ChristchurchEYE Your Local Community Magazine
March 2014 • ISSUE 48
Keeping Trade Local
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Magazine Editor & Publisher Cheryl Dennett t: 01202 477214 (9am - 7pm)
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Jenny Wigman t: 01202 477214
Peter Watson-Lee, Rachel Clark, Grace Ball, Charlotte Richards, Joshua Arkell, Regent Centre, Rachel Manley, Lee Bestall & Phil Tate.
Congratulations to Mrs Heather Partiss and D L Coombe for winning our January competitions!
Call us today on 01202 487 117 254 - 258 Barrack Road, Christchurch, BH23 2BJ
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editor’s letter
Wow, I can’t believe it’s March already. I’m hoping that by the time you are reading this that the copious amounts of rain have eased up somewhat and that the beginnings of spring are well and truly on their way, goodness knows we could do with a bit of cheering up weather-wise. For this month’s recipe I’ve steered away from my safe haven of baking cakes and have chosen a ‘Slow Cooker Beef Curry’ which you can prepare first in the morning and come teatime….voila! Now that’s my kind of cooking! Why not try your hand at the Sudoku competition this month? It’s a fabulous prize of 2 tickets to see the Easter Holiday Special by The Glad Rag Production Company performed at The Regent, a truly spectacular show not to be missed. There’s a lot higher chance of winning local competitions so come on, get those entries in. Lastly, don’t forget that the clocks go forward an hour at 1am on the last Sunday in March (30th). Until next month,
Cheryl Cheryl Dennett Editor & Publisher
Local History by Phil Tate Mindbenders Peter's Business Column What's On Community Notices Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Win £25! Adopt A Pet An English Mum Restaurant Review -‐ Upper Deck Totally Locally Christchurch Christchurch Citizens Association Harbour Watch Boat Jumble Local Property Market Coffee Break Christchurch Rotary Kid's Page Regent Listings Treasure Island Review Recipe Garden View Fairmile Florist Teen Column Dorset POPP CCC Poem Index Puzzle Solutions Useful Contacts
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Local History by Phil Tate
The Complete Package to Revitalise Your Feet on sale at footrescue
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CHRISTCHURCH COACH HOLIDAYS 2014 5 DAYS – ISLE OF WIGHT THE SHANKLIN HOTEL Monday 21st April – Friday 25th April £249 per person Half Board
9 DAYS - AUSTRIAN TYROL St JOHAN THE BABYMIO HOTEL ALL 4* OVERNIGHTS IN GERMANY Saturday 17th May - Sunday 25th May £689 per person - Singles £799 Half Board
5 DAYS – TENBY THECLIFFE NORTON HOTEL Friday 9th May Tuesday 13th May £249 per person Half Board 8 DAYS - SCOTLAND ULLAPOOL THE CALEDONIAN HOTEL (OVERNIGHTS IN GRETNA) Sunday 14th Sept Sunday 21st September £399 perperson Half Board
5 DAYS – BABBACOMBE Nr TORQUAY THE SEFTON HOTEL Monday 31st March – Friday 4th April £199 per person Half Board
6 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL 6 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL THE CLIFFE NORTON HOTEL THE CLIFFE NORTON HOTEL Thursday 6th Nov – Monday 10th Nov Thursday 6th Nov – Monday 10th Nov £249 per person Half Board £249 per person Half Board 5 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL THE SEFTON HOTEL BABBACOMBE Monday 1st Dec – Friday 5th December £199 per person Half Board
6 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL WESTON-SUPER-MARE THE YORK HOTEL ON SEA FRONT Monday 17th Nov - Saturday 22nd Nov £239 per person Half Board
Business Column
he Mexican standoff between the three supermarket developers in Christchurch appears to have left only one supermarket standing. A packed Christchurch Council Planning Committee meeting again firmly threw out the plan by Beagles in Stony Lane Christchurch
to sell their factory to Morrisons to develop a supermarket. This was their second major attempt and the building had been redesigned and the traffic flows had been reconfigured. However the Council Committee remained very concerned about the trade diversion such a development would cause. They were unconvinced by suggestions that “linked trips” (people coming to the supermarket and going on into the town) would negate the adverse affect the supermarket would have on Christchurch High Street.
2 Church Street Christchurch 499466
RICHARD GODSELL Est. 1928 Local independent Architect ARB and RIBA registered
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The following week the same planning committee robustly refused the application for a large supermarket to be developed at Meteor Park (the site at the top of Somerford where the old PC World stands). The site still has planning permission for a large food store, but their attempt to get that extended to an even larger supermarket was rejected. The only surviving planning permission for a large supermarket, likely to be ASDA, is at Bailey Bridge behind the retail park on Barrack Road. Outline planning permission for this supermarket exists although they seem strangely slow in coming forward with the detailed planning application that will enable them to start work. It is clear there is insufficient demand in Christchurch to justify three new supermarkets. Having just the one in West Christchurch may well be the best way forward. However so much money is at stake for the developers that appeals may yet be issued. Accordingly we still cannot be certain that future range of Christchurch supermarkets is finally decided.
Peter Watson-Lee President Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce
Answers on Page 40 ChristchurchEYE
What’s On
refreshments and drinks available 10.30am-1.30pm Friday 7th March The Friday Crafters are back at the Regent Cinema, Christchurch on Friday 7th March 10-3pm.
Friday 28th February to Sunday 30th March The Tuckton Six is a new group of lady artists, many well known in their own right who are now jointly showing works that portray their individual strengths at the Kings Hotel in Christchurch.
Friday 7th March Christchurch Strollers - Stanpit Marsh - Meet at the car park at 10.30. This walk has some inclines and uneven surfaces. Walks are free. For more information contact Wilbert Smith on 01202495088 or
w h a t ’s o n
Entries are listed FREE of charge for local groups and events. Submit your listing online at
Now until Thursday 6th March Fashion Fortnight - CADArts members showcase a collection of wearable fashion and accessories at The Hayloft Gallery 14 Wick Lane, Christchurch Open Mon-Sat 10-4 Saturday 1st March onwards Hatch Gallery will be introducing two exciting new artists: Ceramicist Andrew Macdermott and Sculptor James Eddy, Hatch Gallery, 7a Church Street, Christchurch, BH23 1JJ, 07787517958, Open Tues - Sat 10.30-4pm. Saturday 1st March Craft and Vintage Fayre - 10am-1pm, Bransgore Village Hall, Burley Rd, Bransgore BH23 8AY. Craft and Vintage Fayre, 30 stalls of local handmade crafts and Vintage treasures. Valentines gifts. Refreshments and homemade cakes at Vintage prices! FREE ENTRY. Supporting Julias House. Saturday 1st March Christchurch Fairtrade Day at the Baptist Church on Bargates from 10.30am until 2.30pm. Help us celebrate Christchurch being awarded Fairtrade Borough status. Free admission, Fairtrade foods and crafts, free chocolate fountain. For more info. contact 07878382010 Saturday 1st March St George’s Church Jumpers Road Christchurch restart their table sales on Saturday 1st March. 10am ‘til 1pm. Refreshments will include pancakes and there will be tombola. Do come along and browse for a bargain. Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 26th March Stan’s Blues Jam at The Thomas Tripp, Christchurch BH23 1HX on Tuesday 4th March (and the First Tuesday Every Month) and at The Avon Causeway, Hurn BH23 6AS on Wednesday 26th March (and Last Wednesday Every Month). Details at www.stansbluesjam. Thursday 6th March – Thursday 27th March Christchurch Priory - Lunchtime Organ Concerts Thursdays at 12:30pm - March 6th Geoffrey Morgan (Christchurch Priory) March 13th Sam Hanson (St Peter’s Bournemouth) March 20th Hugh Morris (Christchurch Priory) March 27th Benjamin Bloor (New College Oxford) Admission free - retiring collection Light lunches,
10 ChristchurchEYE
Tuesday 11th March Christchurch Strollers - Highcliffe Castle - Meet at public information board in the car park at 10.30. This walk has some inclines and uneven surfaces. Walks are free. For more information contact Wilbert Smith on 01202-495088 or wsmith@ Thursday 13th March Christchurch Strollers - St. Catherine’s Hill - Meet at entrance to Marsh Lane car park, off Fairmile at 10.30. This walk has steeper slopes and slightly rougher terrain. Walks are free. For more information contact Wilbert Smith on 01202-495088 or wsmith@ Thursday 13th March Christchurch Library, 2.30pm “How I get my Inspirations” a talk by Rosemary Allen, local author of “Listening to Brahms” and short stories. Library Friends £1.50, Non-Members £3, including refreshments. Telephone 01202 485938 or call into library for tickets. Friday 14th March A Spring Craft Fair is being held at Christchurch Junior School, from 6-9pm. Entry 50p on the door for adults, free for children. Come along and join us - refreshments will be available. Saturday 15th March RNLI Model Boat Show - in Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall a day displaying model boats from 10am-4pm. Coffee, refreshments, cakes, books, souvenirs. Admission free, donations welcome. Look forward to seeing you. Saturday 15th March Christchurch Priory - concert Series 2014 - Bournemouth Bach Choir: perform Haydn - Nelson Mass Handel - Dixit Dominus Bach - Motet: Fürchte dich nicht Tickets from Regent Centre Box Office 01202 499199 or on the door. (doors open 7pm) Sunday 16th March Charity Bike Ride - 9am start. 2 circular routes starting from Portfield School, Parley Lane, Christchurch. BH23 6BP. 30 miles: Adult £15 in advance, £20 on the day. 60 miles: Adult £20 in advance, £25
on the day. Enter online at For further information please call Paul Reade on 01202 703597. Tuesday 18th March Christchurch Strollers - Saxon Square - Meet outside Oswald Bailey at 10.30. This walk is easy level walking, mainly paved. Walks are free. For more information contact Wilbert Smith on 01202495088 or Thursday 20th March Come to the Red House Museum 6pm for a relaxed craft evening. This month is ‘Make an Owl’. We will be running a workshop on the third Thursday of each month. £12.50, Concessions £6.25 Includes refreshments see 01202 482860 Wednesday 26th – Saturday 29th March Marking the 75th anniversary of the start of World War II, Milton Musical Society with their live orchestra, are presenting Lionel Bart’s Musical, Blitz! Live at The REGENT CENTRE. Table Top Sale at the Regent Centre every Monday & Saturday from 10-3pm, selling a variety of items, Costume/Vintage Jewellery, scarf’s, Handbags, DVD’s, Homemade delicious cakes, Pet Art, etc...
To see more events in Christchurch visit
Regular Markets Every Monday - Christchurch Market (all year) Up to 100 traders selling a variety of food, clothes, household goods, plants and bric-a-brac in the mainly traffic-free High Street and Saxon Square. Christchurch Country Market. Everything homebaked, homemade and home-grown locally. Every Monday 9.30-11.30. Druitt Hall (behind library). Refreshments available.
Community Notices Contact the elderly is looking for volunteer host and hostesses who would be willing to entertain up to six elderly people and two car drivers one Sunday afternoon a year. Reserve drivers required. Call 01202 424482 Carolyn Dennis.
Long and Short distance, covering Airports and Docks
Landline: 01202 484 309 Mobile: 07854 843 350
Email: Web:
Local Domestic Cleaning Company
A Beautiful Clean One off clean, clean and tidy or a regular booking Please contact us:
07788 454487 or 01202 477812
10% Discount for First Clean
FUNERAL DIRECTORS Miller Bros. & F.P. Butler Ltd A privately owned family business established in Christchurch for over 100 years
Personal Service available 24 hours a day Competitive prices to suit your needs Burials & Cremations
119 Bargates Christchurch BH23 1QH
ChristchurchEYE 11
Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Fitness, Sport and Wellbeing Tuesday Lunchtime R&R - Candlelit Hatha Yoga & Relaxation 12:30-13:45 at The Wessex Health Network, Christchurch. Everyone welcome – mixed ability class suitable for all. British Wheel of Yoga Teacher. Please call (07966) 199875 or email for more information. £6.50 per week (£7 drop in if space available). Beautiful Sounds - 2nd Thursday each month - music sessions for adults with learning disabilities includes singing, playing small instruments and having fun! Led by our experienced and expert Stuart Jebbitt. Next session 13th March at 11.15 - 12.45 Cost £5. 01425 276161 or to book. More information www. Yoga - new classes for 2014! - Chair Yoga - A friendly, mixed class for a gentler practice on WEDNESDAYS, Portfield Hall 1pm-2pm. Teens Yoga - A class to “wind down” after a day at school or college. TUESDAY, Wessex, Stour Rd. 3:454:45pm. Chi Kung Exercise Classes - Come and join us on Friday mornings 10.45am-12.15 in the upstairs Studio at Wessex Health, 17 Stour Road, Christchurch BH23 1PL. Car park at rear. Please call Poppy 01202 735560. Yoga Classes - Every Monday 0915-1015 & Wednesday 0930-1000 at the Bay Tree, Saxon Square, Christchurch. Ideal for beginners, busy mums and those who prefer a gentler pace! Kindly text/call Elaine Rees 07504 823517 or email to book a class. FANCY PLAYING CRICKET? - Mudeford Cricket Club’s four Saturday teams cover all abilities from teenagers to 60+. Join us at Christchurch Sports Club, Hurn Bridge any Thursday in April for nets at 7pm. for more info and contacts including junior teams. Get inspired! Pregnancy yoga based exercise, breathing & relaxation classes. Stretch & strengthen your body, relieve aches & pains and prepare for birth. Suitable for all abilities including complete beginners, from 14 weeks of pregnancy. Tuesdays in Christchurch. Contact Rosa 07837 218374
12 ChristchurchEYE
Art and Craft Highcliffe Horticultural Society - On Monday 3rd March at St. Mark’s church hall, Hinton Wood Avenue, Highcliffe there will be an illustrated talk on “Exploring the North Island of New Zealand” given by Mrs.Rosemary Legrand. Visitors Entrance Fee £1-00. Time 7-30pm. SUSAN KNIGHTS ‘Jump in and Get Wet’ Watercolour Classes in small, friendly, informative classes - overlooking beautiful Christchurch Harbour. Contact Sue on 01202 481099 or email www. Carbery Machine knitting Club - We meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at St George’s Church Hall Annex on Jumpers Rd, Christchurch. BH23 2JR from 7-9pm. We are a small friendly group and have demonstrations and speakers. More information from Joy 01202 489614 Christchurch Floral Society “Secondhand Rose” is the title of well known local demonstrator Carol Norman who will be at the Priory hall Princess Avenue for the next meeting on March 7th at 2pm. Doors open 1-30 New members welcome. Weekly Jewellery & Silversmithing classes in the centre of Christchurch. Tues & weds mornings 10-1pm and Thursday evening 7-9pm. Small sociable classes of varied abilities. Classes cover a range of techniques including piercing, soldering, casting, stone setting and enamelling. Contact Louise 07789 915694 Bransgore Horticultural Society March meeting - lecture on Pelargoniums by Roger Butler. Thursday 6th March commencing at 7.30pm, Resource Centre, Ringwood Road, Bransgore. Visitors/new members always welcome.
Children Highcliffe Hawks Girls Football training - every Friday evening 6-7pm at Mudeford Wood Community Centre. For girls in year 4, 5 & 6. All abilities welcome. Please contact Annie for more information and to register 07780 933393 or email Award-winning Music classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Come and join the wonderful world of music, learning and fun with educational and inspiring classes held on Monday mornings, term time at The Regent Centre. Contact 0845 643 5025
Creative Ballet Classes for children 3+ at Portfield Hall, Christchurch, BH23 2AQ Thursday from 3.45pm. The classes are fun and creative with an emphasis on building confidence and coordination as well as teaching poise, movement quality, musicality, spatial awareness, strength and flexibility. Call Sally on 07950459119 or email sally. Clubs and Societies Play an instrument? Come along to the Christchurch and District Community Concert Band. Rehearsals Tuesday 7.30pm at the Priory School, Christchurch. Call 07974 320122 for more info. www.christchurchanddistrictband. THE HEALING TRUST (established 1954) Over 20 years in Christchurch, Healing given on Tuesdays from 1.30–2.30 at Portfield Hall, Portfield Road, Christchurch. BH23 2AQ. No appointment necessary. Minimum Donation £4, for more information contact Steve on 01202 478479 anytime. Highliffe W.I. - Doors open at 7.15pm on Thurs 20 March at the Day Centre, Lymington Rd for tales of the “Secret Agents of Beaulieu.” If you’d like to visit Highcliffe WI for this meeting, please ring our secretary on 01425-271995 to find out more. Amberwood-Highcliffe Afternoon Women’s Institute will meet at Methodist Church Hall, Highcliffe, 2pm, Wednesday, 19th March. Please come and join us. Speaker is Mike Read “Barn Owl – Under the Cloak of Darkness”. Enjoy tea, biscuits, raffle, and sales table.
meet at THE GALLEON, 189 Lymington Road, Highcliffe on the first Tuesday of the month. Take time out and drop in between 11:30am and 2:30pm to socialise in a friendly and informal setting. Lunch available if required. Call Pat on 07985-088549. New Computer Skills sessions now being held for 6+ at Homelands Community Hall, Homelands Estate, King’s Avenue, Christchurch on Thursday afternoons between 2 and 4pm. Non-residents welcome. Admission only £2. Call Ray on 01202 471110 for details Message Christchurch 50+ extends a warm welcome to active unattached ladies & gentlemen over 50 to our lively social/ friendship group. Come and enjoy many varied activities. We meet every other Wednesday evening. Please ring for more details. 01202 657914 / 01202 489626 / 01425 611058
Entries are listed FREE of charge. One listing per group/organisation. Listed on a first come, first served basis. Visit to submit your listing online.
Home & Gifts Mother Day March 30th
CHRISTCHURCH PROBUS CLUB - Meets 10.15am on the 1st Tuesday monthly at the East Close Hotel, Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch. A very friendly welcome awaits all retired professional and businessmen. Interesting speakers and excellent lunches! Please contact the Secretary, Robin Haggett on 01202-482528. Coffee mornings every Tuesday & Wednesday 9-11.30. Refreshments with homemade cakes, clothes & bric a brac. Why not join us at The Salvation Army, Stour Road, where a warm welcome awaits you. Monday Social Club at Portfield Hall. Friendly day out including morning coffee, 2 course freshly cooked lunch. We play Scrabble, Dominos and Canasta. Taxi transfers can be arranged at nominal cost. Contact Les Denmead on 01202 470929 for more information. Highcliffe & Christchurch Male Carers’ Social Group now
Come & see our hand painted furniture & vintage room! New opening hours enjoy a long weekend of shopping Open: Friday 10am-530pm Saturday 10am-530pm Sunday 11am-4pm Monday 10am to 530pm, Closed: Tuesday to Thursday by appointment only
93 Bargates Christchurch BH23 1QQ 01202 483018
ChristchurchEYE 13
Adopt a Pet
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’m Larry, a funny and sweet lurcher. I’m around 18 months old and 27 inches to the shoulder. I’m a smart dog and will do anything for food. I could live with other dogs or children. I’m clean in the house and have good recall. I love fluffy toys and plenty of cuddles. I would make an amazing pet for an active family.
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We’ve been to a cheapish and cheery pizza place, (where I knocked over a bottle of red), the usual Chinese, Indian’s and carvery’s, various pub’s and on one occasion a very expensive one (with portions so tiny we had a trip to Bargate’s chippy on the way home!).
Win £25! There are 5 Pooky the Bears in this month’s magazine. What pages are they on? (Not including this one!) Send your answers to:
Local Eye Mags Competitions PO Box 7812 Christchurch Dorset BH23 9HZ
Pages............................................. Name............................................ Address........................................ ...................................................... ...................................................... Answers to be received no later than 31st March 2014
14 ChristchurchEYE
s Spring slowly buds into life, the cheery heads of yellow daffodils beginning to sprout remind me that it will soon be my wedding anniversary. This year is one of those landmark ones — silver, a whole 25 years! Over Rachel 21 of those years have been happily spent here in Christchurch, and with no shortage of restaurants to choose from here we’ve had many a celebratory meal in town.
However, the one that sticks out most in my memory was our very first anniversary meal as Christchurch residents. We chose a lovely local English restaurant which was fairly lavish by our standards, but had a good reputation for excellent food. We were not disappointed. My husband chose a starter of deep fried camembert, a main of chicken in a rich creamy sauce, and a dessert of a large portion of creme bru·lée (a ‘90s menu if ever there was one!). Did you spot his deliberate mistake? Yep, an extraordinarily large cream overdose! Whilst enjoying each course on it’s own merits, by the time we came to pay the bill I was left holding the credit card while my husband, who had begun to look a bit green round the gills, dashed outside and revisited all three courses in the bushes! Out of 25 years of celebrations, why is it always the disasters we remember most?! I don’t know where we’ll end up this year, but I do know what my present is: remember my new little rescue doggy, who has brought us nothing but joy and laughter since he arrived? Well, we’ve called him Silver! An English Mum
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ChristchurchEYE 15
A GREAT PLACE TO RELAX, DINE AND DRINK where coastal heritage meets yacht chic, guests are welcome to visit throughout the day. From early morning coffees, long lunches from the outdoor grill, Afternoon Tea and sundowners on the terrace, rolling into the buzz of dinner and drinks under the stars...
A G R EA T BRI TI S H S UN DAY LU NCH Enjoy a fantastic choice of fish and seafood starters alongside terrines and of course Alex’s twice baked cheese soufflé, followed by some great roasts, from classic beef, pork and lamb to whole chickens, duck and locally caught fish to share. Desserts from naught ice cream cocktails to puddings and chocolate fondant. 3 courses £21.50
A N E V E N I N G WI TH DES O’CONNOR Join us on Thursday 27th March 2014, for a night of food, drink and once in a lifetime opportunity to be up close and personal with the world-wide star Des O’Connor. Expect anecdotes from Des’ glittering career, along with a rare chance to enjoy music and singing from the award-winning man himself in this intimate setting. £59.50 per person, to include: • Arrival drinks • Three course meal • Entertainment from Des and the band
TO BOOK PLEASE CALL UPPER DECK 01202 400954 • Christchurch Harbour Hotel •
95 Mudeford, Christchurch BH23 3NT
16 ChristchurchEYE
Restaurant Review - Upper Deck The Upper Deck restaurant and bar is located within the Christchurch Harbour hotel, which overlooks Christchurch Harbour from arguably one of the best viewpoints in the area. This is one of the many premium hotels that fall under the Harbour hotel group banner. Each of the hotels are located within premier south coast destinations offering waterside views and the same touch of luxury. Seeing as this is therefore not their first attempt at an up market, inhouse restaurant, the Upper Deck comes with an air of pedigree and expectation before you even enter the venue. On arrival, it is not immediately clear where to head in order to find the restaurant and the lack of a clear matradee’s service desk leaves you wondering whether to proceed straight to the bar or to linger at the entrance and await further instructions. This being said, the member of staff that came to greet us was extremely helpful and efficient delivering us to our table and making up for any previous confusion. Once inside and sat down within the restaurant there is a very personal feel which puts you at ease. Although a large restaurant you do not feel like one of many diners but the ambience, sound level and lighting all added to the whole experience. The interior design has been carefully composed and puts across the ‘Upper Deck’ theme with tasteful integrated design. Although we had our dining experience in the evening you could see how the décor, bar and window design and view would make you feel like you were sat in the first class dining suite of a classic ship just setting sail. There were two menus offered to us on the night. The first being the a la carte menu which had a carefully compiled selection of meat, vegetarian and fish dishes across each course. The second menu provided a 3 course for £30 option. This once again gave plenty of choice for even the fussiest of diners - a hard thing to do when designing a set menu. It was nice to see from the menu that the restaurant and hotel were clearly supporting locally supplied produce. I believe it is important to support the local community where possible sourcing from the local farms and fisherman. On ordering our starters and main course we were brought round a choice of artisan breads and mushroom amuse bouche waking up our palette before getting our starters. One of the highlights of the starters was Alex’s twice baked cheese soufflé; it was creamy light with an amazing rich flavour, just divine. I would definitely recommend trying it when you go. For the main courses we chose to have the fish & chips and the steak. To finish off the evening we indulged in the chocolate pot, which was the star of the evening; warm, gooey chocolate heaven topped with a sour raspberry coulis – a perfect match. Accompanying the dessert our waiter chose a dessert wine which had a rich raisin and almond flavour reminiscent of the taste of Christmas pudding making an unusual but perfect addition to the pudding. The food was good and could not be faulted. The portions were generous and served by some extremely attentive and personable waitresses. Another highlight of the evening was the option to add the flight of wines to the dinner courses. This meant that according to your choice of food a wine was selected and delivered with that course, each wine was then explained to you. This added to the evening and elevated the restaurant above its competitors by offering something unique and special. Service – Helpful, Attentive 5/5 Eyes Atmosphere – Busy but personal 5/5 Eyes Food – Good but didn’t blow you away 4/5 Eyes Value–You wouldn’t catch scurvy but might blow the budget 4/5 Eyes Venue – Spectacular views 5/5 Eyes Overall Rating: 4/5 Eyes Our pick: Dining on a summers evening or afternoon would give you that spectacular view as well as the unique dining experience. Plus, it is perfect for when celebrating that special occasion. Reviewed by Charlotte Richards & Joshua Arkell
ChristchurchEYE 17
Windows | Doors | Conservatories Replacement Conservatory Roofs
Tower View Delivering Lasting Quality No Salesmen Christchurch based Low overheads = High quality value for money products Why not contact us today for a free quotation & be pleasantly surprised. Tel: 01202 269166 Mob: 07738 422150 or 07876 355051 Email
18 ChristchurchEYE
Christchurch Citizens Association
localE YE magazines Leaflet Delivery We can deliver your leaflets to between 1,000 and 7,000 homes Only ÂŁ35 + VAT per 1000 Call 01202 477214 or email
arch comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, wishful thinking maybe but the clocks go forward, days are longer, the lawn needs mowing again, daffodils and snowdrops appear. Spring is really here. We were very pleased to see so many new faces at our last meeting. To hear that the trees in Druitt Gardens are not to be felled was extremely good news. It would be nice to think that Druitt Hall could also be saved for local residents. To try and achieve this aim the CCA have approached Christchurch Borough Council. The hall is used by many groups including the W.I., playgroups, table tennis and of course the CCA meetings to name but a few. In light of the recent floods and numerous road works it can be seen that Christchurch is becoming gridlocked so perhaps it is now time to reconsider a relief road to combat the growing congestion? We meet on the first Monday of the month the next being 7th April.
Qualified - Insured - Approved & # % & " & # " " & " ! & "# $ & "% ! " ! & " & " Email: 6 Kings Avenue | Christchurch Dorset BH23 1NB
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01202 Â 477310 ChristchurchEYE 19
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MMCG welcomes you to an exclusive open day event at
Homefield Grange Luxury Care Home, Christchurch
Open Day Weekend Friday 28th February 11am - 6pm
Saturday 1st March 2pm - 5pm t 'BNJMZ %BZ
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20 ChristchurchEYE
Dementia Nursing
Dementia Residential
Stanpit Boat Jumble 2014 – A Date for your Diary
hristchurch Harbour Watch and the Christchurch unit of the Maritime Volunteer Service (MVS) will be holding the second annual ‘Stanpit Boat Jumble’ at Stanpit Recreation Ground, Mudeford between 10am and 4pm on Sunday, 6th April 2014. Last year’s event was a great success with traders and visitors enjoying a sunny spring day and an early season opportunity to buy and sell a large variety of boating equipment in plenty of time for the summer. The 2014 event will include drinks and refreshments provided by the local Sea Scouts, as well as hot snacks and food. A variety of local maritime businesses will be represented at the event and, as well as the jumble, visitors will have the opportunity to try their hand at skippering a RIB powerboat through a virtual representation of Christchurch or Poole Harbour on a boat simulator designed and built by a local software specialist. Car parking is just £3 on the day, with a percentage of all money raised going to support the Christchurch Harbour Watch, the Christchurch MVS unit and the local Sea Scouts. Further details of the event or organisations involved can be had by contacting David Dale on 07977404524 or by visiting the local Maritime Volunteer Service website for flyers and stallholder forms at
YOUR CHILDREN ARE AMAZING ALREADY. WE JUST HELP THEM PROVE IT. From Reception to Year 11, NumberWorks’nWords afterschool tuition brings out the best in every student by: s tailoring lessons according to each individual’s needs
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ChristchurchEYE 21
Queensmead A Care South Residential Care Home Thinking of moving into a care home? We’re here to help Situated in the heart of the Christchurch community, we provide quality residential care in a home-from-home atmosphere. Whether you’re looking short respite stay or a new home, we offer a warm welcome, comfort, security and peace of mind. To arrange a visit or find out more, please contact the Queensmead manager, Janine May
01202 485176
Care South is a leading provider of residential and home care across the south of England RESIDENTIAL
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22 ChristchurchEYE
Christchurch property market report
landlord with a small property portfolio came into our office on Fountain Way (near Waitrose) last week. He in lives in Highcliffe, near the golf course and has properties in both Christchurch and Barton on Sea. He wanted to ask my opinion on the property markets in both towns and where he should purchase his next Buy to let property. Looking at Barton on Sea, the average property price can be an impressive £355,600 Jeremy and the average rent is equally high at £882 per month. In Christchurch, an average property is £317,800 and the average rent is only £852 per month. The annual yield in Barton on Sea could be only 2.9% per year, compared to Christchurch where he could achieve an annual yield of nearer 3.2%. However, investing in property is not just about yield. One must also consider the increase in value of the property. Quite interestingly, property values over the last two years in Barton on Sea have risen by 5.4% whilst in Christchurch, in the same period, they rose by an impressive 8.3% (all of that being in 2013 as property values were stagnant throughout 2012 in Christchurch). However, if you look more medium term, property values since 2009 in Christchurch have risen 15.1% whilst Barton on Sea have fared slightly better at 16.3%. It just goes to show how different areas change on a year by year basis. Therefore, I would say both towns can be a good area for an investment property, but it is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. These are only averages, so the yields for 2 bedroom apartments in some areas of Christchurch can achieve yields of 4.5% to 4.7% per year, so adding the capital growth, existing landlords have seen a double digit return in 2013, better than the Building Society! Over the last few months, many first time landlords have contacted me for my thoughts and opinions on what (and what not) to buy for their first time buy to let investment. As I don’t sell property I can give an objective opinion on the whole of the Christchurch, Highcliffe and Barton on Sea property markets. Some want high yields, some want no hassle, some good capital growth, some don’t know what they want! I don’t charge for my advice because if I offer you the best opinion and we build a relationship, then you might (and there is no obligation or expectation to this) just use me to manage those properties and so I have plenty of time to earn money & build a good working relationship with you by looking after your buy to let property for years to come; a property that we jointly decided met your requirements for the investment because that is what it is, an investment! So, feel free to pop into our office near Waitrose for a chat about the property market in the area. Jeremy Clarke, Belvoir 01202 588920.
ChristchurchEYE 23
24 ChristchurchEYE
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Dream Doors (Poole & Christchurch) Win Checkatrade Award for 2013! 2013 was a fantastic year for us. At our annual conference we were awarded the top award for year on year growth, runner up for overall sales for 2013 but most importantly Checkatrade gave us their award for Dream Doors Franchisee of the year! This prestigious award is reflective of what many of our customers have independently said and scored us on the Checkatrade feedback forms.
Celebrating the opening of the Christchurch showroom
This was a huge achievement for us, and one that we didn’t expect, particularly since we have only just completed our 3rd year of trading. We commenced trading as Dream Doors Poole in January 2011, opening our first showroom in Broadstone in March. Despite this been at the height of the recession, we built on quality products and services, to offer customers a real alternative to the normal kitchen replacement. As a Franchise business we cover the whole of the BH postcode district and soon realised that in order to fully support our customer base we needed to expand. After careful consideration we decided Christchurch would be an ideal location for us, so in October 2013 we became the first Dream Doors Franchise to
open a second showroom. We have carefully designed our showroom to optimise the space and incorporate a wide selection of our products to show our customers how we can transform their kitchen. Since opening the new Christchurch showroom we have continued to go from strength to strength. Already we are building a strong customer base which is reflective in our rapidly expanding Checkatrade results. Looking forward, we are excited at the prospects of making the Christchurch branch as successful as the Broadstone branch, and providing our new customer base a real alternative.
Award presentation by Kevin Byrnes (right), founder of Checkatrade, at Dream Doors Annual Conference December 2013 26 ChristchurchEYE
Why not drop in for a chat and see what we have to offer… If you are lucky you might even get to meet Lilly the dog…
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ChristchurchEYE 27
Coffee Break
Sudoku Competition Win two tickets to see the Easter Holiday Special at The Regent Centre! Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive! Simply complete the Sudoku Puzzle, fill in your details and post your entry to: LEM PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ. Name Tel.No Address Good Luck! Entries to be received no later than 31st March 2014. Winner picked at random from correct entries.
Crossword Across
1 4 7 8
1 Were beer is made (7) 2 One of the Queen’s dogs (5) 3 Hazel___ (3) 4 Trip (9) 5 Green pickle (7) 6 Strange, sinister (5) 10 Scrummy (9) 13 Build-up (7) 15 Catches rodents (3,4) 17 Small weight, suspended from a string. (5) 19 Run away to marry (5) 22 Spasm (3)
Cured meat, from a pig (5) Bird, American emblem (5) Overwrought (8) Nobleman, above a Viscount (4) 9 Confound (8) 11 Preserve (4) 12 Motif (6) 14 Overlook (6) 16 Heroic (4) 18 Thrown at weddings (8) 20 Honour fight (4) 21 Open air (8) 23 Impostor (5) 24 Low-priced (5)
28 ChristchurchEYE
Crossword answers on page 40
Jobs in customer services, deliveries, online sales and in a new business-to-business trade account department. More info will appear on our vacancies web page in the coming months, or keep up to date with our blog!
Christchurch By P
ghc liffe Road
Road rford Some
For Sat Nav, use postcode BH23 3RU.
Wilverley Road, Christchurch, BH233RU. Tel: 01202 484411 ChristchurchEYE 29
Christchurch Rotary
n Saturday 25th January 2014 Christchurch Rotary Club, led by our President: David Crumpler, kicked off for the Annual Swimafun. The Swimafun has become an annual fundraiser in the Christchurch community with a good healthy element of competiveness coming from entrants. Originally cancelled from last year due to pool ul the difficulties at Two Riversmeet Leisure Pa Complex, event was re-scheduled to January. Teams register to swim for a full hour, completing as many laps as they can in the time. What our club members lack in physical stamina, we make up for in fundraising! Overall the event will raise £7,000 once all monies are collected. Not bad for a cold Saturday night with nothing on the telly!
£42 + VAT
Priced based on this size ad with a 12 month booking.
If you are reading this then so are your potential customers.
Call us or visit our website to find out more.
01202 477214
The winners (most laps counted) were Christchurch Rowing Club, and they received a silver trophy on the night. I saw them start off the mark as if their very lives depended on winning. I didn’t want to embarrass anyone so I swam “gently”, coupled with not wanting to show off!
Seriously, a great night was had by all and congratulations, not only to the winners but also to everyone who took part, a great evening. The money is quickly collected and dispersed to local good causes. This is just the start of a busy Rotary year for the club with our business partners’ numbers increasing steadily and a re-vamped website to be launched. We accept that different medias must be utilised and this is an area that we have not capitalised upon, until now.
Vintage Rolls-Royce Wedding cars for hire
So, in the coming months why not look up: Christchurch Rotary on the Internet?
Well that’s it from me for another month. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Paul Lawton, Christchurch Rotary
01202 483407 07849 978060
Want to know more? Contact: James Morton Email
30 ChristchurchEYE
Even  Your  Cats  Can  Go  Totally-ÂLocally Â
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At last in Southbourne
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First Floor, 46/48 Southbourne Grove Bournemouth BH6 3RB
Call NOW!
01202 424949 ChristchurchEYE 31
32 ChristchurchEYE
REGENT CENTRE REGENT CENTRE HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH (01202) 499199 HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH 01202 499199 With Christchurch Information Centre (01202) 471780 Live Thur 27 Feb 7pm Sold Out. Encores £13 Concs £12 Fri 28 Feb 2.30pm & 7.30pm & Thur 20 & Fri 21 March 7.30pm NATIONAL THEATRE’S WAR HORSE – Satellite broadcast Sat 1 March 10.30am GodFirst Film £1 DESPICABLE ME 2 2D (U) Sat 1 March 5pm £22 Concs £20 Live by satellite on screen Metropolitan Opera NY PRINCE IGOR - Borodin Sun 2 March 7.30pm £19.50 Concs £17.50 GERRY & THE PACEMAKERS Gerry Cross the Mersey Wed 5 – Sat 8 March 7.30pm. Mat: Sat 8 2.30pm £14.50 Conc £13 Theatre 2000 – ASPECTS OF LOVE Love Changes Everything – Andrew Lloyd Webber’s classic hit show Sunday 9 March 7.30pm £20 Lee Memphis King his Band & Singers ONE NIGHT OF ELVIS Mon 10 – Thurs 13 March 2.30pm & 7.30pm MANDELA – Long Walk to Freedom (12A) Friday 14 March 7.45pm £12 Concs £10 Alan Ayckbourn ImpAct Theatre – NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Sat 15 March 4.55pm £22 Conc £20 Live by satellite on screen Metropolitan Opera NY – WERTHER - Massenet Sun 16 – Tue 18 March 7.30pm. Mats Sun 16 – Thur 20 2.30pm Colin Firth is THE RAILWAY MAN (15) Wed 19 March 7.15pm £19 Conc £17 Live by satellite on screen Royal Ballet – SLEEPING BEAUTY Saturday 22 March 7.30pm £17.50 Concs £16.50 UK FLOYD Wed 26 – Sat 29 March 7.30pm. Mat Sat 2.30pm £14.50 Conc £13.50 Milton Musical Society – BLITZ Lionel Bart’s hit musical to mark 75 Anniversary of WWII Sunday 30 March 7.30pm £20 Concs £18.50 Tale of 2 Cellos – JULIAN & JIAXIN LLOYD WEBBER Mon 31 March & Tue 1 April 2.30pm & 7.30pm Mat Thur 3 2.30pm Meryl Streep – AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY (15) Wed 2 April 7.30pm £13.50 Conc £12.50 Evening of Clairvoyance 3SPIRIT – Keith Charles, Ivan Lee & Dan Clarke Thur 3 April 7.30pm Encore by satellite on screen £13 Conc £12 ELTON JOHN – Million Dollar Piano at Caesar’s Palace 24 Hour Car Park charges. Air Conditioned *Pre-show Dining at The Kings £23. VIP Experience £39.50 inc ticket
Treasure Island Theatre Review
his more modern twist on a classic tale brought this pantomime straight into the twenty first century. The mix of songs from old classics to chart toppers got everyone in the audience singing along. The star of the show, Ma Hawkins the pantomime dame played by Stuart Tizzard, had everyone falling hook line and sinker with improvised gags and cleverly phrased humor that appealed to both adults and children. Every member of the cast embodied their character with enthusiasm contributing to making the whole show a huge success. It was also lovely to see the cast engaging with the children in the audience. Watch out for the cannon balls! For a local amateur group the sets and costumes were spectacular, you could really see the time and effort that goes into the intricate details. One costume that really stood out was Paulie the Parrot; it was colorful, vibrant and exotic. An outfit I would really love to have in my fancy dress cupboard. The show was great for all the family while also not breaking the bank. The tickets were good value and if you get an early bird ticket you can save even more money. The Regent Centre was the perfect host with it’s personal feel, central location and convenient parking. The staff were helpful and friendly and the drinks and goodies were reasonably priced so you can treat all the family at the interval. While heading out of the show I picked up a leaflet for Annie - one of my favorite musicals. When reading the flyer, interestingly, it is also being performed by Highcliffe Charity Players. I will be definitely be going back in May to see this show – see you there. Verdict – Great way to spend an evening and a good alternative to the cinema. The Eyes Rating – 5/5 Eyes Reviewed by Charlotte Richards & Joshua Arkell ChristchurchEYE 33
34 ChristchurchEYE
ChristchurchEYE 35
Slow cooker beef curry
Colin Butchart, Denture Clinician with over 28 years’’ experience working directly to the public.
All dentures created within our state of the art denture clinic
O ering: New Dentures, Relines, Repairs, Home Visits, Easy Parking, Ground Floor Access
Tel: 01425 272380
415C, Lymington Road, Highcli e, BH23 5EN
Member of Bri sh Associa on of Clinical Dental Technicians, GDC No. The General Dental Council and Interna onal Team of Implantology 146363
ctory when responding to adver sements 36 ChristchurchEYE
Ingredients 4 tbsp sunflower oil 800g/1lb 12oz beef braising steak, cut into 2.5cm/1in pieces 2 onions, finely chopped 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 chillies, finely chopped, plus extra to taste 2.5cm/1in piece fresh root ginger 4 tsp ground cumin 4 tsp ground coriander 2 tsp ground turmeric 2 x 400g/14oz can chopped tomatoes 2 tsp garam masala 200g/7oz natural yoghurt small handful fresh chopped coriander Method Heat half of the oil in a frying pan and fry the beef pieces for 4-5 minutes, or until browned all over. (You may need to brown the meat in batches.) Tip the browned meat into the slow cooker. Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan and fry the onions for five minutes, then add the garlic, chili and ginger and fry for another 2-3 minutes. Add the spices and fry for another minute, and then tip the mixture into the slow cooker. Add the chopped tomatoes to the slow cooker, then fill one of the empty cans with water and add the water to the slow cooker. Stir everything together, pressing down so that everything is covered in liquid and cook for 8-10 hours on low. About 30 minutes before serving, stir in the garam masala and yoghurt and season to taste with salt and a little more chilli. Cook for a further 30 minutes, and then stir in the coriander.
7 Serves 4 - 6
"#$%&'()*#$+!,*&-.#/!0!(1&%!2%&3.4%-!5$6! !
Homecare Service !
Inter-County prides itself in providing high quality, professional care in the local community. Our goal is to enable people to remain living in their own home whilst maintaining their independence and lifestyle, through the provision of a reliable, flexible and tailored service to suit individual needs. Whether you need help with shopping once a week, or daily support with personal care, Inter-County can accommodate your needs and provide you with the support you need to stay at home and live life your way.
Our services include:
Home Visits Respite Care Medication Domestic Support
Night Duties Personal Care Meal Preparation Companionship
For more information on our service – why not phone for an informal chat on:
Live life your way
01425 280811 Inter-County Nursing & Care Services Ltd email –
David Burgess Garden Design from design to full installation service
established 1988 providing a comprehensive garden and landscaping services we can carry out: pruning, clearance and planting schemes natural stone and brick paving decking and walling new lawns from seed Also able to clear leaves, mow your lawn and cut those tall hedges references available no charges for local site visits quotations without obligation
call David on
07718 993119
(please leave a message if I'm not available) covering Christchurch, Bournemouth and Poole ChristchurchEYE 37
Garden View
No one likes a soggy bottom! It’s a phrase normally associated with BBC2’s Great British Bake Off, but its not just cooks who go to great lengths to ensure their produce (pastry in this case) doesn’t end up with a soggy bottom, it affects gardeners too! I’m not talking about sitting on wet grass, or toppling over in the veg plot after too much potting-shed homebrew, but about the poor plants we expect to grow in badly-drained soil. Out in the wild, a plant’s survival depends on whether its seeds blow into a dry rock face or a sticky clay soil puddle, and that’s fine because one will die while the other thrives. But it’s very different in the domestic garden, where over-enthusiastic humans buy anything that looks pretty, dig a hole and expect it to bloom. The right plant for the right soil is as important, if not more so than its tolerance to sun or shade.
Studies show that plants cannot survive for more than just a few days if left in standing water. It’s a little known fact that roots need air too … well, most plants that is. You see there’s a clever lot who have adapted over the years to thrive in such conditions and they’re commonly known as bog plants. I understand it’s not the most glamorous name, unlike their closely-related cousins such as water lilies, which are known as hydrophytes. Plants that thrive in heavy, wet clay soils, which are damp but not permanently waterlogged, include the beautiful bold leaves of the Hosta, the feathery plumes and delectably dissected foliage of the Astilbe, and any of the Primulas, which are ideal for low-growing spring colour. For fern lovers, Osmunda regalis is a favourite or for a splash of summer colour in full sun try Lobelia cardinalis. If you have a larger garden and need to fill areas of damp soil, try the herbaceous Rodgersia which look great planted in drifts, and if you have a really large area why not try the prickly rhubarb-like Gunnera manicata: children will love standing under the giant leaves of its huge green umbrella!
6 St Catherines Parade | Fairmile Road Christchurch | Dorset BH23 2LQ
If you don’t have a boggy area, but would like to try growing some of these plants for yourself, why not create one? If you dig out a ‘mini pond’ and then add an old liner or plastic sheet, pierce it several times with a fork and then add the soil back in, you can plant a selection of the plants above. You’ll need to make sure it doesn’t dry out in the summer, so a shady location usually works best, and if you’ve only got a teeny garden, try the fly-eating pitcher plants Sarracenia. They will provide a talking point.
Until next month, enjoy your garden
Open 7 days a week
01202 484711 38 ChristchurchEYE
Friday Fizz & Chips
There’s nothing more British than Friday fish ‘n’ chips, and now you can sip Champagne as you taste fresh fish landed at Mudeford Quay, mushy peas and chips!
Sample Fizz & Chips menu: Moules marinière and chips served with a glass of chilled Prosecco £12.50 Scampi and chips served with a glass of chilled Prosecco £12.50 Fat fillet of hake with chips and Sarson’s malt vinegar served with a glass of chilled Prosecco £12.50 Josper grilled lemon sole and chips served with a glass of chilled Prosecco £16.50 Grilled whole sea bream, new potatoes and mixed vegetables served with a glass of Champagne £18.95 Why not upgrade your glass of Prosecco to a glass of Champagne for only £2
To make a reservation call: 01202 588933 View more events online: Rooms
ChristchurchEYE 39
8 W on mm e a to Qu lso p o ar su f y tz pp ou wo ly r e rk & f xis top it tin s g w tha or t kt op
AMAZING KITCHEN & BEDROOM MAKEOVERS Less cost, mess & hassle compared to a complete replacement Local Family Firm
We replace the doors, drawer fronts, handles and worktops
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CONTACT US NOW FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE Tel: 01202 487697 / 07713 114060 40 ChristchurchEYE
sinks & taps
Teen Column
resh beginnings of spring now naturally engulf Christchurch and the evidence is all around us. As the weekly Monday market in the high street sets up, spattering sparkles of frosted sunlight bounce and pilot over stools Grace that stock anything from paper clips to shinny watches. Furthermore, there is no longer an abundance of crispy brown leaves underfoot as new rich and royal greens begin to sprout from the arms of wakening trees throughout the town. As the axis of the Earth is increasing its tilt relative to the Sun, the day will soon be upon us when we shall be required to turn our watches forward an hour so that we can enjoy for longer the feather droplets of sunlight that dissipate over our awakening homes. With longer hours to the day how shall you choose to spend it? Some flitting ideas include: twilight walks along Stanpit Marsh to breathe in the spring sunset, or trips down to Avon beach to enrich the body with salty sea air. Moreover, the spring equinox will occur this month where the Earth’s equator will pass the centre of the Sun resulting in day and night being the same length. This seems a somewhat magical day of the year, much like a full moon or a passing comet due to its lack of occurrence. As the transaction from winter to spring gets under way Christchurch shall shine in its fresh newborn riches. We shall soon have our eyes open to the cycle of life through the nature that surrounds our own habitats as it begins to wake from its frozen and icy sleep. The process is slow but extraordinary and being simple is what makes it beautiful. As Shakespeare quotes us for spring: ‘’hath put a spirit of youth in everything’’.
Grace Ball
PRIORY PLUMBING & MAINTENANCE All plumbing works undertaken from tap washer to complete bathroom/kitchen planning and installation. General household maintenance undertaken
Tel: 01202 485147 Mob: 07831 887333
99 Stour Road Christchurch Dorset
Home Angels
Home assistance, making home living easier. A family company that cares for all your home needs
Cooking cleaning, washing, shopping, ironing and much more ....
Please call 01202 241407
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Local Tradesman Based in Christchurch
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Call Charlie on
07746 662425 Email: ChristchurchEYE 41
Poetry Corner by CCC Poets Tete - a - Tete by Pam Davies There’s a chorus of trumpeters on my window-sill, brilliantly golden despite a chill, with tu-tu petals of paler colour dancing in the breeze, amongst slender green leaves Homed in yellow pots on a red stand, they’re already starting their own band. There’s a chorus of trumpeters in vernal array awake to a freshly delightful spring day. They’re moving gently to a blackbird’s new song, petals wide open with expectant pleasure to be greeted by music ready to play as tiny daffodils peep and sway.
42 ChristchurchEYE
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44 ChristchurchEYE
ChristchurchEYE 45
46 ChristchurchEYE
ChristchurchEYE 47
3 18 21 29
Food and Drink Upper Deck Restaurant The Kings Arms
16 35
Gardens Southern Tree Specialists Broadoak Tree Care David Burgess Garden Design
8 19 33
A local company with 25 years experience, JT’s Blinds offer a complete service
Free quotations, choose patterns in the comfort of your own home. Flexible appointments available. Contact Jill on : 01202 473077 - 07765 104029
Home Improvement Bedtime Forest Heating Ashley Blinds UK Paul Belton Construction Liberty Design A Beautiful Clean Roof Exchange Plumb Exchange Build Exchange Tower View All Mopped Up Dream Doors Flair Interiors Charlie Hanshaw Handyman Home Angels Cleaning Priory Plumbing Comfort Rooms JT Blinds
4 4 5 8 9 11 15 15 15 18 22 24 36 37 37 37 39 40
Motoring and Travel Christchurch Coaches Maarten's Taxi Lovely Car Keith Motors
8 11 28 43
Property Management & Lettings Richard Godsell Estate Agents Bullock & Lees Estate Agents
9 44
star; 2, Hot under the collar;
Children, Pets & Education Twynham School Iford Bridge Nursery Number Works n Words Christchurch Cattery
7 13 27 29 32 32 38 41
3, On the right side of the law
Carer Homes/Help Homefield Grange 20 Queensmead Care Home 22 Inter-‐County Nursing Care & Services 33
Health, Beauty & Lifestyle Foot Rescue Wisteria Purewell Electrical Energie Fitness for Women All Mobility Dorset Denture Clinic Scissors Christchurch Specsavers Optical
Mind Benders: 1, Wishing on a
1 2 11
Puzzle Solutions
Business & Professional Highcliffe Dental Practice Simpkins & Co Solicitors Miller Bros & F.P Butler Ltd
Is your target market the BH23 area? Christchurch Eye & Highcliffe Eye are the community magazines that most people turn to when looking for local trades and services in the area.
Affo Local rdable, Adver that w tising orks! “We pride ourselves on our involvement within the community and getting the content balance right. Your adverts will get noticed as our magazines are read over and over again, reaching a potential 32,500 readers each month.” Cheryl, Editor
Prices start from as little as £22 + VAT per month.
Call Cheryl to find out more on 01202 477214 ChristchurchEYE 49
Useful Contacts
Police/Crime Police (Emergency) Police (Non-‐Emergency) Crimestoppers Neighbourhood & Home Watch
Free Home Fire Safety Check
999 101 0800 55 51 11 01202 222 222
0800 038 2323
Medical/Health Services NHS Direct 111 Bournemouth A & E 01202 70 41 67 Bournemouth Hospital 01202 30 36 26 Christchurch Hospital 01202 486 361 British Red Cross Medical Loan Service 01202 484074 Local Council & Services Christchurch Borough Council Dorset County Council Christchurch Information Centre Regent Centre Bournemouth Airport Post Office Dorset Family Information Service
01202 495000 01305 251000 01202 471780 01202 499199 01202 364000 0845 722 3344 01305 221066
Helplines Anti-‐social Behaviour 01202 495044 Trading Standards 01305 224 012 Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 245 1291 Childline 0800 11 11 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 NSPCC 0808 800 50 00 Southern Electric 0845 071 3953 British Gas 0800 048 0202 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Environment Agency 03708 506506 National Drugs Helpline 0300 123 6600 Age Concern 0800 169 6565 National Debtline 0808 808 40 00 Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555 Narcotics Anonymous 0300 999 1212 Overeaters Anonymous 07000 784985 Taxi Firms Christchurch Radio Cabs Chritax Priory Cabs
01202 48 48 48 01202 47 00 00 01202 47 44 44
Chemists The Grove Pharmacy 01202 484310 48 The Grove, Christchurch Mon – Fri 9-6 Sat 9-1 Wessex Pharmacies 01202 482197 186 Somerford Road, Christchurch Mon-Fri 9-1.15/2.15-5.30 Sat 9-1.15 Rowlands Pharmacy 01202 484840 136 Purewell, Christchurch Mon-Fri 8.45-6.30 Sat 8.45-1 Your Local Boots Pharmacy 01202 486276 2A Twynham Avenue, Christchurch Mon-Fri 8.45-1/2-6.15 Mudeford Pharmacy 01425 272798 94 Mudeford, Christchurch Mon-Fri 9-1/2-5.30(Weds ‘til 1) Sat 9-1/2-5 Boots the Chemist 01202 483034 23 Saxon Square, Christchurch Mon-Sat 9-1.30/2.30-5.30 Burton Pharmacy 01202 477771 123 Salisbury Road, Burton Mon-Fri 9-1/2-6.30
Local Libraries
Lloyds 01425 274291 Christchurch Library 01202 485938 248 Lymington Road, Mon 9.30-5.30 Tues 10-7 Weds 9.3-1 Thu 9.30-7 Fri 9.30-5.30 Sat Highcliffe 9-4 Mon-Fri 8.45-5.30 Sat 9-4 Highcliffe Library 01425 272202 Mon 10-6.30 Tue 9.3-5 Wed Closed Thu 9.3-1 Fri 9.30-6.30 Sat 9.30-4
50 ChristchurchEYE
THE MAN FROM THE FACTORY SALES EVENT A senior representative from the Ford Motor Company will be available in our showroom on 15 & 16 March to offer a limited number of manufacturers vouchers of between £500 – £1500 in addition to any deal offered by Keith Motors. This truly is a one-off opportunity – don’t miss out and remember to book in your appointment and free mini valet on 01425 283 440. When?
Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 March
Saturday 9am – 4pm and Sunday 10.30am – 4pm 15 & 16 MARCH ONLY! 0 £150 £500 – ucher Ford Vo mini + FREE * valet
Keith Motors Christchurch Only
*Appointment and free mini valet subject to pre booking – please call us Christchurch, Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch BH23 4SB (opposite Sainsbury’s) Ringwood, 156 Christchurch Road, Ringwood BH24 3AP
Christchurch: 01425 271 371 Ringwood: 01425 472 242 keithmotors
ChristchurchEYE 51
52 ChristchurchEYE