Happyhoods wire frames final

Page 1


not signed-up or not logged in

task flow Log In

my profile page

sign up

sign up

you have not added any NH

sign up

select city search city

city map page

select criteria

remove critera

sign up

double click criterion

set criteria preference

map an address

prioritize critera

click go to map

city map page

select criteria

click NH

NH detail page

favorite/ dislike

add note

my happy hoods list

select NHs to compare

compare page

Budgeting Tool

Place People

click city name

House/apt listings

add to my happyhoods list view my happyhoods list

click see more criteria see more criteria


(after viewing one NH profile)


Home page

signed-up & logged in

see friends around?

click send to mobile

Sign up with FB


enter mobile number

my NH notes/ photos

double click criterion set criteria preference

web mobile take photos web page

Popover prompt to sign up

mobile page

user action

status bar tells people where they are and what they should do next and that they should sign up/ sign in Personal criteria bar shows the criteria that the person has selected, allows for prioritization, gives option to add new criteria, and shows neighborhoods on happyhoods list NH Notes/Photos section - somewhere on NH profile, have a place for user's personalized photos/notes

make notes

my happyhoods list

mobile home page

happyhoods logo/menu bar

happy hoods home page

happyhoods logo/menu bar

city map


[Search Your city]

city image tiles

happyhoods logo/menu bar

city map

parks in walking distance




Ok GO!



happyhoods logo/menu bar

city map

walking distance is [0.7]




Ok GO!



happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

Must haves parks in walking restaurants nearby grocery stores public transit Nice to haves

city map

what else should describe your NH? criterion


criterion see more

Heat Map

Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Color Key

some way to show that user has added a neighborhood to his/her happyhoods list (see canvas 19)

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

Must haves parks in walking

what else should describe your neighborhood?

restaurants nearby commute

grocery stores


criterion criterion


public transit




criterion criterion Nice to haves



criterion criterion

city map





what else should describe your NH? criterion


criterion see less

Heat Map

Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Color Key

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

Must haves parks in walking

what else should describe your neighborhood?

restaurants nearby commute commute

grocery stores



criterion we need a little more information to correctly match this priority.

public transit







Please provide address for commuting



enter address



city map name (eg "my office)

Nice to haves





+ add another address save

what else should describe your NH? criterion


criterion see less

Heat Map

Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Color Key

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

Must haves parks in walking

what else should describe your neighborhood?

restaurants nearby commute

grocery stores


criterion criterion


public transit






criterion Nice to haves



criterion criterion

city map





what else should describe your NH? criterion


criterion see less

Heat Map

Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Color Key

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

Must haves parks in walking restaurants nearby grocery stores public transit commute

city map

Nice to haves

what else should describe your NH? criterion


criterion see more

Heat Map

Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Color Key

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

Must haves parks in walking restaurants nearby grocery stores commute Nice to haves public transit

city map

what else should describe your NH? criterion


criterion see more

Heat Map

Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Color Key

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

city map with updated matching results

Heat Map

Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Color Key

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

Regent Sqauare population: 1,173 "great restaurants" "family-oriented" "trafficky"

city map with updated matching results

Heat Map

Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Color Key

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

map zoomed into Regent Square with criteria matches pinpointed

add to my happyhoods list

Regent Square "place tab"

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

map zoomed into Regent Square with criteria matches pinpointed

add to my happyhoods list

Regent Square "people tab"

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

map zoomed into Regent Square with criteria matches pinpointed

before you can add to favorites, please sign up with FB or email!

enter your email address

Regent Square "people tab"

sign up!

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

map zoomed into Regent Square with criteria matches pinpointed

Thanks for signing up!

Regent Square "people tab"

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 0

map zoomed into Regent Square with criteria matches pinpointed

Add Regent Square to my happyhoods list

Write a few things you like about Regent Square: (this will help you when you have to compare neighborhoods later!)




Regent Square "people tab"

add to happyhoods list

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 1

map zoomed into Regent Square with criteria matches pinpointed

remove from my happyhoods list

Regent Square "people tab"

neighborhood added to happy hoods list

happyhoods logo/menu bar

Welcome back, Tina!

my happyhoods 0 user is logged in

city map with matching results

Heat Map

Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Color Key

happyhoods logo/menu bar

Welcome back, Tina!

my happyhoods 0

Point Breeze population: 5,337 "park so close!" "quiet" "great neighbors"

city map with matching results

Heat Map

Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Color Key

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 1

map zoomed into Point Breeze with criteria matches pinpointed

add to my happyhoods list

Point Breeze "place tab"

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 1

map zoomed into Point Breeze with criteria matches pinpointed

add to my happyhoods list

Point Breeze "people tab"

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 1

map zoomed into Point Breeze with criteria matches pinpointed

Add Point Breeze to my happyhoods list

Write a few things you like about Point Breeze: (this will help you when you have to compare neighborhoods later!)




add to my happyhoods list

Point Breeze "people tab"

add to happyhoods list

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map zoomed into Point Breeze with criteria matches pinpointed

remove from my happyhoods list

Point Breeze "people tab"

happyhoods list indicator updates to show another neighborhood has been added user clicks on "my happyhoods" to navigate to happyhoods list

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map with Point Breeze and Regent Square highlighted/outlined in bold

my happyhoods list

select two to compare

Regent Square clicking Regent Square takes user directly to the "My Notes" tab of the Regent Square NH profile OR clicking Regent Square drops down more detail, showing notes taken "in the field"

Point Breeze


Going to visit? Download our mobile app!

or maybe this is better found in the 'about us' or on the header bar somewhere?

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map with Point Breeze and Regent Square highlighted/outlined in bold

my happyhoods list

select two to compare

Regent Square clicking Regent Square drops down more detail, showing notes taken "in the field"

img from NH in-person visit OR play video

"You said this about Regent Square: Love the cute main street quiet residential streets close to the highway for quick commute"

scroll L/R to view more images, videos, notes from when the user added Regent Square to his/her happyhoods list

Point Breeze


Going to visit? Download our mobile app!

or maybe this is better found in the 'about us' or on the header bar somewhere?

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map zoomed into Regent Square with location of images taken pinpointed on the map

remove from my happyhoods list

Regent Square

personal notes tab alternate: "My Notes" tab on the Neighborhoods Profile Page to show videos, photos, notes collected by the user

play video

My Notes

You said you liked these things about Regent Square: [notes from when added to happyhoods list]

img from NH in-person visit

user clicks on "my happyhoods" to navigate to happyhoods list

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map with Point Breeze and Regent Square highlighted/outlined in bold

user selects neighborhoods to compare

my happyhoods list

select two to compare

Regent Square

Point Breeze


Going to visit? Download our mobile app!

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map with Point Breeze and Regent Square highlighted/outlined in bold

my happyhoods list select two to compare

Regent Square

Point Breeze


Going to visit? Download our mobile app!

or maybe this is better found in the 'about us' or on the header bar somewhere?

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map with Point Breeze and Regent Square highlighted/outlined in bold

my happyhoods list select two to compare

Regent Square

Point Breeze


Going to visit? Download our mobile app!

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map with Point Breeze and Regent Square highlighted/outlined in bold now two neighborhoods are outlined in bold and appear below for comparison

compare neighborhoods Regent Square



Option 1

Point Breeze mostly Bachelor's Master's





Neighborhood names should scroll down with the page scrolling so that they remain visible mostly high school Bachelor's


My Criteria

clicking the "-" rolls up (hides) this category

parks in walking distance 1

2 clicking on the criterion drops down more detail (see canvas 34)

grocery store nearby closest grocery store is 3 miles 1

restaurants nearby 4


commute time Tina's work a neighborhood receives 1 square for every 5 minutes faster the commute is from this neighborhood

30 min -5 min 35 min

CMU 23 min

23 min

access to public transit 5 routes

below the line are criteria are "nice to haves"

3 routes

My Notes


images, videos, or text that the user has entered for that neighborhood

Square cafe is so cute!

beautiful, quiet street

What People Say Frick Park!

great parks


family-oriented lots of kids



word cloud OR individual quotes from other users of the system

older crowd


friendly neighbors

convenient location

The Differentiator


Regent Square allows quick access to highway making for a faster commute

Point Breeze has some of the most highly rated restaurants in Pittsburgh

view listings

view listings

Help me decide!

system pulls out one or two things that make the neighborhood different

user can be taken to partner site to view available listings

help me decide asks the system to give a recommendation - Is "help me decide" the right thing to call this??

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map with Point Breeze and Regent Square highlighted/outlined in bold

compare neighborhoods Regent Square



Point Breeze mostly Bachelor's Master's


Option 2




Neighborhood names should scroll down with the page scrolling so that they remain visible mostly high school Bachelor's


My Criteria parks in walking distance Frick

Mello n


thumbnails or icons show how many matches clicking on the criterion drops down more detail (see next wireframe)

grocery store nearby closest grocery store is 3 miles

East End Food Coop

restaurants nearby perhaps the images could be faded when the yelp ratings are lower or darker when yelp ratings are higher? See next wireframe for restaurant names a neighborhood receives 1 square for every 5 minutes faster the commute is from this neighborhood

commute time Tina's work -5 min

30 min

35 min

CMU 23 min

23 min

access to public transit below the line are "nice to haves." See next wireframe for Route names

My Notes


images, videos, or text that the user has entered for that neighborhood

beautiful, quiet street

Square cafe is so cute!

What People Say Frick Park!

great parks


family-oriented lots of kids



word cloud OR individual quotes from other users of the system

older crowd


friendly neighbors

convenient location

The Differentiator


OR You'll save 30 min a week in commute time - that's an extra day off each year!

Point Breeze has some of the most highly rated restaurants in Pittsburgh OR You can walk to the East End Food Coop for groceries - get exercise and save on gas! OR Point Breeze touches on Mellon Park AND Frick Park - so much green!

view listings

view listings

Regent Square allows quick access to highway making for a faster commute

Help me decide!

system pulls out one or two things that make the neighborhood different AND translates into meaningful information

user can be taken to partner site to view available listings

help me decide asks the system to give a recommendation - Is "help me decide" the right thing to call this??

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map with Point Breeze and Regent Square highlighted/outlined in bold

compare neighborhoods Regent Square




Point Breeze mostly Bachelor's Master's




Neighborhood names should scroll down with the page scrolling so that they remain visible mostly high school Bachelor's


My Criteria parks in walking distance 1


grocery store nearby closest grocery store is 3 miles

1 clicking on the criterion drops down more detail. Clicking again rolls up (hides) the detail

restaurants nearby 4


does not have to look like yelp, but the qualitative data that is helpful to see the differences between the neighborhoods would be: type of restaurant (ie hot dogs and beer or thai) rating cost (cheap, mid, expensive/ schmancy, maybe by $, $$, $$$, etc)

commute time Tina's work 30 min -5 min 35 min

CMU 23 min

23 min

clicking on the criterion drops down more detail. Clicking again rolls up (hides) the detail

access to public transit 5 routes


61A 61B

71 P71

3 routes

71C 71D


alternate: Downtown - Point Breeze 61C

My Notes


Wilkinsburg via Forbes 61A Braddock - Swissvale 61B

What People Say


The Differentiator


view listings

view listings

Help me decide!

Edgewood Town Center Swisshelm Park -Rankin Flyer

71 P71

clicking the "+" shows details of this category

help me decide asks the system to give a recommendation - Is "help me decide" the right thing to call this??

71C Downtown - Point Breeze 71D Hamilton 74

Homewood-Squirrel Hill

happyhoods logo/menu bar

my happyhoods 2

map with Point Breeze and Regent Square highlighted/outlined in bold

compare neighborhoods Regent Square

median age


Point Breeze

median house valuefor Tina,

median age



you we recommend Regent

median house value: Square

Good commute time - you'll save 30 minutes every week! That's 24 hours or an extra day off each year!

My Criteria


a few reasons why the system thinks Regent Square is the best match

Nice variety parks of restaurants in distance different price ranges in walking 1 2 benches in Frick Park Excellent access to trails and

grocery store nearby closest grocery store is 3 miles


view listings in restaurants nearby regent square 4

user click to view listings at from a partner site OR view more helpful tools for the next step

more tools


commute time Tina's work 30 min -5 min 35 min

CMU 23 min

23 min

access to public transit 5 routes


61A 61B

71 P71

3 routes

71C 71D


My Notes


What People Say


The Differentiator


view listings

view listings

Help me decide!

happyhoods logo/menu bar

city map

House/Apartment Listings in Regent Square, through happyhoods partners

house 1

house 2

house 3

More listings in Regent Square from [name of happyhoods partner.com]

user can click through to view specific listings at a partner site

user can click through to view all listings for Regent Square at a partner site

happyhood mobile: visiting neighborhoods

happyhoods notification: YOu have entered Regent Square!

happyhoods mobile app: make notes for image/ save image screen

Regent Square profile, mobile version

happyhoods notification: You have left Regent Square, tell us what you think? three words/phrases to describe this place:

happyhoods app: save video screen

regent square enter tags screen one tag entered. one tag halfway drafted (as if to show that user is in process of entering tags)

happyhood mobile: post-move feedback

happyhoods notification: how's it going? have you moved?

yup! nope, not yet!

Which neighborhood did you pick?

Congrats! Tell us what you think about Regent Square:

Regent Square

Point Breeze

somewhere else ask me later!

Congrats! Tell us what you think about Regent Square:

I really love it here. The neigh screen with half entered comment as if in the process of typing a comment ask me later!

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