Mentor and Christian Heritage Catalog

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2010-2011 Mentor and Christian Heritage catalogue

Mentor and Christian Heritage are imprints of

Welcome to the combined edition of our Mentor and Christian Heritage Catalogue! About Christian Focus Publications Staying Faithful – In dependence upon God we seek to impact the world through literature that is faithful to his infallible word, the Bible. Our aim is to ensure that the Lord Jesus Christ is presented as the only hope to obtain the forgiveness of sin, live a useful life and look forward to heaven with Him. Reaching Out – Christ’s last command requires us to reach out to our world with his gospel. We seek to fulfil that by publishing books, which point people towards Jesus and for them to develop a Christ-like maturity. We aim to equip all levels of readers for life, work, ministry and mission.

Contents Mentor

Introduction Mentor has developed a great reputation for being accessible and profound. Not only that Mentor is noted for its high view of Scripture. Mentor is also able to offer an intelligent response from both inside and outside the church. With Malcolm Maclean, Mentor Editor over 100 titles, Mentor covers a wide range of subjects such as Theology and Doctrine; Biblical, Pastoral, Preaching and Counselling, Church life, Christian life and Church History. We have a growing set of academic-level commentaries from Old and New Testament (now includes new additions in 2010 of Ezra and Nehemiah; Matthew volumes 1 & 2; Galatians – see page 10 &11). Do you want to think more on a topic then why not consider a Mentor book!


Theology & Doctrine Commentaries Biblical Pastoral, Counselling and Preaching Church Life Christian Life Church History

Christian Heritage Devotionals Spurgeon John Owen E. M. Bounds Thomas Boston Matthew Henry Large Print Martyn Lloyd-Jones R. M. McCheyne J. C. Ryle Other Christian Heritage Titles Index

2-9 10-11 12-14 15-18 18-19 19 20

Pages 21-22 22-23 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27-29 30-31

Theology and Doctrine NEW

Reasons for the Christian Hope


Creation, Fall, Restoration

Gannon Murphy – general editor for American Theological Inquiry, a biannual journal of theology, culture, and history Looking for answers to the enduring questions that people ask such as How can I know God exists? Why is God hidden? Where is God in my life? How can God and evil co-exist? What about different religions? What gives meaning and identity to each person? How should we live in this world? A thoughtful and satisfyingly challenging book worth giving to new believers and nonChristians who are seeking real answers. “Readable and intellectually stimulating, a resource for evangelism and apologetics, this book is ideal for use on college campuses. Buy it, use it, read it, and be challenged.” Eryl Davis, Head of Research, Wales Evangelical School of Theology, Bridgend, Wales

A Biblical Theology of Creation Andrew Kulikovsky – an active supporter of Creation Ministries International. Amidst the debate among creationists, Andrew Kulikovsky’s call to return to Biblical authority is relevant to all evangelicals, whether convinced that the earth is recent or old. All who genuinely seek the truth in these matters will find this book both refreshing and challenging, as it seeks to get to the crux of what has been an issue of disagreement among Christians from before the era of Darwin. “Kulikovsky, proves that a young earth springs from a no-nonsense reading of the biblical text. Creation, Fall, Restoration dissolves the old earth fog that envelopes inadequate arguments for a young earth.” William D. Barrick, Professor of Old Testament, The Master’s Seminary, Sun Valley, California

ISBN 978 1 84550 466 3 | Large Trade | 176 Pages | PB | £9.99 $15.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-446-5 | Large Trade | 320 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99



Christ in the Old Testament

Old Testament appearances of Christ in human form James A. Borland – Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology at Liberty Seminary, Lynchburg, Virginia, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Evangelical Theological Society This is a book that focuses on God’s appearances in human form rather than the shekinah, the pillar of cloud or other manifestations of God’s presence. Its purpose is to present a positive theology of theophanies rather than simply a defence against erroneous views. Borland looks at the characteristics of Christophanies and their use by God. It is the most comprehensive book of its type. “Should be in the library of every pastor and serious Bible student.” Irvin A. Busenitz ISBN 978-1-84550-627-8 | Large Trade | 192 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99


From the Finger of God

The Biblical and Theological Basis for the Threefold Division of the Law Philip S. Ross – a theological editor (including Marrow of Modern Divinity) who studied in Wales This book investigates criticisms of the ‘orthodox’ and catholic approach to biblical law and concludes that theologians were not mistaken in their belief that the threefold division is rooted in Scripture. Christian teachers who viewed the Bible as a coherent, progressive and self-interpreting whole had good reason to see the division as having a secure biblical and theological footing. It appears in embryonic form in the Old Testament and the Gospels stand in continuity with the Old Testament presuppositions. The four evangelists present Jesus as law-upholding, while the epistles establish finally the categories and implications of this framework, supporting the idea that the Decalogue enshrines an everbinding perfect rule of righteousness. ISBN 978-1-84550-601-8 | Large Trade | 400 Pages | PB | £12.99 $19.99

All for Jesus

A Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Covenant Theological Seminary Edited by Robert A. Peterson & Sean M. Lucas – Robert is Professor of Systematic Theology; Sean is Dean and Assistant Professor of Church History - both at Covenant Seminary Covenant Theological Seminary for over 50 years has committed itself to seeing lives changed and people prepared for Christian service and is the fastest-growing seminary in North America. The aim of the first President, Robert G. Rayburn was that everything should be taught for Jesus’ glory particularly in the face of an apathetic world. Hence this collection of essays to celebrate the first 50 years does not just stir the pot on current theological issues – it emphasizes the Christ-centered focus of the Seminary. The title is taken from the seminary hymn, All for Jesus - a fitting reminder of its aims.

The Bond of Love

God’s covenantal relationship with his Church David McKay – Professor of Systematic Theology, Ethics and Apologetics, Reformed Theological College, Belfast, Northern Ireland A comprehensive guide to applying Covenant Theology to the challenges Christians face in the culture they live and witness in. “Covenant Theology is a way of understanding the entire biblical message from Genesis to Revelation as essentially one theme. It covers everything, and anyone who writes on it must not only be familiar with biblical themes, but must also be able to integrate historical, systematic and practical theology in such a way that what results is comprehensive and comprehensible. McKay manages to do all of this with breathtaking ease.” Derek Thomas, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi ISBN 978-1-85792-641-5 | Large Trade | 352 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-139-6 | Large Trade | 416 Pages | HB | £19.99 $29.99

Calvin and the Atonement

What he said about the cross of Christ Robert A. Peterson – Professor of Systematic Theology at Covenant Seminary, St Louis, Missouri John Calvin had a profound understanding of the atoning work of Christ. His writings are still one of the major sources scholars and others rely on to give insight into what was accomplished by Jesus on the cross. Peterson describes the richness of Calvin’s doctrine of the atoning work of Christ with striking clarity. “Rather than fall into the trap of insisting on one ‘theory’ of the atonement, John Calvin recognised that the biblical teaching presents us with a multi-faceted jewel. The great strength of Dr Peterson’s work lies in his grasp of Calvin’s biblical vision and the clarity and enthusiasm with which he expounds it.” Sinclair Ferguson “... a fine contribution to modern Calvin studies...” J. I. Packer ISBN 978-1-85792-377-3 | Large Trade | 160 Pages | PB | £13.00 $20.00

Calvin and the Sabbath

The Controversy of applying the Fourth Commandment Richard Gaffin – Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Calvin’s views on the Sabbath are the subject of claim and counterclaim. This book brings together two controversial themes, Calvin’s ideas on Church/State relationships and on the Sabbath. Richard Gaffin traces the development of the beliefs of Calvin through his comments and writings and also helps us understand the relationship between the Ten Commandments and the New Testament. Calvin’s conclusions have a much wider implication than just what you do on Sunday! You might also be surprised by Gaffin’s analysis! “This is a most interesting study, and, incidentally, a reminder that no mere man is our ultimate authority for belief or practice.” David McKay, Professor of Systematic Theology, Ethics and Apologetics, Reformed Theological College, Belfast ISBN 978-1-85792-376-6 | Large Trade | 172 Pages | PB | £13.00 $20.00


Contending for the Faith

Lines in the sand that strengthen the Church Robert L. Reymond – taught for more than 25 years on the faculties of Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri and Knox Theological Seminary, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida With an infectious style Reymond contends for the Biblical and Reformed faith in a winsome and robust manner. A collection of papers in the areas of Systematic Theology and Apologetics which has been brought together to address topics that are currently being debated within the Church at large. Find here new takes on a wide range of subjects such as Creation, The New Perspective on Paul, The Trinity and Islam. “With customary thoroughness and exacting exegesis, Professor Reymond leads us through a maze of theological topics which call out for a clear biblical perspective in our day.” Iain D. Campbell ISBN 978-1-84550-045-0 | Large Trade | 448 Pages | PB | £11.99 $17.99

Covenant Theology

The Key of Theology in Reformed thought and tradition Peter Golding – a Governor of the London Theological Seminary for over 25 years and was pastor of Hayes Town Chapel for 32 years. If your God is too small, or if your grasp of theology is less than firm, then an a knowledge of Covenantal Theology will help make your understanding clearer, your message deeper and the impact of the church’s mission greater. This unique study surveys, analyses, and evaluates the main streams of Reformed thinking in this field, and offers a gentle critique from an orthodox stance. It gives the reader a well-documented synthesis of historical, biblical and systematic theologies on the Covenant, and demonstrates its contemporary relevance and the abiding hope it provides for the future. “The doctrine of covenants is the key of Theology” C. H. Spurgeon ISBN 978-1-85792-923-2 | Large Trade | 240 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

Creation and Change

Creeds, Councils and Christ

Genesis 1.1-2.4 in the light of changing scientific paradigms Douglas F. Kelly – Richard Jordan Professor of Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina An authoritative look at the early chapters of Genesis showing the inherent consistency of the Biblical account with the evidence seen in Science and Theology. Kelly traces how the prevalent scientific viewpoints of each era have influenced new interpretations of Genesis – rather than the other way round! An ideal book for students to investigate the controversial theories that surround the creation of life and this planet. Educationalists and scientists have independently confirmed the soundness of this book’s reasoning and suitability for school and university use. “A highly intelligent engagement with these crucial verses… scholarly but accessible, a model of the kind of exegetical thinking which the church of our day needs.” Nigel M. de S. Cameron

Did the early Christians misrepresent Jesus? Gerald Bray – Research Professor at Beeson Divinity School, Sanford University, Birmingham, Alabama How reliable a picture of Jesus Christ do we get from the Bible and the early Church writings? This book considers this key question and explains in straightforward terms what the early church believed and why it developed its theology in the way that it did. Through scrupulous research Gerald Bray has pieced together the evidence that indicates that the early Church knew exactly who Jesus was and was careful not to embellish the reports and writings about him. He shows the mistakes made by liberal scholars of the 18th century many of which are perpetuated in ignorance at seminaries today. “For anyone wishing to recover the fundamental and radical doctrine of the Christian Church, this is a major contribution to the discussion.” Monthly Record

ISBN 978-1-85792-283-7 | Large Trade | 240 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-513-4 | Large Trade | 224 Pages | PB | £13.00 $20.00

Please see Page 8 for Kelly’s Systematic Theology Volume 1

The Doctrine of Sin

Iain D. Campbell – minister, Point Free Church of Scotland, Isle of Lewis Is sin subjective or objective – dysfunctional or moral? Iain D. Campbell focuses on the doctrine of sin – looking first at the biblical perspective and then the perspective of the Reformers and Puritans. “Iain D. Campbell has provided a timely antidote in his excellent study of The Doctrine of Sin. Campbell capably summarizes the main lines of biblical and Reformed thinking on the doctrine of the Fall and sin, and contrasts that teaching with the opinions of leading proponents of the so-called new orthodoxy...a crucial caveat against our witting or unwitting concession to the subjectivising tendencies of the neo-orthodox view of sin” Ligon Duncan “Wrestles with the three great B-Titans of twentieth-century theology, Barth, Brunner and Bultmann... worth turning to again and again”. Sinclair B. Ferguson ISBN 978-1-85792-438-1 | Large Trade | 272 Pages | PB | £13.00 $20.00


The Earthly Career of Jesus, the Christ

A life in Chronological, geographical and social context Robert D. Culver – Retired Professor of Theology who taught at Wheaton College and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois An invaluable handbook on the early life of Christ. Culver uses his skills honed as a professor of both Biblical and Systematic Theologies to present an all-rounded book which is written in a fresh style. A balanced blend of doctrinal, historical, archaeological and geographical detail. “Students and pastors can read The Earthly Career of Jesus, the Christ with profit, even if they may differ on some details of interpretation.” Calvin Theological Journal “Many careful explanations and insights make this a worthy work for pastors and students…” Bibliotheca Sacra ISBN 978-1-85792-798-6 | Large Trade | 288 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

An Analysis of Herman Witsius’s ‘The Economy of the Covenants’

D. Patrick Ramsey / Joel R. Beeke – Pastor of an Orthodox Presbyterian Church in London, Kentucky / President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, and serves as a pastor in Grand Rapids, Michigan A consideration of Witsius’s magnum opus to promote peace between divided theologians. God’s covenants are how He interacts with mankind in a broad sense, yet a wrong view of them leads to serious errors in concepts of salvation. This is an outline analysis of Witsius’s work which can be used alongside his work. You will see Witsius’s arguments progressing subject by subject and the factors that explain the origin and effects of God’s covenants with His creation. “This splendid summary has made his work accessible to a new generation.” Geoff Thomas ISBN 978-1-89277-722-5 | Large Trade | 96 Pages | PB | £7.99 $12.99

Faith’s Reasons for Believing

Evangelical Concerns

Rediscovering the Christian mind on issues facing the Church today Melvin Tinker – minister of St. John’s Newland Parish Church, Hull, England How as evangelicals do we respond to a collapsing culture? Melvin Tinker suggests a ‘Third Way’ – to develop a fully orbed biblical approach to science and sociopolitical issues – and so to regain the Christian mind. “These essays show an acute perception of the way that evangelicalism is going…their intelligence, breadth of learning, and readability offer important and timely lessons and show how it is possible to re-present the faith with freshness and verve.” Paul Helm. “Evangelicals are impotent because they do not think their positions through. Melvin Tinker’s bold prophetic witness comes at what may be a key turning point for the future of the Church.” Gerald Bray ISBN 978-1-85792-675-0 | Large Trade | 272 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

The Fracture of Faith

An Apologetic Antidote to Mindless Christianity (And Thoughtless Atheism) Robert L. Reymond – taught for more than 25 years on the faculties of Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri and Knox Theological Seminary, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida A comprehensive tour of why it is possible for belief to exist as a result of knowledge in the Christian faith. “Militant atheistic writers are making an allout assault on the Christian faith today – they speak of ours as a ‘mindless Christianity’ – and as a result many people today, including many scientists and many poorly taught Christians, would think it very strange to talk about faith’s reasons for believing, for if there is one thing not understood today about biblical faith it is that it eschews any and all anti-intellectual, fideistic ‘leaps’ of faith. But according to Scripture ‘saving faith’ is grounded in the knowledge of propositional truths about Jesus Christ.” Robert Reymond, from the Preface

Recovering belief of the Gospel in a Postmodern world Douglas Vickers – Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts The church is capitulating to a business organizational ethos and to entanglements with cultural and political movements. By surrendering its grasp of the biblical evangel it has left the people without clear directives for life and belief. In his intriguing and wide-ranging book, Douglas Vickers sets out the case for a ‘from the ground up’ restoration of the church’s ministry in the community. He addresses the question of what is biblical doctrine and how we can know it is true. “A penetrating insight into the contemporary confusion within the Church.” Eric Alexander “Keenly perceptive of contemporary cultural trends, Douglas Vickers prompts the church to become authentically relevant.” T. Grady Spires

ISBN 978-1-84550-337-6 | Large Trade | 480 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-612-5 | Large Trade | 238 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

Godly Jealousy

A Theology of Intolerant Love K. Erik Thoennes – Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, California Divine jealousy plays a central role in God’s activities throughout human history yet you never see ‘jealous’ as one of the desired qualities of leaders within the church. Thoennes shows that jealousy is a primary attribute of great leaders in the Bible. We see human jealousy as negative because it is usually contaminated with sin, but the Bible says that God is a jealous God – and that this is a good thing! “This book shows that there is a good kind of godly jealousy which will give backbone and courage to our Christian lives.” Wayne Grudem “Lifts the reader heavenward, and leaves one with a deeper sense of the greatness of God.” Robert Coleman

The Holy Spirit and the Bible

The Spirit’s interpreting role in relation to Biblical Hermeneutics Paul E. Brown – previously minister of Dunstable Baptist Church, England, and lecturer at London Theological Seminary In recent decades, two seemingly unconnected issues have become prominent in the Christian world. In theological circles, hermeneutics, the theory of interpretation, at a popular level, a renewed interest in the person and work of the Holy Spirit. In his fascinating study Paul Brown connects the two. He works through the New Testament, considering each reference to the Holy Spirit thoroughly, and demonstrates that any study of hermeneutics must include serious consideration of the work of the Holy Spirit in assisting us to understand the meaning of Scripture. “As timely as it is important, and I heartily recommend it.” Dr J. I. Packer ISBN 978-1-85792-654-5 | Large Trade | 272 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-027-6 | Large Trade | 304 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99


Jesus is Lord

Christology – Yesterday and Today Donald Macleod – recognised theologian and retired Principal of the Free Church College, Edinburgh, Scotland The Expository Times once contained a famous article by Vincent Taylor asking the question ‘Does the New Testament call Jesus God?’ Taylor’s conclusion was that the only clear statement of Jesus’ deity was Thomas’ words ‘My Lord and my God.’ In a later article in the same journal Dr Michael Austin dismissed even this. His conclusion? ‘The New Testament makes no unambiguous claim to Jesus’ divinity.’ Donald Macleod is able to explain complex thoughts with simplicity and clarity. This is his contribution to the debate on Christology. It builds on his previous writings about the Godhead, and is a new work of international academic standing that is a rigorous theological defence of Christ’s deity, particularly with reference to the works of Jurgen Moltmann and Wolfhart Pannenberg. ISBN 978-1-85792-485-5 | Large Trade | 208 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

Jonathan Edwards & Hell

Christopher W. Morgan – Associate Dean, School of Christian Ministries and Professor of Theology at California Baptist University Nobody likes the doctrine of hell, so a far more comfortable option has been redeveloped and supported in recent years: Annihilationism, the idea that the lost are destroyed rather than suffer endless punishment in hell. Morgan summarises the strengths and weaknesses of the major protagonists on both sides and then points to the influential American theologian, Jonathan Edwards, as an example of how best to answer the theory. “Morgan shows how Edwards successfully responded to the annihilationist arguments… Edwards’ approach needs to be heard today.” Robert A. Peterson, Covenant Theological Seminary, St Louis, Missouri “Morgan’s comprehensive survey of the annihilation debate and clear exposition of Edwards’ views are a valuable resource.” David McKay, Reformed Theological College, Belfast ISBN 978-1-85792-917-1 | Large Trade |176 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

Justified in Christ

God’s plan for us in Justification Ed. K. Scott Oliphint – Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania and other members of the Westminster Theological Seminary The orthodoxy on ‘justification’, a watershed between the Roman and Reformed churches, has recently been much under debate in theological circles as new perspectives are advanced to break down traditional barriers. Members of the faculty look at Scripture, church history, apologetics and pastoral outworkings. This comprehensive work on doctrine will enable you to look with clear eyes on the issues at stake in this key discussion for the future of the church. Also includes a full reprint of John Murray’s classic “The Imputation of Adam’s Sin”. A Bibliography is also provided for further study.

Last Things First

Unlocking Genesis with the Christ of Eschatology John V. Fesko – Adjunct Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary. Atlanta How well do you know Genesis 1-3? Does the fact that Jesus is called the Last Adam and the Alpha & Omega in Revelation affect the way we view Genesis 1-3? John Fesko says that makes a difference and that without seeing Christ and the end days, we cannot understand the first days. He says “Is there a better way to approach the opening chapters of Genesis… The answer to that question is an unqualified, ‘Yes’… The way through the impasse is to interpret Genesis in the manner presented in the New Testament. More specifically, one must interpret Genesis 1-3 in the light of Christ and Eschatology.” Are you tangled up on origins in Genesis? Then this may be your way through the maze. ISBN 978-1-84550-229-4 | Large Trade | 208 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-246-1 | Large Trade | 336 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

The Lord’s Supper

The Only Hope, Jesus

Malcolm Maclean – Mentor Editor & Minister of Greyfriars & Stratherrick Free Church of Scotland, Inverness Foreword by Douglas Kelly. A careful examination of the means and practice of the Lord’s Supper. Malcolm Maclean seeks to encourage us to focus on the Lord Jesus who is the head as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. “…something beautifully positive and full of life for the congregation of believers, as well as seekers.” Douglas Kelly “A veritable tour de force …which will be of interest to the entire church. Maclean’s handling of the subject is comprehensive and sure-footed, delving into practical areas of frequency and observance as much as the theological principles that underpin the Communion Service. A timely and important book that will aid in the rediscovery of importance and function of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in the life of the church” Derek Thomas

Today – Yesterday – Forever Edited by Mark Elliott & John L. McPake Contributors include – Howard Marshall, Anthony N.S. Lane, Geoffrey Grogan, Donald Macleod, Mark W. Elliott, David F. Wright, Graham Macfarlane, John L. McPake, Moonjang Lee, Timothy Bradshaw and Richard Bauckham. ‘What do you think of Christ?’ The answers vary wildly from ‘an apocalyptic firebrand’ to merely ‘a good teacher’. These lectures from the Tyndale and Rutherford House Conferences show how the study of Christ and his mission has been a fundamental issue for the Christian faith. “An outstanding collection of papers… A first-class symposium.” Gerald Bray “Scholars from the fields of New Testament studies, systematic and historical theology each write about a specific and significant issue in their discipline.” Derek J. Tidball

ISBN 978-1-84550-428-1 | Large Trade | 272 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-717-7 | 224 Pages | Large Trade | PB | £11.99 $19.99


The Pleasures of God

Revised and Expanded Edition John Piper – Pastor for Preaching and Vision Bethlehem Baptist Church Minneapolis, MN Named one the World Magazine’s top 100 books of the 20th century. John Piper puts forward that God is the happiest being in the universe. To know Him in His pleasures is to see Him as He truly is. Piper is a leading Bible expositor on the nature of God and our relationship with Him. “This rich and profound book is for anyone who has grown weary of the shallow, cotton candy ideas of God that blight our contemporary landscape” The Christian Courier “...ranks as one of the top 3 books written this century on the being of God.” L. R. Shelton, Jr ISBN 978-1-85792-700-9 | Large Trade | 336 Pages | PB | £11.99

Not available through CFP in North America

Richard Baxter and Conversion

Timothy K. Beougher – Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary “...If you be not converted, you are not true Christians. You may have the name, but you have not the nature.” Richard Baxter, A Treatise of Conversion 1657. Puritan religious experience was centred on conversion, the ‘new birth’ of the soul – the essence of Puritanism. Tim Beougher forensically dissects Baxter’s writings and life so that we see how he constructs a ‘systematic theology of conversion’. How relevant this is becomes clear as Beougher investigates how Baxter speaks to us today about controversies on justification, church discipline and the sacraments. Baxter can speak to us today just as effectively through this study by Tim Beougher “Timothy Beougher’s study of Richard Baxter offers a fresh interpretation of a very important early ‘evangelical.’” Mark Noll ISBN 978-1-84550-310-9 | Large Trade | 240 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

Redeem the Time

Sin in the writings of John Owen Steve Griffiths – inner-city pastor in London, England, and editor of ‘The Journal of Youth and Theology’ John Owen was one of the great Puritans of the 17th Century whose writings and theology have gone through a welcome resurgence of interest in the last fifty years. His writings are a constant reference source for spiritual truths and practical insights. “A welcome addition to material on Owen.” Iain D. Campbell “Like John Owen, Steve Griffiths is a minister of the gospel with a deep love for Christ and for his word, and who is passionately concerned to make the teaching of the Bible relevant to his inner-city congregation in the twenty-first century.” Carl R. Trueman ISBN 978-1-85792-655-2 | Large Trade | 320 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

Serving The Word Of God

Celebrating the Life and Ministry of James Philip Edited by David Stay & David Wright Contributors include the following: Sinclair Ferguson, Eric Alexander, David Searle, Martin Allen and Douglas Kelly Foreword by Philip Hair Celebrating the life and ministry of James Philip, one of the key figures in Scottish Evangelical life in the second half of the twentieth century. This book pays tribute to a minister of the Word of God of remarkable passion and power. His preaching ministry touched countless of lives – from fishermen to students, schoolchildren to nurses, young professionals to senior citizens. Many were called to overseas mission and even more to church ministry. James Philip’s single-minded commitment to preaching and prayer serves as a model for evangelical pastors. “Seldom, if ever, have I read a Festschrift of such interest and relevance.” Derek Prime “a series of skilfully woven tributes.” Tony Sargent ISBN 978-1-85792-745-0 | Large Trade | 280 Pages | HB | £11.99 19.99

Standing Forth

Collected writings of Roger Nicole Roger Nicole – Professor of Theology Emeritus at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida One of the pre-eminent theologians in America, Roger Nicole has devoted a lifetime to defending the orthodox belief on issues under attack including the inspiration of Scripture, the nature of the atonement, the existence of hell, and more recently the openness of God issue. As well as his major theological works, Roger Nicole has had a productive ministry writing essays for publication. For the first time a selection has been compiled into a book. “…a masterful systematic theologian, poised for logical-exegetical pincer movements against muddles and mistakes.” J. I. Packer “He fearlessly addresses in these essays the most serious attacks that have been mounted against biblical Christianity in his time and destroys them with impeccable scholarship.” Robert Reymond

Such A Great Salvation

The Collected Essays of Alan Stibbs Alan Stibbs Edited by Andrew Atherstone Alan Stibbs (1901-1971) exercised an influential ministry as a Bible expositor and cogent teacher of Christian doctrine. In this volume eighteen of Stibbs’ best and most enduring shorter writings are brought together. They cover themes such as the cross of Christ, justification by faith, the inspiration of Scripture, the priority of preaching, the nature of the church, and the role of the sacraments. Through Stibbs’ writing he revived Biblical preaching and thinking across the country. “Alan Stibbs’ lucid and constructive writings are extraordinarily relevant to today’s theological scene. At the time they were a very important help to many embattled evangelicals. Today little has changed in the essential theological debates and their very welcome republication can again be just as useful.” Oliver Barclay ISBN 978-1-84550-423-6 | Large Trade | 320 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-646-0 | Large Trade | 492 Pages | HB | £15.99 $24.99


Systematic Theology Volume 1

Grounded in Holy Scripture and Understood in the Light of the Church Douglas F. Kelly A modern systematic theology written from a Reformed and nondispensational view by a worldwide respected professor. “I have written this first volume, thinking of my heritage as both Reformed and Catholic; gladly appropriating crucial insights of the whole people of God over the last two thousand years – Eastern Orthodox, Western Catholic, and Reformation Protestant – as they sought to live out the foundational truths of the inspired Word of God.” The author “Douglas F. Kelly is one of the English-speaking world’s leading Reformed theologians. Here we begin to enjoy the fruits of his labours. What a feast it is. Few Protestant theologians in our day know the terrain of the doctrine of the Trinity, and the Person of Christ, as well as Professor Kelly... He is at his best when opening up to us the unrealized importance and glory of these foundational truths about our Saviour God. For those who yearn for an orthodox Reformed catholicity, Kelly shows the way forward.” Ligon Duncan “Professor Douglas Kelly’s eagerly awaited Systematic Theology exceeds all expectation. This first volume is a comprehensive introduction to discussion of God’s self-disclosure, Triune being, transcendent majesty, and covenant relationships.” Iain D. Campbell

Douglas F. Kelly is the Jordan Professor of Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte North Carolina. His Linguistic skills and theological insight are demonstrated in his translating of John Calvin’s Sermons of 2nd Samuel. He is the author of Creation and Change (see page 4) and If God already knows why pray (See Christian Focus catalogue). He is noted for his extensive preaching and teaching ministry worldwide.

ISBN 978-1-84550-386-4 | 231 x 153mm | 640 Pages | HB | £22.99 $39.99

Systematic Theology

Robert D. Duncan Culver – has taught at Wheaton College, Grace Theological Seminary, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Winnipeg Theological Seminary

“Dr. Culver represents the highest achievement in the area of Systematic Theology.” Walter C. Kaiser Jr. “written with simplicity and clarity, two virtues often lacking in systematic theologies.” Timothy George “…all must admire his thoroughness in thinking through the main questions, fudging none and always proposing answers that stimulate.” J. I. Packer “Here is a bold, comprehensive, and faithful systematic theology… marked by genuine scholarship, doctrinal clarity, and historical insight.” R. Albert Mohler Jr. “Dr. Robert Culver has been an ‘international treasure’ in the church for years and has helped many of us in our personal walk and ministry… he keeps reminding us that theology is for living and not just for studying.” Warren W. Wiersbe “thoroughly biblical, soundly orthodox, and eminently readable.” Richard Mayhue

Toward a Sure Faith

J. Gresham Machen and the Dilemma of Biblical Criticism Terry A. Chrisope – professor at Missouri Baptist College, St. Louis, Missouri J. Gresham Machen is one of the pivotal figures of modern theological thought. He was a thinker and a first-rate theologian – but he carried his conclusions further than most would dare. Previous biographies of Machen have tended to emphasise the disputes he was involved in and ignore his early intellectual development that led him to take the positions he did. They have also tended to stereotype him as a fundamentalist (an identification which he himself generally rejected) and therefore fail to seriously consider Machen in his own terms and in the context of the broader intellectual currents of his day. “Dr Chrisope skilfully weaves in much valuable information about Machen and his times.” David B. Calhoun ISBN 978-1-85792-439-8 | Large Trade | 228 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-049-8 | 243 x 185mm | 1280 Pages | HB | £32.99 $54.99

What is God?

Who Am I?

An investigation of the Perfections of God’s Nature Robert L. Reymond – taught for more than 25 years on the faculties of Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri and Knox Theological Seminary, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida God has been downgraded! Can you recognise the God of the Bible from what churches say? Many seem to think that God is limited, primitive and unenlightened. Can you recognise God from scientific announcements? Can you recognise God from the media? So, is it surprising, then, that many people do not know what God is like? The apostle Paul said that everybody, on some level, already knows that God exists (even atheists!). So the more important question for people is not whether He exists but ‘What is God?’ This is the question that Robert Reymond sets out to answer in this book.

The Christian hunger for Self-identity Robert L. Thomas – Professor of New Testament at The Master’s Seminary, Sun Valley, California A correct, biblical view of self should radically transform us. Thomas shows us that to overcome sin in our day-to-day lives we must grasp the fact that in Christ we have died to sin just as our union with Him in His resurrection enables us to live holy lives. He examines our relationship to the Law, family tensions and responsibilities, the world’s enticements, attitudes towards possessions, suffering for our faith, witnessing, fruitfulness, Christian submission, following God’s will and biblical definitions of success and failure. “The Word of God acts like a mirror to reflect accurately the authentic self… I warmly commend this work”. Richard Mayhue, The Master’s Seminary

ISBN 978-1-84550-228-7 | Large Trade | 368 Pages | £11.99 $19.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-519-7 | Large Trade | 224 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99


Modern Popular Theology titles from Carl R. Trueman

Professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia

The Wages of Spin

Minority Report

Critical Writings on Historical and Contemporary Evangelicalism There is an increasing tendency in Evangelical circles to regard disagreement in our allegedly postmodern world as inherently oppressive. Too many people sit on the fence and ignore, or are unaware of, the fact that Christianity is an historical religion. As Laurence Peter once said “History repeats itself because nobody listens.” The point of having a debate is not to have a debate and then agree to differ (sitting around in a mutually affirming love-fest) - the point of debate, as the Apostle Paul clearly demonstrates time and again in the book of Acts, is to establish which position is best. With this collection of essays, Carl Trueman will provoke you into thinking for yourself – and to have an opinion on THINGS THAT MATTER!

Unpopular Thoughts on Everything From Ancient Christianity to Zen Calvinism Theological essays are dusty, humourless affairs aren’t they? Well, they don’t have to be! This is the second collection of essays by Carl Trueman. His first collection Wages of Spin (above) was received with enthusiasm. This time Chick Lit, Adolf Eichmann, the iPod, Roger Beckwith, the Blues, Watership Down, American Idol, Nietzsche, ZenCalvinism, Augustine and ferrets(!) all get a mention. If you want to inform your mind and chuckle at the same time – Carl’s your man! “…shows the author as a master wordsmith… It will challenge, stimulate, inform and teach. It confirms Trueman’s place as one of contemporary evangelicalism’s most dynamic young theologians.” Iain D. Campbell

ISBN 978-1-85792-994-2 | Large Trade | 192 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-317-8 | Large Trade | 224 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century Edited by Ligon Duncan – Senior pastor of First Presbyterian, Jackson, Mississippi and Professor at RTS This important collection of essays seeks to place the work of the Westminster Assembly in its historical, theological, political and social setting and challenge inaccurate historical assertions that have since become commonplace.


Volume 3

Contributions from Derek Thomas, Donald Macleod, Ligon Duncan, Chad Van Dixhoorn, J. V. Fesko, Robert Cara Ligon Duncan completes the set of essays that show the continued relevancy of the Westminster Confession of Faith to Christians today. This volume explores issues such as The Westminster Doctrine of Scripture, Westminster Confession of Faith and the 39 Articles, Westminster and Bath and Westminster and Trent on Justification. Although composed hundreds of years ago the Westminster Confession was a collaborative act between Christian leaders of different persuasions to come up with a statement of Christian understanding and church administration. It has plenty to teach our widely segregated churches of today and this is made clear by the contributions made in this volume ISBN 978-1-85792-992-8 | Royale | HB | 552 Pages | £22.99 $39.99

“We live in a day of wholesale historical amnesia and theological confusion. The antidote for this crisis is clear - we need a recovery of what has been lost. That is what makes The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century so important and timely. The Westminster Assembly represents one of the most decisive moments in church history, and this collection of essays brings new light to our understanding of the Westminster divines and their work. Here we find scholarship matched to a deep love for the church. This book is a worthy successor to the first two volumes in this series. I celebrate its publication and commend it to all who love the church.” R. Albert Mohler, President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

Volume 1

Contributions from Michael Horton, Mark Dever, Timothy George, Richard Gaffin, David F. Wright and others The Westminster Confession is a foundational document for countless churches worldwide – its influence must not be underestimated. However, a number of officeholders have vowed to abide by the Westminster Confession with only a superficial understanding of its relevance to their situation. Ligon Duncan has assembled an impressive array of contributors from a variety of ecclesiastical backgrounds. The aim is simple – to enable the 21st Century to understand the confession more fully, and so bring about the same kind of rugged, vigorous, intelligent and self-sacrificing Christianity that was the result of its initial publication over 350 years ago. Topics include Baptism, Finney’s attack on the Westminster Confession, The Relationship of Church and State and the Holy Spirit. ISBN 978-1-85792-862-4 | Royale | HB | 572 Pages | £22.99 $39.99

Volume 2

Contributions from Douglas F. Kelly, Philip Ryken, Derek Thomas, Nick Needham, Paul Helm, Joel Beeke Ligon Duncan has once again assembled an impressive array of contributors so that the 21st Century understands the confession more fully. This important collection of essays seeks to place the work of the Assembly in its historical, theological, political and social setting, challenge historical assertions made in its relation to both earlier and later Reformed theology, provide fresh evaluation of its place in the Calvinian tradition, and commend it as a faithful expression of clear-headed Christian thinking. The topics covered include: Spirituality, the Regulative Principle, Old Princeton Seminary and the Westminster Standards, The Influence on the Korean Presbyterian Church and Eschatology. ISBN 978-1-85792-878-5 | Royale | 468 Pages | HB | £22.99 $39.99


Mentor Commentaries

A Commentary you can trust to study the Bible Want to delve deeply into the riches of the Bible? How do you know what is authoritative and reliable information and what is just the author’s opinion? One of Mentor’s key aims is to build up a library of credible commentaries. There are many academic commentaries but very few hold to an inerrant view of Scripture as Mentor do. The result is a series of expositions of Scripture that successfully refute wilder departures from orthodoxy whilst appreciating and learning from latest theological research. This expanding series includes commentaries from the Old and the New Testament. It will continue to expand as and when new writing comes available


John L. Mackay – Principal, the Free Church College, Edinburgh The book of Exodus is about a journey: a journey out of Egypt, but more particularly a journey from a land where God’s power, sovereignty and continuing interest in His people could be easily questioned, to a place where God dwelt in the midst of His people. Exodus describes God’s power, His redemption of His people, His covenant requirements at Sinai, and the rules of His worship. John L. Mackay interacts with other scholars in either text or footnotes. In addition to exploring the meaning of the text he examines the chronology, authorship, composition and structure of Exodus. In addition, at the end of each section he provides a reflective comment. “I recommend this work highly. It is a valuable tool for the study of this most important period in Israel’s history.” John D. Currid ISBN 978-1-85792-614-9 | Large Trade | 624 Pages | HB | £19.99 $29.99


Robert I. Vasholz – Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary, St Louis, Missouri Leviticus’s English title comes from the Greek Levitikon – pertaining to the Levites. What this fails to convey is that most of the book is directed to all of the people of Israel. Sadly, many have given Leviticus a secondary status – relegating punctilious details about sacrifices and purity laws to a bygone era. There are, of course, good reasons for that – but although the practices in Leviticus may seem mysterious to the modern world, there are fundamental elements that are both universal and relevant to the contemporary scene. What Christian would say that to love your neighbour as yourself should be relegated to the past? It’s from Leviticus! So, read on – you will be rewarded by your study of one of the foundational texts of the Bible.


Ezra and Nehemiah

Tiberius Rata - the chair of the Biblical Studies Department and professor of Old Testament Studies at Grace College and Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana Tiberius Rata, an Old Testament scholar considers the narrative of the restoration of the Jewish people to its homeland. At the centre of these two books of Ezra and Nehemiah are the decrees of two Persian kings, Cyrus and Artaxerxes. We discover a God who is in control of history and the hearts of his people. Yahweh can even work through the lives of secular kings to bring about His purposes.

ISBN 978-1-84550-571-4 | Large Trade | 288 Pages | HB | £16.99 £24.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-044-3 | Large Trade | 380 Pages | HB | £19.99 $29.99

1st & 2nd Chronicles

Richard Pratt – President, Third Millennium Ministries The books of Chronicles are one of the most neglected portions of Scripture. Many find its complex history unfamiliar and assume that it is irrelevant for contemporary life. To grasp the significance of Chronicles for our times, we must first understand its original meaning. It was written to encourage the Jews to be faithful to God on their return from Babylon, and not focus on material prosperity. It couldn’t be more relevant! Pratt looks skilfully at the big picture in each section and presents the detail in an absorbing way. “Richard Pratt’s exemplary commentary is systematic, scholarly, sober and simple.” Bruce Waltke, Professor of Old Testament, RTS Seminary, Orlando ISBN 978-1-84550-144-0 | Large Trade | 736 Pages | HB | £24.99 $39.99


John L. Mackay “From his earlier work on Exodus we know that he will take the highest view of Scripture as the Word of God, and do so as one fully conversant with the wide literature available on Jeremiah. His workmanlike approach and marvellous attention to detail forbid him to take short cuts, fudge issues, or misrepresent those who take a different view from his own. Lovers of Hebrew will find a kindred spirit in Professor Mackay. Those without Hebrew will find a patient teacher leaving no stone unturned to make the word of God plain.” Alec Motyer “eagerly awaited… fulfils every expectation… a landmark in Jeremiah studies. This will quickly become an indispensable tool for anyone wishing to study and preach from the Book of Jeremiah.” Iain D Campbell Volume 1: Ch 1-20 ISBN 978-1-85792-937-9 | Large Trade | 576 Pages | HB | £19.99 $29.99

Volume 2: Ch 21-52 ISBN 978-1-85792-938-6 | Large Trade | 670 Pages | HB | £22.99 $29.99



Joel and Obadiah

John L. Mackay – Principal, Free Church College, Edinburgh The writer of Lamentations witnessed the Babylonians destroying Jerusalem. It was a terrible judgment, almost too much to bear for God’s covenant people, yet it was God’s grace so that we could receive the gospel. What does a book with such a dreary reputation say to today’s society? The reality is that it could not be more relevant. Well beneath today’s upbeat atheist you discover a hedonist wondering if the frantic hurtle down the waste pipe of life has been worth it! The author of this commentary is internationally known as an Old Testament scholar and is also in demand for church retreats where his skills in the practical exposition and application of doctrine are well respected.

Irvin Busenitz – Professor of Old Testament at The Master’s Seminary, Sun Valley, California In this book you discover the theme of Joel: The day of Yahweh. You will also discover more about the one to whom the day belongs to – Yahweh. The people were facing devastating calamity and Joel calls the society to repent in order that they might escape this judgment and once again enjoy the mercy and favour of Yahweh. Obadiah also focuses on the dual aspects of the theme that there is judgement and blessing.. “This is a fine commentary, exhibiting careful and balanced Old Testament scholarship expressed in attractive, vigorous prose…The author argues well for an early date for Joel while recognising the complexity of the issue and presenting contrary viewpoints clearly and fairly.” Geoffrey Grogan

ISBN 978-1-84550-363-5 | Large Trade | 240 Pages | HB | £19.99 $29.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-861-7 | Large Trade | 288 Pages | £16.99 $24.99



Gary V. Smith – Professor of Old Testament at Midwestern Baptist Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri The book of Amos is full of wordplays, double entendres, pictorial visions, and direct statements of fact and judgement. Smith’s job is to address the historical, stylistic and interpretative aspects of Amos: not just what is written, but also how and why the prophecies are recorded. To do this, Smith divides each of his chapters as follows: (1) important textual and philological questions; (2) background study on the literary traditions and forms of speech employed; (3) rhetorical markers of structure that unite paragraphs or larger units; (4) exegetical issues of interpretation; and (5) main theological themes within each unit. Smith deals especially well with the last of these. Each chapter ends with him drawing together the interpretative threads arising from the passage.

John Kitchen – Senior Pastor at the Stow Alliance Fellowship, Stow, Ohio. There is no better starting point to cope with modern life than the Book of Proverbs. Its purpose is to impart wisdom to those who want it. “His Appendix on wisdom vs folly is powerful and his Thematic Index of Proverbs opens up the only real preaching possibility for expositors beyond chapter nine... will deservedly take its place as one of the finest contemporary treatments available.” David L. Larsen, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “Committed to …careful exegesis of the text, and to practical application of the truths of biblical wisdom to everyday life.” Eugene H. Merrill, Dallas Theological Seminary “That rare and beautiful combination in equal – and very generous – portions: an intellectual feast for the curious mind and a spiritual feast for the needy soul!” Boyd Luter, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

ISBN 978-1-85792-253-0 | Large Trade | 400 Pages | HB | £19.99 $29.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-059-7 | 792 Pages | £24.99 $39.99



Knox Chamblin – Professor of New Testament Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary Matthew’s Gospel also tells a story of Jesus, the son of David the son of Abraham accordingly it gives attention to characters, plot lines, conflicts and resolution - but the extra dimension is that it also has an effect upon its reader to direct them to the Saviour of the world. “ Chamblin clearly wants me to understand Matthew and to stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene. Knox Chamblin is in vintage form here: relentlessly nailing us to the text and always wobbling on the edge of doxology” Dale Ralph Davis, Author & Pastor of Woodland Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, Mississippi Volume 1: Chapters 1-13 ISBN 978-1-84550-364-2 | Large Trade | 736 Pages | HB| £24.99 $39.99

Volume 2 Chapters 14-28 ISBN 978-1-84550-379-6 | Large Trade | 864 Pages | HB| £24.99 $39.99


David McWilliams – Senior pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, Florida Galatians deals with the concern of the Christian’s relationship to the Mosaic Law. You will learn how you can avoid the pitfalls of legalism and license on the other. Discover more about the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life. “Paul’s message in Galatians has rarely been so urgently needed as today, when justification only by faith is under attack from many sides. McWilliams explains it with judicious care.” Robert Letham, Wales Evangelical School of Theology “Written against the background and reflecting a knowledgeable grasp of the scholarly debates, past and present, the author largely steers clear of those debates and remains focused throughout on tracing and expounding the apostle’s argument for its own sake and with an eye to preaching.” Richard Gaffin, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ISBN 978-1-84550-452-6 | Large Trade | 240 Pages | HB | £16.99 $24.99


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God’s People in the Wilderness


Contours of Pauline Theology

The Church in Hebrews O. Palmer Robertson - Director and Principal of Africa Bible College, Uganda. What is the Church? New Testament writes about the body of Christ and the Kingdom of God. For the writer to the Hebrews, the Church of today finds its most proper definition in terms of the historical experience of the old covenant people of God “in the wilderness” during the days of Moses. His unifying perspective on this vital question of the Church’s self-definition provides fresh insight into the nature of the Church – an insight that has the promise of reviving and redefining the life of Christ’s people even today. Rooted in the redemptive experience of the old covenant people of God, this life-shaping self-definition may provide much-needed aid to the confused state of churches in Christ for the 21st century.

A radical new survey of the influences on Paul’s Biblical writings Tom Holland – Professor of New Testament and Hermeneutics at the Wales Evangelical School of Theology Dr Holland opens up new understanding on Pauline studies by pointing to a neglected fact in such studies. This is that the Jews in the first century AD would view concepts of salvation through the Exodus of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. Until now, a real elephant in the centre of the hermeneutical room. This book will change your view of the New Testament and deserves to radically alter New Testament studies in Universities, Theological Colleges and Seminaries around the world. “a remarkably fresh and creative study which makes one re-think familiar passages in new ways.” Professor I Howard Marshall, University of Aberdeen

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Calvin and the Biblical Languages

John Currid – Carl McMurray Professor of Old Testament and chairman of the Biblical Studies Division at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina. The church today is built on the Reformation’s linguistic heritage yet is in danger of losing that strong foundation. Many seminaries no longer require that their students learn the Biblical languages for their divinity degrees – some do not even teach them! Yet these are the basic tools of any study of the Bible – and if we are not teaching the Bible, then what is the church teaching? If you want your sermons and Bible studies to have greater insight and authority then Calvin is an excellent encourager. John Currid shows how Calvin used knowledge of the Biblical languages to provide richness, depth and accuracy to his understanding of Scripture - and his exposition of it. If you want to explain God’s Word better then let the two Johns guide you!

Calvin’s Teaching on Job

Proclaiming the Incomprehensible God Derek Thomas –Professor of Practical & Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi The book of Job stands in the centre of one of the most complicated problems of life, the interaction between divine sovereignty and human responsibility, one that has provoked much tortuous thought by both Calvinists and Arminians. How Job and God deal with Job’s suffering does not make for a neat story, so preachers often avoid the book of Job – simpler, more comfortable, options are available. But the reality is that the issues Job faced are all issues that Christians will struggle with. Although one of the church’s most influential theologians, Calvin was primarily a preacher. His sermons on Job are of interest on a number of levels to give answers to a world that lacks satisfying answers. ISBN 978-1-85792-922-5 | Large Trade | 416 Pages | HB | £16.99 $25.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-212-6 | Large Trade | 128 Pages | PB | £9.99 $16.99

The Christ of the Bible and the Church’s Faith

The Gender Neutral Bible Controversy

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Is the age of political correctness altering the meaning of God’s words? Vern Poythress/Wayne Grudem – professors at Westminster Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania, and Phoenix Seminary, Arizona Updated TNIV Edition A battle has commenced. On one side a Christian publishing house and Bible Society. On the other a Christian pressure group and influential Christian weekly news magazine. Respected theologians defend both sides. How do we make sense of it? Is this a serious threat to the accuracy of God’s Word or is it just a storm in a teacup? Read this book to understand the issues with new clarity. “There is simply no other book on this issue so thorough and so careful” John Piper “This is the best book on its theme” J. I. Packer “Careful, accurate, fair and hits the nail on the head.” R. C. Sproul

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How to Choose a Bible Version

John – Beloved Disciple

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A Survey of his Theology Robert L. Reymond – taught for more than 25 years on the faculties of Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri and Knox Theological Seminary, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Robert Reymond has a deep devotional interest in the Johannine letters and with this in mind he examines the themes, concepts and theology of John in his Gospel, his letters, and in Revelation. A superb analysis of the writings and theology of the books written by John, Reymond also responds to the two modernist theologies of Bultmann and Kasemann. As you read this you will discover Jesus incarnate, saviour of the world. “He has a direct, unfussy style, quickly gets to the heart of each issue, marshals his arguments with admirable clarity, and shows deep concern that the witness of John to Christ should be taken with real seriousness.” Geoffrey Grogan

ISBN 978-1-84550-018-4 | Large Trade | 208 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

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New Testament Background Commentary

A new dictionary of words, phrases and situations in Bible order The late W. Harold Mare – Formerly Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri The New Testament is a fascinating collection of documents containing an amazing number of details in its texts that can be easily lost on the modern mind. New Testament Background Commentary is both a commentary and a dictionary of words, phrases and situations that shed light on the key points of the Bible text. These are arranged in Bible order so that it is easy to use as you read through the Bible passage. An invaluable companion to any reading of the New Testament. ISBN 978-1-85792-955-3 | Large Trade | 512 Pages | HB | £19.99 $29.99

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Focus on the Bible Readable, Reliable, Relevant Focus on the Bible are popular-level commentaries especially useful for pastors, small group leaders and personal devotions. Many of the authors are leading expositors of God’s Word in their specialty subjects. Focus on the Bible holds to the inerrancy of the Scripture and the uniqueness of Christ in salvation. The series now covers 2/3rds of the Bible. Please see the Christian Focus imprint Catalogue for more details.


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Paul – Missionary Theologian

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Prayer, Praise and Prophecy

A Theology of the Psalms Geoffrey Grogan – former Principal Emeritus of the Glasgow Bible College, Scotland In the Garden of Eden, God walked with Adam and Eve and talked with them face to face – then the fall separated us. The Psalms are God’s gift to us to help reestablish contact, understand His mind and how to communicate with Him. This is not a commentary on the Psalms; instead, Geoffrey Grogan seeks to introduce us to some of the theological dimensions of this important and much-loved Bible book. “If I were teaching a course on the Psalms, this would be my textbook.” Dale Ralph Davis “This very full introduction to the Book of Psalms makes one hope that the author has in mind a full-scale commentary to follow.” Alec Motyer ISBN 978-1-85792-642-2 | Large Trade | 336 Pages | HB | £17.99 $29.99

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Pastoral, Preaching and Counselling NEW

Helpful Truth in Past Places

The Puritan Practice of Biblical Counseling Mark Deckard - 25 years experience of Counseling from a Biblical Context. “Despite our modern prejudices,” Deckard explains, the problems of the Puritans’ time “were not all that different than our own.” These men and women, like us, fought issues of fear, depression and sense of purpose. Helpful Truth in Past Places brings a welcome infusion of sound biblical understanding to the front lines of Christian counselling; something the Puritans were especially gifted in doing. “With the skillful hands of a gifted counsellor and the inquisitive mind of a pilgrim, Deckard brings us into conversation with these Puritan greats and artfully displays for us their insights into life and relationships.” Stephen J Nichols, Research Professor of Christianity and culture, Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania


Appointed to Preach

Assessing a Call to the Ministry David W. Hegg –Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita, California Seeking to discern a call to ministry? How do you know – And if so, how can it be assessed? In an age that fears to contradict personal feelings and emotive persuasion here is a resource that clarifies the matter. Topics include: The appointment of God’s man; The affirmation of God’s people; The man God appoints; Character and desire; Message and gifts; The process of ordination; Preparation for ordination and the ordination council. Includes helpful assessment forms. “Here is a unique and timely book.... David Hegg has done a great service to the church by tackling this matter with biblical clarity”. Alistair Begg ISBN 978-1-84550-619-3 | Large Trade | PB | 160 Pages | £10.99 $17.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-545-5 | Large Trade | 224 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

And The Word Became… A Sermon

A practical guide to Biblical Expository Preaching Derek Newton –a Lecturer in New Testament at the International Christian College, Glasgow, Scotland, having previously been a OMF missionary and taught in the Asian Theological Seminary, Manila, Philippines A steady stream of sermons is delivered across the world, week by week. Yet a frightening number of listeners remain essentially unchanged by what they hear. Few would be surprised that in churches where the Bible is not taken seriously there will be little grasp of spiritual truth. More worrying is that in churches that give strong recognition to the inspiration and authority of Scripture, the lives of many sermon hearers fail to show evidence of transformation. What sort of sermons do you deliver? See if you are classified as a Hobby Horse, Rocket, Heart-on-the-sleeve, Skyscraper or Grasshopper preacher! ISBN 978-1-85792-767-2 | Large Trade | 280 Pages | PB | £11.99 $17.99

Curing the Heart

A Model for Biblical Counseling William Hines/Howard Eyrich – The Dean, Department of Biblical Counseling, Masters School of Divinity/Professor of Counseling, Birmingham Theological Seminary, Alabama A textbook which will be of interest to all whom, when faced with hurting people, ask themselves “What should I say now?” Both authors teach postgraduate level counseling giving a model based upon Biblical and Christian principles. Section 1 argues that to understand the creation you must look to the Creator who designed it. Section 2 gives practical guidelines to those interested in becoming Christian Counsellors. Section 3 outlines the Counseling Process and gives practical worksheets developed by the authors from years of counselling experience. “…Outstanding! Their multidimensional approach helps the counsellor be fully equipped to deal with every problem situation” Ed Hindson “The authors offer a quite superb guide to dealing with the troubled heart.” Liam Goligher

Brothers, We Are Not Professionals

A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry John Piper – Pastor for Preaching and Vision Bethlehem Baptist Church Minneapolis, MN Piper pleads with fellow pastors to abandon the secularisation of the pastorate and pursue the prophetic call of the Bible for radical ministry. He shows how the mentality of the professional is not the mentality of the pastor. He says – “There is no such thing as professional childlikeness, professional tender-heartedness and professional panting after God. Brothers, we are not professionals, we are outcasts, aliens and exiles in this world. Our citizenship is in Heaven and you cannot professionalize the love for his appearing without killing it – and it is being killed.” So while the world sets the agenda of the professional man, God sets that of the spiritual man. ISBN 978-1-85792-893-8 | | Large Trade | 288 Pages | PB | £11.99 Not Available from CFP in North America

The Effective Pastor

Get the Tools to upgrade your ministry Peter White – previously Principal of the Glasgow Bible College; now minister of Sandyford Henderson Memorial Church, Glasgow, Scotland Peter has a passion for the training of ministers to meet the real needs of church leadership. This shines through in his guide for ministers on how to develop their abilities to nurture their church. It would also be an invaluable resource for seminaries. “I am very pleased to commend this unusually helpful book. The Effective Pastor will, without question, make pastors more effective...” Nigel M. de S. Cameron “Preachers are in Peter White’s debt for his assistance.” Al Mohler “There has long been a need for a contemporary manual of Biblical and practical instruction on the work of the ministry … widely welcomed.” Sinclair B. Ferguson ISBN 978-1-85792-120-5 | Large Trade | 272 Page | PB | £11.99 $17.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-722-1 | Large Trade | PB | 208 Pages | £10.99 $17.99


Expository Preaching with Word Pictures

With illustrations from the sermons of Thomas Watson Jack Hughes – Senior pastor, Calvary Bible Church, Burbank, California How many times have you listened to a sermon and remembered the illustrations used by the preacher – but not the point of them! – or listened to an illustration that makes an entirely different point to the one the preacher is trying to put across? Using illustrations has an art to it but Jack Hughes makes it far easier for you by studying a master to help you master it too. “Thomas Watson compelled people to listen to him, whether he was preaching or writing, by the vivid word pictures that he painted, both at his desk and in the pulpit. This rich study should be a treasure in every preacher’s library. I highly recommend it.” Richard Mayhue ISBN 978-1-85792-658-3 | Large Trade | 304 Pages | PB | £11.99 $17.99

Kindled Fire

How the methods of C. H.Spurgeon can help your preaching Zack Eswine – Riverside Church, St. Louis, Missouri This book gives a sense of what it would be like to ‘apprentice’ with Spurgeon. The twenty-first century preacher in the West will recognize some similarities with Spurgeon and his times. Today’s Postmodernism and yesterday’s Enlightenment Rationalism are different philosophies but both promote scepticism of the authority of the Bible. Contemporary debates about the use of art and sermon length are no different to those in Spurgeon’s era. The questions of attention span and the need for story to accompany logic are not new topics of discussion. “Spurgeon comes alive in these pages! Zack Eswine has done a masterful job. This book, like Spurgeon’s sermons, feeds the mind and stirs the heart.” Alistair Begg

How Effective Sermons Begin

Ben Awbrey – Assistant Professor of Preaching at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Ben Awbrey focuses on the most neglected parts of the sermon – where it all begins! Gain help in the following stages of your sermon: Must-hear Preaching; Introducing the sermon; Getting Attention; Securing Interest; Stating the purpose; Setting the context; The Sermon Proposition. It is suitable for all sorts of experience. “…there is no shortage of strategists and innovators in the evangelical community who think that they have better ways for reaching the culture than by preaching God’s Word. Ben Awbrey knows better than that… I have long appreciated his desire to help other preachers make the most of their gifts and calling. His insights have proved invaluable to hundreds of pastors and young preachers.” John MacArthur ISBN 978-1-84550-374-1 | Large Trade | 384 Pages | PB | £11.99 $17.99

My Heart For Thy Cause

Al Martin’s theology of preaching Brian Borgman – pastor of Grace Community Church, Gardnerville, Nevada When Al Martin preaches around the world he draws crowds who want to understand what God’s Word has to say to them. Even those regarded as gifted preachers in their own right make time to hear him. How is it that someone stands out in this way? Is there such a thing as a ‘theology of preaching’ that we can adopt? Brian Borgman has painstakingly researched just this question. The result is a book that will help preachers everywhere to be used more greatly for God’s glory. “I find Al Martin’s preaching to be sound, compelling.... He cuts it straight.” John MacArthur “Very clear, forthright, articulate… he has a fine mind.” J. I. Packer ISBN 978-1-85792-716-0 | Large Trade | 288 Pages | HB | £12.99 $19.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-117-4 | Large Trade | 272 Pages | PB | £11.99 $17.99

See p22-23 for Spurgeon Titles

The Power of Speaking God’s Word

How to Preach memorable Sermons Wilbur Ellsworth – pastor for over thirty years who currently lives in Wheaton, Illinois A ‘written’ sermon is a contradiction in terms; it is by definition a spoken event. After 25 years of preaching, Wilbur Ellsworth investigates why some sermons had greater impact than others. Could it be an over-reliance on notes? Would preaching without a written manuscript be shallow, full of clichés and repetitious? Surely ‘deep’ teaching needed more support than a poor memory could provide. Launching out in faith, Ellsworth started reducing his notes to the extent that they could be contained on one post-it note. The result? A learned colleague said that you would never have guessed how ‘so much effect could have come from a single change.’ ISBN 978-1-85792-604-0 | Large Trade | 144 Pages | PB | £9.99 $14.99

Power Preaching for Church Growth

The Role of Preaching in Growing Churches Revised updated Version David Eby – experienced pastor and Dean of Westminster Theological Seminary, Kampala Foreword by John MacArthur. Do pastors and church leaders today really need a wakeup call to return to the apostolic priorities of preaching and prayer as the primary means to accomplish church growth? In an age in which the church has become infatuated with pragmatism, success models, sociological methodologies, management techniques and marketing, the answer is a resounding ‘Yes.’ The goal of this book is to exhort and encourage pastors and church leaders to escape the full court press of expediency and to restart as offense of biblical priorities and methods. “David Eby has put his finger on something very crucial, namely the absence of any emphasis on preaching in the Church Growth Movement… Eby’s biblical approach is compelling” John Piper ISBN 978-1-84550-434-2 | Large Trade | 256 Pages | PB | £11.99 $17.99


Preaching For Revitalization

How to revitalize your church through your pulpit Michael F. Ross – Senior Pastor at Christ Covenant Church, Charlotte, North Carolina A new buzzword has appeared on the church scene – Revitalization. Used specifically about the local congregation, it carries with it the hope of renewed vigour, redirected purpose and the restoration of healthy growth over the entire life of the church. Mike examines historical and contemporary preaching and introduces a programme of change followed by practical steps to ‘rebirth’ the local church through revitalized preaching. “Wise, tested counsel from a minister who has put his method into practice...” Ligon Duncan “Both readable and extremely helpful. He does point out the appropriate ways to connect to the culture without being conformed by it.” Harry L. Reeder “This excellent book… We either heed the call or drift.” Robin Sydserff ISBN 978-1-84550-123-5 | Large Trade| 240 Pages| PB | £11.99 $17.99

Preaching the Living Word

Addresses from the Evangelical Ministry Assembly Edited by David Jackman with contributions by Dick Lucas, Alec Motyer, J. I. Packer, Peter Jensen, Bruce Milne, Mark Ashton and David Jackman This is a comprehensive overview of how to make preaching memorable, accurate and help the congregation to understand God’s Word in a biblically literate way. This will be an extremely helpful book for all who preach and for seminaries/colleges. The speakers are all able preachers and share their ideas about how to make the Bible relevant to the hearers. “These superb addresses are the pick of the crop. They are absolute gold dust.” Bishop Wallace Benn “provides the kind of instructive teaching and preaching which will serve to strengthen the ministry of the word of God everywhere.” Sinclair Ferguson “This excellent book is a joy to read.” Paul Gardner ISBN 978-1-85792-312-4 | Large Trade | 224 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

Preaching with Balance

Achieving and Maintaining Biblical Priorities in Preaching Donald L. Hamilton – Professor of Preaching, Columbia International University, South Carolina. “While perfection in preaching is an illusive dream, improvement is within the grasp of virtually everyone” Donald Hamilton Some books on preaching have you all fired up – only to leave you down in the dumps! Most preaching books seem more intent on just providing a boost to the preacher without giving advice on how to maintain an improvement in preaching. This book is different! It’s for those who preach to the same congregation week by week. Hamilton gives advice on setting up and maintaining an annual preaching plan, planning topical and linear sermon sets. It also includes a useful sermon evaluation form. ISBN 978-1-84550-265-2 | Large Trade | 416 Pages | PB | £12.99 $ 19.99

Preaching with Spiritual Vigour

Including lessons from the life and practice of Richard Baxter Murray A. Capill – New Zealander lecturing on preaching at the Reformed Theological College, Geelong, Australia Two trends are deadly to vital preaching – on the one hand a subjective entertainment orientation for the crutch of popularity: on the other a dry intellectual zimmer frame encouraging impressions of depth and thoughtfulness. We need guidance and help that doesn’t send us staggering after the latest fad. Richard Baxter was one of the Christian church’s models of pastoral practice, partly through his effectual preaching. Murray Capill set out to discover Baxter’s secret. After a thorough study of Baxter’s preaching ministry he has constructed a useful framework that we can follow. From this we can be inspired to discover a greater vigour in preaching. ISBN 978-1-85792-857-0 | Large Trade | 248 Pages | PB | £11.99 $17.99

Prepared to Preach

Spirit Empowered Preaching

God’s Work and Ours in Proclaiming His Word Greg Scharf – Professor and Chair of the department of Pastoral Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield Illinois A comprehensive, yet digestible, guide which focuses on the attitudes and skills those inexperienced in preaching need to develop without losing sight of the fact that it is what God does that is central to preaching. Scharf shows us how to prepare our minds, the congregation, the message, and the delivery of it. An essential read for a student, layperson, para-church worker or short-term missionary. “The keynote that Scharf strikes throughout is preparation: first the preparation of the preacher, and second, the preparation of the message… In the detailed chapters on preparing the message Scharf excels. His careful and logical approach will surely result in better preaching – there is no higher commendation for a book on preaching.” Robin Sydserff

Involving the Holy Spirit in your ministry Arturo G. Azurdia III – Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Director of Pastoral Mentoring at Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon If you desire that your preaching be lifted up to a position in which you are being used by the Spirit as a channel, then Arturo Azurdia can help you. “When you finish reading this book not only will you have a better idea of the role of the Spirit in preaching, but you will also know better how to preach in dependence on the Holy Spirit. Everyone who is preaching, or preparing to preach, needs to read this book”. Joseph A. Pipa “Arturo Azurdia believes that much modern preaching is powerless. Sadly, he is a searching and warm-hearted analysis he shows how the situation should and can be remedied.” John Blanchard

ISBN 978-1-84550-043-6 | Large Trade | 176 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-413-8 | Large Trade | 192 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99


The Word Became Fresh

How to preach from Old Testament narrative texts Dale Ralph Davis – Old Testament scholar and Pastor of Woodland Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, Mississippi “I am a bit puzzled over why many Christians seem to think the Old Testament is such a ‘problem’… For nearly two hundred years a sceptical brand of Old Testament criticism has largely held sway in our universities and divinity halls; it ‘un-goded’ the Old Testament, implied the Old Testament documents were extremely complex and involved, and managed to make Old Testament studies mostly boring, lifeless, and dull. Of course the occasional student finds this high priestly craft of Old Testament criticism attractive but many simply write the Old Testament off. If it’s as complicated as they have been taught then it is far too bewildering and esoteric for them to bother about – except for dipping into the Psalms for occasional funerals.” Dale Ralph Davis ISBN 978-1-84550-192-1 | 160 Pages | Large Trade | PB | £9.99 $15.99

Church Life Created for Worship

From Genesis to Revelation to You Noel Due – Senior Pastor, Coromanderal Baptist Church, Blackwood, South Australia A hugely important work in which Noel Due traces the theology of worship from Genesis to Revelation. He demonstrates its significance for the life and relationships of the people of God who should seek to aspire to worship God with all their being. “A careful, scholarly chronological analysis of biblical worship… His treatment of Scripture gives real authority to his practical recommendations for worship today, which the church should certainly heed.” John Frame “Here at last is a book about worship which truly honours and uplifts the Lord Jesus Christ as its central theme and object... blended with sharp, contemporary relevance. This tour de force of Biblical theology is a gale of fresh spiritual air: it is brilliant” David Jackman ISBN 978-1-84550-026-9 | Large Trade | 320 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

The Stain that Stays

The Church’s response to sexual misconduct John H. Armstrong – Director of Renew and formerly a Pastor for 20 years. Foreword by R. Kent Hughes Around the world sexual misconduct is knocking ministers from their ministry. As the numbers grow it is crucial to know what should happen to them – for their good and for the good of the Church. Should they return, repentant, to their pulpits within weeks or months – or should they return at all? “He has left no stone unturned and yet he has thrown no stones at fallen brothers.” Al Mohler “An important book on a crucial subject”. R. Kent Hughes “He makes a case that desperately needs to be heard”. Erwin Lutzer “He offers a thoughtful, biblical response – surely the finest book to date on this difficult subject”. John MacArthur ISBN 978-1-85792-583-8 | Large Trade | 204 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

Death or Glory

The church’s mission in Scotland’s Society Contributors: David Smith, David Bebbington, Will Storrar, Chris Wright, Peter Neilson, Andrew Bogle, John Mackinnon, David Anderson Today 14% of Scots still attend church but 44% of the population say that religion has only ‘a minor part’ to play in Scottish public life, 9% said it played ‘no part at all’ and only 8% felt that it played ‘a major part’. To see how this could be changed, a special conference for theologians and church leaders was convened. A range of experts examined what could be learnt from history and how the church could be effective against the contemporary cultural backdrop. This book is an edited collection of the contributions made to the conference. “Compelling, disturbing, and yet hopeful reading” Philip Hacking ISBN 978-1-85792-629-3 | Large Trade | 144 Pages | PB | £9.99 $15.99

Tongues Aflame

Learning to Preach from the Apostles Roger Wagner – Pastor of Bayview Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Chula Vista, California When you left seminary or took up your present pastorate you were going to set the church aflame with your sound Biblical exposition, your sweeping theological insights and your homiletical eloquence. To do so you have to preach like Paul – or Peter – or Stephen! Roger Wagner sets out to give you the insights you need to preach like those closest to Jesus. He first looks at the characteristics of New Testament preaching and then looks in more detail at 10 sermons preached in Acts by Peter (3), Paul (6) and Stephen. An appendix deals with how to preach to the modern, pluralist, materialist, pagan society we live in. Dissatisfied with your sermons? You too can preach like an Apostle! ISBN 978-1-85792-965-2 | Large Trade | 384 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

Reformed Theological Writings

R. A. Finlayson – late Professor of Systematic Theology, Free Church College, Edinburgh, Scotland R. A. Finlayson was one of the most influential figures in the Free Church of Scotland in the twentieth century. As a preacher, conference speaker, editor of The Monthly Record and as Professor of Systematic Theology at the Free Church College, he exercised a fruitful ministry both within and beyond his own denomination. He wrote over a thousand articles, 32 of which are in this volume. They are divided into 3 sections: General Theology, Issues Facing Evangelicals and The Westminster Confession of Faith. Here are none of the obscurities that often characterize academic theology: Finlayson was a gifted communicator. This book is a rich feast to nourish the people of God. “Penetrating and witty”. Carl Henry “brilliant gift for simple, logical....doctrine.” I. Howard Marshall ISBN 978-1-85792-259-2 | 272 Pages | Large Trade | PB | £11.99 $19.99


Through Western Eyes

Eastern Orthodoxy: a Reformed Perspective Robert Letham – Lecturer in Theology, Wales Evangelical School of Theology The culture of the Eastern Church, to many, is alien. Yet there are recognizable family resemblances. This book aims to start to get to know one another again from a Reformed Protestant perspective. There are significant areas of agreement – common allegiance to the triune God, the person of Christ, the authority of Scripture and the truth of the gospel. At the same time, there are many areas of disagreement. There are also misunderstandings on both sides, where we are not dealing accurately with what the other holds to be true. In drawing attention to the agreements and misunderstandings we may come to a better understanding of each other – on the assumption that the most important thing is to grow in our knowledge of Christ. ISBN 978-1-84550-247-8 | Large Trade | 320 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

Word to the World

The collected writings of William Barker William Barker – Professor of Church History: Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary The church is suffering from crises in identity, belief and government involvement – they are all connected. The reason the church has problems interacting with government is because it doesn’t understand its mission, history and authority. Barker, an internationally respected Professor of Church History, shows what the church should look for in creating proper relationships with governments, other faiths, the rest of society, divisions inside the church and the role of the Bible in defining the church’s faith. “Ambassadorial, wise, kind, careful and brilliant …a model, in both tone and content… as we engage with a hostile postmodern culture.” Ligon Duncan “A valuable lesson in how practical a study of church history can be.” Iain D. Campbell ISBN 978-1-84550-050-4 | Large Trade | 320 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

Christian Life The Healing Promise

Is it always God’s will to Heal? Richard Mayhue – Senior Vice-President of the Master’s Seminary and College, Sun Valley, California. He is the Professor of Theology and Pastoral Ministries. God can heal. This is truth clearly evident from Scripture. Healing Promise provides straight answers without compromising the Bible or God’s miraculous power. This book includes the following features: A special interview with Joni Eareckson Tada where she talks about coping with the attitudes towards healing she encounters every day. A chapter by Andre Kole, the man behind David Copperfield’s illusions, on techniques used in healing meetings. A special interview with John and Patricia MacArthur about their experiences when Patricia was badly injured in a car accident. “It abounds with helpful anecdotes yet its theology is scriptural…warmly commended.” Evangelical Times

Is Anyone of You Sick?

What should happen when a Christian is ill? Dilwyn Price – late Medical Practitioner and Church leader who observed Christian healing from close quarters An authoritative book because Dilwyn Price was a church Elder, experienced in counselling sick people, a doctor, and also suffered from medically incurable cancer. A beautifully observed, devotionally studied and practically applied book on an emotional subject. “An inspirational journey... full of practical insights.” Patrick Dixon “a gem of a book bringing fresh insights to the whole area of Biblical healing for today’s real world. It is sensible, balanced and positive, yet sounds all the cautions you would want expressed” Patrick Johnstone ISBN 978-1-85792-242-4 | Large Trade | 160 Pages | PB | £9.99 $15.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-302-5 | Large Trade | 256 Pages | PB | £11.99 $17.99

Powers in Encounter with Power

Spiritual Warfare in Pagan Cultures Michael O. Fape – Anglican minister at University of Ibadan, Nigeria, with degrees from Yale, Aberdeen and Ibadan Universities What happens when the spiritual powers of a Pagan culture come up against the power of God? Michael Fape answers this question using his extensive knowledge of African tribal societies steeped in generations of witch doctors, shamans and animist superstition. The African spiritual perspectives are fascinating and give insights into the way God works through the spiritual realm. This book will give you confidence in God’s provision for us when we come up against anti-Christian powers. “A very thorough treatment of this important subject. What makes [it] especially valuable is his combination of Biblical and African perspectives together with his personal confidence in the decisive overthrow of the powers of darkness by Christ at the cross.” John Stott ISBN 978-1-85792-873-0 | Large Trade | 192 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99

Territorial Spirits and World Evangelisation

A Critique of Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare Chuck Lowe – lecturer at Singapore Bible College Over the last two decades, a new theory and practice of spiritual warfare has taken hold around the world. This teaching proposes the existence of ’territorial spirits’. Along with the theory has come a new practice of spiritual warfare, ruling demons are named, their territories identified, and they are then bound or cursed. As a result evangelism and mission are said to proceed rapidly with dramatic results. Chuck Lowe examines the full range of evidence cited in promotion of this teaching and proposes that the theory and practice cannot be sustained from Scripture or mission history. “I am pleased to commend this careful examination of a controversial subject.” Nigel M. de S. Cameron ISBN 978-1-85792-399-5 | Large Trade | 192 Pages | PB | £10.99 $17.99


Church History NEW

The Erosion of Calvinist Orthodoxy

Drifting from Truth in confessional Scottish Churches Ian Hamilton – minister, Cambridge Presbyterian Church, England This revealing read will give you an opportunity to learn from history. How do strong confessional churches that seem to be doing all the right things drift inexorably from the truth? Looking at a Scottish church, this fascinating study shows that it doesn’t happen over night but it is a gradual erosion of theological and doctrinal standards and serves as a timely warning to all. “Ian Hamilton’s study of nineteenth century Scottish Presbyterianism is a timely reminder: revisions of confessions and terms of subscription have often proved to be anything but friendly towards a robust Christianity, a point made here with scholarly grace and theological acumen.” Carl Trueman, Professor of Historical Theology and Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ISBN 978-1-84550-514-1 | Large Trade | 224 Pages | PB | £11.99 $17.99

The Baptists

Tom Nettles – Professor of Historical Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky Large Trade | HB | £17.99 $29.99

The Baptists Volume 1

Beginnings in Britain What is a Baptist? Tom Nettles seeks to answer this fascinating question through examining the lives of some of the most high-profile and influential Baptists in history. In the first of three volumes, Nettles establishes a clearly identifiable profile of Baptists, by looking at many influential spokesmen for Baptist lives who embraced the Bible as an unerring divine revelation. From John Spilsbury to William Carey, Tom takes us on an enlightening journey through the origin and expansion of the Baptist church. This is wonderfully informative and, through the profiles of God-honouring historical figures, it serves as encouragement to all Christians today. ISBN 978-1-85792-995-9 | Large Trade | 392 Pages | HB | £17.99 $29.99

Puritan Profiles

54 contemporaries of the Westminster Assembly William Barker – Professor of Church History, Emeritus at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Biographical profiles of 54 members of the conference that produced the well-known Westminster Confession of Faith. The book also contains photographs, maps and information boxes. Individuals dealt with include Samuel Rutherford, Thomas Goodwin, Thomas Watson, John Owen, John Bunyan and many more. “C.S. Lewis once accused our age of ‘chronological snobbery’ for failing to learn from or value the past, but no one will want to remain snobbish after reading Dr Barker’s splendid vignettes… read them and come away a stronger person.” James Montgomery Boice “These well-researched biographies add immeasurably to our historical appreciation of the Westminster Assembly” David Clyde Jones, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri “Scholarly, comprehensive, authoritative, and well documented, this volume stands unique as a reference source”. Rev. Myung Doh Kim, Korean American Presbyterian Church

The Baptists Volume 2

Beginnings in America Volume 2 of Tom Nettles’ trilogy tells the story of Baptist beginnings in America and looks at the inspirational contributions of those such as Lottie Moon and Ann Judson – who shared the views of English Baptist but were able to achieve the separation of church and state. The first Great Awakening produced massive growth of Baptists in New England, the Middle Colonies (particularly the South) and around the world. This work will be a valuable addition for college, seminary, home and church libraries. “Careful research, clarity of thought, and inspirational quality are evident throughout, and these qualities commend ‘The Baptists’ as a great blessing to readers in the 21st century, nearing the precise date of four hundred years of Baptist heritage.” C. Berry Driver, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas ISBN 978-1-84550-073-3 | Large Trade | 512 Pages | HB | £17.99 $29.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-191-5 | Large Trade | 320 Pages | HB | £15.99 $24.99

The Baptists Volume 3

Jesus Rose From the Dead

The Evidence Catherine MacKenzie This book will help you find out the truth about the Resurrection and what it means. This truth is not only amazing – it also makes sense! ISBN 978-1-84550-537-0 £4.99 $7.99 See our CF4K Imprint Catalogue for our full range of children and youth books. 20

The Modern Era In the final part of Tom Nettles’ trilogy he traces some of the modern movements that have led to contemporary Baptist expression. He looks at the downgrade in the British church through the lenses of C.H. Spurgeon, John Clifford and the decline in America, looking at the influences of A.H. Strong, E.Y. Mullins and the Baptist modernists. Results in church and society are explored that inevitably formulate out of Baptist theology (e.g. the separation of church and state). The ‘renewed contours’ of the present-day Baptist movement are explored with particular reference to recent changes in the Southern Baptist Convention. This series is a triumph! It identifies how the Baptist movement came to be where it is today and those who were the major influencers upon it. ISBN 978-1-84550-211-9 | Large Trade | 464 Pages | HB | £17.99 $29.99

Introduction “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) and you can do exactly this as you read our classics, learning from and valuing what has gone before. These books represent some of the best material from the rich heritage of the Christian church. The material is presented in an attractive, accessible form, they are collected in accordance with a careful commitment to our mission statement staying faithful and William Mackenzie, reaching out. We have a wide range of authors: Managing Director Spurgeon, John Owen, Matthew Henry, J. C. Ryle, F. B. Meyer, John Bunyan and more. Please see below for our set of devotions as well as the Spurgeon’s popular daily readings on p22. The perfect gifts for a colleague or friend.

Christian Heritage Devotionals Spurgeon John Owen E. M. Bounds Thomas Boston Matthew Henry Large Print Martyn Lloyd-Jones R. M. McCheyne J. C. Ryle Other Christian Heritage Titles Index

Pages 21-22 22-23 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27-29 30-31

Devotionals NEW

George Whitefield Daily Readings

Edited by Randall Pederson The first devotional compiled solely from Whitefield’s works and provides an excellent introduction to the spirituality of this eighteenth-century evangelical. This will encourage, inspire and challenge the reader each day. Bible passages are based upon the ESV. Includes Scripture index. ISBN 978-1-84550-580-6 160 x 110mm | 384 Pages | £11.99 $19.99

Our Daily Walk

F. B. Meyer A treasury of wisdom distilled into brief and memorable topical readings, which can be enjoyed by anyone - whether they have an hour to meditate or five minutes of peace in a hectic schedule. “We can all start afresh! However far we have ascended, there is something higher; and however we have fallen, it is always possible to make a fresh start. We need to take our place in the School of Christ and be taught by him.” F. B. Meyer


ISBN 978-1-84550-579-0 Large Trade | 400 pages | HB | £11.99 $19.99

The Shepherd’s Psalm, F. B. Meyer

ISBN 978-1-84550-054-2 | Mass Market | 112 pages | PB | £4.99 $6.99

In Green Pastures

Devotional Readings for everyday of the year J. R. Miller (1840-1912) – popular and gifted devotional writer of his time. This is a simple, accessible and tender devotional book that will enhance your quiet times. Miller offers a wealth of practical wisdom for our daily lives – challenging us to seek to follow Christ’s example every day of the year. In an increasingly hectic world this is a book that will help you regain a better tempo: aiding you to come into the presence of the Lord – and become a presence for him in the world. ISBN 978-1-84550-032-0 Mass Market | 240 pages | HB | £8.99 $15.99


Matthew Henry Daily Readings

Edited by Randall Peterson Matthew Henry is one of the best known of our spiritual ancestors. His Commentary on the whole Bible is still a staple book for those seeking understanding of God’s word to the world. A devotion for each day of the year which will nourish your spiritual life. Bible passages are based upon the ESV. Now with Scripture Index. ISBN 978-1-84550-509-7 160 x 110mm | 384 Pages | $19.99 See Page 25 for more Matthew Henry titles

Daily Prayers

F. B. Meyer – Introduction by David H. Calhoun with a sketch of F. B. Meyer’s life The book comprises a set of prayers for every day of the year. These encourage us to pray not only for ourselves but others too. “These prayers are scripture based and scripture enriched, often using the very words of scripture and always following the teaching of the Bible. By use of these prayers, one may learn how to pray in deeper, more profound, more scriptural language.” D. H. Calhoun ISBN 978-1-84550-287-4 170 x125mm | 232 pages | HB | £7.99 $11.99 See our Biography in History Makers, FB Meyer: If I had a hundred lives

Day by Day with J. C. Ryle

A New Daily Devotional of Ryle’s Writings J.C. Ryle – Edited by Eric Russell J. C. Ryle has become one of the most-loved of British authors on church matters. He remains in print because Ryle is able to touch the person in the street with clear teaching on doctrinal matters. He shows how the Bible is relevant. The writings of Ryle have been arranged by Eric Russell (Ryle’s biographer) according to themes that help develop the reader’s understanding on a topic. ISBN 978-1-85792-959-1 Large Trade | 400 pages | PB | £11.99 $17.99 See Page 26 for more J. C. Ryle titles


Focus on Charles Haddon Spurgeon C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892), the ‘prince of preachers’, was one of the most influential preachers in the second half of the nineteenth century. His books have sold in tens of thousands around the world. He was a campaigner against liberal theology, pastor of Metropolitan Tabernacle, founder of a Pastor’s College (now known as Spurgeon’s College), 2 orphanages, an old peoples home and several mission stations.

Morning and Evening

A special gift edition of Spurgeon’s classic devotional containing a wealth of biblical teaching from two portions of Scripture each day – with applications that are very relevant for contemporary Christians. Spurgeon’s characteristically pithy comments hit home with a wit and elegance rarely found in other writing. Christians young and old will find his comments challenging, stimulating and direct. Tan/Blue ISBN 978-1-84550-183-9


His sermons drew thousands to his church and, when printed, sold in millions to people in the streets. A hundred years later he is still one of the most popular Christian authors in print. At the heart of Spurgeon’s desire to preach, though, was his real love for people. He did not regard people as merely souls to be saved but he loved them and wanted the best for them.

ISBN 978-1-84550-015-3

Black ISBN 978-1-84550-013-9

Burgundy ISBN 978-1-84550-014-6

Luxury Gloss Black NEW ISBN 978-1-85792-125-0 768 Pages | Diary Format £14.99 $22.99 each Gloss Black £14.99 $24.99

Chequebook of the Bank of Faith

Spurgeon wrote this selection of daily readings to encourage believers to enter into the full provision that their relationship to Jesus entitled them to realise - on a daily basis. He explains that we have to present the promises of Scripture to God in prayer and faith - anticipating that he will honour what he has said. Tan/Burgundy


ISBN 978-1-84550-071-9 ISBN 978-1-84550-070-2 384 pages | Diary Format | £11.99 $19.99

According to Promise

Around the Wicket Gate

God’s Promises to Every Christian These promises are for every believer, yet we all admit to not fully experiencing what has been promised. Spurgeon will help you to appreciate that all God’s promises are the birthright of each Christian. We can measure what God does by his generous promises – not by our level of expectation.

Help for those who only know about Christ This book has immeasurable value to those who have some knowledge of the Christian Faith yet who are resisting God’s call to commit their lives to him. No Christian should be without a copy, to either lend, or give away, to a friend. It has been used effectively to help any who may be ‘lingering at the gate.’

ISBN 978-1-85792-275-2 Mass Market | 128 Pages | PB | £5.99 $7.99

ISBN 978-0-90673-154-3 Mass Market | 80 pages | PB | £4.99 $6.99

All of Grace

An earnest word with those seeking salvation An earnest word with those seeking salvation. It has been written to show clearly how much we all need grace and how much grace is available for our needs. The writer would like to compel us, by his words, to come to Jesus Christ and receive that grace. A classic on a great subject written by one of the greatest preachers who ever lived. ISBN 978-1-87167-627-3 Mass Market | 128 pages | PB | £5.99 $7.99

Christ’s Glorious Achievements

What Jesus has done for you A popular view of Christianity is that it is about rules; ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’. If that’s what you think, then you have a lot to learn. The key to understanding Christianity is not something we have to do but rather something that Jesus Christ has already achieved on our behalf. Spurgeon’s books have been reprinted hundreds of times and countless thousands today find his style sharp, witty and easily readable. ISBN 978-1-87167-628-0 Mass Market | 192 pages | PB | £5.99 $7.99


Come Ye Children

Practical help telling children about Jesus Spurgeon was never afraid to speak out on issues that affected the church of his day. Here, he tackles the questions of training young people. How do we keep their interest in church? What kind of example do we set? What kind of people should be training our children? A valuable aid for parents, teachers and youth leaders. ISBN 978-1-84550-512-7 Mass Market |160 pages | PB | £5.99 $8.99

The Complete John Ploughman

Combined edition of John Ploughman’s Talk and John Ploughman’s Pictures This is the complete volume that contains the timeless text of two books. With wit and wisdom, Charles Spurgeon is able to make biblical principles easy to understand. The talks are based on a down-to-earth, hardworking ploughman writing about moral issues. Also includes illustrations included in the original editions of both books. Spurgeon was a formidable communicator – read him at his best! ISBN 978-1-84550-278-2 Trade | 320 pages | PB | £7.99 $12.99

Counsel for Christian Workers

Spurgeon did not regard people as merely souls to be saved; he loved people, and wanted the best for them. His concern for the welfare of people particularly extended to those involved in Christian ministry. Counsel for Christian Workers was produced for people involved in a variety of Christian work. It contains Spurgeon’s clear-sighted and pithy analysis and viewpoints on the issues that face such people. Here is wisdom that will continue to help Christian workers achieve greater things in their ministry.

Lectures to my Students

Spurgeon realised that he could influence the church beyond his lifetime if he could encourage future pastors to trust the bible, love people and preach the truth fearlessly. To achieve this he collected his lectures to his college students and published this book. It has been a classic of pastoral theology ever since and is still used to train ministers to this day. ISBN 978-1-85792-417-6 Large Trade | 512 Pages | PB | £19.99 $29.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-652-1 Mass Market | 128 pages | PB | £5.99 $7.99


Only a Prayer meeting

Studies on prayer meetings and addresses. Spurgeon’s midweek addresses were more informal in tone than his Sunday sermons. They are classic Spurgeon – but in a shorter format. This volume is divided into 4 sections - 1) addresses on prayer and prayer meetings. 2) expositions of scripture, 3) incidents and illustrations, 4) addresses on practical matters in the church. A charming, challenging and cheering collection - a starting place for everyday Christian living and a life of prayer.

The Saint and his Saviour

The work of the Spirit in the Life of the Christian Spurgeon takes us through the whole process of the work of the Spirit in a believer’s life, from his first experience of the Lord, and then through the at times tumultuous process of conversion, to the deepening knowledge of the presence of the saviour with his people. With a love for people and for telling about the saviour, Spurgeon lays down a challenge to the unbeliever at every point. ISBN 978-1-87167-601-3 Large Trade | 320 pages | PB | £7.99 $12.99

Paperback ISBN 978-1-84550-578-3 | Large Trade | 252 pages | £7.99 £12.99 Hardback ISBN 978-1-85792-505-0 | Large Trade | 252 pages | £9.99 £15.99

The Soul Winner

Spurgeon was one of the most effective evangelists of all time. Under his ministry, Victorian London saw revival on a scale never seen since. Yet Spurgeon would be the first to recognise that without God at work he could do nothing. The Soul Winner is a collection of his lectures to help people think through how God works and provides advice on evangelism and preaching.

The Most Holy Place

Sermons on the Songs of Solomon A collection of Sermons preached by Spurgeon on the Song of Solomon during his ministry in London. They are Spurgeon at his best: pithy, vibrant, engaging, arresting and driven by the desire of the preacher for his hearers to know his Christ. ISBN 978-1-85792-195-3 Large Trade | 608 pages | HB | £19.99 $29.99

ISBN 978-1-87167-695-2 Trade | 256 Pages | PB | £7.99 $12.99

Spurgeon’s Prayers

Including Advice on how to improve Prayer meetings. Listening to someone else pray gives you an insight into their mind, their hopes, concerns, and an understanding of their relationship with God. Although Spurgeon never intended these prayers to be a pattern or example, you can learn a lot about how to pray by studying their structure and content. Each short prayer shows you his knowledge of the Bible and his understanding of human needs. ISBN 978-1-85792-041-3 Trade | 160 pages | PB | £5.99 $9.99

Till He Come

A Collection of Communion Addresses When Spurgeon spoke at communion meetings they were often times of great solemnity, sometimes times of rejoicing, but always times when God’s presence was at work amongst the assembled congregation. He was not only a great orator but also a man with a warm pastoral heart. The times together around the Lord ’s Table were times when both features came together in rejoicing as he urged the congregation to think once more about the great event they were celebrating. ISBN 978-1-85792-748-1 | Large Trade | 256 pages | HB | £9.99 $15.99


Focus on John Owen John Owen’s (1616-1683) books are widely read. He writes about key issues which he has wrestled with and then is able to provide us with coherent and comprehensive theological reflections. New layouts and subtitles make them more accessible for todays readers.

The Mortification of Sin

A Puritan’s View on how to Deal with the Sin in Your Life John Owen insisted on the importance of the Christian dealing effectively with their sinful tendencies and attitudes. He believed that God, through his Word and Spirit, had provided the guidelines and the power for this to be achieved. In this book, John Owen effectively dismisses various excuses for not engaging in self-scrutiny and yet avoids the current trend of self-absorption. “I owe more to John Owen than to any other theologian, ancient or modern, and I owe more to this little book than to anything else he wrote.” J. I. Packer ISBN 978-1-85792-107-6 | Mass Market | 176 Pages | PB | £5.99 $8.99 See Christian Focus Imprint Catalogue for our History Maker series which includes: John Owen Prince of Puritans by Andrew Thomson ISBN 978-1-85792-267-7 | Trade | 192 Pages | PB | £6.99 $11.99

“Owen was by common consent the weightiest Puritan theologian, and many would bracket him with Jonathan Edwards as one of the greatest Reformed theologians of all time. Born in 1616, he entered Queen’s college, Oxford, at the age of twelve and secured his M.A. in 1635, when he was 19…In 1637, he became a pastor; was a chaplain to Oliver Cromwell and in 1651 he was made the Dean of Christ Church, Oxford’s largest College. In 1652 he was given the additional post of Vice-Chancellor of the University, which he then reorganized with conspicuous success. After 1660 he led the independents through the bitter years of persecution till his death in 1683”. J. I. Packer


The Priesthood of Christ

Its necessity and its nature Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson John Owen is notable for taking themes that others had often wrestled with, and writing with refreshing clarity and depth on such themes. He does the same here with the ‘Priesthood of Christ’. Having studied Hebrews in great depth and written a commentary on Hebrews, John Owen is able to give us a comprehensive guide. He explains how the Old Testament themes such as Law and Covenant can relate to Christ’s office of Priest.

ISBN 978-1-84550-599-8 | Large Trade | 352 Pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

Communion with God

Fellowship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson In 1657, John Owen produced one of his finest devotional treatises, examining the Christian’s communion with God through the Trinity. He says that our relationship with God the Father is primarily through love and faith, with the Son through fellowship and grace and with the Spirit primarily through comfort and sanctification. This is a ground-breaking and controversial work history has proved right. “Especially noteworthy are the frequent headings and subheadings that break up the long text and help the reader along” Shepherd Scrapbook Blog “The beauty of John Owen’s Theology, and most of all, the beauty of the love of God in Christ to us shines through. I shall enthusiastically be recommending this new volume to my class.” Douglas F. Kelly ISBN 978-1-84550-209-6 | Large Trade | 432 pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

The Glory of Christ

The Holy Spirit

His Office and Grace Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson To see the glory of Christ is one of the greatest privileges that a Christian can enjoy – but is rarely felt. May, God by his Word and Spirit give you such a sense of his uncreated glory, blazing forth in Christ, that you will be satisfied and filled with joy. “Being dead, Owen still speaks and continues to challenge us to be satisfied with nothing less, ultimately, than seeing the glory of Christ.” Sinclair B. Ferguson. “It has one other notable feature and that is an introduction by Sinclair Ferguson explaining who Owen was and how to read his book...I commend that book to you very warmly and anything that I’ve learned of the Glory of Christ you will find elaborated considerably there.” Eric Alexander

His Gifts and Power Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson “Part of the contemporary value of Owen’s work lies in the way it gives us biblical teaching and principles that can be applied to what we observe in the life of churches today. He provides the tools we need to be discerning Christians in an undiscerning world. In the pages that follow you will find yourself quarrying theological treasures and spiritual riches from the Owen goldmine” From the Introduction “I assert unhesitatingly that the man who wants to study experimental theology will find no books equal to those of Owen for complete scriptural and exhaustive treatment of the subjects they handle. If you wish to study thoroughly the doctrine of sanctification I make no apology for strongly recommending Owen on the Holy Spirit” J. C. Ryle

ISBN 978-1-85792-474-9 | Large Trade | 288 pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-475-6 | Large Trade | 384 pages | PB | £11.99 $19.99


Thomas Boston (1676-1732) Art of Man Fishing

A Puritans View of Evangelism “The ‘scribble’ (as Boston called it) was published in 1773. Since then it has been hailed as a masterpiece on ministry… The idea of a preacher of 22 producing a spiritual masterpiece is startling, no doubt, but Boston was an unusual man.” From the introduction by J. I. Packer. This book is a challenge to preachers and laymen to remain persistent in sharing the gospel with unsaved people. ISBN 978-1-85792-106-9 Mass Market | 112 pages | PB | £4.99 $7.99


Turning from Sin to God: What it means and why it’s necessary The most important message for every person is the need for repentance. With this wonderfully precise exposition, Boston, opens up a multitude of Scripture passages on an issue that is of immeasurable importance. It is the duty of every Christian to tell the world of the impending judgement that awaits everyone. Ours is a call for repentance and a message of hope and assurance that can only be found in Christ. ISBN 978-1-85792-517-3 Trade | 224 pages | PB | £6.99 $10.99

E. M. Bounds (1835-1913) The Essentials of Prayer

Foreword by Richard Bewes E. M. Bounds books on prayer have been in print for over 100 years. “Prayer takes in man in his whole being, mind, soul and body and prayer affects the entire man in its gracious results… The men of olden times who wrought well in prayer, who brought the largest things to pass, who moved God to do great things, were those who were entirely given over to God in their praying..” Edward McKendree Bounds ISBN 978-1-84550-207-2 Trade | 144 pages | PB | £5.99 $9.99

Matthew Henry (1662-1714) The Covenant of Grace

– Edited by Allan Harman. Includes a biographical introduction. These previously unpublished sermons of Matthew Henry’s are a revealing and deeply spiritual work on that most fundamental of doctrines. Discover more about God’s promise of grace with memorable quotations which will stay with you. ISBN 978-1-85792-796-2 Large Trade | 420 pages | HB | £15.99 $24.99

Family Religion

Puritan principles for raising a godly family You are a Christian – How do you look after your family? In this collection of Matthew Henry’s writings on family life, he expounds good sense and gives us better patterns for our devotional, practical and spiritual needs. Henry believes that a spiritual home can help grow the Church and enable the whole community to live peaceably. ISBN 978-1-84550-313-0 Large Trade | 272 Pages | PB | £8.99 $14.99

Method For Prayer

Freedom in the face of God Edited by Ligon Duncan The great devotional commentator and pastor shows that Christians can benefit from discipline just as much as talking freely with God. You will discover the methods Jesus taught by looking at styles of prayer and see helpful examples. Ligon Duncan has incorporated some of Henry’s other work on prayer. ISBN 978-1-85792-068-0 Large Trade | 320 pages | PB | £8.99 $14.99

The Necessity of Prayer

Foreword by Richard Bewes “Nothing distinguishes the Children of God so clearly and strongly as prayer. It is the one fallible mark and test of being a Christian…It is an assertion of the soul’s paternity, a claiming of the sonship, which links man to the eternal... He does not pray, he is a sinner, pure and simple, for prayer is the only way in which the soul of man can enter into fellowship and communion with source of all Christ-like energy” Edward McKendree Bounds

ISBN 978-1-84550-208-9 Trade | 144 pages | PB | £5.99 $9.99

Large Print Editions God Can Be Trusted

Valuable Counsel on God’s Faithfulness George Muller George Muller’s reliance upon faith in God is legendary. Equally apparent was the blessing God showered on this faithful man. This book shows how the God of Israel is the same one that we trust in and his promises are everlasting. If you trust in God you will be safe. ISBN 978-1-87167-655-6 Mass Market | 80 pages | PB | £3.99 $5.99

Our Glorious Lord

F. B. Meyer Some of the greatest encouragements to Christians are the awesome resources of God. No matter the extent of our needs, or life threatening our situation, God’s abundance provides for us. Whether we marvel about the feast provided for desert wanderers in ancient Egypt, or take courage from his goodness to us today, we can all benefit from the contemplation of a glorious Lord. ISBN 978-1-85792-103-8 Mass Market | 160 pages | PB | £3.99 $6.99

Songs of the Heart

A Selection of Great Hymns For centuries, Christians have read and sung hymns of praise to God. These hymns are often full of joy and hope. Sometimes too, they tell of the greatness of God and his redeeming love for his own folk. This collection is one that will inspire you, comfort you and help you to rejoice in God’s everlasting care for you. ISBN 978-1-87167-660-0 Mass Market | 96 pages | PB | £3.99 $5.99


J. C Ryle(1816-1900)

Robert Murray McCheyne (1813-1843)

Are You Ready for the End of Time?

A Basket of Fragments

ISBN 978-1-85792-747-4 Trade | 192 pages | PB | £6.99 $10.99

ISBN 978-0-90673-103-1 Large Trade | 200 pages | PB | £7.99 $10.99

Understanding future events from prophetic passages of the Bible J. C. Ryle, one of the foremost Bible teachers of the last 200 years, turns his attention to the future. He investigates the nature of Biblical prophecy, signs of the End Times, the Second Coming of Christ and the future state of the Church. He gives you an 11 point plan for understanding Biblical prophecy but he is careful not to push his interpretation of the texts beyond what they can bear, avoiding anything speculative or conjectural.


Being ‘Born Again’: What it means and why it’s necessary J. C. Ryle was able to master the difficult task of being firm in his beliefs and loving in the application of them. He explains in this powerful work, what being ‘born again’ means, why it is necessary and how you can tell whether you are. By using his supreme art of gentle persuasion, he considers how the people’s objections to the doctrine should be overcome.

This selection of sermons was first published five years after McCheyne’s death. They were compiled from the notes taken down by hearers but ‘without the least view to publication’. One advantage of this is that they bring before us the extemporaneous pleadings with sinners in which few so greatly excelled, as did McCheyne. These sermons are stamped with eternity; they are the expression of one upon whose heart the weight of perishing sinners pressed and who earnestly longed for their conversion.

Comfort in Sorrow

We have all needed comfort at some time in our lives. People search for this in all sorts of places, from the psychobabble of self-help to the oblivion of alcohol, but the only completely satisfying source is found in the Bible. McCheyne looks at the story of Lazarus’ death, offering us tremendous encouragement and pointing us to the one true source of comfort – Jesus. ISBN 978-1-85792-012-3 Trade | 128 pages | PB | £5.99 $8.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-741-2 Mass Market | 128 pages | PB | £5.99 $8.99


How to you know you are a Christian It is right to have confidence in your Christian life, if that confidence stems from God’s saving power. J. C. Ryle shows us that assurance is something every Christian should desire. There are steps we can take in our search for that goal; these are clearly marked out for us by Ryle. Do you know that you are part of God’s family? ISBN 978-1-87167-605-1 Mass Market | 144 Pages | PB | £5.99 $9.99

From the Preacher’s Heart

A series of 64 sermons and 4 lectures McCheyne has become a key figure in the history of preaching. His sermons are sought after because today passion in preaching is often equated with falsity. In these sermons you can detect the ring of Biblical authenticity, of a pastor’s love for those to whom he is speaking. The 4 additional lectures deal with the 10 virgins, the family of Bethany (Mary, Martha and Lazarus), the Good Shepherd and the town of Capernaum. ISBN 978-1-85792-025-3 Large Trade | 536 pages | HB | £19.99 $29.99

Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) Faith on Trial

Are you struggling with or wondering about injustice in the world? Then join Martyn LloydJones as he looks at Psalm 73 – which deals with the question ‘why do good people suffer unjustly and others get away with it?’ The psalmist, Asaph, reveals his own ‘no holds-barred’ feelings and leads us step by step from near despair to final assurance. A useful resource for preachers and counsellors. ISBN 978-1-84550-375-8 Trade | 176 Pages | PB | £5.99 $9.99

ISBN 978-1-85792-258-5 Large Trade | 448 pages | PB | £9.99 $16.99

The Plight of Man and the Power of God

The Seven Churches of Asia

ISBN 978-1-84550-439-7 Trade | 128 Pages | PB | £5.99 $9.99

ISBN 978-0-90673-151-2 Mass Market | 96 Pages | PB | £4.99 6.99

“We must rouse ourselves and realize afresh that though our Gospel is timeless and changeless, it nevertheless is always contemporary. We must meet the present situation and we must speak a word to the world that none else can speak.” Martyn Lloyd-Jones This is a message you will want to read again and again!


Mission of Discovery

The beginning of Modern Jewish Evangelism McCheyne with Bonar Edited by Allan Harman. The journal of Bonar and McCheyne’s ‘Mission of Inquiry’ 1839. This epic chronicle has a fascination that stems from the attention to detail both men had for what they saw. It is part travel book, adventure story and social history. This is an absorbing story of the scattered Jewish people of the mid 19th century and the problems of travel in politically unstable situations.

From one of Scotland’s greatest preachers, Robert Murray McCheyne, we have this fascinating collection of sermons that were preached during a period of great revival in Scotland. With seven sermons, one on each of the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea - offered valuable insights into the distinctives of these early church situations.

Other Christian Heritage Titles NEW

Marrow of Modern Divinity

Edward Fisher (1627-1655) Penned as dialogue between a minister (Evangelista), a young Christian (Neophytus), a legalist (Nomista) who believes Christianity is a set of rules to be obeyed and Antinomista who thinks it’s okay to sin because God will forgive him anyway, it makes for a wonderfully insightful book that remains tremendously relevant for our world today. This edition includes explanatory notes by the famous puritan Thomas Boston, an Introduction by Philip Ryken and an historical Introduction by William Vandoodewaard. “ of the most important theological texts of all time” Derek Thomas “Anyone who comes to grips with the issues raised in The Marrow of Modern Divinity will almost certainly grow by leaps and bounds in understanding three things: the grace of God, the Christian life, and the very nature of the gospel itself.” Sinclair B. Ferguson


A Hidden Life of Prayer

The Life-blood of the Christian David McIntyre (1859-1938) – Scottish Preacher Drawing on the experiences of people like Luther, Spurgeon, Muller, Whitefield and Wesley, the author presses the case for a greater commitment to prayer. His advice could be a catalyst towards a change in the world around you. “I have read The Hidden Life of Prayer again and again since Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia first gave it to me when I visited there as a prospective student forty years ago. Every time I read this book, the Lord uses it to deepen my prayer life and encourage my faith. I strongly recommend it!” Wayne Grudem “This little jewel-strewn tapestry has done for me at 64 what Bounds’ Power Through Prayer did at 34. I could be ashamed that I need inspiration for the highest privilege. But I choose to be thankful.” John Piper ISBN 978-1-84550-586-8 | Trade | 128 Pages | PB | £6.99 $10.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-479-3 | 390 Pages | 230 x 184mm | HB | £19.99 $29.99

The Story of the Scottish Reformation


A. M. Renwick – professor of Church History at the Free Church of Scotland College in Edinburgh An opportunity to read of lives transformed as they became convicted of the gospel truth and in turn led them to serve God, this book also shows how today’s society has benefited from the spiritual and social changes that occurred at this time. “I am delighted to see this classic study of the Scottish Reformation by Prof. Renwick come back into print…It is written with the two qualities Calvin desired for his own literary productions: clarity and brevity” Douglas F. Kelly “Its depth of research, extent of coverage and clarity of presentation, all combine to make Renwick’s study one of the finest and most eminently readable introductions available on this most exciting period in Scotland’s history.” Tom Lennie, author of ‘Glory in the Glen, A History of Evangelical Revivals in Scotland 1880-1940’

The Abiding Presence

Hugh Martin (1822-1885) Discover again the life and words of Jesus from Matthew’s Gospel. Words, which come with power to people in every condition and that he, is present with his people in every condition. No ordinary book of memoirs concludes with the promise, ‘I am with you always, even to the end of the world.’ But the biography of Jesus is no mere commemoration of the departed; his promise makes the Evangelists’ account a living history. “Take the Gospel record in your hands”, says Hugh Martin, “and you have the means of causing you to realize Christ’s presence.” “Hugh Martin.. leads us to a fuller and richer understanding of the person, ministry and sacrifice of Jesus – and with that a deeper faith and a more fervent love for him. This, then, is a work to treasure, one that repays reading and re-reading.” Sinclair B. Ferguson ISBN 978-1-84550-469-4 | Large Trade | 240 Pages | PB | £6.99 $12.99

ISBN 978-1-84550-598-1 | Trade | 224 Pages | PB | £7.99 $12.99


Intercession of Christ

Christ, A complete Saviour John Bunyan (1628-1688) Biographical Introduction by William S. Barker. Bunyan wrote extensively on topical theological and practical matters, issues that faced the church in his time, which face us still. The Intercession of Christ is one of these works. In it Bunyan traces the nature of Jesus’ intercession, who it should affect, the benefits it gives us and how effective that intercession is. Bunyan is also keen to show the interferences of the doctrine on such subjects as backsliding, how Christ’s intervention is affected when we continue to sin, and there sins of God’s people worse than the sins of others.

ISBN 978-1-84550-544-8 | Trade | 128 Pages | PB | £5.99 $7.99

Life of God in the Soul of Man

Henry Scougal – (1630-1657) Professor of Divinity Aberdeen University Introduction by J. I. Packer. A timeless classic, originally written to encourage a friend and stimulate his spiritual life. In it Scougal explains the four essential characteristics of divine life, their excellence, their advantages and the practical steps that you can take in realising them as your own personal experience. “There are some books whose vision is so deep and clear that truth rings from the page like the toll of a large bell, perfectly obvious, but rare and precious. They unfold the heart of man and God with such forceful illumination that the truth is not just shown to my mind but created in my heart... so it went as I grazed in the green pasture of this remarkable book.” John Piper ISBN 978-1-85792-105-2 | Mass Market | 160 Pages | PB | £5.99 $8.99


The Beauties of Ebenezer Erskine

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Author Index

M= Mentor CH= Christian Heritage Author Armstrong, John M Awbrey, Ben M Azurdia, Arturo M Barker, William M M Baxter, Richard CH Belcher, Dick M Beougher, Timothy K. M Borland, James A. M Boston, Thomas CH CH Bounds, E. M. CH CH Bray, Gerald M Bridge, Donald M Brown, John CH Brown, Paul M Bunyan, John CH CH Busenitz, Irvin M Calvin, John CH Campbell, Iain D. M Capil, M. A. M Chamblin, Knox M M Charnock, Stephen CH Chrisope, Terry M Culver, Robert M M Currid, John M Davis, Dale Ralph M Deckard, Mark A M Dever, Mark CH Due, Noel Duncan, Ligon (ed.) Eby, David Edwards, Jonathan Elliot, Mark Ellsworth, Wilbur Erskine, Ebenezer Eswine, Zack Eyrich, Howard Fape, Michael Ferguson, Sinclair B. Fesko, J. V. Finlayson, R. A. Fisher, Edward Frost, Henry Gaffin, Richard Gaussen, Louis Golding, Peter Griffiths, Steve Grogan, Geoffrey Hamilton, Donald




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Art Of Man-Fishing




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Essentials Of Prayer, The


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Why Four Gospels?


Brown’s Dictionary Of Bible Characters


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Heavenly Footman, The


Joel & Obadiah


Treatise On The Sacraments


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Christ Crucified


Toward A Sure Faith


Earthly Career Of Jesus, The Christ, The


Systematic Theology


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Word Became Fresh, The


Helpful Truth In Past Places


Westminster Directory Of Public Worship



Created For Worship



West Conf Into The 21St Cen Vol 1



West. Conf Into 21St Cent Vol 3



West. Conf Into The 21St Cent Vol 2



Power Preaching

CH Call To United, Extraordinary Prayer, A M

Only Hope, The


Power Of Speaking God’s Word, The

16 28 6 16

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Kindled Fire



Curing The Heart



Powers In Encounter With Power


CH Westminster Directory Of Public Worship M

Last Things First


Reformed Theological Writings

29 6 18

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2 19

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3 29


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6 6

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Pleasures Of God, The



Brothers, We Are Not Professionals



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Economy Of The Covenants, The


Ezra & Nehemiah

5 10

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5 29


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