Christchurch Eye Community Magazine July 2014

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ChristchurchEYE The local glossy that keeps on giving - all month long

Your Local Community Magazine


July 2014 • ISSUE 52

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Editors Letter Local History by Phil Tate What's On Community Notices Car Boot Sales Adopt a Pet Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies 'Win £25' Peter's Business Column Christchurch Carnival An English Mum Christchurch Citizens Association Coffee Break Julia's House Lottery Mindbenders Garden View CCC Poem Recipe On the Water Dorset POPP Christchurch Rotary Highcliffe Art Kid's Page Regent Centre Listings Index Puzzle Solutions Useful Telephone Numbers



Tel: 01202 269166 Mob: 07738 422150 or 07876 355051 Email

LocalEYE magazines

LEM PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ t: 01202 477214

Magazine Editor & Publisher Cheryl Dennett t: 01202 477214 (9am - 7pm)

Magazine Layout & Advert Design Cheryl Dennett & Fee Lanzino t: 01202 477214

Distribution Manager Sue Hillman t: 01202 477214


Peter Watson-Lee, Regent Centre, John Haynes, Christchurch Rotary, Rachel Clark, Lee Bestall & Phil Tate.

Front Cover by

© ian woolcock -




to the Christchurch Eye Community Magazine

editor’s letter


ith the weather still being kind to us, this month we’ve been able to enjoy some boating, alfresco dining and plenty of duck, swan and seagull feeding (that latter not intentional!).


Here’s hoping the sun continues to shine throughout July as every weekend is jam-packed with plenty of fetes, festivals, craft fairs, fund-raising days and many other events making for yet another busy month here in Christchurch; turn to pages 8 & 9 to take a look at our What’s On Guide. With so much going on, there will be no need to travel outside of Christchurch to find some fun for the whole family. We’re mostly looking forward to the Christchurch Music Festival taking place from Friday 4th to Sunday 6th July. This event has always made for a great weekend with live music and dance on Christchurch Quay along with many live performances in some of the local pubs so why not pop along and enjoy the fun? Until next month, enjoy the sun! Cheryl Cheryl Dennett Editor & Publisher Congratulations to Mrs K Parker & Mr I Gilbert & Mr R Langley for winning our May competitions!

Local Eye Magazines are Members of:



!oohhnn CClliinnggaann’’ss WWiillll !xxxaaaccctttlllyyy 333000000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss aaagggooo,,, ooonnn 222999ttthhh JJJuuulllyyy 111777111444,,, wwweeeaaalllttthhhyyy lllooocccaaalll dddrrraaapppeeerrr JJJooohhhnnn CCCllliiinnngggaaannn mmmaaadddeee ooouuuttt hhhiiisss wwwiiillllll... HHHeee pppeeerrrhhhaaapppsss kkknnneeewww ttthhhaaattt hhhiiisss hhheeeaaalllttthhh wwwaaasss fffaaaiiillliiinnnggg bbbeeecccaaauuussseee hhheee dddiiieeeddd ooonnnlllyyy aaa ssshhhooorrrttt tttiiimmmeee aaafffttteeerrrwwwaaarrrdddsss... HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, ooovvveeerrr ttthhheee nnneeexxxttt ttthhhrrreeeeee ccceeennntttuuurrriiieeesss hhhiiisss llleeegggaaacccyyy wwwooouuulllddd ppprrrooovvviiidddeee aaassssssiiissstttaaannnccceee fffooorrr ttthhhooouuusssaaannndddsss ooofff yyyooouuunnnggg pppeeeooopppllleee iiinnn CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh -­-­- aaannnddd ssstttiiillllll dddoooeeesss!!! JJJooohhhnnn CCCllliiinnngggaaannn’’’sss ooorrriiigggiiinnnsss aaarrreee sssooommmeeettthhhiiinnnggg ooofff aaa mmmyyysssttteeerrryyy... TTThhheeerrreee iiisss eeevvviiidddeeennnccceee ttthhhaaattt hhheee cccaaammmeee tttooo CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh fffrrrooommm SSScccoootttlllaaannnddd,,, bbbuuuttt aaalllttthhhooouuuggghhh hhheee nnnaaammmeeeddd hhhiiisss wwwiiifffeee,,, sssiiisssttteeerrr,,, ttthhhrrreeeeee nnniiieeeccceeesss,,, aaannnddd dddaaauuuggghhhttteeerrr-­-­-iiinnn-­-­-lllaaawww iiinnn hhhiiisss wwwiiillllll,,, ttthhheeessseee rrreeelllaaatttiiivvveeesss hhhaaavvveee aaallllll ppprrrooovvveeeddd eeellluuusssiiivvveee tttooo tttrrraaaccceee bbbyyy ooonnnllliiinnneee gggeeennneeeaaalllooogggiiicccaaalll rrreeesssooouuurrrccceeesss... (((PPPeeerrrhhhaaapppsss yyyooouuu wwwooouuulllddd llliiikkkeee tttooo tttrrryyy tttrrraaaccciiinnnggg ttthhheeemmm???))) IIIttt iiisss llliiikkkeeelllyyy ttthhhaaattt CCCllliiinnngggaaannn iiisss aaannn AAAnnngggllliiiccciiissseeeddd vvvaaarrriiiaaannnttt ooofff aaa SSScccooottttttiiissshhh GGGaaaeeellliiiccc nnnaaammmeee... HHHeee aaappppppeeeaaarrrsss tttooo hhhaaavvveee mmmaaadddeee hhhiiisss fffooorrrtttuuunnneee aaasss aaa dddeeeaaallleeerrr iiinnn eeexxxoootttiiiccc iiimmmpppooorrrttteeeddd fffaaabbbrrriiicccsss aaannnddd iiittt iiisss ppprrreeesssuuummmeeeddd ttthhhaaattt hhheee wwwaaasss aaattttttrrraaacccttteeeddd tttooo ttthhheee aaarrreeeaaa bbbyyy ttthhheee tttrrraaadddiiinnnggg pppooorrrtttsss ooofff SSSooouuuttthhhaaammmppptttooonnn,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh,,, aaannnddd PPPoooooollleee... HHHeee ssseeettttttllleeeddd iiinnn CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh,,, aaannnddd iiittt iiisss rrreeecccooorrrdddeeeddd ttthhhaaattt 111000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss bbbeeefffooorrreee hhhiiisss dddeeeaaattthhh hhheee wwwaaasss aaa ccchhhuuurrrccchhhwwwaaarrrdddeeennn aaannnddd ttthhheeerrreeefffooorrreee iiinnnvvvooolllvvveeeddd iiinnn ttthhheee wwweeelllfffaaarrreee ooofff ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn’’’sss pppoooooorrr... UUUpppooonnn hhhiiisss dddeeeaaattthhh hhheee bbbeeeqqquuueeeaaattthhheeeddd tttooo hhhiiisss wwwiiifffeee KKKaaattthhhaaarrriiinnneee aaallllll ttthhheee fffuuurrrnnniiitttuuurrreee ‘‘‘!nnn ttthhheee rrroooooommmeee ooovvveeerrr ttthhhaaattt wwwhhh!ccchhh wwwaaasss mmmyyy ssshhhooopppppp’’’ aaalllooonnnggg wwwiiittthhh ‘‘‘OOOnnneee IIIrrrooonnn pppoootttttt OOOnnneee KKKeeettttttllleee OOOnnneee CCChhhaaammmbbbeeerrr pppoootttttt aaannnddd CCClllooossseee ssstttoooooollleee aaannnddd ttthhhrrreeeeee gggooooooddd OOOrrrddd!nnnaaarrryyy CCChhhaaa!rrrsss aaannnddd ooonnneee SSS!lllvvveeerrr SSSpppoooooonnn’’’... SSShhheee wwwaaasss aaalllsssooo tttooo rrreeeccceeeiiivvveee £££222000 pppeeerrr yyyeeeaaarrr -­-­- tttooo bbbeee pppaaaiiiddd ooonnn ttthhheee cccooonnndddiiitttiiiooonnn ttthhhaaattt ssshhheee mmmaaadddeee nnnooo aaatttttteeemmmpppttt tttooo ooobbbtttaaaiiinnn mmmooorrreee,,, ooottthhheeerrrwwwiiissseee iiittt wwwaaasss tttooo bbbeee dddrrroooppppppeeeddd tttooo ooonnnlllyyy £££555 pppeeerrr yyyeeeaaarrr!!! TTThhheee rrreeeaaasssooonnn fffooorrr ttthhhiiisss aaappppppaaarrreeennntttlllyyy hhhaaarrrssshhh cccooonnndddiiitttiiiooonnn iiisss nnnooottt kkknnnooowwwnnn,,, eeexxxccceeepppttt ttthhhaaattt hhheee wwwaaasss cccllleeeaaarrrlllyyy dddeeettteeerrrmmmiiinnneeeddd tttooo eeennnsssuuurrreee ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee bbbuuulllkkk ooofff hhhiiisss wwweeeaaalllttthhh wwwooouuulllddd tttooo gggooo tttooo aaassssssiiisssttt ttthhheee pppoooooorrr ooofff CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh... JJJooohhhnnn CCCllliiinnngggaaannn aaallllllooocccaaattteeeddd £££555000 tttooo ttthhheee pppoooooorrr ooofff ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn,,, tttooo bbbeee dddiiissstttrrriiibbbuuuttteeeddd aaasss bbbrrreeeaaaddd aaannnddd mmmeeeaaattt wwwiiittthhhiiinnn 999 mmmooonnnttthhhsss ooofff hhhiiisss dddeeeaaattthhh... HHHeee aaalllsssooo dddiiirrreeecccttteeeddd ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee rrreeesssiiiddduuueee ooofff hhhiiisss eeessstttaaattteee,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh iiinnncccllluuudddeeeddd hhhiiisss lllaaarrrgggeee HHHiiiggghhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt hhhooouuussseee aaannnddd ssshhhoooppp aaalllooonnnggg wwwiiittthhh aaa cccooonnnsssiiidddeeerrraaabbbllleee pppeeerrrsssooonnnaaalll fffooorrrtttuuunnneee,,, ssshhhooouuulllddd bbbeee uuussseeeddd fffooorrr ttthhheee lllooonnnggg-­-­-ttteeerrrmmm bbbeeennneeefffiiittt ooofff ttthhheee pppoooooorrr ooofff ttthhheee pppaaarrriiissshhh... HHHeee gggaaavvveee ttthhheee rrreeessspppooonnnsssiiibbbiiillliiitttyyy

fffooorrr mmmaaannnaaagggiiinnnggg ttthhhiiisss TTTrrruuusssttt tttooo hhhiiisss eeexxxeeecccuuutttooorrr aaannnddd ‘‘‘wwweeellllll bbbeeelllooovvveeeddd fffrrr!eeennnddd ’’’ SSSaaammmuuueeelll HHHooooookkkeeeyyy... HHHooooookkkeeeyyy uuussseeeddd sssooommmeee ooofff ttthhheee TTTrrruuusssttt tttooo bbbuuuyyy aaaddddddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll ppprrrooopppeeerrrtttyyy,,, ttthhheeerrreeebbbyyy iiinnncccrrreeeaaasssiiinnnggg ttthhheee ccchhhaaarrriiitttyyy’’’sss iiinnncccooommmeee gggeeennneeerrraaattteeeddd fffrrrooommm rrreeennnttt... OOOnnneee sssuuuccchhh wwwaaasss aaa 444000 aaacccrrreee fffaaarrrmmm aaattt IIIfffooorrrddd,,, bbbooouuuggghhhttt aaasss ‘‘‘eeeqqquuuiiitttyyy rrreeellleeeaaassseee’’’ fffooorrr ttthhheee eeellldddeeerrrlllyyy fffaaarrrmmmeeerrr... TTThhhiiisss bbbeeecccaaammmeee kkknnnooowwwnnn aaasss CCCllliiinnngggaaannn’’’sss FFFaaarrrmmm,,, aaannnddd iiitttsss fffaaarrrmmmhhhooouuussseee,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh wwwaaasss oooppppppooosssiiittteee wwwhhhaaattt iiisss nnnooowww OOOlllddd BBBrrriiidddgggeee RRRoooaaaddd,,, wwwaaasss dddeeemmmooollliiissshhheeeddd ooonnnlllyyy iiinnn ttthhheee 111999333000sss wwwhhheeennn ttthhheee nnneeewww IIIfffooorrrddd BBBrrriiidddgggeee wwwaaasss ddduuueee fffooorrr cccooonnnssstttrrruuuccctttiiiooonnn... IIInnn 111777333555 aaa bbboooaaarrrddd ooofff TTTrrruuusssttteeeeeesss wwwaaasss ssseeettt uuuppp tttooo mmmaaannnaaagggeee ttthhheee ccchhhaaarrriiitttyyy... TTThhheeennn,,, aaasss nnnooowww,,, ttthhhiiisss aaalllwwwaaayyysss iiinnncccllluuudddeeeddd ttthhheee VVViiicccaaarrr ooofff HHHooolllyyy TTTrrriiinnniiitttyyy aaannnddd ttthhheee ppprrreeesssiiidddiiinnnggg MMMaaayyyooorrr... IIIttt wwwaaasss ttthhheeeyyy wwwhhhooo iiinnntttrrroooddduuuccceeeddd aaa pppooollliiicccyyy ooofff fffuuunnndddiiinnnggg aaapppppprrreeennntttiiiccceeessshhhiiipppsss,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh sssiiinnnccceee ttthhheee eeeaaarrrlllyyy 111777ttthhh ccceeennntttuuurrryyy hhhaaaddd bbbeeeeeennn aaa wwwaaayyy ooofff ppprrrooovvviiidddiiinnnggg bbbooottthhh wwwooorrrkkk aaannnddd aaaccccccooommmmmmooodddaaatttiiiooonnn fffooorrr pppaaauuupppeeerrr ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn... TTThhheee fffiiirrrsssttt aaapppppprrreeennntttiiiccceee fffuuunnndddeeeddd bbbyyy ttthhheee TTTrrruuusssttt iiisss bbbeeellliiieeevvveeeddd tttooo hhhaaavvveee bbbeeeeeennn TTThhhooommmaaasss BBBooouuunnneee,,, wwwhhhooo wwwaaasss aaabbbooouuuttt 111333 yyyeeeaaarrrsss ooolllddd wwwhhheeennn hhheee wwwaaasss iiinnndddeeennntttuuurrreeeddd tttooo hhhiiisss uuunnncccllleee,,, JJJaaammmeeesss SSShhhaaammmbbbllleeerrr,,, tttooo llleeeaaarrrnnn ssseeeaaammmaaannnssshhhiiippp ooonnn ooonnneee ooofff ttthhheee fffiiissshhhiiinnnggg bbboooaaatttsss ttthhhaaattt aaannnnnnuuuaaallllllyyy sssaaaiiillleeeddd ooouuuttt ooofff CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh tttooo fffiiissshhh ttthhheee GGGrrraaannnddd BBBaaannnkkksss ooofff NNNeeewwwfffooouuunnndddlllaaannnddd... WWWhhheeerrreee wwwaaasss JJJooohhhnnn CCCllliiinnngggaaannn’’’sss HHHiiiggghhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt ppprrrooopppeeerrrtttyyy??? BBBeeetttwwweeeeeennn 111888111666 aaannnddd 111999333666 iiittt wwwaaasss rrreeennnttteeeddd bbbyyy dddrrraaapppeeerrrsss FFFeeerrrrrreeeyyy &&& SSSooonnn (((PPPhhhoootttooo))),,, wwwhhhooo hhhaaaddd iiittt sssuuubbbssstttaaannntttiiiaaallllllyyy rrreeebbbuuuiiilllttt iiinnn aaabbbooouuuttt 111888999999... IIIttt ttthhheeennn bbbeeecccaaammmeee SSSmmmiiittthhh’’’sss fffuuurrrnnniiitttuuurrreee ssshhhooowwwrrroooooommm... IIIttt iiisss nnnooowww BBBooooookkkeeennndddsss iiinnndddeeepppeeennndddeeennnttt dddeeepppaaarrrtttmmmeeennnttt ssstttooorrreee... IIItttsss rrreeennnttt ssstttiiillllll ppprrrooovvviiidddeeesss mmmuuuccchhh ooofff ttthhheee TTTrrruuusssttt’’’sss iiinnncccooommmeee... TTTooodddaaayyy,,, ttthhheee CCCllliiinnngggaaannn’’’sss TTTrrruuusssttt ssstttiiillllll eeexxxiiissstttsss aaasss aaa ccchhhaaarrriiitttyyy ppprrrooovvviiidddiiinnnggg gggrrraaannntttsss tttooo aaassssssiiisssttt yyyooouuunnnggg lllooocccaaalll ssstttuuudddeeennntttsss...

AAAfffttteeerrr 333000000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss,,, ttthhheee CCCllliiinnngggaaannn’’’sss TTTrrruuusssttt ssstttiiillllll cccooonnntttiiinnnuuueeesss aaasss aaa tttoootttaaallllllyyy lllooocccaaalll ccchhhaaarrriiitttyyy ppprrrooovvviiidddiiinnnggg aaassssssiiissstttaaannnccceee fffooorrr ssstttuuudddeeennntttsss aaannnddd aaapppppprrreeennntttiiiccceeesss... GGGrrraaannntttsss aaarrreee aaavvvaaaiiilllaaabbbllleee fffooorrr eeexxxpppeeennnssseeesss rrreeelllaaatttiiinnnggg tttooo eeeddduuucccaaatttiiiooonnn ooorrr tttrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg fffooorrr aaa cccaaarrreeeeeerrr... AAAppppppllliiicccaaannntttsss mmmuuusssttt bbbeee uuunnndddeeerrr 222555 yyyeeeaaarrrsss ooofff aaagggeee,,, hhhaaavvveee aaa fffiiinnnaaannnccciiiaaalll nnneeeeeeddd,,, aaannnddd aaa fffaaammmiiilllyyy hhhooommmeee wwwiiittthhhiiinnn ttthhheee TTTrrruuusssttt aaarrreeeaaa... TTThhheeeyyy mmmuuusssttt aaalllsssooo hhhaaavvveee aaatttttteeennndddeeeddd aaa ppplllaaaccceee ooofff eeeddduuucccaaatttiiiooonnn iiinnn ttthhheee TTTrrruuusssttt aaarrreeeaaa aaattt sssooommmeee pppoooiiinnnttt... MMMooorrreee iiinnnfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn cccaaannn bbbeee fffooouuunnnddd ooonnn ttthhheee TTTrrruuusssttt’’’sss wwweeebbbsssiiittteee::: wwwwwwwww...cccllliiinnngggaaannnssstttrrruuusssttt...cccooo...uuukkk TTThhheee cccooorrrrrreeecccttt aaannnssswwweeerrr tttooo ttthhheee LLLooocccaaalll HHHiiissstttooorrryyy CCCooommmpppeeetttiiitttiiiooonnn iiinnn ttthhheee MMMaaayyy iiissssssuuueee wwwaaasss::: ccc))) FFFoooxxx TTThhheee cccaaarrrvvviiinnnggg iiinnn ttthhheee GGGrrreeeaaattt QQQuuuiiirrreee ooofff ttthhheee PPPrrriiiooorrryyy ccchhhuuurrrccchhh ooofff aaa fffoooxxx ppprrreeeaaaccchhhiiinnnggg fffrrrooommm aaa pppuuulllpppiiittt aaalllsssooo dddeeepppiiiccctttsss aaa cccoooccckkkeeerrreeelll cccllleeerrrkkk aaannnddd aaa cccooonnngggrrreeegggaaatttiiiooonnn ooofff gggeeeeeessseee...



PPPiiiccctttuuurrreee::: TTThhheee TTTrrruuusssttt’’’sss HHHiiiggghhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt ppprrrooopppeeerrrtttyyy iiinnn aaabbbooouuuttt 111888999333,,, ssshhhooorrrtttlllyyy bbbeeefffooorrreee iiittt wwwaaasss sssuuubbbssstttaaannntttiiiaaallllllyyy rrreeebbbuuuiiilllttt aaannnddd hhhaaaddd aaannn eeexxxtttrrraaa fffllloooooorrr aaaddddddeeeddd -­-­- CCCooouuurrrttteeesssyyy ooofff ttthhheee RRReeeddd HHHooouuussseee MMMuuussseeeuuummm...

Local History by Phil Tate

To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214



w h a t ’s o n

What’s On Entries are listed FREE of charge for local groups and events. Submit your listing online at Friday 13th June – Friday 18th July Fundraising Car Exhibition for Children in Need Paintings by Jeremy Houghton and Klaus Wagger Hatch Gallery, 7a Church Street, Christchurch, BH23 1JJ (next to Soho),, tel 07787517958 Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 30th July Stan’s Blues Jam at The Thomas Tripp, Christchurch BH23 1HX on Tuesday 1st July (and the First Tuesday Every Month) and at The Avon Causeway, Hurn BH23 6AS on Wednesday 30th July (and Last Wednesday Every Month). Details at Thursday 3rd and Saturday 5th July Christchurch Priory events - Lunchtime Concert Thursday 3rd July at 12.30pm retiring collection. Summer Fete Saturday 5th from 10.30am. Tower Tours every Sunday at 3pm weather permitting, adults £2.50 children over eight only £1.00. Cloisters Cafe open from weekdays 10.30-4pm. Friday 4th – Sunday 6th July Christchurch Music Festival - A great weekend of live music and dance on Christchurch Quay with live performances in some town centre pubs. Excellent fun for all the family. Saturday 5th July Christchurch Infant School Summer Fair from 12pm to 2.30pm – Addiscombe Road, Christchurch, BH23 2AE – Books, Toys, Cakes, Tombola, Raffle, Bouncy Castle, Games, BBQ, Refreshments, Face Painting, and much more. Come along and join the fun! Entry 50p. Saturday 5th July Family Fun Quiz Night - 7pm at Mudeford Wood Community Centre, Piper’s Drive, BH23 4TR. Fun quiz night for all the family, bring your own drink and ticket price of £7.50 includes fish and chip supper. Call 01425 272084 Saturday 5th July Highcliffe Horticultural Society will be holding their Open Summer Show at St. Mark’s Church Hall, open from 2-4pm. Tombola, Plant Stall and refreshments available. Entry Fee 50p. Further details phone Show Secretary on 01425 274845. Saturday 5th July ‘Made in Dorset’ Craft and Vintage Fayre, Bransgore Village Hall, BH23 8AY, 10am-1pm. ‘Strawberries & Cream’



theme. Over 30 stalls of local crafts and Vintage finds. FREE prize draw! Enjoy a Cream tea or Vintage style Lemonade! Wednesday 9th July Christchurch Library, 3pm “Tea at Three” - vintage afternoon tea with cakes & choice of teas. Tickets £2 and information from the Library 01202 485938. Thursday 10th July Christchurch Priory Tours 2014 - 6.15 for 6.30pm, approx 2¾ hours Tickets in advance £10.00 from the Verger Tel: 01202 485804 Includes tower (176 steps!) museum, crypts, belfry and roof space Children over 8 welcome. Friday 11th – Thursday 31st July Art Exhibition at the Hayloft Gallery, 14 Wick Lane, Christchurch, BH23 1HX. Paintings, Textiles, Hats and Jewellery by Susan Knights, Linda Patterson, Pip Muddell, Ann Davison and Brenda Weeks. Open daily 10am-5pm. Free admission. Tel. 1202 428004 or 01202 481099 Saturday 12th – Sunday 13th July Amazing Thailand Christchurch Festival – Christchurch Quay from 11am. This event will allow the community to explore the diverse culture of Thailand and will include Thai foods & crafts, traditional Thai dance and music, Thai boxing and martial arts, beer garden, Thai beauty pageant and many more fun filled activities. Saturday 12th July The Grange Choral Society Christchurch presents A Celebration of Music from the Opera. At Christchurch Priory 7.30pm. Tickets £16 & £9 students £5 available from Bookends 67 High Street Christchurch and Hilary Scott 01202399139. Also at door. Saturday 12th July RNLI coffee morning in Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall from 10.00-12.30. Cakes, souvenirs, books, jewellery, jigsaws, bric a brac. Admission free, donations welcome. Saturday 12th July Craft Fair, Fete & Bar B Q from 11 to 2pm at The Immaculate Conception & St Joseph Catholic Church, Purewell, Christchurch, BH23 1EZ. Wide variety of stalls: wood turned items, jewellery, knitwear, haberdashery, cards, books, bottles, cakes, plants/produce, bric a brac, etc. All welcome. Sunday 13th July Christchurch Group of CANCER RESEARCH UK (Reg Charity No 1089464) are holding a CREAM TEA 2.30pm-5pm. Entertainment, Stalls and a Raffle. Highcliffe Community Association, Greystones, Waterford Road BH23 5JL. Tickets £5 from 07925 974174

Sunday 13th July Sing For Victory’ WW1 concert by La Nova Singers @ 3:30pm in the Pavilion opposite King’s Arms Hotel, Christchurch. £25 to include afternoon tea. Donation will be made to H4H. Call 01202 588933 or Friday 18th – Thursday 31st July Art Exhibition: One of a Kind - Linda Davison will be launching her beachy canvas’s at the Hatchling Gallery (upstairs), Hatch Gallery, 7a Church St., BH23 1BW,, tel07787517958, Saturday 19th July Macmillan Day, from 11am, Mudeford Men’s Club, 161 Stanpit. Hog Roast, BBQ, Ice Cream, Sweet Stall. Bands: The Arcade, Mista Beat and Trouble in Mind. Children’s Entertainment: Barney Bay, Bouncy Castle and Face Painting. Charity Auction. Competitions: Golf, Snooker and Skittles Saturday 19th July SOPLEY VILLAGE FESTIVAL & COUNTRY FAIR, 12-5pm. Bigger and Better than before! At Owls Barn & The Old Vicarage, Derritt Lane, Sopley. Two lawns and a field full of Family Fun! Sunday 20th July The Band of the Royal British Legion Christchurch Tribute to the Fallen - Christchurch Quay from 12pm see the bands kick off the day. Come wearing your favourite period costumes! The events finale (starting at 5.20pm), including a Drum Head service, will feature a massed band performance, being lead by our own Musical Director, Mr Nick Jarvis. Find out more at Saturday 26th July Bransgore Horticultural Society - The Summer Show takes place at the Village Hall, Burley Road, Bransgore. Staging from 8.30-10.30am. Show opens 2pm. Classes for Flowers, Veg, Floral Art, Photography, Art, Craft & Cookery. For schedule tel. 01425 674329 Saturday 26th July HIGHCLIFFE VILLAGE FETE - Once again the Highcliffe Rotary Club will be staging the Village Charity Fete on at the Recreation Ground, Lymington Road, Highcliffe from 10.45am to 4.30pm. The usual charity stalls, sideshows and Arena events including the Children’s Races will be there for your entertainment. Saturday 26th – Sunday 27th July Mudeford Arts Festival – at Mudeford Quay Green. Selling Art Exhibition - Children & Pet Portraits, Refreshments,

To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214

Demonstrations - Cards-Crafts-Tombola, Fun Mini Train - Face Painting- Origami - Puppets - Performances – Drumming, Singing and Much More. Saturday 11.00am 6.00pm & Sunday 11.00am - 4.00pm Sunday 27th July The Friends of St Catherine’s Hill have a history themed walk at 3-5pm,starting from the Community Hall Marlowe Drive, to mark the Centenary of WW1. Members free, £2 01425 272479 for details.

To see more events in Christchurch visit

Community Notices Reserve car drivers wanted two or three times a year to take three elderly people out for a little ride before going to eat at volunteer host and hostess’s homes. This is one Sunday afternoon a month. Ring Carolyn 01202 424482

Sunday 13th July Lions Club of Christchurch Monthly Car Boot Sale7.30am to 12 noon at Stanpit Marsh. See our website for full details: Sunday 13th July Sopley Car Boot Sale, Owls Barn, Derritt Lane, Sopley. 10am-2pm (sellers from 9am-12pm) Farm Shop Open, Home reared Sausage and Bacon Baps available for breakfast! Hundreds of buyers last month!

Regular Markets Every Monday - Christchurch Market (all year) Up to 100 traders selling a variety of food, clothes, household goods, plants and bric-a-brac in the mainly traffic-free High Street and Saxon Square. Christchurch Country Market. Everything homebaked, homemade and home-grown locally. Every Monday 9.30-11.30. Druitt Hall (behind library). Refreshments available. ChristchurchEYE


Adopt a Pet


’m a lurcher lad of almost three and only a diddy 23.5 inches to the shoulder. I was rescued from the pound in Ireland with moments Zak to spare. I adore humans and love nothing better than cuddling up on someone’s lap. I love to learn and play with my toys. I haven’t met many children yet, but I have come through the small dog test! I need a bit more training on the lead, but I’m good with traffic and enjoy getting out and about. I can’t wait to find the right home.

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10 ChristchurchEYE






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Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Fitness, Sport and Wellbeing East Dorset Indoor Bowls Club, Stony Lane South, Christchurch invite you to come along on Wednesday July 9th from 10am. Anyone from the age of 10yrs and over are welcome, free equipment and coaching. Call Roy, 01425 280845 or 07778 832955. Relieve stress, anxiety, emotional & physical problems with a wonderfully relaxing, gentle Reiki treatment. Improves general wellbeing & can be safely used by everyone - great when pregnant, or to support other medical treatments. Call Caroline 07798 941832 email www.perfectfitforlife. com/reiki Candlelit Hatha Yoga & Relaxation Classes-Wednesdays 9:40-10:55am at the Christchurch Harbour Hotel Thursdays 7:15-8:30pm & 8:45-10pm at the Wessex Health Network British Wheel of Yoga Teacher. Please call (07966)199875 or email to book. £39 for 6-week course (can carry one over)/£7 PAYG Pregnancy yoga based exercise, breathing & relaxation classes. Stretch & strengthen your body, relieve aches & pains and prepare for birth. Suitable for all abilities including complete beginners, from 14 weeks of pregnancy. Tuesdays in Christchurch. Contact Rosa 07837 218374 Chi Kung Exercise Classes - Come and join us on Friday mornings 10.45-12.15 in the upstairs Studio at Wessex Health, 17 Stour Road, Christchurch BH23 1PL Car park at rear. Fee £7.50. Please call tutor Poppy 01202 735560 Parkinson’s UK Club Christchurch Branch - Friendly afternoon get together for Parkinson sufferers and their carers Thursday 10th July at 2pm in the Community Hall, Marlow Drive, St Catherine’s Hill. New members always welcome.

Art and Craft CHRISTCHURCH ARTS GUILD meet on second Wednesday each month, 7-9pm in All Saints Church Hall, Mudeford, for demonstrations by Professional artists, etc. Visitors welcomed £3. Membership open to all. See, or contact Paul Cobain 07775092755

12 ChristchurchEYE

SUSAN KNIGHTS Watercolour Classes ‘Jump in and Get Wet’ in small, friendly, informative classes - overlooking beautiful Christchurch Harbour. Contact Sue on 01202 481099 or email www. Carbery Machine Knitting Club meet on the first Tuesday of each month in St George’s Church Hall Annex, Jumpers Rd, Christchurch, BH23 2JR from 7-9pm. Our July meeting is the AGM, and there is no meeting in August. Contact Joy on 01202 489614 Christchurch Floral Society is holding a 30/70 auction at their social meeting on July 4th at Priory Hall, Princess Avenue. Bring along your unwanted items for sale and earn some money. Tea and Cakes. Doors open 1-30pm. Silversmithing & Jewellery Classes in the centre of Christchurch for varied abilities. A range of techniques covered including piercing, soldering, enamelling, casting & stone setting. Morning and evening classes available. Call Louise on 07789 915694 or email

Children Creation Station - weekly term time art & craft exploration and discovery classes for babies, toddlers & preschool children. Nurturing creativity & imagination through fun play based learning. Tuesday mornings at Monkey Madness 0844 873 4740 Coda Music Toddlers for 18mths-3yrs, Tots for 3-4yrs, Minors 4-5yrs, Majors 5-6yrs. Enrol now for groups starting in September. First session free, then £5.50 per weekly session. Coda Music Trust, 01425 276161/ for more details. Award-winning, educational and inspiring music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Come and join the wonderful world of music, learning and fun at The Regent Centre. Monday mornings term-time. 0845 643 5025 Creative Ballet for children-Thursdays after school and now new classes starting on Tuesdays too. Fun and creative with an emphasis on building confidence and coordination as well as teaching poise, movement quality, musicality, spatial awareness, strength and flexibility. Call Sally on 07950459119 or email sally. Junior Summer Squash Camp - Squash Camp age 6+ @ Two Riversmeet Leisure Centre. Beginners 24th & 25th

11th July 7.30pm De La Salle Theatre, St Peters School Bournemouth. Tickets: 01202 701000 Email:



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Craft Fair Fete • BBQ All Welcome The Immaculate Conception & St Joseph Catholic Church Purewell, Christchurch BH23 1EZ

Wide variety of stalls Wood crafts, jewellery, haberdashery, knitted goods, cards, books, plants & produce, bottles, cakes, . . . and so much more



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Highcliffe Choirs for children 7-18 years - no auditions required, all abilities welcome. Rehearsals weekly at Highcliffe St Mark Primary School, Greenways, Highcliffe - Training Choir Thursdays 4.45-5.45pm, Main Choir Fridays 4.15-6.00pm - Contact: Ann Guest 01425 276544.

Clubs and Societies CHRISTCHURCH PROBUS CLUB - Meets 10.15am on the 1st Tuesday monthly at the East Close Hotel, Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch. A very friendly welcome awaits all retired professional and businessmen. Interesting speakers and excellent lunches! Please contact the Secretary, Robin Haggett, on 01202-482528. PHOENIX WIDOWERS FELLOWSHIP - If you have lost a loved one please come along and join our friendly group. Our guys say it helps to chat and make friends. We meet every Monday 10.30-12.20 Christchurch Baptist Church Hall, Bargates, or ring Irene 01425 279656. Highcliffe WI-Doors open at 7.15pm on Thurs 17 July at the Day Centre, Lymington Rd to hear a talk from local charity MOSAIC. If you’d like to join us for this plus quiz, raffle and refreshments call our secretary on 01425271995 for more info. The Salvation Army, Stour Road (next to Bulstrodes) holds Coffee mornings every Tuesday and Wednesday 9-11.30 with clothes, bric a brac, and refreshments incl homemade cakes and bacon butties. A warm welcome awaits you. Entries are listed FREE of charge. One listing per group/ organisation. Listed on a first come, first served basis. Visit to submit your listing online.

ChristchurchEYE 13

Win £25! There are 5 Pooky the Bears in this month’s magazine. What pages are they on? (Not including this one!) Send your answers to:

Local Eye Mags Competitions PO Box 7812 Christchurch Dorset BH23 9HZ

Pages............................................. Name............................................ Address........................................ ...................................................... ...................................................... Answers to be received no later than 31st July 2014

Is your target market the BH23 area? Christchurch Eye & Highcliffe Eye are the community magazines that most people turn to when looking for local trades and services in the area.

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Prices start from as little as £22 + VAT per month.

Call Cheryl to find out more on 01202 477214 14 ChristchurchEYE

Business Column


usiness comes in many forms and the recent ‘Farm Sunday’ event gave an opportunity to visit two fascinating businesses just on the edge of Christchurch. Have you ever bought a chrysanthemum from Tesco, a begonia from M&S or maybe an orchid from Waitrose?


If you have, chances are it was grown locally at the impressive Double H Nurseries on the edge of Highcliffe. Named after the initials of the two founders and still privately owned, the company’s massive greenhouses produce and deliver an unbelievable 4.5 million house plants every year. Strict requirements by the supermarkets for size, height and even the number of open and closed flowers on each plant make for a mind-bogglingly complex system of production. Rate of growth, feeding, watering and temperature are all monitored on a massive scale. To ensure that the plants are stimulated to produce the right number of flowers exactly at the time required, artificial alterations to the length of day are managed either by lighting or by closing blackout blinds to trick the plants into premature or delayed flowering. Some plants start life as far afield as Kenya. But before you start worrying about “air-miles�, Double H is very keen on conservation. Much of their massive water use is recycled run- off water from the greenhouse roofs and stored in their on-site reservoirs. An environmentallyfriendly recycled-wood burner is also planned to reduce reliance on gas heating. Beckley Farm at East Close also opened its doors. All the fun of the traditional farm was on display from ferret racing and shire horses to farm machinery. The farm’s massive grain storage facility showed the need for their brand-new combine-harvester. Highly technical, it cost a cool quarter of a million pounds, can be used for only part of the year and is replaced every three years! It makes you realise that agriculture around Christchurch is not just business, it’s big business in every sense.

. $) ! ! - # & % &' . $$& $ ' . $$& # ! ' . (( & $+ ' . # $* # ' . ( ! %' . # $* ,' . $) ! ! - # # (' . !)+ # $*' . #'( !! ( $#' &$ ! "' * ( '(, # $*'

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ChristchurchEYE 15

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Ready or not Christchurch Carnival is coming

The weekend of August 16th and 17th will see the Carnival come to Town and it promises to be even better than last years – no mean boast when that one was described as the best ever! Saturday will be ‘Fun and Fireworks on the Quay’ where there will be the funfair, stalls, food, beer tent, live bands and all sorts going on in the arena including fire dancing and ferret racing. As usual the day culminates in a spectacular firework display where the crowds can watch literally thousands of pounds worth of fireworks set off to music and all free of charge.

is now starting with a slightly different format this year. Forms are available for collection from the library or downloadable from the website www. Children aged 12 and under are welcome to enter with cash prizes to be won.

Sunday sees a ‘PDSA dog show on the Quay’ at midday and then it is procession time. Once again, leaving from the car park behind the council offices at Two Riversmeet, it will make its way through the town until it arrives on the quay where everyone can get a close up look at the floats and costumes. It already looks as if this year will be a record number of floats so there will be plenty of colour and noise to enjoy. The annual children’s poster colouring competition

The loss of its long standing sponsor could have meant the end of the Carnival but Bedtime of Barrack Road have stepped in as saviours and the Committee will be announcing other sponsors and attractions shortly.

Anyone interested in helping run what truly is a spectacular local event is urged to contact the chairman of the Carnival Committee Julie Keeble on (01202) 467460.

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To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214 ChristchurchEYE 17

The RNLI Lifeboat Garden Fete at Christchurch


he very successful annual fete in support of the RNLI, run by your local Christchurch and Bournemouth East Branch of the RNLI, is to be held again in the delightful grounds of the Red House Museum, Quay Road, Christchurch, BH23 1BU, between 12noon and 3pm on Saturday, 12th July 2014. This is a fun day out for all ages with lots of stalls including book and cake stalls; refreshments; face painting, Splat the Rat competition and cuddle toy raffle; souvenirs, tombola and an RNLI draw; wine and champagne raffles, together with plenty of entertainment featuring Ivo the Clown, Stormy Stan and the live, magical music of the New Forest Dixieland Band providing traditional jazz, blues and ballads. With kind permission of The Red House Museum, the beautiful grounds of the 1764 house are filled with Rose and Herbaceous borders as well as a herb garden – just the place to sit and enjoy afternoon tea and refreshments. Ample car parking can be found at the end of Quay Road, or at Place Mill or nearby Wick Lane. Our main sponsors are Slades Estate Agents, with proceeds supporting the RNLI.

Please come and join us. Admission is absolutely free. ! "#$%&'()*#$+!,*&-.#/!0!(1&%!2%&3.4%-!5$6! !




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An English Mum


ne of my favourite Summer activities has to be crabbing with my family at Mudeford Quay. Competition is fierce, and there is a Rachel happy atmosphere of collective anticipation as lines are slowly pulled up in the hope that Mr Crab will hang on until he makes it into the waiting bucket! Bucket envy is common, as are the smug looks from those who chose fish heads over bacon as bait! Occasionally we get the excitement of a double whammy, with two of the little critters hanging on at the same time — then everyone has an opinion as to how fast/slow you should pull the line to ensure they both end up in the bucket. Woe betide the net holder (ie, me!) if concentration should waver and one drops back into the waves without being caught! Oh, and counting them into the bucket is compulsory, although names are optional (Colin, Carol, Camilla — you get the idea!). The best bit (apart from getting to sit in the sun on a beautiful afternoon and look at the stunning views) is ‘The Release’. At the jetty end of the quay, we carefully manoeuvre past the other crabbers (who all take a sneaky peek into the bucket to see if they’re doing any better!) and empty out at the end of the runway. Little crabs then clatter off in all directions somehow always finding their way back to the water! If we’re too far away to walk to the jetty, we get to do the bucket tip — otherwise known as the ‘Kamikaze Krab’! The bucket is emptied a few feet away from the edge of the sea wall and crabbers hastily move bare toes out of the way as the little nippers skedaddle sideways all over the prom, before plopping over the edge back into the sea! Oh, I do love to be beside the seaside — let’s hope the sun shines for us all this month! An English Mum x ChristchurchEYE 19


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sinks & taps

Christchurch Citizens Association


t is that time of year again when we can look forward to “Stomping on the Quomps�; it is on the 2nd of August from 12noon to 10pm. It is held on Christchurch Quay with live music . Refreshments are available or take a picnic, and if past years are anything to go by it should be a brilliant day.

Purewell Cross Dental Practice Now offers late evening and Saturday appointments.

On a more sober note our views regarding the Navitas Bay Wind Farm have been sent opposing this development and we hope to have an answer at our next meeting. With the strong possibility of the closure of the Police Station in Christchurch we have been discussing alternative ideas as it was felt that it is paramount to maintain a police presence in the town. An idea was expressed that a smaller facility could be incorporated within any new development on the present site. Please let us have your ideas and comments... We invite suggestions for the further use of the Kings Bowling Green to retain this beautiful and historic part of the town. Knowing there are plans for a new primary school in Christchurch, we are keeping a watching brief and will be discussing this as soon as details become known. With the possibility of the CCA running Druitt Hall from September 2014, if you need the hall for a venue for meetings, an activity or a club please get in touch by email at

There is no meeting in August but we look forward to seeing you on September 1st at 7.30pm in Druitt Hall. Local Domestic Cleaning Company

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ChristchurchEYE 21


Coffee Break

Sudoku Competition Win a beautiful bouquet of flowers courtesy of Fairmile Florist! Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive! Simply complete the Sudoku Puzzle, fill in your details and post your entry to: LEM Competitions, PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ. Name Tel.No Address Good Luck! Entries to be received no later than 31st July 2014. Winner picked at random from correct entries.

Crossword Across


7 8 9 10 11 14 18 19 20 21

1 Conscientious (7) 2 Clench, hold (4) 3 Cheat, swindle (6) 4 Lunatic (6) 5 Found within (8) 6 Small plot of land (5) 12 Co-operate (8) 13 Juvenile (7) 15 Cutlery (6) 16 Listened to (6) 17 Outdo, outshine (5) 19 Distil, infuse (4)

Policeman’s beat (6) Yearly (6) Jump (4) Testimony (8) Radiant (11) Investor (11) Physical exertion (8) Clang, toll (4) Save (6) Zeal (6)

22 ChristchurchEYE

Crossword answers on page 41


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CHRISTCHURCH COACH HOLIDAYS 2014 8 DAYS SCOTLAND ULLAPOOL THE CALEDONIAN HOTEL Sunday 14th Sept – Sunday 21st September £399 per person Half Board (Overnights first and last nights in the Scottish Borders) Built in the early 1900s, the 83-bedroom Caledonian Hotel is one of the oldest hotels in the area. It still boasts a quiet, friendly and welcoming atmosphere and pleasant gardens. The Hotel overlooks Ullapool’s working harbour and the colourful fishing boats on Loch Broom. 5 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL THE SEFTON HOTEL BABBACOMBE Monday 1st Dec – Friday 5th December

£199 per person Half Board

6 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL THE CLIFFE NORTON HOTEL Thursday 6th Nov – Monday 10th Nov

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ChristchurchEYE 23

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Change a life for £1 a week

Joining the Julia’s House lottery for £1 a week is a simple way of giving regularly to the only children’s hospice in Dorset offering regular respite and support to children with life-limiting illnesses and their families…and there is a £1,000 jackpot to win every week! Susie Andrews’ 10-year-old daughter, Katherine, visits the Julia’s House hospice once a month and Susie’s family has been playing the lottery since soon after its launch. “We thought it was a great way to support Julia’s House. We are so lucky to have such a super service available to us locally,” says Susie. “Sessions at the hospice are a wonderful opportunity for Katherine to spend some time away from her family and to socialise with children that have similar limitations. She enjoys the one on one attention and has made some good friends.” “From our point of view, it is wonderful for us to leave Katherine in a safe and loving environment. It gives us the time to take Katherine’s brother Michael, 6, out to

do something that he really likes, like visit The Tank Museum. He really enjoys having his mum and dad to himself; it’s just so important to him. I don’t think you realise how vital it is for siblings to have time like that, until you are in this situation. Julia’s House receives less than 10 per cent of its funds from the government and relies on the generosity of its supporters for the rest. It will cost £3.9m to run Julia’s House this year. To sign up to the Julia’s House lottery, visit juliashouse. org or call 01202 798618.


A local company with 25 years experience, JT’s Blinds offer a complete service


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Answers on Page 41 ChristchurchEYE 25

26 ChristchurchEYE

Local optician scoops another national technology award ovet

ed prize for th Dorset based Op e second time Optometrists havtician Parley the Year, which rec the coveted natione sensationally lifted unique ognised their al awgiven use of the latest ard for Techn National recognition to local Optician for advanced patient care software ology Pra hel improve the ir pat t experi to second time at ctice of the Year for the andpthe ence s year’s Optician overall serviceien Awards held at thi offe red Parley Optometr by the prestigious Hil Advertisement Feature ists. Hotel on ton Park Lane. When asked wh y he The optical pra tho ugh t the judges had favour ctice bas Rob Jones and his team atedParley are passionate at ParleyOptometrists ed his Cross practice, Mr beat off Jones, who is als ff competition fro o a Senior other Opticiansti m Optometrist s across so about all optical, no surprise that have the it’s atthey Th UK to winthings e Ro the award yal Bournemouth Ho , having won spital, explained previously in 200 “It’s award very difficu : won, for the second8.time, the national for Technology lt to know what exactly the judges are loo The optical practic kin wh g e for en has dec rea idi che ng finof d the als the of theyear Practiceand Optician Awards. awardat an award, so allon who should win s forthe several years is widely recogn we can do is pu forward whhave ised as a leadin t Campaign of the Dorsetind based Optician Optometrists at we as a pra ependent g optician onParley ctice do bes t an d what we feel the south coa st. Ow ner is impor and award, helped sensationally liftedSen the national award Rob hasRobeen interested inioreyes ever since own as his tant optfor icia Optom ns. The drivinYear etrist beh b Jones, interview g force ed the mome Parley Optometr after recPractice nts for theind by Technology of Year second eiv-ing isttheir s is to specialist the aw alw eye testha asrdlayboy deciding very early on that this ays ard be ‘at the forefr cou ld con tain his ont of ocular agency time at year’s Optician Awardstecathnthe excitement: ology’ and this is marketing “Ththis is is wh actually our at makesto companyI like it all was thewh field he wanted work in:- “I thought, mission statem worth ile. It’s IMS Group and also Software Practice of the Year, prestigious Hilton Park Lane. a rea Hotel on ent. We really believe tha win the award l achievement to t by investing in for the the sec latest tec which recognised their unique use of the latest ond these gadgets, this is fun!” He studied London City and it’s goo hnology ava time atopt d ila to ble be The optical practice based officia in icsCross , we are offering lly recat nised for all og- Parley our software the hard work the pat the ien ver ts to help improve their patient experience. y bes University Hospital and set up this that money can beat tea offmand stiff competition from other Opticians putsMoorfields in to ensure Eye buy, the very best and what their eyes des eye care for our erve.” pat ien across the UK to win the award, having won ts” Sin own practice in 1999. “It9, would be nice to he seethought more children in the had practice ce it’s formation asked why the judges in 199When As well asin Parley Optometrists has the2008. Technology previously ctice of the Year aw favoured his practice, Mr Jones, who isnot also fro ma relatively small grown though”, ard, the groundPra he concedes. “Many parents may bea opt -br icia pra eak ns ctic ing loo king aftOptometrist e wa the s als The has grown since then, with a major nee er ds of aoffew o short-l at The Royal Bournemouth istedreached hundredSenior finals the Thepractice optical practice the for two other nation pat one ien ts now al awards:has to boa that under 16s can have free eye tests. Kids go sting a patienaware Campaign of the Year aw tHospital, “The driving force behind register of explained: sev eral tho ard2006, awards several years andinisthe widely , helped refurbishment in investing latest state usaof Comedy Impress speciafor ionist Jon Culsha they are list marketing ageby their now seeking annd meaning w (left)but is to always be ‘at the Parley Optometrists to the dentist, eye are often overlooked, who pres add ncyindependent itio IM Group andas entetests nal S recognised a leading optician on d opt the icia awa kee rd als n p to up with the to Parley Optome o Sof tware PracticAnother the art ophthalmic technology. expansion is unp tris t’s Rob Jones e of nted dem forefront of technology’. really and for their inn recede Bria the south coast. Owner and Senior Optometrist n so Bowimportant, les from Grafton sowith and isocular weWe now have believe a family ovative sereye Optical and Chris Benin planned by the end of this year as the business expands that by investing nett,the Editorlatest Rob Jones, interviewed moments after of Opticiantechnology • Diabetic eye scre eye care plan which covers the whole family from just ening available, we’re offering our patients the best the award could number hardly of contain toreceiving accommodate increasing patients.his • Glaucoma screthe ening thatper money can buy and what their eyes deserve.” £20 month.” & hospital sha excitement: “This what makes it all red eyeis care • NHS clients “We have from wideachievement catchment area, worthwhile. It’s a ams real to many win the Since it’s formation in 1999, Parley & Private eye exa From talking to Rob and his team, it’s not difficult to • Confor tact len award the second time and it’s good to be saspe cialists Optometrists has grown from a relatively of whom travel long way to see us because we offer AT FOwhy REFR • Orthokera ONTOptometrists officially recognised all the hard work the THE tology (Eye-Dreafor OFlooking see Parley are up national OCULAR small opticians after theNO needs m) TEpicking Par CH ley an alte Op specialist treatment and advice, which include diabetic tom LOGYof a few rna etr tive ists puts in to tolase ensure the veryeye best eye carebelievehundred teamsuit r - for those in deliveringpatients award-wi to one now boasting a patient care for able awards.

Parley Optometrists lift coveted prize again


nning our patients which for other patients”screening and state-of-the-art is why weof and hav of the latest techno several meaning they are e investedthousand •our Digitalspecialist imaging of the inte in some logy avaregister ilab rna le l & to ens ure giv ext thaan ern t weadditional the al stru now seeking optician to keep up best possible carTo are Smore Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT) giving a 3D book an appointment or find out res of the eye As well as thectuTechnology Practice ofingthe Year e ava ilab NER 14 le tod ay. • Corneal topograph WIN e 2for 0 their with the unprecedented demand Now you y/p award, the ground-breaking practice wascanalso ach ymetry have advanced h cross-sectional of the eye. contact 01202 575759 l t (advanced scascan a t award winnin a nning ion tecother innovativegservices. hniques)nationalthe eye-care including latest in technolog short-listed for two awards: y from just 33p • Childre n’s examinations & coloured overlays for specific learning / reading difficulties • Diabetic eye screening • Hospital cataract referral centre • Glaucoma screening • &Dry Eye speshared cialists eye care hospital Advanc ed 3D OC • • NHS & Private eye exams T Scr the most advanced eening for eye test • Contact lens specialists

a day which includ spectacles at half es the normal retail cost and other me benefits including mber fast track appointm ents VIEW A DEM

• Orthokeratology (Eye-Dream) an alternative to laser - for those suitable • Digital imaging of the internal & external structures of the eye • Corneal topography/pachymetry (advanced scanning techniques) • Children’s examinations & coloured overlays for specific learning / reading difficulties • Hospital cataract referral centre • Dry Eye specialists • Advanced 3D OCT Screening for the most advanced eye test

Parley Optometrists believe in delivering award-winning eyecare for our patients which is why we have invested in some pa rleyopt etrists available to ensure that we are of the latestom technology giving the best possible care available today.

Nat ician Opt ards Aw



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to make an appointment • 01202 575759 ChristchurchEYE 27

Garden View - July

Maximus flora phobia true or just a tall story? I’m not quite sure whether or not this is an officially registered Lee phobia, but it seems to be one I see people suffering from frequently, so I thought I’d invent a Latin name for it. Maximus (large) flora (plants) phobia, creeps up on people slowly and its more common than you may think. Maybe it’s not as serious as Botanophobia, the official phobia for people who have a genuine phobia of plants, but this pseudo-phobia is specifically related to selected members of the plant kingdom which grow taller than humans. I first discovered this was an issue when I planted a Rowan tree in my back garden at the age of 18. “How big will that grow?” my mum would ask me every spring, and each year I would reply with my standard answer “oh, not much bigger than that!” I’m not sure if it’s the fact that humans are generally control freaks and like to be able to reach the top of the plants (for maintenance I can only presume), if they feel over whelmed by the sheer size of a large tree, or perhaps are overly concerned about it growing too near to the house. There are ways to manage the growth of large trees and plants, such as pollarding (cutting off the branches to leave a trunk with a stumpy top), or ‘balling up’ as it’s known in the industry (the act of trimming shrubs into spheres). In my opinion both are hard work, and generally leave ghastly looking results, with the exception of topiary of course! A much better idea is to select the correct tree or shrub in the first place. If you have a border just 2 feet wide, plant a small shrub such as a Hebe that only wants to grow to 2 feet wide. A little research should throw up some good varieties. Trees such as Amelanchier ‘Robin Hill’ and Acer griseum, or Sorbus ‘Joseph Rock’ are ideal. Try Prunus ‘Amanogawa’ for a flowering cherry, or Crataegus persimilis ‘Prunifolia’ which will grow in any location and any reasonable soil. If you’re a plant-nut like me, then it will probably frustrate you when people over trim plants to within an inch of their lives, or hack bits off trees, making them look like alien forms. If you live with a ‘sufferer’ and as a last resort, you could try introducing a pause in your words, as a good friend of mine did when asked how large the Eucalyptus in the front garden would grow …. “Oh, only four-t-five feet darling’. She actually got away with that one … until the following summer that is anyway! Enjoy your garden

Lee Bestall 28 ChristchurchEYE

Custom Lunches provide hot, traditionally cooked meals on a plate delivered to your door by our friendly drivers as and when required. Our menu includes a traditional roast everyday, an additional homemade meat dish such as steak and kidney pie, or a vegetarian dish. We also offer a homemade sweet, available daily if required and a tea time soup and sandwich service which is delivered with your lunchtime meal.

ChristchurchEYE 29

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Poetry Corner by CCC Poets

Trains run safely and to time. A network covering towns, villages Markets and farmland. Stations well lit, Industrial areas free from dangerous rubbish To delight Health and Safety. Contented passengers Wait on immaculate stations Holidaymakers delivered to beach and river Congenial attendants ready to answer questions Keep everything working well. If only life could echo double 0 gauge, Barring of course the derailments. INGREDIENTS 250g raspberries, plus extra to serve, if you like 225g caster sugar 2 large eggs, plus 4 egg yolks 600ml double cream sprinkles and cones to serve METHOD

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Place the raspberries and 2 tbsp of the sugar in a small pan. Cook on a medium heat until sugar dissolves. Simmer for 5 mins until thickened, then push through a sieve into a bowl and discard the seeds left in the sieve. Place the eggs, egg yolks and remaining sugar in a bowl. Whisk with an electric whisk to combine, then place over a pan of gently simmering water – make sure the bowl isn’t actually touching the water. Beat with the electric whisk for 3-4 mins until thick and pawle. Remove from heat and continue beating until cool. In another bowl, whisk the cream until it forms soft peaks, then gently fold into the cool egg mix until just combined. Pour the mix into a shallow container or dish that can be frozen. Gently swirl the raspberry coulis through, cover with cling film and freeze for at least 6 hrs. Serve scoops in bowls or scoop into cones and top with sprinkles for the kids.

ChristchurchEYE 31

ÂŁ7.50 EYE TEST Valid for one test booked on or before 27 September 2014 at discounted price of only ÂŁ7.50. Present voucher at time of test. Cannot be exchanged for cash, used with other vouchers or redeemed by customers already entitled to a free NHS eye test. One per person, at named Specsavers stores only. CODE 2639 Christchurch 34 High Street. Tel 01202 480 707

32 ChristchurchEYE

On The Water

If you go down to Christchurch Quay in almost John any weather you will see people of all ages powering up and down the river on one man, two man and four man rowing boats. These high performance boats are all based at Christchurch Rowing Club, next to The Captains Club hotel. Founded over 60 years ago, CRC has a wealth of history and experience, and today many former rowers have returned as experienced coaches inspiring the next generation. Christchurch Rowing Club was established in 1948, originally occupying premises further up the River Stour from its current location. The present club house was built in the mid 1960s with a new extension completed in 2008. CRC has a long history of competitive rowing and was a power house throughout the 1970s and 1980s when the club won numerous prestigious honours. Christchurch Rowing Club is a competitive sports club that adopts the ‘sport for all’ approach and encourages all ages and abilities to participate. For those dedicated and determined enough to progress in rowing, CRC creates pathways for national selection. The Club provides comprehensive rowing facilities including safety boats, land based rowing machines plus storage for boats and equipment. Christchurch Rowing Regatta used to be mid summer, to coincide with the funfair and fireworks. As the river has become more congested this popular all day event is being held earlier this year on Saturday 28th June. I will be in the Blue Ride RIB providing safety cover at the racing start line outside of The Captains Club. Head for the river bank and support your local rowers in the yellow vests of CRC at this year’s regatta. See you on the water!

John Haynes Blue Ride ChristchurchEYE 33

Christchurch Rotary

The Yanks are coming!

If you had been present at our Club Meeting of the 20th May you would have witnessed Rotary in all its glory. Why? Because at this meeting we welcomed Debbie and Mark Paul Worthington who joined us and gave regards from their home club Batavia Coast, Southern Australia. We also gave a muchappreciated cheque of £3,000 to Julia’s House (funds raised from the Swimafun). Local people will know all about this marvellous charity with its shop on our High Street. Julia’s House have seen their government funding slashed in recent years so charities like ours helping them gives them a much needed boost. We also welcomed Adam Leemans from the U.S.A, a Rotary District Grant Scholar. Adam is a student from WestPoint studying at Southampton University. Adam came and gave us a talk on the Military / Engineering, and how the U.S run the world (I made that bit up!). Seriously though, he held our total attention, delivering all that he said with typical American enthusiasm. The club enjoyed his visit especially when he spoke so warmly of the U.K Military Forces and the Rotary Organisation worldwide. This is just another way in which Rotary gets involved in today’s world. He did mention that when an annual training competition is held at WestPoint, the team to beat is Sandhurst. We could have perhaps done with him on the Eurovision voting panel? So, this meeting was all about the hand of friendship,sponsoring overseas and financially supporting Julia’s House. Basically, Rotary doing what it does, day in day out throughout the world, and I’m proud to be part of it, and you could be to! Regards

Paul Lawton Want to know more? Contact James Moreton Email: 34 ChristchurchEYE

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Christchurch Rents – what’s been happening since the Credit crunch?

It might surprise some readers that the average rent that tenants have had to pay for a property in Christchurch, is only 6% higher than the previous peak of 2008. After Autumn/Winter of 2008, throughout the UK, there was a major dip in the rents that were being achieved of around 10% to 15%. However, in Christchurch, that dip was only around 5% and since 2010 and the credit crunch, rents have steadily risen by around 1.5% to 2% a year and by 2013 rolling into 2014, a lack of decently presented stock available to rent means rental averages are, in the main, continuing to rise.


Looking at this in greater detail, the average rent in Christchurch in 2008 was £804 per month. In 2009, this dropped to £766 per month (a 5% drop as mentioned above). Rents steadily rose in the next two years and it took until 2012 until rents broke the 2008 peak, reaching £831 per month. Rental levels are primarily driven by affordability and therefore by tenants wages. That is why in rents stagnated in 2013 at £832 per month in the town because of the squeeze on Christchurch wages. However, due in part to the demand of tenants from Bournemouth who are happy to commute, there are still plenty of tenants willing to pay for well maintained properties in nice locations, and as we find ourselves over a third of the way into 2014, with wage rises coming through for some tenants and the extra demand from people willing to commute to Bournemouth, the average rent in Christchurch has risen to £852 per month (a decent rise of nearly 2.5% year on year). From a landlord perspective, the steady rise in rents is good news, as ideally rents need to keep up with inflation to maintain investment returns. With yields of around 4% a year in the town and property prices in Christchurch also rising by 15.7% in the last 5 years (after the large fall in 2008 after the credit crunch), maybe Christchurch could be one of the few areas across the UK where it might be possible to secure capital growth returns and potentially higher income (yields) in the future. Feel free to pop through the door of our new offices on Bargates or send me an email to Jeremy Clarke, Belvoir 01202 588920

ChristchurchEYE 35

A Club for Every Artist

The Highcliffe Art Fellowship has thrived for over 50 years. Based in the Methodist Church Hall in the centre of Highcliffe, this club has a full membership of 150, with a waiting list. The Fellowship has always promoted a very inclusive policy. Everyone, whether active artist or simply interested in art, is made most welcome.

of work is considered to be very high, covering a wide range of subjects including landscapes, portraits, still life and abstract.

Meetings are held each month, on the first Wednesday afternoon. Typically, a respected artist paints a demonstration picture. As this is filmed, it is shown in real time on a large TV screen so that everyone can see the details. For the hard of hearing, a loop system is installed in the hall. Many media are demonstrated, encouraging everyone to try new skills.

Alongside the main framed exhibition, there is also a selection of unframed bargains and three racks of greetings cards, many of which are also original work. Two prizes are awarded each year. Josephine Spencer, MBE and former Mayor of Christchurch, has been President of the Club for some years. She awards the President’s Prize to the picture that touches her the most. Every visitor to the exhibition is also encouraged to vote for their favourite picture. There’s certainly plenty of choice!

Members who paint and like to display their original work have the opportunity to do so at the annual exhibition, held for three weeks each summer in Highcliffe. Every picture entered is hung. The standard




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ChristchurchEYE 41

Useful Contacts

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0800 038 2323

Medical/Health Services NHS Direct 111 Bournemouth Hospital 01202 30 36 26 Christchurch Hospital 01202 486 361 British Red Cross Medical Loan Service 01202 484074 Local Council & Services Christchurch Borough Council Dorset County Council Christchurch Information Centre Regent Centre Bournemouth Airport Post Office Dorset Family Information Service

01202 495000 01305 251000 01202 471780 01202 499199 01202 364000 0845 722 3344 01305 221066

Helplines Anti-­‐social Behaviour 01202 495044 Trading Standards 01305 224 012 Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 245 1291 Childline 0800 11 11 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 NSPCC 0808 800 50 00 Southern Electric 0845 071 3953 British Gas 0800 048 0202 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Environment Agency 03708 506506 National Drugs Helpline 0300 123 6600 Age Concern 0800 169 6565 National Debtline 0808 808 40 00 Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555 Narcotics Anonymous 0300 999 1212 Overeaters Anonymous 07000 784985 Taxi Firms Christchurch Radio Cabs Chritax Priory Cabs

01202 48 48 48 01202 47 00 00 01202 47 44 44

Chemists The Grove Pharmacy 01202 484310 48 The Grove, Christchurch Mon – Fri 9-6 Sat 9-1 Wessex Pharmacies 01202 482197 186 Somerford Road, Christchurch Mon-Fri 9-1.15/2.15-5.30 Sat 9-1.15 Rowlands Pharmacy 01202 484840 136 Purewell, Christchurch Mon-Fri 8.45-6.30 Sat 8.45-1 Your Local Boots Pharmacy 01202 486276 2A Twynham Avenue, Christchurch Mon-Fri 8.45-1/2-6.15 Mudeford Pharmacy 01425 272798 94 Mudeford, Christchurch Mon-Fri 9-1/2-5.30(Weds ‘til 1) Sat 9-1/2-5 Boots the Chemist 01202 483034 23 Saxon Square, Christchurch Mon-Sat 9-1.30/2.30-5.30 Burton Pharmacy 01202 477771 123 Salisbury Road, Burton Mon-Fri 9-1/2-6.30

Local Libraries

Lloyds 01425 274291 Christchurch Library 01202 485938 248 Lymington Road, Mon 9.30-5.30 Tues 10-7 Weds 9.3-1 Thu 9.30-7 Fri 9.30-5.30 Sat Highcliffe 9-4 Mon-Fri 8.45-5.30 Sat 9-4 Highcliffe Library 01425 272202 Mon 10-6.30 Tue 9.3-5 Wed Closed Thu 9.3-1 Fri 9.30-6.30 Sat 9.30-4

42 ChristchurchEYE

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44 ChristchurchEYE

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