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1. Introduction
The present document summarises EICAA Competence Framework (EICAA-CF), which defines a complete set of competences that entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs should possess to turn opportunities into ideas and into the deployment and growth of value creating activities. EICAA-CF largely relies on EntreComp, the entrepreneurial competence framework supported by the European Commission. EICAA-CF maintains the same three competence areas of EntreComp (“Ideas and Opportunities”, “Resources” and “Into Action”) and fine tunes some of its contents, according to a systematic literature review covering more than 140 highly cited articles and documents. This document is one of the outputs of the EICAA project, Work Package 2. EICAA stands for Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Competences Assessment Alliance, which consists of 4 Higher Education Institutions, 4 enterprises and one research institute across Europe. EICAA is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program. This document presents the executive summary of the EICAA-CF. For more details, deliverable 2.3 (EICAA Competence Framework-Justification and Design) presents the methodology that we followed and the details and justification of every competence, according to the literature review.