Christchurch Eye Community Magazine May 2014

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ChristchurchEYE Your Local Community Magazine


May 2014 • ISSUE 50

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contents Local History by Phil Tate What's On Community Notices Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Peter's Business Column Win £25! An English Mum Greyhound Rescue Christchurch Food & Wine Festival Pipe Band from Germany Mindbenders Christchurch Food Library Week Coffee Break local Young stroke survivor On the Water Christchurch Rotary Christchurch Citizens Association Dorset POPP CCC Poem Kid's Page Care for Christchurch Garden View Christchurch Community Partnership Recipe Regent Listings Puzzle Solutions Index Useful Contacts

Windows | Doors | Conservatories Replacement Conservatory Roofs 6 8 9 10 13 14 14 15 19 20 22 23 26 28 33 34 36 36 37 38 41 42 45 47 47 48 48 50

LocalEYE magazines

LEM PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ t: 01202 477214

Magazine Editor & Publisher Cheryl Dennett t: 01202 477214 (9am - 7pm)

Admin & Accounts

Jenny Wigman t: 01202 477214

Distribution Manager Sue Hillman t: 01202 477214


Peter Watson-Lee, Regent Centre, John Haynes, Christchurch Rotary, Rachel Clark, Lee Bestall & Phil Tate.



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to the Christchurch Eye Community Magazine

editor’s letter

Well, here I am! After four and a half years of landing on your doorsteps, I’ve finally decided to brave it and put my mug shot up Cheryl for all to see. I thought you might like to finally meet the face behind the scenes here at Local Eye Magazines! Our event pages are starting to look very busy this month as the weather finally starts to warm up; turn to pages 8 & 9 to find out what’s going on and where. It’s a very exciting month for Christchurch with the fantastic Food & Wine Festival arriving for it’s 15th year on Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th May. The festival brings thousands of visitors to Christchurch, which is great news for many businesses in the area and boosting the local economy; events such as these are so important to our town to help keep it thriving. Turn to pages 17 & 19 to get a taste of what’s happening at this year’s event. I’ll not be far from the Toffee Vodka stall as per usual! Well until next month, happy reading! Cheryl Cheryl Dennett Editor & Publisher Congratulations to Kellie Miles, Ms G Brennen & Mrs B Godwin for winning our March competitions! Local Eye Magazines are Members of:



!hhee VVaalliiaanntt LLaaddyy CCaappttaaiinn !nnn AAAppprrriiilll 111666444444,,, eeexxxaaaccctttlllyyy 333777000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss aaagggooo,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh fffooouuunnnddd iiitttssseeelllfff dddrrraaawwwnnn iiinnntttooo ttthhheee EEEnnngggllliiissshhh CCCiiivvviiilll WWWaaarrr wwwhhheeennn ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn wwwiiitttnnneeesssssseeeddd iiitttsss fffiiirrrsssttt eeennncccooouuunnnttteeerrr bbbeeetttwwweeeeeennn ttthhheee fffooorrrccceeesss ooofff KKKiiinnnggg CCChhhaaarrrllleeesss ! aaannnddd ttthhhooossseee ooofff PPPaaarrrllliiiaaammmeeennnttt... AAAttt ttthhheee ooouuutttbbbrrreeeaaakkk ooofff ttthhheee wwwaaarrr iiinnn 111666444222,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh hhhaaaddd dddeeeccclllaaarrreeeddd fffooorrr ttthhheee KKKiiinnnggg aaannnddd ttthhheeerrreeebbbyyy fffooouuunnnddd iiitttssseeelllfff iiinnn aaa sssooommmeeewwwhhhaaattt iiisssooolllaaattteeeddd pppooosssiiitttiiiooonnn,,, fffooorrr mmmooosssttt ooofff ttthhheee nnneeeiiiggghhhbbbooouuurrriiinnnggg tttooowwwnnnsss sssuuuppppppooorrrttteeeddd ttthhheee PPPaaarrrllliiiaaammmeeennntttaaarrriiiaaannn cccaaauuussseee... NNNeeevvveeerrrttthhheeellleeessssss,,, fffooorrr ttthhheee fffiiirrrsssttt 111888 mmmooonnnttthhhsss ooofff ttthhheee wwwaaarrr nnnooottthhhiiinnnggg ooofff aaannnyyy nnnooottteee dddiiissstttuuurrrbbbeeeddd ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn... HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, iiinnn ttthhheee sssppprrriiinnnggg ooofff 111666444444,,, ttthhheee GGGooovvveeerrrnnnooorrr ooofff CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh,,, CCCooolllooonnneeelll SSSiiirrr JJJooohhhnnn MMMiiillllll,,, iiinnnvvviiittteeeddd mmmaaannnyyy CCCooommmmmmiiissssssiiiooonnneeerrrsss ooofff AAArrrrrraaayyy tttooo ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn tttooo ooorrrgggaaannniiissseee rrreeecccrrruuuiiitttmmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSiiirrr RRRaaalllppphhh HHHoooppptttooonnn,,, ttthhheee cccooommmmmmaaannndddeeerrr ooofff ttthhheee RRRoooyyyaaallliiisssttt fffooorrrccceeesss iiinnn ttthhheee sssooouuuttthhh-­-­-wwweeesssttt... !nnnttteeelllllliiigggeeennnccceee ooofff ttthhhiiisss aaaccctttiiivvviiitttyyy iiinnn CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh eeevvviiidddeeennntttlllyyy rrreeeaaaccchhheeeddd MMMaaajjjooorrr-­-­-GGGeeennneeerrraaalll SSSiiirrr WWWiiilllllliiiaaammm WWWaaalllllleeerrr,,, ttthhheee cccooommmmmmaaannndddeeerrr ooofff ttthhheee lllooocccaaalll PPPaaarrrllliiiaaammmeeennntttaaarrriiiaaannn fffooorrrccceeesss,,, fffooorrr iiinnn eeeaaarrrlllyyy AAAppprrriiilll hhheee lllaaauuunnnccchhheeeddd aaa sssuuurrrppprrriiissseee aaattttttaaaccckkk ooonnn ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn... HHHeee cccaaappptttuuurrreeeddd 444000000 fffoooooottt sssooollldddiiieeerrrsss,,, 111000000 cccaaavvvaaalllrrryyymmmeeennn,,, aaannnddd ooovvveeerrr 333000 oooffffffiiiccceeerrrsss ‘‘‘wwwiiittthhhooouuuttt ssstttrrriiikkkiiinnnggg aaa ssstttrrroookkkeee’’’... !ttt hhhaaasss bbbeeeeeennn ssspppeeecccuuulllaaattteeeddd ttthhhaaattt ttthhhiiisss lllaaaccckkk ooofff rrreeesssiiissstttaaannnccceee wwwaaasss bbbeeecccaaauuussseee mmmooosssttt ooofff ttthhheee cccaaappptttuuurrreeeddd mmmeeennn wwweeerrreee uuunnntttrrraaaiiinnneeeddd aaannnddd uuunnnaaarrrmmmeeeddd rrraaawww rrreeecccrrruuuiiitttsss wwwhhhooo wwweeerrreee uuunnndddeeerrrssstttaaannndddaaabbblllyyy uuunnnwwwiiilllllliiinnnggg tttooo pppuuuttt uuuppp aaa fffiiiggghhhttt... (((PPPiiiccctttuuurrreee::: AAA pppaaaiiinnntttiiinnnggg bbbyyy ttthhheee VVViiiccctttooorrriiiaaannn aaarrrtttiiisssttt CCChhhaaarrrllleeesss LLLaaannndddssseeeeeerrr ooofff MMMaaajjjooorrr-­-­-GGGeeennneeerrraaalll WWWaaalllllleeerrr aaattt ttthhheee sssuuurrrrrreeennndddeeerrr ooofff AAArrruuunnndddeeelll CCCaaassstttllleee aaa fffeeewww wwweeeeeekkksss eeeaaarrrllliiieeerrr... DDDiiiddd aaa sssiiimmmiiilllaaarrr sssccceeennneee tttaaakkkeee ppplllaaaccceee aaattt CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh???))) AAAlllsssooo aaarrrrrreeesssttteeeddd wwwaaasss ‘‘‘aaa vvvaaallliiiaaannnttt LLLaaadddyyy CCCaaappptttaaaiiinnneee’’’,,, wwwhhhooo wwwaaasss iiidddeeennntttiiifffiiieeeddd aaasss aaa llleeeaaadddeeerrr ooofff ttthhheee oooyyysssttteeerrr-­-­-wwwooommmeeennn wwwhhhooo hhhaaaddd tttaaakkkeeennn pppaaarrrttt iiinnn aaa pppeeeaaaccceee mmmaaarrrccchhh iiinnn LLLooonnndddooonnn ttthhheee ppprrreeevvviiiooouuusss yyyeeeaaarrr... OOOyyysssttteeerrr-­-­-wwwooommmeeennn hhhaaarrrvvveeesssttteeeddd aaannnddd sssooolllddd oooyyysssttteeerrrsss,,, aaa pppooopppuuulllaaarrr fffooooooddd eeeaaattteeennn bbbyyy bbbooottthhh rrriiiccchhh aaannnddd pppoooooorrr aaallliiikkkeee... !nnn AAAuuuggguuusssttt 111666444333 ooovvveeerrr 222,,,000000000 cccooommmmmmooonnn wwwooorrrkkkiiinnnggg wwwooommmeeennn,,, mmmaaannnyyy wwweeeaaarrriiinnnggg wwwhhhiiittteee sssiiilllkkk rrriiibbbbbbooonnnsss iiinnn ttthhheeeiiirrr hhhaaatttsss,,, hhhaaaddd dddeeesssccceeennndddeeeddd uuupppooonnn ttthhheee HHHooouuussseee ooofff CCCooommmmmmooonnnsss tttooo ppprrreeessseeennnttt aaa PPPeeetttiiitttiiiooonnn fffooorrr PPPeeeaaaccceee... TTThhheeeiiirrr pppllleeeaaa wwwaaasss aaacccccceeepppttteeeddd,,, bbbuuuttt wwwhhheeennn ttthhheee pppeeetttiiitttiiiooonnneeerrrsss wwweeerrreee iiinnnssstttrrruuucccttteeeddd tttooo rrreeetttuuurrrnnn tttooo ttthhheeeiiirrr hhhooommmeeesss ttthhheee ppprrrooottteeesssttt tttuuurrrnnneeeddd tttooo vvviiiooollleeennnccceee... WWWiiittthhh ttthhheeeiiirrr

rrraaannnkkksss ssswwwooolllllleeennn tttooo ooovvveeerrr 555,,,000000000,,, ttthhheee ppprrrooottteeesssttteeerrrsss bbbeeesssiiieeegggeeeddd PPPaaarrrllliiiaaammmeeennnttt fffooorrr tttwwwooo hhhooouuurrrsss... TTThhheee pppaaalllaaaccceee ggguuuaaarrrdddsss,,, bbbeeeiiinnnggg uuunnnwwwiiilllllliiinnnggg tttooo aaassssssaaauuulllttt wwwooommmeeennn,,, iiinnniiitttiiiaaallllllyyy fffiiirrreeeddd ooonnnlllyyy pppooowwwdddeeerrr,,, bbbuuuttt wwwhhheeennn ttthhheeeyyy cccaaammmeee uuunnndddeeerrr aaattttttaaaccckkk fffrrrooommm ttthhhrrrooowwwnnn bbbrrriiiccckkksss ttthhheeeyyy wwweeerrreee cccooommmpppeeelllllleeeddd tttooo dddrrraaawww ssswwwooorrrdddsss aaannnddd fffiiirrreee ssshhhooottt tttooo dddiiissspppeeerrrssseee ttthhheee cccrrrooowwwddd... SSSooommmeee ooofff ttthhheee ppprrrooottteeesssttteeerrrsss,,, aaannnddd aaattt llleeeaaasssttt ooonnneee iiinnnnnnoooccceeennnttt ssseeerrrvvviiinnnggg mmmaaaiiiddd,,, wwweeerrreee kkkiiilllllleeeddd... !ttt wwwaaasss iiimmmmmmeeedddiiiaaattteeelllyyy aaalllllleeegggeeeddd ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee rrriiiooottt hhhaaaddd bbbeeeeeennn ooorrrccchhheeessstttrrraaattteeeddd bbbyyy ‘‘‘mmmaaallliiigggnnnaaannntttsss’’’ aaannnddd ttthhhaaattt aaagggiiitttaaatttooorrrsss iiinnn ttthhheee cccrrrooowwwddd -­-­- iiinnncccllluuudddiiinnnggg mmmeeennn dddrrreeesssssseeeddd aaasss wwwooommmeeennn -­-­- hhhaaaddd dddeeesssiiirrreeeddd tttooo ssstttiiirrr tttrrrooouuubbbllleee... TTThhhaaattt aaa llleeeaaadddeeerrr ooofff ttthhheee LLLooonnndddooonnn oooyyysssttteeerrr-­-­-wwwooommmeeennn wwwaaasss sssuuubbbssseeeqqquuueeennntttlllyyy aaapppppprrreeehhheeennndddeeeddd iiinnn CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh iiinnn ttthhheee cccooommmpppaaannnyyy ooofff RRRoooyyyaaallliiisssttt aaaccctttiiivvviiissstttsss wwwooouuulllddd ssseeeeeemmm tttooo sssuuuppppppooorrrttt ttthhhiiisss ccclllaaaiiimmm... !ttt iiisss rrreeepppuuuttteeeddd ttthhhaaattt aaafffttteeerrr ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn wwwaaasss cccaaappptttuuurrreeeddd ttthhheee PPPaaarrrllliiiaaammmeeennntttaaarrriiiaaannn cccaaavvvaaalllrrryyy tttrrroooooopppeeerrrsss ssstttaaabbbllleeeddd ttthhheeeiiirrr hhhooorrrssseeesss iiinnn ttthhheee PPPrrriiiooorrryyy ccchhhuuurrrccchhh;;;;; ttthhheee aaappppppaaarrreeennntttlllyyy ccchhheeewwweeeddd ccchhhoooiiirrr ssstttaaallllll cccaaarrrvvviiinnngggsss iiinnn ttthhheee GGGrrreeeaaattt QQQuuuiiirrreee aaarrreee sssaaaiiiddd tttooo bbbeee eeevvviiidddeeennnccceee ooofff ttthhhiiisss... OOOttthhheeerrr ccchhhuuurrrccchhheeesss aaalllsssooo ccclllaaaiiimmm tttooo hhhaaavvveee bbbeeeeeennn uuussseeeddd aaasss ssstttaaabbbllleeesss bbbyyy ttthhheee RRRooouuunnndddhhheeeaaadddsss,,, aaannnddd iiittt iiisss ooofffttteeennn aaalllllleeegggeeeddd ttthhhaaattt ttthhhiiisss wwwaaasss aaannn aaacccttt ooofff wwwaaannntttooonnn sssaaacccrrriiillleeegggeee... HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, lllooocccaaalll hhhiiissstttooorrriiiaaannn MMMiiiccchhhaaaeeelll SSStttaaannnnnnaaarrrddd hhhaaasss sssuuuggggggeeesssttteeeddd ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee tttrrroooooopppsss,,, bbbeeeiiinnnggg PPPuuurrriiitttaaannnsss wwwhhhooo aaadddvvvooocccaaattteeeddd aaa sssiiimmmpppllleee,,, ccchhhaaapppeeelll-­-­-llliiikkkeee fffooorrrmmm ooofff wwwooorrrssshhhiiippp,,, mmmaaayyy hhhaaavvveee oooccccccuuupppiiieeeddd ooonnnlllyyy ttthhhooossseee pppaaarrrtttsss ooofff ttthhheee ooonnnccceee CCCaaattthhhooollliiiccc ccchhhuuurrrccchhh ttthhhaaattt ttthhheeeyyy dddeeeeeemmmeeeddd uuunnnsssaaacccrrreeeddd... FFFuuurrrttthhheeerrr rrreeessseeeaaarrrccchhh wwwooouuulllddd bbbeee nnneeeeeedddeeeddd tttooo eeessstttaaabbbllliiissshhh iiifff ttthhhiiisss ttthhheeeooorrryyy hhhooollldddsss tttrrruuueee fffooorrr aaallllll ttthhheee ooottthhheeerrr ‘‘‘dddeeefffiiillleeeddd’’’ ccchhhuuurrrccchhheeesss... MMMaaajjjooorrr-­-­-GGGeeennneeerrraaalll WWWaaalllllleeerrr’’’sss bbbllloooooodddllleeessssss cccaaappptttuuurrreee hhhaaaddd bbbrrrooouuuggghhhttt ttthhheee wwwaaarrr tttooo CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh -­-­- bbbuuuttt nnniiinnneee mmmooonnnttthhhsss lllaaattteeerrr ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn wwwooouuulllddd eeennnddduuurrreee aaa fffaaarrr mmmooorrreee vvviiiooollleeennnttt aaattttttaaaccckkk.........

!rrreeeeee CCCooommmpppeeetttiiitttiiiooonnn ~~~ PPPrrriiizzzeee kkkiiinnndddlllyyy dddooonnnaaattteeeddd bbbyyy PPPrrriiiooorrryyy PPPlllaaaiiiccceee,,, 666333 HHHiiiggghhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh OOOyyysssttteeerrrsss wwweeerrreee aaa pppooopppuuulllaaarrr ‘‘‘fffaaasssttt fffooooooddd’’’ iiinnn ttthhheee pppaaasssttt -­-­- mmmuuuccchhh llliiikkkeee ccchhhiiipppsss tttooodddaaayyy!!! FFFooorrr aaa ccchhhaaannnccceee tttooo wwwiiinnn ‘‘‘fffiiissshhh &&& ccchhhiiipppsss’’’ rrreeessstttaaauuurrraaannnttt mmmeeeaaalllsss tttooo aaa tttoootttaaalll vvvaaallluuueee ooofff £££111555 sssiiimmmppplllyyy aaannnssswwweeerrr ttthhhiiisss qqquuueeessstttiiiooonnn:::-­-­- TTThhheee cccaaarrrvvviiinnngggsss iiinnn ttthhheee GGGrrreeeaaattt QQQuuuiiirrreee ooofff ttthhheee PPPrrriiiooorrryyy ccchhhuuurrrccchhh fffeeeaaatttuuurrreee mmmaaannnyyy iiinnntttrrriiiggguuuiiinnnggg fffiiiggguuurrreeesss aaannnddd bbbeeeaaassstttsss... OOOnnneee dddeeepppiiiccctttsss aaa cccrrreeeaaatttuuurrreee ppprrreeeaaaccchhhiiinnnggg fffrrrooommm aaa pppuuulllpppiiittt -­-­- wwwhhhaaattt iiisss iiittt bbbeeellliiieeevvveeeddd tttooo bbbeee??? aaa))) CCCoooccckkkeeerrreeelll bbb))) GGGoooooossseee ccc))) FFFoooxxx SSSeeennnddd yyyooouuurrr aaannnssswwweeerrr wwwiiittthhh yyyooouuurrr nnnaaammmeee aaannnddd aaaddddddrrreeessssss tttooo LLLooocccaaalll HHHiiissstttooorrryyy CCCooommmpppeeetttiiitttiiiooonnn (((000555///111444))),,, LLLooocccaaalll EEEyyyeee MMMaaagggaaazzziiinnneeesss,,, PPPOOO BBBoooxxx 777888111222,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh,,, BBBHHH222333 999HHHZZZ... CCClllooosssiiinnnggg dddaaattteee::: 333111sssttt MMMaaayyy 222000111444... TTThhheee fffiiirrrsssttt cccooorrrrrreeecccttt aaannnssswwweeerrr dddrrraaawwwnnn aaattt rrraaannndddooommm wwwiiillllll aaabbbllleee tttooo ccclllaaaiiimmm ttthhheeeiiirrr ppprrriiizzzeee fffrrrooommm PPPrrriiiooorrryyy PPPlllaaaiiiccceee,,, 666333 HHHiiiggghhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh...


TTThhheee cccooorrrrrreeecccttt aaannnssswwweeerrr tttooo ttthhheee LLLooocccaaalll HHHiiissstttooorrryyy CCCooommmpppeeetttiiitttiiiooonnn iiinnn ttthhheee MMMaaarrrccchhh iiissssssuuueee wwwaaasss::: ccc))) cccllloooccckkk mmmeeeccchhhaaannniiisssmmm ccchhhaaaiiinnnsss (((fffuuussseeeeee ccchhhaaaiiinnnsss)))... TTThhheeessseee tttiiinnnyyy ccchhhaaaiiinnnsss,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh hhheeelllpppeeeddd rrreeeggguuulllaaattteee cccllloooccckkk aaaccccccuuurrraaacccyyy,,, wwweeerrreee hhhaaannndddmmmaaadddeee iiinnn CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh bbbeeetttwwweeeeeennn ccc...111777999000 aaannnddd 111888999666...


PPPiiiccctttuuurrreee::: ‘‘‘SSSuuurrrrrreeennndddeeerrr ooofff AAArrruuunnndddeeelll CCCaaassstttllleee tttooo SSSiiirrr WWWiiilllllliiiaaammm WWWaaalllllleeerrr’’’ bbbyyy CCChhhaaarrrllleeesss LLLaaannndddssseeeeeerrr (((111888777000))) -­-­- CCCooouuurrrttteeesssyyy ooofff wwwwwwwww...wwwiiikkkiiigggaaalllllleeerrryyy...ooorrrggg...

Local History by Phil Tate

The Complete Package to Revitalise Your Feet on sale at footrescue

To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214



w h a t ’s o n

What’s On Entries are listed FREE of charge for local groups and events. Submit your listing online at Wednesday 30th April – Thursday 29th May Christchurch Arts Guild will be displaying a wealth of new art at the Kings Arms. They will also be exhibiting at the Christchurch Food Festival on May 11th with “Art for all Tastes” Thursday 1st May ‘The Spice of Life’ a talk by Ron Taylor about herbs & spices. Highcliffe Library. 2.30pm. Refreshments. Phone 01425 272202 or call into the library for tickets: Library Friends £2, Non Members £4

Thursday 1st May until Thursday 22nd May Come and meet any of the 7 artists who take turns to mind the Hayloft Gallery, Wick Lane, Christchurch daily, including Sundays. Open10am-4pm. Unique and hand crafted pottery, jewellery, and textiles. There is an amazing wall display of photography and pointillism art work. Friday 2nd May – Monday 2nd June By the Sea Exhibition of paintings by Anthony Garratt and Peter Kettle, plus pots by Craig Underhill, Hatch Gallery (Next to Soho’s) 7a Church Street Christchurch Dorset BH23 1BW tel 01202 474644 Saturday 3rd May St George’s Church plant and table sale. 10am -1pm. Jumpers Road Christchurch. Refreshments available. Come and browse for a bargain. Saturday 3rd May Craft and Vintage Fayre, 10am -1pm, Bransgore Village Hall, Burley Road, Bransgore BH23 8AY. A ‘Flower Festival’ theme this month, 30 stalls of local Crafts and Foods and beautiful Vintage finds. Homemade cakes and refreshments. FREE ENTRY (donations to Julias House) Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 28th May Stan’s Blues Jam at The Thomas Tripp, Christchurch BH23 1HX on Tuesday 6th May (and the First Tuesday Every Month) and at The Avon Causeway, Hurn BH23 6AS on Wednesday 28th May (and Last Wednesday Every Month). Details at Wednesday 7th May Highcliffe Art Fellowship 2.30-4.30pm in Methodist Church Hall, Lymington Road, Highcliffe. Demonstration by Hashim Akib of his amazing technique painting in acrylics. Close up of his work projected live on large TV. Visitors



welcome; fee £2 Friday 9th May Bransgore Horticultural Society - Annual Plant Sale at the Village Hall, Burley Road, Bransgore, 6- 8pm & Sat 10 May, 9-10.30am. Bedding & basket plants, shrubs, perennials, vegetables, plus Society stall. Quality plants - Bargain prices! Saturday 10th - Sunday 11th May The award-winning Christchurch Food & Wine Festival returns to Christchurch from 10am until 6pm. With over 120 traders in the town centre selling an extensive range of high quality regional and international food and drink and food and drink related produce. Check out the Festival’s website: Saturday 10th May Christchurch Food Festival at the Red House - Discover some of the unusual objects in our bygone kitchen and a cheese and butter making demonstration. Gingerbread decorating (£1) 11 to 2pm with food themed trails around the museum throughout the 10 May. Sunday 11th May CAR BOOT SALE at Owls Barn, Derritt Lane, Sopley. 10am2pm. (sellers from 9am) £5 cars, £8 Vans/trailers (no caterers). Every 2nd Sunday of month until October. Sunday 11th May Christchurch Lions Car Boot Sales are held on the second Sunday of every month at Stanpit Marsh from 07.30 to 12.30. for more information. Sunday 11th May “Art for all tastes” is a one day special exhibition by Christchurch Arts Guild and staged in two gazebo’s at the Christchurch Food Festival. Come and enjoy a gourmet selection of paintings! Thursday 15th May Christchurch Priory Tours 6.15 for 6.30pm, approx 2¾ hours Tickets in advance £10.00 from the Verger Tel: 01202 485804 Includes tower (176 steps!) museum, crypts, belfry and roof space Children over 8 welcome. Thursday 15th May Skittles Evening hosted by Cancer Research UK Christchurch Branch at E.Christchurch Sports & Social Club at 7pm. Tickets £10 obtainable from 07925974174. Supper included- choice Chilli with rice, Jacket or Nachos, Ploughman’s cheese or ham. Drinks available for purchase. Thursday 15th May

Museum at Night at the Red House - The Red House is open for an evening of live music, wine and food. 7 to 10pm. Includes a glass of wine and canapés! £10 Friday 16th May The Christchurch Royal British Legion Women’s Section are holding a Barn Dance and Ploughman’s Supper in the Ballroom at the Royal British Legion, Bargates, Christchurch. Val Powis will be the Caller and supply the Music. Tickets £5, from committee members or from the Bar.

Table top Sale every Monday & Saturday from 10am to 3pm at THE REGENT CENTRE. a variety of stalls selling: Costume/Vintage jewellery & accessories, Homemade Cakes, Body Shop Goods, Aircraft Models etc.

To see more events in Christchurch visit

Community Notices The Priory proudly announces opening of Cloister’s Cafe Bar Monday-Friday 10-4. Two cream teas for £6 until May 23rd. Both Cloister’s Cafe and new shop premises are located in refurbished Priory House.

Saturday 17th May RNLI coffee morning at Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall from 10.00-12.30. Souvenirs, books, cakes, jigsaws, jewellery, bric a brac. Admission free, donations welcome. Saturday May 17th The Salvation Army, 3 Stour Road, Christchurch (next to Bulstrodes) is holding a Spring Sale 10am till noon. Many nearly new items and refreshments.

Volunteer car drivers take the elderly out once a month for a little car ride and tea at volunteer host and hostesses homes. The need is for more reserve drivers to cover just once or twice a year. Phone Carolyn on 01202 424482

Friday 23rd May – Thursday 5th June The Friday Crafters held their first exhibition last year in the Hayloft, we are about to have another selling all our handmade gifts come along and enjoy lots of new goodies.

Regular Markets

Saturday 24th May Friends of the Red House Museum coffee morning at the Mayor’s Parlour, High St. 10am-12pm. Tea/coffee & cake £2. All proceeds to our local Museum. Sunday 25th May Highcliffe Castle - Classic Cars on the Prom - 11am-4pm. This year they will be bringing their cars to the vista at Highcliffe Castle (Please note that this event is weather dependent). If you are interested in bringing a car to the event please contact the club directly Free outdoor event. Christchurch Priory - Lunchtime concerts continue every Thursday @12.30.

Every Monday - Christchurch Market (all year) Up to 100 traders selling a variety of food, clothes, household goods, plants and bric-a-brac in the mainly traffic-free High Street and Saxon Square. Christchurch Country Market. Everything homebaked, homemade and home-grown locally. Every Monday 9.30-11.30. Druitt Hall (behind library). Refreshments available.

To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214



Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Fitness, Sport and Wellbeing BODYBALANCE Christchurch runs 5 classes per week at St Joseph’s Community Centre, Purewell. 21st century blend of Yoga, Pilates and T’ai-Chi choreographed to music, taught by experienced instructors, suitable for men, women and pregnancy. or 07876645945 for further details. Yoga Classes - Every Monday 0915-1015 & Wednesday 0930-1030 at the Bay Tree, Saxon Square, Christchurch. Ideal for beginners, busy mums and those preferring a gentler pace! Kindly text/call 07504 823517 or email elainerees@ to book a space. Pregnancy yoga based exercise, breathing & relaxation classes. Stretch & strengthen your body, relieve aches & pains and prepare for birth. Suitable for all abilities including complete beginners, from 14 weeks of pregnancy. Tuesdays in Christchurch. Contact Rosa 07837 218374 www.labouroflove. Chi Kung (Qigong) Exercise Classes - A Chinese exercise system. Come & join us Fridays 10.45 am in the upstairs Studio at Wessex Health, 17 Stour Road, Christchurch BH23 1PL Car parking at rear. Fee £7.50 Tutor Poppy 01202 735560 Yoga for Health -mixed ability adult yoga Tuesday 6-7.30pm Highcliffe Comp Thursday 9.30-11am & 11.15-12.30pm and Chair Yoga 2-3pm - all at Highcliffe Methodist Church. LAUGHTER CLUB -first Friday of month - Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall 7-8pm Gentle Yoga & Relaxation - Tuesdays 13:30-14:45 at The Wessex Health Network, Christchurch. Ideal for busy mums and over 50s. British Wheel of Yoga Teacher. Please call (07966) 199875 or email becca@ to book. £39 for six week course (£7 weekly if space available). Yoga classes held in Christchurch for ADULTS, TEENS, CHILDREN & a gentler chair yoga practice. Full details of classes please contact Julia Silva-Perez 07989 971928 or Core & Pelvic Floor 2h Workshops (& support) - If you have lower back problems, a weak core or

10 ChristchurchEYE

pelvic floor problems (eg incontinence prolapse / hernia) there is an easy non-surgical method called the Hypopresive Method! Learn in a workshop to do simply at home. 07798 941832 Art and Craft HIGHCLIFFE ART FELLOWSHIP Holds meetings on the first Wednesday of the month in the Methodist Hall, Highcliffe. Demonstrations by notable artists enhanced by projection on to large screen TV. Which shows live close ups of the work in progress. Visitors welcome; £2 fee. Exhibition August. See or phone Dennis Ford on 01425 275418 Highcliffe Flower Club. Come and watch a professional flower arranger demonstrate in the Methodist Church Hall, Lymington Road on the second Wednesday of each month at 2pm, doors open 1.30pm. We are a friendly group and visitors are welcome. Jewellery & Silversmithing classes - Weekly classes in the centre of Christchurch. Tues and Weds mornings 10-1pm and Thurs evenings 7-9pm. Small classes of 5 covering a variety of techniques including soldering, piercing, Stone setting and enamelling. All abilities welcome. Call Louise 07789 915694 Christchurch Lace Society is a friendly group who meet on the second Saturday of each month to make Lace, chat and exchange views and ideas on all aspects of crafts at Burton Green United Reformed Church. New members welcomed. Carbery Machine Knitting Club meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month at St George’s Church Hall Annex, Jumpers Rd, Christchurch, BH23 2JR from 7-9pm. Our speaker for May is Vivienne Graham who will show her felted jackets. All are welcome. For more information, call Joy on 01202 489614 Highcliffe Horticultural Society will be holding their May monthly meeting on Monday 5th at St. Mark’s Church Hall, Hinton Wood Avenue, Highcliffe at 7-30pm. Mr.Ray Broughton from Wisley gardens will be giving a talk on Useful Plants & Topical Tips. Visitors welcome. Entrance Fee £1-00. Children Musical Steps - Award-winning, educational and inspiring music classes babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Come and join the wonderful world of

music, learning and fun on Monday mornings at The Regent Centre. 0845 643 5025 heather.smith@

back into it, or if you currently play you are most welcome. Rehearsals Tuesdays 7.30pm call 07074 320122 more info.

Mudeford Wood Active Kids - Established Holiday Club for children aged 4-11 years during May half-term (Tuesday 27th to Friday 30th May) packed full of sports and fun activities. Open 9am to 4pm at Mudeford Wood Community Centre, Pipers Drive, BH23 4TR. 01425 272084. www.

Monday Social Club at Portfield Hall. 12 and 19 May - Join us for morning coffee and make new friends. Play table top games, enjoy a freshly cooked 2 course lunch for only £5.00. Taxi transfers can be arranged. Contact Les on 01202 470929

Is your child an aspiring musician? Training Band Brass lessons are FREE under the Christchurch and District Community Band Project. Reduced cost Woodwind lessons also available. Make your child’s music come to life. Sessions :Tuesdays 6.15pm7.15pm Priory School, Christchurch FOR INFO CALL 07974 320122. Sessions Music and Heritage Club for young people 11+ who love music. Every Tuesday from 6pm. All abilities welcome! The Back Room, Old School House, Lymington Rd, Highcliffe (opp the rec) Contact: 07971472768 or just drop in! Clubs and Societies Ukulele Band - Every Wednesday evening 7.30 - 9.30pm. Very friendly mixed ability session for all ages. Come along, have a laugh and learn to play an instrument at the same time. Ukuleles to borrow from Coda Music Centre, Chewton Farm Road, Walkford, Dorset BH23 5QL 01425 276161 or More info at uk CHRISTCHURCH PROBUS CLUB - Meets 10.15am on the 1st Tuesday monthly at the East Close Hotel, Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch. A very friendly welcome awaits all retired professional and businessmen. Interesting speakers and excellent lunches! Please contact the Secretary, Robin Haggett on 01202-482528. Amberwood-Highcliffe Afternoon Women’s Institute will meet at Methodist Church Hall, Highcliffe, 2 p.m., Wednesday, 21st May. Please come and join us. Speaker is John Crimes ‘Making of Faberge Eggs’. Enjoy tea, biscuits, raffle, and sales table. Christchurch and District Community Band goes from strength to strength. If you used to play a brass or woodwind instrument and would like to get

Christchurch 50+ extends a warm welcome to active unattached ladies & gentlemen over 50 to our lively social/friendship group. Come & enjoy many varied activities. We meet every other Wednesday evening. Please ring for more details. 01202 657914 / 01202 489626 / 01425 611058 Coffee mornings every Tuesday & Wednesday 9-11.30. Clothes, bric a brac and refreshments with homemade cakes and bacon butties. Join us at The Salvation Army, 3 Stour Road, (next to Bulstrodes) where a warm welcome awaits you. Highcliffe WI - Doors open at 7.15pm on Thurs 15 May at the Day Centre, Lymington Rd to hear about the “life of a documentary cameraman”. If you’d like to join us for this, plus quiz, refreshments, & raffle, please ring our secretary on 01425/271995 for more info. Widow & Widowers Meet Up - We meet every Thursday at Stewarts Gardenland Christchurch at 11am for coffee. We are a friendly group and it helps to chat with other people in the same situation as ourselves. Join us. Contact:- Diane 07802934489 Esther 07770947228 Males Carers’ Social Group - If you are a male carer take time out to socialise in a friendly and informal setting at The Galleon, 189 Lymington Road, Highcliffe on the first Tuesday of the month 11:30am to 2:30pm. Call Pat on 07985 088549. Computer Skills Sessions - If you are 60+ come and join us on Thursday afternoons between 2 and 4pm at Homelands Community Hall, Kings Avenue, Christchurch and acquire new computer skills. Nonresidents welcome. Admission only £2 including refreshments Phone Ray on 01202 471110 Entries are listed FREE of charge. One listing per group/organisation. Listed on a first come, first served basis. Visit to submit your listing online.

ChristchurchEYE 11

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Business Column


ne of the joys of Christchurch are the fabulous festivals that we hold during the year. Unfortunately two of the most popular are battling for survival following significant Council cutbacks.


A local company with 25 years experience, JT’s Blinds offer a complete service

Peter As this Eye edition is published, the Christchurch Food Festival is about to start, with its magnificent international food market, cooking demonstrations and surrounding events. It attracts tens of thousands to the town.


Later in the year, the Christchurch Christmas Festival is another well-loved event, enjoyed by many local young families.

Free quotations, choose patterns in the comfort of your own home. Flexible appointments available.

These events involve significant months of planning and are run by hardworking volunteers and, up until last year, had important financial and staff support from Christchurch Council. However Council cut-backs have taken that vital support away.

Contact Jill on : 01202 473077 - 07765 104029

The dedicated Food Festival Committee should be highly

congratulated for keeping the main structure of the

Festival going this year; although those who know the festival well will realise that it is in a reduced form. With the Christmas Festival, Kim Skinner (who is also involved with the RNLI fun day) must be thanked for taking on the chair of the Committee running the event – but lack of funding is a major concern. Even stripped to the bone, essential insurance and health and safety requirements need financing. The Council have been prepared to sponsor the Food Festival for this year and it is likely that they will give some assistance to the Christmas Festival for this year, but if there are any businesses out there wanting some great sponsorship coverage, please get in touch.

Colin Butchart, Denture Clinician with over 28 years ’ experience working directly to the public.

All dentures created within our state of the art denture clinic

Both these festivals were started by the Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce to bring people into the town, but have taken on a life of their own as major community events. What a loss to the town it would be if they could not continue. Do please show your support for them and in particular enjoy the forthcoming Food Festival to the full - whilst it lasts.

Peter Watson-Lee President Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce

O ering: New Dentures, Relines, Repairs, Home Visits, Easy Parking, Ground Floor Access

Tel: 01425 272380

415C, Lymington Road, Highcli e, BH23 5EN

Member of Bri sh Associa on of Clinical Dental Technicians, GDC No. The General Dental Council and Interna onal Team of Implantology 146363

ChristchurchEYE 13

Win £25! There are 5 Pooky the Bears in this month’s magazine. What pages are they on? (Not including this one!) Send your answers to:

Local Eye Mags Competitions PO Box 7812 Christchurch Dorset BH23 9HZ

Pages............................................. Name............................................ Address........................................ ...................................................... ...................................................... Answers to be received no later than 31st May 2014

Purewell Cross Dental Practice Now offers late evening and Saturday appointments.

Modern private services tailored to your individual needs in a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere. General dentistry and dental hygiene Comprehensive restorative & cosmetic work, implant restorations, tooth whitening, minor orthodontics

134 Purewell |Christchurch BH23 1EU Tel: (01202) 485621 Website:

14 ChristchurchEYE

An English Mum


’m slightly irked this month! Last year BBC’s Top Gear decided to poke fun at our little town by parading a ‘granny mobile’ around Rachel the streets. Recently, yet another BBC TV series has portrayed us as an old fashioned, sleepy town, inhabited entirely by pensioners shuffling round on zimmer frames! Now, I do realise that there are a fair few retired people in the area (which I have no problem with — after all I hope to be one at some point in the future!). However, a quick look at the statistics shows there are actually more people under 35 who live here than over 65. Even a cursory glance through the Christchurch Eye suggests we have much more going on than just being ‘God’s waiting room’! Far from being sleepy, this month the high street will be buzzing with people of all ages as the vibrant stalls of the Food Festival move in. It is a complete family event - free food to keep the teens happy, giant inflatables for the kiddies and celebrity chefs demonstrating delicious dishes for the rest of the food loving public. By evening, the emerging cafe culture of the town will take over as bands play in the pubs and enthusiastic drinkers attempt to tick off all the varieties on their ‘Real Ale Trail’ passports. There really is something for EVERYONE! Sticking up for the ‘oldies’, I’m fairly sure far more active retirees live here than those who ride mobility scooters! I love that when my son goes to Christchurch Tennis Club he can play against people of all ages — and sometimes get beaten by the older ones! Towns need a mix of ages — it keeps the old feeling young whilst the young benefit from the experience of the old. Our town has it just right, a healthy mix of all ages and a place where time really is pleasant — especially when the TV crews have all gone home! An English Mum x

Adopt a Pet


’m a stunning saluki lurcher cross of around 27 inches to the shoulder. I’m between 2 and 3 years old but I was found wandering as a stray so no-one is Skye really sure. When I was first rescued I was very timid and wary of humans, but I’m becoming much more confident and am very loving once I know you. I would like to live in a calm, quite and loving household with no young children. It would be great if I had another dog to show me the ropes. With a bit of love and kindness I will be the perfect pet.



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Who will make sure those you care about are OK? Carers Required – We are looking for people to provide care to the elderly in their homes.

We know the most important things in life are our loved ones but it is not always possible to be near them. This obviously causes anxiety as you are not always sure that they are safe, secure, warm and managing their daily lives. We can provide daily or weekly support that will help alleviate your concerns.

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To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214

ChristchurchEYE 15

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All set for the Christchurch Food Festival


his year’s Festival will be held on the weekend of 10 and 11 May with various establishments in the town holding their own events during the month of May. The celebrated Indian chef, Cyrus Todiwala, who recently appeared in the BBC2 series ‘The Incredible Spice Men’, is to return to this year’s Christchurch Food & Wine Festival following his successful appearance in 2010. Cyrus, who runs his own restaurant Café Spice Namaste in London, will be showing his culinary skills in the demonstration marquee on Sunday 11 May. The Festival’s patron, Lesley Waters, will also be back, appearing on Saturday 10 May. The Festival market taking place in the High Street will contain around 120 stalls selling a huge variety of food and drink. Sunday 11 May will see a Bake Day at the Kings Arms bowling green pavilion with competitions to find the best cakes, tarts and pies in Christchurch. New this year will be a Real Ale Trail where a passport can be bought which will allow you to try out a generous sample of 14 different real ales in a variety of local pubs throughout May. Also new this year is the Tasty Trail with special offers and discounts at delicatessens, shops and restaurants throughout the town as well as the Festival Bites, which are events held by eateries throughout Christchurch for the whole month of May. All information and events can be found on the website at Check us out too on Facebook and Twitter!





Christchurch Food & Wine Festival 2014 Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th May

t t t t t Festival Market throughout Christchurch town centre with demonstrations from Cyrus Todiwala and Lesley Waters. Fantastic array of food stalls, excellent entertainment and lots more besides! Throughout the whole of May enjoy Festival Bites – a wide range of events around Christchurch; the brand new Real Ale Trail and fantastic discounts with our Tasty Trail.

To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214

Tasty trail

Festival bites Check out our new website

ChristchurchEYE 17

Golden Acres Garden Centre Group

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33 ffoorr ££1122

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HHaannggiinngg BBaasskkeettss

22 ffoorr ££2200

Come and visit us and claim your




Present this voucher at any of our Golden Acres Group Coffee Shops to receive a free hot drink with the relevant information filled out. May not be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. One free hot drink per voucher. Photocopies not accepted. Valid until 31st May 2014

Golden Acres Garden Centre 359 Christchurch Road, West Parley Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8SJ

John Browns Garden Centre Ringwood Road, Three Legged Cross BH21 6RD

Cadnam Garden Centre Southampton Road, Cadnam S040 2NB 18 ChristchurchEYE

Christchurch Food & Wine Festival 2014 The fabulous Christchurch Food & Wine Festival Market will be taking place throughout the town centre on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 May 2014 from 10am to 6pm. The High Street and the Alley Market

Druitt Gardens

The High Street and Alley Market (opposite M & S Simply Food) will be filled with more than 100 stalls selling a wide range of delicious food & drink and related items, many of which are produced locally. You will find everything from mouth-watering food to eat during the market to scrumptious food and drink to take away to enjoy at home. From tasty olives to fine oils, locally grown asparagus to organically produced meat, freshly baked bread to locally produced sausages and cheeses… you will be spoilt for choice!

Nearby Druitt Gardens will be used as a picnic area and will feature community organisations as well as activities for children. It will be an ideal place for visitors to sit and relax away from the bustling market and enjoy eating their purchases.

Demonstration Marquee Free cookery demonstrations will be taking place in the Demonstration Marquee in Wick Lane car park, adjacent to the Regent Centre with much-loved celebrity chef and patron of the Festival, Lesley Waters and BBC Saturday Kitchen regular and star of BBC2’s The Incredible Spice Men, Cyrus Todiwala. Many of Christchurch’s excellent local chefs will also be demonstrating over the weekend.

Festival’s Kid’s Kitchen

Italian Market The fabulous Italian Market will be returning to Church Street cobbled area, just in front of the Priory Church gates and the friendly traders will be selling a range of tasty Italian food including freshly baked bread, biscuits, sweets, olives and cheeses.

There’s fun for the kids too! The Festival’s Kids’ Kitchen takes place on both days at the Priory School in Wick Lane, just a few minutes’ walk from the Demonstration Marquee and at the nearby Kings Arms Hotel in Castle Street. There’s something for everyone from the age of 3-14 years with fun workshops taking place on both days, each lasting around one and a half hours. All food and equipment will be provided, just bring your own apron.

Artisan Market The Artisan Market with its interesting array of specialist foods will be returning to NatWest car park, located between the High Street and the Demonstration Marquee in Wick Lane car park.

For more information have a look at the Kids’ Kitchen page at Sessions can be booked on-line or visit the Regent Centre Box Office in the High Street.

ChristchurchEYE 19

Christchurch welcomes Pipe Band from Germany


n Friday 9th May, the much acclaimed Kochen Clan Pipe Band from one of Christchurch’s Twin Towns of Aalen, Germany arrive in Christchurch for the Food Festival Weekend. They are being hosted by the Christchurch and District Band, whom they have strong links with following their performances in Germany at their Beer Festival. On Saturday, during the day the Pipe band will be popping in and out of various locations in and around town playing impromptu 5-10 minute slots. Steff Emmett, Director of Music from the Christchurch and District Band said to the Christchurch Eye “As well as having close ties with our band, they have become personal friends. Holger Weidner, who leads the pipe band, is a stickler for detail and this shows with every piece they play. While the Kochen Clan Pipe Band are German, they wear traditional Scottish pipe band uniform, kilts and all. Holgers constant strive for perfect tuning make them a pleasure to work with and it is a joy to hear and see them.” It is a real privilege for Christchurch to be able to see and hear them perform at a full concert at the Mudeford Wood Community Centre on Saturday 10th May 2014 at 7.30pm. This is an exclusive one-off concert for Christchurch and can only be seen in concert this one night. Ticket prices are subsidised by the Christchurch and District Band to enable more people in the community to be able to enjoy their “Lighthearted Musical Evening” with the Kochen Clan Pipe Band. A rousing finale of the bands together, will make it an evening to remember. Tickets, just £5 each, are available on the door; but limited in availability - Online booking is advisable by and clicking “book seats”.

20 ChristchurchEYE

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Southbourne Beach by Anthony Garratt

River Stour by Peter Kettle FRSA

EXHIBITION of PAINTINGS BY ANTHONY GARRATT & PETER KETTLE FRSA PLUS POTS BY CRAIG UNDERHILL Hatch Gallery 7a Church Street Christchurch Dorset BH23 1BW tel 01202 474644 / 07787 517958 email

A Coastal Journey Toward Abstraction

Hatch Gallery 7a Church Street Christchurch BH23 1BW 01202 474644/07787 517958

22 ChristchurchEYEemail

Christchurch Library Food Week


s part of the Christchurch Food Festival, Christchurch Library is holding its own festival from Saturday 10th May to Saturday 18th May. A full programme includes a visit from Jennie Rakes, author of the novel “Deceptions, Lies and Chocolate Muffins�, a talk - “Cider: an Insider’s Insight into Cider Making� by Burley cider man Barry Topp, a talk on tea with the opportunity to taste various teas at the afternoon tea party which follows, a demonstration and workshop on decorative napkins folding by Luigi Spotorno; a special ‘coffee morning quizzes’; a food survey and children’s activities. Food -related Book Trails for adults and children run from Tuesday, 9th May to Tuesday, 20th May. when competitors scour the windows of the local shops to locate book titles. If you have not yet visited your newly refurbished library, why not call in and collect a leaflet listing details of all events, pick one up at Tourist Information or call the library on 01202 485938. A craft group has just started at the library with ideas for other types of interest groups in the pipeline. There are various book groups, daytime and evening - if you would like to join one, contact the library. In August the library has an event-packed holiday -themed week and is also part of the Christchurch War Week in September. The library supported by Friends of Christchurch & Highcliffe Libraries - information and membership forms are obtainable in the foyer.


" # # $ % ChristchurchEYE 23

Property values rise by £371 per week in Christchurch


ast week, a landlord who lives in Bransgore, came into our office to discuss the rising property values in the area. He owns a varied portfolio of rental properties, primarily in Christchurch and Burton with one in Barton on Sea, so we thought it would be interesting to compare the increase in property values around the area.


Over the last 12 months, in Christchurch, average property values have risen from £298,500 to £317,800, a rise of just over £19,300, or £371 per week. When I looked at some of the surrounding areas, Burton has had a much lower average increase in property values, at around £291 per week, whilst Barton on Sea has a higher rise than Christchurch and Burton, with an average increase of around £423 per week. A rise in all average property values suggests the market is recovering steadily in our area, but not rocketing out of control like some of the press would make us believe – good news for home owners and landlords alike! When considering this particular landlords buy to let portfolio, yields can be in the order of 4% to 5% per year, depending where you buy, so combine that with steady rental growth, excellent increases in capital values of the properties themselves and it could be a good time to invest in the property market in Christchurch as property values start to rise. Just before I finish though, Lymington along the coast, saw rises of £318 per week, which on the face of it looks very respectable. However, the percentage increase was nearly 40% less, as actual values only rose by 4.4% compared to Christchurch’s of 6.4%. If you would like some advice about buying to let, be you a landlord with a portfolio or someone thinking of investing in the rental market, please, feel free to pop into our offices on Fountain Way (near Waitrose) in Christchurch Jeremy Clarke, Belvoir 01202 588920

24 ChristchurchEYE

A new look for your old kitchen this Spring... Have you always wanted the kitchen of your dreams, but can’t quite justify paying the expensive price tag that comes with it? Now you can by just swapping the doors and worktops.

Call us to find out more

Kitchen image supplied by Lincoln Customer Sept 2011

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ChristchurchEYE 25


Coffee Break

Sudoku Competition Win a beautiful bouquet of flowers courtesy of Fairmile Florist! Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive! Simply complete the Sudoku Puzzle, fill in your details and post your entry to: LEM Competitions, PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ. Name Tel.No Address Good Luck! Entries to be received no later than 31st May 2014. Winner picked at random from correct entries.

Crossword Across


1 4 7 8 9 11 12 14 16 18 20 21 23

1 Mini-market, local store (7) 2 Iron (5) 3 Footwear for sliding on snow (3) 4 Minus points (9) 5 Involuntary shakes (7) 6 Premises which sell things (5) 10 Radical, zealot (9) 13 Plant covered with stinging hairs (7) 15 Fence-like barrier (7) 17 Romantic partner (5) 19 Legal excuse (5) 22 Flat-faced dog (3)

Stares open-mouthed (5) Brief written comments (5) Suspended in the air (8) Greek God of love (4) Most chaotic or sloppy (8) Yorkshire river (4) Baby swan (6) Room in a church (6) Narrow opening (4) Elated (8) Elliptical (4) Implied (8) Take an examination again (5) 24 Leaving (5)

26 ChristchurchEYE

Crossword answers on page 48


£10 lunch

Soup or Salad, Main and a drink. Available Monday - Saturday lunchtimes.

Josper Grill nights every Wednesday

Enjoy double burgers, steaks and whole fish with dishes to share from £10 per person.

Fizz ‘n’ Chips every Friday at Kings

There’s nothing more British than Friday fish ‘n’ chips, and now you can sip Champagneas you taste fresh fish landed at Mudeford Quay.

Sunday Lunch 2 Courses for £15.

To make a reservation call: 01202 588933 View more events online: Rooms





ChristchurchEYE 27

Young stroke sur vivor ‘wowed’ by care home generosity


Dorset woman who suffered a stroke when she was just 19 has praised a Mudeford care home for raising more than £750 to help other young stroke survivors. Claire Whitehouse, who campaigns for the Stroke Association, said the generosity of elderly residents at Colten Care’s Avon Reach home had left her “blown away”. The money was raised through a gala dinner, raffles and the sale of arts and crafts items made by residents including knitted teddy bears and paper flower displays. Claire, 23, from Burton near Christchurch, said the cash would help towards providing better information and facilities for young stroke survivors who can feel very isolated and alone after leaving hospital. She said: “Many need extra support, mainly to get over the emotional effects, as they make their way back into work or college. Strokes among young people are more common than you might think. I was fit and had played football since I was six. I never dreamt I’d have to actually think about what is involved in simply walking.” Claire said the Avon Reach fundraising effort showed there did not have to be a gap between the charitable interests of old and young. “The residents are in a different age group but they still wanted to donate to help young stroke survivors. It blew me away when I first heard. I thought ‘wow’. I couldn’t believe it.” Resident Ray Holliday presented a cheque for £765.60 to Claire at a reception in the home. Picture: Stroke campaigner Claire Whitehouse with dog Benny at Colten Care’s Avon Reach care home in Mudeford. With their handmade teddy bears and paper flowers are resident Irene Brown (left), Activity Organiser Sandra Boulton and resident Betty Elvy.

YOUR CHILDREN ARE AMAZING ALREADY. WE JUST HELP THEM PROVE IT. From Reception to Year 11, NumberWorks’nWords afterschool tuition brings out the best in every student by: s tailoring lessons according to each individual’s needs s setting achievable goals and monitoring their progress s developing our own programmes using only qualified Maths and English experts s teaching skills and strategies for Reception to GCSE, Verbal Reasoning, prep for 11+ and SATs

28 ChristchurchEYE

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We Have


Unit 16 | Priory Industrial Park Airspeed Road | Christchurch BH23 4HE 01202 496150 30 ChristchurchEYE

Generosity of Local Businesses to support Pancreatic Charity


wynham School in Christchurch welcomed the public on Wednesday 9 April for a coffee morning, which raised £2,450 for Pancreatic Cancer UK (charity no. 112708). Local Businesses had generously given raffle prizes and the organizer, Liz Cook, said she was very grateful to them for their donations. She was also grateful to friends and family who made delicious home baked cakes and Wessex Cater Hire who kindly loaned the crockery. The coffee morning was held in memory of Ann James, a popular local lady, who gave many years’ service at Twynham School as a member of support staff. This sum has been supplemented with online donations and the total is now over £2,800.

Open 7 days a week 6 St Catherines Parade | Fairmile Road Christchurch | Dorset BH23 2LQ

01202 484711

Keep fit and earn money at the same time! Distributors wanted to deliver the Christchurch Eye magazine in the Christchurch area. You will need to be able to pick up the magazines once a month from the Fairmile area of Christchurch and return feedback sheet to same address once delivered. If you are interested, please call our Distribution Manager, Sue on 01202 470254 / 07909 240240 To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214

ChristchurchEYE 31



PRAWN, STEAK AND STRAWBERRIES. 2 courses £15.50 Available Monday lunch and evening and Tuesday - Saturday lunchtimes, until the end of April.

S UN DA Y LUN CH Enjoy 2 courses for just £21.50

FRID AY N IG HT JA ZZ A T UPP ER D ECK Along with a slice of lemon grove you can now enjoy lobster and chips from £19.50!


A l l fo r £ 3 5 Available at lunch and early dinner (6-7pm) until the end of April

TO BOOK PLEASE CALL UPPER DECK 01202 400954 • Christchurch Harbour Hotel •

95 Mudeford, Christchurch BH23 3NT

32 ChristchurchEYE

On The Water


hristchurch is a great location to get afloat on canoes and kayaks. I paddle from Christchurch all year round and make the most of all conditions John from flat calm summer days to winter surf. In recent years paddle sports have seen the biggest growth in watersports around the world. Until recently these were traditional sports and paddlers needed specialist training, including learning to Eskimo roll if they capsized. In the late ‘90s the first sit-on-top ocean kayaks arrived in the UK and everything changed – boats became safe, stable and easy to use! Mudeford Lifeboat Funday enabled us to get hundreds of people paddling for the first time and everyone is now used to brightly coloured kayaks of all shapes and sizes in Christchurch Harbour, paddled by people of all ages. Sit-on-top kayaks originated in the US when surfers and watermen wanted to paddle out through breaking surf then have a safe platform to fish and dive from. You will now see many different kayak designs in local waters including two man boats, short boats that are easy to transport and specialist kayaks with fishing rod holders and loads of accessories. If you are getting started remember the basics - short wide boats are stable and long narrow boats are fast. There are loads of activities that you can do with a kayak in this area from paddling for fitness, to fishing at sea or simply cruising the local rivers. Good places to launch in Christchurch are the slipways near The Captain’s Club and Mudeford Quay or you can park and launch at Avon Beach. See you on the water!!

John Haynes Blue Ride ChristchurchEYE 33

1st Class Service

Local Tradesman Based in Christchurch

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34 ChristchurchEYE

Christchurch Rotary


e have braved one of the wettest winters on record with damage seen throughout the country but finally we can look forward to some fine weather. It’s officially summertime!

Paul As we all know the world is constantly changing, likewise, Rotary is the same. I have been a member for a number of years and have personally witnessed these changes. As an example, during March I was not able to attend club meetings but with modern technology I was kept involved with the on-going events within the club. At Christchurch Rotary we are a club (team) in every sense of the word. It is the club’s intention to develop a modern and interesting website to showcase ourselves on the Internet. Many of our members still like to pick up the phone and have “a chat�. Long gone is the “stuffy stereotype� of old. Like the seasons coming and going Rotary has adapted, to remain a relevant force, it has had to. In fact I would argue we are more relevant today than ever before. But are these changes for the better? A resounding YES. Most things have to adapt and evolve throughout life or they can stagnate, no such circumstances within our club or Rotary generally. So, with summer upon us we can look forward to lots of socialising with friends with all of us united for the same cause. In Rotary we have a saying “Service before Self� and that to me sums us up. Members consistently putting others before themselves constantly impress me. Well that’s my ramblings over for the month; better attend the club in April, if only to catch up on what I have missed! If you are interested to know more, or just pay us a visit then please do make contact, you will be made very welcome. Regards,

Paul Lawton

Want to know more? Contact James Moreton Email:




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CHRISTCHURCH COACH HOLIDAYS 2014 5 DAYS – ISLE OF WIGHT THE SHANKLIN HOTEL Monday 21st April – Friday 25th April £249 per person Half Board

9 DAYS - AUSTRIAN TYROL St JOHAN THE BABYMIO HOTEL ALL 4* OVERNIGHTS IN GERMANY Saturday 17th May - Sunday 25th May £689 per person - Singles £799 Half Board

5 DAYS – TENBY THECLIFFE NORTON HOTEL Friday 9th May Tuesday 13th May £249 per person Half Board 8 DAYS - SCOTLAND ULLAPOOL THE CALEDONIAN HOTEL (OVERNIGHTS IN GRETNA) Sunday 14th Sept Sunday 21st September £399 perperson Half Board

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6 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL WESTON-SUPER-MARE THE YORK HOTEL ON SEA FRONT Monday 17th Nov - Saturday 22nd Nov £239 per person Half Board


ChristchurchEYE 35

Christchurch Citizens Association


ow sad it is to see our beautiful town fast becoming gridlocked with traffic and this is even before the tourist season starts. We need to find a solution to this serious situation. What are your views on this problem? Do come along and share your ideas with us. Why is it felt that there is a need for signposts to indicate parking spaces in a small town such as Christchurch, when the money could be spent more efficiently on repairing the potholes and cracks in our roads? As mentioned in the past, the CCA are still doing our utmost to retain Druitt Hall a much-needed venue for groups and associations to hire for their meetings and activities, this is now looking more positive. It is not all doom and gloom and by the time you read this item it will be May with two bank holidays to look forward to and hopes of long hot summer days ahead. Don’t forget our next meetings will be on Monday 12th May and Monday 2nd of June at 7.30pm at Druitt Hall.

36 ChristchurchEYE

Poetry Corner by CCC Poets Tulips in Slender Green Wine Bottle by Pam Davies Delicate yellow petals gloriously vermillion edged permeating golden flush on perfectly formed flower, open-faced, leaning gently on life giving stalk her pale head bowed to the world. Brightly yellow wilder bloom, strong yet feathery darkly elegant brush strokes create clear crimson delight Exquisite morning sunshine opens her waxy corolla as she leans disdainfully apart.

The Home of Choice & Unusual Plants

Open both May Bank Holidays May 5th & 26th Wide Selection... “Many Unusual� Trees, Shrubs, Fruit & Perennials 4 Acre Woodland Gardens

Tea Room Sundays & Bank Holidays 10am-5pm Mon - Sat 9am-5pm

Tel: 01425 672348 154 Burley Rd, Bransgore, Christchurch, BH23 8DB Free friendly advice always available


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Bud Burst Garden Services One off tidying and ongoing care Skilled, knowledgeable and qualified Call 01425 291 873 or visit ChristchurchEYE 37

38 ChristchurchEYE

Big Date from the Little Pickles Team Here at Team Little Pickles we are proud to announce our next major event - Little Pickles Baby and Toddler Show Dorset on Sunday May 11th 2014! Bringing together all the things parents love to provide for their Little Pickles. Please keep an eye on our website for latest updates on exhibitors, taster sessions and guest appearances. Little Pickles are in the ideal position using our network of children’s markets, social media following to bring you a great show. We will have a balance of retailers, services and entertainment for you to enjoy. Free goody bags for the first 200 families visiting the show. A charity raffle with some great prizes. We are also pleased to be supporting Naomi House and Jacksplace, Dorset Fire and Rescue plus Julia’s House

K & J



K & J Toyshop celebrating its 5th Birthday this year. Science  and  Educational  kits,  Beach/outdoor  goods,  Fun  loom  and  Diabolo craze  stockists! Also  the  home  of  Kellys  Castles  bouncy  castle  hire.

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Call 01202 477214 or email ChristchurchEYE 39

The Cook Shop All new



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40 ChristchurchEYE

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Wilverley Road, Christchurch, BH233RU. Tel: 01202 484411

New campaign encourages everyone to Care for Christchurch Residents and visitors to Christchurch are being encouraged to get behind a new campaign aimed at improving the environment and economy in the borough. The Care for Christchurch campaign is being launched by Christchurch Borough Council, Dorset Waste Partnership (DWP), Christchurch Chamber of Trade & Commerce and Christchurch Police. There are five main parts to the campaign: take your litter home; pick up after your dog; report graffiti; report fly-tipping; and shop locally. Statistics show that it costs £175,000 of council tax payers’ money to deal with litter in Christchurch every year. That’s money that could be used for other services if nobody dropped litter. Much of this cost is down to dealing with litter on major roads where expensive traffic management measures need to be put in place to collect it. While most people already help by putting their litter in bins, most of that litter does not get recycled. The campaign asks people to take their recyclable litter home and recycle it in their kerbside collection. It also costs a lot of money to continually empty bins – if it didn’t have to be done so often, that would be a saving. Most dog walkers pick up after their dogs wherever they are but dog fouling is still a problem. Anyone not picking up can face a fixed penalty of £75 or prosecution in the magistrates’ court, which could cost them a fine of up to £1,000. If people see someone habitually letting their dog do its business without picking it up, the campaign asks them to report it. The Care for Christchurch campaign also covers fly-tipping and graffiti. If anyone sees either of these happening, they should report it so it can be cleared up and the culprits found. There was a spate of graffitipainting in Christchurch last year and the perpetrators were found and made to clean it up. As part of the campaign, schools are getting involved so that anyone thinking of doing graffiti understands the effects it could have on others. Cllr Margaret Phipps, Portfolio Holder for the Environment at Christchurch Council and a member of the DWP Joint Committee, said: “Many people are already involved in helping keep their locality clean and we’re very grateful to them. We’re asking more people to ‘adopt a spot’ near them and take responsibility for keeping it clean and tidy. We can help by providing litter-pickers and sacks and arrange for rubbish to be collected after a litter pick.” One other way the campaign is asking residents to Care for Christchurch is to shop locally. Christchurch has many sole traders who rely on local shoppers to keep their businesses going, particularly in winter months. There are a lot of unique shops here so people can be sure of finding something different by browsing. The new £1 for 2 hours parking rate will allow people to spend more time looking around. Stephen Bowden, President of Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce, said: “For Christchurch to thrive, we all need to do what we can to keep the borough attractive. The Care for Christchurch campaign is exactly what is needed. Keeping the borough clean and tidy makes it a pleasing place to visit and shopping locally provides vital support to our businesses. The Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce is very pleased to support this worthwhile project.” Further details about the campaign can be found at Anyone wanting to report fly-tipping can do it at or they can call the Dorset Waste Partnership on 01305 221040. To report dog fouling go to or graffiti go to or call 01202 495000.

ChristchurchEYE 41

Garden View

A Thorny Issue


hatever your opinion of roses, there’s no denying that this flower is the epitome of traditional English gardening, and maybe for some that’s just the problem. For some people the memories of insipid flowers sitting above leggy stalks and diseased leaves is enough to put them off ever planting another rose bush again. Classified as a woody perennial, with over a hundred species it is still by far one of Britain’s favourite plants. Native to China, the humble rose grows well in our climate, where the cool moist winters and warm (ish) summers mean that as long as we don’t experience too much rain (which can cause petals to fuse together before fully opening) plants should live happily for many years. That said they are not ‘forever plants’ and should not be held on to for sentimental reasons. I’ve removed no end of beds planted up in the 60’s with nothing more than clumps of baked clay soil as their companion. Roses are best planted bare root between November and February but are most often purchased containerised when in flower during the summer months. If well watered in their first year, roses planted this way should establish well. Plant slightly deeper than you think you need, burying the graft (woody knuckle) fractionally below the soil. Humans are not the only admirers of roses and they can suffer from numerous pests and diseases so prepare yourself for battle. Problems include; brown scale, rose aphids, rose leaf-rolling sawfly, rose dieback, rose powdery mildew,

42 ChristchurchEYE

rose blackspot and rose rust. That said there are disease-resistant varieties, and prevention is always better than cure. If planted in good soil (they don’t mind heavy clay) and in a well prepared hole with some homemade compost or manure, then fed in March with a special rose fertiliser before another layer of compost or manure is placed on top, and watered well they will provide you with a long lasting combination of colour and scent. For added interest, why not grow two varieties together which complement each other, or flower at different times for lengthier impact. On a sunny wall try; Rosa ‘Blush Noisette’, a great repeat flowerer with small double pink flowers, ‘Lady Waterlow’ for silky pink blooms and healthy foliage, ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ for exquisite scent, or ‘Etoile de Hollande’ for a splash of rich scarlet red. Ground cover roses such as the ‘flower carpet range’ are great for covering banks and are extremely low maintenance, or try an avenue of standard roses such as ‘Winchester Cathedral’ which look fabulous when under planted with lavender or lush low growing evergreens. Finally for a wonderful thornless variety try Rosa ‘Mortimer Sackler’. Happy gardening Lee

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“Jon has introduced me to the enjoyment of training outside which is very refreshing after years spent in the gym�

“I really enjoy the group sessions, it’s a great way to de-stress.


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SOUTHERN TREE SPECIALISTS The tree care professionals

Professional arboriculturalists, focusing on the care and maintenance of trees, with excellent customer service. From commercial to domestic works, our Dorset and Hampshire based team of arborists can provide a professional and safe service.

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Tree evaluations & Reports. Crown reductions, thinning & crown lifting. Dangerous & Dead wood removal. Tree removals & Felling. Site clearance & Stump grinding. Planting & Hedge trimming.

We recycle all our waste and aim to be 100% environmentally friendly

Call Andy on 07788 298127

For more information visit: 44 ChristchurchEYE

Christchurch Angels


hristchurch Angels Project is led by Christchurch Community Partnership and is funded by Christchurch Borough Council, Dorset Community Foundation, the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and Sovereign Housing. Christchurch Angels aims to reach those in our community who don’t have a network of family/friends to give that practical help and support in times of crisis or illness for a couple of months. The kinds of things a volunteer Angel can help with are: • • • • • • • • •

Visiting people in their homes and providing regular contact if needed Helping and supporting people to use local facilities, activities and resources Assisting with information and advice regarding other agencies who can provide support Acting as an advocate when necessary Helping with paperwork and correspondence Helping with practical tasks, e.g. getting prescriptions, mowing the lawn, walking the dog. Helping to develop a better social life Shopping transport via Dial a Bus Accompanied walks with the Strollers Volunteers will not be expected to carry out personal care or housework.

VOLUNTEER ANGELS Volunteers are the ‘life blood’ for any community. We seek to recruit volunteers from a diverse range of backgrounds. You will get the chance to meet new people, make friends and gain confidence; the chance to use your individual talents and skills to benefit your local community; an enhanced CV; the knowledge that you have made a difference to someone’s life – a real feel good factor. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact Linda Green on 07443 476798 or email:

Job Vacancy - Advertising Sales Due to continued expansion, Local Eye Magazines are currently looking to grow their sales team and recruit motivated individuals to work on a self-employed, commission only basis in Advertising Sales. Working from home and visiting potential customers in and around the Christchurch and Highcliffe area with part time hours to suit. You will be selling advertising space within our well known and well respected community magazines with many USP’s making for an easier sell. Customers vary from large businesses or small, in the high street or working from home. Repeat orders are common, and attract further commissions. Local knowledge of the Christchurch area is essential and experience/knowledge within the Media/Advertising industry would also be beneficial. You will have a confident personality, assertive and professional attitude, have excellent organisational and time management skills. Sales experience is desirable but not essential. Please send your CV with a covering letter to: for the attention of The Editor. ChristchurchEYE 45

Owned and run by Christchurch Housing Society, a charity providing care and accommodation for older people since 1946 ! ! ! ! ! ! Jude Powell RN

Tel: 01425 272919

Silver Way, Lymington Road, Highcliffe BH23 4LJ

Christchurch Housing Society also owns Avondene Care Home in Mudeford

David  Burgess  Garden  Design from design to full installation service

established 1988 providing a comprehensive garden and landscaping services we  can  carry  out: pruning,  clearance  and  planting  schemes natural  stone  and  brick  paving decking  and  walling new  lawns  from  seed Also able to clear leaves, mow your lawn and cut those tall hedges references available no charges for local site visits quotations without obligation 46 ChristchurchEYE

call David on

07718 993119

(please leave a message if I'm not available) covering Christchurch, Bournemouth and Poole

Cherry oat squares with chocolate drizzle

REGENT CENTRE HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH (01202) 499199 With Christchurch Information Centre (01202) 471780 Thurs 1 May 7pm £13 Concs £12 Live by satellite on screen Encores recorded on screen: Fri 2 May 2.30pm & 7.30pm NT Live: KING LEAR Sat 3 & Mon 5 May 2.30pm & 7.30pm LEGO MOVIE (U) 2D Sun 4 May 7.30pm £12.50 Conc £10.50 Tribute to Count Basie SWING UNLIMITED ALL STARS BIG BAND Tues 6 2.30pm & 7.30pm & Wed 7 May 7.30pm Colin Firth is THE RAILWAY MAN (15) Thur 8 May 2.30pm & 7.30pm HER (15) Oscar Best screenplay Joaquin Phoenix falls for the sultry female voice on his computer Fri 9 , Mon 12 & Tues 13 May 2.30pm & 7.30pm George Clooney, Matt Damon–THE MONUMENTS MEN (12A) Sat 10 May 5.55pm £22 Concs: £20 Live by satellite on screen Met Opera NY – LA CENERENTOLA - Rossini Wed 14 May 2.30pm £12.50 Conc £10.50 Martyn James Band BLESS’EM ALL Directed by Dougie Chapman Nostalgic afternoon of song, music and comedy of 1940s Wed 14 May 7pm Live by satellite on screen £13 Conc £12 RSC from Stratford-on-Avon HENRY IV Part 1 Thurs 15 May 2.30pm & 7.30pm PHILOMENA (12A) Fri 16 May 7.30pm £12.50 Concs £11 Child under 12: £5 B’MOUTH GILBERT & SULLIVAN SOC – Little List of Gems Sat 17 May 2.30pm £9.50 Conc £ 8.50. Party of 4: £32 Family Show People’s Theatre Co – OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM Sat 17 May 7.30pm & Mon 19 – Wed 21 May 2.30pm & 7.30pm & Thurs 22 May 2.30pm – THE BOOK THIEF (12A) Sunday 18 May 7.30pm £17.50 True Love Ways, Peggy Sue BUDDY HOLLY 55th ANNIVERSARY TOUR 1959 – 2014 Thurs 22 May 7pm Live by satellite on screen £13 Concs £12 Encores recorded on screen: Fri 23 May 2.30pm & 7.30pm NT Live: CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME Sat 24 May 7pm £12 Child £8 Family of 4 £35 Saltmine Theatre Co – NOAH – A Musical Adventure Sun 25 May & Sun 1 June 2.30pm & 7.30pm Family animated film fun MR PEABODY & SHERMAN (U) 2D Wed 28 – Sat 31 May 7.30pm.Mat Sat 2.30pm £14.50 Conc £13.50 Highcliffe Charity Players – ANNIE –“Tomorrow” Public Car Park at rear. Pre-show Dining at The Kings £15. VIP Experience £30. Not inc show ticket

Ingredients 140g butter, melted, plus extra butter for the tin 100g self-raising flour 175g caster sugar 175g porridge oats 1 egg, beaten 100g glacé cherries, halved 50g dark chocolate Method 1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line the base and sides of a 22cm square cake tin: cut 2 strips of baking parchment the width of the tin and longer than the base and sides, and fit into the tin each way and up the sides. This will make lifting it out easier. 2. Mix together the flour, sugar and oats in a bowl. Add the egg, melted butter and cherries, and mix well. Tip into the tin and spread evenly with a fork. 3. Bake for 20-25 mins until golden brown. Cool in the tin for 10 mins, then carefully lift out using the paper and place on a board. Mark, but don’t cut, 4 lines each way to make 16 squares. Melt the chocolate in the microwave for 1 min, then drizzle over the squares. When the chocolate has set, cut the squares down the marked lines.

To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214

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Carer Homes/Help Apex Care 15 Silverways Nursing Home 46 Inter-­‐County Nursing Care & Services Ltd49 Children, Pets & Education Number Works n Words Little Pickles Markets Toyshop

28 39 39

Food and Drink Sabai Thai Restaurant The Kings Hotel Upper Deck Restaurant

9 27 32

Health, Beauty & Lifestyle All Mobility Foot Rescue Dorset Denture Clinic Purewell Cross Dental Practice Scissors Christchurch Women's Workout Fairmile Florist Specsavers Purewell Electrical JB Fitness Experience

4 7 13 14 20 23 31 36 40 43

Home Improvement Dunkley Tiles Tower View Ashley Blinds UK Comfort Rooms JT Blinds A Beautiful Clean Plumb Exchange

3 4 5 12 13 15 16

FUNERAL DIRECTORS Miller Bros. & F.P. Butler Ltd A privately owned family business established in Christchurch for over 100 years

Personal Service available 24 hours a day Competitive prices to suit your needs Burials & Cremations


119 Bargates Christchurch BH23 1QH

48 ChristchurchEYE

Roof Exchange Build Exchange Glass Exchange Keith Hefford Handyman Liberty Design Priory Plumbing Forest Heating Dream Doors Flair Interiors Made2Measure Bedrooms Charlie Hanshaw Handyman Paul Belton Construction All Mopped Up JD O'Brian Chimney Sweep

16 16 21 21 21 21 22 25 29 30 34 34 35 37

Local Events Christchurch Food & Wine Festival


Motoring and Travel Maarten's Taxi Christchurch Coaches Keith Motors

21 35 51

Property & Lettings Management Richard Godsell Estate Agents Belvoir Lettings Bullock & Lees

15 24 52

3, No through road

1 2 31 45 48

18 37 37 44 46

control; 2, Look both ways;

Business & Professional Highcliffe Dental Practice Simpkins & Co Solicitors Distributors Wanted Job Vacancy -­‐ Sales Miller Bros & F.P Butler Ltd

Gardens Golden Acres Group Bud Burst Garden Services MacPennys Nursery Southern Tree Specialists David Burgess Garden Design

Mind Benders: 1, In complete


Puzzle Solutions

Art Hatch Gallery

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Useful Contacts

Free Home Fire Safety Check

Police/Crime Police (Emergency) Police (Non-­‐Emergency) Crimestoppers Neighbourhood & Home Watch

999 101 0800 55 51 11 01202 222 222

0800 038 2323

Medical/Health Services NHS Direct 111 Bournemouth Hospital 01202 30 36 26 Christchurch Hospital 01202 486 361 British Red Cross Medical Loan Service 01202 484074 Local Council & Services Christchurch Borough Council Dorset County Council Christchurch Information Centre Regent Centre Bournemouth Airport Post Office Dorset Family Information Service

01202 495000 01305 251000 01202 471780 01202 499199 01202 364000 0845 722 3344 01305 221066

Helplines Anti-­‐social Behaviour 01202 495044 Trading Standards 01305 224 012 Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 245 1291 Childline 0800 11 11 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 NSPCC 0808 800 50 00 Southern Electric 0845 071 3953 British Gas 0800 048 0202 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Environment Agency 03708 506506 National Drugs Helpline 0300 123 6600 Age Concern 0800 169 6565 National Debtline 0808 808 40 00 Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555 Narcotics Anonymous 0300 999 1212 Overeaters Anonymous 07000 784985 Taxi Firms Christchurch Radio Cabs Chritax Priory Cabs

01202 48 48 48 01202 47 00 00 01202 47 44 44

Chemists The Grove Pharmacy 01202 484310 48 The Grove, Christchurch Mon – Fri 9-6 Sat 9-1 Wessex Pharmacies 01202 482197 186 Somerford Road, Christchurch Mon-Fri 9-1.15/2.15-5.30 Sat 9-1.15 Rowlands Pharmacy 01202 484840 136 Purewell, Christchurch Mon-Fri 8.45-6.30 Sat 8.45-1 Your Local Boots Pharmacy 01202 486276 2A Twynham Avenue, Christchurch Mon-Fri 8.45-1/2-6.15 Mudeford Pharmacy 01425 272798 94 Mudeford, Christchurch Mon-Fri 9-1/2-5.30(Weds ‘til 1) Sat 9-1/2-5 Boots the Chemist 01202 483034 23 Saxon Square, Christchurch Mon-Sat 9-1.30/2.30-5.30 Burton Pharmacy 01202 477771 123 Salisbury Road, Burton Mon-Fri 9-1/2-6.30

Local Libraries

Lloyds 01425 274291 Christchurch Library 01202 485938 248 Lymington Road, Mon 9.30-5.30 Tues 10-7 Weds 9.3-1 Thu 9.30-7 Fri 9.30-5.30 Sat Highcliffe 9-4 Mon-Fri 8.45-5.30 Sat 9-4 Highcliffe Library 01425 272202 Mon 10-6.30 Tue 9.3-5 Wed Closed Thu 9.3-1 Fri 9.30-6.30 Sat 9.30-4

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