Principles of Good Practice to Show Dignity | Wise Short-term Missions

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Dignity & Honor in Volunteering // Wise Short-term Missions

PRINCIPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE TO SHOW DIGNITY • Commit to seeing the strength and dignity of each person you meet.

• Images that include vulnerable children should be

taken and shared only with permission from the child and his/her parent or primary caregiver.

• Consider not taking photos at certain times (or at all).

• Consider the lasting impact any photos or stories

could have on the life of the child, and never share an image you would not share in front of the child with their caregiver.

• Gifts should be given only through parents and caregivers, taking care to reinforce their role as primary caregivers.

• Commit to supporting and empowering local

solutions, rather than “rescuing” or trying to fix a problem yourself.

• Share only images and stories that convey dignity.

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