Christian Formation, Art & Fellowship For Children & Adults
Spring 2012 Seasons of Epiphany, Lent, Easter & Pentecost Our Mission Our Mission at Christ Church is to restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace, and Love. Lifelong Christian Formation at Christ Church Cathedral Living Simply in God’s Abundance This year we will explore together what it means to live simply in God’s abundance. What does that mean personally, communally and with the world at large? What is God’s abundance and how is that different from wealth? Living simply sounds do we begin to let go of ideas that keep us from living this way? Living simply in God’s abundance is another way of saying living in the kingdom of God. We look forward to moving more deeply into this place with you this year. - Dr. Elizabeth Conrad, Minister of Christian Formation Prayer for Education Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom: Enlighten by your Holy Spirit those who teach and those who learn, that rejoicing in the knowledge of your truth, they may worship and serve you from generation to generation; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (The Book of Common Prayer)
Christian Formation
Table of Contents pg • 3
Formation Programs................. 3 Children’s Sunday Classes......... 6 Youth Sunday Classes............... 7 Adult Sunday Classes................ 9 Weekday Classes...................... 12 Books & Beliefs........................ 17 Adult Special Events................. 18 Children’s Special Events.......... 20 Youth Special Events................ 21 Youth Event Calendar............... 23 Youth Summer Camp Calendar.. 25 College & Young Adult Events....26 Art at the Cathedral..................27
For questions regarding Christian Formation or to register for a class, contact Elizabeth Conrad at the Cathedral, 859-254-4497 or
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Acolyte Ministry Acolytes are the youth of our congregation in Grades 4 and higher who feel called to play a leadership role in our worship service. At present, 32 active Acolytes serve as examples for worshipers, leaders of the congregation during the service, and assistants for the clergy and lay ministers. Acolytes participate in all phases of the rites and ceremonies at Christ Church Cathedral. The ministry gives our youth an opportunity to assume a leadership position in the parish, learn our traditions, and to actively participate in its services in a unique and memorable way. Contact Jim Ware for more information, 859-266-6947. Art at the Cathedral Art at the Cathedral offers an opportunity to explore worship through various art forms. Exhibits in the Gallery bring many people to the Cathedral during the week in addition to the Gallery Hop events. You can find out more about a current exhibit if you log on to the Cathedral’s website at and look for the “Art” tab. Contact Jesse Mark, or Amanda Tudor, to get involved with this ministry. Cathedral Music Children have a unique ability to absorb and learn. A hallmark of the Cathedral music program is instilling children and youth with a passion, joy and sense of purpose for singing great sacred music. Regarded nationally as a leader and innovator in the development of treble choirs, the Cathedral music program provides instruction for boys, girls and teens based on the curriculum of the Royal School of Church Music - Children and youth deepen their sense of history, liturgy, language, and art, as well as their ability to interpret sacred texts and music. Instruction balances warmth and humor with structure and attention to detail. As they learn and work together, Choristers develop lasting friendships and become part of a community that uplifts individual and collective efforts. Contact Canon Musician Erich Balling, 859-254-4497, for more information. Children’s Chapel Children ages 4 through fourth grade may join the opening procession of the 8:30am service and 11:00am service, then go into the Children’s Chapel for a service specifically for them. Children join parents during the “Peace” in time for Holy Communion. Location: First floor Helm Wing near Garden and Chapel. Living Simply in God’s Abundance
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Commodores Remember to save the first Friday of each month at 7:00pm for the Commodore meetings. This fellowship meal and program is for adult parishioners and their guests. Please check the Cathedral Reminders and the website (, or contact Loys Mather, 859-299-8569, for the most current details. CROSS Ministries (Outreach) Christians Reaching Out in Service and Support is the name of our outreach and mission initiatives. Outreach has always been an important part of the life of Christ Church. Since the late 19th century, Christ Church has been the center of a number of significant mission and outreach activities. We continue to reach out to the Lexington community today, striving to respect the worth and dignity of every individual through the programs. Please join us in these efforts. There are many opportunities to donate time or make a financial contribution to various ministries that aid those in need. Contact a ministry leader to volunteer. Become a part of our Cathedral community and engage fully in our life in Christ. For more information, contact Martha Park at 859-263-5878. Daughters of the King (DOK) DOK is an order that takes a vow to minister through service and prayer. Some training is required to be a lifetime member. Each third Wednesday of the month, the group meets at 5:15pm for the Holy Eucharist and Sacrament of Healing in the Chapel followed by dinner and lesson in the Tilford Room. Contact Linda Robinson for more information at 859-273-3305. Ecumenical Pre-School Ecumenical Pre-School is for 3- through 5-year-olds, and is a joint venture with Second Presbyterian. Two, three, or five days are available. We provide integrated learning experiences designed to fit each child. We stress cooperation over competition. We encourage problem solving and promote a multi-cultural emphasis. Call Kathy Healey, Director, for more information at 859-223-5563. Episcopal Church Women (ECW) ECW is open to all women of the parish. At 11:00am each second Tuesday of the month, there is a business meeting and program in the Great Hall followed by a buffet lunch. Childcare is provided. For more information and a schedule of programs please pick up a “2011/2012 ECW Booklet” available at the church. Dana Davis, President, can be reached at 859-266-8412.
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Newcomers Newcomers are vital to the life of Christ Church and we want you to feel a part of our community. Get acquainted with our newest members by checking out the coffee area bulletin board pictures of new members. If you would like to become involved, participate in a newcomer’s class or learn more about the church, contact C.B. Baize at 502-863-1785 or Prayer Shawl Knitters We provide shawls knitted with prayer for our Cathedral members who are shut in or having surgery or a new baby. Spearheaded by the Daughters of the King, we knit at home individually, coming together the first Wednesday of the month to knit, pray, and study together. When a shawl is complete, it is blessed by a clergy member and taken to those in need. We encourage anyone interested in knitting to become a part of this wonderful ministry. Please contact Flo Mayer, 859-299-5552, if you are interested. Youth Ministry Programming for Grades 6-12 utilizes the Journey to Adulthood Program of the Episcopal Church and is led by the Youth Ministry Council, a group of 6th12th graders chosen by their peers. Groups meet during Sunday School and on Sunday evenings at 6:00pm to participate in study, worship, service, and community. This exciting group is growing and looking for participants and volunteers. If you or someone you know would like to participate, contact Amanda Musterman-Kiser at the church office, 859-254-4497, or email at For a full list of church programs, visit our website at
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Nursery 8:15am - 12:15pm Birth – 3 years Helm Wing, 1st floor Led by Michelle Dunlap, Nursery Coordinator Note: An adult and a teen aide staff in the nursery. God’s Children Sing 10:15am - 10:45am Birth - 3 years Children’s Chapel Led by Linda Robinson This class meets in the Children’s Chapel for singing, moving, listening, and playing rhythm instruments. The experiences are centered on topics of faith for young children and also assist in their developmental process and musical growth. The parents play musically with the children in class and develop relationships with other adults in this part of our faith community. Come and join this lively group for music, fun, and fellowship on Sunday mornings! Godly Play 10:00am - 10:50am 3 years - Grade 3 Helm Wing, 2nd floor Led by Amanda Naish, Amanda Tudor, Brent Jacobs, Christy Adams, Terry Hutchens, Tom Howard, Gwen Mathews, Michelle Egana, Hill Parker, Sue Bullard, Dave Tudor & Elizabeth Woodward Godly Play is the Montessori method of Christian Formation. We believe children already experience God. Godly Play gives them the language and place in which to express it and continue that search for the elusive presence. They learn through the story and the entire environment of the room. God’s Team 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 4 & 5 Helm Wing, 3rd floor Led by Bernie Conrad, Page Mendes & Elizabeth Conrad Continuing to search for that elusive presence, God’s Team will explore through more complex Godly Play stories and “Living the Good News” curriculum. We will have outside gatherings from time to time.
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Rite 13 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 6 & 7 Helm Wing, 3rd floor Led by Gatewood Gay, Robin Cook, Tracey Meyers & Windy Curtis The Rite 13 curriculum assists young people as they take the first steps of passage away from their families and into their own lives as adults. It begins with a liturgical celebration of the gift of womanhood and manhood. In the second year, the community acknowledges the gift of gender, celebrates the amazing creative power and potential of these young people and creates a safe haven to explore new ideas, new interests, and new abilities. Journey to Adulthood (J2A) 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 8 & 9 Helm Wing, 3rd floor Led by Michelle Dunlap, Elise Watson & Rick Anderson This core program blends action and contemplation in teaching young people faithful living. To prepare them for adulthood, they learn six basic skills: active listening, negotiation, assertion, research/information management, partnership and leadership. The program also helps them understand and affirm Christian living. This spring, they will be given an opportunity for Confirmation and be acknowledged in the community as equipped for new levels of responsibility. In the second year, after confirmation, this group will travel on a spiritual pilgrimage. Young Adults in the Church (YAC) 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 10-12 Youth Area Basement Led by Shirley Seabrook, Anna Baumann, Bryce Baumann, Blanton Ware & Greg Yeakley Each youth shares life events and current issues and discovers how he or she relates to his or her Christian journey. Junior Daughters of the King 4:30pm - 5:30pm (Monthly) Grades 6-12 Jr. DOK Chapel, 3rd floor Helm Led by Pat Arnold and Christina Blackburn This prayer and service group for girls meets once a month to pray and participate in service projects. Girls participate in a three-month discernment study to see if they are called to the order of Jr. DOK. After joining the order, girls make a daily commitment to prayer and extending God’s love. Jr. DOK provides opportunities for girls to experience the joy of Christian fellowship, faith discussions, support by peers and mentors and Bible study, and to pray for their community and world. Living Simply in God’s Abundance
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Sunday Night Youth Groups 6:00 - 7:30pm Grades 6 - 12 Youth Area Basement Led by Elizabeth Gambet, Allen McDaniel, Jessi and Chad Logsdon & Amanda Musterman-Kiser Youth in Grades 6-12 gather on Sunday nights for games, service projects, prayer, and study. Activities change weekly. Each evening begins with a snack supper, followed by a large group game. Groups break into middle school (6th-8th) and high school (9th-12th) from 6:30-7:30pm.
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The Dean’s Forum
Takes place in the Tilford Room from 10:00-10:50am
Major Creative Women Contributors to Christian Spirituality January 15 - February 5 Led by Dr. Glenn Hinson January 15 - Macrina January 22 - Hadewijch January 29 - Jane de Chantal February 5 - Evelyn Underhill Book of Kells & Names of God and Celtic Spirituality February 12 & 19 Led by Artist Cynthia Matyi The Book of Kells is one of the most important treasures of medieval art. An illuminated ceremonial book from the late 8th-early 9th century, it is an encyclopedia of medieval life in many ways. The illuminations and text, begun at Iona off the coast of Scotland and later moved to Kells in Ireland, contain beautiful imaginative art, humor, mystery and incredible technique, sometimes called “the Work of Angels.” On February 12, artist Cynthia Matyi will share her collection of images from this manuscript and details about its development, preservation and value to the Irish people. On February 19, Cynthia will reference her own art when talking about Celtic spirituality. Voices of Kenya February 26 Led by Jo Robertson & Carolyn Jones Reflections on Jo & Carolyn’s trip to Kenya. Dean’s Lenten Forum: Alive in Christ March 4, 11 & 25, April 1 Led by Dean Carol Wade The season of Lent is a springtime for the soul when we prepare to live the new life of resurrection. In this Forum, we will take a fresh look at the traditional Lenten pillars of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving through the lives of mystics, monastics, and everyday saints like us. We will discern how these practices reveal our relationship to intimacy, desire, and gratitude as we encounter the passionLiving Simply in God’s Abundance
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ate God who longs to awaken our spiritual senses. Our reflections will equip us to choose the good, stay the course and open to the freedom of resurrected life long after Lent has ended. Reflections on A New Harmony March 18 Led by John Philip Newell J. Philip Newell will discuss themes from his book A New Harmony: The Earth, the Spirit, and the Human Soul. Easter: What is the Challenge of Jesus and How Can We Respond? April 15 - May 27 Led by John Brice & others The class will spend a couple of weeks or more discussing the Rt. Rev. N. T. Wright’s views on the mission and ministry of Jesus contained in his book The Challenge of Jesus. Following this overview, the class will feature a series of presentations by representatives of outreach ministries both from Christ Church and our Diocesan community at large. Wright postulates that Jesus saw his principal purpose as an immediate invitation to participate in the restoration of the Kingdom of God, which restoration was being fulfilled through his ministry. Wright challenges us to find a way to make that invitation relevant in post-modern society.
Christ and Culture
Takes place in the Abbot Library, 10:00-10:50am These classes focus on themes in our culture providing a small group discussion format.
A New Harmony: The Spirit, The Earth and The Human Soul January 15 - 29 Led by The Rev. Dr. Bob Horine, Lynne Slone & Ann Demaree This is a preparation group discussing John Philip Newell’s book A New Harmony: The Spirt, the Earth and the Human Soul. John Philip Newell is a poet, a scholar and a peacemaker. He is a Church of Scotland minister with a passion for peace in the world and a fresh vision for harmony between the great spiritual traditions of humanity. He will join us in March.
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The Enneagram February 5 - 26 Led by JoAnne Hilliard & Ginny May JoAnne Hilliard is a Certified Life Coach and Enneagram Consultant. The Enneagram is a powerful system of knowledge that describes nine distinctly different personality types and the patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving for each type. This class will help to better understand ourselves and others to create stronger relationships. Lent: Keeping a Holy Lent with C.S. Lewis March 4 - April 1 Led by Shannon Wilson Please join us as we reflect on the penitential season of Lent through the writings of C.S. Lewis. Each class time will feature discussion based on short readings that explore Lewis’s ponderings on sin, grace, judgment, and salvation from such works as Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, and other writings. Easter: Relationships that Work April 15 - May 27 Led by Dr. Gary Stewart Lambeth Room The series will include research-based information about how people build and maintain successful relationships that last over time. Participants in the series will be introduced to concepts and skills observed in successful relationships. Participants will be given resources for learning concepts about how relationships work and informed of ways to practice habits and skills on their own time. So participants can do as much as they want and attendees can just come and listen. The series will build on previous sessions. 1. The Relationship House: An Overview of How Relationships Work – concepts, examples, and research on successful relationships 2. Building Friendship – concepts, habits, and skills related to establishing and maintaining a strong relationship 3. Managing Conflict – concepts, habits, and skills related to successfully resolving differences and conflict in relationships 4. Sharing dreams – concepts, habits, and skills related to supporting a partner’s dreams and maintaining shared meaning in a relationship Living Simply in God’s Abundance
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5. The Science of Trust – concepts and methods of how people establish emotional attunement, maintain trust, and cope with betrayal 6. Q and A – Questions from participants and answers from presenter and possibly panel
Handouts will be available for participants at the first presentation – there may be additional handouts at subsequent sessions. For the most part participants will be referred to recommended resources for additional information. The resources include self-assessment forms.
Catechumenate / Newcomer
Resumes January 15 10:00-10:50am Dean’s Conference Room This class is for newcomers or those who wish to refresh their faith. Newcomers are always welcome at Christ Church. Join us at any of our services and especially at breakfast. A full hot breakfast is served each Sunday morning at 9:30am.
The Wired Word
Resumes January 15 10:00am - 10:50am Facilitated by Christina Blackburn Bride’s Room This class uses a format that weaves current events into weekly Bible studies. It is continuous.
*No Sunday School on April 8 (Easter)*
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Fr. McDuffie’s Bible & Lectionary Study Begins January 17 3rd, 4th, & 5th Tuesdays of the Month 10:30am Tilford Room
Men’s Bible Study Presently meeting 8:00-9:00am Small Dining Room Led by The Rev. Dr. Bob Horine The men’s Bible study group meets for an hour Wednesdays at 8:00am in the Small Dining Room. The current study book is William Barclay’s The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, available in the Cathedral Bookstore. Women’s Bible Study Begins January 11 11:45am Home of Mimi Milward, 1640 Ashwood Dr. Faithful, Abundant, True: Three Lives Going Deeper Still by Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer and Kay Arthur. Please call Mimi for more information or to sign up, 266-0861. Holy Eucharist & Sacrament of Healing 12:05pm weekly & 5:15pm on the third Wednesday of the month Chapel
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Prayer Shawl Knitters Begins January 4 1st Wednesday of the month 12:05-2:00pm Meditation Room Knitters of all ages share our gifts with others who are in need of God’s love and warmth. Knitters gather once a month to knit in community. While knitting, we meditate on Scripture and join in group prayer. The group also attends the Wednesday Healing Service and shares lunch. For more information contact, Flo Mayer 859-299-5552. Tolle Discussion Group Resumes January 18 Every 2 weeks 1:30-2:30pm Bride’s Room Led by Karma Cassidy This is for people who have already studied or are interested in studying the writings of Eckhart Tolle such as The Power of Now and A New World. Contact Karma Cassidy, 859-351-8387, if you are interested or just show up for the meeting. Dream Group Begins January 11 4:00-6:00pm Meditation Room Led by Elizabeth Conrad God’s voice speaks to us in many ways. The Dream Group meets regularly to explore some of those ways which we often ignore. That still small voice can often be heard through our dreams and synchronistic events. Sometimes this group will study a book together on dreams. If you are interested in exploring the spiritual life in this way please come or contact Elizabeth Conrad 859-254-4497 or
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The Writing Group Begins January 12 12:15pm - 1:15pm Library Led by Gwen Mathews There is a storyteller and writer in all of us. This group explores the act of writing and journaling as a medium through which we pray and come to know ourselves better. Writing is not be “taught” in this group, but rather we come together to encourage the telling of our stories through the written word and explore the ways in which a regular writing and journaling practice can help us to grow spiritually. Participants are not be required to share their work with others but may have opportunities to do so if they choose. For more information please contact Gwen Mathews at 859-608-3471 or Elizabeth Conrad at 859-254-4497. Centering Prayer Begins January 12 5:00-6:00pm Meditation Room Led by The Rev. Bob Horine & Elizabeth Conrad Each week the Centering Prayer group sits together for 20 minutes in silence, allowing our thoughts to pass on by, resting in God. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary. Centering Prayer will change your life. We will begin with a discussion on prayer. The next 20 minutes are in silence and we leave in silence.
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The Friends of Saint Benedict First Saturday of the month 10:00am - Noon Old Episcopal Burying Ground Led by The Rev. Marcia Hunter Saint Benedict’s “little rule” written in the 6th Century provided a guide first for monastic members and later for anyone who wished to develop their own rule of life. Originally formed as a study group with Jane Tomaine’s book, Saint Benedict’s Tool Box, several of us found the sharing and accountability of regular meetings challenged, affirmed and enhanced our faith journey in such a way that we wanted to continue, and have done so for over five years. New people have joined and more are welcome. Our focus is the daily living of the faith we proclaim through continued study and discussion of Saint Benedict’s Rule and its application in the 21st century, prayer, Scripture and liturgical seasons. We have had several Quiet Days including recently a study of iconography and wisdom literature. Gatherings include Morning Prayer and/or Eucharist. Contact Marcia at or 859.985.8344.
And on Sunday . . .
Service Schedule • Holy Eucharist Rite I • 7:30am • Chapel • Breakfast • 9:30am • Great Hall • Holy Eucharist Rite II • 8:30am • Church • Sunday School • 10:00am • Holy Eucharist Rite II • 11:00am • Church • Evening Service • 5:00pm • Church (Visit website for dates) Youth Group 6:00pm Youth Activities Room, Basement
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First Tuesday of each month Coffee Hour at 10:00am, program at 10:30am Plan to join us for fellowship and lively discussion. All members, (both men and women) and their guests are welcome.
February 7 At the home of Barrie Hart, 3840 Wyse Square Co-Hostess: Val Getchell Cumberland Island Saved by Joe Graves Presented by the author March 6 At the home of Lenora Perrine, 205 Ridgeway Road Co-Hostess: Frances Cox Reasons for and Advantages of Breathing by Lydia Peelle Presented by Muffy Stuart April 3 At the home of Ann Heard, 2105 Bridgeport Drive Co-Hostess: Eleanor Withrow Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand Presented by Missy Baize May 1 At the home of Beth Headley, 3137 Warrenwood Wynd Co-Hostess: Gwen Mathews All That Is Bitter and Sweet by Ashley Judd Presented by Sandy Ireland Living Simply in God’s Abundance
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A New Harmony Discussions The first three Wednesdays in February will offer a time of preparation for J. Philip Newell’s visitation in March. If you are interested in attending, please choose from one of the options below. For more information, contact Elizabeth Conrad, 254-4497.A February 1 February 8 February 15 6:00pm 6:00pm 10:30am Chili Supper Supper Coffee Ellises’ Home Stempels’ Home Heards’ Home 1640 Lakewood Dr 1102 Fincastle Rd 2105 Bridgeport Dr RSVP to 268-3336 RSVP to 255-5356 RSVP to 266-0630 Shrove Tuesday February 21 Dinner 5:30-6:30pm Children’s Activities begin at 6:15pm Lenten Quiet Day Saturday, February 25 10:00am - 2:00pm A time of quiet, focused reflection. Lenten Series: Bringing Our Vision to Life Lenten Wednesdays (February 29, March 7, 14, 21, 28) 6:00pm dinner, 6:30-8:00pm program During the process of Holy Conversations, Christ Church Cathedral was endowed with vision. Together we identified several big, beautiful, achievable goals for our Cathedral. Lent is the time to align our lives with these goals. It’s been said that we need only 1 percent vision. And then to realize that vision, we need 99 percent alignment. Alignment is what we need to do to shape our lives to reach our goals. Please join our dean and vestry in conversation as we explore these goals and bring our vision to life. God has a dream to heal the world. Christ Church Cathedral is meant to give us a glimpse of that dream.
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Friday, March 16 7:00-8:30pm Introduction Saturday, March 17 Time TBA Workshop with Lunch
Sunday, March 18 10:00am Dean’s Forum 8:30 & 11:00am Preaching at both services
$35 for weekend Sign up online or look for your brochure in the mail in February.
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Children Special Events pg • 21
Shrove Tuesday February 21 Dinner 5:30-6:30pm Children’s Activities begin at 6:15pm Children’s Lenten Event March 25 12:30-2:30pm Children will experience events of Holy Week. Wear comfortable clothes to church. Lunch is provided. Easter Egg Hunt April 7 10:00am OEBG Parents bring two dozen eggs per child to church the week before. Vacation Bible School June 11-14
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Youth Special Events pg • 22
Ski & Swim January 21-22 Join us for a retreat weekend as we swim for a day, ski for a day, and grow in our relationship with others and with God. This year’s trip will be to Paoli Peaks and Big Splash Adventure, Indiana. Grades 6-12 are invited to travel with us. Scholarships are available if needed. Please sign up by January 8. New Beginnings February 10-12 Cathedral Domain A weekend retreat for Grades 7-9. A fun weekend which helps youth to discover the answers to – Who is God? Who is God to me? And who am I to God? The program focuses on self, friends, brothers, sisters, parents, school, God’s love, Jesus and prayer through playing, creating and sharing. Bishop’s Ball & Sleep In February 17-19 Join us for a fun and exciting weekend at the Diocesan Convention. Activities for youth will begin Friday night with the Bishop’s Ball & dance at Victorian Square. The dance will be followed by candlelight compline at Christ Church. Youth from our Diocese will spend the night at the Cathedral. On Saturday, we will enjoy breakfast together and walk to convention at the Hyatt. The day will end with a Convention Eucharist at noon.
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30-Hour Famine March 2-4 Good Shepherd Youth fast for 30 hours while participating in community service projects throughout Lexington. During the 30 hours youth pray, worship, and study the causes of hunger and homelessness in our community and in our world. The event ends with a youth-led service at Christ Church on Sunday, March 4. Living Last Supper March 25 6:00-8:00pm What was the Last Supper really like? What did Jesus do with his friends the last night of his life and why is this meal so important? Join us as we eat and share in a meal similar to Jesus’ last. When Bad Things Happen to Good People Tuesdays in Lent (February 28 - March 27) 6:15pm A study group based on Harold Kushner’s book for high school aged youth with questions about their faith, God’s existence, and God’s work in the world. Interested youth should contact Amanda Musterman-Kiser. Happening March 16-18 A not to miss weekend retreat for Grades 10-12 at the Cathedral Domain. Happening is often described as the best experience of a young person’s life. During Happening, participants experience the love of Christ through prayer, worship, and the ministry of both adults and peers around them. Darcy Cassidy will be the Rector for this Happening.
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January 15
21-22 22 29
February 4 5 10-12 12
17-19 19 21
March 2-4 4 11
16-18 18 25
Sunday School Resumes Jr. DOK Meeting, 4:30pm Spring Kick-off & Parents Meeting AND Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm Ski and Swim No Youth Groups Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm Chili Cooking, Noon-2:00pm J2A Chili Sales New Beginnings at Cathedral Domain (Grades 7-9) Jr. DOK Meeting, 4:30pm Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm Bishop’s Ball & Sleep In (Grades 6-12) Family Movie Night, 6:00pm Shrove Tuesday, 5:30pm Youth helping with stations Lent 1: Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm 30 Hour Famine No Youth Groups Jr. DOK Meeting, 4:30pm Lent III: Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm Happening (Grades 10-12) Lent IV: Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm Living Last Supper, 6:00-7:30pm
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1 8 15
21-22 22 29
13 20 20 27
Palm Sunday: No Youth Groups Easter: No Youth Groups Jr. DOK Meeting, 4:30pm Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm St. George’s Day at Cathedral Domain Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm Celebration of Manhood & Womanhood, 11:00am Jr. DOK Meeting, 4:30pm Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm No Youth Groups Graduate Brunch, Noon Youth Groups, 6:00-7:30pm Youth Party at Musterman-Kiser Home
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Youth Summer Camp Calendar pg • 26
Cathedral Domain Summer Camp Camp can be a profound place of spiritual growth for our young people. At camp, a community atmosphere promotes spiritual renewal, recreation and education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Each week, students from different grade levels gather with clergy and lay leaders to focus on a Christian learning theme, as well as personal learning goals. Camp is a powerful experience of God and community. Scholarships for all camps are available based on need. June
17-23 19-25 24-27 27-30
1-7 Jr. Conference (Grades 7 & 8) 1-7 High School Adventure/Mission Camp (Grades 9-12) 8-14 Girls Camp 1 (Grades 3 & 4) 15-21 Middle School Adventure/Mission (Grades 6-8) 15-21 Girls Camp II (Grades 5 & 6) 22-28 Boys I (Grades 3&4) 22-28 Boys Camp 2 (Grades 5 & 6) July 29 - August 4 Co-Ed Environmental Science (Grades 6-8) July 29 - August 4 Co-Ed 3/5 (Grades 3-5)
Senior Conference (Grades 9-12) Reading Camp (Grades 3 & 4) Mini Camp 1 (Grades 1 & 2) Mini Camp 2 (Grades 1 & 2)
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College & Young Adult Events pg • 27
Canterbury at UK and Transylvania Every Wednesday 4:30-7:30pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose Street Led by The Rev. Janey Wilson Canterbury at UK meets every week at St. Augustine’s Chapel at 472 Rose Street. We gather from 4:30-7:30pm to cook, eat, and worship. We often gather for Sunday evening services at the Cathedral, although this is a Diocesan ministry and some of our students are connected to other downtown churches such as Good Shepherd and St. Andrews. In the works for this coming year are some possible mission trips and retreats, and some outreach work in the Diocese too. If you are a student or know a student, let The Rev. Janey Wilson know! We have a terrific group and would love for others to join us! Theology on Tap 1st, 3rd & 5th Tuesdays of the Month 6:30-8:30pm Led by The Rev. Janey Wilson Are you a 21-30ish young adult looking for practical theology in a fun and non-judgmental setting? Please join us on 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday evenings for two hours of laughter, thought-provoking conversation and wonderful fellowship. This great small group does not prescribe solutions but discusses in open and respectful ways how we find God at work in our daily lives. Appetizers are provided!
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Voices of Kenya, January 8 - February 16 Art at the Cathedral attempts to capture visually the essence of life around us and opens the year with “Voices of Kenya.” The exhibit is the result of a month-long trip taken by two Christ Church parishioners – Jo Robertson and Carolyn Jones. The purpose of the trip was to continue building relationships with the Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya, in ways that can enhance a partnership begun several years ago with the Diocese of Lexington. The photographs were taken by Jo Robertson and represent the hundreds of visits made to schools, churches, orphanages, villages and families throughout Kenya. Additional photographs represent countless interviews with the Kenyan people and provide in-depth assessment for how this mission-based partnership can be enhanced in the future by both the Diocese of Lexington and Christ Church Cathedral. This exhibit of over 30 photographs opens Sunday, January 8. Names of God: Transformative Power of Celtic-Inspired Art, February 17 - April 18 “Names of God: Transformative Power of Celtic-Inspired Art” is the title of a solo exhibition of oil paintings from internationally known visionary artist Cynthia Matyi. The show will include approximately 50-60 oil paintings. Many of these are large, colorful, intricate creations which draw from the ancient tradition of Celtic illuminations. The artist uses these complex compositions in a way that reflects the questions, concerns and crises of contemporary life. Symbolism and repetition of symbolic shapes form a vocabulary which is essential to this Celtic style. With Cynthia Matyi’s work, ancient motifs, and many newly created ones, take on special relevance for us today. This exhibit opens Friday, February 17, in conjunction with Gallery Hop. A portion of the exhibit will be across the street at First Presbyterian Church. She will be speaking at both locations. See the website “Art” tab for specific dates and times. Program associated with Gallery Hop include music by the Mize family and dance by Allison Duvall’s Irish dance group. Living Simply in God’s Abundance
Christian Formation
Art at the Cathedral pg • 29
The Spring Open, April 19 - May 20 The Spring Open provides an opportunity for local artists to exhibit in sacred space. Many of these artists see their making of art as spiritual expression and appreciate the historic setting of Art at the Cathedral. Gallery Hop is April 19. Osher Lifelong Living Institute, May 21, 28 & June 4 Artists from Osher Lifelong Living Institute, the successor to the Donovan program at UK, will be exhibiting during the weeks of May 21, 28 and June 4. Reception times will be announced in the spring on our web page. Each week will show a different exhibit of art from the nine different off-campus art classes. Side by Side, June 15 Side by Side is a collaboration between Art at the Cathedral, the Lexington Art League, Cardinal Hill Rehab Center and VSA Kentucky. At the same time Artisan Guild will exhibit in the Great Hall during Gallery Hop. These exhibits open with Gallery Hop on June 15.