HOPE, The Anchor
It’s what keeps you hanging in there By Roxanne Drury Hope keeps people going. Hope keeps our dreams and desires alive. Hope keeps us encouraged and excited (Hebrews 6:18). Hope is the anchor that keeps us secure and firmly rooted in what we believe to be the will of God for our lives. Hope keeps us dreaming! Romans 5:5 tells us, And hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us. Yes, hope is the anchor and hope is of God. If hope is the anchor, how exactly does an anchor work? What is the job of an anchor? The anchor on a boat is attached to a chain or rope. It is dropped into the water and the weight of it causes it to fall to the very bottom. The boat is then put in reverse so that the anchor will lodge itself securely into the ground at the bottom of the water. That is how it works. But the job of the anchor is to keep the boat from drifting. It offers the boat stability. Hope does the same thing for us. Hope keeps us from drifting away from what we long to be true for our future or for our present. HOPE is Having Optimistic Persistent Expectations. Hope keeps us secure and stable. When hope is lost, so is the battle. Hope causes a person to make tough decisions for a better life. Hope causes a person to keep fighting for a better marriage. Hope causes a person to keep working on pulling weeds from that garden week after week. Hope is the anchor that inspires our persistence, our perseverance. In 1 Thessalonians 1:3 we read, We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. Hope says to us, just keep going, don’t quit, don’t stop believing. The following story is kind of odd for a serious message, but here goes… Continued on page 19
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