Christchurch Eye November 2013

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ChristchurchEYE Your Local Community Magazine


November 2013 • ISSUE 45

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LocalEYE magazines


LEM PO Box 7812 Christchurch BH23 9HZ

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t: 01202 477214

Magazine Editor & Publisher Cheryl Dennett t: 01202 477214 (9am - 7pm)

Admin & Accounts

Jenny Wigman t: 01202 477214


Peter Watson-Lee, Rachel Clark, Grace Ball, Regent Centre, Gary Theobald, Lee Bestall, Jurassic Jaunts & Phil Tate.

Congratulations to Mrs N. Roast and Mrs Bryan for winning our August competitions! Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it’s editorial contributors can accept, and herby disclaim, any liability to any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Local Eye Magazines does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without prior permission of the publisher.

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to the Christchurch Eye Community Magazine

Woohoo, it’s nearly Christmas! Apologies to any party poopers out there, but I love it! I’m particularly looking forward to it this year as I’m taking the children to see the ‘Christmas Spectacular’ at the Regent on Christmas Eve. I have heard so many wonderful reviews about it that I booked my tickets straight away! I’m also really looking forward to the Christmas lights switch on at the end of this month. Every year, it’s tradition for our family to meet Santa and his reindeer outside Peeks then walk alongside them into the High Street where there are lots of activities going on including the Christmas market. Part of our yearly tradition is also to visit Ye Olde George Inn where they serve many Christmas ales and my favourite Christmas tipple - Mulled Wine. I hope to see many of you there! Totally Locally Christchurch, the non-profit shop local campaign will be having their second Fiver fest fortnight from 26th October through to the 8th November. Perfect timing for getting some fabulous Christmas presents and ideally priced for Secret Santa pressies! Turn to page 28 to see some of the fab offers available around Christchurch. Until next month…….

Cheryl Cheryl Dennett Editor & Publisher


Mindbenders Christchurch Christmas Festival Local History by Phil Tate Christchurch Citizens Association Peter's Business Column What's On Community Notices The Face of Sam Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies An English Mum Coffee Break Poppy Appeal Totally Locally Christchurch Kid's Page Dorset POPP Christchurch Rotary CCC Poem Recipe Regent Listings Jurrasic Jaunts Win £25 Greyhound Rescue Christchurch Needs You! Teen Column Index Puzzle Solutions Useful Contacts

5 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 19 20 24 28 30 33 33 34 35 39 40 41 43 45 47 48 49 50



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Christchurch Christmas Festival features Santa’s reindeer and later lights switch-on


hristchurch will once again be welcoming Father Christmas and his reindeer when they fly in for the Christchurch Christmas Festival on Saturday 30 November. But this year the lights switch-on will take place at a later time. As in recent years, Father Christmas and his reindeer will fly into Peeks Partystore car park in Reid Street at 4.00pm and they will then process down Bargates to arrive in the High Street at 4.30pm. Father Christmas will then take his reindeer down to the Priory Church where the reindeer can be petted and children can give their Christmas wish letters to Father Christmas. The Christmas lights switch-on will take place in the High Street at the later time of 6pm. Chairman of the Christmas Festival Committee, Paul Riley, said: “In recent years there have been huge crowds in the High Street for the lights switch-on which has made it very difficult for Father Christmas and his reindeer to get through. It has also made it difficult for people to see the reindeer. “By changing the timing of the lights switch-on we hope that it will be easier for Father Christmas to get down the High Street. It will also mean that children can queue up at the Priory to see him and then return to the High Street for the switch-on.” The switch-on will be carried out by the Mayor of

Christchurch, Cllr John Lofts along with Heart FM presenters. Characters from this year’s pantomime at the BIC, Aladdin, will also be on the balcony. The Christmas Festival will include the Christmas Street Market which will be selling a variety of food, drink and gifts from 10am to 7pm. Heart FM Angels will also be around and about the market to get everyone into the Christmas spirit. A craft market will take place in the Priory Church and will be open from 10am to 6.30pm. Here local artists and crafts people will be selling examples of their work which will make great Christmas gifts. The Priory’s Advent Fayre will also be taking place from 12 noon to 6.30pm. The Regent Centre will be running a Treasure Island themed treasure hunt and children are encouraged to dress up in Treasure Island costumes to take part.

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!00 CChhuurrcchh SSttrreeeett IIInnn aaabbbooouuuttt 111333222444 RRRooobbbeeerrrttt LLLuuummmbbbaaarrrddd,,, wwwhhhooo mmmaaayyy hhhaaavvveee bbbeeeeeennn aaannn IIItttaaallliiiaaannn tttaaaiiilllooorrr,,, gggiiifffttteeeddd hhhiiisss CCChhhuuurrrccchhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt wwwooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp tttooo ttthhheee HHHooossspppiiitttaaalll ooofff SSSttt MMMaaarrryyy MMMaaagggdddaaallleeennn,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh cccaaattteeerrreeeddd fffooorrr llleeepppeeerrrsss aaa ssshhhooorrrttt dddiiissstttaaannnccceee ooouuuttt ooofff tttooowwwnnn ooonnn ttthhheee rrroooaaaddd tttooo IIIfffooorrrddd... AAA tttiiimmmeeellliiinnneee ooofff sssuuurrrvvviiivvviiinnnggg llleeeaaassseeesss ssspppaaannnnnniiinnnggg ssseeevvveeennn ccceeennntttuuurrriiieeesss sssuuuggggggeeessstttsss ttthhhaaattt RRRooobbbeeerrrttt’’’sss wwwooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp wwwaaasss lllooocccaaattteeeddd ooonnn ttthhheee sssiiittteee ooofff wwwhhhaaattt iiisss nnnooowww 111000 CCChhhuuurrrccchhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt... !hhheee rrreeeaaasssooonnn fffooorrr RRRooobbbeeerrrttt’’’sss gggiiifffttt mmmaaayyy nnneeevvveeerrr bbbeee kkknnnooowwwnnn... HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, 222555 yyyeeeaaarrrsss lllaaattteeerrr aaa CCChhhuuurrrccchhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt ppplllooottt wwwiiittthhh aaa cccooottttttaaagggeee -­-­- ppprrreeesssuuummmaaabbblllyyy ttthhheee rrreeemmmaaaiiinnndddeeerrr ooofff RRRooobbbeeerrrttt’’’sss ppprrrooopppeeerrrtttyyy -­-­- wwwaaasss llliiikkkeeewwwiiissseee dddooonnnaaattteeeddd tttooo ttthhheee HHHooossspppiiitttaaalll... !hhhiiisss gggiiifffttt cccaaammmeee iiinnn ttthhheee wwwaaakkkeee ooofff ttthhheee BBBlllaaaccckkk DDDeeeaaattthhh,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh mmmeeedddiiieeevvvaaalll mmmeeedddiiiccciiinnneee hhhaaaddd bbbeeeeeennn pppooowwweeerrrllleeessssss tttooo ppprrreeevvveeennnttt fffrrrooommm kkkiiilllllliiinnnggg ooovvveeerrr aaa ttthhhiiirrrddd ooofff ttthhheee pppooopppuuulllaaatttiiiooonnn aaasss iiittt ssswwweeepppttt ttthhhrrrooouuuggghhh ttthhheee cccooouuunnntttrrryyy iiinnn 111333444999-­-­-555000... WWWaaasss ttthhhiiisss gggiiifffttt pppeeerrrhhhaaapppsss mmmaaadddeee iiinnn gggrrraaatttiiitttuuudddeee fffooorrr ttthhheee ddduuutttiiifffuuulll cccaaarrreee ttthhheee HHHooossspppiiitttaaalll hhhaaaddd ppprrrooovvviiidddeeeddd fffooorrr ttthhheee pppeeeooopppllleee ooofff CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh ddduuurrriiinnnggg ttthhhiiisss dddrrreeeaaadddfffuuulll ppplllaaaggguuueee??? WWWhhheeennn iiinnn 111444333999 ttthhheee HHHooossspppiiitttaaalll’’’sss CCChhhuuurrrccchhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt ppprrrooopppeeerrrtttyyy wwwaaasss llleeeaaassseeeddd tttooo NNNiiiccchhhooolllaaasss AAAyyysssssshhheeemmmaaannn aaannnddd hhhiiisss wwwiiifffeee AAAgggnnneeesss ttthhheee dddeeeeeeddd iiidddeeennntttiiifffiiieeeddd iiittt aaasss aaa cccooottttttaaagggeee wwwiiittthhh ooouuutttbbbuuuiiillldddiiinnngggsss ooonnn aaa ppplllooottt ‘‘‘!eeeaaasssuuurrriiinnnggg 222000 fffeeeeeettt aaalllooonnnggg ttthhheee ssstttrrreeeeeettt tttooo ttthhheee wwweeesssttt aaannnddd eeexxxttteeennndddiiinnnggg tttooo ttthhheee cccaaassstttllleee dddiiitttccchhh tttooo ttthhheee eeeaaasssttt’’’... AAAttt ttthhhaaattt tttiiimmmeee ttthhheee rrreeennnttt wwwaaasss 888ddd (((eeeiiiggghhhttt pppeeennnccceee))) pppeeerrr aaannnnnnuuummm... HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, 111555000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss lllaaattteeerrr,,, wwwhhheeennn ttthhhiiisss sssaaammmeee ppplllooottt wwwaaasss llleeeaaassseeeddd tttooo lllooocccaaalll ssshhhoooeeemmmaaakkkeeerrr JJJooohhhnnn OOOkkkeeemmmaaannn,,, wwwhhhooo ooowwwnnneeeddd ttthhheee aaadddjjjaaaccceeennnttt ppprrrooopppeeerrrtttyyy (((wwwhhheeerrreee SSSooohhhooo bbbaaarrr-­-­-rrreeessstttaaauuurrraaannnttt iiisss nnnooowww lllooocccaaattteeeddd))),,, ttthhheee rrreeennnttt hhhaaaddd bbbeeeeeennn hhhaaalllvvveeeddd aaannnddd iiittt wwwaaasss dddeeessscccrrriiibbbeeeddd aaasss mmmeeerrreeelllyyy ‘‘‘aaa pppiiieeeccceee ooofff gggrrrooouuunnnddd 222000fffttt xxx 444000fff ttt ’’’ -­-­- ttthhheee bbbuuuiiillldddiiinnngggsss hhhaaaddd aaappppppaaarrreeennntttlllyyy aaallllll bbbeeeeeennn dddeeemmmooollliiissshhheeeddd... RRReeegggaaarrrdddllleeessssss,,, ooovvveeerrr ttthhheee fffooollllllooowwwiiinnnggg ccceeennntttuuurrriiieeesss ttthhhiiisss vvvaaacccaaannnttt ppplllooottt wwwaaasss llleeeaaassseeeddd tttooo aaa vvvaaarrriiieeeddd rrraaannngggeee ooofff ttteeennnaaannntttsss iiinnncccllluuudddiiinnnggg aaa tttaaaiiilllooorrr,,, ssseeeaaafffaaarrriiinnnggg mmmaaannn,,, wwwhhhiiittteeesssmmmiiittthhh fffrrrooommm ttthhheee IIIsssllleee ooofff WWWiiiggghhhttt,,, aaannnddd tttwwwooo CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh MMMeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss ooofff PPPaaarrrllliiiaaammmeeennnttt... AAAfffttteeerrr ttthhheee HHHooossspppiiitttaaalll llleeeaaassseeeddd ttthhheee ppplllooottt tttooo lllooocccaaalll bbblllaaaccckkksssmmmiiittthhh GGGeeeooorrrgggeee CCCaaaiiinnneeesss iiinnn 111888666444 hhheee bbbuuuiiilllttt aaa tttwwwooo-­-­-uuuppp tttwwwooo-­-­-dddooowwwnnn dddwwweeelllllliiinnnggg hhhooouuussseee... !hhhiiisss bbbeeecccaaammmeee

ttthhheee hhh ooommmeee ooo fff 222 333 yyy eeeaaarrr-­-­-ooolllddd sss ooollliiiccciiitttooorrr’’’sss ccc llleeerrrkkk AAAlllbbbeeerrrttt !aaayyylllooorrr,,, wwwhhhooo sssoooooonnn mmmaaarrrrrriiieeeddd aaannnddd ssstttaaarrrttteeeddd aaa fffaaammmiiilllyyy ttthhheeerrreee... FFFooorrr ooovvveeerrr 222000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss iiittt wwwaaasss ttthhheeennn ttthhheee rrreeesssiiidddeeennnccceee ooofff EEEllliiizzzaaabbbeeettthhh RRRaaannndddaaallllll,,, aaa rrreeetttiiirrreeeddd ssspppiiinnnsssttteeerrr sssccchhhoooooolllmmmiiissstttrrreeessssss wwwhhhooo ooopppeeerrraaattteeeddd aaa BBBiiibbbllleee SSSoooccciiieeetttyyy dddeeepppooottt... AAAfffttteeerrr EEEllliiizzzaaabbbeeettthhh’’’sss dddeeeaaattthhh iiinnn 111999000777 iiittt bbbeeecccaaammmeee ttthhheee CCCaaarrrllltttooonnn !eeeaaarrroooooommmsss rrruuunnn bbbyyy AAAlllfffrrreeeddd aaannnddd EEElllllleeennn HHHuuuggghhheeesss,,, wwwhhhooo aaappppppaaarrreeennntttlllyyy iiinnnssstttaaalllllleeeddd ttthhheee ssshhhoooppp-­-­-fffrrrooonnnttt ttthhhaaattt ssstttiiillllll eeexxxiiissstttsss (((PPPhhhoootttooo)))... DDDuuurrriiinnnggg ttthhheee 111999222000sss iiittt cccooonnntttiiinnnuuueeeddd aaasss dddiiinnniiinnnggg rrroooooommmsss uuunnndddeeerrr ttthhheee ooowwwnnneeerrrssshhhiiippp ooofff EEElllsssiiieee !iiitttttt ––– sssooo mmmiiiggghhhttt ttthhhiiisss bbbeee ttthhheee CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh ttteeeaaa-­-­-ssshhhoooppp aaammmuuusssiiinnnggglllyyy dddeeessscccrrriiibbbeeeddd bbbyyy HHH VVV MMMooorrrtttooonnn iiinnn hhhiiisss 111999222777 tttrrraaavvveeellloooggguuueee ‘‘‘IIInnn SSSeeeaaarrrccchhh ooofff EEEnnnggglllaaannnddd’’’??? OOOvvveeerrr ttthhheee nnneeexxxttt 555000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss iiittt wwwaaasss aaannn aaannntttiiiqqquuueeesss ssshhhoooppp,,, lllaaadddiiieeesss ooouuutttfffiiitttttteeerrrsss,,, aaannnddd jjjeeewwweeelllllleeerrr’’’sss ssshhhoooppp... IIInnn 111999888111,,, ooovvveeerrr 666555000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss aaafffttteeerrr RRRooobbbeeerrrttt LLLuuummmbbbaaarrrddd’’’sss gggiiifffttt,,, ttthhheee HHHooossspppiiitttaaalll sssooolllddd iiitttsss CCChhhuuurrrccchhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt ppprrrooopppeeerrrtttyyy... IIIttt bbbeeecccaaammmeee BBBooooookkkeeennndddsss BBBooooookkkssshhhoooppp,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh rrreeelllooocccaaattteeeddd fffrrrooommm ooorrriiigggiiinnnaaalll sssmmmaaalllllleeerrr ppprrreeemmmiiissseeesss aaacccrrrooossssss ttthhheee ssstttrrreeeeeettt... !hhheee wwwhhhooollleee rrreeeaaarrr ooofff ttthhheee bbbuuuiiillldddiiinnnggg wwwaaasss eeexxxttteeennndddeeeddd aaattt ttthhhaaattt tttiiimmmeee aaannnddd iiittt iiisss rrreeepppuuuttteeeddd ttthhhaaattt aaa CCCiiivvviiilll WWWaaarrr cccaaannnnnnooonnn bbbaaallllll wwwaaasss uuunnneeeaaarrrttthhheeeddd ddduuurrriiinnnggg ttthhheee wwwooorrrkkk... BBByyy ttthhheee ssstttaaarrrttt ooofff ttthhheee 222111sssttt ccceeennntttuuurrryyy iiittt hhhaaaddd rrreeetttuuurrrnnneeeddd tttooo iiitttsss ‘‘‘ttteeeaaa-­-­-ssshhhoooppp’’’ uuusssaaagggeee ooofff ttthhheee eeeaaarrrlllyyy 222000ttthhh ccceeennntttuuurrryyy,,, bbbeeecccooommmiiinnnggg aaa cccaaafffeee bbbaaarrr ttthhheeennn aaa ssseeeaaafffooooooddd rrreeessstttaaauuurrraaannnttt... FFFrrrooommm 222000111000 tttooo ttthhheee ppprrreeessseeennnttt 111000 CCChhhuuurrrccchhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt hhhaaasss bbbeeeeeennn CCChhheeeeeessseee &&& AAAlllfffiiieeesss cccaaafffééé bbbiiissstttrrrooo rrruuunnn bbbyyy MMMiiikkkeee aaannnddd SSSaaarrraaahhh CCCaaalllvvveeerrrttt... FFFeeewww ppprrrooopppeeerrrtttiiieeesss cccaaannn bbboooaaasssttt sssuuuccchhh aaa lllooonnnggg aaannnddd wwweeellllll-­-­-dddooocccuuummmeeennnttteeeddd hhhiiissstttooorrryyy,,, bbbuuuttt wwwhhhaaattt mmmiiiggghhhttt bbbeee ttthhheee ssstttooorrryyy ooofff yyyooouuurrr hhhooommmeee ooorrr ssshhhoooppp??? WWWrrriiitttttteeennn wwwiiittthhh aaaccckkknnnooowwwllleeedddgggeeemmmeeennnttt tttooo ttthhheee iiinnnvvvaaallluuuaaabbbllleee aaassssssiiissstttaaannnccceee gggiiivvveeennn bbbyyy AAAlllaaassstttaaaiiirrr HHHoooaaarrreee,,, ttthhheee cccuuurrrrrreeennnttt SSSeeecccrrreeetttaaarrryyy ooofff ttthhheee HHHooossspppiiitttaaalll ooofff SSSttt MMMaaarrryyy MMMaaagggdddaaallleeennn...

!hhheee HHHooossspppiiitttaaalll ooofff SSSttt MMMaaarrryyy MMMaaagggdddaaallleeennn ssstttiiillllll eeexxxiiissstttsss aaasss aaa rrreeegggiiisssttteeerrreeeddd ccchhhaaarrriiitttyyy ppprrrooovvviiidddiiinnnggg aaaiiiddd tttooo CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh rrreeesssiiidddeeennntttsss wwwhhhooo aaarrreee iiinnn nnneeeeeeddd,,, hhhaaarrrdddssshhhiiippp,,, ooorrr dddiiissstttrrreeessssss... YYYooouuu cccaaannn hhheeelllppp cccooonnntttiiinnnuuueee ttthhheee lllooonnnggg aaassssssoooccciiiaaatttiiiooonnn bbbeeetttwwweeeeeennn 111000 CCChhhuuurrrccchhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt aaannnddd ttthhheee HHHooossspppiiitttaaalll -­-­- sssiiimmmppplllyyy ppprrreeessseeennnttt ttthhhiiisss iiissssssuuueee ooofff CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh EEEyyyeee aaattt ttthhheee tttiiillllll ooofff CCChhheeeeeessseee &&& AAAlllfffiiieeesss ddduuurrriiinnnggg NNNooovvveeemmmbbbeeerrr 222000111333 aaannnddd aaa tttiiittthhheee -­-­- aaa ‘‘‘ttteeennnttthhh’’’ ooorrr 111000%%% bbbeeeiiinnnggg aaa tttyyypppiiicccaaalll dddooonnnaaatttiiiooonnn sssiiinnnccceee SSSaaaxxxooonnn tttiiimmmeeesss -­-­- ooofff yyyooouuurrr bbbiiillllll wwwiiillllll bbbeee dddooonnnaaattteeeddd tttooo ttthhhiiisss tttrrruuulllyyy lllooocccaaalll ccchhhaaarrriiitttyyy... AAAlllttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiivvveeelllyyy,,, aaa dddooonnnaaatttiiiooonnn cccaaannn bbbeee mmmaaadddeee iiinnn ttthhheee cccooolllllleeeccctttiiiooonnn bbboooxxx aaattt ttthhheee tttiiillllll ooorrr ssseeennnddd aaa ccchhheeeqqquuueee mmmaaadddeee pppaaayyyaaabbbllleee tttooo ‘‘‘HHHooossspppiiitttaaalll ooofff SSSttt MMMaaarrryyy MMMaaagggdddaaallleeennn’’’,,, ccc///ooo EEEaaasssttt QQQuuuaaarrrtttllleeeyyysss,,, 222 BBBrrriiidddgggeee SSStttrrreeeeeettt,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh,,, BBBHHH222333 111EEEBBB...



PPPiiiccctttuuurrreee::: VVViiieeewww fffrrrooommm CCChhhuuurrrccchhh LLLaaannneee ccc...111999000888... CCCooouuurrrttteeesssyyy ooofff ttthhheee RRReeeddd HHHooouuussseee MMMuuussseeeuuummm...

local history by Phil Tate

The Complete Package to Revitalise Your Feet on sale at footrescue



Christchurch Citizens Association


f you care about Christchurch and want to help us preserve our town, do come along and tell us your ideas and listen to some of the ways we can help Christchurch ‘Where Time is Pleasant’. We discuss and comment on all matters relating to the town centre whether it be retaining the Tourist Information Centre in its present position with professional staff or keeping the Bowling Green opposite the Kings Hotel up to competition standard. Not earth shattering subjects but essential in keeping Christchurch a desirable place to live. We also discuss any new planning applications that are deemed important. Come along and share your views with us. We meet on the first Monday of every month at Druitt Hall at 7.30pm. It is £2 per household per annum (less than a cup of coffee) so do give us a try and maybe your ideas will help Christchurch retain its appeal to residents and visitors alike.

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Business Column


utumn is here and that means another round of Supermarket Wars.

Last autumn there were three developers eyeing up sites in and around Christchurch to build new Supermarkets. Significant sums are at stake and much effort was put Peter in to support the planning permission applications. After two lengthy Christchurch Council planning meetings, two outline permissions were granted and one refused.

We now offer gardening services!

The first to be granted was for a supermarket at Bailey Bridge – a site behind Halfords off Barrack Road where there is a significant area leading down to the river. The argument was that West Christchurch would benefit from a Supermarket to counteract the draw of Tescos in Bournemouth. The second was for a large food store at the top of Somerford (where the old PC World was). In both cases, a year later, no building works have yet been started and there is no announcement yet as to which retailer will be going in to either site. The third application was for a Morrison’s Supermarket at the Beagle’s site (in Stony Lane opposite Currys). This application was turned down and an appeal was launched and then withdrawn. Now, however, a new (slightly re-designed) application is back before the Council. On the one hand all this potential development looks like a healthy sign for Christchurch. On the other hand the traffic implications are a concern and the potential trade diversion from the High Street and the effect that might have on the vitality of the town centre is worrying. Passions are again running high from both supporters and those against the development. Whilst I have been closely involved in the Chamber of Trade and Commerce’s submission to the Council on the views of local business, I am very pleased I am not going to be the one having to make the decision.

Peter Watson-Lee


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w h a t ’s o n

What’s On Entries are listed FREE of charge for local groups and events. Submit your listing online at

Saturday 2nd November Craft and Vintage Fayre - ‘Made In Dorset’ Craft and Vintage Fayre, Bransgore Village Hall, Burley Road, Bransgore. 10am - 1pm. Locally handmade crafts, Produce and Vintage items. Kids craft table (supporting Julias House). Homemade Cakes and Refreshments available. Enquiries- 07812 555516 Saturday 2nd November RNLI coffee morning - in Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall from 10.00-12.30. Souvenirs, cakes, books, jewellery, jigsaws, bric a brac. Admission free. Saturday 2nd November ST. George’s Church Hall Indoor Table Sale, Jumpers Road, Christchurch. Saturday 2nd November 10.00am ‘til 1pm Refreshments available, come and browse to find a bargain. £5 per table. To book phone 01202 482047 Tuesday 5th November and Wednesday 27th November Stan’s Blues Jam at The Thomas Tripp – Tuesday 5th November (..and Every First Tuesday of the Month) and Stan’s Blues Jam at The Avon Causeway – Wednesday 27th November (...and Every Last Wednesday of the Month). Details at www.stansbluesjam. Wednesday 6th November Cancer Research UK (Reg..Charity No. 1089464) are holding a Fashion Show by Topsies at The Harbour Hotel Christchurch at 7.p.m. on 6 November. Tickets £5 from Topsies or 01202 417389. Please support your local Christchurch Branch. Wednesday 6th, 13th & 20th November Talks at the Red House 6 November, Dorset Turnpikes & Coaching Days 13 November, Up in Arms with Bonny Sartin 20 November, The Life & Times of Ernest Seward All talks begin at 2pm, booking advisable Red House Museum, Quay Road, Christchurch, BH23 1BU, 01202 482860 Thursdays 7th – 28th November Organ Lunch Time Concerts Thursday 7th November at 12.30pm Martyn Rawles (Lichfield Cathedral), Thursday 14th November at 12.30pm David Beeby (Bournemouth), Thursday 21st November at 12.30pm Richard Pinel (St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle), Thursday 28th November at 12.30pm Geoffrey Morgan (Christchurch Priory) 40 minutes of varied music on our magnificent 4000 pipe organ. Lunches and light refreshments available 11.00am to 1.30pm. Admission free; retiring collection. Friday 8th November –Monday 23rd December

10 ChristchurchEYE

Christmas at the Hayloft - The Hayloft Gallery, 14 Wick Lane, Christchurch BH23 1HX, 10-4 daily. Admission free. 01202 428004 locally made arts and crafts - unique and affordable Christmas gifts. Monday 11th November Totally Locally Christchurch Meeting at Ye Olde George Inn Christchurch, 6pm. Come and see what we are up to and help pass the message on! In the meantime you can check out the website at Tuesday 12th November Christchurch Library, 2.30pm. ‘An Audience with Lucy Clarke’, whose debut novel was a Richard & Judy Summer Club 2013 Read. Phone the library on 01202 485938 or call in for tickets. Library Friends £2, Non Members £4. Saturday 16th November Grand Christmas Bazaar - Come and join us at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Kilmington Way, Highcliffe, BH23 5BL, for a Grand Christmas Bazaar and Draw, on Saturday 16th November. Doors open 2pm. Free Entry. With cakes, tombola, bric a brac, fancy goods, refreshments etc. Sunday 17th November CAD Arts Christmas Craft Fair - Hoburne Farm Holiday Park, Hoburne Lane, Christchurch BH23 4HP 10.30am-4pm. Admission 50p. 01202 428004 Local arts and crafts. Thursday 21st November ‘The Young Wishes Black and White Charity Dinner’ is confirmed to be held at the Kings Arms Hotel, Christchurch on the 21st November 2013 from 7pm-12am. Raising money for the Round Table Children’s Wish. Tickets from the Kings Arms Hotel, Christchurch. Friday 22nd November An Evening With Matt Monroe & Friends at Hoburne Park, Highly acclaimed Anthony Adams with his Band & Special Guest, Vocalist Nicole Young £25.00 to include Dinner Ring for details 01425

Regular Markets Every Monday - Christchurch Market (all year) Up to 100 traders selling a variety of food, clothes, household goods, plants and bric-a-brac in the mainly traffic-free High Street and Saxon Square. Christchurch Country Market. Everything home-baked, homemade and home-grown locally. Every Monday 9.3011.30. Druitt Hall (behind library). Refreshments available.

621682 or Hoburne Park Reception 01425-273379 Saturday 23rd November WOW FACTOR - Highcliffe Rotary in conjunction with the Highcliffe School, are staging their second WOW Factor evening at the Ballroom, Hoburne Park, enabling the students to showcase their talents to the public whilst raising monies for local charities. For details call 01425 627079. Saturday 23rd November to Thursday 23rd January Winter Exhibition Collection of Paintings by Dorset and West Country Artists 7a Church Street, Christchurch, BH23 1JJ. 07787517958/01202 474644 email Sunday 24th November Highcliffe Castle’s annual charity fair is a chance for local charities to have stalls to promote their work and sell a range of bric a brac, cakes, gifts and homemade items. 11am – 4pm. The Library galleries will also be open for visitors to view our latest art exhibitions. Entry to the fair is by donation. Friday 29th November Highcliffe Community Association Craft Fair, Greystones House, Waterford Road, 9.30 am- 12.00. Many lovely gifts, refreshments available. Saturday 30th November Christchurch Christmas Festival and Switch on 10am -7pm. A fun packed day with loads of entertainment throughout Christchurch town centre plus late night shopping in town centre shops until 7pm - a great opportunity to see what Christchurch has to offer, stock up on those Christmas gifts and have fun at the same time! 6pm Christmas lights switch-on from the balcony of the Old Town Hall. Saturday 30th November A Table Top Sale in aid of Zoe’s Wish will be held at Bransgore Village Hall on Saturday 30th November 10-12.30 free entry - details from Paul or Jo 01202 470247 Saturday 30th November Highcliffe Community Association Christmas Fair, Greystones House, Waterford Road. 10am - 12.30pm. Tombola, craft, gifts and raffles. Refreshments available, all welcome. Saturday 30th November Advent Fayre/Craft Fayre - Christchurch Priory and Priory House 10am - 6.30pm. Gifts Raffle, Toys, Competitions, Children’s Games, Books Bric a Brac, Refreshments, Priory Shop/Bookstall Open. Choral Evensong in the Great Quire at 5pm. Entertainment by the Priory Choirs and Musicians. Saturday 30th November – Sunday 1st December Christmas Fair - Highcliffe Castle 11.00am - 4.00pm. Local arts and

crafts people will be selling a wide range goods which make ideal Christmas gifts. Including glassware, jewellery, leather goods and more. Admission £1, Accompanied Children Under 16 Free, Season Ticket Holders Free. We have lots of great ideas for Christmas gifts available for sale at the Regent Centre cinema Christchurch every Friday from 10-3pm all hand made by local craft people. Table Top Sale at The Regent Centre Christchurch every Monday & Saturday from 10am-3pm. A variety of stalls selling: Costume/ Vintage Jewellery, Special Homemade Cakes, Handbags, Scarves, & lots of interesting items, come along & enjoy!

To see more events in Christchurch visit

CHRISTCHURCH NEIGHBOUR CARS Your friendly local voluntary car service has now got a new telephone number.

01202 989632

Mon - Friday 9am - 12noon

Please see advert in community notices for more details

Community Notices The New Milton Talking Newspaper is now available to the visually-impaired online. Further details may be obtained from website: www. or by phoning Colin Bower on: 01425 613254 Christchurch Neighbour Cars - Door to door transport by volunteer drivers for the elderly in BH23 area, mainly for health related appointments. At least 2 days notice required. 50p per mile donation to cover transport costs. TEL.01202 989632 9-12 noon MonFriday. Contact the elderly is looking for more reserve volunteer drivers to help out once or twice a year on a Sunday afternoon and more volunteer host and hostesses who would be willing to entertain six elderly people and two car drivers to afternoon tea once or twice a year. Call Carolyn 01202 424482

ChristchurchEYE 11


author, Julie Ratcliffe, has published her second children’s novel, The Lsetocal Face of Sam. The novel is in her Smugglers’ Town Mysteries series and is in 18th-century Christchurch when smuggling was rife. The book features a stone carving that can be found in the nave of Christchurch Priory and the tale is of a girl found after a storm and of treasure hidden in the church. Julie’s first novel is The Thirteenth Box, which has become a local best seller.

“The Face of Sam has smugglers good and bad, and some tough times for the characters. The book contains a copy of a cipher that holds the key to the hidden treasure and is a trail that can be followed in the Priory. I have enjoyed featuring the Priory Church in this book and hope that it encourages children and adults to pay a visit,” said Julie. The Face of Sam is another fast-paced adventure with the same characters as in The Thirteenth Box. This time the action takes place following a violent storm. A young girl is found in the Priory Church staring at a stone carving of a face. She refuses to talk and is taken to the Poor House (now the Red House Museum). Word spreads about the wreck and the girl and soon smugglers from Kent arrive in town with talk of hidden treasure and of revenge. The Face of Sam is published by High Sails Publications (HSP) and isavailable at outlets in Christchurch, by order at good bookshops, and through the HSP website:www.

The wait is over! By the author of The Thirteenth Box

The Face of Sam

Another Smugglers ’ Town Mystery from J.A.Ratcliffe AT GRE T! GIF

Christchurch, Hampshire, 1781 - A ship is wrecked, a girl is found two miles away staring at a carving in the church, she is hiding a secret and refuses to talk. As word spreads about the girl and the wreck strangers appear in town, including smugglers from Kent on a journey of revenge. Soon three friends are drawn together in a mystery that can only be solved by The Face of Sam. Available from: and the following local outlets:

Avon Beach Shop -Bookends - Christchurch Information Centre - Christchurch Priory Gift Shop - Highcliffe Castle - Ye Olde Eight Bells Shoppe also Paperview Books and £8.99 DVDs, Ringwood 12 ChristchurchEYE


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Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Fitness, Sport and Wellbeing YOGA CLASSES - Every Monday 0915-1015 & Wednesday 0930-1030 at The Bay Tree, Saxon Square, Christchurch. Ideal for beginners or anyone preferring a gentler pace. £5.25 (block of classes) or £6.25 (ad-hoc). Call or text Elaine Rees on 07504 823517 to book. Gentle Chair Yoga - NEW CLASS - FIRST CLASS FREE! Wednesdays, 2pm, Portfield Hall, Portfield Road. Keep moving, Keep young, Use it or lose it! Come and join us on Friday mornings 10.45 am - 12.15 at Wessex Health’s upstairs Studio, 17 Stour Road, Christchurch BH23 1PL. Car parking at rear. Fee £7.50 Please call tutor Poppy 01202 735560 to book your place. Pregnancy yoga based exercise, breathing & relaxation classes. Stretch & strengthen your body, relieve aches & pains and prepare for birth. Suitable for all abilities including complete beginners, from 14 weeks of pregnancy. Tuesdays in Christchurch. Contact Rosa 07837 218374 Circle Dance - the Dance Meditation. Fridays 1st/15/29th November at Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall 10.30-12-30. Suitable for all ages. Beginners always welcome. Your first class is free. Contact Nancy on 01425 277920, email nancyferguson53@googlemail. com Yoga class - Tuesday afternoons 12.45-1.45pm at The Wessex Health Network, 17, Stour Road, Christchurch. BH23 1PL. Stretch, strengthen and balance. Gill Taylor 075 388 01733 YOGA class on Mondays 7.15-8.15pm at Wessex Therapy Clinic, Christchurch, with a qualified and experienced teacher. Small group size to ensure individual attention to each student. For more information see www. or call/text 07803-937143. If you are 55 or over and would like to join Tuckton Tennis Club please call Derek on 01202 487152. We meet every Monday and Thursday morning throughout the year. Art and Craft Carbery Machine Knitting Club - Our small, friendly group meet on the first Tuesday of the month at St Georges church hall annex, Jumpers Rd, Christchurch

14 ChristchurchEYE

BH23 2JR from 7-9pm. All welcome. Tel Joy 01202 489614 for details. Highcliffe Flower Club. Come and watch a professional flower arranger demonstrate in the Methodist Church Hall, Lymington Road. On the second Wednesday of each month at 2pm, doors open 1.30pm. We are a friendly group and visitors are welcome. Mudeford Arts Club invites you to come and play in a wonderful place to develop your own artwork looking out over Hengistbury Head and constant inspiration. Please contact Penny Simpson 01425 279167 for details. SUSAN KNIGHTS ‘Jump in and Get Wet’ watercolour classes in small, friendly, informative classes overlooking beautiful Christchurch Harbour. Contact Sue on 01202 481099 or email susanknights@hotmail. Children Ballet classes for children at Portfield Hall, Christchurch. Thursday- 3.45pm onwards. The classes are fun and creative with an emphasis on building confidence and coordination as well as teaching poise, movement quality, musicality, spatial awareness, strength and flexibility. Call Sally on 07950459119 or email sally. Sessions Music and Heritage Club for young people aged 12+. Tuesdays from 6.00pm - 9.00pm The Old School House, Lymington Rd Highcliffe (Opposite the Rec, near The Globe) Contact: Charlie 07971 472768; e -; find us on FB; or just drop in one Tuesday! Clubs and Societies Christchurch and District Community Band is a new, flourishing concert band. If you play/played a brass or woodwind instrument and are looking for a fun, lively and friendly band to join get in touch! Call 07974 320122 Tuesday evening rehearsals in central Christchurch. Highcliffe WI are meeting at 7.15pm on Thurs 21 Nov in the Day Centre, 250 Lymington Rd for a cookery demo from a professional chef. Visitors are welcome to join us for this as well as a quiz, raffle & refreshments. Call the secretary on 01425/271995 for more info. THE HEALING TRUST (established 1954) Over 20 years in Christchurch, Healing given on Tuesdays from 1.30 –

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one please come and join our friendly group on Mondays 10.30am - 12.30 at Christchurch Baptist Church Hall in Bargates. Have a cup of tea or coffee, make friends, have fun, play carpet bowls.

Amberwood Highcliffe Afternoon Women’s Institute will meet at Methodist Church Hall, Highcliffe, 2p.m., Wednesday, 20 November. Please come and join us. Speaker is Joan Roberts “My Grandmother’s workbasket”. Enjoy tea, biscuits, raffle, and book sales.

NEW SUPPORT GROUP FOR MALE CARERS - A new group has been set up to support male carers. The group will meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month at CASTLE LODGE HOTEL, Lymington Road, Highcliffe 1:30 to 3:30 pm. A warm welcome awaits you. Refreshments provided.

CHRISTCHURCH PROBUS CLUB - Meets on the 1st Tuesday monthly at the East Close Hotel, Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch. A very friendly welcome awaits all retired professional and businessmen. Interesting speakers and excellent lunches! Contact the Secretary, Robin Haggett on 01202-482528. National Osteoporosis Society (NOS) - Next local support group meeting is Tuesday 5 November, Howard Suite, Christchurch Hospital, 2pm. Our speaker will be Jane Raleigh, Clinical Rheumatologist. All welcome, entry £1.50, refreshments available. Call 01425 275707 or visit for more details. Phoenix Widowers Fellowship If you have lost a love

New Support Group - As part of the British Lung Foundation Support Network, a new support group now meets between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. at Mudeford Wood Community Centre, Christchurch on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Contact Carol on 01202 475042 for more information.

Entries are listed FREE of charge. One listing per group/organisation. Listed on a first come, first served basis. Visit to submit your listing online. ChristchurchEYE 15

Celebrating fun dining, not fine dining

Michelin Bib Gourmand awarded to The Kings Arms, Christchurch The Kings Arms, Christchurch, is delighted to have been awarded a prestigious Bib Gourmand in the 2014 edition of the Michelin Guide for Great Britain and Ireland, published next week. The only restaurant to have been awarded in Dorset, The Kings is amongst this year’s 27 newcomers. With just 143 awarded across the UK and Ireland, the Bib Gourmand award denotes a restaurant offering high quality cuisine, with good service and value for money. Inclusion in the Guide is synonymous with quality and is internationally recognised as the benchmark for quality and integrity in the cuisine and value to the guest. The Michelin ‘Inspector’s favourites for good value’, the ‘Bibs’ recognise those establishments offering good food at affordable prices, the limit being £28 for three courses. Described as “gutsy, no frills cooking, which is packed full of flavour”, the Michelin inspectors were impressed with the unique offerings at The Kings: “The Josper Grill plays a big role, as does the good value £15 weekly changing menu which is made up of produce sourced from within 15 miles. Friday is ‘Fizz ‘n’ Chips’ night and they also offer Afternoon Tea.” Alex Aitken, who heads up The Kings Arms restaurant as Chef Patron, is thrilled for the

team: “I have had a secret ambition for a Bib Gourmand – and we knew Michelin had inspected us – for the team at The Kings it is amazing.” Lukasz Dwornik, General Manager of The Kings Arms, says: “This is a fantastic achievement for The Kings Arms, the perfect award to showcase what we are all about – great food and great value. I am very proud of my team.” Having introduced ‘Fun, not Fine’ Dining, The Kings prides itself on offering the very best local and seasonal food, at a reasonable price. Great value, locals’ favourites include the 15-mile menu, with three courses for £15 and the four course Tasting Menu, at £27.50. Visit restaurant or call 01202 588933.

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18 ChristchurchEYE

An English Mum


’m sure everyone has had a Homer Simpson ‘Doh!’ moment at some time or other. One of mine relates to an ugly bit of metal ‘sculpture’ which appeared on Barrack Road several years ago.

At first I thought it was the Rachel metal backing for a signpost, and couldn’t understand why a sign had never appeared on it. I would chunter every time I drove past, until it got to the point where I realised the council were never going to put a sign on it and it must actually be a piece of modern art — not a piece of carefully thought out, beautiful modern art, but an ugly ‘here’s a bit of old scaffolding and it’s art ‘cos I say it is’ type of modern art. I got cross. I love art, but this thing was just pointless and not particularly welcoming to any visitors who came into the town - who wants to see a pile of metal struts randomly welded together? And why waste my (extremely high) taxes on it? One day I happened to go past it on foot and noticed there was a plaque with an inscription. I huffed over to see which idiot artist had created such a monstrosity — and that’s when I clapped my hand to my brow in a ‘Doh!’ moment. It isn’t a sculpture. Or any attempt at art at all. To be honest, the placement of it should have given it away — right opposite where the barracks used to be on ‘Barrack Road’, right near the ‘Bailey Bridge’ pub... Yes, it is an actual piece of a Bailey Bridge! You know, those amazing portable bridges that played a massively important part in WW2 and which were conceived and made right here in little old Christchurch. I felt a right numpty! I now feel quite proud when I go past it, but can’t help wondering how many other people have no idea what it is either! Maybe a bigger sign would help...!

School Crossing Patrols required Dorset County Council has 3 vacancies in the Highcliffe and Christchurch area for school crossing patrols and is appealing to the local community to step forward for this valuable and rewarding role.

Rob Camp, Senior Road Safety Technician says: Despite numerous advertising initiatives in the area we have been unable to recruit to these 3 positions. However, having managed the SCP service for many years, I know from experience that there is always someone out there willing to take on this valuable role, it is simply a case of getting the message out in the right areas and hopefully this publication will help. On many occasions when someone has eventually come forward after a long recruitment drive, they often say they were unaware of the vacancy. If you feel you may want to apply but would like to know more, please contact us for an informal chat. Dorset County Council currently manages 56 SCP sites throughout Dorset and staff are fully supported by designated managers. The role is rewarding and appreciated by the many children and parents who access these safer routes to school. Anyone interested in applying for any of the positions can contact the Road Safety Team direct Hinton Wood Avenue, Highcliffe Duty times: 8.00 - 8:45 & 15.00 - 15.45 Chewton Common, Highcliffe Duty times: 8.20 - 9.00 & 15.10 - 15.45 Somerford Road, Christchurch Duty Times: 8.10 – 9.00 & 14.55 – 15.45 Please contact the Road Safety Team on 01305 224558 or apply on line schoolcrossingpatrols

An English Mum x

ChristchurchEYE 19


Coffee Break

Sudoku Competition Win two tickets to see Christmas Spectacular production at The Regent Centre! Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive! Simply complete the Sudoku Puzzle, fill in your details and post your entry to: LEM PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ. Name Tel.No Address Good Luck! Entries to be received no later than 30th November 2013. Winner picked at random from correct entries.


20 ChristchurchEYE



1 4 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 19 20 22 23 24 25


Expecting, desiring (6)


Slender (4)

Tragic Shakespearean hero (6) Chill until solidified (6) Darcy Bussell (9) Press, smooth (4) Turquoise (4) Leg joints (5) Red gemstone (6) Knight’s tunic (6) Brief (6) Sequence (6) Closes (5) Symbol (4) Ends a prayer (4) Peaks (9) Eyelid hairs (6) Tugged (6)

Crossword answers on page 49

3 Gift (6) 4 Neglect, obliterate (6) 5 Dame ____ Everage (4) 6

Grow (6)

7 Management meeting place (9) 8 Fish tanks (9) 11 Preserves, saves (5) 12 January _____ (5) 15 Beast (6) 16 Ponders (6) 17 Stable, immoveable (6) 18 Did wrong (6) 21 Built an ark (4) 22 Any minute now (4)

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Busy Period for Royal British Legion Band Christchurch THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION BAND in CHRISTCHURCH has its busiest period of this year starting with The Poppy Appeal Launch in Saxon Square on 26 October, from 10.00am to 1.00pm.


A few days later the Band is traveling to Belgium to take part in the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate in Ypres to commemorate all the fallen from World War I. An extremely moving event. On Tuesday 5 November, the Band will be undertaking the official Christchurch Royal British Legion Armistice Concert at its headquarters in Bargates. The Band is also performing a further Armistice Concert at The Royal British Legion Ferndown on 9 November. The Band will proudly lead the Christchurch Remembrance Parade on Sunday 10 November. We would ask that as many supporters join, or line, the Parade as is possible in support of Service Personnel, Veterans and families.


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ChristchurchEYE 25


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Local care home cooks up a storm for national competition This week, head chef at Care South’s Queensmead care home in Christchurch, Alan Stevens, put his best roast forward for the ‘Britain’s Best Care Home Roast’ award, as part of National Roast Dinner Week (30 September – 6 October), a nationwide Unilever Food Solutions initiative. As part of the competition, Alan treated residents to a choice of two roast dishes - a roast leg of lamb, marinated in honey and wholegrain mustard and served with caramelised onions and sweet peppers, and a dish of roasted vegetables wrapped in puff pastry and served with a tomato, basil and garlic sauce. Residents then voted for their favourite of the two dishes and declared the roast lamb Alan’s best dish. Details of the winning roast will be submitted to Unilever Food Solutions for judging. Alan commented: “National Roast Dinner Week has been great fun! I’ve tried to ensure my recipes had all the elements of a perfect roast. I wanted to combine the warm, comforting flavours of a traditional roast with some creative additions – such as the sweet peppers in the roast lamb dish. The residents have given that roast the thumbs up, so hopefully the judges will be impressed too!” Home Manager at Care South’s Queensmead, Janine May, added: “Alan did a great job on Wednesday and the residents were very impressed with his efforts. He works hard to ensure there is something for all tastes on his menus – which is why he cooked two very different roasts. We’ve all got our fingers crossed for judging day!”

Queensmead A Care South Residential Care Home Thinking of moving into a care home? We’re here to help Situated in the heart of the Christchurch community, we provide quality residential care in a home-from-home atmosphere. Whether you’re looking short respite stay or a new home, we offer a warm welcome, comfort, security and peace of mind. To arrange a visit or find out more, please contact the Queensmead manager, Janine May

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ChristchurchEYE 27



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2013 8th OctobER Heartizans Deli

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15 Saxon Square 01202 481510 £5 off Shellac Manicure

Women’s Workout

22 High St 01202 488482 One Week of fitness for £5. 1 offer per customer.

Latimer House

2 Wick Lane 01202 478848 A beautiful Estella Bartlett friendship bracelet with a selection of Cath Kidston goodies all gift wrapped and ready to go!

19 Saxon Square 01202 477600 £5 off any of our day courses in painted furniture, sewing, knitting & upholstery.

Fairmile Florist

Eden Home & Boutique

Lavender & Bay

6, St. Catherines Parade Fairmile Rd Beautiful bouquet of flowers or pot plant worth £12.50 for just a Fiver! Excludes delivery

Carousel Toyshop

6 Church Street 01202 488288 Gift bag for girls and boys filled with a fab toy selection worth £12 for just £5 each 28 ChristchurchEYE

Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe

9 High Street 01202 489662 Any bag of fudge with any bar of Mr Simms Chocolate for £5

All Mobility

8 Wick Lane 01202 474962 Suction Cup 12” Grab Bar with pressure indicator for just £5 each (normally £14.99)

Thomas and Lucia

High Street Any pair of designer tights worth up to £8.50 for £5

Born Beauty Boutique

23 Church St 01202 480151 Eyebrow shape or lip wax for £5

ou find

34 Bargates 01202 474962 Christmas themed wooden cutout shape with decoupage image and a sample pot of Chalk Paint by Annie Sloan plus instruction leaflet

t more about ou


amp aig locallychristch ally or our Facebook n on .uk tot g e. n e i s s s u a b n l d a want a loc

uc Yo


to ge are est Fortnights, plea ou se reg t involv F i s te r e If y FiVEr on o d in on r u ur w e o of ebsi te



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30 ChristchurchEYE


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ChristchurchEYE 31


Windows | Doors | Conservatories Replacement Conservatory Roofs


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Owned and run by Christchurch Housing Society, a charity providing care and accommodation for older people since 1946 ! ! ! ! ! ! Jude Powell RN

Tel: 01425 272919

Silver Way, Lymington Road, Highcliffe BH23 4LJ

Christchurch Housing Society also owns Avondene Care Home in Mudeford

32 ChristchurchEYE

Christchurch Rotary I had intended for this article to tell you all about the Christchurch “Swimafun”, planned to be held on Sunday 6th October, 2013 at Two Riversmeet, and how much money had been raised for the local community. Unfortunately, this was cancelled on the day, due to technical difficulties. However, the club is busily looking to re-arrange a date. This is one of Christchurch Rotary Club’s major local fund raising events, the other being the Fireworks and Bonfire spectacular on Stanpit Marsh. Both the Swimafun and the Bonfire raise many thousands of pounds by the local community, for the local community, last year alone raising well over £35,000! Local businesses give much appreciated support to both these events and contribute to making them such longstanding successes. This years Bonfire kicks off on Saturday 2nd November with gates opening at 5.00pm.

Welcome to

Happy Days

Cleaning Services With 40yrs joint experience we do all aspects of domestic cleaning We are a husband and wife team All our rates are negotiable Tel Deb & Alan

07428 719470

For those who do not know this event not only is there a huge Bonfire with spectacular fireworks (visitors comments on the event) but, Foods Stalls / Gugge Band and Model Helicopter Display, to name but a few. This event takes a great deal of planning throughout the year, with so many people putting in that extra effort, but it is so important to the community, not only for the funds raised but for the community spirit it shows. So its fingers crossed for good weather on the night, perhaps we will see you there? If so, come and say hello. Full details on our web site below. Want to know more? Contact: James Morton E:Mail ChristchurchEYE 33

Numberworks 2013-d.pdf 1 14/08/2013 11:40:33

Poetry Corner by CCC Poets Stars Over Stars By Karlina St Vincent In the dark November garden a smell of damp earth, Wet leaves on wellingtons as we tramp To the towering pile of boxes and branches, Check for hedgehogs hibernating, A feast set by the back door, Hand warming jacket potatoes, foiled, Stomach warming sausages, hot, Tangy tomato ketchup, steaming soup. Suddenly a rocket launches the excitement Food forgotten as the sky erupts. Stars burst over stars, colour explodes A whoosh of sound zooms us skyward, Golden rain and silver drops Shower the grass, make shining fountains. Catherine wheels spin on the shed, A merging dizziness of rainbow sparks, Whiff of cordite, crimson smoke. The now blazing bonfire crackles and spits Burns down to glowing embers, Its smoky ghost drifts around The children weaving names in the air, Pinpricking sparklers in gloved hands. Bournemouth Flyer:Bournemouth Flyer Shrieks at an unexpected banger Then more fun, friends and food.

01202 433673 107/109 Belle Vue Road, Bournemouth BH6 3DJ



Page 1

Inter-County Nursing & Care Services Supporting you in your own home w w w. i n t e r - c o u n t y. c o . u k Inter-County can provide experienced staff to help you remain independent at home through a range of services including:

Personal Care/Meal Preparation • Sleeping/Waking night duty • Respite Care • 24 hour Live In Care & Support

For further information please contact us on

01425 280811

or call in to see us at: 293 Lymington Road, Highcliffe, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 5EB We would also welcome applications from experienced Care Assistants looking for local, flexible work. For further information please contact us on the above number.

34 ChristchurchEYE

Hands on Care Osteopathic Practice

Yummy Chocolate Tiffin

Osteopathic Practice

New to New to the Wessex

the Wessex Therapy Therapy Clinic Clinic Ingredients


Introductory offer Saturday afternoon appointments your first treatment on Saturdays please phone 2VPUF AYFZF 07717 763405

Tel: 47 77 Tel: 01202 01202 47 44 44 77 WessexTherapy Therapy Clinic Clinic Wessex Wessex Therapy Clinic 17Stour Stour Road Road 17 17 Stour Road Christchurch, BH23 1PL Christchurch, BH23 1PL To make a booking on a Saturday, Christchurch, BH23 1PL please phone 07717 763405

400g digestive biscuits 100g sultanas 70g roughly chopped pecans 60g chopped glace cherries 70g dark chocolate chips 250g dark chocolate, roughly chopped 90g golden syrup 70g unsalted butter 34x20x3cm baking pan, lined with baking parchment Method Put the biscuits in a plastic bag and tap them with a rolling pin to break them into small pieces, not crumbs. Put the pieces in a large bowl with the sultanas, pecans, cherries and chocolate chips and mix together with a wooden spoon. Put the chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of barely simmering water. Do not the base of the bowl touch the water. Add the syrup and butter and mix together, stirring continuously, until melted and smooth. This can also be done in a microwave: heat for a few seconds, remove, stir and return, repeating until fully melted. Pour the melted chocolate mixture into the bowl with the dry ingredients and mix until everything is coated in chocolate. Spoon the mixture into the prepared baking pan, spread level and press down firmly with the back of the spoon. Refrigerate and allow to harden completely, preferably overnight. To portion, slice using a sharp knife. The tiffin will keep for 3-5 days in the refrigerator, or freeze for up to 2 months.

ChristchurchEYE 35

36 ChristchurchEYE

Durlston Court Prep School – A wealth of Opportunities


urlston Court Prep School has a well established and impressive sporting reputation. All Prep age pupils receive daily sports coaching and regular opportunities to compete in sporting fixtures. The Wednesday fixture list is always full, with boys and girls competing in a full range of sports which change with the season. Robert, aged 11 confirmed, “Wednesday Match Day is definitely the best day of the week!” Dedicated staff and pupils recently headed to a weekend tournament in Ryde, Isle of Wight and returned victorious. The girls won runners up in the netball Tournament, whilst the boys were the football’s Tournament winners. This dedication doesn’t just extend to the sports field. Pupils at Durlston are encouraged to reach their potential in all areas, and the school has an equally impressive academic record and a history of scholarship achievements in Art, Music and Performing Arts. The opportunities here are plentiful and the term continues with a full calendar of Poetry Recitals, Music Concerts, specialist art workshops and carol singing at the Chewton Glen to name a few!

Preparatory School

A Happy and Successful Independent Day School for Boys and Girls aged 2-13

Where Children Thrive!

Tel: 01425 610 010 Durlston Court School, Becton Lane, Barton on Sea, BH25 7AQ

ChristchurchEYE 37

Ye Olde George Inn, 2a Church Street, Christchurch BH23 1DT

valid from 14 September to 13 December 2013 not to be used in conjunction with any other offer


and cake

for TWO valid from 14 September to 13 December 2013 not to be used in conjunction with any other offer

half price

cocktails for TWO

valid from 14 September to 13 December 2013 not to be used in conjunction with any other offer

38 ChristchurchEYE


Dorset Denture Clinic


Fri 1 & Tues 5, Wed 6, Fri 8 & Mon 11 Nov 7.30pm Mats: Fri 1 + Mon 4 – Fri 8 & Mon 11 Nov 2.30pm Naomi Watts is DIANA (12A) Saturday 2 November 7.30pm £20 Concs £18.50 FOSTER & ALLEN – Ultimate Collection Sunday 3 November 7pm £12 Concs £10 Under 16 £6 FESTIVAL OF REMEMBRANCE FOR QUEEN & COUNTRY Christchurch & District Band, Rock-Ola Bournemouth Male Voice Choir & Highcliffe Charity Players Mon 4 November 7.30pm & Tues 5 Nov 10.30am £10 Concs £8.50 Encore by satellite on screen – West End MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG – Sondheim Thurs 7 November 7pm & Sat 9 Nov 1pm £13 Concs £12 50th Anniversary Encore Screenings National Theatre – HABIT OF ART Saturday 9 November 5.55pm £22 Concs £20 Live by satellite on screen Metropolitan Opera NY – TOSCA – Puccini Sunday 10 November 7.30pm £12 Concs £10 Swing Unlimited Big Band Remembrance Day Concert – WE’LL MEET AGAIN Tues 12, Wed 13, Fri 15 & Sat 16 November 2.30pm Tues 12, Fri 15 & Sat 16 November 7.30pm Kate Blanchett – BLUE JASMINE (12A) Wed 13 Nov 7pm Encores Thurs 14 Nov 2.30pm & 7.30pm RSC Live by satellite from Stratford David Tenant is RICHARD II – Shakespeare £13 Concs £12 Sunday 17 November 5pm £10.50 Concs 9.50 Under 16 £5.50 NEW FOREST CHILDREN’S CHOIR & NF CHAMBER CHOIR Mon 18 – Thurs 21 November 2.30pm & 7.30pm SUNSHINE ON LEITH (PG) Feel good film of 2013 Friday 22 November 2.30pm & 7.30pm £13 Concs £12 NT Live 50th Anniversary encore screenings HAMLET Wed 27 – Sat 30 Nov 7.30pm Mat Sat 2.30pm £14.50 Concs £13 Theatre 2000 Youth – Youth Group Productions JOSEPH & HIS AMAZING TECHNICOLOUR DREAMCOAT *

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Tuition and Dyslexia Support Contact: Tara Reeves, BA (Hons), PGCE, Member of PATOSS. 01202 568956/07954 400617

HOME TUITION Specialist teaching for Dyslexia Support for literacy, reading, spelling, phonics and numeracy

I work with 5 -­13 year olds providing tuition and specialist dyslexia support. I can provide individually tailored programmes to help with phonics, writing, reading, numeracy, memory skills and confidence building.

If you would like more information please contact me by phone or email.


24 Hour Car Park charges. *Pre-show Dining at The Kings £23. VIP Experience £39.50 inc ticket

ChristchurchEYE 39

Hardy’s Monument and Littlebredy Distance: 10.5 Km/6.5 Miles. Total ascent: 300m/980 Ft. Toilets: None at the start. Available in Dorchester car parks and in the Lay-By just east of Dorchester.

Start and parking:

A lovely Ridgeway and countryside walk along excellent terrain. Great views of Chesil Beach, Portland, ‘The Fleet’, across to St Catherine’s Church at Abbotsbury and inland across the Dorset countryside.

From Dorchester, take the Martinstown road and just after

for 500m (site of the Stone Circle). Stay R for 400m to next

the village turn L for Hardy’s Monument. After 2 Km/1 1⁄4

gate/stile. Straight ahead and carefully down the path

miles, with the Monument just ahead of you, as the road

for 100m, over the stile to meet a path from the L. Bear R

starts to rise you will find a gravel Lay-by on you R. Park here.

following the South Dorset Ridgeway.

You can park at Hardy’s Monument but you will be required

Follow the path around the top of the field for 400m to meet

to pay and it will be a longer ascent at the end of the walk!

a small gate and the road. Turn R along the road 120m to

Exact Grid Reference: SY 616 877. There is usually a

meet a small junction. Turn L and after 100m, fork R along

refreshment van at Hardy’s Monument which you can utilise

the track. About 100m before you get to the buildings, go

at the end if you wish.

through the gate to the L and follow the path to the L of the

Walk details:

copse for 250m until the copse starts to turn steeply downhill

Walk along the road for 1 Km/ 2/3 mile. 200m after the R turn

to the R.

for Preston, bear R along the track. Continue for 700m/ 3⁄4 m and come to a gate signposting Osmington straight ahead

Continue along the top of the steep incline above the valley to

and a permitted path to the White Horse. Turn R, just heading

your R for 500m where you should join the grassy track which

away from the fence line and you will find the White Horse on

bears R. Follow this track down through the trees to, and

the hill after 200m.

beside the village cricket pitch on your R and up to the road.

At the top of the Lay-by, follow the finger pointer along the

Turn L for 250m to meet a junction then turn R for 500m up

South Dorset Ridgeway and to Hardy’s Monument.

the road to meet another junction. Her you meet the Jubilee

Follow the path up to the road, straight across and follow

Trail. Turn R at the junction and after 90m, turn L along the

the path to the R of the monument, straight across the track

track. As you turn, you will see Hardy’s Monument ahead.

after 30m and straight across again at the track crossroads

After 200m, turn R through a small gate and stay L through

after 130m.

another gate after 100m. Bear L through the small copse and stay L by the hedge for 1.5 Km down to the road. Straight

Down towards the woods and bear L when meeting track

across the road, following the Jubilee Trail signs and through

from the R after 200m. Down on through the woods, ignoring

Loscombe Farm.

and L fork options for 350m and just after the line if trees at the end of the wood, bear R, L after 15m, through small

For 1 Km, follow the track for Loscombe Down by the woods

woods and over the stone stile after 25m. Straight ahead

fields with Hardy’s monument straight ahead. Enter the

over the stone stile after 20m and follow the hedge, over

woods, stay L after 150m as you meet a track from the R

another stile after 250m and another 200m to a stone stile

and follow the track for a further 300m back to the car park.

then immediately a double stile. Please choose the correct stile as indicated by the sign to avoid the cows in the relevant field. After 350m, cross the stile in the hedge and into a small Layby. Turn L, cross the road and after 50m, turn R heading for W Bexington. Follow the track to the L of the farm buildings and then bearing R alongside the small copse to a gate after

40 ChristchurchEYE





Telephone: 01425 277061 Mobile: 07980 298522

16 Rowan Close, Highcliffe, Christchurch, BH23 4SW

Win £25! There are 5 Pooky the Bears in this month’s magazine. What pages are they on? (Not including this one!) Send your answers to:

Local Eye Mags Competitions PO Box 7812 Christchurch Dorset BH23 9HZ

Pages............................................. Name............................................ Address........................................ ...................................................... ...................................................... Answers to be received no later than 30th November 2013

ChristchurchEYE 41






ADULT -­‐ £5 CHILD -­‐ £2 FAMILY -­‐ £10



42 ChristchurchEYE

CHARITY No: 241146

y t r a P d anza n a r e p m a P Extravag

Enjoy a charity


n gai y bar beaut d s -­en top roduct p

includ ing a sparkl ing drink welcome & nibb les

Thurs 14th November 2013 from 7.30-­11.00pm at The King’s Priory, Bridge Street, Christchurch







YUYO support inspirational local teaching teams in Uganda as they seek to provide young people with education, wellbeing and a bright sustainable future. The schools have an amazing impact on the whole community, giving hope to all especially those impacted by disability, HIV & AIDS. Your generosity will help us achieve so much more in 2014 so an enormous thank you to all who have sponsored or supported this special evening.

To find out more visit or call 07000 785 092




’m Lass a beautiful, blue greyhound girl. I’ve been retired early as I wasn’t very good at racing. I’m a quiet and gentle soul and can be a bit fearful when first meeting people, but as soon as I get to know people I’m relaxed and love cuddles. I walk well on the lead. I am fine with other dogs and ignore smaller ones on walks. I would prefer to live with other dogs and could live with older, calm children as younger ones may scare me.


An AWESOME night there!



Reserve your tickets to pick up on the night on 01202 430343.


Get Pampered! Hair Makeovers, Exquisite Gifts, Body, Feet & Indian Head Massage, Eyebrows, Nails, Lashes, Amazing Prize Draw & Silent Auction. Party on! Wines, Tasty Nibbles, Handmade Chox, fun Photographer & disco to dance the night way! The perfect warm-up to the festive season.

Adopt a Pet


Yu-Yo Beauty flier 2013.indd 1

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14/10/2013 12:10

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Electrical Services

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No VAT to pay Free Quotations All Electrical work Insured and Guaranteed General Property Maintenance

Email: ChristchurchEYE 43

The Young Wishes



Charity Dinner

Thursday 21st November 2013 at The Kings Arms Hotel, Christchurch 7pm - Bubbly Reception 12am - Midnight Carriages

Dress Code: Black & White/Black Tie Tickets: £35 per person/£350 per table of ten This includes a welcome reception with bubbles, three course dinner, live auction, live music and professional photography.

Proceeds raised through this stunning event will be donated to the Round Table Children’s Wish, dedicated to granting wishes to children with life limiting illnesses. Registered Charity No: 1060225.

‘Aiming to bring a little bit of magic into the children’s lives by creating special moments and memories’ Tickets and more information available from: The Kings Arms Hotel, Christchurch, BH23 1DT - – Telephone: 01202 588933

44 ChristchurchEYE




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CHRISTCHURCH NEEDS YOU! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO HELP RUN THE RE-LAUNCHED CHRISTCHURCH INFORMATION CENTRE On Monday 2 December, Christchurch and East Dorset Council will transfer the day to day running of the Christchurch Information Centre to the Regent Centre, which is conveniently situated just next door in the town’s High Street. In order to ensure a smooth transition from day one, the management of the Regent Centre would like to hear from enthusiastic and committed volunteers who would like to help run the Information Centre on behalf of the community. If you enjoy helping other people and take a pride in promoting the historic town and ancient Borough of Christchurch, then please apply in writing to Mrs Margaret Slade, The Regent Centre, 51 High Street, Christchurch BH23 1AS. Alternatively, you can telephone the Regent on (01202) 499199 or pop in to the Centre to request a volunteer application form. There is also a volunteer application form online at the Regent Centre’s website on The Information Centre will be run alongside the Regent Centre and its aim will be to provide a first class, customer focussed and accessible information service to both residents and visitors. In achieving this, the Information Centre will be able to help contribute to the town’s economy, tourism, heritage, culture and the social attraction of living in Christchurch. The success of the Christchurch Information Centre will be very dependent on the generosity of the volunteers giving freely of their time to help others. The Regent Centre management are delighted to announce that the current Manager of the Information Centre, Sara Stewart-Haddow, will be remaining in post to oversee the future success of the Centre. The Information Centre will be in the forefront of ensuring that Christchurch maintains its enviable reputation as being the town in Britain “Where time is pleasant�.

ChristchurchEYE 45


Open Day



localE YE magazines Leaflet Delivery We can deliver your leaflets to between 1,000 and 7,000 homes Only £35 + VAT per 1000 Call 01202 477214 or email 46 ChristchurchEYE

Teen Column


ssociations of November often begin with fireworks, bonfires and the annual story of how the Houses of Parliament were nearly blown to smithereens because of Guy Fawkes. Henceforth ending with sticky gloves, Grace namely due to the tricky manifest of creating marshmallow smores without getting ones hands too chilly. This year as I make my yearly trip down to Stanpit marsh to witness the roasting bonfire, spewing out its fiery embers, I’ve decided to consider with more profound thought about why I am there and the context behind this annual festiveness we are all too happy to celebrate. Guy Fawkes was a Catholic extremist who plotted, with his comrades in tow, to blow up the Houses of Parliament as King James I refused to change laws against the practice of the Roman Catholic Church. Hence, the tradition of burning a mannequin designed as Guy Fawkes every year is thrown onto a bonfire to signify the flames that would have licked the golden sides of the Houses of Parliament, with the intention of assassinating England’s King. Whilst I watch amazed at the fireworks dancing around the skies above the marsh a thought will cross my mind - how their glittering explosions of gunpowder symbolise the gunpowder that Guy Fawkes hid in the cellars beneath rooms where many of our country’s most imperative decisions have been made. The butterfly effect attempts to define what would happen if we turned back in time and changed one tiny unimportant detail, for it would set off a chain of events that would ultimately change history. It is therefore extensive food for thought to consider what if Guy Fawkes had been successful in his conspiracy to blow up Parliament? Would Christchurch be the same? Something to mull over this November.

Grace Ball

Zumba is a Latin Inspired, easy to follow, calorie burning, dance fitness party!!! All ages and abilities welcome Monday 6pm Portfield Hall. Portfield Rd Thursday 6pm Portfield Hall Other classes in Burton, Bransgore and Southbourne £1.50 for your 1st class Please contact Alison 01202 476494 or 07570446291

SOUTHERN TREE SPECIALISTS The tree care professionals

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For more information visit:

ChristchurchEYE 47

Business & Professional High Sails Publications Dorset Trading Standards Service Leaflet delivery Miller Bros & F.P Butler Ltd Simpkins & Co Solicitors

12 16 46 49 52

Carer Homes & Help Christchurch Neighbour Cars Queensmead Care South Silverways Nursing Home Inter-­‐County Nursing Care & Services

11 27 32 34

Children, Pets & Education Number Works n Words Science Tuition Number Works n Words Durlston Court School Riversmeet Tutoring Highcliffe School

4 15 34 37 39 51

Computering Zero42


Estate & Lettings Pettengells Christchurch Richard Godsell Homefield Park Bullock & Lees

5 15 22 36

Food and Drink Heartizans Deli Ye Olde George Inn

18 38

Gardens Chris Oliver Tree & Hedge Cutting Specialist Southern Tree Specialists

41 47

Health, Beauty & Lifestyle Highcliffe Dental Practice Foot Rescue Specsavers Susie Lyons Interiors Fairmile Florist Saxon Square Christchurch Massage Therapy Purewell Electrical Peeks the Event Makers Scissors Christchurch Hands on Care Dorset Denture Clinic All Mobility Alison Davies Zumba Make it Sew

1 7 8 8 9 21 24 26 31 31 35 39 41 47 49


Make it Sew (Ex-Barrack Road)

• Alterations • • Dressmaking • • Curtains • • Soft Furnishing • Collection & Returns Service Available

07719 133992 Home Improvement Bedtime New Forest Conservatories JT Blinds Flair Interiors A Beautiful Clean Liberty Design Architect Comfort Rooms Forest Heating Showerdome UK Glass Exchange Plumb Exchange Build Exchange Roof Exchange Dream Doors Paul Belton Construction Tower View Happy Days Cleaning Services Charlie Hanshaw MKB Electrical Services All Mopped Up Priory Plumbing

4 4 9 13 15 15 17 18 18 23 23 23 23 25 32 32 33 43 43 45 49

Local Event Charity Dinner Bonfire Display Charity Pamper Extravaganza Charity Dinner Christchurch Conservative Club The Cadenza Choir

16 42 43 44 46 49

Motoring and Travel Keith Motors Recruitment School Crossing Patrols Needed Scout Leaders Wanted

2 19 46

Mind Benders: 1, Put on weight;

2, Clerical error; 3, Just right

Puzzle Solutions

FUNERAL DIRECTORS Miller Bros. & F.P. Butler Ltd A privately owned family business established in Christchurch for over 100 years

Personal Service available 24 hours a day Competitive prices to suit your needs Burials & Cremations


PRIORY PLUMBING & MAINTENANCE All plumbing works undertaken from tap washer to complete bathroom/kitchen planning and installation. General household maintenance undertaken

Tel: 01202 485147 Mob: 07831 887333

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119 Bargates Christchurch BH23 1QH


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!iiiccckkkeeetttsss £££888 iiinnn aaadddvvvaaannnccceee ooorrr £££111000 ooonnn ttthhheee dddoooooorrr CCCooonnnccceeessssssiiiooonnnsss £££555 (((iiinnncccllluuudddeeesss ggglllaaassssss ooofff wwwiiinnneee,,, ccchhheeeeeessseee,,, mmmiiinnnccceee pppiiieeesss aaafffttteeerrrwwwaaarrrdddsss)))

!iiiccckkkeeetttsss aaavvvaaaiiilllaaabbbllleee fffrrrooommm -­‐-­‐- !hhheee GGGooolllfff SSShhhoooppp 111999 CCChhhuuurrrccchhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt !ooowwwnnn CCCeeennntttrrreee,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh

ChristchurchEYE 49

Useful Contacts

Free Home Fire Safety Check

Police/Crime Police (Emergency) Police (Non-­‐emergency) Crimestoppers Neighbourhood & Home Watch

999 101 0800 55 51 11 01202 222 222

Medical/Health Services NHS Direct Dorset Out-­‐of-­‐hours Bournemouth A&E Bournemouth Hospital Christchurch Hospital British Red Cross Loan Service

0845 46 47 111 01202 70 41 67 01202 30 36 26 01202 486 361 01202 484074

Local Council & Services Christchurch Borough Council Dorset County Council Christchurch Information Centre Regent Centre Bournemouth Airport Post Office Dorset Family Information Service

01202 495000 01305 251000 01202 471780 01202 499199 01202 364000 0845 722 3344 01305 221 066

Pet Care RSPCA -­‐ Ashley Heath Cats Protection

0870 010 18 49 08453 712 762

Helplines Community Safety Issues Anti-­‐social Behaviour Trading Standars Citizens Advice Bureau Childline NSPCC Southern Electric British Gas Gas Emergency Environment Agency National Drugs Helpline National Debtline Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Samaritans Age Concern

01202 495111 01202 495044 01305 224012 0844 245 1291 0800 11 11 0808 800 50 00 0845 071 3953 0800 048 0202 0800 111 999 0800 80 70 60 0800 77 66 00 0808 808 40 00 0207 403 0888 07041 580 050 08457 90 90 90 0800 00 99 66

Taxis Christchurch Radio Cabs Chritax Priory Cabs

01202 48 48 48 01202 47 00 00 01202 47 44 44

0800 038 2323

Chemists The Grove Pharmacy, 48 The Grove, Xch 01202 484310 Mon – Fri 9-6 Sat 9-1 Wessex Pharmacies, 186 Somerford Road, Xch 01202 482197 Mon-Fri 9-1.15/2.15-5.30 Sat 9-1.15 Rowlands Pharmacy, 136 Purewell, Xch 01202 484840 Mon-Fri 8.45-6.30 Sat 8.45-1 Your Local Boots Pharmacy, 2A Twynham Avenue, Xch 01202 486276 Mon-Fri 8.45-1/2-6.15 Mudeford Pharmacy, 94 Mudeford, Xch 01425 272798 Mon-Fri 9-1/2-5.30(Weds ‘til 1) Sat 9-1/2-5 Boots the Chemist, 23 Saxon Square, Xch 01202 483034 Mon-Sat 9-1.30/2.30-5.30 Burton Pharmacy, 123 Salisbury Road, Burton 01202 477771 Mon-Fri 9-1/2-6.30 Lloyds, 248 Lymington Road, Highcliffe 01425 274291 Mon-Fri 8.45-5.30 Sat 9-4

Local Libraries Christchurch Library 01202 485938 Mon 9.30-5.30 Tues 10-7 Weds 9.3-1 Thu 9.30-7 Fri 9.30-5.30 Sat 9-4 Highcliffe Library 01425 272202 Mon 10-6.30 Tue 9.3-5 Wed Closed Thu 9.3-1 Fri 9.30-6.30 Sat 9.30-4 50 ChristchurchEYE

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TASTER DAY Friday 22nd November Booking Essential

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Suite 4, Brearley House, 278 Lymington Road, Highcliffe, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 5ET t: 01425 275555 e: Simpkins & Co are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number: 00401834 Recognised name: Simpkins & Co

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