CAFO2024 Program

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Nashville · TN

An Unforgettable Gathering of a Growing Movement Caring for Orphaned & Vulnerable Children and Families

September 18-20, 2024


dear friend & fellow apprentice to Jesus,

Welcome to the CAFO2024 Summit! What a joy to gather here with you again, among friends old and new, kindred spirits from near and far.

It was 20 years ago that some 29 leaders gathered at the first Summit. The CAFO community has grown and the world is ever changing, but our foundation hasn’t moved. It goes back not 20 years but 2,000+, rooted always in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We long to reflect God’s love for the most vulnerable in effective action. And we desire to answer this call together, doing our best to “leave logos and egos at the door” to join in a vision bigger than any one person or organization could achieve alone.

As we often say, the Summit is an immense gift exchange. Each of us comes with gifts to share. Each also brings needs that call for filling. Wonderfully, God pairs our needs and gifts in just the right ways — with a listening ear or timely word, spontaneous prayer or shared expertise.

Our theme this year is a single word: Becoming. We'll soak in the beautiful, freeing reality that God's greatest desire for you and me is not what we can accomplish for Him, even the very good work He calls us to do. Nor is it in our success or health or good name, as positive as these things can be. Rather, God’s highest good for us is found first in the people we are becoming, that we grow daily to share His heart and character, "conformed to the image of His son." It is simply that, before anything else, we grow more like Jesus each day. When that happens, everything else follows.

May this vision permeate all that happens here. May we feel together the marvelous lightness it brings. And may we leave freshly inspired to participate with our good Father in His shaping, formative work — first within and then also through us in the lives of others.

Only one thing is required. Have your hands open… both to receive and to give. Thank God, we have a Father who delights to fill them!


Download the CAFO2024 App:

When downloading, use the same email you registered with for the conference.


Following Thursday night's session, stay for a CAFO 20th Anniversary Fireworks Show and tasty treat!

wednesday [ 9.18.24 ]

8:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Collaborate: A Global Network Forum (Day 2) Hudson Hall Sponsored by BEB Global Research Symposium: Innovate Local Hudson Hall From the Inside Out Wilson Hall BC 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

The Vital Role of the Christian Family Wilson Hall F

1 PM - 3 PM


Grab attendee goodies (first come, first served), free coffee and a welcome treat from the Tennessee Cobbler Company Food Truck parked outside the Main Entrance door. Enjoy the festivities!

2 PM - 2:45 PM



Is this your first CAFO Summit experience? We’d love to meet you! Stop by to enjoy a fun snack, and visit with our Summit hosts who will be ready to answer your questions.

3 PM - 4 PM


Join General Sessions 15-min early to enjoy inspiring videos and updates of children served worldwide.

Zawadi Morrow, Worship Jedd Medefind, CAFO President

Following this session, we will have Prayer Ministers ready to pray with you up front. Look for the green lanyards!

4:15 PM - 5:30 PM


See Page 10 and use the CAFO2024 App to view descriptions and build your schedule: visit our exhibitors, join a meet-up, browse the CAFO Bookstore or rest & refuel (Pg 11).

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM


Stay on-site for local food trucks (Pg 24) or enjoy nearby restaurants.

7:30 PM - 9 PM


Join General Sessions 15-min early to enjoy inspiring videos and updates of children served worldwide.

Zawadi Morrow, Worship Pastor James and Issa Tica, Philippines Worship Initiative Feature Lisa Harper, Author & Speaker

Following this session, we will have Prayer Ministers ready to pray with you up front. Look for the green lanyards!

thursday [ 9.19.24 ]


See Page 14 and use the CAFO2024 App to view descriptions and even build your schedule by choosing times to: visit our exhibitors, join a meet-up, browse the CAFO Bookstore or rest & refuel (Pg 11).

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM


See Pg 15 and use the CAFO2024 App to view descriptions and even build your schedule by choosing times to: visit our exhibitors, join a meet-up, browse the CAFO Bookstore or rest & refuel (Pg 11).


Join General Sessions 15-min early to enjoy inspiring videos and updates of children served worldwide.

Dr. Curt Thompson, Author & Speaker Dennis Rainey & Bob Lepine, FamilyLife Bishop W C and Donna Martin, Possum Trot, Texas

Following this session, we will have Prayer Ministers ready to pray with you up front. Look for the green lanyards!

11:45 AM - 1:15 PM LUNCH

Enjoy lunch sponsored by Buckner International. See map for lunch pick up locations (Pg 6-7).

1:15 PM - 2:30 PM


See Page 18 and use the CAFO2024 App to view descriptions and even build your schedule by choosing times to: visit our exhibitors, join a meet-up, browse the CAFO Bookstore or rest & refuel (Pg 11).

2:45 PM - 3:30 PM GATHER HOUR

Find your people in one of these gatherings (Pg 28)! Or, use the meet-up board near the help desk to post your own gathering (include place & time). Energy break snacks are provided by WinShape Homes and available in the Atrium Lobby.


See Page 19 and use the CAFO2024 App to view descriptions and even build your schedule by choosing times to: visit our exhibitors, join a meet-up, browse the CAFO Bookstore or rest & refuel (Pg 11).


Dine at nearby restaurants or stay on-site for local food trucks (Pg 24) and enjoy a Nashville Evening with special dinner music by Skye Peterson, 6:15pm - 6:45pm in Wilson Hall.


Join General Sessions 15-min early to enjoy inspiring videos and updates of children served worldwide.

Raquel Nájera, Guatemala

Jason Johnson, CAFO

Austin Ludwig, Artist, Pastor, Foster Alum

Governor Bill Lee, Tennessee

Special Performance by Andrew Peterson and Skye Peterson

Following this session, we will have Prayer Ministers ready to pray with you up front. Look for the green lanyards!

Join the CAFO 20th Anniversary Fireworks Celebration immediately following the session!

friday [ 9.20.24 ]


See Page 22 and use the CAFO2024 App to view descriptions and even build your schedule by choosing times to: visit our exhibitors, join a meet-up, browse the CAFO Bookstore or rest & refuel (Pg 11).


See Pg 23 and use the CAFO2024 App to view descriptions and even build your schedule by choosing times to: visit our exhibitors, join a meet-up, browse the CAFO Bookstore or rest & refuel (Pg 11).

11 AM - 12:30 PM


Join General Sessions 15-min early to enjoy inspiring videos and updates of children served worldwide.

Mary Beth Chapman, Author and Co-Founder Show Hope Kondo Simfukwe, Pastor & Speaker




“We founded Show Hope in 2003, with its mission to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption. As we think back on this ‘great adventure,’ we are reminded of Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed. In Luke’s Gospel, we read Jesus’ words, What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his garden, and it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches (Luke 13:18-19). It is humbling to imagine how God is using Show Hope to further His kingdom, with children and families finding a haven of love, care, and support through this work. The stories we hear to this day and the healing we continue to witness are a testimony of God working in and among his people to love and bring families to life.”

— Mary Beth & Steven Curtis Chapman, Founders, Show Hope





9,100+ children impacted by Adoption Aid grants

60+ countries

$44+ million awarded in Adoption Aid grants

150+ Medical Care grants awarded

$1.1 million awarded in Medical Care grants


Hope for the Journey Conference participants

2,300+ grants awarded to professionals for Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) Practitioner training

23,000+ students engaged STUDENT INITIATIVES


Artificial Intelligence: Seriously, What Is It? 2123

(CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Christie Gibson, Buckner International

Belonging to Become Inman Chapel

Dr. Curt Thompson, Being Known

Bridges to Adulthood: Success Strategies for Wilson Hall DE Aging Out Youth (US & Global)

W. Scott Brown, CAFO Aging Out Initiative; Austin South, Orphan Outreach; Faith Kusunoki, Project Belong VA

Building Family & Organizational Sustainability 2140

Randy Daniels and Lynn Hendricks, Buckner International

Building Safe, Welcoming & Fun Kids + Student Ministries 2103

Kim Botto, International Network of Children's Ministry

From Fragile to Flourishing Families: The Power of 2132 CD Wrap-Around Ministries in Foster Care

Stephanie Shivers and Stacey Glass, Church of the City

Fuel + Friction: Helping Churches Overcome Wilson Hall BC Barriers and Minimize Obstacles

Jason Johnson, CAFO

Healing and Health in God's Great Outdoors Wilson Hall F Jedd and Rachel Medefind, CAFO; Maynard Medefind, Retired Ranger and Educator

Marriage and Adoption: Strengthening Your Wilson Hall A Home Field Advantage

Dennis and Barbara Rainey, FamilyLife

Measuring Your Progress Toward Better Together 2122

David Hennessey, Ade Olowo and Alex Cáceres, CAFO

Mind Your Metrics: How to Achieve 2132 AB Organizational Excellence (Minus the Burnout) Dr. Stephen Robert, One More Child

The Need for Medical Care Support in Our Choir Room Adoption Community

Kristin Parks and Justin Myers, Show Hope; Rich Metcalfe, Lifesong for Orphans; Madison Ziegenbein, Pathways for Little Feet

When Home Isn't Enough: Considering Baskin Chapel Residential Care

Jaoni Wood and Margaret Hoffer, Project Belong VA

Summit keeps getting better from your feedback! Because of your survey feedback, Summit has…

• Added additional space to connect with your people

• Increased practical & interactive learning opportunities

• Expanded space for prayer and counsel

Thank you for helping shape next year’s Summit by taking a minute to scan and fill out the workshop survey!


Being the Safe Place: Caring for Children in 2006 Emergencies (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Jay Watkins, Send Relief

Beyond the Pews: Leveraging Your Skills for 2010 Children and Community Alina Druta, Alianta Crestina Moldova fara Orfani; Chrina Henson, Generations Home

Effective Advocacy: How to Influence Policy 2004 for the Good of the Child-Welfare Involved Kids & Families Dr. Ryan Hanlon, National Council for Adoption, Jacqui Jackson, Ignite Hope: Champions for Children; Dr. Jerry Haag, One More Child; D.J. Jordan, Pinkston; Chelsea Sobolik, World Relief; Lance Villio, The Governor's Faith-Based & Community Initiative

The Founder's Journey 2008 Rebecca Harvin, Haven's Retreats, Inc.; Suzy Roth, Hands of Hope; Mike Douris, Orphan Outreach; JT Olson, Both Hands; Dr. Rhonda Littleton, A Home For Me; Elizabeth Terhune Occhipinti, Miriam’s Heart;

When Teens & Young Adults Make Decisions Welcome Center You Don’t Agree With Ryan and Kayla North, One Big Happy Home


Small group and personalized guidance. Very limited seating. To ensure your seat at the coaching table of your choice, grab a ticket at the CAFO help desk.

Deinstitutionalization in Practice: Transitioning 2024 Children from Residential Care Facilities into Families Habtie Wolelaw, Selamta Family Project

Foster Futures: How to Mentor Youth From Hard Places 2026

Aaron Newton, Lighthouse Transitional Care

How Can We Strategically and Effectively Engage in 2046 a Post-Dobbs Decision Era?

Tom Lukasik, 4KIDS

How to Become a Connected Organization 1006 through Change

Roy Baldwin, Christian Heritage

How to Elevate Family-Based Care Fundraising through 2022 Strategic Communication

Brian Carroll, markempa

Leading Children in the Art of Lament: Engaging 2020 Children’s Grief with Creativity and Hope

Devon Tarr and Cindy Finley, RiverCross

Lessons in Listening and Thoughtful Repair: 1008 Relational Practices to Support Your Family

Kelly Raudenbush, The Sparrow Fund

REFUEL rest &

There's so much to experience at Summit and we know you don't want to miss out on any of it. But, sometimes we need to pause, rest and refuel so we can continue to pour out in our daily lives. Don't leave Summit exhausted, we encourage you to choose one of our rest and refuel opportunities.



Tour the Art of Becoming Exhibition and soak in the artistic beauty and unique expression of artists from around the country. The exhibition features work from Joy Fitterer (TN), Reuben Huffman (OH), Michelle McKirahan (GA), Craig R Norton (MO), Aeden Peterson (TN), Maggie Reckers (OH), Ruth Chou Simmons (CO) & Jessica Southworth (TN). While you're there, whether you're an artist or not, we hope you'll be inspired to pick up a marker and begin filling in our CAFO2024 Becoming Mural. Add your mark to what CAFO is BECOMING.




schedule a time!

Seriously! For complete relaxation, visit the second floor connection center balcony to sign up for your complimentary 15 minute chair massage. Massage chairs & professional therapists are available to serve you.



Looking for a spot to catch up with an old (or new!) friend? Stop by the More Than Enough Lounge, where you'll find cozy seating, puzzles and raffles. You can also browse a selection of U.S. foster care resources that can help you work with others to provide more than enough for children and families where you live.


Intercession: Thurs 1-3pm

The prayers of the people of God are integral to the work of God in our own lives, the lives of those we love, and the good work we set out to do. Receive prayer from our CAFO Prayer Ministers in the Prayer Room from 1-3 p.m. on Thursday. Prayer Ministers are also available after all general sessions at the front of the auditorium except for the closing session (they will have green lanyards). The prayer room is always open for you to take a pause, taking the weighty things in your life before the Lord—together.



God desires for us to continually become more like Him. In a world of lies and distractions, we invite you to be still and spend time with the Father. Come visit any of the eight stations during Summit. Each Soul Station provides a personal, quiet, & focused experience designed to help you connect with God in a meaningful way.

When you partner with Lifesong, you can find help for your adoption, reach children with holistic, Gospel-centered care locally and globally, and engage your church in God’s call to care for the fatherless.

Find Help for Your Adoption Christian families can apply for matching grants, interest-free loans, fundraising support, and a FREE crowdfunding platform, as well as find post-adoption financial assistance. All gifts given through Lifesong are tax-deductible, and 100% of funds go directly toward adoption expenses. Lifesong has supported the adoption of over 10,614 children since 2002.

Reach Orphans Globally Partner with local leaders to share the Gospel by caring for vulnerable children and preserving families with nutrition programs, education, safe homes, and transition programs. 10,190 children are served each day across more than 15 countries.

Engage Your Church Create financial solutions for adoptive families by starting a no-cost, personalized adoption fund at your church. Or engage in global orphan care projects through mission teams and child sponsorship. Join 537 adoption fund partners in 45 states.

Fuel Ministry through Business Create life-changing, community transforming job opportunities through sustainable business initiatives and impact investing. Lifesong-led businesses have created 522 jobs around the globe, impacting more than 2,600 individuals.


A Kinship Adoptee's Perspective Choir Room

JT Olson, Both Hands

Attachment After Adversity:

Wilson Hall BC Building Resilience Through Relationship

Dr. Nicole Wilke and Dr. Amanda Howard, CAFO

Christian Practices for Mothers: Raising Children Welcome Center in the Steps of Jesus through Prayer, Service & Discipleship

Teri Froman, Second Mothers

Developing International Foster Care: Realistic Wilson Hall F Expectations for Development, Capacity Building, and Impact Mike Douris, Austin South and Dace Rence, Orphan Outreach

Displacing Shame: Serving Children 2140 and Families Experiencing Problematic Sexual Behavior

Bethany Hall, Chosen Care

Diversify Your Protagonists! 2123

Erin Fletcher, Gospel-Centered Adoption

Family Strengthening on Three Continents: 2132 AB Real-World Ideas for Keeping Families Together

Shelton Taguma, Forgotten Voices International; Kimberly Quinley, Step Ahead Foundation; Claudia Leon, Buckner International; Dalia Mena, CAFO

From Eye Rolls to Real Conversations: Baskin Chapel Practical Strategies for Connecting with Teens

William and CarrieAnn Standfest, Connected Parenting Minute

Good Grief Hudson Hall

Dr. Curt Thompson, Being Known

More Than Enough Together

Wilson Hall DE Jason Weber, CAFO; Bishop Aaron Blake, Harvest Family Life Ministries; Amber Knowles, The Riverside Project; Jamie Bartlett, Crossroads Bible Church; Keith Fortier, Agape of North Carolina

Supporting Grandparents and Fictive Kin Wilson Hall A Raising Grandchildren

Andi Harrison and Nicky Locker, Buckner Children and Family Services

The Secret Sauce of Recruitment: 2103 Creating Events with Moving Stories that Move People to Action Jaime and Tami Kent, The NOMORE Foundation

Transform Your Website: Inman Chapel Best Practices and Inspiring Case Studies

Janelle Suzanne and Chris Thurman, Louder Agency


Engaging Volunteers: What Keeps them Coming Back? 2006 Kerry Rhodes and Wendy McMahan, For the Children

HR Case Study: Exploring Fruitful HR Practices in 2004 Fraught Times (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Dan Wilton, Lifesong for Orphans

M&E 201: Measurement in the Real World 2010 Dr. Joy Fitterer, CAFO; Devon Tarr, RiverCross; Lisa Steele, Family Life Missions; Dr. Rhonda Littleton, A Home For Me; Michelle Kvandal, Su Refugio


Small group and personalized guidance. Very limited seating. To ensure your seat at the coaching table of your choice, grab a ticket at the CAFO help desk.

Effective Church Engagement Coaching 1008 Jason Johnson, CAFO

From Vision to Reality: Tactics for Launching a 1006 Successful Capital Campaign

Taylor Cochran, Bless the Children Ministries

How to Build Safe, Welcoming, and Fun Kids and 2024 Student Ministries: Conversation Continued Kim Botto, International Network of Children's Ministry

Increasing Donor Engagement through Monthly Giving 2020 Anna Price, CAFO

Is Family-Based Care for Me? 2046

Elli Oswald, Faith to Action Initiative

Open Adoption 101 1012 Jenna Everson, Choosing Hope Adoptions

Sabbatical: How to Restore Your Soul Through 2022 Extended Time Away (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Eric Gilmore, Immerse Arkansas

The Powerful Role of the Body in Mental Health: 2026 Physical Habits to Promote Wellbeing Rachel Medefind, CAFO


Africa Meet-Up

Ade Olowo, CAFO

Asia Meet-Up

John Dongerdive, India




Attachment After Adversity (Conversation Part 2) Wilson Hall BC Dr. Nicole Wilke and Dr. Amanda Howard, CAFO

Better Together: 2132 AB

Collaborating Toward a Global Vision

David Hennessey, CAFO; Alina Druta, Alianta Crestina Moldova fara Orfani; Clever Sobrino, Perú Por Los Niños | Camino de Vida Church; Belay Gebru, Hope for the Fatherless; Alex Ilie, Romania Without Orphans Alliance

Building a Relationship of Love and Respect 2140 with Your Foster/Adopt Tweens/Teens

Wendi Cross, X Hope Inc; Nebeyu Cross, Powerhouse Ministries

Father to the Fatherless:

Baskin Chapel Songwriting for the Church

Zawadi Morrow, CAFO & Calvary Holland; Robbie Seay, Worship Initiative

From Numbers to Narratives 2122

Katie Casselberry and Rachel Jackson, CAFO

From Students to Seniors: Growing an Choir Room Everyone Can Do Something Culture in Your Church

Justin Myers and Bethany DaSilva, Show Hope; Jason Johnson, CAFO; Jodi Lewis, Hephzibah62:4; Bruce Bruinsma, Retirement Reformation

Fundraising & Becoming: How to Make Development 2103 about Discipleship First (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Michelle Clements, CAFO

Good Authority: How Kind Authority Contributes 2123 to Positive Growth and Practical Guidance for Parents

Mark and Kristin Orphan, Finally Home; Rachel Medefind, CAFO

IZIDOR: Exclusive Pre-Release Screening of a Inman Chapel Powerful Film Created to Spark Conversation and Action

Sarah Padbury and Dave Kabbe, Izidor Story, LLC

Localization and Mutuality in Cross

Wilson Hall DE Cultural Partnerships

Melody Curtiss Cathey and Dr. Laura Horvath, Helping Children Worldwide; David Titus Musa and George Kulanda, Child Reintegration Centre Sierra Leone

Moms Time Out: You Are Seen

Jamie Finn, Foster the Family

Hudson Hall

Why Caring for Social Workers Matters 2132 CD

Nicole Taylor, Congregations for Kids

Wisdom from the Trenches

Wilson Hall A Aixa de López, Alianza Cristiana para los Huerfanos; Jayne Schooler, Schooler Institute; Dr. Cindy Brewer, Orphan Voice

Your Organization as a Place of Spiritual

Wilson Hall F Formation (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Jedd Medefind, CAFO

thursday, 9:45 AM



Becoming Family-Focused: 2006 Baby Steps in Moving Toward Family Solutions

Elli Oswald, Faith to Action Initiative; Claudia Leon, Buckner International; Sandra Chikan, Kingdom Kids Klub; Debbie Harvey, Holistic Haitian Alliance; Kristen Marks, Otem Collective; Peter Muthui and Florence Muteti, Child in Family Focus, Kenya; Jennifer Thomas, For His Children; Jared Scheppmann, Ekisa Ministries

Imagining Foster-Friendly Communities 2008 Across America

Brian Mavis, America’s Kids Belong

Sharpen Your Iron: Strengthening Fathers Welcome Center

Phil Krause, My Village Ministries; Dave Frett, Five18 Family Services

The Art of Impact: Crafting Metrics for 2010 Nonprofit Success

Kristan Bhandari, Connections Homes

The Power of Prayer for Healing and 2004 Transformation

Kathleen Christopher, Christian Healing Institute


Small group and personalized guidance. Very limited seating. To ensure your seat at the coaching table of your choice, grab a ticket at the CAFO help desk.

Considerations for Disability Inclusion in 2020 Transitioning to Family Care

Beth Bradford, Maestral International LLC

Developing a Parent Coaching Program 2024 in Your Church/Organization

Lynn Beckett, Lifeline Children's Services

Empowering Connections: 1012 Leveraging Digital Tools to Better Serve Your Community

Brent Washburn, Lagoon Digital

How to Build a One-Page Plan for Your Ministry 2022

Dr. Daniel Nehrbass, Nightlight Christian Adoptions

How to Raise and Equip Children in 2046 Biblical Financial Stewardship

Aaron Caid and Nick Lacy, Christian Community Credit Union

Leadership & Life Transitions 2026 (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Dr. Riley P. Green III, WinShape Homes

Using Data to Enable Family-Placement in 1008 Developing Nations, A Case Study

Frank Garrott and Will Sanchez, Both Ends Believing (BEB)

Thank you for helping shape next year’s Summit by taking a minute to scan and fill out the workshop survey!


Becoming Sorted Baskin Chapel

Kerry Hasenbalg, The Becoming Foundation

Bio Family Connection & Support 2140

Johnna Stein, Promise686

Building Resilience in Children and Vulnerable Choir Room Families Through Sports, Play, and Fitness

Phil Darke, Providence World

Developing Your Own Leadership Rule of Life 2132CD (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Dr. Rey Diaz, Orphan Outreach

Feeding Fires: Church Mobilization for Starting Wilson Hall F and Sustaining Foster and Adoption Ministries

Gabriel Forsyth and Renaut van der Riet, Mosaic Church; Gay Brielle Crawford, Love Made Visible

Healing for Every Heart in Adoption

Jodi Jackson Tucker, Second Mothers

Wilson Hall BC

How to Herd Cats: Uniting the Stakeholders Inman Chapel by Pressing into God’s Theory of Change

Dr. Brian Fikkert, Chalmers Center at Covenant College

How to Make Your Work Better by 2122

Serving Children with Disabilities

Jared Scheppmann, Ekisa Ministries; Matthew Mooney, 99 Balloons

Innovation in Marketing and Communications Wilson Hall A

Nathan Magness and Bethany Jones, Show Hope

Into the Light—Hope for Healing from 2103 Sexual Abuse: Next Steps

Pam Taylor and Trent Taylor, Watch Me Rise

Men, You’re Needed (A Conversation for Dads) Wilson Hall DE Dennis Rainey, FamilyLife; Jedd Medefind, CAFO; Belay Gebru, Hope for the Fatherless; Jimmy Moore, The Children's Home of Lubbock and Family Service Agency

Raising Teens with a Trauma History

Todd and Beth Guckenberger, Back2Back Ministries

Hudson Hall

Theology of the Body: A Biblical Starting Point 2123 for Questions of Sexuality and Gender

Zach Coffin, Hephzibah 62:4

Transforming Donors into True Champions: 2132 AB

Three Keys to Building a Partnership Culture

Ronne Rock and Austin South, Orphan Outreach


Ask a Bio Kid 2006

Dr. Nicole Wilke, CAFO

Creating Wise AI Guidelines for our Ministries 2010 (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Jenny Pope, Katie Casselberry, Julie Bolos, CAFO

Does Your Community Have All the Pieces? Welcome Center A More than Enough Interactive Experience

Jason Weber and Rachel Jackson, CAFO

Funding Your Adoption in 2024 2004

Jared DeLong and JT Olson, Both Hands; Kate Johnson, Show Hope; Rich Metcalfe, Lifesong for Orphans; Tami Burkett, ABBA Fund; Madison Ziegenbein, Pathways for Little Feet; Becky Wilmoth, Bills Tax Service

Moving the Needle Towards More Than Enough, 2008 One County at a Time

Vince Smith, Keystone Family Alliance


Small group and personalized guidance. Very limited seating. To ensure your seat at the coaching table of your choice, grab a ticket at the CAFO help desk.

Adoption and Pregnancy Care Organization Collaboration 2022 Robyn Chambers, Focus on the Family; Dr. Brad Imler, Christian Adoptions Alliance

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Adoption Travel 1006 Tabitha Lovell, Adoption Airfare® & Spirit of Adoption Radio [S.O.A.R.]

Core Elements Coaching 2020 Dr. Joy Fitterer, CAFO

Life Through Their Eyes: Raising an Adopted Child of Color 1008

Dr. Mark Andrews, Adoptive Family Resources; Sara Andrews and Michael Andrews, Adult Adoptees

Practices that Cultivate Resilience in Children & Youth 2046 Elizabeth Terhune Occhipinti, Miriam’s Heart

Promoting Resilience in Children and Youth 2024

Dr. Amanda Howard, CAFO

Supporting Families of Children: How to 1012 Extend Trusting Relationships with Families of Children in Care

Dr. Angie Proctor, Trust-Based Counseling and Consulting

The Power of the Outdoors for Healing from Trauma 2026 Meredith Shuman, James Trail thursday SEPTEMBER 19

thursday, 3:45 PM


Big Ideas on Prevention: How the Church Can Wilson Hall DE Go Upstream

Jason Weber, CAFO; Jeff Chaisson, Salty Family Services; Paul Chapman, Restore Hope; Charlee Tchividjian, Every Mother's Advocate

Connected Parenting Journey: Navigating Life’s Hudson Hall Unexpected Outcomes

Mark Ottinger, Tona Ottinger, Jesse Faris, Empowered to Connect

Creatively Sharing Hope with Children 2123 through the Gospel

Jill Toth and Rebeka Corgan, One More Child

Effective Residential Care: Contexts and Practices 2140

Dr. David Nowell, Hope Institute; Mike Douris, Orphan Outreach

Family Connections: A Volunteer-Led Solution to Wilson Hall F Improve Supervised Visits

Cody Cox, Coyote Hill

Honoring Both Mothers: How to Navigate this Wilson Hall BC Relationship with Grace

Theresa (Terri) Marcroft, Unplanned Good Inc; Jamie Finn, Foster the Family; Ali Marie Watson, Birth Mother; Laura Blanco, Birth Mother

Kinship Care in the US: Reflecting on Yesterday Wilson Hall A and Looking to Tomorrow with Hope

Nicholette Antoniuk and Ashlynn Gipe, Five18 Family Services; Ben Antoniuk, Adult Kinship Adoptee

Leading Where It Counts: Connecting History

2122 and Vision to Rally Staff and Raise More Money

Dr. Danny Nicholson and Jay Boyd, Connie Maxwell Children's Ministries

Living into God's Theory of Change: Inman Chapel Ministry Design Principles to Alleviate Poverty Dr. Brian Fikkert, Chalmers Center at Covenant College

Mentoring Teens & Young Adults into a Baskin Chapel Thriving Adulthood

Pam Parish, Connections Homes; Tera Melber, Resound Trauma Education

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Marriage & Foster Care 2103

Keith Howard, Circle of Care; Staci Howard, Epic Charter Schools

Voices: Hear from Adult Adoptees & Foster Alum 2132CD

Jackie Darby, Start With One Global; Zawadi Morrow, CAFO & Calvary Holland; Tony Mitchell, tmLeadership; Austin Ludwig, WinShape Homes

What’s Good & What’s Missing From Our Current Choir Room Trauma-Informed Care? (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Jedd and Rachel Medefind, CAFO

Winning the War on Talent: Recruiting, 2132 AB Retaining, and Engaging Employees for Mission Success

Rod Marshall, Alabama Baptist Children's Homes; Bob Bruder-Mattson, FaithBridge Foster Care


Activating the Power of Prayer to Protect and 2010 Strengthen Your Family and/or Ministry

Lesley Hackman and Kathleen Christopher, Christian Healing Institute

Big Ideas on Church Engagement: Engaging in 2004 Mutually Beneficial Partnerships with Churches

Chandler James, The Riverside Project; Jason Johnson, CAFO; Jennifer Halliburton, Olive Crest; Philip Turner, Connie Maxwell Children's Ministries

Enter the Story: Awareness Experience Welcome Center Johnna Stein, Promise686

Using Art and Expression in Emotional Healing 2006 Dr. Bethany Haley Williams, Exile International

Working with Excellent People: Recruiting, Onboarding 2008 & Retaining Employees (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Christen Butler, The CALL; Shelly Radic, Project 1.27


Small group and personalized guidance. Very limited seating. To ensure your seat at the coaching table of your choice, grab a ticket at the CAFO help desk.

Fundraising Coaching for Small to Medium Organizations 2026 Michelle Clements, CAFO

Good Grief, Grit, and Glory 2024 Mandy Litzke, My Village Ministries/Safe Harbor Orphan Care

How Can the Adoption Tax Credit Help Me? 1008 Becky Wilmoth, Bills Tax Service

How to Achieve Mutuality in Global Advocacy 2022 Kate Borders, World Orphans

How to Better Integrate Services to Children 2020 with Disabilities into Your Ministry Jared Scheppmann, Ekisa Ministries; Matthew Mooney, 99 Balloons

How to See Behavior Through the Lens of 1012 Attachment: Learn First Steps in Achieving Secure Attachment Jacqueline Burgess, WinShape Homes

Starting a Global Network 1006 David Hennessey, CAFO

Theology of the Body Follow-up: 2046 Conversation, Coaching, and Next Steps Zach Coffin, Hephzibah 62:4


Collaborating for Zero

Wilson Hall A

Tiffany Wright, State of Arkansas - Division of Children and Family Services; Christie Erwin, Project Zero

Community-Based Family Services to Wilson Hall F Prevent Separation

Sebilu Bodja, Bethany Christian Services - Global

Effective Action Steps for Churches to Support 2132 AB Aging-Out Youth

Aren Williams and Traci Newell, Lifeline Children's Services

From Doing For to Walking With:

Wilson Hall BC Equipping Allies for Bio-Family Support and Strengthening

Justin Lonas, Jerilyn Sanders and Shay Bassett, The Chalmers Center at Covenant College

How to Stay Faithful through the Hard: Baskin Chapel

Gospel Hope for Faithful Ministry

Chris Johnson, Lifeline Children’s Services

Let's Move Beyond the LABELS with Brain Games! Choir Room

Ann Maura Hinton, Lifeline Children’s Services

Let's Play: Promote Productivity and 2123 Protect Staff from Burnout

Rebecca McKay, Empowered to Connect

Surviving and Thriving When Fostering and Adopting Teens 2103

Gay Brielle Crawford and Brooklyn Matthews, Love Made Visible

Thankful For My Scars—How Lament and Inman Chapel Gratitude Can Co-Exist While Healing From Trauma

Pam Taylor and Trent Taylor, Watch Me Rise

The 5 W's of Internal Controls 2122

Emily VerSteeg, ECFA

The Art of Paying Attention 2140

Dr. Melody Aguayo, Real Child Consulting

What Do I Do When Loving My Child Hudson Hall Feels Very Hard?

Renaut van der Riet, Mosaic Church

Summit keeps getting better from your feedback! Because of your survey feedback, Summit has…

• Added additional space to connect with your people

• Increased practical & interactive learning opportunities

• Expanded space for prayer and counsel

Thank you for helping shape next year’s Summit by taking a minute to scan and fill out the workshop survey!


Facilitating a Small Group for Foster & Adoptive Parents 2006

Jenn Hook, Replanted Ministry

Feedback that Matters: Using the Core Elements of 2010 Success in OVC Care to Improve Care & Increase Program Effectiveness

Dr. Joy Fitterer, CAFO

Innovative Engagement: New Ways to Connect 2004 with Supporters (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Janelle Suzanne and Erin MacPherson, Louder Agency

Let's Talk: Navigating Questions With Your Foster or 2008 Adopted Kids

Trisha Priebe, Lifesong for Orphans; Erin Fletcher, Gospel-Centered Adoption


Small group and personalized guidance. Very limited seating. To ensure your seat at the coaching table of your choice, grab a ticket at the CAFO help desk.

Communicating with Donors about Changing Models 1008

Julie Bolos, CAFO

Embracing Sensory Diversity: Creating Inclusive 2022 Worship Environments for Vulnerable Children with Sensory Sensitivity

Dr. Amanda Howard, CAFO

Family Finding

Ashlee Heiligman, Global Child Advocates


How to Grow Your Capacity to Flourish 2026

Dr. Karen Bergstrom, Safe Families for Children

Keeping Families Intact: Involving Churches with the 2024 Work of Family Preservation

Alex Kuykendall, Project 1.27

Mentoring and Fulfilling the Great Commission: 1012 A Discussion on Mentoring and Collaboration in Ethiopia

Naomi Haile, Alliance Care Now

Nonprofit Marketing and Client Care

Christie Gibson, Buckner International


Vulnerability in Leadership Matters: How to Practice It 2046

Jen Decker-McMillen, Westside Family Church


Latin America Meet-Up (en Español) Welcome Center

Alex Cáceres, CAFO


Advancing Child Safeguarding Beyond Policies


Todd Guckenberger and Caroline Burns, Back2Back Ministries; Anna Valdez, Lifesong for Orphans

Becoming More than Fed: Cooking and Wilson Hall DE the Hunger for Connection

Chef Kibby, Cookin' with Kibby

Biblical Solutions for Human Conflict: How to Inman Chapel Reconcile with Others for a Healthy Work Culture (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Beth Guckenberger, Back2Back Ministries

Church Engagement and Discipleship: Prioritizing 2123

Spiritual Formation, Not Just Ministry Transaction

Michael Kraft, South Texas Alliance for Orphans

Connection Groups for Foster, Kinship, Wilson Hall F and Adoptive Families through the Local Church

Courtney Ayres, Gwinnett Church & Hamilton Mill Church; Nicole Tabor, Browns Bridge Church

Cultivating the Strength and Character of Black Choir Room Children in a Multi-Racial Family

Tony Mitchell, tmLeadership; Bishop Aaron Blake, Harvest Family Life Ministries; Zawadi Morrow, CAFO & Calvary Holland; Dr. Sharen Ford, Focus on the Family

Making Mentoring Work in Your Country or 2122

Community Culture

Dr. Ken Merrifield and Andrew Mahame, Christian Association of Youth Mentoring; Aaron Newton, Lighthouse Transitional Care

Mindful Parenting: Moving from Reactive to Wilson Hall BC Purposeful Parenting

Kelly Hamilton, The Connected Life

Partnering with Parents of Kids with Disabilities— Baskin Chapel Not Just on Sunday, but All Week Long

Kim Botto, International Network of Children's Ministry

Supporting Reunification: Foster Parents Hudson Hall Supporting Biological Parents

Jamie Finn, Foster the Family

The Impact of Electronic Gaming on Healing 2103 from Developmental Trauma

Dr. Chuck Geddes, Christian Family Care

The Practice of Forgiveness: Wilson Hall A A Powerful Contributor to Human Flourishing Rachel Medefind, CAFO; Austin Ludwig, WinShape Homes

The Sacred Negative: Learning a Life of Lament and 2132 AB Love in Our Everyday Dr. Vernon Burger, His Voice Global

friday, 9:45 AM


Developing Leaders in Your Organization 2004 (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Dr. Chip Colee and Grace Wood, Alabama Baptist Children's Homes & Family Ministries

Improving Outcomes in Child Welfare: 2010 Leveraging Evidence & Resources

Dr. Nicole Wilke, Julie Bolos, Joscey Brecheisen, Analu Cornejo, Dr. Joy Fitterer, Dr. Amanda Howard, Dalia Mena and Megan Roberts, CAFO

Life Hurts, Love Heals: Reaching Teens Welcome Center with Biblical Hope

Dr. Suzanne Falconer, GlobalFingerprints

Voices: A Conversation for Adoptees and Foster Alum 2006

Erin Fletcher, Gospel-Centered Adoption; Kara Capps, Show Hope; Mandy Litzke, My Village Ministries/Safe Harbor Orphan Care; Tricia Collins, Child Bridge; Trent Taylor, Watch Me Rise


Small group and personalized guidance. Very limited seating. To ensure your seat at the coaching table of your choice, grab a ticket at the CAFO help desk.

Hope for the FASD Journey 2026

Sandra Flach, Justice For Orphans

How to Build a One-Page Strategic Plan that Turns 1008 Vision into Reality

Cindy Finley, RiverCross

How to Talk with Your Adopted Child About Their 2046 Identity, Rooted First in Christ

Jackie Darby, Start With One Global

Practical Guidance to Successfully Shift from 1012 Residential Care to Family Life

Dr. Brandon Dasinger, Project 82 Kenya

Short-Term Missions: Encouragement & Support 2020

Toni Steere, Houston's First Baptist Church – Loop Campus

Storytelling for Nonprofits: Practical Tips for 1006 Connecting Your Faith, Mind, and Heart

Lisa Steele, Family Life Missions

Supporting Teens Impacted by Child Welfare 2022

Kia Gelinas, Project 1.27

Teams & Timelines: Creating a Strong Child Protection Policy 2024

Deborah Ausburn, Taylor English Duma LLP; Tom Rawlings, Child Welfare and Justice Training Intl


Europe Meet-Up


Alina Druta, Alianta Crestina Moldova fara Orfani; Alex Ilie, Romania Without Orphans Alliance

DON’T MISS OUT! special features


WILSON HALL STAGE always open!

Looking for a spot to catch up with an old (or new!) friend? Stop by the More Than Enough Lounge, where you'll find cozy seating, puzzles and raffles. You can also browse a selection of U.S. foster care resources that can help you work with others to provide more than enough for children and families where you live.


We're celebrating 20 years of God's faithfulness in this movement — from the very first Orphan Summit to today. Stop by our CAFO 20th Anniversary Timeline across from the Help Desk to "make your mark" and remember all that God has done!


How have you experienced the miraculous work of God in your life or ministry? Has your faith been impacted by caring for vulnerable children and families? What role has CAFO played in your story? Come by the Video Booth to answer these questions and more! Your responses could be featured from the stage or shared by CAFO as we celebrate all that God has done in and through our community the past 20 years.


Don't miss special marketplace deals throughout the exhibit fair!



Enjoy these food trucks during the Wednesday and Thursday dinner breaks to purchase your dinner. Trucks will be parked outside the main entrance.


B-5 schedule a time!

How well is your organization's marketing performing? Are marketing blind spots holding you back from your growth goals? Maybe it's time for a marketing check-up. Stop by Louder's Marketing Strategy Hub, Booth B-5 to claim your free website and online marketing assessment. Get expert guidance toward your best next step from our digital marketing pros.



Find your people while at Summit. Use the Meet-Up Board to find a gathering or create a meet-up for folks just like you. You can join one of the scheduled meet-ups during the Gather Hour on Thursday at 2:45 (Pg 28) or create your own here.

WIN BIG WITH GIVEAWAYS CAFO2024 APP must be present to win!

We love to give away great gifts and prizes! Be sure to download the app to play and enter to win BIG! Winners will be announced in the Thursday and Friday evening General Sessions. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!

Meet CAFO2024 Authors and get your new books signed. MEET THE AUTHOR & BOOK SIGNINGS CAFE STAGE


10:00 - 10:45AM

Beth Guckenberger


12:30 - 1:15PM

Jamie Finn Dr. Curt Thompson

THURSDAY 3:45 - 4:30PM

Dr. Nicole Willke & Aixa de López

meet these authors at their booths!

THURSDAY 12:00 PM - 1:15PM

Jackie Darby & Aixa de López: 57

Susan Tebos: B-2

Jodi Jackson Tucker B-1


Visit the bookstore for shirts, workshop recordings, gifts, books and more! Audio recordings are available for purchase online! Catch all the workshops you missed and SAVE BIG when you order the full audio bundle for just $99. Prices go up after the conference, don't wait!

Scan the QR code to purchase recordings or visit:


CAFO unites a growing movement in shared initiatives to inspire and equip God’s people to care effectively for vulnerable children and families, rooted always in Christian discipleship and the life of the local church.

Connecting research with best practices

The Center on Applied Research and Best Practices for Children and Families (also known as CAFO Research Center) helps Christian organizations apply the best available knowledge in their work so they can begin to see better care and outcomes for children worldwide.

Uniting global networks to work better, together

The Global Network initiative unites and strengthens more than 50 locally-led and globally-informed networks of churches, NGOs and agencies working together to see every child in a loving family, embraced within a collaborative community.

Transforming foster care in every U.S. county

More Than Enough is a community of churches, organizations and advocates working toward a shared vision of more than enough for children and families before, during and beyond foster care.


we work to see the people of God overflowing with the love of God, so that every orphaned and vulnerable child will experience God’s unfailing love in a thriving family.

Inspiring a holy and helpful vision for the Church

The Pure Religion Project aims to inspire and equip God’s people to live the “pure religion” described in the book of James and invited throughout Scripture through resources, supportive community and ongoing connection and coaching.

Helping Christian families nurture healing and health

The Institute for FamilyCentered Healing and Health (also known as CAFO Family Institute) equips parents and other caregivers to cultivate whole-person healing and health in children who’ve experienced special adversity, rooted in Scripture and science.

Guiding new approaches in fundraising

The Development and Discipleship initiative expands Christian adoption, foster care and orphan care worldwide by helping childserving ministries build more effective fundraising programs grounded in the theology of God’s abundance.

Thank you

Scan to explore 20 Years of CAFO!

CAFO Champions for your unwavering commitment to children and families for the past 20 years!

find your people MEET-UPS


Find your people during a gathering listed below or form your own meet-up! You might hang out during lunch, hold a meeting during Thursday afternoon's GATHER Hour, or visit the food trucks during dinner.

Whatever your idea, post it on the Meet-Up Board by the CAFO Hub & Help Desk (include place & time). Join one of the meet-ups below or check the Meet-Up Board for additional opportunities.

WEDNESDAY 5:30 PM Hephzibah62:4 Connection Dinner 2008

Attendees of The Wesleyan Church in the U.S. and Canada are invited to join us to fellowship and celebrate how God is multiplying our mission to transform the lives of vulnerable children. Wesleyan walk-ins are welcome.

THURSDAY 8:30 - 9:30 AM Africa Meet-Up, Ade Olowo, CAFO 2008 Asia Meet-Up, John Dongerdive, India 2122

THURSDAY Starting at 10 am Meet the Author & Book Signings (see all times Pg 25) Cafe Stage

THURSDAY 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM Pennsylvania - Working Together for More Than Enough, Wilson Hall F Vince Smith, Keystone

THURSDAY 2:45 - 3:30 PM GATHER HOUR: Grab an energy snack in the Atrium and meet-up with others like you!

Adopted and/or Fostered 2132 CD

Erin Fletcher, Gospel-Centered Adoption; Kara Capps, Show Hope Breathe! A Gather Hour for Foster Wilson Hall BC and Adoptive Moms

Karla Marie Williams, Second Mothers

Calling All (Visual) Creatives

Johnston Moore, Writer | Speaker | Advocate


Church Staff Leaders 1006

Melanie Stimmell, Mosaic Church

Data and Technology Professionals 2122

Meredith Smylie, CAFO

Foster/Adoptive Dad Hang Out Choir Room

Keith Howard, Circle of Care

Founders of Non-Profits 2103

Rebecca Harvin, Haven Retreats

Friends Don't Let Friends Fundraise Alone: Welcome Center

A Development Professionals Meet-Up

Michelle Clements and Anna Price, CAFO

Healing/Intercessory Prayer Ministry


Kathleen Christopher and Lesley Hackman, Christian Healing Institute

Indiana Meet-Up 2008

Suzy Roth, Hands of Hope

Kids and Student Ministry Leaders 2140

Kim Botto, International Network of Children's Ministry

Longview Approach for Children in 2010 Global Residential Care

Tracy Arntzen, Saving Susan Ministry; Dr. David Nowell, Hope Institute

Michigan Meet-Up

Jamie Bartlett, Crossroads Bible Church

Wilson Hall A

Middle Tennessee Local Churches Baskin Chapel

Elizabeth Cochran, Brentwood Baptist Church

Network 1:27: 2123

Church of Christ Affiliated Agencies

Steve Duer, Agape of Central Alabama

Parents of Teens/Young Adults Who Hudson Hall Left Home Unexpectedly

Ryan and Kayla North, One Big Happy Home

Rowen Glenn Center Tour Rowen Glenn Center (Brentwood Baptist Special Needs Ministry)

Carley Ellis and Ellie Axford, Brentwood Baptist Church

Supporting Our Teenagers: 1012 Navigating Adoption Loss Together

Susan TeBos, Author and Adoptive Mom

Tennessee Adoptive & Foster Families Inman Chapel Dr. Joy Fitterer, CAFO

Those Working with Former Foster Youth 2132 AB

Aaron Newton, Lighthouse Transitional Care

U.S. Foster Care Collaborators Wilson Hall DE

Jason Weber, CAFO; Dr. Tiffany Loeffler, The Alliance: Defending the Cause of Kids & Families

We Go Upstream Wilson Hall F Maridel Sandberg, Together for Good

Your Child's Story: 1008

Using Adoption Books to Guide Important Conversation

Emily Belknap, Bridgepointe Therapy

FRIDAY 8:30-9:30 AM Latin America Meet-Up (en Español), Alex Cáceres, CAFO Welcome Center

FRIDAY 9:45-10:45 AM Europe Meet-Up, Alina Druta, Alianta Crestina Moldova fara Orfani; 2008 Alex Ilie, Romania Without Orphans Alliance

main stage speakers


Author & Co-founder, Show Hope

Mary Beth is the Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of Show Hope, as well as a “New York Times” best-selling author. She holds an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Anderson University and was inducted into the Adoption Hall of Fame in 2023. For nearly 15 years, 2,700+ children received care at multiple Show Hope-supported Care Centers in China, and today, 100+ families have been recipients of a Show Hope Medical Care grant. Mary Beth and her husband, Steven Curtis Chapman, are the parents of six children, including three who joined their family through adoption, and the grandparents of seven.


Author & Speaker

Lisa has 30+ years of church and parachurch ministry leadership experience and has recently completed her doctoral studies at Denver Seminary. She’s been featured on numerous TV and radio programs and she’s spoken at hundreds of national and international women’s events. She’s also invested locally, leading the same Bible study for 15 years. And if you can’t find her teaching, studying, hiking, or practicing wave-riding skills, she’s probably in a coffee shop sipping a mocha and typing away on her computer because she’s also had 16 books published –including the recent best-selling devotional, "Jesus."


Director of Church Engagement & Mobilization, CAFO

Jason serves as the Director of Church Engagement and Mobilization at CAFO and has 14 years of church-based ministry. In his work he speaks and teaches around the country on church and nonprofit ministry strategies and best practices as well as encouraging families that are in the trenches and those that are considering getting involved. Jason is the author of "ReFraming Foster Care," "Everyone Can Do Something," "The ALL IN Curriculum," "Effectively Engaging Churches" and blogs at



Bill Lee is a seventh-generation Tennessean and the 50th Governor of Tennessee. He was raised in Franklin, where he still resides today with his wife, Maria, on his family’s farm. Since becoming Governor in 2019, Governor Lee has focused on several priorities including a strong workforce, quality education, economic development, public safety and supporting families. The governor and first lady are people of strong faith. They are active in numerous faith-based ministries, which have taken them all over the world to serve people in need, including to Africa, Haiti, Central America and the Middle East.


Author & Pastor

Bob Lepine is known to radio and podcast listeners as the long-time co-host of FamilyLife Today® and the on-air announcer for Truth for Life with Alistair Begg. He is the host of Mornings on Family Radio and also the host of "The Bounce" podcast for pastors and church planters. Bob is the teaching pastor at Redeemer Community Church in Little Rock, Ark. and the author of Build A Stronger Marriage, "Twelve Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Easter" and several other books. Bob and his wife, Mary Ann have five children and 11 grandchildren.


Artist, Pastor & Foster Alum

After 15 years of childhood trauma, Austin ended up in the foster care system until he aged out. As he wrestled with the broken pieces of his past, he encountered the transformational love of Jesus. During the past 12 years he has given his life to full time ministry, using his testimony to inspire his artistry, writing and public speaking opportunities. After years of pastoral ministry, Austin is now a self-produced artist living in Atlanta with his wife of four years. He also serves on staff with the WinShape Foundation. He is passionate about discipleship and seeing younger generations come to know Christ.



For more than 20 years Bishop W.C. Martin has served the community of Possum Trot, Texas, as pastor of Bennett Chapel. In 1997, he and his wife Donna, adopted two children and began a miraculous adventure that has become one of the premier adoption stories in America and the true story that inspired the feature film, "Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot."


President, CAFO

As a husband, father, leader and friend, Jedd desires most of all to reflect the Heart of Jesus Christ. For many years, he has served as president of the Christian Alliance for Orphans. Prior to this role, he served in the White House as a Special Assistant to President George W. Bush, leading the office of Faith-Based and Community initiatives. Jedd has worked, studied and served in more than 30 countries, with organizations ranging from Price-Waterhouse in Moscow to Christian Life Bangladesh. Jedd and his wife, Rachel, and their five kids, now live near Washington, D.C.


Worship Leader, CAFO Artist in Residence

Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo and adopted by European missionary parents, Zawadi was raised internationally, living in both Africa and Europe before his family settled in the United States. He is a multi-instrumentalist and holds a Master of Arts in Worship Studies. He and his family have called the Pacific Northwest home for the past 10 years. He currently serves as the Worship Arts Director at Calvary Holland. When he’s not at his home church leading worship or spending time with his family, you can sometimes find him on tour with bands and artists like Kings Kaleidoscope, Andy Mineo, Switchfoot, and SYML.


Author, Singer & Songwriter

Andrew Peterson is a singer-songwriter, author, and founder of the Rabbit Room. Andrew has released more than ten records over the past 20 years, earning him a reputation for songs that connect with his listeners in ways equally powerful, poetic and intimate. As an author, Andrew’s books include the four volumes of the award-winning Wingfeather Saga, and his creative memoir, "Adorning the Dark." In 2008, Andrew co-founded the Rabbit Room, a nonprofit organization based in Nashville, Tenn. that fosters Christ-centered community and spiritual formation through music, story and art.


Singer & Songwriter

Skye Peterson is a singer-songwriter based in Nashville, Tenn. Although she has been writing and recording since high school, she began her career as a musician after studying theology and being inspired by biblical history and hermeneutics. Now writing hymns for Getty Music, Skye is also performing her own concerts and hoping to tell the world that they are not alone and that there’s a King who’s worth singing about.

Enjoy a Nashville Evening with special dinner music by Skye from 6:15pm - 6:45pm in Wilson Hall.


Author & Co-founder, FamilyLife

Dr. Dennis Rainey is the cofounder of FamilyLif,. Rainey’s leadership has enabled the organization to grow into a dynamic and vital ministry that offers families blueprints for living godly lives. He has authored or coauthored more than two dozen books, and serves on the boards of notable institutions; he’s received numerous awards and has testified before Congress on family issues. Rainey and his wife Barbara have been married 45 years and love laughing with their children and grandchildren. In his spare time, he enjoys helping Barbara in her garden, reading great books, and pursuing his passions for hunting and fishing.


Pastor & Speaker

Kondo was born in London, raised in Zambia, lived his high school years in Australia and then came to the United States for college. He holds a bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies and a Masters of Divinity with a counseling emphasis from Grace College and Theological Seminary.

While at Grace, he met and married his wife, Melissa. Kondo and Melissa have five children: four daughters and one son. Kondo prides himself in his constant dominance of all family card and board games (although this is heavily disputed by his family). He also loves tennis and being outdoors in the world-famous Winona Lake Trails.


Author & Founder, Being Known

Dr. Curt Thompson shares fresh insights for developing more authentic relationships and fully experiencing our deepest longing: to be known. With a considerable dose of warmth (and surprising measure of humor), Curt weaves together an understanding of interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) and a Christian view of what it means to be human. Curt’s unique insights about how the brain affects and processes relationships helps people discover a fresh perspective and practical applications to foster healthy and vibrant lives. Curt and his wife, Phyllis, live outside of Washington D.C. and have two adult children.


Pastor & Professor

Pastor James Lee Tica is a third-generation minister and the founding pastor of International Baptist Church, International Baptist College and Seminary and the International Baptist Missionary Fellowship, Philippines Inc. He and his wife, Issa have been married for 31 years. Together, they have eight children (two adopted) and twp grandchildren. He is a proud adoptive dad and a Licensed Foster Parent. Since 2016, the Ticas have taken in 50+ aged-out kids and currently have 16 kids in their care.


Professor & Advocate

Maria Isabel Tica is a professor at International Baptist College, Family Adoption and Foster Care Coach at Generations Home and serves on the Board of Directors of Philippines Without Orphans, Compassionate Hope Philippines, Heaven’s Eyes Tribal Ministry and is a member of the Adoption Council of the Philippines. She also serves as a broadcaster for 702 DZAS FEBC-Radyo TV. Issa and her husband James have been married for 31 years. Together, they have eight children (two adopted) and two grandchildren. Since 2016, the Ticas have taken in 50+ aged-out kids and currently have 16 kids in their care.


There’s room in the CAFO Community for you! Join in a vision for God’s glory and the care of orphans that is larger than any one individual, organization or project. Together, we seek to inspire, connect and equip God’s people to reflect His heart for vulnerable children and families.

Membership includes: Individuals, Churches, Non-Profit Child-Serving Organizations and Global Networks.

Stop by the CAFO Lounge to learn more or visit

New Member?

Have you joined CAFO within the last year? We’d love to meet you in person! Drop by the CAFO Lounge for donuts and fellowship on Friday morning.

CAFO organization members only WORKSHOPS &


These limited-audience sessions are open to leadership and staff of CAFO Member Organizations only. To learn more about how to join CAFO as a member organization, please see below. There is a place for you!


Artificial Intelligence: Seriously, What Is It? 2123

Being the Safe Place: 2006 Caring for Children in Emergencies


HR Case Study: Exploring Fruitful HR Practices 2004 in Fraught Times

Sabbatical: How to Restore Your Soul Through 2022 Extended Time Away


Fundraising & Becoming: How to Make 2103 Development about Discipleship First Leadership & Life Transitions 2026 Your Organization as a Place of Spiritual Wilson Hall F Formation


Creating Wise AI Guidelines for our Ministries 2010

Developing Your Own Leadership Rule of Life 2132 CD


What’s Good and What’s Missing From Our Choir Room Current Trauma-Informed Care?

Working with Excellent People: 2008 Recruiting, Onboarding & Retaining Employees


Innovative Engagement: New Ways to Connect 2004 with Supporters

FRIDAY, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

New Member Donut Drop-By CAFO Lounge


Biblical Solutions for Human Conflict: How to Inman Chapel Reconcile with Others for a Healthy Work Culture

Developing Leaders in Your Organization 2004

A Rare Model of Christian Unity

Celebrating 292 organizations who have chosen to leave logos and egos at the door, uniting their strengths to serve orphaned and vulnerable children better together.

111Project, 1MILLIONHOME, 4KIDS, A Child's Hope International, A Door of Hope, A Family for Every Orphan, A Home For Me Ministries, ABBA Fund, Action International Ministries, Adoption by Shepherd Care, Adoptive Family Resources, Inc., African Havens, AGAPE (formerly Agape of Central Alabama), Agape Asia, Agape Children's Ministry, AGAPE International Ministries, AGAPE Nashville, AGAPE of North Alabama, Agape of North Carolina, Alabama Baptist Children's Homes and Family Ministries, All God's Children International, Alliance Care Now, Alliance for Children Everywhere, Amaris Ministries, Ambassadors of Father’s House, America World Adoption, American Friends of ICC, An Open Door Adoption Agency, Inc., Arizona 1.27, Arizona Baptist Children's Services, Arkansas Baptist Children and Family Ministries, Awana, Back2Back Ministries, Backyard Orphans, BCH Inc. (Baptist Children's Home), BCS Together, Better Together, Big House Family Ministry, Bless the Children Ministries, Both Hands, Branch15, Bright Hope, Buckner International, Building Families Ministries, C.A.R.E. Africa, Camp Rock of GA, Care for Children, Caring for Haitian Orphans with AIDS, Casa Viva, CERI (Children's Emergency Relief International), Cherish Uganda, Child Bridge, Child Hope International, Children Of The Nations, Children's Hope, Children's Shelter of Cebu, Choosing Hope Adoptions, Chosen Care, Chosen for Life Ministries, Christ's Hope International, Christian Adoption Services, A Ministry of Baptist Children's Homes of NC, Christian Association Of Youth Mentoring, Christian Family Care, Christian Family Services, Christian Heritage, Circle of Care, Inc., COMPACT Family Services, Compass, Congregations for Kids (CFK), Connect South Central Tennessee, Connections Homes, Inc., Connie Maxwell Children's Ministries, Corazón De Esperanza, Counteract International (formerly Orphan Helpers), Coyote Hill, Crisis Care Training International, Crossroads NOLA, David C. Cook Ministries, DC127, Deaconess Pregnancy & Adoption, Dresses for Orphans, Dwell Orphan Care, Eagle Ranch, Ekisa Ministries International, Elevate Ethiopia Inc., Emberhope Youthville, Embers International, Empowered To Connect, Empty Frames Initiative, Evangelism USA - IPHC, Every Child, Every Orphan's Hope, Exile International, Faith In Deeds, FaithBridge Foster Care, Family Connections Christian Adoptions, Family Hope Coalition, Family Life Missions, Feeding The Orphans, Finally Home, Fishhook International, FIVE18 (formerly Patrick Henry Family Services), Focus on the Family, For His Children, For the Children, For the Sake of One, Forgotten Children Worldwide, Inc., Forgotten Voices International, Foster the City, Foster the Family, Fostering Faithfully, Fostering Family Ministries, Fostering Hope, Fostering Hope New England, Fostering The Family, Foundation For His Ministry, Global Development Project Kenya, Global Impact International, Inc., GlobalFingerprints, Hands & Feet Project, Inc., Hands of Hope, Harvesters Reaching the Nations, Haven of Hope International, Haven Retreats, Heart for Orphans, Heart Of The Bride, Helping Children Worldwide, Helping Hands Healing Hearts, Helps Ministries, Hephzibah62:4, Here I Am Orphan Ministries, His Little Feet, His Voice Global, Holistic Haitian Alliance, Homes Of Love Inc., Hope 1312 Collective, Hope Adoptions, Hope and Vine, Hope Bridge, Hope for Haiti's Children, Hope for the Fatherless, Hope Harbor Inc, Hope Haven of East Texas (AKA Tapkard Inc), Hope Institute, HOPE International, Hope Multiplies, Hope That Binds, Hope Unlimited for Children, Hope's Promise, HopeCo, HopeHouse International, House of Providence, Identity Mission, Ignite Hope, Immerse Arkansas, In His Hands, International Christian Adoptions, James Trail, Justice and Mercy International, Justice For Orphans, Katelyn's Fund Orphan Ministry, Keystone Family Alliance, Kids Alive International, Kidstown International, King's Ranch Ministries, Kinship United, Kuda Vana Partnership International, Last Bell Ministries, Least of These Carolinas, Legacy Of Hope Foundation, Legacy Refuge, Lifeline Children's Services, Lifesong for Orphans, Lighthouse Transitional Care, Living Hope for Children, Living Hope International, Loom International, Love Cradle International, Loving Option Adoption, Loving Shepherd Ministries, Mercy Projects, Miriam’s Heart, Mission to Children, Missouri Baptist Children's Home, More Than Enough Ministries, Mount Dora Children's Home, My Bag My Story, My Village Ministries, myLIFEspeaks, Nebraska 117, Neema Village, New Horizons Adoption Agency Inc.,, New Horizons for Children, New Life Advance International, Nightlight Christian Adoptions, Nourished Hearts, Oasis for Orphans, Oklahoma Baptist Homes For Children, Olive Crest, One Less Inc, One More Child, ONE30 Network, OneChild Global, Open Arms International, Open Hearts For Orphans, Orphan Care Alliance, Orphan Outreach, Orphan Relief and Rescue, Orphan Relief Effort, Inc, Orphan Shade, Orphan Voice, Orphan's Promise, Orphanos, Orphans First, Out Of The Ashes, Palmer Home for Children, Partners For Life Advancement and Education Promotion (PLAEP), Patch Our Planet, Pathway Family Services, Pathways for Little Feet, Poiema Movement, Princess Promise, Project 1.27, Project 82 Kenya, Project Belong VA, Project Hope Worldwide, Project Mañana International, Promise686, Providence World, PS I Love You Ministries, Raleigh's Place, Reece's Rainbow, Replanted Ministry, Restoration225, Restore17, Restored Souls Foundation, Restoring Hope, RiverCross, Safe Families Canada, Safe Families for Children, Salty Family Services, Saving Susan Ministry Inc., Second Mothers, Selamta Family Project, Send Relief, Serving Orphans Worldwide, Seven Homes, Inc., Shadow of His Wings, Show Hope, Sixty Feet, Small World Inc, South Texas Alliance For Orphans, Springtime House in Romania, Step Ahead, Still Consultant, Inc, Story International, Su Refugio Ministries, Sunrise Children's Services, Sweet Sleep, Teen Leadership Foundation, Teen Reach, Tennessee Baptist Children's Homes, Inc., The Adoptee Collective, The Bair Foundation, The CALL, The Forgotten Initiative, The Fostering Collective, The Global Orphan Project, The Isaiah 1:17 Project, The James One 27 Initiative, The NOMORE Foundation, The Pearl House, The Pearl Project, The Reel Hope Project, The Riverside Project, The Sparrow Fund, Third Lens, Ting Ministries, Together for Good, Touched by Love International, Inc., TruLight127 Ministries, Trust For Africa, Ukraine Orphan Outreach, VOH Africa Society, Watoto, WinShape Homes, World Orphans, Worthy & Known Family Project, xHope, Inc., YANA Ministry Inc., Zoe Empowers, ZOE International. Updated August 2024

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In the time it takes to read this sentence, potential donors have already judged your website. Ouch.

At Louder Agency, we don't just build websites. We craft digital experiences that amplify your mission and turn visitors into passionate supporters.

CAFO trusted us to transform their digital presence in 2023. The results? A 97% increase in website visitors, a 27% boost in user engagement and clear messaging and design that makes a great first impression.

For 14 years, we've been a go-to digital agency for nonprofits and churches serving vulnerable families and children. Why? Because we get you. We speak your language. And we deliver results.

Websites that build trust

Marketing Strategy that engage donors

Messaging that moves hearts (and wallets)

Ads that get attention

And so much more…

Providing Christ-centered services to vulnerable children and struggling families since 1904.



workshop categories

Use the CAFO2024 App to see the full category list along with descriptions.

* CEUs available for this session

** Hague certificate available for this session



in foster care

Effective Church Engagement for Non-Profit Leaders

Wednesday 4:15 PM Fuel + Friction: Helping Churches Overcome Barriers and Minimize Obstacles

Thursday 8:30 AM Effective Church Engagement Coaching

The Secret Sauce of Recruitment: Creating Events with Moving Stories that Move People to Action

Thursday 1:15 PM Moving the Needle Towards More Than Enough, One County at a Time*

Thursday 3:45 PM Big Ideas on Church Engagement: Engaging in Mutually Beneficial Partnerships with Churches

Friday 8:30 AM Keeping Families Intact: Involving Churches with the Work of Family Preservation

Friday 9:45 AM Church Engagement and Discipleship: Prioritizing Spiritual Formation, Not Just Ministry Transaction

Family Strengthening and Preservation

Thursday 1:15 PM Bio Family Connection & Support*

How to Herd Cats: Uniting the Stakeholders by Pressing into God’s Theory of Change

Supporting Families of Children: How to Extend Trusting Relationships with Families of Children in Care

Thursday 2:45 PM We Go Upstream

Thursday 3:45 PM Big Ideas on Prevention: How the Church Can Go Upstream*

Family Connections: A Volunteer-Led Solution to Improve Supervised Visits*

Kinship Care in the US: Reflecting on Yesterday and Looking to Tomorrow with Hope*

Living into God's Theory of Change: Ministry Design Principles to Alleviate Poverty

Friday 8:30 AM From Doing For to Walking With: Equipping Allies for Bio-Family Support and Strengthening*

Foster Care Collaboration

Wednesday 5:15 PM More Than Enough: The Community Reunion

Thursday 8:30 AM More Than Enough Together

Thursday 9:45 AM Imagining Foster-Friendly Communities Across America

Why Caring for Social Workers Matters

Thursday 12:00 PM Pennsylvania—Working Together for More Than Enough (Lunch Gathering)

Thursday 1:15 PM Does Your Community Have All the Pieces? A More than Enough Interactive Experience

Thursday 2:45 PM Indiana Meet-Up

Michigan Meet-Up

Network 1:27 Meet-Up (Church of Christ Affiliated Agencies)

U.S. Foster Care Collaborators Meet-Up

Friday 8:30 AM Collaborating for Zero*

Loving & Mentoring Youth in Foster Care

Thursday 2:45 PM Those Working with Former Foster Youth

Thursday 3:45 PM Mentoring Teens & Young Adults into a Thriving Adulthood*

Friday 9:45 AM Supporting Teens Impacted by Child Welfare

Issue-Specific Topics

Wednesday 4:15 PM Bridges to Adulthood: Success Strategies for Aging Out Youth (US & Global)*

Thursday 8:30 AM Displacing Shame: Serving Children and Families Experiencing Problematic Sexual Behavior** *

Thursday 9:45 AM

M&E 201: Measurement in the Real World


children worldwide EFFECTIVELY SERVING

CAFO Global Network Recommendations

Thursday 8:30 AM Africa Meet-Up Asia Meet-Up

Thursday 9:45 AM Better Together: Collaborating Toward a Global Vision**

Thursday 3:45 PM Starting a Global Network

Friday 8:30 AM Latin America Meet-Up (en Español)

Friday 9:45 AM Europe Meet-Up

Family Strengthening & Preservation

Wednesday 4:15 PM Deinstitutionalization in Practice: Transitioning Children from Residential Care Facilities into Families

Thursday 8:30 AM Attachment After Adversity: Building Resilience Through Relationship** *

Developing International Foster Care: Realistic Expectations for Development, Capacity Building, and Impact Family Strengthening on Three Continents: Real-World Ideas for Keeping Families Together How to Herd Cats: Uniting the Stakeholders by Pressing into God’s Theory of Change

Thursday 1:15 PM Building Resilience in Children and Vulnerable Families Through Sports, Play, and Fitness*

Thursday 3:45 PM Creatively Sharing Hope with Children through the Gospel Effective Residential Care: Contexts and Practices Living into God's Theory of Change: Ministry Design Principles to Alleviate Poverty

Friday 8:30 AM Family Finding

Global Partnerships

Wednesday 4:15 PM Beyond the Pews: Leveraging Your Skills for Children and Community

Thursday 9:45 AM Attachment After Adversity Conversations (Part 2)** Localization and Mutuality in Cross Cultural Partnerships

Thursday 2:45 PM How to Achieve Mutuality in Global Advocacy

Friday 8:30 AM Mentoring and Fulfilling the Great Commission: A Discussion on Mentoring and Collaboration in Ethiopia

Friday 9:45 AM Short-Term Missions: Encouragement & Support

Improving Outcomes for Children in Care

Wednesday 4:15 PM Being the Safe Place: Caring for Children in Emergencies (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Thursday 1:15 PM Core Elements Coaching

Thursday 2:45 PM Longview Approach for Children in Global Residential Care

Thursday 3:45 PM Using Art and Expression in Emotional Healing**

Friday 8:30 AM Feedback that Matters: Using the Core Elements of Success in OVC Care to Improve Care and Increase Program Effectiveness

Friday 9:45 AM Advancing Child Safeguarding Beyond Policies**

Improving Outcomes in Child Welfare: Leveraging Evidence & Resources** Practical Guidance to Successfully Shift from Residential Care to Family Life Teams & Timelines: Creating a Strong Child Protection Policy

Loving Children with Special Needs

Thursday 9:45 AM Considerations for Disability Inclusion in Transitioning to Family Care

Thursday 1:15 PM How to Make Your Work Better by Serving Children with Disabilities

Thursday 3:45 PM How to Better Integrate Services to Children with Disabilities into Your Ministry

Moving Toward Family Solution

Wednesday 4:15 PM How to Elevate Family-Based Care Fundraising through Strategic Communication

Thursday 8:30 AM Is Family-Based Care for Me?

Thursday 9:45 AM Becoming Family-Focused: Baby Steps in Moving Toward Family Solutions** Using Data to Enable Family Placements in Developing Nations: A Case Study

Friday 8:30 AM Communicating with Donors about Changing Models

to Prevent Separation

It takes a team to reverse the foster crisis.

Find out about the platform that connects the right people at the right time to strengthen vulnerable children and families.

Connect closer, faster and more often.




We equip the body of Christ to reach vulnerable children with the gospel.

Supporting Youth in Transition to Adulthood

Wednesday 4:15 PM Bridges to Adulthood: Success Strategies for Aging Out Youth (US & Global)*

Foster Futures: How to Mentor Youth From Hard Places

Friday 9:45 AM Making Mentoring Work in Your Country or Community Culture


adoptive & foster families

Adoption Funding

Thursday 1:15 PM Funding Your Adoption in 2024

Thursday 3:45 PM How Can the Adoption Tax Credit Help Me?

Cultivating Mental and Spiritual Health for Children and Families

Wednesday 4:15 PM Healing and Health in God's Great Outdoors** *

Leading Children in the Art of Lament: Engaging Children’s Grief with Creativity and Hope

Thursday 8:30 AM Christian Practices for Mothers: Raising Children in the Steps of Jesus through Prayer, Service, and Discipleship The Powerful Role of the Body in Mental Health: Physical Habits to Promote Wellbeing

Thursday 1:15 PM The Power of the Outdoors for Healing from Trauma

Friday 8:30 AM Thankful For My Scars‚ How Lament and Gratitude Can Co-Exist While Healing From Trauma**

Friday 9:45 AM The Impact of Electronic Gaming on Healing from Developmental Trauma** * The Practice of Forgiveness: A Powerful Contributor to Human Flourishing** *

For the Mother's Heart

Thursday 8:30 AM Christian Practices for Mothers: Raising Children in the Steps of Jesus through Prayer, Service, and Discipleship

Thursday 9:45 AM Moms Time Out: You Are Seen

Thursday 1:15 PM Healing for Every Heart in Adoption

Thursday 2:45 PM Breathe! A Gather Hour for Foster and Adoptive Moms

Thursday 3:45 PM Honoring Both Mothers: How to Navigate this Relationship with Grace

Health as Parents & Spouses

Wednesday 4:15 PM Marriage and Adoption: Strengthening Your Home Field Advantage **

Thursday 9:45 AM Sharpen Your Iron: Strengthening Fathers*

Thursday 1:15 PM Men, You’re Needed (A Conversation for Dads)

Thursday 2:45 PM Foster/Adoptive Dad Hang Out

Tennessee Adoptive & Foster Families

Thursday 3:45 PM Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Marriage and Foster Care** *

Issue-Specific Topics

Wednesday 4:15 PM The Need for Medical Care Support in Our Adoption Community** When Home Isn't Enough: Considering Residential Care** *

Thursday 8:30 AM Displacing Shame: Serving Children and Families Experiencing Problematic Sexual Behavior** *

Thursday 9:45 AM How to Raise and Equip Children in Biblical Financial Stewardship

Thursday 1:15 PM Adoption and Pregnancy Care Organization Collaboration Avoiding the Pitfalls of Adoption Travel Into the Light—Hope for Healing from Sexual Abuse: Next Steps** * Life Through Their Eyes: Raising an Adopted Child of Color

Theology of the Body: A Biblical Starting Point for Questions of Sexuality and Gender

Thursday 3:45 PM Theology of the Body Follow-up: Conversation, Coaching and Next Steps Using Art and Expression in Emotional Healing** What’s Good & What’s Missing From Our Current Trauma-Informed Care? (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Friday 9:45 AM Cultivating the Strength and Character of Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family** * Hope

Shop with purpose at the Orphan Outreach Marketplace.

Handcrafted artisan products are the perfect gift for you or someone you love. And 100% of the proceeds are invested into the lives of children just like Lea. Plus, you ensure fair wages and dignified work continue for our artisan partners in Guatemala and around the world.

Learn more about the life-changing work of Orphan Outreach. Stop by BOOTH 53 to receive a handwoven luggage tag crafted by Ana from Lake Atitlan, Guatemala as a gift with your purchase. Your support helps empower artisans like Ana, transforming lives and sustaining her vibrant, traditional craft.

Lea, Community Outreach Center of Santiago


Explore all the free resources, including:

• Three New Worship Songs

• Chord Charts

• Lead Sheets

• Instrument Tutorials

• Devotionals and more

Scan for access

For more Pure Religion Sunday resources, register your event and download the Field Guide at

HELP FOR adoptive & foster families, CONTINUED

Loving & Parenting Teens

Wednesday 4:15 PM When Teens & Young Adults Make Decisions You Don’t Agree With** *

Thursday 8:30 AM From Eye Rolls to Real Conversations: Practical Strategies for Connecting with Teens**

Thursday 9:45 AM Building a Relationship of Love and Respect with Your Foster/Adopt Tweens/Teens** *

Thursday 1:15 PM Raising Teens with a Trauma History** *

Thursday 2:45 PM Parents of Teens/Young Adults who Left Home Unexpectedly Supporting Our Teenagers: Navigating Adoption Loss Together

Friday 8:30 AM Surviving and Thriving When Fostering and Adopting Teens*

Friday 9:45 AM Life Hurts, Love Heals: Reaching Teens with Biblical Hope** Supporting Teens Impacted by Child Welfare

Loving Biological Families

Thursday 8:30 AM Open Adoption 101

Supporting Grandparents and Fictive Kin Raising Grandchildren*

Thursday 3:45 PM Honoring Both Mothers: How to Navigate this Relationship with Grace

Friday 9:45 AM Supporting Reunification: Foster Parents Supporting Biological Parents*

Strengthening Parenting & Caregiving

Wednesday 4:15 PM Lessons in Listening and Thoughtful Repair: Relational Practices to Support Your Family

Thursday 9:45 AM Good Authority: How Kind Authority Contributes to Positive Growth and Practical Guidance for Parents** *

Thursday 1:15 PM Ask a Bio Kid** * Becoming Sorted Practices that Cultivate Resilience in Children & Youth

Thursday 2:45 PM Your Child's Story: Using Adoption Books to Guide Important Conversations

Thursday 3:45 PM Connected Parenting Journey: Navigating Life and Unexpected Outcomes** * Good Grief, Grit, and Glory

How to See Behavior Through the Lens of Attachment: Learn First Steps in Achieving Secure Attachment

Friday 8:30 AM Let's Move Beyond the LABELS with Brain Games!** * The Art of Paying Attention* What Do I Do When Loving My Child Feels Very Hard?**

Friday 9:45 AM Becoming More than Fed: Cooking and the Hunger for Connection** Mindful Parenting: Moving from Reactive to Purposeful Parenting** * The Sacred Negative: Learning a Life of Lament and Love in Our Everyday

Voices: Conversations with Adult Adoptees & Foster Alum

Thursday 8:30 AM A Kinship Adoptee's Perspective** * Diversify Your Protagonists!** *

Thursday 2:45 PM Adopted and/or Fostered

Thursday 3:45 PM Voices: Hear from Adult Adoptees and Foster Alum** *

Friday 8:30 AM Let's Talk: Navigating Questions With Your Foster or Adopted Kids** *

Friday 9:45 AM How to Talk with Your Adopted Child About Their Identity, Rooted First in Christ Voices: A Conversation for Adoptees and Foster Alum

* CEUs available for this session ** Hague certificate available for this session

Use the CAFO2024 App to see the full category list along with descriptions. YOUR FEEDBACK

Summit keeps getting better from your feedback! Because of your survey feedback, Summit has…

• Added additional space to connect with your people

• Increased practical & interactive learning opportunities

• Expanded space for prayer and counsel

Thank you for helping shape next year’s Summit by taking a minute to scan and fill out the workshop survey!



church-based ministries

Children & Student Ministries

Wednesday 4:15 PM Building Safe, Welcoming, and Fun Kids and Student Ministries

Thursday 8:30 AM How to Build Safe, Welcoming, and Fun Kids and Student Ministries: Conversation Continued

Thursday 9:45 AM From Students to Seniors: Growing an Everyone Can Do Something Culture in Your Church

Thursday 2:45 PM Kids and Student Ministry Leaders Meet-Up

Find Your People

Thursday 2:45 PM Kids and Student Ministry Leaders Meet-Up

Middle Tennessee Local Churches Meet-Up

Issue-Specific Topics

Wednesday 4:15 PM How Can We Strategically and Effectively Engage in a Post-Dobbs Decision Era?

Thursday 8:30 AM Supporting Grandparents and Fictive Kin Raising Grandchildren*

Thursday 9:45 AM From Students to Seniors: Growing an Everyone Can Do Something Culture in Your Church Why Caring for Social Workers Matters

Friday 8:30 AM How to Stay Faithful through the Hard: Gospel Hope for Faithful Ministry

Friday 9:45 AM Short-Term Missions: Encouragement & Support

Loving Children with Special Needs

Thursday 2:45 PM Rowen Glenn Center Tour (Brentwood Baptist Special Needs Ministry)

Friday 8:30 AM Embracing Sensory Diversity: Creating Inclusive Worship Environments for Vulnerable Children with Sensory Sensitivity

Friday 9:45 AM Partnering with Parents of Kids with Disabilities —Not Just on Sunday, but All Week Long*

Starting and Sustaining Your Ministry

Wednesday 4:15 PM From Fragile to Flourishing Families: The Power of Wrap Around Ministries in Foster Care

Thursday 9:45 AM Developing a Parent Coaching Program in Your Church/Organization

Thursday 1:15 PM Feeding Fires: Church Mobilization for Starting and Sustaining Foster and Adoption Ministries

Thursday 3:45 PM Enter the Story: Awareness Experience**

Friday 8:30 AM Effective Action Steps for Churches to Support Aging Out Youth* Facilitating a Small Group for Foster & Adoptive Parents*

Friday 9:45 AM Connection Groups for Foster, Kinship, and Adoptive Families through the Local Church


impact of your organization

Building Healthy Organizations

Thursday 9:45 AM How to Build a One-Page Plan for Your Ministry

Friday 8:30 AM The 5 W's of Internal Controls

Friday 9:45 AM How to Build a One-Page Strategic Plan that Turns Vision into Reality

Building Healthy Teams

Wednesday 4:15 PM How to Become a Connected Organization through Change Building Family & Organizational Sustainability

Thursday 8:30 AM Engaging Volunteers: What Keeps them Coming Back?

HR Case Study: Exploring Fruitful HR Practices in Fraught Times (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Sabbatical: How to Restore Your Soul Through Extended Time Away (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Thursday 9:45 AM Your Organization as a Place of Spiritual Formation (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Coaching, resources & financial support Equipping & Mobilizing Local Wesleyan Churches North American in Scope |


Thank you for sharing our belief that a permanent family is possible for every child waiting in foster care.

MAXIMIZING THE impact of your organization, CONTINUED

Building Healthy Teams

Thursday 3:45 PM Winning the War on Talent: Recruiting, Retaining, and Engaging Employees for Mission Success

Working with Excellent People: Recruiting, Onboarding& Retaining Employees (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Friday 8:30 AM How to Grow Your Capacity to Flourish

Let's Play: Promote Productivity and Protect Staff fromBurnout

Friday 9:45 AM Biblical Solutions for Human Conflict: How to Reconcile with Others for a Healthy Work Culture (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Developing Leaders in Your Organization (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Communication & Advocacy

Wednesday 4:15 PM Artificial Intelligence: Seriously, What Is It? (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Effective Advocacy: How to Influence Policy for the Good of the Child-Welfare Involved Kids & Families**

Thursday 8:30 AM The Secret Sauce of Recruitment: Creating Events with Moving Stories that Move People to Action Transform Your Website: Best Practices and Inspiring Case Studies

Thursday 9:45 AM Empowering Connections: Leveraging Digital Tools to Better Serve Your Community IZIDOR: Exclusive Pre-Release Screening of a Powerful Film Created to Spark Conversation and Action The Art of Impact: Crafting Metrics for NonprofitSuccess

Thursday 1:15 PM Creating Wise AI Guidelines for our Ministries (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Innovation in Marketing and Communications

Thursday 2:45 PM Calling All (Visual) Creatives Meet-Up

Friday 8:30 AM Innovative Engagement: New Ways to Connect with Supporters (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Nonprofit Marketing and Client Care

Friday 9:45 AM Storytelling for Nonprofits: Practical Tips for Connecting Your Faith, Mind, and Heart

Data & Technology

Wednesday 4:15 PM Measuring Your Progress Toward Better Together

Mind Your Metrics: How to Achieve Organizational Excellence (Minus the Burnout)

Thursday 2:45 PM Data and Technology Professionals Meet-Up

Fundraising & Development

Thursday 8:30 AM From Vision to Reality: Tactics for Launching a Successful Capital Campaign Increasing Donor Engagement through Monthly Giving

Thursday 9:45 AM Fundraising & Becoming: How to Make Development about Discipleship First (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Thursday 1:15 PM Transforming Donors into True Champions: Three Keys to Building a Partnership Culture

Thursday 2:45 PM Friends Don't Let Friends Fundraise Alone: A Development Professionals Meet-Up

Thursday 3:45 PM Fundraising Coaching for Small to Medium Organizations

Friday 8:30 AM Innovative Engagement: New Ways to Connect with Supporters (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Issue-Specific Topics

Thursday 1:15 PM How to Herd Cats: Uniting the Stakeholders by Pressing into God’s Theory of Change

Theology of the Body: A Biblical Starting Point for Questions of Sexuality and Gender

Thursday 3:45 PM Living into God's Theory of Change: Ministry Design Principles to Alleviate Poverty

Theology of the Body Follow-up: Conversation, Coaching, and Next Steps


Wednesday 4:15 PM The Founder's Journey

Thursday 9:45 AM Leadership & Life Transitions (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Wisdom from the Trenches

Thursday 1:15 PM Developing Your Own Leadership Rule of Life (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Thursday 2:45 PM Founders of Non Profits

Thursday 3:45 PM Leading Where It Counts: Connecting History and Vision to Rally Staff and Raise More Money

Friday 8:30 AM Vulnerability in Leadership Matters: How to Practice It

* CEUs available for this session

** Hague certificate available for this session Use the CAFO2024 App to see the full category list along with descriptions.

lifelong service

Wednesday 4:15 PM Belonging to Become*

Healing and Health in God's Great Outdoors** *

Thursday 8:30 AM Christian Practices for Mothers: Raising Children in the Steps of Jesus through Prayer, Service & Discipleship Good Grief**

Sabbatical: How to Restore Your Soul Through Extended Time Away (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Thursday 9:45 AM Father to the Fatherless: Songwriting for the Church The Power of Prayer for Healing and Transformation Your Organization as a Place of Spiritual Formation (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Thursday 1:15 PM Becoming Sorted Healing for Every Heart in Adoption

Thursday 2:45 PM Healing/Intercessory Prayer Ministry Meet-Up

Thursday 3:45 PM Activating the Power of Prayer to Protect and Strengthen Your Family and/or Ministry

Friday 8:30 AM How to Stay Faithful through the Hard: Gospel Hope for Faithful Ministry

Friday 9:45 AM The Sacred Negative: Learning a Life of Lament and Love in Our Everyday

make your mark on the timeline


We're celebrating 20 years of God's faithfulness in this movement — from the very first Orphan Summit to today. Stop by our CAFO 20th Anniversary Timeline across from the Help Desk to "make your mark" and remember all that God has done!

Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries exists to restore the Faith, Family, and Future of vulnerable children and families through Christian services that emphasize ministry and healing.

With campuses across South Carolina in Greenwood, Mauldin, Chesterfield, Florence, and a future campus coming to Charleston.

Learn more at


Chosen helps children heal from trauma through connection and attachment. Our model of care empowers foster and adoptive parents to lead real change in their families, equipping them with trauma-responsive parenting approaches and ongoing support every step of the way. We’re here to help families restore hope and bring healing, making way for peace and joy to return to their home.

continuing education units & hague credits


Find CEU and Hague designations on pages 35-49 or scan the QR code

Pre-Summit Intensives - scan QR code for intensive eligiblity Workshops - 1 to 1.25 CE per eligible workshop General Sessions - 1 to 1.5 CE per General Session

Total CEUs available for attendees who attend eligible sessions is up to 25.5 CEUs for the conference.


As an approved provider through the NASW, each attendee is required to fill out a separate survey for each eligible session attended. Please visit the app, link or scan the QR code above to fill out these surveys. Surveys will be open until October 31, 2024 and certificates will be sent out in November 2024.

This program is approved by the National Association of Social Workers, #886596063-9179


Whether you’re an artist or not, we hope you’ll be inspired to pick up a marker and help us complete our interactive mural. Come see us in the Atrium Balcony throughout summit.

Find out why


Explore strategies to see children cared for in families.


Two new books from the CAFO Research Center offer practical advice for parents, caregivers, and anyone who works with children on nurturing resilience to overcome adversity.

Overcoming: What Scripture and Science Say About Resilience serves as a guide for adults in understanding the impact of early adversity, equipping them to care for children with compassion and confidence.

Caleb Koala’s Comeback Ride: A Journey to Overcoming / Caleb Koala Vuelve a Las Carreras beautifully illustrated, bilingual picture book exploring our ability to overcome adversity through resilience.

These two books complement each other, giving adults the knowledge and practical skills they need alongside a picture book that easily shares this important concept with the children in their lives.

When you stop by the bookstore and purchase both books, you can take your very own Caleb the Koala home with you for only $5


Finally Home is the go-to resource for foster, adoptive, and kinship families across the nation to get support so kids can heal and families can thrive.

We provide:

• Whole-family support through programs and resources -- virtually and/or through training of your staff

• Tools to help children and youth identify their emotions and self-regulate

• Virtual on-demand programs to support your community in real-time

• Free resources online through our Family Journey Show, blog, and emails

Visit us at Booth 29 to build a program specifically for your community and needs.

Pathways reduces financial barriers for adoptive families to help bring children home and provides support along the journey.

Interest-Free Adoption Loans provide up to $10,000 in financial assistance to help adoptive families overcome the financial barriers associated with the high cost of adoption.

Post Adoption Support provides Counseling & Therapy Grants, Conference and Retreat Scholarships, and other resources to support individuals, families, and birth-parents along their adoption journey.


take your foster or orphan care

to the next level? Our coaches are here to listen and dream with you. Whether nationally or overseas, they are serving in ministry and understand the challenges you may face.

for Send Relief’s free coaching network! Together, through the church, we can help children and families thrive.


Buckner International is an international ministry that protects vulnerable children, strengthens families, transforms lives for generations and serves senior adults through Christ-centered values.


With caring individuals and church partners, we support vulnerable children through global, Gospel-centered orphan care, adoption financial assistance, and sustainable business development. Stop by our booth to learn how you can reach kids in need.

SHOW HOPE | 45 + 46

Show Hope is an internationally recognized voice in adoption advocacy and orphan care. Founded in 2003 by Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, Show Hope exists to care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption. Show Hope’s efforts have helped thousands of children come to know the love and permanency of a family while mobilizing individuals, families, and students to care holistically for children who have been orphaned.


WinShape Homes has a vision for families and children to experience healing and restoration through the gospel. We partner with local churches to provide Christ-centered care to children and their families.

signature champion SPONSORS



CarePortal is connecting technology that drives action for local children and families in crisis.


Christian Community Credit Union (CCCU) is America’s leader in biblical banking solutions offering high-yield deposits, low-rate loans, and more. When you bank with CCCU, your money is used to finance churches & ministries for growth and to support Christian charities.


Through our Don’t Go Alone Program (DGA), we provide mentorship services to youth 18-24 who have been deeply affected by foster care, homelessness, disrupted adoption, or chronic poverty. Our teams provide support through our Choice-Based Matching Model, Redemptive Connection Support Model, and Youth Assistance Services.


Lifeline believes that God’s plan for taking the gospel to vulnerable children and families is accomplished through the work of His church. We’re here to support and equip your church as you discern how the Lord is leading you to participate.


Amplify your impact with our expert web and digital fundraising services. From mission-driven websites to compelling messaging, targeted ads, and effective fundraising campaigns, we’re here to help you reach and engage more supporters effortlessly.


One More Child exists to provide Christ-centered services to vulnerable children and struggling families.

sustainer SPONSORS


Both Hands helps adoptive families & volunteer groups organize service projects for widows while raising funds for adoptions and orphan causes.


Chosen was founded with a single mission -- to help children, youth, and families prevent and heal trauma through healthy relational connections. Chosen is dedicated to supporting children and youth in overcoming trauma by creating strong, stable relationships within foster, kinship, adoptive, and reunified families. Through our clinical services, and trauma training, we offer evidence-based care to prevent family breakdown and ensure lasting connections for every child.

ECFA | 1

ECFA is a growing community of over 2700 leading churches and ministries committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in the areas of board governance, financial management, leadership, and fundraising


We help children worldwide by strengthening and empowering families and communities by being financially healthy, providing global leadership, linking resources to needs, focusing on families and communities, and advancing local ownership of social systems. A fully-inclusive, non-discriminatory, faith-based organization with core values of radical honesty, radical faith, radical courage and radical collaboration, tackling the root causes of child poverty, morbidity and mortality.


Orphan care is complex. Caring for the orphaned and vulnerable doesn’t have to be. We’re ready to partner with you to help restore hope.


Whose Am I - A book that shares real life experiences about adoption, redemption and finding our true identity in Christ. It asks questions and engages in conversations that are often difficult for families to address.

supporter SPONSORS


ABBA Fund’s story starts with a Christian family’s first adoption and their need for financial assistance in order to complete their adoption. God used the generosity of church family and friends to not only provide their financial needs, but to humble them and open up their hearts to His calling.


The Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes is the largest faith-based foster care provider in the state of Alabama. We seek to protect, nurture, and restore Alabama’s foster kids through Christ-Centered Services.


America’s Christian Credit Union (ACCU) has helped thousands of families overcome the barriers to private adoption through biblically grounded financial services. For both domestic and international adoptions, ACCU offers a wide array of lending options to help remove financial barriers and create custom-tailored solutions to suit each family’s needs.


The Christian Association of Youth Mentoring helps Christians start and grow safe, effective, and sustainable mentoring programs. We see mentoring as a way to funnel Christians to get more deeply involved in foster care and adoption ministry.


Elevate Ethiopia is a Family preservation organization focused on empowering both parents and children through education, mentorship, and income generating activities in Ethiopia.


Empowered to Connect (ETC) is a dynamic network of programs aimed at increasing access to holistic care for individuals, families, and communities. ETC’s attachment-rich, trauma-informed, and healing-centered resources inform best care practices, prioritizing root causes and community support.


The Faith to Action Initiative serves as a resource for Christian organizations, churches, and individuals who seek to respond to the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. Faith to Action offers free resources that promote best practices in the care of orphaned and vulnerable children among the U.S.


Finally Home is a non-profit whose mission since 2008 is to equip foster, adoptive, and kinship families to build healthy homes where kids can heal. Since inception, almost 1,500 families have benefited from our programs and products, which are designed to give parents the tools they need to help their kids and family thrive. Finally Home’s resources reinforce time-tested skills and characteristics found in healthy families.


Foster the Family provides Immediate Placement Packages to families welcoming a child through foster, adoptive, or kinship care. Packages include clothing, hygiene, and comfort items for the child, a meal for the family, and an invitation into our caring network of support.


Hands & Feet Project is a group of passionate child and family advocates who fight for the cause of Haiti’s vulnerable children by providing families when absolutely necessary, preserving families if possible, and partnering with our local communities all in an effort to protect these vulnerable children.

HOPE + VINE | 30

Hope and Vine equips women who have aged out of foster care to live with purpose and freedom. We accomplish this by providing employment that is trauma-informed, mentoring through authentic relationships, and connection to needed resources.


Hope for the Fatherless wants to see every child thriving in a loving family. HFTF rescues, rehabilitates & restores orphaned & vulnerable children by building & preserving families through in-country adoption, family preservation programs & holistic residential care.


HopeConnect™ helps parents and caregivers instill a Biblical sense of hope and identity in the life of a child exposed to trauma. Through our Everyday Moments™, children experience trauma-informed activities in the context of safe relationships and the Hope of God’s Word. All at no cost.


JFO inspires, educates and equips communities to care for vulnerable children. We support adoptive, foster and kinship caregivers through our Adoption & Foster Care Journey podcast. JFO leads workshops and training for families caring for children prenatally exposed to alcohol or other drugs.


Pathways for Little Feet is a faith-based non-profit that assists families throughout their adoption journey through both the Adoption Financial Assistance Program and the Post Adoption Support program. Through these programs, a variety of support and resources are offered.

PROMISE686 | 36

Promise686 serves 1800+ churches with a fully-integrated model, making it simple for them to step up and transform the lives of vulnerable children.


48 million Christians in their retirement years are seeking opportunities to utilize the gifts, skills, and callings God has bestowed upon them in this season of life. Retirement Reformation can assist you in mobilizing this untapped wealth of supporters and volunteers.


Send Relief and our partners, help churches develop adoption and foster care ministries, recruit foster and adoptive families, facilitate foster care and adoption, and host camps for at-risk children. We seek to influence the life circumstances of at-risk children and young adults so they find loving families, supportive churches, and develop life skills need to fulfill their God-given potential.


Small World, as a Christian ministry, exists to support parents through the difficult decision of parenting or placing their child for adoption and to preserve and protect the lives, born and unborn, of orphaned, abandoned and unwanted children, by looking after them, and ultimately restoring them as sons and daughters in loving Christian families.


The Landing Platform is an intuitive digital tool to help non-profits efficiently meet the immediate physical needs of kids and teens in foster care.


Third Lens is a community of architects, engineers, real estate, and construction professionals who use their talents and resources for eternal purposes. Third Lens provides architectural design, engineering, and construction management services to ministries with building needs.


Focus on the Family’s Wait No More program prepares hearts & homes for kids in foster care or those awaiting adoption. We inspire families & churches to get involved in the lives of these children through adoption, foster care & wrap around support.

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xHope is dedicated to empowering, supporting, and reunifying families both locally and internationally. Our commitment is to stay responsive to evolving needs, providing a source of HOPE, love, and support to these children. Internationally, our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and reunify children. We work in partnership with extended families, including willing grandparents, to offer education and care. This not only eases the financial burden but also provides families with the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty.

WIN BIG with giveaways!

We love to give away great gifts and prizes! Be sure to download the app to play and enter to win BIG! Winners will be announced in the Thursday and Friday evening General Sessions. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!


Adoption Airfare is a Christian Travel Agency, providing missionary and humanitarian airfare for missionaries and adopting families. Our most important resource that we provide beyond travel assistance, is prayer for the families that God brings to us to serve with their travel.


America World is an international adoption agency and missions organization that builds families according to God's design of adoption while caring for vulnerable children around the world.


Back2Back exists to provide comprehensive care to vulnerable children and families across the world.


"Clothing with a purpose." Our mission at Everlee Gray is to provide you with clothing you love to wear, while coming alongside an adoptive and/or foster family to support them in a tangible way.


Exile International's mission is to empower rescued child soldiers & children orphaned by war to become leaders for peace through art-focused trauma care and holistic rehabilitation in Uganda and DR Congo.


Fund the Nations launched in 2008 with the desire to help people fulfill their calling without fear and uncertainty about money. Over the last 15 years, our customers raised over 55 million dollars in funding for mission trips, adoptions, and other causes and our ultimate goal is to find a way to help serve in all 196 inhabited countries on our planet.


Mission is the driving force behind Goods & Better. A half million is the number of children currently in foster care. The number of children who’ve experienced abuse or neglect, who’ve experienced being removed from family & home. Through Goods & Better, Foster the Family also provides holistic, wrap around care to foster families through support groups, special events, and other resources.

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Grove9 is a strategic branding, marketing, and digital ad agency in Wichita, KS. We help grow the good by empowering on-mission marketplace leaders and nonprofit organizations with strategic marketing, insightful research, branding expertise, and proven results. We are inspired by our clients’ missions and the way they embody the Fruit of the Spirit.


The mission of Hope Institute is to transform the lives of orphans and vulnerable children by strengthening their systems of care.


Hope That Binds is on a mission to empower people to tell the Gospel story through adoption and foster care by eliminating anything that might stand in the way. We support families financially through grants and scholarships, we connect families with each other for community and support, and we engage the world around us by sharing what we do and locking arms with those that share the same mission.


Mercy Projects supports families and at-risk children through family sponsorships in Ukraine, Kosovo and Armenia.


Replanted is a national, faith-based organization providing post-placement support to foster and adoptive families by hosting an annual national conference designed to refresh, encourage, and equip foster and adoptive parents and by helping local churches and communities create small groups for children and parents to build connection, heal, and grow.


Stand For Life connects, unifies and mobilizes the Church to affirm and protect the dignity of all human life. We strategically engage, educate, and equip others to build a culture that believes everyone is made in the image of God, has inherent value and should be treated with respect.


The Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC) major at Taylor University teaches students effective and helpful attitudes, approaches, and practices to serve at risk populations and to help break cycles of vulnerability in children and families. If you are a Taylor University alum, prospective college student, or representative of an organization that has practicum, internship, or job opportunities, we would love for you to stop by our booth or look for the students wearing Taylor University shirts.


Since 1999, the Chalmers Center has been helping God's people rethink poverty and respond with practical, biblical principles so that all are restored to flourishing, addressing the broken relationships at the root of poverty instead of just treating the symptoms.


At Virtuous, we believe that generosity has the power to create profound change in the world and in the heart of the giver. As a software company, we are committed to moving the needle on global generosity by helping nonprofits better connect with and inspire their givers.


At World Orphans our vision is to empower the church to care for orphans and vulnerable families. Our mission is to equip, inspire, and mobilize the church to care for orphans and vulnerable children. Churches engaged. Children restored. Communities transformed by the gospel of Christ.


YSO Academy provides training for youth organizations in topics such as developing child protection policies and working with children who have suffered trauma. Its teachers are child welfare lawyers, counselors, social workers, former foster parents, and foster care alumni.



We've Been There: True Stories, Surprising Insights, and Aha Moments for Adopted Teens offers an engaging view into the lives of teenage and young adult adoptees and how they have dealt with their adoption loss. Each story offers talking points, great life advice, and hope from one adoptee to another.


Better Together is a faith-based non-profit that mobilizes local churches and communities to care for vulnerable children and families experiencing crises such as job loss, homelessness, addiction, and other challenging situations. We connect families in crisis with loving and vetted volunteer families who provide support to keep the family together and the children out of foster care.


The HELP tree is designed to give you an opportunity to encourage a Child Welfare Professional right here in Nashville and the surrounding area. Stop by the booth to write a note of encouragement! A small gift will be added and delivered to our local state workers.


Patch Our Planet helps churches and orphan care networks develop custom orphan care plans. Is your orphan care ministry stuck? Just starting? Come see us at our Bistro Table Exhibit. We would be honored to hear your story and give you some practical tools that will equip you to lead your ministry with confidence when you return home.


Second Mothers is a global community of women who support foster and adoptive parents and vulnerable children. We provide online support, gathering events and Bible study resources to strengthen your walk with God through the foster care and adoption journey. In addition to supporting each other, our women rally to offer relief to vulnerable women and children worldwide during times of crisis.


For more than 50 years, The Bair Foundation has remained steadfast and responsive in its work to bring about meaningful change in the lives of America’s most vulnerable. As a Christian foster care agency, we have provided hope and stability to more than 250,000 children and families in crisis. As God so loved us and adopted us into His family, we do the same for abused and neglected children who are in need of a temporary or permanent home.



Alliance Care Now (ACN) addresses the orphan crisis in Ethiopia by mobilizing church volunteers through Activate127. The program equips communities to care for vulnerable children. Partnering with the government, ACN aims to reach 5 million orphans in 5 years with 5 million mentors.


The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is a national, nonprofit public charity dedicated to finding permanent homes for the more than 140,000 children waiting in North America’s foster care systems.


Hephzibah62:4, a subsidiary of The Wesleyan Church, provides coaching, resources, and financial support to local churches throughout the U.S. and Canada so they can engage effectively in transforming the lives of vulnerable children in their communities.


Lagoon Digital Marketing helps non-profits connect their all-important messaging with their audience leveraging digital tools and social media. We help craft our client's digital strategy, implement our collaborative objectives, and then measure and iterate to help you maximize your mission and vision.


We believe that no child should be defined by trauma. So we harness the power of story to set the world's vulnerable children free to thrive. We do this by transforming compassion into action through our story-based training and tools which unite evidence-based practices with the love of Christ.


Mission:Leadership is a faith-based executive recruiting firm focused squarely on serving nonprofit ministries, Kingdom-oriented businesses, churches and academic institutions. As we often say, “Your mission is our mission." Finding leaders as exceptional as your mission is what we love to do!


Since 1892, Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries has provided hope for South Carolina’s children and families in need. Established as a ministry of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, Connie Maxwell has positively impacted thousands of individuals throughout our long history.


Focus on the Family believes the purpose of life is to know and glorify God through an authentic relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Through our radio broadcasts, websites, simulcasts, conferences, interactive forums, magazines, books, counseling, and much more, Focus on the Family equips parents, children, and spouses to thrive in an ever-changing, ever-more-complicated world.


Leveraging Children First Software as an empowerment tool for governments, institutions and the children in their care, Both Ends Believing (BEB) works to bring about systemic change – giving children the opportunity to thrive in a loving family and halting the damaging effects of institutionalization.



“HopeConnect is an excellent tool that hides the Word of God in the hearts of children who need healing and hope.”

HopeConnect™ is an innovative digital resource that empowers parents and caregivers. By engaging in Everyday Moments™ activities, children ages 5-12 experience improved connection and foster a deep sense of biblical hope. Available at no cost. Start today with our Start today with our MINISTRY TOOLKIT MINISTRY TOOLKIT

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