Christelle coetzee Design Portfolio 20112 - 2015

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Christelle Coetzee architecture & D e s i g n Portfolio

Contents Architecture Architectural works 2012 -2015 - Mini Thesis, FLUX - Des Baker, Student design competition - UIA Student design competition - High Rise Project - Marabastad Theatre Project - Future Project, Aeolian Harp - Urban Analysis of Pretoria CBD - Convention Centre - Qwa-Qwa Multi Purpose School Hall - Writers Retreat

Technical Drawings Construction Methods, Composite wall detailing Contract Documentation, Construction drawings and detailing of thesis project Art + Photography Photography Landart project Indusrial Design & Model Building Design Indaba exhibition stand Model building projects Greenwall project

Thesis // transforming ndlovu node The design of an ecological observatory in Phalaborwa


architectural works 2012-2015


mini-thesis flux - the reuccuring event the flooding of Berea park The design of a water retaining and purification plant in Berea Park, Pretoria -

Date: 2015 Description: The river is an active design generator and the aim is to sustain and protect it. The flooding of Berea Park and the implementation of a water purification system will hopefully be the necessary kick-starter that Berea Park needs to become safe public space. The design responds to an urgent need to implement a strategy to raise the awareness of Pretoria’s dependency on its water resources. The design aims to create awareness and public interest regarding the city’s water reservoirs. The architectural interventions aims to act as a catalysts providing new opportunities for the abandoned Berea Park. The movement through the site is encouraged through the strategic placement of walkways and platforms hosting various amenities. The water pools or ponds, the conservatories and platforms extending upon the river and the river itself allowing the visitors to constantly interact with water.

Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Indesign Corel Draw Model building

new proposed circulation tower

new proposed structure existing structure


des baker student design competition

Date: 2012 Description: Group project Project Title: The Decay of a Liminal Protest. Details: Re-scripting architecture. The competition brief was Re-scripting Architecture and we had to investigate the relationship between architecture and film in the making of a public space. This project is a conceptual and theoretical investigation of how the architect creates and envisions a future space. Unfortunately these spaces or buildings sometimes end up in urban wastelands. This project sets the stage where the user enters the architects’ dream, the design process of puzzling the ideas together. This design proposal presents the re-scripting of urban wasteland of lost spaces between buildings. The concept was inspired by the motion picture INCEPTION, where the architect creates the dream world. Similar when designing a building, the architect creates spaces and in this dream-scape imaginations how users will occupy and use the space. The aim is for the architects dream to become a reality.

Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Model building

(top) 3d glassess (bottom) sectional perspex and mdf model

Myself and Rhode at the awards evening in Cape Town during the Architectural Student congress, 2012.

[see video clip] Des Baker inception


Uia Design competition

Date: 2015 Description: Group project Project Title: The Unexpected City Details: UIA competition entry Inflatable City The notion of the project was to explore the unexpected city through temporary inflatable installations. The proposed site is Lilian Ngoyi Square, previously known as Strijdom Square, where the Strijdom Square massacre took place in 1988. The installation serves as an occupied exhibit and invites us to confront and participate in the subject. Restoring meaning to life, life to the city, life to the individual and life to materials. The life is represented by having a large inflatable installation anchored by the turbines in the urban floor. After a few months the installation will be taken down at which point the proposal enters the ‘afterlife’, in which the public can reclaim the square, collect the plastic and construct objects appropriate for the needs of the visitors and hopefully giving the square a ‘new life’.

Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Model building


high rise

Date: 2015 Description: The brief called for the design of a multistorey building in Pretoria west. Pretoria west can be described as a light industrial sector. The proposed site forms part of the old Pretoria west power station which is now abandoned. The proposed position of the building forms part of the power stations water treatment area and is situated next to the water treatment reservoirs. The structure consists out of a structural inner core that adds stiffness to the whole structure. Columns on the outer perimeter is secondary structural support and carries the skins. The skin consists out of an interlocking modular system. Hexagon frames fits into the spaceframe skin that wraps around the building. These interchangeable panels have various functions. Panels are access via the mentis steel grid that wraps around each floor space. These spaces acts as service corridors where panels can be assembled and changed. This space, between the outer skin and the inner glazed skin acts as a barrier that protects the internal spaces and also acts as a transitional space between the interior and exterior.

Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Model building

Concept models form exploration scale 1:1000

Concept models Model exploration scale 1:500

Concept models Model exploration scale 1:500

Pretoria West



Date: 2015 Description: Group project Marabastad Street Theatre The project aimed at reviving the lost Marabastad street culture. A dangerous neighborhood known for its crime but also its cultural rich history. The concept was to have street installations to create an informal performance space. These installations are depended on the existing infrastructure and aims to highlight certain spaces should a performer wish to use it. Programs : AutoCAD Model building


future project - aeolian harp

Date: 2012 Description: Based on a future post-apocalyptic scenario, the aim of this project was to create a space that will act as a retreat or a break away from the chaotic city which is constantly under construction. The city is filled with noise pollution as the reconstruction process continuous. The proposed solution to this problem, is to introduce an urban park in the heart of Pretoria. Situated in Church Square the park will consist of large open grass fields with trees and flowers. The site is landscaped into various sloped hills with water features in between. A maze-like memorial is in the centre of the park with a floating Aeolian harp above.

Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Model building


urban analysis Pretoria CBD

Date: 2012 Description: A thorough urban analysis was done to establish a site for the convention centre. The site was place in the city centre close to the city hall and proposed a new green corridor to promote pedestrian movement through the site. Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Model building


Date: 2012 Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Sketchup

the design of a convention centre in pretoria



Ground floor plan scale 1:200

Secondary pedestrian entrance form Minnaar stree


qwa-qwa multi school hall

Date: 2012 Description: The brief called for thed design of a multi-purpose hall for the Qwa-Qwa high school. The hall should be able host various sport activities as well as school assemblies and performances. The use of various infill panels allows for the playful use of natural light that filters the space. Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Sketchup

Project: writers retreat Date: 2012 Description: A writers retreat for Zakes Mda situated in Kwazulu Natal. The objective was to create a quite and secluded space where the client can enjoy the outdoors and his passion for astronomy. The aim of the project was to design a flexible retreat that embraces the local landscape. The conceptual adjustable roof system allows shade during the day and opens up to landscape. At night the roof system opens up towards the night sky allowing for privacy indoors. Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Sketchup Vray




construction methods

Date: 2014 Description: Composite wall design and detailing Programs : AutoCAD Model building


contract documentation v

Date: 2015 Description: Construction drawings on selected portions of thesis project. Programs : AutoCAD Sketchup






Sunset and silhouette of our campus from our departments roof top.


2012 Night photography Melrose Arch, Johanessburg

sunrise on the N1 to Cape Town


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2015 20 15








land art project

Date: 2012 Description: Group project Working with landscape artist Strijdom van der Merwe, we had two days to install a temporary land art installation on campus. The aim of this land art installation was to create awareness regrading rhino horn poaching in South Africa. Programs : Photoshop Model building

[see video clip] Rhino horn Installation on campus

industrial d






m o d e l building


design indaba - stand design

Date: 2013 Description: Exhibition stand design for Design Indaba Details: Design Indaba Exhibition Stand Working with the Five Past Five Design team, we had to design an exhibition stand on a budget that could be transported with all the products on a trailer from Pretoria to Cape Town. The stand was constructed out of off-cuts and leftover material from a timber home manufacturing workshop. The stand was re-used the following year and changed to suite the new product range.

[see video clip] construction of stand




urban green wall

Date: 2012 Description: The concept of this project was for anyone to have their own green garden. The idea is that the packaging becomes the wall with all the needed elements inside to grow a garden. The boxes and walls are like puzzle pieces that fit into each other. Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Model building


Thesis student model

Date: 2013 Description: Final model for thesis student [collaborative project with Navarre Ebersohn] Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Sketchup


house for architect

Date: 2013 Description: Model for Architectural firm [collaborative project with Navarre Ebersohn]

Programs : AutoCAD Model building Sketchup

t h e s i s the transforming ndlovu node

the design of an ecological observatory in phalaborwa


thesis the transforming ndlovu node the design of an ecological observatory

Date: 2015 Description: To view full thesis document see ndlovu_node_christe?e=23820512/33992760 Programs : AutoCAD Photoshop Model building Sketchup Illustrator InDesign



1 4



3 3 2

macro analysis

1 Core site 2 Capsule 01 / Affiliated sites 3 Capsule 02 / Sample sites 4 Capsule 03 / Bio-domes









The proposed intervention explores architectural systems inspired by nature and made possible through technology and science, enforcing a symbiotic relationship between the structure and the environment. Ultimately it will form part of the South African Environmental Observation Network’s larger environmental observation framework, with the transforming Ndlovu Node being a landmark and the new core site of the Savannah biome. The investigated site is located at the existing Palabora Mining Company copper and FOSKOR phosphate mines south of the town of Phalaborwa in the Limpopo Province. While a mine site might not be the most obvious site choice for an eco-observatory, this particular site is of interest because of its location and close proximity to the Kruger National Park and various other nature reserves.

Located in the Savannah region surrounded by rivers and an abundance of animal and plant life, the site holds great potential for future environmental rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of existing infrastructure and ultimately, establishing a new connection between humankind, nature and the built environment. The new building programme concentrates on the study of environmental, climatic and meteorological processes that play out at different time scales, such as daily, seasonally and yearly. Biophilic design patterns and biomimicry were examined to create appropriate architectural systems for the savannah landscape.

capsule 03


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Activity Viewing hole / Copper Pit Possible town development Rehabilitated Landscape Animal rehabilitation and breeding Activity Viewing point Rehabilitate water basins Re-use infrastructure

capsule 02 soutlek

watering hole

water tank with wind pump

birds nest

insects eg. beehives

camera point

floral and herbal wall


gps co-ordinates beacon

camera point

watering hole


sample locations

28 concept development - public approach to site




fractal patterns


r s

a y


c t


t e

a s

Synthesis is the process of unification, where separate elements, forces or ideas are drawn together into a connected whole (Porter, 2006:184). As Porter (2006:184) explains, the act of composing architectural form, i.e. the ordering of space and matter in light and material, can be said to result from a synthesis of the intellect and the senses. The concept of synthesis is found in architecture by linking ideas and phenomena. This merging of concept and sensation addresses the primary architectural relationships of history, culture, place making, and structure-enclosure. These elements become engaged when the seed of an idea is formed and the building is ordered and realised. The main objective is to create a unified relationship between nature, human beings and the environment through identifying fractal patterns in the natural environment and cultures and subsequently applying these patterns tothe design.


l s

Figure 128: Concept model. Source: by Author

The hidden pat tern becomes the underlying thread that connects the detached elements. As mentioned earlier, the building envelope is regarded as the third skin or third layer of protection. According to Michael Wigginton (2006, in Porter, 2006:173), the skins of modern buildings are rudimentary and inefficient; however, with the development of new technologies, intelligent systems can be applied to the design that will allow the building to respond to the exterior environment, similar to natural systems. The environment affects the building; the latter becomes the tangible link with the exterior environment relying on a symbiotic relationship between the building skin and exterior environment.

“…we can never separate ourselves from the nonhuman world – we, our technologies, and nature can be no more disentangled than we can remember the distinction between Dr. Frankenstein and his monster…” (Latour, 2012).

Architectural typology changes from generation to generation. This constant change or evolution doesn’t mean that elements from the past should have no significance or contribution to present designs. The image above, “Frankenstein Architecture”, is a conceptual illustration and explores the two extremes that can be achieved if past elements are incorporated, or the alternative when it’s rejected.

building tectonics Tectonics is a term for the art and science of construction, being considered as one of the three sources of validity for architecture. Pierre von Meiss (2006, in Porter, 2006: 187) urges architects to strive for a balanced approach to meet the competing demands of technology, the natural environment and the human physical and social needs.








section north / south scale 1:200







I can see Muhululu through the transparent cladding. I can feel the cool air from the water wall below.





I love the sweet smell of these flowers and herbs on this green facade. It also attracts a lot of beautiful butterflies.




The water wall helps to cool down the building interior. The fine mist on my skin is refreshing on this hot summers day.







3mm steel window sill trim to detail

450mm x 50mm Rodesian Teak sleeper seat angels welded into frames @ 600mm intervals beam and new concrete wall

12 mm bitumen impregnated expansion joint between existing concrete beam and new concrete foundation


detail - built in seating

I see a storm coming. Luckily there is a rain water harvesting system, the umbrella structures on the roof will capture the water and store it in water tanks

I enjoy watching the exposed and how they move the easte leaf like fins up and down...up

mine gears ern facades p and down...


southern perspective of site





northern green wall seasonal change

example of double facade as buffer space (summer conditions)

perforated grate

operable windows open

shading within the double facade

duct in suspendid ceiling

outdoor air intake

example of double facade as buffer space winter

perforated grate

operable windows closed

duct in suspendid ceiling outdoor air intake

watering hole

service shaft

permeable stone boundary wall

private circulation above ground level

circulation tower

ecological observatory

Contoured Extraction It is now evident that repeating patterns can be found throughout the landscape at various scales. These spontaneously recurring patterns could be incorporated as part of the design concept and should be applied from larger zoning scales right down to the detailed design . The naturally rounded rectangular shape of the furnace almost replicates the outline of Sealene Hill. The model (Figure 121) illustrating the void removed from the copper pit mining activities resembles the koppies in the landscape.


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