Sermon Study Guide December 5, 2010 Luke 1:26
Our nature had sinned and therefore our humanity should suffer—that’s the reason why the savior was born as a human child. But even though our nature should…our nature could not bear it; not bear the weight of God’s wrath due to us because of our sin. But the Son of God could…and thus he was born a Son of God. The one ought…but could not; the other could, but ought not. Therefore, either alone would not serve, they must be joined, the Child of Humanity and the Son of God. Therefore, that he might be liable, he was a Child; that He might be able, He was the Son; that He might be both, He was both. -Paraphrase from Lancelot Andrewes’ Christmas Day sermon, 1606.
Mary Mary is the second person we will look at in the sermon series called Believing Christmas. She is the most well known of the pageant story. Yet, there is a depth to her that will amaze us. 1. Read the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-56) What are the key themes you read here? Compare this to the Hannah’s Song (I Sam 2:1-10). What similarities do you see between the two “songs”? 2. Luke 1:26-27 records that the birth of the Messiah was not in Judea or Jerusalem or in a Temple or to a well-known woman. The Messiah was found in the backwaters of Israel, in a “hick-town”, at the home of an obscure woman. What do Jesus and the New Testament say about pride and status? (cf. Mark 9:33-37; 10:35-45; Phil 2:1-11; James 4:6) How does pride affect your own walk with God and your spiritual life? 3. The Seven Deadly Sins are ever-present. Describe how you have encountered these sins in the past week (in yourself or another): Greed, Pride, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Anger and Envy. Why is the sin of Pride the “mother” of all other sins? 4. I mentioned that the reality of sin, suspicion and rebellion are constant realities in our world. Do you agree? Give an example of how you instinctively distrust or suspect other people. Why is this true? 5. The Virgin Birth is a necessary belief/doctrine in the Christian faith. It is not an add-on or secondary. It is in the Creeds. Read the paraphrase of Bishop Andrewes sermon on the left. One camp song from my younger days said it this way:“He paid a debt he did not owe; I owed a debt I could not pay. I needed someone to wash my sins away.” Comment and discuss the quote and the concept. What new thing have you understood by this aphorism: “the one ought, but could not...the other could, but ought not”? 6. Read my own paraphrase of Bishop Andrewes’ sermon as it pertains to the Divinity/Humanity of Christ Jesus. Find it here. Comment and discuss.