Church Ministry Essentials: Module 9

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List all of your current global organizational partners: (i.e. organizations, missionaries, etc.)

Which partnerships are the most healthy and strategically aligned with the vision and mission of your church’s global engagement strategy? Which ones are not? What’s preventing you from ceasing relationships with organizations that are no longer the most effective for you to partner with?

Perhaps instead of ceasing your work with them are there opportunities for you to help them improve the quality of care they are providing to the communities of people they are working with?

Short Term Missions How do you decide what short term mission trips you will take?

How do you decide who will be able to attend those trips?

What training processes do you have in place for trip attendees on the fundamentals of best practices for short term missions?


Strategic Partners

Are there any “legacy” trips you participate in (meaning, we continue to go there because it’s just what we’ve always done) that might perhaps not be the most effective or helpful to the communities you are trying to serve?

What changes, if any, need to be made to your short term missions procedures to ensure best practices are protected and the communities/people you are serving are truly and most effectively helped?

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