November 2015 Prayer & Action

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Prayer & Action

Christ Church Cathedral 覺 Lexington, Kentucky

From the Dean

Simple Gifts



A People of

Prayer & Action Prayer & Action I November 2015

Dean & Rector ɪ The Very Rev. Carol Wade > Associate Dean ɪ The Rev. Brent Owens > Associate for Youth & Young Adults ɪ The Rev. Kate Byrd > Deacon ɪ The Rev. Paula Ott > Minister of Christian Formation ɪ Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > Canon Musician ɪ Canon Erich Balling > Music Assistant ɪ Kathleen Balling > Assistant Organist ɪ Lisa Hall > Parish Administrator ɪ Lesa Wehrle > Parish Secretary ɪ Margaret Christensen > Communications Director ɪ Ashley Goodrich > Nursery Coordinator ɪ Michelle Dunlap > Financial Assistant ɪ Linda Critchfield > Facilities Manager ɪ John Hodgman > Sexton ɪ Joe Agee Vestry Tracey Meyers, Senior Warden ɪ Caywood Prewitt, Junior Warden ɪ Lance Churchill ɪ Dan Dorsett ɪ Robert Fugate ɪ Ann Whitney Garner ɪ Anne Garrett ɪ Lamar Grimes ɪ Tim Lucas ɪ Gwen Mathews ɪ John Perrine ɪ Amanda Tudor ɪ Jim Ware, Treasurer

WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer & Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the December issue, the deadline for announcements, photos and articles is November 15. Email is preferred. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email To sign up to receive Prayer & Action by mail, please call 254-4497, Ext. 106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@

NOVEMBER PRAYER God of every generation that has been and is yet to be, we praise and thank you for those who have served and shaped your Church. In our day, raise up prophets and visionaries to bring us new insights, new challenges and renewed confidence in you and the Gospel of your Son. Amen NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather, 299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER A sweet Princess Anna at the All Saints, All Souls & Halloween event.

THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love.

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday

8:30am - 4:30pm


166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 859-254-4497


November 15 / Simple Gifts


Music Notes


Advent Morning Prayer


Quiet Observation


Grace Notes


All Saints, Baptisms, and Consecration Sunday


All Saints Trick or Treat


How You and Your Children Can Prepare for Advent


Cathedral Youth Give!


I'm Thankful For...


Annual Meeting & Vestry Election


Reign of Christ Sunday


The Habitat House Dedication


A Fun Fall Fellowship Dinner


United Thank Offering Celebrates World-Wide Ministry of Mission


The Joy of Being an Angel


Room in the Inn Needs Your Help


New Member Profile: The King Family


UK Art Professor Dr. Alice Christ Joins Us for the Advent Forum


Select Visual and Sound Works by Transylvania University Students, Faculty, and Alumni


Bulletin Board




Simple Gifts


Such simple gifts often come unannounced, and can easily be overlooked.

FROM THE DEAN s a young child, perhaps age seven or eight, I remember helping my mother create a centerpiece for our family dinner table. We had just celebrated Thanksgiving, and now, we were turning our hearts toward Christmas. We first disassembled an arrangement of autumn colored gourds and safely packed away, once more, two figures dressed in pilgrim garb. We then began with a simple ring of evergreens, punctuated with four candles evenly spaced about, three white, and one pink, and then placed another larger candle directly in the center. We were making an Advent wreath. Each night during Advent, the four weeks leading to the celebration of Christmas, and as our schedules allowed, my sister and I planned to light a candle at dinner. We determined we would each take turns, and that we would add a candle each week as we did in church. This graceful taking of turns did not happen without a few competitive altercations, but they were deftly handled by my mother as coach and my father as umpire. With each strike of a match and


this ancient spiritual practice of marking time by the gradual coming of light awakened our longing for the surprising ways that God comes to us and we were willing to wait. Even today, I give thanks for the wisdom my mother exercised by drawing our attention to lasting matters, and making connections to eternal things in the midst of our busy lives. This was but a simple gift inspired by my mother, her faith and her love for her family. Yet, it was one of the most generous gifts and experiences in my life, and one for which I am thankful. Such simple gifts often come unannounced, and can easily be overlooked. This year, in one of the busiest weekends of the year, it could easily be overlooked that we celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday and the beginning of Advent on Sunday. On Thanksgiving we will gather for a service at 11am and three days later, we will mark the First Sunday of Advent by the lighting of a single candle nestled in the Advent wreath. When the world is out rushing around already in a flurry of Christmas buying, I hope we will pause and find time to experience this special confluence of days: a journey of heart, mind and soul into the gratitude of Thanksgiving and onward into the anticipation of Advent. And in so doing, I hope you will pause, reflect and give voice to the simple gifts and experiences you have received and give thanks to God for our lives together.

the lighting of the candles, our family briefly remembered the ancient story of faith, the promise of God’s light casting away darkness, and the gift of a Son, the Messiah—all this all around a humble family table. The connections were immediate. What we practiced in church we practiced at home, and our faith came alive in new and wondrous ways. In fact, I still remember how hard it was not to light all five candles of the Advent wreath on the very first night! But



MUSIC NOTES By Kathleen Balling

On October 11, The Choir of Men and Boys traveled to Christ Church Cathedral, Louisville, to present Evensong. This Choir made a big impression with their presence and musicality, on all who attended! We are quite proud of our Boys for all of their accomplishments this year! Our Boy and Girl Choristers, along with parents and music staff, enjoyed fun and fellowship at Boyd’s Orchards on October 22. They had a hayride, went through the corn maze and enjoyed a barbeque dinner and s’mores by the campfire. Dr. Schuyler Robinson, Professor of Organ at the University will present a 3:30pm organ concert at the Cathedral on Sunday, November 29. This concert mirrors one Dr. Robinson will play in Germany next month. This is a non-ticketed event. All are invited and all are welcome! Our Boys and Girls are already hard at work preparing for all our special December offerings, in addition to music for Sundays: Handel's Messiah on December 4, A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on December 13 and Benjamin Britten's A Ceremony of Carols on December 21. Mark your calendars!



Cathedral Choir Poinsettia & Wreath Sales POINSETTIAS: 6” Pot in green foil cover: $15 7” Pot with two plants in gold cover: $20 8” Pot with three plants in silver cover: $30

WREATHS: 25” Pine Roping: $20 22” Pine Mix with Cones: $30 20” Boxwood: $30

Colors available: Red, Pink, White

Orders due November 15! Pick–up Dates: Saturday, December 5, 10:30am -12:30pm or Sunday, December 6, following services. Your purchase will go to support Choir Scholarship fund.


ADVENT MORNING PRAYER The Gift of Daily Public Praise By The Very Rev. Carol Wade

raying together makes a difference. The Church’s daily public prayer has impact. It changes us; it changes the world. Writer Annie Dillard reminds us that, “How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.” What are the benefits of the Church’s daily public prayer? Your physical presence provides tangible strength and hope to others. The Church’s daily public prayer makes us grateful for life, and mindful that each moment brings a holy gift, an opportunity to love God, care for each other and serve the world. Passersby take notice, and vulnerable hurting people, including us, come in and find warmth, strength and solace in this ancient community practice of praise. Daily public prayer creates connection, fellowship and care. Daily public prayer also deepens our experience of time. Our often-vexed relationship with time is transformed, as time is made holy and even expanded by this profound community practice. We become more mindful of others and ourselves. Your friends will thank you, and the world will thank you too.



Daily Prayer is God’s gift to us and the Church’s gift to our city and the world. Won’t you join me in Advent Morning Prayer as we seek to grow in holiness together? A Church that prays together daily not only intercedes for our city, but also offers public witness to God’s hope and healing in a broken world.

Advent Morning Prayer Advent Weekdays, November 30 - December 23 8:00am in the Chapel If you would like to read or officiate at Morning Prayer, please contact The Rev. Brent Owens at or 254-4497. We will walk you through this simple service.



ometimes God’s greatest gifts are revealed through quiet observation. On Friday, October 9th, Christ Church hosted the annual fall festival dinner. My wife was out of town visiting our daughter at college. My son was busy being a 17-year-old and did not need me, and the organizers of the event were having a terrible time finding wait staff for the dinner, given Keeneland, the Breeder’s Cup and all of the many fall festivities taking place in town. So, I decide the best use of my time and talents was to supplement the professional wait staff and to help chef extraordinaire, Mary Thom, in the kitchen. So, with our wonderful professional wait staff, Rob, Christi and Juanita, I helped serve water and tea, helped people arrange their food at their tables, and even helped serve the Roast Beast (aka beef tenderloin). About an hour into the evening, there was a lull for the wait staff, so I leaned by the kitchen door, taking in the festivities. Beauti-


fully decorated tables, the hosts and hostesses had designed with great thought and with the desire to entertain their table guests, abounded. The room was abuzz with talk and laughter. People moved from one table to another to greet old friends and new acquaintances and to admire the table decorations and guests' costumes. A perfect evening with the perfect people of Christ Church. I began to see how lucky I am, how lucky all of us are, that we simply enjoy coming together n the company of God’s love at Christ Church. This would have been enough for me. But almost simultaneously, and each separately, Rob, Christi and Juanita came up to me to ask me questions about Christ Church and to share their thoughts. Is this really a church? Do you always have this much fun together? How often do you do this? My church isn’t like this. These people really enjoy each other. This is an amazing event – did these people really pick their own theme and decorate their own tables? My eyes welled with tears and my chest puffed up with pride as I listened. What a unique opportunity I was provided to hear the reflections of three total strangers to Christ Church, three individuals employed to serve the members of Christ Church. Unsolicited, unedited, honest, raw. So, when you take a few minutes to think about your many blessings, be sure to include the blessing of being part of the Christ Church family. Thanks be to God.



GRACE NOTES We often receive words of gratitude and would like to share them with you. Please thank the Vergers, Chalice bearers, etc. for serving us in our seats. We are blessed to be members of Christ Church. Thank you for the wonderful job you do. -- Joan Lesueur



What a day of celebration! On All Saint’s Sunday we gathered to remember the deep connections of our lives together across the sea of time and generations. We welcomed five new members into the household of saints at Christ Church, as Caroline, Henning, Max, Sloan and Zoe were baptized. We heard stirring words from our guest preacher, The Reverend Gabriel Ferrer. Gabri, as many of you know, has roots in Kentucky. He is the son of singer Rosemary Clooney, a Kentucky native, and actor Jose Ferrer. He is also married to singer Debby Boone, who is the daughter of Pat Boone. Gabri spoke about him and Debby becoming new grandparents this year. He shared how the feast of All Saints and the gift of a grandchild reminds us of life’s important milestones, “watching new generations come into being…and how they will build on what we have passed on to them.” As Gabri searched for way to speak about how Jesus restores a man to life and how the tears of the man’s weeping sisters are dried, he reminded us of the thinness of eternity, “…our past, our present, our future are held together by the One who loves us and calls us friend.” Gabri then told this story: I was sitting with my laptop at home. And in the room were my daughter Dustin, her new daughter Elli, and my wife, Debby. I was trying to write a sermon and they were involved in a very different mission. Elliot Jane is in the process of switching from breastfeeding to a bottle. It was not going well. There were loud cries, evidencing hunger and frustration, then a great deal of tears and finally an exhausted sleep. There was whispering of what to do next, while soft music played in the room on Pandora Radio. Fifteen minutes later, a quiet stirring came from the bassinet. On the spur of the moment, my daugh-


ter slides the bottle toward Elli’s mouth. She takes it. Sounds of contented suckling followed, and from the radio came the sound of my mother’s voice singing a Gershwin song, Our Love is Here to Stay.

In one luminous moment, the thin veil separating heaven and earth gently parted, and the Church held its breath in gratitude and wonder, as Gabri reminded us “it is only when we can feel safe, that we can be generous to others. It is only when we feel cared for and fed that we can open our hearts and our lives in giving.” Caring and generosity are the hallmarks of our lives together at Christ Church Cathedral. Our preacher offered a fitting message for a day that included our celebration of Consecration Sunday—the day we inaugurate our ingathering of financial commitments to God’s mission at Christ Church. We are tremendously grateful for the leadership of our Generosity Co-Chairs, Robert Fugate and Amanda Tudor. They are helping us to understand generosity changes everything. On Consecration Sunday, we received 165 pledges. 23 are new and 62 have increased. May we hold each other in prayer as we continue our ingathering of commitments in this season of generosity.




n a breezy Thursday afternoon we gathered at the OEBG to dance with mystery. Joy and laughter were in abundance as we assembled to celebrate Halloween and All Saints Day. Before Halloween was given this name, many different festivals were celebrated around the world. Good spirits were kept happy with warmth and food and bad ones were chased away. The sun was also honored at this time of year as darker days moved in. The early Roman Catholic Church took these celebrations and named them Halloween – All Hallows Eve or the night before All Saints Day. Children arrived on Thursday evening, October 29 dressed as their favorite characters, trying out what it would be like to be in another’s shoes. We paraded to visit saints of the past while singing “When The Saints Go Marching In”. Saints are those who allow God’s light to shine through them in big ways. We met Saints Mary Sumner, Jonathan Daniels, Teresa of Calcutta, Teresa of Avila, Paul and Agatha. Stories from their lives with God encouraged us to do much for God in our own lives. Maybe we could be saints, too! We concluded our time by decorating crosses in memory of those in our lives who have died. Our faith tells us that these beloved souls continue on. All costumes were blessed and prayers were said for the departed. You can go to the Cathedral garden and see the crosses that are memorials to loved ones. The celebration concluded with much anticipation for Halloween and All Saints Day.





Mark your calendars for the Advent Fair on Sunday, November 22, 1:00-2:30pm! This offers children Pre-K through Grade 5 an opportunity to prepare for the Advent season through creative activities and crafts, songs, storytelling and decorating cookies. This year, we are building gingerbread houses! $10 suggested donation per child (scholarships available). Parents and volunteers are needed, so please contact Amanda Tudor at or call 893-9244 if you are available. It’s time to begin preparing for Advent! We are selling Advent


Calendars. Refills for your Advent Calendars are available as well. All funds raised will support Christ Church Children’s ministries. • $25.00 – Full Advent Calendar • $15.00 – Refill sets: including 25 ziplock bags with numbers and items for you to put in your gold bags from last year’s calendar • $1.00 - additional gold bags




ver the past two months our Cathedral Youth have been hard at work, both in our congregation and in the community. We have raised thousands of dollars for our scholarship fund, sang songs and served food at Church Under the Bridge, participated in the Day of the Dead Festival within our North Limestone (NoLi) community, and at the beginning of November gathered 422 lbs of canned goods for God’s Pantry. It has been said that, “It is in giving that we receive,” and the Cathedral Youth are living examples of this truth. As the youth continue to give of their time, talent, and treasures they have found the true joy and enthusiasm that lies at the heart of generosity. The youth have discovered that it is not only fun to hang out with our friends and enjoy activities outside of the church but,


also that it is meaningful and life changing when we give of ourselves to benefit others and for the betterment of our community. How we live and conduct our lives is a testament to who we are as Christians, and when we continue to share what we have -- our time, talent, and treasure -- we are able to show others the good news that is at the heart of who Christ and his Church. It is so exciting to see our youth living out their faith in and around our community, and making a difference by simply showing up and being themselves!


I'M THANKFUL FOR... By Becky Fox

hen I was a kid growing up in Arizona, pretty much every year we made some kind of Thanksgiving craft in school as a whole class. One year it was a big tree with construction paper leaves. On those leaves, each of us wrote something we were thankful for. Back in elementary school, it was usually something like “I’m thankful for my bike” or “I’m thankful for my mom’s cookies because they’re awesome.” The other day I was browsing the Internet looking for something else entirely when I somehow stumbled across


directions for making a very familiar looking “Thanksgiving tree” with construction paper leaves, and it started me thinking: what would I write on those leaves today? I think it would probably go something like this: I’m thankful for a church family that found me, even though I didn’t think I was looking for one. I had no idea of the wonderful things that would happen as a result of taking my friend Bethany up on her invitation to come to a Young Adults Sushi Friday during Lent a couple of years ago. I’m thankful for a group of people that takes folks as they are. Introvert or extrovert, gay or straight, cradle Episcopalian or just exploring, long-time CCC member or brand new to town, rock-solid in their faith or doubting, and everything else in between –it’s wonderful just how welcoming and accepting the Young Adults (and the rest of the Christ Church Cathedral family) are. I’m thankful for all the ways there are to get involved at the Cathedral – and the way the community has welcomed us young adults into those ministries. Whether it’s running sound on Sundays, singing in the choir, teaching Sunday school, working on the Habitat house or at the OEBG, serving as a lector or serving at the altar, just to name a handful of things, there really is something for everyone to do. I could probably go on like this for several pages, but what it boils down to is this: I’m thankful for the whole CCC family. In 1 Corinthians, Paul instructs us, “Let all that you do be done in love,” and that’s an instruction that the people of this Cathedral are really good at following.

Becky Fox, Parishioner and Assistant Professor of Biology at Transylvania University.



ANNUAL MEETING & VESTRY ELECTION, NOVEMBER 22 lection of Vestry and Diocese of Lexington Convention Deputies will take place on Sunday, November 22, the day of our Annual Meeting. Ballots will be available throughout the morning. Voting will close one hour after the conclusion of the 11:00am service. The Annual Meeting Luncheon will follow the 11:00am service in the Great Hall. Lunch will be sold by the Youth as a fundraiser. Bishop Douglas Hahn will join us for the morning services and the Annual Meeting. The following information is as stated in the Christ Church Cathedral By-Laws:


HOW TO NOMINATE Article IV, Section 2. Additional Nominations. In addition to those candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee, any Baptized member of the Parish who has remained in good standing for a period of no less than six months preceding the Annual Meeting, and who is sixteen (16) years of age or older may, at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual Parish Meeting, nominate any eligible member of the Parish by obtaining ten (10) signatures of Baptized members in good standing in support of the nominee. All nominees must consent to their nomination. Article IV, Section 3. Procedures. The Nominating Committee’s slate shall be made public to the Parish at least six (6) weeks prior to the Annual Parish Meeting, and nominees selected by Baptized members shall be made public to the Parish two weeks before the Annual Parish Meeting. Biographies of the nominees shall be published and distributed to the Parish two weeks before the Annual Meeting. Article V, Election of the Vestry and Filling of Vacancies, Section 1. Number and Eligibility for Election. The Vestry shall consist of twelve (12) Communicants of the Parish Church. A Confirmed Communicant of the Parish, sixteen (16) years of age or older, who has had continuous canonical connection with the Church for no less than six (6) months before the election, or a Baptized member of the Parish sixteen (16) years of age or older who has been a member of the Parish for a period of no less than six (6) months before the Annual Meeting and


who has been a regular contributor to the support of the Parish who is not in arrears of his or her pledge shall be eligible to be elected to the Vestry. WHO CAN VOTE • Communicants in good standing, sixteen years of age or older, who have been registered on the Parish Roll for a period of six months or more, preceding the Annual Parish Meeting. (A Communicant in “good standing” is a person who has been confirmed by a Bishop of a Church in communion with the Episcopal Church, or has been received by a Bishop of this Church into the communion of this Church, the person having been previously confirmed by a Bishop of a Church not in communion with this Church. Further, the person must have received the Holy Communion at least three times in the preceding year.) • Also eligible to vote at the Annual Parish Meeting are Baptized persons, sixteen years of age or older, who have been on the Parish Roll for at least six months preceding the Annual Parish Meeting and who have been regular contributors to the support of the Parish, and who are not in arrears in their pledge. • Voting by proxy or by absentee ballot shall not be allowed. HOW TO VOTE Vestry Elections. Each eligible voter may vote for four Vestry members. The four with the most votes will begin their service in January. Convention Deputy Nominees. Each eligible voter may vote for four Convention Deputies. The four with the most votes become Deputies. Vestry and Convention Deputy biographies will be found on the wall near the Welcome Center. Good standing is defined by being an active, pledging member. An eligible member to be nominated is qualified by the same credentials as those who can nominate.

R E I G N O F C H R I S T S U N D AY, N O V E M B E R 2 2 Visitation of Bishop Douglas Hahn We welcome Bishop Douglas Hahn to the Cathedral for his annual visit. He will be with us for the 8:45 and 11:00am services, and also for the Annual Meeting following the 11:00am service. Election of Vestry and Convention Deputies Election of Vestry and Diocese of Lexington Convention Deputies opens at 8:15am and closes one hour after the 11:00am service. Please review the previous page for information on who is eligible to vote. Bios of each candidate are available on the wall near the Welcome Center. Soup and Salad Luncheon Come enjoy a bowl of hot soup, a refreshing salad, and a sweet treat during our Annual Meeting. All funds to benefit youth events and missions. Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting Luncheon follows the 11:00am service in the Great Hall. This is an important day in our church lives, when we review our progress on various projects and celebrate what we have already accomplished. Children’s Advent Fair A children’s Advent Fair will begin at 1:00pm, with crafts and goodies for the holiday season. Children Pre-K through fifth grade are welcome! We are asking for a $10 donation per child. Scholarships are available. We will be decorating gingerbread houses and Advent cookies. Parents and volunteers are needed! RSVP by Thursday, November 19, to Amanda Tudor at or 859-893-9244 Final Sanctuary of the Year The final Sanctuary of the year is November 22 at 6:00pm. Sanctuary is a place and time of deep peace, comforting Celtic music, votive candles, contemplation, and worship. Sanctuary will take a break beginning November 29 and will return on January 10.

"You are witnesses of these things." -- Luke 24:48



he Habitat for Humanity house that we helped build was dedicated on Sunday, October 18. After the dedication, Julia Escobar de Canas, and her daughters, son, and grandchildren, hosted a reception with traditional El Salvadoran food they had prepared. It was wonderful! This was a celebration of another person having the dignity of a home to call their own, of the neighborhood having another homeowner, and of the churches that came together as the Coalition of the Willing. In a little over 3 months, we put God’s love into action to build not just a house, but a home. At Christ Church Cathedral we give thanks for the tireless ministry of Jim Clifton, Betty Jo Palmer, and Lisa Johnson who organized us to build this home.





t is good to gather to have fun, laugh, and enjoy the fellowship of each other’s company! This is exactly what over 140 Christ Church Cathedral members and friends did on October 9 as we gathered for a fun dinner. Each table had a “captain” who decided on the theme, and all assigned to each table joined in the theme with side dishes, and some even dressing up to fit the theme. A spirited social hour gave everyone the chance to look over the wonderfully decorated tables and to vote for their favorite table. Savory beef tenderloin prepared by Marythom Hamblin was main course. The tables were all creative and fun with themes from the show “Mad Men,” tropical nights, pajama parties and more. Some even came dressed to match their table. Every table took home an award from our vast yard sale collection of old bowling, ping pong, and karate trophies! Beautiful music was provided by Lisa Hall and Megan Norris. The evening was capped with an excellent slide show of this past year in the life of the Cathedral put together by Michelle Dunlap. We are truly grateful for Peggy Trafton who was the Chairperson for this year’s Dinner. Peggy did a masterful job putting together a fabulous event!




he United Thank Offering (UTO) of the Episcopal Churchwomen celebrated 125 years of domestic and foreign ministry at the Triennial General Convention of the Episcopal Church through 55 grants totaling $1,558.006.85 in missions throughout the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. During Convention, held in June in Salt Lake City, Utah, UTO grants were part of the Eucharist the first Sunday of Convention. One grant of $24,000 was awarded to St. Mark’s in Hazard, a church in our Diocese of Lexington, for a project to bring young adult missionaries to the region to live and serve in an intentional community among the poor of Hazard and Perry County. Our UTO thanksgiving offering at Christ Church Cathedral, gathered in the spring and fall each year, was part of that grant. We have the ongoing opportunity to be part of UTO missions in our country and the world to help our brothers and sisters in their life struggles. In a communication from Bishop Hahn after Convention, he said, “Our God invites us beyond our walls toward the peaceable kingdom, the beloved community, and the reign of love. In this good church we are blessed to be following this Good God in a hopeful future.”



In his book, Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow Jesus, Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry, shares a visit to Burundi. “Our procession started from the diocesan office building in the capital city of Bujumbura, which stood as the lone survivor amidst the rubble of buildings and of lives destroyed by so much warfare and bloodshed. . . . At one point I turned around to take a picture of the diocesan office building. It was only a few stories high, but it dawned on me that the building was a striking symbol of this unfamiliar world I had so recently entered. Around the building lay the rubble of war and destruction. Around us stood soldiers of various rebel factions who once had fought each other but now were fellow members of the Burundian army. A sign atop the building proclaimed its name: ‘Peace House.’ At that moment, the building appeared to me as the embodiment of hope. I saw clearly that the nightmare of this world can indeed be turned upside down and rebuilt into the dream of God. . . . ‘Peace House’ had been built with funds raised by the United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church, collected faithfully by many individuals in many different congregations.” We each have the opportunity to be part of UTO at our Fall Ingathering, Sunday, November 22 in our home church of Christ Church Cathedral. We may take a blue box in advance for our thanksgiving coins and we may place our dollars or checks in the UTO 125th anniversary envelopes found in the pews.



o not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. (Hebrews 13:16) Preparations are under way for the 2015 Angel Tree. This year an extra week for Angel selection is available, beginning Sunday, November 22, and continuing through Sunday, December 6. As in the past, selection time will begin at 8:15 AM and continue until 12:45 PM each Sunday. The same procedures will be in place this year. Donors are asked to select an angel, complete the donor information form, shop for the wish list items, and return them, unwrapped, to Christ Church by Sunday, December 13. Angel Tree recipients are among Harrison Elementary students and siblings, as well as clients of various organizations that serve the Lexington community. The Kikuchi Family and Carmen Wells are combining their efforts to organize Angel Tree and the Family Shopping Event at Harrison Elementary. The Kikuchis will organize Angel selection, gift gathering and delivery to the various recipients. They welcome anyone wishing to assist them and may be reached by emailing Car-


men is working with the staff of Harrison to coordinate the Holiday Shopping Event on Saturday, December 19. She is seeking volunteers to help the day of the event, tentatively scheduled from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Anyone interested should email her at Truly, the joy is in the giving‌




hrist Church Cathedral is honored to host 15 homeless men for housing, dinner, and breakfast Wednesdays from December 9 through March 23. We need the help of individuals and groups to host these men. How can you help? By volunteering to do one of the following: help prepare and eat a simple dinner with our guests; spend the night at the Cathedral; have breakfast on the following morning; or prepare


a sack lunch to go. For more information or to sign up for a Wednesday, contact Tom Howard, 368-8684, thoward@, or Robert Fugate, 881-8695,



This month we welcome David, Sarah, Julia and Max King. Thank you very much for sharing your story with us about making Christ Church Cathedral you church home! Tell us a little about yourself – your family, occupation, hobbies, what gives you joy and the like. David is former UK professor of history in the Honors Program. He is a best selling author of three historical narrative non-fiction books, Death in the City of Light, Vienna 1814, and Finding Atlantis, and one book has been optioned by Hollywood for a movie. David continues his research to write additional books in this genre. He enjoys reading, martial arts (jujitsu) and working out. Sarah is a User Services Librarian for Jessamine Public Library. Sarah is very artistic and enjoys crafts, sewing, and art. Sarah also loves to build things. She is a native of Sweden, and they return as often as they can to visit family. Julia is in the 6th grade Beaumont Middle School. Julia enjoys swimming, playing the violin and animals. She speaks Swedish and Spanish. Max is in the 3rd grade Maxwell Spanish Immersion program. Max loves to play soccer, and he also speaks Swedish & Spanish. How long have you been attending services at Christ Church Cathedral?


They have been attending for five months. They started attending Christ Church Cathedral in May. What is your faith background? David and Sarah started worshipping in the Church of England when they were going to school in England. How did you find Christ Church Cathedral? Julia has a friend who is a member of Christ Church Cathedral, and Julia asked if the family could try it out. The family really liked it. Then Julia and Max went to Vacation Bible School last summer and had a great time. What inspired you to make the Cathedral your church home? They love the sermons, beautiful services, welcoming atmosphere, and great range of activities. What activities and ministries are you involved in at Christ Church Cathedral? Julia is in the youth group and Sunday School. Max enjoys Children’s Chapel and Sunday School, and he was baptized on November 1! David is teaching the Sunday, November 15, Forum class. Sarah wants to be involved in creative ministries. If you invited a friend to come with you to Christ Church Cathedral, what would you tell them? They would tell them about the sermons, beautiful services, welcoming atmosphere, and great range of activities. Of Christ Church Cathedral, the King family says, “It is a




octor Alice Christ, Associate Professor of Art History in UK’s School of Art and Visual Studies, will open the Art and Spirituality Series (Nov. 29-Dec. 20), with a presentation on “Titian’s Madonna” in the tradition of Devotional Images, Sunday, November 29 in the Tilford Room. The second Sunday will feature a panel discussion by contributing artists to the permanent collection. Art at the Cathedral staff will be the presenters on the third Sunday and Jesse Mark will speak on the concluding Sunday. Alice Christ is an Associate Professor of Art History in UK's School of Art and Visual Studies. She teaches courses in Ancient Roman, Early Christian and Medieval Art & Visual Culture. Her approach to studying art before the Art Museum is anthropological and social. Her special field of research is Late Antique and Early Christian iconography, with a second special interest in icon-painting.




rt at the Cathedral’s November exhibit features art from our neighbor Tranyslvania University. Transylvania Fine Arts Division professors Zoe Strecker, Tim Polashek, Kurt Gohde and Jack Girard will be exhibiting at Christ Church Cathedral November 15 – January 4, with select Transylvania students and alumni. The show will feature a wide array of contemporary themes and forms by 14 artists, including viewer interactive sound and visual installations, sculptures, paintings, drawings, photographs and ceramic work. The four faculty members have exhibited and performed widely in this country and abroad, and will be accompanied by younger artists of promise who are in the early stages of their art careers. This richly textured display is certain to appeal to audiences of all ages Please save the date for the Gallery Hop on Friday, November 20, 5-8 pm. This will be a great opportunity to meet the Transylvania University artists and welcome them to our church. Transylvania students will be staging a light


show and, as always, we will serve delicious appetizers and drinks. Gallery Hop is a perfect opportunity to practice the Invite Welcome Connect gifts that we recently discussed with our April guest speaker Mary Parmer. Is there someone that you might invite to Gallery Hop? In September we had about 650 people visiting our church for Gallery Hop and the Artist Gala. We are so fortunate to have a beautiful space in downtown Lexington to welcome and share our hospitality.


EVENTS /// GALLERY HOP, NOVEMBER 20 Join us for Gallery Hop, 5-8pm, on Friday, November 20, to help welcome Transylvania University professors, students and alumni and the opening of their new art exhibit, which will include a “one night only” beautiful light and music display in the Sanctuary. Please bring a friend to meet the artists and enjoy the wonderful art, music, appetizers and drinks. CRAFT FAIR FOR CROSS MINISTRIES Craft Fair is back again this year to benefit CROSS Ministries. We have some wonderful new items and some familiar favorites from last year! Items will be on sale during Advent, so look for us in the Great Hall on Sundays during Advent.Crafters, there is a pink and white box at the Welcome Desk that you may drop your items in whenever you wish. It would be nice to have them by the afternoon of November 22. But any time up to December 1 is fine. Thank you so much for your time and talent.If you have any questions please contact: Kim Knight ( or Beth Headley ( THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE, NOVEMBER 26 Join us on Thursday, November 26 (Thanksgiving Day), at 11:00am for a celebration of thanksgiving to God for the many blessings we share. Enter through the garden gate on Market Street and join us in the church for Eucharist and simple hymns. CHRISTMAS AT THE CATHEDRAL A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols with the Cathedral Choir Sunday, December 13 7:00pm The story of Christmas is told through music, scripture and congregational carols. Prelude begins at 6:30pm. Come early to reserve your seat as this service

is often full. Additional seating available in the Chapel. No tickets required. Nursery for age 4 and under is available. A reservation is required for older children to Crafts and games will be offered! A Candlelight “Blue” Christmas with Pleasant Company Sunday, December 20 6:00pm A quiet, candlelight service of Holy Communion with music in the Celtic and Appalachian traditions for those of us who mourn, feel “blue,” or who simply feel a need to await the coming of the Christ Child in contemplation. This service will bring both comfort and strength. All are welcome. Benjamin Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols Monday, December 21 Noon with the Cathedral Girls Choir and Elaine Cook, harp Benjamin Britten’s choral masterpiece for the Christmas season. This Christmas favorite concludes with a congregational carol. This concert is free, and a chili lunch is available for purchase following the event. Christmas Eve Services Thursday, December 24 Christmas Eve Pageant with Cathedral Choirs & Holy Communion 2:00pm A Christmas Eve Pageant for children of all ages. Come discover the story of Christmas. The pageant is free and open to the public. Costumes provided - wear a white shirt. Shepherds, bring a bathrobe. Questions? Contact Kim Knight at 859-266-6386. Reception to follow. Candlelight Carols with the Cathedral Girls Choir & Holy Communion 5:00pm This service includes many familiar and well-loved carols. Preludes of Christmas begins at 4:30pm. Reception to follow.


Festival Holy Communion with the Cathedral Choir 11:00pm This service includes many familiar and well loved carols. This service will have incense. Preludes of Christmas begins at 10:30pm.

NOTICES /// SHOP ONLINE WITH AMAZON SMILE AND GIVE BACK TO THE CHURCH! If you are planning on doing some online shopping this holiday season, consider using and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase back to the Cathedral! All you need to do is visit, search for “Christ Church Cathedral,” select the one in Lexington, KY, and start shopping! If you have already used this for another charity, you can change it right below the Amazon search bar. HOLIDAY BAKE SALE DELIVERY & PICK UP, NOVEMBER 21 & 22 Food prepared for the Holiday Bake Sale is to be delivered to the Great Hall on Saturday, November 21st between 9 and 11. Items that were ordered can be picked up between 8 am until 1pm on Sunday, November 22nd in the small dining room. Anyone who is preparing food will receive a reminder about the date and time. If you have any questions, you can contact Cissy Collins at ksc5567@ or 255-9535.




Morris Floyd

13 Elise Boyd

22 Ceci Perry


Alex Pickett


Holly Milburn

14 Ann Ferguson

22 Christopher Szappan


Ava Clay


Jocelyn Trumbo

14 Walter Bloxsom

22 Sarah Reeves


Daniel Jividen


DaKoda Jacobs

15 William Fackler

23 Gabrielle Counts


Davis Fugate


Don Asay

15 William Gaines

24 Ann Garden


Windy Curtis


Greg Mullins

16 Sue Clay

24 Charles Kraus


Connor Asay


Marian Claire Byrne

16 Joan Lesueur

24 John Robertson


Morgan Daulton


Cooper Gray

16 Kaye Hahn

25 Lenora Perrine


Bernie Conrad


Lynnette Tuttle

17 Bob Russell-Tutty

25 Isabelle Morgan


Kristen Cattoi


Perry Garrett

17 Frank Shoaf

26 Martha Mooney


Blanton Ware


Carolyn Robertson

17 Mimi Milward

26 Ross Cook


Nancy Blaydes


Elliot Murry

17 Shirley Seabrook

26 Wayne Bussell


Thornton Scott


Evan Murry

18 Huston Combs

26 Erica Kinkead


David Graf


Sara Grace Eames

18 Vivian Mitchell

27 Ruth Powell


Thomas Combs


Susie Mays

18 Natalie Ferguson

28 Jane Britton


Sarah Cowden

10 Eric Coffman

19 Gabriel Norris

28 Michael Asay


Karma Cassidy

10 Lois Howard

19 Helen Jones

28 Emma Moreno


Sarah Combs

10 Maddie Long

20 Beth Headley

29 C.B. Baize


Bill Adams

10 Lucy Lorton

20 Dick Nunan

29 John Perrine


Bob May

12 Stella Wright

20 Madison Davenport

30 Holden Hall

12 Charles Trumbo

21 Emma Stivers

30 Thomas Anderson


166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507

SUNDAYS 7:45am Holy Eucharist • Rite I • Chapel 8:45am Holy Eucharist • Rite II • Church 9:30am Breakfast • Great Hall 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Holy Eucharist • Rite II • Church 12:15pm Welcome Reception 6:00pm Sanctuary • Church Youth Group • Basement Activities Room 7:00pm Sanctuary Reception • Tilford Room WEDNESDAYS 12:05pm Healing Service • Chapel

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UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS Nov. 13-15 Youth Happening Nov. 18 Living by Words Nov. 20 Gallery Hop Nov. 22 Reign of Christ Sunday Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Day Nov. 29 Last Santuary of 2015 Nov. 30 Advent Morning Prayer begins Dec. 1 Books & Beliefs Dec. 4 Messiah Dec. 7 Advent Quiet Day Dec. 8 ECW Luncheon Dec. 13 Lessons & Carols

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