In Focus - 2013 Term 4

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2013 November

Links to articles Cover Story :. 10 Fundraising :. 6 R U OK? Day :. 18

From the Principal Education has many layers to the complex role it

Last term I had the privilege to accompany a Year 10

plays in students’ lives. These are the academic,

trip to the Central Desert of the Northern Territory

social, emotional, physical and spiritual dimensions

and spend time at the Alcoota School. It was here

that make us all the individual beings that God

that I reflected upon the very nature of education

created us to be. We are not all the same and we do

that stems well beyond knowledge and skills. In my

not all learn the same. We each have different talents

discussion with students about their experiences,

and abilities that equip us for the purpose God has

I was reminded of the importance of having a fine

for us.

academic program supported by opportunities for

Schools and families play vital roles in shaping our young people. As do their friends and the experiences they have as they grow. To maximise the

our students. Thus they are encouraged to discover not only who they are, but also to think of others in all situations.

Glen McKeeman with the Year 10 students in Central Australia.

In addition, I wanted them to understand our call

I am extremely grateful to all of our students

to love God and others. As I consider the many

and staff, both teaching and non-teaching and

ways that our students support and contribute to

families for contributing to such a memorable year.

the numerous efforts undertaken to serve and love

With some of our major events, such as Year 12

others, I am extremely proud of the way that they

Graduation, Presentation Evenings and other end of

embrace the Christ-like efforts to reach out to others

year activities still to come, we certainly have many

and readily demonstrate fine Christian character.

reasons to praise God for His provision in 2013.

New Motivator Format

Glen McKeeman

time that our students spend at Christian College,

At the commencement assemblies held at each

we have made a deliberate effort over the years

campus this term, I encouraged the students to focus

This year the College is producing our College

to present our educational program in a format

on the words that Matthew shared in his gospel;

Yearbook, ‘The Motivator’, in both magazine and

that offers a broad range of learning experiences and opportunities. This includes thorough pastoral

Matthew 22: 36-40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the

and values framework to support our students in


developing their character.


I am delighted that we have been able to offer


a number of our Senior students the alternative

your heart and with all your soul and with all your

pathway to study both VET subjects and a Victorian

mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.

Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) commencing


in 2014.

yourself. 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these


digital format. Earlier this term I had the opportunity to preview the digital component that has captured a number of activities and events at each of the campuses. As I did, I could not help feeling a sense

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all 38

And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as

of amazement at the range, depth and quality of the many aspects of the College program. This highlights our students in the positive and enthusiastic way that they have embraced and contributed to the learning opportunities that our College offers them.

two commandments.”

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Year 9 Bellarine girls caring for the calf that was left with paralysis.

Back Creek’ Farm Experience Mahatma Gandhi once said ‘The best way to find yourself is

cow and sheltered it throughout the day and night. This was

Kim Ali joined the ‘Back Creek’ staff team this year as the

to lose yourself in the service of others’. In many ways this

done without the chance of anything in return apart from the

‘Homestead Operations Teacher’. Kim’s background in

statement is the opposite of what we are told by today’s western

recovery of the cow. Unfortunately the cow died, despite the

experiential learning is a real strength that she brings to

culture. We are encouraged to think about ‘What is in it for us?’

girls’ dedication.

the farm along with her empathetic pastoral care that

When contemplating every action.

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The students’ connection to the farm, in some way, is a result of

Kim naturally uses when interacting with the students. She has enhanced the use of garden produce into the

I love the farm’s ability to remove students from many of our

the service invested during their time there. The culmination of

cultural influences and immerse them in community living.

the rural experience has changed this year to include a student

For each rural group the dynamics of this looks different, but the

presentation to parents on the final night. Listening to the

overriding ingredient for its success is the service of others and

reflections of students as they present to their parents is always

the question, ‘What can I do or say that will help our community

a highlight as their relationship with the farm and their rural

It is a great privilege to be leading ‘Back Creek’ and I

function better?’

community is strongly expressed.

look forward to helping the students experience the

This is not only true for peer and teacher interactions but the

To aid us in the continued development of the ‘Back Creek’

animals the students care for while at the farm. These animals are

program, online surveys have been developed and will be

dependent on the students’ service for their health and well-being.

distributed to students before and after their farm experience.

The most recent Bellarine girls’ rural experience encapsulated this

This data will give us invaluable insight into the student learning

service when caring for a cow that had calved but was left with

and development at the farm and give us the opportunity to

paralysis after the delivery. The girls fed, watered, helped lift the

further enhance the program.

‘Cottage Cooking Experience’ and has developed the cheese production from the farms milk. We are blessed to have her working at ‘Back Creek’.

beauty of living and learning during their future visits to the farm.

Earl Moore Director ‘Back Creek’ Scotsburn

Working Towards Being an E-Smart School Now, more than ever before, it seems that bullying behavior amongst children and adults is receiving wider attention from the media and the authorities. It is certainly not a new phenomenon, but as a buzz word, often loosely used in the wider community, the definition of what really constitutes bullying has been clouded (The Christian College Geelong diary draws on the definition given by Farrington (1993) describing bullying as ‘the repeated intimidation, over time, of a physical, verbal or psychological nature of a less powerful person by a more

As our students are preparing for their future in a world that is

The E-Smart Schools Framework is organised into six domains,

powerful person or group of persons.’); moreover the nature of bullying is changing. Evidence

increasingly driven by technology, it is essential that they learn

each of which the school will address through a planning,

suggests that the incidence of overt bullying such as teasing or physical confrontation is falling,

to embrace the benefits of technology but in an environment

implementation and sustaining phase. These domains include:

however covert forms of bullying (facilitated by use of technologies), which are more difficult

where their exposure to cyberspace risks such as cyber bullying,

for families and schools to detect, are on the increase. Cyber bullying, which can be covert, is

as well as other potential dangers such as identity theft, online

bullying behavior using digital technology. Examples of cyber bullying can include harassment


Effective school organisation

sexual predation and accessing or sending inappropriate


School plans, policies and procedures

via mobile phone or social networking sites, setting up a defamatory personal website or

images and content is reduced. At Christian College, there is


Respectful and caring school community

deliberately excluding someone from a social networking space. Cyber bullying can happen

already much proactive work that is being done to address the

any time in public or private and is sometimes only known to the victim and the bully.

issues of cyber safety, but in appreciation of the importance


Effective teacher practices


An E-Smart curriculum


Partnerships with parents and the local community

of a comprehensive and strategic approach, the College has recently registered to work through the process to become an E-Smart School. A world first, funded by the Victorian State Government and co-ordinated through the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, the E-Smart initiative utilises a whole school approach to support student learning and make cybersafety a normal part of their lives. It is designed to be a holistic approach connecting cyber safety with overall wellbeing and focuses on fostering a culture of respect and personal responsibility as well as equipping students with the practical knowledge to ensure their security in the use of cyber technology.

In the first instance, a Committee with representation from each of the College campuses, will be set up and a process of auditing and prioritizing against each of the domains will be conducted. This will create the basis for the Action Plan which will be undertaken across the College in the coming months and years to ensure that Christian College continues to provide our students with an education and an environment that is truly ‘cyber smart’. Marion Nott Head of Junior School, Belmont

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Students performing at the Middle School Talent Quest.

Opportunities Bring Growth and Joy

Students performing at the Annual Music Evening

On our Highton Middle School section of the School Website I make the

Street Music competitions. Put this together with the Costa Hall Music

the great joy of sharing their talents with an audience. The opportunity

following statement:

Evening, the Art Extravaganza and the multitude of sporting pursuits

is then available to give glory to God in acknowledging Him in all that

available and one can see that there is plenty on offer for everyone.

we do.

In a world that competes at every level of existence, we believe we help

It was wonderful to witness the winning of a second Brownlow

students to understand what it is to compete well, participate better

Medal for a former Christian College student Gary Ablett Jr. His

and be able to accept victory or defeat with grace and dignity.

football has amazed and inspired many of us over the years but it

‘Our aim is to constantly motivate students to learn through many and varied teaching strategies and ‘hands-on’ practical experiences. Great opportunities are given for students to participate in sporting teams, musical ensembles, bands or choirs as well as dance groups and musical productions. Such activities and competition develop students’ confidence

It is not even the competition, as such, that matters the most but rather

in their own abilities and self-esteem as well as the benefits of teamwork and

the journey that occurs through competing. I just recently spoke

co-operation within a peer group.’

with the Middle School students and emphasised that the growth

Add to this, the incredible opportunities in the Arts, Design and Technology area and the encouragement for our students to grow spiritually, and one sees great prospects available to all students. I take every opportunity I have when speaking with students to remind them of what it is they have available at their fingertips within Christian College, as some just need a little encouragement to grasp hold of it. We have just completed an amazing Middle School Talent Quest at the end of Third Term which followed hot on the heels of the Royal South

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they experience when joining a team or creating a piece of artwork or learning an instrument is wonderful, but the real joy comes when your work is experienced by an audience.

was even greater to hear him acknowledge God when thanking those who had helped him. Our aim as always is to help our students shine their ‘light’. ‘You are like light for the whole world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead it is put on the lampstand, where it gives light for everyone in the house. In the same way

I have been present to hear the ‘oohs and ahhs’ that occur when

your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things

someone has accomplished an amazing sporting feat. I have been

you do and praise your Father in heaven.’

elevated by music that has touched my soul and I have been challenged and inspired by artwork that stimulates my visual senses. The avenues to these accomplishments are enabled by great teaching and learning opportunities. The accomplishments themselves also offer

(Mat 5:14-16) GNB Wayne Hines

Head of Middle School, Highton

Fundraising for ‘One of Our Own’ Our College Principal states on our website that he

Hearing of this tragic news, the Christian College

is ‘proud of the Christian College community for

community rallied together and decided they would

the way that we share in the journey of educating

help raise raising money for Casey. The money raised

our students. The true sense of belonging that

would go towards Casey’s mission of travelling to

students, staff and parents enjoy creates a unique

the USA for 2 months next year to be a part of the

educational environment.’

world-renowned rehabilitation centre known as

Casey Tutungi, 2003 Christian College graduate.

‘Project Walk’.

At the Bellarine campus, money was raised through

House students writing messages of hope that

Project Walk® Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Center,

a combination of donations from a casual dress

were sent to Casey. They also created a ‘Mini

the school grounds and within the staff room. But

the world leader in spinal cord injury recovery,

day and also by running a basketball ‘shoot-out

Market’ that was held at Senior campus that

belonging to the Christian College community

provides an improved quality of life for people

‘competition with two female Geelong Super Cats

incorporated a gold coin donation on entry,

stems far beyond the 12 years of education and

with a spinal cord injury through intense activity-

players that visited the campus. Each fundraising

sausage sizzle and food sale, silent auction from

the College walls.

based recovery programs, education, training,

effort was a great success and the students were able

donated goods plus live music. The students

research and development.

to raise a total of $939.10.

fundraising at Senior School raised $1500.00.

for past graduates. They all still feel as though they

The Junior School, Belmont campus raised money by

The Middle School, Highton campus had a football

Through these efforts by each campus, Christian

belong to Christian College even though they have

challenging each Year Level to run to Lorne (Casey’s

dress-up day where each student wore their

College raised $8650 for Casey Tutungi.

progressed in their studies and years.

home town) and back, which equated to a round

favourite football team’s colours and gave a gold-

journey of 120km. The students used their morning

coin donation. They also ran a football ‘kick-off’

fitness time to run and walk laps and build a growing

on the last day of Term 3 and Matthew Scarlett

total over two weeks late in Term 3.

presented the main prize. Middle School, Highton

We see the sense of ‘belonging’ carried out every day at Christian College within the classroom, on

This is prevalent at each 10 Year Reunion that is held

One of the 2003 Christian College graduates, Casey Tutungi in late June of this year injured his spinal cord when he collided with an opponent during a football game and was diagnosed a quadriplegic.

All year levels successfully made the 120km target and raised over $4,000 through doing so.

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raised $2,209.35 through their great efforts. Senior School supported the cause with Flynn

The College community thanks all the students and teachers for their dedication in making the fundraising efforts come to fruition. We pray that the funds raised help Casey continue on his mission to one day walk again.

Mathematics is important Mathematics equips our students with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem-solving skill and the ability to think in abstract ways. As such, Mathematics is a creative discipline. It can stimulate moments of happiness and wonder when a student or teacher solves a problem

Education with the implementation of the Australian Curriculum across our campuses from Prep through to Year 10. Mathematics in the Australian Curriculum aims to ensure

problem or suddenly sees hidden connections and patterns.

that students:

Throughout history, mathematics has shaped the way we

Are confident, creative users and communicators

view the world. Mathematics helps us see the order and

of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and

beauty of God’s creation and of God himself. It has an

interpret situations in their personal and work lives and

important role to play in our God-given stewardship of the

as active citizens.

also been integral in many discoveries that have shaped the

Develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with processes,

world we live in.

and are able to pose and solve problems and reason in

Many life stages and skills require a solid grasp of

Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and

Mathematics, from entering university to balancing a

Statistics and Probability.

household budget, applying for a home loan, or assessing a possible business opportunity. When children eventually

Recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate

leave education and seek out a career, they will inevitably

mathematics as an accessible and enjoyable discipline

need to call upon the mathematical skills and strategies

to study.

they have learnt at school. They will soon realise that many careers require a solid understanding of Mathematics. Doctors, lawyers and accountants use Mathematics on a daily basis, as do builders, plumbers, engineers and managers. Mathematics is a critical skill for many professions and opens a world of opportunity for children. Year 8 & 9 students with their creation at the

In 2013, we entered a new phase in Mathematics

for the first time, discovers a more efficient solution to a

earth and in the building of human communities. It has Year 5 students engrossed in Mathematics during the activities morning with their Year 9 mentors.

Mathematics at Christian College.

Throughout the Junior School and early Middle School years from Prep through to Year 6, teachers have been using the enVisionMATHS program. This is a Mathematics teaching program that combines print-based teaching resources with outstanding digital teaching and learning tools.

Mathematics Challenge Excursion.

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Mathematics is important (Continued) It provides for deep conceptual understanding of

skills and is also an excellent opportunity for both

The students finished their session together by

Mathematics in accordance with the aims of the

students and teachers to get lots of immediate

sharing in morning tea. The Year 5 students loved

Australian Curriculum. During the transition from

feedback. More feedback means more opportunities

spending time with their mentors and really enjoyed

Junior School into Middle School, Years 5 and 6 will

for students to work on misunderstandings, as well

their involvement. The mentors were able to develop

also utilise the envisionMATHS program, importantly

as working on the process of learning how to learn.

their leadership and teaching skills, as well as impart

providing a continuity and familiarity with the style

It has proven to be a valuable addition this year and

some of the Mathematics they have developed

and format as they move through their educational

will continue to be integrated into our teaching and

during their time at Christian College.

journey at Christian College.

learning in years to come.

In Years 7 to 10 we are using the Pearson

Spotlight on Math

Mathematics series. This has been structured according to the latest research on how students learn mathematics and how to avoid common

Year 8 and 9 Maths Challenge Excursion As part of the Year 8 and 9 Mathematics Challenge

Year 5 ‘Hand-on’ Mathematics with the Year 9

program in Term 2, students participated in a fun


event involving principles of Science, Engineering and Mathematics at Victoria University, Footscray

misunderstandings, equipping us to deliver an

During Term 3, the Year 5 students and their Year

innovative and effective Mathematics education

9 mentors took part in a ‘hands on’ Mathematics

to our students. These resources are based on the

activities morning. Mentors worked with the student

latest pedagogical research on how students learn

groups helping to organise, guide and encourage

best. It is supported by a rich multimedia resource

each other to become fully involved in these

bank, which can help to create engaging lessons,

Mathematics-related activities.

providing additional support, extension activities,

These activities included – calculating averages

and consolidate learning.

could withstand. The key concepts of the day were to

(taken from the time in a running activity),

engage students immediately in an activity, with the

To support the enVision and Pearson Mathematics

investigating capacity (filling containers with

minimum of introduction and theory and for them

programs, we have also introduced our students

water), multiplication and addition (from goal

to explore scientific principles for themselves rather

to Mangahigh, which is an online Mathematics

shooting) measuring distance (taken from making

than being guided to a pre-determined answer.

game-based resource. It provides students with

and throwing paper planes) and using compass

the opportunity to practice and consolidate new

directions (identifying landmarks around the

campus. It was designed for teams to work on a problem scenario such as designing and constructing a building to withstand the force of a tsunami. Their constructions were then put to the test in a ‘wave pool’ with points allocated for height, weight and size of wave which the construction

The students were also given a guided tour of

campus). Burrows winners of the Senior House Mathematics Competition.

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Year 5 and 9 students enjoying the Mathematics activities day together.

Mathematics is important (Continued)

the University’s new ‘Sports Medicine and Performance Research’ facilities and were able to see first hand how Mathematics and Science combine to create improved sporting performance. Senior School House Mathematics Competition At the Senior Campus, the students regularly compete for their house in lunchtime competitions, and in Term 3 the much anticipated House Maths Competition was held over four consecutive lunchtimes. Each lunchtime saw between 40 and 60 students from Years 10 to 12 compete in the following activities: Monday – Snap Quiz; quick mental-arithmetic style questions. Tuesday – Round Table; working collaboratively on 10

challenging non-routine problems. Wednesday – Letters and Numbers; based around the SBS TV Game Show. Thursday – Mathematics Relay; a fast-paced and lively relay race to answer 20 questions. Many additional students came along to watch and support those competing, and I was again amazed at our students ability to problem solve and to apply their Mathematics skills in non-routine and often abstract situations. It was also impressive to see what students were able to achieve collectively and collaboratively. It was great fun but it was also a competition and Burrows dominated the competition across the four days, taking out the House Mathematics trophy for the second consecutive year.

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Musical Success in 2013 A sold-out Costa Hall audience witnessed the benefits of a great music education at the College’s Annual Music Evening on Thursday October 18th. The night featured students from Year Prep to 12 in fifteen ensembles. The high standard and quality of the students’ performances featured a huge range of styles and contrast, ranging from the energy of young musicians giving their first big stage performance to the poise and maturity of our most senior musicians. As well as great ensemble performances our students have achieve wonderful work as soloists throughout the year. From Year Prep. to 12 over 700 music lessons happen each week at the College. A student’s musical ‘journey’ while developing as a performer can include a huge range of opportunities and challenging experiences. Across the campuses the Music Department organises student solo performance opportunities which include class recitals, informal lunchtime concerts and Campus Music Evenings. Students are encouraged by the music staff to experience music performance and play in a friendly environment in front of peers,

family and friends. These solo performance opportunities are a celebration of hours of careful preparation and practice, and a result of passionate, expert teaching. Students also complete examinations in both performance and theory with the AMEB and ANZCA. Christian College is proud of our students’ achievements and at a VCE level, we have had many students receive outstanding results. Last year, two of our Year 12 students received the perfect study score of 50 for VCE Music Investigation. Opportunities exist for students to complete Year 12 Music Studies early in their VCE, as we have an accelerated class of students that complete Year 12 Performance in Year 11 each year. Many of our outstanding young musicians have continued onto tertiary music study and forged successful careers in various music pathways. We are excited to be able to offer VET Music Performance at the Senior Campus in 2014 for the first time. The College Ensemble program has a series of camps and tours that past students often reflect upon as major highlights in their time at school. We hold annual music camps for both Middle and Senior Campus Ensembles and the Senior Campus has a bi-annual performance tour. Our Middle Schools ‘ Music Camp, held in Anglesea in September this year saw 189 students rehearse in bands, choirs and string orchestras to prepare for the College Annual Music Evening. During the camp students work as large ensemble groups and also spend time working on their instrument or voice in small groups with specialist tutors. Here they focus and learn about the finer details of playing their instruments individually and in an ensemble. A huge feature of this camp is the students from Year 4 to 9 from both the Bellarine and Highton campus working, learning and playing together while making new friends across the year levels and campuses. Plans are now well underway for the Senior Music Tour in April 2014, where 95 students and staff will travel to China and Hong Kong to take part in school exchange performances as well as perform at the 6th Hong Kong International Youth Music Festival. Music students and parents have held a BBQ at Bunnings Warehouse to raise funds for the trip as well as a Christmas card fundraiser. It will be an exciting time preparing for this trip and one that promises to be a rewarding experience for the tour members.

The Combined Middle School Concert Band.

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Musical Success in 2013 (continued) Each year in September many of the Christian College ensembles and selected students soloists compete in competitions such as the prestigious Royal South Street Competition in Ballarat. This year’s competition results highlight excellent student solo performances as well as College Ensembles setting a great standard in their divisions. Congratulations to all students who performed at South Street, Geelong Eisteddfod and the Geelong Movement and Music Festival at GPAC. At all events the College was been blessed by wonderful musical performances as well as fabulous commitment and presentation from each performer.

Highlights of Competition results in Music competitions 2013:

Christian College Geelong Combined Middle School Strings –

Christian College Geelong Combined Middle School Concert

Christian College Senior Wind Symphony – 2nd Prize at RSSS and Platinum Award at the VSMF.

Christian College VCE String Ensemble -1st Prize at RSSS

Christian College Junior School Year 4 Choir Belmont – 2nd prize at RSSS

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Perpetual Shield for piano.

Chloe Kacprzak, Yr 9 Vocal Soloists 1st Prize in 2 sections – U15 Pop Vocal & U15 Musical Theatre Vocal

Other students who placed in the 1st or 2nd place of their solo sections at RSSS – George Elliss, Nathaneal Chong - Yr 6, Emilie Crole – Yr 7, Hollie Steele, Jodie Mitten, Molly Ganim-Heath - Yr

Christian College Bellarine Geelong Junior School Choir – 3rd

8, Joshua Farrell, Ben Farrell, Neel Malhotra, Zachary Edwards,

Prize at Geelong Eisteddfod

Gemma Podbury - Yr 9, Will Crowther, Bella Winter - Yr 10,

Christian College Senior Stage Band – 4th Place at the National

Hannah Rundell, Joshua Smith, Ashleigh Cushion - Yr 11, Tanya

Championships & HM at RSSS

Grace Law, Yr 8 Piano soloist 1st prize in Solo by Aust. Composer U 14, 3rd prize in u14 solo section and winner of the Darcy

Band – 1st Prize at RSSS and a Gold Award the the VSMF

Blake Newton, Yr 11 Guitar soloist 1st prize in 2 sections Acoustic Guitar Solo & Open Solo

2ND Prize at RSSS

Ainslie Liley and Alice Waddell, VCE String Ensemble

Tess Barber, Yr 11 Flute soloists 1st prize in the open woodwind solo & Hm in the 18yrs & Under

Alex Jeantou, Yr 10 Tuba Soloists 1st prize in 3 solo sections - 18 yrs & Under, VCE Solo, Open Solo

Ferguson Yr 12. Fiona Gardner Director of Teaching & Learning - Music

Senior Wind Symphony at the Annual College Music Evening

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A Culture of Learning Learning is a basic and universal human activity.

The culture of learning is positively affected when

Society is based on learning, communities are

teachers and students develop a true community

held together by learning and people construct

of learners. A community of learners can be defined

their identities through learning. A school must

as a group of people who share values and beliefs

offer learning as a key to the world. It must build

and who actively engage in learning from one

on diversity, and create diversity. We want our

another—learners from teachers, teachers from

students leaving school not only having a grasp of

learners, and learners from learners. They create a

uniform knowledge, but to be self-directed, creative,

learning-centred environment in which students

adaptable and knowledgeable.

and educators are actively and intentionally

The culture of learning has a profound impact on

constructing knowledge and skills together.

students’ academic behaviours. All of us at one time or another, have experienced the phenomenon of a classroom ‘charged’ with energy and enthusiasm for learning. But it can be challenging to replicate that experience every day to create an environment that increases the likelihood that all students will engage and learn. Current research indicates that the culture of learning is shaped by many factors. These include the attitudes and beliefs of the students and teachers, the classroom interactions, the available resources, and the instructional practices employed by the teacher.

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Learning communities are connected, cooperative and supportive. Peers are interdependent in that they have joint responsibility for learning and share resources and points of view, while sustaining a mutually respectful and cohesive environment. A positive learning community supports diverse student capabilities by enabling all members to participate at their level of expertise and comfort— and, specifically, is characterised by feelings of safety among participants, along with a willingness to ask questions and make mistakes. This supported

Organiser of ‘Art from the Heart’ Anne Young with Principal Glen McKeeman and engaged students viewing the artwork.

engagement motivates students so that they are more willing to persist when they are challenged or confused. Environments that foster beliefs of competence through effort can create a secure sense of belonging; ones’ interest, commitment, and progress matter more than ones’ perceived ability (Inzlicht & Good, 2006). Therefore, a priority for us at Christian College is creating a safe community in which peers and teachers are viewed as allies, which is essential for greater engagement and inevitably academic achievement.

‘Art from the Heart’ at Christian College Bellarine In Term 3, the Bellarine Campus hosted an event titled ‘Art from the Heart’, the concept and vision was directed by Mrs. Anne Young and she was ably supported by Mrs. Sally Gray. The concept was simple – all students from Prep to Year 6 produced a piece of art work for the campus based ‘exhibition’ as a part of their regular lessons, the piece was then framed and put up for sale for parents, family, staff and the community to purchase in the form of an exhibition.

A Culture of Learning (continued)

However, there was a twist, with all proceeds of the

focus and attention to detail was exquisite and the

sale of student work going towards the One hundred

collaboration of the Bellarine Campus to see this

for 100 Campaign, supporting the work of Miss Kristi

exhibition come to fruition was a wonderful example

Van Es who is spending this year following her call to

of what can be achieved when we create learning

mission in addressing the people trafficking issues in

opportunities that have sense, meaning and a real


life application.

This concept started as quite a simple learning

In the lead up to the event I witnessed first-hand the

activity, however momentum quickly gathered and

following impacts on learning:

the rich learning experience that followed for our

students was something to behold. Students quickly grasped that THEIR work was going to be on display for all to see in the form of a real life exhibition,

Students were excited and engaged with creating their piece of art work

the level of engagement immediately rose, the

• •

in the basement of the Auditorium at the Bellarine

the colours and considering how their piece of

Campus, and even we could not have predicted the

artwork could best reflect the country of focus

response! Over 400 people attended the official

The value of creating this piece of work was

opening and exhibition, ALL Prep to Year 6 student

magnified, it was for a real life purpose

artworks were sold and over $5, 500 was raised for

Great thought, care and detail was being put in

Learning in school should be an extension and

individual student could produce

enhancement of the learning and thinking that

Students were collaborating, sharing ideas, how each piece could be improved

the One Hundred for 100 Campaign.

to producing the best piece of work that each

encouraging each other, making suggestions on

The ‘Art from the Heart’ Exhibition was conducted

Students were researching India, the culture,

students do outside of school, and vice-versa. If there are no boundaries between subject matter and the social contexts in which it is useful—if school is not an isolated community of learners learning only

The Year 9 Food Technology students joined

‘school things’, then there is a possibility for merging

in and began researching the food of India,

practice outside and inside the classroom. Everyday

producing these items during class time,

situations give real life content and context to all

freezing them and preparing them for service

curricular studies. This is not simply an enhancement

during the exhibition

to motivation for learning, but a direct approach to

Other students were preparing flyer’s, posters and advertising materials, whilst others were being trained to do ‘food service’ at the official opening of the event

the basic issue of creating meaningful learning. ‘Art from the Heart’ certainly captured what it means to be an effective community of learners. Scott Elliss Head of Bellarine Campus

The crowds enjoying the ‘Art from the Heart’ exhibition at the Bellarine Campus.

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Alistair Chandler who has been selected to attend the National Youth Science Forum.

Ensuring students receive a rigorous grounding in

to nurture creativity through project assignments. We

whilst only one other student in Victoria bettered

understanding and method,whilst providing an exciting

have been updating the content we deliver – to align

Annaliese Dillon’s (Year 12) accuracy and precision.

curriculum to inspire students is the preeminent

with the Australian Curriculum – but have also opted

challenge for Science teachers in the 21st century.

to extend our students in specific areas where we think

Earlier this year, when Matthew McInerney mentioned that his grandfather worked for NASA, Deb Singleton saw an opportunity not to be missed. Roger Seastedt designed Space Shuttles back in the 1980’s and together with his good friend Chuck Larson, a Shuttle design engineer, they were only too delighted to talk to the Year 5 students at Bellarine back in May. The students had researched and studied ‘Earth and Space’ and all were armed with questions for the spacemen. The astronauts repaid handsomely with responses pitched perfectly for their young audience, who stayed riveted throughout the 40-minute trans-pacific link. Creating interest is only the first stage in developing a budding scientist. The faculty at all campuses endeavours to match this enthusiasm with a solid grounding in the understanding of scientific principles, the ability to inquire in a rigorous and scientific way and Annaliese Dillon perfecting the art of titration.

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Finding the Spark to Ignite the Passion a greater depth of understanding is essential for the pursuit of excellence.

The Approach May be Starting to Bear Fruit…. Just recently, two of our Year 9 students were selected for the ‘Conoco Phillips Science Experience’. Lachlan

Alistair Chandler has been selected to attend the National Youth Science Forum. Alistair and two other Year 11 students progressed to the final selection process where they were all subjected to a rigorous round of interviews, debates and test exercises. Alistair’s achievement will see him join about 100 of Australia’s most ambitious Science students at a two week residential course in Perth in January 2014.

Fog and Angus Callahan have a goal to help mankind

With individual success there has also been an

through research into new medicines. They will spend

increase in uptake across the sciences. We have had

three days at Melbourne University participating in a

to recruit expert teachers in Chemistry and Physics

broad spectrum of hands on experiments relevant to the

to meet the demand for multiple VCE classes in all

medical field.

sciences. Retention rate statistics also demonstrate

In Year 10, students learn the art of titration – a key technique that ensures your tablets have the right dosage or chemicals we buy are the correct strength. Together with the Year 12 Chemistry students, they compete against all other students in Victoria. Our highest-ranking Year 10 team placed 3rd in the state,

that our students are making sound and informed subject choices. And now, as our Year 12 students enter the home stretch, we are very proud that, for many, this has only been one leg of what will be a lifelong voyage in Science. Michael Neaves Director of Teaching & Learning- Science

New Pathways for Senior School 2014 VCE-VETand VCAL Christian College Senior School is proud of its VCE success stories and over the past 10 years the program and subject offerings have increased to meet the needs and interests of our students. In evaluating how to complement our senior secondary experience and provide pathways for students who wanted an alternative to the VCE, it was decided to extend our program to include VET and VCAL. For those new to the terminology, the VCE is the Victorian Certificate of Education, it is a senior secondary qualification with successful students undertaking entry into employment or tertiary studies. VCE students study a minimum of 16 units of study across Years 11 and 12. In most cases, VET or Vocational Education and Training certificates, are counted as units towards the attainment of VCE. VET certificates provide students with comprehensive

the VCE is a balanced combination of academic and vocational studies.

VCE-VET and VCAL students will enjoy the same

Upon completion, VCE-VET students will have access to tertiary courses,

access and opportunities, pastoral care and

apprenticeships or other employment.

involvement that they are accustomed to at Senior

Another option for students who wish to complete Year 12 and attain a senior secondary qualification is to undertake VCAL. VCAL stands for the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning. VCAL is studied, like VCE or VCE-VET, at different levels across Year 11 and 12 and is comprised of studies in Literacy, Numeracy,

School. They will have the support of a dedicated VET and VCAL coordinator and we look forward to the new relationships that Christian College will form with community organisations and employers.

Industry Skills, Work Related Skills and Personal Development. Students

Enquiries regarding our VCE, VCE-VET and VCAL

undertaking VCAL will also complete a VET certificate in an industry relevant area,

pathways are always welcome at Senior School from

or an area of personal development.

families. We hope you follow us on the journey

VCAL is a flexible learning environment and aims to meet both the interests and learning needs of the students. VCAL students will form strong community and industry links, and like VCE students will receive a statement of results when they successfully complete their studies. In 2014 we welcome our first intake of both VCE-VET and VCAL students. The VCE– VET students will study industry recognised certificates in Fitness, Allied Health, Building and Construction, Childcare or Music. Additionally we will see 3 of our

next year as we showcase the achievements of our students, and we warmly invite families who may like to offer community links or work related experiences to contact myself or the VET/VCAL coordinator at Senior School. Dianne Martin Deputy Head of Senior School

Year 12 students graduate with their VCAL qualification.

and relevant industry skills and experience. This study combined with

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Where Are They Now? After a successful 2012 and 2013 season racing as an elite athlete in events around Victoria, I managed to get selected to become a professional level athlete to represent Australia. This is triathlon’s biggest ‘ticket’ to racing against the world’s best triathletes from all over the world. To me, this was a dream come true.

Lyndal Dew – 2008 Graduate Professional Triathlete

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Since gaining my ‘professional license’, I have now completed two professional races overseas. The first race was in September in Singapore, where I placed 5th.

Since graduating from Christian College I was inspired to continue

The second race was China, where I placed 1st. These

my studies further by completing a ‘Bachelor of Sport and Recreation

results have far exceeded my expectations and I hope this

Management’ at Victoria University.

is a sign of great things to come in the future.

While this course was exciting and interesting, I was still looking for

My current job as a professional athlete is like any job. It

something else. I had always had the thought of being a professional

has ultimate highs and lows. I must admit though, I do

athlete as my ultimate job and career path, but I never knew this could be

wake up each day with a smile on my face thinking how

possible, as I never thought I was good enough!

lucky I am to train and race for a living.

In late 2009 I began competing in triathlons as a social and challenging

However, it is not always as glamorous as it seems. On

sport to complement my netball at the time. I quickly began to surprise

those cold winters’ mornings when it is pouring rain I still

myself with my natural ability, winning nearly all the events I entered. I

have to train. The positives though of traveling the world,

quickly lost my interest for netball and dedicated all my time and effort

meeting new people, pushing my physical limits and

to triathlons.

seeing some awesome places, keep me going.

I soon found myself winning multiple Victorian and Australian

I am lucky enough to also have fantastic support from my

Championship titles and representing Australia at the World

family, friends, coaches and sponsors who all want to see


me chase my goals and dreams.

Where Are They Now? (continued) A Typical Training Day:

Down Memory Lane

5.30am: wake up

I have many special memories of my time at Christian College. A

6-7.30am: swim session

particular memory that stands out was ‘The Farm Experience’ in Year 9. This opportunity gave me my first taste of independence

8-10am: bike + run session

and created some lifelong friendships.

10.30am-1.30am: breakfast + rest + lunch

I also have great memories of all the sports days,the formal and

2-3pm: pilates/gym session

debutant ball.

3-4.30pm: swim session

A particular teacher that had the biggest impact on my time at

5.30-6pm: stretch and massage 6pm- dinner + rest The best thing my parents did for me was sending me to

Christian College was Andrew Richardson who, at the time, was the Senior School Physical Education Co-ordinator. From day one, he always went out of his way to help me and made me believe that I could achieve anything I put my mind to.

Christian College. I learnt and developed great values, morals

I would like to tell anyone reading this to follow your dreams;

and beliefs that now guide my daily decisions and choices that

anything is possible and never give up. From experience, all

I make.

my successes and opportunities have come from hard work, commitment, sacrifice and a positive attitude. Usually just when you are about to give up, success is just around the corner, so keep searching for what it is that you are looking for. If you cannot find a way, create one.

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R U OK? Day at Senior School This year at Senior School a small committee of staff with the

on sheets of green paper. The organising team then pinned them

Chaplains worked together planning activities that would ‘de-

up in the corridor in front of the Chapel for everyone to view.

stigmatize’ the negative label often associated with mental health.

Many students and staff took time to read them, which evoked

We wanted to encourage everyone to admit that some days are

many discussions about mental health, and how asking if ‘U R

harder than others, but there is always hope for a brighter future

OK?’ can offer support and strength to those in need.

through God.

At Senior School, as at all the Christian College campuses, we

We began the day by using the staff devotion to consider

gave out juicy green apples to the students and staff as a symbol

Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus, the tax collector. Jesus told

of health and a reminder to check in with one another.

Zacchaeus he would see salvation because Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

We are very grateful to Glyn Harvey, from ‘Harveys of Highton’ who has been generously donating the apples for four years. Our

Our staff were then encouraged to answer two questions

staff were also treated to an apple themed morning tea and we

anonymously, under the heading; ‘Sometimes we are not OK, and

thank the ‘Porter Hot Bread Kitchen’ for their generosity too.

that is OK.’

What hides behind your smile sometimes?

What is your phrase of hope for yourself and others today?

‘RUOK? Day’ at Christian College was a day for raising awareness, breaking down barriers and most importantly, encouraging us all to reach out and be a light of hope, grace, truth, faith and love to others.

House group teachers then took these questions and used their devotion time to ask their students to answer them as well. Through this activity, by recess we had a very large collection of honest

Lyn Nethercote

thoughts and hopeful ideas from the staff and students, all written

Senior School Chaplain

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Senior students reading the honest thoughts during ‘R U OK? Day’.

Save the Date

Year 12 Graduation - Sunday 24th November 2:00pm

Senior School –Wednesday 27th November 1:30pm

Junior School, Bellarine –Monday 2nd December 7:00pm

A reminder that the Christian College end of year

Middle School, Bellarine –Tuesday 3rd December 7:00pm

Middle School, Highton –Wednesday 4th December 7:00pm

Junior School, Belmont –Thursday 5th December 7:00pm

formalities are coming around quick and fast so please keep the following relevant dates available in your diary:

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General Excellence Scholarships Christian College Geelong is pleased to offer a

Scholarship students would also be eligible to join

number of General Excellence Scholarships each

the Christian College Q’ed program for talented

year for entry at Year 5 or Year 7 at Middle School,

and gifted students at Year 5 or Year 7 level. This

Highton and at Bellarine Campus and at Year 10 level

programme is held weekly over 2 Terms at Christian

at Christian College Senior School in Waurn Ponds.

College Senior School and provides students with

These Scholarships have been designed primarily to encourage and support new and current students who wish to enrol at Christian College and who demonstrate high levels of academic excellence, character and citizenship. Successful Scholarship application will mean that the student’s tuition fees are reduced by up to 50% annually and this will continue through Middle School to Year 12 at Senior School.

learning experiences that encourage divergent thinking, multidisciplinary concepts as well as co-operative working scenarios. Each year the units completed will culminate in an exposition presentation to the Christian College community. Scholarship Application forms will be available online from December 2013 for entry at Year 5, Year 7 or Year 10 in 2015.

The Scholarship selection process involves consideration of application responses from the student, a written test, and interviews for shortlisted applicants.

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2013 Motivator Distribution Because of the changes in format to the 2013 Motivator we are planning to distribute the College Yearbook to students in years Prep. to Year 8 at each Campus on the last student day of the year – Friday 6 December. For families in Years 9 to 12, one copy per family will be delivered by Australia Post in the week commencing 9 December. Because the Motivator will include a DVD this year, delivery instructions have included FRAGILE - DO NOT FOLD, so an Australia Post notice may be left in your letterbox if space is limited. I trust that all families will enjoy reading and viewing the highlights of the school year as well as an insight into a wide variety of classroom learning. Gwen Prosser Editor of Motivator

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