Viral Marketing Handbook

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“Viral marketing is free” Your campaign can achieve a lot of volume at no cost, but that doesn’t mean it’s free to produce, seed and track it.


“Virals only work for sex and violence” Yes for people who are only looking for sex and violence. “People spend lots of time on the net, so it’s OK if it’s long and complicated” 95% move on within 6 seconds if they aren’t entertained.

“My material will spread by itself” It happens – but not often. “As a creative genius, I know what works” Prepare to be enlight-ened by online consumers. “Viral marketing is risky and out of control” In the age of consumer rule, just being a brand is risky. You can work with it or against it, but you can’t escape it. “Viral marketing is unserious” We suggest calling the people at Skype to get their opinion. “You can’t plan viral marketing” Have you tried it? “Nobody can guarantee exposure” A seeding agency should provide a minimum guarantee. If not, don’t launch the campaign.

W W W. G O V I R A L . C O M

“The client is king” The customer is king.


READ THIS… unless you launch really great campaigns

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