Spring 2013 Christian Formation
Discovering God’s
Programs, Art & Fellowship
Christ Church Cathedral Welcomes You!
166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 www.ccclex.org
Welcome to Christ Church Cathedral Discovering God’s welcome is the beginning of an exciting journey. To be accepted for who we truly are—precious and beloved by God—is to step into abundant life in God. To live in God’s welcome is a gift available to all; to share that welcome with the world is our mission. Many people long for a life of meaning and hunger for authentic relationships with people who live beyond themselves. If you are eager to explore your relationship with God in a community of welcome, we invite you to step deeper into God’s abundance. Christ Church Cathedral serves a unique downtown ministry in the heart of Lexington. We are a people of prayer and action, eager to serve those in our community. We have programs and events for all generations. Everyone can find a place for involvement and service as we seek to extend God’s love made known in Jesus Christ. The mission of Christ Church Cathedral is to restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love. God has a dream to heal the world. Cathedrals are meant to give us a glimpse of that dream, and in so doing, to fortify and inspire us for that life-giving work. If you would like to know more about the Cathedral, please call Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen at 254-4497 or email her at mchristensen@ ccclex.org to set up an appointment. Also, visit our website at www.ccclex. org.
Christian Formation, Art & Fellowship Spring 2013 Seasons of Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter & Pentecost
Lifelong Christian Formation at Christ Church Cathedral Discovering God’s Welcome This year we will explore God’s Welcome together. A good way to begin is to reflect on how we have been personally welcomed by God. When has that happened and what was that like? When we embrace how we have personally been welcomed by God, a desire to extend this welcome to the other is born. It becomes more than a polite handshake and a cup of coffee. The following passage is actually lived out: “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,... I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.... Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:35-36, 40 May we live into this vision together this year. -- Dr. Elizabeth Conrad, Minister of Christian Formation Prayer for Education Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom: Enlighten by your Holy Spirit those who teach and those who learn, that rejoicing in the knowledge of your truth, they may worship and serve you from generation to generation; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (The Book of Common Prayer)
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Table of Contents pg • 5
Formation Programs................. 4 Children’s Sunday Classes......... 9 Youth Sunday Classes............... 10 Adult Sunday Classes............... 11 Weekday Classes...................... 15 Books & Beliefs........................ 18 Adult Special Events................. 21 Children’s Special Events.......... 22 Youth Special Events................ 23 Youth Event Calendar............... 24 Youth Summer Camps............. 26 College & Young Adult Events... 27 Art at the Cathedral................. 28 For questions regarding Christian Formation or to register for a class, contact Elizabeth Conrad at the Cathedral, 254-4497 or elizabeth@ccclex.org.
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Art at the Cathedral Art at the Cathedral offers an opportunity to explore worship through various art forms. Exhibits in the Gallery bring many people to the Cathedral during the week and during the Gallery Hop events. You can find out more about a current exhibit at www.ccclex.org. Look under “Play & Learn.” Contact Jesse Mark, jmark@ccclex.org, or Amanda Tudor, amanda.tudor@eku.edu, to get involved with this ministry. Brotherhood of St. Andrew The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew is a men’s organization of the Episcopal Church founded in 1883 for the purpose of prayer, study and service. Our chapter, which was formed in 1893, was reactivated in 2011 after over 30 years of inactivity. We welcome and encourage all interested men in the parish to join us. Call John Perrine at 268-0306. Cathedral Music Children have a unique ability to absorb and learn. A hallmark of the Cathedral music program is imbuing children and youth with a passion, joy and sense of purpose for singing great sacred music. Regarded nationally as a leader and innovator in the development of treble choirs, the Cathedral music program provides instruction for boys, girls and teens based on the curriculum of the Royal School of Church Music -- www. rscmamerica.org. Children and youth deepen their sense of history, liturgy, language, and art, as well as their ability to interpret sacred texts and music. Instruction balances warmth and humor with structure and attention to detail. As they learn and work together, Choristers develop lasting friendships and become part of a community that uplifts individual and collective efforts. Contact Canon Musician Erich Balling, 254-4497, for more information. Children’s Chapel Children ages 4 through fourth grade may join the opening procession of the Sunday 8:30am service and 11:00am service, then go into the Children’s Chapel for a service specifically for them. Children join parents Discovering God’s Welcome
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during the “Peace” in time for Holy Communion. Location: First floor Helm Wing near Garden and Chapel. College & Young Adult Ministries Are you a student at UK or Transy? Are you a young adult who is new to the area or to the Episcopal Church? Then the College and Young Adult Ministries are perfect for you! Each week we enjoy food, fellowship, worship, and programs that engage and challenge us in a changing world. Whether it’s Canterbury (Thursdays at 7:00pm) or Theology on Tap (first, third and fifth Mondays at 6:30pm) there is something for everyone! For more information on the programs we offer contact Joe Mitchell at 3199262 or at jmitchell@ccclex.org. Commodores Remember to save the first Friday of each month at 7:00pm for the Commodore meetings. This fellowship meal and program is for adult parishioners and their guests. Please check the Sunday Times and Cathedral Reminders, or contact Loys Mather, 299-8569, for the most current details. CROSS Ministries Outreach Programs Christians Reaching Out in Service and Support is the name of our outreach and mission initiatives. Outreach has always been an important part of the life of Christ Church. Since the late 19th century, Christ Church has been the center of a number of significant mission and outreach activities. We continue to reach out to the Lexington community today, striving to respect the worth and dignity of every individual through the programs. Please join us in these efforts. There are many opportunities to donate time or make a financial contribution to various ministries that aid those in need. Contact a ministry leader to volunteer. Become a part of our Cathedral community and engage fully in our life in Christ. For more information, contact Martha Park at 263-5878.
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Daughters of the King (DOK) The DOK are active in their ministries of prayer, service, and evangelism. They offer daily prayers for the Cathedral clergy, staff and congregation and for specific prayer requests. They continue a prayer partnership with the women in the Holy Trinity chapter at the Cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Our members regularly participate in service projects at the Cathedral, in the Diocese, and internationally. The meetings held on the third Wednesday of each month beginning at 5:15pm include a Healing Service/ Eucharist, devotional study, prayers, and business items. A study group is available to women who are considering a call to ministry in this Order. Please contact any Daughter of the King or President Joanna Walsh at 2964299 if you are interested in more information. Ecumenical Pre-School Ecumenical Pre-School is for 3- through 5-year-olds, and is a joint venture with Second Presbyterian. Two, three, or five days are available. We provide integrated learning experiences designed to fit each child. We stress cooperation over competition. We encourage problem solving and promote a multicultural emphasis. Call Kathy Healey, Director, for more information at 223-5563. Episcopal Church Women (ECW) ECW is open to all women of the parish. At 11:00am each second Tuesday of the month, there is a business meeting and program in the Great Hall followed by a buffet lunch. For more information and a schedule of programs please pick up a “2012/2013 ECW Booklet” available at the church. Wanda Jaquith, President, can be reached at 269-6191. Gather & Grow Groups The Gather & Grow groups are a community-building ministry at Christ Church that gather monthly for a potluck dinner, a fun event, a theater performance, a community project or whatever is of interest to the group. Small groups are formed and meet for a year. This is a wonderful way to expand your Christ Church family. Cathedral newcomers are encouraged to Discovering God’s Welcome
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participate. We have married, single, widowed, partnered, young and old in our groups. There’s a place for everyone and we would love to have you. Contact Carol Parkey at 624-8349 for more information or to join a group. New groups form in the fall. Junior Daughters of the King Junior Daughters is an Order of baptized girls Grades 6-12 that gives a special opportunity to grow in love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, while serving our church and community. The mission of the Order is to extend the love of God to all people through prayer and service. For his sake we pray, we serve and we reach out in love for all. For more information contact Pat Arnold 277-2217. Newcomers Newcomers are vital to the life of Christ Church and we want you to feel a part of our community. Get acquainted with our newest members by checking out the coffee-area bulletin-board pictures of new members. If you would like to become involved, participate in a newcomer’s class or learn more about the church, contact C.B. Baize at 502-863-1785 or cbbaize@gmail.com. Prayer Shawl Knitters We provide shawls knitted with prayer for our Cathedral members who are shut in or having surgery or a new baby. Spearheaded by the Daughters of the King, we knit at home individually, coming together the first Wednesday of the month to knit, pray, and study together. When a shawl is complete, it is blessed by a clergy member and taken to those in need. We encourage anyone interested in knitting to become a part of this wonderful ministry. Please contact Flo Mayer, 299-5552, if you are interested.
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Youth Ministry Programming for Grades 6-12 seeks to provide a space where students are loved by God and community, experience growth, and use that growth to change the world around them. This is led by the Youth Ministry Council, a group of 6th- to 12th-graders chosen by their peers. Groups meet during Sunday School and on Sunday evenings at 6:00pm to participate in study, worship, service, and community. This exciting group is growing and looking for participants and volunteers. If you or someone you know would like to participate, contact Amanda Musterman-Kiser at the church office, 254-4497, or email at amusterman@ccclex.org.
Gathering together on Shrove Tuesday 2012
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Nursery 8:15am - 12:15pm Birth – 3 years Helm Wing, 1st floor Led by Michelle Dunlap, Nursery Coordinator Note: An adult and a teen aide staff the nursery. God’s Children Sing 10:15am - 10:45am Birth - 3 years Children’s Chapel Led by Linda Robinson & Gretchen Gillig This class meets in the Children’s Chapel for singing, moving, listening, and playing rhythm instruments. The experiences are centered on topics of faith for young children and also assist in their developmental process and musical growth. The parents play musically with the children in class and develop relationships with other adults in this part of our faith community. Come and join this lively group for music, fun, and fellowship on Sunday mornings! Godly Play 10:00am - 10:50am 3 years - Grade 3 Helm Wing, 2nd floor Led by Amanda Naish, David Tudor, Amanda Tudor, Tom Howard, Hill Parker, Regan Parker, Christy Adams, Diane Wiles, Brent Jacobs, Gwen Mathews & Sue Bullard Godly Play is the Montessori method of Christian Formation. We believe children already experience God. Godly Play gives them the language and place in which to express it and continue that search for the elusive presence. They learn through the story and the entire environment of the room. God’s Team 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 4 & 5 Helm Wing, 3rd floor Led by Ann-Whitney Garner, Bernie Conrad & Elizabeth Conrad Continuing to search for that elusive presence, God’s Team will explore through more complex Godly Play stories. We will have outside gatherings from time to time.
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Middle School 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 6 - 8 Helm Wing, 3rd floor Led by Gatewood Gay, Robin Cook & Tracey Meyers The group studies the Bible, the liturgical calendar, prayer practices, service and what it means to be an Episcopalian. By understanding more about the faith community to which they belong, students are encouraged to discover their own identity on the road to Christian adulthood. Journey to Adulthood (J2A) 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 9 & 10 Helm Wing, 3rd floor Led by Michelle Dunlap, Elise Watson & Rick Anderson This core program blends action and contemplation in teaching young people faithful living. To prepare for adulthood, they learn six basic skills: active listening, negotiation, assertion, research/information management, partnership and leadership. The program also helps them understand and affirm Christian living. Throughout the spring, the group will focus on prayerful discernment for Confirmation and take on new levels of responsibility in the church community. In the summer, the group will travel to Belize for a Missionbased Pilgrimage. Young Adults in the Church (YAC) 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 11 - 12 Youth Activities Room, Basement Led by Robert Fugate, Shirley Seabrook, Blanton Ware, Greg Yeakley & Matt Lutz Each youth shares life events and current issues and discovers how he or she relates to his or her Christian journey. Junior Daughters of the King 4:00pm - 5:45pm (Monthly) Grades 6 - 12 Jr. DOK Chapel, 3rd floor Helm Led by Pat Arnold A group for girls focusing on prayer and service. Sunday Night Youth Groups 6:00 - 7:30pm Grades 6 - 12 Youth Activities Room, Basement Led by Elizabeth Gambet, Allen McDaniel, Jessi and Chad Logsdon & Amanda Musterman-Kiser Youth gather on Sunday nights for games, service projects, prayer, and study. Activities change weekly. Each evening begins with a snack supper, followed by a large group game. Groups break into middle school (6th-8th) and high school (9th-12th) from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Discovering God’s Welcome
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The Forum
Takes place in the TIlford Room from 10:00am to 10:50am.
And Now for the Rest of the Story... January 13 Led by Deacon Paula Ott As Paul Harvey used to say, “And now for the rest of the story,” Paula will present the story of her journey from Judaism to being Episcopalian. The Evangelization of the Roman Empire January 20 - February 10 Led by The Rev. Dr. Glenn Hinson Jan. 20: The Early Church as a Covenant Missionary People and How It Went about Discharging Its Mission Jan 27: Early Christian Institutions as Conservators of the Church’s Identity as It Welcomed Diverse Peoples Feb 3: The Adaptability of Early Christian Institutions in Welcoming a Diverse Constituency Feb 10: Welcoming and Unwelcoming Features of Early Christianity as It Became the Established Religion of the Roman Empire Entering God’s Welcome February 17 - March 24 Led by the Dean and clergy Lent is a springtime for the soul. A time for learning how love God, each other and ourselves more deeply as we prepare for the joy of Eastertide. Exploring the reflections offered by The Very Reverend Dr. Jane Shaw in her book, A Practical Christianity: Meditations for the Season of Lent, we will seek to develop practices of transformation for ourselves and the world. Led by the dean and clergy. God in International Politics April 7 Led by Dr. John Stempel An exploration of religion in world politics. www.ccclex.org
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Mission: Ministry in the Dimension of Difference April 14 - May 12 Led by The Rev. Brent Owens Have you ever thought it would be cool to go on a mission trip? But you didn’t because of time, travel, money or safety concerns? Mission doesn’t only happen a long way from home, it happens whenever we cross significant boundaries of difference. In this class, we will explore why mission is essential to the existence of the Church. We will identify what mission actually is, and look at different models of mission. We will examine the implications of mission in a multicultural context, and how unseen societal forces can cause unequal relationships. There’s an old saying – “God doesn’t call the equipped, God equips the called.” This class will help equip you for the call of mission, whether it is mission in our backyard or halfway around the world. TBA May 19
Christ and Culture
10:00am -10:50am. These classes focus on themes in our culture, providing a small group discussion format.
The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming January 13 - February 3 Library Led by John Brice In 1983, while working in a community providing home to people with mental handicaps, Henri J. M. Nouwen came across a poster of Rembrandt’s “Prodigal Son.” He describes the life-changing experience in great detail in the prologue to his short book examining what is perhaps Jesus’ most widely known parable. This class will discuss both the parable and Nouwen’s examination of the parable and the imagery depicted in Rembrandt’s painting as we try to more fully understand the radical nature of God’s welcome to each of us. While reading the book in advance of the class is encouraged, it is certainly not necessary.
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Artist Constance Grayson February 10 & 17 Chapel Led by Constance Grayson “All my life, I have been moved by and drawn to color, form and texture. I have struggled to find ways in which I could connect with those strong emotions aroused in me when I observed vivid color, bold form or strong texture. I mastered first one craft and then another, never recognizing that I was striving to find the right way for me to express the passion within me. Then I put a paintbrush loaded with cerulean blue oil paint on a canvas and I knew that I had arrived, arrived at that place where I could realize my world view in a tangible and permanent way. I also perceived that I had just begun the long process of learning the techniques to enable me to do that. In my art, I strive to do ‘niente senza gioia’--nothing without joy.” God’s Welcome: Hospitality in a Gospel Hungry World by Amy Oden February 24 - March 24 Library Class will read, explore, ponder, and practice the ideas and practices in this book. Class is led by a team of parishioners who have already been incorporating these concepts. Adult Children Caring for Their Parents April 7-21 Library Led by Deacon Paula Ott Supergods April 28 - May 19 Library Led by The Rev. Joe Mitchell What can a masked vigilante, miraculous mutants, and a sun god from Smallville teach us about the nature of humanity and the Divine? Join The Rev. Joe Mitchell for this four-part series where we will examine archetypal heroes like Batman, X-Men, and Superman, whose decades-spanning stories give voice to our deepest hopes for who/what God is and our biggest dreams for the potential of humankind. UP UP AND AWAY!! www.ccclex.org
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Newcomers Class
Begins January 13 10:00am -10:50am Dean’s Conference Room Led by The Rev. Brent Owens This class is for newcomers or those who wish to refresh their faith. Join us at any of our services and especially at breakfast. A full hot breakfast is served each Sunday at 9:30am.
*No Sunday School on March 31 (Easter)*
John Philip Newell speaks at The Forum
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Weekday Classes pg • 17
Dream Group Begins January 14 12:00-2:00pm Meditation Room “Every local church should have the availability of a prayer group, seminars on how to pray, healing services, healing groups, and a dream group.” -- Morton Kelsey, Episcopal priest The Cathedral has had a fluid ongoing dream group for 15 years. We meet weekly, usually studying a book in order to better understand the language of the dream, and the rest of the time we explore the dreams of group members. This semester we will be studying Natural Spirituality by Joyce Rockwood Hudson. This is most holy work, to discern the voice of God in one’s dreams. If you have questions, contact elizabeth@ccclex.org or 2544497. Theology on Tap Ongoing, 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays of the month 6:30-8:30pm The Village Idiot, 307 West Short Street For 20-30s who are looking for a fun, practical approach to theology in a laid-back setting. Contact jmitchell@ccclex.org for more information.
Men’s Bible Study Begins January 16 8:00-9:00am Small Dining Room Led by The Rev. Ron Summers The men’s Bible study group meets for an hour Wednesdays at 8:00am in the Small Dining Room. Group will decide subject of study. www.ccclex.org
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Holy Eucharist & Sacrament of Healing 12:05pm weekly & 5:15pm on the third Wednesday of the month Chapel Prayer Shawl Knitters Begins January 9 1st Wednesday of the month 12:05-2:00pm Meditation Room Knitters of all ages share our gifts with others who are in need of God’s love and warmth. Knitters gather once a month to knit in community. While knitting, we meditate on Scripture and join in group prayer. The group also attends the Wednesday Healing Service and shares lunch. For more information contact, Flo Mayer 299-5552. Centering Prayer Begins January 16 5:00-6:00pm Meditation Room Led by Elizabeth Conrad We are reading The Path of Centering Prayer: Deepening Your Experience of God by David Frenette The last 20 minutes of the class will be devoted to the practice. Email elizabeth@ccclex.org with questions or to register. Daughters of the King (DOK) Third Wednesday of the month 5:15pm The DOK attend the Chapel Healing service at 5:15pm, followed by a devotional study, prayers, and business items in the Library.
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Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM) Begins January 17 7:00-9:00pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose Street For college students in any area university. Contact jmitchell@ccclex.org for more information.
And on Sunday . . .
Service Schedule • Holy Eucharist Rite I • 7:30am • Chapel • Breakfast • 9:30am • Great Hall • Holy Eucharist Rite II • 8:30am • Church • Sunday School • 10:00am • Holy Eucharist Rite II • 11:00am • Church • Evensong • 4:00pm • Church (Visit website for dates) • Celtic Eucharist • 5:00pm • Church (Visit website for dates) Youth Group 6:00pm Youth Activities Room, Basement
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Books and Beliefs meets the first Tuesday of each month. Coffee Hour begins at 10:00am followed by the program at 10:30am. Please attend these lively discussions and bring a guest to one or all of these opportunities for fellowship. All Christ Church members (men and women) and their guests are welcome. February 5: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford At the home of Sharon Brennan, 634 Tateswood Dr. Co-hostess: Helen Jones Presented by Lu Crehore March 5: Love, Life, and Elephants: An African Love Story by Daphne Jenkins Sheldrick At the home of Anne Garrett, 1609 Bon Air Dr. Co-hostess: Frances Cox Presented by Cindy Ware April 2: The Kentucky Derby: How the Run for the Roses Became America’s Premier Sporting Event by James C. Nicholson At the home of Cassandra Gray, 1660 Lakewood Dr. Co-hostess: Muffy Stuart Presented by the author May 7: Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery and Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy both by Eric Metaxas At the home of Mildred Lawrence, 101 South Hanover, 7M Co-hostess: Susan Baird Presented by Priscilla Lynd
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Adult Special Events pg • 21
Lenten Quiet Day Saturday, February 16 10:00am - 2:00pm Led by Bishop Doug Hahn A time of quiet, focused reflection. Wednesday Nights during Lent Light supper at 6:00pm followed by program at 6:30pm in the Great Hall. $5 suggested donation for supper. Radical Christian Life February 20 - March 13 Wednesday nights during lent will explore themes taken from this past year’s Trinity Institute. You will hear through a taped webcast conference Joan Chittister, OSB who will offer tools for making the vital connection between contemplation and social action. Other workshop leaders including theologians, spiritual directors, and activists will share their wisdom. Bishop Doug Hahn March 20
Wednesday Nights during Lent FEBRUARY 20 - MARCH 20 Light supper at 6:00pm Program at 6:30pm in the Great Hall $5 suggested donation for supper.
Radical Christian Life February 20 - March 13 Wednesday nights during lent will explore themes taken from this past year’s Trinity Institute. You will hear through a taped webcast conference Joan Chittister, OSB who will offer tools for making the vital connection between contemplation and social action. Other workshop leaders including theologians, spiritual directors, and activists will share their wisdom. Bishop Doug Hahn March 20 SIGN UP AT THE WELCOME CENTER OR AT WWW.CCCLEX.ORG.
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Children’s Special Events pg • 24
Shrove Tuesday February 12 Dinner 5:30-6:30pm Children’s activities begin at 6:15pm. Children’s Lenten Event March 17 12:30-2:30pm Children will experience events of Holy Week. Wear comfortable clothes to church. Lunch is provided. Easter Egg Hunt March 30 10:00am OEBG Parents bring two dozen eggs per child to church the week before. Marketplace: An Epic Kids Adventure June 10-13 Your child will journey to the ancient marketplace of Jesus’ time and become a part of the greatest story ever told. Children will enter the world of the Bible with animals, tents, drama, play, crafts, storytellers and costumes. The world of Roman soldiers, peasants, holy women and holy men will come to life as your child experiences Jesus’ time and place. There will be food, fun, drama, singing, dancing and excitement as children learn about Jesus’ ministry. Your child can be a part of this epic summer adventure set in the pastoral beauty of a local farm.
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Youth Special Events pg • 25
Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend January 20 Grades 6-12 Join with youth from Lexington as we sing God’s praises together in honor of civil rights. This service, starting at 3:30pm, will feature Keynote Speaker Pastor Mike Wortham, Youth Minister of the famous Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. We will gather at Greater Liberty Baptist Church, Lexington for an interactive, high energy service created, led by and for youth honoring youth contributions to the civil rights movement. Reception to follow with games and food. 4th Annual Ski & Swim February 1-2 Grades 6-12 Join us for a retreat weekend as we swim for a day, ski for a day and grow in our relationship with God and one another. The Friday/Saturday trip will be to Paoli Peaks and Big Splash Adventure in Indiana. Need-based scholarships available. New Beginnings February 8-10 Grades 7-9 Cathedral Domain A weekend of fun, relaxation and deepened friendships with God, new friends, and self. Join us on a discovery of questions – Who is God? Who is God to me? And who am I to God? This small group retreat will focus on self, friends, brothers, sisters, and parents. As we get ready for Valentine’s Day we will discover together how we love more fully. 30 Hour Famine March 1-3 Ages 12 & above Church of the Good Shepherd Thirty hours of fasting, prayer and community service focusing on hunger awareness in our community and abroad. This event includes a lock-in, prayers, games, community-service, worship, and small-group work. In the land of youth ministry, this event has it all! The event starts on 6pm on Friday and ends with a youth-led service at Christ Church on March 3. You don’t want to miss the event everyone always talks about! www.ccclex.org
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Youth Event Calendar pg • 26
January 4-6 13 20 27 February 1-2 3 8-10 10 March
12 17 24
17 24 31
1-3 3 10
Confirmation Retreat (Grades 9-10) Confirmands and Mentors Lunch, Noon Parents Meeting, 6pm Community Youth MLK at Greater Liberty, 4:30pm Youth Groups, 6pm Ski and Swim No Youth Groups New Beginnings (Grades 7-9) Jr. DOK Meeting, 4pm Youth Groups, 6pm Shrove Tuesday TBA Youth Groups, 6pm 30 Hour Famine No Youth Groups Jr. DOK Meeting, 4pm Youth Groups, 6pm Youth Groups, 6pm Youth Groups: Holy Week Study, 6pm Easter: No Youth Groups
7 14
Youth Groups: Scavenger Hunt, 6pm Jr. DOK Meeting, 4pm Youth Groups, 6pm 20 St. George’s Day & Earth Day 21 Youth Groups at OEBG, 6pm 27 or 28 Confirmation, TBA 28 Confirmation or Celebration of Manhood & Womanhood, TBA Youth Groups, 6pm Discovering God’s Welcome
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May 5 Confirmation or Celebration of Manhood & Womanhood, TBA Jr. DOK Meeting, 4pm Youth Groups: Kickball, 6pm 12 Graduation Sunday, 11am Mother’s Day: No Youth Groups 17 Graduation Dinner 19 Choir/Evensong Banquet No Youth Groups 26 Last Day of Sunday School No Youth Groups June 2 Youth Party 27-July 5 Belize Pilgrimage
Canned Food Scavenger Hunt 2012
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Youth Summer Camps pg • 28
Cathedral Domain Summer Camp Camp can be a profound place of spiritual growth for our young people. At camp, a community atmosphere promotes spiritual renewal, recreation and education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Each week, students from different grade levels gather with clergy and lay leaders to focus on a Christian learning theme, as well as personal learning goals. Camp is a powerful experience of God and community. Scholarships for all camps are available based on need. June
16-22 23-29 30-July 6
7-13 14-20 21-27 28-August 3
Senior Conference (Grades 9-12) Mini Camp 1 & 2 (Grades 1 & 2) Jr. Conference/Sr. High Mission Adventure Girls Camp 1 (Grades 3 & 4) Girls Camp 2 (Grades 5 & 6) Boys 1 & 2 (Grades 3 & 4) Co-Ed 3/5 (Grades 3-5)
J2A Urban Adventure 2012: St. Louis Discovering God’s Welcome
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College & Young Adult Events pg • 29
Episcopal Campus Ministry Every Thursday 7:00-9:00pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose Street Led by The Rev. Joe Mitchell Whether you are a student at UK, Transy, or any other local college, join us at St. Augustine’s Chapel on UK’s campus at 472 Rose Street. ECM gathers from 7:00 to 9:00pm every Thursday during the school year to enjoy a meal, fellowship, program, and worship time. Come join us, those who have much faith and those who have little, those who go to church often and those who haven’t gone in a long time. Contact Joe Mitchell (jmitchell@ccclex.org) for more information. And don’t forget to bring a friend! Theology on Tap 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays of the Month 6:30-8:30pm The Village Idiot, 307 West Short Street Led by The Rev. Joe Mitchell Are you a young adult who is looking for a fun, practical approach to theology in a laid-back setting? Then come join us for Theology on Tap every first, third and fifth Monday of the month at 6:30pm. The conversation is organic and the fellowship is wonderful! Come stay for 10 minutes or two hours, and know that regardless of who you are or where you come from, you have a place at the table! Contact Joe Mitchell (jmitchell@ccclex.org) for more information.
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Holy Lutes, Opening February 15 Artist Constance Grayson is the solo exhibitor with Art at the Cathedral in February. The Gallery Hop opening is Friday, February 15. Grayson will speaking in the Chapel on February 10 and 17 during Sunday School. “All my life,” says artist Constance Grayson, “I have been moved by and drawn to color, form and texture. I have struggled to find ways in which I could connect with those strong emotions aroused in me when I observed vivid color, bold form or strong texture. I mastered first one craft and then another, never recognizing that I was striving to find the right way for me to express the passion within me. Then I put a paintbrush loaded with cerulean blue oil paint on a canvas and I knew that I had arrived, arrived at that place where I could realize my world view in a tangible and permanent way. I also perceived that I had just begun the long process of learning the techniques to enable me to do that. In my art, I strive to do ‘niente senza gioia’--nothing without joy.” “Holy Lutes” is an exhibit which displays art and poetry side by side. Here is an example: This poem is based on the 16th century AD poem written by Avraham Galanti, who lived in Israel. It reflects the Jewish tradition. Galanti was a Kaballah teacher and Jewish mystic. The Meditation of Avraham, Pupil of Cordovero God, who is hidden with the beauty of His domain, Intellect beyond conception; Highest of all high, Crowned with the uppermost crown, We all accept Your Majesty. . . . The rivers of understanding are fountains of faith. They drip deep into the minds of men. And out of them come the Five Gates of Intuition. God creates the Faithful.
Discovering God’s Welcome
Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 859.254.4497 www.ccclex.org