October 17, 2010 Shovel Ready Giving Matthew 6; Luke 6
“I was once young and now I am old, but not once have I been witness to God’s failure to supply my need when first I had given for the furtherance of His work. He has never failed in His promise, so I cannot fail in my service to Him.” — William Carey “You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving.” — Amy Carmichael “It is more difficult to give money away intelligently than it is to earn it in the first place.” — Andrew Carnegie “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” — Winston Churchill
Note the place where these to sermons were preached by our Lord. Matthew 5:1 (on a mountain); Luke 6:17 (on a level place). Some of the material is the same in both sermons, but the one in Luke was shorter (did they have to stand up on the level place?) In any case, Jesus has some very clear things to say about money. 1. Read about the treasures in heaven in Matt 6:19ff. What is the main truth of Jesus’ comment? What type of possessions and treasures do you have that are subject to “moth, rust, and human sin”? Describe a time that you saw a significant investment or possession get “eaten” or “corrupted” by moths, rust, or human sin. 2. I told a story about a treasure in heaven (the older couple who helped a young couple secure an adoption). What, in your opinion, do you “have” that is a true, clear, “treasure in heaven”? 3. Note what Jesus said in vs. 24. What is the essence of Jesus’ view of money? Read further in I Timothy 6:17. Paraphrase it for your own small group, your spouse, or your own life. Why do you think Paul is so very clear about the issue of money? Now read I Timothy 6:9-10. What is the most important word in these two verses? Why? 4. How has your attitude about money and possessions changed over the course of your life? How is it impacted by your faith and spiritual journey?
“No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.” — Calvin Coolidge
5. Which quote (on the left) speaks for you?
“Give naught, get same. Give much, get same.” — Malcolm Forbes
7. Read Luke 6:38. It is clear that God richly blesses a giver. Read also Matt 7:2 and Mark 4:24. Do you honestly believe this? What has your experience in giving been? Have you see God fulfill this promise?
“No one has ever become poor by giving.” — Anne Frank
6. How do you determine what and how to give to the church for the work of ministry? How has your giving changed over the years...and where would you want it to be?
8. Read II Cor 9:8-9. Is Paul saying the same thing as Jesus? In particular, do you have a cheerful heart in your giving? Are you a fully cheerful giver? 9. What would need to happen to move you and your giving to a point of cheerfulness and joy? 10. If you are in a small group study, please share your stewardship testimony with your friends.