For Such a Time as This

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For Such a Time as This A Biblical Study of Those Who Spoke Up for Others Before Kings and Rulers

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For Such a Time as This... The Bible is full of people who found themselves in the position of approaching rulers and government officials of great influence. This discussion guide is designed to provide a way to reflect on these courageous and wise leaders and learn from their example.


Those Who Stood Before the Rulers of the Land



The Intercessor

The Communicator





The Friend

The Advisor

The Faithful

The Servant 3

DAY 1: ESTHER THE INTERCESSOR 1. Heed Wise Counsel: Esther 2:10; 2:15-17

Esther heeded the instruction and advice of two people. What was the result of heeding their advice? Who are 2-3 people whose advice you value regarding foster care advocacy issues?

2. Depend on God: Esther 4

Mordecai communicated with Esther about Haman’s plot to kill all the Jews. Esther replies by sharing the consequences of going before the king uninvited: Death (v11). Mordecai reminds Esther that she too is Jewish and if she chooses not to deliver the Jews then deliverance will come from elsewhere. Thus, Esther changes her mind. However, what request does she make of Mordecai before she is willing to go before the king (v.16)? As you consider approaching leaders, what would you request of your friends and community beforehand?

3. Plan a Strategy: Esther 5

Esther invites the King and Haman to a banquet. Why do you think she invited the King to a banquet instead of immediately telling him what her concern and request is? What kind of strategy do you think would be important in approaching leaders in today’s world? 4

DAY 2: DAVID THE FRIEND 1. Be Respectful of Those Who May Consider You an Enemy: 1 Samuel 18:30

Over time, and despite Saul’s attempts on his life, David’s name became highly esteemed. Imagine what outsiders saw between Saul and David. Saul hated David and yet David was still kind. How do you think this affected David’s life?

How does David’s approach inform how you might speak to (and about) elected officials with significantly different views from your own?

2. Demonstrate Grace: 1 Samuel 24; 26:9-11 David spares Saul’s life twice. What are his reasonings both times?

How difficult would it be for you to demonstrate the same kind of grace toward those whose views are radically different from yours?


DAY 3: NATHAN THE ADVISOR 1. Respond to God’s Correction: 2 Samuel 7

King David decides to build a temple for the Lord and Nathan encourages him. However, that night, God gave Nathan a different message. What had Nathan forgotten to do prior to advising David and how did he remedy his mistake (v.17)? What are the potential implications of moving ahead with advice for a course of action too hastily?

2. Reveal Truth: 2 Samuel 12

Nathan had to rebuke David for a sin he had committed. How did Nathan show David the error of his ways? While you may never be a position of directly confronting blatant corruption as Nathan did with David, what does his example teach us about communicating difficult truths?

3. Remind Leaders of Past Promises: 1 Kings 1 Nathan had Bathsheba remind David of a promise David had made in the past. What would have likely happened if Nathan had not advised Bathsheba of the promise? 6

DAY 4: PAUL THE COMMUNICATOR 1. Act in Integrity: Acts 24

Paul was brought before Felix under false allegations and although Felix knew of Paul’s imprisonment he chose to imprison Paul out of greed (v.26). Though Paul could have been released by offering a bribe, he never did. What are situations in which it could be tempting to compromise your principles in order to get your desired result?

2. Speak Your Story: Acts 26

Paul shared his story with Roman officials. If you had the opportunity, what parts of your story would you share with leaders?


DAY 5: DANIEL THE FAITHFUL 1. Stay Faithful: Daniel 1:8-21

Daniel gained favor in the sight of the commander of the officials while remaining faithful to his beliefs. How did Daniel convince him that vegetables and water were better than “the King’s choice foods”? What are the challenges in your specific context when it comes to remaining faithful to your beliefs while still seeking to gain favor and influence with government leaders?

2. Allow Your Reputation to Go Before You: Daniel 5:13-17

What do these verses say about the character and reputation of Daniel? How do you think character and reputation are built?

3. Reward: Daniel 5:16-17

Before Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall, he refused the reward the King offered him. Why do you think Daniel refused the reward? What (if any) rewards might be tempting when approaching elected officials?


DAY 6: JOSEPH THE SERVANT 1. Build Credibility Through Faithful Service: Genesis 39:2-6

Joseph was in charge of much of the kingdom. What did Joseph do (or not do) to earn this respect and recognition? What does this kind of faithfulness look like for you in your current circumstances?

2. Establish Trust: Genesis 41:14-49

Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams for him. Before there was time to prove that Joseph was correct, Pharaoh promoted him. Why do you think Pharaoh did so? What kinds of actions in our modern context establish trust with elected officials and government leaders?

3. Identify. Promise. Follow Through: Genesis 41:14-49

Joseph followed a pattern that it is encouraged when bringing issues before our leaders. What would that look like in your political context?



Here are a few great scripture verses to pray through in preparation for approaching government leaders. Use the space below to write out your prayer or any reflections you have for each verse.

1 Peter 2:13-14

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.”

1 Timothy 2:1-2

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

Romans 13:1

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”


Daniel 2:21

“He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.”

Romans 13:7

“Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

Proverbs 8:15

“By me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just.”


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Š2018 Christian Alliance for Orphans

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