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Tcleb Luglio 2019 Vol.17

Luglio 2019 Vol. 17
Christian Temporiti
Jacek Niezgoda Shounchom k. ChrisTempo Naveena Ganjoo Amit Ganjoo
Jacek Niezgoda
Luoghi da Visitare in collaborazione con: Jacek Niezgoda
Shounchom k.
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Contemporary photography is known above all for the current of plastic photography. Indeed, since the 1980s, photography has been recognized as an art in its own right by the Fine Arts. It is no longer just a matter of taking photographs for printing or to illustrate books, but to take photographs with an aesthetic intent . A rupture then occurs. There are artists and photographers. A break clearly indicated by the words of Christian Boltanski, who considers himself more a painter than a photographer: "Photography is photojournalism, the rest is painting". We therefore distinguish between art photography and pure photography, also called "straight photography". The means are diversified, therefore. The artistic photographs are exhibited, the others are used to illustrate a subject. Photography has effectively entered museums of art! However, whatever the form chosen, photography still remains a way to disseminate, analyze and understand what surrounds us. A giant of contemporary photography is Raymond Depardon, French photographer and director, known all over the world, he created the famous Gamma photo agency in 1966, then joined Magnum agency in 1979. A true monument in the history of photography, Raymond Depardon affirms in his age with a particular form of photography: subjective photography. In his works, he then creates a bridge between the journalistic codes of photography and introspection. Subjective photography allows the author to transcribe these emotions and not just journalistic facts. It is a true vision of an author and an artist. Widely inspired by pop- art, "Pictoriality" is fundamental in contemporary photography. With the advent of digital, photography uses advertising codes to create large editing formats and other processes. A bit like these contemporary paintings that are difficult to understand, photography in photography requires the interpretation of the viewer. Gilbert and George, two professional artists who work in duo, use photo montages and other techniques to create very original paintings. the photomontage technique provides a good account of what contemporary photography is. All the techniques, even the craziest, are therefore allowed. This photographic style intends to approach painting. Photographers carry out modified works. The photos do not remain as they were taken and undergo a change by the author. They then tend to create an anti-elitist art that is open to all.

Mariella Bettineschi ha sondato, attraverso diversi metodi e
materiali, le possibili relazioni con la realtà attraverso un approccio multidisciplinare: pittura, scultura, architettura. La fotografia e l'immagine digitale hanno svolto per lei un ruolo cruciale, grazie alla possibilità di manipolazione, paragonabile agli strumenti artistici tradizionali. Nel 1989 si trasferisce a Berlino, dove lavora fino al 1995. Nel 1992, l'installazione Paesaggio in nero a Villa Reale di Monza, Nel 1994 è stata invitata da Amnon Barzel e Päivi Kiiski a partecipare alla European Sculpture City di Turku, in Finlandia, dove ha installato la scultura Celestial Car davanti al Wäinö Altonen Museum of Art.
The artist has probed, through different methods and materials, the possible relationships with reality through a multidisciplinary approach: painting, sculpture, architecture. Photography and digital image have played a crucial role for her, thanks to their possibility of manipulation, comparable to traditional art instruments. In 1989 she moved to Berlin, where she works until 1995. 1992, the “Paesaggio in nero2 installation at Villa Reale in Monza, In 1994 she was invited by Amnon Barzel and Päivi Kiiski to partecipate at the European Sculpture City in Turku, Finland where she installed the sculpture Celestial Car in front of the Wäinö Altonen Museum of Art.

In my life sculptor life , in addition to teaching this wonderful art, I also have national and international exhibitions that every day fill my passion with happiness and unique experiences, like the sculpture that i created and dedicated to a very famous Indian actor Mr. Anupam Kher, has worked in more than 500 national and international films and is the Ex president of the Film and Television Institute of India The sculpture entitled - Anupam Fighter is based on his life story, shows his inner strength and spirit to overcome every obstacle in life. His autobiography will be released on August 5th 2019. I gave him that sculpture to celebrate himself.
Amit Ganjoo Sculptures
Nella mia di vita da scultore ,oltre ad insegnare questa splendida arte , ho anche esposizioni nazionali ed internazionali che ogni giorno riempiono di felicita' ed esperienze uniche questa mia passione , come la scultura che ho creato e dedicato ad un attore Indiano molto famoso sia sul terrritorio nazionale che internazionale Mr. Anupam Kher, ha lavorato in piu' di 500 film ed e' l'ex presidente del Film and Television Institute of India La scultura intitolata - Anupam Fighter si basa sulla sua storia di vita, mostra la sua forza interiore e lo spirito per superare ogni ostacolo nella vita. La sua autobiografia uscirà il 5 agosto 2019. Gli ho regalato quella scultura per celebrare se stesso.

Art is in my work, in my life in my family, i shared it with my wife Naveena , from many years an established painter and artist !
“Life brought time to me in Shades. I learnt to mark time, emotions and feelings in shades coupled with fragrances of ever elusive seasons, ensconced in the cool, reassuring shady grove of trees in neighborhood. The Shades of brightly caparisoned canopies, pervaded with the musky fragrances of the woods, nurtured me as one would their only child. Nostalgia overwhelms me at the sweet recollections of the shades of the grove, the fragrances that were so distinctly proclaiming the passage or the advent of seasons, the chirping of birds that shared my grove and the imperceptible shift in inflection and modulation of their calls, complementing the changing shades. The ever enthralling saga of hues and shades marking the circle of time has gently guided the brush strokes to captivate the shades of your imagination.”
l'arte è nel mio lavoro, nella mia vita nella mia famiglia, l'ho condivisa con mia moglie Naveena da molti anni affermata pittrice e artista
"La vita mi ha dato il tempo in sfumature. Ho imparato a segnare il tempo, le emozioni e le sensazioni in tonalità accoppiate con le fragranze delle stagioni sempre inafferrabili, immersa nel fresco e rassicurante boschetto ombroso degli alberi nel mio quartiere. Le sfumature dei baldacchini dai dai tendaggi vivaci , pervasi dalle fragranze muschiate dei boschi, mi allevavano come fossi il loro unico figlio. La nostalgia mi sommerge dai dolci ricordi delle ombre del boschetto, dalle fragranze che proclamavano così distintamente il passaggio o l'avvento delle stagioni, il cinguettio degli uccelli che invadeva il mio bosco e l'impercettibile spostamento nell'inflessione e nella modulazione delle loro chiamate, completando le diverse sfumature . La saga sempre coinvolgente di tinte e ombre che segnano il cerchio del tempo ha guidato dolcemente le pennellate per catturare le sfumature della tua immaginazione. "
Naveena Ganjoo

Biecz Una Perla tra le città del sud della Polonia. (di Jacek Niezgoda)
La città di Biecz, grazie ai suoi unici valori architettonici e urbani, è una Perla tra le città del sud della Polonia. Numerosi monumenti, concentrati su uno spazio relativamente piccolo all'interno degli edifici medievali, limitati da mura difensive conferiscono alla città un carattere unico. Quindi, in letteratura, Biecz ricevette il nome "La perla della regione sub-carpatica", "Parva Cracovia" e "Carcassonne polacca". il punto centrale della città, a forma di rettangolo, è stato adattato per scopi commerciali. Al centro c'è un municipio con una torre comunale adiacente, l'edificio più caratteristico della città. Le autorità locali della città sono concentrate qui.

a Perl among the cities of southern Poland
The town of Biecz, due to its unique architectural and urban values, is a gem among the cities of southern Poland. Numerous monuments, focused on a relatively small space within the medieval buildings, limited by defensive walls give the city a unique character. Hence, in literature, Biecz received the name "The Pearl of Sub-Carpathian region", "Parva Cracovia" as well as "Polish Carcassonne". The central point of the city, in the shape of a rectangle, was adapted for commercial purposes. In the middle of it there is a town hall with an adjacent town hall tower, the most characteristic building of the city. Local authorities of the city have their seat here.

Kanchanaburi the third largest provincial capital of
Thailand. (Shounchom Khamsuwon)
130 kilometers west of Bangkok, this small town extends to the far west and forms the border with Myanmar. it boasts waterfalls and caves among the most beautiful in Thailand as well as the historical bridge that crosses the Kwai river. Kanchanaburi has many characteristic aspects, one of which is represented by the possibility of staying in the typical barge-houses floating on the river. This is also the ideal way to admire the surroundings or participate in a trip on the barges, which generally includes visits to places of interest in the surroundings, a pleasant lunch, and an overnight stay on the barges. For those with limited time, it is possible to rent a long-tail boat to quickly visit a wide variety of places along the river. There are several sites worth visiting: temples and historical sites rise among the hills and valleys, the lush landscapes are ideal for cycling, trekking, boat trips or elephant rides. But at the top of the ranking of popularity we find the bridge and the museum of war that testify to the construction - during the Second World War - of the infamous " Railway of Death ".

See You Soon !