Christchurch Eye Community Magazine January 2014

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ChristchurchEYE Your Local Community Magazine


January 2014 • ISSUE 46

Local History Puzzles & Prizes What’s On Guide Keeping Trade Local

Local Clubs & Classes Local Trades & Services

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LocalEYE magazines


LEM PO Box 7812 Christchurch BH23 9HZ

editor’s letter

t: 01202 477214

Magazine Editor & Publisher Cheryl Dennett t: 01202 477214 (9am - 7pm)

Admin & Accounts

Jenny Wigman t: 01202 477214


Peter Watson-Lee, Rachel Clark, Grace Ball, Regent Centre, Paul Richards, Lee Bestall & Phil Tate.

Front Cover by

Marcus Walters

Congratulations to Sarah Holmes and Kate Short for winning our November competitions! Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it’s editorial contributors can accept, and herby disclaim, any liability to any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Local Eye Magazines does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without prior permission of the publisher.

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to the Christchurch Eye Community Magazine

Happy New Year to you all! Have any of you made any New Years resolutions I wonder? I’m not normally one for making any but this year I have decided to make one that I know will make a huge difference to many others. I am going to spend £5 of my weekly shop, locally, instead of online or at one of the big supermarkets. It doesn’t sound like a lot does it? Well if everyone in Christchurch & Highcliffe did the same each week it would be worth an extra £8.2 million to the local economy! Now that is a lot! Makes you think doesn’t it? We need to use our local shops before we lose them. If we want to continue to enjoy these great independent stores, we only need to make small changes to make a big difference. Okay, we know it is sometimes easier to drive to a large supermarket, the parking is easy and they sell so much of what you need, but just remember that for many things there is another alternative. So why don’t you join me in making a New Years resolution that would mean so much to so many people? Until next month,


Cheryl Dennett Editor & Publisher


Local History by Phil Tate Mindbenders Peter's Business Column What's On Community News Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies An English Mum Win £25 Greyhound Rescue Restaurant Review -­‐ The Kings Arms Christchurch Citizens Association The Grange Choral Society Mudeford Wood Community Centre RNLI Mudeford Coffee Break Christchurch Rotary Kid's Page Secret Dealers CCC Poem Dorset POPP Garden View Teen Column Regent Listings Shop Locally Recipe Index Puzzle Solutions Useful Contacts

6 9 9 11 11 12 14 14 14 17 19 21 23 25 26 29 30 31 32 32 34 37 38 38 39 40 41 42



!hhee SShhooww MMuusstt GGoo OOnn...... !iiittthhh ttthhheee CCChhhrrriiissstttmmmaaasss aaannnddd NNNeeewww YYYeeeaaarrr fffeeessstttiiivvviiitttiiieeesss ooovvveeerrr iiittt iiisss tttiiimmmeee tttooo lllooooookkk fffooorrrwwwaaarrrddd tttooo ttthhhaaattt pppeeecccuuullliiiaaarrrlllyyy EEEnnngggllliiissshhh eeennnttteeerrrtttaaaiiinnnmmmeeennnttt -­-­- ttthhheee pppaaannntttooommmiiimmmeee... “““OOOhhh yyyeeesss iiittt iiisss!!!””” PPPaaannntttooommmiiimmmeee iiisss ttthhhooouuuggghhhttt tttooo hhhaaavvveee eeevvvooolllvvveeeddd fffrrrooommm ttthhheee IIItttaaallliiiaaannn !ooommmmmmeeedddiiiaaa dddeeellllll’’’aaarrrttteee ooofff ttthhheee 111666ttthhh ccceeennntttuuurrryyy,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh uuussseeeddd mmmuuusssiiiccc,,, dddaaannnccceee,,, aaannnddd lllaaarrrgggeeelllyyy iiimmmppprrrooovvviiissseeeddd dddiiiaaallloooggguuueee,,, tttooo eeennnaaacccttt ttthhheee fffrrruuussstttrrraaattteeeddd cccooouuurrrtttssshhhiiippp ooofff aaa pppaaaiiirrr ooofff yyyooouuunnnggg lllooovvveeerrrsss... HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, iiittt iiisss bbbeeellliiieeevvveeeddd ttthhhaaattt sssooommmeee eeellleeemmmeeennntttsss ooofff pppaaannntttooommmiiimmmeee aaarrreee mmmuuuccchhh ooollldddeeerrr,,, ttthhheee nnnaaammmeee iiitttssseeelllfff dddaaatttiiinnnggg bbbaaaccckkk tttooo aaa ssstttyyyllleee ooofff pppeeerrrfffooorrrmmmaaannnccceee iiinnn AAAnnnccciiieeennnttt GGGrrreeeeeeccceee... TTThhheee pppaaannntttooommmiiimmmeee hhhooorrrssseee mmmaaayyy bbbeee rrreeelllaaattteeeddd tttooo aaannnccciiieeennnttt mmmiiidddwwwiiinnnttteeerrr ccceeerrreeemmmooonnniiieeesss sssuuuccchhh aaasss ttthhheee HHHooodddeeennniiinnnggg HHHooorrrssseee tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnn ooofff KKKeeennnttt ooorrr MMMaaarrriii LLLwwwyyyddd ooofff !aaallleeesss,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh ooofffttteeennn eeemmmpppllloooyyyeeeddd aaa gggeeennnuuuiiinnneee hhhooorrrssseee ssskkkuuullllll cccaaarrrrrriiieeeddd ooonnn aaa pppooollleee bbbyyy aaa sssaaaccckkk-­-­-cccllloooaaakkkeeeddd pppeeerrrfffooorrrmmmeeerrr... TTThhheee rrrooollleee-­-­-rrreeevvveeerrrsssaaalllsss ooofff pppaaannntttooommmiiimmmeee,,, wwwiiittthhh cccrrrooossssss-­-­-dddrrreeessssssiiinnnggg,,, aaannnddd aaa cccrrraaaffftttyyy ssseeerrrvvvaaannnttt hhhaaavvviiinnnggg mmmooorrreee aaauuuttthhhooorrriiitttyyy ttthhhaaannn hhhiiisss mmmaaasssttteeerrr,,, hhhiiinnntttsss aaattt ttthhheee TTTuuudddooorrr ccceeellleeebbbrrraaatttiiiooonnn ooofff TTTwwweeelllfffttthhh NNNiiiggghhhttt,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh wwwaaasss ooovvveeerrrssseeeeeennn bbbyyy aaa LLLooorrrddd ooofff MMMiiisssrrruuullleee... IIInnn 111999777111 aaa gggrrrooouuuppp ooofff lllooocccaaalll,,, mmmooossstttlllyyy aaammmaaattteeeuuurrr aaaccctttooorrrsss bbbaaannndddeeeddd tttooogggeeettthhheeerrr wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee aaaiiimmm ooofff fffuuunnnddd-­-­-rrraaaiiisssiiinnnggg fffooorrr lllooocccaaalll ccchhhaaarrriiitttiiieeesss bbbyyy pppeeerrrfffooorrrmmmiiinnnggg pppaaannntttooommmiiimmmeeesss aaannnddd sssuuummmmmmeeerrr rrreeevvvuuueeesss... TTThhheee HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCChhhaaarrriiitttyyy PPPlllaaayyyeeerrrsss wwwaaasss bbbooorrrnnn... IIItttsss vvveeerrryyy fffiiirrrsssttt pppaaannntttooommmiiimmmeee wwwaaasss RRRooobbbiiinnnsssooonnn CCCrrruuusssoooeee,,, pppeeerrrfffooorrrmmmeeeddd iiinnn SSSttt MMMaaarrrkkk’’’sss CCChhhuuurrrccchhh HHHaaallllll ttthhheee nnneeexxxttt yyyeeeaaarrr... OOOnnneee fffooouuunnndddeeerrr mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrr wwwaaasss eeexxx-­-­-ppprrrooofffeeessssssiiiooonnnaaalll dddaaannnccceeerrr DDDiiizzz HHHeeennnrrryyy,,, wwwhhhooo ccchhhooorrreeeooogggrrraaappphhheeeddd mmmaaannnyyy ooofff ttthhheee eeeaaarrrlllyyy ssshhhooowwwsss... HHHeeerrr sssccchhhoooooolllbbboooyyy sssooonnn wwwaaasss ooonnneee ooofff ttthhheee cccooommmpppaaannnyyy’’’sss yyyooouuunnngggeeerrr mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss,,, aaannnddd ttthhhrrrooouuuggghhh ttthhheee 111999777000sss hhheee wwwaaasss nnnuuurrrtttuuurrreeeddd fffrrrooommm aaa wwwaaalllkkk-­-­-ooonnn pppaaarrrttt aaasss aaa PPPaaagggeee BBBoooyyy iiinnn SSSllleeeeeepppiiinnnggg BBBeeeaaauuutttyyy tttooo hhhiiisss fffiiirrrsssttt mmmaaajjjooorrr ssspppeeeaaakkkiiinnnggg rrrooollleee aaasss aaa wwwiiiccckkkeeeddd RRRaaavvveeennn -­-­- cccooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh aaa cccaaarrrdddbbboooaaarrrddd bbbeeeaaakkk aaannnddd aaadddooollleeesssccceeennnttt cccrrroooaaakkk -­-­- iiinnn MMMooottthhheeerrr GGGoooooossseee... AAAnnnooottthhheeerrr fffooouuunnndddeeerrr mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrr wwwaaasss HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee hhhaaaiiirrrdddrrreeesssssseeerrr TTTooonnnyyy SSSmmmiiittthhh,,, wwwhhhooo gggaaaiiinnneeeddd rrreeennnooowwwnnn fffooorrr ppplllaaayyyiiinnnggg ttthhheee cccrrruuuccciiiaaalll aaannnddd dddeeemmmaaannndddiiinnnggg rrrooollleee ooofff DDDaaammmeee fffooorrr ooovvveeerrr 222555 yyyeeeaaarrrsss... HHHiiisss dddaaauuuggghhhttteeerrr-­-­-iiinnn-­-­-lllaaawww,,, GGGeeeooorrrgggiiinnnaaa SSSmmmiiittthhh,,, iiisss ttthhheee ppprrreeessseeennnttt CCChhhaaaiiirrrmmmaaannn ooofff ttthhheee PPPlllaaayyyeeerrrsss... TTThhhaaattt ttthhheee HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCChhhaaarrriiitttyyy PPPlllaaayyyeeerrrsss iiisss ssstttiiillllll eeennnttteeerrrtttaaaiiinnniiinnnggg aaauuudddiiieeennnccceeesss wwwiiittthhh aaawwwaaarrrddd-­-­-wwwiiinnnnnniiinnnggg pppeeerrrfffooorrrmmmaaannnccceeesss aaannnddd rrraaaiiisssiiinnnggg ttthhhooouuusssaaannndddsss ooofff pppooouuunnndddsss fffooorrr gggooooooddd cccaaauuussseeesss iiisss ddduuueee lllaaarrrgggeeelllyyy tttooo ttthhheee dddeeedddiiicccaaatttiiiooonnn ooofff iiitttsss mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss,,, wwwhhhooo

aaalllsssooo uuunnndddeeerrrtttaaakkkeee ttthhheee nnneeeccceeessssssaaarrryyy bbbaaaccckkk-­-­-ssstttaaagggeee aaannnddd fffrrrooonnnttt ooofff hhhooouuussseee ddduuutttiiieeesss... OOOvvveeerrr ttthhheee yyyeeeaaarrrsss 111111 ssstttaaalllwwwaaarrrtttsss hhhaaavvveee bbbeeeeeennn aaawwwaaarrrdddeeeddd wwwiiittthhh HHHooonnnooorrraaarrryyy MMMeeemmmbbbeeerrrssshhhiiippp iiinnn rrreeecccooogggnnniiitttiiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheeeiiirrr cccooonnntttrrriiibbbuuutttiiiooonnn... MMMooosssttt rrreeeccceeennntttlllyyy,,, iiinnn 222000111222 lllooocccaaalll eeessstttaaattteee aaagggeeennnttt SSStttuuuaaarrrttt TTTiiizzzzzzaaarrrddd -­-­- ttthhhiiisss yyyeeeaaarrr’’’sss DDDaaammmeee -­-­- wwwaaasss mmmaaadddeee aaannn HHHooonnnooorrraaarrryyy MMMeeemmmbbbeeerrr fffooorrr ooovvveeerrr 333555 yyyeeeaaarrrsss ooofff llloooyyyaaalll ssseeerrrvvviiiccceee... HHHeee mmmooosssttt nnnoootttaaabbblllyyy ssshhhooowwweeeddd hhhiiisss mmmeeettttttllleee iiinnn 111999999000 wwwhhheeennn hhheee sssttteeeppppppeeeddd iiinnntttooo aaannn uuunnnrrreeehhheeeaaarrrssseeeddd rrrooollleee aaattt vvveeerrryyy ssshhhooorrrttt nnnoootttiiiccceee aaafffttteeerrr TTTooonnnyyy SSSmmmiiittthhh fffeeellllll iiillllll,,, gggoooiiinnnggg ooonnn ssstttaaagggeee wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee ssscccrrriiipppttt tttooo bbbooollldddlllyyy eeemmmbbbooodddyyy ttthhheee ttthhheeeaaatttrrriiicccaaalll aaadddaaagggeee ‘‘‘TTThhheee ssshhhooowww mmmuuusssttt gggooo ooonnn’’’!!! AAAnnnddd ttthhheee ssstttaaarrr-­-­-ssstttrrruuuccckkk sssccchhhoooooolllbbboooyyy wwwhhhooo fffiiirrrsssttt ssstttrrruuutttttteeeddd uuupppooonnn ttthhheee ssstttaaagggeee iiinnn ttthhheee 111999777000sss -­-­- wwwhhhaaattt eeevvveeerrr bbbeeecccaaammmeee ooofff hhhiiimmm??? HHHeee iiisss ttthhheee dddiiissstttiiinnnggguuuiiissshhheeeddd aaaccctttooorrr GGGuuuyyy HHHeeennnrrryyy wwwhhhooo,,, aaafffttteeerrr tttrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg aaattt ttthhheee RRRoooyyyaaalll AAAcccaaadddeeemmmyyy ooofff DDDrrraaammmaaatttiiiccc AAArrrttt (((RRRAAADDDAAA))) pppuuurrrsssuuueeeddd aaa ssstttaaagggeee cccaaarrreeeeeerrr wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee RRRoooyyyaaalll SSShhhaaakkkeeessspppeeeaaarrreee CCCooommmpppaaannnyyy aaannnddd ttthhheee NNNaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll TTThhheeeaaatttrrreee... HHHeee hhhaaasss aaalllsssooo aaappppppeeeaaarrreeeddd iiinnn fffiiilllmmmsss aaannnddd ooonnn TTTVVV,,, mmmooosssttt rrreeeccceeennntttlllyyy aaasss ttthhheee wwwiiizzzaaarrrddd PPPiiiuuusss TTThhhiiiccckkknnneeesssssseee iiinnn ttthhheee HHHaaarrrrrryyy PPPoootttttteeerrr mmmooovvviiieeesss aaannnddd aaasss SSSwwweeedddiiissshhh sssuuurrrgggeeeooonnn HHHeeennnrrriiikkk HHHaaannnsssssseeennn iiinnn ttthhheee BBBBBBCCC TTTVVV mmmeeedddiiicccaaalll dddrrraaammmaaa HHHooolllbbbyyy CCCiiitttyyy (((PPPhhhoootttooo)))... NNNooorrr hhhaaasss GGGuuuyyy fffooorrrsssaaakkkeeennn hhhiiisss bbbeeegggiiinnnnnniiinnngggsss iiinnn pppaaannntttooommmiiimmmeee -­-­- ttthhhiiisss yyyeeeaaarrr hhheee iiisss ppplllaaayyyiiinnnggg CCCaaappptttaaaiiinnn HHHooooookkk aaattt ttthhheee RRRoooyyyaaalll SSShhhaaakkkeeessspppeeeaaarrreee TTThhheeeaaatttrrreee!!! LLLaaasssttt JJJaaannnuuuaaarrryyy,,, GGGuuuyyy tttooooookkk pppaaarrrttt iiinnn aaannn eeepppiiisssooodddeee ooofff CCCeeellleeebbbrrriiitttyyy MMM aaasssttteeerrrmmmiiinnnddd,,, aaa nnnssswwweeerrriiinnnggg sss pppeeeccciiiaaallliiisssttt qqquuueeessstttiiiooonnnsss ooonnn ttthhheee llliiifffeee aaannnddd fffiiilllmmmsss ooofff PPPeeettteeerrr OOO’’’TTToooooollleee... DDDuuurrriiinnnggg ttthhheee ppprrrooogggrrraaammmmmmeee hhheee fffooonnndddlllyyy mmmeeennntttiiiooonnneeeddd hhhiiisss eeeaaarrrlllyyy dddaaayyysss wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCChhhaaarrriiitttyyy PPPlllaaayyyeeerrrsss,,, sssooo hhheee wwwaaasss sssuuubbbssseeeqqquuueeennntttlllyyy iiinnnvvviiittteeeddd tttooo bbbeeecccooommmeee ttthhheee cccooommmpppaaannnyyy’’’sss fffiiirrrsssttt PPPrrreeesssiiidddeeennnttt -­-­- aaa rrrooollleee hhheee gggrrraaaccciiiooouuussslllyyy aaacccccceeepppttteeeddd... TTTooodddaaayyy,,, ooovvveeerrr 444000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss aaafffttteeerrr pppuuuttttttiiinnnggg ooonnn iiitttsss fffiiirrrsssttt pppaaannntttooommmiiimmmeee,,, ttthhheee HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCChhhaaarrriiitttyyy PPPlllaaayyyeeerrrsss cccooonnntttiiinnnuuueeesss tttooo ppprrrooovvviiidddeee aaannn oooppppppooorrrtttuuunnniiitttyyy fffooorrr bbbuuuddddddiiinnnggg aaaccctttooorrrsss -­-­- ooofff aaallllll aaagggeeesss!!!

TTThhheee HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCChhhaaarrriiitttyyy PPPlllaaayyyeeerrrsss pppaaannntttooommmiiimmmeee fffooorrr 222000111444 iiisss TTTrrreeeaaasssuuurrreee IIIssslllaaannnddd... BBBoooaaarrrddd ttthhheee gggooooooddd ssshhhiiippp HHHiiissspppaaannniiiooolllaaa fffooorrr aaa bbboooaaatttllloooaaaddd ooofff fffuuunnn aaannnddd fffrrrooollliiicccsss iiinnn ttthhhiiisss hhhiiilllaaarrriiiooouuusss nnneeewww tttaaakkkeee ooonnn RRRooobbbeeerrrttt LLLooouuuiiisss SSSttteeevvveeennnsssooonnn’’’sss mmmuuuccchhh-­-­-lllooovvveeeddd ccclllaaassssssiiiccc... DDDaaayyytttiiimmmeee aaannnddd eeevvveeennniiinnnggg pppeeerrrfffooorrrmmmaaannnccceeesss aaattt ttthhheee RRReeegggeeennnttt CCCeeennntttrrreee,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh fffrrrooommm FFFrrriiidddaaayyy 111777ttthhh JJJaaannnuuuaaarrryyy uuunnntttiiilll SSSaaatttuuurrrdddaaayyy 222555ttthhh JJJaaannnuuuaaarrryyy 222000111444... FFFooorrr ssshhhooowww tttiiimmmeeesss aaannnddd ooonnnllliiinnneee bbbooooookkkiiinnnggg vvviiisssiiittt::: wwwwwwwww...rrreeegggeeennntttccceeennntttrrreee...cccooo...uuukkk ooorrr rrriiinnnggg ttthhheee BBBoooxxx OOOffffffiiiccceee::: 000111222000222 444999999111999999 FFFooorrr mmmooorrreee iiinnnfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn aaabbbooouuuttt ttthhheee HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCChhhaaarrriiitttyyy PPPlllaaayyyeeerrrsss vvviiisssiiittt::: wwwwwwwww...hhhiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeeeccchhhaaarrriiitttyyyppplllaaayyyeeerrrsss...cccooommm



PPPiiiccctttuuurrreee::: AAAccctttooorrr GGGuuuyyy HHHeeennnrrryyy -­-­- TTThhheeennn aaannnddd NNNooowww... CCCooouuurrrttteeesssyyy ooofff HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCChhhaaarrriiitttyyy PPPlllaaayyyeeerrrsss /// ©©© BBBBBBCCC

Local History by Phil Tate

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Business Column


hank you to Christchurch Borough Council.

I have been hoping to write that sentence for the last eighteen months, and in case you missed it, I am very pleased to report that the Council have agreed that they will reduce the Peter two hour parking rate in Christchurch town centre car parks to £1. It will only come in from 1st April 2014, but it’s still great news. Many thanks to all of you who helped in signing the Petition last year and with the recent survey we carried out. And many thanks to the Christchurch Eye who so helpfully supported the Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce’s campaign. And at the end of the day thank you to the Councillors who, despite struggling with major financial cut backs, appreciated the need to support our high street.

Colin Butchart, Denture Clinician with over 28 years ’ experience working directly to the public.

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I do hope the victory in the £1 for two hours parking campaign will encourage you all to venture back to our town centre, and when you have, to stay for a bit, enjoy a coffee or lunch and look around our shops. The high street has plenty to offer, and the busier it becomes the better it will be. In support for Highcliffe, the Council is also providing free parking in the Wortley Road car park behind the Co-op between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. everyday, but this is only as a trial until 31st March 2014. Accordingly I encourage you all to take advantage of that offer so the Council can see how much support the idea has. Although we have the threat of three new supermarkets still on the books, I hope that with the free parking in Highcliffe, the new £1 for two hours parking regime in Christchurch, the gas works finishing in January and the work on the updating of Saxon Square underway, it is still possible to wish our high streets a Prosperous New Year.

Peter Watson-Lee

Answers on Page 41

President Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce Please men on The Lymington Directory when responding to adver sements ChristchurchEYE




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w h a t ’s o n

What’s On Entries are listed FREE of charge for local groups and events. Submit your listing online at

Saturday 18th January Grange Choral Society Concert of Benjamin Britten’s St.Nicolas and Vivaldi’s Gloria at Christchurch Priory 7.30pm Tickets £16 & £9 students £5 from Bookends 67 High street 01202 399139 and H.Scott 01202 479059 Also at door. Monday 20th January Coffee Morning & Book Sale at Christchurch Library, at 10.30 a.m. Tickets from the library £1 including refreshments, Friends of Christchurch & Highcliffe Libraries 50p Table-Top-Sale at the Regent Centre Christchurch every Monday & Saturday from 10am to 3pm, selling a variety of items, incl... Costume/Vintage jewellery, scarves, handbags, bric-a-brac, homemade cakes, art, plus lots more, come & have a look! ‘Made in Dorset’ Craft and Vintage Fayres Bransgore Village Hall, Burley Road, Bransgore - No Fayre in January, back on Saturday 1st February with a Valentines theme and 1st Saturday of each month in 2014. We wish all our customers a very Happy New Year! Red House Museum & Gardens Open Art Show “The Museum’s main gallery will be showcasing local art with its annual Open Art Show until the 25th January. Why not visit the us to admire and purchase new and emerging art. “ To see more events in Christchurch visit

Regular Markets

Every Monday - Christchurch Market (all year) Up to 100 traders selling a variety of food, clothes, household goods, plants and bric-a-brac in the mainly traffic-free High Street and Saxon Square. Christchurch Country Market. Everything homebaked, homemade and home-grown locally. Every Monday 9.30-11.30. Druitt Hall (behind library). Refreshments available.


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Community Notices Elderly people from the area are taken out by volunteer car drivers for a little ride and tea one Sunday afternoon a month. If you have no family in the area and can get in and out of car then please get in touch, your name can be added to the waiting list. Reserve drivers required a few Sundays during the year and more volunteer host and hostesses who would be willing to entertain up to six elderly people and two drivers just once a year to provide afternoon tea in their homes. Please phone Carolyn 01202 424482 Volunteer Car Service - If you need a car and a driver to take you to your medical appointment, please ring one of the numbers below, between 9.30 -12.30 am. Please give us 48 hrs notice where possible. Mon Cherry Cook 01425 275056 Tue Ann Hart 280083 Wed Pauline Williamson 271520 Thu Avril Carpenter 276346 Fri Kath Kirby 279284 Highcliffe Friends in Need urgently require some volunteer drivers who can take, wait and return local Highcliffe residents to their medical appointments, at the hospitals or local GP.s. In return we can pay your mileage expenses. If you feel you can help or require any further information, please contact me on Cressida Belbin - 01425 279328 - Thank you.

ChristchurchEYE 11

Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Fitness, Sport and Wellbeing Yoga classes available for mixed ability adults on Tuesdays 6-7.30pm Highcliffe School, Thursday mornings at Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall 9.3011am and 11.15-12.15pm. Chair Yoga Thursday 2-3pm same venue. All welcome. 01425 276792 Yoga Classes every Monday 0915-1015am and Wednesday 0930-1030am at The Bay Tree Store, Saxon Square, Christchurch. Ideal for beginners, busy mums and those who prefer a gentler pace. Contact Elaine Rees 07504 823517 or elainerees@ to book a place. NEW CLASSES - FIRST CLASS FREE!!!! CHAIR Yoga, Every Wednesday, Portfield Hall, Portfield Road, £5.00 per session, 1pm - 2pm. TEENS YOGA - Every Tuesday, The Bay Tree, £5 per session, 3:45pm - 4:45pm Candlelit Hatha Yoga & Relaxation - Thursdays 7:208:35pm at The Wessex Health Network, Christchurch. Everyone welcome – mixed ability class suitable for all. British Wheel of Yoga Teacher. Please call (07966) 199875 or email for more information. £6.50 per week (£7 drop in if space available). Chi Kung Exercise Classes - Come and join us on Friday mornings 10.45 am -12.15 in the Studio, upstairs at Wessex Health, 17 Stour Road, Christchurch BH23 1PL. Car park at rear. Fee £7.50 Please call tutor Poppy 01202 735560.

Art and Craft Carbery Machine Knitting Club meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 7-9pm at St George’s Church Annex, Jumpers Rd, Christchurch, BH23 2JR. We are a well-established group of mixed abilities knitters, and welcome any newcomers. For more details, please call Joy on 01202 489614 or just come along! Highcliffe Horticultural Society - Monday 6th January 2014 at St.Mark’s Church Hall, Hinton Wood Avenue, Highcliffe at 7-30pm, an illustrated talk on The Barn Owl-Under the Cloak of Darkness. Talk given by Mr. Mike Read. Visitors welcome. £1-00 Entrance Fee. ‘Jump in and Get Wet’ Watercolour Classes in small, friendly, informative classes - overlooking beautiful Christchurch Harbour. Contact Sue on 01202 481099 or email www. Highcliffe flower club. Come and watch a professional flower arranger demonstrate in the Methodist Church Hall, Lymington Road on the second Wednesday of each month at 2pm, doors open 1.30pm. We are a friendly group and visitors are welcome. Children Are you under the age of 18 years old and can you play 5 notes or more on any brass, woodwind , percussion instrument then we are looking for you! We offer 2 windbands to suit all standards rehearsals take place on Saturday mornings at Twynham School from 9am-12.3pm. For more information please go to

ADULT YOGA CLASSES in Highcliffe on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday 6-7.30pm Highcliffe School. Thursday 9.30-11am, 11.15-12.15pm and Chair Yoga 2-3pm all at Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall. Contact Gill Taylor: 01425 276792. www.thehealingplace.

Award-winning Music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Come and join our wonderful world of music learning and fun with educational and inspiring classes held on Monday mornings, term-time at The Regent Centre. Contact heather. 0845 643 5025 www.

Circle Dance - Experience World Dance Meditation! No partner or experience needed. Suitable for all ages and levels of physical fitness. All dances are taught. 1st and 3rd Mondays 2-4pm at Greystones, Highcliffe. Contact Nancy on 01425 277920 or email for further details.

Sessions Music and Heritage Club for young people aged 11 - 20. All abilities welcome! If you love music, come along Tuesdays from 6.00pm in The Back Room, The Old School House, Lymington Rd, Highcliffe (opposite the rec) tel: 07971 472768

YOGA class on Mondays 7.15-8.15pm at Wessex Therapy Clinic, Christchurch, with a British Wheel of Yoga Accredited Teacher. Small group class to ensure individual attention to each student. For more information see or call/text 07803-937143.

Creative Ballet Classes for children 3+ at The Portfield Hall, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2AQ Thursday- from 3.45pm. The classes are fun and creative with an emphasis on building confidence and coordination as well as teaching poise, movement quality, musicality, spatial awareness, strength and flexibility. Call Sally on 07950459119 or email

12 ChristchurchEYE

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Clubs and Societies Monday Social Club at Portfield Hall restarts on 13th January 2014. New members welcome. Friendly group who chat and play table games. 2 course lunch. Volunteers wanted to serve coffee 9.30 to 10.30am and 1 to 2pm. Contact Les Denmead 01202 470929 THE HEALING TRUST (established 1954) Over 20 years in Christchurch, Healing given on Tuesdays from 1.30–2.30 at Portfield Hall, Portfield Road, Christchurch. BH23 2AQ. No appointment necessary. Minimum Donation £4, for more information contact Steve on 01202 478479 anytime. HIghcliffe Evening W.I. Meeting - Poole Pottery will be the featured talk - 7.15pm Thurs 16 Jan at the Day Centre, Lymington Rd. If you’d like to give the WI a try in 2014, call the secretary on 01425/271995 for more info. CHRISTCHURCH PROBUS CLUB - Meets 10.15am on the 1st Tuesday monthly at the East Close Hotel, Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch. A very friendly welcome awaits all retired professional and businessmen. Interesting speakers and excellent lunches! Please contact the Secretary, Robin Haggett on 01202-482528.

AMBERWOOD-HIGHCLIFFE AFTERNOON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE - will meet at Methodist Church Hall, Highcliffe, 2 pm, Wednesday, 15th January. Please come and join us. Speaker is Brian Pettit ‘African Wildlife in Zimbabwe’. Enjoy tea, biscuits, raffle and sales table. National Osteoporosis Society (NOS) - The local support group does not meet in January but details of the February meeting will be issued in due course. For more information call 01425 275707 or go to Highcliffe and New Forest Positive Living Group - New group in Highcliffe for inspiring talk with like-minded people (relocated from Lyndhurst) meets every 3rd Thursday of the month at Greystones, Waterford Road, Highcliffe, BH23 4TS. Doors open 7pm. Entrance £5.First speaker January the 16th: Medium Susanne Hall. Contact Lis Horwich 07941043282.

Entries are listed FREE of charge. One listing per group/organisation. Listed on a first come, first served basis. Visit to submit your listing online. ChristchurchEYE 13

Adopt a Pet

An English Mum


’m Danny, a stunning greyhound Labrador cross. I’m 26 inches to the shoulder and around 2-3 years old. I’m very lucky to be here as I was saved in the nick of time from unfortunate circumstances in Ireland. I walk well on the lead and have been fine with all of the humans and hounds I have met so far. I like lots of cuddles and play time. I could live with another dog or with children in a loving, forever home.

To find out more visit or call 07000 785 092

Win £25! There are 5 Pooky the Bears in this month’s magazine. What pages are they on? (Not including this one!) Send your answers to:

Local Eye Mags Competitions PO Box 7812 Christchurch Dorset BH23 9HZ

Pages............................................. Name............................................ Address........................................ ...................................................... ...................................................... Answers to be received no later than 31st January 2014

14 ChristchurchEYE


h my goodness, it’s January again - oh yes it is! (sorry - getting ready for panto season at the Regent Centre!). After the excitement of recent festivities, this month can seem Rachel somewhat dull and frankly a bit of a long, tedious wait for pay day. I usually spend January hibernating, attempting to fit December’s recycling into my bulging bins and trying not to eat anything covered in chocolate!

For lots of people it is a time for new beginnings - although resolutions made hastily in a blurred (or slurred?) fit of enthusiasm on New Year’s Eve are usually forgotten within days. It doesn’t take long for the new exercise bike to turn into a clothes horse, and the weights intended to create muscles to rival Arnie’s become yet another thing to stub cold toes on when getting up in the morning. My personal resolutions are usually the same - eat less chocolate (lasts about 10 minutes before I forget and munch through a tin of left over Roses), walk to town instead of using the car to save on the car park fees (if I kept to this I would never be seen in Christchurch again) and lastly, to figure out how to put the clock back on the oven timer. (I’ve been trying to do this for about four years without success - I’m not even sure that it’s physically possible. I shall probably give up and wait until the clocks go forward, when it will finally show the right time again!). Whether your good intentions stay or get slung out along with the stale mince pies, I wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year! An English Mum x

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ChristchurchEYE 15

Kings January “‘15 ”Sale 2 course lunch and drink £10

Enjoy a sumptuous soup and a main course with a drink for just £10. Available Monday – Saturday lunchtimes throughout January.

15 mile menu 2 courses and a glass of wine £15

The £15/15 mile menu just gets better and better. We are now spending more on better quality ingredients and creating new better dishes, with one change………it’s now two great courses and a glass of wine £15 Available every day until 7pm throughout January.

Sunday Lunch – 2 courses £15

Introducing a new menu, join us from 12noon – 3pm and throughout the evening every Sunday for a traditional Sunday Lunch with a Kings twist!

15% off a la carte & tasting menu Monday – Thursday To make a reservation call: 01202 588933 View more events online: Rooms

16 ChristchurchEYE





Restaurant Review - The Kings Arms


had read in a recent edition of Christchurch Eye that The Kings Arms had been awarded a prestigious Bib Gourmand - the only restaurant to have been awarded one in Dorset! The Bib Gourmand award denotes a restaurant offering high quality cuisine, with good service and value for money. So when I was asked if I would like to pop along for a restaurant review, as you can imagine, there was no hesitation. Our evening commenced in the Brasserie for a pre dinner drink where we found the ambience to be smart but very relaxed and instantly felt comfortable. Having walked into The Kings Arms for the first time after many years I was amazed to see the transformation from what had been a dated and dingy British hotel to a stylish, sophisticated and charming English setting dragging it into the 21st century whilst not losing it’s Georgian charm. We then made our way across to the busy main dining room, which was alive with the sound of people talking, laughing and enjoying themselves. Firstly from the menu we opted for a selection of ‘Nibbles’ that included Local ‘Breadport’ Artisan breads alongside Humous and veggies, all beautifully presented on a wooden platter. Not only were these very enjoyable we also felt these were great value for money. Although our first course of ‘Nibbles’ would have sufficed as a starter, we went on to try Alex’s Aitkens famous twice-baked cheese soufflé with smoked haddock and Dorset cheddar cheese. Having never eaten soufflé before, I most definitely will again now, it was heavenly!

For the main course, we were tempted by both the mixed fish grill and mixed meat grill, both sharing platters from the Josper menu. We couldn’t decide between the two so Lukasz, the Manager suggested we try a bit of each. The Josper Oven, Lukasz told us, lurks inside the kitchen at The Kings. It’s a charcoal oven that came into existence by trying to contain the fumes from an open charcoal barbecue. The result is an enclosed barbecue that acts as an oven as well. The Josper produces stunning flavours and aromas, mix this with high quality fresh meats and fish and you have, I promise, a sensation on your plate. We still couldn’t decide which we preferred afterwards as both were cooked to perfection. For dessert, having felt quite full after our courses so far, we decided upon a light selection of ice cream - Purbeck and “Buttercup and daisy”, which are two local brands. We had Malted vanilla, Drambuie, chocolate and cherry, a really interesting trio which finished off our meal beautifully. I’m no Masterchef but I’d say their recent commendation of a Bib Gourmand is justly deserved. Why not give them the opportunity of showing you what we now know? You will not be disappointed. All in all, a wonderful evening was had and we’d like to say a huge thank you to all the staff that went out of their way to make us enjoy a particularly delightful evening. Paul Richards

ChristchurchEYE 17


2 C O URS E S £1 0 We forecast a chilly winter, so what better way to chase the cold away with great rich, tasty soups followed by great British classics.


Ham and Pearl Barley Broth Chunky Fish Soup Winter Vegetable and Butter Bean Soup --Pot Roast Pork, Honey and Cloves, Creamy Mashed Potato Sustainable Fish Goujons, Smashed Peas, Fat Chips and Tartare Sauce Pie of the Day: Chicken and Mushroom, Fish Pie, Shepherd’s Pie, Beef and Ale Pie Available Monday – Friday lunchtimes throughout January 2014

Burn’s Night Supper at Upper Deck Join us for a Burn’s night Supper on Saturday 25th January, celebrating the life and poetry of Robert Burns. With an evening of Scottish food and wine, including Smoked Salmon and Haggis! £30 per person or £49.50 with wines to match - visit our website for more details and to view the menu.

TO BOOK PLEASE CALL UPPER DECK 01202 400954 • Christchurch Harbour Hotel •

95 Mudeford, Christchurch BH23 3NT

18 ChristchurchEYE

Christchurch Citizens Association


ow the festive season is behind us our thoughts must surely turn to the spring with longer and hopefully sunny days. However, there is much to be done behind the scenes. We at the CCA are still pedalling furiously below the surface, while above maintaining calm and serenity. There are many issues to be resolved to ensure that Christchurch is still one of the nicest places to live. This is a time for New Year resolutions too, so why not visit a CCA meeting the first Monday of the month in Druitt Hall at 7 30pm and voice your opinion on your particular interest? Yes it is hard to turn out on a cold winter evening but think how pleased you will feel when one of your views takes root and benefits our community. It is well known that those on a higher plain take an inordinate amount of time to come to any decisions and it can be very frustrating but we must do our utmost to achieve the best for Christchurch where “Time is Pleasant”. Contact details christchurchcitizensassociation@hotmail.

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ChristchurchEYE 19

Christchurch care home manager scoops top award Staff and residents at Care South’s Queensmead residential care home in Christchurch are celebrating, after home manager, Janine May, scooped a top honour at this year’s Great South West Care Awards – the Care Home Registered Manager award. The regional awards - supported by the Department for Health - are part of the Great British Care Awards, celebrate excellence in social care and pay tribute to those who work in the sector throughout England. Nominations came in from across the South West and successful candidates were invited for interview in front of a panel of sector experts, ahead of a gala dinner held in Bristol on Friday evening. Janine - who has worked at Queensmead for almost five years - was nominated for the Care Home Registered Manager award by Care Services Manager at Care South, Gill Bosworth, who felt that her tireless dedication to providing quality care deserved recognition. Gill said: “Janine’s positivity, enthusiasm and boundless energy made her the perfect candidate for this award. Janine always goes the extra mile for residents and is a fantastic role model for her staff.” Commenting on her win, Janine said: “I am absolutely thrilled to have won the award. I am passionate about delivering first class, quality care for the ladies and gentleman at Queensmead and have a fabulous team of staff at the home.” Care South is a leading provider of residential and home care across the South of England – its Queensmead care home is situated on Fairmile Road, Christchurch, Dorset. For more information visit

Queensmead A Care South Residential Care Home Thinking of moving into a care home? We’re here to help Situated in the heart of the Christchurch community, we provide quality residential care in a home-from-home atmosphere. Whether you’re looking short respite stay or a new home, we offer a warm welcome, comfort, security and peace of mind. To arrange a visit or find out more, please contact the Queensmead manager, Janine May

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Care South is a leading provider of residential and home care across the south of England RESIDENTIAL



20 ChristchurchEYE





Registered Charity No. 1014697





International Tenor to perform at The Priory


his year is the centenary of the birth of the British composer Benjamin Britten. On Saturday January 18th at 7:30p.m. THE GRANGE, the largest choral society in Christchurch, will be performing, “St. Nicolasâ€?, one of his most popular works in the Priory. The major role in this piece will be sung by Mark Milhofer an internationally renowned tenor who will sing the part of St. Nicolas. The evening’s programme will also include the well loved Gloria by Vivaldi and two short psalms by Gustav Holst. The concert will be supported by full orchestra and two other professional soloists. Ticket prices are ÂŁ16 Reserved, ÂŁ9 unreserved and can be obtained from Bookends in the High Street Tel.01202 479059. The Grange Choral Society, established for more than 50 years, has an excellent reputation and a membership of 130. It performs three concerts each year in the Priory with professional soloists and orchestra. To attract young singers, the Society offers free membership to those under the age of 25. We rehearse each Monday evening during school term times at Christchurch Infant’s School in Addiscombe Road starting at 7:00p.m. The Conductor and Musical Director of the Society is Marcio da Silva, a young talented Brazilian, who is building a reputation for achieving very competent and atmospheric musical results. He has been our leader now for just over a year. We look forward to welcoming Mark Milhofer back to perform with us after a break of several years. Full information about the Grange is available on our web site Picture: Mark Milhofer


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ChristchurchEYE 21

New Year New Kitchen

This year make a resolution you can keep! Call Dream Doors and get the kitchen of your dreams! • Huge choice of Doors, Worktops, Appliances, Sinks & Taps • Free Estimating and planning • From doors to complete kitchens • Installed in 1-2 days by professionals

We’ll pa the VA y * T This month

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Call for a free estimate or visit our showrooms 185 Lower Blandford Rd, Broadstone, Poole, Dorset BH18 8DH Tel: 01202 695856 or 17 Bargate, Christchurch. BH23 1QD Tel: 01202 483129 * Terms & Conditions apply, please ask for full details 22 ChristchurchEYE

Mudeford Wood Community Centre enters Silver Jubilee year on a high 2014 sees the 25th anniversary of the opening of Mudeford Wood Community Centre and what better way to start the year than with a fabulous new kitchen extension. Local chef patron, Alex Aitken from the Christchurch Harbour Hotel’s restaurant , The Jetty, cut the ribbon at the official opening in late November, when representatives from building sponsors Spectrum Property Care, Hall and Woodhouse, the Talbot Village Trust, SAMRA and councillors and staff of Christchurch Borough Council turned out to mark the occasion. The grand opening was the culmination of many hours work from Centre trustees and volunteers, with the help of numerous sponsors and supporters, who worked tirelessly to make the refurbishment plans a reality. Chairperson of Mudeford Wood Community Trust who took over the management of the Centre almost 2 years ago, Dawn Brookes, said “We are so grateful to our sponsors for their donations which have enabled us to rebuild and modernise our kitchen. The benefits are already being felt by user groups. “In addition to our sponsors we would like to say a heartfelt thank you to the companies who supplied discounted goods or services including Spectrum Property Care, Purewell Electrical, Aspire Architects, NB Mills builders and a special thank you goes to Alex Aitken for cutting the ribbon.” Dawn continued. Plans are well underway to celebrate the Centre’s Silver Jubilee on Saturday 14th June 2014 - so put the date in your diary and visit or call 01425 272084 for more information. Mudeford Wood Community Centre – Something for everyone. Picture: Grand opening with Alex Aitken, plus one of Liz Sabey and the team from Spectrum Property Care who fitted the kitchen at hugely discounted rates!

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ChristchurchEYE 23


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sinks & taps


ou don’t have to get in a boat to help save lives..........When Sir William Hillary first issued his appeal to the British nation in 1823, he sent it out to the Navy and Government, to great sympathy but not much cash! It was MP Thomas Wilson who suggested asking wealthy philanthropists to support the fledgling lifeboat service. Fundraising in 1824 was very successful, bringing in almost £10,000. But the impetus soon stagnated and by 1849 income had dropped to £354. Fundraising efforts in the mid 19th century were focused on the wealthy, and it wasn’t until the late 1880s that the RNLI saw how generous the general public could be. Unfortunately, this swell of support was prompted by one of the saddest occasions in RNLI history. On 9 December 1886, 27 lifeboat crewmembers from Southport and St Annes lost their lives while trying to rescue the crew of the barque Mexico. A public appeal was launched, and local man Charles Macara took the cause to heart. An 1891 appeal, supported by the press in the north east of England, raised £10,000 in 2 weeks. On 10 October of the same year, Charles and his wife Marion organised the first Lifeboat Saturday. Bands, floats and lifeboats paraded through the streets of Manchester, followed by volunteers with collecting buckets and purses on poles. More than £5,000 was taken on the day, which was the first recorded example of a charity street collection. Marion Macara formed a Ladies’ Guild to help organise the street collection and, within 10 years, more than 50 Ladies’ Guilds had sprung up around Britain and Ireland, and the RNLI’s income had doubled, nowadays of course these guilds are supported by both men and women, still working tirelessly to ensure that funds are always in place. Mudeford Lifeboat guild is currently looking for new members to join the guild and help us with our fundraising efforts throughout the year. We welcome everyone, regardless of age or ability, all that we ask is that you are able to donate a little of your free time each year to helping us with some vital tasks, which could be just assisting with collection tins on the annual flag day or helping out at the occasional coffee morning etc. For those wanting to do a little more, then why not volunteer to help out at our fun day in July or take part in, well something much bigger later in the year? If you would like more information regarding the Mudeford Lifeboat Guild you are more than welcome to come along to our monthly informal meetings which take place at 2:00pm on the first Wednesday of each month at Stanpit Village Hall, the next of course being February 5th. For further information about Mudeford Lifeboat Guild, please contact Michael Mansfield - (01425) 291669 (branch secretary).

Since the RNLI was founded in 1824, its lifeboats, and since 2001, its lifeguards, have saved more than 140,000 lives. More and more people are using beaches and the sea for leisure and RNLI crews and lifeguards are responding to an increased number of incidents. In 2012, 49% of launches were to leisure craft users, 20% to people ashore, 13% to people in the water, 10% to merchant or fishing vessels and 8% to other sea users.

The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea Registered in England and Wales (209603) and Scotland (SC037736). Charity number CHY 2678 in the Republic of Ireland

ChristchurchEYE 25


Coffee Break

Sudoku Competition Win two tickets to see Purple Zepplin at The Regent Centre! Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive!


Simply complete the Sudoku Puzzle, fill in your details and post your entry to: LEM PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ. Name Tel.No Address Good Luck! Entries to be received no later than 31st January 2014. Winner picked at random from correct entries.


26 ChristchurchEYE



1 Fragrant flower / girl’s name (7) 5 Sound reflection (4) 8 Structure (5) 9 Yanking (7) 11 Large book (4) 12 Two-yearly (8) 15 Political organisation (5) 16 Tiny biting insect (5) 19 Unit of computer memory (8) 21 Covetousness (4) 23 Once daily (7) 25 String of closely spaced islands (5) 26 Exude (4) 27 Whereabouts (7)

2 Relating to the stomach, intestines etc. (9) 3 Female horse (4) 4 Serviette (6) 5 Snake-like fish (3) 6 Reddish Indian dye (5) 7 Main artery (5) 10 Nutritious edible pulse (6) 13 Clever and original. (9) 14 Spindle (6) 17 Calm, dependable (6) 18 Circular series of events (5) 20 Phrase or saying (5) 22 Couple (4) 24 Furrow (3)

Crossword answers on page 41


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ChristchurchEYE 27




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Is your target market the BH23 area? Christchurch Eye & Highcliffe Eye are the community magazines that most people turn to when looking for local trades and services in the area.

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Prices start from as little as ÂŁ22 + VAT per month.

Call Cheryl to find out more on 01202 477214 28 ChristchurchEYE

Christchurch Rotary At this time of year it’s only appropriate for Christchurch Rotary to thank a number of people for their generosity in these difficult times. We would like to really thank our Business Partner’s (listed below). Local firm’s who support Rotary financially, and in turn our local area. All of these businesses have supported us in making a real contribution to Rotary values and the Local Community. A special THANK YOU to our Business Partners listed below. Catherine McMillan (CPM Bookkeeping) James Taylor (Taylor Made Designs) Stuart Major (Millers Funeral Directors) Kevin Kilford (K J Kilford Builders) Mike Vincent (South Coast Marine) Tim Lloyd (M.D Captains Club Hotel)

Forest Heating

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Peter Watson-Lee (Williams Thompson Solicitors) Agnes Putt (Splinters Restaurant) AdamTerpening (Christchurch Harbour Hotel) Ian Fretten (Frettens Solicitors) LLP Peter Willy (Hoburne Dental Practice) William Andrews (Raxworthy Opticians) Jason Annels (The Window Centre) Roberta Williamson (Roberta Ltd.) Mark Pincott (MPA Financial Management) Vicki Hallam (Crooked Beam Restaurant) Lisa Taylor (Private Banking Nat West, Christchurch ) Look out for the Rotary logo on their premises. Interested? Contact: James Morton

Zumba GOLD is a low intensity fitness class perfect for beginners and those 50/60/70 who want a safe, friendly, fun and easy to follow class. Tuesday 9.30am & 10.50am St Mark's Church Hall, Highcliffe Wednesday 10.30am Christchurch British Legion Thursday 10.30am (New Class starting 23rd January) St Joseph's, 67 Purewell, Christchurch ÂŁ1.50 for your 1st class with this leaflet

Please contact Alison 01202 476494 or 07570446291


ChristchurchEYE 29

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ChristchurchEYE 31

Poetry Corner by CCC Poets Iced Landscape by Karlina St Vincent Crisp and clean, The garden has crystalline edges. Stiff grass crunches underfoot Pale morning sunshine Sparkles across jewelled compost, Lays long shadows From the frosted trees, Shrubs, their leaves and berries Silver edged, bunched together, Brown earth beneath, Havens for birds and beasts, For feet and feathers. The clear air draws us outside, Our visible breath Defines us in the iced landscape.

Numberworks 2013-d.pdf 1 14/08/2013 11:40:33

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Garden View

A Shady space Light levels during January are low and the days are short, but now the winter solstice has passed, days are slowly lengthening. There are however, areas of the garden which never receive much sunlight, and these shady spaces are often the conversation starter when I speak to gardeners. A south facing garden is on the priority list of most house hunters, but in reality there must be around the same number of houses built on the dark side of the road! If you’re lucky enough to have a front and back garden, then you should have somewhere to grow the sun lovers, but it’s often a rear shady garden which causes most frustration. So what’s my answer? Embrace the shade! Shady spaces can be much more atmospheric than those open to full sun, they have a great earthy smell and can support a diverse range of plants and mosses. My suggestion is to layer the planting, so that it looks like the creation of shade is intentional. I would probably go as far as to erect a structure, such as a pergola or shade sail over the top, creating a cosy outdoor room, and use lighting to visually warm the space at night. Your layering process begins with the boundaries. The first stage is to paint them black, and before you scream ‘BLACK?!’ out loud, hear me out. Painting the boundaries black will help them to fade into the background once plants mature. The second stage is to clothe the fences and walls with climbers. Although hated by some, Ivy is perfect for this, but other things to try are shade-tolerant Honeysuckles or wall shrubs such as Hydrangea petiolaris and Garrya elliptica. For additional flower colour, why not cram in a couple of Clematis? Introduce height with a small tree such as Amelanchier ‘Robin Hill’ or the evergreen Trachycarpus fortunei. Clump forming bamboo makes a great vertical accent, as does the banana Musa basjoo. Next in our ‘shade lasagne’ are the shrubs such as the purple leaved Acers, Viburnum tinus, Box (which can be clipped into shapes to add formality) and Sarcococca. Smaller perennials such as Astilbe, Aconitum and Hellebores provide colour and finally ferns such as the evergreen Asplenium scholopendrium supply wonderful glossy ground cover. So there you have it, a shady oasis, and as with most things in life, if you fully embrace it, a north facing shady garden can be magical. Until next time, Happy gardening, Lee

34 ChristchurchEYE

Inter-County Nursing & Care Services Supporting you in your own home w w w. i n t e r - c o u n t y. c o . u k Inter-County can provide experienced staff to help you remain independent at home through a range of services including:

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David Burgess Garden Design from design to full installation service

established 1988 providing a comprehensive garden and landscaping services we can carry out: pruning, clearance and planting schemes natural stone and brick paving decking and walling new lawns from seed Also able to clear leaves, mow your lawn and cut those tall hedges references available no charges for local site visits quotations without obligation

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Teen Column


ewy winds encircle Christchurch as the New Year is now soaring down upon us! Subsequently each day begins to stretch its hours of sunlight over our little town like an elastic band of sun rays. This mirrors how Grace my new year’s resolution list continues to stretch each year; resulting in an endless amount of targets that will apparently improve me as a person every January. However, this year my one main resolution is to keep to my resolutions! Each year I find that I am not the only culprit to slip loosely from my newly formed targets; many are perpetrators to the crime. Therefore, in the commencing year of 2014 there are three resolutions that I am going to set myself, the first I have aforementioned. My second resolution concerns by beautiful family. As many of the students in my year at Twynham Sixth Form are well aware, we shall all soon be leaving our comforting homes in Christchurch to travel yonder over the world. All too soon shall I be leaving for an education at a university and as each day ticks by I appreciate my family more. My resolution stands that I will show them my love and appreciation each day that I have left with them. Thirdly, I make a resounding resolution to do something I have never done before and have always wanted to do. Never have I frequented a zoo. Something childish? Yes, however I believe it is important to live each day to the full and to take opportunities when they present themselves. So there are my three resolutions for 2014: to try something new, to prove my love to my family and to keep iron strong to my resolutions where I will not give up. Simple, yet substantial. Elegant yet achievable.

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REGENT CENTRE HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH (01202) 499199 With Christchurch Information Centre (01202) 471780 Fri 3 – Thur 9 Jan 7.30pm. Mats:Fri 3 Sat 4 & Mon 6 – Thur 9 Jan 2.30pm THE HOBBIT: The Desolation of Smaug (12A) 2D Sunday 5 January 3pm £10.50 Concs: £10 Bournemouth Concert Brass - NEW YEAR VIENNESE CONCERT Fri 10 – Mon 13 Jan 7.30pm Mats: Fri 10, Sat 11 & Mon 13 2.30pm Forrest Whitaker is THE BUTLER (12A) to 8 US Presidents Fri 17 Jan 7.30pm, Sat 18 Jan 11am & 3pm, Sun 19 Jan 3pm Mon 20 & Wed 22 – Fri 24 Jan 7.30pm & Sat 25 Jan 2.30pm & 7.30pm Tues 21 Jan 5.30pm Tea Time Show & Meet the Cast. Highcliffe Charity Players Pantomine –TREASURE ISLAND £11.50 Conc £10.50 Child £9.50. Sat 25 7.30pm only: £13.50 all seats Sun 26, Tues 28, Wed 29 Jan & Sat 1 & Sun 2 Feb 7.30pm Mats:Sun 26, Mon 27, Tue 28, Wed 29 Jan & Sat 1 & Sun 2 Feb 2.30pm Tom Hanks & Emma Thompson – SAVING MR BANKS (PG) The story of the making of Disney’s smash hit film, Mary Poppins Monday 27 Jan 7.15pm £19 Concs: £17 Live by satellite on screen Royal Ballet - GISELLE Live by satellite on screen: Thurs 30 Jan 7pm Shakespeare Encore recorded: Fri 31 Jan 7.30pm £13 Concs: £12 NT Live – CORIOLANUS from Donmar Warehouse Sat 1 Feb TOURS OF REGENT CENTRE - Sold Out! Tuesday 4 February 7.30pm £25.50 Concs: £24.50 THE STRAITS IN CONCERT plus Support With Alan Clarke (keyboards) & Chris White (sax) Members of the iconic rock group Dire Straits Thur 6 Feb 2.30pm & 7.30pm £10 Conc £8.50 recorded on screen Encore by satellite:PRIVATE LIVES – Noel Coward – West End Friday 7 Feb 7.30pm £10 Conc: £9 Age suitable 12 & over Saltmine Theatre Co – JOHN NEWTON – AMAZING GRACE Moving story of 18th Cent slavery, freedom and the power of love Sat 8 February 5.55pm £22 Concs £20 on screen Live by satellite Metropolitan Opera NY – RUSALKA - Dvorak Tues 11 – Thurs 13 Feb 7.30pm £10 Concs £9 Under 16: £5 Ballard School – GUYS & DOLLS Sat 15 Feb 7.30pm £16.50 Conc £15.50 PURPLE ZEPPELIN 24 Hour Car Park charges. Air Conditioned *Pre-show Dining at The Kings £23. VIP Experience £39.50 inc ticket 38 ChristchurchEYE

le Blackberry and apple crumb

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For the filling 2 tbsp butter ½ cooking apple, peeled and chopped 2 tbsp caster sugar ½ lemon, zest only 55g/2oz blackberries

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For the crumble topping 55g/2oz butter 25g/1oz caster sugar 25g/1oz brown sugar 55g/2oz plain flour lightly whipped double cream, to serve

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Method Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. For the filling, heat the butter in a frying pan over a medium heat, add the apple, sugar and lemon zest and fry for 4-5 minutes, or until the apple has softened to a pulp. Add the blackberries and warm through for 1-2 minutes, then set aside. For the crumble topping, pulse all of the crumble topping ingredients together in a food processor until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Spoon the filling mixture into the base of a gratin dish and spread to form an even layer. Scatter the crumble topping over the top.

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Transfer the crumble to the oven and bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the crumble topping is golden-brown and the filling is bubbling. To serve, place a portion of the blackberry and apple crumble into the centre of a serving plate and spoon the whipped cream alongside.

Call Andy on 07788 298127

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ChristchurchEYE 39

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Estate & Letting Agents Bullock & Lees Richard Godsell Homefield Park Homes

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Gardens David Burgess Garden Design Southern Tree Specialists

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Useful Contacts

Police/Crime Police (Emergency) Police (Non-­‐Emergency) Crimestoppers Neighbourhood & Home Watch

999 101 0800 55 51 11 01202 222 222

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0800 038 2323

Medical/Health Services NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Dorset Out-­‐of-­‐Hours Medical Service 0845 600 1013 Bournemouth A & E 01202 70 41 67 Bournemouth Hospital 01202 30 36 26 Christchurch Hospital 01202 486 361 British Red Cross Medical Loan Service 01202 484074 Local Council & Services Christchurch Borough Council Dorset County Council Christchurch Information Centre Regent Centre Bournemouth Airport Post Office Dorset Family Information Service

01202 495000 01305 251000 01202 471780 01202 499199 01202 364000 0845 722 3344 01305 221066

Helplines Community Safety Issues 01202 495111 Anti-­‐social Behaviour 01202 495044 Trading Standards 01305 224 012 Citizens Advice Bureau 01308 456 594 Childline 0800 11 11 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 NSPCC 0808 800 50 00 Southern Electric 0845 071 3953 British Gas 0800 048 0202 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Environment Agency 0800 80 70 60 National Drugs Helpline 0800 77 66 00 Age Concern 0800 00 99 66 National Debtline 0808 808 40 00 Alcoholics Anonymous 0207 403 0888 Narcotics Anonymous 07041 580 050 Overeaters Anonymous 07790 541535 Taxi Firms Christchurch Radio Cabs Chritax Priory Cabs

01202 48 48 48 01202 47 00 00 01202 47 44 44

Chemists The Grove Pharmacy 01202 484310 48 The Grove, Christchurch Mon – Fri 9-6 Sat 9-1 Wessex Pharmacies 01202 482197 186 Somerford Road, Christchurch Mon-Fri 9-1.15/2.15-5.30 Sat 9-1.15 Rowlands Pharmacy 01202 484840 136 Purewell, Christchurch Mon-Fri 8.45-6.30 Sat 8.45-1 Your Local Boots Pharmacy 01202 486276 2A Twynham Avenue, Christchurch Mon-Fri 8.45-1/2-6.15 Mudeford Pharmacy 01425 272798 94 Mudeford, Christchurch Mon-Fri 9-1/2-5.30(Weds ‘til 1) Sat 9-1/2-5 Boots the Chemist 01202 483034 23 Saxon Square, Christchurch Mon-Sat 9-1.30/2.30-5.30 Burton Pharmacy 01202 477771 123 Salisbury Road, Burton Mon-Fri 9-1/2-6.30

Local Libraries

Lloyds 01425 274291 Christchurch Library 01202 485938 248 Lymington Road, Mon 9.30-5.30 Tues 10-7 Weds 9.3-1 Thu 9.30-7 Fri 9.30-5.30 Sat Highcliffe 9-4 Mon-Fri 8.45-5.30 Sat 9-4 Highcliffe Library 01425 272202 Mon 10-6.30 Tue 9.3-5 Wed Closed Thu 9.3-1 Fri 9.30-6.30 Sat 9.30-4

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