Sustainable Architecture, 2017, Aalborg University

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sustainable ARCHITECTURE




Adam Szczepanik-Dzikowski


Axel Lembrechts

belgium Christian Schmidt Gundersen


Damian Sebastian Jakubowski


Daniel Gomes Dos Santos


abstract This project is based on sustainable, social and urban housing complex on a specific site in Aalborg, given by Aalborg University Architecture & Design. Throughout the report, the idea, workflow, process and final design proposal are explained by text and visualisations. Each of the designers had a different way of living and dwelling which turned in a very different and multisided vision about sustainability (social, environmental and economical), interior/outdoor spaces and living in a community which results in a project that represents all of the group members countries.

reading guide The following text is uniquely made by the designers of the project. Nevertheless all scientific works are based on a selection of source materials. The references will be presented in Harvard Reference style. Each time there is no reference for either picture nor the part of the text it should be interpreted as the referenced part was prepared by the authors of the design. All external sources can be found in the source list on page 94 of this report. The text is devided into 15 chapters representing different topics which were crucial to the design, such as analysis part or design process. Every drawing, plan or sketch is orientated with north at the top and further scaled plans are added in the external annex.

6 8 10 14 20 26 28 30

introduction 06 Project 06 Thesis 07 Methodology

location 08 Past and future 09 Municipal plan

site analysis 10 Mappings 11 Districts 11 Building heights 11 Infrastructure 11 Facilities 12 View rose 12 Noise levels 13 Nature all around 13 The greenery

adaptivity 14 Adaptive architecture 15 Sun radiation 15 Wind rose 16 Sun hours / shading 16 Solar envelope 17 Perciptacion / flooding

social analysis 20 Demographics 20 Types of dwellings 23 Social housing

sustainability 26 Zero energy building 27 Sustainable solutions 27 DGNB

design brief 28 Design criterias 29 Vision

behind the concept 30 The space (in)between 32 Dealing with density 34 Facades

design Design concept Complex / Masterplan Petrol station removal proposal Adapted to nature / Masterplan Site section Aerial view Facades drawings Windows concept Floor plans / Dwellings types Sections Details

36 38 38 39 42 44 46 50 54 60 66

dwellings and users Families 68 Couples 69 Singles 69

calculations Passive and active solutions PV cells Indoor climate BE15 results Daylight simulation Ventilation DGNB Transmission losses

70 70 72 74 75 76 76 77 Sun hours 78 Wind simulation 80

design process Reference 82 Beginning 84 Evolution 87

completion Evaluation 92

sources Illustrations 94 Websites 95 Books 95

appendix Example of u-value calculations Example of ventilation calculation

36 68 70 82 92 94 96



project Aalborg is an evolving industrial city. Nevertheless for the last decades it has been going through radical changes. As the city social structure has been changing the services available followed. Increasing number of inhabitants is continousnly creating a demand for new dwellings as close to the city center as possible. This project is a proposal for a multistorey dwellings in Aalborg City that would answer the needs of both newcomers and current citizens.

THESIS The city of Aalborg expands. As majority of Danes still live in detached houses and continuing that trend will strengthen urban sprawl, it is important to change that tendency. As half of Aalborg municipality population lives outside the city center while sustainability equals density, it is important to attract people to the center. It should be achieved by proposing a possibility to live in a dense city but maintaining big spatial standard and proximity to nature. The city has lots of abandoned industrial areas that need to be reinstated into the city structure, that can be reorganized to housing compounds. It’s urban structure mainly consist of very conservative city blocks that should be revived to make it more attractive for the people.

What is more, in last years the problem of solitude is emerging with a big number of singles. Therefore the architecture needs to address it by offering a structure that strengthens social bonds, with lots of social spaces that help communities tighten up. This could be beneficial for all of the residents, not only for singles. The other group that constitutes the majority of society are families. The needs both of these groups should be reflected in the design structure. Sustainability does not only relate to density. To achieve Zero Energy Building standard certain technologies should be implemented. They are highly beneficial but they should be reduced to minimum by cogitative shaping of architecture.

problem / idea



Methodology synthesis


The integrated design process is a model used to describe the different phases which are reviewed when making a design project. The integrated design process is defined by Mary-Ann Knudstrup and helps clarify that the design process is not a one-way process, but on the other hand it is an iterative process, which means that you can return to one of the earlier phases if you are not satisfied or can not move forward in the design process. In this project, the process started by doing the analysis phase, where site registrations were made in the given area, as well as research of the user group, after which a program was created with the relevant mappings of the site and types of dwellings for the user groups. Throughout the sketching phase, the group used the design process several times since there were situations where it was necessary. In the end the design has been �beaten� during the process with different urban architectural and enviromental factors and is now standing strong on our masterplan.




past and future Aalborg emerged during the Viking Age as a city around the out-stream of Østerå, which was also a good area to cross the Limfjord due to its short distance. Østerå was the widest and deepest stream around Aalborg, and this gave merchants and farmers the possibility to live alongside the stream. The city is laying in a landscape dominated by three hills where Østerå ran between the two southern hills. According to the history of Østerå, its believed that the outflow is about the same place as today, namely next to the House of Music. In the 1930s, Østerå was piped in a TOPVIEW OF AALBORG CITY (SOURCE: WWW.MST.DK)


concrete canal for hygienic reasons due to wastewater in the stream. In the city of Aalborg lies the craft district north of Østre Allé and Østerå which back in time was an area dominated by smaller industry and production companies, where companies today are turning into workshops and services. However, there has begun a change in the direction of easier business, cultural purposes and housing. This direction is the municipality trying to complete by making a new municipality plan for this district called Håndværkerkvarteret. The vision of this plan is to reopen Østerå through the city from Gabriel to the Limfjord. This is due to urban development and recreation, water environment and climate adaptation, and is strategically important for the city’s transformation of the former industrial areas. In the individual areas through which the stream, different urban areas need to be created, for example, where you can take a needed break. It is also necessary to establish faciliMes that connect directly to the stream with different places where you sit and look at the water without necessarily having to sit at a restaurant. In 2011 it was planned that only Østerå was the one, that should not go into the Håndværkerkvarteret channel anymore, while Østre and Vestre Landgrøfter (Eastern and western ditches) would still run into the existing channel in the Håndværkerkvarteret In 2014, Aalborg municipality has decided to continue the opening of Østerå, where all tree waterlines are led away from this district and into the old railway where they are planning a new park. (Polyform, 2015)


Å Park

Øster Å

Future parks and water path

features and building heights

The municipality would like to move the small river along the old railway, where a new park will be formed, which connects the northern Karolinelund with the Øster Å path. Therefore there is a potential chance that in the future the Å along Hjulmagervej will be removed.

It is expected that the upcoming buildings will be located within the abovementioned districts / groupings, and that the buildings more or less comply with the building heights, but in special cases compensation may be approved.

water path

dwellings up to 4 floors

green area

dwellings up to 5 floors

bus path

dwellings between 2-5 floors

bus stop

dwellings and others up to 4 floors business/craftshop and others up to 1-2 floors business/craftshop and others up to 5-7 floors

municipal plan In the past this area was dominated by smaller industry and production companies, where companies today are becomming workshops and service etc. But the municipality of Aalborg would like to change the course towards a mixed housing, and it will therefore be necessary to reduce the allowed noice amount of 60 dB (A), since this will effect the people that will be living there. In relation to the municipal plan, they wish that the buildings on the site should not exceed two floors,

but it may be allowed to cover a smaller part of the site with three storey-buildings. On the corner of Sønderbro and Østre Allé, a seven storey construction is allowed in order to mark the street and entrance to Aalborg. Along the water path they would like that there is an active interaction between the buildings, the water and the green areas and furethermore a high architectural level must be ensured (Håndværkerkvarteret, 2015).




mappings The following maps contain the graphic presentation of the input that is crucial to the design. The maps were prepared by the authors of the project basing on historical data and epw file available online. They refer to environmental as well as urban factors that would shape the later design. The analysis was conducted in close proximity to the given plot in range that it is necessary to present the influential factors. For function analysis the maximal diameter would be one kilometer while for urban analysis the distances varied from two


hundred meters to more than two kilometers. The ubran analysis consist of maps presenting district division of the city, building heights , which are important in terms of possible future building heights, facilities available in the neighbourhood and the infrastruture. What is more, existing relations between green areas and possible future ones were presented. The last two factors that are graphically presented, are noise levels and the view openings for the plot.

7 st. 5 st. 4 st. 3 st. 2 st. 1 st.


building heights

The city of Aalborg is divided into 9 districts visible in the picture. They are represented by coresponding colors. This division resembles also the mixed character of the neighbourhood. In the south-western part, it is dominated by industrial buildings, while the other side of the city is mainly residential.

The height of the surrounding buildings in a 600 meters radius around the site are varying from 1 to 7 storeys high. In the west and north-west side, most of the buildings are just 1 storey high. The buildings at north and north-east are residential and they count with 5 stories high so the plot is in between low and high. The new building in the south of the plot will be high as well because of the residential and office function.

østre havn









1 floor

2 floors

3 floors

4 floors

5 floors

7 floors


Gas station











The site is well connected to the city center and to the highway E45 through main road - Sønderbro which is accessible to from the east. Along this street there is a bicycle path connecting city center and suburbs. This is the reason why it is crucial to make it available for the cyclists to access the plot easily. There is also a bus stop close to the site on the Sønderbro Street giving an easy access to the place also for those coming from distant places.

Now, the site gathers mainly car services such as petrol station and mechanics. This type of facilities is characteristic for whole neighbourhood. There are also offices, islamic cultural centre and a gym. There is a lack of facilities like grocery stores, restaurants and cafes and places where people could spend time outside home. In a range of 1 km the are few supermarkets, police station, church and fire station. In a range of 500 m there is a daycare and an elementary school.




amount of traffic









gas station


view rose

noise levels

The image shows visual openings from the plot thus indicates most crucial directions towards the project should be opened. The most in therms of traffic congestion is the direction towards Sjaelandsgade which is the north-eastern opening of the plot. The majority of traffic (cars, bikes and pedestrians) will be coming from this corner. Openings towards south and north are believed to be less exposed to heavy traffic (it happens only during rush hours unlike on northerneast where cars and people circulate all day long) as Sondebrø in the south is one of the main streets which encloses Aalborg city.

In the vicinity of the site there are two main roads of Aalborg Sonderbro Street and Ostre Alley They are affecting the neighbourhood significantly, being a main source of traffic noise and pollution. It reduces live quality as well as impacts on health condition of inhabitants. The Danish Ministry of Environment and Food recommends a limit of 58 dB for traffic noise in residential areas. As we can notice from the illustration above, that value is exceeded meaningfully in the Eastern part of the site, covering one-third of it’s area. This recommendation leads us to conclusion that the best area for dwellings in in the Western part of the site, while the Eastern part is suitable for larger mixed use buildings with higher amount of storeys which will create a noise barrier, protecting the rest of the plot from traffic noise and pollution. 55-60 dB


60-65 db

65-70 db

70-75 db

> 75 db

nature all around

the greenery

In the close vicinity of the site there are two big green areas which are relevant for the site. On the north east, in a residential area of a higher density, there is a Karolinelund which is an amusement park, approx. 500 meters away from the site and a bit further, an Østre Anlæg. Karolinelund is a well known park in the city, where, during the summer, many people gathers to spend their free time with friends and family. Across the Sønderbro Street there is a massive green area that belongs to school. There is also a lake on the south west, but it is closed for the public.

Cities are more than people and buildings. Nature spaces should be considered for people and cities because of their health benefits among others. In this map most of the arranged green spaces are in the east side of the site, in a residential zone of greater density. Another side is in the south-east, a school, with huge lawns in an open space and with playgrounds for children. In the south-west we have a green space with a lake, in the middle of industrial buildings and deposits, with some difficult access that could be taken into account in a future design interconnecting the channels and the green corridors near our site. In the south part of the site, there is a green corridor, with a 3 meter channel of running water that contains some tall trees, three of them have persistent leafs.The vast majority of the trees and bushes in this 600m radius are deciduous. There are three high trees that they are evergreen at south of the site. The trees have heights ranging from 2 to 3 meters up to 12 to 15 meters high. The lawns are somewhat plentiful in the area, in many ways and forms like in the central road separators, or walkway partitions separating them from bike lanes for example. The closest parks near the site are the Karolinelund, the Østre Anlæg, the Jernbaneparken, the Kildeparken, the Almen Kirkegård and the Mølleparken.

Next to the site, on the very bottom of our design area, flows a small creak which has a huge potential, to become an important part of a living space for future occupants. Taking under the consideration plans of the Municipality, the river is sad to be uncovered, creating a new green space where a former railway area will be returned to inhabitants, creating a connector between the lake and Limfjord. It gives us an opportunity to merge all of the green areas and create a vivid city structure within Aalborg, which city deserves. water



deciduous tree






adaptive architecture Climate change affects human lives significantly. During past 20 years the temperature on our globe increased by 2 Celsius degrees and created irreversible changes. Unfortunately, despite of a threat of increasement of sea level and raising temperatures, we, as humans, are not doing enough, to at least lover those affects. Among the variety of impacts of the natural environment, there is an ARCHITECTURE. From the scorching heat of deserts, to the freezing chills of Siberia, architecture has to accommodate the diversity of human needs, providing the shelter from the outer world and creating the frames for human lives. This is why, we, as architects, have to try do our best, to create an ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURE, satisfying both, the needs of nature, as well as the human ones. Keeping in mind, that sustainability means leaving the footprint of human activity as low as possible, the architecture should be about creating a holistic, energy balanced ecosystems that can be beneficial both for an environment and economy. Doing so, requires, taking in to the consideration FACTORS OF INFLUENCE such as: sun patch, sun radiation and solar shading, speed of the wind and its directions, annual and daily temperature variations and intensity of precipitation. All of theme, combined together, give a crucial input to the design process and by answering to the conditions that results on them, the architecture changes it’s form - angles, surfaces, heights, tilts and construction depths. However, the adaptive architecture is not only about satisfying the requirements of natural environment but it is also about the people for whom it is being erected. So, it is also about providing a good indoor climate, proper daylight factor and good ventilation on the technical side and from the social stand point of view, it is about making an inhabitant pleasant and joyful by creating common spaces, supporting local initiatives and communities, designing them spaces adapted to both, their needs and outdoor conditions. In a nut shell it is about creation of self-sufficient socio-ecosystem embedded in urban puzzle.

















sun radiation

wind rose

Presentation of radiation per square meter of plain plot is shown as a yearly gain and is close to 970 kWh/m2 on all of it’s surface. Therefore on a ground level, the plot itself makes a great place for various outdoor activities as the exposition towards sun in summer time is almost unobstructed during whole day. As ground level proves itself to be the most problematic level in therms of solar radiation and gains everything elevated above it’s level will receive either equal or higher numbers of radiation per square meter.

As the rose explains, the highest windspeeds will come from the south and west. The site is surrounded by low buildings in this directions, so the wind will have the possibility hit hard on the plot. In the future, there are going to be built higher residential and office buildings according to the municipal plan which in that case will protect the site from the direct south-west wind.











>50 km/h


sun hours / shading In therms of sun shading analysis it is important to take under consideration the worst and best case scenarios. Therefore the calculations where conducted for the longest day when the sun is highest on the sky (21.06 / picture to the left) and the shortest one (21.12 / picture to the right). For twenty first of December the shading from southern located buildings strongly intrudes the plot however their form of the blocks descending towards north greatly ameliorates sun conditions.

As it comes to June whole area of the plot receives from 15 to 16 out of 17 hours of sun at the ground level. Basing on those results it is important to notice that solar shading in January is less problematic for the use of ground. It will not be used also due to low temperatures. In therms of habitation and solar gains of the buildings the levels undisturbed sun gain and limits of height so that any adjacent buildings are not excessively shaded are shown in solar envelope calculations. However it is clearly visible that the northern part of the plot is most suitable for placement of habitation units.

There are still areas on the plot that will receive 6 out of 7 hours of direct sunlight and only around 25 percent of plot will not receive sun at all.

7< hr


6 hr

4 hr

2 hr

<0 hr

solar envelope While calculating solar envelope the worst and best cases where taken under consideration. They reflect the dates of 21 of June and 21 December. In December the shades are longest and the undisturbed solar gain levels are higher while maximum height of buildings will be consequently lower. The results are presented on the picture where orange surface reflects the level above which the buildings will receive sun and blue one the level below which excessive shading to buildings located on the north will not occur. Those surfaces interfere at some points as predicted but this is due to input conditions.

During summer, in June, the distance in between those surfaces extends and the difference presents the cubature of buildings that will be indifferent for adjacent buildings in therms of shading. It is clear that during summer time direct sun is available on whole plot almost on the ground surface and buildings can reach up to 7 stories. While in December sun is available at second level on the northern port of plot and buildings max heights average at 2 levels as well.


PRECIPITATION / FLOODING The average monthly precipitation chart shows that the highest amount of precipitation is in August with almost 100 mm, while the driest month is April with an average of 37,6 mm. Another chart confirms that date showing, that the lowest amount of rainy days is in April, and the most rainy days are in August. Substantial amount of precipitation during the whole year let’s us consider a rainwater collecting system to reduce waste of domestic water for garden watering. We could also apply it to a toilet flushing system in housing units.


Another important aspect of climate is a threat of flooding. In previous years we could notice few flooding cases in the municipality of Aalborg. It is caused not only by a significant amount of precipitations during the summer and autumn, but also an ineffective sewer system that is insufficient during a heavy rain. It shows, that a solution as rainwater collecting system is not only an economic aspect, but also an environmental benefit.





88,2 81,5 80

80,1 74,9



59,7 60 45,3

43,3 37,6















precipitation [mm] The chart has been made based on precipitation data (source: in Northern Jutland from past 10 years (2007-2017). It presents an average amount of rain per square meter.

18 16


15 13,5

14 12









10,2 9,2


8,4 8 6 4 2 0 JANUARY










rainy days The chart has been made based on precipitation data (source: in Northern Jutland from past 10 years (2007-2017). It presents an average amount of rainy days in a month.






Aalborg Municipality is habitated by 210 316 people (source: Aalborg in figures) with a slightly bigger number of males (105 979 men compared to 104 337 women). However the City itself has 112 194 inhabitants, what indicates that the half of the Municipality’s population lives outside the City boundaries. The biggest group are people between 25 and 66 years - 52,35% (110 112 inhabitants) of total population. The second biggest group contains people between 17-24 years - 15,03% (31 611 inhabitants). On the third place there is a group of elderly - age above 67 years - 15,25% (32 081 inhabitants). There are also 36 512 children below the age of 16 which states 17,36% of total population. Based on that data we can create 3 types of housing units: 1st one - inhabitated by 1 person (mainly older people and young people in their early twenties) 2nd one - inhabitated by 2 people (couples without kids, young, as well as the old ones) 3rd one - inhabitated by 3 and more people (families couples between the age of 25 and 66 living with children). After those analysis we came up with calculations, that 70% of dwellings should be designed for families with different needs and the rest should be divided equally in between singles and couples (15% each). Based on the family types in the Municipality it can be expected that in the incoming future there is gonna be a significant increase of number of births - 89 468 households without kids out of 115 515 households in total. Also, the number of births is continuously higher than the number of deaths. According to that it can be predicted that the need for bigger apartments is going to increase.

types of dwellings The most popular type of housing unit in the city of Aalborg are multi-dwelling houses, which cover almost half of the city. They are mainly tenements from 19th and 20th century. Detached houses and farmhouses constitute 34% of all dwellings. Therefore the structure of the designed complex should at least resemble the existing buildings structure, however it is important to take the future social development predictions under the consideration. Having all that in mind as well as sustainable development, the designed proposal should be as dense as possible in terms of FAR, which decreases the urban sprawl effect and improves the city life and urban structure.


This is why, after the analysis of existing dwelling types and the analysis of current social structure and potential future results it is justified to state that 70 percent of designed dwelings should be the ones for families of three or four.

0-16 years

17-24 yearspopulation 25-66 years aalborg

67+ years

The chart presents the amount of inhabitants in Aalborg Municipality based on age (source:

0-16 years 17%

a es

17-24 years 15%

25-66 years 52%

ea e types of dwellings

ses ar

67+ years 15%


The chart presents the amount of different housing units in Aalborg Municipality based on their type (source:

cottages 5%

farmhouses 34%

terraced 13%

student 2%

residential 0,3%

multi-dwelling 45%


“If there is to be an urban renaissance, we need ideas and proposals about the city for public debate, landmark statements that will influence the future of our cities.” (Lord Rogers of Riverside, ”Visions of the Future”, in Living in the City: An Urban Renaissance, 2000)




social housing Population growth, increasing of life expectancy, new ways of working today and technological innovations creates different lifestyles in society. Every new invention, every new revolution creates new challenges for young architects every year. Thinking about architecture, is to think about the users, the beings who are going to occupy and inhabit a place. The Urban Housing is an old challenge, already known in the world of architecture. Taking for example the city of London, which was dealing with this problem since a while ago, “As a result of a fast industrialization and dramatic rise in population, London in the early nineteenth century had significant problems caused by lack of adequate housing. The working classes lived in cramped and over crowded conditions in poorly constructed buildings, starved of

adequate light and air, and with little or no sanitation. Wealthier families moved out towards the edges of the growing city, but this choice was not available for all.” (Hillary French, 2006). The problem of big cities is always the lack of housing, high prices per square meter or even the density, that makes it unbreathable. The world has different opinions about what are acceptable densities, for example, according to statistics published in 2003, “Paris still maintains the highest population density in Europe, at 7,793 people per square kilometer, around the double of London, with 4,027 per square kilometer. Tokyo have a similar density to Paris, but it’s only a fraction of the density of other Asian cities, including Tapei at 18,732, Bangkok at 22,540 and Hong Kong topping the list with 95,560.” (Hillary French, 2006)


When Mies van der Rohe did Lafayette in downtown Detroit, he exemplified the modernist idea of compact highrise housing. By creating small spaces, but with exceptional qualities, the house without an end, with a central nucleus where inhabitants can walk around without ever having to pass through the same corridor twice. These are qualities still sought today by human sensibility. Architects began to optimize the spaces to the maximum, reducing the community spaces and the entries and passage areas to the legal minimum possible according to the legislation. This was almost a lawyer’s work, seeking for the possible breach that could be used. For example, Corbusier when designing the Unité d’Habitation in Marseilles, optimized the entrances, creating the maisonettes in L shape, putting them on top of each other, creating only one corridor that gave access to the two storeys. At the same time, he implanted services inside the building itself, for a greater comfort of the inhabitants.



Louis Kahn dealt with the problem of technical circuits that were multiplied in modern houses, such as, water, ventilation, electricity, etc. reevaluating his design ideas and developing an hollow structure where those technical parts were inside the walls. The MVRDV, with the housing in Sanchinarro, to create quality spaces, with some expensive technology, had to reduce costs elsewhere, for example in the external stairs. Social housing does not mean spaces reduced to a minimum and stack to the maximum. It’s up to the architect, to unfold and seek solutions in order to optimize costs, without removing the comfort of people that passes by and that live there. In other words social housing must be able to achieve its purpose without compromising the comfort of the space and its architectural quality. Aalborg, is a growing city but being a relatively small, can be a problem in the future. Due to the number of universities in the area, the demand for new housing exists. The new income students generates some speculation in the market in the beginning of school periods, and some who decide to stay to work in the city, later look for bigger houses, where they can raise their families and stay for a while longer. Somehow that is the reason why around 50% of the population of Aalborg are between the ages of 25 and 60 years old. When designing for this project a number of factors were taken into account, such as the increasing prices of housing, the quality of the space and most important, the different kinds of people that would live in these houses. Knowing that people and their family habits vary, in this project its purposed a multidisciplinarity of different solutions, that were created so it could be adapted for a wide range of lifestyles.



zero energy building




The design is as well about aestetic qualities as it is about economical and environmental quality. This is why the architects try to their best to design the buildings that would accomodate both of these problems. As far as the aestetic part is the subject to the other chapter this one is about Zero Energy standard meaning not only meeting the requirements of BR2020 norm but also performing better by creating A+ buildings. This requires integrated design process that answers to the environmental limitations and adapts to them instead of fighting them with technology. Therefore The buildings have to be shaped so that they gain enough sun radiation to require as little heating as possible while not overheating in sumer period. The cubatures can not be shaded and can not shade excesively the surrounding. Buildings envelopes should be tight and warm but vented well enought to achieve great indoor air quality. At last the renevable sources of energy should be implemented to cover the residual energy requirement. While doing that it is not allowed to forget about the users and the fact that the construction is designed solely to satisfy their needs and the technical details follow. This merge is what we did.

sustainable solutions To achieve the zero energy standard certain technologies can be implemented. In order to limit the energy cost of DHW and room heating solar panels and heat pumps can be implemented. The first one works basing on solar radiation that is passed to the water therefore rising it’s temperature. This water can be later used in bathrooms and sinks and in some cases to low temp circuit room heating. Heat pumps on other hand, as name indicates, are the devices that transfer the heat from one medium to another using compresion temperature rise and decompresion drop in gasses. They are converting electrical energy into heat with the efficiency of around 1 to 4. Other passive solutions are wind mills and photovoltaic cells. The firt ones do not come in handy in individual buildings thanks to big sizes of their constructions while the other on the other hand turn out to be one of the most beneficial solutions thanks to low maintenance cost and the simplicity of the system. They convert solar radiation into direct current with the efficiency of 15 percent. That current is later on turned into alternating current and transformed from 12-15v to 230v. Out of all available solutions the project uses PV cells as low instalation cost solution that allows to cover the energy demand to reach A+ buiding standard.

dgnb DGNB system is a very transparent and easy to use and understand evaluation method that refers to all important factors influencing sustainability of construction. Main assessment takes place in six basic areas: ecology, economics, socio-cultural factors, technology, processes and location. Thanks to that criterias the DGNB certification turns out to applicable to every type of building. What is more it is a very flexible tool. There are only two critical requirements in DGNB certification that have to be fulfilled in order to pass the certification process. Those refer to amount of volatile organic compounds in the air and facilities for the disabled. The system is unique among others such as LEEDS or BREEAM for putting so much emphasis on satisfying needs of people with disabilities.




design criterias TECHNICAL

# ZEB standard # energy and climate optimized dwellings (reduced need for supplied energy)

# design apartments with fine daylight qualities

and good indoor climate # use modern technologies that improve sustainable design # getting benefits from sun and wind

# # # # # # # # #


an average height of no lest than 3 stores FAR between 100%-200% Up to 20% of services of total FAR Deigned 3 different types of dwellings suitable for 3 main user groups: singles, couples and families Integrated bicycle parking and parking for vehicles (1/2 spot per dwelling) Creating different open spaces, available for public users and for inhabitants only Redesigning and improving existing site’s values (petrol station, parking zones, cross fit building) Creating a dense area with services (needed by inhabitants) provide indoor privacy


# familiarity # creating an architecture that respects it’s context (making an architectural dialogue between existing and planned buildings with our design) # implementing a landscape design to fulfill a huge amount of free green space # creating good life conditions for human beings (sustainable settlement)

vision The plot stretching from street Bodkervej to Sondebro artery along the Oester stream, located on the biggest communication axis, presents great qualities for housing unist. Close proximity to city center and many useful facilities makes it perfect for families. Even though the plot is now occupied by some minor industrial buildings, it can be turned into the green oasis in the dense city structure. On the urban level it aims at creating the connection in between Karolinelund park and south western located lake thus reinstating it’s significance in city structure. The design itself will take from danish tradition of building as well as it will respect the neighborhood. It’s tectonics will be focused on strengthening of street facades while becoming more structured towards water. The stream itself will be redirected in order to make water attractive for the future users of the plot. Whole place on the ground level will be divided in parts accommodating different activities and creating public and semi-public spaces by the differences of levels. Taking in that much of social city life will demand a creation of colorful, joyful and comfortable space where everyone will find a place for themselves. Welcoming cyclists, promoting outdoor activities while being passive and eco-friendly will create a new quality in this part of city.

the space (in) between




Architecture is not only the science of the creating spatial elements like assembled buildings, it’s also about the generated space in between them. The city is a collection of many different functions, cultures and users which (sometimes) all have to live in a compact area. Therefore, the spaces in between should suit for a lot of people and need to improve the quality of life by creating exciting thresholds between the public and the private (maybe semi-private?). When you take a look into the Nolli-map of Rome (1748) the public space is not only existing out of streets and squares but also as carefully carved spaces in private buildings (gardens, libraries, churches, common rooms). In this way, public space can be consciously designed in and between created volumes which charge each other with connective possibilities. Degrees of both public and private space can be created by describing the meaning of different places: courtyards, passages, steps to lifted or lowered levels, terraces, doors and windows, ‌ They can all have an own perception of publicness to show where people can go without being related to something on the site. Qualitative outdoor rooms can be generated by doing architecture from outside to inside with relations between the final interior and exterior. Apartments should feel a high level of privacy while belonging to the larger urban atmosphere. Next to places where you can stay and enjoy, the new design should fit a bike passage which is nowadays situated along the water next to the plot. By breaking the original block of garages and facilities we will create a different structure in the future which is based the passage for bikes and pedestrians. Instead of stealing (semi-)public spaces from the city, there will be generated even more useable space in our future dwelling landscape on the plot combined with necessary facilities to ensure environmental sustainability.

“These were spaces you would enter and begin to feel you could stay there – that you were not just passing through. I’d be standing there and might just stay a while” (Peter Zumthor, Atmospheres, p. 43)





dealing with density The division of the plot in multiple “communities” as a composition is a conscious and qualitative decision to avoid large scale buildings, massive facades and difficulties with light. Lifted plazas in between will not only show the border between the public and semi-private areas, they will combine the blocks to clusters of more dense building components. The different users will be mixed around the clusters so “community” is not the right word while “cohabitation” describes the concept even better. This manner of how a city lives is attractive for the site to create a small city in the city in a way to generate the best way of living in the suburbs with focus on qualitative outdoor space. The different 20th century theories (e.g. Ebenezer Howards Garden City) did the opposite and liked to avoid the dense city life to show that there is a better way to live. A dense city was often related to a poor environment because of the lack of attention spent on quality. We actually see the city as a source of inspiration where conflicts can be solved by reorganizing the environment, while the theories avoid the problems by removing the cityconcept. Architects should prove that density can make a neighbourhood look dignified, well organized and make it popular. Density is abstract and has a lot to do with the perception of people who live in different urban structures (compare Aalborg with Copenhagen and Barcelona). Surrounding buildings define the vision of inhabitants extremely because of the feeling of familiarity. Cities grow, as well as the perception of people so it is just a matter of evolution. The word evolution contains that the past is kept while the future improves and situates itself very close to it. This is the reason why qualitative sustainable concepts are originated by local typologies because of their relevance and usefulness. Architecture should integrate designed and diverse qualities to adapt the context to the human scale and make it work. Years go by and cities evolve, density slowly gets another definition, as long as it looks familiar to the inhabitants to not scare them off.

facades The faรงade is literally the physical border between interior and exterior, between private and (semi-)public. The relation between those two can be determined by openings as windows and doors. Windows are the main compositional elements of a multi-storey faรงade, as they can give the exterior a strong character or make it dull and flat. Size and position of the openings transform the look of a building and the way how the atmosphere will feel from the interior. Windows need a large amount of functional attention because of its usefulness in a sustainable concept, where windows are a big heat loss in the building envelope. Window depths, overhangs, cut-outs and balconies will assist windows with the shading of the facade but all have the same issues like windows: are they efficient and do they produce heat loss? A construction method


should fit into the composition and work together with the materials to generate the right atmosphere in the exterior too. Detailed sections will reveal the exact way of constructing and show the technical dissection of the skin (position of materials, insulation, building joints). This whole idea of creating a faรงade all starts with a personal human perception of the all-round look of a building: from doing (vernacular) research, to make drawings, to modelling and remodelling. The faรงade is one of the first exposed elements of a building and influences the human opinion at its finest. This is the reason to find relevant references in the right context and reinterpret their qualities (even old and modest buildings in the environment of a project can deliver the most inspiration because of their specific local look and circumstances).



design concept Initially the design was aiming at creating an urban oasis that would answer the needs of the neigbourhood. Once the analysis part was done it became clear that there are several qualities of the plot that should be taken under consideration as well as a few problems that had to be solved. Among the qualities there is acces to water that gave a chance of creating attractive urban space for both inhabitants and it’s guests. Water access turns out to be perfect occasion to locate various services by creek bank such as restaurants and bistros. As there is a path leading along the stream it seemed crucial to invite as many people as possible into the newly creaed area. This is why te project idea was aiming at walkability and accesibility from outside.

During the design process the main traffic axises were selected as well as view openings. On a plan scale it was important to design a space for people leading active lives and families but also for elderly. This is why the design evolved to anticipate all those different lifestyles and different spatial requirements of inhabitants. Basing on those indications the initial idea of the city in the city emerged. The project was ment to be a merger from the begining. At it’s eastern end facing heavy traffic and high noise levels it seemed more of a city while in it’s western part with calm narrow strets it was ment to be more rural. Those were the initial assumptions made for the first design proposal.

What is more the environmental factor such as noise and wind were taken under consideration. This is why building rise to 8 levels on the eastern side. They block the excessive noise from Sondebro artery. Then they go lower down to 4 levels in the middle of the plot to rise again to 6 levels at western end creating a �wall� protecting the compound from the wind. In pursuit of familiarity and vernacularity we decided to use materials that are well known in Danmark such as brick and stone. That allowed us to achieve very modern urban plan that fits into the city structure by being only slightly different.


complex The whole complex consists of 5 mixed use buildings and 4 pavilions. From the west side, buildings have a more suburbian character, while from the east, the architecture referres to the metropolitan character of the site. All of the buildings have services on the ground levels, while upper levels contains dwellings or office spaces (eastern buildings) .




adapted to nature Adaptivity of the design refers not only to the shapes of the buildings exploiting the benefits of sun radiation and blocking the wind. As the design stretches along the stream it was an obvious necessity to accept the water in public space and to actually make use of fluctuations of it’s level. This is why when water level is low follows original stream bed but when it breaches it’s banks it fills the public space designed to accept it creating ponds in lowered plazas.





site site section section The section shows the view stretching from east to TEXT west. The section plane is parallel to the stream.


b A

housing building dwellings on the higher levels services on the ground level underground parking exit (connected to building c)

2 1


housing building dwellings on the high services on the groun underground parking

pavilion with services (bicycle reparing shop)

pavilion with services restaurant semi private playground on the rooftop (for community from building a)



housing building dwellings on the higher levels services on the ground level underground parking entrance (connected to the building a)

mixed use building housing units on higher leves office space on lower levels services on the ground level


mixed use building housing units on higher leves office space on lower levels services on the ground level underground parking entrance/exit

her levels nd level g connection

4 3

pavilion with services (cafe)

pavilion with services fitness centre semi private sport space on the rooftop (for communities from buildings b/c)

aerial view The scheme shows the division of blocks in designed compound along with the functions and types of dwellings located in every block.



SEMI-public plaza facade South-western view of the facade of block C towards the semi-public space with detailed materials and finishing. This is very open to the lifted space to get a lot of light into the double height apartments and common interior spaces.



street facade Northern view of the facade of block B towards the street with detailed materials and finishing. The access decks are visible above facilities under the overhangs while the window concept is clear. This facade has a more closed identity to ensure more privacy



public square facade South-eastern view of the facade of block C towards the public space with detailed materials and finishing. This is more closed to the street but opens up to the space in between the buildings.


window concept The placement of the windows is responsible for the final look of the building, which everyone can see while passing by. Windows create a direct relation between inside and outside so it is from high importance to generate a large level of privacy next to nice views from both interior and exterior. Dimensioning and positioning windows takes a serious amount of time to draw and redraw the facades as well as the floorplans to let everything fit in the layout. The window concept should explain these issues while acting generous as the connection between public and private. Elevations are in this way not the direct result of interior decisions, but are especially designed to look nice. It is a two way traffic between interior and exterior, between functionality and composition. In a sustainable dwelling concept, the windows should have a high level of sustainability too. For that reason, windows have only two general sizes: 1800mm and 900mm wide, all floor-toceiling high openings to create French balconies with a railing in glass. These components should fit into the layout of the interior rooms and could explain their function behind the faรงade. Living rooms and large bedrooms fit for example better with the double window component, while small bedrooms and bathrooms get more privacy behind the single one. Next to these two general types, a third one (a combined one) creates a special way to play with composition and functionality. The deeper brick part of the component will suit with the structure behind while the window is placed next to it, jumping (or dancing) from left to right in the faรงade to avoid the strong visual alignment. Combining brick colours and different depths of the planes are able to create tension, shadow and repetition in the final look of the exterior.







Perspective view The view form Hjulmagervej towards southwest (block C)



building b







perspective view 57

building c







perspective view 59








perspective view 61


section aa Scale 1:200 Cross section line showed on the diagram above.



section bb Scale 1:200 Cross section line showed on the diagram above.


Perspective view The view from the stream bank towards public space and block C. Direction north-west.



Floor finish Concrete 6 cm PE membrane Concrete slab Insulation 25 cm Air gap Laminated finish plate

Portland roach finish Scaldex supporting system

Brick wall Air gap PE membrane Insulation 25 cm Concrete wall Plaster

overhang detail This detail shows how the building overhangs are constructed, with a portland roach finish and the different materials in the exterior walls and the floors that are in contact with the outdoor envelope of the building.


details This detail shows how the building is constructed, with a portland roach finish and the different materials in the exterior walls and the floors that are in contact with the outdoor envelope of the building.

U value - 0,11W/m2K Gravel Anti-root layer Double felt insulation Thermal insulation - 35 cm EPS styro Water insulation - felt Concrete slab Plaster

U value - 0,17W/m2K IsoKorb connector Thermal insulation 25 cm Ventilation gap 1 cm Portland roach concrete finish

U value - 0,13W/m2K External brick wall Ventilation gap 1 cm Thermal insulation 25 cm Concrete prefabricated wall Plaster

green roof detail This detail shows the structure of the roof as well as connection between the roof and the exterior wall.




FAMILIES Family is the smallest kind of community. Keeping in mind the amount of familiest in Aalborg, we decied to choose them as our main user group. That is why, oveer 70% of dwellings are suitable for small communities of at least 3 users. It was important, to create a feeling of Danish beloved suburbs in a dense city structure. Depending on the type of familiy, their lyfestyle and needs, the variety of apartments has been proposed. There are huge one story apartments with a direct access to the outdoor space (private or shared one) and 2 story dwellings based on Le Corbusier’s Unite d’Habitation redesigned to fulfill Danish standards.


couples Life is a journey of changes. It starts from meeting our life partner, and ends with the exact same person. Apartments for couples are suitable for young couples in their early twenties as well as for older couples with a grown up children. They are based on the scheme of day and night spaces, first one are more public, where we can spend time with friends and family, and the second one are more private, suitable for our own needs. These apartments have 2 or 3 rooms, with an appriximate area between 60 and 80 square meters. COUPLE (SOURCE: SANAA ARCHITECTS)



Singles are not only young and active people, but also elderly and people with different types of disabilities. Dwellings for those people are mainly located on the lowest levels of the buildings due to the accesibility issues as well as to increase a social cohesion. Those dwellings are mainly small appartments, up to 60 square meters, designed without barriers for any type of users.


passive and active CALCULATIONS


Photovoltaic cells Photovoltaic cells located on the highest roofs in order not to be visible from any appartments might generate estimated output of 115434 kWh per year once 15% of panel efficiency and 90% of area coverage are assumed as system parameters. The total area for this output counts 1143m2. The system can be almost fully hidden below attiques of top roofs therefore it will not be visible from ground level. It’s location - on the highest rooftops in the neighbourhood allows unobstructed sun view.

Both active and passive solutions can greatly ameliorate the energy consumption levels of the building. Among the active ones there are all the high tech solutions such as PV, heat pumps and solar panels. For urban use where there is a city heating grid the use of last two seems unjustified, as they all consume area and the most efficient in therms of instalation area/instalment area (roof for instance) is best for PV cells taking under consideration that according to BR2020 the electricity consumption in kWh should be multiplied by 1,8 while heat is multiplied by 0,6. This is why the design implements PV cells on top roof where they will be invisible for the public. As it comes to passive solutions there are two problems that should be taken under consideration - overheating and actual heating. This is why solar shading is necessary. It can be executed as eaves and window openings as well as arbors and grids on the facade. Coating of the windows is also a possibility to reduce solar gain. In terms of both heating and overheating the termal mass of the building comes in handy. the biger it is the biger the termal drag is and more of cool or heat is acumulated in heavy construction.


indoor climate bsim and daylight calculations The orientation of the plot with it’s longer axis oriented east-west creates great oportunities for creating a housing compound that could greatly benefit from solar gains as well as providing great light factors in the interiors. Nevertheless southern exposure apart from it’s benefits tend to cause a lot of problems such as overheating, glare for the offices and poor indoor conditions. The initial sun radiation and sun hours analysis proved that feeling right. The amount of solar energy heating facades was very high form the south reaching a total gain around 950kWh/m2y. The simulations revealed also another problem. Overheating due to summer western light when solar beams are nearly parallel to the facades. Therefore the buildings shapes had to reflect the given conditions. The initially designed shapes had to be adjusted in order to minimize that perpendicularity therefore the area of north west facing surfaces had been brought down to absolute minimum. The appartment that has been chosen as a reference one is the top one unit from building C. The reason for that will be bigger exterior areas as the roof has to be taken under consideration as outdoor facing surface. That would cause heating problems in the winter. What is more the whole southern facade was made of glass so summer overheating might occur. At the beginning design based on fully glazed southern facades and limited number of windows from the northern side. Apart from achieving great results in terms of daylight factor it turn out to cause a lot of overeating problems as predicted that couldn’t be solved with niether the venting nor mechanical ventilation. Midday temperatures in July and August were reaching 34 degrees despite high air exchange rate of 2h-1 That was found as a right exchange rate for sensational comfort in the appartment with four inhabitants. It was soon found out that enhancing ventilation rate and opening windows doesn’t help because the inlet air at peaks reaches similar temperatures. Therefore only reasonable solution, as the AC was not an option, would be to isolate out the heat by making the windows on the southern facade smaller and compensating the daylight factor by openings on the

northern facade and adding solar shading and coating. That would allow to use buiding thermal mass to provide temperature rise lag for long enough for temperature outside to drop. The right numbers turned out to be the reduction of window surface by 30 percent and adding solar shading that shades 25 percent of the residual surface of windows. By those actions the temperatures dropped significantly to 24 with far less peaks above 30 degrees. Then once the temperature outside has dropped and intake air is cooler the right balance of ventilation rate had to be found to vent out excessive heat. That obviously differentiated a lot in between different rooms where in living room required 0,03m3/s while the sleeping rooms provided satisfying thermal conditions at 0,015m3/s. What is more the ventilation system has to assure good quality of air therefore to achieve levels of CO2 and occupation paterns for different room are not the same. To provide excellent conditions almost cost free the exchange rates for living room and sleeping rooms went up accordingly to 0,05m3/s and 0,02m3/s resulting with not exceeding 550ppm. For winter on the other hand the problem of venting out the excessive heat is absent. What you vent in is cold air that can be preheated but that also requires energy. Therefore as a BR2020 class II building regulations allow to have 500 ppm of CO2 on top of what is an average level outside the reasonable move would be to deliberately rise CO2 levels up to 700750 ppm by diminishing air delivery to 0,03 for the living room and 0,01m3/s in sleeping rooms in order to reduce heat loss through venting while maintaining decent indoor conditions.




800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

600 500 400 300 200 100 0












800 700








300 200



0 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 LIVING S



0 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24



















5 0










DAY temperature










30 25








5 0 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 LIVING S





0 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 LIVING S






be15 calculations BR 2020 requirements state that the building complicit to them should present no more than 20 kWh/m2 per year non renewable energy use. The designed building chosen for the calculation (building C) proved to meet those requirements by consuming 19,6kWh/m2 per year without any renewables. Once PV cells of 200m2 surface were added it turned out to be an energy plus construction providing 0,4kWh/m2 to the grid per each square meter of it’s surface.

Without supplement [kWh/m2] Supplement for special conditions Total energy frame [kWh/m2]

20 0 -0,4

Contribution to energy requirement [kWh/m2] Heating El. for operating the builing Excessive heat in rooms

22 0 6,4

Selected el. Requirements [kWh/m2] El. consumption Heating of rooms Heating of DHW Heat pumps Ventilators Pumps Cooling Total el. Consumption El. consumption Heating of rooms El. consumption Heating of rooms Heating of DHW Heat pumps


Net requirements [kWh/m2] Room heating DHW Cooling

11,3 10,5 0

Heat loss from instalations [kWh/m2] 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 77 0 77 0 0 0

Room heating Domestic

0,1 0,3

Output from renewable resources [kWh/m2] Solar cells







daylight simulation conducted for the building C Daylight simulations were conducted for entire floor of building that was chosen for analysis as a part of block 2 of buildings. The results turned out to be excellent thanks to big floor to ceeling openings on southern facades in the eastern part so the glazed part constitues seventy percent of the total area of the wall. both sides of the appartment are glazed which enchances daylight factor even more at the depth of appartment not exceding ten meters. Western wing on the other hand has eqaly glazed both facades with wall to glass ratio of 3:7. What allows even more light to the interior are the double level height openings in the living rooms on the western wing. This results with daylight factor of 8% in the livings and now lower than 1,8% in rarely used corridors. The average DF for whole appertment is 3,6%.


ventilation The project includes the design of mechanical ventilation. It is crucial to enforce proper air circulation while normally natural ventilation would not work. Especially during summer time when it is cooler inside than outside. Mechanical ventilation allows to adjust ventilation ratio in summer and in winter differently. In summer it can be used to vent out excessive heat, and as the heat losses are not a problem the exchange rate can be high going up to 4 times per hour resulting in perfect indoor climate. During winter on the other hand in order to limit the heat loss the air is recuperated and ventilation rates go as low as possible

to meet class II building regulations for Co2 levels of 850 ppm. This allow to reduce amount of energy required to preheat the intake air while maintaining acceptable indoor climate. What is more lower ventilation rates of around 2 allow to benefit more from solar radiation as the heat is not vented out. What is more as majority of the appartments have double side glazing it is possible to cross vent them when necessary. More information about thermal mass and thermal drag related to it can be found in the chapter refering to Bsim calculations.


dgnb Dgnb standards that the project adresses to are as follows: Env 1.2 - Local environmental impact - The object does not influence local environment during long term use due to usage of biologically indifferent materials. What is more the quality of materials will make it long lasting therefore environmentally costly maintenance can be avoided Site 1.3 - transport access – distances to public transport are not bigger than 200m. What is more the plot is accessible by car and bikes. Suitable parkings have been designed. Env 2.3 Solar Potential - The proper analysis was made to exploit as much of solar potential of the plot as possible

Pro 1.2 - Environmental impact of construction – as the designed building rise up to 8 levels the building process will require heavy equipment Nevertheless the environmental imact should be minimized as much as possible by using precasted elements and simplified construction methods. Soc 1.2 - Visual Comfort - well balanced interior/ exterior proportions and creation of green enclave by the stream. Soc 1.1 - thermal comfort - the air exchange rate hand insulation have been calculated in a manner that the units are nearly passive. All the efforts were made to acquire indoor climate complicit to norms for Class II buildings. Soc. 2.2 – public access was also addressed as there were some public spaces created.


transmission losses One of the biggest problems regarding sustainabe housing is related to transmission loss. The bigger the U- values the bigger is the heat loss. The design bases on classical prefabricated concrete slabs and three layered wall insulated with rock wool which lambda value equals 0,0033 W/mK. The calculated U values for walls are 0,13W/m2K. The roof presents the value of 0,11W/mK. The aestetics decisions made during the design process have their thermal consequences. Portland roach finish as a extension of the slob would result in massive thermal bridges. To minimize this effect the finish is mounted using low heat transfer technology - Scaldex suporting system and Isokorbs depending on the location on the facade. Te other part of the envelope are the windows whose four layer glazing filled with crypton gas has a U-value of 0,3W/ m2K. Thanks to that the bigger are the windows the less percent of area of it the frame takes whole paquette is closer to 0,3 total. The designed windows are really big. All those efforts resulted in tight building envelope that helps to reduce transmision loss.

U value - 0,11W/m2K Gravel Anti-root layer Double felt insulation Thermal insulation - 35 cm EPS styro Water insulation - felt Concrete slab Plaster

U value - 0,17W/m2K IsoKorb connector Thermal insulation 25 cm Ventilation gap 1 cm

U value - 0,13W/m2K

Portland roach concrete finish

External brick wall Ventilation gap 1 cm Thermal insulation 25 cm Concrete prefabricated wall Plaster


SCALE 1:20



sun hours calculations conducted for 22/12 During winter time, as the sun is on it’s lowest passage on the horizon the problem of shading is biggest. The design addresses it by pushing the buildings to most northern part of the plot where shading is smallest. Nevertheless that results with casting the shade on buildings that are adjacent to the plot on the northern side. Generally as those are mainly warehouses and storages that does not pose a problem, however there is one building on the north-eastern part of that adjacent facade that holds dwellings. This is why there is a plaza designed on the other side of the street in order to withdraw the cubatures deeper south, and therefore to obstruct the view of the sun as little as possible.


All of the south facing facades of the designed buildings are well lit and in a very few spots where shading occurs office spaces and services find perfect conditions with reduced glare. 7< hr

6 hr

4 hr

2 hr

<0 hr




sun hours calculations conducted for 21/06 As it is visible on the sun hours analysis that shading problem during summer time is almost absent. All the facades get proper number of sun hours. The area of north-west facing ones has been reduced as much as possible to control summer evening overheating. Lots of sun hours result also with decent daylight factor and once overheating problem is surmounted, with great living conditions. 7< hr

6 hr


4 hr

2 hr

<0 hr


wind simulation As Danmark is generally a windy country it is crucial to take under consideration the impact the wind has on the not only architecture but urban spaces in between. The wind is beneficial in terms of cross ventilation but it is not pleasant for the users of public space. Wind directions in Aalborg are mainly western and south western therefore the design have to �shade� the urban spaces from the wind coming from those directions as much as possible. The graphics below show accordingly how western wind and south western wind affects the structure. As the functional plan had to accomodate the spatial directions, openings, sun rights and traffic flow there had to be certain openings implemented. Therefore it was not possible to stone wall the wind with cubature. Nevertheless each time there was a wind chanel present the small wind breaker in form of pavilion was introduced to urban space. This helped a lot to reduce the problem with high wind speeds and possible pedestrian discomfort. What is more where it was possible the design introduces cubature walls with just small openings in order to limit wind effect. The results are visible below where semi private spaces are wind shaded perfectly. 0-1 m/s



8-10 m/s

14-16 m/s







The project takes inspiration from various observations of different architectural manifestos all around Europe. The housing building by MVRDV resembling the containers passes strong message associated with what is most obvious for harbour cities – the ships and the containers they carry. This has been an initial inspiration but due to observations of urban space that we have made it became clear that there is a strong need to make the urban reality as vivid as possible. Our design refers to Zaha Hadid’s fire station in Antwerp with it’s diamond shaped urban plan. What is more the space had to have a feel of a big city, the one that can be observed in Hafen City in Hamburg. A mixture of glass and brick with lots of landscaping creates interesting public spaces that can support creation of communities. Having said that it is also important to mention that architecture cannot be alien. As the urban plan comes close to what is not often in Aalborg it was important to achieve a certain level of familiarity. As the brick happens to be the most popular material in historical buildings of Denmark the design had to take from that tradition. Sergison Bates buildings in London show the quality of detail and clarity of form therefore became a perfect example of traditional materials applied with respect for tradition nevertheless fulfilling the requirements of today.




beginning Initially the design was aiming at creating an urban oasis that would answer the needs of the neigbourhood. Once the analysis part was done it became clear that there are several qualities of the plot that should be taken under consideration as well as a few problems that had to be solved. Among the qualities there is acces to water that gave a chance of creating attractive urban space for both inhabitants and it’s guests. Water access turns out to be perfect occasion to locate various services by creek bank such as restaurants and bistros. As there is a path leading along the stream it seemed crucial to invite as many people as possible into the newly creaed area. This is why te project idea was aiming at walkability and accesibility from outside. During the design process the main traffic axises were selected as well as view openings. On a plan scale it was important to design a space for people leading active lives and families but also for elderly. This is why the design evolved to anticipate all those different lifestyles and different spatial requirements of inhabitants. Basing on those indications the initial idea of the city in the city emerged. The project was ment to be a merger from the begining. At it’s eastern end facing heavy traffic and high noise levels it seemed more of a city while in it’s western part with calm narrow strets it was ment to be more rural. Those were the initial assumptions made for the first design proposal. What is more the environmental factor such as noise and wind were taken under consideration. This is why building rise to 8 levels on the eastern side. They block the excessive noise from Sondebro artery. Then they go lower down to 4 levels in the middle of the plot to rise again to 6 levels at western end creating a ”wall” protecting the compound from the wind.



evolution The evolution of the project based on two basic aproaches. The form had to follow function while presenting the spatial qualities also in terms of aestetics and on satisfaing habitational qualities for inhabitants. To achieve that the repetitive urban to detail and back design model had to be applied. At first the design presented initial aproach of highrise placed close to main cossroads and the buildings getting less and less dense towards west. The geometry of the whole plan was very urban with lots of dynamics. That was beneficial for the semi private spaces and comunities the design had to support by creating their own enclaves in within compound. There was one representing more of a big city style with lots of services and walkable-through areas and other one with more private spaces. After first atempts to analyse the consequences of those design decisions it turned out that the proposal struggles with some serious sunlight hours troubles. Next attempts were aimed at extensification of buildings so that more space was provided in between them. Trying to stick to the comunities idea we kept the rised ground in between the buildings to underline the semiprivacy of the spaces belonging to each of blocks. First design consisted of two big functional blocks while second one constitued of three smaller ones. Thanks to the attempts to make it less dense the problems with sun hours on souther facades was solved. Nevertheless there were still some problems with facades facing north west. They still were not getting enough light. What is more less dense structure started to face problems with wind speeds in open spaces.




final shape This is why the concept evolved into limiting the area of those facades to minimum which resulted with less overheating in summer and good light conditions in winter. In order to solve the problems with the wind big public spaces were broken with pavilions and building angles shifted so that they block the blows instead of directing them. This resulted with third concept of three comunities. One with highrise on the east sticking to mixed use style of occupation andtwo others that are more cosy. In pursuit of familiarity and vernacularity we decided to use materials that are well known in Danmark such as brick and stone. That allowed us to achieve very modern urban plan that fits into the city structure by being only slightly different.





Evaluation The project has a strong statement. �Sustainability means quality, not repetitivity� This is why it is focused on achieving interesting urban plan with satisfactionary level of detail but it does not always mean that it has to be simple. Simplicity obviously makes the construction cost lower but quality makes buildings last. Therefore the energetical cost of construction is spreaded wider - for more years. It is not also a challenge to make the buildings boxed. Rectangular architecture seemed an easy getaway from the very begining.


This is why we decided to do something different knowing that it will prove challenging. Nevertheless being process, not result oriented and believing that the process is the part during which you actually gain the knowledge we accepted a possibility of certain flaws in the design and took the difficult path. It is just better to know than to show if the time is to limited to ask for both.




Topview of aalborg city,, 2017 Available through: <> Adaptation of architecture in case of a flood / project by tredje natur, Available through: <> Ezbet Abu Qarn, Egypt depicts the type of housing McKinsey’s report aims to eliminate, Flickr User Tadamun; Licensed via Creative Commons Hong Kong CC0, Creative Commons Available through: <> Mies van der Rohe. Ludwig, Pavilion Apartments and Town Houses picture by flickr dreamsjung (CC BY-SA 2.0)) Beddington Zero Energy Development (BedZED) Available through: <> Creating (semi-)public space by Sergison Bates Available through: <El Croquis 2016> Nolli Map Engine 1.0 Available through: <> Comparing different city structures Available through: <> HAPPY FAMILY Available through: <sanaa architects> COUPLE Available through: <sanaa architects> SINGLE MALE Available through: <sanaa architects> Copenhagen International School Nordhavn / C.F. Møller Available through: <>ntilation. Housing complex in london by sergison bates Available through: <> Urban space in HafenCity / hamburg Available through: <> Port house zaha hadid / antwerpen Available through: <>


Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut. (Danish weather) 2017. Available through: <> accessed date: 17/12 2017 Miljøministeriet noise map (Danish weather) 2017. Available through: <> accessed date: 17/12 2017 Aalborg Kommune (Aalborg municipality) 2017. Available through: <> accessed date: 17/12 2017 Aalborg in figures, 2016. Available through: <> accessed date: 17/12 2017


Hilary, French, New urban housing, Laurence king publishing, 2006. Lord Rodgers of riverside, Living in the city: An urban renaissance, Visions of the future, 2000. Zumthor, Peter; Atmospheres, Reprint 2015, Birkhäuser (Basel, Switzerland), 2006. Bates, Stephen & Sergison, Jonathan; Papers 3 - Sergison Bates Architects, Quart Publishers (Lucerne, Switzerland), 2016. Márquez Cecilia, Fernando & Levene, Richard, El Croquis – Sergison Bates 2004-2016, tolerance and precision, El Croquis Editorial, Madrid (Spain), 2016. Aalborg Kommune By- og Landskabsforvaltningen, Håndværkerkvarteret debatoplæg, april 2015 Polyform, Åbning af Øster Å, skitseforslag, 27. nov. 2015




Annex 1 – energy calculations Appendix 1 Calculation of U value. To calculate the U value i used this formula. It depends on thermal conectivity and thicknes of materials thus thermal resistance.


1 l1 l 2 Rse+ + ....+Rsi λ 1 λ2

where: U – thermal loss factor [kW/m2] l – the thickness of the material [m] λ – heat transfer coefficient [W/mK] Rse, Rsi – external and internal transmition value [W/mK]

λ for materials in existing wall: concrete: 2,640 W/mK insulation : 0,033 W/mK


1 =0,13W /m2 K 0,12 0,20 0,30 + + + 0,13 0,04+ 2,64 0,033 2,64

App. 2 Calculation of air change rate basing on air polution. The calculation is sensionary based which means that only 20% of inhabitants can be unsatisfied with air quality (according to air quality class II). The following pollution loads have to be taken under consideration: Person load – 1olf/person Equipnemt – 0,2olf/m2 Appartment surface - 76,75m2 Indoor air quality (cf.fig. 1.18, GKB) – 1,4dp Exterior air quality (cf. table 1.7, GKB) – 0,05dp Formula used:


q Vl

c – experienced air qual. ci – experienced exterior air qual. q – pollution load Vl - necessary air exhange

q=1 olf ∗2,5+0,2 lf∗76,75m 2=17,85 olf


17,85 Vl



Exhange rate would be:


l∗3600 s 132,22 = ∗3,6=2,38 V oom∗1000 76,75∗2,6


App. 3 Calculation of air ex rate based of C 2 levels. For the building in class II the maximal level of C 2 ppm can be 500ppm higher than outdoors( 15251:2007). The outdoor air quality is assumed to be 350ppm, therefore the level is 850ppm. The average person s exhale contains 4% of C 2 and the amount of air is assumed to be 10l/min.

q + ci V



qV c +ci

q – concentration of C 2 n – exchange rate V - volume ci- outdoor air quality - 350ppm


4 ∗2,5 e s∗60 mi ∗10 l/1000=0,06 m 3 100

the air change rate is:



0,06 ∗1000000 1 ,55



App. 4 olar cells calculation: instaled area



= e ∗ Veffice c ∗


i io /m2∗loss coefficie

=150∗0,14∗600∗0, =11340 W / Available output from roof top panels:

=650∗0,14∗800∗0, =65520 W / This solution will only support the building, as the calculated total energy demand is higher: conversion to primary energy:


44,6∗1,8+ =8 ,28 W /m2

Annex 2 – ventilation calculations App. 5 Calculation of buoyancy force and required opening area (vent ducts): Pressure difference calculation. The greater the temperature difference outside to inside will be te bigger air pressure difference will be generated






C – constant value of 0,0342 [K/m] a – athmospheric pressure h – height or distance to – temperature outside ti – temperature inside


1 288

1 =0,342 2 3


1 288

1 =0,342 2 3






Calculation of inucted flow (temp difference and opennings) The required air change has been calculated for thermal difference of 5C and height of the appartment of 2m (succion duct – 0,6m lower than the ceeiling).




o i

C – discharge coefficient 0,8 to 1 A – area of openings 0,123m2 g – ,81m/s2 h – height difference 2m Ti – temp. Inside 2 3K To – temp. outside 288K 0,10165 m3/s available throught two air ducts of 200mm diameter. Calculation example for livingroom with kitchen area. Area 2 ,6m2, air change calculated in appendix 2 results with air change/m2 of 4,3l/s 2 ,6 4,3 127,28 101 127 natural ventilation will almost sufficient even if temperature difference is ust 5C to maintain proper C 2 levels in therms of class II building. At any bigger temp. difference maintaining proper


air quality won t pose a problem. There is still a possibility to reduce discharge coefficient with tweeked chimney cap what will enchance the efficiency of ventilation.

App. 6 Calculation of example of best and worst case of cross ventilation at 6m/s windspeed.


l ef



1 l

Uref – wind speed 6m/s – volume of air Cpw – local pressure coefficient (upstream side) 0,3 Cpi – local pressure coeff. (downstream side) -0,3 Aw - upstream opening area 5m2 Ai – downstream opening 1, 8m2 Cross vented area 48,6m2 thus cubature 7 ,8m3 value for given numbers with west wind is: 5,53m3/s air exchange would be: 258, h-1 for this part of appartment (most efficient wind angle) value for wind from southwest and northwest: 4,8m3/s air exchange would be: 224h-1 for this part of appartment (most efficient wind angle) And at wind speed of 1m/s adequatelly: 43,15h-1 with western wind 37,37h-1 with southwestern wind: The results for the winds blowing from preciesly oposite directions will be simetrical, for winds blowing along the facade the results will be 0h-1.


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