De Maeyer Christel
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte
Vakgroep Communicatiewetenschappen Prof. Jo Pierson/Prof. Leo Van Audenhove Prof. Jean‐Claude Burgelman Begeleidster: Prof.An Jacobs Werkcollege IS&G Thema: Sleeping with Technology The relation between sleeping behavior and daily performance with ‘Always‐on’ technology
Academiejaar 2011‐2012
Colleagues who joined this experiment and gave their trust Dr. An Jacobs for critical review and mentoring Dr. BJ Fogg for introducing me to Persuasive Technology and being a mentor ever since Heather Rae Petersen for proofreading my paper Marit Ginevro for the constructive feedback Brent Wilkey for believing in my topic and always being a sport and listening In general all my friends for listening to my 2 year sleep obsession, and probably thinking I was from outer space once in while
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SLEEPING WITH TECHNOLOGY ..................................................................................... 6 The relation between sleeping behavior and daily performance with ‘Always‐on’ technology .. 6
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... 6 The ‘Always‐On’ Phenomenon ............................................................................................................................ 6
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 8 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................... 11 1. The big shift ................................................................................................................................................... 11 2. Connected ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 3. The Self ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 4. Self monitoring ............................................................................................................................................ 17 5. Disconnectedness and Digital Diet ........................................................................................................ 18 6. Sleep monitoring ......................................................................................................................................... 19 7. Why is sleep so important and how is this related to the ‘Always‐on’ phenomenon ........... 21 8. Design for Persuasion ................................................................................................................................ 22
2. RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................................................... 25 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 25 2. Qualitative versus quantitative research ........................................................................................... 25 3. Qualitative research ................................................................................................................................... 26 4. The selection of the respondents ........................................................................................................... 27 6. In depth interviews .................................................................................................................................... 29 7. The topic list ................................................................................................................................................. 31 8. Analysis The Grounded Theory .............................................................................................................. 31 8.1. Transcript .................................................................................................................................................. 31 8.2. Open coding ............................................................................................................................................... 31 8.3. Axial coding ............................................................................................................................................... 31 8.4. Selective coding ........................................................................................................................................ 32
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9. The pitfalls in qualitative research ....................................................................................................... 32 9.1. Validity ........................................................................................................................................................ 32 9.2. Trustworthy .............................................................................................................................................. 32 9.3. Generalizability ........................................................................................................................................ 33 10. Short survey ............................................................................................................................................... 33 11. Visuals of the bedroom ........................................................................................................................... 33 12. Self reflection on the research ............................................................................................................. 34 13. Restraints and limitations ..................................................................................................................... 34
3. THE RESULTS AND FINDINGS REPORTING ............................................................... 36 The interview Questions ................................................................................................................................... 36 Daily patterns during week and weekend days ........................................................................................ 36 1. Weekdays ....................................................................................................................................................... 36 2. Weekend patterns ...................................................................................................................................... 37 3. The work environment ............................................................................................................................. 37 4. The personality ............................................................................................................................................ 38 5. ‘Always‐on’ .................................................................................................................................................... 39 6. The monitoring device – The Quantified self ..................................................................................... 40 How ‘Always‐on’ has changed sleep habits, how has it changed sleep? ............................................ 42 Gender difference? .............................................................................................................................................. 42
4. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 43 5. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 47 Sleep monitoring devices .................................................................................................................................. 49 Media exposure .................................................................................................................................................... 49
6. ATTACHMENTS ...................................................................................................... 51 7. FIGURES ................................................................................................................. 52
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Sleeping with technology The relation between sleeping behavior and daily performance with ‘Always‐on’ technology
Abstract The ‘Always‐On’ Phenomenon
Nowadays we are always connected, with the development of the online infrastructure, the availability of WIFI and data mobility infrastructure, the smartphone and tablet devices which give us access to all sorts of information for either social or professional use anytime, anywhere. We live in a global, networked world within different time zones. The global reach of connectivity can make the most isolated outpost into a center of learning and economic activity, Turkle, (2010, p152‐153). Our life is spread all over the world and we are connected to people in different time zones and continents. Hence, the ‘Always‐on’ phenomenon and urge to connect might lead to different habits, especially when it comes to sleep. There is always something to do on Facebook, even in the middle of the night. Emails are coming in throughout the entire day and night. Media consumption is not limited to radio and TV. Yet device and time shifting are really happening by building our own radio stations with platforms like Spotify. Downloading TV series, movies and documentaries are all within a mouse click or finger swipe away on tablet or other mobile device. All of these factors and digital distractions play a large role in disrupting sleep. In addition to the impact this has on the way we work, live and behave, there are many other disruptive elements in sleep patterns. This research will focus on the ‘Always‐on’ aspect of sleep disruption. Research method: experimental and qualitative research, 10 employees from a higher educational institute tracked their sleep for 10 month with a sleep monitoring device in addition there were in‐depth interviews and a short survey.
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This research paper will examine more in depth the following underlying questions: 1. In which way ‘Always‐on’ affects people in their sleep habits. 2. For whom it effects change 3. How ‘Always‐on’ has changed sleep habits 4. Who is ‘not’ changed, conclusion for further research. a. ‘How can we use persuasive technology and persuasive devices to mitigate the disruptive aspects of an ‘Always‐on’ lifestyle? b. How can we optimize sleep quality by creating awareness and using a personal sleep coach to change behavior? Keywords: always‐on, digital life, sleep behavior, persuasive technology, motivation.
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1. Introduction The impact of portable devices such as mobile devices, smartphones, tablets and laptops are changing peoples live in a significant way. Especially smartphone and tablets create ‘check in’ habits with the user, Olulasvirta et al (2011). These check in’s can go both ways, they create new habits with users and give a lot of opportunity to create life changers in a positive way. Think for example about mobile health applications, as we can put hot triggers into peoples paths there would be a continuous loop of stimulation if the user want to have these. On the flip side, these new habits might get compulsive, disrupt our daily lives, blur the balance between private and professional lives and get an impact on our sleep patterns as a consequence. We go to bed later, checking mails and other information channels stimulating cognitive arousal in a positive or negative way and prevent us to unwind before we sleep. Resulting in longer wake times before sleep and make our sleep maybe more restless. The combination of being connected all the time and upcoming sensor‐based devices, which give us the ability to track our behavior and are either wireless or blue tooth technologies, can help to make us aware of our ‘Always‐on’ behavior and allow us to make better use of it. There are clearly disadvantages but also many advantages of being ‘Always‐on’ in sleeping with technology. The habit creation that comes with the ‘Always‐on’ technology can have negative influences in terms of losing or wasting time. Losing focus, create short concentration spans. At the same time we can create positive habits in stimulating behavior change with the ‘Always‐on’ user. Never before we were able to have such an impact on people in this connected world. People need continuous stimulation and discipline to create certain routines and rituals in their lives. These wearable devices can monitor anything anytime and give us feedback and create awareness on our behavior, give us the ability to act on it, these are very strong triggers to work with! Fogg (2010)
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In 2010 I had the opportunity to monitor my sleep with ‘Zeo’ personal sleep coaching device. The idea of the experiment was to explore the persuasive design of this device and to determine if it would change my behavior by tracking my sleep patterns. In this experiment, I worked together with ZEO Inc. and Dr. BJ Fogg using Fogg‘s Purple Path behavior, which focuses on increasing or intensifying a familiar behavior. (Purple Path Behavior Guide ©Stanford Persuasive Tech Lab (alpha version 0.50 December 2010)) Fogg’s ‘Behavior Wizard’, is a method for matching target behaviors with solutions for achieving those behaviors. Basically, a purple path behavior involves adding hot triggers to what people already do to establish the increase of a certain behavior. This is not limited or constrained to one domain. For example, take someone who is already running 3 times a week for 30 minutes. By putting alerts and triggers in his routine, ‘he can be influenced to run an extra 5 minutes’. The person might consider doing this, and after a series of doing this will run 35 minutes and even more later on. In the case of ZEO, the goal is to stimulate people to sleep better and optimize their sleep quality, which also might mean changing their daily patterns and rituals or routines. One might think that sleep is a very personal experience, and to some extent it is, which I will come back to later. But people do like to share their sleep results, especially within a group experiment like the one I have set up in Howest University College. There are exceptions and restraints that will reveal this openness is not always the case. But since I started talking about the experiment at colleges, universities and conferences, people have freely started opening up about their sleep behavior and the so called problems they have. This goes for CEO’s to labor workers; To all kinds of people, sleep is an ever‐ present, everyday topic and social connector. Its importance should not be underestimated. This personal sleep monitoring taught me a lot about my sleeping patterns, and how the quality of my sleep influences my daily habits.
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In 2011, after a year of gathering my own personal sleep data, I reorganized my daily life and succeeded in performing better, handling stress better, being more relaxed while managing my team and getting things done in a more effective and non‐stressful way.
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2. Theoretical framework
1. The big shift
In the early 90’s there were still a lot of questions on how computer mediated communications would impact our society. The scene at that time was for the early adopter, the computer geek. The vision of a wide applicability of internet as a household object was far a way. Bakardjieva (2005) . By the end of the 90’s we saw the rise of the internet as a tool for everyday life, but it was in early 2000 that the evolution of Internet as a broadband platform coupled with the cheaper connection price was one of the most significant steps in connecting people more and more in a electronic and virtual way. Broadband platforms made connecting a mainstream technology as a communication system. At the end of the 90’s mobile phones entered in the picture as well with a rather primitive model of communication known as SMS, which showed the first signs of mobile connectivity with no limits to a place or time and knowing a fast adaptation Bauer H. et al (2005). Smartphones and tablets making use of wireless technology and mobile data transfer, make us connect even more because there are almost no constraints and people’s curiosity for the new make us check in on a regular basis, Turkle (2011), Verkasalo, et al (2009). Such technology acts as a social connector as well and does not limit us to only messaging. It gives us a series of possibilities to enhance our business and social activities. Today we can say that email communication and mobile communication systems, such as mobile phones, smartphones and tablets, the latter to a less extent at this time, are well integrated into people’s lives for both business and social purposes. Boundaries between work and social context are getting blurred and mobile devices are becoming devices for all sorts of purposes. They also represent a way of living in relation to image building, status and so forth Katz (2006).
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The mobile phone as most prominent example of mobile personal communication technology has become, as Wei (2001) stated, ‘‘more than just a talking device on the move’’. Research of conventional phone use shows a distinction between intrinsic (social) and instrumental (task‐oriented) phone use (e.g. Keller, 1977; Noble 1987). Intrinsic phone use refers to use of the phone for social purposes (e.g. for O. Peters, S. ben Allouch), while instrumental phone use refers to utility (e.g. information seeking or making appointments). Besides the intrinsic and instrumental phone use, Williams et al. (1985) found that the gratifications fun and entertainment also applied to the use of the conventional phone. “Dimmick and Sikand (1994) report three gratifications obtained from the household phone: sociability, instrumentality, and reassurance. O’Keefe and Sulanowski (1995) examined gratifications sought from phone use and found sociability, entertainment, acquisition, and time management as dimensions of phone use.” Uses and gratifications of conventional versus mobile phones Leung, Wei (2000) Fixed phones –household phones
Mobile phones‐devices
Intrinsic use (Social)
Intrinsic use
Instrumental (Job related)
Instrumental use
Gratifications: sociability, entertainment,
Gratifications: sociability, entertainment,
acquisition, time management
acquisition, time management
Call arrives in a fixed location
No limits in time and space, different demographics characteristics of users and cellular telephoning behavior
Gratifications dimensions of mobility, immediacy, and instrumentality are stronger in usage
Fig 1 Uses and gratifications
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The above research is still valid for the ‘Always‐on’ phenomenon, wireless communication, it differs in that we didn’t bring our household phones into the bedroom, although it was possible if an extra plug was provided, and an incoming call from a fixed phone was in a certain place. The infrastructure is very different the anytime, anywhere has changed the social behavior of people a lot, and as said before the spectrum of usage especially on the smartphones is much broader then it was ever before. The extrinsic factors such as price and data mobility models offered by the different operators makes it more accessible and available. In 2002 the number of mobile subscribers succeeded the number of fixed lines on a global scale, L.Srivastava, (2005), thus mobile phones became dominant technology for voice communication. All these characteristics changed the interpersonal communication. Make us connect and check in more on our mobile device. Why are people so driven to connect all the time?
2. Connected Is it a dream and a nightmare at the same time? The ability to be connected all the time is one thing. But what makes people want to connect all the time? What is behind the drive, the urge and, sometimes, the obsession? How is this positively and negatively influencing our lives and changing our behavior. Initial reasons to acquire a mobile phone were organized around instrumental use like business of job‐related reasons and intrinsic use, like safety and security (Palen et. al. ,2001). Leung and Wei (2000) found that instumental uses of the mobile phone are more frequent and instrumental motives are much stronger, than the social or intrinsic uses of the mobile phone. This also came up in my own research group of Sleeping With Technology. Another study on ‘Habits make smartphone use more pervasive’, Oulasvirta, et al (2011) studied habit formation on Smartphones stating that the main motivation for habits Academiejaar 2011‐2012 13
were killing time, entertainment and awareness. ‘Always‐on’ gives a lot of freedom, social connectivity, creativity and flexibility: ‐
Freedom: to be anywhere and still be able to connect to social, personal or business connections
Creativity: one has more opportunities to expose himself by reaching out through creativity projects or creative endeavors ‐ the “15‐minutes of fame” idea
Flexibility: one can connect anywhere, anytime at his own convenience
Social connectivity: one can connect to friends, family and other relationships in the virtual world much more easily.
Recent research tells us that apart from all these possibilities, our brains can experience pleasure, but also disappointment in connecting in our digital life. ‐
An article in Slate, Emile Yoffe, reviews the relationship between our digital lives and how the brain experience pleasure (Alone together, Sherry Turkle, 2010, p337). She says: Actually all our electronic communication devices—e‐ mail, Facebook feeds, texts, Twitter—are feeding the same drive as our searches. Since we're restless, easily bored creatures, our gadgets give us in abundance qualities the seeking/wanting system finds particularly exciting. Novelty is one.
Panksepp (, 1998, p 480.) says the dopamine system is activated by finding something unexpected or by the anticipation of something new. If the rewards come unpredictably—as e‐mail, texts, updates do—we get even more carried away. No wonder we call it a "CrackBerry."
People talk about digital life as ‘the place for hope’, the place where something new will come to them (Turkle 2010).
Technology is seductive when what it offers meets our human vulnerabilities. (Sherry Turkle, 2010)
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Not everybody is reacting in the same way on all these possibilities and temptations. Depending on personalities, gender and culture there is different motivation in terms of usage. Which brings us to the more personal motivation and application of being connected. 3. The Self Most people spend a lot of time alone, in front of a screen, television or computer, or other screen devices. We are in the “screen‐age”, yet we want to connect to our tribe or “retribalize” McLuhan, (1962). Computer and mobile devices are playing a central role in this. Turkle, (1995, p; 178, p 347) As shown in the research of Verkasalo, et al (2009), several variables will come in play when using ‘Always‐on’ devices and their applications: 1. Barriers: difficulties in finding and installing applications 2. Behavioral control: using the service without help 3. Perceived enjoyment: it is fun to use the service 4. Perceived usefulness: the service is useful in work/studies 5. Social norm: use the service because my friends and family are using it to. Scaling of the smartphones and the tablets: According to Feenberg (2005), ‘technology is not ‘rational’ in the old positivist sense of the term but socially relative; the outcome of technical choices is a world that supports the way of life of one or another influential social group’. Apple being a cult brand and together with the user friendliness of the Iphone in specific made the smartphone a success and made it scale very fast globally. Furthermore the availability of the apps trough the I‐tunes shopping model, gave trust and easy acceptance to the user. In addition to that, the micropayments that made these apps Academiejaar 2011‐2012 15
very cheap, an ecosystem was build very fast for this new phenomenon and there was a marketplace. In Belgium 11,9 % owns a smartphone the usage of these smartphones goes mainly to: 1. Taking pictures (30%) 2. Calendar consult and synchronizing (15,3%) 3. Listening to MP3ʼs (14,1%) 4. Gaming (11,6%) 5. Internet access (10,3%) 6. E‐mail (9,2%) 7. Social networks access (6,3%), (2010) Different behavior in smartphone usage on the horizon – tracking yourself – next evolution. As smartphones have diverse sensing capabilities. The smartphone as a mobile personal computer and the integrated applications can use multi‐sensory data to gather information of the user. Ganti et al (2010) Numerous apps are available at this time to track your fitness efforts, calorie burning, sleep, movements like in travel, how many miles you travel in a month or a year… in other words a personal daily living pattern journal. In order to make these apps successful, one will have to think more clearly about the user. Persuasive technology might be a methodology to explore more in depth to make this happen. In the experiment we use in our research, I will go more in depth on the findings and methodologies used based on different research that has been done by DR. BJ Fogg.
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Fig 2
4. Self monitoring
Wearable Sensors: Opportunities and Challenges for Low‐Cost Health Care, Richard R. Fletcher, Member, IEEE, Ming‐Zher Poh, Student Member, IEEE and Hoda Eydgahi
Numerous monitor devices are coming in the market, above you find a model how the architecture for these models work. We find this monitoring in the health care sector, preventive health care sector but also in the leisure environment. The whole movement of the quantified self is a clear proof of that area. There will be different domains and the applications have a huge range of potential in different markets, in this paper we will focus on sleep monitoring as part of the experimental research. We could classify sleep monitoring in behavioral therapy. From a cost perspective the primary goal is to save money in the health care industry, and react as a more preventive measure and monitor our lives during certain periods and track several stages and progress in our lives. As health monitoring becomes part of the fabric of everyday life, there is a need for technologies that are comfortable, simple to use, unobtrusive, and also provide privacy
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and security. Wearable sensors, mobile phones, web cameras, and online social networks are all part of the future health support system. (Richard R. Fletcher et al,2010) According to Chistakis and Fowler social networks are becoming very important: ‘There are two fundamental aspects in social networks no matter how the network is formed. First is the connection and second contagion which pertains to what, if anything, that flows across the ties Christakis, Fowler( 2009), one fundamental determent of flow is the tendency of human beings influencing and copying one another’. (Christakis and Fowler 2009) So far the illustration of the ‘Always‐on’ and its usage and possibilities, if one would like to he or she could be connected 24/7 having all sorts of activities. Do people want to still spend time off line? Going back to disconnected world, get quality downtime with friends and family. Or just get focused or find a kind of different peace of mind? 5. Disconnectedness and Digital Diet After the excitement and the stress of the ‘new’, people will look for windows of disconnecting, Storr (1988), or going back to a Walden Zone Thoreau (1937), a place where everything is silent and the mind can wander freely with no distraction. At the same time, we know that people do not change their habits very easily. Technology can keep us from healthy behavior but can also make us have more insight. It can push us towards better health behavior via calming technology, monitoring ourselves and becoming aware of our compulsive, connected behavior. This sort of awareness can lead to positive change Fogg (2000). Recently we see more and more popular media talking about digital diets, Harvard Business Press, Prof. Leslie A. Perlow will release a book on ‘Sleeping with your smartphone’ how to break the 24/7 habit and change the way you work, a case study on how you can disconnect and become more productive in the process. Other journalists and writers talking about the digital diet and how to disconnect in your life to be able to focus again, sleep better and have a greater peace of mind. As we will see in the research, the behavior of checking mails before going to bed, and consuming news or Academiejaar 2011‐2012 18
other information, is cognitive arousal leading to the problem of not being able to turn off your mind and fall asleep.
6. Sleep monitoring
Sleep monitoring might be one new way of creating awareness about sleeping patterns and getting people to take action and change behaviors as a result. A lot of new monitoring device are appearing on the market along with various sleep apps. Most of these devices have been developed due to the widespread desire in people to wake up calmly, feeling ready for the day. Too many people are too familiar with feeling drowsy and being in a bad mood after being woken up by a loud alarm clock at the wrong time in the sleep cycle, according to various app developers and product designers like Lark Inc., Zeo Inc., MDLabs whom I talked to. People spend about one third of their lives sleeping, and many are keenly aware of the need for sleep. But getting adequate sleep remains a challenge for many Belgians. Four to ten Belgians don’t sleep very well (, 2004) The Zeo device and Zeo Personal Sleep Coach is a new educational tool and motivational program that is designed to: • Help people understand how they are sleeping • Reveal habits and behaviors that may be helping or hindering their sleep • Teach them new ways to get a better night’s rest The ZEO experiment is part of my empiric research. It is important to note that ZEO is not a medical device. It is an awareness device, which exposes you to information that can help make you think clearly about your lifestyle. Although there are a lot of other apps and devices out there, in this stage we will use the ZEO device. Compared to other similar devices or apps like Lark and Sleepcycle app
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(these are based on movements), the Zeo (based on measuring brainwaves) gives the most details on a nightly analysis about your sleep cycles, including: ‐
“Time To Z” (Z stands for sleep)
Light sleep
Wake time and the amount of wake‐ups
This information generates an average ZQ score in the morning. The information is gathered on an SD Card with which you can upload your sleep data to the ZEO website which allows you to store and analyze your data over time. The longer you gather information, the more patterns and new material you have to work with. The scores vary among age groups, as sleep and sleep patterns change with age. The Zeo community compares results with your peers from the same age group and gender.
Fig 3. One of the data screens generated by ZEO device.
Zeo works with these principles: 1. Track your sleep 2. Manage your sleep stealers 3. Sleep better and do more, perform better Academiejaar 2011‐2012 20
Zeo personal sleeping coach is based on mass interpersonal persuasion Fogg (2008) and ‘The Hidden influence of social networks’ Christakis et al (2009). ZEO is not only creating connections within its own community on the website, but also has the ability to connect on Facebook and share with communities there, which are most probably different from the one you have in ZEO. Through these communities, you can attract new users for the ZEO system and influence others to make their lives better by stimulating them to use the ZEO to get more awareness about their lifestyle.
7. Why is sleep so important and how is this related to the ‘Always‐on’ phenomenon
As mentioned in an earlier paragraph, and also stated in The European Research Sleep Center, insomnia affects 15 % of the population, predicts depression and causes dramatic health costs. Insomnia is one of the most frequent subjective complaints, chronically affecting 10‐15 % of the population. Edinger et al (2005) Sleep deprivation is something we build up, which can be linked to our lifestyle. One only starts to think about it when one gets seriously ill or tired and does not feel refreshed in the morning and finds oneself sleepy or yawning all day. Furthermore, the change in our eating habits, which is creating more and more obesity and diabetes problems, also has an impact on our sleep. As mentioned before, the always‐being‐ connected trend and having our devices with us all the time have been significant life changers as well (cfr Connected). Sleep monitoring apps and devices bring the analysis to the home, people don’t have to go immediately to a sleep center (although if you have a real problem you should still do this!), but home monitoring could help already a lot of people in checking what is going on in their sleep. Clearly time perception plays a big role during the night, everything is different in the dark, Dement (2000) one thinks he or she wakes up all the time or doesn’t have wake ups at all, the wake ups are long or not, different things go on in the mind, and knowing about it will make people feel better. These sleep monitoring device Academiejaar 2011‐2012 21
for the home are in very early stage and the design of them are very important for the usage and their success rate of them. As mentioned in Feenberg ‘critical theory of technology’ there are different aspects that we need to consider in designing and developing these devices. In addition these devices need to be accepted by the medical community as kind of preventive health care tool. Politics need to be convinced that this might lower the medical costs by making this more familiar with the population. But more over the companies who engage in making these devices or apps need to think clearly about their audience for whom they manufacture these device, the psychology in design and developing plays an important role in this. In the next chapter we will talk more about how, in my research we will show what is good and bad in the model of ZEO device.
8. Design for Persuasion
Design for Persuasion
Design with Intent
Behavior design
Fig 4: Own model to Behavior Design When applying Design for Persuasion one is facilitating a motivation or a desire to change certain behavior. In order to do this we can apply Fogg’s behavior model, where 3 components need to come together at the SAME time! ‐
Trigger: call to action
Motivation: people have to be motivated
Ability: people have to have the ability to take a certain action
These are the basics in Design for Persuasion.
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Fig 5 Fogg Behavior model In case of the ZEO device
1. Trigger: The Zeo device is sitting on your bedside, and displays the ZQ score 2. Motivation: Curiosity in sleep cycle 3. Ability:The headband + device giving the ability to track your sleep In my research findings more on this model and the Zeo case! In addition to this model and in designing coaching programs that goes with monitoring devices, one might think about the potential of Mass Interpersonal Persuasion as an additional trigger to facilitate behavior change. As mentioned before ZEO online community is based on Mass Interpersonal Persuasion Fogg, (2008): MIP has 6 components: 1. Persuasive Experience: An experience that is created to change attitudes, behaviors, or both 2. Automated Structure: Digital technology structures the persuasive experience
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3. Social Distribution: The persuasive experience is shared from one friend to another. 4. Rapid Cycle: The persuasive experience can be distributed quickly from one person to another. 5. Huge Social Graph: The persuasive experience can potentially reach millions of people connected through social ties or structured interactions. 6. Measured Impact: The effect of the persuasive experience is observable by users and creators. Design with Intent Lockton (2010), ‘as the design of systems becomes increasingly focused on people, modeling behavior has become more important for designers. Lockton designed a toolkit to think more clearly about designing all sorts of products, online applications and so forth. Design with Intent and Design for Persuasion are two methodologies that can help in behavior design.
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2. Research Method 1. Introduction The method used in Sleeping with Technology was mainly qualitative research, in the form of observations and in‐depth interviews with the respondents. Qualitative research seemed to be the best way to get more in depth insights towards the sleep data that was gathered by the Zeo device. In addition as researcher I was working in the same context and environment and had occasional and spontaneous encounters with the respondents as well. This gave an added value in the research. 2. Qualitative versus quantitative research Qualitative methods facilitate study of issues in depth and detail. Approaching fieldwork without being constrained by predetermined categories of analysis contributes to the depth, openness and detail of qualitative inquiry. Quantitative methods, on the other hand, require the use of standardized measures so that the varying perspectives and experiences of people can be fit into a limited number of predetermined response categories to which numbers are assigned. The advantage of a quantitative approach is that it’s possible to measure the reactions of a great many people to a limited set of questions, thus facilitating comparison and statistical aggregation of the data. This gives a broad generalizable set of findings presented succinctly and parsimoniously. By contrast, qualitative methods typically produce a wealth of detailed information about a much smaller number of people and cases this increases the depth of understanding of the cases and situations studied but reduces generalizability. (Patton, 2002, p14)
The research on ‘Always‐On’ consisted of 10 month sleep monitoring (March 2011‐ January 2012) with a group of 10 people from a higher educational institute with different positions within that institution. Apart from the collected sleep monitoring data there were in‐depth interviews, and in between mail conversations and
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personal conversations, a more observation technic during the process. A survey on sns (Linkedin, Facebook and Quora) confirmed the answers on one question ‘What is the first thing you do when you wake up?’
10 month self monitoring with Zeo device
Monthly meetings, reporting, observation In depth interviews at the end of the monitoring period Visuals of the bedroom
Short survey via SNS
Fig 6 Research phases 3. Qualitative research Qualitative research seemed to be the best method for this research to understand more in depth the sleep data that was gathered by the ZEO device the respondents were using during a 10 month experiment. Qualitative research gave the opportunity to understand the day patterns the respondents had and how that possibly related to their sleep patterns. This method is also in close relation with The Grounded Theory. Qualitative research is about the ‘How and Why’, and not about the ‘Quantity’, it is about meaning and interpretation. The subjects are usually individuals who are subject of an interview. The data gathered in this method undergoes a cycle of analyses, based on theoretical Academiejaar 2011‐2012 26
sampling, with open interviews. The Grounded Theory is based on induction, deduction and verification, which allow a constant comparison where the theory from the interviews is central. Glaser & Strauss, (1967) In this research different angles were used to understand the relation and social context of the respondents. 1. Quantitative research, gathered by the ZEO device every night by wearing the headband which transfers sleep data to a SD card. That data was then synchronized to the website, where all the data came together and gives a view on sleep patterns overtime, which enables to discover different patterns. 2. Qualitative research, in‐depth interviews to understand the data generated by the ZEO device and to understand the social context on how the respondents live their life. 3. Qualitative research, participant observation. As researcher I joined the group in tracking my sleep, and working in the same environment, which enabled me to understand and to follow the social aspects of the research experiment. Mortlemans (2007), De Waele (1992) 4. The selection of the respondents A mailing went out to introduce the research topic and the ZEO sleep tracking device to 400 employees. The target group for the research were five women and five men from a different age group, different functions and respondents who thought they were not sleeping very well, as part of the research was also to see if self tracking would induce behavior change. When I started this research I already used the ZEO for quite a while. I found that the device could help to organize and structure your life in a better and optimized way. In doing so I succeed in a less stressful life and a more structured professional and private
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life, which created a healthy balance between the two parts of our lives in a hectic and ‘Always‐on’ environment. The respondents their identity is listed below, however because of privacy reasons they are just numbered. The table below illustrates their Zeo results in average of the month November 2011. The ZQ score is varying in age group as people tend to sleep different in different age phases. ZQ average, REM, DEEP and wake time per age group (documentation within ZEO package) Age 30 to 39 = ZQ average 80 – REM 1H50 – DEEP – 69 Min – Wake Time 21 Min Age 40 to 49 = ZQ average 74 ‐ REM 1H40 – DEEP – 56 Min – Wake Time 28 Min Age 50 to 59 = ZQ average 67 ‐ REM 1H30 – DEEP – 44 Min – Wake Time 38 Min Age 60 to 69 = ZQ average 62 ‐ REM 1H20 – DEEP – 36 Min – Wake Time 52 Min
Age Gender Why join
Score Z
Sleep problems 65
1H54 0H37
1H41 0H33
problems with Zeo R4
Never reported
Female Sleep problems 76
0H52 1H01
Female Sleep problems 80
1H40 1H13
Female Sleep problems 68
1H46 0H47
30+ Female Sleep problems
Technical ZEO problem
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R10 60+ Female Curiosity never
reported Fig 7 Respondents overview 2 Zeo devices had technical problems, and one respondent never did a monthly report, although he claimed to have serious sleeping problems. 2 of the 10 respondents also went to a sleep clinic, in that analysis there were no special detections of sleep problems.
5. Self sleep monitoring
The sleep monitoring is a very good way to analyze sleep pattern, however using this daily for 10 month was for some respondents a very hard job to do, as it asks a lot of discipline and interest in the subject that is researched. Several obstacles surfaced when using the monitoring device. Technology failure Feenberg, (2005), Verkasalo (2010) is an immediate turn off, in a few devices there was a problem connecting to the device through the sensor pad that is in the headband, the SD card that is in the device and the data collector for the data didn’t work in one of the devices, so the respondent could not upload the data, and got frustrated because there was only like a week view available on the device itself. One of the respondents felt controlled by the machine and got more stressed because of that, resulting in a bad sleep experience (Hawthorne effect). The headband that respondents had to wear during the night slipped off with people who had less hair or who were bald. In general wearing the headband was not perceived as uncomfortable and something you get used to fairly easily.
6. In‐depth interviews
The in‐depth interviews supplied additional information for interpretation of the sleep data information more clearly. The sleep data shows differences in seasons and vacation
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periods and while talking to the interviewee the weekend data compared to working days was also different with most of them. The six questions asked during the interview gave a good overview on the different personalities and how they manage their days within a higher education institute. Most of the participants have a main job like teaching, researching or managing projects or a department but it was apparent that there is a lot of meeting culture, and a lot of preparation for the lectures and administration that comes with the job. Most of the respondents have regular lives, although we see differences within different generations. The interviews were really an add‐on to the monitoring and the monthly log reports asked to the respondents. The respondents were very open about the whole experiment even though they were colleagues. It gave extensive insight on the subject matter, and made it all very human and insightful on how people live their lives in a rather hectic ‘Always‐on’ world. I will document on this later. The eminent American investigative social researcher Jack Douglas maintains that ‘when one’s concern is the experience of people, the way that they think, feel and act, the most truthful, reliable, complete and simple way of getting that information is to share their experience’ Jack Douglas, (1976; p112) (Catherine Cassell, Gillian Symon, 2004, pp154‐ 155) As Taylor and Bogdan explain, ‘Getting into a setting involves a process of managing your identity; projecting an image of yourself that will maximize your chances of gaining access…you want to convince gatekeepers that you are a non‐threatening person who will not harm their organization in any way’ Taylor and Bogdan (1984). These authors advocate an initial approach which confined to any one particular setting or group of people, and gives a ‘ truthful, but vague and imprecise’ summary of the research procedures and objectives to reduce the risk of eliciting defensive or self‐conscious behavior. (Catherine Cassell,Gillian Symon, 2004, pp154‐155)
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7. The topic list In order to have a smooth in‐depth interview, topic questions were listed based on previous literature studies to get more in the subject of the research. This also helps to have a consistent and structured interview but with the flexibility to have a natural conversation with the respondents. Mortelmans (2007) At the same time some respondents reacted differently on certain topics, which resulted in different and sometimes more in‐depth insights on certain subjects, which also illustrated the different personalities during research. 8. Analysis The Grounded Theory 8.1.
The interviews were done through Skype with video or face to face and taped with Iphone. The interviews were noted in verbatim style Mortelmans, (2007), all details, dialects, and pauses were transcribed. Each interview took 30 to 45 minutes. 8.2.
Open coding
The open coding process was identifying anchors that allowed the key points of the data to be gathered. Cutting the transcript into smaller items linked to keywords and categorized the text to get a better view on the transcript. Mortelmans, (2007) 8.3.
Axial coding
Grouping of the content, made collections of codes. There are different ways to visualize these concepts, for example in a three structure, tables and so forth. In this research tables were used in order to gain more insight in the respondent’s comparisons. Mortelmans, (2007) Academiejaar 2011‐2012 31
Selective coding
In the last phase, these concepts are the basis of the theory that is formed in the research. The concepts are put together or mapped to gain a global view and answer on the topic of this research question. 9. The pitfalls in qualitative research Quality of scientific research in a (post) positivist science is defined as objective and universal. This means that the subjectivity of the researcher cannot come into play with gathering the data and analyzing the data and the results need to be universal. To come to the quality criteria the research needs to be objective and generalizability. Objectivity shows the absence of subjectivity from the researcher, generalizability shows reliability or reproducibility of measurement under specific conditions. 9.1.
Validity is described as the truth (Silverman, 2000), are the results correct, precise. The research of sleeping with technology is fairly new, but it is based on previous research in the same field and therefore strengthens the correctness of the results. 9.2.
Trustworthy, are the results consistent and replicable? If the research would be done again would it give the same results? Doing the research again by other people or in another timeframe. In the first we check the stability of the respondents, in the second the stability of time. However people change and human behavior and attitudes might change overtime. Results might differ after a certain period of time. Academiejaar 2011‐2012 32
Or external validity, the results of the research are transferable to the population at large. The second condition is that the research results are transferable to a different setting, place or time. Probably this research might have a slight different outcome with different generations, or different layers of society. 10. Short survey After doing the interviews research showed that most of the respondents checked their email and had some sort of online activity from the moment when they woke up. It was usually during breakfast, but for those who had the devices in their bedroom, it was from the moment they open their eyes. In order to check if this was something that was going on with other people I did one question survey on LinkedIn, Facebook and Quora – ‘What is the first thing you do when you wake up?’. This survey ran for one month, in a large network of 700 connections, and broader on Quora, I only had 70 answers gathered on the three platforms. One could argue that this group is very connected and ‘Always –on’ anyway, but from the 70 respondents only half of them checks their email from the moment they wake up. In this respect, we cannot perhaps generalize this email checking effect. One would think that in asking only one question the response rate would be much higher but alas…. 11. Visuals of the bedroom During the experimental research visuals from the bedroom were asked in order to get a view on any sleep stealers in the bedroom. However most of the bedrooms were very lean and simple, hardly no screens or other distractions were there. Visual material can be used in different ways in qualitative research (Pink 2004). The researcher can research existent material, in this case the interior of bedroom on photos.
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12. Self reflection on the research My motivation in starting this research was my interest in sleep and how one can optimize sleep and what are sleep stealers. I started monitoring myself in September 2010, and tested a lot of different situations. But most of all it was a very hectic time professionally, and I learned to manage my time more effecient to stay fresh and alert. The more regular I lived and structured my online behavior was, the more refreshed and sharp I felt in the morning. I slept very profoundly and awoke up completely refreshed. Different little changes to my life, made it all that more pleasant. This triggered me to see if these results would be the same with other colleagues as well. If they would monitor their sleep, if they also would be as enthusiastic as I was. Experience it as a small life changer. Research showed however that controlling sleep or your life for that matter is not so easy, and a lot of different lifestyle situations play a role as a whole in the happiness of people, good sleep is certainly one of them, but there is a lot more, we will go deeper into this in the findings of the research. 13. Restraints and limitations Initially the respondents were very enthusiast to start this experimental research. But a 10 month engagement showed that a lot of discipline was needed and perseverance to continue to report monthly and be motivated to wear the headband for 10 month. This also shows that while monitoring yourself in this case the sleep has to have a goal or there has to be a need to do this, because curiosity alone will not cut it in the long run. And in order to really see patterns form, a long term of self‐tracking is needed. In the beginning of the experiment, during the first 4 months, monthly meetings were organized, but after a while respondents didn’t show up or had excuses to not have to attend the meeting. There was also a significant difference between the attitudes of men and women. The women tend to be more consciously occupied with their health than men. They also used the diary function on the myzeo website to follow up Academiejaar 2011‐2012 34
themselves. Only five respondents tracked their sleep and reported monthly for 10 month. Other respondents took over from those who gave up. So this research is a result of 10 people, 5 of them with a track record of 10 months, others with a track record of 4 to 6 months. In the beginning during the meetings, people were eager to talk about their ZQ score, and one could feel the competition aspect, this was a trigger for some to start behaving differently and do tiny behavior changes. But after the new and the excitement of the device was gone, the respondents just reported and exchanged experiences about the ZEO. Another important issue was that if technology fails the respondents get turned off immediately. This happened with two respondents, and because of a lack of being able to archive the results or that the sensors were not transferring the information was a big disappointment for them. For men with not enough hair or bald the headband moved around or fell off resulting in bad connection to the device, and a low ZQ score. Even though this project was setup with colleagues, the respondents were very open and transparent in the reporting. During the interviews they were very honest in their opinions and reporting on their professional and private life and way of living. Even though not all the people were tech savvy, none of them had problems in using the ZEO, although not everyone used all the functionalities of the device, I will talk about this later in detail. In general I learned a lot on the behavior and attitudes of these 10 respondents, and the myth that educational institutes are an easy going environment cannot really be stated, which will be more clear when reading the results of this research. The research also showed me that there is a lot at play between private and professional life and that the whole picture is not simple to regulate or to structure to have a peaceful and less stressful life. The ‘Always‐on’ aspect is just an extra layer, but important one to make it even more complex.
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3. The results and findings reporting
The interview Questions During the interview several questions were asked to get a view on the daily patterns of the respondents. We can divide these questions in 6 subjects. Daily patterns during week and weekend days 1. Weekdays During research and additional interviews came clear that the respondents have a very regular lifestyle. Most of them have a regular schedule during the week in terms of time, they get up between 7‐8 AM and go to bed between 10.00‐12.00PM. Working day starts between 8.30‐9.00 AM and usually finishes at the work place around 17.30‐19.00PM. Most of the respondents then have a window of time they spend on making dinner and have time with the children or relaxing. Usually after dinner they return to their PC, tablets to spend time online again. For some this is work related, for others this is more to spend time on social network systems) or to connect with friends on Skype. For those who still work throughout the evening and checking mails just before bed, it can mean a sleep stealer depending on the content of the mails and from whom they receive them. This can be a positive mail and they get excited or it can be a negative mail and they worry. The day in itself depending on the function the respondent has, is controlled by agenda’s that can be filled in by other colleagues or by themselves, there is a strong need on structuring the agenda and block out days to work more concentrated. The ‘Always‐on’ during the day and at work makes that concentrating or focus on one topic seems hard to do. In addition it is a time consuming business that for most of the respondents is not so positively evaluated, although some of them don’t realize it yet. The mail client is always open, according to one respondent: ‘Office communicator gives a lot of stress, smartphone a lot of waste of time ‘. Some respondents were just Academiejaar 2011‐2012 36
switched from dumb phone to smart phone, and already feel the pressure and change that is going on in their life, as previous research showed the urge to go on line to check if there is something new or interesting, the curiosity is high and a hot trigger to connect all the time and being in someway actively involved. 2. Weekend patterns Weekend patterns look different for most of the respondents, except for a few. Most of them sleep longer getting up at 8.30 or later, and some of them also went to bed later. One big difference in the weekends was that online activity was much less. Respondent: ‘Weekends are different but no fundamental behavior change’. On Sundays most of them start thinking about work or actually start working already. They claim to sleep less or with interruptions and have more difficulty to fall asleep. The workday routine starts slowly, with more activity online, checking mails and answering them, hence the sleep stealer. Because of the different sleep pattern during the weekend, ‐ longer in the morning and later in the evening ‐ was upsetting the sleep routine that followed during the week it leads to a more difficult Monday start of the work week. Throughout the day, they felt tired and yawned during the day. 3. The work environment As mentioned before this research is done at a higher educational institute, where most of the respondents combine different activities or manage several projects. Most of the respondents don’t have much control of regulating their time during the weekdays, and being ‘Always‐on’ even when they are not at work make the lines between work and private completely blurred and intertwined. Evenings are no longer filled with just watching television, reading, doing other leisure activities, but are somehow always subjected to work‐related data with the ‘Always‐on’. Some respondents have planned activities out of the house ‐ running, fitness, yoga ‐ which is their only off or
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disconnected time during the day. While watching television most of them also have a laptop in their lap or other devices near by. The combination of different activities within the institute makes people juggle with their agendas. Most of them really want to structure their days and especially their online activity much more but somehow its mismanaged. One respondent says: ‘I’m preparing my lessons, and then I hear that ping of an incoming mail, and immediately I check my mail. While to my students I tell them to check mails on fixed hours, but I don’t practice it myself’. During the interviews many people had the same comment, they know what to do but are not yet tempted enough or triggered enough to apply that structure and discipline in their ‘Always‐on’ behavior. 4. The personality Most of the respondents seem to be high achievers and are passionate with their work and life. The work activity demand time investment outside the workplace, and is more than a nine to five job according to the hours they spend on work. Or is this a result of having less time to concentrate and to focus because of disruptive technologies which is part of their daily life? In this perspective this sleep monitoring experiment showed that people can only show the discipline when there is a real need to change behavior. The need can be on different levels, health wise, decrease stress levels, one respondent changed function in the institute after using ZEO for six months, ZEO was not the trigger, but at the same time made the respondent conscious of the stress level and their way of living. Respondent: ‘I made some major decision in work and now I feel much more relaxed and less stress more positive’. During research it also became clear that women in general are more conscious about their health than men. They seem to have much more attention to it, and are also more triggered to do something about their lifestyle if needed.
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5. ‘Always‐on’ Most of the respondents are really ‘Always‐on’. While monitoring their sleep we could almost say that they are ‘Always‐on’ 24/7, and the title ‘Sleeping with technology’ is really a reflective on the group of respondents. Several quotes during the interview made this evident. Respondent 7: ‘Being ‘Always‐on’ is part of my life, I have my smartphone for 5 years, I can’t live without it. It’s a habit and routine’. Respondent 4: ‘I always have my Ipod with me, I’m checking mails all the time. It just grew on me’. Respondent 2: ‘The tablet or smartphone is always within reach, only when I sleep I leave it alone’. Respondent 9: ‘I’m more online now, now that I have my smartphone’. Respondent 6: ‘I’m the perfect subject for all these social media things. And there I can see the addictiveaspect, you can hop around, get bored on one subject and go to another subject, a bit of dream and a nightmare’. ‘I have an Iphone now but I didn’t take it out of the box from fear, there is no subscription yet, so there is no trigger, I’m afraid of 3G, I’m already making this rule for myself to go on a digital diet, the minute I have 3g turn me into detox place, I have to make rules’. While a lot of online activity is around mails Versakalis, (2010), social networks take a lot of time as well, as does news consumption, apart from a few (mostly men), most of the respondents are really online consumers in news and connecting to friends. The online activity is for most of the respondents connected to their professional world, to stay up to date gather other insights in their profession, following forums and so forth. ‘Always‐ on’ has a lot of impact on their lives and for some it is an extra stress factor especially in their professional environment. The urge to answer mails, the pressure they feel from
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colleagues, compulsive behavior, the feeling of missing out when they don’t check mails or when they are not connected. The overload of mails and the pressure to answer them and to be online, to tweet and be active online, and go in that flow of marketing their curriculum, the connections with the students, an extra fulfillment for work, to be part of that group, and social acceptance are all different reasons for them to be in the connected world. But some of them don’t get caught up in that rat race, and are really not interested in the social media hype. They think it is a waste of time, a form of exhibitionism they don’t really feel like joining. They are more the lurkers of that environment, they are there but in very passive way. For them ‘Always‐on’ is purely functional. 6. The monitoring device – The Quantified self In order to measure the sleep patterns the respondents used a ZEO device, and for some one of the first experiences in quantifying themselves using wireless technology. Some of the respondents registered for this experiment out of science interest and others because they thought to have sleep problems. While interviewing the respondents, they were all convinced of the awareness this creates and seeing the ZQ Score (coefficient of your sleep), and detail of their sleep pattern made them more peaceful resulting in better sleep. So the slogan the more you know the better you sleep is a good one! At the same time measuring the sleep and monitoring each activity (deep, rem, wake time and wake ups) was also a stress factor for some, the subject felt controlled (Hawthorne effect). In general the monthly averages were more or less the same, but the daily reporting according to the respondents was a variety between weekends and weekdays. In the monthly result we could also see that during holidays better results were achieved due to experiencing a more relaxed life than during work time which included less online activity and making up for sleep deprivation. Overall the user perceived the device user friendly, this is
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important in the usage of course. Although ZEO has a lot of extra features, like a smart wake (smart wake is function that checks when is the best time to wake you up), this was not so much used, only by 50% of the respondents. The sleep coaching was also underutilized; this correlates with the need of follow up mentioned in point 3 personality. The device did not really change the respondents their behavior in a fundamental way. Only little tiny new habits were created, like going to bed earlier. Another respondent went to bed an hour later because the respondent did not feel tired and was awake for a long time. Now she falls asleep within 10 minutes most of the time. Other respondents started doing sports and stopped drinking coffee during the day; little changes they felt had an impact on their sleep. Is Zeo a persuasive device? The Zeo device to a certain extent is a well designed persuasive device. It might be stronger in the follow up system in the web application – sleep coach program. At the same time the user really need to have a need! This is crucial in the usage of the Zeo, ones people know their results, the device has not much use anymore and the trigger will be gone to use it. In order to have good results it is also is time demanding and asks discipline. Referring to the diary function, follow up on your day activities in order to compare the sleep results in a correct way. For example, my average deep sleep is around 45 minutes, and in a certain month I had 1H30 and even more deep sleep, this attracted my attention because I still felt tired in the morning and it was an extraordinary result after monitoring myself already for 10 month I never had such a result. After taking a blood sample it seemed that my white blood cells raised and were pointing to an infection, hence the rise of deep sleep.
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Has ‘Always‐on’ changed their sleep patterns? It is hard to tell whether this impacts the quality of sleep, but results in their graphs shows that are changes exist in quality of sleep during vacation breaks, especially during the long summer holiday. In these periods the respondents are off work and as a result, are less online and receive less if any work‐related emails.. Of course longer monitoring is needed if this is just a happening or recurrent state. How ‘Always‐on’ has changed sleep habits, how has it changed sleep? For some the preparation before going to sleep has somewhat changed, but not with all of them. We all know that we need to prepare before sleep in order to have well‐rested sleep. ‘Always‐on’ is not the best sleep relaxer but more a disruptive element; people need to come in a relaxed drowsy state to fall a sleep easily. But most of the respondents fall asleep within 10 minutes or faster, which is very good result Dement, (1999). Gender difference? The men in this group have a different attitude towards the ‘Always‐on’, for most of them this is a pure functional tool and not an enabler for social expression or sharing, the majority of them checked mail when either at work or after 10.00 o’clock. They are more or less oblivious to the whole social media phenomenan. With the women in the group this was very different they were much more engaged and using ‘Always‐on’ for both purposes social and professional.
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4. Conclusion Mobile communication has spread on a very fast pace and is integrated in most peoples life these days. The recent growth of smartphones shows that adoptation is going faster then before. The switch from dumb to smartphone is clearly changing peoples ways of communication, the mobilephone has become something essential like housekeys. The effect of the smartphone is comparable with the effect at the end of nineties in the early stage of mobilephones. People had it always with them and were completely connected to there mobile phone. Once the new and excitement was gone, the mobile phone became a commodity like the fixed phone, people learned to deal with the mobile phone in a healthy way and the frequency of usage got balanced out. With the introduction of the smartphone we see the same occuring. Although here the usage is more extensive and the ‘Always‐on’ makes it much more socially engaging especially with all the mobile apps that are available and with the idea that people like to share their lives. But the smartphone is for the research group here an extension of their work environment, and an extra layer to be reachable at anytime. This makes the smartphone at times a disruptive element in their private life instead of being a joy. The servant is becoming the master, smartphones take control over our lives. As explained in the introduction, smartphones are to some extent addictive and can induce compulsive behavior. Being connected is more a symptom then a cure. Turkle, (2010). This research was aimed to get a view on how smartphones and the ‘Always‐on’ effect influences on people’s lives and their sleep patterns or behavior, and in what way it changes or influences people, to what extent and who would not be affected. The smartphone and tablets are the next evolution in the mobile connected world and is still in an early stage. Not much research has be done on this latest evolution and how it impacts peoples lives, not to mention their work environment. Do people still have the feeling they have everything in control or are these devices taking over? In this research we focused on one topic the influence on sleep.
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The research methods used, using a sleep monitoring device, which was necessary to get to know more about sleep patterns. It was a good method, but not an easy one. The 10 month experiment seemed to be long for some of the respondents, discipline and need for tracking is a prerequisite in using this method. Besides this tracking method, were the in‐depth interviews on people’s lives a real added value as they gave a lot of insight into the habits and routines of the respondents, their characters and personalities. Even though the respondents were colleagues this didn’t appear to be an obstacle; as researcher I joined them in the sleep tracking and started way before them. This was also a way to make them enthusiasitic for this method, it gave confidence in starting this experiment. Exchanging experience on an individual basis was an extra information channel, living in the same work environment of the respondents gave it an extra impulse and as researcher a better way to place things in context. Although one could doubt the objectivity in doing research this way, it gives a more rich experience and information you otherwise never get as a researcher. In the beginning there were monthly meetings, this was hard to continue, even though the meetings were planned way in advance, people started to not show up or came up with excuses. This also showed the discipline and needs, if there would be acute problems they most probably would show up more. After this experience, monthly reports were asked and email reports were asked mentioning special observations or findings from the respondents. Overall the research was not so easy to do giving the technology failure in some cases, the personalities to deal with and the priorities of the respondents. The results were not shocking but confirmed the hypothesis that ‘Always‐on’ has an impact on people’s lives and environment. The in‐depth interviews showed clearly that repsondents were ‘Always‐on’ and actively online participants. Men in the group had a different approach to it, they are also ‘Always‐on’ but in a more functional way and related to work. While the women in the group are more into the social aspect and work related, it is much more intertwined with them.
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The impact on their sleep is unclear. The sleep data showed a difference between the vacation periods especially in the long summer holiday where the respondents claimed to be less online, sleep results were better, we could detect more sleephours, more deep and REM the restoritive sleep was higher. To confirm this, an even longer period would show if this would be a pattern or just an occasional happening. In addition it would be even more interesting to track respondents day and night, all their activities to see if there are paculiar things that interfear more or less towards sleep habits and routines. Further research could be done on a broader group of people within a company or other institution, and at the same time experiment with a digital diet regime giving structure in ‘Always‐on’ behavior as part of the research. It would also be interesting to check in with the current researchgroup how they are doing a year later, if they still pursue the goals they had in the early stage of the research and whether stopping the sleep tracking activity would let them go back to there old habits or continue the new ones they created. This group of respondents were not specifically very young, it would be interesting to do research with a younger audience and see if there is the difference between generations and how they behave with the new evolutions, they are the digital natvies and basically don’t have a history of not being connected, they might surprise us in their online behavior and the way they handle it. The ‘Always‐on’ phenomenan has a clear impact on attitudes within the research group, the blurring line between private and professional lives asks for more balance in their everyday life. Once familiar with the new potential of being always connected, people also experience the disadvantages of being always accessible and adjust their initial manner of use. O.Peters et al (2005) Those who are affected by it know they need to structure more their attitude towards ‘Always‐on’ and make little changes in their life to be able to have a more peaceful life,
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being able to concentrate more on one topic and have a focus during the day. Doing a digital diet might make them happier, work more efficient and even sleep better. Creating a self‐aware relationship with the devices, you create sacred places where disconnect is the rule, and learn to listen to one other. Technology can lead us back to our real lives.
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Academiejaar 2011‐2012 48
Sleep monitoring devices Zeo Inc, US Wireless technology, detailed analysis on sleep cycle? Lark Inc, US Smart wake Vibrant silent wake, works with Iphone and Bluetooth technology. Less in depth analysis, based on movement, comes with wristband which tracks the movement. Sleep cycle application on Iphone by mdLabs Sweden Smart wake Sleep cycle is an Iphone app, and works also on movement. General tracking devices with combined information about sleep, food, movement Jawbone – Up, US Fitbit, US Media exposure Arianna Huftington TED Talk‐huffington/sleep‐challenge‐2010‐ wome_b_409973.html‐lark‐team/understanding‐sleep_b_928416.html Authors of Connected
Academiejaar 2011‐2012 49
Nicholas Christakis:The Hidden influence of social networks – TED Talk‐tOghblfE&feature=player_embedded James Fowler‐colbert‐report‐videos/260955/january‐07‐ 2010/james‐fowler Sherry Turkle, TED talk
Academiejaar 2011‐2012 50
6. Attachments
1. Call for sleep monitoring to employees 2. Information on the 10 respondents 3. Contract ZEO Inc. for grant devices 4. Visuals of the bedrooms 5. Monthly reporting of the respondents (ZEO tables) 6. Interviews of respondents 7. Transcripts of interviews 8. Coding files (open coding, axial coding, selective coding) 9. Zeo Data users bundled in excel 10. Results of short survey on social network systems (Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora) 11. Papers for literature study 12. Quicktime video, announcing talk Design for persuasion on ZEO device 13. ZEO Purple path design paper
Academiejaar 2011‐2012 51
7. Figures Fig 1: Table of motivation use of fixed and mobile phones Fig 2: Architecture model of sensor wearable device Fig 3: Example of sleep data screen generated by Zeo device Fig 4: Own model to Behavior Design Fig 5: Fogg behavior model Fig 6: Research method Fig 7: Respondents overview
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