Fall 2015 Christian Formation Brochure

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Come. Explore.

Change the World. 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 C h r i st i a n Fo r m a t i o n

Deep in the heart of every person is a longing to live in a world transformed by love. This year at Christ Church Cathedral, we invite you on an exciting journey to discover what that can mean through the theme Come. Explore. Change the World. Come. No matter who you are, or where you are on your spiritual journey, each of us is being called by special invitation into a deeper relationship with God, ourselves and each other. Explore. The Holy Spirit uniquely gifts all of us, and exploration reveals the special gifts God has given you and our community to fulfill our destiny. Change the world. Knowing what our unique gifts are, we can use them to make our lives a blessing for others. After all, God has a dream to heal the world and using our unique gifts is how we participate in that dream. I invite you into a year of discovering how your unique gifts can meet the world’s deep needs. The benefits are this: We come alive when we discover who God intends us to be, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, together we can accomplish things greater than we could ever imagine. So let’s go on this journey together. Come gather with us, a people of prayer and action. Explore your soul purpose. And see how sharing your gifts can change the world! Carol+

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Adult Special Events pg • 4

Living by Words: Kentucky Authors Speak Wednesdays, Monthly 7:00pm Great Hall Led by Guy Mendes How often do we get to sit face to face with the authors we love? Join us for a night of wisdom, wit, and words with some of Kentucky’s most engaging writers. Childcare is provided. • September 23 - Ada Limón, author of three books of poetry, including Lucky Wreck • Upcoming fall authors to be announced! ECW: Reaching Out Beyond Our Neighbors 2nd Tuesday of the month 11:45am-1:00pm Great Hall This second Tuesday of the month luncheon invites us to get to know our neighbor. The speaker begins at 11:45am. Lunch follows at approximately 12:15pm, and can be purchased for $10. Please sign up in advance at the Welcome Center. Sponsored by Episcopal Church Women (ECW). • September 8 - Lisa Minton, Executive Director of Chrysalis House, will give her talk, “Saving Lives,” sharing on Chrysalis House’s treatment of substancedependent expectant mothers and the ability of those mothers to keep their newborns and toddlers with them while in treatment. • October 13 - Kathy Ellingsen will present “The God of Christianity and Allah: Are They the Same?” The program will compare Allah and Jesus. • November 10 - Melynda Jamison, Executive Director of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) has entitled her talk “Making a Difference in a Child’s Life” and will present the process for getting involved and serving as advocates for neglected and abused children in the court system.

Come. Explore. Change

the World.

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Adult Special Events pg • 5

Fall Fellowship Dinner Friday, October 9 6:00-9:00pm Great Hall This event will begin with a social hour with refreshments, live music and a fun take on each table. Each table will have a “captain” and all who attend will be assigned a table in advance. Christ Church Cathedral will provide the main course and non-alcoholic beverages. The table captain will decide on a theme for the table, and all at the table will be asked to bring a side dish befitting the theme. Perhaps some will even dress thematically! Our evening concludes with an invitation to come to the Consecration Sunday Brunch on Sunday, November 1. Childcare is provided. Youth are invited to attend the dinner. Awaken to Your Dreams Friday, October 23 • 7:00-8:30pm Saturday, October 24 • 9:30am-4:00pm Great Hall Did you know your dreams are offering you information every night that can help you understand your deepest desires - your daily challenges and encounters - help you develop your full potential regardless of your age? Dreams are God’s forgotten language that we must learn to interpret. We are given this opportunity every night through images and story. Diana McKendree is a Jungian spiritual director and psychotherapist with over 30 years of international experience, working with the dreams of individuals and groups. There is a $25 charge for Saturday’s workshop. Advent Quiet Day Monday, December 7 10:00am-2:00pm Advent is a time to make space for welcoming the peace of Christ into our lives and the world. Quiet day opens us to this experience.


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Adult Sunday Classes pg • 7

The Forum

TIlford Room, 10:00-10:50am. Focus Sunday classes in the Great Hall are for the entire community. No other classes will be offered.

Focus Sunday: Crazy Christians! September 13 Great Hall Dean Wade will guide us in an exploration of Presiding Bishop-Elect, Michael Curry’s book, as we learn more abut the new spiritual leader of The Episcopal Church and what it means to be Crazy Christians! Focus Sundays: Unpacking Your Spiritual Gifts September 20 & 27 Great Hall This two-week course will help us identify and explore our specific spiritual gifts. Christ Church member Nell Campbell will empower you to build a ministry plan suited to your spiritual gifts. So that we can easily match our gifts up with specific ministry possibilities, our Ministry Fair will take place during these weeks as well. NOLI October 4 Richard Young and Griffin Van Meter The North Limestone neighborhood is undergoing a remarkable transformation. Come meet some of the leaders of NOLI, a non-profit organization working on the livability of the North Limestone corridor and neighborhood. We will learn about what is going on in our own neighborhood and how we can be a part of it. God’s Generosity and Blessings in the Psalms October 11 & 18 Dr. John Cook What do the Psalms have to say about God’s generosity towards creation, and what happens when God’s people recite these poems? Join us as we discuss the book of Psalms, focusing on several significant poems from it about God’s generous blessings towards us. www.ccclex.org

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Adult Sunday Classes pg • 8

Awaken to Your Dreams October 25 Diana McKendree Did you know your dreams are offering you information every night that can help you understand your deepest desires, your daily challenges and encounters, and help you develop your full potential regardless of your age? Dreams are God’s forgotten language that we must learn to interpret.

Messiah - Handel’s Life, Inspiration and Composition November 8 Canon Erich Balling We will discuss the interplay between Handel’s life and composition. In addition, we’ll discuss the unique nature of the Cathedral Choir’s annual December concert. David King: Author and Historian November 15 David King is the bestselling author of Death in the City of Light, Vienna 1814, and Finding Atlantis. His books have been translated into more than a dozen languages and film rights to his most recent work have been sold to a major Hollywood studio. David taught European history at U.K., and is now a full time author. Focus Sunday: Bishop Douglas Hahn November 22 Great Hall Join us for a conversation with Bishop Hahn. Art Stories from the Cathedral November 29 - December 20 Jesse Mark and visiting artists This class will focus on stories about the Cathedral’s art collection. Join us for fascinating stories about our artwork.

Come. Explore. Change

the World.

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Adult Sunday Classes pg • 9

Cathedral 101

Dean’s Conference Room, 3rd Floor, 10:00-10:50am Begins Sunday, October 4

This class welcomes everyone into the life of Christ Church Cathedral, and equips us to carry out the work of Christ in the world. Whether you are new or a longtime member, we invite you to explore the Episcopal Church with us as we also discern our own spiritual journey. Each session is a “stand alone” class so that you can attend one, or all, or something in between.

Daughters of the King Discernment Class Lambeth Room, 2nd Floor, 10:00-10:50am October 4, 11, 18, 25; November 8, 15, 29; December 6, 13

The Daughters of the King undertake a Rule of Life, which places God at the center of their lives. To live into this Rule of Life they vow to pray daily, and to live a life of service. Do you feel called to be a member of the Daughters of the King? This class explores the philosophy and practices of the Order of the Daughters of the King.

Focus Sundays (Class for all adults in the Great Hall): September 13, 20, 27 and November 22. No classes on: November 1, December 27, and January 3.


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Children Sunday Classes pg • 10

Nursery - Birth - 3 years 8:30am-12:15pm 1st floor Helm Loving, nurturing care is provided for the youngest members of our church family and those of our visitors during all worship services, including special services. Tiny Church in the Nursery - 3 years & under 8:45am & 11:00am Nursery, 1st floor Helm Tiny Church is a new ministry in the Nursery for children 3 and under. These children are not quite old enough for Children’s Chapel, but are ready for a little more than free play. Parents, please drop off your children age 3 and under in the Nursery. During Tiny Church, Biblically-themed and age appropriate stories will be shared. Sometimes a creative response such as coloring will be incorporated. A team of caring and responsible parishioners will be staffing this ministry. Your children will love Tiny Church!! With questions, please contact elizabeth@ ccclex.org. Children’s Chapel - 4 years - Grade 4 8:45am & 11:00am Children’s Chapel, 1st floor Helm We love having children in worship! Children’s Chapel is a service designed specifically for the youngest members of our church. Children may join the opening procession of the Sunday 8:45am service and 11:00am service, then go into the Children’s Chapel, and join parents during the “Peace” in time for Holy Communion. God’s Children Sing - Birth - 3 years 10:15-10:45am Children’s Chapel, 1st floor Helm Come and join this lively group for music, play, and fellowship on Sunday mornings! This class meets in the Children’s Chapel for singing, moving, listening, and playing rhythm instruments. The parents play musically with the children in an atmosphere of faith and fun!

Come. Explore. Change

the World.

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Children Sunday Classes pg • 11

Godly Play - 3 years - Grade 3 10:00-10:50am 2nd floor Helm Godly Play is a creative, playful way to know the love of God and to learn the wonderful stories of faith. This class gives children the language and place in which to express their experiences with God. God’s Team - Grades 4 & 5 10:00-10:50am 3rd floor Helm God’s Team is a fun and creative way to move deeper into the stories of our faith. This group also meets for fellowship from time to time to build friendships in community.


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Children Special Events pg • 12

God’s Team Pool Party September 13 2:00pm Garner’s Farm The God’s Team kids (Grades 4 & 5) will be enjoying a last bit of summer with a pool party at the Garner’s Farm. All Saints, All Souls and Halloween October 29 5:00-6:00pm Old Episcopal Burying Ground Children are invited to participate in fun and exciting All Hallow’s Eve activities, including crafts and dramas! Please wear Halloween costumes or the costume of a saint, and bring a trick-or-treat bag. There will be treats! Advent Fair November 22 1:00-3:00pm The Advent Fair offers children ages 3 to 5th Grade an opportunity to prepare for the Advent season through creative activities and crafts, songs, storytelling and decorating cookies. Christmas Pageant December 24 2:00pm Our children, dressed as sheep, shepherds, angels, Wise Men, the First Family and narrators, will tell the great story of Jesus’ birth in a beautiful service with Holy Eucharist and choir. Childcare is available. A rehearsal is offered on December 13 at 9:45am.

Come. Explore. Change

the World.

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Youth Sunday Classes pg • 13

Middle School: The Awakening - Grades 6-8 10:00-10:50am 3rd floor Helm Through conservation, movement, and art we will look at our weekly Lectionary readings and see how they relate to our own lives. We will come together each week to find comfort and grounding in our faith, Scripture, and community, and see how they can help us more fully understand this time of transition and discovery. High School: The Way - Grades 9-12 10:00-10:50am Youth Activities Room, Basement This year is all about “Who am I”... in relationship to God, to the world, and to myself. Our year will be divided into four sessions covering various self assessment tools: Spiritual Gifts, The Enneagram, The Myers Briggs, and Dream Work. Through these sessions we will seek to gain self awareness as we look to identify and understand our different gifts, personalities, characteristics, and consciousness. Junior Daughters of the King - Grades 6-12 4:00-5:45pm (Monthly) Jr. DOK Chapel, 3rd floor Helm This group focuses on community service and prayer. They are junior members of the Daughters of the King, an order of Episcopal women living under a communal rule of prayer and service. Members discern a call to the life of Christ and make a vow to pray daily for church and world. Jr. members are supported and mentored by a Sr. daughter. Sunday Night Youth Groups - Grades 6-8 and 9-12 6:00 -7:30pm Youth Activities Room, Basement Youth gather for food, fun, and fellowship. Come share a meal, engage with friends, and deepen your experience of the faith. Each week is different, but is always centered around meaningful and interactive activities and discussions. www.ccclex.org

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Youth Special Events pg • 14

Youth & Parents Kick-Off Meeting September 13 6:00-7:30pm The youth and their parents or guardians will gather for prayer, supper, and discussion. This meeting will give you the opportunity to hear get involved in our youth programming, meet the youth leaders, and engage in meaningful conversation with other youth parents. Youth Retreat at the OEBG September 20 6:00-8:00pm Old Episcopal Burial Ground The Youth Retreat is a time and space for the youth and their leaders to retreat from our normal Youth Activities Room as we reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. Here we will enjoy a picnic, yard games, and the opportunity to come gather as a group making space to honor the beginning of our year together amidst the beauty of the OEBG. Youth Seeker Scramble & Bidding BBQ September 27 Join us for Christ Church’s best, most entertaining golf outing of the year! The Seeker Scramble is a fun, low-pressure tournament that raises money for general youth scholarships. You don’t have to be good and you really don’t have to golf. Come for the food and fellowship! We need all youth and families on deck as we roll out the fun and bring in the money! Fall Fellowship Dinner October 9 6:00-9:00pm Church Under the Bridge October 11 1:45-4:45pm

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Youth Special Events pg • 15

New Beginnings October 23-25 Cathedral Domain Grades 7-9 Get ready for a weekend full of fun, as we journey together to discover: “Who is God?”, Who is God to you?, and Who are you not God?”. During our time together we will share in songs, skits, videos, discussions, games, worship, and conversation. Canned Goods Scavenger Hunt November 8 6:00-8:00pm Happening November 13-15 Cathedral Domain Grades 10-12 A major event for youth in grades 10-12. This weekend retreat is a transformative religious experience full of fun, laughter, songs and prayer. The event is led by youth and for youth. Youth Christmas Party December 20 6:00-8:00pm New Year in the Spirit December 27-30 Cathedral Domain Grades 7-12 Join us for winter camp as we reflect on where God was active in our lives during 2015 and who God is calling us to be in 2016! Lots of singing, dancing, fun and games! Contact The Rev. Kate Byrd (kbyrd@ccclex.org) for more information. www.ccclex.org

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Young Adult Gatherings pg • 16

Theology on Tap HOP 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm First location! September 21 - Ethereal Brewing, 1224 Manchester St. Are you a young adult looking for conversation and fellowship in an organic and welcoming setting? Then join us for Theology on Tap! This fall we are going to give a new twist to an old favorite with our Theology on Tap HOP! Stay tuned for more info. Theology Movie Nights 2nd & 4th Mondays of the Month 6:30pm at The Byrd House Over the next few months, the young adults will gather to watch an exciting and thought provoking film on the 2nd Monday of each month. On the 4th Monday of that same month, we will reconvene to encourage a dialogue that engages theological aspects of the film. Date Night 1st Friday of the Month 6:30-8:30pm Date Night is a fabulous evening where we enjoy good food, hang out with awesome people, and take some time away from our normal routines. Date Night is open to all, and gives parents with children the opportunity to take advantage of our wonderful nursery where your children will be well cared for as you enjoy a night out on the town. Hospitality at Home October 30 6:30pm at The Newsome Home This event provides a relaxing and casual atmosphere for singles, couples, and families with children to hang out, share favorite dishes and drinks, and enjoy a good time. Sushi Fridays Every Friday during Advent Times and Locations TBA Looking for a new discipline during Advent? Then join us for Sushi Fridays, where we have wonderful conversation while honoring the penitential season by giving up meat. Don’t worry, you can still get beef if you want! Contact The Rev. Kate Byrd (kbyrd@ccclex.org) for more information. Come. Explore. Change

the World.

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Fellowship Opportunities pg • 17

Brotherhood of St. Andrew The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew is a men’s organization of the Episcopal Church founded in 1883 for the purpose of prayer, study and service. Our chapter, which was formed in 1893, was reactivated in 2011 after over 30 years of inactivity. We welcome and encourage all interested men in the parish to join us. Call Jim Ware at 859-361-6951. Commodores Remember to save the first Friday of each month at 7:00pm for the Commodore meetings. This fellowship meal and program is for adult parishioners and their guests. Please check the Sunday Times and Cathedral Reminders, or contact Loys Mather, 299-8569, for the most up-to-date details. Daughters of the King (DOK) The Order of the Daughters of the King is an international religious order for Episcopal women and girls. Founded in 1885, its purpose is to bring others into a living, loving relationship with Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and to help strengthen the spiritual life of our parish and missions. For for additional information, contact Joanna Walsh at 296-4299. Dream Group This group meets regularly to discuss the dream, believing the dream is a way the divine communicates with us all of the time. We discuss books and work with dreams. If you have an interest in joining in the Fall, please contact elizabeth@ ccclex.org. Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Six times a year, ECW has an engaging speaker series featuring prominent community leaders. This is open to all in our Cathedral community and beyond. The speaker program is offered at 11:45am on September 8, October 13, and November 10. Prayer Shawl Knitters Knitters provide shawls knitted with prayer for our Cathedral members who are shut in or having surgery or a new baby. Led by the Daughters of the King, we knit at home individually, but come together the first Wednesday of the month to knit, pray, and study. Contact Flo Mayer at 299-5552 for more information. www.ccclex.org

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Fellowship Opportunities pg • 18

Art at the Cathedral Art at the Cathedral strives to integrate art into the religious life of our Church. In addition to the permanent fine art collection, rotating exhibits featuring Diocese and local artists are displayed throughput the year. Contact Mike Slone at art@ccclex.org for more information. Cathedral Music Children have a unique ability to absorb and to learn. A hallmark of the Cathedral music program is imbuing children and youth with a passion, joy and sense of purpose for singing great sacred music. Contact Canon Musician Erich Balling at eballing@ccclex.org for more information. CROSS Ministries Christians Reaching Out in Service and Support is the name of our outreach and mission initiatives. Outreach has always been an important part of the life of Christ Church. Since the late 19th century, Christ Church has been the center of a number of significant mission and outreach activities. Contact Robert Fugate at robert.fugate@kyfb.com or 859-881-8695 for more information. Communications Ministry If you have a gift for design, advertising, the web or just want to help complete publications for mailing, this ministry needs you. Contact Communications Director Ashley Goodrich at agoodrich@ccclex.org for more information. Education for Ministry (EFM) EFM is a program designed to equip the laity for ministry in their daily life. EFM provides a comprehensive, experiential education in the foundations and messages of our Christian faith. If you have an interest in joining in the Fall, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Conrad at elizabeth@ccclex.org.

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Weekday Offerings pg • 19

Monday Dream Group Begins September 14 12:00-2:00pm Spirituality Room The Cathedral Dream Group meets weekly to study and explore our dreams. This fall we are studying Inner Work by Robert Johnson, which can be purchased in the Christ Church Bookstore. Contact Elizabeth Conrad at elizabeth@ccclex.org for more information.

Tuesday Centering Prayer Begins February 15 7:00-8:00am Chapel Do you yearn to be quiet with God? Centering Prayer is a way to find your center and rest in God. Please be at the church no later than 7:05am in order to attend as doors are still locked. Some time will be used to share resources and experiences. Please contact Beth Prewitt at ehprewitt863@gmail.com or Gary Stewart at gary.stewart@twc.com for more information. Yoga Begins September 15 5:00-6:30pm Great Hall $85 / 12 sessions This is a great opportunity for people new to yoga as well as those who have more experience. The instructor, Madelaine Enochs-Epley, is skillful at working with all skill levels. Contact Elizabeth Conrad at elizabeth@ccclex.org for more information.


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Weekday Offerings pg • 20

Wednesday Fr. Bob Horine’s Men’s Bible Study Named in honor and memory of The Rev. Dr. Robert Horine Begins September 9 8:00-9:00am Small Dining Room The men’s Bible study group meets for an hour in the Small Dining Room. The fall group is studying N.T. Wright’s study of Luke’s Gospel. Contact The Rev. Ron Summers at 859-519-4938 for more information. Education for Ministry (EFM) Begins September 9 9:30am-Noon Tilford Room EFM is a program to equip the laity for ministry in their daily life. EFM provides a comprehensive, experiential education in the foundations and message of our Christian faith. We currently have three groups which still have a few openings. Contact Elizabeth Conrad if you are interested. Companions in Christ Begins September 16 9:30-11:30am Small Dining Room The Companions in Christ members meet weekly sharing how God has been present in our lives, studying the Bible as a community, and encouraging each other through prayer and fellowship. This fall we are studying Stories, Tales, and a few Small lies of a Country Parson by Robert Horine. Contact Lynne Slone at slonelex@ windstream.net or 859-494-5167 for more information. Holy Eucharist & Sacrament of Healing 12:05pm Chapel

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Weekday Offerings pg • 21

Prayer Shawl Knitters 1st Wednesday of the month 12:05-2:00pm Bride’s Room Knitters of all ages share their gifts with others who are in need of God’s love and warmth. Knitters gather once a month to knit in community. While knitting, we meditate on Scripture and join in group prayer. Centering Prayer Begins September 16 5:00-6:00pm Spirituality Room Each week the Centering Prayer group sits together for 20 minutes in silence, allowing our thoughts to pass by, resting in God. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary. Centering Prayer will change your life. We will begin the hour by discussing The Impact of God: Soundings from St. John of the Cross by Father Iain Matthew. This book must be purchased online as it is out of print. Contact Elizabeth Conrad at elizabeth@ccclex.org for more information. Cathedral Book Group 2nd Wednesday of the month Begins September 9 6:00-7:00pm Lambeth Room This book group will meet on the second Wednesday of the month, beginning September 9 at 6:00pm in the Lambeth Room. Our first book will be 8 Habits of Love: Overcome Fear and Transform Your Life by Ed Bacon. Copies will be available in the Bookstore. Please contact Beth Prewitt, ehprewitt863@gmail.com or 859-4219128.

Thursday Education for Ministry (EFM) Begins September 17 9:30am-Noon Tilford Room www.ccclex.org

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Weekday Offerings pg • 22

Dream Group 1st & 3rd Thursdays Begins September 17 5:00-7:00pm Spirituality Room This Cathedral Dream Group meets on the first and third Thursdays of the month to study and explore our dreams. This fall we are studying Inner Work by Robert Johnson, which can be purchasd in the Christ Church Bookstore. Contact Elizabeth Conrad at elizabeth@ccclex.org for more information. Education for Ministry (EFM) Begins September 10 6:00-8:30pm Tilford Room

Friday Men’s Cursillo Reunion Group Begins September 12 8:30-9:30am Lambeth Room This group of men gathers every Friday morning for prayer and discussion.

Sunday Bible Study for Mothers with Young Children Begins September 20 4:00-5:00pm Lambeth Room This group is designed for mothers with young children, and provides an opportunity to explore the Bible and its relevance to our busy lives. There is no homework, and childcare will be provided. If you are interested, please contact Beth Headley at headleys.family@gmail.com or 333-1786.

Come. Explore. Change

the World.

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Books & Beliefs pg • 23

Books and Beliefs meets the first Tuesday of each month. Coffee Hour begins at 10:00am followed by the program at 10:30am. Please attend these lively discussions and bring a guest to one or all of these opportunities for fellowship. All Christ Church members (men and women) and their guests are welcome.

October 6: A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler Presented by Wanda Jaquith Location TBA Co-hostess: Jane Michler November 3: I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai Presented by Linda Robinson At the home of Dana Davis, 3501 Castlegate Wynd Co-hostess: Betsy Davenport December 1: Book Recommendations Presented by ECW members who recommend titles for Christmas giving At the home of Peggy Collins, 1014 Richmond Road Co-hostess: Wanda Jaquith


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Art at the Cathedral pg • 24

2015 Latino Art Blend September 13 - November 8, 2015 Gallery Hop: September 18, 5:00-8:00pm Latino Art Blend Gala: September 25, 6:00-9:00pm A “blend” of the art of 15-20 artists from Central and South America curated by local artist Camilo Quintana. Please join us for Gallery Hop, Friday, September 18, for Latino dance and music provided by the Casa de la Cultura Hispana de Lexington dancers. You and your friends and family are also invited to the 2015 Latino Art Blend Gala in the Great Hall, with even more Latino music and dance, including Ballet Folklórico Fuego Nuevo, Casa de la Cultura Hispana, Jose Rivera, and Yoisel & Legna. Select Visual and Sound Works by Transylvania University Students, Faculty and Alumni November 15, 2015 - January 3, 2016 Gallery Hop: November 20, 5:00-8:00pm An art exhibit curated by Jack Girard, Fine Arts Chairman, Transylvania University, featuring the art and music of Transy and its students, faculty and alumni. Please join us for Gallery Hop, Friday, November 20, for music in the Sanctuary and music, food and refreshments in the Great Hall.

Come. Explore. Change

the World.

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About Christ Church Cathedral pg • 25

Find Your Soul Purpose at Christ Church Cathedral No matter who you are, or where you are on your spiritual journey you are welcome at Christ Church Cathedral. Christ Church Cathedral serves a unique downtown ministry in the heart of Lexington. We are a people of prayer and action, eager to serve those in our community. We have programs and events for all generations. Everyone can find a place for involvement and service as we seek to extend God’s love made known in Jesus Christ. The mission of Christ Church Cathedral is to restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love. God has a dream to heal the world. Cathedrals are meant to give us a glimpse of that dream, and in so doing, to fortify and inspire us for that life-giving work. If you would like to know more about the Cathedral, please call Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen at 254-4497 or email her at mchristensen@ccclex. org to set up an appointment. Also, visit our website at www.ccclex.org.


Christian Formation

Table of Contents pg • 26

Adult Special Events ................ 4 Adult Sunday Classes ............... 7 Children’s Sunday Classes ....... 10 Children’s Special Events .... .... 12 Youth Sunday Classes ............. 13 Youth Special Events ............... 14 Young Adult Gatherings ........... 16 Fellowship Opportunities ......... 17 Weekday Offerings .................. 19 Books & Beliefs ....................... 23 Art at the Cathedral................. 24 About the Cathedral................ 25

For questions regarding Christian Formation or to register for a class, contact Elizabeth Conrad at the Cathedral, 254-4497 or elizabeth@ccclex.org.

Come. Explore. Change

the World.

Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 859.254.4497 www.ccclex.org Return Service Requested

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