HighcliffeEYE The local glossy that keeps on giving - all month long
Your Local Community Magazine
June 2014 • ISSUE 27
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Homefield Eye Banner 2014 148x31.indd 1
09/05/2014 17:23
Golden Acres Garden Centre Group
RReellaaxx iinn tthhee !aarrddeenn
CCooookk uupp aa SSttiirr oonn aa WWeebbeerr BBBBQQ
RRooaasstt MMaarrsshhmmaalllloowwss oovveerr aa FFiirreeppiitt
LLiigghhtt uupp yyoouurr ggaarrddeenn
!rrooww MMiinntt ffoorr yyoouurr ssuummmmeerr ddrriinnkkss
JJooiinn uuss ffoorr AAfftteerrnnoooonn TTeeaa
The above items are sold at all our garden centres. (Weber BBQ & Firepits not available at Golden Acres West Parley)
Come and visit us and claim your
Office Use Only:
Present this voucher at any of our Golden Acres Group Garden Centre to receive a free 9cm Strawberry Plant with the relevant information filled out. May not be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. One free 9cm Strawberry plant per voucher. Photocopies not accepted. Valid until 30th June 2014
Golden Acres Garden Centre 359 Christchurch Road, West Parley Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8SJ
John Browns Garden Centre Ringwood Road, Three Legged Cross BH21 6RD
Cadnam Garden Centre Southampton Road, Cadnam S040 2NB
www.goldenacresgroup.co.uk 2
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01202 526 206 dunkleytiles.co.uk 4/10 Kemp Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH9 2PW
4028_Dunkley Feb ad_AFCB eye 148x210 V4.indd 1
03/02/2014 12:45
Purewell Cross Dental Practice
contents Local History by Phil Tate What's on Community Notices Peter's Business Column Clubs & Classes MindBenders An English Mum Adopt a Pet Recipe Garden View Highcliffe Rotary Coffee Break Kids Page Gardenshare -‐ Transition Town Regent Listings Puzzle Solutions Dorset POPP Mudeford Wood Community Centre Index Useful Telephone Numbers
6 9 9 11 12 15 15 16 17 18 21 24 26 29 30 30 30 31 32 34
LocalEYE magazines
LEM PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ t: 01202 477214 www.localeyemagazines.co.uk
Magazine Editor & Publisher Cheryl Dennett t: 01202 477214 (9am - 7pm) info@localeyemagazines.co.uk
Admin & Accounts
Jenny Wigman t: 01202 477214 jenny@localeyemagazines.co.uk
Distribution Manager Sue Hillman t: 01202 477214
Peter Watson-Lee, Regent Centre, Highcliffe Rotary, Rachel Clark, Lee Bestall & Phil Tate.
Now offers late evening and Saturday appointments.
Modern private services tailored to your individual needs in a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere. General dentistry and dental hygiene Comprehensive restorative & cosmetic work, implant restorations, tooth whitening, minor orthodontics
134 Purewell |Christchurch BH23 1EU Tel: (01202) 485621 Website: www.purewellcrossdental.co.uk
to the Highcliffe Eye Community Magazine
editor’s letter I love this gorgeous weather we are having as I write this. Living and working just by the river, in particular when the sun is shining, reminds me how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful part of the country, Cheryl or world even. I’ve just recently completed my Level 2 Powerboat course so I’m now able to enjoy views of Christchurch & Highcliffe from the water, it really is breathtaking and it’s wonderful to see so many people, of all ages, out enjoying such a wide variety of activities, there really is so much to do locally that we are spoilt for choice. When the weather is not so good why not try out our recipe on page 17? This month we have Custard & White Chocolate biscuits, which are simply delicious and really easy to make too. As you may have gathered by now, with my choice of baking recipes, that I have a bit of a sweet tooth! Well until next month, I hope we get to see lots more of this beautiful weather so that we are able to get out and about a lot more to appreciate all the things we have to see and do here in Christchurch & Highcliffe. If not (after all, this is Britain), then don those wellies and a brolly and get out there anyway. My daughter and I just love going out and jumping in muddy puddles, it’s sometimes the simplest things in life that are the most enjoyable. Enjoy! Cheryl Cheryl Dennett Editor & Publisher
Congratulations to Gill Hickson & Liz Chant for winning our April competitions!
Local Eye Magazines are Members of:
!hhee CChhrriissttcchhuurrcchh FFlloorraa IIIttt iiisss aaalllmmmooosssttt ccceeerrrtttaaaiiinnn ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee cccaaannnooonnnsss ooofff CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh !rrriiiooorrryyy kkkeeepppttt bbbeeeeeesss tttooo ppprrrooovvviiidddeee ttthhheeemmm wwwiiittthhh bbbeeeeeessswwwaaaxxx fffooorrr cccaaannndddllleeesss aaannnddd aaa sssuuupppppplllyyy ooofff hhhooonnneeeyyy fffooorrr fffooooooddd aaannnddd sssaaalllvvveeesss... TTThhhooossseee mmmooonnnaaassstttiiiccc bbbeeeeeesss dddiiiddd nnnooottt hhhaaavvveee fffaaarrr tttooo ffflllyyy tttooo fffiiinnnddd ttthhheeeiiirrr sssooouuurrrccceee ooofff nnneeeccctttaaarrr aaannnddd pppooolllllleeennn,,, fffooorrr ttthhheee mmmeeedddiiieeevvvaaalll tttooowwwnnn wwwaaasss ccclllooossseeelllyyy sssuuurrrrrrooouuunnndddeeeddd bbbyyy aaa pppaaatttccchhhwwwooorrrkkk ooofff fffiiieeellldddsss,,, mmmeeeaaadddooowwwsss,,, pppaaassstttuuurrreeesss,,, wwwoooooodddlllaaannndddsss,,, mmmaaarrrssshhheeesss,,, aaannnddd hhheeeaaattthhh... IIIttt iiisss ooofffttteeennn ppprrreeesssuuummmeeeddd ttthhhaaattt ooouuurrr mmmeeedddiiieeevvvaaalll aaannnccceeessstttooorrrsss llliiivvveeeddd dddrrraaabbb aaannnddd dddiiisssmmmaaalll llliiivvveeesss,,, bbbuuuttt ttthhheeeiiirrr eeeyyyeeesss mmmuuusssttt hhhaaavvveee rrreeejjjoooiiiccceeeddd aaattt ttthhheee vvvaaarrriiieeetttyyy aaannnddd aaabbbuuunnndddaaannnccceee ooofff ffflllooowwweeerrriiinnnggg cccrrrooopppsss aaannnddd ssseeeaaasssooonnnaaalll wwwiiillldddffflllooowwweeerrrsss ttthhhaaattt ffflllooouuurrriiissshhheeeddd aaallllll aaarrrooouuunnnddd ttthhheeemmm... OOOuuutttsssiiidddeee ttthhheee BBBaaarrrrrreee GGGaaattteee tttooo ttthhheee nnnooorrrttthhh ooofff ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn wwwaaasss ttthhheee !ooorrrtttfffiiieeelllddd... SSSiiinnnccceee SSSaaaxxxooonnn tttiiimmmeeesss ttthhhiiisss 222888000 aaacccrrreeesss ooofff aaarrraaabbbllleee cccooommmmmmooonnn lllaaannnddd,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh eeexxxttteeennndddeeeddd fffrrrooommm SSSooopppeeerrrsss LLLaaannneee tttooo ttthhheee OOOlllddd BBBooorrrooouuuggghhh BBBooouuunnndddaaarrryyy jjjuuusssttt bbbeeeyyyooonnnddd ttthhheee ppprrreeessseeennnttt---dddaaayyy AAAvvveeennnuuueee RRRoooaaaddd,,, hhhaaaddd bbbeeeeeennn cccuuullltttiiivvvaaattteeeddd bbbyyy ttthhheee lllooocccaaalll rrreeesssiiidddeeennntttsss... TTThhheee mmmooonnnaaassstttiiiccc bbbeeeeeesss,,, aaaiiidddeeeddd bbbyyy ttthhheeeiiirrr wwwiiilllddd cccooouuusssiiinnnsss,,, wwweeerrreee uuunnndddooouuubbbttteeedddlllyyy vvviiitttaaalll tttooo ttthhheee pppooolllllliiinnnaaatttiiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheee ffflllooowwweeerrriiinnnggg cccrrrooopppsss --- iiittt iiisss cccaaalllcccuuulllaaattteeeddd ttthhhaaattt eeevvveeennn tttooodddaaayyy eeevvveeerrryyyttthhhiiinnnggg wwweee eeeaaattt iiisss dddeeepppeeennndddaaannnttt uuupppooonnn bbbeeeeeesss!!! TTThhheee eeennnvvviiirrrooonnnmmmeeennnttt aaarrrooouuunnnddd CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh rrreeemmmaaaiiinnneeeddd lllaaarrrgggeeelllyyy uuunnnccchhhaaannngggeeeddd fffooorrr ccceeennntttuuurrriiieeesss... TTThhheeennn iiinnn 111888777888 ttthhheee !ooorrrtttfffiiieeelllddd EEEnnnccclllooosssuuurrreee AAAwwwaaarrrddd sssaaawww ttthhhiiisss cccooommmmmmooonnn lllaaannnddd tttrrraaannnsssfffeeerrrrrreeeddd iiinnntttooo ppprrriiivvvaaattteee ooowwwnnneeerrrssshhhiiippp... HHHooouuussseee---bbbuuuiiillldddiiinnnggg bbbeeegggaaannn aaalllmmmooosssttt iiimmmmmmeeedddiiiaaattteeelllyyy,,, aaannnddd wwwiiittthhhiiinnn 222000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss mmmooosssttt ooofff ttthhheee ppprrreeessseeennnttt---dddaaayyy rrroooaaadddsss iiinnn ttthhheee aaarrreeeaaa hhhaaaddd bbbeeeeeennn lllaaaiiiddd ooouuuttt... AAAttt ttthhheee ssstttaaarrrttt ooofff ttthhheee 111999ttthhh ccceeennntttuuurrryyy ttthhheee pppooopppuuulllaaatttiiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn wwwaaasss aaabbbooouuuttt 222,,,000000000,,, aaa fffiiiggguuurrreee llliiittttttllleee dddiiiffffffeeerrreeennnttt tttooo ttthhhaaattt ooofff ttthhheee eeeaaarrrlllyyy 111444ttthhh ccceeennntttuuurrryyy,,, bbbuuuttt bbbyyy ttthhheee ssstttaaarrrttt ooofff ttthhheee 222000ttthhh ccceeennntttuuurrryyy iiittt hhhaaaddd rrriiissseeennn tttooo aaabbbooouuuttt 111000,,,000000000... DDDeeessspppiiittteee ttthhhiiisss uuurrrbbbaaannn eeexxxpppaaannnsssiiiooonnn,,, ttthhheeerrreee wwweeerrreee ssstttiiillllll fffiiieeellldddsss,,, mmmeeeaaadddsss,,, aaannnddd pppaaassstttuuurrreeesss ccclllooossseee tttooo ttthhheee hhheeeaaarrrttt ooofff ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn... (((!hhhoootttooo::: TTThhhiiisss dddeeellliiiggghhhtttfffuuulll rrriiivvveeerrrsssiiidddeee sssccceeennneee iiisss ttthhhooouuuggghhhttt tttooo bbbeee nnneeeaaarrr TTTuuuccckkktttooonnn BBBrrriiidddgggeee ccc...111999000000...))) NNNeeevvveeerrrttthhheeellleeessssss,,, ttthhheee lllooossssss ooofff sssooommmeee wwwiiillldddffflllooowwweeerrr ssspppeeeccciiieeesss wwwaaasss bbbeeegggiiinnnnnniiinnnggg tttooo bbbeee nnnoootttiiiccceeeddd... IIInnn ttthhheee iiinnntttrrroooddduuuccctttiiiooonnn tttooo ttthhheee 111999000444 eeedddiiitttiiiooonnn ooofff hhhiiisss ‘‘‘FFFlllooorrraaa ooofff HHHaaammmpppssshhhiiirrreee’’’ ttthhheee eeemmmiiinnneeennnttt bbboootttaaannniiisssttt FFFrrreeedddeeerrriiiccckkk TTTooowwwnnnssseeennnddd wwwrrrooottteee::: ‘‘‘IIIttt iiisss sssaaaddd tttooo ttthhhiiinnnkkk ttthhhaaattt ooouuurrr nnnaaatttiiivvveee FFFlllooorrraaa iiisss sssuuuffffffeeerrriiinnnggg mmmuuuccchhh,,, eeevvveeennn tttooo ttthhheee eeexxxtttiiinnnccctttiiiooonnn ooofff ssspppeeeccciiieeesss,,, bbbyyy bbbuuuiiillldddiiinnnggg aaannnddd eeennnccclllooosssuuurrreeesss iiinnn ttthhheee nnneeeiiiggghhhbbbooouuurrrhhhooooooddd ooofff ooouuurrr lllaaarrrgggeeerrr tttooowwwnnnsss,,, wwwhhheeerrreeebbbyyy ttthhheee lllooocccaaallliiitttiiieeesss ooofff mmmaaannnyyy ppplllaaannntttsss hhhaaavvveee bbbeeeeeennn lllooosssttt eeennntttiiirrreeelllyyy’’’...
EEExxxaaaccctttlllyyy 222000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss aaagggooo,,, iiinnn 111999999444,,, lllooocccaaalll bbboootttaaannniiisssttt FFFeeellliiiccciiitttyyy WWWoooooodddhhheeeaaaddd pppuuubbbllliiissshhheeeddd ‘‘‘FFFlllooorrraaa ooofff ttthhheee CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh AAArrreeeaaa’’’,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh dddooocccuuummmeeennnttteeeddd ttthhheee rrreeesssuuullltttsss ooofff hhheeerrr 111222 yyyeeeaaarrr sssuuurrrvvveeeyyy ooofff lllooocccaaalll wwwiiillldddffflllooowwweeerrrsss... IIInnn iiittt ssshhheee llliiissstttsss wwweeellllll ooovvveeerrr 111000000 nnnaaatttiiivvveee ppplllaaannnttt ssspppeeeccciiieeesss ttthhhaaattt hhhaaaddd bbbeeeeeennn rrreeecccooorrrdddeeeddd hhhiiissstttooorrriiicccaaallllllyyy bbbuuuttt wwweeerrreee nnnooottt rrreeedddiiissscccooovvveeerrreeeddd ddduuurrriiinnnggg hhheeerrr sssuuurrrvvveeeyyy... MMMaaapppsss iiinnn ttthhheee bbbooooookkk ssshhhooowww hhhooowww HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee,,, MMMuuudddeeefffooorrrddd,,, IIIfffooorrrddd,,, aaannnddd BBBuuurrrtttooonnn hhhaaaddd bbbeeeeeennn ‘‘‘iiissslllaaannndddsss’’’ ooofff ssseeettttttllleeemmmeeennnttt iiinnn 111999000111,,, bbbuuuttt hhhaaaddd sssiiinnnccceee bbbeeeeeennn aaabbbsssooorrrbbbeeeddd iiinnntttooo ttthhheee BBBooouuurrrnnneeemmmooouuuttthhh---CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh cccooonnnuuurrrbbbaaatttiiiooonnn... IIInnn ttthhheee 222000 yyyeeeaaarrrsss sssiiinnnccceee ttthhhiiisss bbbooooookkk wwwaaasss pppuuubbbllliiissshhheeeddd ttthhheee pppooopppuuulllaaatttiiiooonnn ooofff CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh hhhaaasss gggrrrooowwwnnn bbbyyy 222000%%% aaannnddd,,, wwwiiittthhh hhhooouuussseee---bbbuuuiiillldddiiinnnggg ssseeeeeemmmiiinnnggglllyyy dddeeessstttiiinnneeeddd tttooo cccooonnntttiiinnnuuueee,,, wwwiiillllll sssoooooonnn eeexxxccceeeeeeddd 555000,,,000000000 --- aaallllll iiinnn aaannn aaarrreeeaaa ttthhhaaattt hhhaaaddd ooonnnccceee sssuuuppppppooorrrttteeeddd uuunnndddeeerrr 222,,,000000000 pppeeeooopppllleee!!! HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, iiinnn rrreeeccceeennnttt yyyeeeaaarrrsss ttthhheee bbbeeeeee pppooopppuuulllaaatttiiiooonnn,,, aaalllooonnnggg wwwiiittthhh ttthhhaaattt ooofff bbbuuutttttteeerrrfffllliiieeesss aaannnddd ooottthhheeerrr iiinnnssseeeccctttsss,,, hhhaaasss sssuuuffffffeeerrreeeddd aaa ssseeevvveeerrreee aaannnddd wwwooorrrrrryyyiiinnnggg dddeeecccllliiinnneee... IIIttt iiisss ttthhhooouuuggghhhttt ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee dddeeecccrrreeeaaassseee iiinnn ttthhheee aaabbbuuunnndddaaannnccceee aaannnddd vvvaaarrriiieeetttyyy ooofff wwwiiillldddffflllooowwweeerrrsss mmmiiiggghhhttt bbbeee iiinnnvvvooolllvvveeeddd --- iiittt iiisss eeessstttiiimmmaaattteeeddd ttthhhaaattt sssiiinnnccceee ttthhheee 111999333000sss ooovvveeerrr 999777%%% ooofff ttthhheee cccooouuunnntttrrryyy’’’sss wwwiiillldddffflllooowwweeerrr mmmeeeaaadddooowwwsss hhhaaavvveee vvvaaannniiissshhheeeddd --- pppeeerrrhhhaaapppsss llleeeaaadddiiinnnggg tttooo mmmaaalllnnnooouuurrriiissshhheeeddd bbbeeeeeesss ttthhhaaattt aaarrreee llleeessssss aaabbbllleee tttooo eeennnddduuurrreee dddiiissseeeaaassseee... OOOnnneee pppooottteeennntttiiiaaalll rrreeemmmeeedddyyy iiisss ttthhheee ppplllaaannntttiiinnnggg ooofff nnneeeccctttaaarrr---rrriiiccchhh ffflllooowwweeerrrsss iiinnn aaannn aaatttttteeemmmpppttt tttooo rrreeedddrrreeessssss ttthhheee bbbaaalllaaannnccceee... IIInnn 222000111333,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh CCCooouuunnnccciiilll bbbeeegggaaannn sssooowwwiiinnnggg dddeeecccooorrraaatttiiivvveee wwwiiillldddffflllooowwweeerrrsss iiinnn aaarrreeeaaasss wwwhhheeerrreee ttthhheee nnnaaatttiiivvveee wwwiiillldddffflllooowwweeerrrsss hhhaaaddd ppprrreeevvviiiooouuussslllyyy bbbeeeeeennn mmmooowwwnnn aaannnddd ssstttrrriiimmmmmmeeeddd ooonnn aaa rrreeeggguuulllaaarrr bbbaaasssiiisss... CCCuuullltttiiivvvaaatttiiinnnggg iiinnnssseeecccttt aaattttttrrraaaccctttiiivvveee aaarrreeeaaasss iiinnn ooouuurrr gggaaarrrdddeeennnsss aaannnddd nnneeeiiiggghhhbbbooouuurrrhhhooooooddd iiisss sssooommmeeettthhhiiinnnggg ttthhhaaattt eeevvveeerrryyyooonnneee cccaaannn dddooo tttooo hhheeelllppp ppprrreeevvveeennnttt bbbeeeeeesss fffrrrooommm bbbeeecccooommmiiinnnggg hhhiiissstttooorrryyy,,, fffooorrr ttthhheeeiiirrr cccooommmpppllleeettteee lllooossssss wwwooouuulllddd cccooonnnssstttiiitttuuuttteee aaa nnnaaatttuuurrraaalll (((ooorrr mmmaaannn---mmmaaadddeee))) cccaaatttaaassstttrrroooppphhheee... TTThhheee mmmeeedddiiieeevvvaaalll rrreeesssiiidddeeennntttsss ooofff CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh wwweeerrreee rrreeellliiiaaannnttt ooonnn ttthhheee bbbeeeeeesss fffooorrr ttthhheeeiiirrr sssuuurrrvvviiivvvaaalll... TTThhhaaattt rrreeemmmaaaiiinnnsss eeeqqquuuaaallllllyyy tttrrruuueee tttooodddaaayyy ––– eeexxxccceeepppttt ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee sssuuurrrvvviiivvvaaalll ooofff bbbeeeeeesss mmmaaayyy nnnooowww bbbeee rrreeellliiiaaannnttt ooonnn uuusss!!!
!rrreeeeee CCCooommmpppeeetttiiitttiiiooonnn ~~~ !rrriiizzzeee kkkiiinnndddlllyyy dddooonnnaaattteeeddd bbbyyy ttthhheee RRReeeddd HHHooouuussseee MMMuuussseeeuuummm,,, QQQuuuaaayyy RRRoooaaaddd,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh... FFFooorrr aaa ccchhhaaannnccceee tttooo wwwiiinnn aaa sssiiigggnnneeeddd cccooopppyyy ooofff FFFeeellliiiccciiitttyyy WWWoooooodddhhheeeaaaddd’’’sss bbbooooookkk ‘‘‘FFFlllooorrraaa ooofff ttthhheee CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh AAArrreeeaaa’’’ aaannnddd sssiiixxx ppp aaaccckkkeeetttsss ooo fff bbb eeeeee---fffrrriiieeennndddlllyyy www iiillldddffflllooowwweeerrr sss eeeeeedddsss fff ooorrr sss ooowwwiiinnnggg iii nnn yyy ooouuurrr ooo wwwnnn ggg aaarrrdddeeennn,,, sss iiimmmppplllyyy aaa nnnssswwweeerrr ttt hhhiiisss qqquuueeessstttiiiooonnn:::--- OOOnnneee ooofff ttthhheee aaarrreeeaaasss ttthhhaaattt CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh CCCooouuunnnccciiilll hhhaaasss sssooowwwnnn wwwiiittthhh wwwiiillldddffflllooowwweeerrr ssseeeeeedddsss iiisss nnneeexxxttt tttooo ttthhheee ooolllddd bbbrrriiidddgggeee aaattt IIIfffooorrrddd... WWWhhhaaattt hhhaaasss bbbeeeeeennn ttthhheee nnnaaammmeee ooofff ttthhhiiisss mmmeeeaaadddooowww sssiiinnnccceee aaattt llleeeaaasssttt ttthhheee mmmiiiddd---111333ttthhh ccceeennntttuuurrryyy??? aaa))) BBBeeerrreee MMMeeeaaaddd bbb))) BBBeeerrrnnnaaarrrddd’’’sss MMMeeeaaaddd ccc))) SSStttoooccckkkeeerrr’’’sss MMMeeeaaaddd SSSeeennnddd yyyooouuurrr aaannnssswwweeerrr wwwiiittthhh yyyooouuurrr nnnaaammmeee aaannnddd aaaddddddrrreeessssss tttooo LLLooocccaaalll HHHiiissstttooorrryyy CCCooommmpppeeetttiiitttiiiooonnn (((000666///111444))),,, LLLooocccaaalll EEEyyyeee MMMaaagggaaazzziiinnneeesss,,, !OOO BBBoooxxx 777888111222,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh,,, BBBHHH222333 999HHHZZZ... CCClllooosssiiinnnggg dddaaattteee::: 333000ttthhh JJJuuunnneee 222000111444... TTThhheee fffiiirrrsssttt cccooorrrrrreeecccttt aaannnssswwweeerrr dddrrraaawwwnnn aaattt rrraaannndddooommm wwwiiillllll rrreeeccceeeiiivvveee aaa vvvooouuuccchhheeerrr tttooo bbbeee rrreeedddeeeeeemmmeeeddd aaattt ttthhheee RRReeeddd HHHooouuussseee MMMuuussseeeuuummm GGGiiifffttt SSShhhoooppp,,, QQQuuuaaayyy RRRoooaaaddd,,, CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh...
TTThhheee cccooorrrrrreeecccttt aaannnssswwweeerrr tttooo ttthhheee LLLooocccaaalll HHHiiissstttooorrryyy CCCooommmpppeeetttiiitttiiiooonnn iiinnn ttthhheee AAAppprrriiilll iiissssssuuueee wwwaaasss::: bbb))) !lllaaaccceee MMMiiillllll HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, bbbooottthhh TTTooowwwnnn MMMiiillllll (((wwwhhhiiiccchhh wwwaaasss aaalllsssooo fffeeeddd bbbyyy ttthhheee mmmiiillllllssstttrrreeeaaammm))) aaannnddd KKKnnnaaapppppp MMMiiillllll wwweeerrreee aaalllsssooo mmmeeennntttiiiooonnneeeddd iiinnn ttthhheee DDDooommmeeesssdddaaayyy BBBooooookkk ooofff 111000888666...
!iiiccctttuuurrreee::: RRRiiivvveeerrrsssiiidddeee vvviiieeewww ppphhhoootttooogggrrraaappphhheeeddd bbbyyy lllooocccaaalll aaarrrtttiiisssttt WWWiiilllllliiiaaammm GGG HHHoooooopppeeerrr ccc...111999000000... CCCooouuurrrttteeesssyyy ooofff ttthhheee RRReeeddd HHHooouuussseee MMMuuussseeeuuummm...
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This couldn't be a better time to rent! From Maisonettes to Mansions, Studios to Stately Homes, call urgently for a full and professional service. Mitchells Management | 4 Station Road, New Milton Tel: 01425 619900 Fax: 01425 638090 Email: marcusjameswhite@mitchells.uk.net
w h a t ’s o n
What’s On Entries are listed FREE of charge for local groups and events. Submit your listing online at www.localeyemagazines.co.uk Friday 23rd May – Thursday 5th June The Friday Crafters are having an exhibition in The Hayloft Gallery Wick lane Christchurch open every day, come and buy your handmade gifts. Tuesday 3rd June and Wednesday 25th June Stan’s Blues Jam Tues 3rd June and Weds 25th June Stan’s Blues Jam at The Thomas Tripp, Christchurch BH23 1HX on Tues 3rd June (and the First Tues Every Month) and at The Avon Causeway, Hurn BH23 6AS on Weds 25th June. Details at www.stansbluesjam.co.uk
crypts, belfry and roof space Children over 8 welcome. Tuesday 10th June Christchurch Library 2.30 pm. “Thyme for a Talk on Herbs” by John Hawkins. Tickets from the library £3 including refreshments. Saturday 14th June Friends of the Red House Museum Garden Party at the Museum 12pm-3pm. Cream teas 12pm-2pm. Stalls. Highcliffe Junior Choir at 12.15pm. Pedlars & Petticoats costumed presentation with a workhouse theme at 2pm. Saturday 14th June RNLI coffee morning from 10-12.30 in Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall. Cakes, books, jewellery, jigsaws, bric a brac, souvenirs. Admission free, donations welcome
Friday 6th – Thursday 19th June Art exhibition of original paintings, prints and cards by local artists Morag Dixon, Dennis Male, Sylvia Musk, Lisa Le Quelenec and Wendy Rayner. Open 10am-4pm daily at the Hayloft Gallery, Wick Lane, Christchurch, BH23 1HX.
Saturday 14th June Summer Fayre at Highcliffe St Mark Primary School: Times: 11am–1:30pm Attractions: Various Stalls, Grand Raffle, Games, BBQ & Entertainment Fun for the family - all welcome!
Friday 6th June Summer Fair – Christchurch Junior School, Clarendon Road, Christchurch BH23 2AA. Fun starts at 5.30pm until 8pm! Come see our stalls, games, BBQ, bar, and refreshments – to name a few attractions. Join us ... adults 50p entry & free entry for children.
Saturday 14th June Silver Jubilee Family Fun Day from 11am to 6pm at Mudeford Wood Community Centre, Pipers Drive, BH23 4TR. Fayre and craft stalls, BBQ, bar and cake/ice cream stalls, live band, bouncy castle, games and lots more. 01425 272084. www.mudefordwoodcommunitycentre. co.uk.
Saturday 7th June Table sale and Summer Fayre 10am - 12.30pm St George’s Church hall, Jumpers Road Christchurch Come along and browse for a bargain, Tombola Refreshments, books, jigsaws, cakes toys, raffle and late bedding plants. Saturday 7th June Craft and Vintage Fayre - Bransgore Village Hall - 10am1pm. A craft and Vintage fayre with over 30 stalls with good food, preserves, vintage and craft. Promoting locally sourced craft and produce. Free entry and Raffle for Julias House. Saturday 7th - Sunday 8th June Bioblitz - Stanpit Marsh Nature Reserve 8am – 8am Discover biodiversity on your doorstep. Help record as many species as possible in 24 hours. Wildlife events all day & into the night. Full programme & booking Tel 01425 272479. Tuesday 10th June Christchurch Priory Tours - 6.15 for 6.30pm, approx 2¾ hours Tickets in advance £10.00 from the Verger Tel: 01202 485804 Includes tower (176 steps!) museum,
Sunday 15th - Saturday 21st June Christchurch Priory Music and Arts Festival -. Lunchtime concerts with international artists, 17th, 18th, 19th June at 12.30.No bookings required, retiring collection. Tickets for evening concerts available at Regent Centre. Newly refurbished Cafe bar open 10-4pm, serving lunches, beverages and teas. Saturday 21st June RNLI concert - A concert in aid of RNLI by Poole and Parkstone Singers in Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall Admission £6. Contact 01425 279546 Saturday 21st June Open Day - FREE workshops/instrumental try-outs. Try a vocal fix, join a band, learn a drumroll and more. Collect information - get advice from Coda tutors and music therapists. Visit our cafe. 1-4pm at Coda, Chewton Farm Road, Walkford, Dorset BH23 5QL. Saturday 21st - Sunday 22nd June Christchurch Cheese & Chilli Festival - A fantastic day out for all the family and the opportunity to sample and buy
a fantastic array of foods plus cheese and chillies from all over the world at Chapel Gate, Bournemouth Sports Club in Christchurch, which is next to Bournemouth International Airport. See website for details www. cheeseandchillifest.com Thursday 26th June Friends of Christchurch & Highcliffe Libraries - ‘Cliffs, Coves & Contraband’ a talk by Ann King. Local references. Highcliffe Library, 2.30pm. Phone 01425 272202 or call into the library for tickets. Library Friends £1.50, Non Members £3.00. Refreshments
Saturday 28th June Highcliffe Junior Choir 100 Club Concert - at Highcliffe St Mark’s Junior School, Greenways, Highcliffe at 7pm. Choir summer concert followed by refreshments. Tickets £4 on the door. Everyone welcome. For more details call Janet 07799 257020. Saturday 28th June If music be the food of love... An afternoon of sacred music and musical interludes with Laudamus and Friends in aid of Christchurch Food Bank. 3pm at St Joseph’s Church, Purewell. Tickets: £8 on 07989 310967
Friday 27th June Christchurch Spiritualist Centre, Barrack Road - We have International Medium Karen Willis with us at 7-30pm. Tickets £5 on sale now at Centre, or phone Phyllis on 01202 463985 for details.
Sunday 29th June Classic Car Exhibition on Christchurch Quay - 10am to 5.00pm. Free exhibition. Classic Cars in the wonderful setting of Christchurch Quay. Free entry for all pre 1983 vehicles. Come and go as you please.
Community Notices
Table-Top-Sale at the REGENT CENTRE every Saturday & Monday from 10am-3pm, selling a variety of interesting items incl: Costume/Vintage jewellery & other items, DVD’s, Bric-a-Brac etc.
Contact the Elderly is urgently looking for more reserve drivers two or three times a year on a Sunday afternoon to take three elderly people out for a little car ride and afternoon tea at volunteer host and hostess homes. For more details ring Carolyn 01202 424482 Volunteer Hospital Car Service - Need transport to your local medical apt? Please ring the number below. 48 hrs notice please. A small donation will be required. Mon. Cherry 01425-275056 Tues. Ann 01425-280083 Wed Pauline 01425-271520 Thur Averil 01425- 276346 Fri Kath 01425-279284 RAGTIME REVELLERS BAND - A brand new Ragtime Band in Christchurch, The Ragtime Revellers, require a lead trumpet player to complete their exciting line up. Interested? Call James 07739 577435 for more info. Transition Town Christchurch is launching GARDENSHARE. We aim to match garden owners who have unused garden space with enthusiastic growers who don’t have gardens – so both can share in the produce. Please text or phone 07849 431612 or email: contact@transitiontownchristchurch.org Christchurch Neighbour Cars - From the end of May, Christchurch Neighbour Cars will be run by Christchurch Community Partnership. The service will continue as before with as little disruption as possible, but with different co-ordinators.
To see more events in Christchurch visit www.visitchristchurch.info Sunday 8th June Christchurch Lions Monthly Car Boot Sale from 7.30 to 12.00 at Stanpit Marsh. See website for further information. Sunday 8th June Sopley Car Boot Sale, Owls Barn, Derritt Lane, Sopley 10am-2pm (sellers from 9am onwards). Cars £5, Vans/Trailers £8. FARM SHOP OPEN. Freshly cooked home reared Bacon and Sausage Baps for that Late Sunday breakfast.
Regular Markets Every Monday - Christchurch Market (all year) Up to 100 traders selling a variety of food, clothes, household goods, plants and bric-a-brac in the mainly traffic-free High Street and Saxon Square. Christchurch Country Market. Everything homebaked, homemade and home-grown locally. Every Monday 9.30-11.30. Druitt Hall (behind library). Refreshments available. HighcliffeEYE
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Business Column
o what is Christchurch’s biggest business?
There is no doubt in my mind it’s the residential property business. There are at least 20 estate Peter agency offices in the Borough - one for every 2,500 of population - but that is just the start. Local property developers, builders, surveyors, solicitors, mortgage brokers and removal firms are all dependant on a busy housing market. Then there are the add-ons such as the kitchen fitters, carpet sellers and DIY stores who thrive when house moves increase, so it’s easy to see the housing market is very important to the economy. As a retirement and holiday destination, the cycle of people moving down here and perhaps downsizing to retirement flats has always kept the market going.
JT’s BLINDS www.jtsblindschristchurch.co.uk
A local company with 25 years experience, JT’s Blinds offer a complete service
Free quotations, choose patterns in the comfort of your own home. Flexible appointments available. Contact Jill on : 01202 473077 - 07765 104029 jill_tabor@hotmail.com
That was until the collapse of the housing market in the autumn of 2008, the first and biggest casualty of the recession. But what a turnaround now! Suddenly sales have taken off with a vengeance. House transactions nationwide are the highest they have been for years and triple what they were in late 2008. Certainly the local estate agents and solicitors’ conveyancing departments have never been busier. The boom has been fuelled by continued low interest rates, the government’s help to buy scheme and a flourishing buy-to-let market. This activity is good for the local economy, but it is often house prices that are the talking point. These are again strengthening and correctly priced properties are selling well but such is the demand that gazumping has returned. Will it last? The market is overheating in London so will steps be taken to cool it down? With pent up demand and the improving economy overall, let’s hope that in Christchurch the market will remain active, which will be good news for our local economy and businesses.
Peter Watson-Lee Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce
01202 240105 244348 TelTel01425 Mob 07795 909250 Mob 07795 909250 email: paulbeltonconstruction@gmail.com
email paulbeltonconstruction@gmail.com
HighcliffeEYE 11
Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Fitness, Sport and Wellbeing Mudeford Wood Tennis Club - Very friendly, Adult tennis, year round, on Astroturf, floodlights when applicable. Club Sessions Saturday 2 to 4, Tuesday 6 to 8 plus summertime Thursday 6 to 8. Excellent value 60 pounds per year. Contact 07973 514036 or just turn up. Integral Yoga classes, Sundays 10-11.30 at St Catherine’s Hill Community Hall, Marlow Drive, Christchurch. Feel renewed and rebalanced by gentle postures, breathing exercises, deep relaxation and meditation. First class free, for more information contact Brahmi on 07518 067859. Candlelit Hatha Yoga & Relaxation - Wednesdays 9:4511am at the Christchurch Harbour Spa Hotel Thursdays 8:45-10pm at the Wessex Health Network British Wheel of Yoga Teacher. Please call (07966) 199875 or email becca@yogabee.co.uk to book. £39 for 6-week course (can carry one over)/£7 PAYG Pregnancy yoga based exercise, breathing & relaxation classes. Stretch & strengthen your body, relieve aches & pains and prepare for birth. Suitable for all abilities including complete beginners, from 14 weeks of pregnancy. Tuesdays in Christchurch. Contact Rosa 07837 218374 www.labouroflove.me.uk Yoga Classes at The Bay Tree, Wessex Health Centre and St Catherines Hill in Christchurch. For a full list of classes kindly text/call Elaine Rees on 07504 823517 or email: elainerees@europe.com. Christchurch Parkinson’s Club Thursday 12th at 2pm, Marlow Drive, St Catherine’s Hill, afternoon get together for Parkinson’s sufferers and their carers in the Community Hall. Includes an interesting speaker followed by tea, cake and a raffle. New members welcome Chi Kung Exercise Classes - Come and join us on Friday mornings 10.45-12.15 at Wessex Health Studio, 17 Stour Road, Christchurch BH23 1PL www. wessexhealthnetwork.co.uk Please call tutor Poppy 01202 735560 or email poppy.glentworth@ntlworld. com
Art and Craft SUSAN KNIGHTS Watercolour Classes ‘Jump in and Get Wet’ in small, friendly, informative classes - overlooking
12 HighcliffeEYE
beautiful Christchurch Harbour. Contact Sue on 01202 481099 or email susanknights@hotmail.co.uk www. susanknights.co.uk Bransgore Horticultural Society - Lecture by Jennifer Harmer ‘Look who’s in the garden’ - a talk on plants named after famous people. Meeting to be held at the Resource Centre, Ringwood Road, Bransgore, on Thursday 5 June commencing 7.30 pm. Non members welcome. Carbery Machine knitting Club meet on the first Tuesday of each month at St George’s Church Annex, Jumpers Rd, Christchurch, BH23 2JR from 7-9pm. We are a small, friendly, active group, and all machine or would-be machine knitters are welcome to come along. Tel Joy on 01202 489614 Highcliffe Flower Club come and watch professional flower demonstrator Trisha Lewis “Remembering Joyce Grenfell” in the Methodist Hall, Lymington Road, Highcliffe on June 11th at 2pm, doors open 1.30, visitors welcome, followed by afternoon tea. Christchurch floral society meeting on June 6th at Priory Hall Princess Avenue Demonstrator Katie Baxter “Recycle and reuse” Competition “Forgotten treasure” Books and Plants stalls. Doors open 1.30pm, 2pm start All Welcome. Highcliffe Horticultural Society will be holding their June monthly meeting on Monday 2nd at St. Mark’s church hall at 7-30pm. Mr & Mrs Pitman will give an illustrated talk about their garden entitled “A Quart into a Pint Pot.” Visitors welcome. Entrance £1-00.
Children Highcliffe Junior Choir - Children’s choir open to boys and girls 11-18. All abilities welcome - no audition required just commitment and enthusiasm. Rehearsals every Friday 4.15-6.15 at Highcliffe St Mark school, Greenways, Highcliffe. Tel: 01425 276544 for more information. Award-winning, inspirational and educational music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Monday mornings at The Regent Centre. Come and join the wonderful world of music, learning and fun! heather. smith@musicalsteps.co.uk 0845 643 5025 www. musicalsteps.co.uk Creative Ballet Classes for 3+ at Portfield Hall, Christchurch, BH23 2AQ. Classes on Tuesday &Thursday from 3.15pm.The classes are fun and creative whilst
building confidence and coordination as well as teaching poise, movement quality, musicality, spatial awareness. Call Sally on 07950459119 or email sally. burbage@gmail.com
Clubs and Societies Highcliffe Evening Townswomens Guild meet at 7pm on the third Tuesday of each month in the Parlour of the Methodist Church Hall, Lymington Road, Highcliffe. Visitors and potential new members welcome. Secretary - Mrs. Frances Snoxall - 01425 277328 CHRISTCHURCH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY BAND Come and join your community band! If you play, or used to play a brass or woodwind instrument, or are a music reading drummer; you’ll have a great time with us. Friendly, fun and FREE! Call 07974 320122 (ages 15+) CHRISTCHURCH PROBUS CLUB - Meets 10.15am on the 1st Tuesday monthly at the East Close Hotel, Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch. A very friendly welcome awaits all retired professional and businessmen. Interesting speakers and excellent lunches! Please contact the Secretary, Robin Haggett, on 01202-482528. Amberwood-Highcliffe Afternoon Women’s Institute will meet at Methodist Church Hall, Highcliffe, 2pm, Wednesday, 18th June. Please come and join us. Hear about “Hotter Comfort Concept”, with shoes to view. Enjoy tea, biscuits, raffle, and sales table.
Bud Burst Garden Services One off tidying and ongoing care Skilled, knowledgeable and qualified Call 01425 291 873 or visit www.budburstgardenservices.co.uk
Keith Hefford
Christchurch Handyman
Home & Garden Maintenance
07970 413131 Specialist Flat Pack Assembler: Not just Furniture! Sheds, Greenhouses, Summerhouses etc www.bournemouth-flatpack.co.uk
PHOENIX WIDOWERS FELLOWSHIP Meets 10.30-12.30 every Monday at Christchurch Baptist Church Hall, Bargates. If you have lost a loved one come along and join our friendly group of gentlemen. Have a tea/coffee make friends and have a game of carpet bowls! Highcliffe WI - Doors open at 7.15pm (Day Centre, Lymington Rd) on Thurs 19 June for a fun evening’s entertainment organised by members. If you’d like to join us for this, a buffet, quiz & raffle, ring our secretary for more info on 01425/271995. Monday Social Club 9.45am at Portfield Hall on the 9, 16, 23 and 30 June. Join us for coffee and a catch up before dominos, scrabble or card games. Two course lunch with tea/coffee all for only £5.00. Please call in. Entries are listed FREE of charge. One listing per group/organisation. Listed on a first come, first served basis. Visit www.localeyemagazines.co.uk to submit your listing online.
HighcliffeEYE 13
" ! " " Tel: Mob:
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We cover all aspects of Plumbing and Heating * New Boilers * Oil Tanks * Boiler Diagnostics * Boiler Repairs & Services * Landlords Gas Safety Certificates * Bathroom Designs & Installations * Under floor Heating * New Taps * New Radiators Tel:01202 475855 Mob:07990 714920
An English Mum
ver a recent holiday weekend, we decided to take our dog for a ‘relaxing’ walk in the countryside near Wimborne. Rachel All was going well, until I tripped over a pothole and face-planted the field in a most unladylike manner. In my vain attempt to save myself, I let go of the dog’s lead. I was quite chuffed when, rather than running off, Silver came trotting up to me to make sure I was ok! With this in mind, once I’d dusted myself off, I suggested to An English Dad that we let him walk off lead for a bit (the dog, not An English Dad!). After all, Silver has a pretty good recall at the beach where we usually take him, what’s the worst that could happen...?
So, it’s back to the dog beach for us this month, where I shall be doing some serious training! Have a great month! An English Mum x
Colin Butchart, Denture Clinician with over 28 years ’ experience working directly to the public.
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Answers on Page 30
As soon as I unclipped the lead, the little blighter was off faster than a whippet out of a gate, chasing after all the new smells! We called and whistled him to no avail as he made circles skipping round the field, occasionally coming within a whisker of grabbing distance before running off again! I noticed there was a country lane at the back of the (considerably large) field and on seeing the dog head for it, I hobbled after him. It was at this point I discovered we weren’t actually in a field. It was a bog, cunningly disguised as a field, and I was now up to my ankles in stinky, squelchy mud. Two more ‘fields’, several thorn bushes, two near misses with a car, two wrecked pairs of shoes and twenty minutes later we finally got him back! Did I mention my dog is white, and that I’d paid to have him groomed just the day before? He was muddier than a farmer’s welly, and appeared extremely pleased with himself!
Please men on The Lymington Directory when responding to adver sements HighcliffeEYE 15
Adopt a Pet
’m lovable Henry, a Saluki lurcher cross. I’m 5 years old and around 26 inches to the shoulder. I’ve sadly recently been returned Henry through no fault of my own after being in a home for four years. I can be nervous around other dogs and humans I don’t know, as I’ve had some bad experiences in the past. I am coming on leaps and bounds though and socialising well with other dogs. I could live on my own or with a female dog. I’m looking for soft comfy bed in my forever home and lots of love and cuddles.
To find out more visit www.grwe.com or call 07000 785 092
16 HighcliffeEYE
Keith Hefford
Christchurch Handyman
Home & Garden Maintenance
07970 413131 Specialist Flat Pack Assembler: Not just Furniture! Sheds, Greenhouses, Summerhouses etc www.bournemouth-flatpack.co.uk
Custard & white chocolate biscuits
FUNERAL DIRECTORS Miller Bros. & F.P. Butler Ltd A privately owned family business established in Christchurch for over 100 years
Personal Service available 24 hours a day Competitive prices to suit your needs Burials & Cremations
Tel: 01202 485439 or 485108 GOLDEN CHARTER PRE-PAYMENT FUNERAL PLANS AVAILABLE A chocolate chip cookie and custard cream in one - super-simple and they'll keep in the biscuit tin for a fortnight
119 Bargates Christchurch BH23 1QH www.millerbrosfunerals.co.uk
Ingredients 140g butter, softened 175g caster sugar 1 egg ½ tsp vanilla extract 225g self-raising flour 85g custard 85g white chocolate, chopped into small chunks Method 1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line 2-3 baking sheets with baking parchment. Put the butter and sugar in a food processor and whizz until light and fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla, and mix well. Sift together the flour and custard powder, then tip into the bowl and pulse to mix into a dough. Scrape out the food processor and work the chocolate in by hand. 2. Roll the dough into balls a little smaller than a walnut, then place on the baking sheets, a little apart to allow for spreading. Press each biscuit down lightly with your fingers.
3. Bake for 12-15 mins until lightly golden. Remove and cool on a wire rack. HighcliffeEYE 17
Garden View - June
How Low can you grow? Mention the word ‘alpine’ to a garden designer and (in general) you’ll be given the same facial expression as a child who’s just bitten into an unwaxed lemon! Insignificant leaf growth with tiny Lee flowers … what’s to love? Associated with badly designed 60’s rockeries, these low growing perennials really do get a raw deal. In the main, the poor little things can’t climb very far, can’t extend their roots to escape from water logged soil, and have not adapted to elongating their stems to reach the sunlight (because a naughty gardener planted the pot-bought specimen under the shade of a tree). Alpines, like other successful species, have adapted themselves to their native habitats, often found clung to the side of a windy rock face way above sea level. When you observe them in the wild, you easily understand why they are so small. The exposed sites would quickly dry out large leaves, so many are small in size such as those of Hypericum olympicum, and others often silver in colour such as the very cute Artemisia schmidtiana ‘Nana’. Rather a mouthful to say and often not the most romantic sounding names either, take Pulsatilla vulgaris (the pasque flower) as an example. It might not win any prizes in the largest plant competition, but its ability to grow on nearly solid limestone rock is pretty impressive. So too are its beautiful flowers, delicate dissected foliage and crazy seed heads. Until I saw a glasshouse full of alpine plants all in bloom at the same time I wasn’t a huge fan either, but seeing them up close and personal when displayed at waist height, you realise how wonderful these tiny creations are. Over recent years, alpines have really been appreciated for their versatility and employed in new applications. Take the humble Sempervivum ‘Othello’, famous for thriving on hot dry tiled roofs and now widely used on green roof schemes where it can adapt to the very shallow free draining soils. It’s quite a vigorous semp, with beautiful red tints in winter. Grow in shallow containers in full sun where it will quickly spread to around 30cm in width. If you are looking for a plant to cover an old dry stonewall or soften the corner of a raised bed, look no further than Campanula poscharskyana ‘Stella’. If happy, it does have a tendency to walk, but with its long flowering season and pretty purple flowers I’m sure your neighbours won’t mind if it starts appearing in their crevices too. June is a busy month in the garden, and as well as a good time to plant alpines, other jobs include: • • • •
Sowing salad leaves every 2 weeks for a continuous crop Plant grasses Tie up climbers Earth up potatoes
Until next time, happy gardening,
Lee Bestall 18 HighcliffeEYE
Who will make sure those you care about are OK? Carers Required – We are looking for people to provide care to the elderly in their homes.
We know the most important things in life are our loved ones but it is not always possible to be near them. This obviously causes anxiety as you are not always sure that they are safe, secure, warm and managing their daily lives. We can provide daily or weekly support that will help alleviate your concerns.
0845 603 4743 www.apexcare.org check she is safe and warm | change the light bulb | deal with the post | make time for tea and a chat
CHRISTCHURCH COACH HOLIDAYS 2014 8 DAYS SCOTLAND ULLAPOOL THE CALEDONIAN HOTEL Sunday 14th Sept – Sunday 21st September £399 per person Half Board (Overnights first and last nights in the Scottish Borders) Built in the early 1900s, the 83-bedroom Caledonian Hotel is one of the oldest hotels in the area. It still boasts a quiet, friendly and welcoming atmosphere and pleasant gardens. The Hotel overlooks Ullapool’s working harbour and the colourful fishing boats on Loch Broom. 5 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL THE SEFTON HOTEL BABBACOMBE Monday 1st Dec – Friday 5th December
£199 per person Half Board
6 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL THE CLIFFE NORTON HOTEL Thursday 6th Nov – Monday 10th Nov
£249 per person Half Board
6 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL WESTON-SUPER-MARE THE YORK HOTEL ON SEA FRONT Monday 17th Nov - Saturday 22nd Nov £239 per person Half Board
5 DAYS NEW YEARS BREAK THE SEFTON BABBACOMBE, TORQUAY Monday 29th December – Friday 2nd January 2015 £325 per person Arrive at the Sefton Hotel for afternoon Tea and Mince Pies. Evening Meal will be served in the Chandelier Restaurant followed by Evening Entertainment in The Oasis Show BarTUESDAY 30th Today we will visit Trago Mills one of the largest shopping centres in Devon with all the Christmas gifts and resents. CHRISTCHURCH COACH HOLIDAYS IS A FAMILY RUN COACH COMPANY THAT OPERATES A SMALL SELECT SELECTION OF COACH HOLIDAYS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND ABROAD. WE ALSO PROVIDE A SERVICE TO ALL TYPES OF PRIVATE GROUPS TO DESTINATIONS IN THE UK AND ABROAD. WE HAVE OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE COACHING INDUSTRY. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON OUR HOLIDAYS PLEASE PHONE 01202 490333 or e-Mail us holidays@christchurchcoachesltd.com
HighcliffeEYE 19
Tasting Menu
£29.50 per person
(Available for the whole table, minimum of two people dining)
Raw, cured and smoked
A sharing board of delicious Kings bites: olives, spiced nuts, breads, hummus, cured meat and smoked fish The Flagstone Noon Gun will go very well as it’s a full white
Alex`s soufflé “Arnold Bennett”
Alex`s twice baked cheese soufflé with a smoked haddock twist The Blackstone Chardonnay
The Kings “Josper” mixed grill
Chicken, steak, sausage & tomato with fat hand cut chips The Houghton ‘The Bandit’ Shiraz-Tempranillo has a little spice and isn’t over the top
Sweet, cold and creamy desserts to share
Kings brownie, Purbeck ice cream, Iced peanut butter parfait
Our recommended wines are £5 per glass (125ml) or £14.00 for 3 wines
To make a reservation call: 01202 588933 View more events online: www.thekings-christchurch.co.uk Rooms 20 HighcliffeEYE
HIGHCLIFFE on SEA ROTARY CLUB ENHANCED COOKERY COURSE - Highcliffe Rotary again sponsored the Enhanced Cookery Course at Highcliffe School with ten selected year eleven pupils, identified as needing special support, are receiving an
@ blueskydeli
eight-week course of catering instruction from local chef Ian Hewitt. At the end of the course the students will plan and serve their own meal to parents and sponsors. CHRISTCHURCH FOOD BANK - On a cold Easter Sunday four Highcliffe Rotarians braved the elements to undertake a cash collection either side of the Lymington Road in the centre of Highcliffe in support of the Christchurch Food Bank. A total of £86.18 was collected between 10am and noon, a big Thank You goes to all the Highcliffe Residents and Visitors who so kindly contributed. LIVE JAZZ & SWING - The afternoon of Sunday 6th July 2014 will see a Charity event in the grounds of Highcliffe Castle organised by the Highcliffe Rotary Club for the sole benefit of Life Education Wessex. The concert will be provided by Swing Unlimited Big Band supported by Swing Unlimited Community Band starting at 1pm until 4pm. The afternoon will feature Classic Cars & Market Stalls and the Highcliffe Castle Tea Rooms will be open as usual serving a barbeque in addition to their normal fare. Particularly for the children there will be face painting at the Life Education Wessex stand. Admission to the event is free with a Grand Charity Raffle and a Bucket Collection organised by, and on behalf of, Life Education Wessex. HIGHCLIFFE VILLAGE FETE - Once again the Rotary Club will be staging the Village Charity Fete on Saturday 26th July 2014 at the Recreation Ground, Lymington Road, Highcliffe.
We have got together with some of the IOW food producers and now have some wonderful Wight stock for you here in the deli inc: cheeses, tomatoes, oils, dressings, marinades, jams, pickles and lots more on its way. If you can’t take the ferry, then jump into Wightstock at blue sky deli soon.
Local deli Counter: * Beautiful award wining cheeses * Artisan breads & Sourdoughs * Dorset hams & Bacon * Handmade sausages & Scotch eggs * FREE RANGE eggs * Famous pies & Pasties.
Handmade by blue sky: *Amazing Sausage rolls * Chocolate Espresso Cake * Real cheese pastry quiches * Filled with flavor * The famous meringues! * The meals menu. *Wild espressos * Lattes * Cappuccinos * handmade fillings in your baguettes/sandwiches
blue sky deli 349 Lymington Road, Highcliffe, Dorset BH23 3JJ Tel 01425 270560
If you would like any more information on the above or Rotary in general then please call me on 01425 622658.
Mike Ackling Rotary Club of Highcliffe on Sea
HighcliffeEYE 21
Comfort Rooms - a solution that really works
Is your conservatory too hot in summer… and too cold in winter? Our conservatory roof insulation system transforms your conservatory into a room that is usable year round
UP TO 90% WARMER IN WINTER • Minimal disruption; • Installed in 2 to 3 days; • Fits into existing structure; • Reduces energy bills; • Prices from as little as £1,300
Call TODAY for your free quote or for more information mob: 07944 645179 tel: 01202 986205
22 HighcliffeEYE
Give your conser vatory comfort all year round
onservatories are often underused because they are too cold in winter or too hot in summer. Several companies offer solutions, but they often do not live up to expectations. Comfort Rooms, a local company with 20 years experience in the building trade, offers a solution that really does work. “People are often sceptical that the system will do what we say” says Rob, the businesses owner, “but once they have had it installed they are amazed by the results.” Conservatories get hot during the summer months when the sun’s heat comes through the roof structure, and in winter heat is lost in the same way, making heating and cooling costs expensive. The Comfort Room system reflects heat away in the summer, and keeps heat in during winter, transforming the conservatory into a room that becomes economical to heat, and a bright cool space in the summer. “We are not a high pressure sales company” Rob says “the system sells itself, because it does work and solves many typical conservatory problems.’ The System is simple and straightforward, and fits into the existing conservatory roof, with no real changes externally. There will very little change internally and once the new ceiling is painted the conservatory will feel like a light and airy room. An investment in a Comfort Room soon pays for itself, as well as reducing ever increasing energy bills, the system will prevent condensation and stop the dead insects which often build up in conservatories. All purchases made in the month of June will qualify for a 20% discount (terms and conditions apply). Prices start from £1,300.
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Homecare Service !
Inter-County prides itself in providing high quality, professional care in the local community. Our goal is to enable people to remain living in their own home whilst maintaining their independence and lifestyle, through the provision of a reliable, flexible and tailored service to suit individual needs. Whether you need help with shopping once a week, or daily support with personal care, Inter-County can accommodate your needs and provide you with the support you need to stay at home and live life your way.
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HighcliffeEYE 23
Coffee Break
Sudoku Competition Win two tickets to see More Tea Vicar? at The Regent Centre!
hurch Regent Centre, High St, Christc Sunday 10 August 4pm £10.50 ssions: Conce Tickets: £12.50 Tel: 01202 499199 www.regentcentre.co.uk
Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive!
Simply complete the Sudoku Puzzle, fill in your details and post your entry to: LEM Competitions, PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ. Name Tel.No Address Good Luck! Entries to be received no later than 30th June 2014. Winner picked at random from correct entries.
24 HighcliffeEYE
1 4 9 10 11 12 13 15 20 22 24 25 26 27
1 ‘Attractive’ metal! (6) 2 Badly behaved (7) 3 A spiritual or pure being (5) 5 Curious, odd (7) 6 Covered with ceramic slabs (5) 7 Chronicle, narrate (6) 8 Convenient (5) 14 Attitude, perspective (7) 16 Type of loaf (7) 17 Antagonise (6) 18 Talked (5) 19 Rough drawing (6) 21 Type of dance (5) 23 Concur (5)
Start of the working week (6) Channel (6) Type of antelope (3) Slowly progressive (7) Breathed out (7) Beneath (5) Steel tower (5) Sphere (5) Review (5) Decorative bird (7) Bar game (7) Rug (3) Creepy, eerie (6) Seek (6)
Crossword answers on page 30
SOUTHERN TREE SPECIALISTS The tree care professionals
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26 HighcliffeEYE
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Is your target market the BH23 area? Christchurch Eye & Highcliffe Eye are the community magazines that most people turn to when looking for local trades and services in the area.
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Prices start from as little as £22 + VAT per month.
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Transition Town Christchurch launches “GARDENSHARE”
he Transition Movement began about ten years ago and it immediately caught my interest as it aimed to spread the word at local level about environmental issues. It did not intend to press people to join huge campaigns but to encourage them to look at ways of changing how things were done in their neighbourhood. This became known as a ‘transition’. There are now hundreds of Transition groups in UK and in many other countries. We believe that lower energy consumption will become inevitable and that it is better to plan for it than to be taken by surprise. Communities have started up projects in areas of food, transport, energy and waste as local responses to the global challenges. Together these small-scale initiatives make up something much bigger, and help show a sustainable way forward for governments, businesses and the rest of us. In Christchurch we believe that more food should be produced locally, not least to reduce the ‘food miles’ that are currently expended to fill our supermarkets. Transition Town Christchurch has previously championed local food producers but now we want to enable individuals who have nowhere to grow their own produce to link with garden owners who have unused space. We will meet with each grower and garden owner to help them find the best way for the scheme to work. If you would like to hear more about Gardenshare or Transition Town Christchurch please Text or phone 07849 431 612 or email: contact@transitiontownchristchurch.org Anne Mason, Chair - Transition Town Christchurch
£7.50 EYE TEST Valid for one test booked on or before 27 September 2014 at discounted price of only £7.50. Present voucher at time of test. Cannot be exchanged for cash, used with other vouchers or redeemed by customers already entitled to a free NHS eye test. One per person, at named Specsavers stores only. CODE 8426 Christchurch 34 High Street. Tel 01202 480 707
HighcliffeEYE 29
30 HighcliffeEYE
3, Look after number one
Mind Benders: 1, Waving
Goodbye; 2, Mother-in-law;
Puzzle Solutions
REGENT CENTRE HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH (01202) 499199 With Christchurch Information Centre Sun 1 June 2.30pm & 7.30pm Mr PEABODY& SHERMAN (U) 2D Mon 2 – Thurs 5 June 2.30pm & 7.30pm THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (15) Ralph Fiennes, Jude Law Love, comedy & intrigue in 1930s Hotel. Fri 6 & Sun 8 June 2.30pm & 7.30pm Mathew McConaughey DALLAS BUYERS CLUB (15) Oscar Best Actor & Support Actor Sat 7 & Sun 29 June & Sun 6 July 2.30pm MUPPETS MOST WANTED (U) 2D Sat 7, Sun 29 June & Fri 4 & Sun 6 July 7.30pm Mat Fri 4 2.30pm CAPTAIN AMERICA: The Winter Soldier (12A) 2D Mon 9 & Tue 10 June 2.30pm & 7.30pm True Story set Australia TRACKS (12A) Solo lady’s 2000 mile trek across Aust desert Wed 11, Fri 13, & Sat 14 June 2.30pm & 7.30pm AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 (12A) 2D Thur 12 June 7pm £13 Concs £12 Live by satellite on screen NT Live: A SMALL FAMILY BUSINESS Sun 15, Mon 16 & Tue 17 June 7.30pm. Celia Imrie, Timothy Spall Mats: Mon 16, Tues 17, Wed 18 & Thurs 19 June 2.30pm Pierce Brosnan, Emma Thompson THE LOVE PUNCH (12A) Wed 18 June 7pm £13 Concs: £12 Live by satellite on screen Live from RSC: HENRY IV Part 2 Thur 19 June 7.30pm in aid of Dorset Roller Girls WHIP IT (12A) Fri 20 June 7.30pm £18 Wondrous Place, Halfway to Paradise BILLY FURY YEARS - Michael King his Musicians & Singers. Sat 21 & Mon 23 – Fri 27 June 7.30pm. Mats: Mon 23 – Fri 27 June 2.30pm. Morn: Sat 28 10.30am Nicole Kidman is GRACE OF MONACO (PG) Sunday 22 June 7.30pm £10.50 Concs £10 BOURNEMOUTH CONCERT BRASS - Hollywood & Broadway Sat 28 June 2.30pm & 7.30pm £13 Conc £12 Angela Lansbury,James Earl Jones – DRIVING MISS DAISY Recorded on screen at Comedy Theatre Melbourne Mon 30 June – Thur 3 July 2.30pm & 7.30pm Pat Highsmith novel Kirsten Dunst,Vigo Mortensen TWO FACES OF JANUARY (12A) Public Car Park at rear. www.regentcentre.co.,uk Pre-show Dining at The Kings £15. VIP Experience £30. Not inc show ticket.
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it’s editorial contributors can accept, and herby disclaim, any liability to any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Local Eye Magazines does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without prior permission of the publisher.
Biggest Family Fun Day Planned to Celebrate Silver Jubilee 2014 sees the 25th anniversary of the opening of Mudeford Wood Community Centre and plans are well underway to celebrate the Centre’s Silver Jubilee with a Family Fun Day on Saturday 14th June. The Mayor of Christchurch will be officially opening the event at 11am. A BBQ and bar will be providing refreshments throughout the day, along with cake and ice cream stalls, fayre and craft stalls. A bouncy castle and children’s games will be central to the familyfocused event.
Dawn Brookes
If you are interested in getting involved with entertainment, or would like to hold your own stall, offer donations or help in any way, please get in touch on 01425 272 084 or email office@mwct. co.uk.
Mudeford Wood Community Centre has come a long way since its creation 25 years ago. One person who was instrumental in forming the friends of Mudeford Wood Community Centre, which then transitioned into the charity Mudeford Wood Community Trust, is Dawn Brookes. Now Chairperson of the Trust, Dawn was deservedly presented with a Meritorious award by Christchurch Borough Council in April. Dawn received the award for her commitment and passion to ensuring this much-loved community facility remains open and improves, and for working to retain what is worthwhile for the present and building for the future. Finally, a date for your diary; the next Family Quiz Night will be held on Saturday 5th July from 7pm. Tickets are £7.50 to include fish and chip supper, so call 01425 272084 or email office@mwct.co.uk..
Mudeford Wood Community Centre – Something for everyone.
Telephone: 01425 277061 Mobile: 07980 298522
16 Rowan Close, Highcliffe, Christchurch, BH23 4SW
HighcliffeEYE 31
INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Business & Professional Miller Bros & F.P Butler Ltd
Carer Homes/Help Silverways Nursing Home Apex Care Inter-‐County Nursing Care & Services Ltd
16 19 23
Children, Pet's & Education Sophie's Pet Care
Food and Drink Upper Deck Blue Sky Deli Sabai Thai Restaurant The Kings Hotel
20 21 32 33
Gardening Golden Acres Group Southern Tree Specialists Chris Oliver Tree & Hedge Cutting Specialist Bud Burst Garden Services
2 25 31 13
Health, Beauty & Lifestyle All Mobility Purewell Cross Dental Practice Scissors Christchurch
Long and Short distance, covering Airports and Docks
Landline: 01202 484 309 Mobile: 07854 843 350
Email: maartenstaxi@hotmail.co.uk Web: www.maartens-taxi.co.uk
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4 4 7
Tracey Butchart Foot Health Practitioner Dorset Denture Clinic Specsavers Optical Superstores Ltd Highcliffe Dental Practice
13 15 29 36
Home Improvement Dunkley Tiles Ashley Blinds UK Dream Doors JT Blinds Paul Belton Construction Keith Hefford Handyman Plumb Exchange A & S Painting Services Comfort Rooms Flair Interiors Made 2 Measure Bedrooms A Beautiful Clean
3 5 10 11 11 13 14 17 22 27 28 32
Motoring and Travel Christchurch Coaches Maarten's Taxi Keith Motors
19 32 35
Property Management Homefield Park Mitchells Management
1 7
Local Domestic Cleaning Company
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10% Discount for First Clean Please contact us:
07788 454487 or 01202 477812
PRAWN, STEAK AND STRAWBERRIES. 2 courses £15.50 Available Monday lunch and evening and Tuesday - Saturday lunchtimes, until the 30th June.
Enjoy 2 courses for just £21.50
FRID AY N IGHT JA ZZ A T UP P ER D ECK Along with a slice of lemon grove you can now enjoy lobster and chips from £19.50!
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TO BOOK PLEASE CALL UPPER DECK 01202 400954 • Christchurch Harbour Hotel •
95 Mudeford, Christchurch BH23 3NT www.christchurch-harbour-hotel.co.uk
HighcliffeEYE 33
Useful Contacts Police/Crime Police (Emergency) Police (Non-‐Emergency) Crimestoppers Neighbourhood & Home Watch
Library Information
999 101 0800 55 51 11 01202 222 222
Medical/Health Services NHS Direct 111 Bournemouth Hospital 01202 30 36 26 Christchurch Hospital 01202 486 361 British Red Cross Medical Loan Service 01202 484074 Local Council & Services Christchurch Borough Council Dorset County Council Christchurch Information Centre Regent Centre Bournemouth Airport Post Office Dorset Family Information Service
01202 495000 01305 251000 01202 471780 01202 499199 01202 364000 0845 722 3344 01305 221066
Christchurch Library 29 High Street, Christchurch BH23 1AW 01202 485 938 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9.30am to 5.30pm 10am to 7pm 9.30am to 1pm 9.30am to 7pm 9.30am to 5.30pm 9am to 4pm
Highcliffe Library Gordon Road, Highcliffe BH23 5HN 01425 272 202 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
10am to 6.30pm 9.30am to 5pm Closed 9.30am to 1pm 9.30am to 6.30pm 9.30am to 4pm
Sainsburys 01425 277885 Helplines 1 Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch Anti-‐social Behaviour 01202 495044 Mon-Fri 7.00-23.00 Sat 7.00-22.00 Sun 10.00-16.00 Trading Standards 01305 224 012 Lloyds 01425 274291 Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 245 1291 248 Lymington Road, Highcliffe Childline 0800 11 11 Mon-Fri 8.30-18.30 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 NSPCC 0808 800 50 00 Day Lewis Pharmacy 01425 613222 Southern Electric 0845 071 3953 4 Old Milton Green Parade, Christchurch Rd, New Milton Mon-Fri 9.00-18.00 Sat 9-13.00 British Gas 0800 048 0202 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Wessex Pharmacies 01202 482197 Environment Agency 03708 506506 186 Somerford Rd, Christchurch National Drugs Helpline 0300 123 6600 Mon-Fri 9-1.15/2.15-5.30 Sat 9-1.15 Age Concern 0800 169 6565 Rowlands Pharmacy 01202 484840 National Debtline 0808 808 40 00 136 Purewell, Christchurch Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555 Mon-Fri 8.45-6.30 Sat 8.45-1 Narcotics Anonymous 0300 999 1212 Overeaters Anonymous 07000 784985 Mudeford Pharmacy 01425 272798
Taxi Firms Christchurch Radio Cabs Chritax Priory Cabs
34 HighcliffeEYE
94 Mudeford, Christchurch Mon-Fri9-1/2-5.30 (Weds 'til 1) Sat 9-1/2-5
01202 48 48 48 01202 47 00 00 01202 47 44 44
Burton Pharmacy 01202 477771 123 Salisbury Road, Burton Mon-Fri 9-1/2-6.30
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HighcliffeEYE 35
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