornings term-time. Call 0845 643 5025 or email heather.smith@ musicalsteps.co.uk www.musicalsteps.co.uk Clubs and Societies If you are 60+ come and join our computer skills workshop held every Thursday between 2 and 4 pm in the Community Hall at Homelands Estate, Kings Avenue, Christchurch. Nonresidents most welcome. Admission only £2 includes refreshments. Contact Ray on 01202 471110. CHRISTCHURCH PROBUS CLUB - Meets 10.15am on the 1st Tuesday monthly at the East Close Hotel, Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch. A very friendly welcome awaits all retired professional and businessmen. Interesting speakers and excellent lunches! Please contact

the Secretary, Robin Haggett on 01202482528. Christchurch’s Community Concert Band welcomes past and present brass and woodwind players. Rehearsals in central Christchurch every Tuesday 7.30pm-9.30pm. No membership or subscription fees. Call 07974 320122 or visit www. christchurchanddistrictband.co.uk for more info. Homelands Activity Group meets Monday afternoons between 2 and 4 p.m. at Homelands Community Hall, Kings Avenue Christchurch. Non-residents are welcome to join its friendly members to enjoy various activities. Admission £2 including refreshments. Call Irene on 01202 473489. Male Carers take time out to socialise and make new friends at The Galleon, 189 Lymington Road, Highcliffe on the first Tuesday of the month between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Refreshments available. A warm welcome awaits you. Call Pat on 07760 762280. Highcliffe Horticultural Society will be holding their August monthly on Monday 4th at St.Mark’s Church Hall, Hinton Wood Avenue, Highcliffe at 7-30pm. Mr.Terry Heard will be giving a demonstration on Traditional Woodland Crafts. Visitors welcome. Entry Fee £1-00. Details 01425 272962. Entries are listed FREE of charge. One listing per group/ organisation. Listed on a first come, first served basis. Visit www.localeyemagazines.co.uk to submit your listing online.

HighcliffeEYE 13

14 HighcliffeEYE

An English Mum


love to look back over old family photos, and as I recently browsed through my albums I realised that some of the happiest one’s have been taken while enjoying a simple day out


in Christchurch. I have lovely summer pic’s of lazy days in the sun at the Quay, lying on a blanket enjoying the live music from Stompin’ on the Quomps whilst watching the boats drift by on the river. There are some of our family on a boat we hired from the quay, with my son attempting to steer whilst the rest of us pose, pretending we are on a luxury yacht as we wave to people on the riverbanks! There are pictures of my kids on the Noddy train at Hengistbury Head with Christchurch Priory away in the distance. There are the inevitable crabbing photos; some of my children precariously balanced on the town ducking stool and even of them ‘jailed’ in the stocks! As I flick further back, there are pictures taken in the various parks when they were small enough to fit in the swings, and others of them having fun in the old quay paddling pool. You know it’s summer in Christchurch when you spot the Red Arrows flying over, and I do have some slightly shaky photos of them forming the heart (just for me, of course!), seemingly at the end of our road! As another summer holiday beckons, I’m looking forward to capturing more memories in our lovely home town for future reminiscing! I hope you all have a lovely summer too, with lots of Kodak moments! An English Mum x

HighcliffeEYE 15

Solution on page 40

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16 HighcliffeEYE


Business Column

Mouse Problem ?

“The times they are a changing” I mentioned last time the demise of Nat West Bank. This, together with the Richard closure of Cobb’s Holiday Park, has created a brand new business landscape for Highcliffe. It may be because I am new to the High Street but far from fearing the worst I am rather looking forward to the challenge. Historically the business community in Highcliffe has felt somewhat removed from the rest of Christchurch and, whether true or not, has felt that they possibly do not receive equal support from the powers that be. The answer to this may be to actively engage with Christchurch and together we can develop an identity that will draw business to the area. Christchurch Chamber of Trade is fully supporting our partnership and has offered free membership until December for all Highcliffe businesses. The Chamber run many events which are great for networking and are looking to develop educational opportunities for the business community. Contact details will be found on their website www.christchurchbusiness.co.uk Also, we have a new website dedicated to the promotion of business in Highcliffe ‘highcliffevillage.com’. We hope the site will make people aware of exactly what shops and services are available in Highcliffe and will be of great benefit to both locals and visitors. Please take your time to browse the site and discover what is actually offered, you may be surprised.

5 PC & Apple Mac Repairs 5 Virus & Ad-ware Removal 5 Software Bugs & Updates 5 Memory & Disk Upgrades 5 Routers, Networks & Hubs 5 All Broadband Issues

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Will our efforts to revitalise the village centre have any effect? Well it’s better than doing nothing and “the answer my friend is blowing in the wind”. Cheers

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Richard Fereday Chair HOSTA Small Mouse.indd 1

HighcliffeEYE 17

13/07/2014 19:17:14

HIGHCLIFFE on SEA ROTARY CLUB CHARITY GOLF DAY Following a very successful Charity Golf Day at the Highcliffe Castle Golf Club on Tuesday 20th May 2014, a cheque for £3,750 was presented to the Smile4Wessex charity and special thanks go to all of the local people and businesses who supported us so well.

FUNERAL DIRECTORS Miller Bros. & F.P. Butler Ltd A privately owned family business established in Christchurch for over 100 years


SWING JAZZ The afternoon of Sunday 6th July 2014 saw a Charity event in the grounds of Highcliffe Castle organised by Highcliffe Rotary Club for the sole benefit of Life Education Wessex. The concert was provided by Swing Unlimited Big Band and supported by Swing Unlimited Community Band. The Highcliffe Castle Tea Rooms were open, serving a special barbecue in addition to their normal fare. On display were more than 40 Classic Cars together with a handful of Market stalls and to keep the children amused, there was a face painter on hand. SUMMER HOUSE AT DAY CENTRE On Friday 20th June 2014, the Rotary Club handed over a summer house to the Highcliffe Day Centre. This had been a project funded by the Highcliffe Club in conjunction with a matching grant from District 1110. The summer house was purchased and constructed by the members of the Rotary Club and it is hoped that many years of enjoyment will be had by all who get to use it. FETE Make a big note in your diaries for the Village Charity Fete to be held on Saturday 26th July 2014 on the Recreation Ground, Lymington Road, Highcliffe and we look forward to seeing you there 11am through to 4pm. If you would like any more information on the above or Rotary in general then please call me on 01425 622658.

Mike Ackling Rotary Club of Highcliffe on Sea.

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18 HighcliffeEYE

Adopt a Pet


’m Cody, a 28 inch to the shoulder greyhound. I’m 4 ½ years old and walk well on the lead. I’ve passed the Shih Tzu test, but would love Cody some more small dog introductions. I’m just curious having never met them before! I love attention from humans and like nothing better than having my ears scratched. I recently won 5th most handsome dog at a large dog show – yes, only 5th! I would probably prefer to be the only dog, but could live with children in my forever home.

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HighcliffeEYE 19

£7.50 EYE TEST Valid for one test booked on or before 27 September 2014 at discounted price of only £7.50. Present voucher at time of test. Cannot be exchanged for cash, used with other vouchers or redeemed by customers already entitled to a free NHS eye test. One per person, at named Specsavers stores only. CODE 2639 Christchurch 34 High Street. Tel 01202 480 707


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20 HighcliffeEYE

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HighcliffeEYE 21

22 HighcliffeEYE

HighcliffeEYE 23


Saturday 15 August 2015 and Sunday 16 August 2015



CHRISTCHURCH LIGHTS OUT Christchurch will join the rest of the country to mark the centenary of World War 1 on Monday 4 August 2014 with the Christchurch Lights Out 14-18 Now event. This initiative is part of a major cultural programme taking place across the United Kingdom to mark the centenary of the First World War. Lights Out complements a candlelit vigil of prayer to be held at Westminster Abbey from 10pm to 11pm on 4 August. Christchurch will be joining the national candlelit vigil of prayer in Saxon Square and at the Mayor’s Parlour with a commemorative programme starting at 9pm and ending at 10pm on Monday 4 August 2014. The programme will present artists’ perceptions of the War as articulated and captured in poetry, music and other art forms in the Square. The programme will end at 10pm and this will be followed immediately by lights out in the Square for one hour. Candles will be placed in the Mayor Parlour to mark this event.

Purewell Cross Dental Practice Now offers late evening and Saturday appointments.

Modern private services tailored to your individual needs in a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere. General dentistry and dental hygiene Comprehensive restorative & cosmetic work, implant restorations, tooth whitening, minor orthodontics

134 Purewell |Christchurch BH23 1EU Tel: (01202) 485621 Website: www.purewellcrossdental.co.uk

HighcliffeEYE 25


Coffee Break

Sudoku Competition Win two tickets to see Bournemouth Concert Brass playing at The Regent Centre! Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive! Simply complete the Sudoku Puzzle, fill in your details and post your entry to: LEM Competitions, PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ. Name Tel.No Address Good Luck! Entries to be received no later than 31st August 2014. Winner picked at random from correct entries.

Crossword Across


7 8 9 10 11 14 18 19 20 21

1 containers, packets (7) 2 cease (4) 3 mass, tonnage (6) 4 reveal (6) 5 reply (8) 6 measuring device (5) 12 pachyderm (8) 13 atomiser (7) 15 frolic, romp (6) 16 grain, nut (6) 17 god of desire (5) 19 preserved, saved (4)

crusade, combat (6) required (6) stride, walk (4) tussles, struggles (8) venture, enterprise (11) mediator, negotiator (11) sucker, soft touch (8) recognise (4) meal (6) engage, put to use (6)

Crossword answers on page 40

26 HighcliffeEYE


HighcliffeEYE 27

Garden View - August

Native but nice! With a huge array of colourful plants available from garden centres, expertly sourced from around the globe, we are continuously spoiled when it comes to choosing new plants for our garden. Fabulous flowers and tropical foliage can bring an incredibly lush feel to a garden, but don’t overlook the natural beauty of our native plants just because they’re right outside your door.


The most obvious British wonders are the beautiful old Oak trees, flowering cherries and mixed hedgerows, even the invasive cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) looks great en-masse in spring, but when it comes to plants deemed ‘garden worthy’, consider the traditional (and modern) use of tightly clipped Yew, Holly and Box which has been favoured for generations. Beech (Fagus) is another popular hedging variety, often selected for its beautiful autumn and winter colour and again, it’s one of our natives! Many of the plants native to the UK flower in spring, such as the sweetly but delicately scented primroses. Then there are the triking red poppies which adorn the fields mid-way through the year. Wild, hardy Geraniums grow in the most unlikely places and are very happy naturalised in grasses, proudly showing off their ‘Chelsea purple’ flowers. The stunning blooms of Pulsatilla vulgaris (pasque flower) are perfectly displayed over foamy foliage and are low growing and very well behaved (perfect for the modern gardener). Their hairy seed heads also look fun long after the flowers have faded. May and June is showtime for the foxgloves whose tall slender stems carry beautiful purple and white spires of flowers which will seed prolifically and brighten a dull corner. Take care if you have small children though as foxgloves are poisonous if ingested. The Asian moth orchids (Phalaenopsis) are popular houseplants, but our wild orchid is a plant to treasure. Often found in woodland settings, the purple flowers lurk around on the cool and shady forest floor. For a similar native, more easily available to buy and worth planting this month, look for Colchicums or naked ladies … so called as they produce their flowers well before the leaves appear. The bulbs are quite expensive individually, but quickly bulk up if happy, and will very soon provide you with a flower that will become an interesting talking point. Commonly known as the Autumn Crocus, it does seem strange to see it in flower in September, but it has to be one of my favourite native bulbs. Using native plants can also mean a higher rate of success, even in our variable climate, so if your fingers are not so green, it’s harder to kill these plants … they’re born survivors! Happy summer gardening!

Lee Bestall

28 HighcliffeEYE

Golden Acres Garden Centre Group

EEEaaattt,,, DDDrrriiinnnkkk aaannnddd RRReeelllaaaxxx iiinnn ooouuurrr cccoooffffffeeeeee ssshhhooopppsss

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John Browns Garden Centre Ringwood Road, Three Legged Cross BH21 6RD

Cadnam Garden Centre Southampton Road, Cadnam S040 2NB

www.goldenacresgroup.co.ukHighcliffeEYE 29

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15 digestive biscuits 6 tbsp butter, melted 400g curd or cream cheese grated zest 3 oranges, save the segments for the decoration 200g mascarpone cheese 100g caster sugar 3 tbsp milk 184ml pot double cream


Answers on Page 40

Place the biscuits inside a plastic food bag and crush them with a wooden spoon or rolling pin. Melt the butter. Put the biscuits into a bowl and mix in the melted butter. Put the mixture into a 23cm cheesecake tin and use the back of a spoon to spread it evenly, press it down firmly to form the base. Put the tin into the fridge to set. This takes about 30 mins. Put the curd or cream cheese, orange zest, mascarpone, sugar and milk into a bowl and mix it well with the wooden spoon. Put the cream in a clean bowl and whisk until it is the consistency of thick custard. Add to the orange mixture and mix thoroughly. Remove the cheesecake tin from the fridge. Pour the filling over the biscuit base and spread evenly. Decorate with fruit (raspberries are delicious but any soft summer fruit will do) then return to the fridge until ready to serve (at least 4 hours or overnight).

HighcliffeEYE 31

Christchurch – Royal Voluntary Ser vice Home Library Ser vice


o you like to read? But find it difficult to get to the library to get new books? We might be able to help. Christchurch Library have a team of dedicated Royal Voluntary Service volunteers who are able to visit on a regular basis, delivering the books you want from the Library to your home, free of charge. Large print books and talking books can also be delivered. This service is funded by Dorset Library Service, and delivered by the Royal Voluntary Service. It is available across Dorset to anyone who cannot easily get to their local library, and can be provided on a temporary basis as well as long term. All Royal Voluntary Service volunteers are DBS checked and receive ongoing training and support. As well as the Home Library Service the Royal Voluntary Service can provide Befriending, help with transport or shopping, and other things you might need – just get in touch with us and find out how we might be able to help. We are looking for more volunteers to deliver books every 3 weeks from Christchurch Library. Mileage expenses are paid at 45p per mile. If you are interested in volunteering, or in receiving the Home Library Service, please contact Maria Jacobson, Royal Voluntary Service Manager Dorset Home Library Service, on 07786 635154 or 01305 236666, or e-mail Maria.Jacobson@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk

A & S Painting Services, the finishing touches for all your property projects. We are Eco Decorators and proud to work as such. If you would like to know more, please get in touch so that we can explain the options available - we use recycled paints, water-based paints, atmosphere purifying paints, insulating paints and wood protection products to enhance your property and add the finishing touches… just ask! A & S Painting Services has been trading since 2012. We have experience working in a variety of settings, from private homes, cob houses, offices and shops, through to restaurants, hotels and a nursery. We have been recognised by the Venus Awards in both the Business Mother of the Year Award, and the Green Business Award, in which we made it to the finals! A & S Painting Services is Trading Standards Approved and a member of the Buy With Confidence Approved Trader Scheme in Hampshire. Fully insured we have testimonials and photos of our work for you to view on our website

www.aspaintingservices.co.uk 32 HighcliffeEYE

REGENT CENTRE HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH 01202 499199 Fri 1, Sun 3 & Mon 4 Aug 2.30pm & Fri 1 – Thurs 7 Aug 7.30pm JERSEY BOYS (15) Musical biopic of Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons Tues 5 – Thurs 7 August 2.30pm POSTMAN PAT – The Movie (U) 2D Fri 8 Aug 2.30pm & 7.30pm Delayed live by satellite on screen from the West End £13 Conc £12 NT Live: SKYLIGHT (12A) with Carey Mulligan & Bill Nighy Sat 9 Aug 2.30pm & 7.30pm. Delayed live by satellite on screen £13 Concs: £12 Tim Rice’s new hit musical FROM HERE TO ETERNITY (12A) set at Pearl Harbour 1941 Sun 10 Aug 4pm £12.50 Concs: £ 10.50 MORE TEA VICAR? An Audience with Frank Williams (Dad’s Army’s Vicar!)for a hilarious afternoon! Sun 10, Mon 11, Wed 13 & Thur 14 Aug 7.30pm X MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST (12A) 2D Mon 11, Tues 12, Thurs 14, Mon 18, Thurs 21, Fri 22, Sat 23 & Mon 25 – Thurs 28 Aug 2.30pm HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (PG) 2D Tues 12 Aug 7.30pm £24.50 Concs: £22.50 Live on stage with World’s greatest cricketer. An Evening with Cricket Legend SIR GARFIELD SOBERS LYRICS & LAUGHTER PRODUCTIONS formerly Olde Tyme Players Wed 13 Aug 2.30pm £13.50 Conc £12.50 KNEES UP MOTHER BROWN – Olde Tyme Music Wed 20 Aug 2.30pm £13.50 Conc £12.50 LYRICS & LAUGHTER SHOW – 60s music & fun Fri 15 Aug 11am & 2.30pm £12.50 Child: £10.50 Family of Four: £39 THE SOOTY SHOW Sooty, Sweep & Soo in more comedy capers with Richard Cadell Fri 15, Sun 17, Mon 18, Wed 20 & Thur 21 Aug 7.30pm DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES (TBC) Sat 16 Aug 7.30pm £19.50 Concs £ 17.50 60s Superstars! Sugar & Spice THE SEARCHERS – Sweets for My Sweet, Needles & Pins, Don’t Throw Your love Away etc. Tues 19 Aug 7.30pm £12 Conc: £10 Impact Theatre – TALKING HEADS by Alan Bennett

Cinema, theatre, satellite broadcasts. Art Exhibitions & Coffee Bar in Foyer. Pre-show Dining at The Kings £15. VIP Dining Experience: £30 (Not inc. show ticket) Public Car Park at Rear. No Tel or Online Charges. HighcliffeEYE 33

34 HighcliffeEYE

Christchurch Lions Celebrate 20 Years Of Duck Racing


or the 20th year in succession, Christchurch Lions will once again be running their Annual Charity Duck Race on August Bank Holiday Monday. At 3.30 pm, up to 2500 ducks will be launched into the Mill Stream opposite the Kings Hotel and race, or drift slowly, down to the weir. The lucky “owner” of the winning duck will win a £250 cash prize. Running at the same time will be a Corporate Duck Race where much larger

ducks, sponsored by local businesses, will race over the same course. Duck Race organiser, Lion Bernard Gilbert says: “All of the money that we raise goes to support local good causes so we hope people will come and support us. We would like to thank all the local businesses who have entered the Corporate Duck race with special thanks to our main sponsors this year: Sydenhams Timber and Gravel Merchants”

Further information can be found on the Christchurch Lions website: http://christchurchlions.org.uk

HighcliffeEYE 35

Blooming Great Tea Party


arie Curie’s team of more than one hundred nurses and health care assistants across Dorset work day and night to provide hands on practical nursing care and emotional support to around 800 terminally ill patients and their families each year. The end of life care provided by Marie Curie takes place in the family’s own home and is totally free of charge. Our team will tailor the care package around the patients needs and wishes and even though Marie Curie usually look after patients overnight between 10pm and 7am they are available during the day too when it is required. More than 65% of people would choose, if they could, to spend their final weeks in their own home. Marie Curie’s nursing service enables people to do just that; to be with their loved ones and pets in a comfortable bed in the most familiar surroundings.

Across the county tonight at 10pm, families will open their doors to a Marie Curie nurse who will help them and their loved one through the most difficult time in their lives. However, for every person Marie Curie care for there is another local family without Marie Curie’s support. Please help us raise awareness of Marie Curie’s services by spreading the word amongst your social circle and if you can, help us raise much needed funds by supporting your nearest Fundraising Group or local event. For more information please contact Amy Llewellyn, Community Fundraiser for Dorset on 01884 703538 or by email at amy.llewellyn@mariecurie.org.uk

localE YE magazines Leaflet Delivery We can deliver your leaflets door to door within our magazines each month Only £35 + VAT per 1000 Call 01202 477214 or email info@localeyemagazines.co.uk 36 HighcliffeEYE

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CHRISTCHURCH COACH HOLIDAYS 2014 8 DAYS SCOTLAND ULLAPOOL THE CALEDONIAN HOTEL Sunday 14th Sept – Sunday 21st September £399 per person Half Board (Overnights first and last nights in the Scottish Borders) Built in the early 1900s, the 83-bedroom Caledonian Hotel is one of the oldest hotels in the area. It still boasts a quiet, friendly and welcoming atmosphere and pleasant gardens. The Hotel overlooks Ullapool’s working harbour and the colourful fishing boats on Loch Broom. 5 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL THE SEFTON HOTEL BABBACOMBE Monday 1st Dec – Friday 5th December

£199 per person Half Board

6 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL THE CLIFFE NORTON HOTEL Thursday 6th Nov – Monday 10th Nov

£249 per person Half Board

6 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL WESTON-SUPER-MARE THE YORK HOTEL ON SEA FRONT Monday 17th Nov - Saturday 22nd Nov £239 per person Half Board

5 DAYS NEW YEARS BREAK THE SEFTON BABBACOMBE, TORQUAY Monday 29th December – Friday 2nd January 2015 £325 per person Arrive at the Sefton Hotel for afternoon Tea and Mince Pies. Evening Meal will be served in the Chandelier Restaurant followed by Evening Entertainment in The Oasis Show BarTUESDAY 30th Today we will visit Trago Mills one of the largest shopping centres in Devon with all the Christmas gifts and resents. CHRISTCHURCH COACH HOLIDAYS IS A FAMILY RUN COACH COMPANY THAT OPERATES A SMALL SELECT SELECTION OF COACH HOLIDAYS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND ABROAD. WE ALSO PROVIDE A SERVICE TO ALL TYPES OF PRIVATE GROUPS TO DESTINATIONS IN THE UK AND ABROAD. WE HAVE OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE COACHING INDUSTRY. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON OUR HOLIDAYS PLEASE PHONE 01202 490333 or e-Mail us holidays@christchurchcoachesltd.com

HighcliffeEYE 37

Keith Motors Launches Sunshine Event


hristchurch and Ringwood-based Ford dealership Keith Motors are launching their ‘sunshine sale’ on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd August. Similar to the ‘blue cross sale’ concept, all cars displaying the sunshine symbol at both sites on these dates will be heavily discounted. The sale is due to a stock clearance to make way for the arrival of new ‘64’ plate cars from 1st September. As well as ‘sunshine’ car discounts, the theme will also be continued including free non-alcoholic summer cocktails for browsers at the Christchurch site, provided by The Kings Arms, Christchurch. Plus you may even spot some Keith Motors staff in their summer outfits! Dealer principal of Keith Motors, Robin Webb, added ‘whether or not the good old British weather holds for us, we’ll still provide plenty of summer cheer here on 2nd and 3rd August! In addition, we’re offering a further £100 discount on top of the sunshine sale deals if a slot is pre-booked with one of our team, so there are some great deals to be had at the event.’ To pre-book a slot with the Keith Motors’ sales team for Saturday 2nd or Sunday 3rd August, call 01425 283440 or book online at www.sunshinesale.eventbrite.co.uk Ford dealership Keith Motors is based in both Christchurch and Ringwood and has been run for 62 years by the Keith family. The company has been a Ford Dealer since 1980, and offers sales, parts, services, rapid fit and rental. For more details, go to www.keithmotors.com





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Children, Pets & Education Sophie's Pet Care Rugbytots Bournemouth & Christchurch

19 35

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13 15

Gardens Chris Oliver Tree & Hedge Cutting Specialist Southern Tree Specialists Golden Acres Group Chris Oliver Tree & Hedge Cutting Specialist

1 9 29 38

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4 9 11 20 25 25 35 44

Home Improvement Dunkley Tiles Ashley Blinds Dream Doors Elite Kitchen Designs A Beautiful Clean Comfort Rooms Plumb Exchange Roof Exchange Build Exchange A & S Painting Services Made 2 Measure Fitted Bedrooms Flair Interiors

3 5 7 14 19 27 30 30 30 32 37 41

Local Events Christchurch Carnival Annual Duck Race Marie Curie Blooming Great Tea Party

21 35 36

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2 37 38 40

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40 HighcliffeEYE

3, A piece of cake

10 19 20

2, Blessing in diguise;

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ChristchurchE YE Your Local Community Magazine


January 2013 • ISSUE 35

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Peter Watson-Lee For Williams Thompson Solicitors LLP

“I have had a great experience working with Local Eye Magazines and a good response from the advertising.” Sophie Wells Assistant Producer Secret Dealers RDF Television West “Christchurch Eye is made for locals and read by locals - easy to use, I got an immediate response for my local Rock Choir with new members arriving that week!” Natasha Willis, Rock Choir Christchurch


Call Cheryl to find out more on 01202 477214 www.localeyemagazines.co.uk HighcliffeEYE 41

Useful Contacts Police/Crime Police (Emergency) Police (Non-­‐Emergency) Crimestoppers Neighbourhood & Home Watch

Library Information

999 101 0800 55 51 11 01202 222 222

Medical/Health Services NHS Direct 111 Bournemouth Hospital 01202 30 36 26 Christchurch Hospital 01202 486 361 British Red Cross Medical Loan Service 01202 484074 Local Council & Services Christchurch Borough Council Dorset County Council Christchurch Information Centre Regent Centre Bournemouth Airport Post Office Dorset Family Information Service

01202 495000 01305 251000 01202 471780 01202 499199 01202 364000 0845 722 3344 01305 221066

Christchurch Library 29 High Street, Christchurch BH23 1AW 01202 485 938 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9.30am to 5.30pm 10am to 7pm 9.30am to 1pm 9.30am to 7pm 9.30am to 5.30pm 9am to 4pm

Highcliffe Library Gordon Road, Highcliffe BH23 5HN 01425 272 202 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

10am to 6.30pm 9.30am to 5pm Closed 9.30am to 1pm 9.30am to 6.30pm 9.30am to 4pm


Sainsburys 01425 277885 Helplines 1 Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch Anti-­‐social Behaviour 01202 495044 Mon-Fri 7.00-23.00 Sat 7.00-22.00 Sun 10.00-16.00 Trading Standards 01305 224 012 Lloyds 01425 274291 Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 245 1291 248 Lymington Road, Highcliffe Childline 0800 11 11 Mon-Fri 8.30-18.30 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 NSPCC 0808 800 50 00 Day Lewis Pharmacy 01425 613222 Southern Electric 0845 071 3953 4 Old Milton Green Parade, Christchurch Rd, New Milton Mon-Fri 9.00-18.00 Sat 9-13.00 British Gas 0800 048 0202 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Wessex Pharmacies 01202 482197 Environment Agency 03708 506506 186 Somerford Rd, Christchurch National Drugs Helpline 0300 123 6600 Mon-Fri 9-1.15/2.15-5.30 Sat 9-1.15 Age Concern 0800 169 6565 Rowlands Pharmacy 01202 484840 National Debtline 0808 808 40 00 136 Purewell, Christchurch Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555 Mon-Fri 8.45-6.30 Sat 8.45-1 Narcotics Anonymous 0300 999 1212 Overeaters Anonymous 07000 784985 Mudeford Pharmacy 01425 272798

Taxi Firms Christchurch Radio Cabs Chritax Priory Cabs

42 HighcliffeEYE

94 Mudeford, Christchurch Mon-Fri9-1/2-5.30 (Weds 'til 1) Sat 9-1/2-5

01202 48 48 48 01202 47 00 00 01202 47 44 44

Burton Pharmacy 01202 477771 123 Salisbury Road, Burton Mon-Fri 9-1/2-6.30

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