Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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Winter/Spring 2014

The quarterly magazine for supporters

In Kony’s Shadow The lost voices of lives blighted by Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army

Christian Aid News Winter 2014

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Worn out but warm inside Trek to Canterbury 16–17 August 2014 Starting in Maidstone

The wonders of this pilgrimagestyle trek will lift your spirits – even if your feet start to flag!

Register now at or call 020 7523 2248 If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush or to fulfil the ambition of a lifetime, we’ve a whole host of activities to inspire you, including Cathedrals to Coast bike ride, 2–3 August 2014.

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Christian Aid Magazine Issue 1: Winter/Spring 2014 Editorial team Editor Roger Fulton Sub-editors Andy Jacques, Catriona Lorie, Louise Parfitt Art editor Gavin Micklethwaite Pictures Joseph Cabon, Matthew Gonzalez-Noda Production Cedric Taylor Circulation Ben Hayward

Contents 8


Published by Christian Aid 35 Lower Marsh, London SE1 7RL tel: 020 7620 4444 email: UK registered charity number 1105851 Company number 5171525 Scotland charity number SC039150 Northern Ireland charity number XR94639 Company number NI059154 Republic of Ireland charity number CHY 6998 Company number 426928. The Christian Aid name and logo are trademarks of Christian Aid © Christian Aid February 2014. The acceptance of external advertising does not indicate endorsement.

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4 Loretta’s letter A message from Chief Executive Loretta Minghella.

Comment 20 Opinion: Why women’s voices must be heard A plea for justice for victims of sexual violence in Colombia.

Cover story Norman Okello was abducted in Uganda by Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army and forced to become a child soldier. Now he is trying to return to a normal life. Photo: Will Storr


Other photos this issue All photos copyright Christian Aid except where stated below. This page, Will Storr, Christian Aid/ Natalie Naccache, Christian Aid/Elaine Duigenan; pages 8-11, Will Storr; pages 14-15, Christian Aid/ Natalie Naccache; pages 24-25, Christian Aid/Elaine Duigenan; page 28, Christian Aid/Jodi Bieber


22 Letters: Your views.

8 Cover story: In Kony’s Shadow A new exhibition highlights the impact of Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army on communities in Uganda.

Life and soul

Christian Aid is a member of

4 Chasing the tax dodgers, New Year Honours, and life in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan.

12 A world of conflict Around the world, Christian Aid helps victims of conflict build a better future. 14 The human cost in Syria How refugees are struggling to come to terms with the loss of their old lives.

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24 Beyond a lifetime A Haiti legacy, plus calling clergy for Christian Aid Week. 28 Recipes Serve up a super soup lunch. 29 Book reviews A new section, highlighting some inspirational new releases.

16 Syria: the cost of war A graphic analysis of the conflict.

29 Crossword

The big picture

30 Five minutes with… Paul Kerensa A quick chat with the Christian comedian and writer.

18 DRC: plight of the displaced F2265

21 Reflection: A safe house Kathy Galloway on being inspired by the faith of a young woman in Brazil.

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elcome to our new-look Christian Aid Magazine, published to keep you, our valued supporters, fully informed about the work we do around the world on your behalf. Several thousand of you responded to a survey last year to tell us what you would like to see in the magazine – and this is the result! A broader range of articles highlight the reach of the Christian Aid family, while new features such as book reviews, recipes and a crossword lighten the mix. A local supplement accompanies this issue of the magazine, with up-to-date news about activities and events in your area. Our cover story examines the lethal impact a small but fanatical band of rebels, the Lord’s Resistance Army, has had on the people of Acholiland in northern Uganda. It is a harrowing read – but it is there for a reason. Christian Aid Week this year will look at our work in countries affected by armed conflict and the theme is reflected throughout this issue. We are present in more than a dozen countries where conflict is a significant driver of poverty. Our work ranges from providing, through our partners, life-saving emergency supplies to people fleeing violence, to building peace through advocacy and dialogue, to helping communities get back on their feet after the tide of war has passed. In post-conflict situations, we also try to ensure that the voices of those who have suffered are heard, in the interests of a just and lasting peace. Such work, I am sure you will agree, merits the kind of sustained effort that your support allows us to make. Thank you for all that you do for Christian Aid.

Loretta Minghella, Chief Executive

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Loretta’s letter

Homes and crops wrecked as cyclone hits India An estimated 12 million people were affected by Cyclone Phailin, which hit the Indian states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh in October. Thanks to the preparations put in place by our partners, communities were evacuated to shelters before the storm arrived, helping to keep the death toll relatively low. But more than 1 million people were made homeless and 300,000 hectares of crops were ruined. People now face a long struggle to rebuild their lives. Our partners have provided shelter, food and waterpurification tablets. They’re repairing embankments and roads, and helping people rebuild their homes.

New Year Honours for duo Two people who have been closely involved in Christian Aid’s work have been awarded New Year Honours. Margaret Boden, former chief executive of Christian Aid Ireland, received an OBE for her services to international development. And Edward Le Quesne, chairman of Christian Aid in Jersey, received an MBE for his services to charity. To read a digital version of this magazine, go to

Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

10/02/2014 15:27

Up/down The stories making headlines: for better or for worse UK’s first interfaith conference on female genital cutting hailed as an ‘important first step’ in the campaign to end the practice within a generation.

Tax dodging: the message is loud and clear!


ore than 17,000 of you have called on the UK government to uncover phantom firms and give tax dodgers nowhere to hide. Phantom firms conceal the truth about who really owns companies, the profits they make, and the taxes they potentially owe. This has a devastating impact on poor countries, which lose billions of dollars a year to tax dodging. In October, Christian Aid campaigner Mary Ricketts and our director of Policy and Public Affairs Christine Allen handed in the signatures to Tessa Munt MP and Business Secretary Vince Cable (above). Just a

With the public register it will be easier to: • uncover who is dodging tax • uncover who is behind corrupt deals • hold them to account and ensure developing countries get the money that’s rightfully theirs. Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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few days later, the government announced it would make a public register of who owns what in the UK. Prime Minister David Cameron said, ‘We need to know who really owns and controls our companies. Not just who owns them legally, but who really benefits financially.’ The UK’s public register sets an example for other countries. It’s a great start, but much more needs to be done. The British Government must make sure the register is implemented properly in the UK. Crucially, it must also push for this standard of transparency in the EU and our overseas territories and crown dependencies – many of which are tax havens. Your support has been vital in persuading our government to make companies more transparent. Now we must ensure that it leads the global drive for greater transparency. To find out the latest, visit

We’ve now helped 185,000 people in Haiti since the earthquake early in 2010.

Colombian community engaged in peaceful struggle for land wins national peace prize.

Christian Aid’s UK political adviser Barry Johnston makes it to the finals of Channel 4 cookery competition The Taste.

Christian Aid’s UK political adviser Barry Johnston is knocked out in the second week of Channel 4 cookery competition The Taste.

The Philippines – hit recently by Typhoon Haiyan – pays more than £8bn in foreign debt every year.

Lord Ashdown warns that climate-related disasters could affect 375 million people every year by 2015.

There remain concerns about the potential of the lobbying bill to infringe on the freedom to campaign.

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Facing up to life after Typhoon Haiyan Melanie Smith reports on how your support is helping survivors of the devastating typhoon in the Philippines rebuild their homes and lives.


lattened coconut plantations and shattered fishing boats littering the shoreline were stark evidence, in the days following Typhoon Haiyan, of the challenges facing those who survived the raging winds and tsunami-like tidal surge. A mosaic of temporary shelters, made from plastic sheeting and shattered timbers, quickly appeared. But rebuilding people’s livelihoods is going to be much harder. According to the UN, about 5.9 million Filipinos have seen their sources of income destroyed or disrupted by the typhoon. Coconut plantations take up to seven years to mature, while many fishermen will find replacing their boats prohibitively expensive. Without the means

The Philippines







Roxas City PANAY Christian Aid coordination hub






Baybay 8,765


Distribution key Food/Non-food items (including sleeping mats, blankets, soap and toothpaste



Christian Aid logistic hub







Emergency shelter kits Figures correct as of 31 January 2014

to earn a living, they will struggle to feed their families. Typhoon Haiyan, thought to be the strongest storm ever to make landfall, struck in early November. Winds of up to 200mph swept through the central Philippines islands, ravaging the provinces of

Samar, Leyte and Iloilo. The death toll stands at more than 6,000, and a further 14 million people were affected. Nelia Alejandro, who lives with her husband and their children in Iloilo, said, ‘Our house was completely flattened. My husband lifted whatever

Fasting supporters back Philippines climate plea The anguished plea from Philippines delegate Yeb Saño at the annual UN conference on climate change, two days after Typhoon Haiyan, was a deep expression of the frustration felt by many developing countries bearing the brunt of global warming. Breaking down in tears, Mr Saño said, ‘I will voluntarily refrain from eating during this conference until a meaningful outcome is in sight.’ He was in no doubt that typhoons are stronger due to global warming and, to counter the danger,

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wanted concrete moves towards a global cap on greenhouse gas emissions. We agreed, and called for supporters to fast for a day in solidarity. More than 200 did so. ‘I am very grateful for the acts of solidarity made by people in the UK,’ said Mr Saño. ‘It is moving to know that you are standing with the people of the Philippines.’ But the conference, held last November in Warsaw, saw only slow progress towards a global emissions treaty. There was some

positive news – the creation of a system to ensure extremely poor countries receive help for the permanent ‘loss and damage’ caused by climate change. ‘The road ahead will be difficult,’ said Mr Saño, ‘both for rebuilding lives in the wake of the storm and for the international climate change negotiations. I am happy to walk with you in this journey. I cannot thank you enough.’ For more about climate change, visit

Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

06/02/2014 12:48

News: Philippines emergency

Fixing their boats is a priority for fishermen struggling to feed their families and rebuild their lives. materials he found to rebuild a temporary shelter, because we didn’t have anywhere to sleep. Everything was wet, and we were left with only a few clothes and belongings. I’m very thankful that I was able to save the photos of my family.’ The appeal we launched in the immediate aftermath has so far raised an incredible £3,143,896 thanks to your fantastic generosity. You’ve helped us reach more than 165,000 people in some of the worst-affected communities. But much more needs to be done. Millions of people still need food aid, and our distribution teams face a raft of logistical and geographical obstacles. The worstaffected areas are strewn across numerous islands and separated by long distances. We’re continuing to deliver

essentials, such as rice, cooking oil, canned meat and shelter materials, but it is difficult and time consuming. With few large vessels available, the most remote islands can only be reached by small boats, which limits how much we can send at a time. In some communities, we plan to provide cash payments to help kick-start local economies and give people the flexibility to buy whatever they most need. But finding a way to make a living is the priority for most survivors now. In the months ahead, we will help communities rebuild their livelihoods – especially farming and fishing. We’ll also fund the reconstruction of stronger homes that are better able to withstand disaster. Our partners are helping villages in Eastern Samar to turn felled coconut

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trees into timber, with which to construct homes. The people of the Philippines have set out on the long road to recovery – and we will support them all the way. Donations to the Philippines emergency appeal are still vital. To give, phone 08080 004 004 or go to

It is crucial to respond quickly to an emergency. Now your church can sign up to receive envelopes automatically when a disaster strikes. To ensure your church can react immediately, email or call 020 7523 2493 with your church name, delivery address and quantity of envelopes.

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Frontline 8 008-011_CAM_1.indd 8

Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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In Kony’s Shadow

‘Once you have killed someone you change as a person’ A new exhibition in the run up to Christian Aid Week highlights the impact of a fanatical rebel group on the people of northern Uganda. In Kony’s Shadow tells how a former child soldier was able to return to a normal life and explores a ground-breaking project to help shattered communities heal the wounds of the past. Emma Pomfret reports.


n the remote Acholiland region of northern Uganda, it is said there is no living soul over a certain age who does not have a story to tell about the devastating impact of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) on their own lives and on their communities. Norman Okello has chosen to speak about his traumatic experiences. He was abducted by the LRA when he was just 12. For more than two years, he was driven to kill and maim. ‘I was so afraid for my life back then, and what those big men would do to me if I didn’t follow orders. I saw too many boys killed for less, but you are so ashamed that you start to think you can never come home. ‘Once you have killed someone, you change as a person – you were innocent and now you are guilty. I was

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like two people in one. But you had to keep all those feelings to yourself. Even your closest friend couldn’t be trusted.’ Led by self-styled messiah Joseph Kony, who bases his fanatical movement on a twisted version of the Ten Commandments, the LRA insurgency against the Ugandan government, and its subsequent reign of terror over Kony’s own Acholi people, lasted for nearly two decades. Throughout what amounted to a protracted civil war, Ugandan government forces also perpetrated many, largely unrecorded, atrocities against Acholi civilians wrongly accused of supporting Kony. Between 1987 and 2006, the LRA killed tens of thousands of civilians, maimed hundreds more – hacking off noses, lips, ears, hands and feet with machetes – and abducted at least 20,000 children. Driven out of Uganda in 2006, the LRA has sporadically terrorised communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic and South Sudan ever since.

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Left to right: former child soldier Norman Okello; a memorial to LRA victims (top); a victim of the gruesome maimings (bottom); Deo Komakech at work.

‘He’d seen so many dead bodies, too much blood and pain, and these pictures played in his head on a loop’

In Acholiland, the people have gradually returned to their villages to farm. But the many physical and psychological wounds left by Kony’s rebels are never far from the surface. Former perpetrators and victims can find themselves living side by side. They must somehow find the capacity to forgive, even in communities still raw with emotion. Our small team travelled to northern Uganda to see how one organisation is building peace and reconciliation. We visited the ground-breaking National Memory and Peace Documentation Centre – run by our long-standing partner the Refugee Law Project – to film and interview LRA survivors. Based in Kitgum, a town at the epicentre of some of the most brutal LRA murders on record, the centre carries out extensive ‘massacre scoping’ – mapping the scale and nature of the LRA conflict. Its staff encourage dialogue and peaceful coexistence between survivors, and provide the next generation of Acholi young people with a real picture of Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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In Kony’s Shadow

what happened to their relatives and communities and why. Deo Komakech, head of massacre scoping at the centre, believes such documenting is essential. ‘We cannot assume that forgetting is a way of healing. If we do not bring remaining memories, events and issues to light, to try to understand their legacy, then there’s a great possibility of the same thing recurring in the future. ‘From the parents of those abducted and still missing, to the former child soldiers desperately trying to reintegrate against a backdrop of mistrust and fear, there is still much to be done to help shattered communities heal from past wounds – and it starts with listening to and permanently recording people’s stories.’ Norman welcomes the Refugee Law Project’s initiative. ‘I am thankful for the opportunity to talk about what happened to me, because I need people to understand that I never wanted to do any of those terrible things,’ he says. ‘The hardest thing is starting life all over again. Some people point fingers Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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Between 19872006, the LRA killed tens of thousands of civilians, maimed hundreds more, abducted at least 20,000 children, and forced nearly 2 million people to subsist in camps. Driven out of Uganda in 2006, the LRA continues to inflict terror in DRC, CAR and South Sudan.

and say I am still a rebel – it hurts me. I often feel alone in my head.’ Norman’s parents had given up hope of seeing him again. Adjusting was hard, says his mother, Santina. ‘He really wanted things to be done his way, to his rules. One day, he kicked his younger sister almost into the fire. ‘They’d taken the human life out of him and made him behave like an animal. He’d seen so many dead bodies, too much blood and pain, and these pictures played in his head on a loop.’ Gradually Norman began to improve. ‘He’s teaching the little ones to grow up in a good way, to study hard to become somebody in future – the person that he wanted to be himself,’ says his father, Mariano. To view the online presentation, which features more articles, films and photos, visit A photographic exhibition and film can also be seen at the gallery@oxo in London, from 5-16 March.

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A world of conflict Across the globe, our partners tackle violence and build peace. This map shows the huge scope and range of our work in some of the world’s most violent hotspots.


iolence fuels poverty and poverty fuels violence. By 2015, it is estimated that 32% of the world’s poor will be living in places affected by conflict. To end poverty, we must tackle violence and build peace. That’s why this crucial work is the theme of Christian Aid Week 2014. We reach people in the most urgent need with the essentials: medical care, water, food, shelter and blankets. We support partners who keep people safe and provide psychological support to help people heal emotional scars. When the fighting stops, we’re still there, helping communities walk the road to recovery and security – from building new homes where families can feel safe at night, to making sure people can earn a living again. And we help communities bring the perpetrators of violence to justice. We work to build bridges of reconciliation between individuals, families, communities and whole nations that are riven by hatred; and we strive to promote peaceful, effective alternatives to violence. Building sustainable and lasting peace involves tackling the root causes of conflict. It is complex and painstaking work: making sure that governments genuinely respond to people’s needs, that resources are fairly allocated, that human rights are respected and that women are fully represented in decision making.

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CENTRAL AMERICA Extremely high levels of crime and gang violence, and a prevalence of violence against women and ‘femicide’.

COLOMBIA 60 years of conflict have claimed 70,000 lives and displaced nearly 6 million people.

WHAT WE DO: A GUIDE TO CHRISTIAN AID INTERVENTIONS Emergency aid Providing basics such as food, water and shelter for those who have had to flee their homes. Psycho-social support Counselling for children, people with disabilities and victims of sexual violence.

Empowering women Tackling physical and sexual violence against women, campaigning for laws that protect women’s rights, and encouraging women to become leaders. Food production Helping families become self-sufficient – providing farmers with seeds, tools and training.

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IOPT Six decades of conflict, mean many in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory live lives characterised by fear, oppression and poverty.

IRAQ Decades of conflict have displaced millions from their homes. Women face systematic discrimination and violence, including ‘honour killings’.

AFGHANISTAN Over three decades of violent conflict have undermined livelihoods, shattered health and education services, and displaced hundreds of thousands of people.

$ EGYPT Uprisings in Egypt and neighbouring countries have led to outbreaks of violence that have damaged people’s livelihoods.

SYRIA Since the conflict began in March 2011, more than 130,000 people have been killed and millions displaced.

$ MYANMAR Violence between ethnic groups and the government has forced hundreds of thousands from their homes.

$ CAMBODIA Attitudes towards women make them vulnerable to extreme abuse.

$ SOUTH SUDAN Escalating violence since December 2013 has displaced hundreds of thousands of people in South Sudan.

ANGOLA A 27-year civil war ended in 2002, but the government represses human rights and few benefi t from the wealth of the country’s natural resources.

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Regional and political conflicts mean civilians face the constant threat of displacement, sexual violence, abduction and extortion.

KENYA Pastoralist tribes fight over increasingly scarce resources.

$ Employment Helping people make a living again after their livelihoods have been destroyed. Education and training Teaching new skills to vulnerable women, talking with young people about how to stay out of violent gangs, and educating men’s groups about women’s rights.


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Protection Providing crisis centres for women at risk of violence, helping create humanitarian zones where communities can live safely, and preventing conflict through better management of resources. Human-rights work Helping people know their rights, providing legal representation, and supporting the work of human-rights monitors and defenders.

Promoting peace Promoting reconciliation through dialogue, and helping faith leaders advocate for peace, nationally and internationally. Strengthening laws Campaigning for laws to protect people’s rights, and seeking justice through national and international courts. We also support partners dealing with the impact of conflict in Mali, Somalia, Ethiopia and South Africa.

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Feature Syria

‘We used to work for ourselves, but look where we are now’ The human cost of conflict is not only measured in lives lost or physical injury. As refugees from Syria tell Amy Merone, the cost is also felt as the loss of a life that was once stable, comfortable and fulfilling.


hen Layal greets me at the door of the home that she shares with her husband and their three children, she turns away in shame. ‘I am embarrassed for you to come in,’ she tells me. Layal and her family are Palestinian refugees from Syria. They once led a comfortable, happy life in the Syrian city of Homs. But on the afternoon that I meet Layal, her husband, Faysal, and their two-year-old daughter, Helen, their lives seem anything but that. They live in what used to be an electricity

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Above: Layal, Faysal and daughter Helen.

‘Living in a shop... is humiliating for us’

storeroom in Lebanon, which they rent for $150 a month. It’s cold and dark. ‘We used to work and provide for ourselves, but look where we are now.’ Layal glances around the storeroom, as if taking in her new surroundings for the first time. I’m struck by how little there is in their home. In the makeshift kitchen behind a curtain, a small frying pan hangs on the wall. A cheese grater sits on a sparse shelf next to two eggs. ‘We fled Syria with nothing but the clothes we had on,’ Layal explains. Layal’s family is among more than Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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Unrest in Syria began in March 2011, at a time when a number of countries in the Middle East experienced change. Peaceful protests across Syria turned into an armed conflict between President Assad’s government and opposition factions. As we went to press, peace talks in Geneva had ended without any real progress.

897,000 Syrian refugees in Lebanon. For a country with a population of only 4.5 million, the influx of people fleeing its neighbour’s civil war has swelled its population by nearly 25%. Lebanon is almost at breaking point. I met families living in abandoned shops, in garages and even in the basement of a disused mosque. Many appeared to be in a state of shock. Layal’s sister, Helen, lives next door in what was once a shop. Helen was four months pregnant when she and her husband, Wassim, fled Damascus. She tells me that she surprised her husband by bringing their photo albums with her. And as I sit looking through images that tell me the story of their lives together, I’m struck by Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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the enormity of the change they have experienced. Photographs depict a happy, comfortable, carefree life. ‘This is the end that was waiting for us; living in a shop. It is humiliating.’ It is this sense of loss – physical and emotional – that refugees described to me in each of the places I visited. In Ein el-Helweh, a Palestinian refugee camp south of Beirut, more than 3,500 Palestinian Syrians are estimated to have arrived since the conflict began. The lives of these people, are marked by a history of displacement. Ismael and his family had to move three times within Syria before being forced to cross the border into Lebanon. In the two-room apartment he now shares with 15 members of his family, he says, ‘Can you imagine after all this time how I feel? I should be able to feel alive again.’ The emotional distress is hard to hear. Families speak of having lost everything. They describe horrific violence they have witnessed and lament years of hard work to build lives that have now been destroyed by war. Our partner Association Najdeh, with funds from our Syria Crisis Appeal, is working in Lebanon to help families left with nothing. It provides a bulwark against the unbearable – distributing cash vouchers so people can buy food and health kits, and helping women and children traumatised by the violence receive psychological support. We’ve reached almost 40,000 in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq with essentials such as food and shelter, as well as education and psychological support. In the months ahead we’ll continue to get vital support to vulnerable communities, and extend our work to help refugees living with disabilities in Lebanon and women-headed households in northern Iraq. • Syria: the cost of war, see overpage You can donate to the Christian Aid Syria Crisis Appeal by visiting or by phoning 08080 004 004.

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Syria: the cost of war Statistics since the violence began in March 2011


22,500,000 population

500,000 wounded

130,000 killed


children killed

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1 in 2

hospitals damaged



1 in 5

schools destroyed LEBANON 897,000

(increasing Lebanon's population by 25%)

Food and shelter

9,300,000 in urgent need of food in Syria and neighbouring countries


JORDAN 593,000

displaced within Syria (5,000 flee their homes daily) TURKEY 581,000


IRAQ 217,000

This money is being used by our partners in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq to provide food, health and hygiene kits, along with psychological and social support.

EGYPT 133,000

raised through our appeal so far

(numbers are approximate)

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The big picture 18 018-019_CAM_1.indd 18

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DRC: Plight of the displaced


iolence has forced more than 4,000 people to flee to the town of Bweremana in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Many of them live in this makeshift camp in town, while others live with host families. They are among an estimated 42 million people

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worldwide who have been forced by conflict to flee their homes – a staggeringly large number, and one that is still growing. Learn more about people living in the midst of conflict in DRC in our photo gallery at

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Violence: why women’s voices must be heard A new report by our partner ABColombia reveals that 98% of the perpetrators of sexual violence in Colombia are never brought to justice. Renowned journalist Jineth Bedoya Lima became part of the story herself 13 years ago when she was abducted, tortured and raped. She explains why some women are now speaking out.


decided to concentrate specifically on the issue of sexual violence because I am a victim. When I was doing research on arms trafficking in Colombia I was abducted, tortured and raped by three of my kidnappers. In my case not a single person has been prosecuted or sentenced. I continue to receive death threats. I have to be protected and travel in a bullet-proof car. I have to do my work under very difficult circumstances, but this does not deter me. For a long time I said nothing, but for the past two years I have been

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writing about the problem, calling on the government and organisations responsible for looking after the rights of women – the army, the police and legal professionals – to take the subject of violence against women seriously. Many of my campaigns have focused on awakening the conscience of men, so they are aware this is not just a problem for women. We can’t carry on crying over what has happened, but men are responsible and part of the solution lies with them. Men and women who have been victims hope for the conflict to end. Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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Reflection Parallel to this desire for peace is the subject of impunity. Those of us who have been victims of paramilitary groups have had to witness a painful situation – that despite their demobilisation, at least in public, we haven’t received any justice. We believe the same will happen with the FARC guerrillas. They don’t want to admit their responsibility for sexual violence, not only against peasant and indigenous women but also against their own female combatants. This is something we will have to raise at the peace talks. As the talks are dominated by men, the issue has not been championed. We believe that the illegal armed groups, the army and men in general should acknowledge their responsibility. Until then the situation won’t change.

Conflict in Colombia Five decades of armed conflict in Colombia have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, and seen nearly 6 million people displaced. Sexual violence has been endemic throughout, but largely invisible. What happens now? UN resolutions – signed by Colombia – state governments should ensure that: • sexual violence is on the agenda during peace talks • there should be no amnesties for crimes of sexual violence • women must play a major part in the peace process. ABColombia’s report calls for Colombia to adhere to these resolutions and aims to raise awareness in the UK. We hope it will help the UK Government lobby the Colombian Government on behalf of female victims of sexual violence. You can read more about the issue of sexual violence on our website at Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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A safe house Kathy Galloway, Head of Christian Aid Scotland, reflects on an encounter with a brave young woman who showed her how courage can be found in the midst of great danger. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear… God is in the midst of the city; it shall not be moved; God will help it when the morning dawns. (Psalm 46, 1-2,5)


he words of Psalm 46 have been speaking deeply to my heart after a recent visit to the state of Rondonia in northern Brazil, a somewhat lawless place with much of its economic activity linked to opencast mining. Here, I visited the only refuge in the state for women experiencing violence. Established in the city of Ariquemes by Christian Aid partner SADD, the diaconal programme of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, its director is a priest, Rev Elineide Ferreira. I was quite unprepared for the slight 27-year-old woman who welcomed us into Noeli dos Santos, the safe house, and shared its work with us. Surely the task of offering sanctuary to up to 10 women and their children, in a culture that sees violence against women as normal and acceptable, was too great for such slim shoulders? Surely the danger those in the refuge must face (already they have had to move three times, after police sources gave their address to angry men) should not be borne

by one so young? What can it mean to say, ‘God is with us’, when threat, abuse, pain and loss are the daily reality for these women and their children? How is it possible not to feel fear in the face of such intimate violence? Rev Eleneide, local pastor, wife, mother and part-time social work student, is a pioneer of extraordinary courage and faith. As well as forging creative links with the local social services, she has acted as a consultant in producing training materials for faith communities wishing to support women experiencing violence. In faith, she bears extraordinary burdens; in faith, moved by her desire not just to care for women, but to change how women are seen, that they are respected as having equal dignity and worth in the eyes of God, she has become in her own person a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. As she says, ‘Our priesthood is most expressed when we are open to everyone.’ In meditating on Psalm 46, I realise that the declaration ‘therefore we will not fear’ is not a description of feeling but a mighty statement of faith, a decision to live hopefully and with courage in the midst of great loss and danger, rooted in trust in the God who is in the midst of the city, which will not be moved.

21 06/02/2014 12:53

Inspired? Enraged? Send your views to: The Editor, Christian Aid Magazine, 35 Lower Marsh, London SE1 7RL or email: You can also share your opinions on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn Christian Aid/Matthew Gonzalez-Noda

salary that is paid to your chief . I do not intend to stop giving an Aid and I will continue to nd promote its work, but I se who are drawing such large will examine their consciences.

agement of big budgets, s of projects and hundreds of any dangerous and complex quires excellence, diligence ssional skill. In the same way s want to secure great head – for the sake of hundreds of education – I believe charities sponsibility to secure excellent p. The safety and security of sustainability of projects and at which severe poverty is e can be dependent on this.

doubt that your pay decision well thought-out and that worth her salary. I can only magine how many hours she d the stress that she is under uch a big organisation. I am n happy for a woman who oning the rights of others rself to be rewarded in this y that Christian Aid goes from to strength and shines the esus in this very sad world.

-term Christian Aid supporter, ht and prayers are with you. I tee of a middle-income charity church-related charities, and nd the factors that go into remuneration.


witchboard: 0 4444 ter enquiries: 020 7523 2225 ons: 020 7523 2269 giving queries: 020 7523 2046 nd legacies: 020 7523 2173 al events: 020 7523 2248

LAST WORD A reflection on playing a part in the fight against poverty, and living life in the wider family of Christian Aid

The case for salary justice Dr Rowan Williams,

being called to an act of witness and our generosity of giving is an essential aspect of this. The first of these points is easier to answer: it is simply the case that much ‘charitable’ work now, especially the kind of thing Christian Aid does, is a long way from simply transferring resources – or rather, it is concerned with how available resources are best put to work so as to change the basic conditions under which poverty arises and persists. This requires expertise around political and financial structures, the capacity to analyse structural causes of poverty, political analysis that will help us see where pressure is best applied to decisionmaking processes, and an understanding of good governance so as to help build sustainable patterns of life for those who have hitherto felt passive and excluded. Those skills are acquired by study and work in the field, and involve spending some resources so as to get more and better resources at another level. We are not going to have a helpful discussion of these issues without helping people beyond a simplistic and rather paternalistic picture of ‘direct’ giving to the poorest as the only thing that counts. But the second point deserves careful thought. In a way, the word ‘voluntary’ doesn’t help us. All those involved at any level with an organisation such as Christian Aid are involved because they want to be; they have chosen to do this and to serve God in this way. Some who are called to serve God in the alleviation of poverty do so by freely giving from their resources to support others who feel called to do the work full-time –

Chair of Christian Aid’s Dr Rowan article in Board of Trustees,Williams’ argues that there is a sound theological for the lastbasis Christian Aid News drew supporting those who work for and on behalf of some further responses to the the rest of us salary debate. IT’S NOT SURPRISING that the highly-coloured press stories over the summer about the salaries of chief executives of charities should have provoked deep unease and even anger. At a time of financial hardship, there is bound to be questioning of anything that looks like poor or self-serving stewardship, especially among those who oversee work on behalf of the poor and vulnerable. But before we simply endorse the knee-jerk reaction of disapproval, we should take stock a little. Some responses suggest that people still think of ‘charity’ as essentially a means of getting money from donor to recipient. This doesn’t sound like rocket science; and so it seems incomprehensible that people should be paid substantial salaries for just forwarding what is donated. Other responses appeal to the fact that a Christian voluntary organisation ought to be run on sacrificial lines: employees should not expect to be remunerated at market rates because this is work for the kingdom of God, and we must not collude with the world’s measures of success or aspiration. We should take simply what we need and even bear with a situation in which we can’t entirely satisfy our needs – because we are

Pay row astounds me

Again I am left astounded by the reaction of many of your readers. When I heard about the furore regarding the pay of executives at charities I took no notice as, to me, it was simply a right-wing attack on charities that have a message that is not comfortable for those on the right of the political spectrum to hear. It never crossed my mind that charities were doing anything that would be criticised by their supporters. I was very pleased to see that Carolyn Gray and Rowan Williams, as well as one or two readers, rebuffed the criticisms in a very eloquent and measured way. Robert Bromley, via email

Christian Aid News 29

Rhetoric is unhelpful Dr Rowan Williams’ article outlining factors which may be relevant in deciding the pay of a chief executive for an organisation such as Christian Aid strays very little from conventional thinking on rewards for responsibility.

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It is not expected that the chief executive should work without reward, but selfjustifying rhetoric regarding the complexity of the organisation and the onerous demands on the person in charge is not helpful in evaluating a more acceptable income. Even a salary between £30k and £40k is a lot more than most people’s income. Someone genuinely motivated by the core values of Christian Aid would be more than content to accept such remuneration. Alec Such, Allerton, Bradford

Hard to convince Having worked in the charity sector as a volunteer and to earn a living, I know how difficult it is, and I used to wince when I saw my chief executive’s salary! I have found it hard talking to people who say they don’t believe in giving to charities – particularly larger ones – as they think most of the money is ‘creamed off’ or goes in corrupt payments, and doesn’t get to the people it’s meant to help. There may be room for some scepticism, as any organisation will have its weak points, but on the whole this isn’t true. But they won’t be persuaded to think differently. Christine Harrison, Leicester

03/10/2013 15:22

Curb the speculators While I applaud your efforts in tackling tax dodging, if we are to make serious inroads

into reducing the widening gap between rich and poor we must curb the activities of the stock exchange and those who manipulate it. Speculators could opt to expand the world economy for the greater good, but know that their greed can be better satisfied by instigating a fall in share values to force panicselling in the market. The European Union wanted to introduce a transaction tax against all financial transactions and the UK was the only country to oppose this – at the insistence of David Cameron to protect the city of London on the pretext that the greedy banks would relocate elsewhere, even though the tax level proposed was less than 1%; the precise amount that the advocates of the Robin Hood tax pointed out could solve world poverty overnight. If he is right and the banks opted to move, it would be interesting to ask him where they might move to. Europe would be out of the question as the transaction tax would already be there and America has more than enough of them now. There is politics at work here. The UK Government knows that the Union Jack flies over the majority of the world’s tax havens but does nothing about it and we have to ask ourselves why it protects ‘the City’ at all costs, and consider that the answer could be that the major donors to party funds all make their fortunes there. Allan MacDougall, Bridge of Allan, Scotland

Christian AidChristian Magazine AidWinter/Spring News Winter 2014

06/02/2014 12:54

Letters Fair deal for interns?

Registered charity no.1043886

Being a bloke, I read the last issue of Christian Aid News from the back forward; so I started with Rowan Williams’ challenge: ‘”Am I being sacrificial enough?” is a question for all Christians.’ I moved onto the furore over your chief executive’s pay and then alighted on ‘Inspiring a new generation’ about the new interns whose job is to engage the capital’s young people regarding confronting poverty and social justice, which led me to ask the question: Is Christian Aid paying its interns at least the London Living Wage (currently £8.55 an hour)? I hope you are, because if you are not, it seems to be hypocritical to attack corporate tax dodgers (the next article I came to) for not paying their dues while not financially recognising your own workers.

Personally, I have a beef against the rise of unpaid internships, as only those with rich parents who can afford to sponsor them are able to get the skills and experience necessary for better-paid jobs; this in turn limits social mobility and in turn equality (a problem that has increased since the 1970s). Tim Fox Beckenham, Kent Internship manager Chris Mead replies: The Christian Aid Intern programme is designed to offer a genuine learning and development opportunity for young people who would like to carve a career in international development or a church-based organisation. The scheme runs for 10 months on a full-time volunteer basis in Christian Aid offices around the UK. Interns are not paid a salary but receive expenses, which

p a e ch as n a n ba eaten thr s’ r e m far res futu

Christian Aid Magazine News Winter Winter/Spring 2014 2014

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cover accommodation, utility bills, council tax, and travel to and from work and speaking engagements. They also receive a weekly allowance to cover food and essential toiletries. Each intern receives training from the Institute of Fundraising and attends courses on campaigning, photography, events management, preaching, gender, HIV and health, and travel security. In addition, we cover the cost of a two-week overseas trip, which allows them to visit Christian Aid partners, providing them with valuable first-hand experience of development work with some of the world’s poorest communities. Former interns have gone on to work for, among others, Oxfam, Amnesty, ActionAid, Tearfund, the MTV Staying Alive Foundation, People & Planets and, of course, Christian Aid.

In the last 10 years, a bitter price war has seen the UK supermarket sector almost halve the price of loose bananas while the cost of producing them has doubled. This is trapping many farmers and workers in poverty. Act now to protect the millions who grow the UK’s favourite fruit. Stick with Foncho to make bananas fair at

23 06/02/2014 12:54

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‘Seeing these children healthy and smiling – that’s what it’s all about’

Beyond a lifetime Three of our supporters, Kathy, Margaret and Naomi, met communities in Haiti last October to see how legacies are helping them invest in the future. Over the next year, we’ll share the stories, photos and artwork of these communities in a travelling exhibition called I Witness.


he laughter of children mixes with the chinking of bottles as milk is passed around the classroom. This could be a scene from anywhere in the world. But this is Haiti and the milk is produced by local dairy farmers – thanks to the support of our partner Veterimed. ‘This work is a lift for the entire community,’ says Kathy Childress, who is here to learn more about the project. For Kathy this trip was especially poignant. She was continuing the work that her daughter, Esther, started before she died in 2012, just days after her 14th birthday. Esther was diagnosed with cancer when she was 12. Over the following years, she became increasingly ill, and

yet also increasingly determined to reach out to people who she felt were worse off than her. Esther had been particularly inspired by the work of Christian Aid and asked for a gift to be given to our work to fight poverty with the money she had saved. ‘By going to Haiti, I feel I’m carrying on the work that Esther began. She left me a task to do, and this is where it starts,’ Kathy says. The group spent a morning seeing how Veterimed pasteurises and bottles its milk before distributing it right across Haiti. She then saw how gratefully it was received by children at a Port-au-Prince primary school. By boosting Haiti’s dairy industry, Veterimed is actually strengthening Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

06/02/2014 12:54

Clergy called to support communities in conflict


at’s ut’

Left: Kathy Childress passing out the milk from our partner Veterimed to schoolchildren in Port-au-Prince. Above: Milk being pasteurised at one of Veterimed’s dairy processing centres.

the whole economy – providing employment for local farmers and reducing dependence on imported milk. ‘It’s supporting local farmers and industry,’ Kathy explains. ‘On top of all that, children will grow healthier and stronger – thanks to the great projects that Christian Aid supports.’ Every legacy we receive brings us closer to a world where poverty is finally over. This is the message of our I Witness exhibition. It shows some of the extraordinary work of our partners in Haiti. It shares the stories, photos and artwork of inspirational people rebuilding their lives in the face of overwhelming odds. If you’d like your church to host the I Witness exhibition, please contact Alison in the Legacy team on 020 7523 2173 or email Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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ecent news positive, with almost 5,000 coverage of the appointments booked. conflict in South If you’ve got a meeting Sudan reminds us that for scheduled, we look forward millions of people across to seeing you. If not, we the world, the horror of war may well be in touch soon. is a part of daily life. Either way, we’d love you to This year’s Christian Aid get involved this Christian Week – the biggest act of Aid Week, from 11-17 May. Christian witness in Britain Together, we can send and Ireland – will focus on communities living in fear partners working to build this message: ‘You are not peace amid conflict in South alone. We’re beside you, Sudan, Colombia and Iraq. helping you rebuild your Since October last year, lives, working for peace.’ Christian Aid staff have been phoning ministers Christian Aid Week across all denominations to resources for your church invite them to face-to-face are now available online at meetings. The initiative aims to help even more churches make Christian Aid Week a part of their mission. The meetings will be Divine Chocolate, the Fairtrade informal chats between chocolate company co-owned by ministers and our cocoa farmers, has a new chairman regional coordinators – social entrepreneur Jamie Hartzell, about the ways in which founder of the Ethical Property Christian Aid can help Company and the positive churches respond to investment marketplace the issue of poverty and Ethex. injustice. The response so far has been very

Just Divine

Make your Lent count Sometimes, Lent can be a chore. The point behind your spiritual discipline becomes obscured by the drudgery of going without a treat every day. Our Lenten calendar, Count Your Blessings, is a great way to keep yourself motivated all the way to Easter, and make your Lent count for some of the world’s poorest people. The calendar is available to download and print off, or as an app for your mobile or

tablet. It gives you daily food for thought and suggests ways you can make a difference through giving, acting and praying. You can download the printable version of Count Your Blessings from Find the app for your phone, tablet or device by visiting the App Store for iPhones or iPads, Google Play or iTunes. Have a look at to find out more.

25 06/02/2014 12:54

The Good Little Company

IT’S A SIZZLER! Photo: Mackenzie

Buy healthy ethical sausages from the Good Little Company (GLC) and help raise money for Christian Aid’s work around the world. For every packet of sausages you buy, the GLC will donate 7p to Christian Aid. This could help poor communities grow the food they need to overcome hunger and poverty. GLC sausages are available in more than 150 Waitrose stores across Britain, and selected Tesco stores in Northern Ireland. For your nearest store location, check the map on And if you join the Good Little Company on Facebook it will donate an extra 7p to Christian Aid: 14-360-J2312

Help n childrteand undersissues globalby bit bit

Download free monthly resources for church-based children’s groups. All-age talks, games, craft ideas with printed activity sheets available for Christian Aid Week, Harvest and Christmas, and more. Extra acti Project name Harvest 2012 Item name All-age talk Client Pippa Durn Client team Churches and young people



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House build

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• Eggs and diffe rent mate rials to • Colouring wrap them pens or in. pencils. • Optio nal – A Safe Place Aid Wee to Live, k film abou a Christian at cawe t Edile, ek.or avail DVD, Fear g or on the Chris able online less. tian Aid Week

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Bamboo to hold poles up roof

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06/02/2014 12:55

Serve up something souper Drawing on the vast range of cuisine from the countries where we work, we’ll be bringing you delicious recipes to use at home, at church or in groups. In this issue, we’ve got some simmeringly splendid ideas for your Super Soup Lunch. A Super Soup Lunch can be part of your church’s Lenten activities, the chance to catch up with friends, or an excuse to step away from your desk at lunchtime. Our website features more wonderful recipes from around the world, along with details on how you can take part to raise money for our work. You can also download a series of special Super Soup placemats on which to serve your creations. Find out more at

Super Soup Lunch

Pumpkin and leek soup Ingredients (Serves four) – – – – – – –

Ingredients ((Serves Serves two)

knob of butter tablespoon of oil 1 onion, chopped 1 large carrot, chopped 1 large leek or 2 small leeks, sliced 600g pumpkin or squash, peeled and diced 750ml vegetable, ham or chicken stock (homemade, from stock cubes or pots, or shop bought) – black pepper and salt (to taste)


Onion soup from Mali

– – – – –

1 onion 5 tomatoes 1 vegetable stock cube 568ml water 2 teaspoons vegetable oil


Finely chop and fry the onion. Add the tomatoes, a pint glass of water and the stock cube. Bring to the boil and then simmer for about 15-20 minutes. Serve hot and enjoy! For more national and international soup recipes, including cream of celery soup from Christian Aid collector Derek Pledger, visit

Lent 2014

In a large saucepan, melt a knob of butter with a tablespoon of oil. Add the onion, carrot and leek and sweat for 10 minutes or until soft, stirring occasionally. Add the pumpkin (or squash), the stock and some freshly ground black pepper. Cover and leave to simmer gently for 15-20 minutes until the pumpkin is soft. Blend the soup until smooth. Taste before adding any salt, as there may be enough already, depending on the stock you have used. Recipe from Sarah Clay, regional coordinator, Christian Aid Oxford office

Young supporter Rose enjoying our pumpkin and leek soup.

Answers to the crossword on page 29. ACROSS: 1 Buoyancy 5 Pandas 10 Magical 11 Open air 12 Owners 13 Oklahoma 15 Action stations 17 Technical hitch 21 Abundant 23 Advent 25 Oak tree 26 Ocarina 27 Eleven 28 Handyman. DOWN 1 Bamboo 2 Organic 3 Accordion 4 Cull 6 Arena 7 Diabolo 8 Surpass 9 Book stall 14 Unscented 16 Third hand 17 Tea rose 18 Chuckle 19 Caesium 20 Strain 22 Dirge 24 Coda

Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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27 06/02/2014 12:56

Book reviews

What would the world look like if Jesus was in charge? Red Letter Christianity Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo (Hodder & Stoughton, £9.99)


Edited by Caroline Atkinson,

hat would it look like if Jesus was in charge of... our city, our country, our world? This is one of the questions raised in Red Letter Christianity,, a new book from US religious leaders Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo, which explores what it means to live out the words of Jesus each day. Campolo, a pastor, professor and political adviser – who Bono dubbed ‘more radical than any rock star’ – and Claiborne, an activist, speaker and author (who once worked alongside Mother Teresa) are both leading ‘Red Letter Christians’. Their movement came from a desire to escape what they saw as the evangelicals‘ image problem (‘anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-environmentalist‘) and put Jesus’ radical teachings into practice. The book is framed as a conversation in which the authors discuss the critical issues for followers of Jesus today – including global poverty and injustice, and the repression of women. Although differing in their approach, the The Democracy Project: A History. A Crisis. A Movement. David Graeber (Penguin, £9.99)

Leading Occupy member David Graeber gives an entertaining account of the anti-capitalist group’s occupation of Wall Street’s Zuccotti Park in 2011. Graeber uses the protests – which spread to hundreds of cities worldwide – as an opportunity to unpick notions of democracy. Yet while he provides a convincing critique of US political and financial systems, the author struggles to present a clear alternative.

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authors speak of their shared commitment to act to stop war, defy unjust political structures and speak out for the voiceless oppressed. Drawing on biblical stories, statistics and anecdotes, they share their own and others’ endeavours ‘to change society into something more like what God wants for it to be’. From sustainable farming projects created on urban wasteland to a Palestinian Christian family’s non-violent resistance to harassment in the Middle East, there is plenty to engage and delight. Silence: A Christian History Diarmaid MacCulloch (Penguin, £9.99)

A Little Book of Craftivism Sarah Corbett (Cicada, £5.99)

Sarah Corbett was a ‘burnt out activist’ until she discovered she could spread messages of justice through fabrics and stitching instead of placards and shouting. This ‘little’ book is no dry expert’s manual, but shares the qualities of her crafts: provocative and beautiful. Corbett effortlessly combines simple, practical instructions with creative ideas – such as cross-stitched protest banners – that won’t fail to inspire.

Diarmaid MacCulloch encourages us to view his latest book as a detective story. This time, the prize-winning historian is investigating the role played by silence in the Christian Church. His account may prove a little too scholarly for some tastes, but offers rewarding insights into aspects as diverse as prayer and contemplation, the Reformation and the historical role of women in the Christian faith.

Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

06/02/2014 13:01

Crossword In our survey last year, many of you said you’d quite like to see a crossword in Christian Aid Magazine. So here it is, our new Christian Aid Crossword. We hope you enjoy it! (Answers are at the foot of page 25.) 1








9 10



13 14 15




19 20



23 24


ACROSS 1 Lightness of spirit (8) 5 Bamboo-loving bears (6) 10 Enchanting (7) 11 Out of doors (4,3) 12 Possessors (6) 13 American state and musical (8) 15 Posts to be manned (6,8) 17 Temporary problem with equipment (9,5) 21 Plentiful (8) 23 Christian season before Christmas (6) 25 Plant grown from acorn (3,4) 26 Wind instrument with up to 12 finger holes (7) 27 Cricket team (6) 28 Person skilled in a wide range of repairs (8)




DOWN 1 Large evergreen member of the grass family (6) 2 Branch of chemistry dealing with carbon compounds (7) 3 Squeezebox (9) 4 Kill selectively (4) 6 Enclosed area for theatre or sport (5) 7 Juggling prop (7) 8 Overcome (7) 9 Stand selling printed matter (9) 14 Not smelly (9) 16 Having had two previous owners (5,4) 17 Woody perennial flower, often hybridised (3,4) 18 Suppressed laugh (7) 19 Alkali metal (7) 20 Stretch tight (6) 22 Lament (5) 24 Concluding event (4)

As an alternative, you can view cryptic clues for this crossword, and download a grid at

This Mothering Sunday… Flowers for a week or seeds that last a lifetime? Seeds are just one of the gifts that can improve the lives of people living in poverty around the world. Help us to give those in need a basketful of opportunities this Mothering Sunday. Visit us at

Thing s to ge t A chic k en

Wateri ng can s Hand t ools Food s upplem ent A kitch en set

Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

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Seeds for 10

£25 £12 £10 £6 £33

29 06/02/2014 12:58

Five minutes with…

‘I base my act on personal conscience, with the added element of what I think is God’s will’

Already known as a scriptwriter on TV shows Miranda and Not Going Out, Paul’s new book Genesis: A Bibluffer’s Guide is out in March. His stand-up tour continues in March. Stops include: Birmingham, Abingdon, Welwyn Garden City, Portsmouth, Taunton, Forest Hill and Swindon. See

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Paul Kerensa The Christian funnyman spent 2013 touring churches with his show So A Comedian Walks Into A Church. Now he’s making a name for himself as an author.

As a comedian, how do your faith and your work interact? Like any comedian, I base my act on personal conscience, with the added element of what I think is God’s will. Some people wrongly view this as watering down comedy – the fact that I’m broadly a clean act is sometimes viewed as if there are places I won’t go as a comedian, and that that’s somehow rare and wrong. The truth is that all comedians have places they won’t go. Even the most profane, most deliberately offensive comedians have things they won’t say: they won’t tell clean jokes. We all have restrictions we put on ourselves, and the fact that mine is that I work with God as my co-writer is doubtless a very good thing. In the very secular world of comedy, what are the challenges of being a Christian comedian? The challenges are only there if you see them as challenges. On stage we have freedom to do whatever we want – which can be a problem when we read the room as being heckly and raucous. Do we bawd up the act a bit? Get sweary, get risqué, get racy? I’ve done that before and afterwards a vicar came up to me saying, ‘We’ve booked you

for our church over the road. Do you have two acts you do?’ I must remember that Jesus is in that front row, and be comfortable doing my jokes to him. And if the act before has lambasted religion, I can go on and clear the air, make it fun and friendly again, and maybe even defend Christianity – so long as it’s funny! We can’t be preachy. People just want a laugh, not a lecture. Were you brought up a Christian? My parents aren’t Christian but sent me to church, choir, church youth group, Scouts and Pathfinders – as free childcare. When I came back believing the stuff, I don’t think they were expecting that. Do you normally give up anything for Lent? I try to give up takeaways. I normally last about a week and then re-evaluate what Lent’s all about, and decide to spend more time praying and being with God – while eating takeaway. What is your favourite book of the Bible? It’d be trite of me to say Genesis, simply because I’ve got my book retelling the story of Genesis coming out in March this year. But… Genesis. Christian Aid Magazine Winter/Spring 2014

10/02/2014 16:22

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CAM1 Advert Half page Internship advert (170x119) Joanna Callender

Job number 14-360-J2317 Proof stage AW Proof date Feedback due

How about making a difference? How about doing something amazing?

The Christian Aid Collective internship is a 10-month volunteering programme in which you’ll inspire others to take action for global justice. Based throughout Britain, all interns will: • visit a Christian Aid partner overseas • encourage young people and Christian Aid supporters to help end poverty by running workshops, speaking in churches and hosting events.

How about changing the way people think?

We’ll reimburse your living and travel expenses and you’ll gain a huge amount of experience of the development sector.

Interested in applying?


Seven amazing days of love in action

100 fundraising ideas 100 ways to fundraise for


7. Can you do-ce-do? Swing into action and organise a dance. Hire a caller and traditionalbarn country band. Serve food and cider and charge an entry fee.

3. Everyone loves a bargain Hold a second-hand clothes sale. Ask everyone you know for unwanted clothing. Children’s clothes sales are always very popular with mums and dads.

Order your resources today: or contact your local Christian Aid office Scenes from the Christian

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9. Battle of the bands Invite local bands and musicians to play at a venue and ask the audience to vote for a winner. Charge an entry fee to the audience. 10. Who wouldn’t want the chance to ‘beat the goalie’? Score a goal and win a prize. Footballers make a small donation to take part. 11. Anyone for scrabble? Invite friends over for fun and games, play Scrabble, Monopoly, Cluedo and more. Charge an entrance fee or a fee per game.

4. Hold an auction of promises Ask your friends and local businesses to donate a service free of charge, from singing lessons, language lessons, an hour’s gardening to for two at your local restaurant. dinner 5. Organise a sponsored aerobathon and enlist the support of your local gym, leisure centre or sports shop. 6. Bad taste day Charge your work colleagues or school mates £1 to spend the day wearing their loudest tie, brightest blouse or ugliest shirt and award the winner with a prize.

12. Guess the baby Ask your colleagues

or school friends to bring in baby photos and to make a donation to guess who is who. 13. Hire a bouncy castle Bouncy castles are great for keeping kids entertained at bigger family events. Charge a bouncing fee or if you really want to tire out the kids, organise a sponsored bounceathon!

16. Hold a treasure hunt Walk or cycle from clue to clue in search of hidden treasure. Teams pay to enter. Ask a local business to donate a prize to the winning team. 17. Car wash Set up a car wash at your local shopping centre, office or school car park and prepare to get wet! If you are holding a car wash on private property, make sure to get permission first. 18. Charity ball Raise money the sophisticated way by organising a themed ball with dinner and live music at a hotel. Charge tickets and boost your earnings for with games, raffles and auctions. 19. Wacky races Get sponsored to race a set distance in a shopping trolley, bathtub or wheelie bin. Ask for donations and for competing teams to pay an entry fee. 20. Wedding dress exhibition Everyone loves a wedding! How many ladies in your congregation still have their wedding dresses? Why stage a wedding dress exhibition not in the church? You can charge an entry fee and include wedding photos and written recollections from the bride and/or groom. 21.


14. Organise a poetry evening Invite local poets to read aloud their work, serve drinks and nibbles and charge an admission fee to guests. 15. Bake and sell! Who can resist a cake sale? Hold a traditional cake stand at fêtes or fairs. Don’t forget to check health and safety regulations.

Football tournament Schedule fixtures and charge teams to enter. Ask local businesses for prizes.


Children from Market Harborou gh, took part in a four-hour sponsored Leicestershire, bouncy castle bounce and raised £400 – that’s enough to buy shelters to house sheep in Nicaragua , enabling coffee farmers to diversify their income.

11–17 MA Y

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8. Hold a film night Recreate an evening of vintage cinema by showing classic films and musicals at a community venue.

Fête Reach the whole community by holding a fête, or team up with organisers of an annual event.

2. Get crafty! This is one way our talented supporters raise funds for Christian Aid Week. So if you have a skill (making cards, necklaces, dried flower arrangements, candles, etc) make sure you put it to good use and hold a craft sale during Christian Aid Week.

Will your church be taking part in Christian Aid Week? Watch films to inspire you and your church, read our guide to the 100 best fundraising ideas, order resources and much more.

Get d! involve

Christian Aid Week 2014


06/02/2014 12:58

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SPD IP IPU: Legacies Team

Contact us for your free guide to Wills and legacies

Feedback due

With a Will, you can look after the people you care about. It may look like a dry legal document, but a Will is really an act of care. Or even love. When you make a Will, you make a commitment to look after your family and friends even when you’re gone. And if you wish, you can do something even more extraordinary. By including Christian Aid in your Will, you can extend that loving care to people in other parts of the world. To a young woman in Angola eager for an education. To women, men and children made homeless by storms or floods in the Philippines. To the people you are already doing so much to help in your lifetime. To find out more about the caring power of Wills, complete and return the form below – or contact Kerry at or on 020 7523 2173. Please send me The Christian Aid Guide to Wills and Legacies Title:

First name:


Address: Postcode: Email: Telephone:

Once completed please return to: Christian Aid, PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT



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05/02/2014 10/02/2014 13:57 15:27

Christian Aid


Central Winter/Spring 2014

Stirring strings raise £1,000 for Christmas Appeal

Children sing their hearts out for Christian Aid Two weeks before Christmas, children from local church primary schools in the Southwell and Nottingham diocese came together to take part in our Big Christmas Sing. The event was held on 12 December at the Samworth Church Academy in Mansfield and included six church primary schools, as well as a choir from the Samworth Church Academy. To see video clips from the evening, go to and click on ‘About Us’ then ‘Our Video Channel’. If you would like to hold your own ‘Big Sing’ next Christmas, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your local Christian Aid office.

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Hamstead Hall Academy (with Ellie Shipman and her mum on the far right at the front)

Photo: Christian Aid/D King

The Young Strings Project Christmas concert in Birmingham has raised more than £1,000 with their fifth consecutive concert for Christian Aid. The latest was also, perhaps, the most memorable. It featured three children from the orchestra sharing moving reflections about their participation in the concert over the years, and how it has stirred their passion to raise funds for the poor communities Christian Aid supports.

Sponsored swim goes to great lengths


anuary saw a hugely successful third annual Birmingham Sponsored Swim with a record 77 participants. Some 14 teams took part, ranging from schools, churches, youth groups and businesses – each setting themselves a target or challenge. Towers Watson, a global professional services company based in Brindley Place, Birmingham, put up two teams in competition with each other. Three teams from Hamstead Hall Academy had set themselves the challenge of swimming 20 miles on the day. They came close, their slightly depleted squad completing 1,090 lengths or 17 miles. Several of their

team swam more than 100 lengths in 55 minutes, while nine-year-old Ellie Shipman did 44 lengths – further than she had ever done before. Several church teams took part, including Harborne St Peter’s, Birmingham Carrs Lane URC and Hollywood Christian Life Centre. Springfield St Christopher’s youth group FROG (Forever Reliant on God!) sent a team of 10- to 12-year-olds, whose efforts raised £200 for Christian Aid’s work. They were pleased to know that their hard work will make a difference in the fight against poverty.

06/02/2014 13:27

Central England events diary Thursday 27 February

Film screening of The UK Gold

6.30pm, St Peter’s Church, St Peter’s Gate, Nottingham NG1 2NW. Doors open at 6pm for hot drinks followed by the screening. Afterwards, Rev Christopher Harrison will chair a discussion. For more details, contact Nick Thorley on 01509 754765 or Friday 14 March

Super Soup Lunch 11.30am-1.30pm, Broad Street Methodist Church, Broad Street, Spalding PE11 1TB. Enjoy a tasty soup lunch in aid of Christian Aid. Sunday 16 March

Film screening of The UK Gold 6pm, Heanor Baptist Church, Derby Road,

Derbyshire DE75 7QL. Film screening followed by a Q&A and refreshments. For more details, contact Claire Bampton on 01509 754767 or cbampton@ Friday 28 March

Film screening of The UK Gold 7.30pm, Arena Theatre, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1SE. Organised by Wolverhampton World Poverty Action. Please contact Roger Poole on 01902 730507 or rapoole@ Saturday 29 March

‘Tea in Kabul’

Hall Green, Birmingham B28 0BT. A community Christian/ Muslim sponsored walk and event to raise money for Christian Aid’s community

Tax justice launch Worcester Diocese is launching a year-long Tax Justice Partnership with Christian Aid and Church Action on Poverty to highlight the impact of corporate tax evasion on poverty in the UK and overseas. Bishop John will launch the partnership on Wednesday 26 March at 7pm in The Old Palace, Deansway, Worcester. For details, contact Jill Stone on 0121 200 2283 or email

partnership project in Afghanistan. Times to be confirmed, but will include a family walk from a local mosque ending at St Peter’s Church, Highfield Road, Hall Green, for tea and refreshments. For details, call Anna Burden on 0121 200 2283 or contact Sunday 30 March

Loughborough Simple Sunday Lunch 12.30pm, United Reformed Church, Frederick Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3BH. Proceeds to Christian Aid. Saturday 5 April

North Staffs sponsored walk 10am, Tittesworth Reservoir (three miles north of Leek, off the A53). Registration from 9.15am. For details, contact John Bamford on 01782 516137 or email birmingham@

Friday 9 May

Gareth Davies-Jones: Now But Not Yet 7.30pm, Casey Joe’s Bar, 1293 Warwick Road, Birmingham B27 6PU. Singer-songwriter Gareth Davies-Jones is performing in support of Christian Aid as part of his Now But Not Yet tour. Tickets £7.50. For more details, phone 0121 707 5722 or email admin@ Saturday 10 May

Humber Bridge Cross 2pm start, south entrance of the Humber Bridge, Barton-upon-Humber. Join this annual sponsored walk and cross the bridge as many times as you can! For more information, and to take part, contact the East Midlands office on 01509 265013 or eastmidlands@ Saturday 10 to Saturday 17 May

Sunday 27 April

Busking for Christian Aid Week

12.30pm, All Saints with Holy Trinity, Steeple Row, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 1UX.

Birmingham city centre. Musically skilled? If you can join in on the weekend days or between 12noon and 2pm Mon-Fri, please contact Anna Burden, as before.

Loughborough Simple Sunday Lunch

Tribute: Jo Pattison The well-attended memorial service for Jo Pattison held on 16 November was a fitting farewell to a much-loved Christian Aid campaigner and supporter. Jo’s sudden passing was a great shock to her

family and many friends. She leaves behind a legacy of campaigning for Christian Aid on Fairtrade, climate and tax issues that has inspired people across Shropshire and beyond to join the fight for a more just world.

Christian Aid Central Winter/Spring 2014

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06/02/2014 13:27

Close shave raises hundreds for Syrian refugees


close encounter with a razor meant parishioners of St Paul’s, Pendeford, have seen a new side of Rev Jim Perry. Challenged by the stories coming from Syria, he committed to having his first haircut in a decade to raise money for a special Christian Aid appeal. A long-time supporter of Christian Aid, Rev Perry said: ‘I realised that 2013 marked 10 years since I last had my hair cut (also to raise money for Christian Aid!). So I decided that being sponsored to have my head shaved again might be a possibility. Originally we had intended to do it as part of Christian Aid Week in May, but some folk organising a music and social evening at church in November asked if I would do it as part of that. I said yes without thinking about it, before later realising that November would be a lot colder than May!

Reflections from Burundi

‘As the situation in Syria continued to worsen, with hundreds of thousands of men, women and children suffering the cost of the ongoing conflict there, I was keen that any money raised should be directed towards the relief efforts. ‘Though some people were a bit sad at losing their “vicar with a ponytail”, everyone has been incredibly generous and I was thrilled that we raised more than £750. The hair itself was plaited and sent to the Little Princess Trust, which makes wigs for child cancer patients. ‘I do miss my hair, as I thought I would, but the response from others was really positive, with many people saying I look 10 years younger, which is nice. The hair is growing back fast, and I often get asked if I’ll let it grow long again. I haven’t decided yet, though I have always liked the idea of a mohawk!’

Our staff have visited Burundi ahead of this year’s Christian Aid Week. Here are a couple of brief impressions of their trip Judi Perry, East Midlands: ‘My highlight was meeting a young boy called Jerome. We’d met a number of people who, when asked about their hopes and dreams for the future, said their dream was to have manure! Then, at a school in a Batwa community (a minority group that is often stigmatised) I spoke to Jerome, who said his dream was to be the “first Batwa President of Burundi”. Inspiring.’ John Cooper, West Midlands: ‘You can never make sense of a country in 12 days, but one word sums up the work we all support. Transformation. Long-term agricultural work, health advocacy and the growth of civil society – all were transforming the country and transforming lives of individuals.’

Student links help spread the word Christian Aid has enjoyed a fruitful six months developing campaigning links with key learning institutions in the region. On one visit, students at the ecumenical Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham, listened to first-hand experiences of our work in Burundi and tales of tax injustice from regional coordinator John Cooper. Towards the end of last year West Midlands staff and volunteers Sally Hayden, Millie Swan and John Howell worked with Queen’s student

Adam Dickson to reflect on the situation in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, using our Beyond Belief presentation. Meanwhile regional coordinator Rachel Tween has encouraged staff and students at Regents Theological College (Elim), West Malvern, to deepen their campaigning relationship with us. Sally Hayden, regional coordinator for Staffordshire, preached on the theme of justice at their midweek worship in October. Examining

three gospel miracle narratives, she looked at how these direct us to consider those living in poverty in our world. Already students are taking the messages to heart. Those at Queen’s are looking at how their campaigning aligns with our work and Regents College has established a global justice group called REACT. We look forward to walking and learning together what a God of justice has to say about the world we see. Christian Aid Central Winter/Spring 2014

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06/02/2014 13:27

Be inspired to use the enclosed Count Your Blessings leaflet and download more Lent actions at

This Lent, we have 40 days to renew our minds and transform the lives of the poor. Let each of us take steps so the world may be changed.

to act for those in need.

to consider faith and justice,

to count our blessings,



Be happy!

If undelivered, please return to Supporter Relations, Christian Aid, PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT

Christian Aid

Photo: Rachel Lees


Trinidad Ruiz is urging others in Colombia to stand up for their rights.

Inspired by safe zones in Colombia


uring a fact-finding trip to Colombia, London interns Kit Powney and Danielle Simkins were inspired by the people they met who were standing up for their land rights. ‘In September, we had the amazing opportunity of going to Colombia for two weeks to witness Christian Aid’s work supporting communities, tackling violence and building peace. ‘Camping in the Colombian jungle was a big challenge: hot, sweaty and plenty of creepycrawlies to keep us company at night! However, all the challenges we faced were put firmly into perspective by the time we spent in the humanitarian zone of Las Camelias. There, we met some remarkable and courageous people, standing up for their rights and reclaiming the land that had been taken from them. ‘We met Trinidad Ruiz whose husband and 15-year-old son

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were brutally murdered because they were helping restore land to its original owners. Trinidad wants the whole world to know about such violence and to join with her to end it. ‘Through advocacy, financial support, and legal and physical assistance, provided by Christian Aid and its partners, people like Trinidad can continue their brave fight, knowing that the rest of the world is standing with them. That’s why this Christian Aid Week we want you to join us in supporting such communities. As a member of Las Camelias said, “We live because you know us”.’

London Winter/Spring 2014

Joyous celebrations at our Big Christmas Sings On a cold, wet night in December, Oxford Street’s Regent Hall was ringing with the sound of some of Britain’s best Gospel artists celebrating Christmas. Lurine Cato and Jahmene Douglas joined John Fisher, the IDMC Gospel Choir (below) and Birmingham’s Town Hall Gospel Choir for a Big Christmas Sing. It was a great night! So, too, was the Union Chapel’s candlelit carol service. The chapel was packed to hear the Word and sing carols, old and new. Both these events supported Christian Aid, and as you plan for the year ahead we urge you to choose Christian Aid as your Christmas charity.

Watch our short film A Safe Place to Live to learn, from a child’s perspective, the importance of safe places like Las Camelias. It’s on the Christian Aid Week Fear Less DVD in your Christian Aid Week Welcome Pack. Or download it from

06/02/2014 13:26

Reflection Generosity: a chance to encounter


ur most ordinary acts of generosity demonstrate Christ’s presence among us, and his presence brings transformation. When, on the road to Emmaus, two disciples invited their walking companion to eat with them, little did they know that their act of generosity would reveal Christ in their midst (Luke 24:13-35). The giving work of our partners in some of the poorest areas of the world also creates moments where Christ is encountered. The compassionate actions of the Israeli and Palestinian doctors who volunteer for Physicians for Human Rights Israel

(PHRI), in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, bring possibilities of great transformation and hope. Christian Aid enables PHRI to step beyond religious and political barriers and offer medical treatment to those in need, creating encounters that are a sign of hope in what is viewed by many as a wretched situation. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus, having witnessed the death of Jesus, their friend and leader, also despaired at what the future would hold. And yet, their encounter with Christ, even when they did not recognise him, set their hearts burning

Collection of books

Your used and unwanted books can help end poverty! We are collecting second-hand books to sell on the internet: Christian and theological books, academic, educational and professional textbooks. There are a few simple rules. The books must be: • non-fiction • in good condition and • have an ISBN number printed on the copyright page. If possible, there should also be a barcode printed on the back (or on the dust jacket). Call our orders helpline on 0870 078 7788 if you would like a collecting box delivered to you. When it’s full, call them back and they will arrange a pickup from your doorstep. How easy is that?

and brought hope and transformation (24:30-32). As Christian Aid seeks to transform lives in the face of seemingly desperate and hopeless circumstances, our work with 814 partners is a witness of Christ’s presence among the world’s poorest communities. The generosity of supporters makes these encounters possible. Your regular giving, prayers, campaigning actions, house-to-house collections – indeed, all that you do – provide opportunities for Christ to reveal himself and transform our world. Clare Paine, Regional Coordinator

Door-to-door with Muslim communities If you are worried that doorto-door collecting might be challenging during Christian Aid Week, or are concerned that your neighbourhood has changed and people will not be responsive, then here is some encouragement from members of Vine United Reformed Church, working in partnership with the local Methodist Church in multicultural Ilford. Eileen Baldwin is responsible for rallying the troops. ‘It’s much more fun doing it together!’ she says. In the years that Eileen has been organising the collections, Ilford has changed a lot, becoming more multicultural, with more Muslim residents. ‘However,’ says Eileen, ‘in some ways

our new neighbours are more open and receptive than previous generations. ‘One Muslim lady didn’t have any money but donated a piece of jewellery. The ring was sold and raised about £20.’ On another occasion, when St Albans Church, Great Ilford, had its offering stolen, the nearby mosque came to the rescue and replaced the money with more than had originally been raised. Eileen says, ‘The notion of giving is very much a part of Muslim tradition and culture. In many ways I have found Muslim people to be extremely generous and welcoming. They don’t seem to be put off by the fact that we are collecting for Christian Aid.’

Christian Aid London Winter/Spring 2014

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06/02/2014 13:26

I was just thinking…

Modesty can be the tallest tower of pride


ome years ago, I had a late night call. The voice on the other end of the phone said, ‘My brother is in prison because he killed his girlfriend.’ I listened as the story unfolded, then replied, ‘I’ve never dealt with a situation like this before,’ to which came the swift rebuke, ‘Neither have I’. On all counts I deserved being chastened for my response, because I made it an issue about me and my capabilities rather than the person for whom I had pastoral responsibility. More so, as a lawyer, my caller didn’t need legal advice but, rather, the pastoral care and support I’d given in the past. Instead, modesty took centre stage. As ever, thinking about the thousands of churches and individuals who support Christian Aid, I cannot help considering that there is nothing modest about raising £12m during Christian Aid Week 2013. We ought to celebrate when we have

taken on a great challenge – door-to-door collecting, a cake sale or a sponsored walk such as Circle the City. Letting our light shine allows others to understand what’s important to us. So when people ask you what you do, don’t be tempted to be too modest. Alongside the other things you use to define yourself, be proud to include ‘a campaigner’, ‘a fundraiser’ and ‘a poverty eradicator’ with Christian Aid. As you prepare for Christian Aid Week 2014, we will not be modest about your achievements and neither should you. Mark Sturge, Head of London Region

Make a date to Circle the City

Circle the City makes a great day out for the whole family.

A fantastic way to end Christian Aid Week is to join us for the Circle the City sponsored walk. It’s not only a chance to see some of London’s best historic churches and discover hidden City-gems, but also your opportunity as a Christian Aid supporter to walk towards ending poverty. Step out for justice and celebrate all your hard work in this fun-filled afternoon, which will include pop-up shops, exhibitions, musical performances, activities and many more entertainments along the way! Put Sunday 18 May in your diary and register now, as a church or as an individual. For more details contact jsuit@ or register at Christian Aid London Winter/Spring 2014

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06/02/2014 13:26

Be inspired to use the enclosed Count Your Blessings leaflet and download more Lent actions at

This Lent, we have 40 days to renew our minds and transform the lives of the poor. Let each of us take steps so the world may be changed.

to act for those in need.

to consider faith and justice,

to count our blessings,



Be happy!

If undelivered, please return to Supporter Relations, Christian Aid, PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT

Christian Aid


North Winter/Spring 2014

Father fasts for the Philippines

Photo: Jonathan Jacob Photography

Professional musician Dave Brons from Bradford went without food and water for 48 hours recently to raise money for those affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. He was inspired after overhearing a conversation at his local supermarket. Two customers were saying that they didn’t see why we should send money to the Philippines when we have so many problems at home. Dave says: ‘I was quite shocked. It made me wonder whether we really know what it’s like to go without food and water in this country. ‘Very few of us know what it is like to go without water. As a father of two young boys, I am filled with sadness at the thought of how helpless fathers in the Philippines must feel as their families suffer.’ As well as fasting, Dave held a fundraising gig starring one of his musical heroes, Dave Bainbridge, from the band Iona. He raised £2,165 in total.

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Aid workers faced a daunting task in the clean-up after the typhoon.

‘There is still great need here’


inda Tiongco, North West regional manager, has been working temporarily in the Philippines in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, which ripped through the country last November. Here she reflects on the massive aid operation – and what still needs to be done. ‘There is still great need in the Philippines. More than a million houses are damaged, crops and livestock have been destroyed, millions of people are in need of life-saving food aid and there is a very real risk of future storms. ‘The bare figures are difficult to take in, but thankfully it’s not all bad news. Emergency aid has reached even the most isolated islands, with water supplies being repaired or temporary facilities set up. Tarpaulin shelter kits are being distributed so people can get out of the rain, and longer term kits are being given to people to repair their damaged homes. ‘People will need emergency food relief for a long time; employment opportunities here

are scarce as fishing boats were damaged and farmland destroyed. Many rural areas already relied on subsistence farming for food. ‘As the response moves from life-saving to long-term recovery many of the ‘blue light’ organisations have left. ‘The outpouring of support continues but we know that the story is already ‘old news’. In a few months the media will be back to see how things are going and I’m sure reconstruction won’t be as quick as we or they would like. The time it takes to recover from a disaster on this scale is hard to measure and nothing happens just as we’d like it to. ‘But with your support and prayers, Christian Aid and our partners will continue for as long as it takes. We will help communities to rebuild their lives, – to thrive and not just survive.’

06/02/2014 13:21

North England events diary Saturday 1 March

Friday 14 March

Saturday 5 April

St Helen’s Church abseil

Darryl’s Ceilidh

Dance Upon Injustice

10am, Church Road, Northwich CW9 5PB. For more information, contact or visit

8-11.30pm, St Andrew’s Community Hall, Morley LS27 0LA. Bring your own bottle, glass(es) and food to share. Tickets £4, available from Darryl Foxwell at and Hazel Rennison at

2-5pm, Barney & Jude’s, Greystoke Avenue, Sandyford, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1PN. A fun afternoon of swing dancing, live music, tea and an auction. Tickets £10 (£8 students) from Christian Aid Newcastle. Contact Helen Raftery at hraftery@ or call 0191 228 0115.

Saturday 1 March

Speaking Out for Justice – volunteer day 10.30am-3pm, St John the Evangelist Church, Kingston Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 2HB. To book your place, please contact Sarah Moon or call 0191 228 0115. Friday 7 March – Sunday 9 March

Roots – campaigns weekend Coverdale Baptist Church, Manchester M12 4FG. A residential weekend for 18-25 year olds to discuss ways to tackle the causes of poverty. Contact Hannah Henderson at collective@ Saturday 8 March

Christian Aid collection 9am-5pm, Brunswick Shopping Centre, Scarborough. If you are able to help, please contact David Bridge on 01723 362091 or at davidgarnerbridge@

Saturday 15 March

Poverty & Pastries 10.30am-12 noon, Central URC, Norfolk Street, Sheffield S1 2JB. Hear how Christian Aid partners in Colombia are building peace, at a morning of inspiration and ideas. For more information, contact Alison Trezise on 0114 236 5938 or jandatrezise@ Saturday 29 March

North West Good News Tour 10am-12 noon, Blackburn Cathedral; 10am-12 noon, Liverpool Cathedral; 2.30-4.30pm, Manchester Cathedral; 2.30-4.30pm, Chester Cathedral. Also Saturday 5 April, 2-4pm, Carlisle Cathedral. A perfect opportunity to equip and inspire your church for Christian Aid Week.

The 49th Halifax Long March A 13.1- or 26.2-mile overnight walk through Calderdale. To register, visit

Christian Aid fundraising sale

6-8pm, Crewe Baths CW2 7QX. For more information, contact Malcom Crook

St Crux Church, York. If you can donate books or bric-a-brac, or if you can help, contact Jill at or 01904 795 652.

Saturday 10 – Sunday 18 May

Let’s Bake Cake! Have fun baking and raise money to support Christian Aid. Contact the Newcastle office, as above. Monday 12 – Saturday 17 May

Wooler Christian Aid Week Shop 9am-5pm, Wooler High Street, Northumberland. For details, please contact Sarah Moon at smoon@ or call 0191 228 0115.

Monday 5 May

Sheffield May Day Trek 5-, 10- or 15-mile Peak District walk. Start/finish: Bents Green Methodist Church. To register, email maydaywalk@gmail. com or visit Saturday 10 May

Walk the Waterfront 10.30am, Otterspool Carpark. A five-mile flat and easy ‘walk of witness’ along Liverpool’s beautiful waterfront. Contact Eirlys on 01925 573769 or

Friday 4 April

Saturday 8 March

Sponsored swim

Sunday 20 April

cakes and crafts. Contact our Newcastle office at newcastle@christian-aid. org or call 0191 228 0115.

Saturday 10 May

Westerhope Plant Sale Extraordinaire 10am, Westerhope Methodist Church, Newcastle NE5 5HA. A coffee morning, with stalls selling plants, books,

Wednesday 14 May


7.30pm, As You Like It, Archbold Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1DB. Get a whole new look and support Christian Aid. Tickets £5. For details, contact the Newcastle office, as above. Friday 16 May

Blucher Family Fun Night 7-11pm, Blucher Social Club, Hexham Road, Blucher NE15 9SN. Tickets £6, including buffet supper (under 13s, £4). For details, call Mary Weatherall on 0191 229 1814. Sunday 18 May

Great Manchester Run If you want to run for us, please contact rturner@ or visit

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Vicar goes over the edge

Dressing up was in vogue at All Saints Lewis Carroll Centre.

Carols in Wonderland


ore than 250 people were at All Saints Lewis Carroll Centre in Daresbury for Christian Aid North West’s Big Christmas Sing on Saturday 14 December. Everyone enjoyed the carol concert and various performers, and helped raise £1,000. Moore Primary School Choir, Warrington Signing Choir and the Padgate Crystal Hand Bell Ringers all delivered fantastic performances as part of the event. As well as classic festive fun, we once again made an unofficial record attempt to gather the most people called ‘Carol’ ever to sing a carol around the Christmas tree. Why not consider running

your own event next Christmas? Big Christmas Sing events are a great way to get people into the festive mood and help lift some of the world’s poorest people out of poverty. Christian Aid will provide you with a free e-fundraising pack containing everything you need to make your Big Christmas Sing a huge success. Whether you hold a carol concert, an X Factor-style talent show or a lively community sing-a-long, pop a note in your diary to join the Big Christmas Sing and help us fight poverty and injustice. • For more information visit

What do you get if you put together a vicar, a committed Christian Aid congregation, and a church with a tower? The answer, of course, is a sponsored abseil! Reverend Alison Harris of St Helen’s Church, Northwich, explains why she has decided to take on the challenge: ‘We want to raise money for Christian Aid but also to increase people’s awareness of its valuable work. As well as the abseil down the outside of the tower, there will be opportunities inside church to find out more about some of the projects that Christian Aid is involved in. ‘We are hoping for a great event that will draw a significant number of people.’ The abseil at will take place on 1 March at 10am. If you want to participate or if you would like to hold a similar event at your own church, you can find more from or by contacting Bex Turner on 01925 582826.

‘Small change makes a big difference’


s preparations are stepped up for this year’s Christian Aid Week, Colin Raistrick, organiser of the Whitley Bay Christian Aid group, reflects on what our house-to-house collection means to him. ‘Christian Aid is simply the Gospel in action. As I walk the streets from house-to-house I recall many of Jesus’s parables and the limitations of man. But I also reflect on this Christian Aid Week commitment and how it works as a catalyst to transform people and places around the world that I might never have heard of.

‘I don’t get bogged down thinking how small a gift is. I know that many small gifts added together make a huge difference. For example, I collected from a lady who told me her carer had not gone to the local supermarket and taken her loose change to the coin-sorter machine, and asked if I would kindly accept it. This was the largest donation of the whole street. ‘Be pleasantly surprised at how generous some individuals can be. Returning to collect odd envelopes can be very rewarding – the highest amount I ever received was when I made a return visit. Recognise that your efforts are life-changing for others in the world and that small change does make a difference.’ Christian Aid North Winter/Spring 2014

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Be inspired to use the enclosed Count Your Blessings leaflet and download more Lent actions at

This Lent, we have 40 days to renew our minds and transform the lives of the poor. Let each of us take steps so the world may be changed.

to act for those in need.

to consider faith and justice,

to count our blessings,



Be happy!

If undelivered, please return to Supporter Relations, Christian Aid, PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT

Christian Aid


Scotland Winter/Spring 2014

Photo: Louis Flood

Hot off the press: new recipe book for Lent launched in partnership with the Scottish Episcopal Church.

Book launch offers food for thought


e all know that food and access to it is a growing concern. Nearly 900 million people in the world go hungry every night, and more and more people in this country don’t have enough money to buy provisions. Last year’s Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign saw many of us speaking out together against this injustice in a world of plenty. As a follow-up to IF, we are very excited to be launching a new resource in time for Lent 2014, which we’ve produced in partnership with the Scottish Episcopal Church. Packed full of recipes for good food at low cost, we hope Lent Food will be a useful and interesting book for individuals, families and churches across the country. The book includes ‘food for thought’, in the form of prayers,

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Bible studies and stories from overseas partners. The intention is to help us think about themes around food justice, such as climate change and its effect on global food production, as well as the increase in land grabs by large companies for biofuel production. It will also help us to consider how we can eat and have enough. Speaking ahead of the Perth launch last month, Kathy Galloway, head of Christian Aid Scotland, said, ‘Jesus identified closely with the poor, entering into their experience of lack and hunger. In a world of plenty, millions still go hungry. This invites us to think deeply about food: the pain of not having enough, the justice of eating, the blessing of abundance and the joy of sharing. It is food for our Lenten journey.’ The Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of

St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, added, ‘Food is a fundamental part of life for all of us. Recipes are often given to us as an aid to enjoyment. These are given with an eye to food justice and linked to Bible studies for each week of Lent. As you enjoy the recipes, I hope that you also have your passions stirred by the call to food justice.’ The cookbook is provided free, but any donation you make will go towards furthering the work of Christian Aid. • To order a copy, contact the Glasgow office on 0141 221 7475.

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Scotland events diary

Scotland Matters

Saturday 22 February – Wednesday 30 April A series of public events, starting in Dundee and ending in Edinburgh, around the 2014 independence referendum and how Scotland’s vote will impact on environment, poverty and global justice. Find out more at

Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory evenings An opportunity to hear stories from Christian Aid, the Church of Scotland

OTHER EVENTS Saturday 26 April

Tay Bridge Cross 10am-1pm, Tay Road Bridge, Dundee DD1 3JB. Enjoy the views over the River Tay by taking part in the 14th Tay Bridge Cross in support of Christian Aid.

and the Scottish Episcopal Church about recent trips to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. Monday 24 February 7-9pm, St Michael’s Parish Church, The Cross, Linlithgow EH49 7AL. Monday 24 March 7-9pm, Palmerston Place Church, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AA. Thursday 24 April 7.30-9.30pm, Dunblane Cathedral, The Cross, Dunblane FK15 0AQ. Tuesday 24 June 7-9pm, Dundee, venue to be announced.

Christian Aid roadshows

Africa, Debt and Tax events

A series of events showcasing Christian Aid’s work, along with Bible study sessions. Wednesday 26 February 7-9pm, Righead United Reformed Church, Carnegie Hill, East Kilbride G75 0AH. Thursday 6 March 7-9pm, Livingston South Community Church, Kenilworth Rise, Livingston EH54 6JJ. Thursday 3 April 7-9pm, Inchinnan Parish Church, Greenock Road, Renfrew PA4 9PB.

Christian Aid teams up with Jubilee Scotland and the Church of Scotland World Mission Council for a series of events looking at how tax and debt continue to affect Africa. Sunday 13 April 3-5pm, Duns Parish Church, Church Square, Duns TD11 3DD. Tuesday 6 May 7-9pm, Howard Centre, 5 Portland Road, Kilmarnock KA1 2BT.

challenge! You take part by walking across the bridge and back, covering three miles, but this year you can also set yourself a challenge to run as many crossings as you can between 2-6pm.

bridge and most raised by an individual and a group.

A beautiful 10-mile walk around the Isle of Cumbrae on the west coast of Scotland.

Saturday 10 May

24-25 May

Edinburgh Marathon Festival Some of us at Christian Aid Scotland are gearing up for this marathon, but if that’s too much of a stretch, you could always give the half marathon a go, or be part of a relay team.

Saturday 26 April

Erskine Bridge & Boden Boo Sponsored Walk

1-5pm, Forth Road Bridge, South Queensferry EH30 9SF. Celebrate the 50th year of the Forth Road Bridge by taking part in a bridge cross

1-5pm, Erskine Road Bridge, Old Kilpatrick and Erskine. For the 27th year we take Saturday 7 June to the Erskine Bridge to walk Cumbrae Challenge in support of people living in Sponsored Walk poverty. There will be prizes 10am-4pm, Cumbrae Slip, Isle of Cumbrae. for most crossings of the

Forth Road Bridge 50th Challenge

Friday 20 – Sunday 22 June

Solas Festival

The Bield, Blackruthven, Tibbermore, Perth PH1 1PY. In 2014, Solas Festival will again be held at the Bield in Perthshire. More details to follow. For further information on any of the above events please contact the Glasgow office on 0141 221 7475.

Calling all musicians!

Photo: Robert Ormerod

After the success of last year’s Christian Aid Week Bach 2 Bach music festival, organisers in Edinburgh are this year turning their attention to the works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. If you are musically talented and enjoy performing Mozart, we’d love to talk to you about how you can get involved in this year’s event.

This unique concert, which last year featured around 30 performances, will take place throughout Saturday 17 May 2014 in St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh. Tickets will be available on the day. Make sure you save the date! For more information, call Amy Menzies on 0141 241 6138 or email

Christian Aid Scotland Winter/Spring 2014

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Scotland digs deep for the Philippines


Scottish party leaders and a DEC spokesperson (second right) helped us appeal to the public following the Philippines typhoon. of £600,000. Along with more than £5m raised by members of the public north of the border, this constituted an incredible response. Thank you!

Let’s put justice at the heart of Scotland’s spending decisions


ampaigners have encouraged us to think about the impact that our individual consumer choices have on workers’ conditions, fair prices for farmers, climate change and much more. But by far the biggest consumer in Scotland is our public sector, which spends around £9 billion per year on a huge range of goods from beans to bed sheets. We believe we must do more to ensure that our purchasing decisions take into account the impact on hunger, poverty and the environment. That’s why we recently launched a ‘Nine billion’ campaign with SCIAF. It

will coincide with the passage through the Scottish Parliament of the Procurement Reform Bill, which will set the framework for Scotland’s public sector buying policies for years to come. This is a real opportunity to ensure that tax transparency, ethical trading and climate sustainability are a priority. We’ve been asking you to have your say by telling the Scottish Government that justice should be at the heart of its purchasing decisions. To find out more, contact campaigns officer Diane Green, on 0141 241 6136 or email her at or visit

Photo: Callum Bennetts at Maverick

hank you to everyone in Scotland who joined us in giving and praying for the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan, which affected more than 14 million people at the end of last year. With your support, we were able to provide food, emergency shelter and other life-saving essentials through both the Christian Aid appeal, and our involvement in the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC). In Scotland we promoted the Philippines emergency appeal widely through the media and held a number of bucket collections at peak times in train stations. We also welcomed the support of our politicians in helping to raise awareness of the urgency of the situation. The Scottish Government pledged the sum

CAN YOU HELP? If you would like to put your name down to help with bucket collections in future emergency appeals, we would really like to hear from you!

2013: reflect on our journey together What a year 2013 was! Working together with churches and supporters throughout the country, we were able to achieve many positive strides forward in the fight against global poverty. We’ve pulled together the highlights for you in our Annual Review Scotland 2013. We invite you to reflect upon these and celebrate alongside us. So much can be achieved when we come together with one voice to bring about change. • Copies of the Annual Review are available from your local Christian Aid office. You can also download it at uk/scotland-review

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Be inspired to use the enclosed Count Your Blessings leaflet and download more Lent actions at

This Lent, we have 40 days to renew our minds and transform the lives of the poor. Let each of us take steps so the world may be changed.

to act for those in need.

to consider faith and justice,

to count our blessings,



Be happy!

If undelivered, please return to Supporter Relations, Christian Aid, PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT

Christian Aid

South East

South East Winter/Spring 2014

Sourced: students step up the tax campaigning

The Kingston and Ewell Morris dancing groups in Kingston, at their annual Christmas Wassail.

Jingle bells ring out for Christian Aid


s there anything jollier than Morris dancing? The merry jingle of bells, the bracing crack of the sticks, the frantic flappery of handkerchiefs. This traditional dance is a staple of country fairs, village fetes and civic parades. Morris dancers have been bouncing around since the 15th century, but last December the Kingston and Ewell Morris sides’ annual Christmas Wassail brought joy to people across the globe. The aptly named Spring Grove pub in Kingston hosted the groups’ festive frolics. More than 20 dancers gathered, decked out in traditional gear and bells, with the odd pair of elf ears and one or two Santa hats. They sang folk songs and cut a caper with energetic dances. In fact, the combined Morris sides were so inspiring that several members of the public jumped up and joined in! The event raised £108 towards Christian Aid’s work overseas, thanks to the generosity of the

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public, and the Morris dancers – who chose to donate to our work rather than spend money on Christmas cards. The amount they raised is enough for us to help train over 50 Haitian farmers in basic veterinary care – helping them to look after their livestock and provide for their families. Such support is a valuable extension to programmes where goats, cows or chickens are given to farmers. It encourages responsible stewardship, helping the animals live healthily, and improves the lives of the families who receive them. Kingston Morris is a ‘mixed’ side, meaning both men and women dance together. If you would like to have a go at Morris dancing or want to go and see the side perform, find out more at If you are part of a dance group of any type, and you would like to fundraise for Christian Aid, please get in touch.

Following on from a successful screening of The UK Gold – a documentary film that sheds light on Britain’s off shore tax havens and the secrecy shrouding the financial sector – students at Oxford University are piloting a new Christian Aid Collective initiative: the Sourced campaign. The innovative campaign – launched in early February – encourages students to lobby the university authorities, asking them to include tax compliance questions in their procurement procedures, so that the university does not take out contracts with publicly exposed tax dodgers. It is hoped the Sourced campaign will spread to other universities. By encouraging universities to take a stand against companies that dodge taxes in various ways, students hope to make a significant impact as part of Christian Aid’s tax justice campaign. If you would like to find out more about how the Sourced campaign works, contact or take a look at

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South East events diary Spring events with Sarjon Toma from Iraq Christian Aid’s 2014 theme of ‘tackling violence, building peace’ will be explored in a series of events featuring guest speaker Sarjon Toma from our Iraqi partner REACH. Sarjon will be sharing stories of hope and lives rebuilt after conflict, such as that of the villagers who have built a reservoir to harvest water and filled it with fish to eat! Sarjon will be speaking at all the events listed below, so come and be inspired in the run up to Christian Aid Week, and find out how your support is helping to build peace and transform lives. Monday 3 March

Seeing It Through Their Eyes 7.30-8.30pm, The United Church, Preston Street, Faversham, Kent ME13 8PG. Refreshments will be served afterwards. Tuesday 4 March

Courage for Peace Afternoon Tea in Chichester 2-4pm, The Assembly Rooms, North Street, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1LQ. All of the Christian Aid Week resources will be available for you as we enjoy a delicious cream tea (suggested donation £3).

To book a place at events from 3 -7 March or for more information, please contact 020 7523 2105 or email LSE@ Monday 10 March

Be Inspired

7.45pm, Christ Church Baptist, The Nap, Kings Langley, Herts WD4 8ET. Tuesday 11 March

Seeing it Through Their Eyes 7pm, Stopsley Baptist Church, St Thomas Road, Luton LU2 7XP. Light refreshments will be served. Wednesday 12 March

A Safe Haven – A New Life 7pm, Christ the Servant King, Sycamore Road, High Wycombe HP12 4TJ. Includes a fish and chip supper. Suggested donation for meal is £6. Thursday 13 March

Inspiring Stories to Aid Digestion! 7pm, New Road Baptist Church, Bonn Square, Oxford OX1 1LQ. Includes a shared meal. Friday 14 March

Friday Night Fish and Chips with Christian Aid 7pm, Wycliffe Baptist Church, Kings Road, Reading RG1 4LS. Includes a fish and chip supper. Suggested donation for the meal is £6.

7.30 for 8pm, Trinity Methodist Church, Brewery Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 4LH. Tea and light refreshments will be served. Friday 7 March

Fish, Chips and Fellowship 7pm, The Cornerstone, Bournemouth Park Road, Southend, Essex SS2 5JL. Cost for fish and chips is £5 (payable on the night).

To book your place on one of the 10-14 March dates above, please contact 01865 246818 or email oxford@ Can’t make it to any of our events? Why not do something locally to inspire your collectors or church congregation? Members of our team are happy to join you to share this year’s Christian Aid Week stories. We’ d love you to invite us to your event – just get in touch.

Christian Aid South East Winter/Spring 2014

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Go over the edge to end poverty! This spring why not take on a new and exciting challenge? We are organising six church abseils and would love you to take part. Anyone over the age of 11 can participate. There is a £15 registration fee and we ask people to raise a minimum of £60 in sponsorship. To register for any of these, please go to Saturday 8 March St Mary Magdalen Church, Oxford. Saturday 29 March Elstow Abbey, Bedford. Saturday 26 April St Mary’s Church, Watford. For more information about the above three abseils, please contact Sarah Clay in the Oxford office on sclay@ or 01865 246818. Saturday 10 May All Saints Church, Maidstone, Kent. Contact Emma Kevan on 020 7523 2378 or Saturday 17 May Colchester, Essex. Contact Rosie Venner on 020 7523 2363 or Saturday 17 May Guildford Cathedral, Surrey. Contact Laura Mead on 020 7523 2110 or


Thursday 6 March

Inspired by Love and Anger

Amazing abseils

Thursday 6 March

Where Did It All Go Wrong... and How Can We Put It Right? 7pm, Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1YD. Join us for fish and chips and stories of hope. We’ll explore what’s created the poverty we see around our world today. We’ll also consider what we can do together to bring hope and transformation for a new tomorrow. Cost for the meal is £5 (payable on the night).

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Saturday 8 March

Aylesford Day of Prayer for Africa

Saturday 10 May

East Herts Sponsored Challenge Start time: 8.30-9.30am for walkers, 10am for runners. Start: Wodson Park, Ware SG12 0UQ. Finish: St John’s Hall, Hertford SG13 8AE. The walk is split into sections, so choose your distance from 5km to a full marathon of 43km (26.2 miles). Adults £10, children 11-and-under, free. For more details, contact Liz Horner on 01920 465714 or Richard Lord on 01992 464000. Email info@ or go to Saturday 17 May

Walk the Country Bix Village Hall, Bix, Oxfordshire RG9 6BS A 5-, 10- or 15-mile circular walk between Henley and Nettlebed. This year’s event includes a tasty BBQ sponsored by The Good Little Company. Registration 8.30-10am. Register now for a sponsor pack or donate a minimum of £10 on the day. Contact us on 01865 246818 or THURSDAY 19 JUNE

Charity Open Day

Bledlow Manor House Gardens, Bucks. A rare opportunity to look around Lord Carrington’s private gardens in Bledlow. Contact or 01865 246818. For more information on news and events in the region please go to

Christian Aid’s education coordinator Sue Rayment and volunteer teacher Pam Hosegood take receipt of a very large cheque.

Primary school children raise thousands for Syria

Photo: Surrey Advertiser (used with permission)

Christian Aid is involved in the 12th annual Day of Prayer for Africa at St Peter and St Paul’s Church in Aylesford, Kent. For further details, contact Iris Neel on 01622 710634 or email


e would like to say a huge thank you to everyone at The Raleigh School in Surrey who raised a fantastic £4,625 for Christian Aid’s Syria Appeal. The children decided to act after one of their parents, Chris Roberts, spoke to the school about his own experiences of talking to Syrian refugees who are trying to rebuild their lives in camps. Inspired, the teachers made and sold their own cookery book to raise £500, while the children came up with a huge variety of pupilled fundraising activities from every class in the school – from a cake sale and a Sunday Sausage Sizzler to selling unwanted toys. Head teacher Fiona O’Neill commented, ‘I’m very proud of everyone at the school. One of our aims is to increase the children’s sense of citizenship and this fundraising has certainly done that.’

A house for Haiti


nspired by a visit in March 2012 from Aldrin Calixte of Christian Aid partner Haiti Survie, the youth group at Dedworth Green Baptist Church in Windsor launched an 18-month fundraising campaign to support Haiti Survie’s project to rebuild homes following the 2010 earthquake. Told that each house would cost about £6,000, the youth group came up with many different ways to raise money and encouraged the whole church to join their mission. To keep people motivated, they

stuck brightly coloured paper ‘bricks’ – each representing £10 – on church doors, and on each was written how that £10 had been raised. Altogether, 600 bricks were stuck up.

Christian Aid South East Winter/Spring 2014

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Be inspired to use the enclosed Count Your Blessings leaflet and download more Lent actions at

This Lent, we have 40 days to renew our minds and transform the lives of the poor. Let each of us take steps so the world may be changed.

to act for those in need.

to consider faith and justice,

to count our blessings,



Be happy!

If undelivered, please return to Supporter Relations, Christian Aid, PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT

Christian Aid

Photo: Stephen Dominy

South West

South West Winter/Spring 2014

Tying the knot took on new connotations when groom-to-be David Oakman was signed up for a Christian Aid abseil by his future bride Deborah Mansfield.

Bride-to-be ropes in fiancé for our abseil


husband-to-be made an unusual show of commitment to his future bride by abseiling down the tower of St Mary’s Church, Gillingham, Dorset, for Christian Aid in the autumn. David Oakman, who weds fiancée Deborah Mansfield of Hertfordshire at the church this summer, was roped in to the abseil by his bride-to-be. He said, ‘We heard about the challenge when we visited the

FANCY A GO? South West abseils raised an incredible £10,000 in 2013. Could you take part in one this year? Abseils are already arranged for Cricklade on 11 May and at Heanton Punchardon, Devon, on 21 June. Others will follow. For more details see

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church for a wedding meeting. Local priest Peter Greenwood was inviting his congregation to take part, and I jokingly mentioned to Deborah that I might be interested, although I don’t really like heights at all. After the service she enrolled me anyway!’ Rev Greenwood also joined the abseil, as did the Bishop of Sherborne, the Rt Rev Graham Kings, and the new Gillingham Methodist Minister, Paul Arnold. Not to be outdone by her husband, who jumped out of a plane for Christian Aid, the Rev Jane Haslam took her own leap of faith when she abseiled down the 100ft tower at St Mary’s Church, North Petherton, for Christian Aid in October. Mother-of-four Jane, whose husband Mike took part in a tandem skydive last Christian Aid Week, was joined by her

two daughters, Alice, 10, and Anna, 13, and North Petherton Police Community Support Officer Becky Riley. Jane said, ‘I was fine going down but when I got to the bottom and looked up at the others doing it I thought, “Did I really just do that?”’ In November, the High Sheriff of the Isle of Wight, Mary Case, faced her fear of heights and abseiled 75ft down St Mary’s Church, Carisbrooke, raising more than £1,000. Also abseiling was Archdeacon of the Island the Rev Peter Sutton. He said, ‘It’s just under a year since I was installed so this was a great way to mark the occasion by looking out over the island from the top of a church tower.’

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South West events diary Fearless – a Life Without Fear Hear stories of peace and reconstruction from partner Sarjon Toma, from Iraq. Meet staff and supporters from throughout the region and enjoy a light supper!

Tuesday 18 March 7.30-9pm, Westbury-onTrym Methodist Church, 46 Westbury Hill, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS9 3AA. Contact Bristol office, as before.

Saturday 15 March 6-8.30pm, Immanuel URC, Upham Road, Swindon SN3 1DH. RSVP for the catering to kmusgrave@christian-aid. org or call 01454 415923.

Wednesday 19 March 6-8.30pm, St Francis Church Hall, Beatrice Road, Salisbury SP1 3PN. RSVP for the catering to kmusgrave@christian-aid. org or call 01454 415923.

Sunday 16 March 6.30pm, St Mark’s Methodist Church, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham GL51 8PX. Contact the Bristol office at or 01454 415 923.

Friday 21 March 11.30am, Brighstone Methodist Church, New Road, Brighstone, Isle of Wight PO30 4BB. Includes lunch. Please book in advance. Contact Southampton office or 02380 706969.

Monday 17 March 7.15-8.45pm, St Mary Magdalene Church, Church Square, Taunton TA1 1SA. Contact Bristol office, as before.

Friday 21 March 6.45pm, United Reformed Church, Osborn Road South, Fareham PO16 7DG. Includes supper.

Please book your place in advance. Contact Southampton office, as before. Saturday 22 March 10am for 10.30am, Richmond Hill St Andrews URC, Bournemouth BH2 6JJ. Entrance free. (Optional lunch at 12 noon for £5, £3 concessions – please book in advance.) Contact Southampton office, as before. Saturday 22 March 3pm, St Georges Church, Fordington, Dorchester DT1 1LB. Entrance free. Contact Southampton office, as before. Monday 24 March 7.30pm, Riverside United Church, Looe, Cornwall PL13 2BU. There will also be an emergency rations ‘cook off’ between senior clergy of different denominations. Contact Southampton office.

OTHER EVENTS Tuesday 15, Wednesday 26 April

Sponsored walk

The Bishop of Ramsbury, Bishop Ed Condry, will embark on a walk from Warminster to Mere, spending a night in a shepherd’s hut en route, to highlight Christian Aid’s work in tackling violence and building peace. Details to be confirmed. Contact the Bristol office at or 01454 415923. Saturday 10 May

Poole to Bournemouth Seafront Promenade sponsored walk Walk the full distance from Sandbanks to Southbourne and back (or vice versa) or join at one of the checkpoints en route. More details from Joan Percy (Poole) 01202 737659, or or Kathy May (Bournemouth) 01202 580112 or

A cutting-edge Christmas Choirs from across the region raised their voices for the voiceless at Big Christmas Sing events at churches, cathedrals, community halls and supermarkets. At Bath’s Manvers Street Baptist Church, the local community was treated to gospel tunes and Christmas carols performed by Bath Community Gospel Choir in an evening that raised more than £600. The night was part of a programme of Advent events at the church, highlighting the work

of Christian Aid – in particular the work of partners in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. Minister Rev John Rackley said: ‘I was delighted that the event and the partnership really served the needs of Christian Aid. It provided the cutting edge that our Christmas celebrations require. Christ came to make good things happen; so does Christian Aid.’ Christmas collections at the church, totalling more than £500, were donated to Christian Aid

together with money raised through the church’s popular café, which came to more than £220. The Night of a Thousand Voices at Exeter Cathedral was a phenomenal success, raising almost £2,000. Other Big Sings included those at Frampton Cotterell near Bristol, Southampton and at Truro Cathedral where almost 400 people gathered to hear three choirs sing in an event that joyfully concluded with the whole cathedral singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

Christian Aid South West Winter/Spring 2014

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Tales from Angola


Photo: Elizabeth Perry

atholic priest and president of an Angolan Christian Aid partner organisation Padre Pio braved the cold for a whirlwind Advent visit to the South West, which had a profound impact both on him and those he met. Padre Pio (left) with Wiltshire regional coordinator Katrine Musgrave As president and Rev Mike Perry of Woodford Valley. of the Association for Building Communities (ACC), Padre Radio Cornwall interview, spoke animal herders against powerful Pio is a leading specialist in at the Big Christmas Sing at farmers. He urged us not to stop conflict transformation and Truro Cathedral and addressed – saying our partnership and reconciliation in Angola. guests at Middle Woodford support was central to the work But audiences in Wiltshire, Vicarage in Wiltshire. of his organisation.’ Hampshire and Cornwall heard Wiltshire’s regional After his return to Angola, how faith in non-violence has coordinator Katrine Musgrave Padre Pio said, ‘To all who in left him and his colleagues said, ‘We were moved and different ways helped me during facing repeated death threats. inspired by Padre Pio’s visit. my stay in the UK, I have no During his stay, Padre Pio Thirty guests listened silently words to express my deepest celebrated mass with Father as he told stories of his life and gratitude. It has been a lovely Gilmour at St Piran’s Church, work with ACC, which includes time for learning, which helped Cornwall, took part in a BBC defending the rights of nomadic me in many ways.’

‘Igor’ drops in on South West MPs


hristian Aid groups across the South West had a helping hand this autumn when they lobbied their local MPs for tax justice. ‘Igor’ the Russian doll joined them as they put pressure on MPs to press for a public register of who owns what company in the UK’s Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies, as well as at an EU level. Igor is the mascot for the campaign, which aims to make it harder for tax dodgers to hide their money in phantom firms with untraceable owners.

‘Igor’ on tour – with supporters and Salisbury MP John Glen. He was taken to lobby MPs John Glen (Salisbury), Duncan Hames (Chippenham) and almost met with Dan Rogerson (North Cornwall) – who was called away in the wake of flooding. Richard Spencer of St

Andrew’s Church, Chippenham, said, ‘Christian Aid is trying to harness the Gospel for what I believe is its true purpose – to build a fair and equitable society where poverty is eliminated and people live in harmony with each other and the environment. ‘It is a scandal that in the 21st century we are allowing companies in richer countries to effectively steal from poorer neighbours. We are grateful to Duncan Hames for his support.’ To add your signature to the campaign, visit uk/phantomfirms

Christian Aid South West Winter/Spring 2014

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Be inspired to use the enclosed Count Your Blessings leaflet and download more Lent actions at

This Lent, we have 40 days to renew our minds and transform the lives of the poor. Let each of us take steps so the world may be changed.

to act for those in need.

to consider faith and justice,

to count our blessings,



Be happy!

If undelivered, please return to Supporter Relations, Christian Aid, PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT

Christian Aid


Wales Winter/Spring 2014

Photo: Dewi Wyn

Gifts for life, not just for Christmas

Pupils at Ysgol yr Eifl school dressed up to raise funds for Christian Aid

Clothes help to raise funds for the Philippines


hurches, groups and individuals throughout Wales found time before Christmas to hold events and donate money for the Christian Aid Philippines Typhoon Appeal, contributing to a total of £115,000. Pupils from Ysgol yr Eifl in Trefor, North Wales, dressed up for their annual Christmas concert and raised £153, while Ysgol y Ddwylan in Newcastle Emlyn invited their pupils to wear their own clothes to school and raised £303. One novel idea was a ‘swish party’, held at Carmel Chapel in Moelfre on the Isle of Anglesey. Swishing really is a fun way of fundraising, in which people bring clothing, shoes and accessories to swap with friends and family.

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Party-goers pay an entrance fee and once they have given an item themselves, they are free to choose something of interest from what others have brought to give. The party in Moelfre was organised by a local Welsh for Adults class, and was an ideal opportunity for the members to practise their Welsh while choosing a new item of clothing, and helping to raise funds for a much-needed cause. The Moelfre swishers managed to raise £326 to support our appeal. Why not get your church or group to hold a swish party and raise funds for Christian Aid? Planning it with friends is great fun and they can help you organise a successful party.

TV lifestyle programme Heno on the Welsh language channel S4C gave a timely boost to Christian Aid in the run-up to Christmas. One of the programme’s most popular features is the daily chance to win a prize, usually a luxury item such as wide-screen TV or iPad. For Christmas 2013 the production company decided to break the mould and give gifts chosen from our Present Aid catalogue. Between 2 and 23 December, 30 ethical gifts were presented to the winners of ‘Cracyr Dolig’ on Heno and its sister afternoon show Prynhawn Da. These included emergency kits for Pakistan, hand tools for Ethiopian farmers, antibiotics for children living in the occupied Palestinian territory, chickens for South Sudanese families, school equipment for Bangladeshi children and rapid diagnostic malaria kits to save lives in Zambia. If you hold a competition event, instead of chocolates or wine, why not choose prize gifts that will keep on giving?

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Wales events diary your brains to support Christian Aid. Further 7.30pm, Nolton Church details from Mari Hall, Merthyrmawr Road McNeill on 029 2084 North, Bridgend 4646 or MMcNeill@ CF31 3NH. Organised by the Friday 28 March local Christian Aid Cinio Cawl Campus/ committee. Bring your Super Soup Lunch own team or come and 12 noon-1.30pm, Eglwys join another team. For y Berth, Ffordd Bangor, further information, contact Jane Harries on Penmaenmawr LL34 6DA. 01656 768910 or email Proceeds go to further the work of Christian Aid. Further details from Friday 28 February Cinio Cawl Campus/ Christian Aid on 01248 Super Soup Lunch 353574 or bangor@ 12 noon-1.30pm, Eglwys y Berth, Ffordd Bangor, Penmaenmawr LL34 6DA. Proceeds go to further the work of Christian Aid. Further details from Christian Aid on 01248 Lent 2014 353574 or bangor@ Wednesday 2 April Thursday 27 February

Quiz Aid Evening

Super Soup Lunch

The UK Gold

Tabernacle URC, Chepstow Road, Llanvaches, Newport 7pm, Capel Mawr, NP26 3AY. Dinbych LL16 3SR. Special film screening Come and eat your fill as part of the weekly before Lent begins, and Lenten lecture series. raise funds for Christian Further details from Aid! Further details from Mari McNeill on 029 Christian Aid on 01248 2084 4646 or mmcneill@ 353574 or bangor@ Sul 27 Ebrill Oedfa Wythnos Tuesday 4 March Tuesday 4 March

Noson Grempog/ Pancake Evening

Cymorth Cristnogol Christian Aid Quiz and Pancake Evening Am 10.00, Capel y Morfa, St Winifred’s Church, Penrhiwbceiber, Mountain Ash CF45 3YF. Eat your fill and test

Aberystwyth SY23 2DX. Yng nghwmni Anna Jane Evans, Cymorth Cristnogol Cymru.

Rev William Taylor stands up to the City’s financial giants

Wales’ screenings of The UK Gold widen debate on tax justice


any churches and communities throughout Wales have already taken the opportunity to screen The UK Gold – the awardwinning documentary that explores global tax dodging through the eyes of an east London vicar. With screenings already having taken place in Cardiff, Penarth, Prestatyn, Holyhead, Carmarthen and Bangor, and more scheduled, the film has helped to widen the debate around tax justice issues. Many people have already signed up to our tax justice campaign. At the end of last year Dr Barry Morgan, the Archbishop of Wales, added his voice to the campaign at the Llandaff Diocesan Conference: ‘Taxes are the bedrock of a fairer and more equal society, both here in Wales and in developing countries. Tax dodging, particularly through the set-up of phantom companies, drives poverty

and injustice. I urge churches across Wales to give active support to Christian Aid’s campaign.’ We need to keep up the pressure on our MPs. Despite the fact that the Welsh Government has no powers with regard to tax, there is much we can do to promote a positive tax and transparency culture. We need to ask the Welsh Government and local authorities to promote tax justice in procurement, setting an example to other institutions. To support this, screenings of The UK Gold are planned for Welsh colleges and universities. Also, a procurement campaign was launched by the Christian Aid Collective at Cardiff University, with potential to spread to other colleges in Wales. • If you’d like to arrange your own screening, or would like more information on the campaign, please contact your local office.

Christian Aid Wales Winter/Spring 2014

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Cribs for Christmas raise £500


ia Higginbotham from Llandudno in North Wales, a long-standing activist and supporter of Christian Aid, is also an avid collector of Christmas cribs from around the world. She is such a fan that she, with her husband Garth, have amassed more than 120 of them, mostly Fairtrade or made by local craftsmen and women. One cause very close to Nia’s heart is the plight of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Many of her cribs come

from that part of the world and reflect the situation there. She visited the region in September 2011 on a church group visit, and was struck by how the occupation affects the lives of the Palestinians. ‘We saw Christian Aid partner projects, talked to communities and families affected by the separation barrier and expanding settlements, went to a refugee camp, as well as visiting major centres such as east Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nablus, Ramallah and Hebron.’ Nia, who was working with the Methodist Church at the time, has spoken extensively about her experiences and was instrumental in setting up a conference in Wales as a followup to the Church’s Justice for Israel and Palestine report in

2010. ‘I am also proud to have helped to write the resolution on Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, which was endorsed by the Presbyterian Church of Wales in their General Assembly last year,’ she said. With the 2013 Christian Aid Christmas appeal, ‘Healing in this Holy Land’, focusing on the work of our partner Physicians for Human Rights Israel, Nia felt it was a good opportunity to use her collection of cribs to raise awareness about issues in the region and also support the appeal. Therefore Sunday 8 December was open-house day at the Higginbotham home, with cribs displayed in every available space. Aided by mince pies and mulled wine, the event raised nearly £500 to support our partners’ work in the region.

From law to legacies As a committed Christian, Peter Donnison is passionate about the Church’s role in eradicating extreme poverty and loves helping people to put their faith into action. He studied law at Cardiff University and was called to the bar in 2012. He started working for Christian Aid in November 2013 as a regional and legacies coordinator for Wales, and here he reflects on the important role that legacies play in the work of Christian Aid. ‘Christian Aid and tackling extreme poverty have been a part of my Christian life long before I started working here full time. So it seems natural that I should consider how my support can have a continued and long-lasting impact. Legacies enable us to do just that. They help us to ensure that what we feel passionate about now continues long into the future, and even after we are gone.

They define what we believe in and what we have worked towards in our lifetime, and they can be an important part of our Christian stewardship. ‘Legacies mean a lot of different things to different people; for some it helps them to continue to make a difference when they feel they can no longer be as heavily involved as they once were for reasons of age or wealth. For others it is a way of cementing their support. In this way, people all over Wales are pledging money to Christian Aid in their legacy. An incredible 15% of our voluntary income comes from these gifts so they do make a huge impact.’ Alongside providing for your loved ones would you consider leaving a life-changing legacy to Christian Aid? • To discuss legacies and their impact further, please call Peter on 029 2084 4646 or email him at

Peter Donnison ran the London Marathon as part of Team Poverty Christian Aid Wales Gaeaf/Gwanwyn 2014

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Be inspired to use the enclosed Count Your Blessings leaflet and download more Lent actions at

This Lent, we have 40 days to renew our minds and transform the lives of the poor. Let each of us take steps so the world may be changed.

to act for those in need.

to consider faith and justice,

to count our blessings,



Be happy!

If undelivered, please return to Supporter Relations, Christian Aid, PO Box 100, London SE1 7RT

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