Links to articles Cover Story : . Page 9 Save My Water : . Page 6 Where Are They now? : . Page 15
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The Big Questions The two significant threads running through the program this year focused on preparing our students for an ever-changing global world (Global Citizenship) and navigating the digital landscape. Throughout the course, we were invited to muse on four key framing questions, which stretched our thinking and evoked some hearty dialogue. While we may not have fully answered these questions, they were imperative in guiding our thinking on our present position in education, and pressing
From the Vice-Principal
In July I was afforded the opportunity through Independent
us to ponder the needs of our future learners in our context at Christian College.
Schools Victoria (ISV) to travel to Boston with our Principal, Mr Glen
yy Learning for what purpose? What are the purposes that guide our educational
McKeeman, to attend the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Future of Learning Program conducted by Project Zero. It was such a privilege to participate in this program, accompanied by seven other Principals from Victoria and 2 ISV staff to explore the future landscape of education. Our visit was Mr McKeeman’s second attendance at Harvard, having completed an alternate program back in 2014. Two of
Reflections on Learning at Harvard
our goals for this year’s program were to 1. Have the opportunity to evaluate the educational direction Christian College had taken since Mr McKeeman’s prior visit and 2. To create some space for both of us to have some reflective dialogue about our direction and to inform our vision for the future.
efforts; how are they being articulated by others and in my own work?
yy How might we rethink learning? How do we need to rethink the what, who, and how of learning in our dynamic global and digital times?
yy What should we do differently? What should I, and others, do differently in our teaching, learning and leadership to meet the new digital and global demands in practice?
yy How might we prepare ourselves? What is our role as responsible professionals in Education in an increasingly digital and globally interdependent world?
Inspiration You cannot help but be inspired as you enter the gates at Harvard. From the beautiful old 17th Century buildings to the immaculate tree lined grounds, along with some ‘newer’ modern accompaniments, a place with such rich history and tradition that has seen many of the world’s foremost scholars graduate. Each day was met with excitement and anticipation as Mr McKeeman, and I attended different plenary lectures, learning groups and choice workshops. We were also able to listen to and hear from some prominent educational professors, such as Howard Gardner, David Perkins and Veronica Boix-Mansilla. One of my personal highlights of the Harvard experience, as I know it was for Mr McKeeman also, was the opportunity in our workshop groups to have discussions with professional educators from all around the world. It was incredibly intriguing to participate in discussions and hear of the progress and challenges educators are facing in such countries as Ireland, India, Argentina, Peru, China, England and the USA to name just a few! It was also a reminder to pause and give thanks for the many varied opportunities and blessings
Learn to Change the World Beautiful Harvard grounds
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we as a College community enjoy.
Key Learning and Concepts It was certainly a rich learning experience, and it is impossible to share the collective wisdom gleaned from the entire program; however some of our most important reflections included a focus on the following: yy
As global borders dissolve, move and shift - how do we create ‘bridges’ between cultures and seek deeper intercultural understanding through education?
Learning for the real world, enhancing 21st Century skills and learning dispositions
Fostering deeper thinking for deeper learning
Using visual prompts, images and artworks to promote dialogue and thinking
Students being local, yet globally connected and leveraging off various digital technologies
Young people as ‘curators’ of the media – what is valid, serious, necessary, relevant and appropriate?
How to best prepare our young people to be ready to share safely in a digital form in the public space
Developing skills and personal attributes to be good digital citizens, including our students, staff and College families
Howard Gardner and Marcelo Suarez-Orozco talking about ‘Globalisation and Migration’ in one of the sessions
Encouraging civic advocacy in an unstable world and linking this with
modelling faith, building capacity to learn, quality effective teaching,
our Christian World View and what it means to pursue a ‘meaningful life’.
fostering a learning community and a dynamic learning environment.
Affirmation of Our Direction On the final day of the program, our team of Principals, along with the staff from ISV and a selection of Harvard lecturers, met to present our collective reflections from our study. Mr McKeeman and I presented together, reflecting on our journey in teaching and learning over the past five years and sharing our progress in relation to our key goals of nurturing and
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We presented this through a Christian World View, linking it with the education we need to be offering in a global sense, in a real world context and with the aim of seeing our students impact positively on the lives of others. The feedback we received from the Harvard staff and our colleagues was extremely affirming of our educational direction at Christian College. It is our philosophical underpinning and embedded College Values that see us well positioned to meet the needs of our 21st Century students.
Reflections on Learning at Harvard
Fostering Human Flourishing When we examine the power of education in influencing the lives of others, both in the present and the future, it is our Christian faith that allows us to identify with the ‘learning that really matters’. Our world is a broken and increasingly different place, therefore it is important for us all to see beyond just a curriculum, a subject
Mr Glen McKeeman
Mr Scott Elliss
Vice Principal
domain or a study score and develop a deeper appreciation for the hope, grace and restoration offered through a relationship with Christ. It is important to us that our young people recognise the value and role they can play in providing civic advocacy to the world, and create a place where they can express their faith in action – offering compassion and love to our fellow humankind. I finish by offering you this profound quote from a book titled ‘Exclusion and Embrace’ by Miroslav Volf, which captures the essence of our teaching, learning and ministry at Christian College Geelong. “When it comes to life in the world, to follow Christ means to care for others (as well as oneself) and work toward their flourishing, so that life would go well for all and so that all would learn how to lead their lives well. A vision of human flourishing and the common good is the main thing that the Christian faith brings into the public debate.” How exciting it is to be delivering the real ‘learning that matters’ at Christian College and we look forward excitedly to the journey ahead. This week we began the process of sharing our learning with the Heads and Deputy Heads of Campus in a full day workshop. This was a valuable time spent together, planning and thinking about how our experience can directly benefit the students and staff in their future teaching and learning at Christian College.
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Social media presentation It is a different world our students are growing up in than what we
His fast-paced, interactive presentation did not scare the student
Through the use of social media, our grandstand of outside influence is
experienced. Social media is a well-entrenched reality in the lives of
audience into a changed cyber mentality but gave students perspective
exponentially expanding while our inner circle of trust is getting smaller.
most of our students. The age at which they are accessing platforms
on the psychology behind what many young people do online and
We were all challenged to question who is in our circle of trust and are we
such as Snapchat and Twitter continues to decline as digital literacy and
strategies which they could use to prevent them falling victim to
listening to the grandstand. The voices of those who may not even know us
smartphone familiarisation happens earlier.
Internet temptations.
or care for our well-being or those that have our best interests at heart.
For teenagers, social media is all about connection and the need
David’s message was reinforced by his assertion throughout that God
I have had many discussions with students since the SALT
to belong. Social media is their chosen method of communication;
values each of us and that our identity does not have to be built upon the
presentation where they have indicated to me the positive impact it has
this is their world. Alongside the many benefits of social media and
number of likes that we can accumulate but that we can function out of
had on their understanding around the use of the internet. Students who
the internet come many areas that are potentially hazardous to the
the strength, purpose and confidence that faith in God gives us.
have suggested they want to use their new found awareness to help and
wellbeing of our students.
A football team plays amidst the thunderous noise of 90 thousand fans at
inform friends they know who might not be making positive choices. It gives me high hopes for the future to hear our Christian College students
For these reasons, we felt it was necessary to add a fresh voice to the
the MCG but does not accept the advice of this multitude on how to play
cyber education of the Bellarine Middle School students. David Burt,
the game. In fact, many of those thousands of people do not care about
the CEO and founder of SALT (Sport and Life Training) presented a
the players, their feelings, their families, or anything about them. It is a
dynamic and informative insight into the statistics of detrimental
small group of selected people that join that same team in the change
Earl Moore
internet use but also focused on the many advantages of its use.
rooms to sing the team song after a win.
Deputy Head of Middle School,
embrace the challenge of maintaining their integrity and supporting those in their community to do the same.
Bellarine Campus
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Save My Water Water Sustainability Challenge Games with Aims: Using game development to power project based STEAM learning in Year 7 in Term 3, 2016 What is it: Year 7 students have been involved in a dynamic cross-faculty unit titled ‘Save my Water’. They have been working in small teams across classes to develop a collaborative response to their core study of Sustainability to extend the knowledge acquired in their subject areas. Their final product develops their digital coding skills using game making technology. This innovative approach draws on 21st Century teaching research and provides students with the opportunity of entering the ACER Australian STEM Video Game Challenge (
To lead the ‘learning that matters’, we understand that Digital literacy, the
Students are using coding technology to design and work toward creating
effective and creative use of ICT, is key to developing the skills for learning,
a computer game to educate the public about the causes, effects and
life and work needed by young people in the modern world. Game design
solutions to a water based issue.
is a creative medium that challenges students to analyse problems, structure solutions and continuously evaluate their progress. Digital Technologies are best taught and utilised in conjunction with the content of other subjects to create a response to a real world problem. ‘The test of successful education is not the amount of knowledge that students take away from school, but their appetite to know and their capacity to learn’. Sir Richard Livingstone
Overview of how it has been going: Students have been developing their understanding and application of ‘collaboration’ and ‘planning’ during Term 3 by developing innovative solutions to a real world problem. They are being assisted in developing skills while working as a team, creating innovative solutions to sustainable water use, communicating and problem-solving.
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Many of the teams began the term unfamiliar with each another and had to learn how to best support, encourage and motivate each other through the learning journey. Some students have felt frustration when needing to adjust their practised way of doing things, and these are the moments of growth when they learn to navigate their way to new approaches. There have been many ‘light bulb’ moments as they begin to appreciate the significance of this process. Collaboration in teams takes practice, perseverance, resilience and patience. It does not always happen overnight but is well worth the effort. We know that future workplaces will be organised around teamwork and require excellent interpersonal and communication skills; early development of these skills will prepare our students for success in future learning and work environments.
What the outcomes will be: Each team will have designed a narrative in response to a water based issue. Then created two or more levels of an interactive game that explores the content knowledge from a range of subject areas, creating the first level using a coding program called Stencyl. They have begun to appreciate the complexities involved in coding a game and celebrate the many small successes they have had along the way. By documenting their design in a game design document, negotiating the script and interactive elements to build the player’s knowledge they have deepened their understanding of a chosen water issue. Through in-depth and regular reflections, students have begun to challenge their understanding of what complex and deep learning looks like. They are starting to understand their own habits that may have been previously holding them back from developing as learners and the type of organisation and planning required to succeed in a complex project. ‘The mere imparting of information is not education.’ Carter G. Woodson
Benefits of having an innovative subject which incorporates many faculties in one project:
Benefits for students: Having time to reflect on their learning process has given students
through a public exhibition where the students will have an authentic
When we audited our Year 7 programs across all subject areas in 2015,
the opportunity to evaluate what their previous learning preferences
audience to share the learning journey they experienced through the
we found many natural synergies in the content that students were
were, their strengths and what habits they need to modify for future
challenges of this unit.
unaware of. By merging these natural connections together, students
learning success. They are learning to harness the strengths of their
have the potential to deepen their understanding around core concepts
team members and to value each other’s skills, with the guidance and
or ‘big ideas’ from a range of disciplines.
support of a staff mentor.
We are seeking to promote ‘depth’ not ‘breadth’ of learning by aligning our teaching across subject areas. Adolescents are growing up at a time when solutions to social challenges and the nature of work are becoming increasingly cross-disciplinary. To prepare them for life and work in the 21st Century, we know that it is increasingly important that students can apply deep understandings of disciplinary concepts and principles to real-world problems.
They are beginning to understand that in a team project their needs to be
We are looking forward to the culmination of the learning process
Ingrid Staggard
Chris Lean
Head of LITEhouse
Head of LITEhouse
Resource Management
strong verbal communication, planning and negotiation to come to a clear understanding of the task’s direction and to build new learning pathways. To succeed, they need to understand that the learning goes beyond content and traditional grades as they reflect on their development as a learner. Rewards are often intrinsic and not externally enforced. Students now have a powerful experience of this type of reward regarding their studies in this unit.
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Mrs Fiona Gardner conducting the Senior Wind Symphony on the stage of the Sydney Opera House.
Staff and students in Darling Harbour.
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The Senior Stage Band performing at Angel’s Place with Mr Ben Anderson and Mr David Gardner.
Choir Presentation at the Sydney Town Hall.
The Senior Strings Ensemble on the steps of the Sydney Opera House with Ms Rebecca Bertoncello and Mr Ben Castle.
Sydney International Music Festival Mr Andrew Dunlop conducting at the Sydney Maritime Museum on Darling Harbour.
The touring musicians bonding over dinner.
The festival finale dance party at the Sydney Town Hall rounded out a 82 touring student musicians represented Christian College at the
Throughout our performing engagements, all of our ensembles received
Australian International Music Festival from July 3rd to 10th.
praise, acknowledgement and encouragement from all who listened.
This festival is held annually and features invited music and dance
At the final awards ceremony, our Senior Choir, Strings and Stage Band
groups from all over the world. As participants at the festival, the
all received Silver Awards which highlights the depth and consistency
College’s Senior Strings, Stage Band, Choir and Wind Symphony
of performance throughout the program and its standing in a world
performed at stunning venues such as The Recital Hall Angel’s Place,
class festival. The Senior Wind Symphony was awarded one of only three
the Sydney Town Hall, St Stephen’s Cathedral, Verbrugghen Hall at the
Gold Awards for performance at the festival and was the only Australian
Sydney Conservatorium and The Sydney Opera House.
ensemble to receive this level of recognition. The other ensembles to win gold were the Cincinnati Youth Winds and the Zhong-Zheng Junior High
As well as having the opportunity to perform in world-class venues, the students also experienced significant cultural exchange when mixing with and hearing the performances of like-minded music students from all over Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, China and the USA. Hearing folk music and witnessing folk dance performed proudly by students from many different countries gave the festival an excellent international feel. Our ensembles performed in concerts, took part in workshops with international clinicians and performed under the scrutiny of an international panel of adjudication for the award of medals.
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School String Orchestra from Thailand. As ‘tourist’ musicians the students also had the opportunity to experience the beauty of our land and the City of Sydney. The students learned about the history of Sydney while taking part in a guided walking tour of The Rocks and a cruise around the Sydney Harbour. They walked along the cliffs from Tamarama Beach to Bondi Beach and searched for famous lifeguards and Chris the vet!
week of fabulous experience for our student musicians. Most significantly throughout their time on tour, they enjoyed a time of universal comradery between students of different cultures, bridged by their music. They experienced a sense of pride and achievement in working hard to present their best performances on an international stage. Our students were inspired by the music of others and also learned how to manage themselves while also relying on each other, both on and off stage. The entire tour party, staff and students felt fortunate and blessed for the opportunity and experiences of the Sydney Tour. The Music Department was also supported enthusiastically by families, some of whom were able to travel to hear the students perform. It is also important that we acknowledge and thank the staff who travelled with the students (leaving behind their families on school holidays) and worked with such wonderful, generous commitment to give this opportunity to our music students. Fiona Gardner Director of Teaching and Learning - Music
CCITL students working with Junior School students.
During their final years at Christian College our Senior students, along
Open Days, where you can meet university representatives face to
with their families, need to consider the options that are available for
face, are usually held in August and September each year.
their continuing tertiary education. It is not until you reach this stage
This gives you an insight into what each university has to offer, what
that you begin to realise what a major task this can be. The fact is, not
support services are available, what the application process involves,
all universities and tertiary institutions are the same. There are some
and a chance for you to have your questions answered.
fundamental differences, and one of the most important objectives
Take the opportunity also to talk to current students for some honest,
for senior secondary students is to find an alignment – an alignment between their individual goals, strengths, interests and personalities, and the focus, character and environment of the various universities they are considering for the next stage of their education.
Choosing the Right Tertiary Option
To achieve this, it is recommended that you start early and take your university research seriously. Just because a university happens to be close to where you live, or has been in existence for many years, does not necessarily mean that it is the best one suitable for you. When researching, the options do not just rely on the websites or glossy, printed prospectuses. Getting first-hand experience of an institution, by attending Open Days, Information Nights, etc., is the better option.
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first-hand feedback about what it is like to study there. It might seem a bit of a drag and a waste of time visiting four or five Open Days, but it is a much cheaper option than making the wrong choice and dropping out after one semester as so many students do. It is also important to choose a university that will enhance your vocational prospects. No doubt you want to study at university to improve your chances of gaining employment once you graduate. So find out what each university does to prepare you for later work in your chosen field. Let us look at teaching as an example. Within the teacher education programs around Australia, the amount of time students actually spend in schools varies – as does the timing of the placements.
Congratulations Dr Rose! The Christian College community congratulates John Rose on recently being conferred with his Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Adelaide.
At our own Christian College Institute of Teaching &
Finally, find out about the lecturers. Again, using
Learning (CCITL), for example, student teachers are in
teaching as an example, would you see it as an
schools for ten days in their very first semester. Some
advantage if your lecturers had current teaching
universities leave this to Semester 2; some even until
experience in schools so they could help you apply
the second year! However, the partnerships that
the theory to the practice? Some tertiary institutions,
CCITL have established with local schools allows
such as CCITL, have this. Others are more research
them to immerse their students into the many facets
orientated where the lecturers may not have taught
of teaching early in their studies.
in a school for a decade or so; or even longer.
It also means that CCITL can offer their students 110
The same would obviously apply to many other
days of school placements while many universities
vocations. These are all factors for you to consider
can only offer the minimum requirement of 80 days.
when making your choice.
This, arguably, puts CCITL students at an advantage when seeking a teaching position after graduating. The campus community is another factor to consider. Do you want to be part of a large university straight after school? Would you prefer an option that is smaller, with smaller classes and more personal and individualised support – the model that CCITL has adopted? Does a single site or a multi-campus
So to sum up, when looking at tertiary options, start early, be thorough, ask plenty of questions, and settle for an institution that suits YOU! Dr John Rose Adjunct Lecturer Christian College Institute of Teaching & Learning
John’s PhD thesis was on the Implementation of
John has also worked at university and CAE’s as a
the Australian National Curriculum in Independent
lecturer and tutor predominately in the areas of
Schools. John is currently an Adjunct Lecturer at the
Curriculum Design and Development, and Classroom
Christian College Institute of Teaching & Learning, and
Processes. He is the author of nineteen educational
is enjoying his 52nd year as an educationalist.
books and over fifty published articles in various educational magazines and journals. In the 2002
During his career in education John spent 36 years in
Australia Day Honours List, John was awarded the
the Victorian state education system where he worked
Public Service Medal for Outstanding Service to
as a classroom teacher, special education resources
teacher, curriculum consultant, vice principal, principal and principal liaison officer. His final years in the state system were spent as principal of a primary school of 800 students. John’s other roles during his career have included being a member of an advisory committee to the Minister for Education, an advisor and consultant to International schools in Indonesia and a school assessor for both the Registered Schools Board and the Council for International Schools.
On ‘retirement’ in mid-2001 John thought he might never set foot in a school again but was called to Christian College Geelong in 2002, initially as a Year 5 teacher at the Middle School campus, and later as a Middle School Year Level Coordinator, Head of the Junior School, then Head of Higher Education & Staff Development. His new position as an adjunct lecturer is one where he relishes the challenge and again hopes to help train young people so that they will leave CCITL ready to transform and change our society by using the various gifts they have been blessed with.
university suit you best?
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It is continuing to be a great year of getting to know our
It is important to empower younger internet users with the tools to identify
wonderful students, staff and families throughout our College.
and rectify excessive or compulsive internet use, as well as an understanding of
Being a College Chaplain means that you are ‘getting amongst
potential consequences on their physical or mental health, which they or their
it’! Connecting, being ‘hands on’, operating ‘at the coal face’ and
peers may experience.
being a positive influence in the life of the College. It could be very helpful to talk to your campus chaplain and teachers about any The building of relationships, communicating, listening and
issues that arise in this area. The Kids Helpline ( is also a great
‘bridge building’ are all components of the role of a Chaplain.
tool to use which explains many aspects of Social Networking Sites.
As this is happening, I am constantly faced with challenges
A couple of important practical tips to remember would be,
regarding online and social networking issues.
Do not share passwords with friends. Children do this a lot as a sign of trust
Between smartphones, tablets and laptops, children and teens
between friends, but problems can occur when friends fall out.
are consuming many hours of screen time a day. Unless a good balance of time off and online can be maintained, this use can
Think before you post. Would I want the whole world to see this? Even when I am
begin to feel oppressive and excessive, and interfere with a
an adult? Once something is online, it can never be completely removed.
person’s physical and mental health.
Do not put personal information that identifies you on social networking sites and do not post information about other people without their permission. This includes
Studies have shown a range of both positive and negative effects
photos that reveal identifying information (e.g. a school uniform).
from increased internet use. It is important that children and
Online and Social Networking
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young adults learn to make suitable and conscious choices about
Your College Chaplain is a resource who is approachable, confidential, and always
their level of internet use. Uncontrollable Internet use may be a
wants the best for students, staff and of course our wonderful College families.
sign of pathological or ‘addicted’ internet use. It is important that
Take care and hopefully, we can meet and have a chat one day.
students are aware of this issue, and can make sound choices in an environment where technology is all around them.
Gary Crole
Young people often have less supervision and more control in
Bellarine Campus Chaplain
online environments than they would usually experience.
Who is the Real You? and The Men We Need! The Senior School community was recently enriched by the
The boys had the opportunity to discuss these themes in
opportunity to break into gender-based assembly groups and
large and small groups supported by male teaching staff and
discuss some ‘big questions’ faced by our youth today. While each
each other.
group had a slightly different focus, each shared a common agenda of respect. Respect for self, respect for others and importantly how to establish respectful relationships. Students were invited to reflect on the values that are necessary to build healthy relationships and ways to take responsibility for their emotional health and happiness.
The key to both presentations is the belief that we need to invest time to build up the positive self-esteem of our youth. Our young women and men need to develop the skills to know themselves and learn ways to be true to who they are. They need to be encouraged to not ‘settle’, to be positive,
The girls participated in workshops followed by a keynote
and importantly to not compare themselves in negative ways
presentation, led by Mrs Tracy Dawson which took the focus of
to others. In Deuteronomy chapter 31 God reminds us to
‘Who Is the Real You?’. This excellent presentation explored many
‘Be strong and courageous’, that he goes with us. We too as
valuable strategies that our young women can access to enhance
parents, teachers or friends need to be alongside to nurture,
their self-respect, and help them to find their own and other’s inner
support, challenge and never give up on one another.
beauty. It covered a range of themes such as: Who am I?; I am that Girl?; and Honour your Body & Nourish Your Mind.
This opportunity to meet as young women and men, to share and consider these significant questions, was embraced by
Girls were given time to reflect on the choices they make, including
both staff and students. The way our students engaged with
how they choose to act and react to themselves and others.
the chance to express their thoughts, feelings and opinions,
There was a clear intention to remind our young girls never to hate
without judgement, was a credit to them. Likewise, the input
themselves, but to reframe their thinking and celebrate the beautiful,
and organisation volunteered by many staff was fantastic.
unique characteristics and spirit which they have each been
Moving forward, feedback from the student and staff
gifted with. Girls were encouraged to think of ways they
community indicated that together they looked forward to
could ‘be the best version’ of themselves and in turn, how to
other opportunities to keep the conversation alive.
bring out the best in others. The boy’s presentation explored ‘The Men we Need!’ and
Dianne Martin Senior School Deputy Head
involved some challenging topics which included: What is a real man?; What critical pressures are there on young men?; Why are young men reluctant to speak about their feelings, struggles or problems?; and How does one choose their mates with care?
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Where Are They Now? Nick Abbott – 2006 Graduate Christian College graduate, Nick Abbott has a passion for helping Indigenous people. A College trip to Central Australia many years ago sparked this interest and is where he grew a love and understanding of Aboriginal culture. Nick is now the Program Manager at Katherine High School for the Stars Foundation. The Stars Foundation is a new not-for-profit organisation that works specifically with young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. The program has over 140 girls in it which the Foundation works with. They also liaise with their families and teachers to assist the girls in getting the best possible education. ‘We offer a range of activities to help engage the girls in school, and once we have the girls engaged in learning, we look at retaining them and getting them through to hopefully one-day graduate Year 12’ explains Nick.
To get to where he is today, Nick completed a Bachelor of Education (Physical Education) at the University of Ballarat. From there, Nick accepted a teaching position at Katherine High School in the Northern Territory in 2012. ‘I taught at Katherine High for just over two years before making the move to work with the Clontarf Foundation in Darwin. The Clontarf Foundation uses AFL as an engagement tool to get Indigenous boys to attend school and stay engaged in school. We realised how well
‘The work that I do means that I get to work alongside an amazing team,
established Clontarf was and the great opportunities that are available
and we support and enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and
to Indigenous males, but there was next to nothing being offered for the
young women to make active choices towards realising their full potential
Indigenous females in schools. The Stars Foundation was in its very early
in all aspects of their development and wellbeing. We get to build some
phases and had not even started yet, but I knew it was an organisation that
amazing relationships with the students, and it’s a great honour, as the girls
I wanted to be a part of, and was very fortunate that they asked me to set up
don’t necessarily have the best role models in their lives, so for them to look
and start up their Katherine Program.’
up to us as their role models is pretty special’ says Nick.
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The decision to go to the Northern Territory hasn’t just been for work. It has opened many doors for Nick including being able to travel to Europe as well as follow his passion in becoming an AFL coach. ‘I was fortunate enough to be an Assistant Coach for NT Thunder Under 18’s at the National Championships 2014 and 2015’ Nick mentions. Nick is very grateful to his parents for sending him to Christian College. ‘As a student, the teachers were always challenging you to become the best person possible and to continue learning and improving.’ It has been far from smooth sailing for Nick since graduating from Christian College though, as he has had to battle through four full knee reconstructions. Nick says however through values he learnt during his time at CCG of perseverance, respect, honesty and commitment, ‘I have been able to get through the tough times and come out the other end a better person.’ The future sees Nick possibly moving back down to Melbourne where he will hopefully be opening up the Victorian programs for the Stars Foundation to continue to help and change lives. Nick says ‘I have such a strong passion for working with the Australian indigenous population, and I hope to continue supporting the Stars Foundation.’
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Junior Campus Junior School Olympics Day 2016
Junior School Olympics Day 2016 How would we describe our Junior School Olympics day?
Year 4 Word Maniacs!
Well, it was full of colour, fun, discovery, culture, craft, countries, food, fun, music, dancing, creating, sharing, discussion, construction, teamwork, interaction, fun, languages, anthems, building, thinking, interpreting, listening, understanding, movement, smiling, laughter, imagery, stories and most of all … fun. We will definitely do it all again in 2020!
Bang, Fizz, Pop! As part of our Professional Learning Teams this semester, the Year 2 cohort have been conducting a series of scientific experiments to investigate various chemical reactions. We are learning how everyday materials can be physically changed
Genius Hour Year 1 students enjoy ‘Genius Hour’ every week. Genius Hour is designed so that students have the opportunity to explore topics Genius Hour
in a variety of ways, develop independent learning habits and collaborative skills. Students are encouraged to communicate their new understandings using the language of learning in a variety of contexts. They have the opportunity to share their discoveries with their peers during discussions or make
in a variety of ways. We followed the process of implementing an experiment, making predictions, observations, evaluations, recording results and forming conclusions. One such experiment last week from our Integrated Studies topic: ‘Bang, Fizz, Pop - Chemical Science’, was for our students to work in small groups and make a Volcano using vinegar and baking soda. We were all very excited to watch our volcanoes erupt with various coloured lava!
presentations to convey their ideas to their classmates. Genius
Year 4 Word Maniacs!
Hour has provided many opportunities to explore Building
In the last month, more than 260,000 students from 2,000 schools
Learning Power (BLP) muscles such as persevering with
have built more than 50 million words over 7,200,000 minutes
experiments and constructions in conjunction with managing
through playing ‘Word Mania’ on Literacy Planet! Our Christian
their distractions during investigation sessions. Genius Hour
College Geelong Junior School Year 4 students came 2nd in
assists students to understand that learning takes place all the
the second round of the Word Mania competition which was
time, and as we encourage them to be more ‘outward facing’ in
a great result. Students are thoroughly engaged in the tasks
their thinking, they are becoming more aware that they have an
which are generated with personal word lists for each student.
important voice in their world.
Congratulations Year 4 students!
Bang, Fizz, Pop!
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Sheep Pluck Dissection The Year 8 students have been studying the human body, with a focus on the digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems.
Middle Campus
As part of the learning, they had the opportunity to view a ‘sheep pluck dissection’. Students were able to get up close to examine the internal organs, along with watching the lungs being enlarged through an artificial tube. These practical opportunities significantly enhance the students understanding of how the human body operates.
Water Education
50th Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan
Year 7 students have recently begun their study of Geography and what better way to excite and motivate them than a field trip?! We went on three trips with students being placed in groups of six and the three pairs within the group going to different destinations (Wurdiboluc, Montpellier basins and storm water outlets around Geelong, and Black Rock water treatment plant) to learn about the flow of water to and through Geelong. This unique ‘jigsaw’ excursion and subsequent classroom follow-up require students to become the experts and to educate their team members. Thus, the dialogue is authentic and powerful, with students responsible for sharing their knowledge with their peers.
Water Education
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50th Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan It was an honour to gather, pause and reflect on the service and great sacrifice our Vietnam War Veterans gave on this the recent
RoboCup Junior Challenge
50th Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. To the beat of the
This year saw our first entry into the State Finals of the RoboCup Junior Challenge following
regiment pipe band, the Veterans in attendance and their family
regional competition success. Held at the University of Melbourne, our Year 8 and 9 students
representatives marched from the front entrance of the College
demonstrated an outstanding ability to collaborate and problem solve as they programmed
to the Chapel, flanked by the Year 5 and 6 students who formed
their robots to work through Rescue and Soccer challenges. The knowledge and skills
a guard of honour. During a moving service, the students heard
obtained through this competition not only solidified the learning that takes place in the
personal stories from Colonel Jan McCarthy who served as a nurse
Systems and Engineering classroom but furthered their computational thinking and public
during the war, were led in communal prayer and singing and left
speaking skills during the interview component of the day. Comradery and sportsmanship
with the charge from Micah 6:8 ‘to act justly, love mercy and walk
were also evident within the teams and was broadly noted by other participating schools.
humbly with their God’.
RoboCup Junior Challenge
Sheep Pluck Dissection
Bellarine Campus The Great Escape The art of conversation has never been as important as it is now. In Year 6 at Bellarine, students are building skills to carry them through the 21st Century, Bellarine Concert Band
the ability to collaborate with their peers, listen to others and hear what is being said. In ‘The Great Escape’ students were placed into groups of refugees who were trying to escape their land to a safer place. Each week the students worked
Light and Sound – Year 1 and 2 Integrated Studies Light and Sound have been the focus of engaging activities
Victorian School’s Music Festival – Bellarine Concert Band success!
and rich discussions as the Year 1 and two students delve
The Bellarine Concert Band along with their conductor Sean
into their Integrated Studies unit. Visual Thinking routines
Rankin were very honoured to receive a Platinum Award at The
were incorporated to support student engagement, ignite
Victorian Schools Music Festival held at Geelong Grammar School
conversations and allow students to showcase their depth of
on Thursday 12th August. The students represented the school
understanding. Students completed a variety of experiments
with pride, completing a very skilled performance demonstrating
with light and sound. As they worked on various experiments,
the excellent tone and musicianship they have been commended
Claim, Support and Question, another Visual Thinking routine,
for. Very few ensembles throughout the festival are presented with
was used to showcase what was happening, and students used
this prestigious award, and the students gained a great sense of
their reasoning muscle to support their claim.
personal pride, reaping the reward for their efforts of committed practise on their instruments and within the ensemble.
through a human rights dilemma. It was very exciting to watch the growth of the students as they, found the positives and negatives for each possibility and justified the choices made. This has been a valuable lesson in the importance of leadership, and being able to recognise that not everyone is a leader; however, everybody has a major role to play when working in a group.
Celebrations The Year 3 and 4 students have been focusing on ‘Celebrations’ as their topic for their Integrated Studies in Term 3. The students have been learning about various celebrations throughout the unit but have also had the opportunity to look at the celebration of the Olympics. This lead to many rich discussions ranging from winning and losing and sportsmanship, to tenths and hundredths, when comparing athlete’s times. As part of the unit, we held a Junior School MiniOlympics Day where students were able to participate in a variety of activities. The day started with the Opening Ceremony, where students paraded around the gym representing countries such as Brazil, USA, Ireland, Greece and Australia. There was even a lighting of the flame! It was an excellent day, where students were immersed in the theme of Olympic Celebration.
Year 3 and 5 Celebrating the Olympics
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Year 3 and 5 Celebrating the Olympics
Year 1 and 2 Light and Sound
Students at the R U OK? Day Petting Zoo
Indonesia’s Independence
Indonesia’s Independence
House Cooking
Indonesia’s Independence
Towards the end of Term 2 at Senior School, the House Cooking Challenge took place
On Wednesday 17th August Year 10 Indonesian language students
The 15 members of our 2016 CARE Council (Compassion,
as the final House event for Semester One. Wet skies on the day did not dampen the
joined officials, community members and fellow school students to
Affirmation, Respect and Empowerment) worked hard in preparing
enthusiasm of the decorating crews who clad their chefs in aprons and headwear, and
commemorate the 71st Anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence, held at the Consulate General in South Melbourne. The official
for RUOK? Day at Senior School which was celebrated on Thursday
their tables and marquees in colourful balloons, flags, streamers and the odd bear or Mexican hat. The eager teams of chefs then cooked and presented their pre-planned
flag raising ceremony was a very formal occasion, and it gave
‘winter warmer’ main course meal and dessert in 20 minutes of preparation time and
students a firsthand experience of Indonesia’s national day and
30 minutes of actual cooking. Taylor House was most successful on the day with their
the opportunity to meet and chat in the language with young
bacon-wrapped creamy pesto chicken and naan bread and golden syrup dumplings. Guest judges Jesse Hughes (former CCG student) and General Manager – Executive Chef at the Vue Grand Hotel in Queenscliff and Narelle Robb (a CCG parent) and caterer at the Bellarine campus provided valuable feedback. Their attendance was greatly appreciated.
Indonesian students living and studying in Melbourne. Our students enjoyed a full day of cultural experiences, including a spicy lunch at
8th September. The day was full of activities which were designed to help students and staff feel valued and cared about. This year’s highlight was having a local Petting Zoo set up at Senior School! By promoting the message that ‘It’s OK not to be OK’ and with an emphasis on developing compassion and empathy amongst the
the Batavia Café and the chance to shop at the Laguna Supermarket
school community, the CARE Council should be commended on
for cooking ingredients for their family meal project. The afternoon
their organisation for the day which definitely has made a lasting,
was topped by a community dance performance for the public
positive impression.
at Federation Square.
Jamie Oliver Ministry of Food The Year 12 VCAL class are undertaking a seven-week cooking class at Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food in Moorabool St, Geelong on Tuesday mornings as part of their Work related skills and Personal Development classes. Aside from obtaining valuable life skills, the plan is for the students to put their expertise to the test by cooking lunch for the staff as a fundraiser for the VCAL Community Bus.
Senior Campus House Cooking Winners- Taylor!
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Students cooking at Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food
This term, the Christian College community enjoyed two shows of the play ‘Our Town’ by Thornton Wilder. Twenty-four students from the Highton Middle School, Bellarine and Senior School campuses were involved in Our Town. The students had rehearsed tirelessly during Terms 2 and 3 in perfecting the play which gave them the opportunity to improve their acting skills and to showcase strong characterisation. Both shows were extremely well received, and the students should be commended on their high-class performances.
Our Town, The Musical Page 20 :.
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The Vital Younger Years It is a privilege to be involved in Early Childhood Education, in a period of history where its value and unique time in a child’s life is recognised and supported. A national curriculum, shared standards and an increased passion for evidence-based change, has played a role in uniting the different care and educational options available to families. On the other hand, decision-making around which type of service to access has some added complexities. Parents are faced with an avalanche of possibilities that are promoted as giving their child ‘the edge’ across so many areas of development, including literacy, sporting and musical capabilities. Typically, these are added onto time spent at day care or preschool. Gradually these ‘extras’ add up, and it is becoming increasingly mainstream for our little people to have packed schedules that keep them and their families on the move, and not always in the overall best interests of the child.
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… “Today families are caught in a paradox. We’re parenting during a time when scientists increasingly tell us free play is vital to the health of our kids, yet schools and policies are pushing us in the opposite direction – in an agitated rush toward academics. The gap between what we know about young children and what we do with young children is widening every year.” Heather Shumaker A core belief of our work with pre-schoolers at Butterfield House Kindergarten (as is at our Williams House, Belmont Kindergarten) will be around supporting and guiding, but not hurrying, children through their current developmental stages. We are protective of the opportunity to bring a calm and an authentic sense of flow to learning and day to day routines while embedding access to many possibilities that enrich each child’s global wellbeing and skill set.
Our programs cannot help but aid successful, eventual transition into school, without ‘school readiness’ actually being the primary focus of our ‘everyday’ together. We are confident that as we expose children to opportunities and environments that invite curiosity, build learning power and practical skills and, develop healthy relationships, they are inevitably growing toward a position of capability in the next step of their educational journey. The ‘built in’ aspects of Butterfield House Kindergarten, that we believe will authentically lead our children toward being effective, lifelong learners, include; •
Smaller group sizes
Continuity of staffing and groupings Purpose built environments that honour the value of both indoor and outdoor engagement
Access to specialist staff
Thoughtful application of programs include ‘MYtern’ (taking personal emotional responsibility), a ‘Building Learning Power’ approach to education and, a strong commitment to nature play and Bush Kinder.
Further, in supporting our families in accommodating continuity of care and a calmer, quality, Early Childhood experience, Butterfield House Kinder is delighted to announce that we are preparing to offer an extended care option alongside our preschool programs from 2017.
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If Butterfield House Kinder sounds like it might be the right fit for your family, we welcome your enquiry and the opportunity to discuss our approach to Early Childhood.
Bernadette Johnson Director of Butterfield and Williams House Kindergartens
Middle School Highton Deputy Head, Jonathan Ryan, Head of Campus, Tony Costa with Deputy Head, Kerrie Reid
Junior School Deputy Head, Ann-Marree Weigl with Head of Campus, Marion Nott
Senior School Deputy Heads, Jason O’Loughlin and Dianne Martin with Head of Campus , Graeme Dent
Bellarine Deputy Head of Middle School, Earl Moore, Deputy Head of Junior School, Pam McKeeman and Head of the Bellarine Campus, Nick Watson
The Christian College Principal, Glen McKeeman and Vice-Principal, Scott Elliss
Christian College Campus Leadership Team Page 24 :.
Williams House Kindergarten
Middle School, Highton
39 Broughton Drive, Belmont 3216 Tel. 03 5241 3556
18 Burdekin Rd, Highton 3216
Junior School, Belmont
Senior School, Waurn Ponds
39 Broughton Drive, Belmont 3216 Tel. 03 5241 1565
135 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds 3216
Bellarine Campus, Drysdale
‘Villa Paloma’ Arts/Technology Centre
40 Collins Street, Drysdale 3222
25 Waurn Ponds Drive, Waurn Ponds 3216
Tel. 03 5253 2998
Tel. 03 5241 8844
Tel. 03 5241 1899
Tel. 03 5241 1577