HighcliffeEYE The local glossy that keeps on giving - all month long
Your Local Community Magazine
September 2014 • ISSUE 30
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contents Editor's Letter Local History by Phil Tate What's on Community Notices MindBenders Adopt a Pet Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Somerford ARC Shop Local Business Column An English Mum Tucktonia Garden View Wordsearch Jam Today Recipe Dorset POPP Highcliffe on Sea Rotary Coffee Break Kids Page Regent Listings Index Puzzle Solutions Useful Contacts
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LocalEYE magazines
LEM PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ t: 01202 477214 (9am - 7pm) www.localeyemagazines.co.uk
Magazine Editor & Publisher Cheryl Dennett info@localeyemagazines.co.uk
Magazine Layout & Advert Design Cheryl Dennett & Fee Lanzino design@localeyemagazines.co.uk
Administrative Assistant
Jackie Millward admin@localeyemagazines.co.uk
Distribution Manager Sue Hillman
Richard Fereday, Regent Centre, Highcliffe Rotary, Rachel Clark, Lee Bestall & Phil Tate.
to the Highcliffe Eye Community Magazine
editor’s letter
can’t believe it’s September already. Yet again, the year seems to be whizzing by. As I write, the air is getting a little chillier but the sun is still shining after such a fantastic summer, which Cheryl we’ve been very fortunate to have these last couple of months here in Christchurch. I have been lucky enough to be able to appreciate a great deal of it myself having recently taken my Powerboat course with John Haynes, our ‘On the Water’ columnist, and also trying my hand at Paddleboarding over at Mudeford Quay with Shoresports. I’ve very much enjoyed both of these water pursuits and hope to continue with them for a few weeks yet, so fingers crossed for a little more of this great sunshine. I hope you too, are getting out and about lots yourselves. I know time is so limited these days as we all work so very hard to keep pushing ourselves out of this recession, but it’s great to see so many of you out there, not only on the water but also enjoying all our other fabulous local attractions. It’s good to know that we still haven’t forgotten how to have fun and achieve a good work/life balance with us being so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country. All the best until next month, Cheryl Cheryl Dennett Editor & Publisher
Congratulations to Miss J E Chant for winning our July competition!
Local Eye Magazines are Members of:
!hhee !rroolllleeyybbuuss !uurrnnttaabbllee IIInnn 111999000555 ttthhheee BBBooouuurrrnnneeemmmooouuuttthhh tttrrraaammmwwwaaayyy sssyyysssttteeemmm wwwaaasss eeexxxttteeennndddeeeddd tttooo CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh... FFFrrrooommm aaa ssspppeeeccciiiaaallllllyyy rrreeebbbuuuiiilllttt TTTuuuccckkktttooonnn BBBrrriiidddgggeee ttthhheee tttrrraaammm rrrooouuuttteee rrraaannn dddooowwwnnn SSStttooouuurrr RRRoooaaaddd iiinnntttooo BBBaaarrrgggaaattteeesss aaannnddd aaalllooonnnggg ttthhheee HHHiiiggghhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt tttooo ttthhheee ttteeerrrmmmiiinnnuuusss ooouuutttsssiiidddeee TTThhheee DDDooolllppphhhiiinnn IIInnnnnn iiinnn CCChhhuuurrrccchhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt... HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, wwwhhheeennn iiittt wwwaaasss dddeeeccciiidddeeeddd tttooo rrreeeppplllaaaccceee ttthhheee tttrrraaammmsss wwwiiittthhh tttrrrooolllllleeeyyybbbuuussseeesss iiinnn 111999333666 ttthhheeerrreee wwwaaasss aaa ppprrrooobbbllleeemmm......... TTThhheee tttrrraaammmsss hhhaaaddd aaa dddrrriiivvveeerrr’’’sss cccaaabbb aaattt bbbooottthhh eeennndddsss aaannnddd cccooouuulllddd sssiiimmmppplllyyy bbbeee dddrrriiivvveeennn bbbaaaccckkk ttthhheee wwwaaayyy ttthhheeeyyy hhhaaaddd cccooommmeee... (((CCChhhuuurrrccchhh SSStttrrreeeeeettt wwwaaasss nnnooottt ooonnneee---wwwaaayyy tttrrraaaffffffiiiccc iiinnn ttthhhooossseee dddaaayyysss!!!))) HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, ttthhheee tttrrrooolllllleeeyyybbbuuussseeesss nnneeeeeedddeeeddd tttooo aaaccctttuuuaaallllllyyy tttuuurrrnnn aaarrrooouuunnnddd,,, sssooo aaannnooottthhheeerrr sssooollluuutttiiiooonnn wwwaaasss rrreeeqqquuuiiirrreeeddd... 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TTThhheee tttuuurrrnnntttaaabbbllleee wwwaaasss dddeeesssiiigggnnneeeddd aaannnddd mmmaaannnuuufffaaaccctttuuurrreeeddd bbbyyy aaa rrreeelllaaatttiiivvveeelllyyy sssmmmaaallllll bbbuuuttt ssspppeeeccciiiaaallliiisssttt eeennngggiiinnneeeeeerrriiinnnggg cccooommmpppaaannnyyy,,, SSSaaannndddeeerrrsssooonnn BBBrrrooottthhheeerrrsss LLLtttddd ooofff GGGaaattteeessshhheeeaaaddd---ooonnn---TTTyyynnneee,,, aaattt aaa cccooosssttt ooofff £££333888000,,, ttthhhiiisss bbbeeeiiinnnggg ttthhheee lllooowwweeesssttt ooofff sssiiixxx ttteeennndddeeerrrsss... TTThhheee bbbuuuiiillldddiiinnnggg wwwooorrrkkk iiinnn ttthhheee yyyaaarrrddd wwwaaasss uuunnndddeeerrrtttaaakkkeeennn bbbyyy lllooocccaaalll cccooommmpppaaannnyyy BBBrrryyyaaannnttt &&& TTTrrrooowwwbbbrrriiidddgggeee LLLtttddd (((wwwhhhiiiccchhh iiisss ssstttiiillllll iiinnn bbbuuusssiiinnneeessssss))) aaattt aaa cccooosssttt ooofff nnneeeaaarrrlllyyy £££222000000... IIInnn ooopppeeerrraaatttiiiooonnn,,, aaafffttteeerrr ttthhheee tttrrrooolllllleeeyyybbbuuusss hhhaaaddd bbbeeeeeennn dddrrriiivvveeennn ooonnntttooo ttthhheee tttuuurrrnnntttaaabbbllleee ttthhheee cccooonnnddduuuccctttooorrr wwwooouuulllddd uuussseee aaa lllooonnnggg bbbaaammmbbboooooo pppooollleee tttooo lllooowwweeerrr ttthhheee tttwwwooo bbboooooommmsss ttthhhaaattt cccooonnnnnneeecccttteeeddd iiittt tttooo ttthhheee ooovvveeerrrhhheeeaaaddd pppooowwweeerrr wwwiiirrreeesss... TTThhheee tttrrrooolllllleeeyyybbbuuusss wwwooouuulllddd ttthhheeennn bbbeee mmmaaannnuuuaaallllllyyy pppuuussshhheeeddd ttthhhrrrooouuuggghhh 111888000°°° uuunnntttiiilll iiittt wwwaaasss fffaaaccciiinnnggg iiinnn ttthhheee oooppppppooosssiiittteee dddiiirrreeeccctttiiiooonnn... WWWiiittthhh ttthhheee bbboooooommmsss rrreeecccooonnnnnneeecccttteeeddd,,, iiittt wwwaaasss rrreeeaaadddyyy tttooo dddeeepppaaarrrttt... 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HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, ttthhheee dddeeemmmooollliiitttiiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheeessseee bbbuuuiiillldddiiinnngggsss ppprrrooovvviiidddeeeddd aaa rrraaarrreee oooppppppooorrrtttuuunnniiitttyyy fffooorrr aaannn aaarrrccchhhaaaeeeooolllooogggiiicccaaalll dddiiiggg iiinnn ttthhheee vvveeerrryyy hhheeeaaarrrttt ooofff ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn... AAA tttwwwooo mmmooonnnttthhh lllooonnnggg rrreeessscccuuueee eeexxxcccaaavvvaaatttiiiooonnn ddduuurrriiinnnggg ttthhheee wwwiiinnnttteeerrr ooofff 111999777444---777555 uuunnneeeaaarrrttthhheeeddd eeevvviiidddeeennnccceee ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee sssiiittteee hhhaaaddd bbbeeeeeennn iiinnn cccooonnntttiiinnnuuuooouuusss uuussseee sssiiinnnccceee ttthhheee lllaaattteee SSSaaaxxxooonnn pppeeerrriiioooddd... TTThhheee DDDooolllppphhhiiinnn HHHooouuussseee sssccchhheeemmmeee ooofff ssshhhooopppsss aaannnddd oooffffffiiiccceeesss wwwaaasss sssuuubbbmmmiiitttttteeeddd bbbyyy ttthhheee CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh---bbbaaassseeeddd aaarrrccchhhiiittteeecccttt GGGooorrrdddooonnn RRRooobbbbbbiiinnnsss... TTThhheee tttuuurrrnnntttaaabbbllleee wwwaaasss rrreeetttaaaiiinnneeeddd aaannnddd iiinnncccooorrrpppooorrraaattteeeddd iiinnntttooo ttthhheee ppplllaaannn aaasss aaa nnnooovvveeelll sssooollluuutttiiiooonnn tttooo ttthhheee ppprrrooobbbllleeemmm ooofff dddeeellliiivvveeerrryyy vvveeehhhiiicccllleeesss nnneeeeeedddiiinnnggg tttooo tttuuurrrnnn rrrooouuunnnddd iiinnn aaannn ooottthhheeerrrwwwiiissseee uuunnndddeeerrr---sssiiizzzeeeddd cccooouuurrrtttyyyaaarrrddd... IIInnn 111999777666 ttthhheee tttrrrooolllllleeeyyybbbuuusss tttuuurrrnnntttaaabbbllleee,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh iiisss bbbeeellliiieeevvveeeddd tttooo bbbeee ttthhheee ooonnnlllyyy ooonnneee rrreeemmmaaaiiinnniiinnnggg iiinnn EEEnnnggglllaaannnddd --- aaannnddd ppprrrooobbbaaabbblllyyy ooonnneee ooofff ooonnnlllyyy aaa vvveeerrryyy fffeeewww eeevvveeerrr bbbuuuiiilllttt wwwooorrrllldddwwwiiidddeee --- wwwaaasss gggrrraaannnttteeeddd ttthhheee ssstttaaatttuuusss aaannnddd ppprrrooottteeeccctttiiiooonnn ooofff aaa GGGrrraaadddeee IIIIII LLLiiisssttteeeddd BBBuuuiiillldddiiinnnggg... EEEaaarrrllliiieeerrr ttthhhiiisss yyyeeeaaarrr ttthhheee CCCooouuunnnccciiilll gggrrraaannnttteeeddd ppplllaaannnnnniiinnnggg pppeeerrrmmmiiissssssiiiooonnn fffooorrr ttthhheee uuuppppppeeerrr fffllloooooorrrsss ooofff DDDooolllppphhhiiinnn HHHooouuussseee tttooo bbbeee cccooonnnvvveeerrrttteeeddd fffrrrooommm uuunnnuuussseeeddd oooffffffiiiccceeesss tttooo rrreeesssiiidddeeennntttiiiaaalll aaapppaaarrrtttmmmeeennntttsss... TTThhheee aaapppppprrrooovvvaaalll llleeetttttteeerrr rrreeemmmiiinnndddeeeddd ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee tttuuurrrnnntttaaabbbllleee iiisss GGGrrraaadddeee IIIIII LLLiiisssttteeeddd aaannnddd ttthhhaaattt aaannnyyy dddaaammmaaagggeee dddooonnneee tttooo iiittt wwwooouuulllddd bbbeee ‘‘‘aaa pppooottteeennntttiiiaaallllllyyy cccrrriiimmmiiinnnaaalll mmmaaatttttteeerrr’’’!!! TTThhheee lllooocccaaatttiiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheee fffooorrrmmmeeerrr eeennntttrrraaannnccceee tttooo ttthhheee tttuuurrrnnntttaaabbbllleee iiisss tttooodddaaayyy iiinnndddiiicccaaattteeeddd bbbyyy RRRooonnn JJJooohhhnnnssseeennn OOOppptttooommmeeetttrrriiisssttt... TTThhheee DDDooolllppphhhiiinnn IIInnnnnn wwwaaasss tttooo ttthhheee rrriiiggghhhttt ooofff ttthhhiiisss... TTThhheee tttuuurrrnnntttaaabbbllleee cccaaannn ssstttiiillllll bbbeee ssseeeeeennn bbbeeeyyyooonnnddd ttthhheee ssseeecccuuurrriiitttyyy gggaaattteeesss ooofff ttthhheee aaarrrccchhhwwwaaayyy eeennntttrrraaannnccceee tttooo DDDooolllppphhhiiinnn HHHooouuussseee iiinnn WWWiiiccckkk LLLaaannneee... HHHooopppeeefffuuullllllyyy,,, ttthhhiiisss uuunnniiiqqquuueee pppaaarrrttt ooofff ttthhheee tttooowwwnnn’’’sss hhheeerrriiitttaaagggeee wwwiiillllll rrreeemmmaaaiiinnn sssaaafffeee fffooorrr mmmaaannnyyy yyyeeeaaarrrsss tttooo cccooommmeee --- aaalllbbbeeeiiittt bbbeeehhhiiinnnddd bbbaaarrrsss!!! !iiittthhh aaaccckkknnnooowwwllleeedddgggeeemmmeeennnttt tttooo CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh CCCuuurrriiiooosssiiitttiiieeesss bbbyyy ! AAA HHHoooooodddllleeessssss (((TTThhheee HHHiiissstttooorrryyy PPPrrreeessssss --- 222000111000)))
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Local History by Phil Tate
w h a t ’s o n
What’s On Entries are listed FREE of charge for local groups and events. Submit your listing online at www.localeyemagazines.co.uk
Tuesday 2nd September Stan’s Blues Jam - Stan’s Blues Jam at The Thomas Tripp, Christchurch BH23 1HX on Tuesday 2nd September (and the First Tuesday Every Month) www. stansbluesjam.co.uk Thursday 4th September Bransgore Horticultural Society monthly meeting. Our next meeting takes place at the Resource Centre, Ringwood Road, Bransgore at 7.30pm. There will be lecture by Kevin Hobbs from Hillier Gardens - ‘The search, selection, trial and introduction of new, rare and unusual plants’. Friday 5th September Christchurch Floral Society meeting at Priory Hall Princess Avenue with demonstrator Coral Gardiner “Keeping it Alive” Plant Stall doors open I.30pm for 2pm start. Come along and see beautiful flowers being arranged by an expert 5th - 18th September Paper’n’Paint 2014 Exhibition & Sale - Exhibition & Sale of hand-painted, kiln-fired ceramics and fine art photography by Pam & Brian Wadie. In the Hayloft Gallery, Wick Lane Christchurch . Open daily from 104, admission free Saturday 6th September Craft & Vintage Fair, Bransgore Village Hall, BH23 8AY, 10am - 1pm. It’s our 1st Birthday and we are holding a ‘Made in Dorset’ Bake off competition raising funds for Julias House. Details 07812 555516 or madeindorset@ hotmail.co.uk Saturday 6th September Highcliffe Horticultural Society will be holding their Open Autumn Show at St.Mark’s Church Hall,Hinton Wood Avenue, Highcliffe from 2pm to 4pm. Refreshments, Tombola & Plant Stall. Entry 50p. Call 01425 272962. Saturday 6th September St George’s Church Table sale 10am ‘til 12.30pm at St George’s Church Hall Jumpers Road, Christchurch. Tables available - £5 each Telephone 01202 482047 Refreshments and Tombola. Come along and Browse for a bargain.
Saturday 6th September Display of arts and crafts at Bransgore Methodist Church Coffee Morning, Chapel Lane BH23 8NN. 10am – 12noon. Enjoy coffee cake and fellowship. Tuesday 9th September Christchurch Priory Tours - 6.30-9.15pm Tickets in advance £10 from the Verger Tel: 01202 485804 Includes tower (176 steps!) museum, crypts, belfry, roof space. Children over 8 welcome Wednesday 10th September Highcliffe Flower Club. Come and watch a professional flower arranger, Alison Finch, demonstrate in the Methodist Church Hall, Lymington Road at 2pm, doors open 1.30pm. We are a friendly group and visitors are welcome. Thursday 11th September Parkinson’s UK Club, Christchurch Branch. Monthly Club Meeting. Friendly afternoon get together for Parkinson sufferers and their carers at 2 pm in the Community Hall, Marlow Drive, St Catherine’s Hill. New members are always welcome. 11th September – 2 November Pushing the Boundaries - Highcliffe Castle, Rothesay Drive, Highcliffe Exciting new work and ideas from Susan Knights, Linda Patterson, Marion Wall - Brenda Weeks. Paintings, Jewellery, Textiles. Open daily 114.30 Admission charge. Saturday 13th September Demonstration and Display - Christchurch Lace Society will be demonstrating lacemaking and having a display of their work at The Red House Museum, Christchurch 10.00 am to 4.00pm. Do come and see us. Wednesday 17th September Christchurch Group of CANCER RESEARCH UK (Reg Charity No 1089464) QUIZ EVENING from 6.30pm At THE NELSON TAVERN, MUDEFORD BH23 3NJ Tickets £10 to include a Fish & Chip Supper (Gluten Free if preordered) Telephone 07925 974174 Wednesday 17th September Amberwood-Highcliffe Afternoon Women’s Institute will meet at Methodist Church Hall, Highcliffe, 2pm. Speaker: Howard Nichols “The Longest Journey”. Enjoy tea, biscuits, raffle, and sales table. Please come and join us. Further details from Marina 01425 271426. Thursday 18th September Highcliffe Evening WI Doors open at 7pm at the Day Centre, Lymington Rd to hear a fascinating talk on
the Mary Rose Museum. A themed quiz, raffle and refreshments will round off the evening. If you’d like to join us, do give our secretary a call on 01425 271995 for further details.
wonderful “Light-hearted Musical Afternoon” in aid of Christchurch Air Training Corps minbus funds. 2.30pm Tickets £6 on the door or £5.50 booking online at www.christchurchanddistrictband.co.uk
Saturday 20th September 1am - 4pm an exciting day of events planned on Christchurch Quay. While many of the activities are free of charge, for six of them a small charge is being made. For just £2 for the whole day people can purchase a wristband which will give them unlimited access to the following: inflatable assault course, Battlefield Live, climbing wall, a water activity, bucking bronco and face painting. Further information is available at www. dorsetforyou.com/fitchristchurch.
Sunday 28th September Classic Car Exhibiton on Christchurch Quay 10am & 5pm. Free exhibition. Classic Cars in the wonderful setting of Christchurch Quay. Free entry for all pre 1983 vehicles. Come and go as you please.
Thursday 25th September Friends of Christchurch & Highcliffe Libraries - 2.30pm, Highcliffe Library. ‘Stewart’s: the history of a family owned garden centre’, an illustrated talk by Martin Stewart. Call into the library or phone 01425 272202 for tickets. Refreshments. Library Friends £1.50, Non Members £3. Sunday 28th September Fundraising Concert at Mudeford Wood Community Centre. The Christchurch and District Band return to Mudeford Community Centre to present a
Hazel Squire
To see more events in Christchurch visit www.visitchristchurch.info
Community Notices Table-Top-Sale every Monday & Saturday at the REGENT CENTRE Christchurch from 10am to 3pm selling a variety of goods, incl: Costume/Vintage Jewellery, Homemade award winning cakes, Bric-aBrac etc.. Christchurch Neighbour Cars - Christchurch Community Partnership has re-launched Christchurch Neighbour Cars from their new office in Sopers Lane Christchurch. The tel. number is still the same as before 01202 989632. Bookings can be made Monday -Friday between 9am - 12 noon. Sunday 14th September MONTHLY CAR BOOT SALE
15 years with Art
Original Paintings & Drawings Ceramics by Pam Wadie Cards by Brian Wadie
26th Sept - 9th Oct 10am - 4pm (Incl. Saturdays & Sundays)
Hayloft Gallery, 14 Wick Lane Christchurch BH23 1HX
7.30AM - 12noon
Christchurch Lions Monthly Car Boot Sale -Sunday 14th September at Stanpit Marsh
Regular Markets
Every Monday - Christchurch Market (all year) Up to 100 traders selling a variety of food, clothes, household goods, plants and bric-a-brac in the mainly traffic-free High Street and Saxon Square. Christchurch Country Market. Everything home-baked, homemade and homegrown locally. Every Monday 9.30-11.30. Druitt Hall (behind library). Refreshments available.
To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214
Adopt a Pet
’m Harry, a 26.5 inch to the shoulder lurcher. I’m between two and three years old. I was rescued in a bit of a state with a compound fracture on Harry my leg, which had to be amputated. Having three legs hasn’t slowed me down though and I can still play with my four legged chums. I walk well on the lead and love being around both children and adults. I love nothing more than a massage which often sends me to sleep and I can’t wait to find my own forever home and personal masseur!
To find out more visit www.grwe.com or call 07000 785 092
Answers on Page 41 ! "#$%&'()*#$+!,*&-.#/!0!(1&%!2%&3.4%-!5$6! !
Work for us & really make a difference! !
our Team Inter-County is a friendly, local agency providing experienced staff to support people at home within the local area. There are many advantages to joining us, and with Inter-County you will benefit from: • Flexible Hours • Weekly Pay • Paid Mileage • Full Training • Personal Development ! • 24 hour office support
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Are you reliable, flexible and committed to providing a quality service? If so we would like to hear from you! Please contact us on: !
10 HighcliffeEYE
01202 487435
Beds, mattresses and bedroom furniture all on offer this month at Beds Are Uzzz. Special readership offer, quote ‘eye’ to get your special offer. BACK CARE SPECIALISTS | 100% PRICE PROMISE GUARANTEE | FREE DELIVERY ON SELECTED ITEMS SOUTHBOURNE 143 Belle Vue Road, Southbourne 01202 419189 Open Every Day
DORCHESTER 24 High East Street, Dorchester 01305 266535 Open Mon to Sat
HighcliffeEYE 11
Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Fitness, Sport and Wellbeing Mudeford Wood Tennis Club...Do join us! MWTC is friendly, good tennis standard located off Brabazon Drive, Mudeford. Three astroturf courts and floodlights. Adult year membership £60. Club sessions - Tues, Thurs 6 till 8 and Sat 2 till 4. League matches played. Contact Gail 07973 514036. Debbie 07592 014207 Pregnancy yoga based exercise, breathing & relaxation classes. Stretch & strengthen your body, relieve aches & pains and prepare for birth. Suitable for all abilities including complete beginners, from 14 weeks of pregnancy. Tuesdays in Christchurch. Contact Rosa 07837 218374 www.labouroflove.me.uk Iyengar Yoga Classes Weekly classes for beginners and improvers in central Christchurch and St Catherines Hill. Contact Elaine Rees on 07504 823517 or email elainerees@europe.com for more details. Yoga with Julia - YOGA Classes held in Christchurch daily & throughout the holidays - please call Julia for more details or find on Facebook. 07989 971928. Adults, children & gentle chair yoga -all ages/abilities/ALL WELCOME! Chi Kung Exercise Classes Come and join us on Friday mornings 10.45 - 12.15 or 12.45 - 1.15. in the upstairs Studio at Wessex Health, 17 Stour Road, Christchurch BH23 1PL www.wessexhealthnetwork.co.uk Fee £7.50 Please call tutor Poppy 01202 735560 Candlelit Hatha Yoga & Relaxation Wednesdays 1011:15am & 7:15-8:30pm at the Christchurch Harbour Hotel & Spa Thursdays 7:15-8:30pm at the Wessex Health Network British Wheel of Yoga Teacher. (07966) 199875 / becca@yogabee.co.uk. £39 6-week block (can carry one over) / £7 PAYG Flowing Vinyasa yoga classes in Stanpit: build strength, fitness, flexibility while burning calories & reducing stress! Mondays 10am and Wednesdays 7pm in Stanpit - call or email to book as limited space. All levels, beginners welcome! caroline.radway@gmail.com 07798 941832 Circle Dancing - Come and try something new! Beginners welcome at any time. 1st and 3rd Mondays at Greystones in Highcliffe 2-4pm. Friendly, welcoming
12 HighcliffeEYE
group. Dancing to folk, classical and contemporary music. All dances taught beforehand. No partner needed. Telephone Nancy on 01425277920. Music COME AND JOIN YOUR COMMUNITY BAND! The Christchurch and District Band now has over 40 members! If you want to be part of a fun, social concert band; past or present and a player of brass of woodwind, come and have a go! Call 07974 320122 Acoustic evening Last Friday of every month 7-9pm for musicians of all ages. Perform, support a friend, or just come along to meet other musicians. Casual and friendly. Refreshments available. Call Coda, Chewton Farm Road, for more details. 01425 276161 or jay@ coda.org.uk. Children Highcliffe Choirs For children 6-18 years - all welcome. Rehearsals weekly at Highcliffe St Mark Primary School, Greenways, Highcliffe. Training Choir Thursdays 4.455.45pm, Main Choir Fridays 4.15-6pm. Contact Ann Guest 01425 276544 for more information. Award-winning, inspiring and educational music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers at The Regent Centre, Monday mornings term-time. Come and join the wonderful world of music, learning and fun - contact me for a trial class! heather.smith@musical steps.co.uk 0845 643 5025 www.musicalsteps.co.uk Kid’s music groups - Music for children ages: Toddlers 18 months - 3 years (parents/carers too) Tots 3-4 years (parents/carers too) Minors 4-5 years Majors 5-6 years. Try your first session free. For more information call Coda 01425 276161 or contact@coda.org.uk Creative Ballet Classes for children 3+ at The Portfield Rd, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2AQ Tuesdays &Thursday after school. The classes are fun and creative with an emphasis on building confidence and coordination as well as teaching poise, movement quality, musicality, spatial awareness, strength and flexibility. Call Sally on 07950459119 or email sally.burbage@gmail.com Art & Craft The Friday Crafters - We are a local group of craft people who have their art and craft work for sale at the
Regent Cinema Christchurch in the foyer every Friday from 10-3pm lots of gift ideas available. CHRISTCHURCH ARTS GUILD meet on the second Wednesday each month, 7-9 pm (open 6.30) in All Saints Church Hall, Mudeford, for professional artist demonstrations, critiques, etc. Open membership, visitors welcome £3. www.christchurchartsguild.org, Paul Cobain for enquiries/membership 07775 092755 Carbery Machine Knitting Club - Our small friendly club starts a New Year meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at St George’s Church Hall Annexe, Jumpers Rd, Christchurch, BH23 2JR from 7-9pm. All welcome. Contact Joy on 01202 489614 SUSAN KNIGHTS Watercolour Classes ‘Jump in and Get Wet’ in small, friendly, informative classes - overlooking beautiful Christchurch Harbour. Contact Sue on 01202 481099 or email susanknights@hotmail.co.uk www. susanknights.co.uk Clubs & Societies Male Carers’ Social Group - Male Carers take time out to socialise and make new friends at The Galleon, 189 Lymington Road, Highcliffe on the first Tuesday of the month between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Refreshments available. A warm welcome awaits you. Call Pat on 07760 762280 Weekly meetings - Homelands Activity Group meets Monday afternoons between 2 and 4pm at Homelands Community Hall, Kings Avenue Christchurch. Nonresidents are welcome to join its friendly members to enjoy various activities. Admission £2 including refreshments. Call Irene on 01202 473489. CHRISTCHURCH PROBUS CLUB Meets 10.15am on the 1st Tuesday monthly at the East Close Hotel, Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch. A very friendly welcome awaits all retired professional and businessmen. Interesting speakers and excellent lunches! Please contact the Secretary, Robin Haggett, on 01202-482528. New members welcome at Portfield Hall on Mondays from 8th September. Cost £5 including coffee and 2-course lunch. Join us in board/card games and friendly conversation. Taxi transfers can be arranged in the Christchurch area. Contact Les Denmead on 01202 470929
50+ Singles Club - Christchurch 50+ extends a warm welcome to active unattached ladies & gentlemen over 50 to our lively social/friendship group. Come & enjoy many varied activities. We meet every other Wednesday evening. Please ring for more details. 01202 657914/01202 489626/01425 611058 Monthly Club Meeting. Friendly afternoon get together for Parkinson sufferers and their carers. Thursday 11th Sept. at 2 pm in the Community Hall, Marlow Drive, St Catherine’s Hill. New members are always welcome. Bransgore Horticultural Society monthly meeting Our next meeting takes place at the Resource Centre, Ringwood Road, Bransgore on Thurs 4th September, 7.30pm. There will be lecture by Kevin Hobbs from Hillier Gardens - ‘The search, selection, trial and introduction of new, rare and unusual plants’. Support Group - If you have lost a loved one please come along and join our friendly group. Have a tea/ coffee and good company on Mondays 10.30 - 12.30 Christchurch Baptist Church Hall, Bargates (opp. Castles Hardware) or ring Irene on 01425 279656 Highcliffe Evening Townswomens Guild meet at 7p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the Parlour of the Methodist Church Hall, Lymington Road, Highcliffe. Visitors and potential new members welcome. Secretary - Mrs. Frances Snoxall - 01425 277328 Phoenix Widowers Fellowship - If you have lost a loved one please come along and join our friendly group. Have a tea/coffee and good company on Mondays 10.30 - 12.30 Christchurch Baptist Church Hall, Bargates (opp. Castles Hardware) or ring Irene on 01425 279656 In addition to the regular duplicate bridge evenings on Mondays and Wednesdays at Highcliffe Community Association, Greystones, there are to be Improvers classes based on English Bridge Union standards commencing on the 24th September. For details please telephone Beryl Williams on 01425 276191 (duplicate) or Roz Wade on 01202 481484 (improvers).
Entries are listed FREE of charge. One listing per group/organisation. Listed on a first come, first served basis. Visit www.localeyemagazines.co.uk to submit your listing online. HighcliffeEYE 13
Somerford ARC Community Centre Before and after....
he Somerford Alliance Resource Centre (“Somerford ARC”) is a new community centre and currently has a range of classes and groups using the facilities. We aim to encourage all ages from the very young to the over 55’s. Whatever your interests, whether you’re a mum who would like to get back into shape, or over 55 and who wants to socialize with old and new friends or get back to work, we welcome you all. Situated in Somerford, the Centre consists of two halls – an IT suite for training/learning for all ages. The main hall offers a large stage and can hold approx. 100, “the snug” which is ideal for smaller groups - approx. 10 and ideal for interviews etc on a one to one basis. There is a large kitchen, disabled toilet with baby changing facilities and further toilets. The building is fully accessible for wheelchair users and parking on site for 16 vehicles. Contact - Chris or Andy for more information on 01202 470770 or leave a message so we can contact you. Alternatively email us at info@somerfordarc.com. We have a limited number of spaces for hire currently but are going fast.
14 HighcliffeEYE
The Country Life Fair 27th and 28th September 2014 Fulham Palace, London SW6 The internet is a great way to reach buyers from outside our area – especially from London - but sometimes there is nothing better than getting together face-to-face. That is why we are looking forward so much to taking our finest properties to London in September. We anticipate a sell-out crowd. The Country Life Fair is a major new luxury show, inspired by Country Life magazine, which will ‘bring the countryside to town’ and showcase the best of British rural life. Imagine all those potential buyers from places like Chelsea, Kensington, Knightsbridge and Fulham – as well as the rest of London. It is why we will be there.We think your property should be there too.
HighcliffeEYE 15
Widow’s Hunt for Distinctive Trophy
AN anyone help Mrs Edna Travis of Bournemouth, locate an unusual football trophy her late husband designed in the 1970s and presented to local football teams? Bournemouth Regatta Committee member and a six-a-side football tournament chairman, Michael Phillips-Pitman, designed the trophy with a base which depicts a game in progress with authentic players and goals at each end. On the wooden surround are small brass plaques for the names of the winning teams. The last Edna heard of the trophy’s whereabouts was when it was won by a football team during the Christchurch Carnival week 15 or 16 years ago. Michael was also the manager of Strouden Rangers where his son, Steve, was the captain. For many years the Rangers had made many unsuccessful attempts to win the East Dorset Youth League Cup. In 1979 the team had a successful season, winning many of its matches.
Sadly, Michael died of a heart attack in the spring of that year. Undeterred, Strouden Rangers went on to win the league for the first time. During the final game against Hamworthy, Edna wore an old black cardigan that Michael always wore for luck when managing Rangers. Before the game, the team, in black armbands, stood for two minutes silence as a token of respect to their manager. Michael’s ashes were scattered at the Cherries’ Dean Court ground. Now Michael’s grandson Mikey Phillips-Pitman, 11, who has won medals and trophies in karate and football, would like to find his grandfathers trophy so that he and others would be able to compete for it.
Mrs Travis can be contacted on 01202 303000 or you can email us at info@localeyemagazines.co.uk
welcome to your local solicitors who specialise in just three areas of law...
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16 HighcliffeEYE
Business Column
riting a business column about Highcliffe and attempting to stay interesting whilst not repeating yourself was always Richard going to be challenging, especially when, like me, you’re not really a businessman. So all I can do is say it as I see it from the front line (Highcliffe High Street). We started our shop because we liked what we did, being able to supply things to people that would ultimately make someone feel loved or appreciated and put a smile on their face. Smiling is great, it is something you can give that costs nothing, it’s as infectious as the common cold, flash a smile at anyone and you are usually guaranteed a response and then possibly you have started a chain reaction and your smile grows exponentially. Now I am not immune to the miseries and sometimes I find it difficult to hold the smile, however, when I open that door to my shop in the morning it’s light on, kettle on and smile on. Why on earth would I want to greet my customers with a frown, who wants to buy from a misery, who would want to sit in a café and listen to the owner moan incessantly? Yet go into a lot of shops and this is what you come to expect. So there you are, this month’s column and no mention of business or Highcliffe, or was there?
Richard Fereday Chair HOSTA
HighcliffeEYE 17
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18 HighcliffeEYE
An English Mum
s September brings along the new school year, I thought I’d share a few of the more, ahem, ‘interesting’ questions I’ve been asked while helping in school Food Technology classes over the last few years: 1. ‘Is this an oven?’
Answer I would have liked to have given:— ‘No, it’s an enchanted cupboard where we put the ingredients. You turn the magic dial, say ‘abra-cake-us-make-us’, wait 20 minutes, and when you next open it up, it’s turned into a cake!’ Actual answer given: ‘Yes, it’s an oven.’ 2. ‘Miss, do I get my ingredients out of the fridge?’ Me: taps nails, bites tongue, fights off desperate urge to reply something about either food preparing itself whilst locked in small dark cold cupboard, or suggesting child needs to climb into said cupboard to prepare said food. Actual answer given: ‘Yes, you get them out of the fridge.’ 3. Follow up question from the same child: ‘Do I use them?’ Me: long pause Pinches self to make sure I’m not dreaming. Quick glance round room confirms that all other students are taking food out of fridges and putting it on worktops, and no singing gnomes or purple elephants are anywhere in sight. Child in front of me seems oblivious to this fact (about the usage of food, not the lack of dream like characters). ‘Yes, you need to use them.’ 4. ‘Do we crack the eggs?’ It’s very hard for someone who tends to veer towards the dark side of sarcasm not to reply, ‘Of course not. Just pop it in whole and the shell will melt in the oven!’ Instead, it’s a deep breath, a tired smile and a resolute ‘Yes, you need to crack the eggs.’ Of course, being a lovely helpful person, I know there is no such thing as a silly question, just a silly answer, which I always try very, very, very hard not to give!
ANY SHAPE ANY STYLE ANY COLOUR Custom Designed to Your Budget Free In-Home Planning Service Unit 16, Priory Industrial Park Airspeed Road, Christchurch, BH23 4HE www.m2mbedrooms.com
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An English Mum :)
To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214
HighcliffeEYE 19
Thinking Of Selling Your Jewellery And Watches?
AUCTION VALUATION DAY Thursday 25th September, from 10am – 4pm at Port Suite, Captains Club Hotel | Wick Ferry Wick Lane | Christchurch | Dorset BH23 1HU
Bring along your jewellery and watches to meet our team of specialists for a free valuation with no obligations. To book an appointment email us at info@theauctionroom.com or telephone 020 7499 4406 We look forward to meeting you this September.
20 HighcliffeEYE
New location!
Our most popular article ever was written about Tucktonia a couple of years back and I have since been inundated with requests to do a further article. Tucktonia brings back so many fond memories for many of you, including myself. Do you have any snippets of information, questions you’d like answered or photographs/postcards that we could include in our next article? If so, please either email info@localeyemagazines.co.uk or post to: PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ.
We will be moving to The Arcade, Highcliffe on Sea. We will be re-opening in September. Notices will be on display at both old and new locations. We look forward to seeing you! Thank you for your continued support. Come find us tucked away in The Arcade. Join us on Facebook or Twitter or email blueskydeli@hotmail.co.uk for more up to date news. you can email us anytime...
If you would like these returned to you then please include a stamped & addressed envelope. HighcliffeEYE 21
Garden View Blooms s from bulb It may seem early to begin planning next year’s spring and summer colour, but it is essential to get bulbs planted this month (with the exception of Tulips which should be planted in November). The history of bulbs can almost be traced back to the beginning of man, when they would most certainly have been used as food. We know that the ancient Egyptians grew onions and that potatoes (technically tubers) have been cultivated in South America for thousands of years. I wonder what these early people would think to the use of our ornamental onions, such as Allium ‘Pinball Wizard’, grown for their show stopping flowers! Most of the usual subjects including Allium bulbs can be planted right now, and range in price from the very cheap tiny bulbs of Allium sphaerocephalon, to the more rare and expensive giant heads of Allium schubertii. Most kinds of Alliums enjoy a position in full sun, but if you have a very dry and shaded border such as that under a large tree, then try Allium ursinum, more commonly known as wild garlic. Its beautiful lush, low growing green foliage makes a great foil for a woodland setting, as well as producing a • Wear gloves when handling, as some are toxic and can mass of white globular flowers borne on cause skin irritations short stems. • Try and buy them loose so you can feel them. Give each a gentle squeeze and check they are firm. Reject any which are Other favourites of mine are: not, or appear to have shrivelled, and those showing any sign Tulip ‘Prinses Irene’ an exquisite orange of mould (normally grey/blue in colour). and purple flower • Reject any showing excess signs of growth, with either long or pale stems. Bulbs should not be showing any sign of growth, Narcissus ‘Thalia’ a white and scented but a short tip is ok daffodil • Damaged or split bulbs should not be selected Galtonia, an imposing 60cm tall with grass • Plant using a bulb planter, allowing a hole twice the diameter of like foliage and a 90cm high flower spike the bulb and about 3 times the depth, but I would advise to in white research it as each variety is different.
When buying and planting bulbs, try and follow these general rules:
Chionodoxa, with around 10 blue blooms per stalk, this is a small but cheery bulb
By Lee Bestall 22 HighcliffeEYE
• Place a little bone meal in the hole for good root development Bulbs can also be grown from seed. They take a good few years to flower, around five in my experience, but it’s very satisfying when they finally do and you can even have a go at cross pollinating to make your own varieties.
Wordsearch Adhesive labels Batteries Box files Calculator Card Compact discs Drawing pins Envelopes Eraser Folders Glue
Highlighters Hole punch Ink pad Notepad Packing tape Paper Pen Ruler Sellotape Shredder Stapler Staples Twine Waste bin
Solution on page 41
Telephone: 01425 277061 Mobile: 07980 298522
16 Rowan Close, Highcliffe, Christchurch, BH23 4SW
HighcliffeEYE 23
Jam Today... Autumn is the perfect time to start preserving. You can use home grown fruits or those you’ve foraged amongst the hedgerows. Preserving is relatively easy. Once the fruit has been picked, washed and prepared, you just need some simple equipment to turn it into marvellous produce. You can get lots of advice from your local cook shop on what’s required, but some basics are: a large heavy based saucepan, spoons and funnels, a sugar thermometer, containers and jars, lids and labels. The concept of preserving foods has been around since the earliest humans. To survive, ancient man had to harness nature. In frozen climates he froze seal meat on the ice. In tropical climates he dried foods in the sun. Food by its nature begins to spoil the moment it is harvested. So the ability to preserve food enabled ancient man to make roots, and live in one place and form a community. Preservation with the use of honey or sugar was well known to the earliest cultures. It was commonplace for fruits to be kept in honey. In ancient Greece quince was mixed with honey, dried and packed tightly into jars. The Romans cooked the quince and honey producing a solid texture. As there’s not enough sunlight in Northern climates to successfully dry fruits, housewives learned to make preserves, heating the fruit with sugar, and this is the method we know today. Whilst there is no longer a pressing survival reason for preserving, it can be very rewarding. As well as providing delightful food and drink for you to consume, you could also make your preserved fruits into lovely Christmas gifts. There are many possibilities including jams and marmalades,
chutneys and pickles, and beverages such as sloe gin. Many establishments run evening classes which can help you create these and many other fabulous recipes, such as fruit butter or fruit cheese. When preserving, you should use fruits that are sun ripened, as the process will not improve green tasteless fruit. Using fruit that has a high acid content is recommended, as it less likely to harbour bacteria. When filling jars, you should ensure they are hot as temperature drops will increase the likelihood of bacteria forming. For the same reason, always cover your jars straight away and when the jars are cooled, you should recheck the seals and tighten lids to prevent any air entering and causing mould to form. Or you could use a waxed disc of paper and cellophane to act as a cover. Keep your preserves in a cool, dark, dry place. Chutneys and pickles can last for around a year, and fruit liqueurs and fruits in alcohol up to two years. Once opened, store in the fridge and use quickly. By Susan Brookes-Morris
Local Domestic Cleaning Company
A Beautiful Clean Time for a Spring Clean! One off clean, clean and tidy or a regular booking Please contact us:
07788 454487 01202 477812 10% Discount for First Clean
24 HighcliffeEYE
Up to 40% less than a new fitted kitchen
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Transform your tired kitchen in just a few days from start to finish Have you always wanted the kitchen of your dreams, but can’t quite justify paying the expensive price tag that comes with it? Now you can by just swapping the doors and worktops.
• Huge choice of Doors, Worktops, Appliances, Sinks & Taps • From doors to complete kitchens • Free Estimating and planning • Installed in 1-2 days by professionals
Visit our showrooms; 185 Lower Blandford Road, Broadstone, Poole BH18 8DH. Tel 01202 695856 17 Bargates, Christchurch. BH23 1QD. Tel 01202 483129
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To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214
HighcliffeEYE 25
Golden Acres Garden Centre Group
Available 29/08/14 to 25/09/14 whilst stocks last varieties on offer may vary from those shown
Slice of Warm Dorset Apple Cake topped with a scoop of clotted cream. With Tea or Coffee
Buy one for £4.95 get the second HALF PRICE
Available from 2:30pm until ½ hour before close Offer valid 29/08/14 to 30/10/14 Present this voucher at any of our Golden Acres Garden Centre Group Coffee Shops. Voucher to be used only once and may not be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. One ½ price cake per voucher. Photocopies not accepted. Valid during times stated 29/08/14 to 30/10/14 subject to availability.
Golden Acres Garden Centre 359 Christchurch Road, West Parley Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8SJ
John Browns Garden Centre Ringwood Road, Three Legged Cross BH21 6RD
Cadnam Garden Centre Southampton Road, Cadnam S040 2NB
26 HighcliffeEYE
Purewell Cross Dental Practice Now offers late evening and Saturday appointments.
with Walnuts
Spicy Baked Apples Modern private services tailored to your individual needs in a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere. General dentistry and dental hygiene Comprehensive restorative & cosmetic work, implant restorations, tooth whitening, minor orthodontics
134 Purewell |Christchurch BH23 1EU Tel: (01202) 485621 Website: www.purewellcrossdental.co.uk
Fitness , for the over 50 s Mondays 1.45 - 2.45 pm
Highcliffe Methodist Hall, High Street Come dance/keep fit with a lovely group of ladies to some great old classic tunes followed by some toning and strengthening exercises
£4.50 pay as you go £4.00 a week, termly
Please feel free to either come along OR CALL JULIE ON
Preparation time: 15 mins Cooking time: 30 mins Serves: 4
4 large Golden Delicious Apples 1 splash Lemon Juice 85g Walnuts, halved 1 tbsp Raisins 1 tbsp Soft Light Brown Sugar 25g Butter ¼ tsp Ground Cinnamon
Preheat the oven to 180°C /Gas 4. Carefully cut a 2.5cm (1in) slice from the top of each apple and set aside. Using an apple corer or a small, sharp knife, remove the core from each apple. Place the walnuts, raisins, sugar, butter, and cinnamon into a food processor and pulse several times, to produce a coarse, textured mixture. If you don’t have a food processor, chop the walnuts roughly and mix thoroughly with the other ingredients. Stuff each apple cavity with the mixture and replace the reserved tops. Arrange the apples in a shallow, ovenproof dish so that they’re upright, and then fill the pan 1cm (1/2in) deep with water. Place the dish in the preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes, or until the flesh is tender when pierced with the point of a knife. When slightly cooled, carefully remove the apples from the baking dish, transfer them to serving plates, and serve hot with crème fraiche or ice cream.
07799 650388 or 01202 461261
HighcliffeEYE 27
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We cover all aspects of Plumbing and Heating * New Boilers * Oil Tanks * Boiler Diagnostics * Boiler Repairs & Services * Landlords Gas Safety Certificates * Bathroom Designs & Installations * Under floor Heating * New Taps * New Radiators Tel:01202 475855 Mob:07990 714920
HIGHCLIFFE on SEA ROTARY CLUB HIGHCLIFFE ROTARY CHARITY FETE On Saturday 26th July 2014 the Annual Charity Fete was held on the Recreation Ground in Lymington Road, Highcliffe having been declared open my the Mayor of Christchurch, Cllr Mrs Denise Jones who then visited all of the many Stalls and attractions. The main sponsors of the event were Hoburne Holiday Parks who give tremendous support to the Rotary Club throughout the year which is very much appreciated. There were some 30 Charity Stalls mainly from local organisations together with a balance of local business stalls, static displays and Arena attractions comprising Zumba Dancers, Bobby the Clown, Morris Dancers and the traditional Children’s Races.
Colin Butchart, Denture Clinician with over 28 years ’ experience working directly to the public.
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The Rotary Club had it’s own Information area showing the range of activities undertaken over recent years which has attracted the possibility of a few new members which is great news. Also on display was the internationally famous Shelter Box, which can be sent at very short notice to scenes of disaster across the world, supported by funds raised by Rotary Clubs everywhere. The Rotary Ladies Group provided teas, cakes and sandwiches and some of the Rotary members provided BBQ food throughout the day with the picnic area being very busy at all times.
Tel: 01425 272380
415C, Lymington Road, Highcli e, BH23 5EN www.dorsetdentureclinic.co.uk
Member of Bri sh Associa on of Clinical Dental Technicians, GDC No. The General Dental Council and Interna onal Team of Implantology 146363
The weather was very warm in keeping with recent weeks and the attendance was lower than in previous years but despite this, all of the charity stalls made valuable funds for their charities and once again a goodly sum will be recycled into the local community by the charities and the Rotary Club of Highcliffe on Sea. Next year the Fete will be on Saturday 25th July 2015 so make a diary note now !! If you would like any more information on the above or Rotary in general then please call me on 01425 622658.
Please men on The Lymington Directory when responding to adver sements HighcliffeEYE 29
Coffee Break
Sudoku Competition Win two tickets to see a Fabulous Jazz Night at The Regent Centre!
Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive!
Simply complete the Sudoku Puzzle, fill in your details and post your entry to: LEM Competitions, PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ. Name Tel.No Address Good Luck! Entries to be received no later than 30th September 2014. Winner picked at random from correct entries.
Crossword Across
7 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22
1 Second-largest ocean (8) 2 Water (4) 3 Pilot, aviator (6) 4 Tenders, puts forward (6) 5 Absconders (8) 6 Fee, tariff (4) 8 Designed to reduce drag (11) 13 Make (8) 15 Most treacherous (8) 17 Contemplate, mean to (6) 18 Absolute ruler (6) 19 Drainage pan or pit (4) 20 Spore, germ (4)
Mexican drink (7) Wind instrument (5) Range cooker (3) Hired soldier (9) Coach, instruct (5) Anguish (7) Buffer, protect (7) Polishes, wipes (5) Occasionally (9) Glide over snow (3) Fleshy fruit (5) Barrel makers (7)
Crossword answers on page 40
30 HighcliffeEYE
To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214
HighcliffeEYE 31
32 HighcliffeEYE
New website for Mudeford Quay Mudeford-Quay.com is a new website designed to give visitors to the area information about the Quay and the surrounding areas to help boost the profile of the area and to help direct visitors to key attractions and local businesses. Mudeford Quay benefits from hundreds of thousands of visitors every year, however, many businesses in the area have stressed that these visitors spend very little money in their establishments as they do not know where to find them. The new website is designed to overcome this and gives visitors the bigger picture of the area and will hopefully boost local trade. The website has the aim of attracting people to the Mudeford Quay area but also promoting areas such as Christchurch, Stanpit, Highcliffe and Friars Cliff, some of which are lesser known to your day trippers and holiday makers. There currently operates, a very successful and well known twitter feed, @MudefordQuay, which has over 750 followers and this new website will be constantly promoted via the feed and also on their new Facebook page.
Little Avon Marina, Stony Lane South, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1HW Tel: 01202 477327 Email: ribs@ribsmarine.co.uk www.ribsmarine.co.uk
HighcliffeEYE 33
34 HighcliffeEYE
Christchurch resident celebrates 101 years young at care home
taff and residents at Care South’s Queensmead care home in Christchurch recently held a very special celebration, to mark resident Muriel Rae’s milestone 101st birthday. Bouquets of flowers flooded into the home from Muriel’s many family and friends and her room was filled with cards. She celebrated with a birthday lunch with some of her closest friends – one of whom travelled all the way down from London that morning to celebrate with her. At Queensmead, Muriel enjoys sitting in the sun, chatting with her friends and popping into town to do some shopping – and to treat herself to her favourite sweet milky coffee and chocolate pastry.
One of Muriel’s friends baked her a special birthday cake, beautifully decorated with pink icing roses, which she enjoyed with her fellow residents during afternoon tea. She finished the day with one of her favourite snacks – a cup of tea with chocolate Turkish Delight.
Janine May, Home Manager at Queensmead, said: “We were delighted to be able to celebrate Muriel’s special day with her. Muriel is a popular resident, with lots of friends at the home, and is a real character. She’s always very glamorous and looked especially lovely on her birthday. When asked about her secret to long life, Muriel replies that a good face cream and plenty of sunshine work wonders!”
Born in 1913 in Mountain Ash, Wales, Muriel moved to London to work in service at the age of 14. She moved to Bournemouth a few years later to work as a waitress in a local hotel with her aunt, and went on to run a boarding house on Holdenhurst Road. She worked there until she retired, when she moved to Highcliffe to make the most of the sunshine!
Queensmead 1 Bronte Avenue, Christchurch, BH23 2LX
Thinking of moving into a care home? We’re here to help Situated in the heart of the Christchurch community, Queensmead provides quality residential care in a home-from-home atmosphere. To request a brochure, arrange a visit or find out more, contact the Queensmead manager, Janine May on
Whether you’re looking for a short respite stay or a new home, we offer a warm welcome, compassionate care, comfort and peace of mind.
01202 485176
www.care-south.co.uk Care South is a leading provider of residential and home care across the south of England.
Registered Charity No. 1014697
HighcliffeEYE 35
Community Neighbour Cars Re-launch
hristchurch Community Partnership (CCP) is delighted to announce the public re-launch of Christchurch Neighbour Cars from the new CCP office in Sopers Lane, Christchurch. The telephone number is 01202 989632 as before, and bookings can be made on that number between 9am – 12noon from Monday to Friday. Christchurch Neighbour Cars will also complement the Community Partnership’s existing Dial-a-Bus service, which offers door-to-door shopping trips and excursions. Also, there are other valuable projects such as Christchurch Angels offering practical and emotional support to the vulnerable and those in crisis in our community across the age ranges.
If you like admin perhaps you might want to volunteer to work in the new office or perhaps you’d like to drive for Neighbour Cars or Dial-a-Bus, be a Bus Buddy or a Christchurch Angel? Volunteering helps to create the kind of community we all want to live in and can be a really satisfying way of spending our time. If you know someone whose volunteering really contributes to the community why not nominate them for the CCP Volunteer of the Year Award? Nomination forms are available on the website www.christchurchcommunitypartnership.org.uk and closes on 15th September, with the award presentation on 15th October at the Volunteer Forum. Why not save that date and come along and see what the Community Partnership is doing to ‘build community together’?
Free glasses
for customers entitled to a full NHS optical voucher See if you qualify at specsavers.co.uk/nhs
Christchurch 34 High Street. Tel 01202 480 707 specsavers.co.uk/nhs Cannot be used with other offers. From £25-£45 ranges, including standard PENTAX single vision, 1.5 Standard bifocal or 1.5 Star Price varifocal lenses with a scratch-resistant treatment. Other lenses and Extra Options available at an additional charge. SKU 25634549. ©2014 Specsavers. All rights reserved.
36 HighcliffeEYE
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CONTACT US NOW FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE Tel: 01202 487697 / 07713 114060 info@flairinteriorsltd.co.uk www.flairinteriorsltd.co.uk HighcliffeEYE 37
CHRISTCHURCH COACH HOLIDAYS 2014 8 DAYS SCOTLAND ULLAPOOL THE CALEDONIAN HOTEL Sunday 14th Sept – Sunday 21st September £399 per person Half Board (Overnights first and last nights in the Scottish Borders) Built in the early 1900s, the 83-bedroom Caledonian Hotel is one of the oldest hotels in the area. It still boasts a quiet, friendly and welcoming atmosphere and pleasant gardens. The Hotel overlooks Ullapool’s working harbour and the colourful fishing boats on Loch Broom. 5 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL THE SEFTON HOTEL BABBACOMBE Monday 1st Dec – Friday 5th December
£199 per person Half Board
6 DAYS - TURKEY & TINCEL THE CLIFFE NORTON HOTEL Thursday 6th Nov – Monday 10th Nov
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5 DAYS NEW YEARS BREAK THE SEFTON BABBACOMBE, TORQUAY Monday 29th December – Friday 2nd January 2015 £325 per person Arrive at the Sefton Hotel for afternoon Tea and Mince Pies. Evening Meal will be served in the Chandelier Restaurant followed by Evening Entertainment in The Oasis Show BarTUESDAY 30th Today we will visit Trago Mills one of the largest shopping centres in Devon with all the Christmas gifts and resents. CHRISTCHURCH COACH HOLIDAYS IS A FAMILY RUN COACH COMPANY THAT OPERATES A SMALL SELECT SELECTION OF COACH HOLIDAYS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND ABROAD. WE ALSO PROVIDE A SERVICE TO ALL TYPES OF PRIVATE GROUPS TO DESTINATIONS IN THE UK AND ABROAD. WE HAVE OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE COACHING INDUSTRY. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON OUR HOLIDAYS PLEASE PHONE 01202 490333 or e-Mail us holidays@christchurchcoachesltd.com
If you are reading this then so are your potential customers.
Call us or visit our website to find out more.
01202 477214
localEYE magazines info@localeyemagazines.co.uk www.localeyemagazines.co.uk *based on a 12 month booking (still payable monthly)
38 HighcliffeEYE
localE YE magazines Leaflet Delivery We can deliver your leaflets door to door within our magazines each month Only £35 + VAT per 1000 Call 01202 477214 or email info@localeyemagazines.co.uk
REGENT CENTRE HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH 01202 499199 Sat 30 Aug 2.30pm only & Sun 31 & Mon 1 Sept 2.30pm & 7.30pm daily BOYHOOD (15) Filmed over 12 years with the same cast - unique! Tues 2 Sept 2.30pm & 7.30pm & Wed 3 2.30pm & Turs 4 Sept 2.30pm SEVE (PG) Seve Ballesteros in English and Spanish with subtitles Wed 3 Sept 7pm Live by satellite on screen £13 Concs £12 RSC Live: THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA Thurs 4 Sept 7pm £13 Concs: £11 Live by satellite on Screen NT Live: MEDEA with Helen McCrory Fri 5 Sept & Mon 8 Sept 2.30pm & 7.30pm CHEF (15) - culinary comedy A sacked Chef get his own mobile food van R Downey Jr Sat 6 & Sun 7 Sept 7.30pm TRANSFORMERS: Age of Extinction (12A)
Sat 13 Sept 7.30pm £15 Concs £14 World’s No 1 Eric Clapton tribute band CLASSIC CLAPTON - from Cream to solo hits
Sun 14 Sept 7.30pm £10.50 Concs: £10 BOURNEMOUTH CONCERT BRASS - Last Night of the Proms Tues 16 Sept 7pm £13 Concs: £ 12 Live by satellite on screen NT Live: A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE by Tennessee Williams with Gillian Anderson Wed 17 Sept 7.30pm £13 Concs: £12 Live by satellite on screen 20,000 DAYS ON EARTH with Nick Cave & Guests from the Barbican Thurs 18 Sept 7.30pm £17 Concs: £15 SIR JONATHAN MILLER - Doctor, Humourist, Artist & Author On Further Reflections - 60 Years of Writing Wed 24 Sept – Sat 27 Sept 7.30pm Mat Sat 2.30pm £14 Concs: £13 Christchurch Gilbert & Sullivan Society - HMS PINAFORE Sun 28 Sept 2pm & 7pm £13 Concs £12 Live by satellite on screen BILLY ELLIOT THE MUSICAL LIVE from the West End (12A) Thurs 2 Oct 7.30pm £19.50 Concs £17.50 UK’s most famous Mountaineer SIR CHRIS BONINGTON - Life & Times and Audio Visual Evening Thurs 9 Oct 7.30pm £22.50 Light hearted look at the career of UK’s top golfer An Evening with TONY JACKLIN with Snooker Legend and Golfing Nut - WILLIE THORNE Sat 11 Oct 5.55pm. Live by satellite on screen £22 Concs £20 Met Opera NY: MACBETH (Verdi) Anna Netrebko as Lady Macbeth First in 2014-15 Met Op Season of 10 classic Operas: Season Ticket: £140
Cinema, theatre, satellite broadcasts. Art Exhibitions & Coffee Bar in Foyer. Pre-show Dining at The Kings £15. VIP Dining Experience: £30 (Not inc. show ticket) Public Car Park at Rear. No Tel or Online Charges.
SOUTHERN TREE SPECIALISTS The tree care professionals
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Call Andy on 07788 298127
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To advertise please call Cheryl on 01202 477214
HighcliffeEYE 39
INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Auctions The Auction Room
Boating Ribs Marine
Business & Professional Williams Thompson Solicitors Miller Bros & F.P Butler Ltd
16 40
Carer Homes/Help Inter-‐County Nursing Care & Services Silverways Nursing Home Queensmead Care Home
10 14 35
Children, Pets & Education Rugbytots Bournemouth & Christchurch
Food and Drink Blue Sky Deli
Gardens Chris Oliver Tree & Hedge Cutting Specialist Golden Acres Group Southern Tree Specialists
23 26 39
Health, Beauty & Lifestyle Tracey Butchart Foot Health Practitioner Foot Rescue Court House Clinics Fitness for the over 50's Purewell Cross Dental Practice Specsavers Dorset Denture Clinic All Mobility Highcliffe Dental Practice
4 7 18 27 27 36 29 40 44
Home Improvement Dunkley Tiles Ashley Blinds Beds R Uzzz Made 2 Measure Bedrooms A Beautiful Clean Wilsons Trading (Dorset) Ltd Dream Doors Plumb Exchange Roof Exchange Build Exchange Elite Kitchen Designs Comfort Rooms Flair Interiors A & S Painting Services
3 5 11 19 24 24 25 28 28 28 31 32 37 39
Motoring and Travel Keith Motors Christchurch Coaches Maarten's Taxi
2 38 41
Property Management Denisons Estate Agents Homefield Park Homes
15 43
40 HighcliffeEYE
FUNERAL DIRECTORS Miller Bros. & F.P. Butler Ltd A privately owned family business established in Christchurch for over 100 years
Personal Service available 24 hours a day Competitive prices to suit your needs Burials & Cremations
119 Bargates Christchurch BH23 1QH www.millerbrosfunerals.co.uk
3, Sixth Sense
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Long and Short distance, covering Airports and Docks
Landline: 01202 484 309 Mobile: 07854 843 350
Email: maartenstaxi@hotmail.co.uk Web: www.maartens-taxi.co.uk
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Useful Contacts Library Information
Police/Crime Police (Emergency) Police (Non-‐emergency) Crimestoppers Neighbourhood & Home Watch
999 101 0800 55 51 11 01202 222 222
Medical/Health Services NHS Direct Dorset Out-‐of-‐hours Bournemouth A&E Bournemouth Hospital Christchurch Hospital British Red Cross Loan Service
0845 46 47 111 01202 70 41 67 01202 30 36 26 01202 486 361 01202 484074
Local Council & Services Christchurch Borough Council Dorset County Council Christchurch Information Centre Regent Centre Bournemouth Airport Post Office Dorset Family Information Service
01202 795000 01305 251000 01202 471780 01202 499199 01202 364000 0845 722 3344 01305 221 066
Pet Care RSPCA -‐ Ashley Heath Cats Protection
0870 010 18 49 08453 712 762
Helplines Community Safety Issues Anti-‐social Behaviour Trading Standars Citizens Advice Bureau Childline NSPCC Southern Electric British Gas Gas Emergency Environment Agency National Drugs Helpline National Debtline Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Samaritans Age Concern
01202 495111 01202 795094 01305 224012 0844 245 1291 0800 11 11 0808 800 50 00 0845 071 3953 0800 048 0202 0800 111 999 0800 80 70 60 0800 77 66 00 0808 808 40 00 0207 403 0888 07041 580 050 08457 90 90 90 0800 00 99 66
Taxis Christchurch Radio Cabs Chritax Priory Cabs Maarten's Taxi
01202 48 48 48 01202 47 00 00 01202 47 44 44 01202 48 43 09
42 HighcliffeEYE
Christchurch Library 29 High Street, Christchurch BH23 1AW 01202 485 938 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9.30am to 5.30pm 10am to 7pm 9.30am to 1pm 9.30am to 7pm 9.30am to 5.30pm 9am to 4pm
Highcliffe Library Gordon Road, Highcliffe BH23 5HN 01425 272 202 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
10am to 6.30pm 9.30am to 5pm Closed 9.30am to 1pm 9.30am to 6.30pm 9.30am to 4pm
Chemists Sainsburys 01425 277885 1 Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch Mon-Fri 7.00-23.00 Sat 7.00-22.00 Sun 10.00-16.00 Lloyds 01425 274291 248 Lymington Road, Highcliffe Mon-Fri 8.30-18.30 Day Lewis Pharmacy 01425 613222 4 Old Milton Green Parade, Christchurch Rd, New Milton Mon-Fri 9.00-18.00 Sat 9-13.00 Wessex Pharmacies 01202 482197 186 Somerford Rd, Christchurch Mon-Fri 9-1.15/2.15-5.30 Sat 9-1.15 Rowlands Pharmacy 01202 484840 136 Purewell, Christchurch Mon-Fri 8.45-6.30 Sat 8.45-1 Mudeford Pharmacy 01425 272798 94 Mudeford, Christchurch Mon-Fri9-1/2-5.30 (Weds 'til 1) Sat 9-1/2-5 Burton Pharmacy 01202 477771 123 Salisbury Road, Burton Mon-Fri 9-1/2-6.30
HighcliffeEYE 43
8 out of 10 adults are affected by gum disease! Avoid your worst nightmare
Highcliffe Dental Practice is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Diana Court, Lymington Rd (opp The Globe Inn)
www.highcliffedentalpractice.co.uk 44 HighcliffeEYE