2017 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2016

Christian College Geelong Ltd Christian College Bellarine Ltd Christian College Institute of Senior Education Ltd Christian College Institute of Teaching & Learning Ltd

Contents Chairman’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Report from the CEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Principal’s Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Financial Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


School’s Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Early Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Back Creek Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Christian Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Humanities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Languages Other Than English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Art, Technology & Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sport & Physical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Outdoor Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Learning Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Chairman’s Report Mr James Shirley Chairman

We have enjoyed another fruitful and exciting year at

This year, we have been very fortunate to be awarded

Christian College. 2017 has been an amazing year of

government grants which will contribute to two of our

achievement with significant progress made toward

proposed building programs :

many goals.

- Senior School Campus – construction of a new Music House

It was particularly satisfying to see one of the College’s

- Torquay Campus – the second stage of building

major objectives achieved this year in the opening of


Butterfield House Kindergarten and Child Care Centre

These projects are planned for construction during

at Torquay. Since the initial commencement and


Official Opening conducted on March 28th, the Kinder operation has quickly ‘ramped up’, and enrolment

Another highlight this year has been the further

positions for next year are full.

development and growth in the work of the College

Congratulations to Berna Johnson and the team for a

Foundation led by Michael Peck – Chairman of

very successful first year in operation.

the College Foundation Board. Michael and the Foundation Board have worked hard to raise the

Congratulations also to Paul Brewster, David Spedding

profile and continue to grow the Foundation within

and the team for all of their hard work in completing

our community.

the development of the first stage of buildings for the Surf Coast Campus, which will open for the start

At the Senior School Presentation Afternoon this

of Prep in 2018 and will be co-ordinated by Debbie

year, the Burrows family presented the College with a

Riddle. This project has been an impressive example

beautiful watercolour portrait of General Eva Burrows

of team work, creative design and diligent planning.

(Salvation Army). General Eva was instrumental in the

It is an achievement to be proud of. Interviews are

Salvation Army’s involvement in Christian College at its

already underway for prep enrolment for 2018, 2019,

inception. Her portrait is now mounted in the Senior

and 2020.

School Board Room.

Another terrific milestone was reached on October

Very sadly, in October this year, after a hard fought

15th this year, where Back Creek Farm celebrated

battle with cancer, Christy Clark, known and much

their 21st year of operation. More than 400 students,

loved by many of us, passed away. Christy had taught

past students and families and staff gathered at the

at Junior School for a time and was the wife of Graham

Farm for fun, food and entertainment to mark the

Clarke, a past Christian College board member. Their

occasion. It was a great opportunity to reflect on what

children also attended Christian College so her passing

an outstanding and highly valued part of the school

was deeply felt by many in our CC community. The

program the Farm represents.

Clarke family remain in our thoughts and prayers.


I wish to commend our CEO Daryl Riddle, Principal

Brenda Huxtable and Chris Golden attend every board

Glen McKeeman, Deputy Principal Scott Ellis, Heads of

meeting to present the monthly Finance Report and to

Campus and staff for providing an outstanding year of

update the Board on many great initiatives, changes

education and care for our students. It is important to

and improvements to our financial management

recognise that this has happened alongside significant


changes in senior leadership positions within the College. It is wonderful to have received ‘external’

As we approach Christmas and the school holiday

comment during this year in recognition of the quality

period, I wish you all well and God’s richest blessing

of Christian College leadership and programs that

into 2018. We look forward to what God has is store

have been implemented.

for Christian College next year.

Thank you for your diligent support of Board Meetings with monthly reports that are prepared with such attention to detail. Many new programs

Mr James Shirley

and improvements in systems have been achieved

Chairman of the Christian College Board

this year in spite of the busiest of schedules and daily pressures that inevitably are a part of managing a College as large as Christian College. What has been achieved this year could not happen without great leadership and the dedication and support of every member of the Christian College community. I wish to recognise the Board for their dedication and commitment to the leadership of the college. In particular I wish to recognise Ern Chang and Will Orpwood who have elected to step down from the Board. Their contribution during their time serving on the Board has been much appreciated. In April this year, we welcomed both Sue Strong (former Head of Campus – Senior School) to the Board as the Uniting Church Lay Rep and Pastor Tim Edwards as the Baptist Clergy Representative. We highly value the experience, skills and perspectives that both Sue and Tim will bring to the Board. I also wish to thank the members of the various subcommittees that make a significant contribution of time and resources to the College and particularly would like to recognise the work of the finance team.


2017 Members of the Christian College Geelong Board

Mr James Shirley Chairman Parent Representative

Mr Vivian Watson The Salvation Army Lay Representative

Mrs Sally Stewart Parent Representative

Mr Greg Reid Parent Representative

Kayne Harwood Uniting Church Lay Representative

Mrs Lenore Ford Parent Representative

Dr Ern Chang Parent Representative

Capt. Tracey Davies The Salvation Army Clergy Representative

Dr David Fuller Anglican Church Lay Representative

Concluded 09/12/17

Revd. William Orpwood Anglican Church Clergy Representative

Mrs Susan Strong Uniting Church Lay Representative

Pastor Tim Edwards Baptist Church Clergy Representative

Concluded 23/06/17

Commenced 29/04/17

Commenced 29/04/17


Report from the CEO Mr Daryl C. Riddle OAM Chief Executive Officer

As the year draws to a close, it seems amazing

As I write this report, small details are being

that we are in the process of finishing off the 2017

completed and we have just received our Certificate

school year. In writing this report, I am provided the

of Occupancy. Landscaping is well underway as is

opportunity to look back through the details of the

the creation of the new oval area, the playgrounds

many significant events which make up the vibrant

and gardens in preparation for the opening in

and colourful activities of the last twelve months.

2018. Mrs. Debbie Riddle has been appointed to

Upon reflection, I am amazed by the many positive

co-ordinate the campus next year and will teach

and exciting programmes offered at the College.

the foundation Prep grade. We wish Debbie all the best as she prepares for this exciting pioneering

One of the important changes which has occurred

stage of the College’s growth. Early next year we

this year has been the beginning of Butterfield

will invite families and special guests to attend our

House Kinder, our new Child Care Centre and 3

opening ceremony with members of the College

and 4 year old Kindergarten at the Surf Coast. After

Board and Government dignitaries. Well done

many weeks preparing the facility for the opening

to Mr Paul Brewster, Mr David Spedding and

early in February, the centre began with a flurry of

Mr Rod Ball, members of our architectural and

young children testing out the new playground and

project management team, who have overseen the

classrooms. The opening ceremony was held on the

development and construction and special thanks

28th of March 2017 with the Hon. Jenny Mikakos,

to the Bendigo Bank for financing of this wonderful

Minister for Families and Children and the College


Chairman Mr James Shirley, (Board Chair) the official

On October 15th 2017, we celebrated the 21st

representatives speaking on the day.

anniversary of the Back Creek Farm Rural

With the opening of our new 3 & 4 year old Kinder

Experience at Scotsburn. During the early years

and child care centre, Butterfield House, this year,

of the farm’s development, I clearly remember

the completion of the new Surf Coast Campus

the discussions about establishing such a unique

buildings (Stage 1) has also been a high priority for

rural programme and the many complex layers

2017 to be ready for our first Preps in 2018.

of organisation and time that was spent on developing and then implementing the dream. To be celebrating the 21st year of its operation is a milestone in the history of the College. The Back Creek programme has become a fundamental tradition in the lives of the students who have attended there as well as an exciting event for our younger students to look forward to. Congratulations to all those special individuals who worked as staff members at the farm over the last 21 years; your contributions to the College and your influence in the lives of the many students who attended will not be forgotten. The memories will be cherished by the many students who have taken part in the programme.


A major upgrade which occurred at the College

During this year, we were successful in our

Middle School buildings at Burdekin Drive has been

applications for Government funding towards two

the painting of this glorious building. After much

future projects, they being the second stage of the

research and with the development of a strategy to

Surf Coast Campus buildings and landscaping along

fix the continual decay of ‘the render” on the outer

with the second project, the construction of the new

walls of this building, we engaged a company to

Music House and performance centre at the Senior

paint the complete external façade and fittings of

School. These project will begin sometime during

the building. The company, called “Programmed”

the middle part of next year.

has accomplished an outstanding upgrade. The preparation and painting of these buildings had

This year we have continued to upgrade our bus

to be sensitive to the fact we are a school and

fleet and have purchased three more buses which

some work had to be completed in early mornings

are under 9 years of age, all have seat belts and

or afternoon time slots where children were not

all are air conditioned. Our plan is to have all the

around. I’m confident that we all agree, the painting

other larger buses replaced with newer types with

has been exemplary and has made our buildings

the same improvements by 2021. More than half

look their best again. Also, another important

of our fleet have these improvements. As well,

upgrade which may not have been as extensive

we have successfully installed “tap on, tap off”

and therefore less visible to everyone, has been the

integrated passenger information which helps us

painting of the Junior School at Belmont and the

keep clear and current records of where each of

painting of the Villa Paloma at Waurn Ponds. These

our students are while bus traveling. Thanks to Mr

two upgrades have made a significant difference to

Peter Hayes, Mr Greg Mather and all the bus drivers

the facades of both of these buildings. Thank you to

and mechanics who do a wonderful job of safely

“Programmed” and their workers for providing such

transporting our children to and from school every

a wonderful service to our community and giving

day. This year we sadly say farewell to Mr Daryl

our buildings a fabulous new appearance.

Watson who is retiring after ten years of leadership and skilled workmanship in the mechanics workshop. Daryl, a real gentleman and an extremely skilled person in his field, will be sadly missed so we wish him all the best for his retirement. This year we also recognised the establishment of the new Christian College Foundation, led by Mr Michael Peck and the new Foundation Board. The Board has been developing a strategic plan for the most positive methods of assisting the College. Along with raising new funds to supplement future College activities and building programmes, they will provide some funds to offset scholarships for families who could not otherwise attend the College for financial reasons. We thank them for this very generous and most positive contribution to the future of our College and the families.


Last year we moved our uniform shop to the

Mrs Lynne Mather, who is currently our Fees and

Belmont Arcade and the change has been

Payments Manager, will also manage sponsored

remarkable. We are so pleased with the change-

student placements (SSP’s) and scholarships. Our

over and we recognise the improvement in how

former Head of Finance Mr Chris Golden, will

smoothly the shop operates. Congratulations to

continue in a part time role as Company Secretary

Genelle West and Kylie Mahoney who have provided

to the Board and will focus on the digitalisation

the drive and the service in this new venture. Also,

of our College administration processes and

we recognise the introduction of the Back Creek

developing our information collection for our data

Café in Meredith some 18 months ago. The Cafe

base. We have trialled these roles throughout the

has become a permanent fixture in the Meredith

latter part of this year and believe the changes have

Township with the local patronage continuing to

already proven to be effective. I would like to wish

grow. It is a great place to catch up with Year 9

all these people all the best as their now roles will

students who work there during the week as well

officially be rolled out in 2018.

as meeting their mums and dads and grandparents who come to visit them. Thanks to Mrs Jodie Ward

Other significant staff farewells which have occurred

and Ms. Trina Stanfield who both work very hard to

or will occur at the end of this year will include

maintain a well-run café and a wonderful experience

people who have made significant contributions

for our students.

to this College community. Heather Faulkner, a long serving teacher and former Deputy Head of the College Middle School will be retiring after 22 years. Her contribution to our community has been significant as has her influence on the many students she has taught during her career. Mr Greg Hawkins will also retire from the College this year after 22 years as a VCE teacher of Psychology and in charge of Training Teacher placements at Senior School. He will be greatly missed by his students and colleagues. I want to thank Greg personally for his constructive, positive and compelling desire to assist me in establishing a positive work culture

This year we have again made some important

and excellent conditions for our staff and students.

changes in staffing both in the teaching area and in

Much of Union work has gone largely unnoticed but

the administration area. During this year we decided

I want to publically thank Greg for the many years

to restructure some elements of the administration

he has worked as the staff Union Advocate. Other

processes to gain efficiencies. With the ever-

long time serving staff include Mrs Julie Carpenter,

changing Government regulations and the extra

who has so graciously served the Williams House

demands upon staff and their workloads, it is an

Kinder as the admin secretary and receptionist for

important exercise to continually improve how we

twenty years. Julie will be leaving with her husband

manage our various processes and administrative

Peter and move to Broome in Western Australia

systems. During these past twelve months, Ms

and we wish them all the best for the future. Others

Brenda Huxtable has taken up the important role

who have also left this year: Peter Fossey 17 years,

of Head of Finance and so leads the finance sector

Robyn Thierry 29 years, Anne Monagle 27 years,

of the College. Brenda’s former role was that of the

Daryl Watson 10 years, Bernie and Shirley Murnane

Assistant Finance Manager. A new addition to the

12 years, Michael Lutz 10 years, Tess Carr 9 years,

administration team, Mr Jonathan Ryan, formerly

Marion Nott 8 years and Julie Weaver 9 years. We

the Deputy Head of Middle School and Director of

are indebted to all of you for your outstanding

Phys Ed and Sport, will serve in a new role as College

service and rich contribution to the lives of our

Operations Manager spanning across all campuses.

students and our community.


In late October this year we were given the sad news

To our Principal Mr Glen McKeeman, and Vice-

of the passing of one of our community members,

Principal Mr Scott Ellis; thank you for your tireless

Mrs Christy Clarke. Christy, whose three children

and insightful leadership of the College Campuses

were students of the College until last year, moved

and inspiring the teaching and academic staff across

back to Queensland with her husband and former

all areas of the curriculum. The College programmes

Christian College Board member Graham, to be

continue to improve each year through your astute

closer to family and friends during her battle with

educational input and skilled leadership along with

cancer. We offer our deepest sympathy to the family

the dedicated and excellent work of our teaching

and we will continue to support them in the difficult


months ahead. Thank you to the executive staff for another Last week I had the privilege of attending the Senior

outstanding year. Your leadership and skill has

School Presentation of Awards afternoon, the Year

been instrumental in achieving wonderful end of

12 Graduation Ceremony and the Graduation Ball

year results. To Brenda, Heather, Paul, Chris and

for the Year 12s. I was very proud of the students

Lynne; thank you for making the administration

as each one filed across the stage to receive their

team such a joy to work with. I want to thank all

graduation scroll or an academic award. The dinner,

the various managers throughout the College and

held on The Pier with parents, staff and students

all their staff who largely go unnoticed in such a

was a magnificent finale to their academic journey

large organisation. The bus drivers, the gardeners

through Christian College. In the graduation

and maintenance staff, the payments and receipt

speeches by the various College leaders and Student

offices, the farm managers, the secretaries and

Heads, I couldn’t help but reflect favourably upon

administration people.

the amazing qualities and abilities exhibited on each occasion.

Lastly, I thank the Board for their support, diligence and excellent governance of the College. Under the watchful eye of the Chairman, Mr James Shirley, we are fortunate to have such positive and wise council from such a diverse group of leaders who make up the Headship and governing Board. We look forward to another challenging year in 2018 and I pray you will have a restful and peaceful break over the Christmas period. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with you at this wonderful College and I look forward to another fruitful year. Mr Daryl Riddle OAM CEO

Well done to all the various Heads of Campus, Deputies, staff and students for the outstanding presentation evenings held last week. Each Presentation nights’ proceedings captured the very essence of each campus and it was wonderful to note the Christmas celebrations and songs which reflected the true meaning of Christmas. To watch the children celebrate their end of year programme with their teachers is always a highlight. Thank you for providing us with a fitting end of year celebration. 8

Principal’s 2017 Overview Mr Glen McKeeman Principal

Christian College Geelong has an established

The ‘Learning that Matters’ is described by Professor

Philosophical Statement founded on the principles

David Perkins, as being learning that is life worthy.

of our Christian faith and God’s love, and it

In his research, he describes the ‘Learning that

underpins every aspect of our community.

Matters’ as going beyond the conventions of the traditional model of education to provide students

Our College Board has representation from the

with opportunities to develop deeper understanding

Anglican, Uniting and Baptist Churches, as well as

and to take greater responsibility for their own

the Salvation Army. This Governing body provide

learning journey. Many schools are taking a similar

generous and wise support across our campuses,

journey, however a major strength in the pathway

through their governance and leadership.

that we are taking has been the close relationship and direct link between our direction and our

Our goal is to help students identify fully with God’s

Christian foundations and faith.

purpose and meaning for their lives, so that they can contribute directly to making our world a better

The world is a complex place and can be difficult

place. At Christian College, we call this doing ‘Good

for any young person to make sense of, let alone

Work’ and along with our five core values of Faith,

find their own place and purpose in the future.

Grace, Hope, Love and Truth – this provides the

It is though the provision of our Christian lens

foundation for the following Vision Statement:

that we endeavour to help our students to gain

“At the end of their journey at Christian College, our

an understanding of their individual purpose and

students will be ready to make a positive difference

meaning for being here. Having a relationship with

to the lives of others, through ‘good work’ that is

God allows us to develop a trust in something bigger

excellent, ethical and engaged in local, national and

than ourselves, to come to know His love for us

global contexts.”

and to express our love for others, to experience His grace, peace and hope in uncertain times

Good Work

as we navigate our personal contribution to our community.

The focus on ‘Good Work’ stems from our intentional focus to provide our students with the ‘Learning that Matters’. This notion has come about through our College’s involvement and my direct participation over the past four years with Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) and the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. This is a joint collaboration in the ‘Future of Learning Symposium’ and ‘Leading the Learning that Matters Project’, that have been undertaken with the world renowned Project Zero team.


Good Work that is Excellent, Ethical and Engaging

Strategic Framework Throughout 2017, Christian College has remained

We want to encourage our students to produce

focused on seeking to achieve continuous

an ‘excellent’ effort that is their absolute best in

improvement through a framework based on five

their learning, secure in the knowledge that their

key strategic areas.

education at Christian College is about ‘growth’.

Following is a snap shot of some specific examples

Having a growth mindset will help students to see

where these strategic areas are being experienced

that their IQ, or their ability to accomplish, is not a

and addressed in authentic and productive ways

fixed outcome, as they have a capacity to improve

around our College.

throughout their journey. We also understand that the rate of development will vary from student to student, and in various learning situations, because

Encouraging, Nurturing and Modelling Christian Faith

we are all different. We want our students to stare down mistakes as nothing to be ‘feared’, for it is

On a daily basis, our students and staff commence

in making mistakes that true learning takes place

with devotions. This provides opportunities to share

and we grow as a result. This comfort level should

scripture, focus our thoughts for the day ahead,

unburden our students so they hold nothing

reflect on relevant issues or areas of interest and

back, giving all of themselves to their learning

to take time to pray. Throughout the year there

experiences, an ‘excellent effort’, if you will.

have been many examples of the service to others that our students and staff have provided our local

The ‘excellent’ then flows into the ‘ethical’. You can

community, as well as to communities in Central

be excellent in various areas of study, however, if

Australia and in Southeast Asia. These authentic

you do not have an ethical understanding of how to

personal experiences allow our students to develop

apply that excellence, will it really be ‘good work’?

a true sense of purpose through this ‘Good Work.’

Whatever wonderful attributes and gifts God has

Our staff seek to model and nurture the faith

given our students, the challenge is always to use

journey and development of each student’s faith

them for good, and to demonstrate an ‘ethical’ lens.

through personal relationships and living their own faith out for the students to see for themselves.

‘Engagement’ is about how our students connect to

Staff are constantly seeking appropriate and

others in a whole myriad of ways, as a learner, as a

authentic opportunities to connect life experiences

citizen in the local community, within their family,

that are relevant to our students to make

within their sporting team and so on. How do they

connections for themselves with the examples of

view the world outside of Christian College? What

Christ’s life and example to us.

do they think about issues that affect our country, and what is their willingness to be a part of the solution? How do they look at other human beings from a global perspective, and how does that then relate to their learning, what and with whom do they connect? For example, if our students see displaced citizens from other parts of the world, who are fleeing violence or harsh conditions, are they looking at those people with indifference or a ‘not-my-problem attitude?’ Or, do they say, “That is another human being, and what can I do to help?”


Building Capacity to Learn

This forms our commitment to: • promoting child safety and a student voice across

There are many examples of the changes and development that we are seeing in our learning

our College environment • ensuring the safety and best interests of the

landscape. In particular, the transition to inter-

children in our care, taking into account children

disciplinary learning experiences for the students

of cultural and linguistic diversity and those with

to learn across faculty areas and to learn ‘beyond’


content to discover more about themselves as

• zero tolerance to child abuse


• providing an environment where students feel

21st Century dispositional skills have continued to

encouraged to play an active role in developing a

be woven throughout the educational program.

culture of child safety

The senior students have benefitted from many

• implementing and continuously improving

opportunities outside the classroom, on tours,

procedures and systems that promote and

field trips and through vocational learning. In the

influence an organisational culture of child safety

Middle Schools, the Year 9 Transformation Program

and that provide a safe environment for our

(inclusive of the Back Creek Farm Experience), Year


8 GEOs camp, Year 7 Sustainability Project and the

• providing staff, students, parents, and volunteers

learning that takes place in the community proved

with the opportunities to contribute to risk

to be engaging for these students. At the junior

minimisation and improve child safety.

levels and in Early Learning Education, play based learning provocations, experiences in the outdoors

All members of the Christian College community,

and the excursions and a variety of visitors added to

including students, staff, Board members,

the richness of the daily learning that takes place.

contractors, parents, guardians and volunteers

Incorporating learning dispositions, visible thinking

share responsibility for providing an environment

routines, design thinking and supporting our

that supports the safety and wellbeing of our

students to take ownership of their learning, have

students, and are required to uphold the College’s

all contributed to a positive improvement in student

commitment to student safety. The child safety

learning outcomes, along with greater engagement

policies, procedures and reporting mechanisms in

and self-regulation.

place underpin this commitment.

Quality, Effective Teaching

Our Educational Environment

Our staff are our College community’s greatest

The environment conducive for the best learning

asset. The professional development and growth

is dependent upon the relationships that exist

that our staff have undertaken and demonstrated

between students and staff and amongst peer

from world renowned expert providers as well

groups. The feedback that our students provide

as from each other through collaboration and

regularly about their teachers is about how

reflective practices has been remarkable. As a result,

significant the role is that they play in providing

we see the initiatives and best practice flowing

emotional and moral support. The tone of a school

naturally on to the learning that takes place across

is also vital to supporting quality learning. Well

campuses, year levels and various subject areas.

planned and maintained support structures for the program, a range of pathways and subject offerings

A major focus throughout 2017 for all of our

as well as a level of high expectations for behaviour

teaching and non-teaching staff has been to

and application, all underpin an environment that

ensure that we provide a safe environment for our

supports the ‘Learning that Matters’.

students. This has included extensive staff training and the completion of online modules to ensure we comply with the Child Safe Legislation. 11

Our aim is to provide a place for our students

On a regular basis, I receive feedback about the

and staff to share where they feel safe, valued

quality of our students, from members of the public,

and listened to Likewise, we have commenced a

employers and leaders of our community.

program to upgrade our physical environment to provide more learning spaces that are more flexible

I am most grateful to the College Board, Executive

to support the inter-disciplinary study, collaborative

and leadership team for their dedication and

and dispositional learning. This includes new

support throughout the year. I particularly want

furnishings and a change to the way that learning

to acknowledge the valuable work and incredible

spaces are utilised to align closely with current

support that I receive from my Vice Principal, Scott

teaching practices.

Elliss and my Executive Assistant, Lisa Pemberton, as well as the Heads of Campus for their dedication

Our Learning Community

and hard work at each of our campuses.

A major focus of our journey in providing ‘The

Indeed, I wish to acknowledge all of the staff

Learning that Matters ‘ is to share the story of our

across our College, each of whom make a valuable

vision with our students, staff, parents and the

contribution to the fabric of our unique community.

wider community to allow them to understand the

Whether it is at our Early Learning Centres,

key factors of the vision and the greater picture

Campuses, the Back Creek Farm or Cafe, as part of

of what we are seeking to achieve. Our students

the teaching or non- teaching staff, from bus drivers,

clearly identify with the notion of ‘Good Work’ and

administration staff or as part of the grounds and

they readily connect with opportunities to involve

maintenance team. I wish to thank every one of our

themselves with ways that their learning and

dedicated staff for their individual contributions to

interactions with others reflect our values.

making Christian College Geelong such a wonderful place for our students to come to each day, to be

Our staff too have embraced the need to adopt

challenged and connected, to grow and develop

new practices within their teaching that provide for

both personally and educationally. Each person’s

the complex needs of our students in the current

contribution is valued and appreciated.

landscape whilst also considering their future needs. Our parents make the decision to ‘partner’ with us in providing their children with an education that is based on our philosophical statement, our reputation for care and the quality of the programs that we offer. They too provide feedback that indicates that they share our passion to see young people educated to think broadly about the world and to think deeply and critically about how they can contribute to its flourishing. The journey that our students take is recognised locally and indeed on a wider, in fact global scale

God continues to bless our community with people

through the connections made in our program, to

who come to serve Him each day and to do His good

be one that educates well rounded, caring global

work in the lives of others.

citizens that have the ability to think, make sound decisions and contribute positively to their world.

Mr Glen McKeeman Principal


Financial Report Ms Branda Huxtable Senior Finance Manager

The Financial Year of 2017 in Review

Below is the summary of the College’s income sources and expenditure:

On behalf of the Board of Christian College Geelong group of companies, I am pleased to present the


annual financial report for 2017. All Christian

• 47.19% Tuition Fees

College campuses are part of a “not for profit” company which means any surplus funds generated are to be used for educational purposes (capital or expense) within the campuses. For 2017 we had an operating surplus of $700,758. The extra ordinary income of $32,500 was the balance of the State Government grant received toward Butterfield House Kindergarten property redevelopment. The College Board has a policy of having its real estate assets revalued every three years. The properties were revalued on the 31st December, 2017 and I am pleased to say have increased by $12.6M since the last valuations.

• 37.36% Commonwealth Government grants • 8.22% State Government grants • 3.90% Capital Works Levy • 3.08% Miscellaneous sources • 0.26% Other fees and charges

Expenditure – Non-Capital • 69.15% Salaries and other staff expenditure such as staff entitlements, workers compensation and training • 8.50% Depreciation - non-cash expense • 7.00% Administration and other costs • 6.89% Educational expenses • 2.95% Buildings and grounds maintenance • 2.83% Operational costs on items such as insurance, electricity, telephone • 2.68% Finance and leases

Balance Sheet Items • 78.90% Total assets are land and buildings • 50.81% Total liabilities are long term (12 months or more) capital borrowings The overall net worth of Christian College is now $48,217,031 which is an increase of 22.33% on the previous year.


Key Capital Expenditure during 2017 Middle School - Highton • Major renovation work to the exterior building • LED light upgrade • Transformation room fitout • Library renovations and fitout Surf Coast Campus • Building and landscaping for four new classrooms – Stage 1 Senior School - Waurn Ponds • New automated locking system • Continue roof replacement program Bellarine Campus • Roofing works Junior School - Belmont • Refurbish and paint building exterior • Beginning Prep room upgrade Villa Paloma • Refurbish and paint building exterior

Enrolments Enrolments for 2017 were 1,955 students. I trust this gives you an understanding of Christian College’s financial position as at the 31st December 2017. Ms Brenda Huxtable Senior Finance Manager


























Page 1


1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Christian College Enrolments from 1980 to 2017

Chart 3

2017 Financials

Christian College Enrolments from 1980 to 2017


Consolidated accounts for all Christian College Companies as at 31 December 2017

Profit and Loss Statement as at 31st December 2017 Profit and Loss

Total Income Tuition Fees Grants - Commonwealth Grants - State Capital Works Levy Non Operational Income Other Fees & Charges Expenses Salaries/Staff Entitlements Depreciation Administration & Other Costs Educational Expenses Building & Grounds Operational Finance & Lease


Highton Junior & Torquay


Back Creek


47.19% 37.36% 8.22% 3.90% 3.08% 0.26% 100.00%

$18,613,392 $14,734,457 $3,242,714 $1,538,206 $1,213,985 $101,324 $39,444,078

$3,244,783 $3,530,839 $744,404 $324,463 $319,086 $16,820 $8,180,395

$8,391,492 $6,976,895 $1,530,109 $714,274 $672,307 $79,800 $18,364,877

$6,800,418 $4,226,723 $968,201 $499,469 $198,045 $4,704 $12,697,560

$0 $0 $0 $0 $23,745 $0 $23,745

$176,699 $0 $0 $0 $802 $0 $177,501

69.15% 8.50% 7.00% 6.89% 2.95% 2.83% 2.68% 100.00%

$26,792,467 $3,294,147 $2,713,167 $2,669,573 $1,141,401 $1,095,736 $1,036,829 $38,743,320

$5,526,908 $380,664 $257,869 $458,666 $270,723 $192,279 $244,133 $7,331,242

$13,145,489 $2,480,840 $1,906,866 $1,178,024 $616,708 $578,256 $608,700 $20,514,883

$7,852,474 $413,090 $535,202 $1,026,606 $249,711 $254,704 $183,955 $10,515,742

$0 $19,250 $4,495 $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,745

$267,596 $303 $8,735 $6,277 $4,259 $70,497 $41 $357,708







$2,985,712 $2,985,712

$0 $844,740

$2,985,712 $703,752

$0 $1,437,220

$0 $0

$0 $0



















Surplus Intercompany transfers - mgt fees - Income Intercompany transfers - Expense Operating Surplus Extra Ordinary Income Total Surplus

Consolidated accounts for all Christian College Companies as at 31 December 2017

Balance Sheet as at 31st December 2017

Balance Sheet

Total Assets Land & Buildings Intercompany loans Other Non Current Assets Classroom Capital Debtors Buses Other Current Assets Bank Intercompany loans - Highton Total Assets

78.90% 11.15% 4.29% 3.88% 0.79% 0.53% 0.41% 0.06% 0.00% 100.00%

$66,120,036 $9,345,409 $3,597,658 $3,251,078 $662,191 $443,256 $339,690 $48,079 $0 $83,807,397 Total

Liabilities Capital Borrowings - Non Current Intercompany loans Leave Entitlements - Current Fees in Advance Lease Finance - Non Current Lease Finance - Current Creditors - Current Bank Overdraft Leave Entitlements - Non Current Creditors - Non Current Total Liabilites

41.76% 16.95% 13.49% 8.52% 7.34% 6.04% 2.62% 1.57% 1.35% 0.36% 100.00%

Net Assets Equity Asset Revaluation Reserve Accumulated Profits last year Current Year Profit/Loss Building Fund Reserve Capital Reserve Issued Capital Total Equity

61.11% 37.12% 1.52% 0.22% 0.03% 0.00% 100.00%

Bellarine $14,349,163 $1,288,175 $217,089 $141,655 $119,940 $95,124 $77,629 $4,865 $0 $16,293,640 Bellarine

Highton Junior $36,475,398 $4,179,980 $2,449,502 $3,108,363 $192,678 $275,032 $170,633 $3,517 $0 $46,855,103 Highton Junior

Senior $12,607,144 $3,758,254 $931,067 $0 $349,573 $73,100 $91,428 $39,470 $0 $17,850,036 Senior

Back Creek


$2,688,331 $119,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,807,331 Back Creek

$0 $0 $0 $1,060 $0 $0 $0 $227 $0 $1,287 CCITL

$14,862,416 $6,030,916 $4,802,260 $3,032,763 $2,613,662 $2,150,903 $931,123 $558,291 $481,635 $126,397 $35,590,366

$4,931,372 $27,886 $1,056,021 $617,162 $208,241 $55,958 $115,600 $0 $102,556 $0 $7,114,796

$6,974,151 $4,626,291 $2,353,591 $1,425,512 $1,865,285 $1,873,142 $447,236 $558,080 $209,542 $88,644 $20,421,474

$2,956,893 $0 $1,392,648 $990,089 $540,136 $221,803 $365,737 $211 $169,537 $37,753 $6,674,807

$0 $1,053,647 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $0 $0 $0 $1,055,147

$0 $323,092 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,050 $0 $0 $0 $324,142







$29,465,775 $17,896,791 $733,329 $105,423 $15,717 $0 $48,217,035

$3,800,096 $5,268,841 $4,484 $105,423 $0 $0 $9,178,844

$16,844,893 $9,408,569 $164,454 $0 $15,717 $0 $26,433,633

$7,068,602 $3,362,029 $744,598 $0 $0 $0 $11,175,229

$1,752,184 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,752,184

$0 -$142,648 -$180,207 $0 $0 $0 -$322,855


Total Income at 31st December 2017

Total Income at 31st December 2017

3.90% 3.08% 0.26% 8.22% 47.19%

Tuition Fees 47.19% Grants - Commonwealth 37.36% Grants - State 8.22%


Capital Works Levy 3.90% Non Operational Income 3.08% Other Fees & Charges 0.26%

Total Expenditure to 31st December 2017

Total Expenditure at 31st December 2017

2.95% 2.83% 2.68% 7.00% 8.50%

Salaries/Staff Entitlements 69.15%


Depreciation 8.50% Administration & Other Costs 7.00%


Educational Expenses 6.89% Building & Grounds 2.95% Operational 2.83% Finance & Lease 2.68%


Total Assets as at 31st December 2017

Total Assets at 31st December 2017

0.53% 0.79% 11.15%

0.41% 0.06% Land & Buildings 78.90%

4.29% 3.88%

Intercompany loans 11.15% Other Non Current Assets 4.29% Classroom Capital 3.88%


Debtors 0.79% Buses 0.53% Other Current Assets 0.41% Bank 0.06%

Total Liabilities as at 31st December 2017

Total Liabilities at 31st December 2017

1.57% 1.35% 0.36% 2.62% 7.34% 8.52% 13.49%


Capital Borrowings - Non Current 41.76% Intercompany loans 16.95%


Leave Entitlements - Current 13.49% Fees in Advance 8.52% Lease Finance - Non Current 7.34%


Lease Finance - Current 6.04% Creditors - Current 2.62% Bank Overdraft 1.57% Leave Entitlements - Non Current 1.35% Creditors - Non Current 0.36%


School’s Performance 2017

Mr Glen McKeeman Principal

Mr Scott Elliss Vice-Principal

2017 Staff Satisfaction Survey Christian College, Geelong all Campuses In 2017 staff at Christian College Geelong, Christian College Bellarine and Christian College Institute of Senior Education participated in the online survey in Term 4. The survey is an evaluation tool developed by Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) in collaboration with the Australian Council

2. Technology High staff satisfaction with technology occurs when staff members report that the school provides access to technology to do their job properly. In addition, schools also provide excellent opportunities for students to learn using computer technology and ensure that students learn to use computer technologies appropriately and safely.

for Educational Research. Across all campuses of Christian College, 188 teaching staff and 66 general staff participated in the survey. For the purpose of this report, the results reported are reflective of the responses of teaching staff only. Each graph represents the Christian College School Mean compared to the ISV reported Mean for each domain. The results in each of the main areas were tabled using a Scale Score ranging from 0 = low to 10 = high.

3. School Ethos and Values High staff satisfaction with a school’s ethos and

1. Resources and Offerings

values occurs when they perceive that the school

High staff satisfaction with a school’s resources

encourages students to develop a commitment to

and offerings occurs when there is a perception

improving others’ social circumstances; participate

that the school provides a broad curriculum and

in community service and take an active role in

plenty of co-curricular activities; and that the

society. High staff satisfaction also occurs when

school has high quality materials and resources,

a school provides good drug awareness and

including the library, to aid learning. Staff members

prevention education; focuses on developing

appreciate school grounds being attractive and well-

students as well rounded individuals; encourages

maintained, but this is not essential.

students to respect individual differences; effectively educates students against racism and helps students develop an appropriate set of life values.


4. Student Behaviour

6. Learning Support

High staff satisfaction with student behaviour occurs

High staff satisfaction in the learning support

when students are well behaved and get on well

provided by a school occurs when staff members

with each other. Bullying amongst students is not

feel that teachers challenge students appropriately

perceived to be a problem at the school and is dealt

in their learning and students are encouraged to

with according to best practice. Staff members also

help each other learn. Staff members perceive

perceive students to be happy and that it is a safe

that students are well supported to help them

place for students to learn. In addition, students

improve the standard of their learning; the school’s

respect the teachers and perceive that there is a real

programs effectively meet and develop the needs an

sense of pride at the school.

interests of gifted and talented students as well as students with special needs such as limited English or learning disabilities. In addition, staff members perceive that students from different backgrounds and cultures are treated equally at school.

5. Discipline High staff satisfaction with school discipline occurs when there is a perception that the school clearly communicates its expectations for student behaviour and encourages students to exercise

7. Pastoral Care

self-discipline. Staff members are satisfied when the

High staff satisfaction with pastoral care occurs

discipline at the school follows established codes of

when teachers in a school know and care abut

practice and when they perceive that the school is

students; act on students’ concerns and take

well run.

prompt action when problems occur. Staff members respect the students; treat students fairly; value student opinions and have positive relationships with students. Highly satisfied staff members feel that the school acknowledges students’ achievements appropriately and provides students with opportunities to develop leadership, social and personal skills.


8. Parent Involvement

10. Goal Alignment

High staff satisfaction with parent involvement at

High staff satisfaction with goal alignment occurs

a school occurs when staff members perceive that

when staff members feel that the school has

they respond to parents’ concerns or queries in a

clearly articulated goals, values and educational

timely manner. Staff members feel that parents are

philosophy. It is important for staff members

kept well informed about the learning programs

to agree with the goals, values and educational

undertaken by students. In addition, there is open

philosophy of the school. In addition, there is high

communication between staff and parents at the

staff satisfaction if they feel that the Principal/Senior

school; adequate opportunities for staff contact with

Management team has a clearly articulated vision

parents and that the school encourages parents

for the school.

to be involved in a variety of ways. A comparison with similar questions in the parent survey results will indicate whether there is a gap in teachers’ and parents’ perceptions about parent involvement at the school.

11. Leadership and Morale High staff satisfaction with leadership and morale occurs when staff members feel that the Principal/ Senior Management team is aware of and deals effectively with staff issues or concerns; and if staff 9. Feedback High staff satisfaction with feedback occurs when their work performance is formally appraised and when staff members feel that the feedback is regular and constructive. Staff members also appreciate being adequately recognised for their efforts in their job and feel that their careers will continue to advance while employed at the school.

members feel confident that they can approach the Principal/Senior Management team to air concerns or grievances; staff members generally have positive relationships with the school leadership team; and communication between these groups is good. High staff satisfaction also occurs when staff members feel that their role is valued by the leadership team; perceive staff morale at the school to be high; and are given opportunities to plan and help make decisions about matters that affect them (such as staff development, curriculum and goals).


12. Professional Development

14. Overall Satisfaction

High staff satisfaction with professional

High levels of overall staff satisfaction occur when

development (PD) occurs when schools offer

staff members report that they would recommend

appropriate PD opportunities for staff; when the PD

the school to other people; they are proud to work

opportunities at school enhance teacher capacity

at the school; and would consider sending their own

and help teachers to improve student outcomes.

children to the school (where relevant).

It is also important to staff that the school actively encourages them to undertake professional learning to enhance their skills.

13. Staff Collaboration High staff satisfaction with staff collaboration and peer support occurs when staff members support the goals and values of the school and work together effectively to achieve the school’s goals; when there is a collegial atmosphere in the staffroom; when discussions between staff in the staffroom are professional; when administrators, teachers and other staff treat each other with respect; and when staff members can rely on colleagues to provide support or assistance. Staff collaboration is highly effective when there is open communication between all staff; when teaching staff work cooperatively with administrative staff and if the longer-serving members of staff remain fresh and enthusiastic about working at the school.


2017 Parent Satisfaction Survey In 2017 parents across all campuses of Christian were asked to complete an online survey developed by Independent Schools Victoria to provide schools with the opportunity to benchmark their results against the Victorian independent schools sector. In 2017 data was obtained from 8,336 parents from 35 Independent Schools.

2. Quality of Teaching High parent satisfaction in teaching quality occurs when there is a perception that teachers are enthusiastic about teaching, provide help and support to all students, and understand and allow for different abilities. Parents also feel it is important for teachers to stay up-to-date in their subjects and that the school is open to new teaching strategies.

In 2017 data was obtained from 320 Christian College respondents. The data compares relevant Primary and Secondary means for Christian College Geelong against the 2017 Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) reference group with 0 = no agreement and 10 = complete agreement.

1. Curriculum Academic Program High parent satisfaction in a school academic program occurs when there is a perception that the school provides a supportive environment with a

3. Learning Outcomes

range of learning areas and a curriculum designed

High parent satisfaction with learning outcomes

to improve student achievement at all levels and for

occurs when parents are kept informed of their

all abilities.

children’s academic performance. Parental satisfaction is also high when they feel the school does a good job teaching basic skills, motivating learning, encouraging students to be responsible for their own learning and developing their thinking and reasoning skills.


4. Pastoral Care High parent satisfaction in pastoral care occurs when children are happy to attend school and when parents feel that their children are cared for and treated equally, their interests and talents are developed, and community participation is encouraged.

6. Parental Involvement HHigh parent satisfaction in parent involvement occurs when parents feel welcome to visit the school, are provided with useful information at parent teacher interviews, are kept informed by a variety of means, and are encouraged to be involved in a variety of ways at the school.

7. Resources 5. Discipline and Safety High parent satisfaction in discipline and safety occurs when there is a perception that the school is a safe place to learn, that students display excellent behaviour and bullying and racism are not a problem. Satisfaction also occurs when students are seen to be treated fairly and action is prompt when

High parent satisfaction with resources occurs when there is a perception that school buildings and grounds are attractive and well maintained, where students have access to high quality materials and resources, and where the school provides opportunities for students to learn with, and make appropriate use of computers.

problems occur. Drug awareness and prevention education is also emphasized.

8. Year Transition High parent satisfaction in the area of transition occurs when there is a perception that students are well prepared for the next school year and are supported at its commencement, and where schools provide parents with good advice about their children’s future.


9. Global Item

11. Christian Ethos School Specific Questions

The global item is measured by asking parents to

• My son/daughter is aware of the Christian ethos of

think about the school overall, and to rate their

Christian College.

satisfaction level. High levels of overall performance

Christian College Geelong 9.06, compared to 9.00 in 2016

occur when parents are very satisfied with their

• I believe the Christian values of grace, truth,

choice of school.

love, faith and hope are reflected in the College community’s day to day interactions Christian College Geelong 8.53, compared to 8.47 in 2016 • I support the expressions of the Christian faith at Christian College in worship services, class devotions and service to others Christian College Geelong 8.31, compared to 7.98 in 2016 • My child’s study of Christian Education is important to me Christian College Geelong 7.22, compared to 7.00 in 2016

10. Recommend to Others High levels of satisfaction occur when parents report they are happy to recommend the school to others.


2017 Student Satisfaction Survey Overview For the fifth year in 2017, ISV conducted an online Student Satisfaction Survey for Christian College directly to students in Year 7 and Year 9.

3. Pastoral Care High student satisfaction in pastoral care occurs when children feel their school provides a caring, supportive, respectful and inclusive environment both inside and outside the classroom.

Overall 342 responses were received from Christian College students and results have been compared to the ISV mean for each domain. General Student Satisfaction Survey NOTE The scale ranges from 0 = no agreement to 10 = complete agreement 1. Academic Program High student satisfaction in a school academic program occurs when there is a perception that the school provides a supportive environment with a range of learning areas and a curriculum designed to improve student achievement, at all levels and for all abilities.

4. Personal Development/Leadership High student satisfaction occurs when there is a perception that the College provides an opportunity for students to develop their inter-personal and leadership skills, and the school encourages participation in community activities and acknowledges achievement.

2. Learning Outcomes High student satisfaction with learning outcomes occurs when students feel their school is doing a good job of teaching basic skills, motivating learning, encouraging students to be responsible for their learning and developing their thinking and reasoning skills.

5. Discipline and Safety High student satisfaction in discipline and safety occurs when there is a perception that the school is a safe place to learn; that students display excellent behaviour and that bullying and racism are not a problem. Students are treated fairly and action is prompt when problems occur.


6. Resources

9. Transition

High student satisfaction with resources occurs

High student satisfaction occurs when there

when there is a perception that school buildings and

is perception that students are well prepared

grounds are attractive and well maintained; where

for the next school year and supported at its

students have access to high quality materials

commencement, and where the school provides

and resources, and where the school provides

students with good advice about their future.

opportunities for students to make appropriate use of computers.

Quality of Teaching Survey 10. Academic Rigour 7. School Ethos and Values

High student satisfaction occurs when there is a

High student satisfaction occurs when students are

perception that teachers provide students with

encouraged to respect individual differences, treat

challenging activities, regularly introduce new topics,

students from different backgrounds and cultures

and help them to think more deeply about topics.

equally, and students have the opportunity to develop their own set of values.

11. Feedback High student satisfaction occurs when there is a 8. Peer Relationships

perception that teachers provide useful and timely

High student satisfaction occurs when students

feedback, show students how to do things in times

believe that they have close relationships with other

of difficulty, and help them to understand mistakes

students; that they are included in activities and that

they make.

they are treated well.


12. Teacher Knowledge High student satisfaction occurs when there is a

Christian College Additional Survey Questions

perception that teachers are knowledgeable, make

• My teachers encourage me to show compassion

class work interesting, and use a variety of methods

and respect for others less fortunate than myself,

to enable students’ understanding.

through active service and giving. Christian College 7.47, compared to 7.65 in 2016 • My Homeroom/Housegroup teacher provides opportunities for discussion and acceptance of Christian values as expressed in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Christian College 7.73, compared to 7.41 in 2016 • At Christian College I am learning to understand the meaning of the Christian faith as expressed in the Bible. Christian College 7.55, compared to 7.08 in 2016 • Teachers take opportunities across the curriculum

13. Teacher Practice

to illustrate the awe and wonder of God’s creation

High student satisfaction occurs when there is a

and our responsibilities within it.

perception that teachers explain things clearly,

Christian College 7.25, compared to 6.85 in 2016

listen to students, keep control of the class, and are enthusiastic and well organised.

14. Teacher/Student Rapport High satisfaction occurs when there is a perception that teachers praise students’ efforts, take a personal interest in students, provide help and support when needed and treat students fairly.


Performance Information

Mrs Ann-Marree Weigll Head of Junior School

Mr Tony Costa Head of Middle School

Middle School and Junior School

Teacher Qualifications

Registered School No. 1814

All staff have a teaching qualification recognised by the Victorian institute of Teaching. Staff currently teaching at Middle School - Highton and Junior School - Belmont also have the following range of academic qualifications: • Advanced Diploma Public Relations • Associate Diploma of Business Accounting • Associate Diploma of Business Hospitality • Associate Diploma of Ministries • Associate Diploma of Social Science • Associate of Music Australia • Bachelor of Arts • Bachelor of Arts Music Performance • Bachelor of Arts in Education • Bachelor of Arts Sports Admin • Bachelor of Arts Nature Tourism • Bachelor of Applied Science • Bachelor of Behavioural Science • Bachelor of Biological Science • Bachelor of Business • Bachelor of Business - Tourism • Bachelor of Commerce/Science • Bachelor of Contemporary Arts • Bachelor of Education • Bachelor of Education - Honours, Physical Education • Bachelor of Education - Outdoor Education • Bachelor of Education - Physical Education • Bachelor of Education - Primary • Bachelor of Engineering • Bachelor of Exercise & Sport • Bachelor of Fine Art • Bachelor of I.T (ComputSciDev) • Bachelor of Management • Bachelor of Ministries • Bachelor of Music • Bachelor of Music Performance • Bachelor of Nursing • Bachelor of Recreation • Bachelor of Science • Bachelor of Science - Honours • Bachelor of Social Work

Christian College Geelong Ltd Teacher Professional Engagement 2017 The attendance rate of staff throughout 2017 for Middle School - Highton was 98.80% and for Junior School - Belmont 98.86%. Across the four campuses of Christian College, 216 teaching staff were employed in 2017. There was a staff retention rate of 89.63% from 2016 into 2017 with 8.13% transferring from one campus to another within Christian College. Professional Development All staff have participated in the professional learning activities organised by Christian College, including the annual two day Staff Retreat. Other professional development has been organised on an individual needs basis, according to the professional development faculty plans. In 2017, $69,310 was spent on professional development for staff at the Middle School - Highton (including Directors and Leadership) and $15,039 for staff at Junior School - Belmont.


• Bachelor of Social Work • Bachelor of Sport & OE Rec • Behavioural Scientist • Bronze Medallion • Canoe Instructor • Cert. II in Hospitality • Cert. III in Business • Cert. III in Education Support • Cert. III in Fitness • Cert. III in Sport & Recreation • Cert. III in Sports Admin • Cert. IV in Business Admin • Cert. IV in Education Support • Cert. IV in Fitness • Cert. IV Gov Administration • Cert. IV Information Technology • Cert. IV Management & Hospitality • Cert. IV Sport & Recreation • Cert. IV Library Services • Certificate Integration Aide • Diploma of Arts • Diploma of Business Studies • Diploma of Prof Counselling • Diploma of Education • Diploma of Graphic Design • Diploma of I.T • Diploma of Library & Info Services • Diploma of Ministry • Diploma of Needlework • Diploma of O.H. & S • Diploma of Teaching • Diploma of Professional Counselling • Diploma in School Marketing • Diploma Ta T.I.C. • Diploma of Technology Studies • Doctor of Philosophy • Foundation Coaching Course • Graduate Cert. of Education Studies • Graduate Cert. in Integration Prac • Graduate Cert. Religious Ed • Graduate Diploma of Dietetics • Graduate Diploma of Education • Graduate Diploma of Education- Admin • Graduate Diploma of Library • Graduate Diploma Music Education • Graduate Diploma Primary Teaching • Graduate Diploma Secondary Teaching • Higher Diploma of Education - Senior • High Ropes Instructor • Horticulturist • Integration Aide

• Licentiate of Music • Lifeguard • Masters in Christian Education • Masters in Education • Masters in Human Nutrition • Master of School Leadership • Master of Teaching • Motor Mechanic • PGCE Secondary Science • Postgrad Diploma - Agriculture • Postgrad Diploma - Midwifery • Postgrad Diploma - Psychology • Pool Life Guard • Responsible Service of Alcohol • Supporting Literacy Strategies • Surf Bronze • Level 1 Coach Tennis Australia • T.P.T.C • Tractor Driving • Vertical Rescue • Wilderness First Aid

Key Student Outcomes Student Attendance The 2017 attendance rate at Middle School - Highton was 92.8% and Junior School - Belmont was 93.7%.


National Benchmarks The proportions of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students who are meeting the national benchmarks are as follows: Junior School - Belmont Year 3 NAPLAN Tests 2017

Middle School - Highton Year 5, 7 and 9 NAPLAN Tests 2017

Value Added Christian College develops an atmosphere of care and concern for each student’s character growth and well-being, within a value system and set of priorities derived from the Christian faith. Honesty, integrity, compassion, respect and tolerance underpin the expectations of all interaction within the College programme. The leadership and staff at Christian College encourage our students to recognise that they belong to a world society, and to acknowledge their responsibility to positively contribute to the relief of the less privileged in our local and global communities.


From the beginning of their school lives in Prep, Christian College students are actively involved in opportunities to explore their ‘good work’, enriching their understanding and engagement with their environment and others, through community efforts like; the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, ANZAC Services, Run Geelong and musical performances - including recitals at local nursing homes and supporting community events such as the Royal Melbourne Hospital Live Music Festival. Combined with raising awareness and fundraising through our student led Project Care programme, for causes such as the Good Friday Appeal, local food banks, Operation Christmas Child and our friends in East Timor, our students also have the privilege to participate in cultural visits to and from sister schools in Japan and Indonesia, making connections, strengthening friendships and cultural understanding, whilst developing their servant heart and Christian Worldview. Christian College staff are regularly challenged in the way we approach our teaching and learning, encouraging our students to become active participants in their learning – to play and explore, think critically, collaborate to solve problems and to create and innovate.Making it less about the teacher at the front of the class and more about creating and facilitating deep thinking and learning opportunities. Our teachers are engaged in a culture of professional learning that promotes ongoing inquiry, reflection and collaboration in their practice. The academic program is supported and enhanced by co-curricular activities and competitions in Sport, Music and Art Technology and Design, which bring an added dimension to the ‘learning that matters’ in a Christian College education.


Performance Information

Mr Nicholas Watson Head of Bellarine Campus

Bellarine Campus Registered School No. 1950 Christian College Bellarine Ltd Teacher Professional Engagement 2016 The attendance rate for of staff throughout 2017 for the Bellarine Campus was 98.95%. Across the four campuses of Christian College, 216 teaching staff were employed in 2017. There was a staff retention rate of 89.63% from 2016 into 2017 with 8.13% transferring from one campus to another within Christian College. Professional Development

• Bachelor of Arts Recreation & Fitness • Bachelor of Arts in Education • Bachelor of Applied Science • Bachelor of Asian Studies • Bachelor of Commerce • Bachelor of Divinity • Bachelor of Education • Bachelor of Education - Outdoor Education • Bachelor of Education, Honours - Physical Education • Bachelor of Fine Art • Bachelor of Music • Bachelor of Music Performance • Bachelor of Nursing • Bachelor of Education - Physical Education • Bachelor of Education - Primary • Bachelor of Psychology

All staff have participated in the professional

• Bachelor of Science

learning activities organised by Christian College,

• Bachelor of Teaching

including the annual two day Staff Retreat.

• Bachelor of Visual Arts

Other professional development has been

• Cert. IV in Youth Ministry

organised on an individual needs basis, according to

• Diploma of Business Studies

the professional development faculty plans.

• Diploma in Education • Diploma of Music

In 2017, $11,314 was spent on professional

• Diploma of Sport Rec Admin

development for staff at the Bellarine Campus.

• Diploma of Teaching • Graduate Certificate - Education Studies

Teacher Qualifications

• Graduate Diploma Arts Admin

All staff have a teaching qualification recognised by

• Graduate Diploma of Education

the Victorian institute of Teaching. Staff currently teaching at the Bellarine Campus also have the following range of academic qualifications: • Advanced Diploma of Music • Asthma Management • Bachelor of Agricultural Science • Bachelor of Applied Science • Bachelor of Arts • Bachelor of Arts Music Performance


• Graduate Diploma Library • Graduate Diploma of Literature Education • Graduate Diploma in Music Education • Graduate Diploma Teaching & Learning • Masters in Education • Master in Health Sciences • Master of Applied Linguistics • Master of Music Studies • Master of Teaching • Post Graduate Diploma - Education Studies

Key Student Outcomes Student Attendance The 2017 attendance rate at Christian College, Bellarine was 93.4%. National Benchmarks The proportions of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students who are meeting the national benchmarks are as follows: Bellarine Campus NAPLAN Tests 2017

Value Added Providing our students with an ‘education that matters’ is the central aim at Christian College. Underpinned by Christian values of hope, truth, grace, faith and love a Christian College education aims to see that all students will contribute to making a positive difference to human capital (others) through ‘good work’ that is excellent, ethical and engaged in local, national and global contexts. Christian College students are actively involved in ‘good works’ through community efforts like Run Geelong, ANZAC Services and the Red Shield Door Knock Appeal, along with musical performances supporting community events such as the National Celtic Festival at Portarlington and various performances at local nursing homes in the Geelong region. Combined with raising awareness and fundraising for causes such as the Good Friday Appeal, local food banks, Operation Christmas Child and our friends in East Timor through our Project Care program, we hope and pray that our students go into the world with a servant heart and a Christian lens to be able to identify what is and is not ‘good works’. The ‘learning that matters’ at Christian College is presented in a context where students glean a sense of purpose and meaning. From the formative to the senior years, learning for all students is seen as a journey of discovery about self and the local and global communities in which we live. Students are encouraged to become active participants in their learning – to play and explore, think critically, collaborate to solve problems and to create and innovate. Be it in the development of literacy and numeracy capabilities, wondering in the sciences, interaction within the natural environment, engagement in the arts or exploring technologies, our learning program offers authentic educational experiences that will prepare our students for the 21st century world in which they live. 34

Performance Information Mr Graeme Dent Head of Senior School

Senior School Registered School No. 1985 Christian College Institute of Senior Education Ltd Teacher Professional Engagement 2017 The attendance rate of staff throughout 2017 for the Senior Campus was 98.87%. Across the four campuses of Christian College, 216 teaching staff were employed in 2017. There was a staff retention rate of 89.63% from 2016 into 2017 with 8.13% transferring from one campus to another within Christian College. Professional Development

• Bachelor of Arts Librarianship • Bachelor of Arts in Education • Bachelor of Arts Librarianship • Bachelor of Arts in Education • Bachelor of Christian Counsel • Bachelor of Commerce • Bachelor of Computing • Bachelor of Design • Bachelor of Education • Bachelor of Education - Library • Bachelor of Education - Physical Education • Bachelor of Engineering • Bachelor of Music • Bachelor of Music Performance • Bachelor of Outdoor Education • Bachelor of Physics/Mathematics

All staff have participated in the professional

• Bachelor of PR & Communication

learning activities organised by Christian College,

• Bachelor of Psychology

including the annual two day Staff Retreat.

• Bachelor of Recreation

Other professional development has been

• Bachelor of Science

organised on an individual needs basis, according to

• Bachelor of Science - Honours

the professional development faculty plans.

• Bachelor or Social Work • Bachelor of Sport & Outdoor Education

In 2017, $32,290 was spent on professional

• Bachelor of Theology

development for staff at the Senior School.

• Cert. III Education Support • Cert. III Turf Management

Teacher Qualifications

• Cert. IV Assessment & Workplace Training

All staff have a teaching qualification recognised by

• Cert. IV Outdoor Recreation

the Victorian institute of Teaching. Staff currently teaching at the Senior School also have the following range of academic qualifications: • Associate of London Guild of Music • Bachelor of Adventure & Media • Bachelor of Agriculture Science • Bachelor of Applied Computing • Bachelor of Applied Science • Bachelor of Arts • Bachelor of Arts (Honours)


• Cert. IV Science • Cert. IV Sport & Recreation • Diploma of Applied Science • Diploma of Education • Diploma of Education - Primary • Diploma of Education - Secondary • Diploma of Instrumental Teaching • Diploma of Teaching • Graduate Diploma of Applied Linguistics • Graduate Diploma of Library • Graduate Diploma of Conservation Management

• Graduate Diploma of Christian Counselling

• Masters of Divinity

• Graduate Diploma of Curriculum

• Masters in Education

• Graduate Diploma of Education

• Master of Music Performance

• Graduate Diploma of Health & Human Relations

• Masters of Science

• Graduate Diploma of Language Teaching

• Masters of Vocational Training

• Graduate Diploma of Special Education

• Postgrad Diploma - Education Studies

• Licentiate of Music Australia

• Small Vessel Operator

Key Student Outcomes Student Attendance The 2017 attendance rate at Senior School was 93%. The retention rate of students at Senior School from Year 10 in 2015 to Year 12 in 2017 was 83%. Value Added The Christian ethos of the College ensures that the Christian values of honesty, integrity, compassion, respect and care for others are an integral part of the life of Christian College as we seek to emulate the values expressed by Christ Jesus in Holy Scripture. The College strives to develop fine, upstanding citizens who serve our community and accept responsibility and leadership. Cultural overseas visits to and from sister schools in Japan and Indonesia, trips that include experiences in Vietnam, Cambodia, East Timor and our close connections with our indigenous brothers and sisters in three Northern Territory communities are some of the rich experiences offered to our students. With a large collegewide musical and active involvement in community efforts such as Living Below the Line, World’s Biggest Morning Tea, and the Red Shield Door-knock, our students have a wide range of extra-curricular activities in which they can become involved, as well as music performances, arts/ technology experiences sporting events and our full academic program. VCE Graduates 2017 The 2017 VCE results were outstanding. The average ATAR went from 71.35 in 2016 to 68.1 in 2017. Of the 164 Year 12 VCE students who under took their VCE, 100% passed. The VCE Dux was Cameron Chandler with a score of 99.3, then Lily Di Sciascio with 97.75. VCAL Graduates 2017 In our fourth year of Senior VCAL the College achieved a 100% pass rate. All students have entered the workforce with apprenticeships and traineeships. The following is a summary of the Tertiary Placement offers made to Christian College students: Universities Deakin University, RMIT, Monash University, University of Melbourne, Latrobe University, Australian Catholic University, Victoria University, Swinburne University of Technology, Federation University. TAFE The Gordon - Geelong, Box Hill Institute, Australian College of Sports Therapy. Tertiary Courses chosen by Christian College Graduates Health Sciences, Arts / Humanities, Commerce, Visual & Performing Arts, Sport , Education, Engineering, Information Technology, Social Work, Law, Environment, Science, Animal Studies. Other College graduates have successfully applied for employment or apprenticeships.


Teaching & Learning - Early Learning Mrs Bernadette Johnson Director of Teaching & Learning - Early Learning

Williams House Kindergarten and Butterfield House Kindergarten + Care What an exciting year it has been for us in 2017, now offering quality Early Years programs across two campuses, Belmont and Torquay.

New Beginnings

Program + Practice At recent staff interviews we asked applicants what their vision of a quality Early Years program might look like. All the core values that inform our practice were represented, and I was proud to think that what these people were relating as their ‘ideal’ was, in essence, our reality.

After an intense period of construction, planning, landscaping, staffing and ‘fit out’, Butterfield House,

Connecting strongly with our families from the

Christian College’s first footprint on the Surf Coast

very outset via interviews, a considered orientation

site, opened to families in February 2017. The

program and information nights, start us off in

official opening by the Honorable Minister for

the way we mean to continue…honouring the very

Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos followed in

special partnership that exists between educators

late March. This celebratory day for all the years of

and families, particularly in these early years.

planning and the hard work put into creating such

We aim to really ‘know’ the children in our care,

an exceptional children’s service was a credit to

their personalities, their learning styles, the

those who had the original vision and those who

contexts from which they come. Time invested in

brought this vision to life.

these fundamentals is never time wasted, and the knowledge gleaned informs the skills and interests

While we are used to strong numbers at Williams

we focus on and the environments we create.

House, in our inaugural year we had to accept that numbers would take some time to build at

Every child comes with their own particular way of

Butterfield House. Looking ahead however to

viewing the world, and as we gather them into a

2018, it is pleasing to say that we now have healthy

new community of little learners, we want to build

enrolments at both campuses for the year ahead,

on their ideas of the world being a ‘WONDER-full’

with wait lists for some groups.

place. Beautiful, interesting and curiosity ‘piquing’

Rating and Assessment On a 3-4 year cycle, all Early Childhood Services are subject to a thorough rating and assessment process by the Department of Education and Training. Early in 2017, Williams House was informed that we were due for reassessment. This process included the submission of all policies and our Quality Improvement Plan [QIP] followed by three days of intensive observation and questioning by the departmental officer. It gives me great pleasure to report that our final rating was ‘Exceeding’ in all quality areas – a credit to our staff, our programs, our support structures and our beautiful environments. 37

indoor and outdoor environments are key to the way we invite children to explore.

Bush Kinder + Nature Pedagogy


2017 was the year when we stepped up to offer a

Naturally, a new centre needs to be staffed!

regular, usually weekly, Bush Kinder experience for

The team that was brought together to lead

each of our four preschool groups at Williams House

the programs at Butterfield House have done

and, our two four year old groups at Butterfield

a magnificent job in creating a collegial and

House. Less regularly, but just as importantly, our

collaborative work environment within such a

Butterfield Day Care and three year old programs

short space of time. The much valued Christian

included some Bush Kinder experiences too.

College culture of ‘community’, faith and family, is

Learning that evolves in generous outside spaces

well supported by the ten new staff at the Surf Coast

and involves tapping into the resources at hand,

Campus. They are; Amy England, Talitha Michael, Lizete

leads to wonderful outcomes for our little people.

Knight, Jilly Floyd, Bessie Erkkila, Kath Bamert, Sam Hill,

They are absorbing the value of nature and

Bev Brown, Monique Bernard and Caroline Davies.

familiarising themselves with the flora and fauna they encounter. Over time the children become alert

Williams House welcomed Schenoa Costa to the

to many creative possibilities, identifying and using

Koalas Group Teaching team, releasing Bernadette

the resources around them, reaping the benefits

Johnson to the non-teaching role of Director of

of collaborative play and learning how to manage

Early Learning across both Belmont and Torquay

risk grows in a way that grows confidence and


capabilities. Staff service milestones reached this year were Zann Fist: 20 years of service and Steph Butler: 10 years of service. At the conclusion of 2017 we farewell Julie Carpenter, who completes 20 years of service at Williams House. Julie has worked both as a teaching assistant and, most recently, centre administrator. This is a wonderful length of service and we We are blessed to have educators that have been

thank Julie for her contribution across the College

open to our vision of nature play, and who have

throughout that time.

worked hard to include this special pedagogy into their teaching week. As a centre we have led the way

On behalf of the staff and families of Williams House

in championing nature play locally. In giving back

and Butterfield House, I would like to express our

to our wider community, preschool staff have been

gratitude to the board, and to school leadership, for

able to share their knowledge and experiences with

their confidence in the objectives of our programs

other local educators – generously supporting them

and for the support offered throughout 2017.

to replicate similar opportunities for their programs.

Extension Program A new initiative for our pre kinder programs in 2017, was the introduction of an ‘extension’ group. This

Mrs Bernadette Johnson Director of Teaching and Learning - Early Learning

group, which attends in two x four hour blocks, prioritises children who are turning four before the end of April. The option of benefitting this age group of children with an extra year, before entering the funded program, has been very well received by the families to which this program applies. 38

Teaching & Learning - Back Creek Farm

Mrs Kim Ali Director - Back Creek Farm

The Back Creek Program continues as it always

Our guests enjoyed musical entertainment from the

has. Seasonal farm work is undertaken by students

Junior School choir, Kevin Smith’s magical musical

alongside staff in a rural setting. We work with our

adventures, along with the VCE Rock band.

hands and undertake a journey, which is often

We had students who were in the foundation year

experienced by the heart. Through challenge in a

of the Rural studies program 21 years ago, enjoying

setting away from home, students have the space

their lunch alongside Williams House kindergarten

from their technologically charged and busy days

children with their families on their first ever trip to

to step aside for five weeks and get more in touch

Back Creek.

with the things, which we feel, are essential to personal and spiritual growth and transformation.

With the Back Creek Café having a regular clientele

Community, service and character.

at Meredith now, we even had some loyal customers making the journey up the highway to see the farm

The Back Creek Homestead beside the dam creates

where their student staff are housed.

the venue for taking time to chat to others as we

Picnic rugs dotted the front lawns as guests

learn about ourselves and take some time to ponder

wandered around the property, young and old

the world around us within God’s creation.

enjoyed the animal nursery and either spectated or engaged in gumboot toss or tug of war.

This year saw around 200 Year 9 students,

Meredith Goats Cheeses, Sungold Milks,

undertake Rural programs. This reflects

Warnambool Cheese and Butter factory, Origin

approximately 650 hours per student and 3,600

specialty roasters were all kind sponsors with

hours of students living onsite for this year. The

goods for both eating and hamper prizes to be won

dairy is on track to supply 2 million litres of milk to

throughout the day.

Warnambool Cheese and Butter Factory. This year the farm operation has had 2,500 lambs and 200

The Christian College Foundation was also grateful

beef calves with students assisting in rearing over

to the College families for the fundraising they were

120 Friesian calves (some of the lambs and most

able to receive throughout the day so the good

of dairy calves were named by the students and

works they support can continue.

tended with extreme care).

Back Creek Farm Celebrates 21 Years On October 15th, Back Creek Farm had a Family Open Day celebration to mark the occasion of the programs 21st year of Rural Studies programs. We welcomed approximately 500 visitors to the property to enjoy the glorious spring sunshine beside the dam. 39

Visiting Groups to Back Creek

In 2016, the Year 12 VCAL students began the creation of a new paved area near the cottage as

On top of the full Year 9 Rural Studies program

part of their service. This area was completed at the

running through the year, 2017 saw a record

end of this year and in the coming year, will become

number of visiting groups come to enjoy a range of

another place for small teams to congregate for

programs at the Back Creek Campus.

learning and relaxing. Throughout the year we’ve been able to upgrade a

As always, the kindergarten students from all of

range of capital projects to continue the currency of

the Christian College Campuses attended for our

our facility into the next decades. We upgraded our

Paddock to Plate and Animal Friends program.

water tanks and filtration units and added a new

Every year we enjoy hosting guests from our sister

extension to the septic areas of our homestead.

School in Japan, Naga, on their annual visit to get

I’m delighted to see the final cabin being gutted

a glimpse of country life and have some hands on

for refurbishment as the year draws to a close. By

experience with our animals.

the first group of students next year, we will have a functional new cabin 5, with increased comfort and

The Year 11 VCAL students came to spend time at Back Creek for a multi-day program this year. During this time the students milked our cows, undertook

access for students with physical challenges.

Into the Future

fencing projects, outdoor grounds and maintenance projects, begun to build a new undercover area for

From January 2018, Back Creek’s program will

all weather wood chopping and even baked some

become part of the year nine Transformation

spectacular pies and puddings from scratch that

program to be delivered at both of the middle

would make the CWA proud. It is a special time for

school campuses. Although the program remained

staff to reconnect with these young adults and we will

essentially the same throughout two decades of

see the legacy of their labour for many years to come.

delivery for young people living in community, the relevance and strength of our outcomes continues

Back Creek farm also hosted the Christian College

to evolve, maintaining the integrity of the program

chaplains who spent time at Back Creek for a retreat

in this increasingly busy modern age.

and Anglicare Criminal Justice Mission returned for their annual fellowship and planning gathering.

Mrs Kim Ali

Ballarat Christian College, Geelong Lutheran College,

Director of Teaching and Learning - Back Creek Farm

Golden Plains Shire kindergartens from Meredith and several groups from Bannockburn also came to learn and explore our visiting groups program throughout the year.

Works and Upgrades In honour of our Anniversary celebrations, students and staff completed a walking trail around our dam. The completion of this project has been the culmination of many hours of work and has had the hands of hundreds of Year 9 students contributing to both trail building and retaining walls, plus two new bridges stretching across the Back Creek at either end, completing a circuit. This is another wonderful legacy for our Year 9 students (and the staff) to have as a visual reminder of their experiences and educational journey at Back Creek. 40

Teaching & Learning - Christian Education Mr Wayne Hines Director of Teaching and Learning - Christian Education

I would like to acknowledge the significant impact of the outgoing Director of Chaplaincy and Christian Education, Stephen Brown, on the revitalised programs offered at our Middle and Senior Campuses. Stephen had the passion and foresight to understand that in an ever-changing world our Christian Education courses needed to be authentic, relevant and vital to our everyday experiences and needs. On behalf of the Christian College broader community, I would like to thank Stephen for the many hours devoted to making this dream a reality. In 2016, the Christian Education department began to teach its new curriculum from Year 5 to Year 10. The development of a coherent and cohesive scope and sequence has enabled Christian Education to be studied with more purpose and clarity. This development has continued into 2017 with staff and students fine-tuning what has been established, and recognising areas for growth and extension. An Indigenous Reconciliation Unit developed at Year 9 Level is one such example of Staff and Students embracing an authentic topic and being willing to listen to what all stakeholders believe to be the solution. Some students really managed to find God’s heart for all of us as Australians. They discovered an appreciation for the uniqueness of each individual created in God’s image and the culture they embrace. As a society, we wrestle with this issue but our students may well lead the way into the future in this area. We continue to review our unit content and how it engages students to develop their faith in Christ. This is the heart of Christian Education and, as such, traditional grading of students has been called into question. What are we aiming to achieve in Christian Education? If it is faith in students, then how do we measure faith? Can we ‘grade’ faith? These essential questions continue to come from redeveloping the curriculum content. 41

At our Senior Campus, Religion in Society, Reasons for Faith, Christianity and the Arts and Jesus in the Modern World, all allow our students the choice of how they approach some understanding of worldviews and their impact on our lives. Our senior students will leave Christian College having exercised higher-order critical thinking and analysis and in a position to determine the importance of faith both in their own lives and in the lives of others. Each of these subjects continues to evolve and grow also recognising the needs of those who have chosen their particular area of study. Having embedded these rich areas of learning into our Middle and Senior Campuses it is our aim in 2018 not only to continue to grow these disciplines but also to review and revitalise our Christian Education at our Junior Campuses. The aim is to bring our learning into step with the playbased learning that is already occurring. We want to augment our resources and bring purpose and relevance to our understanding of Jesus and His love in our lives. I am very pleased to say that Junior School Staff are genuinely excited about what this will mean to Christian Education learning in their classrooms and are passionate about being intimately involved in the changes. What a blessing to come into a Christian Education team that has such a desire to share the love of Christ. They bless their students and empower them to become Jesus to a world that is in such desperate need of a Saviour. I thank all of the Christian Education teachers for their dedication and look forward to working with them in 2018. Wayne Hines Director of Teaching and Learning – Christian Education

Teaching & Learning - English Mr Damian Stephenson Director of Teaching & Learning - English

We are at an exciting time for Education because we

With this understanding in mind, we have continued

live in exciting times for the world. I choose the word

to update our courses in 2017, ensuring that we are

‘exciting’ consciously, as people often describe these

playing our part in developing young people for the

times as ‘scary’ or ‘uncertain’. I think what can make


the future seem scary is a lack of preparedness, but while there is much about the future we cannot be

Some of our Year 5 students have been using their

certain about, there is also a lot we do know, and so

History and English skills to create board games

our role as educators is preparing our young people

based around the Gold Rush Era. Not only are they

for the future so that they, too, feel excited about it.

incorporating their knowledge of this period of our history into their board games, and using their

Our English programme has been undergoing a

English writing ability to create playing instructions,

transition over recent years as we work to ensure

but they are also undergoing the process of

we are supporting students in developing the skills

researching board games. They also use their

and competencies that will help them to flourish

creative skills to design and present their games,

in a rapidly changing world. There is still a focus

and develop their collaboration skills by working

on reading, writing and speaking skills, but with

with students from Year 7 to trial their games and

an added focus on developing the capabilities

determine the clarity of their instructions.

that young people require to succeed in a world that is becoming increasingly technological,

Our Year 8 students have been working with digital

globally connected and dynamic. Problem-solving,

news articles this year. A recent survey revealed

collaboration, critical and creative thinking and digital

that 59% of Australians use their smartphones to

literacy are all enterprise skills that are becoming

access news (the highest percentage of the countries

more important. In fact, for job advertisements

surveyed) and 48% of Australians use Facebook to

targeted specifically at young people (those that

get their daily dose of current events. The way people

requested 0-2 years or 3-5 years of work experience)

access their news is rapidly changing, and reading

demand for critical thinking increased by 170%,

articles online in not exactly the same thing as reading

creativity by 62%, presentation skills by 24% and

them in print form (hyperlinks anybody?). Our “What

team work by 20% between 2012 – 2015. In addition,

in the World is going on?” Unit allowed students to

employers are now 20% more likely to specify

develop their digital comprehension skills (including

enterprise skills rather than technical skills in job

how to spot Fake news) before determining their

advertisements. Whilst literacy skills remain the

own issue to investigate. They used their research

foundation for life-long success, enterprise skills have

skills to gain a comprehensive understanding of their

been found to be as powerful a predictor of long-

chosen topic, and then presented this knowledge in

term job success as technical knowledge. There is

two forms: as a podcast and as an infographic. The

no doubt that our development of these capabilities

two different forms led the students to consider their

needs to be an essential part of our students’

information in different ways and make decisions


about what to convey and how best to convey it. Both forms allowed the students to target their work towards authentic audiences, and to develop their presentation, creative and digital literacy skills. 42

Students in Year 10 have been working in small groups as part of their study of persuasive language and argument. Each group was allocated a social issue facing Australia (topics included Teenage Binge Drinking, Domestic Violence and Childhood Obesity). The charge of each group was to research their issue and work together to complete three tasks: a Research Paper, a Persuasive Presentation or Advertisement, and a Campaign Poster. The tasks themselves allowed students to learn about and experiment with persuasive language and argument, but beyond this they were developing many of the capabilities important for success beyond the classroom. Group members needed to work together to delegate tasks, set timelines and ensure they were meeting the requirements of the assessment. It meant practicing their communication, problemsolving and conflict-resolution skills. Teachers held regular conferences with groups and individuals to help coach them through these elements. The final assessment for this unit was a self-reflection, with emphasis on what students had learned about themselves through the process, as much as what they had learned about persuasive language. These snapshots of learning are examples of the many ways we are helping to prepare students for life beyond school. There is a lot that seems to be changing rapidly around us and there is still much about the future that is uncertain. However, we choose to see these changes as exciting, and it is certainly making for more engaging work in our English classes. We are looking forward to what the future brings, and looking forward to the role our students will play in shaping that future.

Mr Damian Stephenson Director of Teaching and Learning – English


Teaching & Learning - Humanities Mr Rick Geall Director of Teaching & Learning - Humanities

Our College philosophy states that we aim to foster

The Humanities program is continually evolving to

in students an appreciation for the wonderful world

enhance the quality of teaching and learning, not to

in which we live and help them understand what

mention the need to cater for an increasingly complex

they can do to enhance and preserve it. Through the

world. Changes to the curriculum could not happen

diverse range of subjects in the Humanities, we are

without the will and dedication of the Humanities

continually striving to fulfil this mission through an

teaching staff and I wish to thank those staff who have

engaging, ever-evolving curriculum from Years 5 to 12.

spent hours and hours of their own time throughout the year to develop curriculum, create new and

Teaching and Learning Highlights

engaging assessment tasks and plan meaningful excursions.

Humanities has always been at the forefront of providing students with rich and meaningful learning experiences beyond the classroom. In 2017, it was a focus to ensure that many of these experiences had real-world application to equip students with skills in collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking and creativity. This was evident across many year levels: the Year 5 Community Celebration Day, Year 6 Market Day, the Year 7 Sustainability project, Year 8 GEOS camp and the Year 9 UN Conference. Other highlights for students included Year 8 Medieval Day, a visit to the Holocaust Museum for Year 10 Certificate students and the Year 11 Legal Studies and Australian History trip to Canberra that featured a meeting with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop at Parliament House.


Humanities Scope and Sequence in 2017

VCE Results

Years 5 and 6

There was a total of 107 subject enrolments in Unit 3-4 Humanities subjects in 2017, a 4% increase on


the previous year: Accounting 15 students, Business


Management 8, Geography 23, Global Politics 15,


History – Revolutions 12, Australian History 20 and

Civics Economics

Legal Studies 14.

Year 7

In terms of VCE results across these seven subjects,




Project 7


the average study score was 32.0. This was a pleasing increase on 2016 (31.7), and above the five-year trend (31.6), suggesting that Humanities is progressing well in terms of improving student achievement.

Civics Economics

Humanities subjects at Christian College provide

Year 8

their study at tertiary level. In 2017, Year 12

students with numerous opportunities to further





graduates nominated the following courses as their first preference for university study: Accounting,


Arts, Business, Commerce, Criminology, Event

Year 9

International Studies, Law, Logistics, Marketing, Urban

Management, Global Studies, International Business,




Law and Order


Mr Rick Geall Director of Teaching and Learning - Humanities

Year 10 Core



 Law and Economics Running a Small Business

VCE Accounting
 Business Management Geography
 Global Politics Australian History History (Revolutions) Legal Studies


Planning, Wildlife and Conservation.

Teaching & Learning - Science Mr Michael Neaves Director of Teaching & Learning - Science

New Science VCE Courses

Last year I referred to the planned integration of our Year 8 Geology into the Geography/Outdoor

The work invested by Senior School Science staff

Education camp. The view from the Bells Beach

over the past three years ensured the class of 2017

lookout has now become the ideal vantage

were well prepared for all components of the new

point to frame the learning for our students.

Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Physics VCE

The vista encapsulates the context for both our

assessments. As noted last year, the staff had been

interdependency with the natural environment as

very proactive attending and organising professional

well as the interrelationship of our subjects. Student

development with respect to the structure and

feedback after the trips was particularly favourable

content changes and in redesigning practical and

towards the Science (Geological) experience.

investigation coursework which is an integral

In year 7, students explored How can we

component of all the courses.

use.. and How can I save‌ my water? This includes understanding the global cycle, the local

2017 VCE performance was above the state average

infrastructure as well as continental resources.

(study score of 30) in all subjects and particularly

With this basis, students are then able to assess the

in Chemistry where the mean study score (33.5)

impact of both small and large-scale change and

exceeded the sector average (32.5) which measures

explore solutions to challenges which are presented.

the select performance of independent school

The focus in our Earth Science in year 9 prior to

students only. The sector average serves as a target

2017 has been on understanding the cycles which

in all science subjects. However, our primary goal

drive our global climate. With all students preparing

is to raise the number of VCE students selecting

for a simulated United Nations climate change

and completing sciences and specifically in Physics

conference in November, we decided it was an ideal

and Chemistry. Whilst Science staff have addressed

time to flip our approach.

specific areas for 2018 in each of the VCE subjects, achieving both increased uptake and performance in VCE sciences will be dependent on continued and holistic development of Science education across all year levels.

Teaching and Learning Initiatives Over recent years, we have adapted our curriculum and sought to weave relevance and purpose into our students’ learning and connect it with their learning in other areas. In 2017 we broadened the links with other faculties. The content of both Humanities and Science curricula allows for some powerful synergies.


In the 21st Century, we are swamped by the

Within Christian College Geelong, there is a learning

breadth and volume of information available to us.

culture where the pursuit of technical problem solving,

Concurrently we are fed a diet of certainty! Complex

investigation and innovation is nurtured, widespread

systems and in depth research are summarised

and celebrated as a pathway for our students.

in absolutes and sound bites: “we are causing the planet to overheat” or “climate change is a swindle.”

In each of the faculties, there are strong examples of

As educators, our role must be to enable students

work programmes reflecting this mission. As a group

to interrogate a claim. In Science, we now train the

of faculties we are endeavouring to extend those

students to examine evidence presented as scientific

examples and use them to model other learning

in the media which by implication is presented as

initiatives. Increased uptake of STEM subjects at


VCE, and improved performance in those subjects, referred to at the beginning of this report are

In the context of our global climate, students

predicted to be direct and welcome consequences of

could select any fact or graph from a celebrated

our extension of this learning culture.

documentary, such as The Inconvenient Truth (sic) and try to trace back to the original research carried

Finishing with the end of an Era…

out – and the associated conclusions drawn by the authors. And what did they find? Media makers

“I’ve never considered myself a legend, just a simple

mostly: overgeneralise; neglect to list the caveats or;

man at heart.” This is not a quote not attributed to

simply apply their own conclusion – which is at odds

Greg Hawkins but could be, given his insistence

with those of the original researchers. Rarely truth….

that retirement would be a low-key affair. However,

but often lie!

the reverence and warmth in which he is held was evident when colleague after colleague summed up

Whilst the direct learning and skills acquired will

Greg from their diverse perspectives.

be powerful tools, the overarching objective was

It is difficult to encapsulate the significance of Greg’s

achieved: students recognised that understanding

contribution to the growth of the College because his

real global science based issues is extremely

influence in so many areas was always achieved with

complex and, therefore, finding solutions will be a

subtlety, measure and without ceremony.

preeminent challenge. At the same time, with the

In our faculty, Greg was, for many years, the

United Nations forum as a backdrop, students were

single parent for Psychology at Christian College.

coming to similar conclusions for connected and

A passionate advocate, he built the subject into a

relevant humanitarian based issues.

mainstay of our VCE curriculum. The small family has grown and he has mentored other staff into the role

A Stem Plan

never seeking to protect his own fiefdom. Across the broader community, Greg worked as our

Recognising the value of the interdependency and

union representative. He managed to strike the fine

synergy of learning for students across multiple

balance between supporting the individual whilst

areas of their holistic curriculum is also reflected in

recognising that the needs of the whole are the long-

the working world. Science Technology, Engineering

term driver of a successful education community.

and Mathematics (STEM) pathways are the most

In truth though, the most valuable and lasting

popular choices for our students at tertiary level.

memory of Greg is the man himself! Professional,

At a governmental level there is a strong emphasis

gentlemanly, self-deprecating and selfless. He

on “STEM” as it is envisaged that future economic

was both collegiate and conscientious and, whilst

growth will be more dependent on the increased

humble, he took great pride in the quality of

scientific and technological capability of the

his work. We wish him well in a richly deserved

workforce. Along with other relevant faculties, we


have developed a strategic plan with the following mission: 47

Mr Michael Neaves Director of Teaching and Learning - Science

Teaching & Learning - Mathematics Mr Luke Feldman Director of Teaching & Learning - Mathematics

In the Middle School Maths program, the staff

At Year 8, students investigated the process of a

had a continued focus on the life-worthiness of

national census and reasons why they take place.

Mathematics. As a result units have been developed

They then wrote their own questions, conducted

to focus on problem solving and connecting maths

surveys and presented results of their year level

to the real world.

and the trends they encountered. This led to many rich discussions around ethics, variables and

The Year 5 students were set the task of planning

correlations of various factors.

and designing a mini golf course hole. This covered aspects of shape, measurement, and angles and

At Year 9, students designed and built rockets

made other curriculum links into ICT and design and

which led them to the requirement of Trigonometry

technology. This real world learning was combined

to calculate the height of their rocket’s flight.

with an increased focus on students exploring

In the Linear Equations unit, students had the

mathematical thinking and valuing the process

unique opportunity to visit the Old Geelong Gaol

rather than the outcome.

and participated in a purpose built escape room with Australian curriculum questions built into

In Semester 1 the Year 6 students were set the

the riddles and puzzles required to complete the

challenge of designing a new playground. The

activity. In the same unit, students participated in

rich task allowed students to explore aspects of

‘Barbie Bungee’ where they calculated the length of

measurement and financial mathematics in an

bungee rope required for their Barbie to enjoy a fun

engaging, meaningful task. This was followed up

yet safe bungee with no injuries! It has been exciting

again in Semester 2 with a cross curricular unit

to see changes in the delivery of the Mathematics

centred on Market Day. Once again the students

curriculum and the student’s engagement and

were immersed into their learning by giving them a

understanding has certainly been positively

real world application for their maths, requiring the


students to explore concepts of data, chance and statistical analysis as they developed their stall. The Year 7 students planned and designed a functional garden, and then calculated a budget according to the volume and area of materials needed. Further to this, students enjoyed a hands on Shape unit which involved them constructing three dimensional structures and then sketching top, side and front views of each of their arrangements.


At the Senior Campus , the Maths Faculty has

They are also designed to promote students’ awareness

continued to develop and refine the courses offered

of the importance of mathematics in everyday life in a

in Year 10 to prepare students for a successful

technological society, and to develop confidence and

transition into their chosen VCE pathway in

the disposition to make effective use of mathematical


concepts, processes and skills in practical and

Students entering Senior School from Year 9

theoretical contexts.

selected a course from the following four options:

Senior School House Mathematics Competition

Unit 1 and 2 Foundation Mathematics (Year

10 Certificate)

10 Mainstream Mathematics (Essentials)

At the Senior Campus, the students regularly compete

10 Mainstream Mathematics

for their house in lunchtime competitions, and in

10A Mathematics

Term 3 the much anticipated House Maths and English Competition was held over five consecutive lunchtimes.

These courses have been developed each with a

Each lunchtime saw between 40 and 60 students from

particular VCE Pathway or the VCAL Pathway in mind.

Years 10,11 and 12 compete in the following activities:

Although they are each quite different, they are also developed so that students have the flexibility

Monday- Maths Relay; a fast-paced and lively relay race

of changing the course that they are studying in

to answer 20 questions

response to a clearer understanding of their future

Tuesday – Letters and Numbers; based around the SBS

pathway educationally and vocationally as they

TV Game Show.

progress through Senior School. Many additional students came along to watch and In the 10 Mainstream Mathematics course, students

support those competing, and I was again amazed

also took some time to consider the question ‘When

at our students’ ability to problem solve and to apply

am I ever going to use that?’ which involved looking

their maths skills in non-routine and often abstract

at how Mathematics was involved in a chosen career

situations. It was also impressive to see what students

pathway. Students also investigated the work that

were able to achieve collectively and collaboratively.

previous generations in their family took part in and explored the important role that mathematics played

MAV Conference 2017

in training for and taking part in that vocation. On Thursday 7th December and Friday 8th December, In the Foundation Mathematics course, the students

the Maths Association of Victoria held its annual

developed their financial numeracy by organising a

conference, with the theme of ‘Achieving Excellence

‘staff café’ one day a week. They were involved taking

in M.A.T.H.S.’ Celeste Pryke, a member of the Senior

orders, preparing food and drinks and managing the

Maths Faculty, attended as a presenter. She delivered

costs and revenue of this venture. The Senior Staff

a session for teachers from throughout the state

appreciated the wonderful coffee and cakes offered

on a project-based approach to teaching maths

each week, and valued the relationships that were

for upper-secondary students with special learning

developed as students gained confidence in their

needs. Celeste shared the professional knowledge

customer service and interactions. The proceeds from

and practice she has developed through her years

this venture were used to fund a field trip for another

teaching at Christian College and the Professional

unit of study later in the year.

Development she has pursued personally. It is great to have teachers on staff who contribute to the wider

Our courses in Years 10, 11 and 12 provide access to the relevant study design through worthwhile and challenging mathematical learning in a way which takes into account the interests, needs, dispositions and aspirations of a wide range of students. 49

community to enhance Mathematics teaching an assist their colleagues. Mr Luke Feldman Director of Teaching and Learning - Mathematics

Teaching & Learning - L.O.T.E

Mr Yuji Nakayama Head of Japanese

Mrs Kim Whittaker Head of Indonesian

2017 Fundraiser – Harmony Day

Indonesian Long Term Exchange

Christian College Senior School donated $491.10

Megan Heathcote and Ruby Schaap departed

to Japan Red Cross and Lion King Orphanage in

for Indonesia on Saturday the 9th December, for

Singaraja, Bali.

6 weeks long-term exchange throughout their summer holiday period. Both girls have arrived

Harmony Day celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity

safely, settled in with their host families well and are

and is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of

very excited to be representing Christian College.

belonging for everyone. The aim is to communicate the importance of cultural diversity - encourage

Language Assistant Program

values, promote participation and provide fun ways to learn.

Molly Gray has worked as an English language assistant at Naga High School in Japan. Currently

The LOTE teachers would like to thank all who

Xavier Andueza-Mossop is working at Naga High

supported them for the Harmony Day lunch.

School in Japan. Ayana Sakaguchi has been working

Japanese food and Indonesian drinks (made by

as a language assistant at all campuses of Christian

language assistants and LOTE teachers) were


available to purchase and there were opportunities for students and staff to take part in a dance

NAGA Biannual Visit

workshop and to play Angklung (traditional Indonesian instruments).

From Wednesday 2nd to Friday 18th August, a group of 19 Japanese students and two teachers from our sister school, Naga High, visited Australia for two weeks. The highlight of their trip was visiting all campuses including the Farm and the Back Creek Café. They enjoyed wonderful cultural experiences and made strong connections with Christian College students. Naga Senior High School and Christian College’s Sister school relationship has continued for over 25 years.

Exchange Programs Japanese Long Term Exchange Elizabeth Andueza-Mossop, Paige Elliot and Alyssa Jones are completing 5 months long-term exchange at Naga High School in Japan. Haruka Matsushita has completed 10 months long-term exchange at Christian College. 50

SMA Negeri 2 Mataram, Lombok Study Tour 24/3/2017 – 7/4/2017

The Wakayama International Conference Scholarship

17 students and 4 staff members travelled to

The forum was held from 29/07 to 2/08 this year

Indonesia for the bi-annual Study Tour. The study

and has been going for 3 years now.

tour provided students with a firsthand experience

The Asian-Oceania High School students’ Forum was

of school and family life, as well as the opportunity

held in Wakayama, Japan in July. Mrs Karen Friday

to visit significant cultural and historical sites.

attended the conference with Year10 student Clare

Study tours aim to improve students’ knowledge

Jarecki who represented Australia.

of current social, economic and environmental

Students participated from 20 countries in the

issues and provides them with the opportunity to

Asian-Oceania region. Clare presented a 15-minute

improve their Indonesian language skills in everyday

presentation on Globalisation and Manufacturing in

communication with host families and students, as


well as Indonesian people. The group spent the first week visiting various cultural sites and also attended a language school, to complement their experience. The students’ feedback on the language school lessons was very positive, they found it beneficial for becoming more confident using the language in ‘real-life’ situations. During the second week, the students lived with their host families and attended the sister school, developing their connections with new friends.

Celebrating Student Achievements NAILA Award India Lewis (a Year 8 Middle School Highton student) wrote, practised and recorded a speech in Indonesian for the NAILA or National Australia Indonesia Language Awards for 2017. This competition sees entrants from around Australia in differing categories perform a speech on a wide variety of topics. The strength of India’s speech saw her receive first place in the Junior School (Year 7 – 8) category. As the Junior Awardee, India received a substantial monetary prize, certificate and the opportunity to participate in the awards ceremony, meeting several high-profile people in the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Australia. She received her award from Dewi Savitri Wahab, the Consulate-General of the Republic of Indonesia – Victoria and Tasmania.


Year 10 Japanese student, Connor Hickey who lived

Indonesian ‘Sayembara Lisan’ Speech Contest –

Japan for 6 years has accelerated for his study this

State Finals

year and has completed VCE Year11 Japanese. He has enrolled in Year12 Japanese in 2018.

1st Angus Cormick (Year 11)

Year 7 Japanese student, Lin Nakayama has taken

1st Naomi Chang (Year 9)

the Japanese proficiency test level 4 in Melbourne.

High Commendation Java Lucas (Primary)

She was the youngest at the venue amongst many university students. She passed level 5 in 2015.

Supporting Students To support students in 2017 across Indonesian and

Christian College’s participation in Regional Speech Competitions

Japanese, we offered the following classes: - Japanese and Indonesian native tutors either

Speech contests continue to be part of improving

before, after school or during independent study

our students’ confidence whilst developing

periods (ISP).

conversational skills. Once again, this year, students

- Japanese teachers running intensive conversation

across a wide range of year levels participated in the

sessions before school, lunchtime and after school

Japanese Language Teachers Association of Victoria

to help students improve their language skills.

state-wide speech contest and the Sayembara Lisan

- Indonesian language assistants used within

Indonesian speech contest (Victorian Indonesian

class time to work with students needing extra

Language Teachers Association).

assistance, as well as those who required extension opportunities

Speech Contest Results:

- Online and interactive support by OneNote and email, grammatical concepts and examples sent to

Japanese Statewide speech contest in Melbourne

students using powerpoint presentations.

2017 winners: Y5/6 Individual Category

Year 9 Curriculum Development

3rd Georgia Odd (Year 6) Y7/8 Pair Category

Staff have been working on refreshing the Year

3rd Paige Butteriss and Jordan Smith (Year 8)

9 curriculum to reflect the changes to the Year 9 program for 2018. The new course includes relevant

Japanese Geelong regional Japanese speech

topics and engaging activities and assessment tasks.

contest winners: Y5/6

Mr Yuji Nakayama

1st Georgina Odd

Head of Japanese and Exchange

2nd Emma Buckingham 3rd Naomi Lamprecht

Mrs Kim Whittaker

Excellent Effort Amelia Charleston

Head of Indonesian and Exchange

Y7/8 1st George Malouris 2nd Paige Butteris Excellent Effort Michelle Zhao and Jordan Smith Y9/10 2nd Jessie Allen Excellent Effort Sarah Finch Junior Open 1st Lin Nakayama


Teaching & Learning - Music Mrs Fiona Gardner Director of Teaching & Learning - Music

The classroom Music Program has seen a very

Those students who have already commenced

comprehensive offering of core and elective classes

learning a band or orchestral string instrument

across the College curriculum. Core Music classes

by the start of Year 5 take part in the ‘Performers

are a feature of the curriculum for Kindergarten

Workshop’ program where their musical skills are

through to Year 7. Elective Music is studied

extended and enhanced via creative tasks. This

by students from Years 7 to 12. We have had

program also culminates in a concert/exhibition

accelerated classes of VCE in Years 10 and 11 as well

for parents where students have the opportunity

as a class completing the Music Investigation subject

to demonstrate their achievements to family and

in Year 12. The VCE Units 3,4 classes have had class


recital nights where they have shared a small part of their examination programs with family and friends. VCE VET Music Industry Skills – Sound Production is a subject offered at the Senior Campus with students being able to complete their Certificate III in Music Industry across the 4 semesters of Years 11 and 12. This subject broadens the Music pathways at the Senior School by offering a music focus for students who may not wish to focus on performance, but instead may wish to pursue careers in the technical sector of the industry such as sound engineering or mixing. A highlight of the academic program is the special programs offered to students in instrumental music performance as part of the Core Curriculum in Years 2 and 5 at both the Highton and Bellarine

This year has seen around 710 students electing

Campuses. The Year 2 students all participate in

to study instrumental music with weekly

an introduction to the family of orchestral stringed

lessons happening across the Campuses and 47

instruments where each student is given a violin

instrumental staff giving specialist tutorage. This has

or cello for a term on which they learn how to play

meant a fantastic level of involvement in the extra

in small group tuition and rehearse as a full class

curricula ensemble program offered at Christian

ensemble. The term culminates in a concert for

College with over 30 regularly rehearsing ensembles

parents and the option for students to continue

making music weekly and taking part in camps,

their tuition in the regular instrumental music

tours, competitions and performances both within

program. In Year 5 all students are given a band

the College and in the wider community. Regular

or string instrument for the year, the students

solo performance recitals have also been held

participate in group tuition with specialist tutors and

across all campuses providing the opportunity for

rehearse/perform in a year level band and string

students to perform for family and friends.

ensemble. 53

The Bands, Choirs, String Orchestras and

The senior rehearsal camp sees the most Senior

instrumentalists have played an active role in

Ensembles at Christian College depart from their

supporting events in the life of the College including

campus environments for intensive tutorials and

services, ceremonies and celebrations. Many

rehearsals in late June. This year the Senior Wind

student soloists have completed examinations with

Symphony, Strings, Choir and Stage Bands travelled

AMEB and ANZCA. Students have also competed

to Rutherford Park near Daylesford for a five-day

in scholarship competitions and Rotary Club

camp where the students played for an average of

talent competitions with many winning prizes and

6 hours a day. The students relish the opportunity

recognition for their great musicianship.

to be away and immerse themselves in their chosen

Music Camps

pieces for the up and coming competitions. The games challenge night is always a highlight of this annual event with students learning more about

In September, the Combined Middle Schools Music

themselves and friends through team games and

Camp involved over 200 students from the Bellarine


and Highton Campuses in choirs, strings and bands. Held at Camp Wilkin, Anglesea the students rehearsed new material in preparation for their end of year performances. At this camp, the Highton and Bellarine Middle School musicians formed three Concert Bands, a Choir and String Orchestras as well as a Guitar Ensemble, rock groups and stage bands. This event is not just a music camp but also a fantastic way for students to learn to work together in a concentrated program. They are challenged and encouraged to grow in many ways during musical and social activities on these music camps. They also make cross campus year level friendships that often follow them through their Music Program

Both the Middle School and Senior Music Camps

involvement to the Senior Campus.

see the Music Department engage not only our regular staff but also the services of professional performing musicians from places such as the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Victorian Opera and various tertiary institutions to tutor and motivate the students. Both staff and students find it inspiring to have the opportunity to work with people with such fantastic expertise from ‘outside’ our program.


College Ensemble - Competitions and Festivals

Geelong Music Performance Festival The Geelong Music Performance Festival is an

The Victorian Schools’ Music Festival is held at

event hosted by Christian College Geelong for

various Melbourne venues each year. Bands and

our students to perform their solo repertoire

orchestras play for an adjudication panel and

and small ensemble pieces for adjudication. The

are rated against set criteria for an award. They

festival is open to students from other schools to

also take part in a tutorial and workshop. The

perform. The festival, run in August saw over 450

Christian College ensembles find this experience

solo and small ensemble performances presented

a great opportunity to develop and refine their

for the adjudicators across 7 days. From their

musicianship. Many of our groups received the

participation, it is hoped that students will have

highest rating possible from the panel as well as

gained much through their own performance

recordings of their performance for review.

experience, but also through listening to others and receiving feedback from an adjudicator. The

During August the Junior School Strings and Choir

seven specialist adjudicators were all professional

performed at the Geelong Schools’ Music and

performers with international reputations who are

Movement Festival in the Play House at GPAC.

also highly regarded educators and examiners for

For many of the students it was their first public

the AMEB, VCE and the tertiary sector. Whilst most

performance and was a tremendous experience

of the musicians performing were Christian College

being in a professional theatre.

students it was lovely to welcome a small number of students from other schools to our festival. The

Royal South Street provides our College ensembles

festival is a non-competitive event, with the primary

and soloists with the most prestigious eisteddfod

aim being for students to be encouraged and

environment in which to compete. We have had

supported in their performances. It was wonderful

a fantastic year at Royal South Street with many

to see our students ‘grow’ and support their peers

students and groups gaining places in hotly

through their experience at the Festival. The

contested sections.

Festival website has bios of the adjudicators and the program of performers. Students were awarded medals to recognize excellence and also received written feedback on their work. The event was again a wonderful success and will hopefully continue to grow in the coming years.

Community Performance Our musicians’ involvement in the community, from the Junior Schools right through to our most Senior musicians is a hallmark of our program with students performing at events such as the Geelong Advertiser Scholarships and the Highton Rotary Star Search. The Senior Choir has represented the College on a number of significant occasions such as the Vietnam Veterans’ service, ANZAC Day Dawn Service at Eastern Beach and the Geelong Schools ANZAC service at the Johnstone Park Memorial.


The Senior Campus has been represented by a number

The Annual Music Evening

of soloists and chamber ensembles throughout the year at a huge range of events. These have provided

An outstanding night of performances at Deakin’s

the students with valuable performance experience

Costa Hall held on Thursday October 19th gave

and also allowed them to share their gifts with others

over 450 Christian College student musicians the

in the community and experience the satisfaction in

opportunity to perform for a large audience in a world

providing service to others - particularly in being able

class concert hall style venue. The acoustics and stage

to support charity fundraising events.

size of the Costa Hall enabled all bands, string groups

Senior Campus House Music

and choral performers to show off the best of their performance pieces learnt throughout the year. The concert featured a consistently outstanding level of

Deakin’s Costa Hall was the venue for this

student musicianship and excellence in staff musical

Senior School House Music Competition. The Senior

direction. The music staff would like to congratulate

School became a frenzy of House choir and ensemble

all students involved for their contribution and

practices leading up to
the hotly contested House

commitment to the College Ensemble Program in 2017.

Music Competition. This event sees the entire Senior School student body perform as a part of their respective House Choirs. Each House also provides a

Mrs Fiona Gardner

soloist and two ensembles.

Director of Teaching and Learning – Music

Flynn house was victorious in 2017 winning the overall trophy as well as taking out the House Choir award!


Teaching & Learning - Art, Technology & Design

Mr Antony Benson Director of Teaching & Learning - Art, Technology and Design

The Visual Arts, Design and Technology is a core

In the modern world almost everything around us has

feature of the Christian College curriculum from

been designed and built by somebody. Design and

kindergarten through to the VCE and we are proud

Technology education is about entrusting the future

of the diverse range of Art, Technology and Design

generations to do this in an ‘in depth’ way that not

opportunities we provide for our students across all

only considers the product and its relationship with

the campuses.

the human being, but the social and environmental impacts from its conception, production, distribution,

It is rewarding to be in an environment where the

use and end of life.

Visual Arts are a valued and integral part of our community and where we have multiple opportunities

Technologies continue to foster creativity within the

to exhibit and showcase our students’ work both in the

Art, Technology and Design Faculty 3D printing, 4

College and in the broader community

Axis CNC milling machine and laser cutting students have been actively engaged in creating objects that

The faculty is staffed by a range of experienced,

have not previously been possible on the scale

creative and engaging staff who develop students’ skills

or with the degree of accuracy, and with new and

and who also encourage students to think creatively

diverse materials. These technologies continue to be

and critically, to innovate to adapt and problem solve

utilised across a variety of learning areas including

in a wide variety of subject pathways within the Visual

Systems Engineering, Visual Communication and

Art, Technologies and Design Faculty. Opportunities

Design, Product Design and Technology (Materials

are provided for students to extend their capabilities

and Textiles), the Visual Arts and Media Arts. It has

and exhibit their work to a wider audience.

been wonderful to see students actively engaging with these technologies and embracing them with ease.

The Visual Arts are one of the main ways that humans

Students have been successfully creating objects and

define who they are and become reflective of God’s gift

components with a much higher level of accuracy and

of creativity to all of us.


Through their work, students often express a sense

It is important for students to see a pathway and

of community and ethnicity. Because the Visual Arts

future for their creative passion and, to this end,

convey the spirit of the people who created them,

important for students to have access to working

they can help young people to acquire inter- and

professionals, to ask questions and to develop deeper

intra- cultural understandings. By putting us in touch

understandings of what is happening in the classroom.

with our own and other people’s feelings, the Visual

Therefore, it has been great to see local artists

Arts teach one of the great civilizing capacities – how

present to our students both internally and externally,

to be empathetic. To the extent that the arts teach

providing an opportunity for our students to obtain an

empathy, they develop our capacity for compassion

insight to working as a professional in the Visual Arts as

and humaneness.

well as imparting valuable knowledge and skills to the students. We have also had an ATD extension program

Design and Technologies engage the human body and

running at the Villa Paloma after school hours where

spirit with the constructed environment.

ATD staff provide additional assistance for students in skill development and preparations of folios.


Extending the enrichment and enhancing possibilities

Our outstanding results in the VCE were not the

for our students beyond the classroom has included

only highlight across the faculty with a number of

opportunities for our students in activities such

students being shortlisted for the prestigious VCE

as working with professional artists, incursions,

season of excellence in Top Designs, Top Screen

excursions, exhibitions, workshops, performances,

and Top Arts. Perfect VCE study scores of 50 were

studio and industry visits, competitions, displays and

achieved by Lily DiSciascio in Media and by Fletcher

various presentations. Students participated on the

Scott in Studio Arts. Many students received their

world stage this year with our systems engineering

first preference in their Higher and Further Education

students developing rules and regulations for the


World Robotic Olympiad. This was on the back of numerous wins in regional, state and national competitions throughout the year. This year has seen students across the Art, Technology and Design Faculty exhibit and present their works at a wide variety of venues including; the Geelong Art Society’s Shearers Arm Gallery, the Rotary Art Exhibition in Drysdale, the Geelong Show Grounds, the City of Greater Geelong CBD, and the Melbourne Museum, to name a few. Student work in all of these areas was on display at the annual Art, Design and Technology Extravaganza held in Term 4 at the ‘Villa Paloma’ Centre. Once again, the Art Technology and Design Extravaganza was a highlight for the faculty with a high number of visitors throughout the exhibition this year, including local artists and local schools.

Next year we are looking forward to some exciting opportunities for our students with some new programs in the Year 5 & 6 levels with a focus on STEM, design thinking and creativity in the Developing New Futures, Stemming the TIDE and Secret Ingredient programs. We are also looking forward to seeing how our creative students embrace the new Year 9 programs on offer within the ATD faculty. Mr Antony Benson Director of Teaching and Learning - Art, Technology, Design 58

Teaching & Learning Health, Physical Education & Sport Mr Andrew Richardson Director of Teaching & Learning - Health, Physical Education & Sport

The Christian College Health, Physical Education and

The Faculty then provides each child with the

Sport programs, provide students with a balance in

opportunity to apply this learnt knowledge through

their weekly educational experience. It is through

the subject offerings of H&HD and Phys Ed at the

this breadth of HPE and Sport programs that

VCE level.

many Christian College students remain engaged, enthusiastic and motivated to learn.

This year at the VCE Unit 3&4 level, our faculty had

Such an approach to Sport is in line with our

75 students enrolled in the H&HD program and

College’s overarching belief that education is

40 students in Phys Ed. Coupled with our Unit 1&2

concerned with the ‘whole’ human being; and that

VCE offerings, the Faculty had over 180 students

every pupil has the capacity to achieve, or even

participating across our two subject areas. The

excel, in some field. Our talented and dedicated

Unit 3&4 students are to be congratulated on

staff deliver an enriching program that aims to

successfully achieving a study score towards their

achieve a ‘physically competent’ student at Year

final ATAR. The 115 Unit 3&4 students were ranked

6, and a ‘physically educated’ student at Year 10.

above the State average, which is a credit to our

Students have the opportunity to enhance their

teaching staff. For our two subjects we had 10

Health and Physical Education understanding

students achieve a study score above 40, with our

further by completing the VCE Units in these subject

H&HD students ranked at least 20 points above the

areas at Year 11 and 12.

State average.

Participation in lifelong physical activity is an essential part of living a healthy and well-balanced life. The skills, knowledge and conceptual understandings explicitly taught and studied through our College Health and Physical Education, and Sport programs provide a platform from which students are able to achieve this goal.

College Health and Physical Education Our Faculty provides a pathway for students to study Health (Health & Human Development – H&HD), and Physical Education (Phys Ed) through to Year 11 and 12. Faculty staff take each child from the formative years, where the focus is on developing the fundamental motor skills (FMS) and health education, through to the middle school years where staff develop the child’s game sense through the transfer of these FMS to game situations, and further enhance each child’s health knowledge through the varied Units.


College Sport

Cross Country Ethan Grills – member of the School Sport Victoria

2017 Christian College ‘Dove’ Trophy Recipients:

Cross-Country team that competed at National

Sport is a highlight for many students who attend

Cross-Country Championships in Tasmania.

Christian College. In 2017, individual students and

Martin Dean, Maddy Grunberg & Kade Leigh –

College teams have maintained their consistently-

qualified for the 2017 School Sport Victoria State

high results, recording excellent results at National,

Primary Cross-Country Championships.

State and Regional level. As an outcome of these excellent sporting results the following students

Australian Athletics Championships

were successful in attaining our College’s highest

Ethan Grills - took out the Men’s U14 1500m final

sporting award this year, due to their efforts across

with a commanding win with a time of 4:23.99s,

a number of different sports.

which was almost 2 seconds clear of his nearest

This year’s recipients of our College’s ‘Dove’ Trophy

rivals. Further, Ethan finished 3rd in the U14 800m


Final representing Victoria at the Athletics Australia 2017 Athletics Championships.

Year 12 – Chris Lever, Declan Hargreaves, Jackson Nelson, Alistair Wight and Michael Little

Patrick Aquilina – 100m U14 & 200m U14

Year 11 – Oscar Hill, Matthew Tattersall and Charlie Dent

representing Victoria at the Athletics Australia 2017

Year 10 – Sam De Francesco, Hamish Todd and Indiana

Athletics Championships. Patrick was a member of


the U14 4x100m Relay team, which finished 2nd at

Year 9 – Archie Hildebrandt

these Championships.

Year 7 – Owen Costin Year 6 – Amelia Cunningham, Kade Leigh, Harry Bradbury and Aaron Hansen

Sporting Excellence The College offers students opportunities across a number of sports to achieve individual and/or team representation. The depth of individual talent at the College enabled these students to record the following outstanding results: Swimming Dylan Logan – member of the School Sport Victoria Swimming Team that competed at the Pacific School Games Madison Cooper – member of the School Sport Victoria Swimming Team that competed at the Pacific School Games James Logan – qualified for the 2017 School Sport Victoria State Swimming Championships Max Piroch – placed 2nd in the 100m butterfly and 3rd in the 50m freestyle at the State Swimming Championships. At the National Swimming Championships, Max was a finalist in the 100m butterfly and 50m freestyle events.


School Sport Victoria (SSV) and Athletics Victoria


(AV) ‘Track & Field’ Championships

Harry Bradbury & Kade Leigh – were members of School Sport Victoria 12yrs&Under Boys Hockey

Patrick Aquilina, Kade Leigh, Ryan Costin & Noah

Team that finished second (silver medal) at the 2017

Gellately progressed to State Final of SSV Primary

National Championships. Kade was appointed the

Athletics in the Boys 12/13 4x100m relay. They

Captain of this State team, which is a great honour

finished a gallant 2nd in the State Final producing a

and a reflection of his leadership qualities.

magnificent team performance in their relay run. Equestrian Amelia Cunningham progressed to State Final of SSV

Shanae Jenkinson, Charlotte Sheldon and Sophie

Primary Athletics in the Girls 12/13 Shot Put.

Taylor – were selected to represent Victoria at the National Equestrian Interschool’s Championships in

We acknowledge the following students who

Toowoomba, Queensland.

represented the College at the 2017 Athletics Victoria All Schools Track & Field Championships:


Jessica Seller, Nyah Brown, Kasey Perkins, Owen

Poppy Schaap – selected in the Victorian Country

Costin, Ethan Grills, Zach Devonish and Finlay

Basketball High Performance Squad – U16 Girls

Kirsopp-Cole. We congratulate all these students on


their results at these Championships, and take this

Jacob Welch – selected in the Victorian Country

opportunity to acknowledge the following students

Basketball High Performance Squad – U18 Boys

selected in the Victorian team based on their ‘top


two’ performances at the State Championships: Tennis Kasey Perkins – 1st 200m Hurdles

Aaron Hanson (Yr6) made the Regional Round of the

Nyah Brown – 1st 400m at Vic Titles, and 4th in

Tennis Championships.

400m at National Titles; Silver medal in 4x100m relay at Nationals Ethan Grills – 1st 1500m Finlay Kirsopp-Cole – 2nd 400m

Geelong Independent Schools Sports Association (GISSA) - Year 7 to 12 Interschool Highlights 2017 The College is one of nine local Independent schools which compete in regular inter-school competitions

AFL Archie Hildebrandt – was a member of the U15 School Sport Victoria team that competed at the National Championships. The Victorian team were winners of the 2017 Championships. Keidan Rayner – was a member of the AFL Vic Country U16 Football team, which competed at the National Championships. Dane Hollenkamp (Year 12) and Connor Idun (Year 11) were members of the Falcons TAC Premiership team.


across the year. The College enjoyed some excellent sporting results this year, and I wish to acknowledge the following College teams which won their respective GISSA Championship: - College Swimming team. - College Track & Field team. - College Cross Country team (achieved its 12th straight victory). - Senior Boys Cricket team. - Year 9 & Year 10 Boys Basketball team. - Senior Girls Netball team. - Senior Boys AFL team.

Further College Sporting Achievements Included:

Club Sport At Club level, Christian College offers students the

- The Senior Boys AFL team progressed to the

opportunity to participate in Basketball, Netball and

Herald Shield Country Cup Grand Final for the


first time in the school’s history, losing narrowly to

The Christian College Netball Club consists of

Ballarat & Clarendon College.

approximately 100 Belmont and Highton Year 2 to 9

- The Junior Girls (Yr7&8) Netball team finished 5th

students. Under the guidance of Head Coach Olivia

in Netball Victoria’s All Schools State Championships.

Cameron and Flora Murdoch (Administrator), the

- The Year 5&6 Highton Campus Boys’ Basketball

players participate and enjoy weekly training and

team progressed to their respective ‘Hooptime’


Regional Championship.

A group of 30 enthusiastic equine riders make up

- The College Surfing team finished 4th in the State

the Christian College Equestrian Club. Students


compete in the Barwon Schools series, Victorian

- The College Surf Life Saving team finished in the

School events and the EFA Victorian Interschools as

top 5.

representatives of the College. Olivia Cameron (Head Coach) working with Flora Murdoch (Administrator) have overseen

College Sportsman and Sportswoman Trophies

significant growth in the number of Basketball teams participating within Basketball Geelong and the Bellarine Peninsula Basketball Association.

From Year 5 to 12, a ‘Sportsman Trophy’ and

Throughout the year, over 400 players represented

‘Sportswoman Trophy’ are awarded at the Bellarine,

the Christian College Eagles. In 2018 the Basketball

Middle School and Senior School campuses. We

Club welcomes Anthony Barnett as Club President,

congratulate the following students on winning this

along with a supportive committee. With the


continued quality administration from Flora the

- Bellarine: Archie Hildebrandt (Year 9) and Amelia

club is continuing to provide a fantastic basketball

Cunningham (Year 6).

development program for young players through

- Middle School: Kade Leigh (Year 6) and Kassidy

to the competitive senior competitions. In 2018 the

Werner (Year 9).

Eagles Basketball Club will be celebrating its 25th

- Senior School: Declan Hargreaves (Year 12) and

Anniversary, which will be marked with some special

Montana Jones (Year 12).

events throughout the year.

While all of these achievements were recorded in

Mr Andrew Richardson

2017, the students’ performances can be attributed

Director of Teaching and Learning - Health,

to the many years of education within their

Physical Education & Sport

discipline undertaken throughout their journey at Christian College.


Teaching & Learning Our World & Outdoor Education Mr Cassidy Hurrell Director of Teaching & Learning - Our World & Outdoor Education

Beyond the Classroom Summary

Farewells and Changes

I am extremely proud to be leading a faculty that has

There has been little staff movement within our

so many fantastic, specialised educators willing to go

Faculty over the last two years and the Outdoor

‘above and beyond’ to create the best possible learning

Education teams from Bellarine, Highton and Senior

opportunities. It is thanks to them that we have had

Campuses have worked exceptionally well together.

a successful year of engagement, experience and

Next year will see some big changes and I wish

understanding. Students have visited many unique

everyone the best of luck in their new roles. We are

Australian environments, communities and countries

sad that Holly Randall who has been an outstanding

and connected with these places through various

assistant and part-time teacher is moving on

journeys, experiences and reflections. The success of

and thank her for her professionalism, initiative

the year would not be possible without the students

and energetic nature. We welcome Emily Waters

who have been actively involved in their intellectual

into this position and know she will bring much

development, willing to challenge themselves, engage

experience and enthusiasm to the role. Tim Wright

with issues presented to them and act as model citizens

and Adam Kennedy have been key to the success

when involved with communities and environments.

of the middle year programs and will be taking on

The Faculty share a common passion for the natural

new leadership roles in 2018. Tim will be helping

environment and the cultural contexts within which

plan and run the new transformational program in

people live. Developing connections with diverse

Year 9 and Adam has accepted the role of Deputy

cultures, communities and natural environments

Head of Highton Middle School. They will contribute

through adventure and immersion is a privilege. The

a great deal to the education of young people in

interactions we are involved in on a daily basis naturally

these roles and I wish them many successes and

lends itself to being facilitators of learning rather than

hope they will return to help out on programs.

teachers at the front of the classroom. However, this

Rob Moore has brought many years’ experience

privilege also comes with its unique set of challenges,

to the Highton Campus and made many essential

as education in the outdoors presents many risks,

changes to Marine Studies and Outdoor Education.

variables and unknowns. I would like to make special

Rob will continue to teach in the Faculty alongside

reference to everyone who has been involved in taking

carrying out his new role of Year 9 Co-ordinator at

students off campus. It is thanks to their thorough

the Bellarine Campus, bringing with him his years of

planning, preparation and professionalism that so

knowledge. Due to these changes, we welcome Ian

many students are involved in safe but challenging real

Neville back to a full time Outdoor Education and

world experiences.

Marine Studies role bringing with him his extensive

Over the last two years the Outdoor Education and

experience and passion for experiential education.

Our World Faculty have been upgrading the equipment

We are also excited to see Andrew Ellery bring his

and specialized clothing used to run safe, enjoyable

years of Science expertise into the Marine Studies

programs. The upgrades now mean that all students


have access to the high quality tents, wet weather clothing, kayaks, bikes and safety equipment essential to the safety and enjoyment of students and staff on the programs. 63

Academic Highlights

Program Highlights

2017 Year 12 results were again very pleasing

We Our World experiences are key to the Christian

with 16.7% of the students enrolled in Outdoor

College education. They provide real world learning

and Environmental Studies receiving 40+ as their

opportunities and help our students engage with

study score. This compares with 23.8% in 2016

the complex issues faced in a globalizing world.

and 17.1% in 2015. There were only 25 students

Students investigate the impact of historical events

enrolled this year and the results are slightly lower

and government & NGO policies on different

than last years, however, the average results were

standards of living. They also develop friendships,

still 10% higher than the state average and we are

which help foster sensitivity to the diverse needs

extremely proud of the hard work and dedication

of people in the local and global community. As

of all the students. I would like to acknowledge their

these programs run for 10 – 14 days and take many

commitment to the subject throughout the year and

hours of organization, the experience and extra

wish them all the best for the future.

responsibility taken on by the leading teachers is

One of the focus areas we recognised for 2017

important to recognize and praise. This year there

was to continue to deliver a dynamic curriculum

has been new faces running these programs. We

that was hands on and helped students see the

give thanks to the fantastic work of Celeste Pryke

relevance to their own life, making the learning

who successfully led her first Cambodia program

experience more authentic. One way that this has

with the assistance of Damian Stephenson. David

been achieved is through continuous reflection and

Evans also led his first Vietnam experience alongside

diversity of assessment tasks. Assessment tasks in

John Tatnell and Jemma Burr. Louis Gross had very

Outdoor Education and Our World require students

big shoes to fill taking a group to Alcoota where Jan

to make connections between practical experiences

Strauch had been leading this program for over 10

and theoretical knowledge. We are proud of the

years. He did this exceptionally well with the help of

variety of different ways we get students to reflect

Kerrie Reid. The experiences that these programs

on their experiences and present this information

offer enrich the lives of our students immeasurably

for assessment. Some of the varied ways we have

and are remembered by all involved for years to

assessed throughout the year are through creating

come. I know these staff members are already

lessons to run with younger students, written

planning with excitement the 2018 programs.

reports, essays, short answer responses, personal

One of the aims of the programs run by Outdoor

reflections presented in digital portfolios, year level

Education and Environmental Studies is to

presentations, public debates and fundraisers. We

help students take control of their emotional

believe this diversity in assessment helps foster a

development, although not specifically linked to the

love of learning and focus on key skills like creativity,

curriculum this is a vital part of the ‘learning that

critical thinking and ethical understanding necessary

matters’. Through exposing students to adversity in

for students in the 21st century.

various real world settings helps to build resilience and emotional intelligence, as students achieve outcomes not perceived as possible. This year has been no exception with students experiencing many challenging physical and emotional situations. Some examples are; snow camping with an excess of 25 cm of fresh snow falling in one night, walking long days that turn into night through Wilson’s Prom and travelling through developing countries with different standards of living. The growth of the students during and after these experiences has been obvious through debriefs, reflections and positive parent and student feedback. 64

Year 10 Outdoor Education has seen the

Looking forward

implementation of a new risk unit that gave students the option of attending a two-day climbing

2018 will be a year of continual reflection,

program at Mount Arapiles. This program was a

consolidation of the curriculum developed this year

huge success with fantastic levels of engagement

and implementation of a new study design and

and outstanding feedback from the Climbing

programs. This year has seen the implementation

Company who ran the instruction. The program

of many new assessment tasks and approaches to

moved from the Year 11 course to better suit the

teaching and learning. To continue the academic

curriculum objectives of Year 10, this was achieved

success and student engagement we will continue to

and will now be implemented as a part of the Year

reflect and improve aspects of the courses we feel

10 program.

are necessary to ensure enriching the educational journey of our students. VCAA have implemented a

The Marine Studies teachers’ enthusiasm and

new study design for Outdoor and Environmental

passion continues to engage and inspire many

Studies in 2018 and this will require the need to

students. Rob Moore has done an excellent job

refresh our resources and assessment process for

of leading a group of new teachers through the

Year 12. It has also created the perfect opportunity

curriculum at Highton. Fiona Scott has constantly

to engage the students in a new environment. We

been looking for new ways to engage students

have been working hard to plan and run at the end

in varying activities around our coast. She has

of this year a summer journey through the Bogong

made contacts within the local community and

High Plains. This will involve crossing pristine

organized citizen science programs and marine

alpine environment from Mt Hotham to Falls Creek

debris investigations, which have brought real

and value add to their winter experience. The

world global issues to the doorsteps of the Bellarine

implementation of the new Year 9 curriculum for

students. Other middle year successes have

GEOS and Outdoor and Environmental Studies will

been the consolidation of the Year 8 Geography,

be crucial to the success of the programs and we

Environmental and Outdoor Studies and inclusion

are grateful to have Georgie Brown’s expertise and

of Science into the program. As well as the ‘student

enthusiasm lead this new curriculum.

favorite’ Prom walks that continues to amaze with the spectacular scenery and white sand beaches

Mr Cassidy Hurrell Director of Teaching and Learning - Outdoor Education


Teaching & Learning - Learning Support

Mrs Roselyn Smith Director of Teaching & Learning - Learning Support

The results of a recent national survey indicated that

Statistically, 80% of students with additional learning

19.4 percent of Australian students have a disability

needs are able to make suitable progress within this

or a learning difficulty and that 65.9 percent of

tier. Where student progress is slower than expected

children with disabilities aged 5 to 14, attend regular

or thought to be requiring more specialised and

classes in mainstream schools such as ours.

individualised intervention they are elevated to Tier 2.

While these statistics are non-specific to Christian

At Tier 2, students would generally undertake

College, we are certainly engaged in servicing

additional, specialised school based assessments

similar numbers of students and this is without

in order to plan for and deliver appropriate

acknowledging the need to support other

intervention- generally delivered in small groups or

learning challenged students such as those with

individually by specialist teachers and assistants.

Giftedness, or English as Additional Language (EAL)

Statistically, 15% of students respond well to this

or students trying to learn while passing through

level of intervention however, 5% of students

elongated periods of emotional, social or economic

continue to struggle resulting in their elevation to


Tier 3 where they are referred to external allied health professionals for professional assessment,

The presence of significant numbers of students

provided with school based or community based

with additional learning needs in this age of

specialized intervention programs and highly

inclusive and individualised education continues

individualized intervention plans.

to provide our college, and more specifically this directorship, with significant impetus to plan strategically, locate and implement best practice, and constantly reflect, adjust and relaunch.

Learning with Difficulties and Disabilities Over the past three years, I have been investigating various service models in the area of special needs as part of the development of a CCG Learning Support (LS)–Three Year Strategic Plan that will commence in 2018. It is clear from this research that the evidence based Response to Intervention (RTI) model continues to be best practice in this domain, particularly in this age of inclusive education. This model comprises three levels of intervention. Tier 1 is situated within classrooms where through universal screening, the needs of students with additional learning needs are identified and met by classroom teachers often supported by classroom assistants and other resources available through a school based learning support faculty. 66

In 2017 we have finalized preparations for the official 2018 implementation of this model with various initiatives such as:

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability. (NCCDSSD)

• Provision of special needs, professional development sessions for Learning Support staff

In 2017, we once again collected data for two

and classroom teachers at all campuses;

different, Australian Government census: the

• Regular dissemination of external special needs,

traditional Government Census and the new

professional development opportunities;

NCCDSSD census. In recent months the federal

• Refinements to our Individual Education Plan(IEP)

government has announced that the NCCDSSD

templates to be inclusive of Social/Emotional/

will become the official and sole census as from

Behavioural as well as Academic goals.

2018, from which our entitlement to Australian and

• Renaming Modified Reports as IEP Reports.

Victorian Government funding for students with

• Strategic organization to achieve a fully

disabilities and learning difficulties will be derived.

collaborative approach to the collection of data for

While there is currently variability in the percentage

the NCCDSSD Census;

of students with disabilities/learning difficulties at

• Streamlining of school based assessment

the different campuses, our statistics are generally


under but aligned to the national percentage of

• Extremely successful implementation of two

school students with disabilities. (Level 2 to level 4

MultiLit programs, (MiniLIt and MacqLit) at Bellarine,

NCCDSSD Count: Highton P-9 Campuses 16%; Senior

Highton Middle and Junior campuses. (MultiLit

Campus 11%; Bellarine Campus 8%.) These statistics

programs are research -evidenced based literacy

can vary from year to year depending on movement

intervention programs out of Macquarie University,

in student enrolments and the effectiveness of level


2 and 3 interventions.)

• Completed research into best practice in the provision of Numeracy Support. • Additional resourcing to support the growing

Learning Support – Learning with English as an Additional Language (EAL)

numbers of students with special learning needs continuing through to Senior Campus and following

There has been a noticeable increase in EAL

the many and varied pathway options which now

enrolments in recent years with increasing numbers

exist at our Senior Campus. (VCE, VET, VCAL and

of students from various cultural backgrounds

mixed pathways.)

joining our community.

• In planning and employment of 2018 staff, we

A significant input into the growth of our

were able to move closer to the goal of having one

multicultural student population has been the

Special Education Teacher at every campus.

enrolment of 22 Karen students at our Highton Middle and Senior campuses. These students and their families were wonderfully supported throughout 2017 by Miss Nay Toe Aye who worked in a part time capacity as a Community Liaison Officer, a position enabled by the generous support of our Christian College Foundation, and Miss Marilyn Gajic who continued to provide EAL teaching support.


Learning Support - Learning with Additional Ability and Giftedness

Christian College Geelong’s provision for gifted and high achieving students is by no means limited to the Q’ed program but is increasingly

Following on from a significant review of the three

becoming a focus in every day classrooms as

existing Q’ed programs towards the end of 2016,

teaching staff explore 21st century teaching and

2017 witnessed the launch of a new program,

learning, and students are being encouraged to

unofficially named ‘Q’ed 4’.

identify and develop their own learning muscles using the Building Learning Power language and

Q’ed 4 was a weekly multi-aged program for years 5

philosophy. Additionally, there have been countless

to 8, providing horizontal extension and enrichment,

opportunities throughout the year for extension and

however, a significant point of difference was seen

enrichment in music, sport, art, technology, science,

in the delivery of Q’ed as a campus based program

languages, drama, debating, chess and many other

operating between two and five o’clock on a

spheres of learning and development across all year

Tuesday at Highton Middle campus and in the same

levels at Christian College.

time slot on a Thursday, at Bellarine Campus. The new four core, Q’ed program sought to:

National and School Based Assessment Programs

1. Nurture and extend individual student passion or excellence;

This year the Bellarine Campus invested significant

2. Provide opportunity for enhancement of

time and effort in preparing to be one of a small

collaborative problem solving skills;

number of schools across Australia who were

3. Provide time, space and motivation for students

to complete their NAPLAN testing using online

to explore the interrelated concepts of ‘play’ and

delivery however, this option was withdrawn by


the Australian Government at a very late stage. The

4. Nurture a genuine, individualised desire to ‘give

staff at Bellarine were very quick to have everything

back’ using their giftedness and high- end abilities.

in place for a successful delivery of standard paper and pen NAPLAN tests across all of the four year

There were significant numbers of students enrolled

levels annually tested in NAPLAN. This was certainly

in this program at both campuses and hence the

a credit to their level of professional flexibility and

Q’ed teachers were extremely grateful to the many

their work ethic.

teaching staff and wider community members who selflessly and willingly took on the role of being a

Our NAPLAN results continue to show quite

mentor for a young Q’ed student as they explored

elevated 10th percentile markers, in all year levels at

their area of passion or excellence.

both Bellarine and Highton, compared to the State’s 10th percentile markers. This is a very pleasing

The culmination of this year’s program witnessed

indication of the effectiveness of our investment

an extremely professional and memorable Young

in supporting students with learning challenges.

Thinkers Breakfast event at the new Geelong Library

Generally, our NAPLAN results are quite competitive

facility with Mr Jason Clarke (Director of Minds at

in our marketplace however, they do also provide us

Work) as guest speaker and the students leading the

with invaluable feedback on areas within teaching

event as they shared their journey of self-discovery

and learning, in which we need to continually strive

and growth.

for improvement.


Standardised Testing

Scholarship Program

Our College-wide standardised test program was

It was a pleasure once again to be involved in the

expanded this year to include the involvement

2017 Scholarship program. This year we attracted

of Year 10 students at Senior Campus. With

significant numbers of applicants across all three

some exceptions, this overall process provides

year levels in which the Academic Excellence and

standardised data for students in years 1 to 10, in

General Excellence Scholarships were on offer for

Reading, Spelling, Mathematics, Science and General

2018 (Years 5, 7 and 9). As well as many internal


student applications, there were also very strong numbers of external applicants ( 37% at Year 3, 52%

The testing is completed through an ACER, online

at Year 7 and 2% at Year 10). These percentages

delivery format that continues to be invaluable as

at Year 7 and 10, exceeded the 2016 percentages

it enables us to have instant access to the data. We

which had previously set new benchmarks. There

continue to plan and implement new and improved

was also an increase in feeder schools at years 7

processes for assisting the teaching staff to access,

and 10. (9 feeder Primary schools for Year 5, 25

understand and use the data to improve teaching

for year 7 and 3 for Year 10.) The final interviews

and learning.

once again proved to be a wonderful celebration of the excitement and passion young people have for learning and personal development in life, but also a celebration of Christian College Geelong as a highly desired and esteemed educational institution.

Mrs Roselyn Smith Director of Teaching and Teaching - Learning Support


Acknowledgment of our College Major Event Corporate Sponsors 3 Camp Logos

Baptist Camping Logos

Black and white logo

Ocean Grove

Geelong West


Williams House Kindergarten Broughton Drive, Belmont 3216 Tel. (03) 5241 3556

Butterfield House Kindergarten + Care Great Ocean Road, Torquay 3228 Tel. (03) 5264 6803

Junior School - Belmont Broughton Drive, Belmont 3216 Tel. (03) 5241 1565

Surf Coast Campus Great Ocean Road, Torquay, 3228 Tel. (03) 5244 8799

Middle School - Highton Burdekin Road, Highton 3216 Tel. (03) 5241 1899

Senior School - Waurn Ponds Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds 3216 Tel. (03) 5241 1577

Bellarine Campus 40 Collins Street, Drysdale 3222 Tel. (03) 5253 2998

Back Creek Cafe Staughton Street, Meredith 3333 Tel. (03) 5286 1166

‘Back Creek’ Scotsburn RMB 6578 Midland Highway, Scotsburn 3352 Tel. (03) 5341 2051

‘Villa Paloma’ Arts/Technology Centre Princes Highway, Waurn Ponds 3216 Tel. (03) 5241 8844


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