UK Releases – September 2016
2000 YEARS OF CHRIST’S POWER NICK NEEDHAM – Lecturer in Church History, Highland Theological College, Dingwall, Scotland 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power is a multiple volume series on the history of the church from its beginnings up until the 18th century. Reliable enough to be of great use to academics, but written with an easy, even humorous style which makes it accessible to anybody with an interest, this work falls into a category all of its own. Large trade hardback £19.99 each
2,000 YEARS OF CHRIST’S POWER VOL. 1 The Age of the Early Church Fathers The first volume of 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power covers the period from the 1st Century AD to the start of the Middle Ages. From the works of Saint Augustine of Hippo to the first apologetic ever penned, this time in history established the foundations of what we take for granted today. 978-1-78191-778-7 | 406 pages
2,000 YEARS OF CHRIST’S POWER VOL. 2 The Middle Ages The Middle Ages have be seen as a time of hardship and oppression, full of popes and crusades. In the second volume of 2,000 Years, another side of the Middle Ages shines through. This was far from a period of stagnation; rather it was the fire from which the Reformation was kindled. 978-1-78191-779-4 | 480 pages
2,000 YEARS OF CHRIST’S POWER VOL. 3 Renaissance and Reformation Catholics, Calvinists, Lutherans, Anabaptists – our present-day divisions were the controversial frontpage headlines of the Reformation. Nick Needham presents a period of history from which we have much to learn – one of the most important of these lessons being the vibrancy of people’s lives and the courage with which they faced death. 978-1-78191-780-0 | 624 pages
2,000 YEARS OF CHRIST’S POWER VOL. 4 The Age of Religious Conflict The fourth volume of 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power spans from the 16th to the 18th century. It presents a time from which English Protestantism, Scottish Presbyterianism, and French Catholicism, to name only a few, were birthed and refined. 978-1-78191-781-7 | 650 pages
THE GREAT UNKNOWN? What the Bible says about Heaven and Hell PAUL BLACKHAM – Church Planter at Soul Church, Neath The idea of death is scary. For some, the idea of life after death – and the uncertainty that brings – is even worse. In tracing the story of heaven and hell, from when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, to the great culmination of Christ’s victory over death, Paul Blackham shows the magnificence of the love of God revealed in His Son. 978-1-78191-782-4 | Trade paperback | 272 pages | £8.99
THIRTY THOUSAND DAYS The Journey Home to God CATHERINE L MORGAN – It is so easy to become disheartened by the sadness or just bogged down by the monotony of life. We have a constant ache reminding us that we don’t belong in this fallen world. Thirty Thousand Days offers an opportunity to think about and savor the reality of Heaven – of finally going Home. This special book draws your mind irresistibly to Christ and invites you to revel, with a childlike excitement, in the salvation He has secured for us. 978-1-78191-783-1 | Trade paperback | 224 pages | £7.99
TRANSFORMED Life-taker to Life-giver SUSAN HUNT & Karen Hodge This 10-week personal or group Bible study takes us on a transformational journey. Key biblical passages, gospel-centered devotions, Scripture based prayers, and heart-penetrating questions celebrate the power of the gospel to transform God’s daughters into women who give life to their relationships. 978-1-78191-827-2 | Large trade paperback | 256 pages | £8.99
IF IT’S NOT TOO MUCH TROUBLE - 2ND ED. The Challenge of the Aged Parent ANN BENTON – Author and family conference speaker, Guildford, England Let down by the ‘system’ Ann Benton, aided by a team of helpers, charts the journey of her father-in-law from unsatisfactory hospital care, through spectacularly absent ‘care in the community’, to being looked after at home. In eight easy-to-digest chapters she gives a Christian perspective on caring for your aged parent as well as giving practical tools to help those who find themselves in the same situation. 978-1-78191-828-9 | Trade paperback | 160 pages | £7.99
MISSING PIECE The Life Story of Vio Jorza IRENE HOWAT The true story of Vio, a little girl who grew up in a Romanian village to Christian parents. From embracing the views of her communist teachers at a young age, to eventually realising the emptiness of her life without Christ - this heart-warming book tracks her journey to faith in a society which was doing everything to prevent it. 978-1-78191-905-7 | Paperback | 24 pages | £0.85
New from CF4K GOD’S WORD AND YOU What the Bible says about family, friends and other important stuff LAURA MARTIN – Laura Martin lives in New Zealand and homeschools her children You’ve got a mind - use it! If you’ve got questions - ask them! But don’t fill your mind with rubbish and it is important to ask the right questions. The THINK, ASK – BIBLE! series uses the lives and experiences of characters from the Bible to teach important lessons. Each chapter provides opportunities to stop and think, delve into the Scriptures and be prompted with study questions. 978-1-78191-821-0 | Trade paperback | 112 pages | £6.99
GOD’S WORD AND YOUR LIFE What the Bible says about social media, money and other exciting stuff LAURA MARTIN – Laura Martin lives in New Zealand and homeschools her children You’ve got a mind - use it! If you’ve got questions - ask them! But don’t fill your mind with rubbish and it is important to ask the right questions. The THINK, ASK – BIBLE! series uses the lives and experiences of characters from the Bible to teach important lessons. Each chapter provides opportunities to stop and think, delve into the Scriptures and be prompted with study questions. 978-1-78191-822-7 | Trade paperback | 96 pages | £6.99
SELAH HELMS & SUSAN KAHLER Trade paperback £6.99each
THE STARRY MESSENGER The Truth about God, The Fall and the Atonement Big Bible Answers brings catechism to life like never before! The Starry Messenger follows the life of Galileo. Drawing lessons from how this great man studied the order and beauty he discovered through the telescope, doctrinal questions regarding God, the fall, and atonement are covered. 978-1-78191-863-0 | 168 pages
THE GREATEST DAY EVER The Truth about The Gospel and the Ten Commandments Big Bible Answers brings catechism to life like never before! The Greatest Day Ever follows the story of Zerubbabel, a descendant of King David, and the new temple in Jerusalem. It answers questions regarding the Ten Commandments and our response to the Gospel. 978-1-78191-864-7 | 144 pages
THE BOTTOMLESS DINNER BASKET The Truth about Prayer, God’s Good Gifts and Eternity Big Bible Answers brings catechism to life like never before! The Bottomless Dinner Basket explains the doctrines of prayer, God’s gifts, and eternity using the story of the little boy who set out one morning with only five loaves and two fish. 978-1-78191-874-6 | 144 pages
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