In Focus - 2012 Term 2

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IN FOCUS June 2012

Links to articles New Centre at Bellarine - 4 :. Celebrating Q’ed - 18 :. Quality Teaching Impact - 21 :.

the history of our College. Communities are

others in a positive manner. If you are a

made up of people and there have been

Facebook user I ask that you consider making

many who have contributed to the life of the

Christian College one of your friends and that

Bellarine Campus over the past 16 years.

you support items published with a ‘like’ to

I know that the new facility will be of great

Unveiling the commemorative plaque during the Opening Ceremony at Bellarine

benefit to the students and the programs at

The College App. can be downloaded for

Bellarine. But I know it is the people, the staff,

free following a link on our College website.

students and families who will continue to

It will provide iphone or Andriod users with

make this place the true blessing that it is for

access to information regarding the College

those who make up this community.

on portable devices. Information will include

I am grateful to Mr. Scott Elliss, Mr. Andrew Dunlop and their respective teams for providing such a fitting event to celebrate this wonderful new College facility.

Facebook and the Christian College App.

Bellarine Campus Music, Sport and Performing Arts Centre

news and events, the In Focus magazine, campus information, the Term Calendar, Uniform Shop and Canteen information as well as my blog. Over time, additional features will be included to keep our families well informed regarding our College activities.

Naplan Testing

I was honoured and pleased to be asked

Continuing our development of electronic

to participate in and speak at the Official

communication with our families and

Opening of this magnificent facility at

the broader community the College has

our campus on the Bellarine Peninsula. In

introduced a Facebook page and a College

preparing for the day my task being to share

App. for iPhones. The Facebook page will

something of the journey of this campus

display news and events to highlight the

since its inception in 1996, I could only

many efforts and achievements throughout

look back with thankfulness to God for His

the College. As the page attracts friends

This year the students were asked to produce

provision and blessing.

and people like the articles or news items

a piece of persuasive text as part of the

published it is hoped that these good news

Writing Test. The same stimulus was given to

stories about our College and our students will

all year levels across Australia. The topic was

spread throughout the digital community.

‘Everyone should learn to cook’.

assemblies or a place to worship. It is the

Part of this process is hoped to also promote

Students were given five minutes at the

sense of community and shared vision that

good modelling of digital communication

start of the test to plan, 30 minutes to write

has built this and the other campuses over

where people can support and encourage

and five minutes at the end of the test to

The new facility is a wonderful place for community activity whether this be sporting activities, music or drama performances,

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share these with your own Facebook friends.

Recently students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 completed testing as part of the National Assessment Program –Literacy and Numeracy Program (NAPLAN) 2012, conducted by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).

Mr Michael Peck speaks at the Opening Ceremony at Bellarine

edit their work. The marking criteria was developed and agreed to at a national level. The ten criteria assessed are: 1. Audience – the writer’s capacity to orient, engage and persuade the reader

word associations

performance and learning. Our detailed

diverse culture and tone of our College.

reporting system and the vitally important

I encourage all families to make a habit

Parent / Teacher (and as appropriate student)

of regularly visiting the College website

Conferences each play an important role in to see for

providing parents and students with detailed

themselves the wonderful things that are

feedback on student learning.

taking place.

Student Achievements and Performances

Head of Junior School Change

appropriate punctuation to aid the reading of

Throughout the year I have been delighted

Mr. Stephen Riddle’s intention to step down

the text

to see the number of students who have

from his role as Head of our Junior School,

participated in a range of activities and

Belmont for medical reasons.

endeavours representing the College. These

The College has benefitted greatly over

7. Paragraphing – the segmenting of text into paragraphs that assists the reader to follow the line of argument 8. Sentence structure – the production of

2. Text structure – the organisation of the

grammatically correct, structurally sound and

structural components of a persuasive text

meaningful sentences

(introduction, body and conclusion) into an appropriate and effective text structure 3. Ideas – the selection, relevance and elaboration of ideas for a persuasive argument 4. Persuasive devices – the use of a range of persuasive devices to enhance the writer’s

9. Punctuation – the use of correct and

10. Spelling – the accuracy of spelling and the difficulty of the words used

have included sporting, music, creative and

Parents will receive results of this testing in

academic pursuits. This is a very important


aspect of the culture of schools. These

It is important for parents to note that the

students have been acknowledged on the

assessment of student learning involves a

College website as well as at assemblies

6. Cohesion – the control of multiple

broader process taking into account a wide

by their peers. I add my congratulations to

threads and relationships across the text,

variety of indicators. Our College carries

those who have supported and participated

achieved through the use of referring words,

out a range of assessment strategies which

in the many opportunities offered for the

ellipsis, text connectives, substitutions and

consider many factors concerning student

way that they have added to the rich and

position and persuade the reader 5. Vocabulary – the range and precision of contextually appropriate language choices

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Student musical items presented in the new auditorium at Bellarine

Earlier this term the College was informed of

the past 19 years from Stephen’s gifts as an educator and his love and compassion for others. We wish him well as he takes time to recover. Please keep him in your prayers. The College leadership has commenced the process of appointing a replacement Head of the Junior School at Belmont. Glen McKeeman, Principal.


Students, staff and families from the Christian

The new Australian Curriculum includes a

College Bellarine Campus celebrated the

strong emphasis on the arts and sport, so this

opening of their cutting edge performance

brand new facility is timely to facilitate the

facilities with the Official Opening and

greatest learning opportunities possible for

Service of Dedication of the Centre for Music,

our students. It will also be available for public

Sport and Performing Arts on the 25th

events to extend this benefit to our local

May, 2012. The Centre was officially opened

community here on the Bellarine Peninsula.

by the Chairman of the College Board, Mr James Shirley and the Principal, Mr Glen

The Auditorium

theatre production, ‘Cinderella’. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our College community to come together to celebrate live theatre and see this amazing venue at work.

sports participation. Wet weather wash outs

The auditorium also affords us some exciting opportunities in our delivery of teaching and learning. Year level lectures are now a reality, allowing teaching staff to present a concept to the whole group, before breaking off in to some smaller tutorial type groups for further exploration and discussion.

indoor sporting pursuits.

are a thing of the past, with the new stadium providing an expansive space for Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Netball and various

Upstairs is a fitness circuit room and across the spans of one mezzanine floor sits 6 table tennis tables. A health room also adjoins this area for theory classes and teacher

McKeeman. The Principal, who was also

With full theatre seating for 320 people, it

the founding Head of Campus at Bellarine

offers us versatility to accommodate a variety

spoke of ‘The Journey‘ of the Campus from

of year level assemblies, guest speakers,

its commencement in 1996 with 62 students

musical performances, parent evenings and

to the fine school it is today with almost 500

drama classes. In Term 3, the auditorium will

The faculty staff have a spring in their step,

of the foundational motor skills and for the

students enrolled from Prep to Year 9.

provide the perfect venue for our inaugural

now having some fabulous options for indoor

successful mastery of sporting techniques.

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Physical Education, Health and Sport

guided learning. To be able to take our students, Junior and Middle School, out of the elements is important in the learning


Already the students are enjoying a raft of

Symphony Orchestra with ease. What a

lunch time sporting activities, sports trials and

wonderful vehicle to build on our students’

House events in the new stadium. This facility

confidence and performance techniques.

also has the capacity to seat 800 students for

Performing Arts

formal occasions and whole school events.


It is vitally important for students to have the opportunity to be able to express themselves

The consolidation of all music facilities in this

through theatre and performance. Whether it

one new Centre is already bearing fruit. The

is conveying an emotion, a character or telling

collaboration between students, music and

a story, drama and theatre are integral facets of

instrumental staff has been a joy to witness and

providing a well-rounded educational program.

going from strength to strength.

community groups, sporting clubs, and local

Serving the Community

organisations across the Bellarine.

to be inspired for drama and auditions

The Centre for Music, Sport and Performing

We are both humbled and blessed to be the

Classroom music is conducted in the open

will begin soon for our opening theatre

Art has the scope to not only benefit the

recipients of this fine Centre of Music, Sport

plan design, allowing plenty of room

performance of Cinderella. Adjoining the

students, staff and families at Christian

and Performing Arts here at the Bellarine

for students to move around, play the

stage area to both sides are ramps declining

College. This is a community facility, with a

Campus. We look forward with excitement

instruments or create small group pieces.

to the ‘green rooms’ underneath the building,

wider scope and purpose of ‘bringing people

to seeing its potential unfold and that of our

Teacher led music instruction can be

the perfect place for donning the costume or

together’. After all, that is the essence of

students, both now and in the future. We are

completed in the adjoining theory room,

making those last minute adjustments before

community. The Rotary Club of Drysdale were

appreciative of the dedicated efforts of all

which is also amply equipped with computer

launching on to the stage to perform.

our debut guests over the Easter weekend

who have planned and worked to make this

this year, with some 800 people attending to

such an amazing community facility.

I believe we will all be the beneficiaries of some fine musical performances as the year unfolds.

technology for music making and analysis.

The Auditorium is proving the perfect place

Dance will also be another ‘benefactor’ of this

view their Annual Art Show.

Further down the hall you will see the music

facility, with ample space for both rehearsal and

offices, along with numerous private tuition

performance. Drama, performance and dance

The new facility played perfect host, the

rooms for the teaching of instrumental music.

provide a great outlet for student expression,

main stadium being set with Art displays

Larger ensemble groups can use the rehearsal

both individually and through working together

and a mobile café set up in the delightful,

space, which is big enough to accommodate

as a group. To now have our own specialised

Cyprus lined foyer. It is shaping as a busy year,

our Bellarine Concert Band or combined

facility to foster this creative art form, I can see it

with enquiries being made by various other

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Scott Elliss, Head of Bellarine Campus 1 . Junior Physical Education class in the new Sports Centre 2. The expansive foyer a meeting place on Open Day, 2012

Year 8 camp, the Prefects were instrumental in the establishment of the campsite and the Each year I am constantly astounded by the

leadership of small group activities in what

quality of our young leaders and their selfless

was an exciting and successful bush camping

desire to serve their College community.

experience for our Year 4’s. Despite being very

Since the beginning of the year our Year 9

tired, the Prefects have further developed

Prefects have been a blessing to both fellow

their positive relationships with the younger

students and staff through their positive and Christian College Bellarine held a most

money in their “hats”. All money raised went

successful Buskers Day on 7th June, with 29

to support Open Family Australia, who have

different groups signing up to participate.

been helping the lives of young people in

Buskers ranged from singers, gymnasts,

at-risk or homeless situations for the last

magicians, group bands, individual

30 years. A BIG ‘THANK YOU’ to the buskers

musicians and we even had two students

who willingly shared their talents with us to

doing Shakespeare recitals.

raise an amazing $850

The students busked right through their

proactive engagement in leading camps, excursions and College events. The Junior School “Get to Know You” beach activity day at Point Lonsdale was a great opportunity for the junior students to meet and interact with the Prefect group through various rock pool and beach activities. The

students while at the same time enhancing their leadership skills through the hands on experience. Further to the camping experience for the Year 4’s was an opportunity to explore the concept of ‘paddock to plate’. Lead by Year 9 girls from the Bellarine Campus, who were in residence

Prefects were outstanding in their enthusiasm

at Back Creek , the students explored the

and willingness to engage with and encour-

processes of farming and where what we eat

lunch period while students, staff, parents

Kristie Van Es, Project Care Co-ordinator,

age the younger students, with some strong

comes from. An enjoyable aspect of this was

and grandparents walked around putting

Bellarine Campus

bonds established.

the opportunity to participate in the process-

A new initiative this year was to conduct 2

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ing and even taste some of the farm produce.

days of the Year 4 camp at the Back Creek

Nick Watson, Co-ordinator Years 8 and 9

Farm. Utilising the kit huts and sites of the

Bellarine Campus

As Term two concludes our students are

overwhelmed by the Art works being created

putting the finishing touches on their own

in response. Each week children bring in their

Mini Malis.

own drawings of what a decorated Mali might

Junior School students have created a

look like. Others bring in their research data

miniature white elephant sculpture in their

including nature studies and detailed drawings

Art classes from a variety of modelling

indentifying the listed endangered animals.

materials. The Year 4’s have loved using Mod Rock which sets much like the plaster used for broken bones. The Preps to Year 4 have used paper clay which is very soft and ideal for little hands to manipulate. We now commence researching the endangered animals that wlll be used to decorate Mali. The Mini Malis take shape in Art classes at Junior School

These include: The Helmeted and Hodded Honey Eaters, Spotted Tree Frog, Black tailed Rock Wallaby and Eastern Barred Bandicoot. Our endeavour is for all the children at Junior School to create a small piece of Art linked with the images of the related animals. We

The Melbourne Zoo have been very generous with resources and support. Recently teachers leading the Project were involved in a professional development day which saw them engage with zoo staff to further develop ideas and liaise with other Mali Project workers. On the 25th of June we will host two Melbourne zoo staff for an incursion. Children will have an opportunity to work alongside the staff and further develop their ideas for conservation. We will be able to show how our wonderful

As a part of the Melbourne Zoo’s 150th

involved in a very special, mass participation

then use these images to cover our White

students have become enriched through this

Birthday celebrations schools were invited

cross curricula spectacular that will stomp

Mali. Already we have some Senior and

fabulous experience and they can show off

to submit a proposal that would see them

into life with fun creativity and colour. Under

Middle school students who would have

their Mini Mali’s.

directly involved in promoting creativity,

the guidance of Art teacher, Mrs Beck-

expressed an interest to become involved in

citizenship and environmental awareness.

the design and implementation.

Everyday Mali is admired by visitors and the

Carlson our students will paint, decorate and transform the white elephant into a beautiful

This project has been a wonderful way

sculpture which will be on show at a number

to encourage our students to embrace

of venues before taking part in the Gala

the natural world and take on the role of

celebrations at Melbourne Zoo in September

custodians. Children have been very creative

and then coming back home to Junior School.

in their approach and staff have been

Junior School, Belmont submitted their proposal to receive a life size fibre glass elephant and were successful. This now allows the Junior School to be

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children have decided they just must have their photo taken with her. Jennifer Beck-Carlson, Art Specialist Junior School Belmont

insect (out of 10 eggs) in the whole schools program. Well done! ‘UNO’ (number one) is under constant surveillance from the students and Science teacher Ms Deb. Singleton as this species was thought to be extinct for over 80 years. Specifically, the Year 8 Environmental Studies group and the Year 9 Science students are particularly involved with the data collection and study of these special animals. Our Year 8 Environmental Studies group is interested in animals, especially endangered species. They have shown a special interest in the Orangebellied Parrot, as these birds over-winter on the Bellarine Peninsula. So students are tuned in to endangered species. Welcome LHISI’s! Year 8 students also want to be ‘bug buddies’ At the end of last term Christian College

to land a boat. However, a rescue team leapt

Bellarine received the exciting news that we

ashore in 2003 and brought two breeding

had been successful in applying for some

pairs of Lord Howe Island Stick Insects back to

critically endangered Lord Howe Island Stick

mainland Australia.

Insect eggs to hatch and raise as part of our conservation studies.

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At the time of their rediscovery, very little was known about Lord Howe Island Stick

with Years 1 and 2 students at Bellarine, who are studying Minibeasts, and show them one REALLY special insect: LHISI There is a constant stream of young students who are keen to spot Uno our number one stick insect amongst the foliage in his enclosure each day. He has since moved

The Lord Howe Island Stick Insect,

Insects. Melbourne Zoo plays a important

Dryococelus australis, was driven to the

role in the captive breeding of this Critically

brink of extinction by Black Rats in the early

Endangered species. As part of the

Further information can be gleaned from the

twentieth century. However, in 2001 it was

Melbourne Zoo program 20-25 schools from

Melbourne Zoo website

rediscovered on Balls Pyramid, a rat-free

around Victoria applied for and gained the

volcanic outcrop 23 km off the coast of Lord

responsibility of raising Lord Howe insect


Howe Island.

numbers at their schools.

The seas around Balls Pyramid are too rough

Christian College Bellarine hatched the first

upstairs to the next branch of his fodder tree!

Deb. Singleton, Teacher of Science, Bellarine Campus

In 2011 with the completion of the new administration building in sight, plans to identify some of our buildings with their House areas began. Students were invited to be a part of the design process with the final design work and construction performed by former Christian College parent Mr Mark Trinham. Each House mural encapsulates the House mascot, colour and name. The artwork is specifically designed for the outdoor environment and will deliberately rust over time to contrast with the wall on which it is mounted. Three of the four murals have been located in their House areas with Burrows to be installed once the preparation of the wall is complete. Dianne Martin, Deputy Head Senior School

A group of very excited Prep children from the

learning about how all forms of transport have

Bellarine Campus participated in a ‘Transport

evolved over time.

Excursion’, as part of their Integrated Studies unit this term.

The Preps were able to use their new found knowledge to plan and build their own clay

The day began with a train trip through

model cars to take home with them. As well

tunnels and over railway bridges from South

as enjoying a wonderful day out and about,

Geelong to Lara. The students then boarded

the students gained much knowledge about

a College bus for a ride back to the Geelong

our transport systems, their many different

waterfront, where they enjoyed a snack before

features, how we are able to use them to help

hopping aboard the Hygeia for a relaxing cruise around Corio Bay. The day concluded

us and also how invaluable they are to the entire community.

with a short walk to the Ford Discovery

Melissa Smith, Prep to Year 2 Co-ordinator,

Centre where the students toured the facility,

Bellarine Campus

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Jordan Drew, Year 12 drills a half volley

Character and Sportsmanship It is lunch break at the Senior and Intermediate Geelong Independent Schools Sports Association (GISSA) Netball Carnival and I am talking to some of the umpires about how the event is progressing. Mary, an

Year 8 Physical Education Class training in the new Circuit Room

Louise McCarthy, a Taylor Year 7 student is

Goal Attack and Captain shoots a look of

Ken knows that Christian College students

racing to the finish line in the House Cross

disappointment at the Wing Attack, the

respect each other and the places they travel

Country. On the sidelines are a group of Year 9

Wing Attack drops their head for a moment,

to. The kids do the right thing!

leaders who are cheering and yelling words of

understanding the mistake they have made.

support and encouragement as she drives to

The Captain seeing this walks over and taps

the line. Louise placed 6th.

the Wing Attack on the back as a way of saying ‘let’s move on’. They do, with the Wing

These situations are not uncommon occurrences as we attend the many and varied sporting events we offer at Christian

experienced umpire who has attended many

It is the Semi Final of the Year 7 and 8 Boys

netball carnivals in her time, says “You know

Victorian Schools Netball Championships.

what Jonathan; I enjoy coming to umpire

The game is tight, with Melbourne High

GISSA carnivals. The students, including those

beginning to claw back from a 3 goal deficit.

We arrive at the Geelong Lawn Tennis Club

from your school are so polite, the game is

The Christian College Wing Attack has been

for the Christian College Year 7 & 8 Tennis

played in a competitive yet good spirit, the

called for stepping and slams the ball down

Championships. We are greeted by Club

players respect the umpires, their coaches

into the ground. The umpire imposes a

manager Ken Barton, who welcomes the

and each other. It is a true pleasure!” I shared

penalty of a free shot on goal to Melbourne

players and speaks to them about enjoying the

this with the players during the official

High – they score; 2 goals down, Melbourne

day. No mention of behavior or expectations

Jonathon Ryan, Director of Teaching and

presentations at the conclusion of the day.

High centre pass. The Christian College

on students is discussed. From past experience

Learning - Sport and Physical Education

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and Goal Attack working together to record a nail biting 1 goal victory.

College. A culture of respect, doing the right thing and pulling together to achieve a common goal is evident when Christian College students attend events. At time mistakes are made; it is how we react after making the mistake that shows something about the character of the person.

Middle Years Physical Education Physical Education in the Middle Years

engagement levels have been higher than

devoted an enormous amount of time to

in the past.

training and competition in the lead up to the National Championships and we

at Christian College has undergone a

Just as the students bring a specific ‘skill set’

transformation. The new Sport Centres at

and understanding to each discipline, staff

Middle School and the Bellarine Campus have

members too, whilst trained in all facets, have

provided the opportunity for the department

strengths in particular disciplines. Providing

Andrew Medew, Year 11, Baseball; Andrew

to explore new and different ways in which to

an opportunity for staff to use their strengths,

was a member of the successful Victorian

deliver the Physical Education program.

ultimately improves the program.

team that defeated New South Wales in the

Utilising the multi-discipline areas of each

A component of Health and Physical

of the new centre’s - Aquatic*, Circuit

Education is lifestyle change. A multi

Room, Gym Floor and Multi use space, the

discipline approach assists by providing

Jordan Drew, Year 12, Tennis; Jordan was

program offers students the opportunity to

the building blocks in a variety of physical

a member of the Victorian team who

be educated in, and to experience activities

pursuits so that students can become and

competed in Toowoomba, Victoria placed

related to aquatic fitness and water safety,

remain healthy individuals as they grow

3rd in the event.

strength and conditioning and to be engaged

and develop.

in sport related drills.

*Aquatic Centre at Middle School. Bellarine

Michaela has been selected to represent

For example a Year 7 student attending a

students travel to Bellarine Aquatic Centre

Victoria at the National Swimming

Physical Education class at the Middle School

Dale Hemley – Sports Co-ordinator

may participate in a swimming lesson that contains lap swimming and diving practice;

Middle School Highton

in drills related to Basketball.


Final of the National School Sport Victoria Championships in Adelaide.

Michaela Caldow, Year 9, Swimming;

Championships. This is the second year in a row that Michaela has been selected. George Blagojevic, Year 10, Basketball; George

rotates through activities using their own body weight in a circuit class and participates

congratulate them on this outstanding

Team Vic

has been selected to represent Country Victoria at the National Basketball Championships to be

Christian College congratulates the following

held in Dandenong, Victoria.

Each student brings a different set of skills,

students on their selection in Team Vic State

James Syddall, Year 10, AFL Football; Jamie

knowledge and enthusiasm to a session.

teams. Team Vic are teams selected by School

has been selected to represent Country

By using a multi-discipline approach staff

Sport Victoria to compete at the National

Victoria at the National Championships to be

members have noted student’s interest and

Schools Championships. Each student has

held in Adelaide.

Year 10 Basketballer George Blagojevic in action

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Part of the winning Penman House Choir in performance

The Taylor House ‘Thong-a-Phone’ on stage This Annual House competition gives the

responsibility for their work, and gain skills in

as well as a whole House choir (some even

Empires ‘Fishies’. The Champion House Choir

entire Senior Campus an opportunity to

leadership while supporting, encouraging and

including their House teachers). The musical

was Penman House with their Lion King

participate and celebrate the gift of making

respecting their peers.

items ranged from classical solo works, movie

Medley and the overall Champion House for

themes to modern popular works. Some items

2012 is Penman House.

music together. The Costa Hall facility gives our students an experience on a world class concert stage in front of a large audience. The Concert also allows each House and the community the chance to encourage and celebrate their outstanding musicians. The

This year’s adjudicators Mr Ben Calderazzo, a local jazz identity and teacher along with Mr Ross Irwin, a Melbourne based performer, writer and arranger with an international reputation (who has worked with such groups

2012 House Music Competition was a lively

as ‘The Cat Empire’). They both were impressed

event with a great vibe.

with the student performances.

All sixteen items presented are rehearsed

featured students’ arrangements of works to suit the instrumentation available to them within their House. Congratulations to all the performers and prize winners. The adjudicators

The Highton Rotary Star Search Competition This is Geelong’s longest running talent quest. The competition involves a large

awarded the Champion House Soloist to

number of amateur performers from the

Constantine Karatenislis (Year 12 Flynn

community going through an audition

The general student population gains a small

House) for his technically brilliant clarinet

process to be selected to perform in the

and presented by the students themselves.

glimpse as to what it takes to rehearse, prepare

solo. The Penman small ensemble caught

final. The final was held at The Costa Hall

Through this experience the students

and present a musical performance. Each House

Mr McKeeman’s eye winning the Principal’s

on Friday May 11th with Christian College

experience what it is to work in a team, take

presented a soloist, a small and large ensemble

Choice award with their version of The Cat

students appearing in 7 of the final items

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The Christian College finalists in the Australian Youth Classical Music Competition

Judge Ben Calderazzo presents Constantine Karatenislis with the Champion Soloist trophy at the House Music Competition

– the College was represented by Katelyn

clarinet solo. Both of these performances

and is a national and regional scholarship

Christian College is proud to announce that

Shirley, Adam Di Martino, Jamie Parker,

were accompanied by Mrs Regina Thomae

competition for young classical musicians.

all 4 finalists in this regional competition

Rhiannon Irving, Constantine Karatenislis

and were presented with convincing

The regional event is known for attracting

are Christian College current or graduated

all Year 12 students and the Senior String


the most outstanding young musicians

musicians. Congratulations to Aidan Hodge

Ensemble – comprising Year 11 students

The vocal solo section saw Adam Di

from both secondary schools and tertiary

(Tenor Saxophone), Constantine Karatenislis

Martino, Year 12 take out first prize

music institutions. Events such as this allow

(Clarinet), Jamie Parker (Violin) all Year

Armstrong, Lily Pipkorn, Emily Carpenter

with Rhiannon Irving receiving an

‘elite’ young performers to strive for their

12 students and as well Georgia Williams

and Ainsley Liley. We are very proud of

encouragement award. Adam with his

very best. From the initial audition process

(Flute) a 2011 Christian College graduate.

their fantastic performance work and

friend Emily Jacker also won the ensemble

12 semi -finalists were chosen to compete

Recognition must also go to the students’

congratulate them on being selected

section. The Christian College Senior String

for a place in the final and a chance to win

instrumental teachers - Ben Anderson,

to perform in the final of such a well-

Ensemble were awarded third place in the

the $3000 first prize.

David Gardner and Ben Castle as well as

recognised community event.

ensemble section.

Jamie Parker received third prize in the

The Australian Youth Classical Music Competition

Alice Waddell, Victoria Wright, Reshae

Instrumental Section for his violin solo

The 12 semi-finalists performed for the adjudication panel on Thursday May 31st and 4 finalists were selected to perform in

their accompanist Regina Thomae for their expert tutorage, guidance and support of the students.

with the encouragement award going to

This contest is held each year by the

the grand concert to be held on Thursday

Fiona Gardner, Director of Teaching and

Constantine Karatenislis of Year 12 for his

Geelong Advertiser Music Scholarship Trust

August 16th at Costa Hall, Deakin University.

Learning -Music

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Christian College Middle and Senior Schools

As Middle School Leaders Mr and Mrs Hines

collected for the Salvation Army Red Shield

and Mrs Friday were equally impressed with the

Appeal on Sunday 20 May from 3 areas in

students when they brought their money in and

Highton and Belmont . The combined amount

were asked to count it and record details. This

collected by both groups was $3968.

was done very cheerfully and accurately.

The students were dressed immaculately in

The South Barwon Salvation Army were very

College uniform and were all keen to help the Salvation Army. There were 50 students from Middle School and around 30 students from The whole Senior School took part in this

colourful clothes to ‘Brighten up the Day’.

fundraiser for Cancer Research on Friday 8

The Head of Campus then chose the outfit

June at morning recess. House groups set up

that best reflected the occasion.

colourful tables with a range of homemade treats to tempt staff and students. Everyone was asked to wear their most

Page 14 :.

The students enjoyed the festivities whilst contributing $1000 to Breast Cancer Research from their donations.

grateful and full of praise for the fine job our students had done on their behalf.

Senior School together with about 15 teach-

Thirty two students, five staff and eight parents

ers and many parents also on hand to help.

from the Bellarine Campus took part in the

A comment made by a student at how amazed they were that someone had given $100. It gave us a wonderful opportunity to share how

Doorknock, giving over two and a half hours to collect from homes in the Drysdale area. $1550 was collected by the students on the day.

many kind and generous people there are in

The Bellarine students who participated were

the world that we never hear about.

extremely enthusiastic about helping those

The feedback from both parents and staff

less fortunate in our community and wore

was how enthusiastic and courteous our

their College uniform with pride.

students were.

Years of Year 11 and 12. Staff at Christian

technology competence, critical and creative

and the Australian Curriculum looking for

College have been preparing for this for the

thinking, ethical behaviour, personal and social

areas where there is complete agreement –

past eighteen months and are well positioned

competence and intercultural understanding).

and there are many – and areas where some

for a successful transition.

These will equip our students to effectively

modifications will need to be made. Various

What is the Australian Curriculum?

engage with and prosper in society, compete

staff groups have met to discuss and make

in a globalised world and thrive in the

The Australian Curriculum sets out what all

recommendations on areas ranging from

information-rich workplaces of the future. In

young Australians are to be taught, and the

timetabling to reporting to parents.

addition to the general capabilities there are

expected quality of that learning as they

three cross-curriculum priorities (Aboriginal

progress through schooling. At the same time

and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures,

it provides flexibility for us to provide this

Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia

education within a Christian Worldview, and

and Sustainability). Continuation of learning

to build on student learning ensuring that

has been developed for each, to describe the

each student reaches his or her full potential.

relevant knowledge, understanding and skills

It is a curriculum which emphasises the

at particular points of schooling.

importance of knowledge, understanding and skills of learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities

Christian College – Ahead of the Game

as the basis for a curriculum designed to

Staff at Christian College have been preparing

support 21st century learning.

for the Australian Curriculum since 2011.

Why have an Australian Curriculum?

Under the guidance of Faculty Directors and Deputy Heads of Campus (Curriculum), staff in the first instance became familiar with

At the end of this term staff will work at our Staff Retreat with one of Australia’s foremost educators, Dr Julia Atkin, on the Australian Curriculum and for the second semester this year develop or consolidate units of work incorporating material from the General Capabilities and the Cross Curriculum Priorities. Many Christian College staff members have attended professional development sessions both here in Geelong and in Melbourne. Consistently, the feedback from the educationalists has been that Christian College staff have demonstrated a notably high knowledge and awareness of the Australian Curriculum compared with many

In 2013 all schools in every Australian state

Increasingly, in a world where knowledge

and territory will begin implementation of the

the structure of the Australian Curriculum

itself is constantly growing and evolving,

documents. Particular attention was paid to

new Australian Curriculum initially in English,

students need to develop a set of skills,

the Achievement Standards, the Content and

We look forward to incorporating the

Mathematics, Science and History from the

behaviours and dispositions, or general

Skill Descriptors and the relationship between

Australian Curriculum into our College, to

Prep Year to Year 10. These will be followed by

capabilities that apply across discipline

these. Staff are also well aware of the General

teaching it within a Christian Worldview,

Geography, the Arts, Languages and later the

content and equip them to be lifelong

Capabilities and the Cross Curriculum

and using it to enhance what we already do

remaining subjects focusing on Economics

learners able to operate with confidence in a

Priorities - their purpose, their relevance and

without compromising any of our current

and Business, Civics and Citizenship, Health

complex, information-rich, globalised world.

where they fit into the subject and Year level

strengths and positive attributes.

and Physical Education, Design and the

The Australian Curriculum includes a focus

Technologies. Concurrently with this, work

on seven general capabilities (literacy,

This term in faculty teams audits are being

Head of Higher Education and

is being done to cover the Senior Secondary

numeracy, information and communication

carried out comparing our current curriculum

Staff Development

Page 15 :.

they are teaching.

other schools.

John Rose PSM

The 2012 Christian College Debutante Balls were proudly celebrated on Friday 1 June and Saturday 2 June. This year heralded the first time Christian College was able to conduct these occasions on our own site utilising the new Middle School Sports and Aquatic Centre. The Friday night ball was attended by 28 couples and 600 guests. The Saturday night ball had 22 couples and wonderful audience of 420. Proudly compering the evenings were the Year 11 Co-ordinators, Mrs Strauch and Mr Moore. Each couple was presented to the College CEO Mr Daryl Riddle OAM, The College Principal Mr McKeeman and the Head of Senior School, Ms Strong. On both nights we were entertained by the debutante group performing eight different and traditional dances beautifully. The students are to be commended for the way they prepared for the evening over 10 weeks of training and for the way they supported each other and presented themselves. It is a pleasure to reflect on what were amazing family occasions with many parents, grandparents and extended family dancing the night away to the music of Tobias. The Page Boy and Flower Girl were just as excited as the Debutantes

Special mention must go to our Junior School Flower Girls and Page Boys Isobel McDonald and Sam Blomfield from the Bellarine Campus and Olivia Richardson and Lachlan Moloney from Junior School Belmont. These four young people led the formal presentations with such confidence and grace. Finally I would like to extend my thanks to the staff who generously gave up their time to help make these nights so successful; we are truly blessed to have these wonderful people within our community. Dianne Martin, Deputy Head, Christian College Senior School

Page 16 :.

The Debutantes were presented to the College Principal, the College CEO and their wives

The dance floor lighting sets a great atmosphere for the exhibition dances

Christian College representatives with Mr Riddle at City Hall after the ceremony

On Friday the 18th May, Mr Daryl Riddle,

independence, made by the people of Timor

The flags were raised by two members of

CEO of Christian College and four Christian

Leste ten years ago. We also had the privilege

Australia’s Armed Forces. This was done while

College Highton Year 8 students attended a

of meeting Venencia, a Timor Leste national

singing the national anthems of each country.

function at Geelong City Hall, to mark East

who is currently teaching at Christian College

Timor’s 10th year of independence.

Preschool, Williams House.

At the ceremony, we listened to a student

After the forum, Mr Daryl Riddle OAM gave

written in Timor Leste, about freedom and

forum with a number of speakers explaining

an address and we then watched the raising


their travels in East Timor and the problems

of both the Australian and East Timor flag,

the country is currently facing. We learnt

which were raised at the same time, to mark

about the incidents surrounding the vote for

the friendship between the two countries.

Congratulations to Year 10 students from

placed in teams of between two and five

Senior School who won the regional

members and assigned either one or two

competition at Deakin University on 25

engineering challenges for the day. The

May. The team will now progress to the

challenges involved everything from creating

State Championships later this year.

satellite dishes to receiving coded digital

The Science & Engineering Challenge is a nation-wide competition which runs for students in Year 10. The regional competition

(This report was written by Hayley Gough Year 8, Middle School, Highton)

controlled air balloons which had to be steered through an obstacle course. The finale was construction of the lightest, strongest bridge. The Christian College construction

and involves 16 schools from the Geelong

was the only one to withstand the full weight

area. Competition was held over two days,

of the ‘bridge buster’

On the day of competition students were

participated in the reading of a poem

messages, to developing electronically

was held at Deakin University Waurn Ponds,

with 8 schools competing each day.

After the unfurling of the flags, we

Nick Ward, Teacher of Science, Senior School The successful team delighted with their trophy at Deakin University

Page 17 :.

Parents and students at the Q’ed 2 launch in the Senior Library

Mr McKeeman and Q’ed 1 students wearing their thinking caps In 2011, Christian College established

resources, models, mystery objects and online

Try your skill at this creative thinking exercise.

Q’ed 1 will operate every Tuesday morning

the highly innovative Q’ed 1 Program for

facilities are readily available to students in our

What do you see in each of these images?

at the Senior School in the Q’ed House

talented and gifted students in Years 5,6

wonderful physical and cyber Q’ed classroom

Concentrate on the shape and the colour of

throughout Terms 2 and 3. Staff members,

and 7. The College recently announced Q’ed



Mrs Kelly, Mrs Smith, Ms Mocan and Mr Cody

2, a comprehensive second year program

2012 Launch: Qed 1 and Qed 2:

which emphasizes online and digital learning possibilities to enhance students’ capacity to

Excitement abounded on the 22nd of March at

learn and manage their own learning.

Senior School at the launches of Q’ed I and Q’ed

Q’ed House

2 as staff, students and parents experienced a

This year Q’ed has made a vibrant and stimulating home in the former Drama House

small, tantalizing taste of Q’ed 2012.

Q’ED 1

at Senior School and it has not taken long for

Students, parents and staff engaged in a

the space to be transformed with interactive

highly charged, lively learning environment

displays, including a giant brain and ‘Fred’,

at the Q’ed 1 launch, undertaking creative

our resident skull and brain model. Bright

thinking challenges and exploring interactive

displays, challenging materials, posters,


Page 18 :.

will work with Q’ed 1 students to tackle another ‘BIG QUESTION’. See the ’fruits’ of


their endeavours at the Q’ed Exhibition to be


held at the Senior School Chapel on Tuesday 4 September 2012.

randomness impact



Q’ed 1 students summed up their

state of the art technology options available

impressions as follows:

within this space, students and families were

“So far we have learned more about ourselves as learners and have learned how neuroscience is helping us to find out more about how our brains learn”.

introduced to some intellectually vigorous aspects of online learning. The program facilitators, Mrs Lean, Mr Vanderkley and Mrs Smith, unveiled the cyber classroom, the ‘Belonging’ blog, through which much of the

“We have each made a thinking cap decorating

new and challenging learning is to occur. A

it to show how our individual brain learns

highlight of the launch was a Skype session

and have also made a model of our brain out

with Mr Tom March, a renowned educator

of plasticine to remind us that we have the

and proponent of Web 2.0 technologies and

ability to enhance our capacity to learn due to

their capacity to enhance learning. Students


also completed a critical thinking routine

“We learn in many different ways in Q’ed, like

entitled ‘See Think Wonder’; capturing their

games, challenges, acting, group activities, art

responses on the Q’ed 2 ‘Belonging’ Blog.

and maths instead of just writing and listening

‘I see a new opportunity to find useful tools on

to the teacher all the time. It’s fun.”

the web to help expand our learning.’

“I have never really thought about how I think

‘It makes me think about all the digital learning

and learn and it is hard to do. Q’ed makes me

we will be doing in Q’ed this year, like what we

do this but I am getting better at it. I now realize

will learn and how?’

that it is really up to me to use my brain well.”

Q’ED 2 Launch The vibrant learning environment of the

‘It makes me wonder what we will do this year with our new knowledge and what programs we will use.’

new Senior Library provided an ideal context

Merinda Kelly and Roselyn Smith,

for the launch of Q’ed 2. Accessing various

Co-ordinators of the 2012 Q’ed Programs

Page 19 :. Darcy Aylen, engrossed in creating an individual profile of how her own brain learns

plums/blackberries 380 x 200 mm Watercolour

Early this year Mrs Jennifer Beck-Carlson,

‘Of course I was very humbled to have my work

journey meaningful. Especially in our rapidly

the specialist Art teacher at Junior School in

hanging alongside some of Australia’s best and

changing world of modern technology it is

Belmont was thrilled to have been invited

my greatest mentors. This has given me great

lovely to see that there is still room for beauty

to exhibit some of her detailed Water-

encouragement to continue to pursue my own

in nature.

colour paintings of plants, fruits and flowers in the Sydney Botanical Gardens Exhibition, “Botanica 2012”. This exhibition showcased the artistic work

education in the field of visual art and to strive for excellence in my chosen field. Furthermore this experience reinforces the importance of visual communication and creativity.

hanging our childrens’ Art up in an important

I came away from this experience even

of 78 Australian Artists, some of which are

more determined to encourage my students

extremely important illustrators in the field

at Junior School to develop a passion for

of natural science and their work is held in

the beauty in our world. It is a joy to impart

many important museums and art galleries.

my growing knowledge and develop my

Mrs Beck-Carlson commented about the Botanica 2012 Exhibition –

I would like to add that this exhibition experience reaffirmed the importance of space to allow us to feel that sense of worth. Our Annual Christian College Art Show held early in Term 4 is just one of those events to foster this.’

students observation and creative skills. For students this process helps them to better understand their world and make the creative

Papaver sp. poppies 300 x 420 mm Watercolour

Page 20 :.

We have been blessed wonderfully by God in recent years with great additions to our facilities and resources at Middle School Highton but it is the people who make Christian College a unique school.

and his or her prior achievement.” This simply added to a long list of previous presenters including Dr David Sousa and Dr Julia Atkin who reminded us that quality teachers can impact the students’ learning in

centre in which students train, swim, exercise

excel which is why we have invited many

and play in every Physical Education session.

experts to have input into our campus life.

This is a case where not only the program has benefitted and grown but the students have been impacted very positively. They are growing daily and are striving for excellence.

We have had scientists, doctors, authors, artists, sports coaches, musicians, psychologists and many other highly skilled

Professor Stephen Dinham from Melbourne

an incredible way. The resources and facilities

University spoke to staff at our 2011 retreat

at the teacher’s disposal are simply a tool.

One could write paragraphs about each

guide and further enhance the learning

New Facilities and Learning

faculty area and how the passion, love and

opportunities of our students. We also take

The use of the Sports and Aquatic Centre by

expertise of the teacher is the major factor

the opportunity to involve our students on

influencing our students’ learning.

excursions to witness such experts in the field

Visiting Experts share Experiences

and share in their work and experience.

and emphasized the difference that quality, effective teaching can make for the learner. He stated:

our staff at Highton has been just one such

people attend our school to lecture, teach,

“The teacher and the quality of his or her

example. The building on its own is simply

teaching are major influences on student

that, a building, but under the direction of

Christian College staff do not pretend that

Just recently Sue Lawson, a notable

achievement, along with the individual student

expert Christian College staff it becomes a

they have the answers to help every student

author, spent a number of days working

Page 21 :.

with students at Middle School inspiring

all teachers to be lifelong learners. Christian

their writing and offering them great

College teachers have taken up this

encouragement and advice. This program is

challenge which ensures that our students

offering unique opportunities for students to

are being mentored in their learning by

be mentored, guided and extended in an area

experienced learners (the teachers).

of their passion.

Growing in the Christian Faith

The Q’ed program for gifted and talented

As a Christian College, growth in faith in

students continues to challenge our

Jesus Christ is very important to us. At

students to stretch their thinking and

Middle School we have staff accepting the

learning capacities and has added the online

opportunities provided to study God’s Word,

dimension for our Second Year students.

share devotions and pray which allows

The expert guidance of Mrs Roselyn Smith,

authentic conversation and learning in the

Mrs Merinda Kelly, Mr Steve Cody and Mrs

area of faith. The teacher again offers quality

Chris Lean (along with a large team of staff

teaching from experience, not theory. The

as mentors) continues to grow this program

student learns as much about God, if not

not just to extend those who are able but to

more, from their teacher’s actions and the

further inform our classroom practice.

love they share.

Mrs Alex Page-Walker is doing valuable work

Thank you for the affirmation and positive

to help those students who need a little more

feedback we receive from our families. This

help to gain extra confidence and skills in

encourages us greatly to continue to grow as

literacy and numeracy. Alex has a love for our

teachers so that we might further bless our

children and a desire to see all succeed.


The author Parker Palmer advocates that

Wayne Hines, Head of Middle School,

“you teach who you are” which challenges


Author Ms Sue Lawson works with students in a Middle School English class

Page 22 :.

Mrs Strong presents the Year 10 winners with their medallions

This program has become a valuable tool in the

can range from organised special events such

successful transition of Year 5’s into the Middle

as the Pancake Day and Games Day, to just

School at Highton. The Year 9 mentors volunteer

‘hanging out’ together on wet days.

for the program and are recognized as part of the Middle School student leadership team.

The mentors have cooked pancakes for their buddies and have recently enjoyed a games

The program allows Year 9 students to meet their

rotation afternoon in the new sports centre.

On Saturday 26th May, 16 Indonesian lan-

Earlier in the Term Christian College students

Year 5 ‘buddies’ 2 or 3 times per term to take

Other plans for Terms 3 and 4 include a Maths

guage students from Bellarine, Highton and

won 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the Geelong

part in a range of activities together designed to

activity afternoon, Devotions prepared by

Senior Campuses represented the Geelong

regional competition hosted at Surfcoast

link the Year 5 students with the older students,

mentors to share with Year 5’s, board games one

region at the State Finals of the Sayembara

Secondary College and were awarded with

helping them to settle in to Middle School and

lunchtime, mentors invited to Year 5 classrooms

Lisan Indonesian speaking contest, held at the

feel connected to the older students.

during wet weather and the mentors to assist

Sidney Myer Asia Centre Melbourne University.

For the Year 9s, this is a great opportunity for leadership experience through mentoring and guiding younger students who look up to

with Year 5 Project Care fundraising. The plan is to finish the year with shared Christmas activities and a party.

Congratulations to

had prepared well for the 10 minute individ-

opportunities to be together and there is always

2 Peyton Greiner, Christian College Geelong

plenty of fun and laughter.

(Bellarine) who gained Second Place in Year 7 Beginners Competition 3 Lydia Mackie, Christian College Geelong (Highton) Year 8 who gained third place in

Page 23 :.

(VILTA) members commented on the high standard of Christian College students, who

by example.

Marisa Bettiol, Year 5 Homeroom Teacher

Victorian Indonesian Teachers Association

gained second place in the Year 10 Competition

Both the Year 5’s and the 9’s really enjoy the

take part in a range of shared activities which

colours of the Indonesian flag.

1 Christopher Bottrell, Senior School who

them as positive role models, thereby leading

Once the students get to know each other, they

gold, silver and bronze medals featuring the

the Continuing Indonesian Competition

ual interview and competed against Indonesian language students from metropolitan and country schools. Photos 1792 and 1793 are of Sue Strong in the Indonesian classroom presenting Yr 10 Indonesian boys with their medals from the Geelong Regional Speech Contest.

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