Formation F i n di nChristian g H ome
Christian Formation, Art & Fellowship pg • 3 for Spring 2014 You trace my journeys and my resting places and are acquainted with all my ways. - Psalm 139:2 Deep in the heart of every person is a longing for home. If some kind of house is necessary for our physical survival, a home is necessary for our spiritual fulfillment. Finding our spiritual home provides assurance of where and with Whom we belong. It enables us to put down deep roots and bloom where we are planted, no matter the length of our days. At Christ Church Cathedral, finding home is about finding our soul purpose—to fulfill our destiny, to be what God wants us to be. It begins with a thirst for a more authentic life, and involves letting go and loving God as we aim our lives at blessing others. If you are eager to find your true home, where you are accepted in the depths of God’s love, we invite you on this exciting journey at Christ Church Cathedral. God’s promise is this: No matter how far we travel or how ardently we search, in seeking our home we will find the greatest of treasures—the love of God, our true selves, a caring community and the opportunity to respond to the hurts and the hopes of the world. Finding our spiritual home is a surprising adventure—the deeper we go, the more it opens out until it stretches to infinity. Welcome to Christ Church Cathedral. Welcome home. Carol+
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Fellowship................................ 4 Other Opportunities................. 6 Children’s Sunday Classes......... 7 Youth Sunday Classes............... 9 Adult Sunday Classes............... 10 Weekday Offerings................... 15 Books & Beliefs........................ 19 The Lenten Series.................... 20 Adult Special Events................. 21 Children’s Special Events.......... 22 Youth Special Events................ 23 Youth Event Calendar............... 24 Cathedral Domain Camps......... 25 College....................................... 26 Young Adults.............................. 27 Art at the Cathedral................. 28 For questions regarding Christian Formation or to register for a class, contact Elizabeth Conrad at the Cathedral, 254-4497 or Finding Home
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Brotherhood of St. Andrew The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew is a men’s organization of the Episcopal Church founded in 1883 for the purpose of prayer, study and service. Our chapter, which was formed in 1893, was reactivated in 2011 after over 30 years of inactivity. We welcome and encourage all interested men in the parish to join us. Call John Perrine at 268-0306. Commodores Remember to save the first Friday of each month at 7:00pm for the Commodore meetings. This fellowship meal and program is for adult parishioners and their guests. Please check the Sunday Times and Cathedral Reminders, or contact Loys Mather, 299-8569, for the most current details. Daughters of the King (DOK) The Order of the Daughters of the King is an international religious order for Episcopal women and girls. Founded in 1885, its purpose is to bring others into a living, loving relationship with Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and to help strengthen the spiritual life of our parish and missions. The Christ Church Chapter meets on the third Wednesday of the month, evenings in the fall and spring, and following the noon healing service in the winter. For more information, call Joanna Walsh at (859) 533-8853. Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Six times a year, ECW has an engaging speaker series featuring prominent community leaders. This is open to all in our Cathedral community and beyond. The speaker program is offered February 11, March 8 and April 8, followed by a buffet lunch. Monthly business meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:00am in the Great Hall and also include a buffet lunch. For more information and a schedule of programs, please pick up an ECW Brochure available at the Welcome Center. Wanda Jaquith, President, can be reached at 269-6191.
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Gather & Grow Groups The Gather & Grow groups are a community-building ministry at Christ Church that meet monthly for a potluck dinner, a fun event, a theater performance, a community project or whatever is of interest to the group. Small groups are formed and meet for a year. This is a wonderful way to expand your Christ Church family. Cathedral newcomers are encouraged to participate. We have married, single, widowed, partnered, young and old in our groups. There’s a place for everyone and we would love to have you. Contact Carol Parkey at 859-200-6927 for more information or to join a group. Prayer Shawl Knitters We provide shawls knitted with prayer for our Cathedral members who are shut in or having surgery or a new baby. Led by the Daughters of the King, we knit at home individually, coming together the first Wednesday of the month to knit, pray, and study. When a shawl is complete, it is blessed by a clergy member and taken to those in need. We encourage anyone interested in knitting to become a part of this wonderful ministry. Please contact Flo Mayer, 299-5552, if you are interested. Youth Ministry Programming for Grades 6-12 seeks to provide a space where students are loved by God and community, experience growth, and use that growth to change the world around them. Groups meet during Sunday School and on Sunday evenings at 6:00pm to participate in study, worship, service, and community. This exciting group is growing and looking for participants and volunteers. If you or someone you know would like to participate, contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at the church office, 254-4497, or email at jmitchell@ccclex. org.
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Art at the Cathedral Art at the Cathedral strives to integrate art into the religious life of our Church. In addition to the permanent fine art collection, rotating exhibits are displayed throughout the year featuring Diocese and local artists. The Cathedral extends its hospitality by hosting exhibit receptions that coincide with Lexington’s Gallery Hop, thus serving as a ministry to reach out to our downtown community and welcome visitors. You can find out more about a current exhibit at; look for the “Art” tab. Contact Mike Slone ( to get involved with this ministry. Cathedral Music Children have a unique ability to absorb and to learn. A hallmark of the Cathedral music program is imbuing children and youth with a passion, joy and sense of purpose for singing great sacred music. Regarded nationally as a leader and innovator in the development of treble choirs, the Cathedral music program provides instruction for boys, girls and teens based on the curriculum of the Royal School of Church Music -- As choristers learn and work together, they develop lasting friendships and become part of a community that uplifts individual and collective efforts. Contact Music Assistant Kathleen Balling at for enrollment information. CROSS Ministries Christians Reaching Out in Service and Support is the name of our outreach and mission initiatives. Outreach has always been an important part of the life of Christ Church. Since the late 19th century, Christ Church has been the center of a number of significant mission and outreach activities. We continue to reach out to the Lexington community, striving to respect the worth and dignity of every individual through the programs. Please join us in these efforts. There are many opportunities to donate time or make a financial contribution to various ministries aiding those in need. Contact a ministry leader to volunteer. Become a part of our Cathedral community and engage fully in our life in Christ. For more information, contact Martha Park at 263-5878.
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Nursery 8:15am - 12:15pm Birth - 3 years 1st floor Helm Led by Michelle Dunlap, Nursery Coordinator Today we see overwhelming research and results indicating that our children absorb and learn literally from the time of their birth. Our Christian formation is no different! The Nursery at Christ Church Cathedral is a wonderful pulpit for our future clergy, Vestry, and lay people. They have a chance to be introduced to God’s love while they play and form community. Our Nursery cares for children from birth through 3 years of age. It is available for all services, classes and special events for Christ Church Cathedral. We are staffed with three regular caregivers. We are an excellent choice of community service for our youth as they fulfill their outreach. Children’s Chapel 8:30am & 11:00am 4 years - Grade 4 Children’s Chapel, 1st floor Helm Children may join the opening procession of the Sunday 8:30am service and 11:00am service, then go into the Children’s Chapel for a service designed specifically for them. Children join parents during the “Peace” in time for Holy Communion. God’s Children Sing 10:15am - 10:45am Birth - 3 years Children’s Chapel Led by Linda Robinson and Gretchen Gillig This class meets in the Children’s Chapel for singing, moving, listening, and playing rhythm instruments. The experiences center on topics of faith for young children and also assist in their developmental process and musical growth. The parents play musically with the children in class and develop relationships with other adults in this part of our faith community. Come and join this lively group for music, fun, and fellowship on Sunday mornings!
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Godly Play 10:00am - 10:50am 3 years - Grade 3 2nd floor Helm Led by Amanda Tudor, Brent Jacobs, Jessica Pollard, John Perrine, Kim Knight, Regan Parker, Kimberly Chapman, Wendell Snyder, Diane Milburn, Paige Kikuchi and Renee Mullins Godly Play is the Montessori method of Christian Formation. We believe children already experience God. Godly Play gives them the language and place in which to express it and continue that search for the elusive presence. They learn through the story and the entire environment of the room. God’s Team 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 4 & 5 3rd floor Helm Led by Bernie Conrad, Ann-Whitney Garner and Sarah Combs Continuing to search for that elusive presence, God’s Team will explore through more complex Godly Play stories. We will have outside gatherings from time to time.
Kids enjoying the Children’s Lenten Event in 2013. Finding Home
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Middle School: The Awakening 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 6 - 8 3rd floor Helm Led by Robin Cook, Stewart Cook, Huston Combs and Katherine Fitzpatrick Students study the daily gospel lesson and discover their own identity through events on their Christian Journey. The class utilizes group discussion, drama, art, song, and YouTube to study the week’s lesson. Activities change weekly based on the scripture. High School: The Unveiling 10:00am - 10:50am Grades 9 - 12 Youth Activities Room, Basement Led by Sarah Sloan, Brad Newsome, Brenda Dennis and The Rev. Joe Mitchell Students use a four-week rotation to reflect on biblical and theological topics using group discussion, multimedia and the arts. Week 1: Introduce - mentors present the topic to the students. Week 2: Relate – students relate the topic to their lives. Week 3: Create – students design content based on the topic. Week 4: The Unveiling – students present the topic through drama, art, music or other medium. Junior Daughters of the King 4:00pm - 5:45pm (Monthly) Grades 6 - 12 Jr. DOK Chapel, 3rd floor Helm Led by Pat Arnold and Cassie Jackson Similar to “Christian Girl Scouts,” the group focuses on community service and prayer. Jr. Daughters is a subset of the Daughters of the King, an order of Episcopal women living under a communal rule of prayer and service. Members discern a serious call to the life of Christ and make a vow to pray daily for church and world. Jr. members are each supported and mentored by a Senior Daughter. Sunday Night Youth Groups 6:00 - 7:30pm Grades 6 - 8 and 9 - 12 Youth Activities Room, Basement Youth gather for games, service projects, prayer, and study. Activities change weekly. Each evening begins with a snack super and group game. Groups break into middle and high school for a program and conclude with prayer.
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The Forum
Takes place in the TIlford Room 10:00-10:50am.
Kentucky Refugee Ministries January 12 Great Hall Led by Dabney Parker, KRM Co-Sponsor Director & Volunteer Coordinator Many attended the wonderful and moving performance of the Kentucky Refugee Ministries Children’s Choir in December. Some of the children were in refugee camps only 6 months prior. Sunday, January 12 at 10:00am in the Great Hall, Dabney Parker the Volunteer Coordinator for Kentucky Refugee Ministries, will tell us about their mission and how churches can co-sponsor a refugee family. Please join us to hear of this life changing opportunity. How to Read the Bible January 26 - February 16 Led by Dr. Margie Ralph The Bible is both a source of revealed universal truths and a living word that cuts to the marrow of each of our bones. In this four-week study we will discuss how to understand the intent of the original inspired author and how to hear Scripture as a living word in the context of our individual lives. Dr. Margie Ralph worked for the Covington and Lexington Dioceses for 30 years, as a teacher, Adult Education Consultant, Director of RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) and Evangelization, and finally as Secretary of Educational Ministries for 16 years. Presently she is the director of the MPS (Masters in Pastoral Studies) program for Catholics at Lexington Theological Seminary. Lift Every Voice and Sing … 50 Years Later February 23 Great Hall Led by Dr. Everett McCorvey Growing up around the corner from Martin Luther King, Jr., Everett McCorvey shares his experiences with the Civil Rights Movement in Montgomery, Alabama. Everett McCorvey is the founder and Music Director of the American Spiritual Ensemble. Dr. McCorvey has given concerts, master classes and workshops throughout the United States, Europe, South America and Asia as a soloist and with his wife, soprano Alicia Helm. Finding Home
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Do You Believe in Rock and Roll; Can Music Save Your Mortal Soul? March 2 - March 16 Led by John Brice Self-professed prisoner of rock and roll John Brice leads a discussion of the various biblical, spiritual, prophetic, and theological themes found in the music of Jackson Browne. The class will listen to Browne songs containing examinations of our reaction to the physical world, our need to be in community, death and grief, stewardship of the planet, relationships with others, and relationship with God and will then discuss how the thoughts expressed by Browne resonate with the Gospel. Caring for Our Parents March 23 - April 6 Led by The Rev. Paula Ott & Lisa Johnson Many of us will become responsible for the care and well-being of aging parents--perhaps with less than 24 hours’ notice. Join our deacon, Paula Ott; family law attorney and parishioner Lisa Johnson; and Ann Loggins of ParentCareKy for a four-week class. We will discuss how both adult child and parent can lovingly and successfully navigate these changes. Obtain current information regarding locally available resources for healthcare services, legal possibilities and obligations for providing the best care for our parents. For additional information, contact Paula at or 859-608-2779.
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May Classes Celebrate Older Americans Month Older Americans Month is celebrated each May to honor and recognize older adults for their contributions to families, communities, and society. With this series of classes we celebrate older adults for who they are as productive, active, and influential members of society, who can share essential talents, wisdom, and life experiences with our communities. The Gift of Years: Growing Old Gracefully by Joan Chittister April 27 - May 4, 18 Led by Gary Stewart, Bob Voll and Elizabeth Conrad A forum for both parents and adult children. This inspirational forum looks at the many facets of growing old gracefully, from purposes and challenges to struggles and surprises. Celebration of Older Adult Ministries May 11 Led by Ruth-Ann Collins Ruth-Ann Collins, Officer for Lifelong Formation and Mission for the Episcopal Church, will lead us in an exploration and celebration of the vibrant spirituality and wisdom of our elders. Planning for the Future May 25 Led by Robert McClelland Robert who is an expert in elder law will address your questions regarding your family and resources. Some of the questions frequently asked are: • My parent is about to enter a nursing home -- what do I need to know concerning legalities? • Do I need a will? • Do I need a living trust? These questions or others of your choosing will be addressed. Robert McClelland is a Lexington attorney licensed in Kentucky and West Virginia, recognized by his peers and clients for his experience as an Elder Law and Special Needs Planning attorney.
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Christ and Culture
Takes place in the Spirituality Room, 1st Floor Helm, 10:00am -10:50am. These classes focus on themes in our culture, providing a small-group discussion format.
Living by Words January 19 - February 16 Led by Guy Mendes January 19: Maurice Manning - Manning is the author of four collections of poetry, was awarded the 2009 Hanes Award for Poetry from the Fellowship of Southern Writers. January 26: Kim Edwards - Kim Edwards is an American author and educator. Her first novel, The Memory Keeper’s Daughter (2005), is a New York Times Bestseller. February 2: Gray Zeitz - Gray Zeitz is the founder and operator of Larkspur Press, producing dozens of fine letterpress hand-bound editions of works by Kentucky poets and writers for nearly 40 years. February 9: Bianca Spriggs - Affrilachian Poet and Cave Canem Fellow, Bianca Spriggs, is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Lexington. February 16: Katerina Stoykova-Klemer - In 1995, Stoykova-Klemer immigrated to the United States from Bourgas, Bulgaria. She writes poetry and prose in both Bulgarian and English. Journaling As a Spiritual Practice March 9 - April 6 Led by Diana Martin, Elizabeth Conrad and James Goode Diana Martin teaches English and Women’s Studies at Bluegrass Community & Technical College. She came to CCC 10 years ago as a visitor and immediately realized it was a perfect spiritual fit. James Goode, published author and Professor of English at Bluegrass Community College will also lead one of the sessions on journaling.
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Theology of Baseball May 4 - June 1 Led by The Rev. Joe Mitchell Baseball, like our faith journey, is about building community, facing adversity, and coming home. Join us for this engaging series that looks at our national pastime as a way that we connect to the Divine, using John Sexton’s Baseball as a Road to God.
Every Sunday
The Wired Word Begins January 19 10:00 - 10:50am Bride’s Room Led by Ben Newsom, Jim Ware, Sharon Stewart and Chuck Baldecchi This class uses a format that weaves current events into weekly Bible studies. Cathedral 101 Begins January 19 10:00 - 10:50am Dean’s Conference Room, 3rd Floor Led by The Rev. Brent Owens This class welcomes everyone into the life of Christ Church Cathedral to help equip us to carry out the work of Christ in the world. Whether you are new or a longtime member, we invite you to explore the Episcopal Church with us as we also discern our own spiritual journey. Each session is a “stand alone” class so that you can attend one, or all, or something in between.
Easter Sunday April 20 - No Sunday School, join us for Easter Breakfast Pentecost June 8 - No Sunday School, join us for Pentecost Breakfast
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Dream Group Begins January 6 12:00 - 2:00pm Spirituality Room “Every local church should have the availability of a prayer group, seminars on how to pray, healing services, healing groups, and a dream group.” -- Morton Kelsey, Episcopal priest The Cathedral has had a fluid ongoing dream group for 16 years. We meet weekly, usually studying a book in order to better understand the language of the dream, and the rest of the time we explore the dreams of group members. This semester we will be studying Awakening Woman: Dreams and Individuation by Nancy Qualls-Corbett this semester. This is most holy work, to discern the voice of God in one’s dreams. If you have questions, contact Elizabeth Conrad at or 254-4497. Theology on Tap Ongoing, 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays of the month 6:30 - 8:30pm The Village Idiot, 307 West Short Street For 20-30s who are looking for a fun, practical approach to theology in a laid-back setting. Contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at for more information.
Yoga Begins January 7, no class March 4, Shrove Tuesday 5:00 - 6:30pm Great Hall $85 / 12 sessions This is a great opportunity for people new to yoga as well as those who have more experience. The instructor, Madelaine Enochs-Epley, is wonderful at working with all skill levels. Bring yourself, a yoga mat and water,
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and be ready for an experience that transcends the physical body and leads to the heart. If you have any questions, please email Ann Whitney Garner ( or Elizabeth Conrad (elizabeth@ccclex. org).
Fr. Bob Horine’s Men’s Bible Study
Named in honor and memory of The Rev. Dr. Robert Horine
Ongoing 8:00 - 9:00am Small Dining Room Led by The Rev. Ron Summers The men’s Bible study group meets for an hour Wednesdays at 8:00am in the Small Dining Room. Group will decide subject of study. Companions in Christ Begins January 8 9:30 - 11:30am Spirituality Room Led by Lynne Slone “The Way of Prayer” is a 10-week small-group study about the nature, practice, and results of prayer. “Somewhere deep inside us resides the experience of being so deeply connected to God that we long to express the wonder of that relationship,” the authors write. “We pray because we can — and must.” Join us as we expand our understanding of prayer to include new ways to pray. Holy Eucharist & Sacrament of Healing 12:05pm Chapel Prayer Shawl Knitters Begins February 5 1st Wednesday of the month Finding Home
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12:05 - 2:00pm Bride’s Room Knitters of all ages share their gifts with others who are in need of God’s love and warmth. Knitters gather once a month to knit in community. While knitting, we meditate on Scripture and join in group prayer. The group also attends the Wednesday Healing Service and shares lunch. For more information contact, Flo Mayer, 299-5552. Centering Prayer Begins January 8 5:00 - 6:00pm Spirituality Room Led by Elizabeth Conrad Each week the Centering Prayer group sits together for 20 minutes in silence, allowing our thoughts to pass by, resting in God. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary. Centering Prayer will change your life. We will begin the hour by discussing excerpts from Pema Chödrön’s When Things Fall Apart which can be purchased in Christ Church Bookstore.
Dream Group Begins January 16, 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month 5:00 - 7:00pm Bride’s Room “Every local church should have the availability of a prayer group, seminars on how to pray, healing services, healing groups, and a dream group.” -- Morton Kelsey, Episcopal priest The Cathedral has had a fluid ongoing dream group for 16 years. We meet weekly, usually studying a book in order to better understand the language of the dream, and the rest of the time we explore the dreams of group members. This semester we will be studying Natural Spirituality by Joyce Rockwood Hudson. This is most holy work, to discern the voice of God in one’s dreams. If you have questions, contact Elizabeth Conrad at or 254-4497.
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Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM) Begins January 9 7:00 - 9:00pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose Street For college students in any area university. Contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at for more information.
And on Sunday . . .
Service Schedule • Holy Eucharist Rite I • 7:30am • Chapel • Breakfast • 9:30am • Great Hall • Holy Eucharist Rite II • 8:30am • Church • Sunday School • 10:00am • Holy Eucharist Rite II • 11:00am • Church • Evensong • 4:00pm • Church (Visit website for dates) • Sanctuary • 6:00pm • Church Jr. Daughters of the King Monthly 4:00pm Jr. DOK Chapel, 3rd Floor Helm Youth Groups 6:00pm Youth Activities Room, Basement Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM) Begins January 12 7:00-9:00pm Small Dining Room
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Books and Beliefs meets the first Tuesday of each month. Coffee Hour begins at 10:00am followed by the program at 10:30am. Please attend these lively discussions and bring a guest to one or all of these opportunities for fellowship. All Christ Church members (men and women) and their guests are welcome. February 4: My Years with Corrie by Ellen Stamps Presented by the author At the home of Barrie Hart, 3840 Wyse Square Co-hostess: Muffy Stuart March 4: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot Presented by Betsy Davenport At the home of Lori Specht, 236 Queensway Drive Co-hostess: Trudy Patch April 1: TBA Presented by Ann Demaree At the home of Muffy Stuart, 2938 Four Pines Drive Co-hostess: Sandy Ireland May 6: The Madness of Mary Lincoln by Jason Emerson Presented by Priscilla Lynd At the home of Sandy Ireland, 232 Kingsway Drive Co-hostess: Jane Burke
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Lenten Series: Discovering Your Soul Purpose Wednesdays in Lent Dinner at 6:00pm, Speaker begin at 6:30pm Great Hall
One Cathedral, One Book: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown Wednesdays, March 12 & 20 Researcher and author Dr. Brené Brown’s book offers a powerful new vision that encourages us to dare greatly: to embrace imperfection, to live wholeheartedly, and to courageously engage in our lives. Join us for a lively discussion as we learn how to dare greatly together. A Pearl in the Storm by Tori Murden McClure Wednesday, March 26 Dr. Tori Murden McClure will be with us to discuss her adventures and transformation while rowing the Atlantic solo. She is tje author of A Pearl in the Storm: How I Found My Heart in the Middle of the Ocean. “In the end I know I rowed across the Atlantic to find my heart but in the beginning, I wasn’t aware that it was missing.” Listening to Our Lives Wednesday, April 2 Led by The Rev.Dr. William Brown The Reverend Dr. William Brown will guide us in the practice of spiritual discernment through prayerful listening in supportive community. This ancient spiritual practice allows us to listen for God in the midst of our everyday lives. The Rev. Dr. William Brown is a Retired Priest Associate at Ascension Frankfort and Associate Provost at Midway College. Wednesday, April 9 Led by Dean and Associate Dean Did you know that you have been given a unique set of spiritual gifts? Tonight’s gathering will offer individuals the opportunity to identify their spiritual gifts and discern how they might be used. Finding Home
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Shrove Tuesday Tuesday, March 4 Dinner 5:30-6:30pm Activities begin at 6:15pm Confirmation & Reception: Take the Next Step in Your Membership Sundays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6 12:45 - 1:45pm Dean’s Conference Room Bishop Hahn will be at Christ Church Cathedral for confirmation and reception on Wednesday, May 14. If you are an adult and would like to be confirmed or received, we have a series of 5 classes (March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6) to prepare you. The class is at 12:45pm (after the 11:00am service) so that it does not conflict with other Cathedral activities. There will be childcare provided. Bring a sack lunch. • Confirmation is a sacramental rite in which baptized candidates “express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayers and the laying on of hands by a bishop.” BCP p. 860 • Reception is for baptized persons who have made a mature commitment to Christ in another Christian denomination and now wish to be members of the Episcopal Church. The candidate is received through the laying on of hands and prayer by the Bishop. Please RSVP for attendance and if you need childcare by contacting Rev. Brent Owens at or call 254-4497 ext. 103. Lenten Quiet Day Saturday, March 29 9:00am - 1:00pm Led by Bishop Doug Hahn A time of quiet, focused reflection. Save the Date: Diocesan Celebration of Older Adult Ministries Sunday, May 10 Led by Bishop Hahn and Ruth Ann Collins, Officer of Lifelong Formation and Mission for The Episcopal Church This day will include workshops, lunch and Holy Eucharist.
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Shrove Tuesday Tuesday, March 4 Dinner 5:30-6:30pm Activities begin at 6:15pm Children’s Lenten Event Sunday, March 23 12:30-2:30pm Children will experience events of Holy Week. Wear comfortable clothes to church. Lunch is provided. Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 19 10:00am Old Episcopal Burying Ground Parents should bring two dozen eggs per child to church the week before. Marketplace: An Epic Kids Adventure June 9-12 9:00am - Noon Your child will journey to the ancient marketplace of Jesus’ time and become a part of the greatest story ever told. Children will enter the world of the Bible with animals, tents, drama, play, crafts, storytellers and costumes. The world of Roman soldiers, peasants, holy women and holy men will come to life as your child experiences Jesus’ time and place. There will be food, fun, drama, singing, dancing and excitement as children learn about Jesus’ ministry. Your child can be a part of this epic summer adventure set in the pastoral beauty of a local farm.
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DioLex Youth Lock-In at Trinity, Covington January 17 & 18 The DioLex Lock-In --’The Electric Revival’ -- will be held at Trinity, Covington from 1:00pm on Saturday, January 18 until noon on Sunday, January 19. Youth will meet and hang out with kids from across the diocese and enjoy activities like: live music, a Taize service, yoga, an open mic coffee hour, and much more. Transportation will be provided to and from Mission House for anyone that needs it. If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please see Fr. Joe ( Martin Luther King, Jr., Event January 19 Grades 6-12 Join with youth from Lexington as we sing God’s praises together in honor of civil rights. We will gather at Greater Liberty Baptist Church, Lexington, at 3:30pm, for an high-energy service created and led by youth honoring the civil rights movement. Reception to follow with games and food. 5th Annual Ski & Swim February 1-2 Grades 6-12 Join us for a retreat weekend as we swim for a day , ski for a day, and grow in our relationship with God and one another. The Saturday/Sunday trip will be to Paoli Peaks and Big Splash Adventure in Indiana. Need-based scholarships available. New Beginnings February 7-9 Grades 7-9 Cathedral Domain A weekend of fun, relaxation and deepened friendships with God, new friends, and self. Join us on a discovery of questions – Who is God? Who is God to me? And who am I to God? This small group retreat will focus on self, friends, brothers, sisters, and parents. As we get ready for Valentine’s Day we will discover together how we love more fully. Sign up for all Christ Church youth events with Volunteer Spot:
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January 12 17-18 19 26 February 1-2 2 7-9 9 16 23 March 2 4 9 16 19 23 April
25-27 27
11 18
6 13 20
Jr. DOK Meeting, 4:00pm Youth Groups DioLex Youth Lock-In at Trinity, Covington Martin Luther King, Jr., Event, Greater Liberty Baptist Church Youth Groups Ski & Swim No Youth Groups New Beginnings at Cathedral Domain (Grades 7-9) Jr. DOK Meeting, 4:00pm Youth Groups Youth Groups Youth Groups Youth Groups Shrove Tuesday Jr. DOK Meeting, 4:00pm Youth Groups Youth Groups Room in the Inn Celebration of Manhood & Womanhood, 11:00am Youth Groups No Youth Groups (Spring Break) Youth Group Scavenger Hunt for God’s Pantry Youth Groups Easter Breakfast Bash No Sunday School & Youth Groups St. George’s Weekend at Cathedral Domain Jr. DOK Meeting, 4:00pm Youth Groups Jr. DOK Meeting, 4:00pm Youth Group PJ Pant Kickball Tournament No Youth Groups (Mother’s Day) Youth Sunday Celebration of Graduates, 11:00am No Youth Groups No Youth Groups (Memorial Day)
Last Day of Sunday School Youth Party Pentecost Breakfast Bash Finding Home
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Cathedral Domain Summer Camps Camp can be a profound place of spiritual growth for our young people. At camp, a community atmosphere promotes spiritual renewal, recreation and education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Each week, students from different grade levels gather with clergy and lay leaders to focus on a Christian learning theme, as well as personal learning goals. Camp is a powerful experience of God and community. Scholarships for all camps are available based on need. June July
15-21 22-28 29-July 5 6-12 13-19 20-26 27-August 2
Senior Conference (Grades 9-12) Reading Camp/Mini Camp (Grades 1 & 2) Junior Conference (Grades 7 & 8) Girls Camp I (Grades 3 & 4) Girls Camp II (Grades 5 & 6) Mission Adventure Camp (Grades 7-9) Boys I & II (Grades 3-6) Co-Ed Camp (Grades 3-5)
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Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM) at UK Every Thursday 7:05pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose Street Led by The Rev. Joe Mitchell Have you ever wondered what services from other Prayer Books were like? This spring stop by Episcopal Campus Ministry and find out! We will be exploring the service of Holy Eucharist from a different Book of Common Prayer going all the way back to the first one in 1549!! So join us each Thursday night at 7:05 for these unique worship experiences, conversation, and a FREE MEAL. We’re located at St. Augustine’s Chapel (472 Rose Street, between the AD Pi and Tri Delt houses).
Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM) with Transy Every Sunday 6:00pm for Sanctuary, followed by conversation Small Dining Room Led by The Rev. Joe Mitchell Are you a student at the Transylvania University? Are you looking for an intimate, open community to call your own? Then join us for Episcopal Campus Ministry! If you are at Transy, swing by Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday nights at 6:00 for our Sanctuary service and stay for a delicious meal and engaging conversation. No matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey, you have a home at ECM!!
Finding Home
Christian Formation
Young Adults
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Theology on Tap 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays of the Month 6:30 - 8:30pm The Village Idiot, 307 West Short Street Are you a young adult looking for conversation and fellowship in an organic, non-judgmental setting? Then join us for Theology on Tap on the first, third and fifth Mondays of each month at The Village Idiot. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome at the table! Hospitality at Home Date and Time TBA Various Homes You are also welcome to join us for Hospitality at Home, which is hosted by members of the Cathedral Young Adults. Dates and times vary. These gatherings are informal and provide wonderful opportunities for socializing. Sushi Fridays Every Friday during Lent Times and Locations TBA Looking for a new discipline during Lent? Then join us for Sushi Fridays, where we have wonderful conversation while honoring the penitential season by giving up meat. Don’t worry, you can still get beef if you want! Locations and times vary. All are welcome! Date Night Date and Time TBA Are you a young couple looking for a night out with folks your age? Then you’ll love Date Night, a fun night out with dinner and drinks. Single folks are welcome too! And if you have kids, they’ll be cared for by our Cathedral Nursery staff while you enjoy a few hours out. Contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell ( for more information.
Christian Formation
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Winter Inspiration: Finding Home with Our Environment February 9 - March 30 Art at the Cathedral’s 2014 schedule begins with the February exhibit entitled “Winter Inspiration” curated by Robert Sandford, a Christ Church Cathedral member and an accomplished oil painter from Lexington who specializes in plein-air landscapes. The Gallery Hop on Friday, February 21, will be held from 5:00 to 8:00pm. Saint John’s Bible Display, and Reflected Illuminations: Finding Home with God April 6 - June 1 The Saint John’s Bible is a work of art and a work of theology. The team of artisans brings together ancient techniques of calligraphy and illumination with an ecumenical Christian approach to the Bible rooted in Benedictine spirituality. Ten prints from this wonderful collection will be on display. Each print will be accompanied by a work created by those among our local faithful family of artists, reflecting their individual “illuminations.” NOTE: Visitors are welcome to view the exhibit on Gallery Hop on Friday, April 18. All will be warmly greeted and invited to participate in Good Friday Service at 7:30pm; however, to respect the solemnity of the day, there will not be a hosted reception. Browsing the World of Book Art June 8 - August 8 We are pleased to have the opportunity to introduce an exciting display featuring finely crafted book cover art and book illustrations, including the personal collection of curator, Kathleen Imhoff, an avid artist-photographer, literature enthusiast and a Christ Church Cathedral member. The Gallery Hop on Friday, June 20, will be held from 5:00 to 8:00pm.
Finding Home
Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 859.254.4497