HighcliffeEYE Your Local Community Magazine
December 2013 • ISSUE 21
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08/10/2013 10:09:58
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05/09/2013 17:42
LocalEYE magazines
LEM PO Box 7812 Christchurch BH23 9HZ t: 01202 477214 www.localeyemagazines.co.uk
Magazine Editor & Publisher Cheryl Dennett t: 01202 477214 (9am - 7pm) info@localeyemagazines.co.uk
Admin & Accounts
Jenny Wigman t: 01202 477214 jenny@localeyemagazines.co.uk
Peter Watson-Lee, Rachel Clark, Lee Bestall, Grace Ball & Regent Centre.
Congratulations to Mrs J Fooks for winning our October competition!
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it’s editorial contributors can accept, and herby disclaim, any liability to any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Local Eye Magazines does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without prior permission of the publisher.
Local Eye Magazines are Members of:
to the Highcliffe Eye Community Magazine
editor’s letter
Not long until Christmas now folks! Have you done all your Christmas shopping yet? If not, please consider popping into Christchurch & Highcliffe. Not only are there a wide variety of shops but also many unusual gift ideas, some even made by local artisans. I bought a few stocking fillers at the recent Fiver Fest in Christchurch which took me into shops I hadn’t been in for a while and was pleasantly surprised by the wide choice our local shops have to offer. There’s also free parking in the week leading up to Christmas (dates unconfirmed at time of going to press, we will announce on our facebook page when confirmed). Shopping in Christchurch & Highcliffe is a totally different experience compared with your larger shopping malls with great customer service and just knowing that my little bit makes a huge difference to our local community brings me that feel good factor. If we don’t continue to use our local High Street for shopping we will quite simply lose them, so come on, do your bit and give yourself some of that feel good factor too. Wishing you all a very happy Christmas!
Cheryl Cheryl Dennett Editor & Publisher
Greyhound Rescue History Shop Locally What's On Community Notices Christmas Tree -‐ The Real Deal Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Peter's Business Column Garden View An English Mum Mindbenders Recipe Coffee Break Kids Page Highcliffe Charity Players Lions Club of Christchurch POPP Regent Listings The Face of Sam Highcliffe On Sea Rotary Puzzle Solutions Telephone Numbers
5 6 9 10 11 13 14 17 18 27 27 29 30 32 33 35 36 36 38 39 41 42
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!hhee KKaaiisseerr aatt HHiigghhcclliiffffee CCaassttllee !hhheee eeevvveeennntttsss ttthhhaaattt uuunnnfffooollldddeeeddd aaattt HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee iiinnn ttthhheee wwweeeeeekkksss bbbeeefffooorrreee CCChhhrrriiissstttmmmaaasss iiinnn 111999000777 wwwooouuulllddd ppplllaaayyy ttthhheeeiiirrr pppaaarrrttt iiinnn ssshhhaaapppiiinnnggg ttthhheee fffuuutttuuurrreee hhhiiissstttooorrryyy ooofff EEEuuurrrooopppeee... IIInnn NNNooovvveeemmmbbbeeerrr,,, KKKaaaiiissseeerrr WWWiiilllhhheeelllmmm IIIIII,,, ttthhheee EEEmmmpppeeerrrooorrr ooofff GGGeeerrrmmmaaannnyyy,,, sssaaaiiillleeeddd tttooo EEEnnnggglllaaannnddd aaattt ttthhheee pppeeerrrsssooonnnaaalll iiinnnvvviiitttaaatttiiiooonnn ooofff hhhiiisss rrroooyyyaaalll uuunnncccllleee,,, KKKiiinnnggg EEEdddwwwaaarrrddd VVVIIIIII... AAAfffttteeerrr fffuuulllfffiiilllllliiinnnggg aaa ssshhhooorrrttt sssccchhheeeddduuullleee ooofff ssstttaaattteee fffuuunnnccctttiiiooonnnsss hhheee tttooooookkk uuuppp rrreeesssiiidddeeennnccceee iiinnn HHH iiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCC aaassstttllleee fff ooorrr aaa ttt hhhrrreeeeee www eeeeeekkk vvv aaacccaaatttiiiooonnn... (((PPPhhhoootttooo::: KKKaaaiiissseeerrr WWWiiilllhhheeelllmmm IIIIII [[[ccceeennntttrrreee]]] wwwiiittthhh hhhiiisss hhhooosssttt aaannnddd aaaiiidddeeesss ooonnn ttthhheee sssttteeepppsss ooofff HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCCaaassstttllleee...))) !rrraaavvveeelllllliiinnnggg fff rrrooommm WWW iiinnndddsssooorrr iii nnn aaa ttt rrraaaiiinnn ddd eeecccooorrraaattteeeddd wwwiiittthhh ttt hhheee GGG eeerrrmmmaaannn EEE aaagggllleee,,, ttt hhheee KKK aaaiiissseeerrr ((( aaannnddd hhh iiisss 555000---ssstttrrrooonnnggg sssuuuiiittteee ooofff aaaiiidddeeesss aaannnddd aaatttttteeennndddaaannntttsss))) aaarrrrrriiivvveeeddd aaattt aaa ffflllaaaggg---bbbeeedddeeeccckkkeeeddd HHHiiinnntttooonnn AAAdddmmmiiirrraaalll SSStttaaatttiiiooonnn aaattt 111 ooo’’’cccllloooccckkk ooonnn MMMooonnndddaaayyy 111888ttthhh NNNooovvveeemmmbbbeeerrr... DDDeeessspppiiittteee ttthhheee hhheeeaaavvvyyy rrraaaiiinnn mmmaaannnyyy pppeeeooopppllleee hhhaaaddd tttuuurrrnnneeeddd ooouuuttt tttooo ssseeeeee hhhiiimmm... HHHeee wwwaaasss ttthhheeennn tttaaakkkeeennn bbbyyy mmmoootttooorrrcccaaarrr tttooo HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCCaaassstttllleee,,, wwwhhheeerrreee 222000000 sssccchhhoooooolllccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn wwweeerrreee aaasssssseeemmmbbbllleeeddd iiinnn ttthhheee aaavvveeennnuuueee tttooo gggrrreeeeeettt hhhiiisss aaarrrrrriiivvvaaalll... !hhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr’’’sss lllooovvveee ooofff ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn wwwaaasss wwweeellllll---kkknnnooowwwnnn... !hhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr’’’sss aaapppaaarrrtttmmmeeennntttsss wwweeerrreee iiinnn ttthhheee sssooouuuttthhh---eeeaaasssttt wwwiiinnnggg ooofff ttthhheee CCCaaassstttllleee,,, wwwhhheeerrreee hhheee sssllleeepppttt iiinnn aaa cccaaannnooopppiiieeeddd bbbeeeddd iiinnn aaa rrroooooommm dddeeecccooorrraaattteeeddd wwwiiittthhh CCChhhiiinnneeessseee sssiiilllkkksss,,, aaannnddd hhheee bbbrrruuussshhheeeddd hhhiiisss tttrrraaadddeeemmmaaarrrkkk mmmooouuussstttaaaccchhheee iiinnn aaa mmmiiirrrrrrooorrr ttthhhaaattt hhhaaaddd ooonnnccceee hhhuuunnnggg iiinnn ttthhheee !uuuiiillleeerrriiieeesss PPPaaalllaaaccceee --- wwwhhheeerrreee iiittt hhhaaaddd vvveeerrryyy llliiikkkeeelllyyy rrreeefffllleeecccttteeeddd ttthhheee iiimmmpppeeerrriiiaaalll aaammmbbbiiitttiiiooonnnsss ooofff EEEmmmpppeeerrrooorrr NNNaaapppooollleeeooonnn BBBooonnneeepppaaarrrttteee... WWWhhheeennneeevvveeerrr ttthhheee wwweeeaaattthhheeerrr aaannnddd hhhiiisss ssstttaaattteee ddduuutttiiieeesss pppeeerrrmmmiiitttttteeeddd iiittt ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr wwwooouuulllddd tttaaakkkeee mmmooorrrnnniiinnnggg ssstttrrrooollllllsss ttthhhrrrooouuuggghhh ttthhheee CCCaaassstttllleee gggrrrooouuunnndddsss ooorrr aaalllooonnnggg ttthhheee cccllliiiffffff tttoooppp... IIInnn ttthhheee aaafffttteeerrrnnnoooooonnnsss hhheee wwwooouuulllddd ooofffttteeennn bbbeee tttaaakkkeeennn ooonnn tttooouuurrrsss ooofff ttthhheee cccooouuunnntttrrryyysssiiidddeee iiinnn hhhiiisss DDDaaaiiimmmllleeerrr mmmoootttooorrrcccaaarrr,,, sssooommmeeetttiiimmmeeesss cccaaalllllliiinnnggg uuu pppooonnn nnn oootttaaabbbllleee lll aaannndddooowwwnnneeerrrsss sss uuuccchhh aaa sss ttt hhheee EEEaaarrrlll ooofff MMMaaalllmmmeeesssbbbuuurrryyy aaattt HHHuuurrrnnn CCCooouuurrrttt ooorrr LLLooorrrddd MMMooonnntttaaaggguuu aaattt BBBeeeaaauuullliiieeeuuu (((wwwhhhooo oooffffffeeennndddeeeddd ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr bbbyyy iiinnnfffooorrrmmmaaallllllyyy rrreeeccceeeiiivvviiinnnggg hhhiiimmm iiinnn hhhiiisss yyyaaaccchhhtttiiinnnggg sssuuuiiittt rrraaattthhheeerrr ttthhhaaannn iiinnn hhhiiisss rrreeegggiiimmmeeennntttaaalll uuunnniiifffooorrrmmm ooorrr iiinnn eeevvveeennniiinnnggg dddrrreeessssss)))... AAAfffttteeerrr ooonnneee sssuuuccchhh eeexxxcccuuurrrsssiiiooonnn ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr rrreeetttuuurrrnnneeeddd tttooo aaatttttteeennnddd aaa tttrrreeeaaattt ttteeeaaa---pppaaarrrtttyyy hhheee hhhaaaddd aaarrrrrraaannngggeeeddd fffooorrr lllooocccaaalll ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn iiinnn HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee SSSccchhhoooooolll... (((!hhheee ooolllddd sssccchhhoooooolll bbbuuuiiillldddiiinnnggg iiinnn LLLyyymmmiiinnngggtttooonnn RRRoooaaaddd iiisss nnnooowww ooowwwnnneeeddd bbbyyy ttthhheee HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee RRReeesssiiidddeeennntttsss AAAssssssoooccciiiaaatttiiiooonnn aaannnddd ttthhheee rrreeeccceeennntttlllyyy rrreeefffuuurrrbbbiiissshhheeeddd hhhaaallllll iiisss aaavvvaaaiiilllaaabbbllleee fffooorrr pppuuubbbllliiiccc hhhiiirrreee...))) !hhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr cccuuuttt aaa ttthhhrrreeeeee fffoooooottt hhhiiiggghhh iiiccceeeddd cccaaakkkeee,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh wwwaaasss dddeeecccooorrraaattteeeddd wwwiiittthhh BBB rrriiitttiiissshhh aaa nnnddd GGG eeerrrmmmaaannn fff lllaaagggsss,,, aaa nnnddd dddiiissstttrrriiibbbuuuttteeeddd ttthhheee sssllliiiccceeesss tttooo hhhiiisss yyyooouuunnnggg ggguuueeessstttsss...
DDDuuurrriiinnnggg hhhiiisss ssstttaaayyy ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr,,, hhheeelllpppeeeddd bbbyyy ttthhheee dddaaauuuggghhhttteeerrrsss ooofff hhhiiisss hhhooosssttt,,, CCCooolllooonnneeelll MMMooonnntttaaaggguuu---SSStttuuuaaarrrttt---WWWooorrrtttllleeeyyy,,, ppplllaaannnttteeeddd aaannn oooaaakkk sssaaapppllliiinnnggg iiinnn ttthhheee CCCaaassstttllleee lllaaawwwnnn nnneeeaaarrr ttthhheee dddrrriiivvveee... !hhheee fffooollllllooowwwiiinnnggg aaafffttteeerrrnnnoooooonnn hhheee wwwaaasss tttaaakkkeeennn ooonnn aaa tttooouuurrr ooofff CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh PPPrrriiiooorrryyy... (((!hhheee vvviiisssiiitttooorrrsss’’’ bbbooooookkk,,, ooopppeeennneeeddd aaattt ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr’’’sss sssiiigggnnnaaatttuuurrreee,,, iiisss nnnooowww ooonnn dddiiisssppplllaaayyy iiinnn aaa cccaaabbbiiinnneeettt iiinnn ttthhheee nnnooorrrttthhh qqquuuiiirrreee aaaiiisssllleee...))) !hhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr aaatttttteeennndddeeeddd ttthhheee SSSuuunnndddaaayyy mmmooorrrnnniiinnnggg ssseeerrrvvviiiccceeesss aaattt eeeiiittthhheeerrr CCChhhrrriiissstttccchhhuuurrrccchhh PPPrrriiiooorrryyy ooorrr SSSttt MMMaaarrrkkk’’’sss ccchhhuuurrrccchhh... OOOnnn ooonnneee oooccccccaaasssiiiooonnn,,, aaasss hhheee wwwaaalllkkkeeeddd tttooo SSSttt MMMaaarrrkkk’’’sss,,, hhheee wwwaaasss mmmeeettt aaattt ttthhheee CCCaaassstttllleee gggaaattteee bbbyyy fffooouuurrr GGGeeerrrmmmaaannn sssccchhhoooooolllgggiiirrrlllsss fffrrrooommm GGGrrrooovvveeelllyyy CCCooolllllleeegggeee,,, aaa ppprrriiivvvaaattteee gggiiirrrlllsss’’’ sssccchhhoooooolll iiinnn BBBooossscccooommmbbbeee... (((!hhheee bbbuuuiiillldddiiinnnggg aaattt 111444 AAArrrgggyyyllllll RRRoooaaaddd iiisss nnnooowww aaa bbbllloooccckkk ooofff ffflllaaatttsss,,, aaannnddd lllaaaccckkksss iiitttsss fffooorrrmmmeeerrr pppiiitttccchhheeeddd rrroooooofff,,, ccchhhiiimmmnnneeeyyysss,,, cccooorrrnnneeerrr tttooowwweeerrr pppiiinnnnnnaaacccllleee,,, aaannnddd fffeeennnccceeeddd gggaaarrrdddeeennn)))... !hhheee gggiiirrrlllsss ppprrreeessseeennnttteeeddd ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr wwwiiittthhh aaa bbbooouuuqqquuueeettt... UUUpppooonnn hhhiiisss rrreeetttuuurrrnnn ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr sssaaawww ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee gggiiirrrlllsss wwweeerrreee ssstttiiillllll wwwaaaiiitttiiinnnggg aaattt ttthhheee gggaaattteee aaannnddd hhheee iiinnnvvviiittteeeddd ttthhheeemmm tttooo vvviiisssiiittt ttthhheee CCCaaassstttllleee --aaannn oooppppppooorrrtttuuunnniiitttyyy ttthhheeeyyy iiimmmmmmeeedddiiiaaattteeelllyyy aaacccccceeepppttteeeddd... AAAttt ttthhheee cccooonnncccllluuusssiiiooonnn ooofff hhhiiisss rrreeessstttfffuuulll vvvaaacccaaatttiiiooonnn ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr dddeeepppaaarrrttteeeddd fffrrrooommm HHHiiinnntttooonnn AAAdddmmmiiirrraaalll SSStttaaatttiiiooonnn aaattt 111111 ooo’’’cccllloooccckkk ooonnn MMMooonnndddaaayyy 999ttthhh DDDeeeccceeemmmbbbeeerrr... WWWhhhiiillleee aaattt HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr hhhaaaddd eeexxxppprrreeesssssseeeddd hhhiiisss vvviiieeewwwsss ooonnn GGGeeerrrmmmaaannnyyy’’’sss fffooorrreeeiiigggnnn pppooollliiicccyyy iiinnn aaannn iiinnnttteeerrrvvviiieeewww wwwiiittthhh CCCooolllooonnneeelll MMMooonnntttaaaggguuu---SSStttuuuaaarrrttt---WWWooorrrtttllleeeyyy... !hhhiiisss wwwaaasss iiinnnttteeennndddeeeddd tttooo aaallllllaaayyy aaannnyyy rrreeemmmaaaiiinnniiinnnggg aaannntttiii---GGGeeerrrmmmaaannn fffeeeeeellliiinnngggsss iiinnn ttthhheee cccooouuunnntttrrryyy,,, bbbuuuttt wwwhhheeennn iiittt wwwaaasss pppuuubbbllliiissshhheeeddd iiinnn ttthhheee !aaaiiilllyyy TTTeeellleeegggrrraaappphhh ttthhheee fffooollllllooowwwiiinnnggg yyyeeeaaarrr iiittt hhhaaaddd eeexxxaaaccctttlllyyy ttthhheee oooppppppooosssiiittteee eeeffffffeeecccttt --- ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr’’’sss cccaaannndddiiiddd bbbuuuttt iiinnndddiiissscccrrreeeeeettt cccooommmmmmeeennntttsss ooonnnlllyyy ssseeerrrvvveeeddd tttooo iiinnncccrrreeeaaassseee ttthhheee mmmiiissstttrrruuusssttt aaannnddd ssscccooorrrnnn wwwiiittthhh wwwhhhiiiccchhh GGGeeerrrmmmaaannnyyy wwwaaasss rrreeegggaaarrrdddeeeddd... LLLeeessssss ttthhhaaannn ssseeevvveeennn yyyeeeaaarrrsss aaafffttteeerrr ttthhheee KKKaaaiiissseeerrr sssooojjjooouuurrrnnneeeddd aaattt HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee hhheee llleeeddd hhhiiisss cccooouuunnntttrrryyy iiinnntttooo ttthhheee GGGrrreeeaaattt WWWaaarrr,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh lllaaasssttteeeddd fffooouuurrr yyyeeeaaarrrsss aaannnddd cccooosssttt ooovvveeerrr 999 mmmiiilllllliiiooonnn llliiivvveeesss... NNNeeexxxttt yyyeeeaaarrr,,, 222000111444,,, mmmaaarrrkkksss ttthhheee ccceeennnttteeennnaaarrryyy ooofff ttthhheee ooouuutttbbbrrreeeaaakkk ooofff ttthhheee FFFiiirrrsssttt WWWooorrrlllddd WWWaaarrr,,, wwwhhheeennn ttthhheee nnnaaatttiiiooonnn wwwiiillllll rrreeefffllleeecccttt ooonnn ttthhheee sssaaacccrrriiifffiiiccceeesss aaannnddd llleeessssssooonnnsss ooofff ttthhheee pppaaasssttt...
SSSeeeaaasssooonnnaaalll eeevvveeennntttsss aaannnddd cccooonnnccceeerrrtttsss aaattt HHHiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeee CCCaaassstttllleee ddduuurrriiinnnggg DDDeeeccceeemmmbbbeeerrr iiinnncccllluuudddeee::: ••• KKKaaallleeeiiidddooossscccooopppeee CCChhhrrriiissstttmmmaaasss AAArrrttt EEExxxhhhiiibbbiiitttiiiooonnn::: DDDaaaiiilllyyy uuunnntttiiilll MMMooonnn 222333 DDDeeeccc (((111111...000000aaammm --- 444...333000pppmmm))) NNNooorrrmmmaaalll aaadddmmmiiissssssiiiooonnn ••• CCCrrraaafffttt &&& GGGiiifffttt FFFaaaiiirrr::: SSSaaattt 333000ttthhh NNNooovvv &&& SSSuuunnn 111sssttt DDDeeeccc (((111111...000000aaammm --- 444...000000pppmmm))) AAAddduuulllttt aaadddmmmiiissssssiiiooonnn::: £££111 ••• CCChhhrrriiissstttmmmaaasss JJJaaazzzzzz &&& SSSwwwiiinnnggg CCCooonnnccceeerrrttt::: WWWeeeddd 444ttthhh DDDeeeccc (((777...333000pppmmm))) !iiiccckkkeeetttsss £££111222 ••• CCChhhrrriiissstttmmmaaasss SSSooonnngggsss &&& CCCaaarrrooolllsss CCCooonnnccceeerrrttt::: WWWeeeddd 111111ttthhh DDDeeeccc (((777...333000pppmmm))) !iiiccckkkeeetttsss £££111222 ••• MMMeeemmmooorrriiiaaalll CCChhhrrriiissstttmmmaaasss CCCaaarrrooolll SSSeeerrrvvviiiccceee --- !hhhuuu 111222ttthhh DDDeeeccc (((555...333000pppmmm))) FFFrrreeeeee ooofff ccchhhaaarrrgggeee --- aaallllll wwweeelllcccooommmeee FFFooorrr mmmooorrreee dddeeetttaaaiiilllsss ooofff ttthhheeessseee aaannnddd ooottthhheeerrr eeevvveeennntttsss vvviiisssiiittt::: wwwwwwwww...hhhiiiggghhhcccllliiiffffffeeecccaaassstttllleee...cccooo...uuukkk
PPPiiiccctttuuurrreee::: KKKaaaiiissseeerrr WWWiiilllhhheeelllmmm IIIIII (((ccceeennntttrrreee))) wwwiiittthhh CCCooolllooonnneeelll MMMooonnntttaaaggguuu---SSStttuuuaaarrrttt---WWWooorrrtttllleeeyyy tttooo hhhiiisss rrriiiggghhhttt... CCCooouuurrrttteeesssyyy ooofff WWWiiikkkiiimmmeeedddiiiaaa CCCooommmmmmooonnnsss...
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Chrysler Grand Voyager Mercedes ‘E’ Class Quality Corporate Hire & Private Hire Cruise Ship, Airport & Holiday Transfer Specialists Weddings Coastal Tours & Day Trips Support for Highcliffe Traders
was recently informed that Mr Chris Evans of Radio 2 pointed out there are over 14 empty retail shops in Highcliffe (I think it’s higher). The village, as it is referred to, has lost almost all of its banks over the years and a great many retailers have given up and gone off to pastures new. Market places have been re-developed and other retail shops have recently been transformed into flats, that manage in the process to strip away most of any charm that once existed.
Highcliffe has a huge selection of traders, all working hard at staying in business. Every day in our shop we meet so many characters that remember the village when it was full of vibrant shops, where you could get everything from the steak for your dinner or your keys cut. You still can do those things, but with the high street changing and almost 90% of us getting our food from Chris Evans with Ally the supermarkets, it’s not a brilliant future. The supermarkets pull us all in at the Deli and work very very very hard to ensure that they take as much money out of our wallets as is possible on every turn of an aisle. This in turn means that our local high street shopkeepers who provide a personal and friendly service and are ready to go the extra mile for their customers are sadly losing out and this is happening all over the country; empty shops, disheartened shop keepers and the continuing demise of what was once upon a time a bustling high street. In the very short amount of time we have had our shop here we have seen shops close. However, it’s not all bad news, have you noticed the new shops and the ones that have changed hands and we have another café coming in December called The Paddle. Help our high street, get down to Highcliffe; it really is in your hands! Ally & Sara, The Deli
w h a t ’s o n
What’s On Entries are listed FREE of charge for local groups and events. Submit your listing online at www.localeyemagazines.co.uk
Now until Saturday 7th December Penny Simpson and Wendy Scattergood in Hatchling Gallery (upstairs). Winter Exhibition including new artists Stephen Bishop and Robert Amesbury Brooks to continue on into January. Hatch Gallery, 7a Church Street, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1BW www.hatchgallery.co.uk Now until Monday 23rd December Christmas at the Hayloft - The Hayloft Gallery, 14 Wick Lane, Christchurch BH23 1HX 10-4 daily. Admission free 01202 428004 www.cadarts.com Locally made arts and crafts unique and affordable Christmas gifts Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December Highcliffe Castle Christmas Craft & Gift Fair, 11am–4pm. A beautiful range of high quality crafts and gifts from local artists and suppliers displayed in the Castle’s heritage rooms, an ideal opportunity to purchase unique Christmas presents. Adult Admission £1. Accompanied Children Under 16 Free. Season Ticket Holders Free Sunday 1st December – Wednesday 25th December Christmas Services at the Priory - Sunday December 1st Advent Carol Service (Darkness to Light) 6.30pm Sunday December 8th Christingle Service 3.00pm Sunday December 22nd Nine Lessons & Carols 6.30pm Tuesday December 24th, Christmas Eve Crib Service 3.00pm Tuesday December 24th, Christmas Eve Midnight Mass 11.15pm Christmas Day 8.00am. Holy Communion 9.30am. Sung Eucharist 11.30am. Choral Matins and Sermon Monday 2nd December Christchurch Strollers – Highcliffe Cliff top car park. Meet at the shelter near the Cliffhanger Cafe 10.30am. Everyone welcome, walks are free, no special equipment needed. Tuesday 3rd December & Thursday 26th December Stan’s Blues Jam at The Thomas Tripp, Christchurch on Tuesday 3rd December (and every First Tuesday of the Month) and at The Avon Causeway on Boxing Day evening for this month (and back to normal in 2014 on the Last Wednesday of the Month) See www.stansbluesjam.co.uk for details Thursday 5th December Christchurch Priory - Christmas Music and Community Carols 7.30pm Boscombe Band of the Salvation Army. Thursday, 5th December “A Victorian Christmas” talk at Christchurch Library at 2.30pm.
10 HighcliffeEYE
Tickets from the library £1, Friends of Christchurch & Highcliffe Libraries free, including refreshments. Saturday 7th December Church Fayre and Table sale - St George’s Church Hall, 10am1pm. Raffle, Refreshments, Books, Jigsaws, Christmas Cake draw, Games, Lucky dip and tables to browse for a bargain. We will be pleased to see you Saturday 7th December CRAFT AND VINTAGE FAYRE, Bransgore Village Hall, Burley Road, Bransgore. 10am-1pm. Local handmade crafts, food, and Vintage finds. Ideal Christmas Shopping! Visit from Father Christmas (proceeds to Julias House) FREE ENTRY, Homemade cakes and refreshments available. Saturday 7th December Christchurch Priory - Christmas Concert Christchurch Music Zone at 7.30pm Tickets on the Door. Saturday 7th December RNLI Christmas Fayre in Highcliffe Methodist Church Hall from 10.00-3.30. Admission free. Cakes, books, bric a brac, souvenirs, jewellery, jigsaws. Refreshments all day. All welcome. Thank you. Saturday 7th December Christchurch Infant School Christmas Fair from 12pm to 2.30pm – Addiscombe Road, Christchurch, BH23 2AE – Books, Toys, Cakes, Tombola, Raffle, Father Christmas, Games, BBQ, Refreshments, Face Painting, and more. Come along and join in the fun! Entry 50p. Wednesday 11th December The Cadenza Choir will be performing a Christmas Concert in support of The Priory CE VA School at St.Joseph’s Church, Purewell, Christchurch at 7:30pm.Tickets £8 in advance from The Golf Shop,19 Church St, Town Centre, Christchurch. £10 on the door. To include refreshments afterwards. Thursday, 12th December “Mince Pie Munch” at Highcliffe Library at 2.30pm. Humorous seasonal verse and simple competitions. Tickets from Highcliffe library £1, Friends of Christchurch & Highcliffe Libraries 50p, including refreshments. Thursday 12th December Christchurch Strollers – Tuckton/Wick. Meet 10.30am at car park by Wick Lane toilets. Bus X1 to Christchurch then 1C. Everyone welcome, walks are free, no special equipment needed. Saturday 14th December Family Christmas Barn Dance 7pm at Mudeford Wood Community Centre, Piper’s Drive, BH23 4TR. Live music, jacket
potatoes and desserts available and bring your own drink. Tickets ÂŁ10 adults, ÂŁ5 children. Call 01425 272084 - www. mudefordwoodcommunitycentre.co.uk.
of interesting items including: Costume/Vintage jewellery, Handbags, scarves, Delicious Homemade cakes, books. DVD’s & lots more.
Saturday 14th December The Performance of Handel’s “Messiahâ€? performed by The Bournemouth Bach Choir at Christchurch Priory at 7.30pm Tickets ÂŁ18.00 & ÂŁ9.00. Tickets from Christchurch Regent Centre, 51 High Street.
The Fridays Crafters are at the Regent Cinema Christchurch for you to purchase your Christmas Gifts for your friends and family 10-3pn on Fridays in the cinema foyer
Saturday 14th December Highcliffe Christmas Carnival, Lymington Road, Highcliffe A well-attended event and great fun for all the family! This year’s Carnival theme is SHOWTIME. The CARNIVAL PROCESSION starts at 6pm, but make sure you get there EARLY - LYMINGTON ROAD CLOSES TO TRAFFIC AT 5PM. For more info: highcliffecarnival.org.uk Tuesday 17th December Christchurch Strollers – Stanpit Marsh. Meet 10.30am at car park. Everyone welcome, walks are free, no special equipment needed. Thursday 19th December Christchurch Priory - Carols with the Mayor 7.30pm Tickets available from Christchurch information centre.
To see more events in Christchurch visit www. visitchristchurch.info
Community Notices Christchurch Neighbour Cars -HOLIDAY CLOSURE. FROM MONDAY DEC.23RD TO FRIDAY JAN 3RD 2014. Please book early for any appointments week beginning Jan 6th, as there will be no answering service over the holiday period. Wishing you all a happy Christmas. French teacher sought for intermediate class at Highcliffe Community Association (Greystones House) Mondays 10am - 12. We are seeking a charitable gesture as this post is non remunerative. HCA is a local asset well worth supporting. Please contact Robert Lucas 01425 272332
Friday 20th December Christchurch Strollers – 10.30am. Saxon Square, with coffee/ mince pies after walk at Cheese and Alfies. Everyone welcome, walks are free, no special equipment needed. Monday 23rd December Mudeford Wood Active Kids - from 9am to 4pm - Popular, established Holiday Club for children aged 4-11 years, includes Christmas Treasure Hunt and fun activities. Mudeford Wood Community Centre, Pipers Drive, BH23 4TR. Call 01425 272084. www.mudefordwoodcommunitycentre.co.uk. Table-top sale at the Regent Centre Christchurch, every Monday & Saturday from 10am to 3pm, selling a variety
Regular Markets
Every Monday - Christchurch Market (all year) Up to 100 traders selling a variety of food, clothes, household goods, plants and bric-a-brac in the mainly traffic-free High Street and Saxon Square.
Quality and reliable family run business
Christchurch Country Market. Everything home-baked, homemade and home-grown locally. Every Monday 9.3011.30. Druitt Hall (behind library). Refreshments available.
email paulbeltonconstruction@gmail.com
Tel 01425 240105 Mob 07795 909250
HighcliffeEYE 11
12 HighcliffeEYE
Buying Real vs. Artificial Christmas Trees Real Christmas Trees: The Best Choice Each Christmastime, shoppers find themselves confronted with a choice: celebrate with a fresh, real tree, or one that is artificial plastic or aluminum. What most people don’t realize is that the best choice has always been the traditional and natural choice - a Real Christmas Tree. Real Christmas Trees Benefit the Environment While they’re growing, Real Christmas Trees support life by absorbing carbon dioxide and other gases and emitting fresh oxygen. The farms that grow Christmas Trees stabilize soil, protect water supplies and provide refuge for wildlife while creating scenic green belts. Real Christmas Trees Are Renewable Real Christmas Trees are grown on farms just like any other agricultural crop. To ensure a constant supply, Christmas Tree growers plant one to three new seedlings for every tree they harvest. On the other hand, artificial trees are a petroleumbased product manufactured primarily in Chinese factories. The average family uses an artificial tree for only six to nine years before throwing it away, where it will remain in a landfill for centuries after disposal. Real Christmas Trees Are Recyclable Real Christmas Trees are biodegradable, which means they can be easily reused or recycled for mulch and other purposes.
Fresh cut Christmas trees available 1st December onwards Needle retentive Nordman, locally grown traditional spruce, from 4ft - 10ft Netting service available Handmade Wreaths Local delivery service Why not visit our cosy tea room & take a look at our wide selection of garden plants for that different Christmas present? Opening hours Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 10am-5pm
Nurseries The Home of Choice and Rare Plants
01425 672348
154 Burley Road | Bransgore Nr Christchurch | Dorset BH23 8DB
HighcliffeEYE 13
Clubs, Classes, Groups & Societies Fitness, Sport and Wellbeing Forest Fitness and Wellbeing Walking Group - Meets every Tuesday 9.30am-10.30am at Beach Hut Café, Friars Cliff (free parking at Steamer point). A lovely coastal walk with a friendly group. £2 walk. Please contact Lisa 07984 784032. Tea Dance - Come and enjoy ballroom and sequence dancing, make some new friends, we enjoy a good chat with a cup of tea. We are a friendly group of dancing partners. Tuesdays 2pm/4pm. The Hall, Marlow Drive, Christchurch. Contact Maureen 01202 473658. Pregnancy yoga based exercise, breathing & relaxation classes. Stretch & strengthen your body, relieve aches & pains and prepare for birth. Suitable for all abilities including complete beginners, from 14 weeks of pregnancy. Tuesdays in Christchurch. Contact Rosa 07837 218374 www.labouroflove. me.uk Chi Kung Exercise Group - Come and join us on Friday mornings 10.45 - 12.15 in the upstairs Studio at Wessex Health, 17 Stour Road, Christchurch BH23 1PL. Car park at rear. Fee 7.50 www. wessexhealthnetwork.co.uk Please call tutor Poppy 01202 735560 Gentle Fitness Class to Music - Come and join us on a Monday afternoon 1.45pm to 2.45pm at Highcliffe Methodist Hall, High Street. Enjoy the music of the sixties, get your muscles moving, improve your coordination and strengthen your body. Cost £4 termly or £4.50 PAYG. All levels welcome call Julie on 07799 650388 for details. Candlelit Hatha Yoga & Relaxation - Thursdays 7:20-8:35pm at The Wessex Health Network, Christchurch. Everyone welcome – mixed ability class suitable for all. British Wheel of Yoga Teacher. £6.50 per week (£7 drop in if space available). Please call (07966)199875 or email becca@yogabee.co.uk to reserve your place. Art and Craft National demonstrator Michael Bowyer will be demonstrating at Christchurch Floral Society Princess Avenue on December 6th at 2pm Competition “Christmas Glory” Bric a Brac stall Come along and see wonderful flower arrangements all welcome.
14 HighcliffeEYE
Carbery Machine Knitting Club meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at St George’s Church Hall Annex, Jumpers Rd. BH23 2JR. We have a varied programme and welcome old and new members alike. More details, contact Joy on 01202 489614 SUSAN KNIGHTS ‘Jump in and Get Wet’ Watercolour Classes in small, friendly, informative classes overlooking beautiful Christchurch Harbour. Contact Sue on 01202 481099 or email susanknights@ hotmail.co.uk www.susanknights.co.uk Highcliffe flower club. Come and watch a professional flower arranger demonstrate in the Methodist Church Hall, Lymington Road, on the second Wednesday of each month at 2pm, doors open 1.30pm. We are a friendly group and visitors are welcome. Jewellery & silversmithing classes - Weekly sessions in the centre of Christchurch. Tuesday & Wednesday mornings 10-1pm and Thursday evening 7-9pm. A variety of techniques covered including piercing, soldering, stone setting, casting and enamelling. New classes starting January 2014. Contact louise 07789915694 Children Creative Ballet Classes for children 3+ at The Portfield Rd, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2AQ Thursdayfrom 3.45pm. The classes are fun and creative with an emphasis on building confidence and coordination as well as teaching poise, movement quality, musicality, spatial awareness, strength and flexibility. Call Sally on 07950459119 or email sally. burbage@gmail.com Award-winning, inspirational and educational music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Monday mornings at The Regent Centre. Come and join the wonderful world of music, learning and fun! 0845 643 5025 heather.smith@musicalsteps.co.uk www.musicalsteps.co.uk Clubs and Societies WI Book Club - New members wanted. Join a friendly group exchanging opinions on books and authors. Meeting at The Hall, Marlow Drive, Christchurch, second Wednesday every month, 10:15am till 11:30am. THE HEALING TRUST (established 1954) Over 20
years in Christchurch, Healing given on Tuesdays from 1.30 – 2.30 at Portfield Hall, Portfield Road, Christchurch. BH23 2AQ. No appointment necessary. Minimum Donation £4, for more information contact Steve on 01202 478479 anytime. Christchurch and District Band - Are you sitting at home playing a musical instrument alone or are you having lessons and not playing in a band? Come and join the Christchurch and District Community Band to bring your music to life! Call 07974 320122 - www.christchurchanddistrictband.co.uk Music workshop for adults with learning disabilities - Active and fun music workshop for adults with learning disabilities £5 per person, carers go free. Coda Music Centre, Chewton Farm Road, BH23 5QL. 01425 276161 or contact@coda.org.uk to book places. www.coda.org.uk CHRISTCHURCH PROBUS CLUB - Meets 10.30. am on the 1st Tuesday monthly at the East Close Hotel, Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch. A very friendly welcome awaits all retired professional and businessmen. Interesting speakers and excellent lunches! Contact the Secretary, Robin Haggett on
01202-482528. National Osteoporosis Society (NOS) - Next local support group meeting is Tuesday 3 December, 2pm, Howard Suite, Christchurch Hospital. Our Patron, Dr Tristan Richardson, Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology will be our guest speaker. All welcome, entry £1.50, Christmas entertainment & refreshments available. Contact 01425 275707. Portfield Christmas Lunch - Social Lunch club for 55+, at Portfield Hall, Portfield Road BH23 2AQ. Christmas Lunch on Thursday 12th December. Roast Turkey and Christmas Pud plus tea/coffee mince pies, raffle and festive entertainment. £5 per person. Served at 12 noon, doors open 11.45. Seat must be booked by Tuesday 10th Dec by calling Beth on 01202 473965 (answerphone).
Entries are listed FREE of charge. One listing per group/organisation. Listed on a first come, first served basis. Visit www.localeyemagazines.co.uk to submit your listing online. HighcliffeEYE 15
RECOMMEND US!! as stated on
STILL LOCAL STILL INDEPENDENT STILL A FAMILY BUSINESS Wilverley Road, Christchurch, BH233RU. Tel: 01202 484411 www.purewell.co.uk 16 HighcliffeEYE
Business Column
hich Christchurch business has 700,000 customers a year and has recently spent £50 million on improving its facilities but works in an industry that has such tight profit margins that it needs its customer’s parking fees to help balance its books? To confuse you further, despite Peter being a major Christchurch employer and being based in the borough, it uses the name of Bournemouth in its title because of its international standing?
Replacement doors by
Classic Design established in 1990 | local company Gua
quaralnitteyed work m anship
A recent visit to Bournemouth Airport by the Christchurch Chamber of Trade and Commerce gave a fascinating insight into one of our borough’s most interesting businesses. Its development over the years is engrossing enough on its own. The airport started in 1941 as a wartime airstrip for Spitfires, after the war for a period it was UK’s only inter-continental airport (until the opening of Heathrow) and it was also the hub for significant aircraft building. Just as engrossing is its current business model. The recent recession in international air flight and the tough bargaining tactics of the low cost airlines makes the running of a regional airport immensely challenging. However, it is a challenge that the management and staff in Christchurch rise to with great spirit. The senior management will happily assist the less able-bodied from the car parks, and when no flights are due, the security officers will help with the cleaning. A true team spirit pervades the whole running of the enterprise. The diversity of its functions with its air traffic control, massive fire engines and the air club, air pilot training centres and large hangers and businesses on the commercial side of the airport, all makes this a unique Christchurch business. Of course, for us locals, it also provides a superbly convenient gateway to international holidays. It’s a local business that deserves our support.
Peter Watson-Lee President Christchurch of Trade and Commerce
including fitting
(supply only option available)
Classic Design Call Ric on:
irect Deal d ay y h –w p m o showro ? e ic r p s
T: 01202 420 140 M: 07813 106 189 7 Petersfield Road, Boscombe East Bournemouth BH7 6QF HighcliffeEYE 17
Garden View
Surviving Christmas Surviving a modern day Christmas can be challenge enough for humans, but just imagine how difficult it is if you’re a plant. You’ve been reluctantly forced to flower, grown in a light controlled polytunnel and you’ve been force fed with growth stunting hormones to ensure you’re not too straggly when flowering on Mrs Cratchit’s table …. and here’s me feeling sorry for the turkey! It seems such a shame that after all the effort, you go and kill the poor thing after just one week of taking custody. This year will be different though, because whether giving or receiving a houseplant this festive yuletide, help is at hand with my top tips for keeping them alive (until New Year at least!). •
Avoid placing plants in a draughty location such as windowsills, or near to a frequently opened door, (they won’t appreciate the large fluctuations in temperature)
Avoid hotspots, such as in front of or above a radiator or fire
Water plants by plunging them into a bowl of tepid (not cold) water, and then allowing the water to fully drain out from the pot before returning to its location
Azaleas like humid conditions, so stand these on a tray of gravel filled with water, (but ensure plants are not sat in water)
Create a ‘plant area’ where groups of plants can be stood together, this will create more humidity
Avoid direct sunshine
Ensure the compost never dries out or is too saturated, water little and often
Remove faded flowers to prevent disease and to promote flowering
And finally, don’t get emotionally attached, think of flowering houseplants as a medium term bunch of flowers or a Christmas decoration, and after flowering if they look a little jaded, return them to the compost heap in the sky - I don’t think there’s any worse house plant tragedy than a straggly Poinsettia in July with three stunted yellow leaves. Poinsettias are popular because they look wonderful, but here’s a little word of warning, be careful not to get the sap of a Poinsettia on your skin as they can cause irritation, and always keep them out of reach of pets and children. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year Lee 18 HighcliffeEYE
We cover all aspects of Plumbing and Heating * New Boilers * Oil Tanks * Boiler Diagnostics * Boiler Repairs & Services * Landlords Gas Safety Certificates * Bathroom Designs & Installations * Under floor Heating * New Taps * New Radiators
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8 .3#+& '+"7)-' 0&/")01 8 ..0 .$*1 8 ..0 "-%+&1 8 &22&0 #.5&1 8 !)-%.4 )-'&1 8 "2 +"/1 8 !)-%.4 &61 8 .3#+& +"7)-' -)21 8 &+35 !)-%.41 8 -12"++"2).-1 0.#+&,1 4)2( )126 !)-%.41 !
'+"11&5$("-'& (.2,")+ $. 3* HighcliffeEYE 19
Bournemouth Flyer:Bournemouth Flyer
Page 1
Inter-County Nursing & Care Services Supporting you in your own home w w w. i n t e r - c o u n t y. c o . u k Inter-County can provide experienced staff to help you remain independent at home through a range of services including:
Personal Care/Meal Preparation • Sleeping/Waking night duty • Respite Care • 24 hour Live In Care & Support
For further information please contact us on
01425 280811
or call in to see us at: 293 Lymington Road, Highcliffe, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 5EB We would also welcome applications from experienced Care Assistants looking for local, flexible work. For further information please contact us on the above number.
20 HighcliffeEYE
 Lymington  Road  (A337)  Highcliffe,  Christchurch  our  biggest  community  event...  EVER!    Â
Wrap  up  warm,  grab  your  coat  and  join  us  for    Firstly,  our  thanks  go  to  Aldridge  Brownlee  Solicitors  in  Highcliffe  for  sponsoring  this  handy  pullout  guide.    bring  it  with  you   into  our  free  Prize  Draw!  (see  our  website  for  details)   Hot  food  available  all  day!   Roasted  Chestnuts  &  Mulled  Wine  too! Â
www.highcliffecarnival.org.uk     HighcliffeChristmasCarnival                    @HcliffeCarnival Â
HighcliffeEYE 21
An  exciting  opportunity  to  shop  for  some  unique  Christmas  gifts  this  year  at  our  fabulous  Gift  Fayre! Â
Get  there  early   whatever  the  weather!      Â
Gift  Fayre  Hoburne  Courtyard  261  Lymington  Rd Â
Where  to  find  it:  Entrance  between  Mitchells  Estate  Agents  and  Occasions  Card  Shop  at  rear  of  261  Lymington  Road,  Highcliffe,  Christchurch,  Dorset  BH23  5EE Â
Road  Closure:  Lymington  Road  closes  to  traffic  at  5pm Â
Follow  diversions  22 HighcliffeEYE
Where  to  find  it:  Eastwardly  end  of  Lymington  Road  (towards  New  Milton).  Â
Free  transport   kindly  sponsored  by  Highcliffe  Community  Cars just  to  save  little  legs!  (Grown-Ââ€?ups  must  be  accompanied  by  a  child!)  Pick-Ââ€?up  point  outside   Highcliffe  Community  Cars  opposite  the  Gift  Fayre.   Â
 Amusements  Â
Punch  &  Judy  Show Â
Shows  start  at  1.00pm  2.00pm  3.00pm  and  4.00pm Â
Shows  start  at  1.30pm  2.30pm  3.30pm  and  4.30pm  Â
your  loose   change  for  our  charity  buckets! Â
Enters  Lymington  Road  at  junction  of  Wharncliffe  Road,  turning  right.   Please  give  the  participants  a  rip-Ââ€?roaring  round  of  applause  as  they  pass  you  by!            Â
 HighcliffeEYE 23
Curtain up, Light the Lights, Highcliffe Office: 277 Lymington Road Highcliffe, BH23 5EB Offices also in: Bournemouth, Moordown and Winton
01425 282150 Easy as absolicitors.com 24 HighcliffeEYE
Owned and run by Christchurch Housing Society, a charity providing care and accommodation for older people since 1946 ! ! ! ! ! ! Jude Powell RN
Tel: 01425 272919
Silver Way, Lymington Road, Highcliffe BH23 4LJ
Christchurch Housing Society also owns Avondene Care Home in Mudeford
David  Burgess  Garden  Design from design to full installation service
established 1988 providing a comprehensive garden and landscaping services we  can  carry  out: pruning,  clearance  and  planting  schemes natural  stone  and  brick  paving decking  and  walling new  lawns  from  seed Also able to clear leaves, mow your lawn and cut those tall hedges references available no charges for local site visits quotations without obligation
call David on
07718 993119
(please leave a message if I'm not available) covering Christchurch, Bournemouth and Poole HighcliffeEYE 25
SHOW HOME NOW OPEN Thursday - Monday
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Exclusive two and three bedroom homes Homefield Park is a range of elegant two and three bedroom homes, exclusively for the over 55s. Set within four acres of stunning parkland, these homes offer bright and spacious living in the intimate hamlet of Winkton, just two miles from Christchurch.
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Designed to be beautiful and practical, these new houses and luxury apartments support your lifestyle, both now and as it changes over time.
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ȗ Downstairs cloakroom, large master en-suite wet room and an additional bathroom ȗ Generous double bedrooms with large windows
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A development by
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26 HighcliffeEYE
Homefield A5 advert_v2.indd 1
09/10/2013 16:29
An English Mum
t’s that time of year again, when previously sane friends suddenly succumb to OCD — Organised Christmas Disorder. You know the ones — they have the cake made in October, the presents bought (and wrapped) Rachel in November and all the Christmas cards written and sent by the 1st of December. This is most definitely not me. I know for a fact that the cake will be bought, not made, the presents will arrive on the last delivery day Amazon has available, and will finally be wrapped up by around 2am on Christmas Morning. Oh, and don’t expect a card. I’m fairly certain that most of my long-suffering friends would have thought I’d died, if it were not for the reprieve of being able to post a message on Facebook sometime in-between stuffing the turkey and peeling the sprouts.
Christmas Day is always a little on the frantic side in the English Mum household! According to Delia and Nigella, I should be able to prepare copious quantities of mouth watering dishes, presented on an impeccably dressed table, whilst wafting around the kitchen looking like I’ve just spent the day at the spa. The reality is I’ll be lucky if I make it out of my dressing gown by lunchtime and my make-up will be hastily scrawled on in between shouting at kids to get dressed, attempting to dig out the dining table (usually buried under heaps of post), and remembering to rest the turkey. It’s chaotic, frantic, sometimes fraught, but by the time the turkey sandwiches are starting to curl and the dips have formed a light skin, the family usually agrees that it was a great day. As for me, I envy the turkey — a rest would be very welcome sometime around lunch time on Christmas Day! However you spend your day I hope you have a very blessed and Happy Christmas. An English Mum :)
Answers on Page 41
Transforming your world Painting and Decorating Internal External Residential Commercial Marine Simply call Alex and Simon on: 023 8089 4044 or 07985 767 736, or email: alex@aspaintingservices.co.uk HighcliffeEYE 27
New Year’s Eve Party We’ll be serving a sumptuous ‘Bring Me Food’ menu - a five course mixture of sharing dishes, platters and the ‘Best’ Beef Wellington, as well as coffee and petit fours! The party continues into the night with a live DJ in the Bar/Lounge area. The price includes a complimentary glass of Champagne at midnight to celebrate the New Year! £69 per person To book New Year’s Eve at The Kings, please speak to a member of staff
or call: 01202 588933 View more events online: www.thekings-christchurch.co.uk Rooms
28 HighcliffeEYE
Santa Hat Brownies
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01202 477214
info@localeyemagazines.co.uk www.localeyemagazines.co.uk *based on a 12 month booking (still payable monthly)
Ingredients 1 tray of your favorite brownies, cooled and cut into desired size and shape (I used a round cutter) 12-16 small strawberries, cleaned and hulled vanilla-mascarpone buttercream (recipe below) 200 g sugar 150 g egg whites 450 g soft unsalted butter 1 pinch salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 250 g softened mascarpone cheese Method Place egg whites and sugar in a heat proof bowl and place over a pot of simmering water. Heat whites while whisking continuously until they are hot and sugar has completely dissolved (or 60*C). Remove whites from the heat and - using an electric mixer with a whisk attachment - whip on medium high speed until whites are completely cooled and have formed medium stiff peaks. Add butter in chunks, creaming well between each addition. When butter is fully used, and the curdled look changes to a smooth satin look, add the marscapone and vanilla, whip until well combined. To assemble, pipe a ring of buttercream on top of each brownie. Cut off the base of a strawberry so it is flat and place it upside down on each brownie, pushing slightly to secure in place. Top the tip of the strawberry with a dot of buttercream to finish the santa hat.
HighcliffeEYE 29
Coffee Break
Sudoku Competition Win four tickets to see Highcliffe Charity Players ‘Treasure Island’ production at The Regent Centre!
Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. You don’t need to be a genius. These puzzles use logic alone. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive!
Simply complete the Sudoku Puzzle, fill in your details and post your entry to: LEM PO Box 7812, Christchurch BH23 9HZ. Name Tel.No Address Good Luck! Entries to be received no later than 31st December 2013. Winner picked at random from correct entries.
Crossword Across Older, of higher rank (6)
Burn (6)
______ Ustinov, award-winning actor (5)
Riotously (7)
First name of Popeye’s wife (5)
Cross the line (8)
Musical symbols which indicate
Rate of movement (4)
‘Lords a leaping’ were the _____ gift (5)
Hotel, camp, place for a holiday (6)
Lose consciousness (5)
emphasis (7) 10 Bright red, like Santa’s suit (7) 11 Norse god of thunder (4) 12 Type of rose (3) 14 You only need one for a unicycle (4)
13 Moved up (8)
15 Engine reservoir (4)
16 Hello Dolly; Cats (7)
18 Frying, milk or omelette? (3)
17 Wanders off (6)
21 Long. protruding tooth (4)
19 Cleft (5)
23 Supervise (7)
20 Dreaded (6)
25 Water-dwelling (7)
22 Good exercise for quads and glutes (5)
26 Adornment (5)
24 Dumbfound (4)
27 Slippery fabric (5) 28 Confused (6)
30 HighcliffeEYE
Crossword answers on page 41
This couldn't be a better time to rent! From Maisonettes to Mansions, Studios to Stately Homes, call urgently for a full and professional service. Mitchells Management | 4 Station Road, New Milton Tel: 01425 619900 Fax: 01425 638090 Email: marcusjameswhite@mitchells.uk.net HighcliffeEYE 31
32 HighcliffeEYE
£5 EYE TEST Valid for one test booked on or before 28 December 2013 at discounted price of only £5. Present voucher at time of test. Cannot be exchanged for cash, used with other vouchers or redeemed by customers already entitled to a free NHS eye test. One per person, at named Specsavers stores only. CODE 2622 Christchurch 34 High Street. Tel 01202 480 707
Yo ho ho and shiver me timbers!
he award winning Highcliffe Charity Players’ eagerly awaited family panto at the Regent Centre this New Year, is the comic pirate adventure Treasure Island, running for eleven performances from 17-25 January 2014. (Tickets £9.50-£13.50 from Regent Centre Box Office 01202 499199). Toby Bradford and Tina Webster’s hilarious new panto adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s much loved classic is a sort of ‘Treasure Island’ meets ‘Robinson Crusoe’. So it’s all aboard the good ship Hispaniola when our hero Jim Hawkins finds a treasure map at The Admiral Benbow Inn and sets sail for Treasure Island. Of course, evil Long John Silver and his silly pirates Brass and Knuckles, are also after the treasure. And marooned on Treasure Island is Robinson Crusoe (here a suave James Bond figure). A happy ending is assured – as is HCP’s renowned panto formula of great sets and costumes, dazzling song and dance routines, and plenty of audience participation! And then there’s Annie. The Players are looking for a talented young girl to star in the hit family musical Annie, which the Company will stage at the Regent Centre from 28-31 May 2014. HCP are running ‘Annie’ Audition Workshops for girls aged 8-13 to find their ‘Annie’ and the rest of the young girls needed for this popular show. Offering expert tuition in acting, singing and dancing, they will run for 12 weeks from Saturday 11 January 2014 (10am-12noon) at The Old School, 254 Lymington Road, Highcliffe. Interested? Come and learn more at the ‘Annie’ Workshop Registration Day at The Old School on Saturday 21 December from 10.00am to 12 noon. Workshops will cost £5 per session (12 sessions, with a £30 deposit payable at Registration). HighcliffeEYE 33
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ctory when responding to adver sements 34 HighcliffeEYE
Lions Duck Race Funds Good Causes
n the 7th November, at a Presentation Evening held at the Kings Hotel, Christchurch Lions used the funds raised at their annual Duck Race to make donations to Caulfield Children, Dorset Blind Association, Macular Disease Group and brave Highcliffe youngster, Charlotte Beasley. President of Christchurch Lions, Howard Knight, said: “ We are really grateful for all the support that we had from the public and local businesses at our Duck Race. We raised a record amount of money and are very pleased that this has enabled us to make donations to these very worthwhile local causes. We’d also like to thank the Kings Hotel for their generosity in sponsoring this evening.” The star of the evening was Brownie Charlotte, who has acute walking difficulties. With a friend she had shown great determination in completing a sponsored walk to raise £1,000 to help fund a motorised wheelchair to give her mobility and independence out of doors. The Lions donation will help to make this dream come true. Christchurch Lions are always keen to hear from people who share their ethos of having fun while helping others and can be contacted through their website: www.christchurchlions. org.uk.
Picture shows Charlotte receiving her cheque from Lions President Howard Knight.
Telephone: 01425 277061 Mobile: 07980 298522
16 Rowan Close, Highcliffe, Christchurch, BH23 4SW
HighcliffeEYE 35
$ " U
$ " # $ % !%! % %
36 HighcliffeEYE
Sun 1 – Wed 4 & Sun 8 Dec 2.30pm & 7.30pm Tom Hanks is CAPTAIN PHILLIPS (12A) One of the first Somali Pirate attacks on shipping. True story Thur 5 Dec 2.30pm & 7.30pm Benedict Cumberbatch (Monster) Fri 13 Dec 2.30pm & 7.30pm Johnny Lee Miller (Monster) NT Encore by satellite FRANKENSTEIN (15) £13 Concs £12 Friday 6 December 7pm £6 Under 16s £4 Salvation Army (Winton) CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS – Carols for the People Mon 9, Tue 10, Mon 16 & Tue 17 Dec 2.30pm & 7.30pm Thur 12 2.30pm only Judi Dench is PHILOMENA (12A) Saturday 7 December 6.30pm £6 all seats STAGEWISE PERFORMING ARTS Now That’s What I Call Christmas Wed 11 December 7.30pm £12.50 Concs £10.50 A Sparkling Evening with LA NOVA SINGERS * In association with The King. Opera’s Greatest Hits Thur 12 Dec 7.15pm £19 Conc £17 Live by Satellite on screen Royal Ballet – THE NUTCRACKER – Tchaikovsky Sat 14 Dec 5.55pm £22 Conc £20 Live by satellite on screen Metropolitan Opera NY – FALSTAFF - Verdi Sun 15 Dec 5.15pm for Mulled Wine & Mince Pies 6pm: CAROLS at GodFirst. Free all welcome Fri 20 – Tues 24 Dec 2.30pm & 7.30pm Family Show * Mats: £12 all seats. Eves: £14.50 Concs £13.50 CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR – Gladrag Production Co Filled with comedy, dance, music and sumptuous costumes Wed 25 Dec 10.30am GodFirst Christmas Service all welcome Thurs 26 Dec – Wed 1 Jan 2.30pm Family Christmas Film CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2 (U) 2D Thur 26 – Mon 30 Dec 7.30pm. Tue 31 Dec 7pm. Wed 1 7.30pm & Thur 2 Jan 2.30pm & 7.30pm.. GRAVITY (12A) Tues 31 Dec 10pm New Year’s Eve Party Film MAMMA MIA (PG) 17 – 25 Jan Charity Players Panto TREASURE ISLAND 24 Hour Car Park charges. Air Conditioned www.regentcentre.co.uk *Pre-show Dining at The Kings £23. VIP Experience £39.50 inc ticket
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HighcliffeEYE 37
author, Julie Ratcliffe, has published her second children’s novel, The Lsetocal Face of Sam. The novel is in her Smugglers’ Town Mysteries series and is in 18th-century Christchurch when smuggling was rife. The book features a stone carving that can be found in the nave of Christchurch Priory and the tale is of a girl found after a storm and of treasure hidden in the church. Julie’s first novel is The Thirteenth Box, which has become a local best seller.
“The Face of Sam has smugglers good and bad, and some tough times for the characters. The book contains a copy of a cipher that holds the key to the hidden treasure and is a trail that can be followed in the Priory. I have enjoyed featuring the Priory Church in this book and hope that it encourages children and adults to pay a visit,” said Julie. The Face of Sam is another fast-paced adventure with the same characters as in The Thirteenth Box. This time the action takes place following a violent storm. A young girl is found in the Priory Church staring at a stone carving of a face. She refuses to talk and is taken to the Poor House (now the Red House Museum). Word spreads about the wreck and the girl and soon smugglers from Kent arrive in town with talk of hidden treasure and of revenge. The Face of Sam is published by High Sails Publications (HSP) and isavailable at outlets in Christchurch, by order at good bookshops, and through the HSP website:www. highsailspublications.co.uk
The wait is over! By the author of The Thirteenth Box
The Face of Sam
Another Smugglers ’ Town Mystery from J.A.Ratcliffe AT GRE T! GIF
Christchurch, Hampshire, 1781 - A ship is wrecked, a girl is found two miles away staring at a carving in the church, she is hiding a secret and refuses to talk. As word spreads about the girl and the wreck strangers appear in town, including smugglers from Kent on a journey of revenge. Soon three friends are drawn together in a mystery that can only be solved by The Face of Sam. Available from: www.highsailspublications.co.uk and the following local outlets:
Avon Beach Shop -Bookends - Christchurch Information Centre - Christchurch Priory Gift Shop - Highcliffe Castle - Ye Olde Eight Bells Shoppe also Paperview Books and £8.99 DVDs, Ringwood 38 HighcliffeEYE
e continue with our Rotary activities and recently provided Hot Dogs, Teas and Coffees at the Stanpit Fireworks organised by the Christchurch Rotary Club.
Windows | Doors | Conservatories Replacement Conservatory Roofs
Our next event was the WOW Factor on Saturday 23rd November in conjunction with the Highcliffe School at Hoburne Park. This is the second year of this Spectacular Event, which encourages the pupils to display their musical and artistic talents to a public audience, and we look forward to our third in Autumn 2014. Our Christmas Carol Service at St Marks Church, Highcliffe is on Wednesday 11th December when the Winton Salvation Army provides the seasonal entertainment, free entry, donations only. We shall be providing marshals for the Highcliffe Christmas Carnival parade on Saturday 14th December. We are always on the lookout for new members and I will be delighted to hear from any of you who think you might be interested in joining us on a Thursday evening at Hoburne Park at 6.30pm to listen to an interesting guest speaker followed by a meal, finishing at about 9.00pm. Just call me for a chat on 01425 622658 or visit our website www. highclifferotary.org Finally, on behalf of President John and all the members of Highcliffe Rotary Club, we thank you all for you support throughout the past twelve months and wish you a very Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year. Mike Ackling
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40 HighcliffeEYE
Business & Professional Zero42 Magnet Private Hire High Sails Publications Miller Bros & F.P Butler Ltd
1 & 8 9 38 41
Carer Homes/Help Apex Care Inter-‐County Nursing Care & Services Ltd Silverways Nursing Home Queensmead Care Home
5 20 25 41
Food and Drink The Kings Harbour Hotel Ltd
Gardening & Garden Centres MacPennys Nursery David Burgess Garden Design Chris Oliver Tree & Hedge Cutting Specialist Southern Tree Specialists John Browns Garden Centre
13 25 35 40 43
Health, Beauty & Lifestyle Foot Rescue Purewell Electrical Scissors Christchurch All Mobility Specsavers Optical Superstores Ltd Dorset Denture Clinic Tracey Butchart Foot Health Practitioner Pinki-‐Red Hicliffe Dental Practice
7 16 20 29 33 34 36 40 44
Home Improvement Dunkley Tiles Forest Heating Paul Belton Construction Comfort Rooms New Forest Conservatories Ltd Classic Design Kitchens Glass Exchange A & S Painting Services JT Blinds Dream Doors Tower View A Beautiful Clean
3 5 11 12 15 17 19 27 34 37 39 41
Local Events Highcliffe Charity Carnival
Motoring and Travel Keith Motors Property Management Homefield Park Homes Mitchells Management
2 26 31
Local Domestic Cleaning Company
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HighcliffeEYE 41
Useful Contacts Police (Emergency) Police (Non-‐emergency) Crimestoppers Neighbourhood & Home Watch
999 101 0800 55 51 11 01202 222 222
Medical/Health Services NHS Direct Dorset Out-‐of-‐hours Bournemouth A&E Bournemouth Hospital Christchurch Hospital British Red Cross Loan Service
0845 46 47 111 01202 70 41 67 01202 30 36 26 01202 486 361 01202 484074
Local Council & Services Christchurch Borough Council Dorset County Council Christchurch Information Centre Regent Centre Bournemouth Airport Post Office Dorset Family Information Service
01202 495000 01305 251000 01202 471780 01202 499199 01202 364000 0845 722 3344 01305 221 066
Library Information Christchurch Library 29 High Street, Christchurch BH23 1AW 01202 485 938 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9.30am to 5.30pm 10am to 7pm 9.30am to 1pm 9.30am to 7pm 9.30am to 5.30pm 9am to 4pm
Highcliffe Library Gordon Road, Highcliffe BH23 5HN 01425 272 202 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
10am to 6.30pm 9.30am to 5pm Closed 9.30am to 1pm 9.30am to 6.30pm 9.30am to 4pm
Pet Care RSPCA -‐ Ashley Heath Cats Protection
0870 010 18 49 08453 712 762
Sainsburys 01425 277885 1 Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch Mon-Fri 7.00-23.00 Sat 7.00-22.00 Sun 10.00-16.00
Helplines Community Safety Issues Anti-‐social Behaviour Trading Standars Citizens Advice Bureau Childline NSPCC Southern Electric British Gas Gas Emergency Environment Agency National Drugs Helpline National Debtline Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Samaritans Age Concern
01202 495111 01202 495044 01305 224012 0844 245 1291 0800 11 11 0808 800 50 00 0845 071 3953 0800 048 0202 0800 111 999 0800 80 70 60 0800 77 66 00 0808 808 40 00 0207 403 0888 07041 580 050 08457 90 90 90 0800 00 99 66
Lloyds 01425 274291 248 Lymington Road, Highcliffe Mon-Fri 8.30-18.30
Taxis Christchurch Radio Cabs Chritax Priory Cabs
01202 48 48 48 01202 47 00 00 01202 47 44 44
42 HighcliffeEYE
Day Lewis Pharmacy 01425 613222 4 Old Milton Green Parade, Christchurch Rd, New Milton Mon-Fri 9.00-18.00 Sat 9-13.00 Wessex Pharmacies 01202 482197 186 Somerford Rd, Christchurch Mon-Fri 9-1.15/2.15-5.30 Sat 9-1.15 Rowlands Pharmacy 01202 484840 136 Purewell, Christchurch Mon-Fri 8.45-6.30 Sat 8.45-1 Mudeford Pharmacy 01425 272798 94 Mudeford, Christchurch Mon-Fri9-1/2-5.30 (Weds 'til 1) Sat 9-1/2-5 Burton Pharmacy 01202 477771 123 Salisbury Road, Burton Mon-Fri 9-1/2-6.30
!tt JJoohhnn BBrroowwnnss GG!rrddeenn CCeennttrree
KK ffffeeee DDRRhhnn IIBBNN TT OO HH wwnnss CCoo rroo EE EE FFRR hhiiss vvoouucchheerr aatt JJoo ddrriinnkk.. MMaayy nnoott bbeerr
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JJoohhnn BBrroowwnnss GGaarrddeenn CCeennttrree RRiinnggwwoooodd RRooaadd,, TThhrreeee LLeeggggeedd CCrroossss,, NNeeaarr WWiimmbboorrnnee,, DDoorrsseett BBHH2211 66RRDD 0011220022 882222220033 HighcliffeEYE 43 wwwwww..ggoollddeennaaccrreessggrroouupp..ccoo..uukk
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